szka annual report

2013 annual report

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Post on 22-Mar-2016




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Activities, financials and achievements from 2013.


2013 annu

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Key results in 2013

99 Community events organized

161 Volunteers helped realizing our programs

1.017 Companies and individuals supported our work

13.000 Community Card Users

213.572 lei Total value of grants supported

56 Applications granted


Dear friends and acquaintances!

2013 has been a year with some particular challenges for the team at the Community Foundation of Odorheiu Secuiesc. Until fall a three-person team did the majority of the work. The results still prove that we were ready for this, we managed to continue and develop all of our programs, and we have even started new ones as well.

One of our programs that developed the most is the Community Card, which is already referred to as a “szekler money”. Today each family in Odorheiu Secuiesc has at least one card: this means more than 13.000 cardholders. The number of conscious consumers is increasing: they are the ones who consider it important where and what they buy, because in this way they make their own community more powerful. New stores and a new partner company have joined the program. We managed to raise over 78.000 lei in funds this year.

One of the most important projects we did in the Urban Kalaka program was the space planning around the Jesus Chapel, and the reopening of the chapel, in cooperation with the Haáz Rezső Museum. We are proud to report that after the kalaka, over 2.300 people visited the chapel.

We were amongst the first in Romania to start a crowd funding site (, which is a new tool for NGOs to promote their work and use a new method of fundraising.

Our new grant program – Rural Fund – which we started at the end of the year is highly successful: it is aimed to support rural NGOs, operating in the Odorhei region.

The second Run FOR IT! was a great success: more NGO's joined, and they recruited more runners and doubled the first year's revenue, raising over 38.000 lei.

Our colleagues and volunteers have participated at two international experience exchange programs.

We hereby thank all local companies and individuals who have faithfully helped our work in 2013 as well. As the Foundation of our COMMUNITY we strive to let more and more people experience that it's good to do good, and we can help each other with little things too.

Rozália Csáki executive director


The goal of You decide! grantmaking program is to support local and community-building initiatives. In

2013 we had three calls for proposals addressed to NGOs from Odorhei region. Through these grants

we supported communication activities and purchase of equipment. Users of the Community Card

could get information about these grants at Szuper and Merkúr stores, and they could also vote for one

of the projects initiative.

We build our community from local funds!

„You decide! connects NGOs with the community. Using the Community Card is the key to success.”

„(…) this program is good because we can present ourselves to the locals, we can mobilize anyone

who likes us, the requirements aren't difficult, and it's also easy to report our results …”

Anikó Veress, project coordinator of Pro Down Foundation, Odorheiu Secuiesc

Lóránt Heim, project coordinator of Tehetség és Szorgalom Foundation, Odorheiu Secuiesc

NGOs supported: Delphi Association, Egy Mosoly

az Életért Association, Eszterlánc Foundation,

Feel Good Sports Association, Haáz Rezső

Foundation, „Kaszaj” Cultural Association, Kuckó

Association, Nagycsaládosok „Szent György”

Association, Pro Down Foundation, SZIK-Baranta

Sports Association, Tehetség és Szorgalom



4 years old program

11 granted applications

24 competitors

5.875 votes

39.551 lei funds granted

You Decide!

Supporting local initiatives

Supporters: over 13.000 Community Card users, as

well business partners, especially Elan Trio Ltd.

Project coordinator: Péter Attila


József Dimény, project coordinator, Tordaszentmihály

Supporting local initiatives

Unitarian Community Fund

Rural communities supported:

Alsófelsőszentmihály, Bencéd, Bözöd,

Csekefalva, Homoródkarácsonyfalva,

Homoródoklánd, Homoródszentpéter, Kálnok,

Kobátfalva, Mészkő, Olthévíz, Városfalva, Szind

and Homoródmente.


13 application granted

491 participating volunteers

2.866 people whose life turned for

the better

5.875 hours of total volunteer


76.827 lei own-contribution of


123.668 lei total value of grants

Supporter: Project Harvest Hope (USA)

The American Project Harvest Hope Foundation involved us as a partner in running this grantmaking

program to support community development projects of Unitarian rural communities from

Transylvania from the funds they have raised to this purpose. We were happy to do so, because this

way we managed to take a step forward in cooperating with rural communities. In 2013 we announced

our third UCA call for proposal. The funds goal was to support community building, to stimulate the

cooperation in local communities and the development of sustainable local programs.

