t w 1 ^ f a ills dailn nee w...

T W 1^ VOI- 7. n o . -808. ____________ ^ i s i s PUSSES' IN [EypT m s millETIllMs Ol unn' All Demands Made by British o“\ Government' for Murder of Sirdar Are Met by the New _ Government. / LONDON, Deo, 1 C«»>—T h o now ¥ Egyptlim govornment bu, according to- ^ informntion roaohing tho foreign otticO todav, acceptod the remaining dooonds -m of tho note left oyor by tho Zagloul M- nr<m>n}«tr>tion M acceptable—itoeogn~ T t Uon of British protoetion of foreign Interosta and rotontlon' of BrlUah fin- anclal and jodlcial advlBora and the , . Britiah director of public security. Tho ^ • ovbOQaUon o f the ^loxandila cttstoms, it is furthflr loorned, hlaa boon ordered. i Thus, tho crisis appears for the time being nt on end, but Inte advices from ^ Cairo report thnt an official commnn- iqoo annoaneiag tho Bottlemont.is with- hold owiDg to tho roalgnatlon of aomo of tho now minilters, which might imply a divergence of viows in the cabinot on neeeptaace of tho British terms. Tkb, hoWOTOr, i* not dlroetly ■latod. Egypt and Sndan remain qulot and "P' tho Btudent strike sUustlon scorns to be Improving, although » number o f I'** students have boen nxroatod at Ale*- *to nndrla in oonacctlon with a seditious »n>J circular. Tbat npprebonslona aro not yet disaipatod is soon In the special ^ polico precautions ndoptod to protect Rr Zlwar Poahn, tho Egyptian promior, ain from poMiblo attack. Tho govern- rcl mont’s nction,In ylolding to the Britiah pit demands has still to run the gauntlet joc of criticiem whon tho Egyptian parlin- tio m o n t TO-MSombloB. and ovw ahould m< criticism bo alloncod by tho diaaolution of of parllnmoxit, tho nntionalist agitation Ai la not likoly to be easily controlled. Tl ftt DISCTUS Bitnation. «u OAIRO, Dec. 1 OP)—The Egyptian wi cabinot lat until lato tonight dlscusa* tii Ing the ilttiatlon growing oat of the (lomnnds of Qroat Britain in connoc- nc tion with the naaasBlnatlon of Sirdar F( Stnck. The cabinot doclded that no $1 official itatomont regarding tho British oi demands should bo published untii to- te morrow. <’i AlthoDgb it was reported today thnt fi, the miniater of communications had rcr f„ Kigncd, it "wns snid lonlRht auth ■wna ',n not the cnso. Towfik Paalm Rirnnt lia* ncceptcd tho portfolio of miniater <if ocluc.ition and no difficulty ia cx- jipctod in filling tlio rcmnining vncnncy nf miniKtor of pubilc worka. Lnat _ nifjht HPntineld posted In tho British rosjdency Rrminda fired upon two i)oints presumed to bo prowlers, eOQimOOSE FIRE t i s SEIEN Several of Victims in New York Blaze Trapped in Rooms; Three Are Women. « ______ NKW vonic. Dcc- 1 (/P)—Scroti por- Miii-*. fiiiir ini'ti iiiicl tbrcc wnmon, lost llu-ir li'TH nnd ten wi-ri- injured in n fire v.liicli cnrly fodny awppt tlirrnif;li :i rooiiiiiif: Imiisc Kitliin luiif a blnck of U p p e r Ufo.'iilwMy. 'i'liir nrifjin of (iir firo lins not yet licen ilolcrniine.I. fiovcral of tlio vie tim.s were trapped in thcir rooniB. Sc-'ircti W.IS brinK mnJc for n atreot. c-;ir fTiotiiriii.'iii wild h.'ld run hia cnr over ft fire hono le.icling to lho liurnlng hniise, fi'vorirn; tlio tiiliinR and delay, int; tlio firoinen fully 10 minutes. Trapped in Booms. Tlio liemi women aro Mra. i'redji Das,-her, “8. Miss Nitzi Itahak, 23, ani Mnj. Mnry Donnelly. Tlio two former wero trnppcd in tho rooma on the top floor ot tho four-atory structiiro. Jack Roid, 38, who also roomed on tiip top flnnr, died of Injuries tpccI vciI when lie fell to tho alrect in attempt- InK tho “ Inimiin fly ” road .ta>s»f«t.r<— ■ —.Two Rpiiiilih youths, known only to fellow lodgers an Ixiuia nnd Emanuel, diod in their top-floor room. A hnlf (loicn persona wero anved iu ]ircathlaicin(f rcscucn by iodgers anj JAW-BBHAKINa KA1£E MII.WAUKEE, Wia-, Doe. 1 (/p)— Officcr Ocoffjouo Konstnnynopolipan- cxykloirlszovricx aounda liko a (jelirioui croaS'Word purj'.lo, but it’a a namo thnt will aonn inenndor acroaa tho roator of tho'Milwaukee poHeo department. THE ONLY ASSOC < FA I Farmers Losing Mill Use of Inferior CHICAGO, Dcc. 1 (;p)—J. F. CoJt,.^ct head of the farm cropa clopurtment of bas the Mielgan Agrieulturiil collego to- mor tlight tuid inemhera of tho Intornntion- aro al crop Improvemont aaaociation that mio American fnrmcrn wcro loaing milliona in i of dollnra annually through uao ot Im- ug 1 I’ortcil aeoda of inferior grodoi^ wo« Othora aehodulod to addroaa tho ait- d o ' unnl meeting of thu asaocintion in- ‘no cludo'l L. L. Olda, of Wiaeontiin; Dr. E d| C- W. Darburton und Dr. A. J. ^lotora, Fra both of tho United Stntca dopartmont whi of ngriculture. aup “ Many 'of tho eounrtlcs orpotting lot' Fraud Case^' In Chicago,, Goremment’a Ohief Witness in ^ Trial Against Former Veter- * ans’ Head TeDa of Contract * ; Agreements. j CniCAQO, Dec. 1 (;?)—Elina Et. M or-1 tlmor of Phllndolphia nnd Washington, j tbo govcrnmont’s chiof witness in thu > ^ conspiracy trial of Charles R. Forbid T i nnd John W. Thompaon for defrauding; « the government, occupied tho witness I aiand In federal court all day today | describing tbo allegod agreomenta bo- .| twoen tho contractora and Forbca for v aplittlng the profits of tho hoapitah eonatrueted for wounded servieo mon. Ho wna about hnlf way 'through hta atory when court adjourned and it waa | indicated his diroct testimony will fiil: nnarly all of tomotrow’ft aoaaloa. Kt Introduction of liJttors nnd tclu-]'o grams uxcJinngcd between Mortimer ni and Thompson and Jamos W. Blnck, Jof relating to tho awarding of tho hos- ' pital contrncta, wm< stroMuoualy oli- ti jectod to hy tho defonso but tho olijec- | fn tiona woro overruled. Onu long dor'j-jHli mont, purporting to doacribe tho planH hc of tho Colombian ayndic.ato, a South U Aihorieiin dovolopment project of B Tliompson, Black, his husinesa aasoi;i-j ftte, ancl othora, of whieh Forhea w as; - supposed to ho chiof engineer, wni r withheld front tho jury for exnmiaa-| tion liy defense counsel. j Mortimer teMtificd today that Blaek,’m now dead, and Thompaun, offered lii ' Foriies tlie joh as chief engineer at tf I $100,000 a year, wiiili! Forlica was head fi I of fho vcter.iiis' buroan nnd Mortimer tr • teatified that I-'orhcs aeeopted. Tlie w Coionihian syndicate, Mortimer tei'i-.iii ; ficd liad viHinns of latidiiig .rr.iitracH (i. • for .*1011,1100,(100 and Furlics was to help ii > ill ohlainiiii; these. 1:' j; : j of ---------------------------: . Copyright 1024, by the New Tork T tCIATED PRESS NEWS LLS TWm FALLS, P)AHO. TUEaDAY MOB il/ions Through T r Imported Seeds I Eoed'to ua on n so-called friendly trnde basis,” said 2dr. CoX, "coutd do nu moro harm to our agriculture than thoy aro doing if thoy woro nvowed one- mles. Wo cnn cxpeet Oermnny to get in an ‘nftor the wnr shot’ by Bonding Us hundreds ef thousands ot pounds of worthless Italian and Inferior French clovcr seed, shipped from her por.ta ns ‘northern European aood.’ liowcvcr, . England ia doing tlto aame thing nnd France, last yoar nnd all yoors except Ufi when a shortage exiatod, ahlpped largo supplies of aced of qneationnblo vniue ' I Into tho United States.” State Wool Bringa i Above SO Centa ih Portland Pool Sale , 700,000 Foands Bold U n d e r ,'’'' Sealed Bids; -Third Annual _JHaho Clip to be Sold, ________ Ihi --------- at POETIAND, Or®., Doc. 1 0«— A p ^ x iiu ttijr 700,000 poTtnda of the Id«lio vool pool w u Bold tmder sealod bida here today. P r i coo, I vMlo not mada pabllo, were well I aboTe tlie {>0 cent mark, according I I to Bnccesafol bidders. This w u ^ I the Mintial IdoIlO wool cUp ^vc T ahippod to Portlaad for uie. The ovi salo aot records botli for prlceg int { and oolckneBs of cleannp. mc ' _________________ tei U. s . RAILROAD BOARD [i” DENIES OVERTIME FOR MAINTENANCE WORKERS j'.! I CIIICAao, Doc.'l (ff)—Tho United Ktntp« Tiiilrond Isvhor In a dnclslon du I'oday denied punitive overtime In thn th ninth nnd tonth hour, to maintenance th |o f way employes. re ' At thc B;imo time the honrd granted op time and one-hnlf on tho minuto basil !for work in cxeeaa of eight houra to Jalinp nnd roundhouno employea repro- JO I Hcnted hy tho TTjiited Brotherhood of I Maintenance of Wny Employes nnd ’ Bailway Shop Ijaborors. ^ "PAROLE BOABD. CONVENES •I ---------- d! ! HOISE, Dcc. 1 (/P)—ProUminnry di , meeliug of the atnte parole board, was m I held this afternoon at the penitentiary N : to hoar recommendationa for paroles R I from Johu W. Saook, warden, to bo c< r talcen up at the regular formal aeaaion ni wodiioHday. Besido tho parole hoard d •.inectiag Wednesday n-mcoting of tho li < |iardon hoftrd will bo held to consider C ) iiti!l|iiiiahcd buainesa from tho Inst regu- V l:ir KcssloQ. ai RIGHT THIS WAY, PLEASE t tiib.M , In.. VSPAPER IN TWIN FA DAIL tfOBKTWO, DECEMBER 2. lP8i. ________ __ INTiDUCEOIN firstjeetine ; Despite Six Months Layoff House of Representatives Sees Small Number of Meas- ures First Day. er si WASHINGTON, Doc. 1 (ff>—A aur- m prisingly small number of bills, in la !view of tho aix montha’ lay off of I rongreaa, were introdueod In tho house _8C jat the opcnlnc of tho finnl ahort aes- ^ jaion t^ u y and not even one waa intro- Iduced in tho sonnte. The aitnntlrm j waa accounted for in p.irt, howovor, by J I tho fact that hills introdueod at thc I Inat seaalon and not disposed of remain i on tho calendars of hoth chambor*. M Only bllla of general npplicQtion were introduced in tho house and— oven more unuaunl—only 200 thnt fnil ^ into tho clasaifiention of “ privato” meaaurca, carrying proviaiona of in- toreat only to Umitcd localities, wore q proposed- III addition, n joint roaolu- tlon was introduced hy Repreaontatlvn Wright, democrat, Oeorgin, te author- , i*e appointment by tha prcaidont of n > joint congressional committeo to atudy nnd report on offcra for Muscle Shonls. I Threo of the “ goneral” bllla intro- I duced today propcaod amendment of>iu 1 the conflicting publicity proviaiona ofljp . the revenue act of 1024, one of which rcfiuirea that incomo tax returns hei I opened to public inspection while n:i- ^ other prohihita puhiication of mieli re- h; g turns in newspaper, magnz.inoa or other ti ,. journals. Several of theao billa also j, f cnll for amondmunt ef tho immigration j, II I SUPREME COURT RULES 5 B --------- ---- f nOISE, Doc. 1 W l-Aclion of iho T diatrict court of Bonneville county in y denying a motion to eot aaido judg- ^ 5 mont in tho cnso of Loyra K. Smith- *> y Neil nnd ngninst Kiias and Eliznbeth j' iS Reed was not an nhuao of tho trinl ^ 0 court’s discretion, declnrea tho Idnho ' n aupreme eourt in a dcciaion handed d down todny. -Tho decision wna written 0 liy Juatieo Budgo nnd concnrred in by ir Chlof Justice McCarthy and Justice ” 1- Willinm E. Lee, with Justico Dunn dis- l" aentlng. !' |i = = L i* ' ll! i' I FALLS COUNTY N NE UEMBICR AUOrr BCRKAO OP PmCUIiATlONW Congress to G to Business Short Act Sixty-Kighth Assembly I Meeting and Adjourns Out of Respect to Thc President’s Message to WASHINGTON, Dec. 1 OTWith erally as only, the forerunner of £ aixty-^ighth congress reconvened t( must give way on next March 4 last month. The opening was brief and peri 1 session exactly twenty minutes ai minutes. The onl^ departure trd -------- ; -----------; ---------- ---— t^ w i Idaho Seeks I Rate Relief ^ I nd M Hearing z I wa ’ Grain Transportation Charge ^ for Two States Similar to That of Oklahoma-ArkaoBas ' Scale Is Proposed. jmi --------- -Ion ! SALT LAKK, Doc. 1 W>)-Establish- “n f>iuwit of a freight tato atructuto oa ^ I grain and grnin products from Utah I'I and Idaho pointa to he baaed on tho | Okinhomn-Arkftnans scale, waa proposed, .. by n. W. Prlckett, manager of tho; r traffic aervice burcnu of Utah, at the J interstate commerce commiaaion hoar- •* ing on grain rates hore todny. Mr. | Prickctt ig nttornoy for tho Ogdon ■ Ornin oxchango la its esse designed ' S to teat tho renaonablenead, of r.ites 1 _ from orighiating territory in Utah and u ,Q Tdnho oh g'rain nnd grnin products. jn Embodied in thp proposal of tho Ok- > lahomii..\rknnans arnlo wna n achedulc i [,. of rates based upon that plnn which f 'h I d o a ig n e d to relievo tho Utah and- h nl Idaho territory from, alleged diacrimina-1 10 '*”'7 transportation charges. | id Eato Critlclrod- INtiihlirihment of tho rate achedule j| ns measured by tho Oklahoma-Arkansaa ^ ^ Iscale was criticized by J. M. Soulby, ^ Irepreacutiug lho Union Pacific rail- > I road, III crosa examining Jfr. Prickott, ' - jaa nn unreasonable nnd arbitrary sched- ule based on n strictly mileage baala. [ iMr. Soiilby cont'-nded Unit rate nehod- __ Itil.'s cilcd hy Mr. Prickctt in advocnt-■ ling the prnpn^ied rnte struntiiro had not Itaken into account the actual nbility jnf the cnrricr'i to furnish transportation jserrice ns contained in the complain-, ;:inf'i’ propnsnl. i I Tlin p’crioiis ronditinii nf Tdnho wheat 'crnwors in Ihe irrij.nlcd sections wart ' ilisojo'ir’d Ilv r . Ron TJo.'r, former prea-.. •ident nn.l «f,-retary nf the Tdahn St.atc iFartii Piiro:iii TVdcratioa. lie testified ^ jtint fhe'.•iverago prodiirtion per nere in lir>2l -.vai 2' htnhi'ls per acre, thnt the Icoit .f proiliiefion per acre wns Jl-.'iS I per biiihcl nnd thnt fhe avernge pricn jr.iniri'd from ^1.0." (o ^l.f^O per bnshol with most nf the wheat sold in July :ind nt priccs ranging from , ^l,f'.1 fo tl.2* per bushoi. eonditlonn Poor. .Tames W. Wohster, vico president of the I'rirmcr" and Morelianfs Bunk of Rexhiirg, Idaho, testified that the fin- nneial. condilion nf dry farm land, wheat farmf^s was poor nnd that hank- ers wore not loaning money' to them. Ue said that he vrouhl not, a« a bnnker, ' In.-in money on dry fnrm land v.alued nt fio an ncre, the vnluation fixed In his summary nf operating expenses. On cross eiamination ^fr. Webster «aid thnt competition from competing milling ferriforica was a good thing for tho producer. The carriers are expected to open presentation of their caao aomo time dnring tomorrow’s seMlon. Canadian Police to i Use Magnets to Aid ' In Search for Men. Bodies Wrapped in Chains and Thrown in Ocean Following Itaid-Arc-Songht_____ _—' "I 'VTOTOaiA, B. 0.. D ot 1 OP)-^ Powerful magnets will be u ed by , - Canadian police la a final effort to locato tbe bodlea of Oaptaln W. j O. ailUfl and bia son, William. b«- ^ UoTod ot bave been killed in a i “ hl-JtkJc” raid on the gaaoUna | mm numer. Beryl O., on Septem- » boA8. Tho bodlee.are said to havo been w rapi^ In chains to wttlch an uchor w&s attaebed and thrown , ovnboard- off thia dty W the | Strait of Jnan de Foea. Diren hln nn.i to fiui tk. I E W s' ' ----------- ■■ ■—^ PBIOB FIVE GBHTS. Get Down r s Today In iive Session ' Reconvenes,, for Final ns Until Noon Tuesday ?hose Who Have Died; to be Read Wednesday. lth an outward calm viewed gen> 3f storms that aro to come, tho d today for its final session. It I 4 to the new congress elected perfunctory. The senate waa in J and the house just thirtv-five ^ m the usual opening routine ■^WM the/adoption by the house of a resolution for congreMional ' memorial services for Woodrow Wilaon on Dccembor 15- Each house , ttil,it>urnpd u n til n o o n tomoTTOw o u t o l reaped to tho memory of members who hnvo diod recently aftor It had ndoptod reaolutions of regret. Bofore - that, new membera had bcon sworn la r nnd a joint eemmittee had boon namod to ndviao President CooUdgo eon'gresi was in sossioo. This tho committee J did later In the dJiy. ) Bodgee Matoage. , The ozoeutive Informed the com- mittee that “ tomorTow he wonld traot- j mlt the annunl bndget mossago and ■ion'‘Wcdneaday wonld send ia bia own .' annual mossage ea tbe atate ot the ^ union. This will not be delivered in poraon, thus obviating tho neooMity for a joint session. °! Fadng the necessity ef pawing d, more than a dozen aonoal »ppto- 0 j prlatlon biUa In three montha, ces- e ^ ' gross will get down to bcknea f. I tomorrow. Tbe lumae will receive r, I the Interior department scpply measore and begin Ita cousldera- ,4 ' Uon on Wodneaday,, ea ! As fast 'as the appropriation moaa- id urea nro sent to tho senate, othera will be roady for bouse conslderation- Ic- Not all of the time will be glvea to lc them howovor as honso loaders plan :h from timo to time to call op general id- legislation. A-1 Program Similar. I Tho program ia nhe senate will be almilar, although tho ropnbllcan steer*' ing committee will not map ont a def- inlto program until lato thia wcok or “ early noxt weok. Meanwhile, how- >1’ evor, tho aonnto will givo attention to Musclo Shoals which comos up Wed- ’ ncaday tender a apecial order. Tho present 'expectation ia that It will bo 'd- (Contiaui'il on Pugo 5. Col. 1) it- EPSiiPW 1 UIDER lEBJTE ed ; in ' ' President’s Riglit to Release I'” Man From Judge’s Sentence Is Questioned. SV.\HUlNUTON, Dec. 1 OP)—Tho Iiri'.iiileiit H pariloiiing power was do- LiilfJ at length tpday by couuael iu llic HUpreiae court.' Tho <iucstion waa rai.iod by Phillip Uros.unan, wlio by h:ihc:iB corpua up- ^lealed from au order of tho federal dia- trict court ftl t.'hicutjo, requiring him to servo a aoutenco for coutuiapt of eonrt Dolwithalanding u pardou by 1‘rcaident Coolidge. _ (,’riuiiHcl for tho <ii-Hlrict judges, who refused to rceogniro tho pardon aa wllhin tho president's constitutional power', insisted that tho lifo of tho judici.iry w-m dependent upon its un- fettered and complete nuthority, with- 'out executivo interfcrrenco to onforco its decrees. > I All Declarod Alike. I Contending that ail .contempt pro- ceedinga woro alike nnd within tho 3/1 /■o'npl»to control of tho courta, tho' judgea’ counsel argued that thoro conld bo no distinction between thoao coulcmpla crcated In lho prcscnco of ng tl^o^oart, commonly.designated as civil, "land oontempt out of refusal to obey injunetlens, which aro gonerally term- ed criminal. f Attorney Qeneral Stono, appearing t In tho eosci at tho spoetnl roqnest of jtho pr3sident, made his firtt argsment K ^In court alneo becoming bead of the a i departmont of jostiee. He asserted a jthat tho president’s pardoning power, i. must bo determined by eonsldoring aeni- e ditlons which existed at the time^the h constitution waa framed. Tben, he aaid, a it waa the eatabliahed praetiee for the a courts to reeoaba tbat th« axeoatiTa B had powers to pardon ta all ooatampi H .

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Page 1: T W 1 ^ F A ILLS DAILN NEE W snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_… · T W 1 ^ VOI- 7. n o . -808. _____ ^ is is PUSSES' IN [EypT m s m illE T IllM

T W 1 ^V O I- 7. n o . -808. ____________ ^

i s i s PUSSES'IN [EypT m s m i l l E T I l l M s

Ol— “ unn'

All Demands Made by British o“ \

Government' for Murder of

Sirdar Are Met by the New _

Government. ■ /

LONDON, Deo, 1 C«»>—Tho now ¥ E gyptlim govornm ent b u , according to- ^ inform ntion roaohing tho foreign otticO todav , acceptod th e rem aining dooonds -m o f tho note le f t oyor by tho Zagloul M- n r<m>n}«tr> tion M acceptable—itoeogn~ T t Uon o f B ritish protoetion of foreign In terosta a n d rotontlon ' of BrlUah fin- an c la l and jod lcia l advlBora and th e ,

. B ritiah director o f public security . Tho • ovbOQaUon o f th e ^ lo x an d ila cttstoms,

i t is furthflr loorned, hlaa boon ordered. i T hus, tho crisis appears fo r th e tim e

b e ing n t on end, b u t Inte advices from ^ Cairo report th n t an o ffic ia l commnn- iqoo annoaneiag tho Bottlemont.is w ith- hold owiDg to tho roalgnatlon o f aomo o f tho now m inilters, w hich m ight im ply a d ivergence o f viows in the cab ino t on neeeptaace of tho B ritish term s. T k b , hoWOTOr, i* not dlroetly ■latod.

E g y p t a n d Sndan rem ain qulot an d "P' tho Btudent s trike sU ustlon scorns to be Improving, although » num ber o f I'** s tu d en ts h av e boen nxroatod a t Ale*- *to n n d rla in oonacctlon w ith a seditious »n>J circu lar. T b a t npprebonslona aro not y e t disaipatod is soon In the special polico precautions ndoptod to p ro tec t Rr Z lw ar Poahn, tho E gyp tian promior, ain from poMiblo a tta c k . Tho govern- rcl m o n t’s nction,In ylolding to the B ritiah pit dem ands h a s s till to run the g au n tle t joc of criticiem whon tho Egyptian parlin- tio m ont TO-MSombloB. and o v w ahould m< c ritic ism bo alloncod b y tho diaaolution of o f parllnmoxit, tho nn tionalist ag ita tio n Ai la n o t likoly to be easily controlled. Tl

— ftt DISCTUS Bitnation. «u

OAIRO, Dec. 1 OP)—The E gyp tian wi cab ino t la t u n til la to ton ight dlscusa* tii Ing th e i l ttia tlo n grow ing oa t o f the (lomnnds o f Q roat B rita in in connoc- nc tion with th e naaasBlnatlon o f S irdar F( S tnck . T he cab inot doclded th a t no $1 o ffic ia l ita tom on t regard ing tho B ritish oi dem ands should bo published u n tii to- te morrow. <’i

AlthoDgb it w as reported today th n t fi, th e m in iater of communications had rcr f„ Kigncd, it "wns snid lonlRht au th ■wna ',n not th e cnso. Tow fik Paalm R irnnt lia* ncceptcd tho portfolio of m iniater “ <if ocluc.ition and no d ifficu lty ia cx- jipctod in fi l l in g tlio rcm nining vncnncy n f miniKtor of pubilc worka. Lnat _ n ifjht HPntineld posted In tho British rosjdency Rrminda fired upon two i)oints presumed to bo prowlers,

eO Q im O O S EFIRE t i s SEIEN

Several o f Victims in New York

Blaze Trapped in Rooms;

Three Are Women.« ______

NKW v o n ic . Dcc- 1 (/P)—Scroti por- Miii-*. fiiiir ini'ti iiiicl tbrcc wnmon, lost llu-ir li'TH nnd ten wi-ri- injured in n fire v.liicli cnrly fodny awppt tlirrnif;li :i rooiiiiiif: Imiisc K itliin luiif a blnck of U pper Ufo.'iilwMy.

'i'liir nrifjin of (iir firo lins not yet licen ilolcrniine.I. fiovcral o f tlio vie tim.s were trapped in thc ir rooniB.

Sc-'ircti W.IS brinK mnJc for n a treo t. c-;ir fTiotiiriii.'iii wild h.'ld run hia cnr over ft f ire hono le.icling to lho liurnlng hniise, fi'vorirn; tlio tiiliinR and delay, int; tlio firoinen fu lly 10 m inutes.

Trapped in Booms.Tlio liemi women aro Mra. i'red ji

Das,-her, “ 8. Miss N itzi Itahak , 23, a n i Mnj. Mnry Donnelly. Tlio tw o form er wero trnppcd in tho rooma on the top floor o t th o four-atory structiiro.

J a c k Roid, 38, who also roomed on tiip top flnnr, died of Injuries tpccIvciI when lie fe ll to tho a lrec t in a ttem pt- InK tho “ Inimiin f ly ” road .ta>s»f«t.r<— ■

— .Tw o Rpiiiilih youths, known only to fellow lodgers an Ixiuia nnd Emanuel, diod in th e ir top-floor room.

A hnlf (loicn persona wero anved iu ]ircath laicin(f rcscucn by iodgers a n j

JA W -B B H A K IN a KA1£E

M II.W A U K EE, Wia-, Doe. 1 (/p)— O fficcr Ocoffjouo Konstnnynopolipan- cxykloirlszovricx aounda liko a (jelirioui

• croaS'Word purj'.lo, b u t i t ’a a namo th n tw ill aonn inenndor acroaa tho roator of th o 'M ilw aukee poHeo departm ent.


< F A I

Farmers Losing Mill Use o f Inferior

CHICAGO, Dcc. 1 (;p)—J . F. C o J t,.^ c thead of the farm cropa clopurtment of basthe Mielgan A grieulturiil collego to- mortlight tuid inemhera o f tho Intornntion- aroal crop Improvemont aaaociation th a t mioAmerican fnrmcrn wcro loaing milliona in iof dollnra annually through uao o t Im- ug 1I’ortcil aeoda o f in fe rio r grodoi^ wo«

Othora aehodulod to addroaa tho ait- d o ' unnl m eeting o f thu asaocintion in- ‘nocludo'l L. L. Olda, o f Wiaeontiin; Dr. E d| C- W. D arburton und Dr. A. J . ^lotora, F ra both of tho U nited Stntca dopartm ont whiof ngriculture. aup

“ M any 'o f tho eounrtlcs orpo tting lo t'

Fraud Case ' In Chicago,,

G o r e m m e n t ’a O h ie f W i t n e s s i n ^T r i a l A g a i n s t F o r m e r V e t e r - *a n s ’ H e a d T e D a o f C o n t r a c t *

; A g r e e m e n t s . j

CniCAQO, Dec. 1 (;?)—Elina Et. M o r-1 ‘ tlm or o f Phllndolphia nnd W ashington, j tbo govcrnm ont’s ch iof w itness in thu > conspiracy tr ia l o f Charles R. Forb id T i nnd John W. Thompaon fo r d e fraud ing ; « the governm ent, occupied tho w itness I aiand In federal cou rt all day today | describing tbo allegod agreomenta bo- . | twoen tho contractora and Forbca fo r v ap littlng the p ro f its o f tho hoapitah eonatrueted for wounded servieo mon.Ho wna about h n lf way 'through hta atory when cou rt adjourned and it waa | indicated his d iroct testim ony will f iil: nnarly a ll o f tom otrow ’ft aoaaloa. Kt

In troduction o f liJttors nnd tc lu -] 'o gram s uxcJinngcd between M ortim er ni and Thompson and Jam os W. Blnck, Jof re la ting to tho aw ard ing o f tho hos- ' p ita l contrncta, wm< stroMuoualy oli- ti jectod to hy tho defonso b u t tho olijec- | fn tiona woro overruled. Onu long dor'j-jHli mont, purporting to doacribe tho planH hc o f tho Colombian ayndic.ato, a South U Aihorieiin dovolopment project o f B Tliompson, B lack, his husinesa aasoi;i-j ftte, ancl othora, o f whieh Forhea w a s ; - supposed to ho ch iof engineer, w ni r withheld front tho ju ry for exnm iaa-| tion liy defense counsel. j

M ortimer teMtificd today that B laek ,’m ■ now dead, and Thompaun, offered lii ' Foriies tlie joh a s chief engineer a t tf I $100,000 a year, wiiili! Forlica was head fi I of fho vcter.iiis ' buroan nnd M ortim er tr• teatified th a t I-'orhcs aeeopted. Tlie w

Coionihian syndicate, M ortimer te i 'i- . iii; ficd liad viHinns o f latidiiig .rr.iitracH (i.• for .*1011,1100,(100 and Furlics was to help ii > ill ohlainiiii; these. 1:'

j; : jof — — ---------------------------:

. Copyright 1024, b y th e New T o rk T



il/ions Through T r Imported Seeds IEoed'to ua on n so-called friendly trnde basis,” said 2dr. CoX, "co u td do nu moro harm to our agricu lture than thoy aro doing i f thoy woro nvowed one- mles. Wo cnn cxpeet Oermnny to get in an ‘ n fto r the wnr sh o t’ by Bonding Us hundreds e f thousands o t pounds of worthless Ita lian and Inferior F rench clovcr seed, shipped from her por.ta ns ‘northern European aood.’ liow cvcr, . England ia doing tlto aame th in g nnd — France, la s t yoar nnd all yoors except Ufi when a shortage exiatod, ahlpped largo supplies o f aced o f qneationnblo vniue ' I Into tho U nited S ta te s .”

State Wool Bringa i Above SO Centa ih

Portland Pool Sale ,7 0 0 , 0 0 0 F o a n d s B o ld U n d e r , ' ’' '

S e a l e d B i d s ; - T h i r d A n n u a l _ J H a h o C lip t o b e S o ld ,________ Ih i

--------- a tPO E T IA N D , Or®., Doc. 1 0 « —

A p ^ x i i u t t i j r 700,000 poTtnda of the Id«lio vo o l pool w u Bold tm d er sealod b ida here today . P r i coo,

I vM lo n o t mada pabllo , w ere w ell I aboTe tlie {>0 cen t m ark , accord ing I I to Bnccesafol bidders. T his w u I th e Mintial IdoIlO wool cUp vc T ahippod to P o rtla a d fo r u i e . T he ovi

salo ao t records b o tli f o r prlceg int { and oolckneBs o f cleannp. mc ' _________________ tei


MAINTENANCE W ORKERS j'.!I C IIIC A ao, D o c . 'l (ff)—Tho U nited Ktntp« Tiiilrond Isvhor In a dnclslon duI'oday denied punitive overtim e In thn th ninth nnd tonth hour, to m ain tenance th

|o f way employes. re' At thc B;imo tim e the honrd g ran ted op time and one-hnlf on tho m inuto basil

!for work in cxeeaa o f e igh t houra to Jalinp nnd roundhouno employea repro- JO

I Hcnted hy tho TTjiited Brotherhood of I M aintenance of W ny Employes nnd ’ Bailw ay Shop Ijaborors. ^

"PAROLE BOABD. CONVENES•I ---------- d!! HOISE, Dcc. 1 (/P)—ProUminnry di

, m eeliug o f the atn te parole board, was mI held th is afternoon a t the p en iten tia ry N: to hoar recommendationa fo r paroles RI from Jo h u W. Saook, w arden, to bo c<r talcen up a t the regu lar form al aeaaion ni■ wodiioHday. Besido tho parole hoard d•.inectiag W ednesday n -m coting o f tho li< |iardon hoftrd will bo held to consider C) iiti!l|iiiiahcd buainesa from tho Inst regu- V

l:ir KcssloQ. ai


t t i i b . M , In ..


