t-76.115 project final demo bigbrother 16.3.2005

T-76.115 Project Final Demo BigBrother 16.3.2005

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T-76.115 Project Final Demo



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T-76.115 Project ReviewT-76.115 Project Review


Introduction (5 min) Watchdog Presentation (10 min) Hourlogger Presentation (5 min) Project Evaluation (15 min)

Realization of project goals Software metrics Working practices and tools Problem analysis

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T-76.115 Project ReviewT-76.115 Project Review

Introduction to the project

Customer: Beconnected Finland Ltd. Produces IP-based video surveillance systems for international market Main product: ASAN = Automatic Surveillance and Alarming Network Customer representative: PhD Michael Samarin

Project team: Aino Lahdenperä, Maija Kangas, Outi Syysjoki, Janne Ojala, Antti Alestalo,

Juhani Nokela, Ville Vatén GOAL: Produce tools, which help Beconnected in their customer support

work and reduce costs through increased productivity Three tools were under development:

Watchdog – Automatic monitoring of network cameras HourLogger – Log support person’s work hours per customer/target LogAnalyzer – Search for error patterns from ASAN logs

Beconnected’s goals: Working software is the only thing that matters KISS – Concentrate on simplicity, maintainability, quality. No fancy features Very busy making business – we should bother them as little as possible Minimize costs – all costs should be covered by the attendance fee to SoberIT

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Overview of the problem domain

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Watchdog Presentation

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Problem Surveillance views had to be gone through manually to check the camera

statuses. Solution: Watchdog

Monitors status of network camera on predefined intervals Latest ASAN configuration is downloaded from ASAN’s databese A snap-shot of all the camera images fetched via HTTP If an image can be retrieved it is analyzed for error situations:

Blackness: error if camera image is black during day time No video: error if analog camera is not connected to video server

Status of the currently active malfunctions is kept up to date New malfunctions are sent to the operator via email.

The status data is recorded and too old data is erased. All system parameters are editable via web interface The system has been built to accommodate easy adding of new camera

models Developed with Java 1.4.2 and MySQL 3.26 Running on Linux server

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Watchdog Configuring ASAN database

This configuration can be changed on the fly Global configuration options

Interval lengths, email addresses, sleeping period, and other settings Main View

Status of each camera and an overview of the errors in past A new check can be forced manually

Camera info view Detailed history of a camera and its latest image Some statistics about the errors in the history.

Malfunctions view List of all malfunctions that have occurred

Technical data in this demo has been censored to protect customer IP

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HourLogger Presentation

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Problem Beconnected engineers have to check the statuses of the systems in the

customer permises These actions are currently logged to Excel sheets causing a hassle with the

files. Solution: HourLogger

A web based tool for logging and reporting technician's maintenance and support work hours per customer, per target and per work type

Produces monthly reports of the recorded work tasks in Excel format Developed with Java 1.4.2 and MySQL 3.26 Running on Linux server

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HourLogger Customer/target/employee management Inserting a new performed check Edit task Reporting Excel-export

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Project Evaluation

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Realization of Customer Goals

Goal 1: Create business value by reducing costs in Beconnected's maintenance / support work for its customers

Achieved! Goal 2: The software should be ready for production use during the

project Failed – customer acceptance testing still not performed

Goal 3: The software should fulfill the minimum requirements and avoid unnecessary complexity

Mostly achieved. LogAnalyzer did not finish. Goal 4: The software should be usable, reliable and maintainable

Achieved/not sure. Goal 6: Execute project with minimum costs

Achieved: only 3250 Euro total and less than 3 hours per week on average Goal 7: Minimum critical information leakage

Achieved: The project team was careful with this. Goal 8: Get contacts to TKK students

Achieved: Team members were good.

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Realization of Project Team Goals

Goal 1: Return all deliverables on time Achieved!

Goal 2: Get good grade Dunno yet.

Goal 3: Produce useful software Achieved.

Goal 4: High customer satisfaction Achieved.

Goal 5: Learn more about software projects Achieved.

Goal 6: Have a working team Could have worked better…

Goal 7: Keep the work in the defined resources Mostly achieved.

Goal 8: Learn to use new tools Achieved.

Goal 9: To have fun Achieved. Maybe it wasn’t as easy as expected, but challenging is fun too.

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Software Metrics

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Realization of the working hours

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Realization of budget

Monthly allowance of € 100 for miscellaneous well justified project costs

Final costs in the allowance were from: NDA mailing Java books Pizza and coke for group working sessions

Total costs were around 250 Euro

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Quality metrics

Severity Number Open Closed

Blocker 0 0 0

Critical 4 0 4

Major 12 2 10

Normal 13 2 11

Minor 14 2 12

Trivial 2 0 2

TOTAL 45 6 39

Watchdog defect summary

Hourlogger defect summary

Severity Number Open Closed

Blocker 2 0 2

Critical 6 0 6

Major 5 0 5

Normal 25 2 23

Minor 11 3 8

Trivial 4 0 4

TOTAL 53 5 48

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T-76.115 Project ReviewT-76.115 Project Review

Quality assessment

Functional area Coverage Quality Comments

Logging 3 Errors not handled

Alarming 3

Monitoring 2

Presenting 3 Minor (usability) issues

Configuration 2 Input validation not tested thoroughly

Help 2



0 = nothing

1 = we looked at it

2 = we checked all functions

3 = it’s tested


= quality is good

= not sure

= quality is bad

Functional area Coverage Quality Comments

Logging 3

Presenting 3

Exporting 1 Not working at all in IE. Scandics not shown.

Management 3

Help 2 Not thoroughly reviewed.



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Software size in Lines of Code (LOC)

Not all the lines here are actual live code The graph shows that the development was weighted towards the end

of the iterations

I1 I2 FD

Watchdog java classes 2910 6440 5498

Watchdog JSPs 970 2032 2667

Hourlogger java classes 0 552 2231

HourLogger JSPs 851 3508 4256

LogAnalyzer java classes 0 692 709

LogAnalyzer JSPs 0 216 222

Testing and example JSPs 201 201 201

Utils 1882 2983 3320

Other 134 139 799

Total (NCLOC + COM) 6948 16763 19903

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Working practices and tools

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Used work practices

Document vs. communication driven development

Iterative development Chief engineer centered development Roles and responsibilities assignment Customer on-duty session Risk management Group working sessions NDA and information publishing process Documentation in English and in HTML

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Meetings Practices Success

Pair Programming Total disaster

Usability Tests Lightweight but useful

Design Patterns Didn’t apply that much for this project

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Used tools

Development Server Severe problems due to low performance and no

debugging facilities CVS at HUT CC

Worked well Eclipe IDE

Handy. CVS cliend could be better Trapoli

Sucks! Poor usability! Tiki and Bugzilla

Worked well

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Problem Analysis

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Risks and Problems Summary

One group member had to leave abroad for a month in I1 Customer was often too busy to answer questions and

provide feedback Development server had very low performance No separate testing environment Quality problems occurred often in the deliverables of

team members Problems with used tools: usability problems, corrupting

data, forgetting CVS commits, etc. Compatibility problems between member goals, working

habits, preferences, schedules occurred often, which slowed down development.

Customer could not provide a good development server on time

Customer did not start acceptance testing on time

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Changes to the project along the way

Small changes to requirements Natural process of refining customer needs and finding

out new requirements I1 iteration was turned into prototyping and

architecture implementation Customer testing period had to be moved from

I2 to FD due to busy customer schedule Watchdog and Hourlogger features kept

surprisingly well considering the difficulties in the project

LogAnalyzer was not finished This decision was made very late in the project

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