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T W IT TWENTY^OOin) TBAB iiuizE sm s i ONTiKFAl IN pilA ^ Lightning Striks Huge Oil Con- ® talner on Standard Oil Com- pany Property; Summon Men to Build Dirt Dykes. (Hv llio AmirK-Iiittil Prmn.) nAKKiffll’lKIJ), Aiiril UI).— l.'iKtitiiliic. KtrikiiiK .1 nnu.ooti tiiirri'l Kiiilc ot till' Htniiiliir.t Oil romimiiv of Cnlifornin. utiirt.-.l u fir.- in th/wvnl Korn ri\\T fiil.1 licr.'—iln- lmj{2«t nior DKi' fnriii lu Cndforiil;., It i* *a«<l—ill . tills i-vrnliit;. Tin- lilnrr iid fur lin* J lic'cii. riinfitK'il to iillo liiiili wlilrti in iu tlio criiirr of nliniit lI,uiMl,()Ol) biirrcU uf . Tlic oil tnn); fiiriii i.i" nliout fivD If inll*-H tiortliwc.1t Ilf liukcmfi.-l.l. r.irtj- H uti.lfrjfroiitiil tnnkn rm.fiMl willi aoi.hall nro ou tlio trm l. A ilctini- rli.iul of gnioko i» visible fur iiiilci. Oil ...... ufficiuli huvo Niiiumoni'il men from ull diri‘fllun« anil cnrtlii'ii it/l:ci aro liun- tily bflnB tlirowii n|i hi nn oii.lcuvor to k( o|> till' flauiint; oil fruni «iiri-:idlii|; in ViiRv tli<> lunk bulls ovrr. WltnoMCs SUrt. ' L( C. I,. Tavlnr wuu nn rvo wltiirM of ' tlio Aliirt of tlio fire. llo luKl been 1.1 IVciuti to vi»ll tin- Rrciir of Ilie n-reiit oil atriko nn.l wus eiiroulu fniiii tlicre wlieu tlie «t<.rni tiriikf. Tli.‘ firxt iiiiruin i.f xiiinko wero )i<-en tuIlowiiiT^T. yivi.l fliii.li ..f li[-liluiuK, he ••Ttien lli'e Muek Kiuiike euniiniel.li- I’"' In;' cnl of llio ({rent eurlh.>n r.-*ervoir, in ll.o l.rurt of Ilie Mluniliir.l OU eoni- I.iiiiv „t Cnlifornin V lunk furm. KLi.ii,-* flirkcreil and finiilicti over llie biiriliuK 'f ‘ roof unit til.) oil bluzv lincl boou luudr ru 0 ronrinc inreruo.” '><> Heavy E*lnsMnn. Tlio cleetricul ntnrm Knn nrcoin* jmiiio.1 by .u rniii.torui of clnn.lliuriie ]iroiK>rlloui nntl fur five mllox alonR < '■ '< llio «luto hlKliwny bolvrecu Oil Jimction niul Haeo, an.l north, Ihc ]>avinK wm niveroO with rnihiiiR lorrcnt* of wuter. f ‘ Tlip iilniuR nn.l hisU nieia InoUo back lu tlio low fiiotlilllii north of tlie high- ,wer<! ihrrtii of wnler. »•« ^ 0 real .dnnrer to tlip ailJolnlnR Kloreii w ill m m e wlien thc biirnltiK ^ tank* boil over. Tlil. I. not looko.l hfi for bxrorp niuriiln>r. Jl U •l»te<I Ihut litp llic niiiiiililv of <itl In llie bnri.luK'laiTkic jot ran i>o iliminliilic.i by ilinluInK ll from .-oi tlio bottom Into nUjciliiiiiic Itmkn. U'liila tin tlio ri-nrrvolr Ihnt wna ntrurk by liKbl- fUi lilni; liiiH a .'niuirity of ,'00,OOO |.:irreU |hr it roulalue.I ouly 4<IO,l)ilO hnrrrU. ( III Hpilo i.f Iho ralu wlilrh arconipan- iu ■ ie.l tho thnu.len«torni, thoURniiiJii uf an.l niRhl »rprii florkr.l to tbi. i.rrnc. i„|. Thc cdntnlripr* on Ihe roinp.mv'n / *lor.iKC f"f>'i I"’*" off ,.:irh ill oxlent. Tl.cv ur.- roofeil ovrr ni.l, .'Ill.l each rcMTV-Mr i- i.iirriniu.lr.1 by • 'I Meh oarlhcu .lyltei.. Tl.c iiwiin i.tora«e „(■ fielil i» Jibout twu niilcii ilUtaiil rnnii nlt< Ihc firo uu.l i* not ihoiiKlil lo be in Kni ilnnRrr., __________ . BUILDING OF DAM WOULD ''''' LOOSE ENORMOUS WEALTH LAR VKOAH, Nev., A|>ri1 Tho cloniiii: .if Blnck ran.VOn of tlin Cfllorn.lo river by ihi' hlRh Boiihler ,1nm wonl.l unlock unn^e.l wr.nilh of , lan.l nn.l jmwcr worth bllli.iun t<> thc Balion, Ilcrlamatlon fonnni'iiouer Kl- ■nno.1 .Mc.nil (Icclare.l hero lo.lny nflor iiamltiK through the tortnou* ilofilc of ' tho Colorn.lo in a motor b.mi. ' Wcfrrinry of liiteri..r >Vork nn.l Mc-a.I *|N'iit tbo Kfciitcr p.irt of Ih.- liav in«i>eftln;; nite of the pro|in«p.l j <bm l-ch-in.l who»o iiin.iivc .tru,tut- wnulil bc .to rcl floo.l w.Mcm of the , ('olora.lo whlrb m.-»ny ailvomtc* uf ^,.j, the dnra aver, eonilanlly mcnare.l the live, of 70,000 per.oni nn.l jjilllion. ), of aerei* in thc Imjierial. Coarhrll.i an.l Pnlo Vcr.lc vallev. of »niilhra»t- ITU Cftllfornl». I Dr. Mea.l .leelareJ that .levelopineni ,„)| of Ihe Colorn.lo rive? woul.l »erve ai n pctfnanetit floo.l pontrnl |.r..jert anil ,.„r nl lho »amc time .leveloji rlicnp power .\i>i for inilustrin in Ihe .oulhwe.t. r.-n 'CORONER’S JURY INQUIRY INTO GA CniCAOO, April (/P)—A eeron- S. er’i jory eompoiej of. Ihe. prriidrcta kill of. two tiaaki, a realty flr^, an iu- Thr »uranee rooipany, a ‘‘ manufarlurli;E Ma; rnurem, snU a buU.llDB manaerr.' rvi. corporation today wenl over the trail trrl of the fuen wbo Tuc.lay night »bol Wo' and kllicl Williatn MefiwiRKln.' s.- H *Ialant ilate’i attom cr, and two eom- Far panloni knowa to the fkolire a> brer con: junncn, , re»t The jory waa clio«fa by the Chi- .^l;! caCD.Ataoei.Hion of Commerce at th« T>» rciuenl of C«ronpf O var Wolff. Th« rub <)UPillon of- tilled McSwlcgin, pin • whether be waa killed porpoaely or piit nrcidently, and why he wa. in Ihe. Onf company of "H e«r'’ Doffy anj Jamr« ws. Doheny, jpncitrt^, who, died with I>oh him, facetl the jury. th^ Joha J. Heair, former tlate'a at- 8 - W n)';’ retained by the coroner ai ano ■pccial Icjral advljer at lie inquf;^ hf J . Ihe joror* lo make the m- Tai «)ae*t a tfrtiaite Inqtlry C*8C- 3 riom'i maBlrnUtiottf, Sifrry T. dit, Kelly, preaidcnt of th«< Union Leajnc a b ncTmhlieao' clnb, who helped rhoote deai the ffToup, pleaded for a r«velatlon of Cro the coanectian between iwlilirj aad tbe NINE BALLOONS START IN I LITCHFIELD TROPHY RACE | I.ITTI.n IlOCK, Ark., Alrrll 2H.— wn—With 11 durcn ulrpLinrN blJ* UIuR them KUOiibyc, niuo «nnti-«l- aul. in Iho LItcbfleI.l trophv usul naLiuiial eliminuti.iii bulloon* ruco 1 K<il off ficni tho nlr port here lalo Weather condil ioii. wcro iil.-al. . Not n rluud mnrrr.t iho kI.v from .•urly ilnwn to di.rl.-. Tfic pilot b.illoou “ Skv J.ark.” with W. <r. Nuyli.r ax pilot, nnd K. . W. Wnrren, nl.lc, in the banket, fi wn» Kiildc.i .Into tho flyin« fiebl nn.l offieiully rclca.eit by Heferoo H. A..Lanibcrt of Hr. Loui* ut -I::i0 , oVIcrk. Tliin ^;nn l.'i miniitei * nhend of Ihe .rhedulo oritjlnally orraiiK.d nn.l before lho fir*t of the roiiloKt-'irits, the trullod-filalc. nriuy balloon H-Jl v.'nx relenic.i Ihe !‘Hky /.;irl;'' hn.l ilwajipeari'd fo tlio uiirllieu.t. I.teiitenniit JaniCH r.iwell, i>ilol, nntl Moiitenaiit <>. Iv. I Knrlv. ui.l.-, in lli.‘ H lJl. wer> ro-- »■ ' le:i»c.| [iromptlv nl .’i oVloeU. Tho I'*: offi.-er* WIT.' Krool.-.l bv Mujnr ' ‘b , .. ...... . ^^n«OU ,M. I'ulrieli pliirf ..f ut Iho arniv nlr Morvirc nn.l wi.I.e.l iroo.l lurk jnxt i.efuro Icnvint;. ">• iLKiiiE J imuiiDi _ _ Leader of Detroit.Arctic Ex- . pedition Sends Word by Radio !»; From Point Barrow. --------- mu NKW vonic, April "1*. M*)—Cnvlniii (iorKC II. Wilkiiii., wh.i Im.l b e n re. I.nit.-.l uii.i.iiiK .iitre April 1.'., . c u t word by ru.lio to.luv Ihul ho wu. ««fo nt i'oilil Ihirmu ii.|v;ine.> li:.«e .if the Detroit Areli.- oxpo.litioii. He will nl- I'’* tcmi.l 10 return in hi. nirpiniic to tho Fuirbniik., Ala.kn, lia.o of the cxpc.li- lion, prrhai-a loniorrnw, oi-eor.|It.K t.i .liaputehi-i. of llie Norlh -Am.'rifnn " .\nierlcnn Ncwipapor Alllauec. Cnplnin W llkiiii’ luraMKc .tutcd lhat he and Iii« pilol hml renelic.l 1‘olul Jiurrow wifely on tho lunic iluy they l. fl l-*nirbanlj« with u ciirj{o of frelRhl oil Ihcir third Irlii for Iho a.lvniiee bo.o. No word Imd been r.-eciveit nl >';iirbniiki to inilifutc tholr wh.-re- abouln. OuTlad K**vy OoTKo. kcc Hiiirc they enrrled nu uiinaunlly heiivy cnr^o thrir trip (raa lho. mod htfxiir.Iou. Ibov havo yel-ti.aile over the. ti T.-rilou. in,IIU(l fool ix-.ik. uf tho Kii.Ii- ... .-oil iiionntulim. ITnable lo reiieli lui/tl- ,vh titn.li' of more than 0,000 f.-rl, thc ,ipi. flii-r. hail lt> weave a pnanuKi* through Ihe inonntalna in n heavy fi>x. tioi Oiiee the awirlii of nil»t rlearcd.-jn.t iu time to sbow a monntain ni.lo nh.rn.l ODO an.l tho iibine'ii rij-ht luiidiu;; wheel rru n,i.., 'l a uni.w bank l.y Inrhei. ,„n Arriving; ut Harrow thev were nil p off from rommuiiirntiou witb tbe out- far Hide worl.l wl.oii th e ir radt.i fnilv.I. Die Thov were held in llnrrow bcpuu.c fif, o f >.I<irni>. I'n|>tuin Wilkiu«. how.-ver, ----- nltempted Ihr.'.' lime, lo bop off for t'alrbaiik. bnl ha.l to turu 1.urU Iwire t..-.-;ii.ne nf a iplil, j.ropeller an.l c.iirp by ___ loiV buiiKiu;: rluuil. in tbe Kniiioi>tt>. ANACONDA CHIEF^RRESTED ANACONOA, .Moul.. Ai-ril CO. Mavor C. W. t^i.illl. and Xnio.-ll II. Oi- borne, a»i<.lant. rhief nf iH>llrv hore. were iirreM.'.l tod.iv on eli.ir,-.-. of bur- Hl.irv. Thrv pleu.lVd not guilly. whrn -.rr:.iKoc,l ^rfore a jiiilire of Iho pe:ire| ::i>.l wrn- rrlc.if.'.l on b»ii.l of 1il,0t)(l| ’'' ' t Ih' iiM'i. w.T.-'orrcil.-.l on eomplaiiil}- i.f. J.d.ii Wnl-h. wb.i iiv.-rreil hr fonnd; Ihc two ritv offi,-i.->!i -.rarphinu' hl.j .Iwpllln;; nith.nil q i.'-rrli w.iri.-iiil. j .M.iv..r SmIUi «ai.l 1..niKht 'lhat liet nti.l O"boroo .on.lii.-le.l the «.'-->rHi nflvr .-I itl.turb.-iiieo roniplnint b.n.l brrn rr- reive.l nt the riU hull und that Ih.-v fouu.l the hoii.c uiifnrni»be.l ex.-. [.| for .-1 bar mill neveml cbii.T*.- POCATELLO SWEATEES. roi-ATKI.M). April Hi*. (/»>)— P o ra - t'-llo .weltered to.Iay nndrr Ihi' bolte»t April .un iu HI ve;.r» whrn thc ni.-r rnrr rlimbr.l lo <tl thit nftorm.oi.. It. April, lull', u lcin[.or:iltirr ..f “4 w:i. r.