t, f rid a y, q('tqber 1', 191~

THE WEEl(LY EXPONENT. TII E WEE KLY EXPO::\' E :-;T, F RID AY, Q('TQBER 1', X1.::MBER 6 L IV IEVISEO SH : :.: IJ. S. Is AD OPTED TO BE IN BOlEMAN MRS. PASSES electn<'al tlepartmcnt . )[rs. Herrick . clean of women. cnllcd I It been the intention of that de- th<' rnet•ting to order an1l w:1s eletlt.'·1 partment for somt:: time to install ::i chairman of the club . -- "•rcJc,..s nppuratus of suffi<:il•nt power Se\·eral talkR were made and it was to send all oYcr the .\t uumer· announced that the purpo:.:ie of th<.' cnlb OU' !'"'"'' throughout the state there I Government Reclamation Ser v ice Desires to Interest was to fu r ther interest along political F orm er Head of Art Department thl etic Associati on at S pecial Me eting on Monday Take Action on Set of R evised By -Laws. a.re :1matcur t•xpt.:rimenters '' l.w huxc lines among the women nttending coi- Breathes Her Last Tuesday Eve•ets of .1ppnratu' "'"' lt IS the 10ten· Engineers at College in Irrigation Engineering !ego nud to instruct them in their du· uun 01 th1• college to get rnto rommun· ties should they secure the right of i ng- Was Well Kn own. ir•otwn with them . I and Locates Offices in City. suffrnge. lt was stntcd that the club The ne\\" set is modern 111 e,·ery res-1 would make no atempt to th<' pect shon·ing the most reeent impnn·e- right to ,·ote by mC'ans of demonstra- nsso< int1on of the col mento in wirelc>S. It is rated as having tions such as hnve been used in mauy For the last few days the flag nt the ge l1dd ,L mect1ug Tue5day at one a ,receiving radius of from l,000 to A propo!'.ition to make the colleg-e to use :\Ioutana men as far ot her places. eollc>ge has bet•n at ha1f nu\i.t. This c u•·k in th< college usst•muly ball l,'00 miles. '!'he set consists of one head4uarter of the feeder for t he ree·, as po"ib le and the meetings held here A second meeting was called for was ont of re•pect for :Mrs. >lnrshali, nd 11J,,ptcd new uy-law> Ill place of variable and one tubular condenser, lamation sen ·ice in this district, has during the last two days ha,·e been 'l'hurnl a.v noon. lately head of the art depamncnt, who lie olJ ncs. l'ror. Tullmun ;an> a two forron rr;·stal detecto,., with ar- been made to Pr esident Hamilton b:• lorgely for the purpose of arousing in· died T uesday night. 'rhe following ar· ,urctrn'e ::e J BOOSTERI NES READY WI TH 1,;;00 ohm hl•ntl all mountc<l on llu. X. Sayage, who has charge of the eugiueering li nes. SONGS F OR TOMORROW hc>re since she joine<l the co11cge fac· Tlw cbung1· n the Ly-law> wns made a well finished mahogany case. work in this district. 'l'o show that more men are needed it ulty. c'<·ss11rJ Loy the >uhsl!tutiou of the TIH' t•ollegc has not as yet mnde ar· '!'he proposition has been accepted is only uecossar;• to state that last yca 1 1 ,hc Boosterines held a short meetina "JIIrs. Frederica E. for six · t:t er ";\I u of the ".A" as rnugl·ments for the sending outfit, but an1l as a result mectiug-> I J .• j of the_ 16 g_ racluatcs from the irriga· '"' teen yC'ars profos!'or of art in tht' )fo.i- ho eolkge •·mulcm. They .ilso co,·er the presrnt plans are to u'e the large b:l\-e been heltl at the college 'l'hursda.'· tion engrneermg course at Colorado, Tue'<lay 0\-enjng, at which the snngs to tnna State college here, died lnte Tues· I be sung at the game Saturda'.- wrrC' di5i- d · ht ft · ·11 ules r1·gurd111g the form of :-weaters ,,Jo,ooo ,-olt transformer an<l and toda.'-. \\"hilc the IHtY(' were sN· ured for the work in that di:i ay Dig a e r a rngcnug 1 nC'ss O.l o be aw:mlc<l tl1c 5weatcr fund. the accessory pnrt< nt the college. TIJis not ucen open to the public one meeting t rict. The district includes •fontana . tributecl. T he members of the cl ub then seYera l month;. lt i< supposed thnt the 1'c\\ "crt." drawn up arg:e y ou l 10u r )C o ic1ent !->trengt 1 was H' 1 101 ay 11 w 11c 1 lllO"t o t ll?' -'Ort 1. a ·ot::i. and :i'\orthern Wyoming. th('y practiced them during the gnme " , I I tf.t I I I I ff. . I I 11 I t I. 1 f t \ '' I D k adjourned to the football field, "·here funera l will be held in Bozemr-n, bt1t of the fat'l ti.tat the ul<l om:-s to s(•ntl from !!00 to .!UO miles . :.tncl1•11t body W(>rt' present. Bt>"'tde:. ).[r. Sayngc and :\Ir. "X<'we11 1 the details will not be setth•d unti l the nd uccomc almost un,nt<>llil!ibh>. l'rcs Tiu· l>'dure by :Mr. Xewell was. at lea't one enl(ineer from each of the with the high 'chool. Rome of the arrirnl o[ a lirotlwr of :\!". :Marshall, 1 dt•ut \\'hurton oi tbc wc.1'i ROUSING FOOTBALL RALLY I Im\"(• found that it pay:1 to llenr.\• \Y. Corirwall of X£'w York, 11ow w'.th nnt('rn slide::; aud goY('l'l1111l'.'nt projects of the dis· ,·er,v interestrng. tn(·t is preseut as wclJ as the manager,; be out on t11e for on one oc- on his way from the ea::it. I b f casion a generous Rooster appeared and d:ty· or two ago b"· j\fri: . '3 . \. arge num er o men are neede·l 1 and promoters of other pro,iects, ho th J .u.n ., As is genernll.v the custom, thi' CY· each year to enter the rc<lamntion prirnte and those under the Carey "\cct. ente r tained the crowfi at the Bungalo"·· friends here. serYit•e and push the work nf getting 'l'hc> proposition has been mack tCl the ''Though hacl many water on new land. Too few men htt\·e I <'Ollf'g:e that thl'y should do more to turn FOOTBALL MEN INVITED friends in Bozernan an<l in other part;; n the cha.r uu.l Ill i::;pokc of the nei.:.- TO BE HELD THIS EVE NING c ity of new by laws. .Alonzo Truitt lu tho disl'ussion thnt fallowed, ).[r. ening a football rnlly will he gi,·eu on nCain :,trcPt under auspice!-\ of the :::-;pee<"'hes will lH' ma1le bi- both members of the eolleg-e and rz;. Gu1duu baitl in rt.!gard to ticctiun 1''our- ''l'll hl' clid not think it wbe tu mal .. o it po:-sible to amend the by-laws ut any meeting of the by a h·ersity teams, y<>ll" will ht' prndice·l two·· hirJs 'ok of all members. lie antl a general rally wiII be hrld for :mgge:;h•U, and it was ma<le a motiou the purpose of making the footbal :w1l carril·<l, that at least a week ·i; no- gnme gener ally known about town an• tiC:t' slwuld lie before :.111 amend· among the been turned out by the college 11ereto-1 out a la r ger numhcr of irrigation en· TO AT TEND LYRIC of the state, she was wont to !-peak bnt for<' and men from other states ha,·e 1 gineers each :·ear and endeaxor to sc- little about hC'l' C'a rly life . Rhf." wa-> bad to be secured . HoweYer, ).1r. 8a\·· (Continued on Page Four) r.corge Dn.Yenport. manag<'r of the born in Yirginia and her girlhood flRST VARSITY GAME BOO KED Lyrir theatt>r, has offered to do a11 there, in the pictures<tn£' 1bys h<'fore that he can for the entertainment of the war . Iler intc·rest in 1irawing anl the football men on both the home painting was lifrlong, ana in her early team nnil that from the and life she had a1h·antagC' nf good with that en<l in giY<'n the mem· Rhe many in traY- bers of twn teams an invitation to el. and liYeJ ahroad in Euro- atteml the show at th<' Lyric this c\·en- perm for n yNn ot· ing. .\ 1.:edion has heen re- more in :-;pain. wbt•re her hu:-lnrn<l w:•<=> sen·e11 for thC' men of the teams. a linited. t'tates consul. Rhnrtl,Y aftPT AT f AIR GROUNOS TOMORR OW mcut l'oulU Ut• Yott:1l upon. IIart· .\ bonfire will be built aml the mau ad,·ocatNl <lroppi11g thl' term band will possihly he in attenilance '' A;,:;gics ·' from the college and It is hoped that all the stlalents wil bincc this wus no longer the ap· he at this ce1ebratinn n!S ,it l J.lrupriate. one of tho best po"ible methods 0 . )[r. D:n·cnport has alwa;« been a the war, when the Yirl(inia ost:ite hat! l'ruf. Tallman then g"'·e n Ji,·e talk letting the team and the town in gen consi•tent hoo>ter for the college, aud born rendered nenrlY worthle-s hv the upon the net•ll of eatbu•iastic rnpport the members of the student hold)' avpre· miofortunes of war: her husbnn•i an•l of all in the collegu in order eral know that the college ho<ly is b<> i.:iatr the inYitation to the two children were taken b\- 1lr:1th anil to rnukc thorn a rousing succc". Uc hind the football team . Light but Plucky College Fo o tball Squad to Go Against I memhcrs of the footuall team. she""'" thrown upou her o;vn resources coutiuue<l b:· tlrnt finance::; nlonr in the world. Rhe went to Xe-v - wore an.J always ha,1 been a serious PRESlnENT Heavy Team from State University Tomorrow After- York nnd establi•hed n studio there mutkr in this in:-.titution. '!'here were U LO fl ft L GRft N GE GETS and supported herself by painting and se,eral reasnns fur tl1is. ln the first noon---Visiting Aggregat io n to Ar r ive this P. M. lJH H l(i,·ing Jes.on<. An aeritlen t h> her eye. place while in the the unh·crsities nisrusSES SUMMER T OU R sight for a time cut off her work - a:=1 and colleges wore clo.e together, half U lJ I MftN Y MEW MEMBERS a painter, and she tleYoteil her whoio a <lozeu or more being within 300 miles t\ t ime to teaching. that hNc there were only two Tc.morrow afternoon the fir.--t col- [to i·Iay in the eomiug contest will de In IS94, she enmC' to the }.fontan:i. sclwols withiu that radius; the l,;.oiYer· lc;;e game of t he prt-.sent 1 m :\fon srn(' a great of the credit for State college. then just found{'tl, an\1 sity lll•ing about :?50 miles clistaut and In Regul ar Assembly, the T ri p Made t··w1, will t!!ke plal'e when tL<· mc·ie· wh·lte\·er the teams makes: . In Spi rited Con t est Bet ween Two Di· took charge of th(' work in art. She tho School of HS miles. During the Summer is E A-plained wa rr iors from the an d ).lontan:"J. State has practically a contr ibut<'d to thr growth of her de- Furthermore, in the east two and a nd Discussed. th,• State brn,·es clash on the teams this ,·ear. vi si ons, 1 35 N ew Member s are Se· par tment and of th e coll ege a lmost two an<l one·hnlf cent fare pr e\'ailed, ilv•:il field . The for thi'i I 'l'he back .field with the exception of cured for Organiza tion. from the b eginning, nnti l fC'eblenes:; while here it was three cents a mile. ('anuot be adequately deserihetl quarter bark , <li1l nnt play last year . two years ago compelled h<'r to lay Tlwsc facts made it more expensh·e At t he <'ontlusion of the reg-ular ex- by ,111yone "ho hns not pnrti1·ipnted :n -and about one· half of the line men will down her work. for the atbl('tic nssociat iou to car r y on creises of the assembly l"'rida,· Pre;- e:H·h e,·eniug 's practice si1we thd first d.efencl the. _bh.1e and gold for the first I At th<' regula r nJ('eting of the Grange T ho!Se w ho knC'w )!rs. Marshall anr l athletics than for almost any other ident Hamilton ga-·e a ·,·er.v ini;resting .,f i-<cptemher. A squad of twent;·-fou r t11ne. lt " u lnct thnt such a team )fonday e,·ening the time was given her work at the eo ll ege will think of school in the l'Otrntry. For examμle, t.1 lk on his tour in Europe . The tri11 ull'll ki.s workerl and workf>11 ... inn' the eanno: IJe Pxpc>decl to ban:- :• great O\·er to a of the res ults her as one of th{' most remarkable wom- a game with \\"ashington State College 'Was taken last summer b.v a part.v of '"i"'••iug of soho.11 t<> develop n credit· <len! ,,r f'Jutball t•xperiene<>, hut wt;a• ! of lhe contest fur new nH•mbrrs. It on who contributed to ·, early would cost li>G"i.J, while e''en a ga me with men from the rnited for th(' ahll· for ::\l: R. C. Frum the sim- is lru·kiu·l' alone- line will off.set I W:t'\ found thnt thP hail been educational and social history . Perhaps the 8tate rnin:irsitv wou ld cost io the ph• of thC' game with wbieh by ri bull Jeterminatiou to surp ri:-ingly MH'C('ssfnl, one hundred no other woman hns come to thi::; stat"' nt>ighborhooll of $330. He wen t ou to purpose of stlJdyill,'t agricultural l' OC'n- tLc "C'asnn praet 1 ('P wa<i 111:1ugnrated , t ho 'Y.1r:.1t:· 1 ·rnd th1rt: fiq• for mem- who was g1ftecl with wide and deep say that athlNics we re a Yen· neces- ditions in thP foreign pl:1."" h:ne tle,cloped. tc>nm ''"nk 1' , rn 11 .\11s ... oula COlllP:- ill<' th,1t bn:-;hip being fl1Cs1•11ted at t1111e. a culture and :-:in a personalit:. part of the :-.chool lifei he. did not They ,·isited tbe i mportant <"ities in l')!J1ro,ecl until ench man \\Ork-; \\tth one ,f tJi .. LH •• ..,t .tggr\.·g:d in Lhc l)t this nnmlwr, tht' ·•Hines'' :;C'l'Ur c>d iRhe c::tm{' to )fontnnn at n time of life ifoubt but wlutt £'\·cry one of the stu- England . Scotlancl. Belgium. a rnad1inelik£' pE>n•iswn Thlu ...,ome1l11"'tQ.n· t'l rJ1e 1Ust1tutinn "ill bl• re1.t;;,e1ghty, and the ffn·fl\·e. '\vhC'n men nml wom<'n li:ne l:ll•l d, '11t·.· "arn»stl\· <l"'. ,·reel tl1"111. land, 11,rant·e :111d Ucrnrnn.'-, :-.e<"'ing mauy i,\\·o ilozen men "ho rc1uirt ,,] ·it 11 11" to t'n t 'l . . .d "'" ... . ..- . . c l '- . l 1' ornorrow _\ :rn' nt tn(' .\fon.'· of tht> appl1t.lt1nn':'i from as1 e acti,·cenclea,nr. ancl \\hen hanlly The executi:·r l'ummittee hnd foun d ipalacC's, nit ga ll eries antl cathf'drals. g of. the ... on h:l\e sta)ed nnh 1!11 1 "\1·:· t .ti(' ... rill pl'·' :rnd tne to\\11 and <"'ouutr: llt'Ople "ho sec would be "il11ng to ronfr<,nt nlone that last yenr 's !->l'heme of a !->e:1son tick· (C'ontrnned on Page Fnur) ly l 1." thei r task :u111 those \\ hu lad (<'ont llllll'd on Page Thr<'c) I (1 'ontinucd on Page Three) new ex:penences Ill a !3tr:lnj!£' land. But et for all sports, \'iz: footba1J 1 basket· C"ntrred upnn her work w th a ball , baseball a1Hl track, had worked 7.('st and with :in of mintl nni1 hettl'r tlrnn plnn that ha<.l yet been :Ill for new experietll·es rare trirtl and that it was to he used again C\'en in you th . this yt>ar. Th{'Tl' would bt> at least .:ifontnna mountain.s nnd <'anyoug. eil!ht a hletic hcrC' this ve·ir.' ro<'k" and trN•s anll flO\\'l'r"' 011e f11otkdl gauu.>, out> tral'k me{'l :-n: or mun• haskl'thall games. ThC' til·kct gi\'ing admi ... to al1 uf these W('T(> :111 instnnt antl pC>rpl'tual jov ro hf'r. it w:1s her <"'hiPf aim. as .., ll'-<•ht.'.'r to hring' her pupils into sonwthir·•! likt' hC'r own enjnymC'nt of b eauty. JlC'r cn- th11s'·1s:n "·as c•ontngions. c11:-;ts :-:- .. L(lO. :\Ir. Tallman fnrtlwr that nc· l.'onling 10 till' m•w hY·l:nY" fiff\· l'C'llt" OU of t'YNY g{;('S ro th(' :Wl.':ltl'T fuut.l. lf any nlllnl'\" in l'XC'C'ss of is ll•ft on•r ·n swPater fu1u1. 1t ;..!'Ol'°' into g\'lll'ral athll•th' nud if thC'r(' is any balance it ili\'iifo:l J•rl1 r11a tht• hol1for.., of season t 1t•k<•ts. lh• I h<'n .-:1•ok1• of till' gnotl spirit u.mon;! tht• f otha fellow:-. whn <int 1•\ ll ::?:ht in tlw "l•ek a1HI prartil'l'l' loni:t rn1l lmr•l for t"o w I h Ont' :-.d1r ol. Ile d1lsl•tl lw ma, n:: Inst nppC';d for th<" ;l}Jl:-isteut "'111 or of tlic t•nt Tl' f1u·uhy and 11t·11t h d' P•llowmg- Prof. Tallman. Ho,- ).fal -.1)r \ t' prC' ... 11lent of tht:' t luh, urged that every man out to t' t't the mf'n that en llllll? at thrir footh:iJI practice and serinuungc with 1h1• schonl. Thr n.tloptc1l Tuc:oday a t as follows: 1. T he emblem« of t he college sbn ll be: When :\frs. :\far-.hnll eamt' to lout:i.n:l "h" "f'<'lllC'd alrt•a-1.'· to lie at 1 ht> I in" nf hpr pnwn,., hut t'T Yihlitv :in11 e111•ru.\· i1wxh:111st1hlP. Sb·--. l:1ug-ht long' hours 111d did nnwh wor:< in an1l p11i11ting-. Ht•r \a\·ntion shf' ::fl'\' I 1 ont lnor lit'(' or tu trnH·l Ilrr Yal'ation .ionrnpYs 1wlu1lt-.t ('\'f'r -'''ar a trip t'ith<'r to thf' t:l""t(•rn e>r W•'Sl••rn eoa,..t. nn•l "he 11t·:1rl\· :1IW<l\''l r1n•h•1l ur111tt1•1,Jc-11. 011 li'l\r of () "l lll'C' she yj..., Pd .lap n 1 l 1 ur ago tnok onC" ot' tl1f' l I r 'ur .. r, un l tlu' worl1l, C'h ••fl.\ th t "h• Ill g t 'i-.1t l11ili:i, wl1't'h slif' hnd 1H H "l't''1, .ind "it .lnp:1n. \\Ii 1•h slit.• hail 111 arl Joyed. ShP l1n 1 f•ro .. -:r.•l th1• \IJa • 1rt t n times l 1'1 tlif' P;u·1f"r f1 in thf' ronr"'l' of hn Tn oth<"'r .... than hN pupil-.., :'If s. ::\fn1 8hnll rhif'flY known Ji,· IH'T IN• inform:il l'hron,rfos of ht r an jonruf"\.; in ,·arious parts of th<" \\orlcl. in rlw mannrr of {':l"Y rou\·('r:-.a- tion nn1l hn<l n of 1•hra"'e·makiu:.; (C'ont·nued on .l'age Three)

