t schueller final_project_safespace

To Empower and Protect Somali American Girls in Minneapolis Safe Space Process Book Tania Schueller Web Design 1 W. Stanley Conrad Spring 2013

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To Empower and Protect Somali American Girls in MinneapolisSafe Space

Process BookTania Schueller

Web Design 1 W. Stanley Conrad Spring 2013

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Table of Contents














Website & Resource Comparison


Images & Inspiration

Typography & Color Study


Rough Sketches

Site Map


PrototypeHomepage and URLScreen Shots

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Families were torn apart during their escape from Somalia, and girls’ mother figures could be an aunt, cousin or other relative. Many of these girls are having a difficult time handling cultural pressures and in result may drop out of school, run away from home, and in worst-case scenari-os, become victims of gangs and forced into prostitution.

Identities in the Somali commu-nity are changing rapidly. Many young people in the Somali

American community are in the midst of an identity crisis, feeling lost in the mix of surrounding cultures resulting in feelings of isolation.

Younger Somalis are in a strug-gle with the older generation on how much to adopt and adapt to American culture. Young people already belong to two cultures are trying to figure out which one they identify more with: their par-ents and rich traditional culture, or pop culture of America.

There’s a lack of connection between the parents and the children, and that the children are expressing that, but the parents are not yet getting it. Not that they don’t care but they have a lot of other things to deal with like survival issues, trying to bring clothing and food and shelter.

This confusion and isolation can leave kids feeling vulnerable. They’re just lost in the mix of all these cultures that they happen to be surrounded by. That may be what’s leaving them open to influences like gangs or the ter-rorist group Al Shabaab (www.pri.org).

Somali society is clan based, with clan leaders often wielding greater authority than the nation-al government.

The Somali clans trace their roots back to the 12th century, with conversion to Islam taking place around the same time. At the end of the 19th century, Soma-lia fell under the control of four colonial powers England, France, Italy, and Ethiopia until 1949 when the nation became a U.N. trust territory. In 1960, the Somali Republic was granted indepen-dence as a democratic state.

The United States became in-volved in Somalia in the late 70s to counter communist influence in the region. A variety of internal conflicts led to the outbreak of civil war in 1990, and the nation slipped into anarchy. It was at this time that many Somali ref-ugees fled to the U.S. War and unrest have continued up to the present day.

Minnesota is home to an estimated 70,000 Somalis; the largest Somali concentration in the country. As many as 40 percent of

this population are 18 years or younger. Somali American girls often face pressures to observe traditional cultural identities and to uphold their families’ reputations.




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Purpose >The purpose of Safe Space is to empower and protect Somali-American girls living in Minneapolis. The website will promote community cohesion within diverse, urban neigh-borhoods. It will also serve as a positive resource for Somali American girls; a place to connect with peers and develop relationships with mentors, as well as an avenue for finding information about safe places to hang out or stay over night. It will provide a social networking space where Somali girls can not only safely address needs and concerns relating to health, family, school and cultural barriers, but also discuss hobbies, school, or extra-curricular interests.

Audience >The intended audience of Safe Space is Somali American girls in Minneapolis as well as health care practitioners, non-profit organizations, educators, and community members who wish to build and support solidarity within the Minneapolis community.

Goals >Goals for this website are to pro-vide safe spaces and resources for Somali-American girls in Min-neapolis and serve as a social networking website to empower and develop as individuals and members of their communities.

Vision >The tone of the Safe Space website will be informative yet cheerful, optimistic, and empowering. Ideally, the audi-ence of the website will view this resource as their own space to develop skills, relationships, personal development, a sense of community belonging and a sense of security.



Stratis HealthSomalis in Minnesotawww.culturecareconnection.org

Somali American Parent Associationwww.mnsapa.org

Somali Women inMinneapoliswww.ethniccommunities.org

Minneapolis YouthCoordinating Boardwww.ycb.org

Website & Resource Comparison


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Images & Inspiration

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Typography & Color Study


HeaderCentury Gothic

Subheader & TextHelvetica

Subheader & TextCorbel


Font theme 2

Color Palette

Font theme 1

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Rough Sketches

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Site Map

Home Page

Be Active Be Healthy Be Safe Connect Be You

This Week Resources


Goals Find Friends

Resources Peer Support

Culture Workshop

Mentor ConnectionThis Month

Groups and Clubs

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Wire FrameHome Page

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Subpage - Be Active Subpage - Be Healthy

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Connect with friends Learn New Skills Be You In Minneapolis

Home Be Active

Be Healthy

Be Safe


Safe For Somal i American Gi rl s .

> S a f e S p a c e was created to

provide Somali American girls a

space to connect, be active, and be

heard. From connecting with peers,

developing a relationship with an

adult mentor, learning about healthy

choices to seeing what’s going on in

your neighborhood, this space has a

lot of knowledge and fun to offer.

> You have a vo ice. Let’s hear it!

What’s going on in your world?

Safe Space All Rights Reserved | Conditions of Use | Privacy Policy | Site Map


...Be You

Connect with friends Learn New Skills Be You In Minneapolis

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Homepage & URL


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