Project coordinator: Attila Péter

„With the help of the Unitarian Community Fund we managed to finish constructing the Community

Center at Mészkő and we also modernized the Unitarian Community House at Szentmihály. We were

happy to see that this initiative stimulated the locals to help in the work.”


We were one of the first in Romania to launch a crowd funding website. We started using this new type

of fundraising tool and method as a pilot project in June addressed to NGOs from Odorhei region. In

order to motivate them, we offered to double the funds raised by the first three projects. This doubling

was supported by OTP Bank.

In the first two weeks the first 600 euros were raised, and in the following month and a half, two other

projects have reached their goal.

The website is a place where new type of initiatives are made available, which requires a new kind of

communication from the NGOs, and it also develops a new kind of fundraising culture.

„Our volunteers came up with the idea of a barefoot park this spring. When the Community Foundation

launched their fundraising site, it seemed just natural that we should publish this projects, since a new

kind of project fits a new kind of fundraising.”

Orsolya Vass, Youth Forum of Odorheiu Secuiesc

Supporting local initiatives


8 projects uploaded

4 success stories

1.850 euros raised

Winner NGOs: Areopolisz Floorball

Association, Szent Gellért Foundation,

Youth Forum of Odorheiu Secuiesc

Project coordinator: Rozália Csáki


Carpathian International Foundation, OTP Bank


Rural Fund

Supporting local initiatives

Vidéki Alap


9 applicants granted

18 evaluated applications

12.326 lei total value of

grant supported

Successful applicants:

Pro Ége Association, Felső Homoródmente

Kistérségi Association, Kákvirág

Association, Kánya Youth and Cultural

Association, Kőlik Hagyományőrző Cultural

Association, Máréfalvi Rozetta Association,

Viharsarok Association, Youth Forum of


We launched a new grantmaking program that aims to develop the rural civil society and community

activities in Odorhei region. Rural NGOs can apply for grants that let them buy equipment, materials

or other assets that help their community work. The funds for this program were raised in two years

(via programs like Philanthropic Community and Drink a cup of apple juice for Odorhei Region!),

during which we asked members of the local community and companies to support us, to raise

10.000 USD for Odorheiu Secuiesc, because if we can, the funds will be doubled. We were successful!

Using these funds we launched our first Rural Fund grant campaign.

„Thanks to the funds we applied for the Rural Fund of the Community Foundation, we managed to buy

materials needed for our hand making workshops. We thank you in the name of the children!”

Emőke Istók, chief executive of Pro Life Foundation, Feliceni

Project coordinator: Rozália Csáki


Community Card


We build the LOCAL community and economy! How?

• we help LOCAL companies to have conscious customers, who consider it important

where and what they buy

• we support members and NGOs of the LOCAL community by allowing them to buy

with discount using the Community Card, while also donating to a fund used for

supporting local initiatives.

We use local money to build our community!

Strategic partners at Odorheiu Secuiesc: Szuper, Merkúr, Euro-car Trading,

Réka Pharmacy, OTP Bank

Project partners: Mures Community Foundation

Project budget: 45.000 lei (22.500 lei in 2013)

Supporter of the project: Fund for Civic Innovation initiated by FDSC,

supported by Trust for Civil Society and sponsored by Raiffeisen Bank

A KK használóvásárláskor

1% azonnalikedvezményben

részesül.A vállalkozó partner a

vásárlók beleegyezéséveltovabbi 1%-ot aSzKA-nak utal.

A KK használókszavazással döntik el,

hogy melyik pályázatottámogassa a SzKA.

A SzKA ellenőrzi atámogatott

kezdeményezésekmegvalósítását és

tájékoztatja akártyahasználókat.

A SzKA ebből aKözösségi Alapból

pályázatot ír ki a helyicivil szervezeteknek:

Ön dönt!


1 new partner joined the program, Réka


2 new stores of Elan Trio opened and

joined the program

5 years since program launch

over 13.000 cardholders

·78.173 lei funds raised by using the

Community Card

The program had a promising start at

Târgu Mureş as well:

9 projects supported

2.677 cardholders

9.171 lei funds raised

Project coordinator: Rozália Csáki


The Kaláka Campaign is a particular fundraising program, created in order to raise the funds needed for

the Urban Kaláka. Employees at over twenty companies have pledged a small sum from their salary,

thus supporting each month our initiative of creating a better town together. The strength of our five-

years old program is that we can use the power of the community for a common goal.