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Page 1: T, F RID A Y, Q('TQBER 1', 191~


X1.::MBER 6


IEVISEO SH ,::::"~:.=.~.:.: ::.: HEAD~UAATERS IJ. S. SER~IGE w::·:.:~''.::.~:::'..::·:.~ Is AD OPTED

~:7,.~,"~··:~ne;,'.n::t:~· .:~::j,:,·lrc:~,~- «:~ TO BE lOG~TED IN BOlEMAN ~;)' ff~::~~·;,;g :",~~;:~li.:n:oro;~.~nr~:;::::~~ MRS. M~RSHALL

PASSES AW~Y electn<'al tlepartmcnt . )[rs. Herrick . clean of women. cnllcd

I It ha~ been the intention of that de- th<' rnet•ting t o order an1l w:1s eletlt.'·1

partment for somt:: time to install ::i chairman of the club.

-- "•rcJc,..s nppuratus of suffi<:il•nt power Se\·eral talkR were made and it was

to send all oYcr the ~tate. .\t uumer· announced that the purpo:.:ie of th<.' cnlb

OU' !'"'"'' throughout the state there I Government Reclamation Service Desires to Interest was to fu r ther interest along political F orm er Head of Art Departm ent

thletic Association a t Special Meeting

on Monday Take Action on Set

of Revised By-Laws.

a.re :1matcur t•xpt.:rimenters '' l.w huxc lines among the women nttending coi- Breathes Her Last Tuesday Even·

•ets of .1ppnratu' "'"' lt IS the 10ten· Engineers at College in Irrigation Engineering !ego nud to instruct them in their du·

uun 01 th1• college to get rnto rommun· ties should they secure the right of ing- Was W ell Known .

ir•otwn with them . I and Locates Offices in City. suffrnge. lt was stntcd that the club

The ne\\" set is modern 111 e,·ery res-1 would make no atempt to ~ceuTe th<'

pect shon·ing the most reeent impnn·e- right to ,·ote by mC'ans of demonstra-

nsso< int1on of the col mento in wirelc>S. It is rated as having tions such as hnve been used in mauy For the last few days the flag nt the

ge l1dd ,L mect1ug Tue5day at one a ,receiving radius of from l,000 to A propo!'.ition to make the colleg-e th~Jage tle~ires to use :\Ioutana men as far ot her places. eollc>ge has bet•n at ha1f nu\i.t. This

c u•·k in th< college usst•muly ball l,'00 miles. '!'he set consists of one head4uarter of the feeder for t he ree·, as po"ib le and the meetings held here A second meeting was called for was ont of re•pect for :Mrs. >lnrshali,

nd 11J,,ptcd new uy-law> Ill place of variable and one tubular condenser, lamation sen ·ice in this district, has during the last two days ha,·e been 'l'hurnl a.v noon. lately head of the art depamncnt, who

lie olJ ncs. l'ror. Tullmun ;an> a two forron rr;·stal detecto,., with ar- been made to P resident Hamilton b:• lorgely for the purpose of arousing in· died T uesday night. 'rhe following ar·

,urctrn'e uc:~~~n~o; tbct~~tb~:~,~ct~~~n~: ~:~~:;::;"~; !~~- ~; 11'.:h~:~ ::e ~a~:•i:~ :~,~~oNi~~~~·c J~a::t:: ~t:t::~I:~~~~'.;~ :~:~:tnt~' ii~b~h:a:u~~;; :~o~ig"';~~~;at'.~~ J BOOSTERI NES READY WITH ~,'.~~ 1::\::~tt:~:q~~i::;::·~~';bF~!'~,::: 1,;;00 ohm hl•ntl phone~, all mountc<l on llu. X. Sayage, who has charge of the eugiueering lines. SONGS F OR TOMORROW hc>re since she joine<l the co11cge fac·

Tlw cbung1· n the Ly-law> wns made a well finished mahogany case. work in this district. 'l'o show that more men are needed it ulty.

c'<·ss11rJ Loy the >uhsl!tutiou of the TIH' t•ollegc has not as yet mnde ar· '!'he proposition has been accepted is only uecossar;• to state that last yca1 1,hc Boosterines held a short meetina "JIIrs. Frederica E. ~farSlinll, for six·

t:t er ";\I u 1a~c of the ".A" as rnugl·ments for the sending outfit, but an1l as a result conferen~e mectiug-> I J .• j of the_ 16 g_ racluatcs from the irriga· '"' teen yC'ars profos!'or of art in tht' )fo.i-

ho eolkge •·mulcm. They .ilso co,·er the presrnt plans are to u'e the large b:l\-e been heltl at the college 'l'hursda.'· tion engrneermg course at Colorado, Tue'<lay 0\-enjng, at which the snngs to tnna State college here, died lnte Tues·

I be sung at the game Saturda'.- wrrC' di5i- d · ht ft 1· · ·11 •

ules r1·gurd111g the form of :-weaters ,,Jo,ooo ,-olt transformer an<l con~turct and toda.'-. \\"hilc the meeting~ IHtY(' were sN·ured for the work in that di:i ay Dig a e r a rngcnug 1

nC'ss O.l

o be aw:mlc<l tl1c 5weatcr fund. the accessory pnrt< nt the college. TIJis not ucen open to the public one meeting t rict. The district includes •fontana . tributecl. T he members of the club then seYera l month;. lt i< supposed thnt the

1'c\\ lJy·l&\\~ "crt." drawn up arg:e y ou l ~ 10u r )C o ~u ic1ent !->trengt 1 was H' 1 101 ay 11 w 11c 1 lllO"t o t ll?' -'Ort 1. a ·ot::i. and :i'\orthern Wyoming. th('y practiced them during the gnme " , I I tf.t I I I I 1· ff. . I I 11 I t I. 1 f t \ '' I D k adjourned to the football field, "·here funera l will be held in Bozemr-n, bt1t

e<:.lll~l' of the fat'l ti.tat the ul<l om:-s to s(•ntl from !!00 to .!UO miles. :.tncl1•11t body W(>rt' present. Bt>"'tde:. ).[r. Sayngc and :\Ir. "X<'we111 the details will not be setth•d unti l the

nd uccomc almost un,nt<>llil!ibh>. l'rcs Tiu· l>'dure ~i,·en by :Mr. Xewell was. at lea't one enl(ineer from each of the with the high 'chool. Rome of the arrirnl o[ a lirotlwr of :\!". :Marshall,

1 dt•ut \\'hurton oi tbc as~uciatiuo, wc.1'i ROUSING FOOTBALL RALLY I Boo~t('riues Im\"(• found that it pay:1 to llenr.\• \Y. Corirwall of X£'w York, 11ow

iJluq~,lteJ. w'.th nnt('rn slide::; aud waslle~din.g goY('l'l1111l'.'nt projects of the dis· ,·er,v interestrng. tn(·t is preseut as wclJ as the manager,; be out on t11e bl£'a<'hcr~, for on one oc- on his way from the ea::it. ~ummoncd ~l

I b f casion a generous Rooster appeared and d:ty· or two ago b"· j\fri: . ~ r f'r•hn l l '3

. \. arge num er o men are neede·l 1 and promoters of other pro,iects, ho th J .u.n .,