DAILtfOBKTWO, DECEM BER 2. lP 8 i.________ __


Despite Six Months Layoff

House of Representatives

Sees Small Number of Meas­

ures First Day.e rsi

WASHINGTON, Doc. 1 (ff>— A aur- m prisingly small number o f b ills, in la

!view o f tho aix montha’ lay o f f of I rongreaa, were introdueod In tho house _8C ja t the opcnlnc o f tho finn l ahort aes- ^ jaion t ^ u y and not even one waa intro- Iduced in tho sonnte. The aitnntlrm j waa accounted for in p.irt, howovor, by J

I tho fac t th a t hills introdueod a t thc I Inat seaalon and not disposed of rem ain i on tho calendars o f hoth chambor*. M

Only bllla o f general npplicQtion were introduced in tho house and— oven more unuaunl—only 200 th n t fnil ^ into tho clasaifiention of “ p r iv a to ” meaaurca, carry ing proviaiona of in- toreat only to Umitcd localities, wore q proposed- III addition, n jo in t roaolu- tlon was introduced hy R epreaontatlvn W right, dem ocrat, Oeorgin, te author-

, i*e appointm ent by tha prcaidont o f n > jo in t congressional committeo to atudy

nnd report on offcra fo r Muscle Shonls.I Threo of the “ goneral” bllla intro- I duced today propcaod am endm ent of>iu 1 the conflicting publicity proviaiona o f ljp . the revenue ac t o f 1024, one o f which

rcfiuirea th a t incomo tax re tu rn s h e iI opened to public inspection w hile n:i- other prohihita puhiication o f mieli re- h;

g turns in newspaper, magnz.inoa or other ti ,. journals. Several of theao billa also j, f cnll fo r am ondmunt e f tho im m igration j,II I

SUPREME COURT RULES 5B --------- ---- f’ nO ISE, Doc. 1 W l-A c lio n o f iho T

d iatrict court o f Bonneville coun ty in y denying a motion to eot aaido judg- 5 mont in tho cnso of L oyra K. Sm ith- *> y Neil nnd ngninst Kiias and E liznbeth j ' iS Reed was n o t an nhuao o f tho trin l 0 c o u rt’s discretion, declnrea tho Idnho ' n aupreme eourt in a dcciaion handed d down todny. -Tho decision wna w ritten 0 liy Juatieo Budgo nnd concnrred in by ir Chlof Ju stice M cCarthy and Ju s tice ” 1- Willinm E. Lee, w ith Justico D unn dis- l"

aentlng. ! '|i

= = L i*

■ ' ll!






Congress to G to Business Short A ct

Sixty-Kighth Assembly I Meeting and Adjourns Out of Respect to Thc President’s Message to

W A S H I N G T O N , D e c . 1 O T W ith erally as only, the forerunner of £ aixty-^ighth congress reconvened t( must give way on next March 4 last month.

The opening was brief and peri 1 session exactly twenty minutes ai

■ minutes. The onl^ departure trd • -------- ;-----------— — ;---------- ---— t ^ w i

Idaho Seeks I Rate Relief ^

I nd

M Hearing z■ I wa

’ Grain Transportation Charge for Two States Similar to

That of Oklahoma-ArkaoBas ' Scale Is Proposed. jmi

--------- -Ion! SALT LAKK, Doc. 1 W >)-Establish- “ n f> iuw it o f a fre ig h t ta to a tructu to oa ^ I grain and grn in products from U tah I 'I and Idaho pointa to he baaed on tho |

Okinhomn-Arkftnans scale, waa proposed,.. by n . W. P rlck e tt, m anager o f t h o ; r tra ff ic aervice burcnu of U tah , a t th e J

in te rs ta te commerce commiaaion hoar- •* ing on grain ra tes hore todny. M r. |

P r ick c tt ig n ttornoy for tho Ogdon ■ Ornin oxchango la its esse d e s ig n e d '

S to teat tho renaonablenead, o f r .ites 1 _ from origh ia ting territo ry in U tah and u ,Q Tdnho oh g'rain nnd grnin products. jn Embodied in thp proposal o f tho Ok- >

lahom ii..\rknnans arnlo wna n achedulc i [,. o f ra tes based upon th a t plnn w hich f 'h I d o a i g n e d to relievo tho U tah and- h nl Idaho te rrito ry from, alleged diacrim ina-1 10 '*” '7 transpo rta tion charges. |id ■ E a to Critlclrod- “

INtiihlirihment of tho ra te achedule j| ns measured by tho Oklahoma-Arkansaa

I scale was criticized by J . M. Soulby, ^ Irepreacutiug lho Union P ac ific ra il- > I road, III crosa exam ining Jfr . P rick o tt, '

- jaa nn unreasonable nnd a rb itra ry sched­ule based on n s tric tly mileage baala. [

iM r. Soiilby cont'-nded Unit ra te nehod- __ Itil.'s cilcd hy Mr. P rick c tt in ad v o cn t-■

ling the prnpn^ied rn te struntiiro had not I taken into account the actual nb ility jnf the cnrricr'i to furnish transportation jse rrice ns contained in the com plain-, ;:inf'i’ propnsnl. iI Tlin p’crioiis ronditinii nf Tdnho w heat 'crnw ors in Ihe irrij.nlcd sections wart ' ilisojo'ir’d Ilv r . Ron TJo.'r, form er prea-.. •ident nn.l «f,-retary nf the Tdahn St.atc iFartii Piiro:iii TVdcratioa. l ie te s tified j t i n t fhe'.•iverago prodiirtion per nere in lir>2l -.vai 2 ' htnhi'ls per acre, th n t the I coit .f proiliiefion per acre wns Jl-.'iS I per biiihcl nnd thnt fhe avernge pricn jr.iniri'd from ^1.0." (o l.f O per bnshol w ith most n f the w heat sold in Ju ly :ind nt priccs ranging from ,^l,f'.1 fo tl.2 * per bushoi.

eonditlonn Poor.

.Tames W. W ohster, vico president of the I'rirmcr" and Morelianfs Bunk of Rexhiirg, Idaho, testified th a t the fin- nneial. condilion nf dry farm land, w heat farm f^s was poor nnd th a t h a n k ­ers wore not loaning money' to them. Ue said th a t he vrouhl not, a« a bnnker, ' In.-in money on dry fnrm land v.alued nt f io an ncre, the vnluation fixed In his summary nf operating expenses.

On cross e iam ina tion ^fr. W ebster «aid th n t competition from com peting m illing ferriforica was a good th in g for tho producer.

The carriers are expected to open p resen tation o f th e ir caao aomo tim e dnring tom orrow ’s seMlon.

Canadian Police to i Use Magnets to Aid '

In Search for Men.Bodies Wrapped in Chains and

Thrown in Ocean Following Itaid-Arc-Songht_____ _— ' "I

'VTOTOaiA, B. 0 .. D o t 1 OP)- Powerful magnets will be u e d by

, - Canadian police la a final effort to locato tbe bodlea of Oaptaln W. j O. ailUfl and bia son, William. b«- UoTod ot bave been killed in a i “ hl-JtkJc” ra id on the gaaoUna | mm numer. Beryl O., on Septem-

» boA8. Tho bodlee.are said to havo been w r a p i^ In chains to wttlch an u ch o r w&s attaebed and thrown , ovnboard- off thia d ty W the | Strait of Jnan de Foea. D ire n h l n n n . i to fiu i tk . I

E W s '' ----------- ■■ ■ ■— ^


Get Down r s Today In iive Session' Reconvenes,, for Final ns Until Noon Tuesday ?hose Who Have Died; to be Read Wednesday.

l t h a n o u t w a r d c a lm v ie w e d g en >3 f s t o r m s t h a t a r o t o c o m e , t h o d t o d a y f o r i t s f i n a l s e s s io n . I t I 4 t o t h e n e w c o n g r e s s e l e c te d

p e r f u n c t o r y . T h e s e n a t e w a a in J a n d t h e h o u s e j u s t t h i r t v - f i v e ^ m t h e u s u a l o p e n i n g r o u t i n e ■^WM t h e / a d o p t i o n b y t h e h o u s e

o f a r e s o lu t io n f o r c o n g r e M io n a l ' m e m o r ia l s e r v i c e s f o r W o o d r o w

Wilaon on Dccembor 15- Each house , ttil,it>urnpd u n til noon tomoTTOw o u t o l

reap ed to tho memory of members who hnvo diod recen tly a fto r I t had ndoptod reaolutions o f regret. Bofore

- tha t, new membera had bcon sw orn la r nnd a jo in t eem m ittee had boon namod

to ndviao P resident CooUdgo eon'gresi was in sossioo. T his tho com m ittee

J d id la te r In th e dJiy.

) Bodgee Matoage., The ozoeutive Informed the com­

m ittee th a t “ tomorTow he wonld tra o t- j m lt the annunl bndget mossago and ■ion'‘Wcdneaday wonld send ia b ia own

. ' annual mossage e a tb e a ta te ot the ^ union. This w ill n o t be delivered in

poraon, thus o b v ia tin g tho neooMity fo r a jo in t session.

° ! Fadng the necessity e f pawing d , more than a dozen aonoal »ppto-0 j prlatlon biUa In three montha, ces- e ' gross will get down to b c k n e a f. I tomorrow. Tbe lumae will receive r, I the Interior department scpply

m easore and b eg in Ita cousldera- ,4 ' Uon on W odneaday,, ea ! As fa s t 'a s th e appropria tion moaa- id urea nro sen t to tho senate, othera

w ill be roady fo r bouse conslderation- Ic- N ot all o f th e tim e w ill be g lv ea to lc them howovor as honso loaders plan :h from timo to tim e to call op general id- legislation.A-1 Program Similar.

I Tho program ia n h e senate w ill be almilar, although tho ropnbllcan steer* ' ing committee w ill n o t m ap o n t a def- in lto program u n til la to thia w cok or

“ early noxt weok. M eanwhile, how- >1’ evor, tho aonnto w ill givo a tte n tio n to

■ Musclo Shoals which comos up Wed- ’ ncaday tender a apecial order. Tho

present 'expectation ia th a t It w ill bo

'd- (Contiaui'il on Pugo 5. Col. 1) it- —

E P S iiP W1 UIDER lEBJTEed ;in ' ■ '

President’s Riglit to Release

I'” Man From Judge’s Sentence

™ Is Questioned.

SV.\HUlNUTON, Dec. 1 OP)—Tho Iiri'.iiileiit H pariloiiing power was do- LiilfJ a t length tpday by couuael iu llic HUpreiae court.'

Tho <iucstion waa rai.iod by Phillip Uros.unan, wlio by h:ihc:iB corpua up-

^lealed from au order of tho federal dia- tr ic t court ftl t.'hicutjo, requiring him to servo a aoutenco for coutuiapt o f eonrt D olwithalanding u pardou by 1‘rcaident Coolidge. _

(,’riuiiHcl for tho <ii-Hlrict judges, who refused to rceogniro tho pardon aa w llh in tho p re s id en t's constitutional pow er', insisted th a t tho lifo o f tho judici.iry w-m dependent upon its un- fe tte red and complete nu thority , with-

'o u t executivo in terfcrrenco to onforco its decrees. >

I A ll D eclarod Alike.I Contending th a t ail .contem pt pro-

ceedinga woro a lik e nnd w ith in tho 3 /1 /■o'npl»to control o f tho courta, tho'

judgea’ counsel argued th a t thoro conld bo no d is tinc tion betw een thoao coulcmpla crcated In lho prcscnco of

n g tl^o^oart, commonly.designated as civil, "land oontempt o u t o f refusal to obey

in junetlens, which aro gonerally term ­ed criminal.

f A ttorney Q eneral Stono, appearing t In tho eosci a t tho spoetnl roqnest of

jtho pr3sident, m ade h is f i r t t arg sm en t K ^In court alneo becoming bead o f the a i departm ont of jostiee . H e asserted a j th a t tho p re sid en t’s pardoning power, i. m ust bo determ ined by eonsldoring aeni- e ditlons which existed a t the time^the h constitution waa fram ed. Tben, he aaid, a it waa the eatabliahed praetiee for the a courts to r eeo ab a tb a t th« axeoatiTa B had powers to pardon ta all ooatampi

H ■ .

Page 2: T W 1 ^ F A ILLS DAILN NEE W snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_… · T W 1 ^ VOI- 7. n o . -808. _____ ^ is is PUSSES' IN [EypT m s m illE T IllM


Rem aining, Time of tlie Sixty- Eighth Session Crowded Wltti W ork; A ppropriations and Reports Coming Up.

W ASniN CTO N , Doc. 1 (/P) — 1'» • tho thrvo b rii 'f montlin of Hfo th :it ro- nmin of tho S ixty i-iKlitli Con}{rca», lho Jloufio linn ninny iniittora th n t m ust bo- thr;iHlii'<] out if i t in tu rutiro next Mnrcli willi h c ln in IcglHliitivo calendar.

lliuif'iiig over tho Hi'Msion th u l ended luNt Juno nro mnny bills th a t inuHt ho tkai'ii itji on tho fl<i«r for (-onHiilcratlflii-

w llh lln-HC iirii o lhcr liill*. !prai'lii'iilly nomplflli'il . in coiiimll- {toc, but n o t reported. In th d cloBin^ monthH of th o aoHslon numurouB invM- lifinlinns wrri! ordi'rnj. Many of Ihfiio months of tho BCRsion iiumcjoUH invci* ;tlt{atio«H were ordered, Mnny of trtjo Rnincd momentum during the Riitnner

— roca»«i-un<l-Uio -y*tpott— — thoir— work-------- ----m ust bet crowdwl inlo tho IIouso Irgii- Intivo ]>ro^rum.

Somo Oomplotod Bcsiilcfl n il thin the nnnuni npproprl*

ntion billn munt ho tnkon up nnd jHiNscd. flomo of thuBH BUpply moai- o r n nlready aro complotod nnd ronilv for fOii«lderntion. And to thla atatk of liiiHincfis, hnuRinf; iu vnrious plncci -Qi on the rnlender, il in pri’dicted, m ay lo nddcd olhcr problems ns y e t unfort- ^IW A I

Tho BUiiply bills, m aking aviiitnbls j lh<- monoy to cnrry on tho Rovorn--i mnnt'H nm chinery fo r tho noxt f isu l J rfntle vcur, probnbly will bo nctod Upon fln t.Ati. r ......... I.l.vc ....... -Ic.iro.l froM, t!i,.pathway, i t in uncertain to which of g ij j many inatlern tlm lloune will turn. pn rifO '

KlandiiiK a l llio top of all bufrtjim ri'Niaini; from the Innt tiPHSlon in tlie

■ IlowfU- llarUlcy bill lo nbolish tli»Itiiilrii.id Labor l.nard, n r i T

Spoclal CommlltooH I iS)'cri:il cominillcoH npiioinlcd to in- ' I ;

vi'!«tit;ati- ri'K |icetivdy thn ShippinR JjHniird nnrl Iho m nnufnrturn and opcr.v............ llio u irrra fl Indiinlry hnvo been _ ^nt wnrk dnriiiK the .lUiiimor . Both Ir)>iiiiiiitl<'of, it iH nni<i, wil! mibnilt rC' ■ _ .nf.-H :inii i-rcH-. forward diirini; tlw k,-. 1-ion 1.1 ll.........mplotion of thc ir nnsiRH’iiiciiIn.

Th.; im inirv into bind Krnnt* to tlii'N orthern Va'cific Unilroad Company n i« _ _ Iiri'sentn niiofhcr problem for iitt.'iilion. r io i lS This work was hold up during the num- lu.T reecHH of lack of funds. _ $3111

Till- Hous.‘ abio experts to reccive n report from a committco headed !))• ■ . Iii'pri''.'n t:ilivo McFadden. o f rcunsyl- Uy I vatiri; olriirmnn t.f tho HankinK nml Ciirr.'npv Comii.ill ee. wlii.\h._bnx ln’on iiivcstinatiin; .■linrj;c« of ;ill.'Kcd dupll- ratit'iis in novernu'eiil bnnils. A oom- ^ ' i.iiti.'e h.'adi'd bv ItcprcBcntalivo Buy a.T, Hepulilirnn, Now York, in cxpcct- defend 1 nl 1.1 Kiibii.it itH fitidiMKs I.f an ii.quirv (,.,i ntai into llie adm inislration of Ind ian af- mmu wl fairn (lldnlioina. Anottier report i ' ..miip, „ looked for from n ronim iltec In rbnrni' plm.i tc of l te |irc cn ta liv c lliidfiOn, llopubUrsn, tlon. Micliipin, whirli hns been looking Thinthe vnfon-\-n..'nt o f tho liquor trnffie ,i,..n!ili.r, lawn. a tii'orc

---------------------- KITVC tPOBT.WAB B 0U N D A E IE 8 OREATD the ENDLESS BAUCAN PEEPLEX ITV ,i„„,

UKl.dUAl'K , .luK.ixliivia, I).-.-. 1 (;T' „,„|„r | (4>)_T3i« ronfn.sion of the frontiorH of <.„unty lho HalUans nnd Centrii! Kiiroi.e, an mantlV;iii .................... th .' tt-:ir. has not I'p.t.si'ltled l.v any nn-niiM, although liltl.^ .Sonal in hoai.l of the doubtful stnto o f nf- n ,,,,, f„ fairs outside of tho immedinto roninns lui.Utorf iifl'octeil. chiincor.

New l.niin.lnry lines hnvo been run macliii.. thr(.ii;;h towns and villuK*-'* v.'iriotii |,i;,y „„ rountrieii nnd even ncrosn the farm s of ii,,,''..' w (■|•a .•lnl" l!ic'iri...;U-.'H, Ii. iiiai.y in- nltmreh if is roj.ortcd lh a t tho in.li- vidnals whos.i property is conccrtu’il do not know lo th is day t o '^ . l f l i st;iti' Ih rv should pay tho lr tnx.-s, Kstl- coal’s.-, mates hnvc bcon mnde by ii.v<'siij,'st- •’‘‘I” ors thu l il will rcp iire ten yojirs or was li- .-von I.illter l.i net lh e boundary lints ICniitau ?>lrai|:titei..'<l ixit. and con.lili.ms am- mnkliiu icnbly settled for mnny thousnnds uf pcnrH i porsons. from, lii'nt.’dB utlneis W ords Only 200 Years Old. pronHii

We cun truvo lo tli.‘ S.-v.'nttM'nlli pon-s i c ^ l i i r y the bet'tnnlnns ..f ou r nn.dern proshui couuiierolnl vocnbiilnr.v. ‘‘rnpltu!," treat o.i "InveHliiieiit.’- ■•illvldemr’ belong to the earlier, ‘'lusurm ice." “e.itiituori-lar’ and •'UlBCounf' to fbe luler pnrt of tlie oi'ii- tury, nnd tbo frrcnt wordn, ••bank," *‘m nchlne" nnd "innnufnoture" begin .proiiort tc acquire tlielr in.idertj iiienninc. Tlili ,wcnnierclnl vociibnhiry wna Inrgely Id- creuned In th e KlKbtcettlli cen tury , nntl wc bear of ‘■bulls'' nnd "benrH" nnfl .if . . trade belnK '‘dull" o r '‘brisk."—Krom L. P. Smllb'H 'T h e l':nKllsb Lao- = conge."

P roper W a y fo Love WThe lltllo fc'irl expeeib'Au d.-elnratloB I

* f ton .lem . 'SH f ro m Ih t doll. She Ilovefl it, nnd tlmt Is nil. Thai in the ■ way to iuvc.—Ueiny de <!oiirni<ini I^ ............ . 1

Page Two TWIN FA]'A L L S D A I L Y N E W S , T W

New Pro-Mnglish Prem

I? ^

- :V , ' ' [ '■

i i i l

s i a <ra.M icinmiKr;:H - P . r i E T X H E R -J- Z IW -A fe '

7A £ PASHA, preaident o f tlio EgyptiaD s 1 U a tendoDClea, b a s beon api>olnted \jj ] gypt, foUowliig the m lg n a tlo n of Za^tUon NiaY P . FL E T C nE B Is shown as lie sallod atles a s Amorican oznbassador to Romo, I t a JO E Q EN EEA L BIB OEOEOE M ’MITNN, < IU become B ritish lilgh conunlsalonor fo r lr H orbert Samuel.JTOB ADAM PE X aC V IC H 8HTJTSKT, k a In of tbe Eusslon H erald , Is In rea lity a n

■ hit IL L ” "-GRT FOR SU T ::-

b a n col__-—L 'C iilifo ri

I m urderns of Senator in Iowa Along „° th a t Fe

ame Lines as Those Madeability

y His Opponent.hubllH.

______ a b o til llnil I li

KS M OIN'K S,.lo.va. I>.v. I UV) - tiv.-s, .to r .Smith \V. llrookhurt j.liinH to years n nd llif* idaini to his nent in tho L'ni- Ktafi.'.s M'liato (HI lho same Krounds I whieli Dani.'l I', B tcr!:, bis demo- ir .ippoiu'nt, in tho general eluction 1 tu baso bil. .•.intobt c f the dec- c

to bo I'liis >va.H iliscbucd w h o n t h o nnotbe ,li.r, ibroiiKh court uction in noarly cnso ll oro of Iowa countirn, set out to pro- ia(t In c for Ihc probable sennto recount Jnj; m :hc biillut, all ri'cnr.ls of tho dec- , >.011.0 of whieh inljjlit bo de.itroyed IT llio Inw cn Droember ■!. when itv im ditors are norm ittcd to dls- tie votinj; i.iarhiiies and re tain only liital rcconlcd for each candidate. >'

:nali)r Ilrookhnrl, iu filing peti- w ore I n for iiijunotionH iiK^^i'^t 10 county Kinia itors, imke.l Hint Rpuciul m asters in nsklnt" icory br appoiiitcil to open votlnj* Va'Kin' hii.e^ and pr.>Hcrv«' ballots which Ju llnn ■ not hnve been (•ountcd, a s well as tu r e s ” I' whieh wero rrcorcled.

M akino Wood F irep roo f.- I'.x.il llial w ill iiMt lull'll ix, o f .rs.-. II iimetric* t'.'iIi-N lred i M ul*. H "1 '!’ . r .-iio it.-.l ili^.i ti..t , l e . lo d oil „ « ;il..rab l,- -oalo In .■Iaml :in A m it;.m i ii.M 'a ilnn for ”klni; wi.n-l .,..n .................. . I: aprH lh a t 111.- Mip lv lli-^t u 'l l l id rn u u m in .- ........I t., ..v :.,...n ii l„ ,i hi ‘,t.'d v ji.'iiii... . luMuli.-i s T li.-n a H r- I’ '" . iilliiu- s'd ..i;..n N f.in e .i inm o s l.r 111.- tliiit..T u n .l .T l.jd ra iill .-SSUIV. ll 1 ' M.lil t lm t .. ......I i l .u s ^lUo.l r - s l s t - ll.-.nv I I . W.-I- I.s n r... BliCiaJ

V ie fu t C ham oit ^■he chniiiol.s Is alieut the size of a ;e p .n t, but th e nt-ok Is l.miicr In liortloii und tlur h.'tly shorter. The il of lhe etiiimolH Is lilulily incd and Its skin Is mado Inlo ilier, tho (irlKliial "slintiim.vsUlQ"3K obtiilned from Hils animal. '


Evening Appoin


’W I N . F A L L S , I D A H O , - T l

mier for Egypt |p 11||

- 'A n n u a l

. ! ! Sho«\ ( L - i Use

L I\ .y '' Bripa wi^ annua l o:



I Uvttord river a

. . . - ■ -T thouKht--------------- " " " 1 offered.

the tho t

i ' ' V KUeli as I

‘■ou^ and Kvai

. 1 I M ore . ' . , . •_>- ' stock bo

. # t haps, thi• .'-i;'’' ’- ’ ' ' ' i ' r e u c h i

! . '> '1 J i b u t thoforeiKiiei

I nm nd oi

........ «,iaoO It

a B a a jC A pkcomoio f oper

a w nato , and strongly pro-Bngll»h makers 7 M n g r o a d as now F rem lor of importoj donl Pasha.:o d from NOW York to teetuno hi# " e n t up Ita ly , tho fra t(T, Q uarterm aster general fo r Ind ia , n u n y ft o r PftlestUio a t th e re tirem ent of tlo boos

know n in Ohicago as E d ito r Sko- ehuaper & mamber o f tho Eussl&a nobility , th e ir o]i

l)Cenusu' • ' ' ' oil, ropM


BAFFLES AUTHORITIES H™,”":,--------- a le ]iric

ANdUM-^y, Deo. I (yP)—Th.- turniiif; ■UR of F red W. i-’orrcr, Proncb chom- " '‘‘I I'nn whos‘0 body w;is f.iund in a Bulmr-. eotlai;e, hna eonfronto.l soiitliorn [

fornia nuthorilSos w ith o iio th .'r ' l . i s iu lor mystory. tow n in ilii-o aro workinff m m n• the theory m rop tl) ' F erre r hnd been killed for ft aeerot Tre.-s w'

luin which ho 'cu rried . Thoir in- roofs ca ication wns handicappcd by an in- reported ty to K-'iin more thau a meaRor do- .tion of tho slain m an 's past nnd Ik. F e rre r’s wifu know b u t little Tw> ll liim. “ Hc wns my husbnnd, th a t ’s By il I know ,” sho told polico dctcc- lutl.m < ., Ferrer c;ime to A m erica five |,„iy s nRo from Toulouse, Frnncc. H e ifnm la

omidoyed hem as chem ist n t a ufncturinR jilnnt. -----------

Not Bo'n In Va’glnla. Tlf courso, hdwoviT. it Is one tblnR ;10 ndm itted to VirRinln noelely nnd | q |>tb e r to helonK to It by. rlglit. A : - -Q In point Is thnt o f a Indy visit* ! in <In a VlTKlnlD city wbo, wbllu call- j D a t the houso of /ioiiie "F. F. V.'s” '

I iisk.-d by n lllllc Klrl, the <lniiKb- ; K«cj p f lho h.niM'. w here she bnd been i

n. ‘’M antlin." said lh.> little irlrl's ; taldnciher. nftor th.- ealler hnd departed. ; Uquldu must not nsk people w here they I u g s i•e bo'n.- If Ihey w.Te bo'n In Va*- i Browlnla they will ti-11 you so w ithout ' thrmigl Int'. nn.l If ih.-y w.-ren't bo'n In 1Kinlii U's very einbarrnsnlnc-"— ; „ Inn .'^iroct In "Auierlcnn Adven- i

! d .r t .I P

/h e n Z-'-.. ■ ! . - Ku«r»nt„. i- I - . . I . • - , Em ro- M- "■ ■ ■' ■ ■ ............. I U tl.-ll i.l II- - ■■I runv i:.-rv i,. ....... . i,,-.:. ■, = s =

luiloii or I'll- mill ..I. Ih.' nioii.l.'lire .>r in n tl .r nr.- In lli.o u ltl. ll..' vI.s fStnldl-^b.'.l by n»l•^■rl. s.-l.-ne.. is f |m er....... It Is ralli.-r tin-

iRlit n.iiMiT inliiiW KP.pliii: to- | aPd tho triilh wlth.iiit su(!lrl.-ni fac- I O1 knowlcdffo—From "Sdctieo nnd m.fr>nn Arfalrg" ^ §§

L a w P rotects th e F rog ; \ an ncctiunt of ilie greut demand for ;a' legs In Frunce tlio biiim chlan f lI tlirentened wltb exilnotlon. To : - vent Ihla u Inw wns paKscd pn>- ^InK froKs durlni; eortain p arts of i y e a r Jusl ns fish nml birds a rc pro- |«-ti The opcrailon of thu Inw Is i 1 to be Rivln« Ihe froKS a chnnce. | d

S it m a s

q u

intments ^' i l ia

[o S h o p I .DCILDINO ' C

iCE IS RIT ^i m m ^

____ ■ w ith Gerin tbe

lual Exhibition a t P a r i s ; ! ' " ! , " hows Trend T ow ard G reater

Tho p<se of Autom obiles. .

_ _ _ decipher___ ton Jn H

kItlS, Dor.' 1 (^ P ^ F rau e c is n t aiRnnturc I w ith tho uutomobilo fever. Tlio high soli a l oxliibitiou w ith i ts 1000 c a n , 30 tb u t Gcr hlch aro Amcricnn, has s tirred an c st that d id n 't nc«d'm uch •tirring , STUDE lho fur si(^ttod nro w orrying over tra ffic probloma o f tho fu ture . D u ltto r uutomobilcs for tho avorago it are prcav-nted thiii boobod, al« Local I'lll no rovolutionary leads uro haker rr rod. Frcuk mecluinlsnia aro fower, niotoristj the K«-'iitral common sonso koynoto gtudobnli ho show has n o t stopped tho d<>*[.enient c f recen t improvements, Woll i na fuiir-whoel itrakcs, tbo “ sorvo* rticoRnizi

i ” mechanism o f thom, an d tho hakcr is bou|>ht aubatitu to for d iffe ren tia l Qn of fi

Kvarshlft. ly „pptuore comfort in ronaonably priced tg £ bodiea and b e tto r powor ore, por- Dovelc , thu salient po in ts to tho buyer. Duplex ch cam long bnvo bcon crnmpod tim e in j iny mnn ta lle r tbnn D.fcot 6 inchos, advantni tho foreign trAdi) an d 'th o trade of comfort Igners bero hftvo roinforeed tho do- eloaed ct d o f-tho y rcn ch tbomBOlvos for a tlo i doci 3 log room, and th is y ea r tbey are bakor b ing it. • baker e

H as Oood Brakes. fo r Btud10 typiilkl, up-to-dato F rcnch auto- tun l bni ilo, curreaponding to tbu Amoriean own moi iO to $1!0U() elasses, now has four- 000,000 i ul brukea, a fa irly higb comprea- a pni

mctor, about tw o-lltor piaton dls- detailed omcut, balloon tiroa and a tUenee oU-enelo opemtion tb a t m any o f the b«at ^hQ x :ers horotoforo though t o f so g rea t s trik ing ortanee. ish i n ' iricos, aa usual, ore higher. They p aren t x t up w ith ft bang last spring when aWe nol franc tum bled and s tayed np, and lamps y fnctoriea guvo th(in Unotbor lit- boost to eelebrato the show. How- evco in

on u (;uld basis, tho beat curs soom iper Ihan in tho U nited S ta tes , b u t HOESE r oiiorntioit is f a r more, oxponalvo, j/)N T lusu of the lligbcr cost o f gasoline, violin b repairs, nnd tho F renchm an’s fftll* to look n fte r h is cur bimsolf. from th. rniico now has nbout 400,000 uuto- iles, or 1 to ovory 100 persons, but cordinc 01.0 hii;. 'nasH production manufac- sj,ortact r of France, m nklnf; a ligh t modor- gji,c|.j,i liricvd car, udvertises th u t ho ia H„j,pHoK

iiiiK out :iOO machines a duy nnd pro.liicu noo d a lly noxt year.

TOWN H IT BY OYOLONE lalion^ci' iSI«)N , ]>.T. 1 (/P)—('al.ccno, ii undnr o) n in northorn I’ortUKal, was today be dive pn>y a cyclono o f uniisunl violcnrc. l '‘a ' -s were uprooteil an.l ohimiioyH nnd ■ s carried nway. No ni-ninllien wore rled.

Tw o P o ta to Cropa a Yearly illi>plnK ‘ '•e.l |.i.iai...-s Inlo a so-.in (.f nltriilo ..f s.i.ln. Iwo crops W jmy li.> pr.i.lue.'d a Vonr. snys a Cul-*nla professor. H b

This Grows Hair W

UlH8 hair uul

IquldScalpMoo M F SSltm SSM i go fMds hair -^QrowlnBmedlclca i ' l rrough rubbar I Lpplea dlrwtlr

tbn half rcMrta. I t'i tha marrakm# Irw fBXbod icalp traatmaat. Vaa Eaa opa faUlng half—growa oaw balr la 90 lyi. Alk u» about tbs 90-da)r traat* Ient plan. Wa aell it Qodtr nonsr-baek I '1/'.larantaa. Oujr Vaa Eaa tixlar w d Vstf |.ka your hair toaigbt.


'AT a C u re ^ £ a C a ld

O n e ^

i B r o i ^ I n

\QuiniheJ gtablets "J

T h e t o n i c a n d l a x a t iv e e f fe c t o f L a x a t i v e B R O M O * Q U I N I N E T a b le t a w i l l fo r-

th o s y s t e m a g a i n s t G r ip ,I n f lu e n z a a n d o t h e r s e r io u s i l l s r e s u l t i n g £ ro m a C o ld .