Kaláka Campaign



5 years since launch of

the program

18 partners companies

375 individual donors

15.014 lei funds raised

Project coordinator: Ildikó Péter

Ildikó Fábián, donor

„The Odorheiu Secuiesc Community Foundation represents our society and our community. I think this

works if we don't behave as a target audience, but if we ourselves help change our world for the better.”


Run FOR IT! is a unique fundraising program that tries to gather funds for the local NGOs' initiatives.

Civil organizations, donators (both individuals and companies) and volunteers all have a part in the

program that culminates in a sports event, a run through the Town Park. The key to the program's

success is that it mobilizes lots of people and all the information reaches its audience. Lots of people

can help a good cause in lots of ways!

„Run FOR IT! is a great program, I'm very proud that there are such initiatives in our town. It is a gift for

me to be there as a volunteer. By the end of the day, I don't feel that I did something, but that I got

something. Something big.”

Melinda Varga, volunteer, SzékelyOdorheiu Secuiesc



u s


12 projects supported

24 volunteers

92 runners

966 laps

603 supporters

1.256 kilometers ran

38.577 lei funds raised


Asociația pentru Relații Romunitare,

Elan Trió Ltd.

Project coordinator: Attila Péter


Résztvevő civil szervezetek:

Artera Alapítvány, Dr. Verestóy Attila Alapítvány

Ebremény Állatvédő Egyesület, Feel Good

Sportegyesület, Gyepesért Egyesület, Kapuk

Iskolája Egyesület, Kováts István Fotó Archívum

Egyesület, Kriza János Iskola Alapítvány

Orbán Alapítvány, Pro Down Alapítvány

SZÉDIT (Székelykeresztúri Diákok és Ifjak

Tanácsa), SZIK Baranta Egyesület

Community Gala

In February 2013 we organized our annual fundraising Gala with 80 guests. During the evening we organized a wine tasting, a charity bidding supporting the space planning at the Jesus Chapel. At this festivity we were happy to report to our supporters and partners about our recent results and future plans.

Project coordinator: Ildikó Péter

“I didn't know I am a volunteer, I just answered the appeal from SzKA, and helped with what I could. I believe in the civic force and that lots of little things put together can do a lot. Being the presenter of the gala was no work. If a journalist and TV presenter is willing to “work” three hours a year for the community, so can a carpenter, an economist, or a student – this is the secret force of SzKA, or even of our whole community. Let's be more than spectators or visitors in our own town

László Ferenc Máthé, journalist, TV presenter, Odorheiu Secuiesc


10 volunteers helped organize

9 valuable items up for bidding

12 offers for lottery

13.400 lei the total value of


Partner: Küküllő Szálloda

Támogatók, adományozók: Albert András és Lázár

Emő, Art Glass, Balázs Attila, Balázs Lajos és Emese,

Balázs Zsolt és Ildikó, Boros Csaba és Cecilia, Chris

Worman, Csedő Attila, Elan Trió, Életfa Korondi

Fazakasok Szövetsége, Elk Farm, Erdély Bálint

Előd,Farkas Pincészet, Fülöp Lóránt, Hadnagy Lóránt

és Kinga, Honor Villa, Izlandi Lovak, Joseph Sawaya

és Anna, Kilyén Irma, Király Krisztina, Legendárium,

Márton Zsolt és Mária, Muharrem Ünver és Enikő,

Norada, Parajdi Lepkeház, Péter Attila és Tünde,

Péter Szabolcs és Orsolya, Pro Down Alapítvány,

Szekeres Domokos és Ildikó, Szik Baranta, Trucza

Adorján és Nagyálmosi Ildikó, Vári Ferenc és Ottilia.




Urban Kaláka

Community Development

Project coordinator: Ildikó Péter

Krisztina Király, volunteer, Odorheiu Secuiesc

„Although I don't consider myself as a religious person, I think that the Jesus Chapel is a kind of built

heritage, which was left to us by our ancestors, and it's a part of our history that we have to take care of.

Of course the great team and the morale I've been part of is another important aspect.”

Following the will of the community, in 2013 we undertook the space planning around the Jesus

Chapel. Based on the visual plans made by the Creative Group of Odorheiu Secuiesc, we worked in a

kalaka (community volunteer work). Over 100 volunteers came to help in April, when we planted

saplings and tidied up the place. Later we installed the benches and the recycle bins. The whole city

kept its eyes on the project, the Haáz Rezső Museum opened the chapel for the public, and the site was

visited by over 2300 people in 2013.