-ror.leil. [AKES DEFINITE ANG MOVEMENTS SJeRwijjsin and hla companion* were killKl by ihols from a p«iii6B ear. The roroirrr’s Jnry atljotirned nnlll May a, after vIcwiaB the phyaical evi.lenee. of ’the crime, at>d the in- tcrlm will l>c oeenpied, Iit Ilcalv and Wolff, ia eollection qf evidcnfc.' Ralph Capoue, brother of “ Scar Face AI” Capone, who 1* aought. In conaertlon with the ■larizij;,. wa» ar- retleO early today 'by offierra who U>l;l diacovcre.I In his home a book dPtailoiR method, of maehine gun operatioa. eleven riflet, four ahot cnn*. two pump cuna, two automatie piitol* and a quantity nf ammunition. Ono police theory li lhat Ihe kiUioK wa. the oulRTow'th of eomitv inward I>oherly and Duffy oa the part .of -* Ih^ Torrio Copone l»<v>tlcC);iBg cliqAie. State’* Attorney Crowe reerire.1 aq anonymont note tellins him he waabl be ^“ je tt to ffo,” but regarded It wa. i&« \«ojk of a crank. J3eot> A. Ferseke*. “ midget ban- dit,” apiB it witrm ilfSwigfflB Iried a mtirder eharge which trsnliM la a death •ealeace for IVroeke*. wrote to Crowe from hia priaoa cell coadonas the official en the “ Ion of a brilliant A L L S , - TWIN PAI iiH P F l ‘ PBEIICI fFER OFSEpENT Agreement Is Reached Between Am.erlcan Debt Commission and Ambassador Bertnger on War Debt of France. [ (Hv tlie AMOeintcl Prom.) WAHMINOTON. April Jll. -Acrcc- noiil forsolilom enlof lliet4,ii.'.i'.U0i',<niii Kicnrh war .lebl wu. rcarh.'.l Jntc l.i' .lav bv the Amoricau debt eummiiiiiun unil Anibu..naor •HorruRer. Kriinco'. Into.t offor for n lolnl pav- mcnt of »n,B-IJ,fl7l.(iiiii over ;i lljy.-ar _ period wn. reerU'c.l bv llio iiimiuliifilon Cl I'urU- i n 'l l .......... nud ufl.'r nu b.'iir'a onKiJerntlou il wu. bii.l brfore I'r.'oi.lent Coiill.l(;o, wl.o i;.iv.' .bi« a[>- Th.' offer exece.^cil bv more Ibaii Jl)tll).000,0<)0 the b.'»t projwi.al of tho llli»urcoMful Cuilluiix iiiiMloii of lait .uiiinier nnd i(|i iicoi'jitnmo ended more thnn eight monlha of ulnioot niu.lnnt )y bargninlni; belwucn repronutiitlv.a of ari Ihe two conntrlcfi. W ork Almost Flnichod. mi Thc acllleu^eiil nol iinly .oOiipUide.l tie iiegoiialionii wiili Ann-rien’a n.-eon.l larj^.'it wur debtor, but atib.lnntlnlly rumpli'lcl the roniuiUiionwurk of fiin.liiii; llio «HMii"On.l,(lil(l foreiuu world il.'bl of thi. mitioii. O u ly S2U.i.- miD.Oun o f I h i. uni.iiinl ri'uiuiiin uu- fniidnl. . The Ill.l of the Innt; .liiell.aion be- , iweon 11.0 two ennutrii'- piinie <|nlrkty •, und .piii-tly ....... . c..,ilri^t.t In the T;' ox.itc.neul whirh ninrk.'.l Ihe viall of tbo Caillanx uiiMioii. rfaii.e uiilhor- . ' ired her nmbai'i.i.lor to nr.cde In llie eonimlMion'a deuiund Hint the fiml fiivmcnt. be inerensc.l bey.in.l , 111)0 u n n u 3 l l y n n d l h u i r i t m o v e . l l h c m nin , .tnmbliiit; blork. m Mr. Ucrctjgrr gnve Hocrcliiry Mellon, rliairmaii of thc conmiUiloii, n new offer, ]iroviding for {uiyinenl. uf t-10,- r\i 000,000 Iho fir»l two ycnra and making olher rendjuatmonla, nud ulthough , Hcerelarlcn Kellogg and Hoover were i nba.'nt, the conuiil.tlon quickly gnvo of Ita npprpval. Amlumador Ucrgencr ,tet u-cul lo llie trea.ury Inter nnd ho aad all' Heeretnry Mellon aigned Ihc ngrem ent. fd Ko 8*'foty qiitua. Thc ngrccnieiit iloc^.noj inrhrdc fho j., “ .afolv elanae” .1ciun«We.| bv Fnimc, which woiiM relieve tliiit country of ita ,,1 ilcbl re»pon»lbilllle* In Ihc ovrnt of failure nf aerinnuy lo meol ila re|.arn- Horn. It provide, for Ihe fun.llug of , ' fl.O;;.-!,000,0110 rep rcc n lin K »3..140,000,- " 000 In principal uud JflHj.OOd.OOO n r- ' " rrucd iulereit to the dnte of the ngrer- ‘''paym ent, will .tnrt at #no,000.000 ^n. for Ihe fir.t two year., 00.000 for [•" Ihe ncxl. two vcnra. nud ♦C.'.OOO.OOO tbe fifth year. Thla will inrtr.^ic to tIO.- {Continued oa Page Two) »cr\ THE FIRS! iW l ^ mw™ m V .W E PALLS. IDAHO. i s i ^ n A Y , ATEIL so. GIVES •FULL': Measure to PURCHASERS: CALLED FOOL i-i OOnEX, .Anrit OPl-.In.pp)i M. llill, whn U'auing for .llvurro frum Mary J. llill, tr^iifi.'.l loday in Ihe ilialrlct court thal .Mra. HiU ealied him ci .fool for giving full mea.ure to romHii' o |nirrliiiiu-ra at . Ihelr .erv|ei> atation. Mra. Hill, Iwwcvcr, .leulcd Ihe ch.irgC WhCM »hc will c.lllr.l to Ihc .laud. Hhe i^id aho .Ibl i,m eull him a font for RivUiK full meai.urc but-look him to Ifl.k for giving T ga»oliuc nwny, j ' “ Mr. llill la n W iali.i,'; .h'« -■ iM tlfiea,” nnd wli»u ruilrund mm were nut on alrike he gnv.- tbom ^ ga«olino .withaui fl^nfRing.” SEiiiiiES TOipiTES; Commissioner Swcndsen Mails li Certificates'to Kansans Who ^ Plan to Settle Tract. '■ ------- 4 f, IIOIKK, A pril 2i>. 0 Apj.roxim.Uc. ^ ly 'JOO cntriea under tl ■Cnrey u .t wero aenl uut today by W. iJ. Swrndarn, commiaaloner of roelamation, li> .\fcn- ' nouilea iu Kiiii^ai who arc I’oiug lo .ot- tie on lund lu Ihe roatral Idnhu irri|;a- li Iiou .li.lriet, h; .Icffera.m ruuuiv. fi Tho .cltlcinciil invol.vi-a nbuut I^’.UOO nrr.'. of lund. nnd .Mr. hwoiida.'u aavi Ihe rottler;. nro nil fariii.n .un.l Invc oi b.'on (or iiiuuv vcara. AU.i thev nro I. fnmieii with ' famlliri. Ilu- n\Vrage number of peraona in cu.li fiiniilv,num- bi boring fill-. T h e uver-ng.- al/.,’ furm ei whirl. Ibov will lm[>r.n.-. ii T:! nrrea, ri bi:t nfler riglita of wav for diloh.*. uu.l tl luu.ln ore Uik.-n ium ronM.leriti.ui. ihe u fnrnia will be ;tboiit .01 nrrr., There or eight ur t u fumlli. a'nnw lc on lb.' ground in Mnho nu.l olhera will gi bc eoming ua .'‘oon ni ihr «unini’er *in- m mli;ratiuii rntc. go iul i effrrl, wlilili rt will bo curly in May. bl DIES AFTER bY ITER FEED , . — R, WAaHINOTON; Am I 20 OP)—One M of a flurty pf <ls uc M .ifficcr. Li <• doa.I nud two other* ar]' ill, one critic- *’ ally, after nu oy.ier lunchcoii nl n '> rcatuuranl here lod.-iy. ''' Chief Vharmne:.t Kenneth .M. " Smith, 3S, of tbe- nnvnl hnanitnl, \Iaro ", laland, Cnl., died lanl;fc»,.. .HU. .Icii'li p waa nllrilinted >><«>n. <:hl»l> lioatawaln . Jamea O. i..egg. V. fl. ^ uovni Irniuiag alalioa, Ilnmplon Itou.la. Va., ia in n crilienl eundltinn In the nnvnl hoapitul, nnd Chief Car- ~ pcntcr KIM. H. IJerkM roer nf Ihe Mnre l.iliiud iinvv vard nl.n i. ill. Tbree olhera, Puy Clork Chnric* 11. Andemon of thc Hoaton navr vnrd, I’hiPf .Mnrhlni.l Kdwin H. Abel of Hampton Hand", uml,-Chief Hadio Kleetririan H. H. Illeviua of Ihe Hrooklyn navy ynrd, nte under ob- arrvntlon. 1ST PROSPECT HE’S HAD IN Y I aW ipi ill 2E K L ^ » , 1928 sosffln 10 TEST NIL : ILE IN SiOA i . 1 Authority ol Officers of Navy ; In Samoan Possessions to be ; Decided in Federal Court of ; This Country. ' <Hy the Ataocialcd ?rc'*t.) CHICAOO, April Ull.-nunlily of I .Vinorlcan nnval rulo lu Knmuan' poa- s IMcaaiona of Iho nniled Rlule. will be t tcatod iu redcrnl eourl here Mny IT. Thi. dpie wa. aet lii.lny bv Ju.lge a Car|K'ntcr for henring n .lenuirri r fHi-d > by roun.rl fu^ Hamiirl U. Kipl.-y, of <1 Itlrhinouit, Cnlifurnin, a Hnniuuu prt.p- crly owner, iu hi. auil for ».'.i>,000 f,.r n fnlii. urr,'at agninat Couimaiidi'r WnI.I.i 1 livun., W. H. N. eoniuinn.laut of Hie li i.biuda from 10i:u to IHJS. ill Kvnn., Uljilcy nllege* prevente’d him from lardlug at -Pniiu I'ugo, Hnntm*, when.be wenl there lu Illil lu louk nft.'r bniiupat iutcrcila, Seales AUfl’r a U o n i. . Aa rouniiel for Cuminander Kvaui, Kd- gnr ll. Jihler, naalaluut L'niled Slalea .llatrlrl ntturney, deulcj tba nllrga- Cp, Iiou* but cnicred a aiieclal pica ■ctiiug forth thui even- If the allj^ged ucl» r wi-r.' cumiulllcl they wcrpflperformed > by nvaua in l.Ia rnpaeilv na goveraor r o( the ialuinla. nnd a«i were nol aubjeet lo. review bv thc f.'deral cmrla. l<lploy'. alloruey. have pul a.iunrdy lipfore tho rnnrl Ihe <iueitioii of wlieth- W er Ihc ueti uf u iinvul rfliiimu'n.luul. f..re I ruliiiij the inlumU by apiH.inlment uf i.i-ei th.vpro.i.lenl, ure .ubj.rl to review In i||l, u rourl "ill tbe United Htfllea. * larv ibirk of thc i»uc, whirh ia being ndvl leilt-.i fnr the firal time lie* n back- (wi|u ground, altorneya eluiiii. o f HunlOiiii •< unreal and -proleat nifnlu.t Ameriran tbat rule which Itiplry, n utnii o/ Huuioun uae blood, aeelii to sir In nn .Vmerlrna u.e Ifibuiial. ..Hi, Uarrled K atin Woman. rn<«l niplev*. grnndfalhrr went to tho ‘'’“f Ramoan lalanda In 1840 aD.\ “ weal na- live,” wedding a ftanionu woman. nip-l'<>>l' lev hiiniclf came to thc United 8late. inX' iu 1W)4. jellied ' iu CaUfornia, and .. Iiuill lip B-bu«lncta there, managing hia " enienaive flamona Inherllnncea, from Ihl. rounlTV. He jnndr frctjuenl .trii«a wot and beran.c nf hla t»blllly lo .i>eok «'tjl Kainoan’ na.l fiia bugquartcr t^ainunn *' bloml, he waa tf ’eonfl.ieat uf Vhieflalui »f.i of Ihe Hutnoan Irlbek. ' ' opp Thev eomplaincl oflcn lu hlm,-tin tnti .aid in hia auit Ihut the copra liiiercala will —engnge.l In th* gaihcrln^f of cocoannt wna lui'ul* iu Ihc Ulnnda for extrarlion'of Tl .'.aonllnl oll.—wero li-rannieal to tho of t nnlivca on.l Ihal they w.'ro .u|iiKirted trv by Ameriran naval common.lania, who of f wrre .nle aulhirrlly in Ihe ialan.l., uud wbo made tbe Inwa, named the Judge., aupj nnd n.Inilnlatcre.l Ihe lalanda affaira. “ w. Drairing tn return In Ihe iaiaii.la in whei (Contlaued on Page Two) i. ' -v : DEI YEARS. ,J, M .0( ....................................... of _________________________________ , ■'••I''' V ' •ii'ux>t>r! ' ' MAY06 v .tV t crut. . S;" y r rt ^ I ? " " ' " i 5 '‘O cn ^ that lifclsT I y ' ni STUDENTS QUIT SEMINARY [ RATHER THAN ENTER SHOW f nJiEni.KY, Coin., Aiirlt 2ft. UPt— Hi'clnringthey woro eunfronlrd wllh Ihp altrinatlvo of lakin|f part in a luinalrel ahow uf quitting their niudba, four KliidonU ul Sl, .Tobn'a, Kpiacopiil ih.'ological aemlnary, one of Ihe lnr«.'