Tbe box boazB th is slgQatnro

EPitoJO o;


HE IS UNABLE TO READ ro r i.YMODTH, Veraonl, Doc.1 (J>1 NIO lonel Jobn 0, Coolidgo, f a th o r 'o f iresidont, is looking fo r somo ono ^ ^ ^ ^ 5 Iinr w ith tbo G e r ^ ^ laagnago aad German soiipL w h en bo reeeiybd

le mail a le tte r - from-=^onfe- B a,rt>i 0 in Oormany. ho songht a , trans* ■, b u t conld h n d nono e ith e r i a ! H H t villago or in Ludlow, tho nearest i B town. ! ■

0 post m ark wns so b lu rred t h a t [ B ^ , ^ _ as impossible to . toll from w h at M | | ^ H tbo le tte r.eam o and no ono con ld | c s s a s ^ = ihcr tho name of tho c ity os writ* I V" in script inside or m ake out. thoiture. A n appoal..to tho Ludlow OUnicol

school broagh t tho in form ation Non-i German Is not tau g h t thcro . - dietoth<

IDEBAKER BODIES ARE I N ­BUILT BY STUDEBAKERcal oxhibltion of the new Stndo- r modela ia b ring ing bomo to T a v risls w ith now force tho f a c t th a t f U | obftkcr m anufactures Its bodies cars complete., in i ts own p lants. W o Wl all informed car owners hnvo long _ _ ’nlzed tbo fnet, in which Stndo- J | f r is unique nmong tbo largo build- I I t if fine cars, ^ u t i t is moro striking- \pparont th is year th a n evor before 10 car buying public a t largo. ' ivolopment o f tbo now Stndobalcor lex bodies—which for tho f irs t in automobile h istory combine the!

intngcs o f -tbo opon ear w ith tho I fort and protection o f tho on- , “!d car^-w aa mado posilble, anthori- declare, by tho foo t tb a t a ll Studo- b«!r bodies are designed b y Stude* * * ir exp e rts ,'w o rk in g a n d th ink ing A O Btudcibaker nlono, and tb a t- th '^ ac-

bn ild ing ia done In S tudobaker’a modern, eomplotoly equipped 410,-

)00 body plants, paralle l situation Is notod in tbo

-iled porfeclio'n o f S tudobaker’s inclosed body models. liQ new S tudobaker models present cing beau ty of appearance and fin- In' w hich thero is an In stan tly ap- 'int noto o f o riginality . This is not- I' n o t alone in th e longer linos, new 'pa and fenders, higher rad ia to rs!

sides on lower bung bodies, b u tt1 in tho finish and color sehomcs. |

^ E 8HOETAOE CAUSES 'WOEEY iONDON, Dor. 1 (;?}—M akers of- ' "in bows aro becoming anxious over I ^Rrowlng scarcity of w hito horses, I

I tho tnils o f which nro tak en bnirs V.< tho m nnufncture of bow strings. Ac- ling to nn expert thcro is a (lecidedtago of whito, horso ta ll h a ir from ”Tin .nnd cast Ilussia whence tho b e s t ' - - ,


ALTA,. Dee. 1 (A»)—The f irs t l.nt : in of Gordon Ilighiundcrs who wero _nr orders for Ind ia i t Is stn tod w il l : ^aivertcd to E gypt. Thla ba lta llon ! leave Malta tliis w.>..k.

' J p H A T ’S .

phone const in Id a h o s ir

N ew sw itt

b u il t, n ew c; o v erh ead ani

' 1 kficp p ac e v.'il'JHZ m ands. P ro s

s j f ^ r s I t I f I'J I lean y e a rs al

|e ie p h o n

— ■ ’TU- tlW i- 'i .J h ig h e r th a n <Z jp p T to ry . B u t

I w o n ’t w a it. ^7 b u ild n o w b

tfj .«'"7 d em a n d ed nc

.y" L> j y .r ,v" T h e r e are

in d ic a te a n j

p h o n e cqu ip r


^ The Mountaii

DECEMBER 2, 1924.

l TIFREEZEtr T otir O a r » ^ - F e r ' Q o ir t


j^ntlioilsod IM ttinraton for 1 H odion t a d B n e x ^ a z t i . ■ '

S B g 8 T E P ^

ON W. V Z S H ^ U . A;. M . S . licol and Laboratory D iagnosis fon-surgleal troatm cnti including tothcrapy and electrotherapy, icial a tten tion to genlto-urlnary ;ases, diabetes and diseases of Iren.

For Your ProtectionI w m Haoifio N O TH IN O SXTt .-


Jl o rder to provent confusion In I fo ture, th e Ooal OoJ bo known aa tho

Aberdeen Coal Co.EOBEBT SH A K ELB, Owner.

Form erly Shankle Ooal Oo.Fhono 436 Tw in Falla

Phono 22 B ohl ,

C A S HFor

C o r n a n d C u l l B e a n s

B E S T P R IO E S"Will buy tho y ea r 'round-

McNichols Transfer Co.P H O N E 2 0 0 TW IN FA LLS


' ’S w h a t It h as co s t to •y o u t a g re a t tele* o n s tru c tio n p ro g ram

s in c c 1920.

w itc h b o a rd 'h a s been , p o le lin es h av e been w cab le h as b een ru n

an d u n d e rg ro u n d to e w ith te le p h o n e de- ’ro sp e ro u s y ea rs and s a lik e ca ll fo r m oney lo re m oney to expand ho n e p la n t a n d keep up to B e ll S ystem

hav e been c o stly :ause m ate r ia ls w e re ' , an e v e r b e fo re in h is- it serv iee dem an d s it. W e m u st b u y an d - ff bccause se rv ic e is '1 now.

a re no es tim a tes fo r re o f Id a h o w h ich a n y d im in u tio n in

e x p e n d itu re fo r te le - u ip m en t.

Be// System

A«a Ati ,4/ | B \T\ nireelad\ l i 3 lu u a r


ita in S ta te s Telephone Telegraph Co.

E t .

Page 3: T W 1 ^ F A ILLS DAILN NEE W snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_… · T W 1 ^ VOI- 7. n o . -808. _____ ^ is is PUSSES' IN [EypT m s m illE T IllM

« VM O tT C V N O -MV «OVA> ^ « ,E ^ C T

S -4 w \» y ^ > i z B V «1M T o K t ^ .

1 I N - >SOB VWH®-TO

: n B U r■ m m m :■ — t

' —But Two of 11 Boats in Which ;I*

Russians Left Country Re-1

main to be Disposed.^ '

M A N ILA , Doc. 1 ( iT ^ T h o U a Moro- motz, ono o t tbo B ussiaa voaaols irhich Arrived in M anila b ay a yea r and a b fllf ago undor A daiira l S to^k, La« boon Bold to a local transpo rta tion company,

, leaving only two out o f tho U vcsw lj! in tho orig iaa l float whJeh eam<t f ro m : V ladivostok with moro th an 800 Rua* Sian rotugoos. Tho others havo b«on sold to conccrns horo or In China. Tho oompany will nso tho B a Moromotz, which ia a high powor tug , in towing worlc in Philippinfi w aters.

Oaly 40 of tho orig inal 800 rofogoea who camo with tho fleo t rem ain in tho PhlHppinoa, tho others, inclod ing Ad­miral S ta rk , having dopartod for v a ri­ous countries. Somo OOO woro tokon to tho U nited Btates ou tho .arm y tra n s­port M o rritt more thnn a yoar ngo, and othcrn tram timo to tim o havo gono to Shnnghai. Adm iral S ta rk lo ft only a j fow dnys ago fo r Franco, whoro ho ox-1 poctfl to mako hia bomo a n d possib ty ' ontor businms. Ko and h is foUowors! belong to tho old m onarcbial regime, I and a t prosont are n o t welcomo in th e ir native land.

HAZELTONUAZELT6li—Mr. and M rs. *H. K .

Holmont and Mr. and M is. H . E. Qun* dolfingor attondod tho banquot given by tho E aste rn S ta r a t T w in Falla on Tuesday night.

M rs, S. Wolls re turnod homo tho firs t o f tho week from tho T w in Pnlla hospital where aho had boen operated oil Boiui'* ten days ago.

.Mru. Oeorgo Wyllio waa cnllcd to K im berly Tuesday by tho Illness of hor JittJc oioee.

A ttornoy Hall and E. E . Olenson of Jerome, wcro business viaito rs iu Huz-

. eJfoH .'iJoHtJjiy.Mr*. II. 'Hiorficn retu rned homo thc

firs t o f tho wcok from Swoot, Idnlio, wiivcr hIk! 1i«<1 bccH viaiting her brother.

Wiirruii Hoiniiiu is on the sick Hat th is week.

Mrs. B ert Havena nlao in on thc aick list,

Mrii. H . KycJS le f t l.'ist week fo r lliiMootiL'l. Wisi-diisin, wliocr aho will v isit \vith reiiitivcH.

Mr. :ind Mrs. .Tohn SoUmun motored to Twin I'jills Snturdny, Novoinbor 20.

To D islodge f io n eW hen 11 fl.slibonir hus liecomu lodKod

In tho tlinm t. Kiick tliu Juice of n leiiK’Ti. The ucl<l usunlly iHsaotvca t(i« ijifncml (iiirt, tiiriljliig fJie boae noxibU" and lc Is llieu i‘n?<y to remove It. If no lemon Ix* ul linnd, ewnllow ■a soon UK iiossll.h- the n iw whito ol an ORK whulc. This often rettiove* the oUstructUm. H In ii u>i»tiikt' tc tnko liny lluld wKli r» v |i‘w to dlslodgt tho Intruder. .MuHtlcnle a plcce ol brcinl ihorouKlily. und when U Is awal lowed moat likoly the bone will bo re- lenaed.

J fe r D ed u ctio nOld Mrs. Green wna down a t th«

, w hnrf nt uihldiiy seeing her nleco ofi on a trip. Clnncini; aloft slio re m arked: "Well, tlii-y'll noon lie s ta r t iQff. m y dtvir. HotJi funnH s n re Biiiok In* and they wouldn’t w unt both fun nelH Just to KCt lunch."—BouloQ Tran le rlp t.

D rastic P rofti6 itionT he conaumptlon of w ine renehc

' tuch a IiIkIi point ubout n thousunje a n i before the Clirlatlan ern tbn Lycurgiis. king of T hrace, passetl ptohlbUlon uet. the tliorouchaess c whlcl) cnnnot be (luestloned. A atrl( nhfltalfKT hliHself, )ip fo rbade the us of w ine JO Ills suhji^cts. and roote up all thc vines w ithin bin doinlaloi



* W « Buy T h m


AiTDts From tbe Salea Oroandt


r t s r ^W \% M O H 'm V l

V 5M ' ' H t V JH D J


__________ B » » t

-------------1 1 1 ll 1.

CROSS w o ’r d p u z z l e sHITS PRINCETON AND

PRIZES ARE OFFEREDI PBINCL'TON, i T J . , Dec. 1 ( ; p ) -II T bo cross word puzzlo wavo has awept ( I ocr«3« fncu lty and s tndon ts o f P rince­

ton unlveraity to tbo dopartm ent o f philosophy whoro Profesaor W arner i l t o bas otIcTci a prizo to tbo atndoat

jJl who can devise n pueslo capablo of |tw o separate solutiona. Such a prob- tlOm, Profeasor F ito asaorta, would hove

5“ a g rea t psychological value.Professor Robert K . Root o f tho Eng­

lish departm ent, reeontly anaouncwl his williDgneas to adopt tho pumlea as p a r t o f th e torm w ork in aomo of his courses provided aomo ono eonld bo

'0 - found to construct pur.z2oa au fnc lon tlr ch d ifficu lt fo r tho to s t a t tho c>nd of tho a torm.

i C i l l N l l l S I THNCOLN’S T O ihoid-

School S tu d en ts B ack From 8 0 0 Mile T r ip to Resting Place of M arty r.

ijiyl ______

»<».] BHEN’ANDOAH, Ii.w.i, Dec. 1 (/R —In to tho ir homes in tho neighboring citioa and towns morp than 1800 Iow a and Misaouri achool childrou brought a "tory of n pilgrimngo tbnt lirob- nbly hns no equnl. They woro tho chil-

K . dren who came back from nn KOQ.milc un- journey th a t took thorn to tho tomb of vcn Abrnlinm Lincoln n t Springfield, 111., on whoro they paid tho form er ]'roaideat

(hoBjago.tho . I t wiiB a wenry b u t liajipy throng a lia ,th n t jumped from tho long trains ns ted they pullod iu to jh o s ta tio n hi're. Tlio

' countleaa now o.xperiences woro bought to ' a t the eost o f long hours iibo.'ird a com­

ber fortlcas coach, n o t too ciueh alepp aud iiieuls irregularly eaten .

lal-' Ohoory Farowoll.; .As fJjc iu iir ac clio ita o t th o L iu co Jn ’ pilgriniUKO iiearod th i s c i ty th e y n to p '

•vlio, l" '‘l t ' ”" ' to allo w c h iliire ii fromclose b y to d is e m b a rk . A t oacli

H la tiou thuHc d e p a r t ia g w a v e d :i c h eo rj faruw o ll w liich bcH v d a n y f a t i g u t th e y tiii};ht linve f e l t . O ne younga te i

Tick a sk i'd ju s t b e fo r e he l e f t th e t in i r w lia t h e th o u g h t o f th o p ilg r la ia g o Jint

f o r a n sw e r w as p r o b a b ly ty p ic .il o f tin w ill 'in v o ic e d n p p r a ia a b o f ti i e r e s t :

“ I 'l l any th a t i t was some trip jrcd I ’l” I w e n t.”0. , S ------- -------------------

A Liberal Education.T hnt man, I th ink , bus had n llhern

•ducntfod who bus heeti so tralrini! ttIKOU y o u jl,

* a n t o f Ills will, an«l doe. w ith unwe am ' ‘ plenauro alt th e 'w o rk tliut, ns a meeh

nnlsni, it Ih eapublo o f : whose In t-iiKliK

of ’t" purtfl of e'luiil stroiiKt!nnd amootb w urklng o rd e r; rendy

° like a 'Bteam engine, to hp turnod t

lllM* snniera as well n s forge the anchor ' , o f th e m ind; whose mind Is storO'

J wllh knowleilKo o f ilie grent fiindt ’ ^ m ental tru th s of n n tu re nnd of tb

la w t o t her opera tio n s; one wbo. n stun ted ascetic. Is tu ll o f life niul Hr b u t whoHe pssfilona a rc tnilned t

th e come to heel by n. vigorous will, tli J off aervnnt of n tcm lcr consclcnce; wh

re- bus learned to love all beauty, whet! {(,r{. o r o r n a tu re o r o f n rt. lo bnto nil vll mok- ness, and to respec t others as blu fun* »*lf-— T. U. Huxley.



, i ! A BERD EEN ■ II COALlaloo. S

X , m a k o s b o t t e r f i r o s

“ S Warberg Transfer iS and Storage Co.S Phono 142M * Offico and Yards S Shoshono a t Fourth'South

oat jg ,

SO M E TOOPIE T H IN K LOUE M A K tS IME \N01!VX> S O "R O U N b B U T > 6vw e c ^ e f c v - r T O s i u v s - \ v j i s u

t h ;e S o o f e 0VS>

! W O ^ s o n C f tM t T \ ^ S W t M M S A W O P V o T tC tO ^ 'S , O^! ^ v \ ^ ^


Is She *"Rasputii

of - .


& -


(/n ^‘"B '

' i lbil. --------------->>1«; T H E BEOENT A BBEST o f Bortho 1

Brussels causod rio tin g in tho Belgla iowcra being in jured. Sho w as charg( clubbed tho “ Baaputln o f B elg ium ." i


x r-:w OKLEANS, Doc. I .—'^Coffco is atl exrellout and safe bevorago and becauso «naio peoplo ar<,s adversely af-

:o1n fecti'd by il doe« not m ean th a t tho fop- overwJieljning m ajority aro not bene- rom n to d , " is the stalenioiit made in an 'ach M'.xliauativ<? article upon eoffoo in tho .•ory jiato.st qu;irterly bulletin of tho Louis- igueiiati.-i ntnto htmrd nt h<-iilth, tho official s te r I liiiblieatiini of tlm sta te . U is con- rnin j irib iited by Dr. Oscar Dowliug, prosl- a n d jd e a t o f th'? board.th e ) ‘ •There jn itu rrc-'ifioa to bani.ih cat-

froia the breakfiisl tablo bocau.ifl trip , of tho fac t th a t under lom e conditione

i t m ay produce d isease," Dr. Dowlinfl continai's. “ I t js sim ply to bo used w itb diacretion nnd in m odoratioa and

iTfti obviously no harm cau rcan lt.”ll lo ------------- ^ —ier\-- P ro o f o f G la c ia i P eriod n n d O c o lo ^ i t a b a se th e i r s ta te m e a tt i'i?h- c o n c e rn in g th e i-xU tence o f Ih e jla -

In- d o i p e rio d in riln ly til><>n ovld i-nce lr Khic, t h e fo rm o f oriM ion o f rockw, th e c i- iiKth la te n c e o f li<iulder o lu y n n d vu rlou j a d y , o th e r <form>i o t d e p o s i ts . T l ie tlrsi d to Bclvntllh: r c A T ra c e s t o g h io h il f ictloi KOS- w e r e H iiugcsted by th e A lp lm - reg io n s

h o r s QR m u n d id m u e x lm p r i o r - t " a m o re d d u r in g tlie e u rly p a r t o f llie tilaclii n d a - p e r io d . T h e f irs t e v id e n e e o f ills ex

t b e Is te n c e Ih to bo f o u n d In tlie la te; >. n o g lu c liil p e rio d .lire. - - --------


s R e y n o ld s . ]X



T H E G U M P S ~ P .



s w w nC - = = = 1

.w>vi'TJ Hr

# i n n ^] ; J ----- II----- IIJ,hi;,]

^ ' ; f nnrnr

’.tin of Belgium?”

r ' : ^ H | |

: ' i i R A z , E i < : . ' I

ho M razok, noted w oman f a i th tea lo r, in Blgioa capital, a num bor of h o r ^ ip o a t fol- iBTgod w ith fraud . B ertho M n u o k bos boen 1 ." Sho o ffocts a tt ire an d manners.

I R O C K C R E E KT U _____

IJOCK CUMKK—Thci school wns elosed W ednesday fo r two days for

andnf. Mr. aud Mrs. .Tohn Uim scn of Jw in tho "a lls , were Tlmnka,"iving guests a t thc

e„(,. homo v t . Tr. .•ih<1 Mr.i. IfeH ry Hrifi.ien. a n ' nad M rs. Chris I’otcrson. MJbh

the M iller, Kvaim Thonipsoti nu.l Praak iHiK- K iag Were T liiiiiksgiving ffuests a t tbi icial bniiie (.f Mr. and .Mrs. Sl. Larsen, con- Miss IliiKiiv.i o f W'endoll is a week resi- end i;ii<-st o f friends a t Hxceljior fhi'

w eel:.co f.' Mr. and .Mrs. T errill o f Murt.iUKl au.io enlertriitied the IkoHC fam ilv ,:_ind Mr tiona nad .Mr^.'Jf. Stric/cer fo r Thaiiitsglviaj; rling Mr. .-iinl Sfr.i. Dan Iverson ea te rta ia used ed Miss W itte aad her frieuda fror and Twin F.'ilJ.i TJj.-jnksgivjjig day.

I 'i l i e d a n ce h e re w a i w e ll a ttc n d c i jT liu r.id a y e v o n in g an<l th e re w ill bc an

^ ; o lh o r one i')cccu ibe r KJ.

*^a* Provision M ade fo r CatsJ, jj. T he vi)]iie o f Vms to the I'cstn . JJJ. sarvlce bus come (•> be so well re.-o^ i-lous onnnal approiiriatlcm lijjf^l m nde by ci>n>;re.'<'‘ fo r tiie lr mnliite

; nanec. Tbe rew ard Is In "n it ment,' ■Ions, " 'b lch .costs ubout a year.

and --------------------------aeliil D ays G o n e Forever* ex- Whnt hna lioi-nmo of th e old.fna^ later ioned clilldrt?n who were mnde to w-nl

for "aecoml tabIo“ ?—liiilutli Heralr

C h r i s t m a sT re e s

^ Our car of Douglas PirOhristroas Trees is due to

^ arrivo this week. Oome ia early and make your se-

^ loction.

Opposite Sales Grounds

s. B r o th e r s Co.,

B O R N -T H B >>0


K 0 ?=O F V \ ,^ C F

C O L V -^ T O R R .

----------- ^ T T T

'1 1 1 1 1 1 1 S T j [ s u n ;

■* Ogden F o rest O fficials Tell of R easons for Killing Animals | in K aibab R eserve.

OODKN. Utah, Dec. 1 (ifp)—Belief j th a t ujnvardj. o f one th ouw ad decr rrilJ bu Blnin in thq K aibab forest of northern Arizona in tho^noxt fow days ' was exjircsscd bv U nited S ta les foroat I serviee '• offieials liere upnn re- i coipt o f « telegram confirm ing tho ' report th a t tho fo rest aorvico nnd I Htate nf Arizona had reached nn agreo-i mont providing fo r lim ited shooting in th c proaervo.

T h o te le g ra m cnm o f ro m R . IL R u t ­le d g e , d is t r lo t fo re s te r , w ho sa id tho •vest Sldo o f th c f o r e s t w il l ho open f o r H huoting from D ec em b er 1 to l . la n n n ry 5. . 1

J>iH triet I-V)reHtor R u tle d g o a .iid th o s lio o lln g w ill n o t in te r fe ro w ith tlio p ro p o sed d r iv o o f .'SOOO d e e r aeroa« th e e a n y o n to a n o th e r p n r t o f A ri /.o n a b u t f o re s t serv i,-c niOu e x p re s s d o u b t th n t th is d r iv e w ill bo a auccoss,• T firough (ho nR reem on t w ith A ri to n a

th o fo ri 's l nervlco w ill lasuo p o rm lta to b iin le r s to e n te r th o p rc» e r\’o, pro- \-i<l<-<} th e h iH itc rs p a y f iv o d o lla r s fo r ench d o e r s la in . T h o f u n d roco lved fro m thi^ issiinnec o f p e rm i ts Is to be «}iv»<}e,} h v ff,(, fo rc .,t so rv ic o a n d (h i' s tn to o f A riz o n a to c o v o r e x p en se of s iip e rv is in g th e k i l l in g a u d rem o v a l

'f a l J c " -0“ th o p e rm i t i.r

O T v id e s t h a t th o h o ld o r s h a l l onde.iv .• to k i l l ;u ,d ri-niov.* f r o m o tto to th rco

^ d e e r from th e a re a in w h ic h g iioo tinc l IS p e rm i tte d . I

for p* '** I . . .

rraiik I Y o u r K e y

tS'i, - T h e i - e i s o n e

.,«ci, . c i v e 1 0 0 p e r c e

vhic ■ 'I'l y o u r v a l u a b l

r ™ p o l i c i e s , :d e e d s , s t o c k s , o i


P l a c e t h e m :

, p o s i t v a u l t o f \y o u w i l l h a v e

i r i i a k n o w i n g - t h a t t l

f r o m f i r e , t h e f t

G e t a k e y t c

B o x h e r e t o d a jfaah-w n lt

'raid . __

F i r s t N a t § of Twi'

U 'e Hack : on Ou

w m

l r ■ ______ '

1“ A P P L E . SU ntil tbey aro go n e ,'‘vou can

got w in tor varia tio s o f applea a t tbe Hardin cellar, tw o mllas

8 lou tb . ona-Quartor woat o f Bho-thono S treet B ridge. Prlcoa reo- toiubla.

H A R D I N «3 S O N

:NG, DECEMBER 2. 1924.

~ \)0 tT D R , l j

f i H O T W ^ S i ■ i

c ^>ovgvt (vv fl) J h .- Win X

: e w H t G e u u ,

T O [m■ It '

J U u L I■ . ' ________

■ _ n n H a AUaa P IP E PLU SH to open up th a t

•lug Id yonr draitt popa. Dooa n o t lojuro tb e plam bing in any way. Bal­laday H ardw are Company.—ody.

1 = ^ '

F o r a- M a n ’s

§0 G iftreo-1 ing

W O su g g est one o f

tho th ese B rad ley oU-‘’to wool k n it voats for

an y young m an on tho your Ust. Thoy a rehut h e ro in a ll th e nowihat , ,shades.


To'r $ 3 * ® t o $ 7 5 0Ived ) be th.-

Bvnl 1 t h e IDAHO DEPT. 8T 0E B

;; M en ’s S to rehrcoting

I s R e a d y

n e c e r t a i n w a y t o

c e n t p r o t e c t i o n t o

a b l e p a p e r s — i n s u r -

1, a b s t r a c t s , n o t e s ,

, o r b o n d s .

n i n t h e S a f e D e -

i f t h i s b a n k . T h e n

v e p e a e e o f m i n d ,

t t h e y a r e p r o t e c t e d

e f t a n d p r y i n g e y e s .

to a Safe Deposit lay.

i t io n a l B a n k w in F a llsck M ure JSuhuh-hs Ou r R cconl.

5 For Potato Bags'WMlo tb ey Ja tt, g e t them now

I a t ^j j j j . ‘ n ducod prices from


E. D, KELLOGG304 SMond AT«nn« N o ttk

^ P . O. Bo* 754. pnoa* eeo-w .


24. . ' Paee Threa

Page 4: T W 1 ^ F A ILLS DAILN NEE W snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_… · T W 1 ^ VOI- 7. n o . -808. _____ ^ is is PUSSES' IN [EypT m s m illE T IllM

“ Today’s Sporl

m i m m ”

OF BULL« [ I— • . Uml

iO SESoppoili

---------- n n d (

English R eporters D escribe the G iant-W hite Sox M atch in “ “ li'

U m l

London in Term s of C ricket;Play Held Slow. *^{3

______ ' ■ ■ liiirKCi

l,()N I>{)N . n .'.-. I (/p )— W l.t'ti th i ' -Tyi. (ii.-iiitH liixl \VliU>' Siix )>Iavr<1 th c i r f i r s t .•sliil.iH oii bi.H.'l)iill mim'c in r^m rloti H u thixr m iin tli, NOIIIII I lf t i le iK-WHpaprm IIo u c )Ki-ftl tlu -ir K 'l'f rt-porlorN o u l tn do th e F c lirc hKirv o f thfl |iroi'c-i-ilitiK'«. -M"Ht o f th o B o lto Joiirni.l-.. huw ovor, rn n f r r rp .l th o na-

:.li o f t l ..... . r.-iiort.-il l-i th e impuliicniitHm w h a l tli i 'y li!i<l ni-cn-

Karl, am i .'v.-ry ono o f th - m p itio .l ' th o poo r h a l l.-r l.c-raiimi I.is l ./ .t wna (.A' n i l Muall nn .i til.- fi.-liliTB ' Klov.-n h o .la rgo . J l l f)tio w rilcr ro iiil ia ri'd th o b n t to n 1 1 1 l.rootiiNtii-k, nn .i tho to Kiict-piid- U l l.liiiL’ al.h- to nfixorl. (-very b u ll th n t .'IIIII.' n i th in ri'a .-h.

C o a t o f M nU H ut wlK.t m o ft «ir.i.-Jc tli . ' H ritixh

...iK.rtorH ill th in '• i in fn irm - .s o f th .; iill.i.-!ilion o f tl'.- a r m o r ” wn-. th r r . t o h .T ’K “ fo i.t o f m a i l” m .d th o iim- iii r .-S “ triiJli- n -a.i.lin j; a ro u n d tho rii.'K t.” o n ly tlK'’ l.iiH fim n w as “ *»ib- § { 3 i,o |. to .-omi.li-ti. .l i« n rn ia m o n t.’ '

T h.r ?,fiiiii'li.‘’«t*-r f la a rd ia r t r,'p o r te r ^fu u n d ImK.'hail .......” an .l th ov .'li-n iii « o if rh ro i i i i 'l r r o f th . ' M orn liijj

ir a n r.-ullv n lit rrv .” T h i' im u h - th a t imi- I « ) l .>f ilM-m ' fo n n .i' iin.'i,..t(.niiii-< a n d Hh ' Hhcott. „ lh .T -.l.iw. wai. won w ith a n in it itin- iiiL- ra llv , .Mul aiiioiiK' f i - ld in tr per- ,] „ f t i r forini.n .'.'-. h :ui li.'.'U a tr ip l . ' p la y .

Ltlco FloldinR .- ],v ||i<\ . . a r l y a ll <>t th.- H ri ti-h r.'p c irlir«

cxpn 'uxod n .Im ira lin u fo r th o firliliiiK ,.,m! o f Ih .' l .i.s .'l.a ll l.UMin.--.-, th.- .p.-.-.l an .l i.i'.-iiriM'v o f th e ru n n iiig . c-ati-hiiif> " .a a d t h r o w in - .^ n p r a W to ■h.-ni ........lly . - ^ dHut th , ' l ia ttin K . an .i .•s,,.-H ilily lh ,' tt..- f U^y■i i;.,v..M iiai; fou i l .n l l s fa il .-d I .' « iv .. 1 iu in r . . . , th i'm n - v r v in t.T ,'» tinu '. Om- “ Ti„ a „ ......m .'.l i-ri.'V .-d I .1 I r a n , th a t tli.- t io n 1l.a tt .- r nol o n ly iiiisM'H i.s m n n y uh h .' j„ ,\p hitH, I.ul th a f “ wlii'i. h .' <-onn.'.-t-i h.- 1 , 5,,,,; , h a n ii.i 'n 'il i'V ru le whi.-li mal<.'-< a ll «trokc'H Io till- r ij;lil i . f n .id o f f or Itn' p , . ' |. . f , o f m i.l .m t. '. -h n l . . . i ly fon . ' M i;l [„ f f a a d m id on ar.- .'r i- t^ . 't f i- 'ld m ark - " < ln,>;i .-nm prirald.- (o Oh- a n d f . r i t -

tiii.'K. T l... w r i i . 'r H.'.-ni.'d lo lu ' HiO I f i .r th c r di.Ir.'.HK.'ii l.y th .- f .i . 't th a t “ tl . . ' .-riti.- a r . 'a w ith in w hi.-h th.- I .a l l . 'f . 'a n niuk.- Rpr „ r.m atin> r -1...1 is i .i.-o n v .'iii.'u tIy ..h .H l.'rrd w ith fi.-ld ..m .'n , w ho a r . ' m> . .r r ,.,, fa«t riiiU .-ffi.-i.'i> t. Ih u l Ih.'V ra r . 'iy luiHH.-d a n y lh in j ; r ra . 'lm l.h ', a in i .is rar .-lv Ihriiw a va r.I w i.ir o f th ,- ir H I G m a rk .” /

F o u ls P i u s le T h i.. l.n-in .'H s o f fo u l an .l f a i r l.all'-

l .m p K '.l n.or.- Ih a n .m .' ro i.o rt.-r to S tu d ' . hiH m 'll in n fh .o d o f w ord-.. “ AU »oi

of till- h ilt in K llil" to I"- ■'*f io n t o f III.' w i .- k . 't ,” w ro ti- on.-. • • A n y t h i n t th a t «o..H, in rri.-k.-t.'TH latn;u:iK.-.tow nrdH p n h it o r -./pn iri'-li'n 'i r l i. 'h in d ........thi- ivi.-ki't d .ii". n.l i-onnl. T l» ' vo-,«U ' i« t h n t th e a .-h i. 'V . 'm . 'u t,o f H .'onnj: i- '.jtp i'-H ivi-lv d i f f i n i l t l.coi.n-.- t h f f ii'ld - p n .l. ' . rn nni.i-il w ilh H n.'t-iiu.ldii.K K lo v .- f T i^ d : .-an ll.- r . 'l i . 'i '>n 1-. Htoj. u r . 'a lf !! . 'v . - r y pl.-t..l l- in u th a l ......... . lo Ihi'U i. a n .t ‘ th .'rc n ii i .r w hii'h til.' lu t t in K hi.!.' m u sl i- .iv rr in a v e rv lart;.- oui-. 1 Im on ly

,0 .loK th .. l .a ll ...ll o f lh .-

^'^l-.-rhaii,-. th . ' Jl.<l^t H lrik in^ 'lv m .v rl th in i ; nlm ut lia - . 't ia ll to th . ' H ri li .l i N:.m m in d U Iho .-in.ount o f ta lk in u a n d l.-nd . Hl..:nVm« a n d l.o w lin i; lh a t k " " ’‘I’' im d .'

