symptom a to logy

SYMPTOMATOLOGY SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS PRESENT NOT PRESENT DESCRIPTION  Alopecia Hair loss is considered to be one of the first symptoms of diabetes, and can become worse as the condition takes control of the body. Because the body's recovery rate is slower than normal, the re-growth of hair is impaired, and as a result, the diabetes-sufferer is left with hair loss, or thinning hair. (Diabetessymptomsonline, 2011) Weight Loss Despite an increased appetite, weight loss occurs because the cells are not receiving the nutrition they require and the glucose, along with its calories, is being washed away with the urine rather than being absorbed by the body (Diabetessymptomsonline, 2011). Pruritus Pruritus is a common unpleasant

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 Alopecia Hair loss is considered to be one of the

first symptoms of diabetes, and can

become worse as the condition takes

control of the body. Because the body's

recovery rate is slower than normal, the

re-growth of hair is impaired, and as a

result, the diabetes-sufferer is left with

hair loss, or thinning hair.

(Diabetessymptomsonline, 2011)

Weight Loss Despite an increased appetite, weight

loss occurs because the cells are not

receiving the nutrition they require and

the glucose, along with its calories, is

being washed away with the urine

rather than being absorbed by the body

(Diabetessymptomsonline, 2011).

Pruritus Pruritus is a common unpleasant

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sensation, accompanied frequently by

scratching. In diabetes it affects the

nervous system and alters the

perception of sensation in the body. It

can also be due to dry skin and fungal

skin infections (V. Peharda, F. Gruber,

M. Katelan, I. Brajac and L. abrijan,



Patients with a longstanding history of diabetes may experience frequent

diarrhea, and this has been reported to

occur in up to 22% of patients. This

may be related to problems in the small

bowel or colon. Abnormally rapid transit

of fluids may occur in the colon, leading

to increased stool frequency and

urgency. In addition, abnormalities in

the absorption and secretion of colonic

fluid may develop, leading to increased

stool volume, frequency, and water 

content. (Wolosin and Edelman, 2000)

Hypertension Hypertension occurs because of a

narrowing in the arteries. In diabetics,

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this can be caused by continued and

consistently high blood glucose levels

(a good reason to keep blood sugar 

levels under control). When the blood

flow is restricted, the blood pressure

increases (,


Dry skin and


Sunken eye


Poor Skin





Dehydration. The buildup of sugar in

the blood can cause an increase inurination (to try to clear the sugar from

the body). When the kidneys lose the

sugar through the urine, a large

amount of water is also lost, causing

dehydration (Diabetessymptomsonline,





Too much glucose in the blood

(hyperglycemia) that the tubules in the

kidney that normally reabsorb every

drop of glucose cannot cope with the

increased load and are said to besaturated so some glucose ends up in

the urine. This increases the osmotic

pressure of the urine which means that

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it is harder for water to leave the urine

back into the body. Hence polyuria

(increased volume of urine) is

experienced by the diabetic (Wikipidea,





Excessive thirst. It is characteristic of 

several different conditions, including

diabetes mellitus, in which anexcessive concentration of glucose in

the blood osmotically pulls intracellular 

fluid into the bloodstream and

increases the excretion of fluid via

increased urination, which leads to

hypovolemia and thirst (Elsevier,





  The polyphagia comes about as the

result of your body¶s cells µstarving¶ as

they can¶t utilize the glucose that¶s

present. In an attempt to survive, your body goes into the µmisguided belief¶

that you are starving. Hence you want

to eat more (Micks, 2010). 

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Crackles    An adventitious breath sound heard on

ausculating the chest, produced by air 

passing over airway secretions. A

crackle is a discontinuous sound, as

opposed to a wheeze, which is

continuous (NN, 2006).

Cough   The cough reflex, a vagus-mediated

respiratory protective reflex, was

investigated in diabetics and healthycontrols by establishing a cough reflex

threshold to increasing concentrations

of citric acid aerosol. This difference

suggests vagal (parasympathetic)

denervation of the respiratory tract,

with possible serious consequences,

hitherto little appreciated (Behera, Das,

Dash, Jindal, 1995).

Flank Pain Flank pain is a sensation of discomfort,

distress, or agony in the part of the

body below the rib and above the ilium,generally beginning posteriorly or in the

midaxillary line and resulting from the

stimulation of specialized nerve

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endings upon distention of the ureter or 

renal capsule. (Bueschen, 1990) 

Gastric Pain     Acid irritation of the stomach or 

esophagus leads to heartburn,

indigestion, and a burning sensation in

the upper abdomen, or dyspepsia

(Wolosin and Edelman, 2000). 

Body Malaise In diabetes, the body is inefficient and

sometimes unable to use glucose for fuel. The body switches over to

metabolizing fat, partially or completely,

as a fuel source. This process requires

the body to use more energy. The end

result is feeling fatigued or constantly

tired (Emedicinehealth, 2011).