As is genernll.v the custom, thi' CY· each year to enter the rc<lamntion prirnte and those under the Carey "\cct. entertained the crowfi at the Bungalo"·· friends here.

serYit•e and push the work nf getting 'l'hc> proposition has been mack tCl the ''Though "M r~. }ilar~hall hacl many

water on new land. Too few men htt\·e I <'Ollf'g:e that thl'y should do more to turn FOOTBALL MEN INVITED friends in Bozernan an<l in other part;;

n the cha.r uu.l Ill i::;pokc of the nei.:.- TO BE HELD THIS EVE NING

c ity of new by laws. .Alonzo Truitt

lu tho disl'ussion thnt fallowed, ).[r. ening a football rnlly will he gi,·eu

on nCain :,trcPt under auspice!-\ of the

Iloo~ters. :::-;pee<"'hes will lH' ma1le bi­

both members of the eolleg-e and rz;. Gu1duu baitl in rt.!gard to ticctiun 1''our­

''l'll ~liat. hl' clid not think it wbe tu mal .. o it po:-sible to amend the by-laws ut any meeting of the a~sotiatiou by a h·ersity teams, y<>ll" will ht' prndice·l

two·· hirJs 'ok of all members. lie antl a general rally wiII be hrld for

:mgge:;h•U, and it was ma<le a motiou the purpose of making the footbal

:w1l carril·<l, that at least a week ·i; no- gnme generally known about town an•

tiC:t' slwuld lie ~n·en before :.111 amend· among the studC'nt~.

been turned out by the college 11ereto-1 out a la rger numhcr of irrigation en· TO ATTEND LYRIC of the state, she was wont to !-peak bnt

for<' and men from other states ha,·e


gineers each :·ear and endeaxor to sc- little about hC'l' C'a r ly life. Rhf." wa->

bad to be secured . HoweYer, ).1r. 8a\·· (Continued on Page Four) r.corge Dn.Yenport. manag<'r of the born in Yirginia and ~pC'nt her girlhood


Lyrir theatt>r, has offered to do a11 there, in the pictures<tn£' 1bys h<'fore

that he can for the entertainment of the war. Iler intc·rest in 1irawing anl

the football men on both the home painting was lifrlong, ana in her early

team nnil that from the '\~nrsity and life she had tl11~ a1h·antagC' nf good

with that en<l in Yit~w giY<'n the mem· ma~ters. Rhe ~pent many y<'ar~ in traY­

bers of thl~ twn teams an invitation to el. and liYeJ ahroad in Yariou~ Euro­

atteml the show at th<' Lyric this c\·en- perm countrie~, e~pei.•ially for n yNn ot·

ing. .\ ~peeial 1.:edion has heen re- more in :-;pain . wbt•re her hu:-lnrn<l w:•<=>

sen·e11 for thC' men of the teams. a linited. t'tates consul. Rhnrtl,Y aftPT AT f AIR GROUNOS TOMORROW mcut l'oulU Ut• Yott:1l upon. ~lr. IIart· .\ bonfire will be built aml the

mau ad,·ocatNl <lroppi11g thl' term band will possihly he in attenilance

'' A;,:;gics ·' from the college !-Ong~ and It is hoped that all the stlalents wil

~·db bincc this wus no longer the ap· he prr~cnt at this ce1ebratinn n!S ,it i~ l J.lrupriate. one of tho best po"ible methods

0. )[r. D:n·cnport has alwa;« been a the war, when the Yirl(inia ost:ite hat!

l'ruf. Tallman then g"'·e n Ji,·e talk letting the team and the town in gen consi•tent hoo>ter for the college, aud born rendered nenrlY worthle-s hv the

upon the net•ll of eatbu•iastic rnpport the members of the student hold)' avpre· miofortunes of war: her husbnn•i an•l

of all athletit·.~ in the collegu in order eral know that the college ho<ly is b<> • i.:iatr the inYitation l~xtenclP<.1 to the two children were taken b\- 1lr:1th anil

to rnukc thorn a rousing succc". Uc hind the football team . Light but Plucky College Football Squad to Go Against I memhcrs of the footuall team. she""'" thrown upou her o;vn resources

coutiuue<l b:· ~aying tlrnt finance::; nlonr in the world. Rhe went to Xe-v

- wore an.J always ha,1 been a serious PRESlnENT H~MllTON Heavy Team from State University Tomorrow After- I~ York nnd establi•hed n studio there

mutkr in this in:-.titution. '!'here were U LO fl ftL GRftNGE GETS and supported herself by painting and

se,eral reasnns fur tl1is. ln the first noon---Visiting Aggregat ion to Arrive this P. M. lJH H l(i,·ing Jes.on<. An aeritlen t h> her eye.

place while in the ea~t the unh·crsities nisrusSES SUMMER TOUR sight for a time cut off her work - a:=1

and colleges wore clo.e together, half U lJ I MftNY MEW MEMBERS a painter, and she tleYoteil her whoio

a <lozeu or more being within 300 miles t\ I~ t ime to teaching.

racliu~, that hNc there were only two Tc.morrow afternoon the fir.--t col- [to i·Iay in the eomiug contest will de I n IS94, she enmC' to the }.fontan:i.

sclwols withiu that radius; the l,;.oiYer· lc;;e game of t he prt-.sent sea~o 1 m :\fon srn(' a great (h~al of the credit for State college. then just found{'tl, an\1

sity lll•ing about :?50 miles clistaut and I n Regula r Assembly, the Trip Made t··w1, wil l t!!ke plal'e when tL<· mc·ie· wh·lte\·er ~howing the teams makes: . In Spirited Contest Bet ween Two Di · took charge of th(' work in art. She

tho School of ~Iine!:i HS miles. During the Summer is E A-plained ~ki:i warr iors from the 'Gui,·er!'.it~· an d ).lontan:"J. State has practically a m~w contribut<'d to t hr growth of her de-

Furthermore, in the east two and and Discussed. th,• ~Iontnna State brn,·es clash on the teams this ,·ear. visions, 135 New Members are Se· par tment and of th e college almost

two an<l one·hnlf cent fare p re\'ailed, ilv•:il field . The prep:~ration for thi'i I 'l'he back .field with the exception of cured for Organiza t ion. from the beginning, nnti l fC'eblenes:;

while here it was three cents a mile. cour~·~t ('anuot be adequately deserihetl quarter bark , <li1l nnt play last year. two years ago compelled h<'r to lay

Tlwsc facts made it more expensh·e At t he <'ontlusion of the reg-ula r ex- by ,111yone "ho hns not pnrti1·ipnted :n -and about one· half of the line men will down her work.

for the atbl('tic nssociat iou to carry on creises of the assembly l"'rida,· Pre;- e:H·h e,·eniug 's practice si1we thd first d.efencl the. _bh.1e and gold for the first I At th<' regula r nJ('eting of the Grange T ho!Se who knC'w )!rs. Marshall anrl

athletics than for almost any other ident Hamilton ga-·e a ·,·er.v ini;resting .,f i-<cptemher. A squad of twent;·-four t11ne. lt " u lnct thnt such a team )fonday e,·ening the time was given her work at the eoll ege will think of

school in the l'Otrntry. For examµle, t.1 lk on his tour in Europe. The tri11 ull'll ki.s workerl and workf>11 ... inn' the eanno: IJe Pxpc>decl to ban:- :• great O\·er to a c11n~i<ll~rat1on of the results her as one of th{' most remarkable wom­

a game with \\"ashington State College 'Was taken last summer b.v a part.v of '"i"'••iug of soho.11 t<> develop n credit· <len! ,,r f'Jutball t•xperiene<>, hut wt;a• ! of lhe contest fur new nH•mbrrs. It on who contributed to ~fontann ·, early

would cost li>G"i.J, while e''en a game with men from the rnited Rtate~ for th(' ahll· tC':~m for ::\l: R. C. Frum the sim- is lru·kiu·l' alone- thi~ line will ht~ off.set I W:t'\ found thnt thP conte~t hail been educational and social history . Perhaps

the 8tate rnin:irsitv would cost io the ph• ·tiilunr:it~ of thC' game with wbieh by ri bull do~ Jeterminatiou to clefl~<lt surpri:-ingly MH'C('ssfnl, one hundred no other woman hns come to thi::; stat"'

nt>ighborhooll of $330. He wen t ou to pu rpose of stlJdyill,'t agricultural l'OC'n- tLc "C'asnn ~ praet1('P wa<i 111:1ugnrated, t ho 'Y.1r:.1t:· 1 ·rnd th1rt: fiq• appl11.:ation~ for mem- who was g1ftecl with ~o wide and deep

say that athlNics were a Yen· neces- ditions in thP foreign countrif'~ . pl:1."" h:ne b~eu tle,cloped. tc>nm ''"nk 1', rn 11 .\11s ... oula COlllP:- ill<' th'W~ th,1t bn:-;hip being fl1Cs1•11ted at th1~ t1111e. a c ulture and :-:in ~trikrng a personalit:.

~ary part of the :-.chool lifei he. did not They ,·isited tbe important <"ities in l')!J1ro,ecl until ench man \\Ork-; \\tth one ,f tJi .. LH •• ..,t .tggr\.·g:d on~ in Lhc l)t this nnmlwr, tht' ·•Hines'' :;C'l'Ur c>d iRhe c::tm{' to )fontnnn at n time of life

ifoubt but wlutt £'\·cry one of the stu- England . Scotlancl. Belgium. ~witze:-· a rnad1inelik£' pE>n•iswn Thlu ...,ome1l11"'tQ.n· t'l rJ1e 1Ust1tutinn "ill bl• re1.t;;,e1ghty, and the ··]~l'~i,..·· ffn·fl\·e. '\vhC'n mo~t men nml wom<'n li:ne l:ll•l

d,'11t·.· "arn»stl\· <l"'. ,·reel tl1"111. land, 11,rant·e :111d Ucrnrnn.'-, :-.e<"'ing mauy i,\\·o ilozen men "ho rc1uirt ,,] ·it 11 • 11" to t'n t 'l . . .d .~ "'" ... ~-,.. . ..- . . c • l '- . l 1' ~anw ornorrow _\ :rn' nt tn(' .\fon.'· of tht> appl1t.lt1nn':'i .ul~ from as1 e acti,·cenclea,nr. ancl \\hen hanlly

The executi:·r l'ummittee hnd found ipalacC's, nit ga ll eries antl cathf'drals. g nn111~ of. t he ~t'a ... on h:l\e sta)ed nnh 1!11 1 "\1·:· t .ti(' ... rill pl'·' ir1~ :rnd tne to\\11 and <"'ouutr: llt'Ople "ho sec t h1~ an~- would be "il11ng to ronfr<,nt nlone

that last yenr 's !->l'heme of a !->e:1son tick· (C'ontrnned on Page Fnur) ly l 1." thei r task :u111 those \\ hu lad (<'ont llllll'd on Page Thr<'c) I (1 'ontinucd on Page Three) new ex:penences Ill a !3tr:lnj!£' land. But

et for all sports, \'iz: footba1J1

basket· =========~=~-------~====-========= ~he C"ntrred upnn her work lwn~ w th a

ball , baseball a1Hl track, had worked 7.('st and with :in alertnc"~ of mintl nni1

hettl'r tlrnn an~· plnn that ha<.l yet been :Ill eagernes~ for new experietll·es rare

trirtl and that it was to he used again C\'en in ~iftNl you th .

this yt>ar. Th{'Tl' would bt> at least ~~ .:ifontnna ·~ mountain.s nnd <'anyoug.

eil!ht a hletic contest~ hcrC' this ve·ir.' ro<'k" and trN•s anll flO\\'l'r"'

011e f11otkdl gauu.>, out> tral'k me{'l ~ 1111 :-n: or mun• haskl'thall games. ThC'

til·kct gi\'ing admi ... ~ion to al1 uf these

W('T(> :111

instnnt antl pC>rpl'tual jov ro hf'r. -~till

it w:1s her <"'hiPf aim. as .., ll'-<•ht.'.'r

to hring' her pupils into sonwthir·•! likt'

hC'r own enjnymC'nt of beauty. JlC'r cn­th11s'·1s:n "·as c•ontngions. c11:-;ts :-:- .. L(lO.

:\Ir. Tallman fnrtlwr ~tatt~i1 that nc·

l.'onling 10 till' m•w hY·l:nY" fiff\· l'C'llt" OU of t'YNY ~I.Ill) g{;('S ro th(' :Wl.':ltl'T

fuut.l. lf any nlllnl'\" in l'XC'C'ss of ~.lo

is ll•ft on•r ·n th~ swPater fu1u1. 1t

;..!'Ol'°' into th1~ g\'lll'ral athll•th' tn~asun·

nud if thC'r(' is any balance it i~ ili\'iifo:l

J•rl1 r11a :rn1011~ tht• hol1for.., of season t 1t•k<•ts.

lh• I h<'n .-:1•ok1• of till' gnotl spirit u.mon;! tht• f otha fellow:-. whn gl~t <int

1•\ t·r~· ll ::?:ht in tlw "l•ek a1HI prartil'l'l'

loni:t rn1l lmr•l 1111•~c·h~ for t"o ~amcs

w I h Ont' :-.d1r ol. Ile d1lsl•tl lw ma, n::

• Inst ~n.nu•...,t nppC';d for th<" ;l}Jl:-isteut

"'111 or of tlic t•nt Tl' f1u·uhy and ~tu-11t·11t h d'

P•llowmg- Prof. Tallman. Ho,- ).fal -.1)r \ t' prC' ... 11lent of tht:' Il~t•st{'rs, t luh, urged that every man ~rt out to

t' t't the mf'n that en llllll? at thrir

footh:iJI practice and serinuungc with 1h1• hi~h schonl.