.i inatllutiona of il« hlftd In the Mini, loft achool (n- nlghl. lle.ulcd by IHoJiard Kenncly of Ilnhwnv, Nrw .leraev, aenioY nnd hcit.l pf llio atudeni bodv, the four _ a-ii.l nr. II. A. ilonnell, llrcn i^t tim RC i.-hool, wu. reipirating loo niUrh rMrn-riirrieubir nrtlvltv nf alu- f •lonla. Drnn Ihinell, hotvrver, aai.l lhat Iheir aluloineni, wna “ mi.lcnd* t ing” drclarlug tha? Ihe four had elrciiliiti'.l a petition pmlcallug thn r ‘•exlru-curripulnr nellvity/* be- cauie 111. bnd ri'qiieiteij llfo ot them lo lnkc p.ir't lu- the .how. 'O ue of Illll fniir, ho i.nld, had lipeu repriiunnd.'d for pro/un.' liiu- V auago :iiid coiiAitrl uuberoining n •'clii thcolrgi.-al aiu.leiil. «« Kdwnrd H.iiikin, uf Phllndel|.hiu, n-in an.l Har.)l.| Rwecv, of Midillettiu, thnl Nrw Yiirk. were two of the .lu- bull .leiita wlio 1,'fl. - ou. -------------------------- 'I'l jneOINE URGES I IIEfBiiESTIlTl2 ______t wal Secretary Ddclare's Too Much r'“ Cut-Over Land Is Being Used for Agriculture. "" ; . Huu WAHIIINOTON, A pril 'Jf). W>)— Ho- Jj.'p'’ ^>reBlptllnl ua n jx.ying piopuallliin ca- f„r ' ii-cially for iudu.lrie. ualng large .piau- ilii-a of liuibor, w a. urgc.l by H<'ore. nry of Agri.uliiiro Jnr.lliie ni»m Ihe t Ii i.lviiory ronimltlec of ihe ’p'llp and n-r < m|H-r liidnalry, in aeaion here tinliiy. •‘We hnvc t«H> mnrh cutover hiuil |,n,|] hat we hnvo nao.l or nre nllompting to „„,j lae for ngricullure when ita ualural mntf lae Is fur rnlaiug treea,” hu anid. ipgy ■Htirh lauil,might beller be uie.l In Hm,, ■nialn'g lltnber, a erop we nro ahort Of, q, j{ ban in producing whcnt or cum or w Mimo other. crop> we arr long of and ^reai nhlcli we- find .lifricuUy lu mnrket- 7„|n mg.” . rhar wenU IncruM Laad Valnao. of ‘i llefoteatsllon, he' anid, would nnt to , nnly Incrrave tbe valMf of ihla land Uul woul.l enn\>le wood* i s i h i K ' r o o i malnlaln their aourw of rnw material. “ Timber growing meana jiermanetiey of, ln«lM(ilry, nu.t Jbfa KfiTlinBen^v giv'k'a opportunity fur wnrklug- oui n eour.ll- ,p,.j ■intion of ni>inilfacluring pbntia that ^^a will ll.c Ijir for.'.l, crop without f,-,^ waat*’. ” diet The .eerelarv dcplore.l the tranafor jf much of the pulp and paper ludua- ,|,p rv lo Camilla becnuae of thc ahortago j,|v- if pulp limber Iti the I’nllc.l KinlciR “ Hv biilhling uti .lom cllc aource of • T'j upply Ihrnugh rcforcalnlhin,” hc ani.l, ‘wo can.briug bnck Ihe In.laalry to .here mo.t of Ua pw.lucl ia cun- nmed,” rd b I ... , ■.. . — whic )EMOCRAT MAKES CHARGES ofji WASIIINr.TONl April .11) (/?)— J"'* •barge Ihnt “ aomebo.ly" hna niade .1,000.000 in tho liiil four yenra out f Ocruiun funda held by the Ircainry UN epartment wna mnde in the houic . n.lav bv Hrprctfenlnlivc Oarner, drm.)- rut.' He a.ii.l Ihe fun.la, amounting 11 prinelpnl I.i ubout •Un.00n.000 in NF hc form of boildi or .rerllfiralci of ,|„| Iidebtcdneaa. ha.l beon Mild an.l rc- ,, nld, unlil the Irnuanrtlona ahowed n . tirn ovrr of Ji.-lOO,000,000. Oarucr'a charge rnmr afler Itepre- ,'ntnll.ve nilla. repiiblirau. Nrw York, ».l denied na ''utitrnc” a rcrenl *>}■ ' I.pJIrh t.i the .New York Worbl h.rh he ».ild, fr|«irlc.l tliril Irrn.iiry "V‘‘* ffi.l.,’a ,,efe '•rlr.-.nlug l.p n milli.n '-'P^ riM T TO BEACH PAHK. i «' POC'ATICM.O, April 0« —Follow- and ng tho trial of the tIog alcdgc. Jack ‘’hlcr :;..n«ph. lire v-ilramau. forred bii way he a r aiitomohllr over thc cnntineotol on ll ividcnnd, for Ihr third ron.eenlivc watik rjr, WUI Ihr fir.t It. re.irli Yellow- Mr !.>ne pnri; bv ninlor, aava o al>erlnl thim( i.pilch tho Malm Stale Journal, iu -tl ..I.t vrar Ciaa.rl. <,i«-ue,| the nuid lo Norll lie park on Mnv II. an.l in pullod and .fo Weat Vellow.i..nc on May H. Paul. VET SENATORS CHAL ON MODIFICATIO> WASHINOTON. April’ :r>. The rmca eti aeain Jodny mi.de Ihr aennte 'he <1 nor Iheir battle groiiii.l. I!cvii-!ting the Ihrre werka''of hear- of [h. igi l"-forc Ihe aennte prohibition eom- 1)^, ilcc. Heaalora K.lgc, republican. New libert rraoy. and Hrure, .Irmocral, Maryland, •‘'nat related that a caae had been-made for " “"j! iiio.liriralion of tbe Volatcad art. 'fj^ht, Hcnalor'i Kdge challeoge.l the drya *^p . aiip{K>rt n n.it lonal rcfrren.lum on that i le prohibition iiuration. while Senator r.,re prc.llrle.l Ihal Ih,- wcl. would r in a great majority itj thc aenate i,_v. before vcrr loog.” Kvi.lence before tbe commiltec waalwH. lat Volatcad ac: violation ia not aec-Jmltte. onal. but t:nlver»al, Mcnalar M ge de- to Ihf aick Keaalor lUuce aaaerlcl Ihal .Suf :ndal reeorda .howed that drunken- wcta •tl wa* Bjounting “ in all aectiona of aeaat. le eountry, nortb, aouth, faat nnd Maryl eti.” . prohlt Thex* traa nn reaponae frora tbe dry the »< adera. nor waa cllher InterruptcKL «oia L’rrias roacreas. lo tavlle tha atatea fall t EWS ' .KUMBJBE.IO . eiEHTOrw’ ; FOfiFiMK IMSIIB Relief Legislation Is Given Preferential Status iniBotIf . Houses of Congress: Farm Bloo Supports Haugen.. (By Ihn Aanoclntea P rm .) ' . WAHHINUTON, .\jirH L'l>.— F a rm ' cliof Icgialation wna given preTerpiilinl Intua iu tho hottu. nud aenato tixlay by - vpiiblicnti leodera wllh the eortaluir hnt there will bo fri'<'-for-aII fljjbla Jn ulh houaea onioiiv proponenla'of var(> ll. aorla nf ni.i ihcaaurca. ’I'lir rulo commlllen dceldcl to girc Ighl of way In tho Iiouae Tueadny In. iir.-t' wi.lolv divergent bllla, ruiiginu rum rommudlly murkcllug lo prleo labillutlnn,' witb the rsprelntinn Iml Ihe laauc will bc actllr.l within n eck or Ion dnya. nrtii On Lirt. The apnate republlran ateerlnjr com* iltlVe put fnrm rollcf fifth on the Uat f preforenllai Icgiilntlon, ■but theru' ai aomo Inlk to.lay .of a raovemcnt to ut U to'Iho front by moving Jo dla. Iner the nending public bulldinjpi bill. While tiicie roinmitlem were taklug tclr formal action to bring nbuut earlv. inaidcratlon of tbe problem that luis pxed eongreaa ever aincc the war, lead- . ’ of farm organiMliou urged -the nugcu bill beforJf u luncheon confer- ICC of acnnlnr. nnd othora enlled nt- IC While Houm> to preaa their view* ir thnl ,meaaure njion I'rcalilent Cool- ' lK«’. , Sapport Zlausen U eaam . The While Hoii.e callcra were flicji. r <)r:iv und It. F. Jhiwer of Iho Amer* nn fnrm fi'.lcralionj John Wnlluec, «ther of Ihl* Into (^rrrlnry Wallari', id Chnrlca 11. Henrat, ttt Iho Iowa nle farm burenu federation. Vt>oii nving they announced aupport of lho • augen bill, but gnvr no inrtlcatloii - I to whnt view, if any, Ibejr expreued^ WTillo thla conf4>rtnee w ai - In pro- reaa, apokeamen for the eom belt MW* ^ ilttee and Ibe eotton grower* .ex- . hange appeared before the eonfcrenee - f ‘rcpobilcan and demoeratle aenalora D urge the Hnugen bUl in plate at — Ither the Tlneher meaauM.far.loaat ooiierAtlvea, which la auiiported hy lni» i.lmlnlatratlon,\ or the Cnrtla-AaweU V)'*n)“W y innrUeting meaaure. ^ . • 'At a renlf nt Ihla conforeitee ntm a erica of private ouri among fartu IcfliH ra on liic houao aide, aome apokeamnn or th«* farm groni.. io eongreaa prn- ictcd defrni of Ibe Tl"eher and Iho urtla-AawcIl bllla JM tbe hduae with lie wav thn* left clear for a coucerted . rive for paaaage of thc lla^igen meae* The bill given ■peelnl ala'lua in ■Iho -nate ia n donble-burrclled one, «on> aling uf tho udminiatrutlon eoopera- ve innrkeling meoanre, recently juiaa- I by the hoiuc. and Ihc eom belt bill hich fnllan<i eloaely, along Ihe llnea ’ Ihe Hnugcu inen.ure proj«)aing cren* nn of a MTS.OOO.OlW *evoIving fun.J 1.1 the alabllixallon of pricea for ba.Ie rm producta. INANCIAL DlmclTLTIES OF ROAD IS OLD STORY NFW TORK, ApriT M (/P)—Finan- II difrieullle. of the Chicago, Mil- tuki'e ii St. I’aul railroad, dated om the piirchilae of llip i-liicago, irliugtnn & Qninev line br Hie >rlbern Paciflr, Ib.uald (I. Ocddea, . Paul director. • teatlfied todny a t' e. Inleiajflle eommcrrc eom'mUaion'. veatlfnil.in ' of the rnllroa.l’a col- I'lC. >!.• anid thr Northern Pariflc firat ic.l lo bur Ihe Chicago, Mllwauk.'.* Kt. Paul in 1001. but f.'iilpd in lhat d Ihen obtaine.l eontrol of -the dcago, nurlltiglon fc'CJuincy. Tlila. added, rcaultcd In heavy Inrnadi the bu.lne.. of tbe n<lcngo. Mil- iiikee ii SI. Panl. Mr. Oeddea aaid, however, tbnt hc tmgbl lli'rre wai anfflrlenl buainen • the norlbwfa^ now to auinirt Ibr irlhrrn Pacific, the Union Pacific, d the Chicago, Mllwnukce & S|. ul. LLENGEDRYS IN REFERENDUM icn.lnirnt. Kcnator (Mge lUbl lhat if f rtrva wrre aa confident tla they pro- •ar.l'io Im* that aentiincnt had nol inged, they ahould welcom.ra TcrdI^^-' Ihe people. Drclaring lhat “ mve eurlailmeat of erty won’t help,” the New Jeraey lalor warned that if Ihe drya did not nl Io trv niodificaliou they woold Irive thc'couatry lo a repi*!*! of tbe ^ ;htccath amcadmcDt.” •knator Il.Tice <eld hla colleaene* it not jnanv of them were “ really ia npalhr with prohlbitioa “ aad that tliey ';rere coa..latent tbe Biodiflea- ni.li wonld be in th© great inaior* •We have had onr bearlag,*' be - d. referring lo Ihe preblbltioa eow lice inuuiry, “ and it waa dextrsetlre Ihe hollow praleaacs of prohlbiUaa." Supporting bla predlctlona Utat tbe ta wonld gala a majority e t Uie . latfl ia tke eel dIaUat fatsre^ Um rrland acnntor referred, to “ tte hibitioa f>tht” ia eoBBeetlaa wilk- ' aeaatarial eampain la Faaas^l*-* >: lia and called atteatiea U at MXt' I tber* ^Qld be a rofcrmd«ai la-..-