. How a iiif.'h .T .-an p it.-h w .thlIuK h.'v .l.-nnini.:s raz r.in j; h im from th.- ; . llnrU-I.UH.- !in.- a n .l t h - ,-r..w .i y.-ilim :rem arkH o f a n o t i.a r t i .-u ia r ly .....n i-h ' "B-tn t-.itv n a tu re , Ih « U ttk ' in .ir.', ........ .iuKlv. th a n lh o .ju i. 't . pi-.-ic-fnl H ritm . a Kr. r '.V n n .l .T M a n .l . N or d o .'s ho f in .l i t Im .m .•asv 1.1 .•cim pn-lii'ad how a l.atK inan i-iiii ih .- 'I hi' 'so inn.-UHitivi.' ns to I,.- ul.l.- to .lo h is f „ . .n ioi. « i t h thi,' cu ti-h .T i-hatt.T iiik ' invay , on a lin o o f in t. n t io n a lly i r r itu lin K r<-

“ ‘ T V at th.- OiafilH a n d W h ite Hox w ill «■'>' -u rc e t 'd in t h . ' i r a im o f im p la n tin g !'''*>•' l.aM -hall in ( I rv a t H ri ta in . no n a tiv .- Ih'- N am liovi'H. T o th e m a j .i r i ty u f th . ' Kn^- It lish it H.-.nis fo lli- a "low . m oii.'to ii.nm -'a m .'. I t doos n o t la a t th ro o .la y s lik . ' , a o r i . 'k . 't m a tc h , w ith .i-v .-m l hun .irod ,„ » « a n .l t im o o u t fo r t.^-. a n .l lunct..H u t nov.Tth.-lc;-!. a n d n o lw ilhK ta iid in j;. th o y Uo f in d i t .-.low. P Q l


__ miHdi

D « « i v r . M lc k e lw a lto o n W a y B o c kt o S c h o o l F r o m N e b r a s k a O am e, ^S jrtau ls D a y H e ro W i th M o tl ie r . ^ ®

D e n n W . M ic V rfn a U c ; non o f M is .M a y I . .M ickclw a ito , n n d m e m b e r o f '' th o ffradu fltinR ela** a t O re g o n A gri- .c u l tu r a l colleRC, o n h ia -nray b a c k to sch o o l a t CorvoJU d f ro m L in c o ln , N o^ '’“ '<1' b ra a k a , w h e re lie p la y e d ta e k le n n d fict-\•ng c /tp ta in o f th o O rcfjon A s g ie s fo o t- b a y y te a m a g a in a t th o U n iv e r s i ty o f N 'e b ra ak a , s p e n t S u n d a y h e ro v liU ln g b is m o th e r . H e c o d e d tb is y e n r h ia th i r d aucceBsfuT aeaaoa on th o O regon ' a rio A g g ie te a m , a e r v ln g oa a c t in g c a p ta in " n " '’* u n d e r th e s .rs te m na ed b y Coai;h Scliisa- T hi

I W , w h e re no c a p ta in ia e le c te d , b u t tlir.-o a a a c t i n g c a p ta in i s a p p o in te d

. . e a e b g a m e.

• FageroflT TWINFi!

rd n g N e w s STM B A U G H B O W L E R S W I N f

F R O M e U T T E R - N U T T E A M '

Ctors Take A ll T h ree Oames In . I BowUAg Leogae C on test; B m gem an I Brothers C arry O ff HoBOra. |

Unibniigh bowlers defeated th e But- -N u t nquad, w inning nil three gumen - II Twin Fnlla bow ling league tnateh §6111

3nd.iy evoning nnd p iling up (i tolal ,rc o f C.-.ll na ngainat s m fo r tholr M, poiientfl. II. Bruggi.'inun, w ith .'580, d C. Bruggcniiin w ith '»30, carried,' . 1, C tho lionora for tho um baugh tonm,' CH liol no member of th e defeated squad „ cccedca in passing th e DOO m ark. The ta lk 'd Hcorc: , ' ’U m hnuR h- 1 2 3 Tot.

Hniggonmn .... 180 18-1 187— 5.10 m -uMtn .................. M7 1.12 1 7 1 - 450 i„„ch

Bruggomnn .... 108 175 213— 580 todaji.lerson .............. I.'i5 l.-id 118— 429 doBuirKcn .............. :... 175 130‘ 101— -IOG i„jj „

Totals ................ 855 770 871—2511Huttor-NutH— 1 2 3 Tot. -'juotnnuck) .................. 1.15 105 340— 4(50hrcnlinck .......... 12.T 100 157— 301 l>r*cciilton .................. 100 140 M 5— -120 thu }ndholtr. ............. ; 147 131 148— 420 ; wliicllith .................... 120 100 142— 407|«ecut

T oIiiIn ................ 719 753 732—2204 t ''‘'»t

E E lI iG I IN SCHOOL P l i 1

thia--------- hoivo

t a t e B o a r d o f E d u c a t i o n i '" * '"

S e n d s O u t P r o o f s o n P r o - ', ? ™ °

p o s e d L a w o f C h u r c h e s . r ™

■ ■■ |mobi

HOISi:, n»H'. 1 OP)—Ailvancml proof i eels o f the j.roposul to proaent tn the ] 'i.tlaturo a ro«ohition fo r ^tho intro- Th Ift iou of Wblo roadingB in tho public fnrt. hooln aro b.-ing o.'nt ou t to patronH j rlu.li • lho alnto board of edufn tion . i t Avnn jfigiit inounrr'il tndav nt lho offiro of the .,11 i .ard itl Iho stnto houae. A thouannd oxlr.- 'rnom, in tho s ta te , selrcted by the oon.( .ard, w ill roceivi' tl.o advance (.hcota, „|ine .- foreword anya, nnd nil nro urged to ,.xpn V.' th e m.iUer cnns'idernble Tending. nirnt “ Tho bonrd b e lloven ," the Intro.luc- „oaai on anva, " t h a t to ca rry ou t th e plnn jppr,. .lotail nnd insure i ts or.lorly func-jiHMU, oning w ill require tho en thu a in a tic ,'..f I irdlnl npprovnl of tho stnndnrd brod [ndv.n liristian men nn<1 women of tho olee-I new irate. To th n t end It aeeka n t th is jwns we, tlirouRU na w ide .1 d iatribu tlon of Uiow le plan na possib ly nnv eonstructlvo j thro iti.-i,im th a t cnn be o ffe red .” llJniiRpn-e iH le f t in tho aheet«. fo r sug-|m on '-.t.-d forreotion o f B ible selections nn U o n •ranged by the board. jwny

lIG H S C H O O L E X P R E S S E S I M l


itudentfl nnd F acility Mombora a t As-1 sem bly T hank nnd P ra ise E unnersup , fo r S ta te Championnhlp., ! p,

Twin Fnlls high '..-hoi'l sln .li'i.ts ...... I:i.-nllv ini'Milii-r- nl nn :i-Hi-mlilv M-'U-1 ay expr.-H 'd ih.-ir api'r.-.-iati.m of am! , ri.l,. in lh ,' f...il!.all t.'.'im. wlii,-', uihI.'. Mdnnr.- o f Cna.li K.-lix T 'lastiao .•..|ii- '

.......... . ' ’" lA ln i„n1,.., f.ir th.. M .l- iii.,.r„-U„las,^...................lian.p.onshi,., y [Talk-i w.-r.. ;;iv,.a l.v Klo <'.i..k. Mil.is

,-alt,.r<. Hnlnii.n C n ’V .....1 IMwia Tr.„.f th.- Mu.l.-iit l.odv ri'Iafiv.' fn M.,' ' „ ::.„,pa-Twiu IM I- ..ontrM . Sup,.rin- ,i„„..nd..nl K, l>. Hliii.m .-x].rr>M'.l his i;r;il. \v;ud.- ..viT fhi. r..HulIs uaini'd l.y lh - i-] '.am ill th i- -.‘a 'ln . ’s j.lay-«n.l f..r fin- ]\iliirit in whi.-h Ihe r.'Hiill-» w.-re work- ..^.1<i .IUI. Mr. ............... . t)i;ii>k<'d fh.. c„-<r1..n,l.,TM o f Iho sipia.l for havini; ili.n.' ront

g rea t deal townrds ere ,.ting a belt,-r ,„it|rand uf sp,.rl-.nanship Imth on ami 01/ giv.11.. -fielil Cnarh I'lastino thank.-d fhr o f . ootl.all l.'nm for th r sp irit o f “ nevrrav d ie ” dlsplav,.d bv th,. t-.am. Pla-. i iii in„ tnid fh-. -fu.l.'nf-. th a t Ih.-y mi(,'M ,.|1 lu- ]ir..nd of Iho tm n i. nnd tiie gan..' hvo d bv fh.' loraK la s t Fri.li.v ar .-ampa. ’ ] A

It wan annoiin-T.l thaf Twin FallH, I,v , ili he iillowi-d a rli-i.'Kafion of 2 .'. at , Uin In- O M .t H ov-’ ...mferon.--- In W h-'l.IiL . I.is we,-k .'It Huhl. j.list


•I’win Fal!> p-.lli-r la>t 7n"iilh lua.I- L'-'. f)n<. rr.-sts. 12 .if whirh involvo.l n1h-;;.d fpp,| .iadem-niiora in v io lation of -ta fe law„. jinn .-rordii.g l-> munthly ri-port snbm itt.'.l up 1 I. tlir lanniripal eommisnion by Cliief U *. O. Hcrrim.an. F ines in tho ti.lal h w , um of *f.il w.-ro .'jsspssed in pnlir.- rourl. '.-Ini: ifh.T nrroHlr. w .to ma.le .m :,.-nmnt shoe f violation r>f various or.liiianr.'s.l • .md la f f ir ordinan^o^ 0; .Irunkenness, 7. Ing T w rntv n.eriN wi-rr f,iri'i!.ed to pri- Hin

n,.ds in tho .-ity ja il .lu ring lh.' m-mlh. oxrr hilo lii-d^ w,.r.' fnrniHhod in the ja il a t t . 27 i-T -nn , who wero not prisoners. PI n ,iring the month the poliro invosti- Frar

iitrd 71 r.im plaints .m d ii-n.-d w ara Norl :;Th .in .trr-,unt o f m inor violntiouK of rour arion* or.linanroH, l.'i; t r a f f i r or.li- Ti ii.roK, .'ill: san ita tion o rd inanres. X enn^ Three rarft.w.-ro r. [H.rted ito lrn .'imt Shot

ir.-o W.T.- roi-ov(-r..,i; 12 biryrlo.M wor.- rep r .p„rtod ‘ fn!,-u and *ov-'n woro t.«- and ,v..'r.-d. eour


rT M T E L ^ FIFTH m s ^

. • p w

CLIMB UPlllD I — I n s

ofelling O rders N ear Close of

dri'Monday’s Session Sends E x- - change’s F avo rite Issues F w ' Poin ts Lovyer. '■

_____ - - enmp

M-;W YOKK, Dec. I nv«.nche of aellliiR orders poured Into p „ jtv iday 's Btoek m nrkot ju s t bufoi ro the OBU BL-ndiug.' scores of Isauca mclud* g nmny of the popular industria l and liWoad favo rites ono to th rco uad n . i l f pointa bolow S a tu rd a y ’« finnl lotiitions. Tho b reak which tam e ftor 91 iBsues had eatabliahod'now peak i rices for tho y e a r tem porarily halted .0 genernl upw ard movo o f pricea, “ . hich today cnlerod upon itn i i f t h con- ‘ icutive week. T otal anlos croaaed tho vo million aharo m nrk fo t tUi> th ir- ^ ■onth timo sinco eloction day. 'P ro fit tak ing , inspired by tho apocu- *

itivo. b elief th a t a technical ruaction ns w arran ted n fto r tlio v iolent nd- anco of -tho la s t fow weeks, waa tbo lief causo of tho--olU ng. Failuro of to i jrtnin so-wllod TuTStal siocka to reak throngh tho lr higha of la s t weok oro conatrued by mnny traders aji an ^ idieation th a t "ing iderH ” woro no t iapc.ae<l to follow up tho advance n t on lia timo, O tlior contribu tory factors So: owovor, wero an incrcnso ' in monoy to 0 itea, a cu t in tho quarte rly dividend *ican n Btromberg C arburetor from (2 to aalil 1.50, an increaso in tho aouthcrn CaJi- proe. srn ia oH o u tpu t fo r tho WQok onded fiurgi :ovembe.- 20, nn increnao on tho Euro- form c-:in bcot sugnr crop oatimnto nnd tlio I t v nnouncemont o f nnother cu t In nuto- vtoui lobilci prices bv ono o f tho large man- le.ontl fneturors. U ctoi

T rade Factors. _There woro aovornl fnvornblo trade P

artors to counternct thla, however, in- T lulling the .'Nlabliahnieiil of a now high j ( J Iguro by r.inc pricea. Declnrntion of j II iiiercasL-d r e g i ^ r divldond nnd nn r t i xirn (Itoek dividend by tho Simmona I ompany, nnnoiincem ent o f h igher gna- 11 line pricea In tho Cnrolinns nnd h igher ^ xpnrt nnpthn prices. Bullish demon- Irntions during tho enrly pa rt o f tho esaion wore moat offectivo in tho cop- ier, motor, ra ilroad nnd public u tility '■'•'c .HUOH. K ansas C itv Southern wns ono j ■ ( (ho features o f tho rnilrond group, | • Sl dvnnr-ing mnro tbnn fonr points to n 1 lew top n t 30 1-4, n.altlmorc nnd Ohin : Q: vns bill up more thnn 3 pointa to a 1 low top a t «.l 5-.1. O ther raUn to breivk hrongh the ir previous highs worn I Jnion P neifir, A trhison, Frisco ,-om-| non. M issouri. Knnsns nnd Toxas com- ' non nnd preferred , nnd Southern •Rail- vny proferred. ' 'j '" '


fttan and W oman Convicted o f VIolat- \Ing D ry Law . FUo Notico of A p-'l."',,! pe.il W ith MoUon fo r Now Trial, l '^ ^ ,

--------- ^'ri'pliN .itirr of aj.pi.al, nolir.- ..f n i.p licn-, Hull

iio.i ft.T n.-Nv irin i and appli,-atinn fo r i A :idmisHi.in nf fh.' defeu.lants to bnil bera IV.T.'.fV.'.l .M..n.lav in dinlriot .-ourt in ns tll......\*(\ I'f K.lwnr.l .1. Murrnv and Mrs. IhnsA lm a'A vi.ry . who w.-ro ronvi.-t.'d o f i ld a l ill.'gal po.H.'.-ii.n of fiv.. gallons of :<-riH lifpior an.l w .to s.-i.toi/c.',! to MOrv.- 0 0 , ln-r inys in ll„- .-nunly ja il nnd pav fin,' o f : publ MOO .'act,.

ll.'iiring on fh.' applicatir.n for ndn.is- |tli,- ,ion fo hail was fix,'.l l.y D islriet .Tinlg.- I tim. «•. A. Habcork fo l.o hold Di-cciul.er ' I-. 1, 12. n,'M.

Motion for now Irinl la based on sov : r-.rn •ral aH.'gcd orrors in tho tria l of th o i and -as,- la -t n.onlh nmong them b.-ing tho ;„fri, m ntention thn t tho rou rt erred in p .-r-11,0 . m itting tlio kog nnd ita contents lo bo , poei iiv .'n to the ju ry w ithout lho prr.^ rnrei, Tl it def.'n.lnnts or th .-jr rounsel. h.o'rs


_____ I MA aoalrd verd ict is to bo returned H'e

l.y the ju ry in tho enao of John « . o,.n Flinlon ngainst C. H. Oaborno nnd Y.I.. Kvans th n t wa.s tried Mondny in Tl listrie t court here. The case wns given u.^s.l o flio ju ry n t about 5 oV Iork M ondav I'-

'vening. involving H in to n ’s elnim to ^ [^os-iession of CO sheep valued n t J.IOO..vl.irVi strayed la s t apring from h is rinrks ns tlioy wero being moved from froding grounds on fho X o rth 'S iile to 1’ .'’" Ilnnsen. which wero found nnd tnken ip by Osborne and Kvans.

Under provisions o f the herd distric t aw, .lefendants Osbojno nnd Evans = : >laim rnmpenaatJon fo r ra re o f ,tho ihcep figured a t the r^ te o f fZ pet day ind from May to Octobcr, and amount- ng to approslm ato ly «240. P la in tif f Hinton contends th a t thl« demand Is 'xressive and haa offered rompensation It the rntc o f «1 per dny.

P la in tif f H inton w aj rcp resm tcd bv •Vank L. Stephan o f Stephan nnd m '.’orth, n n r ry J . B cnolt appearing ns •ounsel fo r defendants.

T rial In th e caae o f the Id.-iho Mer- an^ile c o m p ly , represejitcd bv J . H, Iherfey of Buhl, againat John J. Blick, epresented by A. R. H icka nnd Wolfo nd Winkins. is set fo r todav in d istrict ourt.. - H M


ONGRESS GETS DOWN ■ NOT TO BUSINESS TODAY HI(Continued from P a g e 3) B oth

n t back to tbe ag tU sU nro ebmmit- A o e. ■ ” D tt

ym i» new legUUtKni o f Im. p o r tu e * v lU Im proposed »nd tak o ita place. <m t h e , c * t o U n w ith j ca^d i th a t e u u on r tn rn tb o la s t ' «eario»^ th e re Is l i t t le p ro fpeet o f j a c tio n on m any m a tte n o ther th a n pi{,i„ th e B O ^ y UQs. . Xb« zipob llean .poav Insorgenta 'wlU hold t h e balance Bchoo Of pow er and th e ir lead e rs haTO the i d e d a re d th ey wlU eontinne to lyeoa d riv e fo r th e ir p rogram w h h I tTlew te tak in g th e ir f lg h t to th e Bryni eo on try again tw o year* hence t i e n w h en th e M rantie tb congress la to nbillt h e elected. cd hiW hatever of increased b itterness

hnt m ay havo como out o f tho recent nm palgn la moat npparont to find ' *pre«sion Jn the senote. Tho repub- leans there have rend out o f tholr a r ty councils thoao senators who ac- “ Ively oppoaed the election of Treai- cn t Coolidge. JAll four of thcao senators wero prca- . •

n t today. Deapite a ra th o r severe .j. old. Senator L aFolletto w as i n ' his ilneo in the fro n t row. H e arrived rom Madiaon in the m orning and wna :feolod n t tho senate cham ber by a ,um ber of his collengtjes. Including ^onn lonntor Wheolor, dem ocrat, Moutnna, fho wns his t.innlug m ato on the in- tary Ijpenilent p reridentlal tielcoc. Owei

Sonator W heeler received a throT h e a r ty welcome from m any o f h is knov coUeognes on th e dem ocratie side, whic Coincident w ith h is r e tu rn. Sima* hnnd to r Bobinson of A rkansas, th e mi- ' n o r ity leader, said th e re v s i no gift* in ten tio n a t th is tim e o f read ing light M r. W heeler out o f th e p n rty "be- over cause of h is acceptance o f a place on th e independent t l ^ e t i"^o<S enato r LaFollotto hnd no comment

.0 o ffe r on tho action o f the repub- ican eonforence - Likowise, i t wns lald th a t he hnd not discuaacd tho iroei'duro with ,»»'i-/>ibcr3 of tho in- iiirgont bloc nnd conaoqucntlj?' bail formed no specific program of action. ft wa.i nddeil, howover, fhn t as pre- ” 1 /ioualy nnnouncetl tho aonator wouM •ontinuo hia fig h t for wIint was chnr- ictorized na progreaaivo loglalation. i f t


u t J]

C ham ber of Com m erce R epre- ,„JJ • sen ta tiv e s to G a th er a t Po- ci„,l

catello December 12 . t.'riipian

--------- j o f tPOCATFM .O, IV.'. I (/P)— A ......fin-!

Ilf Iho .S,.u(h.-n»lVrn' M aho FiMerntion„f Chaml.ern of Commo..... has li.-.|irallo.l l.y S, K. Hrady, proHidonI, f. r ,’1* iV rom l.er 12 af IW al.-llo and ropro ^I'nfafivo* will ationd from nil towns 1.11 th.- T « iii Falls trai-t fr..in fho Hull! an.l O.ii.dlnj: .o rtion . all c ities onst t- fh.. U'y.iuiing lino an.i all norfh to the Moi>lai.a lin.-. Word wn« r.-eeivoil th 'f m orning l.y fho m anager of tho T w ir " " " l-'all\. .'Iiamlx.r tl.at (hat rhaniber w ilii renio into fh.- f.-i.-rafion an.l fn vo ra l.l. '! ri'plies havo als,. 1.,-ou r-.-oivi-d fro.u I, " Huhl, F ile r an.l oth.-rs in Mmt distri.-i 1

At ibiH nie.'iinu^ ilu' fodoraf.on mom I ;’’" 'iH-rahip will l„. oon^idoral.ly .................I 'j ' ' 'ns tho Uppc'r Snako Rivor Federation | V " ' has slowly branched out in to a south ,. Idaho organi/atl.iu . Two major proj- oriH will l.e worked n.if a t thc Dorom- , I.er ineolinc. fho .■slabliHhintf o f n sfa t- ' publioily l.nr.'.'iu and a land s.'ttleinenf VT«.p«sit>i.H whsH. 1ms uTRt.l l.vthe -r.nth.-aHlorn f.-le ra tiou for som.- ' timo an.l the m atter o f a .lis trie t fa ir T '!’' I-. l.o’ hold af Hlarkfi'of annnally . A .ijl - nal.lini; nri in n,-re--.arv (o perm it th,-I • foniiini; of fa ir distric ts by connlir-.| = and n plan has boon a.lopted bv the .iffio.-rs of Ih.- fair nss...-iation and will j , , I.e pr.'sentod to the fodoration u l tl..- Poentollo meeting.. Tho N orth Idnho Fe.Iornlion of Chain- -r be'rs o f Coinmorre will bo hold a t M.i-

” • - ......: iuA N N 0tm C B M E N T 8

Mrs. M. K. Jennuon w ill en terta in = (ho Wimodatiso rlnb w ith a 1:30 lunrh- m oon \Vodnesdny, Deferabcir 3.

The M entor club will m oet on Wod- t . n.-s,lav nfternoon n t thn homo of Nfrs. d h. E . W ilson. H

Prim rose Rebekab lodge will meet in I. O. O. F . hall THeaday evening.H. ro m b o r. Thc m eeting w ill bo c.illed prom ptly n t 8 o'clock. T hero will be in itia tio n by thc reorganised degroe Htaff under the direction o f i l r s . E ffie _ W ntklns. All brothers nnd aiatcra arc -

Storage WarehouseN egotiab le Eecolpts Issued

tCash Advancedon

W arehouse Beceipts



;oth B ry an Owen to O Ito T w in F a lls A odlaoce Adra& tages ot Bee Own ' I D n iuna l O p p n tan lttea . ^ I

B oth B ryan Owod^ daogh ter ot WUl* im Jenn ings B ryan and w ifo of U a jo r teginold Owen o f th e B ritish a m y , rbo is know n as " a woman o f nccom- BUOj Usbment,” on a lectnro to n r is to peak W ednesday ovoaing n t tho high pfi ehool aoditorinm , th is locttire bciag he fo u rth nom bor o f tho Tw in FbUb T i reoom eoarse for tho proaent season.

I t has been the privilege of Bnth )ryan Owen to have cajoyed opportnni- ioi w hieb eomo to few women, and her b ility to graap tho possibilities offer- d her has mndo hor ono o f th o fore- aoat women lecturers of th e nation odny.

M rs. O w en 's exeentivo ab ility , f ir s t V 0 ittm cted a tton tion as a membor of tho ‘ 'XecutiTo' com m ittee o f Amoriean Wom- m 's Boliftf F und, In which w ork sho vas asaociated w ith th e lead ing womon o^rni )f E ngland. Following th is .she hold 084.li 7orlonB im portan t positions on commit- ? « o i COR and d id ex ten ilve w olfate w ork donn vith womon and girl* in London. Be- l<30,0' lently she has been anpelntod to tho < idvisory board o f tho ^ c l e t y o f T iaoal dont« l?dnentIon, fo r w hich she ia w riting oays, !llmi fo r n a tlo qa t'd is tribuU on in tb ls bieni lountry th is w intor. - Thi

As a w a r nnm e In th e B ritish volnn- W23, nry n id detnehm ent In E gypt. M rs. ilms .1 Dwen w as ab le to go w ith ht»r hnaband |'Port ;hrongh J h n t fnaeinnting nnd Uttle ^rom Icnowti chap ter o f tho world w ar. In rcatim iThlch P alcatine waa w rested from the incro land o f tho Tnrkir. ^ |

M rs. Owen poaaessoB tho oratorical jIft* o f h e r fa ther, ahd hiia th a t do- Ightfnl a b ility to' carry her audlonee Jver tho ground which aho haa traveled mnklng thom feel, w hen aho has fin- ' lahod, th n t they hnvo ae«n w h at she liaa seen. Sho hns n charm ing person- niily nnd an excellent delivery—not one w ord is loat. Bho began hor lec- turo w ork a s n lecturer fo r tho oxten- trooj lion departm en t o f tho TTnlversitr o f Wem Nobrnska, and htij* been such a d is tinc t “t*®” suceean th n t aho ltt now kopt buay for nil the tim e aho will sparo from her fnmily nnd homo duties.

f '• Will:coasi

--------- If. nVAUD EV ILLE AT ORPHEUM I'uok

Fivo vnri.'d nn.l inter.-sting a.-tijFall» ni.ik,' UT. ,.| w..ll round...l vnnd.-ville biil mon, u t tho Orph.'i.m theater W.-dnescliiv afl- lev; .-rn,.oii und -venin-; ‘ u! C

Three Danrinu' .‘ axo 's: Roth m.-a Halt servrd ovors.-ns. Thoir trombone nov.-l- Uola ty was o rig irn ted in a lioapifnl in Hei- T. I Khm w hilr iK.fli w rr.' b.-ing modirnllv <i- > tr.-al.'d. The Indv wns a nurso nnd en- H V l.rin ino .l w ith tho snxonphone a n l B. 1 pinno -Inrinir lho ^Vorld wnr. I^.ve.-. LuHi .if K00.1 will npprorinle the ir of-fn rt.. War

nr..w ii an.v llrown pn-s.-jif nn nef on- Jl:>» tilled “ Tho Villag,' <Vn>us.’ ' sonsist- ^ Ing uf -onij«, •teM n i^ K to rle s , whlru d iffe r from the u s ^ iiifit-d tenm, in- nKniurh ns tlirv hav .r somewhat of .1 plot to the nef. Tlirrn ia plontv of snuppv pnttoT in th is every mlmU.'; “ somo exrepfionnlly e .itrhy songs, nnd , , i, few ferpsirhorean offorta thn t nre a*. | ' -nredly jdonsing to the eye. “ ”

Allaire comes hern n fle r soveral so.-,. J®*" sons w ith the big e.astern elrcult;.. Tie J ' l.nn.IIos rlnbs w ith a dexterity t h a t ' , . , lias mnde him known ns one of the few iJ’^^J

iroal rlu b jugglers, llo also tlir.'wy ;hata OUI ovor fhe audlonee nnd m n k e ,!” “ ; jthom r.-fnrn to him on tho atnge. Himi- l ' ; " Inr to a b.mniernng.

Koofor an.l Alberta, la te frntur,- of If;’ , the " W h ir l o f M ir th ." hnvo Hstrno.l lo fho ra il uf vaudeville. This elever ! oMipIo has arranged an offering of p J J comedy nn.l song si.rrounde.l by n eol-

lorfiil se tting . Mr. Ke..for lins nn e.,- viable r.'pninfion ns n rhnrnrfor roni.- j j ,

;dinn and Miss A lberts stnnds In n d l l '- n ;.,. Ib y h e rs o lfn s n e o in c l ie n n o ,'■ nndr..,|uosfod to bp pri'sent nnd n welconjo is oxtondod to v isiting brothers nnd n sisters. ^

Tiio ro u n try W om en’a club will meet with M. C. K enw orthy on Wedneadny nfternoon, December 3, inatend o f with Mrs. C. K. McClnin, os given out in tho club yenr book.

I p l {


‘‘Daughters ;fPI( asure"A nd Comedy. ■•Court P la ste r.*’

L a te s t N ews Weekly

TOMOBROW Vaudeville Road Show

r t v e B ig Acts TH E TH B E E S A X O P H O l^



Plctores* '

“Tlie Plunderer"s ta r r in g P ran k Mayo

A sto ry of a gold mine.Also Oomedy.


i, DECEMBER 2, 1924.


iudget of School Calls fo r Ex­pend itu re of $ 2 1 3 ,434 '.19 for . Two Y ears.

IJOIfiE, Dec. 1 W>)—Albion Normal chool will need' fo r th e aeaaon o f 1020 ■ ^ .nd m o a grand to ta l o f *213,-134.10,.ccordiug to the. ten ta tiv e budget con- o ined in th e biennial xoport lec^vfid >y Governor C. 0 . Mooro todoy. Of his umount i t is estim uted th u t 482,350 vill be rccoived na revoouo from tho indowment fund and th e in stitu tio n 's larninga, leav ing a not to ta l o f 9131,•184.10 to bo rn iied by appropriittion. 2ecommendatioa fo r constracUon of u ' lonnilory w ing, a t on estim ated cost of 160,000, ia mado as a s tep tow ard solv-' n g tho problom of housing tbo atu- tonts. A dditional teaehers, the report uys, ulao w ill bo needed fo r tho next )iennlam ..

The repo rt covera from Jan u a ry 1,1028, to Deeomber 31, 1021. Tho school las .h ttd a rom arkablo grow th, th« re- . [wrt atatea, increasing in enrollm ent ^ !rom 91 in 1010 to 27S in 1023-24, au iatim ated attcndanco in 1025 o f 330, an ncroase e f 300 per cen t in fo a r yoara.


Membera of the . A m erican Legion Womou’s nuxiliary a rc to bo greets • Ihia ovoning of Twin F alls post, Amcri- :an Legion, a t A m eeting and entortain- inont a t the. E lks club rooms. Tbo Le­gion post on tb is occasion is to present an Ameriean flag to tho Boy Scout troop fo r which tbe poat is aponaor.Members of tho acout troop also ore to attend tho nffoi^r.

i h e J - | o t e i . s

ROGKHSOX—Charles Drnco, Chi cngo; T. A. Ponce, Philndolphia; A. T. rurooll,*f5t. Paul; Joseph Fagergrcu , II. Williiiglinm, Salt L ake; Donald Pan- co.nst, N. V. Jonca, M am m ctt, Idaho; 0 .If. Hicknell, Chicngo; C. B. Scott, 8 :1m I’uokor, Contact; C. P. Johnaon, Twin Falls; Coorj-o McGee. Hoiso! G. F. Itcd- mon, Skows M ines; J . F. W eldon, Bur­ley; Frnnk Klooffin and fumily, Bolsft;|{. C. Havdingor nnd w ife, I ln rry Blaml,Hall Lak,-; Karl Uobiiisf.n, V. W. Dobba,Hoiae; J . W. Thometr., K. B. Potorson.T. K. George, ro cn te llo : O. M. Bates,(i. L. McDonnrd, f . H. Klingonemith, 'H F. Schiffninn, U. II. HobortaoH, W.H. Campbell, I). II. Johnson, K. V.Larkin. J . W. Xewina, R ay D Wood, lioim^; K. L. TitU-v, O gden; Miaa Ituth Wnrnl-T. J lrs . Robert Poole; Carl H.Ilanson, Clydo B. Lec, Los Angelea;I', n . O ’Connor, K ansas C ity ; J . B. Jen- aon. Snlt Lnke; Byron Doe, Ogdon;\V. R. C arpenter, D enver;'C . S. Uurdy,Suit Lake; Ben II. Bushtnhnn, Buhl.

PKRRINK—Cliria F unk , O gden; R.P. Hill, Po rtland ; C. B. Cline, SeatUe;J. L. Haube, Oaklnnd; F red G. Cher- unt*, Snn Frnncisco; W. A. Shank*,Boiso; J . C. P ln tt, S alt L ako; B. A. Mntlicwa, Pocntello; A. J . H eaton, Salt Lnko; M. D. Eckley nnd wifo, Jar- bldgo; M. W. M usgrnve, C ontact; J . N. Henlsley, Rogerson; M. C. McAdoo, W innomucen; II. J . H ann ibel and wifo, H rerkcnridge: P. Rcbultr., Jnck Rieh- nrdaon nnd w ife, Jnrb idgo; C nptain L K. Worthloy, Boise; R. R. Hampton,Ogden; J . L. ;^immormiin, Chicngo; II. Ilourrlker, Gnnnett; R. W. Ferris,Hoiso; M. T. Lnrge, S.ilt Lako; A. J.P riest, .T. W. Vnnee, E. C. Keratead,I'olae; H. A. Alrlrich, Twin F a lls ; 0 . B, Fnrnsworth, Snlt Lnko; N eil Jenson. M urtaugh; A. M. Sm ith, Logan: Jim Ginnopulos, Lognn; Ous Kudhtyar,P rire ,.Id n h o ; O. Norvlll, H. F. Bataon and wife. Salt Lnkc; S tanoly Anderson, Chiengo: C. E. Rndy, B uhl; W. F. Mc­Auley, Pocatello: D. E . Rhives, Ogden;G. A. Lyon. Ogden.