Thr b~·-Jnw~ a~ n.tloptc1l Tuc:oday a t a~:-oembly ar~ as follows:

~ec t ion 1. T he atbleti~ emblem« of t he college sbnll be:

When :\frs. :\far-.hnll eamt' to lout:i.n:l

"h" "f'<'lllC'd alrt•a-1.'· to lie at 1 ht> de~· I in"

nf hpr ph~·sic:d pnwn,., hut t'T Yihlitv

:in11 e111•ru.\· W('n~ i1wxh:111st1hlP. Sb·--.

l:1ug-ht long' hours 111d did nnwh wor:<

in r1~a<ling an1l p11i11ting-. Ht•r \a\·ntion

shf' ::fl'\' I 1 ont lnor lit'(' or tu trnH·l Ilrr Yal'ation .ionrnpYs 1wlu1lt-.t ('\'f'r •

-'''ar a trip t'ith<'r to thf' t:l""t(•rn e>r W•'Sl••rn eoa,..t. nn•l "he 11t·:1rl\· :1IW<l\''l

r1n•h•1l ur111tt1•1,Jc-11. 011 li'l\r of () "l lll'C' she yj..., Pd .lap n 1 l 1 ur Yrnr~

ago tnok onC" ot' tl1f' l I r 'ur .. r, un l

tlu' worl1l, C'h ••fl.\ th t "h• Ill g t 'i-.1t l11ili:i, wl1't'h slif' hnd 1H H "l't''1, .ind

n~, "it .lnp:1n. \\Ii 1•h slit.• hail 111 arl •

Joyed. ShP l1n 1 f•ro .. -:r.•l th1• \IJa a~

• 1rt t n times l 1'1 tlif' P;u·1f"r f1 • ti111t·~ in thf' ronr"'l' of hn tr1Yf'l~ .

Tn oth<"'r .... than hN pupil-.., :'If s. ::\fn1

8hnll w~s rhif'flY known Ji,· IH'T IN•

inform:il l'hron,rfos of ht r an jonruf"\.;

in ,·arious parts of th<" \\orlcl. ~he

~pokt' in rlw mannrr of {':l"Y rou\·('r:-.a­

tion nn1l hn<l n ~ift of 1•hra"'e·makiu:.;

(C'ont·nued on .l'age Three)

Page 2: T, F RID A Y, Q('TQBER 1', 191~


W lzl E I th" game w'I' ln• ours. The Engineering College of Montana The ee1uY xponent. .\ool UO•Y " "·on! tn the 'tudent;.

E stablished Jan. 1. 1910. F, ('rY :.tU1h•ut u\\c-. it to b .;J1:.l'lf uni! TlH• free 1hat P. lf. )."°('well. head o: the ~uHrg" ill la~ on tlte grilunrt~ nu•l I rc-d~llnation "·ork in the l"uiterl Ontgr()"th of ~ll1uthl:: Exp~1ucot , C"'-· tn gi''-' the> Ctllll';!t:' tc.1m nll the !"lll• Stntt'". an<l H. :;\. SllY:l.g"l~ . lh•ad oi t'lbli"hl'•l .T:iu. l. l '9.i. I 1~nrt thut i:-. pn ...... i~)lc . , They 1:1.tht c l~·:·r 1 he work in rhC' distrid Cl'lllprisin~

ruhJi ... lwJ L~' l'n 1"ri<i.1tv nf thl' Col· Jor th~ tl•am "I.Jen h.ird prC':.-~ed-e' '- 11 )fontann. Xorth Dakota. and uorrb lego y~:ir h~· ~Ill .cihtorrn.i ~taff l'h1l"l'll more su than when the men arc g111n;{ NU \Y,\·ominq. :::hnuld <"hoose ).foutnm from tlH~ :-t111it•nt~ ot th0 )l11 nt:rna 'ilown the fil'hl for tht"ir oppOn('ut ."' 8tatt~ a~ the collegt- prcminently fit Stott' ~ '1'll~g-l' 11f .\l!riculturc :.tnd goal. 'l'he cheering of a crowd nnrl tc11 to he the 1\•ecler for the reclama :ll ! he loynl spirit t'>how·n by a student }focb~uic _\.rt!'. Bo~llntflll. · ont::rna. hntly b;lYC been the mrnn~ i)f winnin.r titln serYi('(', sho"-s that they· feel

g-:111;e:: for other college"'. 8lll1 it should f.tll'I" tlf ).foutunn meu 1rnd feel sure dn its share here. ~ I that the hC'!'lt pl.:i.cee for. th.cm t~ h1 Editnr-inC'hief The finnl wnrd to the tC'nm nn<l tn ClltH'Uterl for thr1r work 1i:: m a tee.Ii

.. S\'lml•r IL Rull>eq,!, 1l·l thf' routers i~. {:!et in anJ fight for nie~tl s('hnol ::inti one thnt is right it

B11sine:-;s ~laun:!'t:'r ... Srt.>tl E. lil1rrlnn. ·13 the cbrtmpion!'hip. 'l'he Jn:::~ of thi~ thf' field of action. ]..(ana!!ing Ellilor ... - ....... ·······-·-· ·· ··· is lhC' lo::;s of !he ~hampionship. The c. llllc~C' ha~ nh'\"Ayg hcen recog Lyndnll P. DnYiJ.;;on. ·1s 1 gnme n.izrd as ~' INtclinSJ in~titotion in eu-C'ircltlntiim ){au3ger. gineerjng anJ that ful't is l>ccnmini.:

mort.1 ruHl 11101:(' a re('ognized. on~ e~1cl I ...• J. ErnC'st Border, '15 A.t'ist. Bu:-;im·,~ :i.fanag1..'r .... -- Athletic Association to Buy Sweaters- ye:tr. It i~ now up to the rnslttubm

...... Gt'O. \\'. Blinu, '14. Must Sell More T ickets. Asst. lhtllin!!>~s :\Itrn:ig-t~r ..... ·- ........ .

...... .lfoy E. ~lfllsor. ·'15 .:.\sst. Circulation )lnn:i.ger --···-··-······ The h,r·b~s 1mssed hy the stuJl•llt

...... Ro.'- C. Clark, 114 body in geucral :lsscml>ly 'l'l11~sda.'· con· Inten!l'llil'giutl' Editor tnin man:< gooll thing:::. One of the

Rhoda D:llYCS, '13 bC't'>t is that the ntbleric n5is;oeiation Athletie Heport:N ... -Rabt. T. KC'll~y, 113 slwll furnish s·wc.nters for the nu:.•n who General R~port{'r

General ·····-·· .. R. Leslie Pcttigre\Y,


win letters c:-u.;h .''ear. In the pnst ii '15 hns l>el'.'n the custom for the Boosters

.. Clrns. A. Whipple, ·1.) or members of the faculty or of the student bod;- or1 these failing 1 for the tenru itself. to get out anc.1 raise mon<'y for the purchase of sweaters upon

General Reporter . ..nf;i,·rtle .:\ltlersou, '13

tn ~ecure an m1gincNing- building I F umls w('rc pro,·iclC'd at tho last mPC't ing of thl' legislature, but lip to Ou prC'"'cnt t imC' haYC' not been a.Yailablc Tho eollegC' needs thnt new builcl in~ in (l rder tbat it ma.'~ more proper · ly cnre for it~ en'r increasing work Let C'\eryhod.'- get out n.ml boost fo1 an engineering building this winter

Notes From thll Ulll.TOrsity.

1.\ new coln.nm hns been stared tbi! week. That is the- column of note!

wbieb to wear th(' emblems whfrh 1rn1l E h ·1 Subst'ription B::lte-'l'wo Dollars per be"'' \"OJ!. 'fl. d .t t from the U1fr\ersit;i,-. xc rrnp:c>s w1 Ad\'ertis- " " 118 ma e 1 · Yt'.11'.V un('er nrn bo made by the pn.pers of each insti venr, tin~ t't'llt~ per Ct)p_r. as to whether sWNltc>r:=:: wonM be award-ing rate:; madl~ kuown ou application . l:!nlcred ;.1s sl~cond clnss mnil matter

nt Boz~m:u1, )Lontnn:1, umfor Act of (\lngrc~s of ~[nreh 3. 1S~9.

tution eneh W('C'k. I cd en.ch .'-t-ar or not. and n !Treat deal 'rho etlitor feel:> eertain that th e of dissatisfaction wns shown nt thi!'; sttlte of affuir:.-; hy tho:-;e who bs<l. bel'n column will proYc an intere!<.i iug Qn( '\\'Orking hard to win 01 letter nucl who to the rcacleT"S of the paper. That. i1 I felt that they were desen·ing of s.weat· 1•,.,ill fostrr n. better and l1enlth1C'l

The Weekly .E..·q>0ueut is strictly a er$. Other institution~ gh·e sweaters spirit anrl r h·a1r.'- betwc.>eu tbe two in 1 "l'cl to 'iH'lr emh\(nns s' it seem,! stitutions may nlso bf' C'~11 cctC'cl. I student en terpl'ise. Its chief purpose ~) 1 · 11 1 : ' t c

is to present to its readers each week 0111~-.- right that thC' snu1e thing sboulJ an accurate and complete record of the hC' done here. Mrs. Frederica E . Marshall. developments in college affnirs during Now. the ue')..-t questiL\11 is. ''""ill th·' that period and it is intended that its llll'n on thC' t~nm~ he morl~ C<'rta.itt tlf It i:::. with the most sincC're fe<'lings influence shall be exerted for the up- ~weMers now tlian the)- fornH•rly of regret that the stlldrut hody l earnq, building of M. s. c. The paper is the were?' ' The answer is in the n.ffirm- of the di:ip:uture of }.h's. Frederica E. result of voluntary effort put forth by ruin~. if en~ry student does his dut;i.· }fa.r~hall from its midst. the students who compose the staff. :rnd k1.s enough patriotism to purchasi:> \\"hilo many of tho studo11ls Wet'fl

~n athletic tiC'ket. Otherwise. it will not -.••eH ncquaintC'rl with her. most of =============== pn1bably be in the ncgntiYe. Tile pur· the older students know hC'r nud the CALENDAR.

chase o.f sweHters requires the expeud· older members of the fncult.'' held hPr iture of money C'adt ytJar1 and senrn- in t11e highest c::.teem, haYing worke•l


October lfl-}i(. S. C. n.;;. C>ii?hths of tbt> monC',"i" c.ollec.ted mu:;t "·ith her through the pioneer days. of U. of :M., football, at Fair ground$. g-o to the maintenance of athletics. A:; the college's history. I th(' commenci:ment of the assembly tiF' To all of these 1Ir!ll. ){inshall was

Saturdny. ~onnub~r 9-Pootballi AI. treasurer of the assoeiation 1 I'rof. "<\\'. lrno~n1 as au indefatigable worker, en· S. C. YS. U. of M.1 3t Missoula. D. Tallman, still lacked in th(' ueign- thusinstic cand conscientious. To her

You Take No Chances Here

No maller what drug you buy :it

our store you get the best, for

we handle pure drugs only, and

whatever it is you can rest as­

sured that there is only one kinrl

to be bought at

Rose Drug Co.'s and that is- pure drugs of the

highest quality. May we sup­

ply you?

ROSE DRUG CO. The :Jt~ Store

$15 may be Jot les$ than ~-ou h::rn:~ been p::i._ving for :.-our ~nits-Out listen to us-it's all .''OU should pay.

Herl'':; the way to rea~on­when. you can hu.v an all vrnol, hand tailored. gtlarantecil suit of the lat,est morlcl and the newest fabric for $1.).00-whnt ·s the use of paying more?

Come in and let 11<; slip n few suits on you. Ree how they feel -how well the.Y fit and how styl· ish the_> look . Do it today.

$15 Fight for the Ohampiouship.