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Page 1: T W IT A L L S V .W E2 E K L ^ niEWS - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...T W IT TWENTY^OOin) TBAB iiuizE sms i ONTiKFAl IN pilA ^ Lightning Striks Huge Oil

T W I TT W E N T Y ^ O O in ) T B A B

iiuizE s m s iONTiKFAl

IN p i l A L ightning S tr ik s Huge Oil Con- ® ta ln e r on S tan dard Oil Com­

pan y P ro p e rty ; Summon Men to Build D irt Dykes.

(H v llio AmirK-Iiittil P rm n.) n A K K iff ll’lK I J ) , A iiril UI).—

l.'iK titiiliic. KtrikiiiK .1 nnu.ooti tiiirri'l Kiiilc o t till' H tniiiliir.t Oil rom im iiv o f C n lifo rn in . utiirt.-.l u fir.- in th /w vn l K orn r i \ \T fiil.1 lic r.'— iln- lmj{2«t n io r DKi' fnriii lu C ndforiil;., It i* *a«<l— ill

. til ls i-vrnliit;. Tin- liln rr iid fu r lin*J lic'cii. riinfitK 'il to iillo liiiili w lilrti in iu

tlio c r i i i r r o f nliniit lI,uiMl,()Ol) biirrcU uf

. Tlic o il tnn ); fiiriii i.i" nliout fivD If• inll*-H tiortliwc.1t Ilf liukcm fi.-l.l. r .ir tj- H

uti.lfrjfroiitiil tnnkn rm.fiMl w illi aoi.hall ■ nro ou tlio t r m l . A ilctini- rli.iul o fgnioko i» v isib le fur iiiilci. O il ......u f fic iu li huvo Niiiumoni'il men from ull d ir i‘f llun« anil cnrtlii'ii i t / l :c i aro liun- ti ly bflnB tlirow ii n |i hi nn oii.lcuvor to k(o|> til l ' f lau iin t; o il fruni «iiri-:idlii|; in ViiRv tli<> lu n k bulls ov rr.

W ltnoM Cs S U r t. ' L(C. I,. T av ln r wuu nn rvo w ltiirM of

' tlio Aliirt o f tlio fire .llo luKl been 1.1 IVciuti to vi»ll tin-

Rrciir o f Ilie n -re iit o il a triko nn.l wus e iiroulu fniiii tlicre wlieu tlie «t<.rni tiriik f.

T li.‘ f irx t iiiiruin i .f xiiinko wero )i<-en tuIlowiiiT^T. yiv i.l fliii.li ..f li[-liluiuK, he ■

••T tien lli'e M uek Kiuiike e u n iin ie l.li- I’"' In ;' c n l o f llio ({rent eurlh.>n r.-*ervoir, in ll.o l .ru rt o f Ilie Mluniliir.l OU eoni- I.iiiiv „ t C nlifornin V lunk furm . KLi.ii,-* f lirk c re i l and finiilicti over llie b iiriliuK ' f ‘ roo f unit til.) o il bluzv lincl boou luudr r u 0 ro n rin c in re ru o .” '><>

H e a v y E *lnsM nn.Tlio c lee tricu l ntnrm Knn nrcoin*

jmiiio.1 by .u rn iii.to ru i o f clnn.lliuriie ‘ ]iroiK>rlloui nntl fu r fiv e mllox alonR <'■'<

■ llio « lu to hlKliwny bolvrecu O il Jim ction niul Haeo, an .l n o rth , Ihc ]>avinK w m niveroO w ith rn ih iiiR lo rrcn t* o f w u te r. f ‘ Tlip iilniuR nn .l hisU n ie ia InoUo backlu tlio low fiiotlilllii n o r th o f tlie high-

,wer<! ih r r t i i o f w n le r. »•« ^ 0 rea l .d n n re r to tlip ailJolnlnR

Kloreii w ill m m e w lien th c biirnltiK ^ta n k * boil over. T lil . I. no t looko.l h fifo r bxrorp niuriiln>r. J l U •l»te<I Ihu t litp llic n iiiiiil ilv o f <itl In llie bnri.luK'laiTkic jotra n i>o ilim inliilic.i by ilinluInK ll from .-oitlio b o tto m In to nUjciliiiiiic Itmkn. U 'liila t intlio ri-nrrvolr Ih n t wna n tru rk by liKbl- fUililni; liiiH a .'n iu irity o f ,'00,OOO |.:irreU |h rit rou la lue .I ou ly 4<IO,l)ilO hnrrrU . (

III Hpilo i.f Iho ra lu w lilrh arconipan- iu ■ie.l th o thnu.len«torni, thoURniiiJii uf an.lniRhl »rprii f lo rk r .l to tbi. i.rrnc. i„ |.

T hc cdntnlripr* on Ihe ro inp .m v 'n /*lor.iKC f"f>'i I"’*" o ff,.:irh ill ox len t. T l.cv ur.- roofeil o v r r ni.l,.'Ill.l each rcMTV-Mr i- i.iirriniu.lr.1 by • 'IMeh oa rlh cu .lyltei.. T l.c iiwiin i.tora«e „(■fielil i» Jibout tw u niilcii ilU taiil rnnii nlt<Ihc firo uu.l i* no t ihoiiKlil lo be in Kni ilnnRrr., __________ .


LA R VKOAH, N ev., A|>ri1 Tho cloniiii: .if B lnck ran.VOn o f tlin Cfllorn.lo r iv e r by ih i' hlRh Boiihler ,1nm wonl.l unlock unn^e.l wr.nilh o f , lan .l nn.l jm w cr w orth bllli.iun t<> thc B alion , I lc rla m atlo n f o n n n i 'i io u e r Kl- ■nno.1 .Mc.nil (Icclare.l hero lo .lny n flo r iiamltiK th rough th e to rtnou* ilofilc o f ' tho Colorn.lo in a m otor b .m i. '

W cfrrin ry o f l i i te r i ..r >Vork nn.l Mc-a.I *|N'iit tb o K fciitcr p .ir t o f Ih.- liav in«i>eftln;; n ite o f the pro|in«p.l j <bm l-ch-in.l who»o iiin .iivc . t r u , t u t - wnulil bc . t o r c l floo.l w.Mcm of th e , ('o lo ra.lo w h lrb m.-»ny ailvom tc* u f ^,.j, th e dnra av e r , e o n ila n l ly m cnare.l the liv e , o f 70,000 p e r .o n i nn.l jjilllion . ), o f aerei* in th c Im jierial. C oarhrll.i an .l Pnlo V cr.lc v a llev . o f »niilhra»t- ITU C ftllfornl». I

D r. M ea.l .le e la re J th a t .levelopineni ,„ )| o f Ih e Colorn.lo r ive? woul.l »erve a i n pc tfnanetit floo.l pontrnl |.r . . je r t anil ,.„r n l lh o »amc tim e .leveloji r licnp pow er .\i>i fo r in i lu s tr in in Ihe .o u lh w e .t. r.-n