Main sponsor: Udvarhelyi Híradó, Raiffeisen Bank

Other sponsors: 11 companies and 30 individuals


3 visual plans in the competition

310 votes for the winning plan

8 people working on the plans

107 volunteers at the Kalaka

2.300 visitors at the chapel in 2013

Budget: 50.175 lei




Community Development


8 person in the team

3 projects supported

25 partners and supporters

1.100 euros raised

1.100 euros given by

(doubled) OTP Bank

“I want to do something for the community, prove myself in front of the grown-ups (and more

importantly, in front of myself), and I want to contradict the stereotypes we can hear each they: “these

youngsters… back in my time…”. YouthBank is a great occasion for all this.”

We launched our youth program for the fifth time, and students from different local schools have

applied. Based on their CVs and interviews, we chose ten students. The goal was the same as before:

to train philanthropic and entrepreneur youths, who can raise 1250 euros with their own fundraising

campaigns – this amount is doubled by a partner organization, and the funds is used for supporting

youth projects.

The volunteer students got to work right after the team building and training sessions. They were at

the Christmas Fair, selling entry tickets, warm tea and apple juice at the Fable Town, then organized

the YB Star talent show. Five school teams have applied for the funds raised, and four of them were

successful. In the end, three projects were realized: a sporting and a cultural event, and an educational

program.Project coordinator: Szabolcs Balogh

Adél Pál, YouthBank volunteer

Supporters:OTP Bank, Asociatia pentruRelatii Comunitare, Youth in Action


We have stood a memorial plaque, showing the graves of our great ancestors in the reformat and

catholic cemeteries. The idea came from the community. The table contain a clear map with symbols

showing the graves, and a short text about the late famous people, helping visitors find their way in the

cemetery. An engineer, Levente Csiszár came up with the idea of Table for the future, and the project

was carried out by volunteers: Zsombor Mihály, with the help of the local museum and historians,

worked on assembling the list of people and their graves. We received a lot of help from Zoltán Fecső

and Ferenc Bokor, the graphical design was done by Sándor Györfi and Zoltán Tóth, while the table

was placed by Róber Zsolt Kőmíves and Zoltán Zsombori.

“I like it when something looks good and it's also useful. And if I can also say that I can work with a

great team, and I work for the community, we already have the reason why I accepted this project.”

Sándor Györfi, graphic artist

Table for the future

Community Development


Áron Tankó, Haáz Rezső Museum, Bifem Ltd.


2 tables, commemorating the

following:Dr. Elek Bakk and Sára Takács, Dr. János

Bányai, Aladár Becsek, Sámuel Bodola, László

Imecs jr., György Csanády, Rezső Haáz and

Sándor Haáz sr., Gergely Baczkamadarasi Kis,

József Magyarósi Szőke, the Solymossy and

Koncz families, Gyula Mihály Szigethi, László

Tompa, World War 2 graves and Endre

Demeter, Imre Fehér, Nándor Hargita, József

Huber, Lajos Jung Cseke, András Kacsó, Ferenc

Kis, Sándor Kónya and János Kónya, István

Kováts jr. and sr., János Maszelka, Gáspár Soó,

Pál Spanyár, Ferenc Szemlér sr. and Ferenc

Szemlér, János Rajmond, Sándor Tomcsa, Dr.

Károly Rösler, Zoltán Zenglitzky, István Pál,

Géza Pálfi, Ernő Veress.


Community development

at Alcsík

Community Development



multicultural summer camp for kid

preparations for establishing a

handwork workshop


summer camp with hygiene

education and handwork activities

for Romany and Hungarian


handwork activities for Romany

and Hungarian children

Budget: 42.210 EUR

We have been working in the multicultural communities at Alcsík since 2011. In 2013 we helped start

and continue such processes in Sancraieni and Sansimion that aim to help Hungarians and Roma

people live together. Our main activities were establishing new jobs, educating and training the youth

and starting social entrepreneurships.

Between November 28 and December 1 a team of 15 people, representing the two communities

participated to a study trip in Hungary. They visited similar organizations and saw similar social

initiatives in the area of Eger, Esztergom, Bátonyterenye and Rozsály.