Thu.rsd:iy-, Non'mber 2S-Thauksgi,·- borhood of $lll0 of hriYiug enough clo~est friends. 1Irs. )fn.rs;hnll was I fog da..... money to pny for the first game. How· known as a l over of 1rntorf', n. stnunc'h ever, a numher of students hnve re~- aml dea r friend. She nlwa""' look('.] ~ ponded since then . and it is umlnstoo.l to the future rather than 1 h~ past :.\TtLl ~ that finances I11ok better now. see.med to deTfre more real pleasure I £/M"J ~

The signing of the slips hantle<'I out nnd joy from life than is the lot of Tomorrow afternoon the colt\'ge foot· will al~o simplify matters. Tlh)SC' who many people. I ball team will li.ne up falr tho find gt1me l'ltllted that th('r ws.nt<'d n tickt>t will \\-ith the close of her life a lon~ AI1J7"1l · · of th<.' M:l."l;t)ll, nml the fint one with be s.een a<:< soon as possible, wlulc thO::i~ a...ncl useful career was ended. but th~'• ~ ···-

_the l'nin)rsi.ty during tho la~t two wbo stated thnt the.'· were uot rn th~ lrt'.'sults of her work ""111 ln·e for years ~---------------' :;·e:i.rs.. ,Ju~t what tlw outcomC' of this mmket for a ticket, will also be ~cea to come eontl:'st will be would he hartl tu fore- as "non ll!': po:::i~1ble, dnd the nt?el"ssn v end of that time there was no green tell. Th<' el>lh~gc men h:tn~ not Jllnyl'.'J of their purcbnsiug a ticket explaiue·l I SOPHOMORES STRUGGLE headgear ju sight. .:\ few frC'~hmen eC1nsist~ntly this Year. At timet:. the~- to thl'm. FOR VERDA.NT HEADGEAR still retained their caps but for the ha\·e gont~ on the fil•ld with :t "Do t.H .\nd non- rn ('}nse 'nifh tbc o1tl ~torv most part they were in the po!-l::>E:>ssiou die'' s.phir. an•l real inotball \Vas the :eYer;·hody in the in:-<titution-stu<le-nt \Ycdne"do~.,. afternoon the memhcrs of of the members of the upper das-.:,. r1.'sult. Th~rc "a~ iw h:df w;l:· play orlor focu.lt:· memlwr-:;houhl pun·lrn~e aolthC' two lower clno:;ses cln~hed a secou11 qofld foeling pre\·niled during the ''vellow'" sh{1wn on ::;nch oecrt:->i1.n10. ticket: hcc:rnse--firs-t, the moneT ls ti.m('. The 1•1:1.u~e nf thiR WU$ n chal · SCl'\lp anU this will he th<.' last uaregu· E;1d1 m:rn wnuld fi.i?ht \nth ull th(' needed iu order thnt nthll'tic-. m:.1:· ho leu!?;e pti<.;ti'd in the main hall b~- thl' lated scrap this :·enr. The freshmen ~trength and ncr\C that hi'.' hnrl. Each continuetl nt the colkge; s('('ond, tht} members. of the sopbornMc cln~s d:i.riug- haYe challengeCl their riYnls. to n. :foot· mnu ~wnul•l t'.ll'kle with no thought of ;p~1rclrn~c of SWl"lltcrs for thC' mun win· the freshmen to wenr their green hnt~. ball garuc to be pblyed Yovember 16. :rnything l'Xi.'l'pt that hl~ g:tit his man. ,nLDg ~ruhlems will be made possible The challenge rC'ad as follows: and the Io·wer cla~s intends to haYc _\t other tinll'!'l the nll~n haYe pla:·e·l only through eal.'h mo.n or "·oman in :XOTTf'E their rc,·cngo at that time. like a bunch of wot1den men. 'l'lie line tho institution sel.'uring: ~1 ticket; third, .At'cording: to a decree of tho Rennie.

would not ht1ld, tackle:s w~re nen~r the purd1ri~e of a til'kct will undouht- tlh' freshmen need not w0ar green eap::: to.urc . a doun tries w('re m:idt> before edly mean n ~a,·ing to the studen1s aft('r O('tober 15. The :..ophnmorc c:bs::o, ELECTRIC CLUB TO HEAR tbe rrwn from rnthe ~lpposing: ~iilc w•lS holding thC'nl. in that the pricl' of 1 in order tc1 prOYC' 1hat !he fresbmi:"n :ir ,.. R . B . BARNARD. stopprd. \\~hl~n the l"J1irit ls as iu tlF• til'ket i~ less than the total i.>n~t of get.· "'y(•l\ow·· n.s wt'll as ''grC'cn, 11 clo first. C3S(', the men antl women on ihe t.iug into all the sthlotic contests on lu•rehy dare them to WNH green cap~ I Ono of the ITIO$t importtrnt meeting~ si!le litH'~ are optimi--tic-pnr!'pel.'l~ f\lr the hill: fourth. it means a better ~pint t11d.n:;-, Ol·toher 16. Hn~ . Bewan'. of the ElC'<'tdc club will he hehl today ~ du«.e eam1' "'th tht• Y:1r .. ity 3rl? nt :ill of the contests becnus;e n lnrger I fre":<biC>-=, for the sophomores are after •at th(' Tl'gular assemhly when R. B. hrigl1t. ln the other tasl\ it is uwr~ l'l'tlWtl ,.,.ill be thl" rnle wht>n a nu111her You! Barnard. 'JO. will :J.(hlre:-;o;;; the elub. than proh.'lblt•, :t i~ l'l•rtain that rhe alrl"ndy hanc> til·ket~ and hn\·c to pa~· (~ignc>•1' THE KPPTIS. Inntntiorn; lU'n·e bl"en sPnt out to all Cl1llt:>gt• l':lllnnt win. '.in further Pnt;·nuee foe~ .. antl la~r. it j Xo grct'.'n <':lps WL're iu t:;ip:ht <luring ihc ni~mhi•rs of tllC' .\nwnni<:an Iu~ti· Xow, 1he rL•snlr of the g::une ~atur· 1:<1: far from brrng a crel11t tn the- stn thP moruin~. hut at noon C'Yt:in· man in till!'.! nl Elt'.'1'trfral E11g1t1f•er:-. iu the day dl'pt:•nth ('lltin•ly 1ln !urn tl1tJ men drnt hail~· to ha,·(' som<' of thC' numlwr,tb(' cln""' :1ppf'nrl•U wi1h hi~ ~rt'l•n c:np <tt:i.te of )fout~uw, some ~ixtr·fiYe in go into it. Jf 1hcy ~·1 into it with the who show ~uch 11 laek of patriothim, iu (ll'dt>r w ~how tbnt the clas~ is nol n11mhl1 r. fi~htiul1 spirit. thev t.::rn win. The l"ni- nnd thn~c few :-.houlcl Ill"'lt hnl<l dnwu a" •'yl'llow'' ns supposed. )f1·. Barnnra grri11untecl from ihe ~·pr~it_,~ p1,,y ha.\'( tbr. :-rrougC'sl t'.i:n'thl' :;rnn•lard to '.\·hich the eollegi' stu·i Fur :.1 little O\l"r two hotns the two'('!('ct~iettl C'IH?inC'eriug .• dt>pnrtmr~t and 13 rn 1t:l l11story, l111t so int~ the e11llr.:!1' ~lent botl,v mu-;t r1~e. eJa.;;. .. es fought o,·tr rbc caps nncl nt the now in the empl.~,...- VI tht:> W"C'strnghouse 'l'h1.• stuifont::i l1l~rt' a ·l' exp1.'Pti11g- the !company. t:oll~·~·~ Le:tm to win, :i'1J :1rl' ct•rt;ciu that tlw~- :.1n• ('llp:1lilt• of :-o (foin~ if thtJy }'lay as they ha,·c du111' :it ti1m~::.. AnJ. thl" studt-nb are hal'k of rh~ team. ]f th(' tl~llUl fails, it h: cc"rtain th:tt t'n•ry c~)llt'!!C' man will he db:tppoiutcd [ in them. ff till' men rlo uot go dow11 to thl' fi1"ld an1l l'llh'T tl1l~ gnme with flat• intt,ntiun of C'OUtt•si ing- l'Vl'ry i11C'!1

of ~pa<:(' fnr g<>ttlng thtlir nrnu, without an) l'l'g.1nl for tLl'm.st•ln•.,., they wiil unt "iu.

80. 1inw, thi~ mueh fnr th(' tPnm. Rl'Jlh~Ulh~·r th.,t the l'nive'rsity nnil tht"l> official paper. the Kni111i11. has mnd .... fun of th(' i:oJlegl' :ma its ioothflll team. !:-'hm.v tl1t•m that thl'.' ... h:.H·e had tll(•1r fun ont of tlll' eollege hcforl' the ttm1• ('ame for it. Play lmll :11\ th~ tim.-.. 1~emNnbt•r wha won for the Mi111·~ 'Y IH•n they lwn• had u team in tht" f1dd: tt•JUemher whut ~von the trflr'c I T»l'l't; rem('11lhrr "bat wou t.hC' t.aslu•r.- .


• h:lll g11111l• for Butte );\St ~pring: r~mcm· b er "hnt wou per~onul mention for one I man on tlw squad ln~t fttll in the gnmr with tb(I l ... nt\'crsit~· of Utah, anrl re· mrruber what pulled tbc basketball t l"am through with t he se,·cnrh con­secntive ehatnpion~hip. when it SCC'mc1

For a Real Mackinaw Come in and see what we are showing in stripes checks and plain colors of exc!usive designs. Im­

ported and American Fabrics




Jlarry J.J. "<\Yilson. rC'publienn candi· dato for go\·eruor. aUdre:->i:-et1 the stu­dents at ns~emblt for H fM\' miuutCcs Fl·idny morniug. }.Lr. \Yiho11 ·s a.lldrei:;:i wns nou·pnnis;nn-in fad, politic:-; wen.' n<1t. mC'ntionetl at nil. )Ir. \Ym. Yestnl

I introduccU the spe11ker. who 1 in hi.~ 11opening remarks. ('Omplimentetl th~' 'State eoll0gf' ior thC' part it has tRkl'n

in. the clcn~lopmont of ).lontann. ~r. \ViJsoll ::.tatcd that the srnte hns ex­cell,,nt oduetltionnl fodlities of "'·hicii e\·ery citizen tihoulU b<' pron<!. He I stated t hat in thl" e,·cnt of hi:-; being -----------------------------.' electeJ go\·crnor of lroutnnn, the State

Spalding Jack.et Sweaters Por .Men aud Women, Boys anc] Girls. 'White and gray. Special colors

to order, ii you desire. Nothing Better Made tban Spalding


collcgl' ·would alw:,;~s find in him n

1 fri end . He condudefl h:· ~aying t.hnt he expected to hear from the graUuate.:j o f M. S. C. as filling honorable pos1 · tions in the serdce of t he state.


A specin.1 meeting of t1rn Agricui tural club yesterday noon, the prin cipal feature wns nn nddres.s hy P:resi dent 1familton on the Hol~toi u cattle

nt the l.'ommeul.'.Cml?ut of tb1• y~ar that thl' collc).!c h:hl no team. 11 Do or die, 1

nnd the trnll~gc will be proud of you, tb l.' Unin'.lrsity w1U be surprised ancl

'-~--~------------· -· , 10£ lioUand.

Russell Freeman I.-. --CO-ST-LY-DE_LA_ Y_s __ l3!\

~~,X~:ltt:::Il~ ,.:0r l:~'::\ BAGGAGE EX PRESS

Headquarters at the Hub Both Phones

The Exponent is the be-st meJ.ium for ad,·ertisers to reacl1 colkge studrnts.

}"lig :lggrC'gate of little ::;urns ::;lip thr<1t1gh Lhcir iingr-r.". ThC' \my to save sm:c~s~fully is to ~:ln~ NOVV. \\"ll\? not hc.~iu to sa>e at this am=i1icious rnnu1ent by openi11g a. s11vings at'l'Ount at GALLATIN TRUST AND SAV­

INGS BANK Capital $100,000

W. S. D.d. YID80X, Cashier. I

. 'tl)is Spare is Reserved for I

Cangcbr :JI ~ordial invitation is txftndtd to all to visit our lfreen/)ouses

at any time

3/S Soutl) 'trarp


The1en & Hanley Up-to-date Livery and Automobile

Home Phone 25-11 Bell Phone 57 blk



28 West M ain !pecial Attention Paid to Students

Did you ever have hard luck

trying to get a pocket knife with good stuff. Ask for our Diamond Ecl~e and it will please you. ).fade of Finh steel.

Ow~nbous~ ljardware @;

E. W. THOMPSON Four Chair Barber Shop

(Successor to F. E. Da,·is) PLAIN AND TURKISH BATHS

Corner of .Main and Tracy.


Witham' s Studio Corner Main and Tracy Opposite Gallatin Yalley

Xational Bank

Both Phones

Best Sox You've ever Seen at 25c

R N11ly good, lrn··d "'E'rYico sox in

all the wnntt~rl eo1ors nnd shades

--..:.llso hlnt'k. mo.de from best por·

munent silk finish yarns. re­

lnforted foot, perfectly shaped,

tigh t fitting nnklc, without a

doubt the greatest hose value

we 'Ye e,·e r put out-pair 25c. A

one pair trial will conYince.

Chambers-Fisher Co.





If you arc in the market for some Con!


Bear CreC'k antl .:Mountllin Ilomc -lump and egg; wood and kind­ling.

\Ye ha ...-e the best li...-e1".r in town.

'tl)t 'tl)ret

Prim~ Uirtues 1n Photograpl)p

:Jlrtistk Quality Ptrmanancp : and r.ikentss

Scbl~cbt~n Studio

I (


IZ Black :Rvt. S . Bozeman '

A ne" shipment c1f

Sd~ct Concord 6rap~: at the

Sugar Bowl Opp osite L yric Thea.tre.

Hot Drinks Fresh Caulli

BOZEMAN CAB CO. Automobile same as back for

city calls

Home P hone, 132 B ell, 230-2 ~


.~~~~~~~~~~~~~· · ·



PENNANTS ! on~r 1011 st_'"1t'~ jm;t in. Pric('s j \\ill pltase you.


See our fOl)fball muffs

WE RrspcetfnJly bid for a shar11 of your trade, and ,.,Till certainly treat you fair. Try u~


Phone 20 Opp. Court H ouse

Page 3: T, F RID A Y, Q('TQBER 1', 191~


We have just received an e xtra shipment

of Imported and Domestic Woolens and it will be a pleasure to show them to you



-..........-..._ - .Jo

I've the

Page 3

., who Jia!< been

h()o) IJP&r F lrt Bent<1n 1 re~·

the home science eour .. e on


Gleason's Cigar Store

classy line of Caps. Let me show you some of the new shapes for Fall.

Montana State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts

:\1uis <1'-:\111 o~1i~tC' anil fl leatler n \\'om1 n's r uh w rk. will address

woman ."I ll!U1t•111b . \• t 1tlaY at tho r~g-

lar us embly hf)ur. Pearl Heigbton led the Y. "~. C'. A. ward in any othor scaRon of that sport.

Practical courses in Ci,·il, Electrical and 1'.!cehnnical Engineering, .Mechanic Art!-., AgrieulturC' , Dairy, llorticulturc, Dom('stic Sc1ence, Industrial C'homiHtryi Economic Biology, Mathcmntics1 Literature. For· estry, Pharmacy, ~fusic and Art.