CniCAOO, A p ril (/P)— A eeron- S. e r ’i jo r y e o m p o ie j of. Ihe. p r r i id rc ta k ill o f . tw o tia a k i , a rea lty f l r ^ , an iu- T h r »uranee roo ipany , a ‘‘ m anufa rlu rli;E Ma; rn u re m , snU a buU.llDB m a n a e r r . ' rv i. c o rporation to d a y w en l over th e tr a i l t r r l o f th e fuen w bo T u c .la y n ig h t »bol Wo' and k l l i c l W illia tn MefiwiRKln.' s . - H *Ialant i l a t e ’i a t to m c r , and two eom- F a r p an lon i know a to th e fkolire a> b re r con: ju n n c n , , re»t

T he jo r y w aa clio«fa by th e Chi- .^ l;! caCD .A taoei.H ion o f Commerce a t th« T>» rc iu e n l o f C «ronpf O v a r W olff. Th« rub<)UPillon o f - t i l l e d M cSw lcgin, p in

• w h eth er be w aa k illed porpoaely or p iit n rc id e n tly , and w hy he w a . in Ihe. O nf com pany o f " H e « r '’ D offy a n j Ja m r« w s . D o h en y , j p n c i t r t^ , w ho, died w ith I>oh h im , facetl th e ju ry . th^

Jo h a J . H e a ir , fo rm er t la te 'a a t- 8 - W n ) ';’ r e ta in e d by th e c orone r a i ano

■pccial Icjral a d v lje r a t l i e in q u f ;^ hf J . Ihe jo ro r* lo m ake th e m- T a i

«)ae*t a t f r t ia i te In q t lry C*8C- 3riom 'i m aB lrnU tio ttf, S i f r ry T . d it,K elly , p rea idcn t of th«< U nion L ea jn c a b ncT m hlieao ' clnb , w ho helped rhoo te deai th e ffToup, p leaded fo r a r«vela tlon o f Cro th e co an ectian betw een iw lil ir j a ad tb e


I .IT T I .n IlO CK , A rk ., A lrrll 2H.— w n — W ith 11 durcn ulrpLinrN blJ* UIuR them KUOiibyc, niuo «nnti-«l- a u l . in Iho L ItcbfleI.l tro p h v usul naLiuiial e lim inuti.iii bulloon* ruco

1 K<il o f f f icn i tho n lr port he re lalo

• W ea ther condil io ii. w cro iil.-al. . N o t n rluud m nrrr.t iho kI.v from .•urly ilnwn to di.rl.-.

Tfic pilo t b.illoou “ S k v J .a rk .” w ith W. <r. N uyli.r ax p ilo t, nnd K . . W. W nrren, n l.lc , in th e banket, fi wn» Kiildc.i .Into tho fly in« fiebl nn .l o ffie iu lly rc lca .e it by Heferoo H . A ..L anibcrt o f Hr. Loui* u t -I::i0

, o V Ic rk . Tliin ^;nn l.'i m in iite i * nhend o f Ihe .rh ed u lo oritjlnally

orra iiK .d nn.l b e fo re lho fir* t of th e roiiloKt-'irits, th e tru llo d - f ila lc . nriuy balloon H -Jl v.'nx relen ic .i Ihe ! ‘Hky / . ; i r l ; ' ' hn.l ilw ajipeari'd fo tlio u iir llieu .t . I.teiitenn iit JaniCH r.iw ell, i>ilol, nntl M oiitenaiit <>. Iv.

I K nrlv. ui.l.-, in lli.‘ H lJl. wer> ro-- »■' le:i»c.| [irom ptlv n l .’i oVloeU. Tho I'*: offi.-er* WIT.' Krool.-.l bv M ujnr ' ‘b

, ........ . ^^n«OU ,M. I 'u lr ie li p liirf ..f utIho arn iv n lr Morvirc nn.l w i.I.e.l iroo.l lu rk jnxt i.e furo Icnvint;. ">•

i L K i i i E Ji m u i i D i

_ _ ■Leader of D e tro it.A rc tic Ex- .

pedition S ends W ord by Radio !»; From Poin t B arrow .

--------- muN KW v o n ic , A pril " 1*. M*)—Cnvlniii

(iorK C II. W ilkiiii., wh.i Im.l b e n re. I.nit.-.l uii.i.iiiK .i i t re A pril 1.'., .c u t w ord by ru.lio to .luv Ihul ho w u . ««fo n t i 'o ilil Ih irm u ii.|v;ine.> li:.«e .if the D etro it A reli.- oxpo.litioii. H e will nl- I '’* tcm i.l 10 re tu rn in h i . n irp in iic to tho F u irb n iik ., A la .k n , lia .o o f th e cxpc.li- lion , prrhai-a loniorrnw , oi-eor.|It.K t.i .liaputehi-i. o f llie N orlh -A m .'rifnn " .\n ie rlcnn N cw ipapo r A lllauec.

Cnplnin W llk iii i’ luraM Kc .tu tc d lh a t h e and Iii« p ilo l hml renelic.l 1‘o lu l Jiurrow w ifely on th o lun ic iluy they l. f l l-*nirbanlj« w ith u ciirj{o o f frelRhl oil Ih c ir th ird Irlii fo r Iho a.lvniiee bo .o . No w ord Imd been r.-eciveit nl > ';iirbniiki to in il ifu tc th o lr wh.-re- a bouln.

O uT lad K * * v y OoTKo. kccH iiirc th e y en rrle d nu uiinaunlly

heiivy cnr^o th r i r t r ip (raa lh o . m od htfxiir.Iou. Ibov havo ye l-ti.aile ove r the. ti T .-rilou. in,IIU(l fool ix-.ik. u f tho Kii.Ii- . . . .-oil iiionntulim . ITnable lo reiieli lu i/ tl- ,vh titn .li ' o f m ore th a n 0,000 f .-r l, th c ,ipi. f lii-r . hail lt> w eave a pnanuKi* through Ihe inonnta lna in n h e av y fi>x. tioi

Oiiee the awirlii o f nil»t r le a rc d .- jn .t iu tim e to sbow a m onn ta in ni.lo nh.rn.l ODO an .l th o iibine'ii r ij-h t luiidiu;; wheel rru n ,i . . , 'l a uni.w b ank l.y In rh e i. ,„ n

A rriving; u t H arrow th e v w ere n i l p o f f from rom m uiiirn tiou w itb tb e out- far Hide worl.l wl.oii t h e i r radt.i fnilv.I. Die

Thov w ere held in lln rrow bcpuu .c f if ,o f >.I<irni>. I'n |> tuin W ilkiu«. how.-ver, -----n ltem p ted Ih r.'.' l im e , lo bop o f f for t 'a lrb a iik . bn l ha.l to tu ru 1.urU Iw iret..-.-;ii.ne nf a ip li l , j.ropeller an .l c.iirp by ___loiV buiiKiu;: r lu u il. in tb e Kniiioi>tt>.


M avor C. W. t^i.illl. and Xnio.-ll II. Oi- borne, a»i<.lant. rh ie f n f iH>llrv hore. w ere iirreM .'.l tod.iv on eli.ir,-.-. o f bur- Hl.irv. T hrv pleu.lVd not g u illy . w hrn -.rr:.iKoc,l ^ rfo re a j i i i l i r e o f Iho pe:ire|::i>.l w rn- rrlc .if.'.l on b»ii.l o f 1il,0t)(l|

’' ' 't Ih' iiM'i. w .T .-'o rrc il.- .l on eom plaiiil} - i.f. J .d .ii W nl-h. wb.i iiv.-rreil h r fonnd;Ihc tw o r itv offi,-i.->!i -.rarphinu' h l . j.Iwpllln;; n ith .n i l q i . '- r r l i w.iri.-iiil. j

.M.iv..r SmIUi «ai.l 1..niKht 'lh a t liet nti.l O "boroo .on .lii.-le .l th e «.'-->rHi n flv r .-I itl.turb.-iiieo ron ip ln in t b.n.l b r rn rr- re ive .l nt th e r iU hull und th a t Ih.-v fouu .l th e ho ii.c uiifnrni»be.l ex.-. [.| for .-1 b a r mill nevem l cbii.T *.-

PO C A TELLO SW E A T EE S . r o i-A T K I.M ). A pril Hi*. (/»>)— Pora-

t'-llo .w e lte red to .Iay n n d r r Ih i' bolte»t A pril .u n iu HI ve;.r» w hrn th c n i.-r r n r r rlim br.l lo <tl th i t n fto rm .o i.. It. A pril, lu ll ', u lc in [.o r:iltirr ..f “ 4 w:i. r.-ror.leil.


SJeRwijjsin and hla com panion* were k illK l b y ih o ls from a p « i i i6B ear.The ro ro irr r ’s Jn ry a tljo tirned nnlll M ay a, a f te r vIcw iaB th e phyaical ev i.lenee . of ’th e c rim e, at>d th e in- • tc rlm w ill l>c oeenpied, I i t I lca lv and W olff , ia eollec tion q f ev idcnfc.'

R alph C apoue, b ro th e r o f “ Scar Face A I” Capone, w ho 1* a o u g h t. In conae rtlon w ith th e ■ larizij;,. wa» ar- retleO early to d a y 'b y o f fie r ra who U>l;l diacovcre.I In h is home abook dPtailoiR m e th o d , o f m aehine gun op e ra tio a . eleven r i f le t , fou r ahot cnn*. tw o pum p cuna, tw o au tom atie p iito l* and a q u a n tity nf am m unition .Ono police th e o ry l i lh a t Ihe kiUioK w a . th e oulRTow'th o f e o m itv inw ard I>oherly and D uffy oa th e p a r t .of -* Ih^ T o rrio Copone l»<v>tlcC);iBg cliqAie.

S t a t e ’* A tto rn ey Crow e reerire .1 aq anonym ont no te te l l in s him he w aabl be “ j e t t to ffo ,” b u t r e g a rd e d I t w a. i&« \« o jk of a c ran k .

J3eot> A . F e rsek e * . “ m id g e t b a n ­d i t ,” a p i B i t w itrm ilfS w igfflB Iried a m tirde r e harge w hich tr s n l iM la a death •e a le a c e fo r IV roeke* . w ro te to Crowe from hia p riaoa cell co ad o n a s th e o ffic ia l en th e “ Io n o f a b rillian t

A L L S, - T W IN P A I


OFSEpENTAgreem ent Is Reached Betw een

Am.erlcan D ebt Commission and A m bassador B ertng er on W ar Debt o f France. [

(H v tlie A M O eintcl P rom .)W AHMINOTON. A pril Jll. -A crcc-

n o iil fo rs o l ilo m e n lo f lliet4,ii.'.i'.U0i',<niii K icnrh w ar .le b l w u. rcarh .'.l Jntc l.i'.lav bv th e A m oricau debt eummiiiiiun unil A nibu ..nao r •HorruRer.

K riinco '. In to .t o f fo r for n lo ln l pav- m cnt o f »n,B-IJ,fl7l.(iiiii over ;i l l jy .-a r _ period w n . reerU 'c.l bv llio iiimiuliifilon ClI'urU- i n ' l l .......... nud u f l. 'r nub .'i ir 'a o n K iJe rn tlo u il w u. bii.l b rfore I'r.'o i.len t Coiill.l(;o, wl.o i;.iv.' .bi« a[>-

T h .' o f f e r exece.^cil bv m ore Ibaii Jl)tll).000,0<)0 the b.'»t projwi.al o f tho llli»urcoM ful Cuilluiix iiiiMloii o f la it .u iiin ier nnd i(|i iicoi'jitnm o ended more thnn e igh t m onlha o f ulnioot n iu .ln n t )y ba rgn in ln i; be lw ucn rep ro n u tiit lv .a o f ari Ihe tw o conntrlcfi.

W o rk A lm ost F lnichod. miT hc acllleu^eiil nol iinly .oOiipUide.l tie

iiegoiialionii w iili A nn-rien’a n.-eon.l la rj^.'it w u r de b to r, b u t a tib .lnn tln lly ru m p li 'lc l th e r o n iu iU i io n w u r k of fiin.liiii; llio «HMii"On.l,(lil(l foreiuu w orld il.'b l o f t h i . m itioii. O uly S2U.i.- miD.Oun o f Ih i. uni.iiinl ri'uiuiiin uu- fn iidn l. .