“The Community House is a great place, because kids come here filled with joy, and they already feel

it's theirs. I am really happy to do this, and I can only do it if I do it with all my heart, and the kids feel

that they can trust you. One of our successes in 2013 was that 7 Roma kids have taken part in the

First Communion.”

Project coordinator and professional team: Rozália Csáki,

Andrea Sólyom, Lóránd András and Jenő Marthi

Emese Ioni, social worker, SancraiSupporter: ERSTE Foundation


As part of the 2012-2014 international training program, we took part in two training trips this year. Our

team and volunteers traveled to Poland and Bulgaria, visiting community foundations. During the three-

day visits they took part in trainings, and visited organizations supported by the community foundations.

The main topic of the field trip to Poland was fundraising. All participants presented the methods they

use, the projects they implemente and they discussed these in detail. During the Bulgarian field trip we

analyzed the community development activities in detail.

“No matter what you're good at, you can surely find a task which, if you do it good, helps things get

better, and you can do something for the community. It is an honor to be a part of the volunteer team at

SzKA. Our Polish partners strongly emphasize making the lives of disadvantaged children better. They

got a lot of help in this program from the local authorities. If there is a strong collaboration in a town,

anything can be done to make our lives' better.”

Project coordinator: Rozália Csáki

Ottilia Vári, volunteer

Organizational development

Developing philanthropy for

sustainable communities


2 international field trips

3 partner community

foundations from abroad

15 success stories we got

to know better

Partners: Lom Community Fund (Bulgaria), South

Moravian Community Foundation (Czech

Republic), Snow Mountain Community Fund


Budget: 15.000 EUR



A Let's develop philanthropy for sustainable communities GRUNDTVIG

projektet (2012-1-RO1-GRU06-22713) az Európai Bizottság támogatta.

Jelen ismertető csak a szerző véleményét tükrözi és a Bizottság nem

vonható felelősségre a benne foglaltakért.

Cristur Community Fund


7.147 lei given in support

4 winning projects

2673 lei donations

Budget: 9820 Ron

The goal of this program – Constructive Idea for Cristur – was to raise awareness of people for common

problems and for active participation, in order to support local ideas and initiatives important for our

community. The community members had a bit of a hard time getting the hang of the program, because it

was the first of its kind, so we offered more help for the applicants, starting from the idea until the very end

of the project.

1. The Toddler Association fitted the nursery (where 60 children attend) with modern and practical


2. The Lightning Volunteer Firefighter Association bought high-performance pumps.

3. The Parent Guarding Community Foundation had a bike locker (with a capacity of 64 bikes) made for

children in school

4 – The Orbán Balázs High School Foundation made a new gate and refurbished the fence at the school

and kindergarten in Betfalva

We modernized the Mirror Bath at Sóskút from donations: we had benches made, reinforced the floor of

the children's basin, painted the wooden parts and the Szekler Gate is done as well.


Odorheiu Secuiesc Community Foundation,

Partnership Foundation,

Asociatia pentru Relatii Comunitare


Organizational development

Erika András, executive director of Cristur Community Fund

Project coordinator: Erika Andrási


Grant assistance

National/local income

Community Card (Oct. 2012., Dec. 2012.-Sept. 2013.)

Run for IT

Environmental Partnership Foundation

FDSC - Community Card program

Community Gala

Bank interest

ARC - Association for Community Relations


Payrole giving / Kalaka Campaign

OTP Bank - YouthBank, Give-get-do

Donation for Urban Kalaka


Community Development in Alcsík


Other sponsorships and donations

Organizing conferences


Salty Bath Project

Benefits returned

OTP partner

Book Sales - Udvarhelyszeki Mozaik

Unapplied grants

International income

Die Erste Oesterreische Spar CA

Project Harvest Hope


Bethlen Gabor Fund

Total income


76 996

40 217

35 942

22 500

21 181

21 172

18 329

11 061

10 130

9 783

9 565

6 509

4 500

4 461

3 872

1 912

1 572

1 334

1 181

1 177




147 939

132 606

3 130

2 988

591 358


17 424

9 101

8 134

5 092

4 793

4 791

4 148

2 503

2 292

2 165

1 473

1 018

1 010










33 478

30 008



133 822

2 214

Type of grant

Unitarian Community Fund (all projects from

2013 + one project from 2012)

You Choose!

Run for IT!