-·!-- meeting Tuc:;dny and ~poke of th('

[ .. \fa\' fiorman B'lil ~fi~s Anna many rlifferent things thnt touch .L

'w enf' v of Fergus l"Ounty. r('gistereJ girl'~ life at coJlcge. The talk was r ic v in th borne !!C~f>nre course. 'Yery practical an<l held up to the girls'

a. A sen·ieC' strip(' ~hall be awar<leU. for ench 8-ens11n of participation. other than the fir~t ye:ir, in any sport. This !ien·ice l'.'t rip(' b; to be worn only on an awardC'd !iwcater. Pnrticipatioa !-thall be construed h1 mean member:-;hip in a squad of men chosen as thl." "team'' by the athletic director.

''BILL'' Beautiful grounch;, commodious buildings, complete wood and iron

:~~p~r:x::~~i~'.c laboratories, model kitchen and sewing rooms, music

e are ll'ung :lt Ihm lton Hall. the ideal~ they ~houlcl stri n." to fol--·!• - 'low in their attion. iu cln~srooms and

THE NIFTY TAILOR J. L'\l. Hamilton, President Prof .T. n. Park r of the Station 1on the ('ampu... '\Iiss Georgia Hollier


ioloey s•aff, It 'l\ c'! tomorrow fo~ 11l3yed a piano solo.

Ball gs t) the JiundC'y project. b. All scrvier stripC's ~hall be an in· vertecl Y, two inhces wicle at base, th·~

" 111 st,1o1y the sugsr beet REVISED SET

IS ADOPTED. ~:~l:es 0~,,~~1:. lC'~:~:·i~~ ~;ri:ll::e~~~;~<~~~ Rh·ps nr.~ now un~ler way for the or­

anizntrnu of a <-·he~s an1l rhccker cluli u thl' 11111. .T t"'t what tho plans of

(Continued from Pai:e ·l.)

for spring spnrts ~hall be appropriately shaded to coresponll with the emblems for these sports. The service stripe !;hall be worn ou the left arm, midway is unknown at

n. Fur fall sporh. viz.: Fo()tbaH between the C'lbow an<l shoulder.

- ·:·-Prt>s11lt>ut Hamilton exp<'dS to go to

\tla11t·1, Gt•orgia, soon to attend the 11ec-tin~ f the l'Xperuneut station di· rec•or!'I anrl agricultural college presi­lents to b(' h(')d on xo,·ember 12th.

and ba~keth•dl, a golcl )f, a letter of Sec. 6. •rbe executive committee the Ulo<'k typt•, fi,·e inchC'S in height shall meet within one wC'ek after the by 4 indie~ in width, top and bottom close of the season to decide upon the blocking one inl"h in height by one· awarding of t'mblems, and these em· half inch in width, the remainder of blems shall be formally awarded at the the lettering ~evC'n·eigl1ths inch.

The bantl ma<le an appC'nrnnce at the lemocratie r:tlh· Tuesday evening nnd,

'rom the wav they are showing up, it ~ evidl'nt t11at the b('st band in the istor_,~ of the rolJ(>ge will make a trip ext Rpring.

b. For :;pring ~ports, viz.: Track anU bn::-elmll, n gold :M1 shaded by royal blue, a letter of the block type, fi'e inches in height by four and fi,·e· eighths inches in width, the gold part three-quarter inch dimension, the block· ing one·half inch in width. The shad· ing shall be one-quarter inch in tbick-11ess, on the right sidei and at a 4.3·

Tb1" new athletic emblems baYe ar· degree angle.

riYed nn<l are being distributed by c. For girls' sports: An old Eng·

Pre~i•lent .Tobn 'Vharton of the Ath· Jish :M. four inches in height, three Mil' as~ociation to all men who ban inches in width. on nn emblem in athietics at the :Models of these letters shall be kept

college. in the college safe.

Sec .2. The sweaters awarded shall

first regular assembly, following the ac· tion of the executive committee.

Sec. 7. Any candidate who bas won an emblem in one branch of athletics, and who merits an emblem in other branch of ath letics, shall awarded a. star.

any be

Sec. S. Only regular col lege an d pharmacy students mny be awarded aa emblem. P reparatory a nd tbree·year short course students, having earned <in

emblem, shall be is~uC'd a certificate of the fact, and will receive the emblem when they ha,·e creditably completed one semester of regular collage work.

Sec. 9. All emblems shall be on sweaters in so far as the finances of

President .T. ~L Hamilton, Yiss be ro~·al blue for fall sports, pearl gray sweater fund warrant such a course.


(Continued from Page One)

new m,)Yt who will f1ll tha n1eanciJs lun·e 111 some cases a "ide reputati m as fo,•:.ry2 'I players. 'i'heir weight ~'l. IJ

l)e c011c; dcr:d.>l_.. mrlt' t:1.!D that of tL~ College and this a lone will give them an enormous adv1.ntagc. This means but one thing; that the College team will barn to fight and fight bard to win . t The blue and gold warriors will need the support of e,·ery student in the in· stitntion and in order to accomplish 'this a rally wi ll be held t his evening on :.\Iain street. T he college band will be on hand to furnish music and s·peeehes will be gi,·en by the coachces and cap· 'tains of both teams. It is hoped that every student attending l\.L S. C. will be on hand to boost, and w ith the whole school behi nd them. the men will go into tomo rrow's game ready to lower the 'Varsity colors.

No official lineup has been given out by Coach Dockstader, but it 1s

probable that the following team will be on the field for the kickoff :

Heagney and Christie, ends; Osen:, burg and E. Hodgskiss, tackles; Con· nor and ' V. IlodgskiS!'l, guards; No­ble, center; Graham, quarter back; Gosman and :Maddox, half backs; Carr , full back.

Lilla _\. Harkin~, Prof. Alfred Atkin· for spring sports. The style shall be : I f any discrimination is made, it shall ron and Director P. B. Linfield will a. For football: RoJl neck sweater, be against award ing s'''eaters to men c>aYP tbc fir:;t of the weE>k to attend or sweater cont, with pony collnr, to who have pre,·iou.sly won them in tho he Xatioual Dr,v Farming Congressi he decided each year by a majorit.v same spor t.

i'!:'hicb is to be held this year in Leth· ...-ote of the players concerned. MRS. MARSHALL Priilge, .Alhertn, C'anada, Octobe b. Por basketball: Y-neck sweater, !=>ec. 10. The fund for the purchase Jen~nteenth to twenty-~ixth, inclusi\·e. or plain s~~eater jacket, to be decidei of sweaters shall be prodded by tak·

"\fic;:s Harkins go<·s 1o attend the aux· each year by a _majority vote of th~ ing ;JO cent~ from each athletic asso· ilian· rnngrec;:s of Farm ·women, while players concerned. cintion season ticket sold. ..:\.t the end


(Continued from Page One)

I-he g('ntlt.•mC'n wiJI take Jlart in the c. Por track: Sweater coat with of the school year. any mone_,. accumn· r pony collar, or Jilain sweater jacket, -...o late\l OYcr an<l abo\'e a fifty-dollar re- that made people forget how wise and

rof.?ram ,,f the farming congres,•s. ~>e decide<l each year by a majority sen·e fund shall re,~ert back .to tl1r cle\·er lier ubscn·atiom; were. In th-~ n•:--uh•nt Hamilton ":s attt•ndance Yotc of the player~ roncerned. general athletic nssociation treasury. pioneer days of the farmers i institutt-· ..

certain. d. For ha<iehall : Sweater coat with See. 11. 'fbe captains of the repre· in Montana, she was a fnyorite Sj>t:•ake:-

_ .:._ ruff-neck collar, or n. jersey. to be de· sentati,·e collegP teams shall be chosen fu · ".h(' geaerul ... r·il:-JUg<J. cided each year by a majority Yote of at the close of the season bv the mem- 'l'be celosing months of l!rs. )far·

I Tbr girls of the pr<'paratory depart- .. · 11 · l'f t' r 'f the players concerned. lbers of the team in question. ;;i.:... s I e were a 1111e o great SUL c>r·

01ent uwt Tuc~day and organized a. SO· in:_: for her. Rut in the 0~,.a:;ioua l in-1ety for tht> pnrposP of boosting their Sec. 3· All emblems shall be awarded See. l~. En•ry member of the asso· ten·als of pnin it was clear to those ntcrc~ts and l'arrying on their actid· -by the executi,·e committee, after con· ciation recl."iving. ath letic fntppliC's shall who visited her tbat her vision W<lS

ies. Thi~ soril·t~· will be patterned af· t1Uitation with the coach and captain of be reRponsiblC' for the ~ame, and shall still unquC'nched and her sipirit still

er the Boosh•rinrs and in conjunction the diffe rent teams. No eml>leurn fihall return the same nt the close of the untamed. By those who who knew her -;\·ith the Arg:ot'ls will l'arr~· nn the enter- be awarded unlesi; by a two-thirds vote season, in as good condition as possi· as a friC'ncl she will not soon be forgot·

ainmP11ts of the pn·ps. Officers were of the regular committee member~. ble, to the athletic dirrrtor , who shal! tC'L!. In thC'sc hu::;y dnys few men or

p0; •ledcll a~ follows: Presi1lrnt, Ruth Sec. 4. In ord('T that the name of have charge of the immediate clistribu- women d('duce n larger mC'aning from t'letd1er; viee pre!;ident, Florence Lind· any player ~hall he eligible to com<' tion. J,fc. 1\\~. F. B. tr:rnd; M'l'rt•t 1ry and tn•a:;urcr. Pnulinc,h<'fore the awarding conuuitte(', suc11

frYrY. .\n C'ntPrtainment cornmittE"e plt1~·er:; shall ha,·e fulfilled the follow· fe~::· a!!·en~~~l:~g~~\'i'"~!r ::::da~!h!~t:J~ LOCAL GRANGE GETS ,-as npoiuh~~L cnnsi"'t ng o · )fis:-;es Lind· I ing requir('ments: MANY NEW MEMBERS. t n l r1r tt )[ y l II d I a gold ~[, :1n1l th(' 'i\'On.fa "Montann r n1 • '..o 10 , • c l'Y .a11t enry, an a . Football: Gra<luatt.•d according lo (,.., omni tl'-'<''l WPrt• appointl"'d to recoU\· team ".;; schedule. one game, no emblem. Stat~" rollege _\thletic Association,.' .... ontinued from Page One)

.. n<'n0 a nam(' and to drnw up a iset of' Two to four games. inelusi,·e, must shacle<l in hhll" on OU(' :.;ide. null th~ 1 wor<l~, ('«. ":Manaaer Football, HH~', benefits to hi.' derin'1l from member·

..... ~y· aw~. han~· bC'en played in 75 per cent of thl"' r- "

quarters rila.vcd . on the othera ship in :mch a club. _\ !'lp~cieal meeting

will be held tomorrow e,·eniug, at which

The Exclusive Shoe Store

A whole army of sati!;fied pat·

rons call thi~ their shoe store. 'Ye

woulr be pleased to include all

students in this array of patrons.

J. H. Harris & Co. ~2 "'est 1rain

Talk it OYer, then drop in and let us show you our line of \~'atches,

Clocks and Jewelry-snappy, up·

to-the minute patterns.

and quality a lways right.


Leslie E. Gage Both Phones J eweler 13-I w. Ma.in

Register ed Optometrist

Think Then Eat




Capital St.1ck ...... $150,000.00

Surplus an<l. Profits .... '.':!50,000.GO

GEORGE COX, Cashier Bozeman -l!ontn.na.

College Girls' Boots Over four games, must have playC'd See . 14. 'fhese hy·lnw~ may be time tho!-ie applications which

three who](' game~ or equivalent in amended at any regular meC'ting of t11,. were rC'ct•h·ed during the first. two low in thC'ir work is one of the new.

time. nssociatio11 , by a two-thirds vote of nil weeks of the l'ontest, will be initiated •est things that htt!S bC'en inauguratec1 A pla:·er playing in an_,. qua r ter shall member~ in gootl. ~tnncling-. Notice'through th<' first tlt>grec of member- nt :llontann St11tc.

he al lowed the full time of that quur· that the amC'ndment is to be voted 1111 ship. The eonch<'s and the subjects en~h te r. ~ust be posted at least a week iu ad- This is cer"n'.nly 1• ~plC'ndid showin.g of tl1em hn,·e YOluntccred to coach

'fhe manager of the team shall keep 'a nee. ·for the short t1111e consumed and 1t are as follows:

account of ca~h player's time. fshows that many h:n·c hC'arU of thi~ Jo<' Truman, college ph~·~ies; Ilom·

b. Tracie One first or two seconds Lost -.._C:,mall cubC' shaped gnld fob nthl Grange 8inCC' its inception and were on er )lillegan nnd Elwin G. \Vood. gen-

in regular meet. f:.ih·er p(lndant with coral ~et. Finder 1 ly awaiting an (lpportuuity to b('come eral botany; FrC'd Dis le;r. prep math-

c. Ba-;eball: Two whole games or please return to \'ie Yalle:iu, 201 s. ~members. The large incrceasc in its •em:itirs; Hnmilton Steel, frc!;Junan al· equi,·alent in t ime. Grauel. membership roll will greatly facilitate ·gebra; A. P. Thompson, Leslie Petti·

d . Boys· ba~ketball : Three whole "future operntiom; of the organization. grew ancl F. B. Lrinard, general chem·

MRS. HERRICK l<.EADS istry. They lun·e urged that no 011°

should hesitnte to call on them if they


Offico Michigan Bltlg.