T he Ill.l o f th e Innt; .liiell.aion be- , iweon 11.0 two ennu trii '- piinie <|n lrkty •,und .piii-tly ........ c..,ilri^t.t In th e T ;'o x .itc .n eu l w hirh ninrk.'.l Ihe via ll o f tbo C aillanx uiiMioii. r f a i i .e u iilhor- . ' ired her nm bai'i.i.lor to n r .cd e In llie eonim lM ion'a deuiund Hint th e fiml f iiv m c n t. be inerensc.l bey.in.l ,111)0 unnu3 lly n n d lh u ir i tm o v e .l lh c mnin , .tnm b liiit; b lork . • m

M r. U crctjgrr gnve H ocrcliiry M ellon, r lia irm aii o f th c conmiUiloii, n new o f fe r, ]iroviding fo r {uiyinenl. u f t-10,- r \ i 000,000 Iho fir» l tw o ycnra and m aking o lh e r rendjuatm onla, nud u lthough , H cerelarlcn K ellogg and H oover w ere i nba .'n t, th e conuiil.tlon qu ick ly gnvo of Ita npprpval. A m lum ador U crgencr ,tet u-cul lo llie t r e a .u r y In ter nnd ho a ad a ll' H eeretnry Mellon a igned Ihc n g r e m e n t . f d

K o 8* 'fo ty q i i tu a .T hc ngrccnieiit iloc^ .no j in rh rd c fho j . ,

“ .a fo lv e lan ae” .1ciun«We.| bv F n im c , w hich woiiM re lieve tliiit c oun try o f ita ,,1 ilcb l re»pon»lbilllle* In Ihc o v rn t of f a ilu re nf a e r in n u y lo meol ila re |.a rn- H orn. I t p rov ide , fo r Ihe fun .llug o f , ' fl.O;;.-!,000,0110 rep rcc n lin K »3..140,000,- " 000 In principal uud JflHj.OOd.OOO nr- ' " r ru c d iu le re it to th e dn te of th e ngrer-

‘''p a y m e n t , will . tn r t a t #no,000.000 ^ n . fo r Ihe f i r . t tw o y e a r . , 00.000 for [•" Ihe ncxl. tw o vcnra. nud ♦C.'.OOO.OOO tbe f if th year. Thla w ill in rtr.^ic to t I O.-

{Continued o a P age Tw o) »cr\


i W l m w ™


V . W EPALLS. IDAHO. i s i ^ n A Y , ATEIL so.


i - iOOnEX, .Anrit OPl-.In.pp)i

M. l l i l l , w hn U 'a u in g for .llvurro frum M ary J . l l i l l , tr^ iif i.'.l loday in Ihe ilia lr lc t cou rt th a l .Mra. HiU ealied him ci .fool fo r g iv ing full m ea.u re to r o m Hii'o |nirrliiiiu-ra a t . Ih e lr .erv|ei> a ta tion .

Mra. H ill, Iww cvcr, .leulcd Ihe ch.irgC WhCM »hc w ill c .lllr.l to Ihc .la u d . Hhe i^ id aho .Ibl i,m eull him a font fo r RivUiK full meai.urc b u t- lo o k h im to Ifl.k for giv ing

T ga»oliuc nw ny, j' “ Mr. l l i l l la n W i a l i . i , ' ; .h'« ‘

-■ iM t lf ie a ,” n n d wli»u ruilrund m m ‘ w ere nu t on a lrik e he gnv.- tbom ^ ga«olino .w ithau i fl^nfRing.”

S E iii i iE ST O ip iT E S ;

C om m issioner Swcndsen Mails li C e rtif ic a te s 'to K ansans Who P lan to S e ttle T ract. '■

-------4 f,IIOIKK, A p ril 2i>. 0 Apj.roxim.Uc. ^

ly 'JOO cn triea u n d e r tl ■ Cnrey u . t wero aenl u u t tod a y by W. iJ. Sw rndarn , com m iaaloner o f roelam ation, li> .\fcn- ' nouilea iu K iiii^ai w ho arc I’oiug lo .ot- t ie on lund lu Ihe ro a tra l Idnhu irri|;a- li Iiou . l i . l r ie t , h ; .Icffera.m ruuu iv . fi

Tho .c ltlc in c i il invol.vi-a nbuut I ’.UOO n r r . ' . o f lund. nnd .Mr. hwoiida.'u aav i Ihe ro ttle r;. nro n il f a r i i i .n .un.l In v c oi b.'on (or iiiuuv vcara. AU.i th e v nro I. fn m ie ii w ith ' f a m l lir i . Ilu- n\V rage num ber of peraona in cu .li fiiniilv ,num - bi boring fill-. T h e uver-ng.- al/.,’ furm ei w hirl. Ibov w ill lm[>r.n.-. ii T:! n rrea, ri b i:t n f le r rig lita o f w av for diloh.*. uu.l tl luu.ln ore Uik.-n ium ronM .leriti.u i. ihe u fnrnia will be ;tboiit .01 n r rr .,

T here or e igh t u r t u fumlli. a 'n n w lc on lb . ' g round in M nho nu.l o lhera will gi bc eom ing ua .'‘oon n i ih r «unini’er *in- m m li;ratiuii rn tc . go iul i e f f r r l , w lilili rt will bo curly in M ay. bl

DIES AFTER bY ITER FEED, . — R,W A aH IN O T O N ; A m I 20 OP)—One M

o f a f lu rty p f <ls uc M .if f ic c r. Li <• doa.I nud tw o o ther* a r] ' ill, one critic - *’ a lly , a f te r nu o y .ie r lunchcoii n l n '> r ca tuu ran l he re lod.-iy. '''

C h ief V harm ne :.t K enne th .M. " S m ith , 3S, o f tbe- nnvnl hnanitn l, \I a r o ", la lan d , Cnl., d ied lan l;fc» ,.. .H U . .Ic ii 'li p waa n llr il in te d >><«>n. <:hl»l>lioa taw a ln . Ja m ea O. i..egg. V. fl. ^ uovni Irn iu iag a la lio a , I lnm plon Itou.la. Va., ia in n c rilien l eundltinn ” In th e nnvnl hoapitul, nnd C h ief Car- ~ p c n tcr KIM. H. I J e r k M r o e r n f Ihe M nre l.iliiud iinvv vard n l.n i . ill. T bree olhera , Puy Clork Chnric* 11. Andem on o f th c Hoaton n a v r vnrd, • I’hiPf .M nrh ln i.l Kdwin H . A bel o f H am pton Hand", u m l,-C h ie f Hadio K leetririan H. H . Illeviua o f Ihe H rooklyn nav y ynrd , n te under ob- arrvn tlon .


I -«

a W i p i i l l

2 E K L ^» , 1928 ■ •

s o s f f l n10 TEST NIL :ILE IN SiOA i

. ■ 1

A uthority o l O fficers of Navy ;In Sam oan Possessions to be ;Decided in Federal Court of ;This Country. '

<Hy th e A taocia lcd ? rc '* t.)CHICAOO, A pril U ll .- n u n l i l y o f I

.Vinorlcan nnva l ru lo lu K nm uan' poa- s IMcaaiona o f Iho n n ile d R lu le . w ill be t

tcatod iu redcrn l eourl here Mny IT.T h i. dp ie w a . aet lii.lny bv Ju .lg e a

C ar|K 'ntcr fo r h en ring n .lenuirri r fHi-d > by ro u n .rl fu^ Hamiirl U. Kipl.-y, o f <1 Itlrhinouit, C nlifu rn in , a Hnniuuu prt.p- c rly ow ner, iu h i . auil fo r ».'.i>,000 f ,.r n fnlii. u rr,'a t agninat Couimaiidi'r WnI.I.i 1 liv u n ., W. H. N. eoniuinn.laut o f Hie l i i.b iuda from 10i:u to IHJS. i l l

K vnn., U ljilcy nllege* prevente’d him from la rd lu g a t -Pniiu I 'ugo , Hnntm*, w h en .b e w enl the re lu I l l i l lu louk n f t. 'r b n iiupa t iu tc rc ila ,

Seales AUfl’raU o n i. .Aa rouniiel fo r Cum inander K vau i, Kd-

gn r ll. Jihler, naalaluut L 'niled S lalea . lla tr lr l n ttu rn e y , d e u lc j tb a n llrga- C p , Iiou* bu t cn icred a aiieclal pica ■ctiiug forth th u i even- If th e allj^ged ucl» r wi-r.' c u m iu lllc l they w crpflperform ed > by nvaua in l.Ia rn p ae ilv na goveraor r o( the ialuinla. nnd a«i were nol aubjeet lo. review bv thc f .'d e ra l c m rla .

l< lp loy '. a l lo ru e y . have pu l a .iun rdy lipfore tho rn n rl Ihe <iueitioii o f wlieth- W er Ihc u e ti u f u iinvul rfliiimu'n.luul. f..re

I ruliiiij the inlumU by apiH .inlm ent u f i.i-ei th .v p ro .i.le n l, ure .u b j . r l to review In i | | l , u ro u rl "ill tb e U nited Htfllea. * la rv

ib irk of th c i» u c , w hirh ia being ndvl leilt-.i fnr th e f iral tim e lie* n back- (wi|u g round , a lto rneya eluiiii. o f HunlOiiii •< unreal and -p ro lea t n ifnlu.t A m eriran tba t rule which Itip lry , n utnii o / Huuioun uae blood, aeelii to s ir In nn .Vmerlrna u .e Ifibu iial. ..Hi,

U a r r le d K a t i n W om an. rn<«ln ip lev* . g rn n d fa lh r r w ent to tho ‘ ' ’“ f

Ramoan lalanda In 1840 aD.\ “ w e a l na- l iv e ,” w edding a ftanionu w om an. nip-l'<>>l' lev h iin ic lf came to thc U n ited 8 la te . inX' iu 1W)4. je llie d ' iu CaU fornia, and .. I iu ill lip B-bu«lncta the re , m anaging hia " en ienaive flam ona Inherllnncea , from I h l . rounlTV. H e jnndr frc tjuen l .trii«a w ot a n d b e ra n .c n f hla t»blllly lo .i>eok «'tjl K ainoan’ na .l fiia b u g q u a r tc r t^ainunn *' bloml, he waa tf ’eon fl.iea t u f V h ie fla lu i » f.i o f Ihe Hutnoan Irlbek. ' ' opp

T hev eom plaincl o flcn lu h lm ,-tin t n t i .a id in hia auit Ihu t th e cop ra liiiercala will — engnge.l In th* gaihcrln^f o f cocoannt wna lui'ul* iu Ihc Ulnnda for e x t ra r l io n 'o f Tl .'.aon lln l o ll .— wero li-rann iea l to tho o f t nn livca on.l I h a l th e y w .'ro .u|iiK irted trv by A m eriran naval com m on.lania, who o f f w rre .n le au lh irrlly in Ihe ia lan .l ., uud “ wbo made tb e Inwa, named th e Judge ., aupj nnd n.Inilnlatcre.l Ihe lalanda a ffa ira . “ w.

D rairing tn re tu rn In Ihe iaiaii.la in whei

(C on tlaued on P age T w o)

i . ■ ■ ' -v : DEI

YEARS. , J ,M .0(

....................................... o f_________________________________ , ■'••I'''V ' •ii'ux>t>r!' ' MAY06 v.tV t c ru t.