Rural Community Fund

Constructive Idea for Cristur

Rural community development in Alcsík


Total grantmaking


126 353

34 415

23 024

9 819

9 559

4 288

4 126

1 988

213 572


28 593

7 788

5 210

2 222

2 163




48 33017

ExpensesType of expenditure


Salaries and benefits

Consulting fees

Travel & Accomodation

Publishing, printing


Chapel Jesus (equipment,

components, sapling)

Hospitality, representation

(Community Gala included)

Office operating expence, rent, maintenance, utilities




Conference fees



Registration fees, legal fees

Total expenditure


48 330

22 073

19 964

10 380

6 613

5 835

5 072

3 315

3 086

2 780

2 006

1 514





132 060


213 572

97 542

88 219

45 868

29 221

25 786

22 412

14 647

13 637

12 284

8 866

6 692

2 241

1 865



583 571

11 támogatott pályázat

13 000 db kártya van használatban

39 551 lej a támogatás összértéke

78 173lej gyűlt össze

12 projekt

92 futó

603 adományozó

38 577lej begyűlt adomány

Közösségi terek 87 729 lej

Oktatás-nevelés 50 427 lej

Művészet-kultúra41 682 lej

Szociális inklúzió30 430 lej

Sport17 794 lej

Egészség7 147 lej

Állatvédelem2 160 lej

Környezetvédelem.biodiverzitás1 890 lej

Megítélt pályázatok támogatási összértéke 239 259 lej

25%egyéni adományok

145 977 lej63%

intézményi támogatás

371 365 lej

(külföldi - 283 533lej,

belföldi - 87 832 lej)7%



42 859 lej

5%más bevételi


31 157 lej


591 358


u s


Kilyén Melánia

YouthBank koordinátor

Péter Attila

pénzügyi- és


Péter Ildikó

PR felelős és


Csáki Rozália

ügyvezető igazgató

Kuratóriumi tagok:

Albert AndrásAlapító és Kuratóriumi Elnök

Vezérigazgató – BAP Agency

Boros György CsabaAlapító és Kuratóriumi Alelnök

Igazgató – Elan Trió

László JánosAlapító

Elnök - Arkum Group

Marosi GyörgyAlapító és Kuratóriumi Titkár


Muharrem ÜnverAlapító és Kuratóriumi Kincstáras

Vezérigazgató – Ünver



Projekt támogatók:

SzékelyudvarhelyMegyei Jogú Város

Polgármesteri Hivatala


Fuss Neki támogatók:




Forgalmi Osztálya






Városi kaláka, Tábla a jövőnek:

László Ágnes, László Tünde, Cseke Enikő, Márton Ildikó, Szatmáry János, Kubanek László, Vári

Ottilia, Kocs Dániel, Mihály Zsombi, Jakab Enikő, Jakab Csilla, Porsche László, Balázs Ferenc,

Balázs Dóra, Pialoga Adolf, Szilágyi István, Pollner Frigyes, Pollner Melinda, Balázs Emese,

Balázs Ádám, Ágoston Tímea, Ágoston Lilli, Ágoston Ákos, Csáki Rozália, Mar István, Pál

Annamária, Márton Katalin, Orbán Dávid, Péter Tamás, Péter Enikő, Orbán Tamara, Ambrus

Helga, Ilyés Lóránd, Józsa Csaba, Jére Ildikó, Magyari Lajos, Pál Gábor, Simon Eszter, Kis

Márton Mária, Szász Viktor, Szász Előd, Sípos Botond, Jakab Attila, Szatmári Dóra, Király

Krisztina, Péter Melinda, Szőke Csilla, Szőke Tibor, Péter Lajos, Pap Lóránd, Kiss Emőke, Derzsi

László, Györfi Sándor, Máthé László Ferenc, Tóth Zoltán, Bokor Ferenc, Fecső Zoltán, Kőmíves

Zsolt, Zsombori Zoltán, Fábián Ildikó, Máthé László Ferenc, Csiszár Levente, Erdély Bálint Előd,

Dombi Gabriella és a Mórincz Zsigmond Általános Iskola V. osztály diákjai.

Fuss NEKI!

Ambrus Helga-Gyöngyvér, Balogh Szabolcs, Bara Ferenc, Bara Ildikó, Csíki Attila, Dávid Helén,

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Orsolya, Majláth Gyöngyike, Máthé Erzsébet, Orbán Attila, Orbán Zsuzsa, Péter Tünde, Serbán

Albert, Varga Melinda.

YouthBank 2012-2013:

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