Suite No. 17. Bozeman, Mont .



Rooms 1 and Story Block

Phone 46 blk. Bozeman, Mont.



Golden Rule Blk. Boll Phone 97 blk.



Office and residence, 16 W Babcock

Phones: Bell, 403 b lk.;Ilome1 2962

Bozeman, Montana.


ORAL SURGEONS Ten per cent discoount to students

Commercial National Bank Bldg. Bozeman, Montana



:Post Office Block. Bozeman, ~font .




Bozeman, Montana.



:!lu itc 5 Gallatin Block


, inglo Tickets .................................... $5.00 T1Yo Tickets ................... .. ........ $9.0()

Any J·cent dish fr<'e with a 35·cent meal.


LUMBER - 00-


LUMBER COMP ANY 320 W est Ma.in St.


games or equi,-nlent in time.

e. Girls' ha•ketbnll: One whole L I Th t l ga~!~ . ~;_,!~;h!~u~~:~'.:~·;fr::~~:::;blem ync ea re At the reg~~~ 11:~t=:I:h:~l: neeu assistance. David V. Higbie, 'ex-H. and a star

. H1· g'h Class M ov1· ng· ' Jud~• P. ~[. -·' bl>ott of mhree Fork", on the foot hall squ:id, wns in town lil n~y •.P_o r t does not make the win· [matie club, held Tuesclu.v C\'enlllg, Mrs. .. "' • ' "

1 bl H d Wl10 wns n r"cent visitor at the col· O\"N ::)uoday from Big Timber.

Iner me ig1 o to receive a simi lar re- Pictures :: 5 and IOc emek. irecto r of the club, entertarn· '

Thl"'~e (\1ll~"~e Girls · Boots are made on Ja~t~ which are cnti reh· npw this sca~on, wit h patter n.s which will surel ~· appeal to vou . Exc('ll('nt for walking and ev


erv-day acthiry. · P riced a t $3.50 and $4 tho Pair

Xichol on's Shoe Store

Let Us do Your Shoe Repairing

"================~=============== led those present by rending ''E,·cry· 1<'ge, hns ~hown his apprC'cintion of the - woman . • , A number of visito rs were institution by a subscription to the GALLATIN WINS FROM

'present, and nil pronounced tbC' reading Exponent. BILLINGS BY 17 TO O


2 FOR 15 cts. 4 F OR 2 5 ct s.

Drug Store on the c o rner fiallatin Drug Co.

I as one of the hest hearU in Bozeman. I J. Glenn Luther, '12, of Choutenu .

I According to the ad,·isory commit· ,"spent a few dnys in Bozeman Yisiting At the fir&t football gamE' in Boze­tee. it is expected that t he club will ''his brot her , IInrold, nnd renewing olJ man tJlis year, Gallatin defeated Bitl­'stage t he piny. "The Professor's 1.rni- \ceollege acquaintances. Mr. Luther is a ings high by u ~core of 17 to O. The ad)·,'' at the Bozeman opera house on g raduate from the depa rtment of elcc- local team's sperd and experience at

I' December 6. At the p resent ti me no (trical engineering, and is following hi ! the game was what 1\'0n fo r them , anJ furt her de tails were ready fo r publica· './p rofession at Ruby, Montana. time and again they tore down th

l tion. j Tuesday eYening was the last har1 field for good gnin!j. Billin~s, how-scrimmage before t he Yar~ity gamC". ever, put up a harcl fight, aud must bo

\ STUDE NTS VOLUNTEER The hi~h school was on bancl for n gi\•en credit with hasiug a strong team

• D ockstader whero improvement is nee· strong ns the locnls, and they b roke up

I TO DO COACHING WORK. short p ract ice game, nnd showed -Coach On line plungeg they seemed fully as

., _____ ...,..._ _______________________ _; Coaches f or the st udents who are cssary before t he kickoff Saturday. a number of fo r ward passes.

Page 4: T, F RID A Y, Q('TQBER 1', 191~

Pago 4

We win the series With Style-Plus Clothing.

Best values in the world for $17.00. $17.00 Suits and Overcoats $17.00

Interwoven Hose Walk-Over Shoes " HOWARDS ' II

THE HUB Ed and Lou Howard, Props.

' waitin for it! Everybody s g WHAT?

That classy line of pennants which will soon arrive at the

Post Office News Stand


University news University is Sending Especially Strong Football Team

Today---Freshmen Elect Their Officers---Student

Offers to Debate Politics---Other Items from U.

, The team whkh will represent the for 1'.fontaun. attributes tlt(' lnC'k of can·

Unin~rsit~· iu the ga1ne Raturdny "-ill 1~1ido.tes to Urn fact tllat Greek is .tang.ht

\Je t11e strong1:1':'.t one Montana bas batl 111 onJ.\- one or two schools rn tne

t-:ince H~os. 'l'hc :;:quntl has dwindled state.

from 33 to ahout ~O. The ~O ar<" all good men, howen>r. :tnd arc appearing

I regularly for pnH~t ice.

The class of Hl16 is one of the liYC·

liest. aggregations of students the Uni­

versity has known. ruder the coneliing of Lieutenanr Pbiloon, all-Americnu, '07, ·who coachea the Army l:\!';t Year. the tram has im­

tpron:-U ~,·onderfuJJy tln~ pa!."t week.

L----------------------------- ~[ontnun lrnb been exceedingly fortn·

AceoTtling to the newly C'stabfo;he1

custom. thc.'r baYe been entrn!iled 'V.ith

the care of the 11 :.U' 1 on the mountain back of tho University.

'n:ltc this venr. She has good materi:1l They ha\~c sent out tho worcl to th~ town~people lo wa.tcb the "11 ' · Satur· clay night. In case the Bruin!:; are ,-i:!·

Do not pass this up But when you pass No. 6 West Main street, just stop and alance over our display of specimens in the door­way."" Then come in and leave your order.

The Shop of

Detrick the Printer 6 West ).fai n

Bell Phone SS Home Phone 691


Staple and Fancy Groceries BOZEMAN, MONT.

Headquarters for Ferndell caUDed goods and Fernclen Teas and Coffees

Apples! Apples! Apples! and good .coaches. Lieutmrnnt Pbiloou

is one of the best football cone.bes in 'the l;nited Stutes. He has becu assisted turious. the freshmen will iJluminat·J 1------------------------------

The kind that will enable you to spend a pleasant

evening at home. . , Old Fashioned Wagners, Jonathons, Gnmes Gol­

den. BALDWIN AND BELLFLOUR, $1.75 and $2.10.

THOS. H. REA & CO. Prompt Delivery Bot h P hones 2-!

Don't miss the Ladies' $10.00 Coat Sale B

Friday - Saturday




Int inten·als by "Mumnw'' 'Scis, a 'former l\Iinn('sota qwnterback: Paul Greenougb, an old Yale center: Professor l'unninghnm. a Curolina star. nnd many


'btbers. Captain Durublaser saiJ Tuesdn.r

e,·euiug. t.hnL he expcctC'tl the :wera~-l.l weight of the tc:1m to be at least 16.l,

while tho line from tackle lo tackle

v.·ill <1Yeragc 170. Xot tt man has bee!1

declnn~d iu0ligiblc for the game atur-

day1 although DaYidson and Forbes1 two of the mo~t likely, bfn-e not appeared for prnctfre the last fow clays and ,-.,,ill

not pfar in the firsr game. '•Buek' ·

~mead1 the star iullbat:k of former

:vears, will trnt pla:v Saturdny. nlthough

I he will pln~Y in the .future games.

In the ba('kfield ·will be see11 ''Shor· ty' "Descl1amps, who plu.'·ed a ;;;tar gamo

at balf in HlJ 0; '· Punl~ " Owsle:·, the

fastest mnu 011 lhe squad, n.nd Shaw,

who played fulll.wrk on tho Syrac.usl' team la~t yt:>nr. Rc\·eral others wi.11 nls·J

bl' seen behinrl the line.

The .competition fol" entfa is keen an~l

the men arC' working barU. ..1- Yictory ~w('r the State college is

c::onfidentl:• C'xpeeteil, although the mu:i

!1)0k for it hard game.

The rn'h-C'rsit,,· had a unique ,-isiti1r

this week in the person of ~enor Pio

Carrea, who has been sent out b_v the

governmC'nt of Brazil to study forestry in nll paTts of the world.

Renor Curren speaks four languages -Portngtll'~C. Spanish. Italian and French. l-nfortuately, howe,-er. he is

11ot ,-.ersetl in English. Professor F. C'.

Scheuch. of the modern fanguages de­partment. aeted as iutcrpr<.'ter ior the 8enor during hi~ stay in lrissoula. and

l helped him.in his conn•rsations 'l'iith

l GAL LATIN GQ LD BUTTER [Di~:!'.~': 1~:~1;"11s;e:~,.s~~~~u States. Senor Ice Creasn Delivered to any Part of the City Canea will '·isit the Orient, Egypt nnd

Europe. Ile will not return to Brazil


·-----------------------------""' Nat S. Little. n junior in the Uni,·er-


sity. was the only person who appeare)

to take the examination for the Rhodes

seholarship here 'Tuesday. 'I'hese ex·

aminations are gi\"'"en e\•ery two .'·ears

and arc open to auyone in the state

who can fuJ!ill the requirements of the

s.cl10larship. ·wm. )f. Aber, professor

of ancient languages. who has the trust

the emblem with red fire. This is to b;­their n-ay of telling the people thnt l he Yictory has been won.

They are planing to eharter the first balcony of the Jlarnios theater ~t.t "The

Butterfly on the ·wheel,'' which is t.1

be here n<.>xt week, and iuYite the sopn·

omor('s to be their guests at the show.

They have obtajned the permi~s.ion of

the manager to decorate the whole oper!l. house with i.h<'ir class ~olors irnd to

giYe aJJ tbc yells they desire betwee:i the acts.

The executh·e committef' of the As·

sodated Students has let the contract

for the running of the ~kating rink for

the t."Ollling seia~on to Lewis Hunt. 'J3. Hunt will assume all risk. For th,~

pri\•iJeg(' of runnh1g the rink be will turn into the trea~ur,v of the A. ~.

U. M. one-fourth of tbe gross proceed,;.

Uuut e.."'l:pects to make money on tbo project.

.·\..bout tweuly students turned out

Sahlrday to lay a pipe liue to the

rink. This sin"C'd the A. ~- U. ).[. the

e.xpense of paying out mone5· to ban?

the work done. The men were assiste1l

by the women who sen-rd ''hot cfog:;;'' nncl other refreshment:;; at the right time.

.-U n stormy meeting 1ield last :Pri­day the freshmen elected Tom Bush:L

of Big Timber, to the pre~idency of

their e.1ass. Other officers elected were

Clnra. Robiu:.-:011 of Butte, Yiee-president; Donna .).fe('all of Big Timber

1 ~e('retary;

E. :.\lertou of LiYingston, treasurc•r

nn<l ''Bnll :\loose'' Griffith of .Anacon·

dn, sergeant-at-arms. The l'ontests for

:lll the office:-: were hot except in th1:1

<'HSe of t11c '·police job,'' whieh was

gi\·en to '':\loose:· b~' ncelamation.

Griffiths nrnrle n prc1t;· speeeh of lH!·

eeptancce sa.'·ing tbnt he 110pcd it wonhl

ne\·er be neee5gnr~- for him to use hi<i

authority. He weighs t''0 hundred.

R. Justin Miller, president of tl1i:-

ProgressiYe League of the Unh·ersity,

wants to challenge an.v- runn in the )L

S. C. ·woodrow \Yilson club or :lll.',. oth·

er politicnl club in :Th!. • C., to n tlc.

bate on issues in the nationnl campaign.

At the present time Miller is stumpiug­

Missoula county for the ProgressiY~


A list of thirty men bas been Rent "M" wilf not blazed forth on October :====~============================

jn by tho University, as eligihle to iil:ly 19th. l'nn anyone tell whyJ and show the squad that the stu~lent PRESIDENT HAMILTON

i:o the con1iug game. Among them are Craighead :tnd Shaw, the former of body is behind them. DISCUSSES SUMM:ER TOUR.