. S;"

y r r t

^ I ? " " ' "


5 '‘O c n " » ^th a t

l i f c l s T I


nJiE n i.K Y , Coin., A iir lt 2ft. UPt— H i'c ln ring they woro e u n fro n lrd w llh Ihp a ltr in a t lv o o f la k in |f p a rt in a lu inalrel ahow u f q u itt in g th e ir niudba, four KliidonU u l S l, .Tobn'a , Kpiacopiil ih .'o logical aem lnary , one o f Ihe ln r« .'.i in a tllu tiona o f il« hlftd In the M ini, lo f t achool (n- n lghl.

lle.ulcd by IHoJiard K e n n c ly o f Ilnhwnv, N rw .leraev, aenioY nnd hcit.l p f llio a tudeni bodv , th e fou r _ a-ii.l n r . II. A. ilonnell, llrcn i t tim RC i.-hool, w u. reip ira ting loo niUrh rM rn-riirrieub ir n r t lv l tv n f alu- f •lonla. Drnn Ihinell, ho tvrver, aai.l lh a t Iheir aluloineni, wna “ m i.lcnd* t in g ” d rc la rlu g tha? I h e fo u r had elrciiliiti'.l a pe tition p m lc a l lu g thn r ‘ •exlru-curripulnr n e l lv i ty /* be- ‘ cau ie 111. bnd ri'q iieiteij l l fo o t them lo lnkc p.ir't lu- the .how .

'O u e of Illll fniir, ho i.nld, had lipeu repriiunnd.'d fo r p ro /u n .' liiu- V auago :iiid coiiAitrl uubero in ing n •'clii thcolrgi.-al aiu .leiil. « «

Kdwnrd H.iiikin, u f P h llndel|.h iu , n-in an.l Har.)l.| Rwecv, o f M idillettiu, thnl N rw Yiirk. w ere tw o o f th e .lu - bull .leiita wlio 1,'f l . - ou .

-------------------------- 'I'l


______t w a l

Secretary Ddclare's Too Much r '“ Cut-Over L and Is Being Used for Agriculture. " "

; . HuuWAHIIINOTON, A pril 'Jf). W>)— Ho- Jj.'p'’

^>reBlptllnl ua n jx.ying piopuallliin ca- f„ r ' ii-cially fo r iu d u .lr ie . ualng la rge .piau- ilii-a o f liuibor, w a . urgc.l by H<'ore. nry o f A gri.u liiiro Jn r.lliie ni»m Ihe t Ii i.lv iio ry ron im ltlec o f ih e ’p 'llp and n -r < m|H-r liidnalry, in a e a io n here tinliiy.

•‘ We hnvc t«H> m nrh c u to v e r hiuil |,n ,|] ha t we hnvo nao.l or n re n llom p ting to „„,j lae for ng ricu llu re when ita u a lu ra l mntf lae Is fur rnlaiug tre e a ,” hu anid. ipgy ■Htirh la u il,m ig h t b e lle r be u ie .l In Hm,, ■nialn'g lltnber, a erop w e nro ahort Of, q , j{ ban in producing w hcnt o r cum o r w Mimo o th e r. crop> w e a r r long o f and ^reai nhlcli we- find .lifr icuU y lu m nrket- 7„ |n m g.” . rhar

w e n U I n c r u M L a a d V alnao. o f ‘i lle fo tea ts llo n , h e ' an id , w ould nn t to ,

nn ly Incrrave tb e valMf o f ih la la n d Uul woul.l enn\>le wood* i s i h i K ' r o o i m aln la ln th e ir ao u rw o f rnw m ateria l.

“ T im ber grow ing m eana jie rm anetiey of, ln«lM(ilry, nu.t Jbfa KfiTlinBen^v giv'k'a oppo rtun ity fu r w nrklug- oui n eour.ll- ,p,.j ■intion o f ni> inilfacluring pbntia th a t ^^a will ll .c I jir fo r. '.l , crop w ithou t f,-, waat*’. ” d iet

The .e e re la rv dcplore .l the tran a fo r jf much o f th e pu lp a n d paper ludua- ,|,p rv lo Camilla becnuae o f th c ahortago j,|v - if pu lp lim ber Iti th e I ’nllc .l KinlciR

“ Hv biilhling u ti . lo m c llc aource o f • T'j upply Ihrnugh rc fo rc a ln lh in ,” h c ani.l,‘ wo c a n .b r iu g bnck Ihe In .laa lry to .h e re m o.t o f Ua p w .luc l ia cun- n m ed ,” rd b

I ... , ■.. . — whic

)EMOCRAT MAKES CHARGES ofjiW A SIIIN r.T O N l A pril .11) (/?)— J"'*

•barge Ihnt “ aom eb o .ly " hna niade .1,000.000 in tho liiil four yen ra out f Ocruiun funda held by the Irc a in ry U N epartm ent wna m nde in the houic . n.lav bv H rprctfenlnlivc O arner, drm.)- rut.' He a.ii.l Ihe fun.la, am ounting 11 prinelpnl I.i ubout •U n.00n.000 in NF hc form o f bo ild i or .r e r l l f i r a lc i o f , | „ | Iidebtcdneaa. ha.l beon Mild an .l rc- ,, nld, u n lil th e Irnuanrtlona ahowed n . tirn o v rr of Ji.-lOO,000,000.

O aru c r 'a charge rnm r a f le r Itepre- ,'ntnll.ve n illa . rep iib lirau . N rw York,».l denied na ' 'u t i t r n c ” a rc ren l *>}■ ' I .p J Irh t.i the .New York W orbl ■ h .rh he ».ild, fr |« irlc .l tliril Irrn .iiry "V‘‘* f f i . l . ,’a ,,e fe '•r lr .- .n lug l.p n m il li.n '- 'P ^

r i M T TO B E A C H PA H K . i « 'POC'ATICM.O, A pril 0 « — Follow- and

ng tho tr ia l o f th e tIog alcdgc. J a c k ‘’hlcr :;..n«ph. lire v-ilramau. fo rred b i i w ay he a r a iitom ohllr ove r th c cnn tineo to l on ll iv id c n n d , fo r Ih r th ird ro n .ee n liv c watik r j r , WUI Ihr f i r . t It. re.irli Yellow- Mr !.>ne pnri; bv n inlor, aava o al>erlnl thim( i .p i lc h l« tho Malm S ta le Jo u rn a l , iu - tl ..I.t v ra r Ciaa.rl. <,i«-ue,| the nu id lo Norlllie park on Mnv I I . an.l in pullod and.fo Weat V ellow .i..nc on M ay H. Paul.


W ASHINOTON. A pril’ :r>. The rm ca e t i aea in Jodny mi.de Ihr aennte 'h e <1 nor Iheir ba ttle groiiii.l.I!cvii-!ting the Ih rre w erk a ''o f hear- o f [h.

ig i l"-forc Ihe aennte p roh ib ition eom- 1)^, ilcc. Heaalora K.lgc, republican . New libert rraoy. and H rure , .Irm ocral, M ary land , •‘'n a t re la ted th a t a caae had been-m ade fo r " “ "j! iiio .liriralion o f tb e V olatcad a r t . 'f j^ht, Hcnalor'i Kdge challeoge.l th e drya *^p

. aiip{K>rt n n.it lonal rcfrren .lum on th a t i le prohib ition iiu ration. w hile S ena tor r .,re p rc.llrle .l Ih a l Ih,- w cl. would r in a g rea t m a jo rity itj th c aenate i,_v. before v c rr lo o g .”Kvi.lence before tb e com m iltec w a a lw H .

la t Volatcad ac: vio la tion ia no t aec-Jm ltte . onal. but t:nlver»al, Mcnalar M g e de- to Ihf a i c k K eaalor lU uce a aa e r lc l Ih a l .Suf : n d a l reeorda .how ed th a t d runken- w cta • tl wa* Bjounting “ in a ll aectiona o f aeaat. le eountry , n o rtb , aouth, f a a t nnd Maryl e t i . ” . prohltThex* traa nn reaponae frora tb e d ry the »< adera. nor w aa c llh e r InterruptcKL « o i a L’r r i a s roacreas. lo ta v lle th a a ta te a fall t

E W S' ■ .K U M BJB E.IO .

eiEHTOrw’ ;FOfiFiM KI M S I I B

Relief Legislation Is Given P referen tia l S ta tu s in iB o tIf

. Houses of Congress: Farm Bloo Supports H augen..

(B y Ihn Aanoclntea P r m . ) ' . W AHHINUTON, .\jirH L'l>.— F arm '

c lio f Icgialation wna g iven preTerpiilinl In tua iu tho hottu . nud aenato tix lay by - vpiiblicnti leodera w llh th e e o r ta lu ir hn t th e re will bo fri'<'-for-aII fljjb la Jn u lh houaea onioiiv p ro p o n en la 'o f var(> ll. aorla n f ni.i ihcaaurca.’I 'lir rulo com m lllen d c e ld c l to g irc

Ighl o f w ay In th o Iiouae T ueadny I n . iir.-t' w i.lolv d ive rgen t bllla, ru iig inu rum rom m udlly m urkcllug lo prleo l a b i l lu t ln n , ' w itb th e rsp re ln tin n Iml Ihe laauc w ill bc a c tll r .l w ith in n eck o r Ion dnya.

n r t i i On Lirt.T he apnate repub llran ateerln jr com*

iltlVe pu t fnrm ro llc f f i f th on th e Uat f p refo ren lla i Icg iiln tlon , ■ b u t the ru ' a i aomo In lk to .lay .o f a raovem cnt to u t U to 'Ih o f ro n t by m oving Jo dla. Iner the nending public bulldinjpi bill. W hile tiic ie ro in m it lem w ere ta k lu g

tc lr form al action to b r in g nb u u t e a r l v . inaidcra tlon o f tb e problem th a t luis pxed eongreaa e v e r aincc th e w a r , lead- . ’

o f farm o rganiM liou u rged -the nugcu bill beforJf u luncheon confer- ICC o f acnn ln r. nnd othora enlled nt- IC W hile Houm> to preaa th e ir view* ir th n l ,meaaure njion I 'rca lilen t Cool- ' lK«’. • ,

S appo rt Z lausen U e a a m .T he W hile H oii.e callcra were flic ji. r <)r:iv und It. F . Jhiw er o f Iho Amer* nn fnrm fi'.lc ra lion j Jo h n W nlluec, « th e r o f Ihl* Into ( ^ r r r ln r y W alla ri', id Chnrlca 11. H enrat, ttt Iho Iowa n le farm burenu fede ra tion . Vt>oii nv in g th e y announced auppo rt o f lho • augen b ill , bu t g n v r no inrtlcatloii - I to whnt view , i f any , Ibejr e x p re u ed ^ WTillo th la conf4>rtnee w a i - In pro-

reaa, apokeamen fo r th e eom b e lt MW* ilt tee and Ibe eo tton grower* .ex- . hange appeared be fo re th e eonfcrenee - f ‘rcpobilcan a n d dem oeratle aenalora D urge th e H nugen bUl in p la te a t — I th e r th e T lneher m e aa u M .fa r .lo aa t ooiierAtlvea, w hich la auiiported h y lni» i .lm ln la tra tlo n ,\ o r th e Cnrtla-AaweU V)'*n)“W y innrU eting m eaaure. ^ . • 'A t a r e n l f n t Ihla conforeitee n tm a

erica o f p r iv a te o u r i am ong fa rtu IcfliH ra on liic houao aide, aome apokeamnn or th«* farm g ro n i.. io eongreaa prn- ic tcd d e frn i o f Ibe T l" eh e r a n d Iho urtla-A awcIl bllla JM tb e hduae w ith lie w av thn* le ft c lea r fo r a coucerted . r ive fo r paaaage o f th c lla^igen meae*

T he bill g iven ■peelnl ala'lua in ■Iho -nate ia n donble-burrclled one, «on> a ling uf tho udm iniatru tlon eoopera- ve innrkeling m eoanre, recen tly juiaa-I by th e hoiuc . and Ihc eom b e lt bill h ich fnllan<i eloaely, a long Ih e llnea ’ Ihe H nugcu inen .u re proj«)aing cren* nn o f a MTS.OOO.OlW *evoIving fun.J 1.1 th e alab llixallon o f p ricea fo r b a .Ie rm producta.


