syndromic vignettes in anaesthesia anaesthesia and …

SYNDROMIC VIGNETTES IN ANAESTHESIA Southern African Journal of Anaesthesia & Analgesia - October 2003 17 Anaesthesia and Freeman Sheldon Syndrome and a dimple on the chin were noted. The skin over his wrists was smooth and no veins were visible. His wrists, elbows and ankles were stiff. He had cryptorchidism. Chest was clear. Blood results were unremarkable and his haemoglobin was 10gm. Case 2 A 22 month old Mauritian girl, weighing 11.2kg, presented for correction of a craniofacial defect (brachycephaly). She showed similar facial features and her lips were puckered as if whistling. She also had limited mouth opening and a chin dimple(Fig 2). The neck appeared short and movement was limited, particularly in extension. The chest was an abnormal shape but clear on auscultation. There was no history of sei- Synopsis of patients Case 1 An 8 month old male, weighing 8.2kg, presented on three sepa- rate occasions for correction of bilateral talipes equinovarus and flexion contracture of his wrist. His face was notably ex- pressionless and his mouth puckered as if whistling. His mouth, which was 20mm in width, was limited to 15mm open- ing while awake. (Fig.1a and b) Neck movement was limited in flexion and extension. Mild ptosis, hypoplastic alae nasi A Bösenberg, MBChB, DA(SA) FFA (SA) Department of Anaesthesia, University of Cape Town Correspondence : Prof A Bosenberg email: [email protected] FIG. 1A FIG. 1B Case 1: Figure 1a as an 8th month old male and 1b: as a 22 month old, who re- quired surgery on three occasions for congenital talipes equinovarus correc- tion and contracture of the right wrist. The facial features are prominent even at a young age (1a)

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Southern African Journal of Anaesthesia & Analgesia - October 2003 17

Anaesthesia and Freeman SheldonSyndrome

and a dimple on the chin were noted. The skin over his wristswas smooth and no veins were visible. His wrists, elbowsand ankles were stiff. He had cryptorchidism. Chest was clear.Blood results were unremarkable and his haemoglobin was10gm.

Case 2

A 22 month old Mauritian girl, weighing 11.2kg, presentedfor correction of a craniofacial defect (brachycephaly). Sheshowed similar facial features and her lips were puckered asif whistling. She also had limited mouth opening and a chindimple(Fig 2). The neck appeared short and movement waslimited, particularly in extension. The chest was an abnormalshape but clear on auscultation. There was no history of sei-

Synopsis of patients

Case 1

An 8 month old male, weighing 8.2kg, presented on three sepa-rate occasions for correction of bilateral talipes equinovarusand flexion contracture of his wrist. His face was notably ex-pressionless and his mouth puckered as if whistling. Hismouth, which was 20mm in width, was limited to 15mm open-ing while awake. (Fig.1a and b) Neck movement was limitedin flexion and extension. Mild ptosis, hypoplastic alae nasi

A Bösenberg, MBChB, DA(SA) FFA (SA)Department of Anaesthesia, University of Cape Town

Correspondence :Prof A Bosenbergemail: [email protected]



Case 1: Figure 1a as an 8th month old male and 1b: as a 22 month old, who re-quired surgery on three occasions for congenital talipes equinovarus correc-tion and contracture of the right wrist. The facial features are prominent even ata young age (1a)


Southern African Journal of Anaesthesia & Analgesia - October 2003 18

zures and her intelligence was normal. Her wrists, whichshowed ulnar deviation, and her ankle joints were stiff. Hermuscle tone was generally increased. Flexion contractures ofthe fingers were also present.

Freeman Sheldon syndrome

Freeman Sheldon syndrome is rare nonprogressive or slowlyprogressive myopathy where the facial, limb and respiratorymuscles are primarily affected. The majority occur sporadi-cally but autosomal dominant and recessive inheritance pat-terns have been described. Males and females are equally af-fected. The exact gene involved has not been identified andthere is no prenatal diagnostic test available at present. Elec-tromyography and muscle biopsy may support the diagnosis.

The syndrome occurs worldwide and was first describedin 1938 by Ernest Freeman, a British orthopaedic surgeon,and Joseph Sheldon, a British physician.1 The triad of physi-cal features has been depicted in art including a pre-Columbianvase and in ceremonial objects and folklore of the aboriginalpeoples of the Canadian Northwest. These features includefibrotic contractures of the facial muscles giving rise to themask like whistling facial expression; ulnar deviation of 2ndto 5th digits with adduction contractures of the thumb (“wind-mill vane position”); and foot deformities (talipes equinovarus). These limb deformities are similar to those seen inarthrogryposis multiplex congenita.

Freeman Sheldon syndrome is also known as thecraniocarpotarsal syndrome in view of the body parts affected;or ”whistling face syndrome” describing the typical pursedmouth.2 Windmill-Vane-Hand syndrome and distalarthrogryposis type 2A have also been used.

The generalised myopathy is implicated in the develop-

ment of scoliosis, short stature, pectus excavatum, intercos-tal myopathy, inguinal hernia and undescended testis.5,6 De-velopment may be delayed but intelligence is usually normal(sufficient to become a paediatric anaesthesiologist at Uni-versity of Washington!! -personal communication). Many ofthese features persist into adulthood unless surgical correc-tion has been undertaken.