Joe-K Says:I seo whero tho doctor« in the

cast advine a follow to marry a . girl w ith “ high inatops.” None over advise “ a loving diapoai- tio n .’» Ilow kum t

j g i a i i T o1 < i f i I


‘ ‘ T h e F A S T S E T ’




Nows W eekly Oomedy Idaho O rehostra


“Wages of Virtue”George’s Coming Back)"A lw ays th e B est fo r the

Idaho Qnest, Alwayi.**

Page 5: T W 1 ^ F A ILLS DAILN NEE W snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_… · T W 1 ^ VOI- 7. n o . -808. _____ ^ is is PUSSES' IN [EypT m s m illE T IllM


S a I^ S y ' «

See what a dollar ' buy Wednesday. See ■

a crowd will be here ing the things that a lar_,will buy. Dollar —the best sale day of ■ all. Many things for are included. ’Join ir


BEDROOM SLIPPERA splendid C h ristm as g ift. Lat room slippers in all colors and both fe lt and co rduroy ; special W ednesday ........................

KIDDIES' SLIPPERSSom ething th a t will keep the kid w arm and comfy. Children’s bedi pers, sizes 8i/a» 2 ; in

j blue and red fe l t ; apecial a t ........

j- FINE BRASSIERESAn asso rtm en t o f b rassieres. Wl sierea trim m ed in lace and er w ith built up shoulder. F ro n t fasten ing . L o n g .an d m edium ; tw o fo r ................. .■..........................

KOTEX AT WRIGHT’SKotex. Special du ring th is one nesday. Two packages of Kote: 65c size, a t W rig h t's two fo r ..............................................

CORSET GROUPOnfc lo t of corsets, f ro n t and I size up to 25; good substantij form erly priced a t ?3.95; a t W right’s now .............................

SPECIAL HOSEA new hose fo r women. A silk hose th a t is really be tte r and mc th an a pure silk hose. Good rnnge of colors fo r .... - ................

CHILDREN’S HOSEF o r the school children, hoac ai a good value Children’s hose i black and w h ite ; now a t W rig h t’s, fo u r p a irs f o r ...............

HOSE FOR BOYSA .-school hose fo r boys Som et

' will stand the rough and tum b In black and b ro w n ; special th ree pairs fo r .................. -...........

LADIES’ COTTON HOSOnly a few p a irs left.. A ladi( hose in a size 8Vi only; in bi b lac k ; a real value now, a t W rig h t’s, fo u r p a irs fo r ..........

FOR TH E CHILDRENG et a .-supply of these hose fo r : d ren now while th is value la.s' d ren ’s hose in brow n and black; six p a irs fo r ...................................

FLEECED UNIONSF o r snoNvy, blo\vy Ja n u ary any like a pa ir o f th ese heavy fleece now a t W rig h t’s, tw o p a irs f o r ...................................

FLANNEL GOWNS^Vomen'.H ou tin g flannel gowns, and button f ro n t style, cu t fu ll s well, double yoke; w hite and co o red ; values to $1.50; special.....

CHRISTMAS CARDSBox C hristm as c a rd s ; personal i c a rd s boxed, f ifteen asso rted ( envelopes; very specia l; th ree boxes fo r ..............................

_______________ J . t y ± x ^ J A i .


PEARL IV x . P e a rl bead necklaif /A and 80 inch, gradin A , t in t s ; each finishedi i / f ^ stone c lasp ; very s

w /J a ^ fABRKSuede f a b r j t glove suede fln istf; some

COEvalues to ?1.95; sp

BOYS’ tK n it su its fo r boys w a is t w ith tan pan f ive o f th ese ; age :

• very special ........

ir w i l l COTTOIe what W hite cotton middi

all s lightly soiled;?e D U y - 44. Y our choice a a. doi- la s t ; very special j

“ them New vases in the) r g i l t s red colors; ii n , m ake a splendid C

value $1.25; very special ..........

S BABY VV anta ve.sts fo r 1

cross-over style; n a re pre-.shrunk; th

■n 50.25 values fo r .L ad ies’ bed-xnd sizes in ,BABY \

5 1 B aby hose. W hite................................ o n ly ; slightly soil<30 sm all sizes only;, . , W rig h t’s, th ree pi kiddies’ feete d r o o m ^ i p - 5 , ^ ^ ,

............ A splendid value iwool baby hose;

!S sizes only; very s;W hite b ras- 'W rig h t’s, two paii em broidery

n t and back BABY5 1 Baby blankets foi

......" n ig h t blankets witin blue and p in k ;

' ^ $1.25 values fo r ...ne day Wed-)tex, regu lar GIRLS’

$ 1 Bloomers fo r the i k n it bloomers a r school w ear. In si

J b.-,ok lace , n t W c o r s e te ,

............ 5 I C hildren’s sweateV ery com fortable: .brow n and ta n ; s

ilk and fiberm ore glossy ______

f i i COTTO.............^ * C otton chalHe for

com forts. A 'gooi lig h t and dark she

: a re ahvays special n t five y a n ;e in bro\vn,

« ■ ! VACATIC“Buy early .” Get

§ now fo r your spr. .. d ren ’s school dres;

riething th a t ^^^lors. th ree yardf mble games.

..... $1 NEWT h is beautifu l corc

lOSE ing lounging robe? id ie a - c o t to n >" “ >1 •■'•'''■los “ t W i

b r o w n n n d “ n o y n r d f o r ............

..... $1 TABUp y T able dam ask. Tl

, red and white, an>r your chi - colors, 72 inches ila.sts. Chil- fjne Wrigl

5 1. ....... ^ * FIVE YA!S H ere is your chaiiny boy will real value; a goodeced unions; «ind d a rk shades; ^

^ i | w ide; five yards

l_......... MADRA________ M adras sh irting .

n s , sliD-over m ak ing sh ir ts fo r 11 size; m ade vjahU; a sp

$ 1 a t th ree yards fo

a s OUTINCal C hristm as M ake your wint( d cards and o n tin g flannel. A

lig h t and dark sh ..............9 i W rig h t’s, fo u r ya:



. NECKLACES - - - - - -d a c e s , i n d e s t r u c t i b l e , 2 4 ^a d u a t e d s iz e s , o p a l e s c e n t o f l e d w i t h r h in e - r s p e c i a l ...........................^ I

q u a

R IC G L O V E S -

) v e s . F a b r i c g lo v e s ; a l l n e h a v e s h o r t c u f f s , o th - : o n t r a s t i n g - t r i m ; ^ * 1s p e c i a l ..............................^ • T h i s f

th in g s

- KNIT SUITS —y s ; a l l w o o l c o lo r s , b r o w n ) a n t s a n d v ic e v e r s a , o n ly re 8 a n d 4 y e a r s ; ^ 4

.......................................... 9 ■ P illo wg e t a

rO N M I D D I E S A go.d d ie s w i t h c o lo re d c o l l a r s ; tw o y d ; s i z e s 6 , 8 , 1 0 , 2 0 a n d e w h i l e t h e y ^ 4 l l a t ................................... I

" T h e

OLORED VASES;h e l o v e ly o r a n g e , y e l lo w ; s o p o p u l a r - t h i a y e a r ;I C h r i s t m a s g i f t ; r e g u l a r j

...... ................................ $ 1 E verjc r e p e

V A N T A V E S T n n d u

r b a b y . S i lk a n d w o o l ; o r c h i ( ; n o b u t t o n s ; t h e s e v e s t s t h e s e w o n d e r f u l

I' ................................. ^ Rubb.f in i s h

{ W O O L H O S E n m k e ;l i te w o o l i n t h e l a r g e s i z e s p a c k e o i l e d ; b la c k w o o l h o s e i n b o x e s r ; n o w , n t ^ 4

p a i r s f o r ........................^ ■

[ AND WOOL ZTile i n th e .s e w h i t e s i l k a n d ' In ch e ie ; s l i g h t l y s o i l e d ; l a r g e c ia l V' s p e c i a l a t f '* r .l a i r s f o r .............................^ ■

Y BLANKETSf o r w i n t e r m o n t h s ; c o z y n ia sw i th k i n d e r g a r t e n d e s i g n s a n d j

i k ; 3 0 x 4 0 - in c h ; la .^N ;.............................................. I

S ’ B L O O M E R S

e a c h o o l g i r l . T h e s e p i n k j.a r e j u s t t h e t h i n g f o r j -

1 s i z e s 8 to 1 4 (.(.j-u f o u r p a i r s f o r .............^ I

ES- SWEATERSa t e r s f o r o u td o o r w e a r . ^ e m s ) l e ; a l l w o o l s w e a t e r s i n s e le c t ; s i z e s 2 a n d 8 ^ 4 >c ia l f o r ............................. I

rON CHALLIEf o r m a k i n g t h i s w i n t e r s c ^ r i f :o o d g r a d e o f c h a l l ie s i n o r s . s h a d e s ; b o x ; a r d s f o r ............................. ^ ■

n O N G IN G H A M

le t y o u r v a c a t io n g i n g h a m h ie c i p r i n g d r e s s e s . F o r c h i l - w i th r e s s e s ; f a s t ‘<pecli r d s f o r ............................. ^ I

V C O R D U R O Y T h a to r d u r o y ia j u s t i t f o r m a k - s o m e b e s a n d c h i ld r e n ’s c l o t h e s ; th e m W r i g h t ' s ; J i | a t W

SLE DAMASKT h i s b e a u t i f u l d a m a s k i n L ig h l

a n d b lu e a n d w h i t e ; f a s t 5 0 w; :s w i d e ; ^Hves • i g h t ’s f o r ....................... i

fA R D S P E R C A L E L if eh a n c e t o g e t p e r c a l e a t a g o o dlod q u a l i t y p e r c a l e in l i g h t s h a m3 ; 8 6 i n c h c s 1 ^ 4 s o f t ;I s f o r ................................ 9 I


r. J u s t w h a t y o u n e e d f o r A g(o r m e n a n d b o y s ; a l s o f o r olem«s p e c i a l v a lu e f o o tf o r ..................... .............9 I $1 .2S


n t e r c o m f o r t s f r o m t h i s C a n dA g o o d h e n v y w e i g h t in C r y s

f l h a d f s ; n o w a t t r a c ty a r d s f o r ........................9 I C h r i ;



W o h a v e t r i o d t o s u p p ly e n o u g h

>f t h e s o s p o o ia l i t o m s t o l a s t

t h r o u g h o u t t h o d a y . H o w e v o r , t h o

i ^ u a n t i ty o f s o m o a r o u u a v o id o b ly

l im i te d . O o m o e a r l y .


is f i n e c a m b r i c w il l b e u s e f u l f o r m ti n g s in t h e h o m e . A v e r y f i n e c l tv en m u s l in c a m b r ic , 3 6 t f ;h e s w id e ; f o u r y a r d s f o r ............... .-. ^


How tu b i n g . H e r e i s y o u r c h a n c e t a l o t o f n ic e p i l lo w c a s e a a t a b a r g t

g o o d h e a v y tu b i n g , 4 2 in c h e s w i W r i g h t ’s , ■ t f 0 y n r d s f o r ................................................. ^


'h e k i n d t h a t w e a r s . " N o n e e d t o 1 >re a b o u t t h i s lo l o f g e n u in e J a p a n n g e e ; 3 3 in c h e s ^ v id c ; a t t f r i g h t ’s , p e r y a r d ' ....... .......... ...............4


? e r y " g i r r i i k e s d a i n t y t h i n g s . T h i s p l i e p e i s j u a t t h e t h i n g f o r m a k i n g g o \ d u n d e r w e a r i n b lu e , y e l lo w , t f c h id , w h i t e ; t h r e e y a r d s f o r ............. 4


i b b e r h o u a c a p r o n s in m o t t l e d co lt l i s h e d w i th a c o lo r c d r u f f l e d r u b b ik c s a v e ry p r a c t i c a l C h r i s t m a s s e k e d in C h r i s tm a s t f x e s ....................................................................... 4


e o f f e r y o u a l e a t h e r p o u c h b a g in b l ;d b r o w n ; m i r r o r a n d s m a l l p u r s e c h e d ; r e g u la r ly p r i c e d a 't $ 1 .4 9 . S il W e d n e a d a y t fr ........................................... ...................... ...... ^


iHt w h a t y o u w a n t f o r m a k in g C h i a s g i f t s ; b o u d o i r c a p s a n d .s u c h ; ci 1(1 s e e o u r a s s o r t m e n t w h i le i t ^ st-^; f o u r y a r d s r i b b o n ........................... ^


t a i l o r e d v e s t t o w e a r w i t h y o u r h e h a v e j u s t w h a t y o u w a n t . A n r ? 1 .9 5 v e s t in w h i t e a n d ^ r u - f o r ............................................................... ^


Iw a y s u s e f u l , n lw a y a a w e lc o m e g :m s t i t i ;h e d l in e n h a n d k e r c h i e f s . A g l e c t io n o f c o lo r s ; w h i l e th e y ^ s t . e i g h t f o r ................................................. ^


a n d k e r c h i e f s in b o x e s . A w o n d e h r i s t m a s g i f t . C o m e in w h i t e a n d ■s. T h r e e h a n d k e r c h i e f s in a ^ ) x : s p e c ia l , p e r b o x ................................... h


v e r y sc h o o l g i r l w a n t a o n e o f t h e s o I e c o m b s ; a lw a y s r e a d y f o r u .s e : c-( i t h b l a c k r i b b o n a t t a c h e d ; A le c la l f o r ............................................................ m

WATER WAVERSh a t n a t u r a l w a v e is e a s y to m a k e % im e o f t h e s e w a t e r w a v e r s . W e 1: lem . O n e d o z e n n o w ^ : W r i g h t ’s f o r ....... .......................................^

^ FOUR LIGHT GLOBESa v e p l e n ty o f l i g h t a n d s a v e y o u r e i g h t g lobe.s— y o u r c h o ic e o f 1 0 , 2 5 , ) w a t t g lo b e ; a g o o d l i g h t t h a t ^ v e s .s e rv ic e : f o n r f o r .............................

LIFE BUOY SOAPi f e B u o y S o a p . T h e h e a l t h s o a p ; a i x>d .aoap f o r b a t h i n g ; a l s o g o o d l a m p o o in g t h e h a i r ; m a k e s i t i >ft a n d g lo s s y : 1 8 f o r ..............................^

ELECTRIC CURLERSv a lu e f o r e v e r y o n e . A n e l e c t r i c cu i g o o d w h i t e e n a m e le d c u r l e r , h e a

e m e n t g u a r a n t e e d f o r o n e y e a r ; 1 >ot c o r d ; r e g u l a r | 1 .2 9 , f o r ............................................................ «

C A N D L E S T IC K S ’

a n d le s t i c k s . t h e p r i d e o f e v e r y h o s t r y s t a l c a n d le s t ic k s i n v e r y n e a t a n d • a c t iv e p a t t e r n s ; m a k e g o o d ^ h r i . s t m a s g i f t s ; a p n i r ........................... •



^ T O IL E T P A P IT o i l e t p a p e r . A r e a l v a l d a y . Y o u m a y h a v e 2 4

t h o * t o i l e t p a p e r a t W r i g h t ’s

,b ly f " ' ' ‘>"'5 ' ..........................................

H O S P IT A L T ISH o s p i t a l t i s s u e . A lw a y s ii r o l l o f 1 0 0 0 s h e e t s o f f im w h ile i t l a s t s . N o w sp ec i.

m a n y 1 0 ro l l s f o r ................................c lo so

S ' l S IX T E E N GLAIY o u r c h o ic e o f f o u r d i f f e i t h e s e g lasse.H . ,A g o o d t u r d a y u s e ; a r e g u l a r 1 5 c g

i c e t o ’1 0 " ’ f o r ................................,r g a i n .w i d e ; ^ C R O C H E T C D l t f i J u s t w h a t y o u n e e d fo

• ^ ■ to w e ls f o r C h r i s t m a s p rcv a r i e t y o f c o lo r s . H e r e if g e t 3 6 b a l la

, f o r ....................................................t o a s kp a n e s e g y p g g j ,

S l Y o u m a y h a v e a s e t o f s i c e r s . V e r y f i n e f o r e v e r ;

j p o f e i t h e r t e a o r c o f f c e c u p ^ s p e c ia l , a ix f o r ....... ................

g o w n s B R E A D B 0 > t f i Y o u w il l e n j o y e a t i n g b r

. ^ i a n d f rc .s h . I f w il l t a s t e 1 in o n e o f t h e s e w h i to e n a i a i r - t i g h t b r e a d b o x e a .......

E N A M E L K E T, ; A to a k e t t l e t h a t w ill l a s t ,

i t e a k e t t l e . A f iv e - q u a r t g rn d o , I n r g e b o t to m ;

■ s p e c ia l n o w f o r ....................

C O T T O N BA 'I b l a c k C o t to n b a i t s . J u s t i t i • s e a t - w i n t o r c o m f o r t s ; a v e r y p

S p e - p o n n d c o l to n b a t t ; ju .s t r .size. 7 2 x 9 0 , n o w .................

N O V E L T Y B PT o u c h u p y o u r o ld d re s f

p , . l ik e n e w w i t h s o m e o f thU n r i s t - a s s o r t m e n t o f c o lo r a ;

' ...........F O R C E D A R C

C o d o l) lo c k s f o r y o u r cod i t t h a t c l e a n r e f r e s h i n g o

r s u i t . t a i n s s i x b lo c k s : s p e c ia l , r e g u - . t 'v o b o x e s ..................................

$ 1 S H A M P O O JA (G iv e y o u r f r i e n d s a a h a a C h r i a t m a s p r e s e n t . C a w h i le i t i s in s t o c k ; a s s o

I g o o d " f c o l o r . , ...................

$ 1 . R IB B O N EUY o u w ill w a n t s o m e o f t h e la s t i c f o r m a k i n g f a n c y m i n u t e a n d th e y a r e re a i

i d e r f u l f o r u s e ; tw o y a r d s ..............n d c o l-

e - J T I S S U E ’ KERCA b e a u t i f u l h a n d k e r c h i t k e r c h ie f . A ll w h i t e w i th g u a r a n t e e d f a s t c o lo r s ; '

!C B o b - " iw c ia l , tw o f o r ...................

• B E L T S , A L L V$ I B e l t s , a l w a y s u s e f u l . A

p a t e n t b e l t , a n d a g o o d li: a n d w i d t h s ; a t ’W r i g h t ’s f o r .........................

:e w i t h

= K IT C H E N A P5 1 A n a p r o n to s l ip o n o v e i

f i n i s h u p t h e k i t c h e n v c r e t o n n e p a t t e r n s ; w il l s w a t e r ; s p e c ia l f o r .............

r e y e s .2 5 , 4 0 , W R I S T W A T

t f i C o m e e a r l y a n d g e t o n e - ■ C h r i s t m a s . W r i s t w a tc l

v e r y s p e c ia l a t W r i g h t 's W e d n o H d a y , tw o f o r .......

o d ' f S L A D IE S ’ H O it f ^ L a d ie s ’ c o l to n h o s e . A

. . 9 1 w e a r a n d a l s o f o r 1y o u c a n n o t a f f o r d t o m i b la c k a n d b r o w n : e i g h t ]

F O R O U T D C• f iH o •‘’p o r t s d u r i’ X i ' t e r m o n th s . Y o u w ill

S I c o m f o r t a b l e w i t h a p n i r•• ^ la d i e s ’ w o o l a n d c o t to n ,! :

B O X S T A T IClo s t e s a . ■ G e t t h e s t a t i o n e r y y o un n d a t - C h r i s t m a a n o w . A g o

t f 4 f i n i s h , c o n ta in a tw o doz«... ^ I a n d e n v e lo p e s , f o u r b o x c

DECEMBER 2, 1924.■■■■ ..........; - • ' ' ' " 5

-^--r-T,-------------- ~~ '0 ' '

T ’ S ' ' : '■ < >■

'APERvalue on W ednes- , • —2 4 rolls of crepe

..............$1TISSUE/s in demand. The fine tissue for you lecial,

iLASSESffe re n t pa tte rn s i n ' tum bler fo r every-

c glass,

COTTONfo r em broidering __ ,

pre.sents. A good •e ia y o u r chnnce to ,

.........$1SAUCERSf six cups and sau- ' very-day u se ; a set cups; $130XES: b read th a t ia soft 5te th is way if kept inam el ^ < |

SETTLESast. A g ray enamel a r t s ize; a heavv

................ $1,BATTSi t fo r f ix in g your ry good quality two-

....... $1

BRAIDSress. M ake i t look f th is novelty braid.

........ ;...$1

1 CHESTScedar chest. Gives

Ig odor. A box con-

.... ........ $1JACKETSsham poo jack e t fo r Call fo r your shade


ELASTIC ”f th is sh irred ribbon ,ncy g a r te rs ; only a ready ^ i |

ERCHIEFSchief is th is tissue /ith colored borders;

....... $ 1 ■

- WIDTHSA good wide black

d line in m ost colors

................. $1APRONS

over your dress and n work. In p retty ill shed ^

BATCHESone fo r the kiddies’ atches fo r children:

.......... $ t

HOSIERYA hose fo r every-

o r best. Som ething I mis.s. In t f i | h t p a ir s ............ «Dll

roooRslu ring the cold win- vill feel w arm and a ir o f t f ^m .hose.:.............9 I

TIONERYyon will need this

good, quality linen dozen shoots t f 4) O X e S .. ...... J P l ^ ,

■ •

Page 6: T W 1 ^ F A ILLS DAILN NEE W snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_… · T W 1 ^ VOI- 7. n o . -808. _____ ^ is is PUSSES' IN [EypT m s m illE T IllM

fege su - • TWIN,

r w m F A L L S D A IL V N E W S '- iM uod e v « rr inorn ln ii «xc«Dt fttunduy

K T rtT FW l»~N*w « PuW tBhIn* Co.. Ine., (E ttab l(a h « d IXA.t

E n iiu e d n a leoond cUm itiftll m a tte r A Srll 9, 19t8. ttt th a poatofflca a t Twtn r a l l a . ^dnho. u n d e r th e a c t of M arch i ~~■ IW*. .* ., - I


■ ' ! |{ S V :_________________________

MRM UER O F A 880C1A TK O I’K RSS a r T ho A nrocintcd T roaa la <ixcluii|vel>

•D tltlM to th o uae for rei>uhlicaiioii ol ... «U nrwf» d iap atp h ra crj'd lipd lo li. o r no.

.B i." ,! ; ':" J S : , ' : ' ; GS.Tj "fiin # b ta of rcpiibllcntJon of apectal rti*' tAtrhcM Ticirisrn a ro a lao rra^rvod, a t

Ml mp«na Aaaocliitod I*ri-a».

T tin Npw/i I> n m em ber of th<! Audit Buri-nti of C ircu lation , from »h o m full tnfon iin tlon nn to olrctiU tlon mny ha oh- , t»lnv(l uimn n i'o llr ju ln n . • pB tnllM infor- Binttoii dupplli-d lo n il lr upon rfnu-*"!.- ----------------- ----------- — ---------------- ----- utl

Ko rraponalbltlir la a aaum fd for th> wrA or unaoltcKrd innnuRcrlptn. phoio-fniTihn or oth«>r r;on«rlhn»rrt m n u r r Ar-Ucl<-H M ihm ltied for ptihllca llon urill l>' oacit or no t u« lh o d l«cro t1on of th r e d i­tor. nnd no m nnuaerlatB will ho n*Mirii‘’»1 Onl''»n iiccom piiiiird liy npcraaary non'iK(i- ro

RASTFIRN RBPnRHF:NTATIVR.<J OforKi* n- D avid Co.. Inc.. Now T ork :

A. n . K cntor. Chlraigtj: F red V. H alt Conit'iitiv. Inc.. 8n n ' F^nnrlnco. m;


MODERN “ B X PLO B H as.” jp 8lini1(>y B a ld w in . prcMcnt P r im e pc

M iniH tc-r'o r K nu lnnd , iit a roo o o t d in ­n e r rrfo rro rf to r .o n l H a lfo iir ' n n d S i r A iii'k la n d O cddon nil " d la t in f^ iB h o d

' ex ]i|o ri‘'r!<,” lifriiiiMo th o y h nvo c rp lo ro d tilt, Uvixn n .i.l m ind o f th o A m o rica n j,, por>i,lo n n d hnv n pn rrip d to th o lr fo l­low .•(iuii(ryni«'n a f ln o in to r p r o ta l lo n or o t o u r n a tio n .

T h is Ik Honn'tliinR n s t f tip o r ta n t to c lv ilir-alio ti .-It p rM o n t nn wnn th o o r - , ploriiiK' o f o n r lio r d n y s th n t ro v ca lo d now i-onfi'nonts nn tf n e w poopfo*. Jtfnny d itttiiiB nlshod fo ro ig n c rs rom o to th is cn itiilry , I rn v i 'l throiiR li a f e w la rg o cltii-K, K;ifli(’r lin s ty ImprcJialona a n d t l i fn r t-lu rii to th c i r ow n Innda to to ll K 'wlm t A n x 'r irn in lik o . T h e i r v iow a nm l ojiinirinii t l i f f o r nn w id e ly aa tho tiJHlcvH a n d tcm poram on tB « f th o m on th i'nm dvi'H , n n d f re q u e n t ly n ro w ro n g b c ra m 'i ' tbc-y nro no llm itp d in aropp , j„

;A nifrirnii(i n ccti n o t iro tnpW n tb o Ic« b i t to r iy o f tl.i« , l.ecnudo w e-d o > . tho flnm.' lliin jr, tn ltitif : iifi n lm olu tc f n c t Diftiiy o f th e pCMonnl rcn c tio n a o f A m .-rii'un t r n v r lo ra in o tlio r Innda.

T lir r i ' in no th in K r r lm in n l o r ov en .. florionnly .■ ..•narinn in n il tM a. Ix it It ia bnd i l doea h o ld b a c h t r u e ■„in tr r n n t in n a t onilo rM tnndiog nnd co- opp riitio ii. The* I l r i t ia h P ro m io r vo ices <ho wwfi o f m n n y Ih o itg h tfiiJ po raons Jn (I l i . .•o u n try w ell a» l i i i ow n w hoii li<! Bnya:

“ I f c-oiild o n ly 1)0 poraim dodto ro frriin f ro m p u b lic ap o n k in c u n ti l th e y w .'r i ' .|ii: i’ ifitid n« in to r ii rp fo K , thii.KH n-..iil.l \w m tirh - l .o tli 'r on b o tl. H e itl . 'i o f 111- A t l a n t i c . "

TIIE TW IN nuaB A N D B . I ; I 'rd iii t i l l ' b i'K iiininR j o f tlio c lr ; im a ,:

th e r,- h a v f Ni-in p ln y s bn.-od on Ih o l n f tw in a . Plnfu-^, th o '

L a t in i i l a y n r i ; : h ( , p rodu .-.- i ;» ^iinot.Mj p i. ,-.- o f IUl' iu n il, iiiH jiir-iI -h r— aJi I oM -r ( irr.'U p la y , flhakf-ipy.ir.r o f to n ^,'r itNcl th . ' t l i . 'm r . 71 i^ Ntill nncd o n [ r . i - v r y K U i:., N 'onrly n lw aya. h o w / '

i-r tm o u n ’-e th o c n tn n -,-^ R l-,n ..,ii.. ..«• th .. p la y :.b.Hur.lly i w l " R cr.,l,n l, a n il inniHt th a t th o tw in a f . t . l . l no t iio.Hsibly l.c’ Mil Im .lly t» u ta il, a l.y .•v i'ry lm d y . ’

W h a t, th i-n , i l to b o ^ a a id o f thi-< w h n m a n d ra m a fro m ro a l l i fo , in A u ilu -J tl b o n , N.-w Y o rk ! A n .a n n a m e d M o r - l l ' Ran. cliartMMl w ilh l.iK.aniy, aaya t h a t i ' ' h is Iw in U ro tluT wa-i k ille d in rrnn r< -, ' during- Ml.' u : i r , :nnl l l .a t In- lli.ni'KM from _th.' widow nnd orphans nnd took th .‘ l>riith<-r’B pl-aoo ns hn^ bniiii nnd fa ther, w ilhout tho subMti- f tn tion OVIT boin^' Uisrovored, ITo i-jc- piaina . hc w anted to eave tho wify I Borrow and take ra re of her an.l her ehildron.

A ll w o n t w e ll, th e n ,’ u n ti l th ia au r v iv in g tw in f .’ll in lovo w ilh n n o th o r w om nn -ind m a rr ie d ho r, apend inR f iv r i d nva a w ee k in h ia w if o ’a hom c a .u i l v w ool; enda in hi.s b ro lh (3r '9 hom e. T h e ! tw o w om en .lin ro v e rc d th o d n p lic itv -I o f tlic h u sb a n ii, a n d h a te d h im in to e o n rt. T h.- f i r . i t M rs. M orR an fltill m riin tn in s t h a t th o d e fe n d a n t i.'* h.T re a l h u sb n n d . H o flwoarn h e Ja n o t.

lls 'ow , w h n i do y o u m nke o u t u f th i i tJ I t ' is a cn.io f o r a S o lom on. A lao fo r a c n n to ra p o r .iry p l.iy w rig h t.

Timely Aid.A n o ld ne;:r.> wnni^in cnni.- In to a

J lo lly w tm d ro .il e s tiit .- .itJlco n ,,- uH ht

4fty n n d wmh ....... .. iih th .- ic n n iit• f n Hmnll lumM. ih.- vn luo ..f w h lcb b n d h e c .n i f riiu.-b .•nlm n.'.-d bv ro n s.m .

II o f n now atudl.. bulMln'.: lu iimi ,i,.1l:1i- j.*! bofhootl. ‘'I.o-ili b rr .', jinnM.., wt- arc fOlnK t.. Mla.- y.m r lorii H.Ih inniilb," j, th e iiKonl n-niarlr.il l.ri.sUiy, ••J),.od, an ' AIikc l-IikI I.> hour dal. xiili." (hr Old woiniui .Iii.kftn; f.. ,- f„.„il !>'iwlltciy. "M kbl.v irla.l, U hI.o. .-u.h.- All Om conio In liynli liTdny t.-r tell

. yo’ n lU dnt All otiiil.ln-f ratBo b it djs {’, month.V—Sutur-la.v i:\i;;iin;: f,>gr. “

W M , W . D id n 't “W e Bbould n o t |io 8s fro m tti* 4 a r tb

w itlio u t leoTiD * t ro c c a lo carry^ , oop tn e m o ry to p o B irr lty .— N apo leon ,

■ Radio ProgramsAdvance offarlnca » t priaoipoj aiatlon wiiiiiii ruiiKD or r«e«ivinK M U In Twtn Palla country, arrunsed briefly for buay roadars. TWIN FALLS TUCB __


•i p. ni.—Kudy Bolgor’s orehoatrn. «1 r>:30 p. m.— Kudy B oigur’g vrchoN tro. t• 0:30 p. m.-7-Cliildrcu'a a tory hour. U> 8 p. m.— Itndy Bclgor’a orcheatru. li

tt p. ni.—rrogrn iii by U nited Stntea -ca rm y b o n d , o rg a n a cc o m p an im o n t.

11 p. m.— E. Mttx B rud fie id ’a voraa- t ! tilo band.! ' KQO, OAKLAND.

5 -.5>iail.—Concort oreheatra o f Hotel St. Franeifl. -1

7:15 p. m.—Final rt,Miding of Block ■ Pm nrkot roporta. I '<

I t» p. m.— Kducation program ; M uiie *'by Arion trio . «

11 p. in.—Dnnco muaic, Ilonry Hal- ^a ten d '< orchM tia. ^

KOW, POETLAND. ''i:aO p. in.—Conccrt. ‘ fl p. 1/ —Children 'a progrnm.

j 8:1S p.. m.— M arkota, woathor, polieo ^roporta. ®

9 p. m.—A grieulturul locturo. “0:30 p. ni.— Conccrt. *'

K H J, LOS A N O E L E a *■j 1:30 p. m.—Progrnm proaonting Tom- ®

my Tibbottca and liia Itondezvoua or- ^, cheatro. |

3:30 p. m.—Program through cour- 'toay of Southern C aliforn ia Muaic com- J

) pany. ' 7 p. m.—A rt H ickm an’a concort or-

. eboatrn. '

. 7:30 p. m.—C hild ren ’a atoriCB,.0 p. in.—Program by courtcay of j '

Hollmnn Commt-rcial T ruat nnd B nv "‘ inga bnnk. .. ^■ 11 p. m ^ E a r l B u r ti ic tt’a IliUmoro ' 1 orchealrn.

• WOO,. DAVENPOET., p. m.—Cliimea concort.

f> p. ni.—Sport nowa, w enther; aiU\nt 'J

K TW , O iK O A ao. "' 3 p. m.—A fternoon froUe. 1 » .Tran p. Ml.—C hildren 's atoriea.5 O p . m.—D inner concort. ^I 0:-15 p. «n.—Around tbt.- town with TI KYW. ‘ , 8 p. m.—Muaieal progrnm.

10:30 p. m.—-A t home prograni.WDAP. KANSAS O n T .[>. m.—S ta r ’a rndio orchoalra.