Dornbhts~, Ow81ey, Deschamps and rrulane ~lnU the latter from Syracuse, The slogan tod:.iy nnd tomorrow

(Continued from Page One) Klebe. These men arc all known nn ·are two men about which a g{JoJ deal ~hmllcl be, 11 :ll. 8. L'. nrn~t win .. , \Ybeu

:Montana football fields anU arc ployers 'has been heart! lately. C'raighead is the the t('atu is being Driven baek, ao not

of high caUbre. They will bear w11tch- son of the pre~illent of the University lose hctirt but yell so much harder, anll

ing in the coming contest for it is prob- 'nnd wns a fOWL)r of strength iu the linL' perhaps M. R. c. can 1, Jight au l[ · , ,

:.ible thnt thC'y w.ill Uc the main f<h'· 1"''"bl'n pln:••ing with the southern of their own tomorrow night. 'Most of th ir time, howeiYer, was spent

tors in Uoth carrying the ball :ind on the 1~chool. 8hnw pla~·cd fnll bacck on the 'in :-:tudying tbc way~ of the farmers.

defense. 'f-lyi·:icuse 'nlrsity which illone sinm1•s What appen rcd to he the hest root· fie opene(l his ttllk \Yitl1 ::i compar1· -- I bis as a nlai·er of tnore than ordin:u.'· · ! ti I 1· f ti lT l " 1· 1ng section to turn out to a praetic1"' son t.l 1e oca wn o w . nitf'l >..:1tntl's

En~rytlling will bl' reaJ~· in cnso of ~t.bility. game this fnll wns on the blcachen; nnd European conutrics. Ile stated

vh:tory to light up the rr~['' on i-::.eiiti·' -- Tuesday aftC'rnoon. Jn reality, how· 'that one would think onr couutrv 111

nel. bac:k of the rni\·('rsit.\". Xow, }..l. _\s statC'J elsewhere, the 'varsity ag· en•r. it was a dismnl failure irom a q)(' northern, hut in Tcg:n<l to En~lnn.d S. 1_·. it not in the hnbit of db.appoint- J.!regation is expected to ·weigh 16.J rooting stnndpoint. Befon• the game nntl Germany, it is southern.

ing nnyon(' tl~ COJlgenial ns her \"arsity pouuds. This iH consi1krnbly aboYe th·• started. yells were ginm e\·l'ry fp.w He next fol1l nf the l:irg('r 6tie~ '·is­

frieud:-;, hut at ihe sam(' lillle therC' is 1n'Crnge 01' thCi i.:olJege team aud iudi- minutes and a whole ~ectiun ·was filled ·~trd. Among- thl'.' important oues wPrc

n fet2liug iu the stiah•nt body that tii<' rnteJ thnt the bJue and golJ. wilJ llevcl w·ith girls who aided with Mngs .. lusf tLondon, PnriK, Bcrliu. Brns~('h•, .\m·

th::it much aJ.<lcd speed in orJ.c1· to tear us soon as th(' team fuilecl to adYaUcl' stenfam, 8trnt fnrcl. Drt.~sden :uhl Edrn·

No !

through thl' \arsitv lrne. 1lw bnll. thL~ .''ells and Mng:::; stoppc·l 1Jn1rg-b. nl~ spokt' of thP mauy pal:tl'Cs

-- nntl iustetul of trying to diffn:-;c n lit· 1Hronn<l l':iris huilt h:· Louis XfY, tla•

lt 1:-; h'.trd h1 re:~lize what wiu!1iu~ I ne spirit. into the u;en on thl" Ji<~l1l, 1rornl pal_nl'C' .~1t. Wind~or, palnrl' of Po_l!i·

Rubber Goods tomunow s g:amc wdl do for).[. ~- l. th(' students on thC' s1dl' llll('t;; <JJ)fl('IU'C•l fan1 at lh>rl1u, nud th(' ('H~tle :it Et11ll·

I It is safo tu i-ay. how1.•\·cr, t11at au £'ll-I tlR though the_,. wen' a1 t"wling a fun· burgh, wher1.• Jlary Qul't'll of ~ents au 1l

tireJy new spirit will pus~c~s the stu· rral in~te:\d of one of the mots slir· .1mnn~~ Scotti~h kings had Ji,·ell. Jk

de1~t~"'· ~;-o~tha.11 will _l'ertainl,\• he _l'11.• :i11g gnme:-1 thnt is pl.a.n•d iu the An~rr 1h1.•u ~as~ed lo tlw art galleries, whieh

111a111 topic Lf <.:uu,·ersatwu for :-omc time t('HU eolkges. rs tl11s to hp tho :-<ptr1t 4lC s::ud mh>rl'~tt'll him Ycry mneb. nM

tv cn111e. Jn fnct, till" wl101c ~t.urlent dis111:iyed in Satur<hy 's g;;nnr~ l),i <inly hC'(':tu~e of thl" mn1w hcautif\ll

are as good as

Gold Seal-l1ody will hl' fouthull nazy. The chnm· ynn w~1nt thC' Y:.ir<:>ity }'layrr,.; to g·1 ·works, hut ln~l'am-e> 111" ;;:n_w the ori~innls

1•io11,..Jiip of :\foutaua will he half wnn, hnmi:- an1l eo111111C'nt on th1• la1•k of sup· oi so many vf hi~ f:t\'Orllt• paintings.

'fllls is wh:1t om ma Y )C'RI" <'XJH'r and thl' rt'l'urd :<Pt by· \1. ~- l'. durin,:: port ~1t "\1. H. C'.; ):'°nw, wiu'n ,1 tc:im ['Th0 more import:111t on1•s Wt'rf' tht• roval

il~nl't' in "'1.•ll\ng- rnhh~r fontwl•;ir loa-; HllJ will cuutiuu0. i~ ru~hing flw hall d1l''n tl1r field fol' g:tllc-rie"'l in Londnn, P·ni~. Dn•stlcn :;nll

-~m. t rrhi"' l :'Ind. t'C'lnt:tin111,.., jl'>;. pf'r I Nlt t1'll 1n fiftC'f'll·Y<H'd g:,ius, tbry ,fo nQt Am-st.1.m.lan1.

Ol pnr 1'af;I ruLlw ',, nt t'011 ·,_1> mur~ Th(' f11utball r:dl,v whil'11 will l!\? hl>ld lll1f'd tho Ch('t•rs of thC' Sltl1• 11111•s to Thc> part.\' Wt•nt thr1)\lgb :l rev.- ('nth·

't"{'l'll"-l\ th: II tLl t•rdinun l;i p l't ll" ~Oili;:!ht should hl' •HW of the mo~t L'll driYC' thf'lll 'on. It i-l whm1 tilt' lj\;tlll rl-.arals:. irl('lurli11~ \Y('~tmiu~tC'r _\.Obey in

gmil~"· t!Ju,ia::it1(' l·\"er h11ld ·n Onzt-m:w. Tliiq is f1v;hti11j! 111 the ln ... t ditt·h nntl ~lru~ Llln1l11n. The\· nl~o spl•nt n fl"W html'..;

T'ut, '\'h"'n d11,.ahilit' i' 1·onsi1hrt-1l. 's \\ill prohall!y h" tla~ only i!liatwf' the gling dt""Jl''rntel,\· to l"lfl'\"1•nt :I T1111r1t· Int thl' hontt· nf ~h:1kes]1NtH at Strnt

mut>h dllU[Wl' thnn h1w ~r:ulo g.iud.... ...tuclt.>nts "ilJ han• to ..,huw tlwir loy tlO"~n ti.lat )Plls arr 11N•tlf'11. .\tHl, lt't I fnrtl.

w1, tlTl tht' o h stntt' in Bo"'.1'm:rn al1~- in this way to the tl1;un this st'tl it h(' snitl, that tlll~n· is llothing wliiC'h 1'hl" topil' thnt Pre"idt."llt IIomiltnn

hn.ntl I~_,: this li.na;l. su!J, ;t lil l'\"C'r,\'flDC ... }wuJl) malw HU <'~· WilJ rlo 1110fl"' to z;tem f)H' tilll' of d~· tlWC'Jl(',l \lJIOTl mo:;tJ~- W:lS th~ l'llUDtf_\'

pt t·.:'ll t'ifort to attt>ud. lt i!' doubtful rt•at tlrnn n frw gootl. liloocl-stirrin_g IJife in Europe. Ile ~nid thnt th€' green

if 11nytl11n)! can crcall~ sn mnd1 iuter Jl~lb h:· thl· wh_ol(' ~t11tll•nt ho1ly. l..f't jcommons 11ntl p:i'-'tnr~s. lf'ncetl in with

<'~tin ~o ~bort n time ;.ts u good, li\'t.'i.Y CYl'ryont' :1ttend111~ :1[. H. l'. resoh·e to stonl' 1'·:'11~ ot shrnbbery, :nc tho mos~

rnlly. 'Tlw tl~nm hns ccimpleted thi' root nt 8aturd.uy 's game when rooting beautjfnl in th<' world. He eom pnro1l

'fhe w1·11son Co. fir:s\ stretch (If their long griml. anrl now i s ll('('ded. :11Hl it i~ ~afe to say that the well kept rnttle and she('p feedinj!

it is up to the boosters to get bu•r [ l he team will uot fail to respond. upon the places with the ca t t le and


<Ballatin baunrl:t~ <r:nmµan~ .. SEE W. B. VESTAL, JR .• COLLEGE AGENT

WE ARE GLAD TO SEE THE OLD S TUDEN TS BAOK We hope the FTeshmen will follow the olU ones, and they will


for high c.fass work . \Ye specialize on College work. a. A. McINTYRE

Tuxedo Billiard Parlor


Michigan Block F. C. Brandeburg, Pror

HAT OR CAP TO MATCI-H Given with each Suit or Overcoat ordered till November Fir

Cleaning, Pressing and Repairing

The Suit Shop KIRBY ncKUSKER.

238 W. Main Horne Phone

sheep of our country. They are iu one building to be used for the t:i

smaller herds, but Ja.rger and fatter and the barn, so they cau take 1 .-,

'than those in Am<'riea. Ifo says, al- c•:ne of the stoC'k. EYer.rone b ~

'though they excel in this Hue. they nrc !'ltn·e feTtilizer for the !';Oil, beca .. I far behind in agriculture. Ench far· bus been farm('cl for tbousa11dl'1 of

'mer leases bis land from a lord for In conclusion. President Haitl

about five to twenty dollar::. a year, said that it wi.\~ a pr~tty hara tri

and makes about fifteen doHars 'l t.hat be ·would ue\·er regrt:'t ha\'ing

month. Tl1c;.· Jin.) Yery eb<'aply in it. He sa.hl that he e.xpeelca qot

small, chcnply furnisheU briek or stone the photogrnphs, t:1ken b\· the

houses, gronpt-ll in \'illage:-:, owned b,\· "OOn. autl that probably TIC)'.'"

the lord of th:\t tlstate. The lord Ih·es he would gfre un illnstr:.1tctl h"'ctt

in a large castle surrountfod by many -----

huillling~ :rnd heautiful grounds, \YhC'1·.~ HEADQUARTERS U. S. SERV::.£!

lw t•:u1 hnnt. The te11ants hire a lower TO BE IN BOZE~ c!a~s tu wi)l'k for tht•m und. lwcaUH"

ot' rhe largl' pupubtion. lahor is dwapl'r

tlu\n f;nming- maehilh'r~-. l[p s.aid tha'.:

he saw Yery frw 11f the mal'hincs thnt

(Continued frf)m Pagt> 5)

make fnrmiug pt1!'siLl1' in this countr_\·. sure more :Juli better l'qnipme

\uoth('r thing that I·rt"!'.\ident Hunul- this work than the:• lian~ at th

(on noticl~d 11artlculady was thnL the l~nt time. 'J'ho!'t.' wlw an~ lwrn

huilclings arC' all hrfrk. !'=tone llf C:l~- confrrcnce arc going to ,Jo n~ rr.

1Hl1llt, rlm:-' tl1iing nw9.,v \Yith the nec"l· po~sihle 10 hring this ahout

lt.•s ... eX]H.•use 1)f i1utti11g up new ones, makt• the l'\lllt~!!t' the L'ng-im'L'ri

as .\ruC'ri1.•:uu1 h:tn' to do. h•g(' 01 thl• Xlinhwe:>t.

lfo stated tli:it tht~ tt>n.antg in En!!· I Two l'Olll°l'rt'1h•es werc hc·h1

land wer(' n~ry diseoutellt\'d lH'CllU!'.\e of

unfn\•ornblc l:\Ws antl 11t'l'<llls(' 1hC'.''

woulcl lH"\·f'r ti~..-11 tht•ir l:lnd. HN•;\U!'l~

of i hP l'hl'ap labor. som1." of tht' h1.•si

ro:11ls in rl1t.• \Ynrld nrl' 1,L1ini:: hu.ilt natl

kept up thl'h\. The lllt'll and women 11•1

llw eonli11P111 wnrk ;1like1

nls() the t•!dl­

t!l'l'n \\ h1•n rlwv •11<" r-ul in st'lwol. Ill' said tl.at. iu Clt.'1"1il:1ny :tlt1ue tlH•rl'

Wt'rt• fi, 1' million rarm..; :11111 th:tt l''lt h

\'t111~i .. ted of nhirnt fi,·11 or :-ix at>r1•s.

The fn rmM rn bt'~ iust 1.'nongh t~l st:p·

port billlH'lf uml f;-1111ily. He 1"p1ilo• 11f

the ~earc:ity f!f hnr!'(':o;, :tn•l how OXt'll,

or t'YeJl ('1"1\\"~ . W('r(' Ust'cl, th(' t'OWs lW·

ing used for milk. lwt?t an1l wink. ~\c

cording to Presillt?nt Hamilton. thv~ •

people ar~ ,.t_'.\ry eC'ouomicnl. They 11'

not spenll t110ir money :fol' uutomobiie$,

but walk or use bicycles. They buiJ•l

Ju\~ one in till' forC"noou auU t

oua'in th(' :lftNUOtlU, 'l'aJk~ \\"(ll

lw tho~e pr1.~st•nt. )lr. ~t'" t>ll ;

u;C'n showill~ thl' nee\1 rn•l !:tr~ for thi~ work an11 rht• 1111·mhC'l

tlu~ cnllcgl• ~hnwiug tlu• clif1

lh:1t \1:n t' l.w1•11 c•ontrnllt' lg' tht•11 i

\\ 01·k so fnr.

Thl' l'Olll·~1.· 1:1' het~n rl'pre'e thl' lllt>t.'tin~:- h\ Pn~,.,i1l1•11t 11 Prof, H. }). 1'\1lt'all', l'r11f .. \. A Oir('dor P. B. Linfirl1l nnd I

B. B11nl'hnght. lt was urlginally pl:rnnt"'tl tha

1.•rnl agsembl,\• of tb~· 1.·olJ,•gl'

should be held yestrnlay Ht •

o 'dock. Howl~Yer, the ~li1h~s

illustrntc tho talk Uid llOt nrriq

so tl1e meC"ting was postponed Jay.