Apart from the ‘whistling mouth’ other dysmorphic fea-tures are expressed in varying degrees and are recognisableat birth. (Figs 1a,b and 2) Prenatal diagnosis has even beenmade by ultrasound in a family with a strong family history.4

The dysmorphic features are attributed to the underlyingmyopathy which may show varying degrees of weakness, in-creased tone or fibrosis. Apart from the whistling facial ex-pression, the face is virtually expressionless. Hyperteleorism,with deep set eyes and short downslanting palpebral fissuresare common,5 and may be associated with strabismus, mildptosis or exotropia.5 The ears may be low set and there maybe a hearing deficit. The cartilage of the nose is under devel-oped and hence the nose is often small with hypoplastic up-turned and notched alae nasi (nasal coloboma). The philtrumis usually long.


The microstomia and pursed lips are thought to be due to dif-fuse fibrosis within the orbicularis oris muscle and a fibrousband along the vermilion border of the lower lip.6 Facialcontractures tend to push the developing lower incisors lin-gually and a mound of soft tissue results in vertical furrowson the chin. This characteristic skin dimple may be either H -or Y- shaped. There is often an associated high arched palateand mandibular hypoplasia. Muscle contractures may alsolimit neck mobility. The combination of all these featuresmake direct laryngoscopy and intubation extremely challeng-ing.3, 6-17 Muscle relaxants have little or no effect on the circu-moral architecture6,17 neither does surgery to the mouth nec-essarily improve subsequent intubating conditions.9

The tongue may be small and the limited movement of thesoft palate may cause nasal speech. Feeding problems mayresult from microstomia and difficulties with swallowing.9,17

The pharyngeal muscles may also be affected posing a risk ofupper airway obstruction,12,13 gastroesophageal reflux and as-piration.

These patients are therefore at risk of pneumonia not onlyon the basis of intercostal myopathy, abnormal respiratorymechanics (scoliosis; pectus excavatum; rigid, immobile tho-racic cage)9 but also aspiration. Sleep apnoea has been de-scribed.14 Cor pulmonale may develop on the basis of chronicupper airway obstruction, sleep apnoea and/or recurrent chestinfections.9 Postoperative pneumonia1 and death followingairway obstruction 13 days postoperatively11 have been re-ported.

Regional anaesthesia has been recommended by some au-thors since the use of opiates may contribute to the risk of

Figure 2: Case 2: A 22 month old female, who required craniofacial surgery, dem-onstrating the typical facial features and flexion deformity of her right wrist


Southern African Journal of Anaesthesia & Analgesia - October 2003 19

postoperative airway obstruction, sleep apnoea and pneumo-nia. However contractures and limited joint movement canmake access to peripheral nerves difficult. The use of a nervestimulator is recommended. Scoliosis, vertebral anomalies andspina bifida occulta16 may be considered a contraindicationto central blockade.

Risk of malignant hyperthermia. There is a possible linkto malignant hyperthermia although this seems somewhattenuous. Two authors reported masseter muscle spasm,7,15 andone generalised muscle rigidity with elevation of creatininephosphokinase,7 following exposure to halothane orsuxamethonium7,15 The masseter spasm was relieved bydantrolene7,15 or termination of halothane.7 Intraoperativepyrexia has been reported in another but this was not consid-ered to be MH related.9 (Table 1). This inconsistent responsemay reflect the genetic heterogeneity of the syndrome.

Halothane and sevoflurane have been used with impunityin most cases reported in the literature, but it seems thesepatients should be considered ”potentially susceptible”6 inview of the three cases described earlier. Patients should bemonitored closely and should switch to a non triggering an-aesthetic when indicated. Some authors advocate a non trig-gering anaesthetic ab initio.7,15 However this is not as simpleas it sounds because the “arthrogryposis-like” deformities ofthe hand and feet, combined with smooth featureless skinoverlying these joints, make venous access extremely diffi-cult. Even central venous access may be difficult in view ofthe limited movement of the short neck.


Freeman Sheldon syndrome is a rare progressive myopathicdisorder affecting the face, chest and limbs. Multiple defor-mities require frequent cosmetic and orthopaedic surgical in-terventions. The combination of difficult airway, poor venousaccess and possible susceptibility to malignant hyperthermiamake the anaesthetic management in these infants extremelychallenging. They are prone to upper airway obstruction andpostoperative respiratory complications.

Table 1.Reported cases of Freeman Sheldon syndrome in the anaesthetic literature out-lining the anaesthetic given and the complications that occurred.


AwakeStyletLMA; FOAwakeTopicalFODirectNasal FOBougieBougieLMADifficultoralFailed

No 1

3 (9)

1111112 (6)

1 (R)11 (5)1






ClubfootClubfootSquintCosmeticClubfootCosmeticOrtho(3)CosmeticIng herniaCosmetic



Halo,N20,Thio Sux HaloHalo, caudalHalo, caudalHalo,SevoSevoSevoPropofol, caudalPropofol, blockPropofol, blockHalo, suxHaloHalo Sux



NilNilNilNilNilDied postopNil

NilElevated CPKElavated CPK


Temp (1)NoNoNoNoNoNo

No triggerNo triggerNoMSMR - DantMS - Dant

MH = malignant hyperthermia MS = masseter spasm MR = muscle rigidityLMA = laryngeal mask airway. Dant = dantrolene FO = fibreoptic scope


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