- p. n i.-S d io o l o f the n ir; piano tun- [ '■ ing in number; rh ild re n ’s atory; Hnn- ; B Ion Knniaon Trlnnon ensemble.0 10 : ili p. m.—N ighthaw k frolic. ‘ t W LS, OHIOAOO. " f 2:l.'5—Homo makorB’ hour. !"

n p. m.—Mnrki-t aummnry..'5:30 to 9:40 p. m.— Pipo organ ro- ^

e ita l: lullaby tim e; fnrm progrnm; ;' W hS thea te r; on thn Hook T rn il; Ford J>’ nnd Qlenn tim e; m idnight revue. ,

KSD. ST. LO U IS. / s iT p. m.— Homo cconomica pronVam., ri p. tn.—Conccrt h r Bonjrtnrm Had- [, o r'a orchestra. '

3 p. m.—T’rogram to bo nnnounced. *1 WOAW, OMAHA. [

p. ni.— Advico to tho loveJorn. ,' rnZr, p. in— Dinner program.

3 p. m.—M erry M usical Mnlds ofI Hotel I’onfonelle. »

' i iD A iro ."I r,f V irtu .-.” Oloria Swan- ,> >in'n lateat I’aram ount. production, di.■I :ro .'lo d l.y A ib in D w n n , w h o mad.> b o th , . . • 'M a n l i a n . l l . 'd ” ' a n .l “ H o r L o v o l , . ,K io r y ,” w ill hr. .h n w n to m o rro w n n d , , 'b a ln n o c o f . th . . w ee k a t th e T daho. Tlio

M ory JH »n a ilap t.-)tion b.v r-.rr.-.^ t H.-jI- , •.oy o f th o p<.j,ul:.r tiovol o f th o v im e

' Inam .- bv l*.T.-iv:;l W ron . |i T ho t . i r ln ro i« pIoaHii.K love t a l e ! ' w oven a b o u t n y o u n g ^ ir l . t.ro .lu r t o f

i- [th o sb im s. w l... bi-romo.q th o to a - t o f th c . . l l ' r o n r h For.-ii;n L . r l n n . A s C nrm elitn ,, jM i.s Swan«nn has f. n d - idoallv auite.l . !to her. a part th n t tnnkea “ Wngoa of . ' I V ir tu e " stand ou^ ns tho groateat 1

M .tliini; rhe has ever clone in her lengthy

REAL E 'sfA T E ^ R A N S F E R S |■J Fumtahed by tho Twin Falla T ltla and , T A bstrac t Company.

J, 8 .-»turdny, N ovem ber 29, \Qnil claim .loo.l, A. M attson \to J.

^M attM m , $ 10 ; \V i,; NE e7-9.1f..'■( Pord. .‘Sheriff to J . Mattson,'I jW u Ni: 27 f».lfi.e ! M ary V. MoCre;.rv to A. F. ^rcKwon,V .Ir., «1; NE SE 32-10.18.

' ^ p i i n■ BHEIITIIF: REDPEPPEIIS' Uh....matism. lumbaj;o. ii.'uriii.-. b.nok-' a.h.-, - t i f f n.-rk. M.r.‘ nuu.'k-a, Hlrain^- Kprain-. a.•hini: j . .iu l . Wh.-n y..u aro ’ .u ff.-n iig ^o you .an han ilv i:ot aroun.i,■ j 11.1t try Il.'d Pc].|HT Ibib.

.Vothiiii; ii.ia atirh ounoi'iitrati'il. i.on-• .-trating hoat na rod p<-pi-. r.«, atnl when I h .a f iM.Mo(ra(.-H rij;iit .low» inlo paia . an.l rn,.i;.-hti«n roliof .'oni.v^ a t one...I Jn a t n* aoon na yuu ni.iily Rod Pep-

por Itub you fo..l til.- tii.Kliiig hoat. In threo m inuto, f |„ . ...ro apot l< w.-irin,-.| through and tlir..UKli nnd lho torture i» gone.

Kowli-a Uod I'oi.t.or K.ih. mftdo from rt-.l pcppora. oosti littlo a t nny druc ,

; Hlore (lot n_ j. ,r a t once. Ho anrt. to get thc gonmne, witb tb.- namo Kowloi t.n overy p a rk sg e .-n d v .


“ SINNERS Mhy\Clive


Covering h e r fnce w ith both hands,' tbo stro v e to BubdtiQ tlie extrnordlnnry

. tum ult w ltliln bcr . . . then looked up n t Ihe aound o f th e door being hnatlly shu t w ith a cm sh o f bamboo tl

I -cntiefl. olW ith n gnap of relief, ahe reiUUed w

• th a t sho w as nlono.--------- cl

V »I b .] A fter tho nnflvcs' a ttack , a new gi . phnBo began betw een the pair. P ara- tli

I doxicnl Uimigli It tnay aound. the | vi . ' liouni wblcli brought thera bo n e a r to­

g ether wltloned thc gu lf betw een them. fl . Had .th a t eventful night ended wtth C

tlie ncrldt'n tnl d ischarge nf tho w volver. tb e lr dnily llfo m ight havo cnn- dl tinued more nr less placidly, like the K w utom of aomc river, w ith b u t nn oc- II

, cnfllonni rock obntnictlng Un cven ty courBP, But C roft's nmnzlng Int-lc of i-i Bolf-control hnd boen like a huge atnno f. hurle<l vlolenlly. Into th e cen ter o f tho tl river, causing ever-widening clrclo t to

. extend. In tcnslfled n hundredfold, all 01

. the fonrs of her flrat afternoon upon x] thc lalnnd niRbcd riotouniy bnck .' 9he 11

_ bw am o conscious of him ns sho luid , never been befo re : not only of tbo il

forco of bin will, b u t o f the sln*ncth si o f tb c pnsHlnnu lying dorm ant nnder n A cold ex terior. c.

N othing more had been said conccrn- w I ' Inc th e cpisotle. H n lf expecting some ki

I kind of apology, sho bad ilw lded. nexl k I niominir. to nccopt It frigidly, drnwing n

■ I clone th e clonic of h e r o^m rcffcrvc nnd ndignity. fl

Rut th e apology never cnme. H e didnot appcn r a t nil u n til nonrly midday, d

. whon ho nrrived w ith ntros .fu ll of d frcah fru it. Then It was he whoseemed encased In n m antle of suoli pfey reserv e ffint ho r own n tlcm pts 11dwindled to more foollshnes-H. Sho took f.refuge In alienee. A slone wnii nnd ten .11m iles of land might hnvo divided tbem. a!Ho spen t th c nfternoon fotcljing thinga tlover from th e reef, lenving her severely llnlone. u

T bls position endured fo r some d a y s . ' ein»- «eeme<l to ^ e e p nwny nn much na tlpossible, nnd lier loneliness bccam e nt f'

■ times Inlolem ble. B ut she lenrned Rirtny prnctJcjil ftilnga IIj» (niigbt imr n to c rea te Are by friction w llh wood; to il bnke b ren d fn ilt—th n t sub.atltiito fo r n cen-nl In the South w ns—In hot em- n bers, then seoop o u l the In te rio r; or rl preservo ll by .tryinu’ tbin siloes In Ihe r.

'■ sun, She siM'n noiinln-d p rim lilv t'w nysj of pn-pnrlni;. with n cnmpllre nn<l a' •<

fow old nntive veHsels, rbi> strnnjp* nsh. llbln ls nnd tb>* fniltK lie brouclit. <•

Tben. ..no .liiy. ho >-nino striding h , down th e sl.>|..-. n fto r belnc nhsi-nt for■ hours. l....l;lmr Himni:ely bncirnrd niiind b

the oyes, Wllb diH.-i.n.-ortIng sii.tdon- v noss, In .■bnrni-ierlvil.-, b rie f sen i.-n res:--« he doiun-iid.->t. ui.t .- thnn siicgested. n frleh-lHblp botwoon tbem,

. . oiin’t p> ..n ' . . , Ulls llf.-'s t.iinbeiinil.l.-...................“ n u volco was Ftinu«nnllv m rf . tbe - .-ntene.-M won- .lls. f ,I..’nt.-.l. bis n.Tvo« evldonilv worn (bin

Sh.- wnv tiik-n ut.iiwnroM. nt 11 n w I'm.-nt of <l.‘i-i. <li-i.r.-s«|..n. wh.-n .-vory- tblni: v,.oui.'.l vor>' ib.rk. Not pi.ii-.lni; ! II ., r.-lt.-.-t .-n ib .. i.f.vsii,iiiiv ,.r s im lln r ^ M.lT.-rlni: I n . 'I n - |.t....-H .-l r h h r.-.im -st ^f r.,.,. -M - . I tv . .............. . t .. tl.-.-. «he•ihrunij t-ri-'i; l..-r f. :.rt an.l --u-^i.l.-|..ns

I- oro-v.lli,;; In «'• - r n . n f.-a1.1 T tni-^i v n u r— ’ >' ; fri.•!..1-4.1... I <'nn-| f-r.-.-t- " o | n .- t....U...l lit h-'i- ..'•..■■tU. witll ores i

II,:.I 11;. -h -.l b. oi.bl. -. ^.n-cr. 1 '■ ■'!’ n ll -II : •riii'.i Iin i-xi-ei>. i *

,(„n ;.l r . n - . n n . I . - r - t a m t r ■'n m .v.-ar-^ ..f rn i 'l i i in M ii-n-;ii..lin-'s

1 nr.- n - l w i | - d ...n In I - v r l r .n a w,-,-k. * i ■■rm iifr ; '! .l n . 't . I — " I

" T h .-n .v.m m il-! lu m p I tV H.- f tu m .-d nvvav wl(!i :in .-N i>r.-s.ho sb r.ie , I

"j a n d -llM nn-.-ar. d it;, tlio b ill . '‘‘ I T b n t u a - . Ilio ..!ilv . .v o rm ro b . ' o v .t

........... ................................... . ^•' Unrl.nn. wol.--:.....I aiiyiuinw whi.'h |

made fo h - r (/...(i..-?iN.

S For tho lorriblo f.-.-lini; " f Inii.oii-n..-. tho sbi-or b..m .'skkn.'vs, th - l.m.-Iln.-s-.. « wore evor bolow the surfn.-.-. r.-iuly. i Id nil toK.-tlier t.r individually, tt. Kpring iilitin her n't any in..inont. i

.K dfiy nrriv.-d .m which the .in.sets oiimi- *'n<.t Hln;;ly bul In bnttnllt.ns," , She had beon nlone for hours. When - Croft nrrlvod. b e r Bpirits woro below

' ' zer.>, ho r nerves frayed, her tompor ] wns not o f tiie best. H o glanced nt hor i

"i shrew dly, b u t appeured to notice noth- . Ing. Coming to tbo hut. bo dropped a large coconut Into her lap, whero aho sa t oQtaldo th e door.

‘T h e re you a re . my child I Oet ; b u ty l" bo rom arkod cnstially. i

U ncootrollable Irritation, tho result I of solltn ry fre tting , welled up within

bar. Im pulsively she Mirod tbe coco- ' n u t aad buried It down tho beach.' “Don’t cnll rae th a ti- I’m not yonr^

I 'child’- n o r anything to do w ith yotL" i 1 T h ere w as a m omcnt'a silence ; thea J be ffave a little iMCiL

“ No. indeed I L.-fa Miiiiik the j;.)od ' .. Lor.l for thnl. a t nil eventK.”1. Slu* Itwkod up, dum foundetl; but be

hnil m rnt'd nwny Int.i tbo liut,>' So tb a t was tb.- position? H er dis- ' ” like wna rctuniotl in full? A shnr.«) ' ” Blab of hurt pride and desolation caused sudden tt.-un» to rlsi* nml rt>ll '

,1 down h e r rlieeks. Hhe «cmnibl.-d to ' ,I her feel nnd. oul o f sight uiu.uik Uio ' i, bruHhwo<Hl, lay down an.l bo!,I,e.l -u t '

h e r 'h e a r t . in C roft got his own su[.per tha t nljcbt.C Ho m nde no coininent on her swollen " eye.H nnd lack of appetite. Hut wben ’ sho look Iho larKo aliella ust-d for '

p ln tcs lo wasli In Ibe laguon. he roso.


N m A W N ’± .

Arden ;■ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I 1

IIInipulHlvely. i(> follow her. A fter a Tew Rtei.r.. however, he paused uncer.

f tiilnly. Wllil a little helpless shrug, a I he returned to the hut.( Eneb day ht> spent much tim e upon t: ) th e reef, snlvinc nil th a t wna possible li

of th e mnclilne, until w hat rem ained ° I wus sw ept awuy ono n igh t by th e tide.

A dozen times i> day. one o r both ° climbed the bill nnd vainly sea rch ed , , the ,horizon—giiihering, w ith dwindling*' '' hopes, more fuel tn heap upon th ? '

r growInK pile wblch som e day m igh t.,- tlare Into a beneim to n ltru c t n passlDf ' ? ) I vessel. “ W

T he nntives seldom ventured far . from the ir aeltlem cnt. W henever \ Croft en.'ounlered one. th e frightened• w retch took in his heels. Only onco• did hc meet line w ith nulllcient courage ® » to rep ly to the w hite mnn’s ciucstlona.- Ilul. nl the Urst allusion to ships and1 n tlier w hite men, hla fo rtitude gave " f i-oHipb-tely Mwny; with n wflllJng cry of * ) fonr. he lum ed and vnnished omong ,, ) the irtH-4. leiivinKCr'.ft no wiser. • - .) Jlarl.nni wus linunted by thoughts 1 of lIu s h ’K stiTTerlng. To he nllve. In 1 Mpleiidltt li.n ltb . yet u u ih le to Inform> iiioso iiiotirnlnK her iu*atb. could be 1 .-quiilorl onlv hy n like linpoienco uponi lho c.tluTr !<li|e of the gn ive lo alloy the I siirr.-rlnx>‘ of Ihose beloved upon ro rth .1 A fter n lif.-tiine, tt>». o f ln.sepnrnble J

coiupanloiiHiili>. this new existence, In- wbloli Htiub had n o '" p a r t . seerocO ' } Kiraii;:oly ini-iim|ileie. Vot. paradox- ’ I k-nlly n;:iiin. IiIh 'pn.-Hehee w aa not * ; noe.b-<l b e ro : b.- w -uld hnve seenietl na * 1 much t.ut o f pln.-e ns tiie proverbial ?

tlsli out of w ater. . . ”1 Croft, on the o ther linnd, appeared •. dnily tiiiiro KUlliHl to IliH envlroniiK-nt, f titling In as if It w ere Indeed hi,a> "finturai sphere,” G rndually, a s the ' I past crew fainter, ber conllilcnce re- * 1 lurnetf. ff,» apparen t dfsfncffnatfon ' c f.ir her comimny, though reassuring In 1 one wny. pl.pied la-r hi another. So. she w ithdrew Inlo her own sh e ll; nnd ■ 1 tbe Invlnlble wall grew h igher betw een ' r then i^on ly oci-aslonal chinks n p p e a ^ ^

inc .-or thin ........ . tbm ugli which thoy *' t-nmo a lltlle nenri-r. A t these tim es *

a th e K'rl recn-iletl ber refusal of b is one * t frien.lly ovo,-ture. . . . ‘1 It wns one evenhiK, Iwo o r thrpo * r n-o.-k-. utU'T th>‘ na tives ' nttack. that * 1 the InrgoKt oblnk In tb e wall appenred. * » Tho .lay ha.l b.-en iinuminlly h o t;• and Hbo xtr..lk-.l lU llessly up lo th e * r rlv.-r t-> Imtlio. W ith i.are sunburned ‘

r.-i-t. nn.l Ihe rovi.lvt-r—without w hich ‘ « -die S.-1.1..UI -Ilrr.-.l—Htiick In her belt, ‘ 1' lh e iiUK-iod tbrouKli tb.- irrove, IbroiiKh I. lhe tnll ilnrk nveniie.s beytmd, to lho '

H.-nrliiL- by ibt- w ater’s edge. T hcro • c Hbe Imli.otl. nniazt-d. - ‘r ............ lay Croft, h h tlark1 bend burled in his a m is ; beslile him . w oro-oni-or tw o bnincbes of b an an as ; '' fr-+»-e.iUple of bn-a.ifrull had rolled, un- " I. notic-tl. a fow ynrds aw ay. )

Strnnirely ombnrnis«.-d. B nrbara hesi- 1 s ta ted . uncertain w hether to no o r stny. s Rhe waM In the net o f tu rn ing awny,I. w hen hc lifUMl his bead nnd saw her.I F o r n moment bolh w ere silent. In , „ hls fnc«‘ wns the look sho hnd seen ] .. thore on tbo m om lng a f te r tbo w reck. ! ; I Ho rose fo his fe e t; nnd, conquering ; r ' he r ombnrnmsment. she w ent tow ard ! , him. ; o “ W hat U u r ’ ahe naked enm ostly., H e looketl down into tbc m isty b ine <

eyes m lsed. full o f shy sym pathy, to bis fuce.

•'W bat ifi I t r ho repented. "H —l! i , : T hn t’H whnt It is.” H e stooped to pick 1'

i up' tl.o fm lt. "W hnt nre you doing ! h.-r.-? Cnimr to h a tb e r . j ',i " I wns,” she replied, hesitatingly, j ’

, “H ut—don’t go. C nn't wt- sit down and ' , tn lk? I t—It’H so lon.'ly." I |

I Ai:n!n he looked down Into h e r eyes, j; Rlni'ist luinirrlly, N othing she could

[' huvc snid could hnvo h it the m ark wltli i., *' s u re r nim. Hut ho clenched his hnnda t

and put them bt-blnd him . ]r’’ , She gave a rpilck look a t h is gloomy ' ” p ice , throw prldo to th e winds, ond '

h plunged wUh l...r <.ld impulslvcncsa. ''C nn’t .1.- /,o -fr lc n d -< r ulit- Qifkt-d. Ho ri-nialn.-.l -^ll.-nt, wltb hnnda stiil ,

^ clnsj>t-il nt bl.s I'uolt. wutclilng her cirri- ously.

g "I tboutibi you did not wish It,” he , rem arked nt lust,

a Sht- snt tlown upon a rock, nb- ” fitrnctedly ploldn;; t>ui b its of tho moss n wbl.-li i'..v.-r.-d it. • iv " I - l ’vt‘~f..|-;;.,tt.-a th a t—" Sho -r pninetl. llusliin-„'. " I f—we' sbnred our <r tboughiji ujor.-. ibiii^s mlRht n o t seem 1- qu ite HO l.a.l,” she Htigge.sted. n T be gli.-si (.r n sm ile moved his lips.0 "You slmll biivi- more eompnny Kotjn.

W e nro Koin« to visit the natives. I »t hnve ^ont a luosKngtj lo Ibo ciilef.”^ "Abttul wlmt?"

it "To coiiio lo see mo nnd bc prepared n t.) con.lm-t us back to the ir liotlic-ment.> To Tiinke frlvnda."\ "Frlt-nUs: Tho.so savages—"

" I t’H neces-.iiry. T hey leavo us nlone ■* now tbroujib fenr. wblch pmbal.ly 0 w.ui’l law. They will liato w hat ihey

fo u r: ntid Id lime only tiie linte may iH'mnin. T h a t’s no t th e rieb t keynote < fo r u biippy life h e re ; Is UT’ Ho

,(j looked qult-tly up a t her, w ith a sinlie full o f bid.len menning.

"N o." Sbo llii.sbed a liltlo ; then gnvt- a droary intich. "Hut I can’t Iinnclne wlml could be, In these cir-

.p ciimstnnct-s.""Cnii’t you?" H e looked nway nt tho

II w at.-r tum l.llns .n e r th e liuge bowlder,0 rnti-hinu- hor.- nn.l th ere llnsb.-s <.f sun-

ligh t tbr»ii«b the netw ork of branches overlieml. "Y.iu w ere golni; t<> llnd oul nil about tbat. In crowdt-tl c ities ;

I. w.-ron’i y...i?"■■Ab.nil wlmt?"

■n -W lm t the ke.vnoto I s 'w b lc b yoo ,r have foun.l missing' to the v a s t bar- i e. , ■ ■

[ O, TUESDAY MORNINmony Of crcntUm.” 1

She glanced n t him In pleased Bur- I p rise. J

“ How nicely you expri™ i n “T H 0V er' 1 realized It so cleariy os t lm t; It wan a ll I rn'ftuc. Yes. I suppose t lu t la w b a t J 1 f e l t I f s strnnge. but I haven’t fo lt . It so much here.’*

I S he w atched him collect hta f r u i t w •'Have yoa found the keynoter* »be ^ ; asked boldly. —

H e Iooke<l a t her fo r a moment 1 th ough tfu lly ; then nnawered. guarded- t ly : “1 know w hnt U la. And I bavo i only fully realized Ita n.ecca»lty alnco—

coming hero 1 W o aU uso subsUtutea ‘ out In th c worid. I t hns a lot o f “ . hninchcs—or. n iiher. sub-keys. Per- '■ hnps few people ever discover ! t

T . . . .Well. Barimrn. have your dip.”H e wns nbout to tu rn nwny; b a t, “

; 1 ac ting upon some Itnpulae./paufled bo- .fcjilnd her.1 " rs It nil very dreary fo r yon—here? ^

Do j-ou linto it so m uchT’ "I[ . T h ere wnn a wonderful, unusual gen- ' tleiieas In hla voice—nn underctirrent • o f som ething, almoat ycnm ing, w hich w

’ touched h e r unnccountnbly. ^: “ I t’s no worse fo r mo th an for yoo," O' ‘ sho rep lied responding to biB tone In* the na tu ra l generoalty o f h o r .h c a r t H o ’A

mnde no reply for a m o m e n t' T hen , ni lightly , ho prcsaed her ahoulder w ltli t i

h ls hand.’ 'Conio und tell rao whon th e tonell- 8 : ‘ ness Is too bad.”‘ And ho wns gone, hla footstepB dying O* aw ay upon lho loose twlga of bamboo al* cane. She undressed nnd stood, fa ir and ^

allm as Psyche, beside tb e w ater, a I freah In terest nwnkcnod In her com- 0

punlon. A# »he lowered herself Into tho shim m ering ripples, she resolved to

' follow up th is tnlk, to press throngh S - thlB th in picce of w a ll; and,' by a o , p rocess of sub tle siege, w in the friend-.

sh ip which all n t onco seemed oxtremo- la ly dcfllruble.

Dut, us usual, dlyoppolnlmcnt m et tl ' h e r efforts whon next sbo assailed the

wnll. T he gup provid to bo firmly “ putchcd up. cven barred across. I t y wnB Jmprejrnnble. BaOTcd, she conld only finger the bars nnd wonder. . . .

5 T ho old chief appeared, keeping a ] sa fe distance, soon a f te r receiving tbo “ , w hite m an 's mtrsKage. But an ont- I. b reak of slcknetu was raging in tho _ sc tllem en l; therefore, much to th e ■’ . girl’8 relief, tbe lr vlalt w as postponed.

Having ascertained from him th a t^o o ” trnde was curried on w ith other IsiandB. th a t no sh ips cnmo to tho soutb. C roft " th rew himsolf w ith renewed zest In to °

I th e hulldinx of u new hut. As If to. drown nil thought, he worked Inces- " ’ Bnntly, HomctlnieH moodily silent, sotno-

tim es soeining keenly to enjoy tho new »' ^ com m deshlp tha t had estnbllahed ^ J Itaelf. lltllo by little, between them . “ ,’ A riiontb or in.tre piinaed before thc* nntive ch ie fs wrlnkletl blnck face np- « ° poared iiKaln. two w arriors In attend-

onec.^ Crofl ib rust a hand throuch hor arra.

w hen fhey Joined th e nfltJves; and " ngaln she wns coiiscIouh of tbo old ■ lunKnotio stim ulation of h ls pentonnllfy,

w h ic h , had sustnlned h e r during the first terrib le n leh ts and days,

r- (Coutinuod in K oxt Issue.)T. ________________

n I O P p N N O S T R IL S ! END | ' • I A CO LD OR CATARRH ' ff td 5 i.

I How To G et Ilc lirf W hen Ifend Y and None arc StulTcd fp .

O i-niint f iflv ! Y.mr .-ol.l iu ho:.d nr . iitarrU di-aM-. arH.- V.„,r .•ln,:u.'.l n .

II iriK will tho 'lir i.a-i-.ii-.'-. of your k l.oa-1 will .-loar an .i von oan i.r.-ntli..ig fro.-ly. No in.To .h.'iffliii;;. hawUin- „

{mu....... ,li«.-ha.-,:o. .Irvn .-- or h.-a-Ia-h-: “_ Itl.. -tni-i^clini; f-,i h r .a th a l ninh*. 1” ',’ i Oel a -mall bottio o f E ly 'a O renm '

jlta lm fr..ii. vnur .IrD-K'-t and n|,,-lv ., | f l l i t t l . - o f thi-. fra -ra ..t iinti«,-].lir r r .- a m lt

*• |i-r ^.,llr t:n-trils. It ■ lit ,':i IId |,-v.-rv a ir p .v .aco ..f tho h.-a.l, *i...;l.ii:;r 1 nJl ........ li.'ali..;; tho svudlon .,r in tla m -l I pIsjuiuoouH in-mhrati,-. nivin^; you i'i-t:i..t

Ir.-lief, He;ui o..i.h and t-alarrl. vi.-ld „ liko ma«ic., Don’l hlay Htuff.'dn]. and ‘ ,5 mi^orabl.-. Reliof ia ..u re .-a .lv . *

■a- Blrda Usually F ly Lew. ^Though some nstronomem havo oa

ll* uniisunliy c lear nlKht.i seen hlrds cross- ■1* bolwt-en tlieir telescopes nnd thc

mottn'n disk, and have estimated theit « elevjvtlon as high as two miles. It li }

unuauoi for birds to migrnto a t altl- ' b- tudes g rea te r than 5.000 feet, a s a M rule. They tend to keep helow lowest ,

clouds. Tbls Is desirous because the ‘ Iio h igher they go the o ld e r It gets and ‘ u r llio harder It la for them to breathe, m A viators report JinvJug enfounicfed '

b irds above the 5,000-foot- oltltudo. ' >5. Hlgb-flylng birds ura gecae, cruues, n. rooks and lapwliiKS. Low-fliers are ‘ 1 B w ollow s nnd i.tbcr common varieties.

W hen weath.*r is hnti. t^speclalJy w hen - It Is cloudy, all b ln ls lly low. '

ed — '


ly When your i.i.rk Is aore nnd Inme ‘to or lumbago, scintlc-a or rheumatism 'Io haa vou stiffened ut-. ',lo I don’t suffer! G et ■

^ I

I H H l H . \-uda thV ^ a -. . ^fy- I t ia a b ao lu te -

tr- ly hn rm loas n n .r dtfL'sn’t h u m th c a k iu ' - o d v . 1

[NG, DECiSMBER 2, 1924.

I Fairy. ^ ^ s i r y G i a J t a n ^ ^ n R i

! SMOOTH PUFFERI *1 don’t believe.” th e Smooth Puffer , said, aa be awnm about hla now home I In tbe aquarium , " th a t th ere la a croa- ture w ith a nume aa flne and unuaual

and diatingulshed In sound aa mine,« "Sm ooth Puffer 1, T bere’a a name _ .

for y o n l Not m any have nftmcs ! even approocblOK U la In te re s t

“HuaQ 't It a beoutlful sound? Smooth J P u tte r I I love to Bay It over and over

ngaln.“I f 1 were a fond mnmma nnd bod

t a denr little baby boy to nam e 1 i wouldn’t coll him Jam ea Henry, or

Malcolm Auguslua. o r Edw ard LItch- - Qeld.1 would ra il him Sm ooth Puffer.D -Any p aren t inay nam e a child a fte r

me, a n d I won't o b je c t I don’t want I tb bo greedy.

"Oh, It U ao beautifu l a name—. Sm ooth Puffer r * .

“U y nnme is p re tty One,” said { Orango-Strlpcd O ru n t oa be awam 9 a b o u t too.

"N othing lllio mine,*' anid Smooth ~I Puffer.i “O f conrae Il’a not like yours,” snid I- Omngo-Striped G ru n t “b u t ta flne. Just c the aam e.”D “Oh, I d o n 't know about t h a t ” saidII Smooth Puffer.' “I t aiiowa you have a 0 little color and th n t you aro ag ru n t* i- ing kind of a lish—b u t mlno—ab, mlno h- Is th e bcsl o f a ll-S m o o th Puffer.”

“W hut do you th ink of m ine?" asked t the Bone-fisb.e ’’L ittle . If onythlng.” said, the f Smooth Puffer. " I t aounda a s though t you wero as sparing of yourself, aa d though there w ere so little o f you cx- . cept bones.”. “ W hat nbout m in e r ' aakeQ the Jelly B fish.

"Oh, yoara sounds so squoshy and .JJ queer,” aald Smooth Puffer. “You are B auch a—you a re such a—well, you ore I aucb n Jelly flah 1 T h a t Ju st describea ; I t

"Now, I’m m re In an nqunrlum. My t fam liy nren’t to bc found here often.„ but I like It hero be tte r than mosl of „ them hove. I ara really very happy

here.» “All o f you mny adm ire m oi Ju s t f sec my dark flsh s u i t and my silvery .J dcconillons on tbc sides and undcr-

neath.p "I d o n 't p u l e v e ry th in g nice I h avo

on top. No. Indeed I l. ‘‘I ’m so B inooth and I h n v e n ’t any

acalcH o n m y s id e s o r u|>on iiiy bnck."I Imvo spines over niy waistcoat

Z 1 =^^^^=2 - = : ^•You’re All Right, Orange-Striped


nnd I keep these liat, and so 1 iip i.ea r,■ I nent. l.ut not overdressi.-tl.

I "I Jutve Ihc i>( Knf/Mf flvh. foo,.I for my hond Is slmpi-d Houiotblns liku

Ul 1 the b.-nil of n nibhli.:I>-j " If such Is thi- oase (I’ve n.-v.-r ^o.-n ■:r|n rnbtiU m.vst-lf) I tblnk a rnbhlt H u • ' pcnslhio nnimnl.

“ Hut while I Rci the llrst num.- be- canse of my sinontli nsb snll, I g.-t the unrue of ptiffer ns I pMff out my stom ach wbon I am nlnrined.

"Ami that KhowB how Interesting I

B ®"‘'"Somo cren tures show nlnr:ii or fo.ir

■ In Bucb dull wnys. Tbey cry ou t:” ’f)h, liour. I’m flo frightone.l. Oh.

I. 1 w iinl to go bitme. Oh. whnt can it . b e r

, ’-n u t not your friend. Smooth iMilTer.,, " I puff—1 look InrKor—my slonmcli m . Is puffo.i forth until II’b n Hplendld J fnt looking thing.^ "Now. suppose one of these eliildren

who come to th e aquarium should bo •0 ab le to do th a t—then Fd say :^ “ ’Good work, children. You hnvo _ ray praise.' • [

"B u t they'll never have It now,,Q Tliey'U never receive my pnilse tf thoy

don’t hnvo n d iffe ren t.w ay of show­ing when they 're frightened. I" '

"A nd srown-u|i.s liie samo way!Tlicy shriek o r become excited, but they don't do anything Interesting. ;

"It'B dull lo w atch thc ir alarm , an<V y mine Is worth wblle.I “Oh, well, th e wbolo world can’t bo

sm ooth puffers, I suppose. I t’s bard on th e worid. bm II makes our familj*

ij,_ more Interesting, na there a ren 't so nmny of us. |

o f ' ” You’rc nil right. Orange-Striped >t. G runt, aad you’n- n o t h a lf bnd. Bono-;>>■ Flah, and you'll pass in a crowd. Jelly

Flnb ( tha t la perhaps you- will, ond - '>d again maybe you won’t) , buf I, F^mootb

[ Puffer, nm a rnre nnt! wonderful flah g’ I wlUi tbo most .beautiful nnme, to ray i , I Smooth Puffer way o f thinking, in all

th e flsh or butuan world.”,f, ---------------------------R> T oo You n g

T eacher—W hal great event hap-'*I ' pened three huntlrcd yenrs ngo? I

P o p U - I don’t know, s lr l I’m only , eigh t ycara old 1—C hristian ia T y r ij ," ^

24. ' '

Page 7: T W 1 ^ F A ILLS DAILN NEE W snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_… · T W 1 ^ VOI- 7. n o . -808. _____ ^ is is PUSSES' IN [EypT m s m illE T IllM

!t HE MARKETStlno ero

----------- ------------------------------------- dellvoric

markets at a glance— . ■* ' whoat *

K E W T O R K , Doc. 1 C « —S to A s Chicago—U lghor; A m oric*a W ater W orki inflnonejumpa J2 3 ^ p o in ts - ports b>

Don<l»—S toady ; high yield ing ra il "RAisHUca advance. Corn

of whotyorolgu oxcbaugo—Btrong; atcrl- nvorics

ing near 1024 liiglx; frnnca gain. p^rnry‘ Cotton—W enk; increoBcd crop ea- fftvornb

tim atw . gentina

^ Sugar—L ow er; commjaaion selling.

'' Coffce—i'irm ; bulllsU .crop tvd* to nbovi vicfB.

_ _________________________ m o a CHICAGO. Doc. 1 W>)—W hent— T>oe. ..

“ r o l y atendy; increnaed atocka. Mny ..

Corn—E aay; llirgcr receipls._________'^ 'ooni- C nttlc—Irreg u la r._______________________Dec. lIogB—S teady to higher,____________W ay ..


TWIN FALLS MARKETS n “ * ^-----------:----------------------------------------------- Mny ...

Theao pricea are obtainod daily >Tuly ..• n t 4 o 'clock in tbo aftoraoon and

aro intondod to cover only tho av­orago o f pricea. Whoro ccrta in c illC donlora fo r ahort perloda offor more » rcil t

• thnn tho quotod prices no o ffo rt i i *] 55 i .. mado to Includo anch puotationa. '

quotationa aro offered noro ly aa a „ „ ‘culdo to producer# and ahould n o t - •'bo »ec«ptod a. 7efl«etlns o ltr.oc . 0 « ^of o ither higb or low prleoa. ■> " h i t i

" Ryo-EE T A H i M A aBX TB. i?"**

P a id to P ro d n cen Tho Twin Falla m arketa yeaterday Clov(

wore na followa:LlTM tock .

H o g a______________ :------#5.50 to M.OOC ow a___________________82.00 to «3.00H c l f c r . ----------- -------------- ---------- •3.50 1«A1Steors ..................................... 53.00 to W.60Veal cnlvea _____#5.00 to 6.00 NL n m b s---------------------------------- —

Fowl*. UuHH°’tfHonvy hena .......................................... 13c cuhI.

. LiRht hena .................................. ............ Oc $1.07>4Li'Rhorna ............ — ................- ........... ... Oc 701:; wHroilcra (L eghorn) .— ........- ........ .... u o 1 ItnssotiHroilcrB (colored) .....................- ...........^^clooc; m

.T u rk e y s ....................................................H ftcks.............................................. ............lOe Knn.Oceso ......... - .................................... .......... ,

Dnirv jTm.-l:c(lI'.uttorfat, crcnm ery .......................... .. 30'il l '» rtlliiltcrfn t, p tntion .................................. 34cjitimi,l ,f’D u iitr /b u tto r ___ __ —..................... 85o,;iIs J l.l1:kith (8l.il.pcra) .................................... 40c :tol.KKs (locnl a tore) ......... - .................... 45c 1 lu-uuti.

WhMit nnd MUI Feed. jWtu.ut, buahol ...............................— •Hrai.. n v t ........... - .................................. $ 1.00 ^Hraii, .'IOO-lb. lota .............................. ■$l..'5r> | ‘l“ !'Hty

-Hi(,ck food ........................................... Jl.S.T’''",:Slock foo<l, .".OO-lb. lo ts .......— ..... «i.80

PocaWOB. WiHcoi;I'oti.toos, R urala .................................. GOc'nnrv (I'otatooB, Oema ...................................... 90c 00 to

Boana.Ho.-,«s in d ir t ......................................

. lloutiH, ri'clenned, sufkc.l .............. ; H ^b-uSugar, W holesale. ! Idnlio

••Cane, .............................. - ............ .......... «0.48Hc.-t ........................................................ • ‘>•28 I Knu

BETA IL PRIOEfl. Inlroni;yesaiA blet. ||„nK «

fo tatoes, lb------------- -----------------------02a *]H«id le t tu c e ______________ 10c to SJOo ^Cabbage, lb ............... ................................04o'’nniiflowor, lb__________________12H * 'Ci-lery. bunch ..............................- ....... 10c

r ro iv.G ra p e fru it, caeh — --------- lOe to 15« ' * ‘

Lomona, d o w n ____________________« eOrAnirci doren .....- .......- 35e to 6O0 'ibcmt

M lh ................... irnit.-.!Ornpca, pound ........................................ lOc.Sundn;

D airt HarkedCrcamcry b u tle r --------------------- — 45c , frostr.Huh! ---------------------------------------------^«*l«'r; j.oW lioon.ln e b ^ 'ic ---------------------Uivor

---- — \ Id.’lllOP O E T L A in) O EAIN. \

I’OUTLAND, Dpc. 1 OP)—W hent— j-IO 1-2. H ard w hit(>n. 8 . Danrt., DiTcmber tl.7 0 |f-> 4Se .laiiunry »1.7.'5; soft, w hite, Uocember 3.'> cen Jl.Ot.. Jnnunrv $l,Ur.; .wrstorii w hite, KrC: Deeember >1.01 , .Tniiuury.$1.0.'.; wontc-rn rnscfl;white, Deccmbor * l.a i , Jan u a ry ri'l tohar.l w in ter, December $1.00, Jan u a ry -I- $1.02j northorn npfSng, Dccombcr $1.00, Poul .Jiinilnry we»H'rn t««1, Dcc«n»bor X4 1-2$1.54, Jnnunry •l.-’lS; BB hnrd whito, 14,l-2c Dcccmber ♦I.7.'5.

Onta—Xo. 2 w hite focJ, Pecembor $38.50, Jnnunrj- $30; No. 2 g ray , Du-

. cember $37.G0, Janunr>- $38.Corn—No. 2 E. Y. ahipment, Doccm- l,cnlvoB

ber $40.50, Jan u a ry $40; No. 3 E. Y. shipm ent, December $4.'i.50, Jnnunry f

• »«■=«■ ' _____ _ p a


______ . bulls,CHICAGO, Dcc. 1 C 4 ^S o n ic th in g of

a jo lt cnmo to holdera of w heat todny I'"'* as tho reault o f nn unlooked fo r big Increase o f th< U nited S in tes viaiblo to supply totnl. N otw ithstnnding thn t MrlU-r tho w heat m nrknt had nscended -'OO ‘f

" to aew high prico recorda fo r th e Bca* *■*“ son •drcllno!. duo to tho visible supply ‘’“ ‘I n nnnouncrm ent le f t vnlucs hea\*y n t tho i'® ‘’-Of finish, 1 3-4c no t lower to 3-8c gain,

‘ w ith December $1.S3 3-8 to 1.53 5-8, and 3 -.0 ; Mny $1.00 3-4 to 1.01. Corn closed un- 3,>( chanRcd to 3-4c down, onts nnchnnjtcd to l - 2 c o ff and provisions ahowing 10c P' f . 37c ndvnnro. 20(

Bpeciai Bignificnnco nppenrcd to bo Ami e ntt.ichcd to tho fnct th a t tho viaiblo ’ J '’ supply en largem ent carried tho to tn l choice to nbovo 100,000,000 bushels. Tho nc- ■moot tunl ‘ncrenso waa b u t Httlo g rea te r "Initg! thnn th a t fo r tho corresponding woek a "f". year aRO, b u t the en tire dom estic visible and al supply nt th n t tim e was only 71,808,000 ^ o " . lyisheJs, w hercaa to d ay 's agg rega te was 0->0;

*100,303,000 buahola, tmd w.na a defeat to trad c ra who hod been expecting 8 h(

► stocks to dwindle m th o r th an to pllo np. dy! r , Xew peak prices which tho w heat weigh

m arket hnd renched during tho firs t licavj

T W ^P A ]of tho (ia;^w oro aacribod largely V % 1

ly ing th a t grew out o f fu rth o r re-. 1 1 I o f front , dam aging tho Art?on- crop. The fuct th a t good aitod 9TTZ

’orica o f w hea t today on December ' * raeta here had npparen tly gono in to vU C lg handa nnd thnt much of thc ftW xt wna likoly to bo shipped o u t o f ^ago soon was nlao a a trongthoning lonee; on thc other hand, la to re- a Bnid tho w eather in A rgentina ngnln tu rned w ann. ^iru nnd on ta pnrallelod thci action vhont. Smnllnesa of Deeomber de- rica o f corn furniahed only n tem- ^ ry prop lo the cron m nrkot. Un-, L irnblo eorn crop reports from- Ar- ;lna woro likew ise o f only tcmp'or- >o f fe c t —^iveatment buying lifted provisions bove previous top levels th is senson. \CLmt

H o a t - Oj.on. High. Low. Close.............. 154% 157 l.-.3% - 153%

........ 103 ICOVi lOOy, 100%r ........ 143 144>Vi 142»<, 142%

............. 114=‘i 115% \U% 113% ‘r ........ 122>^ 123 121 121• 123 12-J. 122 122Slo— " '‘crn............. ..52-% . 3>A ,'.2 52' ..........52u fiPH 5fiVi 58«4 . ^• ..57«4 57% 57 57

______ News)----------OXBH o a A lN . '“ endy

lllCAGO, Doc. 1 O P)-\V hc:.t— No. '•<l $1.0H 1-4 lo I.OH 1-2; No. 2 hnrd L"'"” " 5 1-2 to i .s r rh - j . 5 7 ;orn—No. 2 m lsed $1.15 to 1.15 1-2; *2 yellow $1.17 to 1.17 1-2.

nta—No. 2 w hite 54 to . 4 l-Uc; No.•hito 50 3-4 lo 52 i-'Sc. .;yo—No. 2 $1.33 1-2 to 1.35 3-4. larley— 75-to 87c.'Imothy se e d ^ 5 .3 5 ‘ to 0.75. ' lover s e e d - $24.. a r d - $15.10. O.M;: ib a - $18. ‘■''•ptf

______ stendyPOTATO M A R EET. '

DAIIO FA LLS, Nov. 29.— (U nited “ > tea D epartm ent o f A griculture Mar- light 1

News S erv ice)—Ilau lings Ught; huw» $ le ra te w ire jntjiiJry; demnjjd mod-(IMO; . to; m arket sligh tly strongor for weight iHot«, flto.idv on Rurnl!.; carloads f. 0.:nsh tra c k ; C alifornia pack Ru«sots 1714 to 1.10 ; euHtern pack Hur.'ils I ' , , . , .: w:igoiihind« oash lo grow ers; bulk wels, bnsi.H repiickcd w eights 85 to ''' ; moHtIv t)ltc fo r atock w ith bnkera •‘"‘J'* roiuoved; RiiralB C5c. >'j:ht ;

Cansns C itv—Supplies libera l; der- $i>: fi' Ild «low; niurkct du ll; M innesotn hiuil... l:od Iled Hlvor Chios $1.10 to 1.15.•ort W orth—Supiilit's libera l; do- ii.l xlow; m nrkot steady ; Idaho Rur- , .] t , Jl.70 to 1.75; Colpr.udo w hites $1.00 l.i;.'; I’eoiiloH Runseta nnd Brown , * .utios $1.05. .:iiiciigo— Supplies libera l; demnnd 1 ' I trad ing lig h t; norlhern m arket 1: wentern m arket w calter; o rd inary ility and condition; somo fie ld froat- 170 tt

wouic showing e ffec t o f d ry ro t; tn !>.” iinoRot.-i round w hites fa ir lo o rd l-’ Lionn : y condition 70 tn 80c; fow h i g h e r ; n Hconsin round whitoH moRtly ordl-i •V condilion 75 to KOc; fow fancy ,to :i5c; IJnho R ukrcIs $1.75 to 2; )

stiv $1.85 to 1.00. I, " ,A ngeloR-D on.and and trnd ing •L"*';''

d erate; m arkot Htcadv; S tockton | rbnnk.-, *1.00 tn 1.0.': f-'W $ 1.7 5 ; |to $1 llio Russets <•1.0.'- to 1.70; mofltly ; (*11001. 0.'. iigod'an Fraiioisro—Kiipplic.i moderato; . f a t c' uarid and trad ing moderate^ m a rk e l ' ongor on Californias; California n ,,,,. :g wIiile.H Xo. 1 $1.25 to 1.35: No. 2 1 ^

lo l . ir . ; W nshlngton N etted Gems I 05 to 1.S5: mcHlly $1.05 to 1.75; lho liURHets ,*1.75 to 1.85; R ura ls , '» ’• •1(1 to, 1.4.5. j romai:

POTATOES AND PEODUOE. | grade; :.'IIICAOO, Dor. 1 ( /P l - l ’o la to e s - ih lg h ilv tTntUng ratUf'T » W ; niark«‘t ' grade nut M.-ady; receipts 77 rn rs ; lo tn l,h av e ■ itod S tates shipm ents, S aturday 02S, ;lato 1 nday 42; M innesota nnd W isconsin ^both ■l:cd ronnd w hites some dccnyed nnd have .Sted SO to POo; few bc.-t shade high- ns Dc

poorer 70r; M innesota snrkcd Itod vor Ohios, fow s:.h-r. $1.15 to 1.25; ; i!io Mirked Russets $1.75 to 2. T.Olliitlor — Low er; c ream ery , cxtrns ;it 'th l-2c; stnndnrdfl'4 .5r ;ex tra firs ts -15 to 11 4Sc: firsts 37 to 41c: seconds 33 to 'n n d p cents. Iwithd

|.;pjjs — U nsettled : rereip ts 20n ]ow inp .Ofl; f irs ts 48 to 55c; ordinnrv firs ts ' hohle

to 40c;-refriger;» tnr oxtrari 37 to )l- ,lr ; f irs ts 35c. ................................. S J O

P o u ltry -A liv o . unsn llled : f 0 w 1 s j ' 1-2 to 20c; RpringR 2 1 -Uc; rooster*

,l-2c; turkovs 20c; geese 10c; duck.i conta. St

PO ETLAND LIVESTOOK.PORTLAND, Doc. 1 M»)—C attlo nnd jrond Ivoa—Strong; receip ts 2270; steers Satur od $7.50 to 8.10; medium $0.25 to lw c c k iO; common $4..50 to 0.25; cnnnora ami t te r steers $3.50 to 4.50; heifera good Low, 1 pounds up $5.50 to fl; common and Tol 'dium nli w eights $3.50 to 5.50; cows od $5 to 5.50; common nnd medium XE to 5: cnnners nnd cu ttera $1.50. to 3; wnvo

lls, good beef yearling* excluded, close .50 to 4; common to medium ennnor the u d Imlogna $2.50 to 3.25; calves mc- todn> Jm to choice IDO pounds down $0.50 tivo '

8.75; cull nnd common 100 pounds p,„ ■wn $4.f;0 to 0.50; medium fo cholen wUi, 0 to 2G0 pounds-$0 to 8.25; medium opern

cholrCi 200 pound" up $4.50 to 0.70; sesah ill nnd common lOO pounda 'up $3.50 high 5.00. Tn

llo g i—F irm to lOe higher; receipt* chnr: 70: 213 th rough : henvy w eight 250 tho f 350 pound medium, good and cholco for t

.50 to 0.15; medium w eight 200 to hicrr 0 pounds $9 to 0.35; ligh t w eight ICO moto

200 pounds, common, medium, good er e< (1 chnico 50.25 to O.CO; ligh t ligh ts Incre 0 to 100 pound*, medium, good nnd llrmi olco $8.!)0 to 0.50; pncking hogs crrns .00 th $7 to 7..50; rough ^.T.75 to 7; mate u tgh te r pigs 130 pounda down, modi- forni n, ood nnd choico $7.50 to 8.50; feeder ru t i id a to c k a plga 70 to 130 pounda, com- Inrge on, medinm, good nnd choice $0 to quar 50; soft or oily h o p and roaating pigs bure :i-lu(led In above qootations. mninShoop nnd lam ba—N om lnnlly atea-

r ; recclptB CO; lamba l ig h t fn d handy Bight modium to choice « l l . ‘to 12.50; Nl BRvy w eight 03 pounda up medium to ,sugn


~ w i u . t i o w ■ y o o t i 'T B o r i t c l ! f j u o i t vDU A w n u-rm trs iu iT - I Few S W I S 11CS j LCf m c m ave V--------FACfV

1^ • s JLt

) / / \|) V if NEWl l I t M


" T - ----- i j j j , ,

dUftorsne $9.50 to 11.50; all w eigh t cull ^nry.

common $10.50; yearling w ethw s jili^ntU lium to primo $8 to 10; w ethers two Sla. C. ra old and over medium to prim e "w X 5 iO to S; ewos common to choice $4 soutlin 0; cnnners and culls $1.50 to 4 ; j.cHitioi ve quotations, except lamba, on exporio rn bnaia. arrang

--------- R|vo aD EN V EE LTVESTOOK. P*‘0»°

•ENVER, Dec. 1.— (Special to Tho vs)—Hogs—Ileccipta .1900; ac tivc , -jdy to 10c higher; top $9.20y bulk ‘

to 0.10; moatly fo r 190 to 250 nd w eights; few ligh t llgh ta tS i L • f a t piga $7; packing aows $7.50 to >; atock piga moatly $5.25. - ^ =ihtei>—llccelp ta 3850; no f a t lam bs 1 1 ered; quotKblo higher, up to $13.00; ]' lond 117 pound fa t owes $7.75; I F 0 « :idv; no feeder lauiba aoldo e a r ly ; itable up to #14.25. j P h ^

-OMAHA LIVESTOOK. . were i)MA1IA, Doc. 1 (/P)—Hogs — Ro- ehange|)ts 13,50l»; fnirlv active, generally A nilid y ; bulk 200 to 300 pound butch- cstlmai

$H.(10 lo P .l.': top $9.20; dosirable 7,413,0'to 200 J.ound weights $H to H.OO; matos

It lights downward to $7; packing th a t t\$.S.25 to 8,30: bulk salerf $8.25 to in Cub

3; avorago cost Snturdny (8M3; 'nnd hcIght 220. The sjilieep—I{on-i|its «.'00 ; lambs moglly owing

I.ighor: earlv salea fod w ostorns distan t iXr> u . Vl.-H): bosi hold around $\4.r.O; wasV c lip i.0,1 lii.i.i.s $11.75 to 1 2 J 0 ; y e n r- 'f i v e t gs nn .l kI.oo]. ^.troiig to 2.1e. h ig h e r ; m nnth! I.t v ra r lin g « $11; w e th e rs u p w a r d to 3.00, ^ ; f a t ew es u j.w nrd lo $8 .25 ; f e e d in g i T r ie 111... M eadv, ti:t.7.-. h id . 'o h a i.g r

---------- la te d .OmCAOO LIVESTOCK. good '

MliCAGO, Dr.-. I OP)—lIogH — H e-'an d r .jits !i;!,noi>: <.peiied sleadv to lOo jeries. ver: ch.snl nctive gonernllv 10 to L 'e ' Itcfi

Ii«ht lighls showing more ad- 1 noo; toi, *0;70: bulk good and ehoire 1

K, :i2.1 pound l.uchers to IMIO; 11 to 200 pound weight largely $«.75 ''Onds 0.25; bulk 140 lo 151) poutid

■ns $7.50 to 8.40; packing sows mosllv '‘.0 lo 0 .10 ; m ajorily Kirong weight ,,ughtcr pigs $«.50 U. 7; hold 'c r 8000. .Sboep—Roeelpts 22 ,0 0 0 ; a r liv o ; f a t | ' - nl>H fullv 2.-.r higher: bulk ?14.7.-; n. |.2,'-: lop $15.2.'.; fo.l clipped upwar.l t ^ '

$12.75; heavv yenrlingM $11; i':it ! Ron, L-ep and fee lin g himl.H 2 .1c h igher: .'v ritte od wethers JIO; bulk handy w eight 'I ewes $8 lo 8.50: top $8.75; bulk •ding lan.bs $14.50 to 15; f.'cder y,.nr. 1

_____ ‘mlds.

WOOL.HOSTON, Dee. 1 OP)—Wool prices stoma, main strong in nil lines. Hales, how- pains cr, arc son.owhat restricted in severnl a ^dcs, owing lo the lim ited stook and Ij-AIN 5h J.rices. The medium and f iae r ' V, ade lowcT wools ii\ tUc Ohio group ve shnwa «lighllv moro advance of le than the finer grndes. In fact, th 3-8 nnd 1-4 blood enmbing stock ,ve moved a l about tho snme figure [_gj Dolaine. . , ____

LONDON WOOL SALES. 1 AlT.OSDON. Dee. 1 (/P)—Tli,' o fferings

the wool auctions todny nm ounted la 1II.101 bales. Trnding wns active J,,,]

id pricea were firm . There wero aome Ida ithdraw als nf fine grado m erinos 1i-ing lo the high priccs nsked bv the iHnlb:i|,kT>.


STOCK M A EK ET AVEEAOES. JipJ.Tw enty Tw enty

Tndustrinls R nilroads Th<ondny ....................... 110.42 98.01 the aitu rdnv .......................111.40 98.07 • Yni'eok ngo .................. 10H.90 97.70 P'ni'iiigh, 1024 .................. 111.40 03.74JW, 1924 .................. 90.27 SrOOTotnl sales 2,184,000 shares.

N'EW YORK, Dccv .1 0P>—\ henvy nvo nf p ro fit tak ing ju s t boforo the ose of to d a y ’s stock m nrkot checked serve 10 upward mnvement of priccs, w hich tric t, idny en tered upon its f if lh eonseru- elscw vo week. Closing quotations rovenled thnt rurious m ixture of gains and losses "•'‘'d ,

Uh the la tte r predom inating bullish [lerntlona during the oarly p a r t o f th e '’’'’’’t ‘Salon, w hich lif ted 81 atocka to new igh prices for tho yenr.Trndo nowa wns dccidodlv m ixed in

iinraeter. Favorablo Items included J,"-;.; 10 est.ibllshm fjit o f a new high record ,infc( >r thc y ea r by zinc pricca, reports o f .Vovr icrrnsed operationa In the steel nnd Mort ■otor industrlea announeement o f high- Knlls r coppor and gasoline prices nnd an Wi icrcm o in the conl ou tput. A dverse I>iatt ems Included publication o f nn In- rrnsed European beet sngar crop csti- into, nn incrcnso In tho southern Coll- irn ia oil outpnt, announcem ent of a , | ‘ ut in autom obile pricca by ono of tho irgei r.;\ntifactur<*rs, n redaction In tho uartcrlv dividend on fltrom berg Cnr- u.r,, ■uretor'from $2 to $1.50. and h igher mney rates, f,om

--------- ,'fnrtlBTJOAE. I TWI

NT.W -YORK, Dro. 1 O P )-T h c rnw j m ugnr m arket was firm loday. No aalea [H igl


t w i E rME . CENT PER WORDIvertisements under this head are far devised ol bringing the need ol


s’EW W RITERS wanted, New Mng- APP! ne, 100 subjects. Articlea, atoriea, Kcllogf in.s. scon.arios, ctc. Arrival, 097, Loa I >v.\rK»:lc". Cal.__________ _•___ __________ or huaiJINI.N'G AND S L K E P lN ^ c u r con 'o r Kin rtorg (w h ite ); experieneo unnecoa- Phouey. Rend for bonk of rulea, nnd a p ----- —rnllon. S u p t.. Railwny Exchange 1. C. Lns Aagtflcn..VANTKD—Kor a boarding achool in WA^ itlirrn Idaho, « strong woman for acrea c dtioii as f irs t cook; must hnvc hnd e<|uipm i.oriwii'o and bO able to follow monua . = r : ranged by m atron. In ans^rorlng |•e ago. experience, nddrcsa aud ono numbor. Addreds Box 28, Nows. FOR


I’OR SALE OR TRADt:—Large mod- garage1 bungalow. Phono 1513._________ easl.iVANTKD—To trado cow for work FOU rsc. 3 miles cnat IVi mllo north ha lf b ishlngton achool. P hone 514R1. 440J.

B A IA —iX fiU aT T O B ~ ~ ‘e ri^ rc i

ro iT s A L & ^ ^ s o h o T d fu r^ U ^ ^ for oom houae; no rugs, no stoves. KOR ono 1038 mont.,= = = = = = ^2^rc reported nnd prices were u n - ' p ( inged a t *1,09. du ty paid. |\ n incrcnsp. in lho European beet crop 8 BV Imnto bv a loading statistic ian 'to take si 13,000 tons against provioua csti-' o^o»,toa o f .....990,000 tons nnd reports I'OUit two contrnls hnd started grind ing b a ttc rj Cuba caused oonsiderablo liquidation Batter; (1 hedge seJIing In th\t sugnr futures. e spo» month held relntivelv firm , ~ ~ ing to tho strength In actual but itnnt months were ensicr. Tl.e close IS Iwo pointa higher on Dcccmber nnd 135 (

. c v t „ p o in t , low er on )nlhs. December eloaod 3.20, M nrrh ^,,^1 n 10, Mnv .3,13, Ju lv .3,21. vine’ 'Priees for refined sugnr were un- ange ,1 n t 7.15 to 7..' 0 for fino griinn- :ed. New business wns light b u t ;. north, od wilhdrr.w:.l demand wns n<iled d refiners wero delayed on d o liv it'!'- norlli.Refine,1 lu iu re . wero no.ninal. ■ —

QOVERNMENT BONDS.NKW YOItK. Der. 1 (>P)—L lberly — >nds'closed: mlrroil-2s ...................................................$100.2 : Moon

4 l-l- ' ........................................ lo i-M - F d 1•rond 4 l-U ................. ................. 101.0 jlilrd -I l-4s .......................... ......... IQl.lCI VhoiK.urth 4 14s ................................. 102.3 ~ p o j. R. flovornm ent 4 1-ls ............ 105.14 1,;, fo

---------------------- -— .TamojA Good Thing—DON’T M ISS IT . —

Rond your r.nine and n.ldress j.lainlv plumlritti'n . together w ilh T. cents (and thi.s nntf sip^ to ( ’hnm berlain Mcdlcino Co., De.s motornines, lown. and reroive in re turn n engin.ial paokage containing ClIAMHEIJ- “ VOnu A IN ’R COUGH REMEDY for eougha,■Ids. rroup, bronchial “ f tu ” nndliooping eoughs, nnd tickling th ro a t; rirAM HKRLAIN’S TABLETS f 0 r ^ _omach troubles, indigestion, gnssv KOIlins th n l crowd the henrt. billious- close‘SS nnd oonstipatinn; nlso CHAMBER- —^ A IN ’S SALVE, needed in overy fnm-I- for burns, scnids, wounds, piles nnd ^ ,o ,s;in a ffec tions: tliese vnlued fam ilv H i.ra' edieinoH for onlv 5 cents. D o n t’ miss. - a d v . ■ — ;

LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS------------------------------------- —- Ik „11,


la tho D istric t Court o f the Eleventli Jud icial D istric t o f tho Htate of Idaho, in and for Twin-Kalls Counly.

'nlUind - N orth American M ortgagi- 1 - 7 Cnmpany. a rorpor;Uion, I’lfin tif f ,

lary L. D.-iyton."'K dna B. Johnson, i Mnhel r . Loworv, Minnie B. Boddow,H attie A. Dnv,' (Joldie F. Leonard,M.-.rv K. Havton, and all unknown heirs nnd -lovisees of F. P. Dayton,

STho Stnto of Idaho Sends G reeting tn =

lie above-named Dofendants:You are hereby notified thn t a rom- __ _

la in t has been filed against vou in r n lie D IsU iet Court o f the Eleventh f:,r,n u d ie iab D istrlc t o f the S tate o f I,Iaho, n and fo r tho Countv of Twin Fnlls, y the above named plain tiff, nnd you ro hereby d irected lo appear and nn- ,.,„„r wor the said com plaint w ilhin tw entv .iu e i ays of lho service of Ihis summons if i , erved w ithiu lho said Judicia l Dis- ricf, and w ith in fo rty dnvs If served Iscwhere; and you. aro further notified hnt nnleea vou so nppear nnd answer aid oom plaint w ilh in the time herein ~ T : poci^icd, tho pLaintiff will tnko judg- . ncnt aga inst you as prayed in said , •c.unlnint; the nctiou is brought to 'oreclosn a m ortgage on real estnti', = nade. executed and delivered by F. P . I f < i , Invton (nnw deco.ised) nnd M arv L. / )avl<in. his w ife, lo tho p la in tiff,Inted N ovem ber 7. 1019, nnd recorded Vovember 14, 1010, In Book 53 of ^ ^tortgngos, pnge 239, records of Twin •'nils County.

W itness m v hnnd tho seal o f said . M atrict Court thia 2 ,'lth day of Novcm- )er, 1024. 7 ‘ '

(81':AL> C. C. SIGOINS, Clerk. , IW C, L, BOW EN. Deputy. ' 'Clinton H. Hnrtaon, nttornev for " " "

ila in tiff, residing nt Boise, Idnho.N O T IC E „„nt

Beginning M onday, Dercmber 1. nre lf<24, tho Hanaon Bridgo will bo closed „i;ir from oight a. ni. until twelvo noon, nnd f;] from one p. m. unlll fivo p. m., until tnni. fu rther notice. ;iTWIN FA LLS HIGHWAY DISTRICT, ircn

By 8 . A. SHOBERT, D irector of s< llighwnya. ply


rtOVERTISED PER, INSERTION - iire always alive and active, and ci ol advertisers to the attention of


^PPL E nud potnto atoragc. E. D. WA.N llogg. Phono 050W. P . O. box 754. .082. VANTED—To buy coru in tho flold WAN huakcd; would prefer nround llnnaon Phone K im berly. Cnll R. L. M cKlnator. “ W a'N

one 450, Twin Kulla. of. Ad' I WAN

W ANTBD—TO .BBITa' Ito Twii■ - - H. R. (

.VANTED TO RENT—30 to lOO;—r-m r ea ou Twin Fnlla trnct. Iiavo the j, lipment. S. L itta ii, Buhl, Idaho, R, 4. p,

rO B B E N T -P U B N 1 8 H E T '

r’OR RENT— Room, furnaco h ea t; >o’is;' n p referred. Phono 1213J. ^*'^o•OK RHNT— Lurgo heated r o o m ; --------rage i f w anted. 230 S ix th avenue ===■ - ll. I ’hono 208..’OR R EN T— Kuriinco heated room, f block from high school. I ’hone J^ULD )J. 227 S ixth avenuo north. KItOJr’OR RENT—5-room furniahed mod- 'I residence. Eloctrio hea t; closo in. "treot v luiro 127 E ighth avenuo oaat. FAR] !^ R RENT—3-room furnlBhod apart-nt., Renaonablo. Bungalow. Applyrat a tree t and Second avenuo eaat. I-’a W.......... . = td ordc

FO B B A IA —ATTTOUOBILSB Quincy----------------------------------------Hoosier

3EVEN paaaongor Naah aednn. W ill ■ = = (0 amall car aa p a rt paym ent. Room ^ over C ity Pharm acy. ^bXJUD B atto ry $14.05 Ex. Dodge ,Itery $23, Ex . A t tho Preat-O-LUo »ttory S ta tion , 325 Shoahono South, ono GO.

POB o A l^ M IB O B lL A N E O U B

F o irS A L E ^ N o w AmVco" Grain drill.5. U. R. Eaaloy. Phono 80 or 44. Phone KOR KALI'}— Hny derrick, 3 miles -^AT Jt, 2 south of foundry. Mra. C. De- Hniiror.

__________________________________]KOJt BALi:— i:)resH su it coat and vest,;o .-IS: inciuire 552 Kourth nvenue FORrtju____________ ______________ •_____ bnll. ;KOK HALI'>-(;oo(i slide trom bone: » ' !’•ghilv used. Cull 443 Second aveuuv ---------rill. I'hone 3H1. ’ \KOli SA LIC -R oek creek gravef. I '\ i o ^ arkel blacksm ith shop. 142 F ourth '„ r„ner'•eiiuo w est. Phone 203W._________ __ l,.i.o„oAUTO windahielda and door glaan. 1 Irror.'*. pinto . and window glassoon ’s P ain t Shop.__________________,TwinKOU WALi:—Cheap, tyi.ew ritcr desk |

)d chair. Inquiro ScJiver warehouse. hoinv 335 ,'cvcuinKB, 1047W. ,KOU HALK—I ’S to 100 tons hny lo 'secont

.' fed on 120 acres; tig h t fenced.'; “ f r ^ icuoa Lowe, Route 1, Kimberly. 'T O irS A L E -A n v ila , belting , bags, before iumbing supplies, plleys, pipe, “ now loan. j<r socond h a n d .” 1 25 H .-F . clcctric money otor w ilh s ta rtin g box; 1 1 II. P . gni terms. Igine. Idaho Ju n k Houio, 152 Sccoond = = aronuo south, acroaa f -o u aaloa ground.hone 040. ------------------------I'OI

FO B B EN T—m nrO B N lB H E D

'FO It'R K N ’I^ m n H tn e 'v 5rroom hou-e. ose in. Phone 15S5-.I.TO RKNT—5 room house, m odern,'irnaee heal, gnrngcs closo in. Phon* j ____■04NW or SCO Mr. Larson n t Dl:unond p „ v . ;»rdv.-:vrc.


' f o r 'B A I J S ^ ’n ii r ty 'n c rc T fa rm land - J i l i no nnd three-fourth miloa from Twin ASIU •nils c ity lim its, near piivcd highwny. HOM lood p b c e fn r dairy or small stock aw B nnn. M. J . Sweeley. Twin Falls. ■

O m C K EN S. I

' ^ N T K D —Poultry of a ll k inds; t o p ___ I.rices. H. C. H unter.' Phono 903W. |

C lIIC K K .N 's 'f^ s.ilo: 100 Leghorn 1 — _ ens. Larsen stra in . Phono 752W. !

KOU H A L K -I’uro bred regiatered Woldl urkevR. W alker stra in , from prizo win- Mack ing gobbler a t Oregon s ta to fn ir; his BoUa •<,ung t(.ms took firsl, second nnd th ird Black iri^^ea -at Twiu Knlls county fn ir this •c'K-. Inqu ire A. Tannler, Buhl. Phono Phomooj \T ; =

FO B REN T—FABMB STUI— .— -----------------------— — ------- A.

I’OR REN T OR SALE—M ontana i tro'arms, non-irrignted, ad jncen t to fn - , ------nous Milk rivor, one-fourth of crop as I en ta l; option to buy. P ay for laud ' ^ ’irst vear. K iftv bushels w hoat nol un- I..mmon. (iood m arkets and schools; ■ U versified fnrm ing. Farm eq u ipm en t,.5 all vou need. ^V rite Sias and W nt-! _ . <ins, Chinook, Mont. WAI

- - ...................= ; ^LOBT CliO;

LOST Oerman poUoe dog, female,.ix m onlhs old. Return lo Hill M a c , _ Cnnl,.y . M „ c . u l „ V C lg .r . .o , , . . ^

“Youthful” Gland ;=£! Patient, Aged 72, , _

Arrives from England ' ^--------- 1 Co

M aking tho statom ont th a t capsules n n v t>f a p reparation mado frnm tho glands , w , i>r anim als which hnd been ad m b isto red tn him in a London hospita l hnd over-1 ^ i-onie a seriou.s illncsa w ith whieh fao't wns a fflic ted and “ renewed hla yo u th ,” i —-II London broker wns ju b ilan t upon h l s ’oE il arrivhl in th ia country. This is ju a t 12 nnnther instance of thc wondera th a t Mi are today being worked through gland- = u lar treatm ent,

Glandogen. the now seien tlfie ' ginad m a i tnnio, prejinrcd iu tab lo t form providea | — a simple m ethod of tak in g glandular 1 trea tm en t. . I -

Schramm-Johnson J )rng Co. will sup- J.ly you. ifa lU ordora accip ted .— ndv.

DECEMBER 2, 1924.

m m- AND WORTH ITId constitute the hest meanv of residents of South ldah«WANTEIW-MTSOELLAITEOUS

VA.NTf.:!)—To liny fnm ituro. I'hono

VANTi-;1)—F ^ t i u ^ ' "and '-c .'ittlo . ini« 1003MJ.Va'NIT.D—Hmull chilli t« U\V.v. Ciito

Address Box 10, News.VANTK1>— Old horaes; Lring” tho'ni Twin Falls V etcrinarv Hospital. Dr.R. Groome.

'•OR SALI-;—Olioico of'R enungtou or derwood No. H typewriter. Inquiro •d Foss lla rn -ss shop.

WANT—Potatoes, apples nnd on- nns;' also beaus. Carlots. T. D.IcCoy. T d 503.


iniR 'T MAKIN'6 . Phono lom .•’ItOZKN RADIATORS ropiircd n“t lho V ulcanirlng Works, 230 Bhoahono eot west. Phono 729.’ARM SALI'>-Oni> milo south Sho- .no F alls. F r id a y . morning. L. U lllvan and N. W. Arrington.■’ThJCY BASKETS and"flowers mado , o rd e r 'b y J l r s . '0 . 0 . Willinma, 201 incy s treet. Display In window of nsler second han d atnre. _________


(VANTflD—Bevor&l good nncd c&rx.IP n. W hito Oo. Phooe 147W.


.VORK w anted per day or hour, ono 091W.iVO.MAN w ants work by d“ay or hour, one Oxford, A pt. 10.NIa TKHNITY nursing. Mrr. E. J .■ iror. Phono 540R4. '

P o H 's A iI a —i . r v ^ x o c i “ ' '

['OR SALE—2-ycar-old Ouernsoy 11. 3-4 milo north F ive Points store.

P. Pribble.___________ _____________


MONKY TO LOAN—Farm nnd c ity oporly. C. E. P oller, real eaUilo. lono 374.MONEY TO LOAN on farm property, iites low. Address P. 0 . Box 401, s»1d Fnlla, Idaho..MONKY t o LUAN—$12,000 to loan

I Houth Bide roal e.italc, 7 per ccn t ad no comruissioii. H. L. B tcw art, 711i-cond avenue easl.___________________KAH.M LOANtj—Aro you paving too

uc.U in terest on your loaiiT Bee. ua oforo renew ing or mnking th n t new <an. Wo havo an unlimilctl am ouat of oney for long tim e lonns on best o f rms. Letsrh i: W illiniiis—aiJe.


K(7UND--Ruaary.' ’id ^ itify nt Newa rfice :ind pny for ad.


HXD L. H O D G IN -R oom s 12 Had TT K'rst N ational Unnk Hldg. P h o o e »

I. 0 . HALL, over Clos Hook Mtorc.OUN W. tJK A liA M —Laivyer, Hank t Trii"l Building. Phoae 03511.

ISIUIE B. W lL SO N ^L nw ycf. iO M EE 0. M lL L ^ O v e r City cH* iW BELEY tl SW EELEY — A ttornor.

.tl-law. Pra.-tir.. ie nil .-u-iMs. Twl»>’nl1i. ld»h^

business directoryBLAOESMITU

B L A C K SM IT im jO .Voiding Hardw arelach ln ista HoracshocraloUcrraaking W.igon M.-Kkors blaeksmlthlng Spring W orka

Krongol Mnchlno Co.’hono 1202 210-220 Socond South

AUTO S E K ^ r a i

JTUDEBAKEB SPECIA LIST — Lional A. Do.m. We correct all S tudebakertroubles. 120 Sccond Avenue Weal..----------

_ _ _

WINDOW OLASS—Wind shields, cabl nel work. M oon’s Shop. Pliouo 5.

WABBEBO TBA N Sl’EB AND STOBAOE CO. Coal and wood. Phono 142.

OliOZlEP. T E A N SFEE CO. Fhono a4s!Or.'tt;ng. Hri.tn»;e and LiUcriy eoal.

M cN IC noijB T EA N til’E E A BT'OKAai _ -G aH .afie hnulr<l daily. Phoat. l!0«'

OASEY JO N E S T B ^ S P E B , P M n itn r i moving, local nnd long distance. Call Douglas Coal Co. Phino 211.

i n o F ~ B E P A m ^

T\VIN FA LLS SHOE E E P A IE IN O 132W. Shoshono. Ph. 308. Re:,| leathor. (ioodyear heels. W ork guarai.tecd.

EOYAL SHOE B E P A IB ~ S H O P -^r^ i .Xieyers, Prop. 130 Soeond s tree t S., \ Twin F a lls. Wc also cnrry new ahoes.


120 Sccond avc. west. G oodyearan^Miller llrc.s, V uleanltlng, rM readiag.

B n i lA B D S :

M A O A U L B T ~ 'B B O ar~ fo 'r m o n u m e n t s

IDAIIO MOITUMENT*^ CO.. TiOC Sho^ ahon,'» wcat. Thono 103W.

Page Seven ,

Page 8: T W 1 ^ F A ILLS DAILN NEE W snewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-NEWS_… · T W 1 ^ VOI- 7. n o . -808. _____ ^ is is PUSSES' IN [EypT m s m illE T IllM

SHORT iOTETO F R M T U l l l S i

o f< 'yi'n

Municipal Commissioners Ap-

prove Plan for Building Gra- "i;,

vel Road on Minidol<a Street [“

to Solve Traffic Problem, r i

Twin J'lilln m unicipal commiaaion a t n ri'gulnr mooting Monday ovoning Ravo itn npprovnl to a lookingtuw ard building ot a gcavol rond on M inidoku Btroqt, oxtonding atrnight wcxt from K lm borly rond to connoot ■with ttio pavem ent n t Oregon Short L ino fre igh t o fficcs liMC, a diatanco ot nbout nno-hnlf milo. Tho improvem ent J. o f tho Btroot Wui proposed by S. S. All, eommisslonor o f atroots and w ater works, who waa nuthorltod to proceed w ith ostimntee and -preparation o f dfi-

• tailed plana fo r tho work.I t wns pointed ont In tho course of

dixcnMion th a t Improvomeni o f thia thorqughfnro would d iv ert a largo, pro- portion of honvy t ra ff ic now passing over a longer distaneo tow ard th e same doBtination on paved strORts; th a t w ear nml roar on pavem ent would be r»> : dttectl nnd th a t mileage nnd tim o would bo saved to fanners and othera haul- ^ Ing loads to th e frcdgbt yarda aad w arohousofd iatrie t

Drops OoTOpatloaol T o r . ]\°TTndor suspension o f the n iles , th»

commission adopted ordinanees agreed P .' upon n t la s t w eek 's m eeting to do aw ay w ith ^ u l r o m e n t fo r paym ent o f U- V” cctiso by show honaes, anetioileera. . pliimbnrs nnd elootrlcians doing bnol< nrss In Twin Falls. These Ileense fees th n t had beon doslgnnted in disontslon by tho commissioners as "occupa tiona l tnxc*,” had beon reqnlrcd under or-

.(linnncCR mnny o f which woro cnacted *' . ago, and gonorally a t tha

instnnco o f porsons nlrondy ongaged hcirn in tho linos I t waa proposed to fj” nsHoss. ' ' '

Tilconso Issned tn Mrs. A. A vory to J|! opornto the K eith rooms on M nin nvo* ! ! nno cnat, wns by tho commission n t th is sossion rovokod on rocomraondntion o f Chief of PoHco r . 0 . H crrim an. Mrs. ‘I* Avory was convletod recently of vio- *, In ting tho prohibition laws. ' ' '

Perm it fo r instRllntlon o f sockets In q" . sitlonrnlka in w lilrh flags purchnscd by q"

. business houses nro to bo displayed on oecnslod was votod by tlio commission ' '' wlion tho sali’sman fo r tho flags pro- | sontod ovidenco th n t flngs In suffi-1 c ifiit numbers hnd beon sold horo to*,i!„ provide for tho lr display n t intervals | \ l i i o f 2,’i foot on Mnin nvenuo ami n t th o jv i' rn to of olght fo tho block on Shoshono m stroot.

Oorrocta Aaaessmeat*. twC a n c o lla t io n n f nnsossm ont f o r s ji ra y - .m

In g tro rn in cnscn where*, pm in ’r ty ovrn- th crK a g n ln s t >vhom th o Ic'vy fn r th i< y j ^ n irj 'o ir hnd boon nm do show ed th .T tl f r , t l ic v hm! nn trop/j lo Im s p ra y o d ,,w n a j n j'p ro v p il b y tlio rom m iR sionora. i|„ .

ray n ic -n t n f b ill s w n s n iitlio rizp il i,,. a ::;i in s t t lu ’ jjc tio rn l fn m i in th.* ».uin ,!,■ f>f «inP t,R ."; M iirlnltliiig fu n d . ? i? l; li- iir irv ftiti'i. $r;on. I„.

VI WkaTHS ’’.IT ^O ^ M A ^•--M r^ . IV lin IJndnu in . 7".

di''<l .Siiiid.'iy o v i 'n in g a t th o hnm o o f j h iT hon, J o h n IJoclninn, ono nm l o iic -H ' fn iir fh m ilf.i H oiithorjnl n f T w in F n lN . i " ' fVnm r f f r r t ^ r><, a fn r:ily ti< ' ■ i frn lto l '’ nli'Mit i n clnvn I 'nnor.ol ncrvu-r^.n iu li 'r aiispirc.H r>f (!io n a p t i s f ohtirc-h. " n ro to bo hc'M ;it 2 o V ln rh thiw iiftiT- n o o n n t tlic G ro«sm an^ oli.Tpo!. B iirin l \ w ill bo in ttio T w in F : .lls con io tory ,

>Jrs. I to d a i i i i ram o w itli h o r snn to T iliihn fro m M irh lg n n n b o iit ir i y c i r s n g o , fo llc iw liig th o <tr.ntli o f ! ir r hns- li.'ind w lio w n^ a v o to ra n o f th o O iv il 1" w a r . T h o y orinio to T w in F a tN nhnu t ■’* s ix v r a r s ngo a f lo r r r s ld in g n t B u rlo y " f n r i 'i ; ;h t v m r - , ' 1'

--------- --------------------------- IfiOTJOIT— C h n rlr* O n u ch . tw o ilrvvs |

o ld son o f M r. n n d Jfrn . Ch.-xrln C n iich . ■'d io d M o n 'ln y n io rn in g n t th o fa m ily "ro s id o n c o so n tl iw r/i t o f F i lo r . F n n r r n l "s e rv ic e s n r r to bo hrlcl n f 2 n 'c lo r k "th is a f te rn o o n .-v t'Ih r B lno a n d S tu rd i - -i

. v a n t ch.apr] h r r o nnd in l r r m r n t w ill 'b o in th o T w in F .'ills com otor.r. '

A TKO W OnTTT — P n u l in r .\ in g w o r th ,s ix m o n th s n tu l Cl dnvp o ld . ’U n g h l r r i o f M r. a n d ^rrfl. C h a r lrs F . A ln g w o rtho f IT nnscn . d ir d R undny fit th o fa m i ly tr c s ld e n c r . F n n r r n l s c rv l r r s , ro n d n c to d Ib y th e Box*. M r. T fonnds n f th o H o ly iO h o s t chnpo l. .nro *o bo ho ld n t 2:3f) Io ’c lo rk fh is n iro rn n o n n t th o O rW I tt tf lhnpel. I n t r r m c n t is tn b e in th n I T w in F a l l s ro m cto ry .

■ R A ISE S rU N D FOB OHAItTIT.A nuounrcm ont was mado Monday t

th n t th r n ig h lan d View d n b had de­rived $-<1 from ita candy snle Inst F ri- I day nnd flntnrdn.r. Tho proercds aro to be n»od in charify work.

H rnfrn R n a q ty fihopp« . Phooe 27R.


PhOM 67. MlgM Pli«n« 22.

Pogo EiBht t w in ]


. VT. H. Noirlfl Aika fo r Slvorc«, AUeg-

lug l>eMrtlOD o f -M ore Ttuia Y ear; vlsl Aaka C ustody o f Fonr Sons.

' cT. II. N orris, t h r ^ g h 0 . C. Ilall, j,,

atto rney , in stltn to d ' su it in diatrlet court hrro M onday fo r dlvoroe from Hariih Ann Korrlf, whom ho m arriod In ^ 18111 in Cuniborlaiid county, Toddcssoo. .N'orris alleges dcsortion on thu pnrt 2)11: o f hls 'wlfci dating from April o f lost yonr, nnd stfttoii in Jila petition thn t she 1 hns doclinod to «penk to him io r moro than four yonr*. a n d becomes appnr- piq ontly enraged whon ho a ttem p ts to ii.ldross ht-r. Ho aaka for cuatody of t four sons rnngiog in ngo from 11 to wc! IH yoara. ' ’is

F f i O M l i i iCROSSES O I IE ?

1•• . --------- M<

J. W. Snodgrass, Early Day S

Western Freighter and Pio-,103

neer Albion Merchant, Dies, ’’.r______ M

Jam es Wilaon SnodgrasH, 62, froii- tiorHmun hrid friond o f Jn inca'B riilger Hi an d K it Carson, p ioneer f re igh te r nnd nn for mnny y o n n inofchnnt a t AlWoni cv Idnho, died Sunday evening a t tlio u homo hero o f his daughter, M rs. W. II, Rtanley, n f tc r eo ly . a few hours ill­ness. ^ ^ n o ra l iorvicoB, undor auspicm H. rtf tho C hristian Science church, are to gi bo held a t 5 o'eloek th is afternoon a t M (he Bluo a n d S turd ivant chapel here. C. Tlio body Is to Lo tnkon W ednesday to gi Albion, wboro buria l aervlcos will be nr conducted b y Albion lodgo A. F . and A. M., w hich he served fo r 35 years as its treasurer. 0 ,

Leaving h la Iiome a t La H arpe, 111., and going to P onvw whon he was 17 years old, M r. Snodgrnss sp en t tho noxt **' ■10 yenra fro lgh ling betwocn Nebrnskn City to C entrnl C ity , Colorndo, Denver to Virglnin CUy, M ontann; Nobrnakn n i y nnd Hnlt Tisko, nnd Snlt Lake nnd Los Angelos. In 1809 ho established a llv rry stnbic a t Corrine, U tnh, nnd in 1H7.T ho bought a rnnch n t Plymouth, **'’ n tn h , whero two yenrs la te r lie married J ’ M ikh M^irthn Flfraon, whose death oc- I'urrcd a t Albion 12 years ngo. Tlie fnmilv home wa* cstabllshod n t Albion, thon Mnrsh n a iin , i» 187r>. Threo of (h r nino children born to M r. nad Mrs. Snodgrnss survive'. Thoy nru Dr. K, N, 4.1 -‘ iiodgrnss o f Jerome. Idnho; M. D. Snodgrass o f Aiihton, Idnho, nnd Mr*. Sinnloy of th is city. •

j Tlirough Idaho In 180G. th{ Mr. Saoilgrasi f i r s t visited Idaho in .llll- fall o f IHO." n liea ho pnsscd through *■*

I tliin rrgion fre igh ting flour from Den- '** (v.-r to Cacho Vnlloy, U tah. From 180.1 _ [lo IHO.T ho waH aK>(ooiatrd w ith Cnmp- ;boll bro lhor.i’ Iroight ou tfit, plying bo- tKocti XobraHk.i O ily .nnd Central City,• icul in thc laHt tiamrd yonr ho extended m tho fre igh t roiitp from D enver to Vir- ii g in ia City, Montann. Ilo spen t ono year o' fn-ii;!itiiig ln'twi'un N ehraskn City and fi

Isn lt Laho nnd two yonrs on thc roulo d' il'i-tnooii Salt hake nml Los Angcli'i. n being as-iorinleii w ith S irg o l. brothers hi ilnring lh a t time. <1

During -18 yc:irn’ roHidrner nt Alhinn u he- was engaged in Rrnc-rnl mnrrhaiidiso ■' liii'iiti''!i< aiul npi-rated a lihrU-*mitii tl

■ -l.nji. Hr- t'yrviii a,i ]in-.tin:i;iti'r nnd a* .

, I U<‘ was om- (if .".0 jtrr.'iotii jircsriit 1 fjw hi-n IJie f.ir^t Ic'iid of liiiiilic-r v.-a do- |. ilivi-rrd in th is v iriiiity fot c-onKtnirtlon j

I llf tho f irs t fc'rry bo:it n r ro 'i 52,i;,!;,.! l i iv r r :it HhOMlmtio fall«. |

Hn had bom, a m.’ml.or o f th - Ma- | ^u.iir Indijc- f.ir y rar-. |

1 W E L L KNOVVn” r l T r M AN

„ A N S W E R S D E A T H ’ S C A L L

i. Ccori;^ l.i'<*ii:ir<l, Hiiii-t.' llKii' re.nidont i t | " f till' Kiivr rlislrict. wh'Ti: ho (nvnod t .’iti‘| farnii’d cxti'iiNivc. Inilii hohlings, y oiK' iif llu- ruiiinil.s.-doni-rs o f the I’ik-f”

liiijlnvny liistrirt aud for tb n i ' year.i [uvst managi-T of tlio Wcly Zuc.kcrman

•H |irni!ii.-<' coiii-i'ni'K |d:int a t FilL-r, iHed riuddoaly nliout m idniglit Saturdny

V iiiclit :il h is liDini- utio and onc-half it mili'.i west <<f Kilor. Hr w m .Hn years k old. Dc-ntli 'vhirh occurrcd shortly i. .’ifli'r .'lr. L'-oji:ird hnd r r t ir rd , was nt- I] triliuted lo linrdonlng of the arteries

itl lhe ri'ginii o f lho heart. T lir end I'uiiic alm ost w ilhout w arning, lie had

h, )M]ii-iit .'^atiird.ny Jiftoriioon on bu'ine^s 'r in Twin Falls.h The body wm tnkon M onday from ly tho F. K. Drako m ortuary a t Filer to ‘d Ihe fninily rejiiiloneo whero i t is to ro­ly main un lil 10 o ’clock Thuraday morn- I'f) ing, tho h our fixed fo r funeral srrvicea It to ho hrh l n t lho Catholic church in in Filur.

Surv iv ing Mr. Leonard, brsldea hia wifo, nro three Hons, all n t homc, two .-tiHli.-rs, ono rcdiding in M innesota nnd

ly the other In Wisconsin, nnd a brother.0- Mr, Leon,ird woa born near Des1- M oinei, Iowa..

: -M l>-°'ver Prices

S o f s , StoTof, Llsolenm V iilt O a r B:^cliaage D epartm eat.

A . H . V IN C E N T C O .20^-200 Blioiliono Bonth.


B R E V X T l - E S “oWoiaer D octor V lalta—Dr. C. 0 , Con-

au t o f Woiaer, ia horo for a‘ fow days ' vlalt,

Ooea to Kanaaa—J . X . Miller oxpocts ti» leavo todoy on u v ljit to Dunlap, Kanaaa. Em.

To V lalt a t BllliB«»—A. K. Uamil- ton ia to leuvo today on u v isit to m illngs, M ontana. ‘

, gr*'To V lalt In Nobraaka—Mr*. A. 8 .

ILtnson loft Monduv to v isit iu North P lo ttc , Nebraaka.

Ooea to M issouri—M rs. ^Inud Max- tncr well o f thia city , lo f t M onday on a soci v isit to Bismarck, Miaaonri. an t

— ----- U.To V isit in SUcblgan—Q. K ostcr of [ {ict

Amsterdam, le f t horo M onday on a v isit 'a a e to Orand R apids, M ichigan. |

V isit in S a lt L a k » —r , 8 chulU of Jnrbidgo and J . 0 . M cGrath o f thia i" e ity , lo ft M onday ovoning on a trip -gt," to S alt Lako.

Surveyor Travel*— Ilarold W-illlnm M errill, county survoyor-olect, left Mo'ndny m orning fo r a wocik’a husinexH t r ip to tho northern p a r t o f the state.

, tn tK e tu n u to B«Xbarg—Mrs. C, E. S h ir- '^ I r

loy lo ft Mondity ovoning, re tu rn ing to t'*’?- liiT homo a t Itexburg n fte r ii few days’ .te r vinit horci a t tho home of her sister, afl Mrs. C, R, H olland. ,to

Conclude V lalt—M r. and Mr.n. David th< H ubbard, pnronts o f L. R. Hubbard me nml Mrs. C. N. Lo/ivitt, lo ft Monday [ evening re tu rn ing to thoir home a f te r ' u few d a y s ' v isit here . ,ii,

Ouard In s tru c to r V isits—C aptain L.K. W orthloy, in struc to r o f nntional ),n guard in fan try in Idaho, arrived here pn Monday on a m onthly visit to Company „ C. Twin Falla un it o f tho Idnho n n tio n a l, gunrd, and w ill todny v isit tho Qiihl ■■ unit. , W

H ere fo r W eek-End—Mr. and Mrs. |0 . M. Korr, Mr. and Mrs. R. Austin of g j American F alls, nnd John Montgomery nf Ruport, m ade up a phonsnnt shont- ing party hero over the wo<^k•ond, and r wero Sundny dinner gucals a t thu home o f Dr. and Mrs. II- R. Groomo. ' j„ '

------• ' FiiPrisoner Ooea to H ospita l—Roy Bry-*

n n t of Mnckey, w ith only nino daya to iorvo out a senlonco .imposed in fed-]),(j| oral court on conviction o f violating prohibition laws, wna Mondny tnken from thc county jn il bore to the county t _ general hospital for trea tm en t fo r pocu-inonin w ith whirh hc wna stricken Sun- .1 lei, dny.

Declaroa ZnteatloQ—John II. CIny. P*' 41.’) Mnin nvenuo woat, filed Monday in th e offico o f tho clerk of tho diatric t j*” ' court hero hia doelarntion o f intention | fo becomo nnturallzod ns n citizen o f , ' " ‘ tho U nited Statoa. M r. Clay, who la a nntivo o f L in thw nito , Yorkshire, Eng- Innd, arrived in th is country in Novem- bcr. 1010 . I’'


Jesus'M oreno , M exican, on arraign-!1 ini-iit M o ndny b e fo re J u d g e O. P. D uvall |o . • in p ro b a te e o u r t h e ro nn p o tty la rc e n y l ,i; i - c h a rg o o f t h e f t o f n b o x o f t n r n ’s ho<ie I to 1 from th e A m o rira n E x p re s s c o m p a n y ’h | of ) ile liver.v w.Tijoii h r ro , e n te r r d a j 'le a o f jn . n o t g u i l ty , l l c a r in i ; in fho ca»o w a s ' t h i Hi't fo r to d n y . M o ro n o w an n rrrs t--d ; pt

nn ! lir new c h a rg e M o adny w h en l io . i n 1 w as re le n se d fro m tl ie c o u n ty .iail on :; I 'T jiira tio ii o f HH ih i.vs ' -n 'n tr iic r fo r ^1 th i-f t o f n iv ii r o f ini'n'-* shoc i. S:

t 1 ____ T-


Mn' ” ^



The'Vogue u Velvet! The fc ro footwearfashioo and receiveid The MiTCtta, December’s C

esc velvet, patent leather e Johansen and proffered, hi

1 ^7



socim m c w '''E dited b y

MB& E. B. W ILLIA M S » __________ Phone 306____________ J

The Sta^" Social 'c lu b mot M onday p aftornoon n t tho homo of Mrs. 0 . A. ^ Emoa on F if th avonnei caat. Tbo uanal g buslnosa wun tranonctcd w tih th e pros* n; Idont, Mra. F. W. Dumke, in tho chair. it This wns followed by a do llgh tfu l pro* e: g n m composod o f aoveral vocal dneta .g and aoloa by Miaa Flo Cook aud Misa tl Jorom a K rivaaok, accompaniod on tho ^ piano by Misa Mngdalonci Sohoofer.Mias Schaofor also ronderod an inatrn* montnl selection. D uring a ploaaant social hour Mrs. Emcs, and tho naslat- a n t hoatosses, Mra. B. 0 . losot and M r/.U. L. Dlnkelaokor, sorved dollcious re-

|froshm ent« to tho 35 ladles in nttond- ‘ aaee.I —J —’ Mrs. C. II. E ldred ontertainod nt dinner Sunday for Mra. J , H, Sherfoy o f Buhl, nnd Mr, Bnggs. fa ther o f Mrs. Sherfey, and M ra-.M atUda Mifrckcll o^

jC raicm ont, Idnhn, who U grnnd cliief ot tho Py th ian Sistora lodge of th ia s ta te .

On Monday afternoon Mrs. C. H, E ld­red nnd Mrs, I ra W oatfall ontortainod

In t thc homo of tho form or in honor of :M rs. Mnrckoll. Tho invitod guests ,wexo tho membcra of the P y th ian Bis*. tors lodge in th is city. Thia dollghtful a f fa ir was in tho natu re o f a surprlao to the gucst o f honor. Tho afternoon

'w aa spent socially and a t a la to hour tho, hoslCBiies served dain ty re^esh -

^menta. '

Mrs. C. N. Anderson ontorta lncd a t ^dinner Sundny n't hor homo on Sixth 'avenue east complimcntnr>’ to Mra. Ilnm llton of Gray Bull, Wyoming, who has been v isiting hor nieeo, Mra. E . E.

' Bascom. Covers wore laid fo r 11 a t a beautifully nppointed table.

' m any join in TRIBUTE 1 TO JAMES FITZGERALDB ig Aaaemblftga a t F a a e n I Services

I fo r Ploaeer 8 « ttle r o f F ile r a n d Woll 1 EaAwn Tw in F a lls B a d a e u M aa.

I Funernl sorvlcos M onday fo r tho lato Jam es F itrgorald , early doy sottleir of

j F iler distric t and woll known bnainess ' tnnn of Twin F alls, whoso d ea th 'le i i r r td last woek n t Rochester, Mlnne- Msota, were n ttcnded by nn dssomblnge ■ of friends nnd nssociatca th a t taxod I the lim it o f fho cap.icity o f tho Oross-

jinan rhapel, and n profusion o f floral offering* n ttested to tho general es­teem In which ho was held,

Tho services wore held under aus* ^ plci’s o f the Chrlstinn Scionco church =

!jO f which Mr. F itzgerald was n mem- • her., I Pallbenrers chosen from nmong Inti- [ I mnto friends nnd nssoci.ites woro IT, II,, Schildman,-T. E . Mooro and T, D. Con- . nnr o f Filer, nnd A . R. ^ i c k ^ T. M.. Robertson and E . K. K ail o f Twin

j Fall.i.

j FRENCH H ELD TO A N SW ES f j r o a STATTJTOTIT CHABOE- I .\lv in French of Bulil, wns b y Judgo 1 ;<X 1’. Duvnll in probnto cnurt horc< Mon- ~ •jiliiy . hi-lil to answ er in thc d is tr ic t court f 'jfo rh.irge of com m itting n a ta tu to ry ■•lOffi'Mso. French wafl adm itted to bond f in tho snm o f $1?00. Testim ony of s I thrco witnesses w.as introduced n t thc 1 1 Iiri'liniiiinry hearing by i'lie prosccut- '• . itig attornoy.

r I .:rtr l.nv!. a e.nn of r i F E FLURH, Salla.Iay 'l la rd w arr rcinit;;iny,—ndv.

m dhW g lo H A N S E N

le fcbric o f royalty reigns in eives a tight royal welcome!'’s Calendar Style, in black­er edged, is made only by d, here, only by th is ihop!


P l S g J

0, TUESDAY . MORNING,Fair and Warmer “ "

Weather Prevaila an‘ — po Forecast fo r today—Olondy and

•warmer. Tl— Bod

F a ir w eathor w ith higher tom- derpuraturoa eharactorlzod w eathor Is n-conditiona in th e Twin Falla ro- ' g loa ovpx tho woolc ond. Tho the?.. momotor S uaday roglatorod GO fo r iU high m ark a a d 15 fo r tho low-ost point, M oaday . waa two do- j j

• grooa w arm er d aring the day an d «dvitho n ight wna th reo dogrooa warm-. yo«.

Satin Fo<—B etti

Satin ia firmly entrenched for women’s shoes. I t is a shoes os well as evening sho


! - ( \

t v * ^I

■ The Pe- Price $

I In prettiness, fit and price all. Shown in black satin,

,1 heel. Widths AAA to B.II

A Boyd Welsh\ MAIN FLOOR SHOEJ I i' I I .1

J The Idaho Depj1 “ A FTER ALL T H E BEST

Hoosier Furniture Co.2 T W IK F A IX 8

I - ------------- ~ - -'t —

“= £ x i 6 eBATTERIES

NEW EADIO A's and B's

Wo chnrRO less for oloctrlcal v.'orlc. L a te s t and wost m odem ctiulpmont In SouOicm Idaho. Com­plcto lino of

I RADIOSBill Helm's JVIotor Service ^

Plonty of A twator-Konta |PH O N E GO ■ I



Home Candy; MakerOEOOOLATE





POPPY133 Shoshone N . Phone, 1B69

As th m aN o car* for It, ba t welcoew

i n iM ia ofieo bronght ^

V I C k S

fG, DECEMBER 2, 1924.1 , • - \ ==g=?*

orn thormomeitor roaohing B8 oad dropping to 17 during tho hottoat • and eold^at p a rt o f. the 24-hour period.

Tho annua l roll call 0^ the Americaa Bod C ro u has boon d^ierred .. Za or­der to hold a chapter ia Tw ia Falla i t ia M ceaaary to ro ta ia a eortain aom ber of mombora and i t is doairod th a t all who aro In te ro a t^ ia th e organlzatloq, leave tho lr memborahh) feo of $1 a t tho C ity L lb ra jy ’before Docombor 8 .—adv.

I I f yoor property u dectrabU a a d Is I adverflaed la tbe elaaaified—y e a 'l l flad iyow* bo ra r.

ootweartter Than Ever ,Jied aa a leading material i a smart thing for street shoes.

Perizee$9.50>rice, the Perize leads them tin, gray kid.lining, spike

Creation. lO E DEPARTM ENT ,

partment Store1ST PLA CE TO T R A D E "

in oet 'E m Qulckl 3 U HOT WAFFLESt i l u ith fn-sli eroaiiiy but- I ,

lor, lionc-y, ma]'lo nyriip j n r' fru it .ji-lly, l.'c . t

M Onr H realifaH Sj.ooiall



1 l l a v r y o n r p rem ises In sp ec te d , j p ro liab li- c au se s o f a c c ld c n ta de- ] t r r m in e d n n d t l i e lr rem e d ie s p re-


I t Costs NothingI f you plaeo your W orkm en's

Compensntlon Insurance in tho H nrtford A ccident nnd Indem ­nity Conijian.v, expert Inspection Servieo will bo Tendered w ithout charge. I t moans fewer nccl- <lcnts, .1 lowcr premium ra te , and

j morn contonted employes.

W rito or telephone thla agency.

= Twin Falls Title . & Abstract Co.'* " E v e ry K ind 0/ laaaraac* aatf ' B oada” ST'.I phoa* 168