N FW TO RK , ApriT M (/P)— Finan -II d if r ie u ll le . o f the Chicago, Mil- tuki'e ii S t. I’au l ra ilro ad , da ted om th e piirchilae o f llip i-liicago, ir liug tnn & Q ninev line b r Hie >rlbern P a c ifl r , Ib .uald (I. Ocddea,. Pau l d irec to r. • tea tlfied tod n y a t ' e. In leiajflle eom m crrc eom 'm Uaion'. v eatlfn il.in ' o f th e rn llro a .l’a col- I'lC.>!.• anid th r N orthern P a rif lc firat ic.l lo b u r Ihe Chicago, Mllwauk.'.*Kt. Pau l in 1001. bu t f.'iilpd in lhat d Ihen o b ta ine .l eon tro l o f -the dcago, nu rlltig lon fc'CJuincy. Tlila.

added, rcaultcd In heavy Inrnadi th e b u .ln e .. o f tb e n<lcngo. Mil-

iiikee ii SI. Pan l.Mr. Oeddea aaid , how ever, tb n t hc tmgbl lli'rre w a i a n ff lr le n l bu a in en • th e norlbw fa^ now to auinirt Ib r ir lh r rn Pacific, th e U nion Pac ific , d th e Chicago, M llwnukce & S |. ul.

LLENGEDRYS IN REFERENDUMicn .ln irn t. K cnator (M ge lUbl lh a t if f rtrva w rre aa con fiden t tla th e y pro- • a r.l 'io Im* th a t aen tiincn t had nol inged , they ahould w elcom .ra TcrdI^^-'Ihe people.

D rclaring lh a t “ m v e e u rla ilm ea t o f e r ty w on’t h e lp ,” th e New Je raey la lo r w arned th a t i f Ihe drya d id not nl Io t rv niod ificaliou they woold Irive th c 'c o u a try lo a repi*!*! o f tbe ;h tcca th am cadm cD t.”•kna to r Il.Tice <eld h la colleaene* it no t jn a n v o f them w ere “ rea lly ia n p a lh r w ith p roh lb itioa “ a ad th a t tliey '; re re coa..latent tb e Biodiflea- n i . l i wonld be in th© g re a t inaior*

•W e have had on r b e a r la g ,* ' be - d. re fe rr in g lo Ihe p reb lb ltioa e o w lice inuuiry, “ a n d i t waa d e x trs e tlr e Ihe hollow p raleaacs of p ro h lb iU a a ." Supporting bla p red lc tlona U ta t tb e ta wonld ga la a m a jo r ity e t Uie . latfl ia tk e e e l d Ia U a t f a ts re ^ Um r r la n d acnntor referred , to “ t t e h ib itioa f> th t” ia eoBBeetlaa w ilk - ' a ea ata ria l e a m p a in l a Faaas^ l* -* >: l ia a n d called a t te a t ie a U a t M X t'I tbe r* ^ Q l d b e a ro fc rm d « a i la-..-

Page 2: T W IT A L L S V .W E2 E K L ^ niEWS - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...T W IT TWENTY^OOin) TBAB iiuizE sms i ONTiKFAl IN pilA ^ Lightning Striks Huge Oil

: W ap D opartm ent Annoiincfes AI- fi:: ’ ■: lo tm e h ts 'to ta lin g $ 4 5 ,2 2 5 ,- 1- 4 5 0 ' f o r - Im provem ents.

►r r W AH IIIN G TO X , AprU :!3. CW— Al- 1 !; ]«tiuenU to to llin i; fo r rlvt-'r

UDil ha rb o r Iniprovpiucnt «iurlna H»r ■ fi»cAl y e a r b f | ; l i i n l i i | t w » ‘t e m*

•': .• n»nuc»«l tod a y b y (liu w n r .[c|m rtiiiciii. Tbey w ere jirovicloil fo r in

. 000,00(1 lum p »uni iijijirojirlntioii ciirrjod . . ■ f in tfio niinuul un ity tupi'l.v lilll.

’630 lirhijr re»cfv«il fu r roiitinKPiicli'ii.“ - PuinU o r r iil lo llp il.lo ru iiliiiiio w urk

* on p ro jf tU , 'a l re a i iy a»tU ocln‘'li "»- ' (Iio A tlii ilti f , I 'n r if lr am i l in l f ri)U"ln... tin . tJrea l U k i-i. lUiil Inliiml wulvrwuvB

HSitl in Aluskii anil hiiiitlnr {KnnirH’iU'MB, T hc a lloJm ciits Imvi- «n roiiiii'rtl<»n w ith |lii ' projp<«H I'rnj'USi'il In llip

V . 000,000.u u tliu rlu itlo n ' titll iiuw |H-iidliiK - iil tb e Louao. W<1*1Ud£0.

. 'T l ie amuuiitil i l l ttr iliu lf i l raiiKc frniii • $.'00 fo t m inor iniiirovciiioiilji jo

. OOO fo r coiithiulnK lock nml d;iiii cou- (Iro rtto n uii llio OJilii r iv er, w ith un RdilttiQiial •a so ,000 fo r o|ipninB chiiiinel lm|>rovcnariit».

T lic 'ollotinpiitn llirJlJili': — . f '•. Cuoulllc r lv rr , Uii-»;uii. *«.UOU. . ■" 0

Cou* l«iy, Ori-KOM, jS I.V i'i" .Coo» rivt-r, O r.'irm ,Y aquiiia liiiv :iiiil liiirl>«r« ()r»«oir,

*3-1.000, ■T llln iiidck ' l a y mid Iwr, O repjn,

• •* 13,'5,000.8 iiak<»'rircr. WiidliliiaJoii, Orogon ninl

J.laho, *I,OCt).•• • ^ ih n n b lii nn.l l.iw rr W illnnn lti'■ r i / ' r » . hcIow Vuiu-i.iivrr, W n.lilnBtoii,

.• ■ n<d ro r t la n il , Ori'Boii, WOIVinO. . C ClflttkHnlo rJv'pr, Uri'Koii, «.',l'00.

; W IIoiiipH o r iv e r iiliiivc Porllinu l ft and Yam lillly rlvi-r, Orrj{un, $2 I,00H.

Hliatiicka^v r rc rk , Wn*tiliittloii, »::,UO(i. W illapii r iv v r nnd linrbor, WaililiiB- _

lull, * l/* 0 0 .. IIGrnyK Itiirbn r nnd b a r oiitruiiri-, i;j

>Vni.liiii(;t<'ii, miru R r t H.iiniil nncl T rllm liiry \V nirr«, it,

• W n-hiiiRtiin, IJJ,OIK). TJ.liurl.or. W u.I.iiicK.ii, ii>

Kurvt'v i*f niirtlit'n i nu.l ncirlliwi'ntiTii In lakM , #Ur..0Cn. ■ K'■ I"OLD R IFF MAKES RECORD

• , O U b JA . > 'm irU M oropro, A piU l“!> <•. ■ C/P)“ Ca‘rrylM|i u «ll»jiateli, lu-arly Tit „„

V -aiilea, w b k h u lb td n rc he had .uiadp cm , , , fo o t ', froiu n u n « r t to nuiirluc. Ham-

. .noucK I lenhadue, n7*year-old K ifflan q vm rrlor, yra# bntlcil h'nro ’ to d a y ui>

- c re a to r o t n new n innithoii rtfror.l, VonUdK from hU iiriiloiiKCd I'Xpr-

• tU n , tbp uKPd r t.u r lrr roaphril 1lu-' o f O uifln. n t d a y b re ak tudiiy nnd _v ' . ' n n ^ p |o ll ie V n n ih (e n try . oii v : d h u e t ’ n le to Ahu b«u»c uf v■■■ Ib e 'lM fri^ n del*Ratb>n;''> b e »ald, h

" A lU b £• «*«“ ■” 1..T he BPiitry din-cti-.l Rim. to tliP i

*boDi>« ^orriinled • tiy \S I 'MiiTininifiPil tl A (rrkali(', n if f la i i " f o r r iu n m ln iJ l.T ,” m

. 'whiTC irndRP d rliv i-rn l bi* jnpniiRK. . “ iio i*cnci* w llliont nulim im iy.”

O E T S u n i . BBNTBNOE. ^

i* rK f:v rM .i :. Ky., A i.rii'-.n '. '.w^— «<'W illiaiji 11. Tiir'iu'r, rb?rj{i-i] by tin- InnInto V’ilb brin ir H«' |<rltirl|>iil in llii' n'ainur.b-r n f l«i> in tn rrs un.I tin* i-.<lli-r- iHtio u l.f lii«nr.inri-. w :n ".-n- l.ltfu n -d lu iini.ri«iininriit l.y ji ju ry In Ini-ln-ult cotirt b i'rc ti.cliiy. T in - .tii l i- nu- l.i t.iiunrt'il (im t iniimrr.rw It 'u in il, | m il fn r tri.il sln iiliir rhiirsi'n ngniniit .lt>^i-ii|i J n r k , Kr.. tfnd J /ick ,. .fr.. tl.vvkli-r J a r k I* T i .n ic r ’i. fiitln-r.iii iux -. Cl

r « y y ..u r d<u: In* (o.lny ami .nvoiil th e jK-n:iIty.— -\dv . ' y t

C s u m / l j f e “ V ^ F i s h m g .

. J ; l M . a ' t o u c J i o f r a ' X T ^ a t l l n t M t f t u c i n n t l n e .

. / o n a P t a h l o s T r i p I f i r r o ia I t o e q u a l | l t e . r r « l . ( h o c o r o i I ^ I n c . U ie c l o r j r o f t l t o o t i t< o

^ / I n o a r • lo < ;k T o u ’l l f l l i tf o r o t t t d o o r t i » o r t a , a t i t l 11

Trout Fish


R O S E W O r . ‘ SNAKE R

W« will gladly g

. : - D i^ o f ld

' . " TWIN FA£]

Pecree? j |




' OLOKXA QOXrZJ> B ISH O P . I fa w Y ork (ocia ty g ir l imd belroH to nUllloiis, , w b o 'f o n o o k H c la l a f f a i r s to teacb

. d ancin f, i f b a ck in P a rU again a f te r h a r in g m ade a m y ite r to o i tr ip 1''

, to tb s U a lted B U te u She decUnfld to 'c o m m o n t upon rep o rU itae was

I estabU alilng a reildence to QbUin a P a rU d iro rce .


(C oatinuod irrom P ag e O ne.l

1I)JI, lie xny* ill hU xiilt d ia l lie w ni Tl, i;ivpii rrniduiililo u(*iirnni:c nf ■iifojui*'

wiK>' by tilt' RPiTctnry o f tbp im vy, but . III..; on iirrlvlii[{ ul I’iijjo I’n(.'<i lie \rii» .p,'

'^ .rl.I.M .'ii « i Inn.l. Iiy uNlcr o f Cum- V' iniinilrr Kviiiia, un.I ( lin t Iip tviii tn k rn , l.pfiiro liip poninmu.iiT liniicr Jiaviil Ktinr-I nn.i t.ii.l tb » t I..- wiuil.l l.c- dp- JI]' I'd fti'il. I ll' wna ili'jit iiiiilpr RUnr.l nn , ■<lii|ibiiuril, b f nll.'jtv*, nn.l V ur b rnii|;lit . Ii:iri( tl. Ill*' t 'n ilt 'i l H latc", wIii-ri-uiHin ht. f iic it^ iiii .

l( wna liroiiRlit in- C'lilrnKO bppauno |. | (.'iiiniiiiindrr Kvnna wna (bi-ii roniniaiul- nu t o f (bu O rriit I^iki's iiuval trn ln in g f Ktntbiii, brn>. .


(C ontinncd Fror»i,r a g e O pe.) 1

OnuiHlO lbn l ix t t r y r i i r nnd u rud ita to tii>. i ' w ar.I • 10.000.000 ,.nniiiially tii illl tbe T . «evcntepnl1> y r a r V bi'ii tbp to ln l will S t be AjiKiinl ]iiiviiii-iiti) of ^• IllM.noo.IMKi w lir b.' |iu |d (h c rfh f l.’r un- t I t i lU u ’ *lxlv.«pi-OM.I v riir wbi'M (lie finul X ’ iii /^nn t « i!I Irf •117,<ir4,104. t------------- .

IK D IA K A G EN T S V P E R V I6 0 R *

« r0 K A .\K , WiKb., A jirli HH W>)— tAiil.<)ii.tiiu'iit <if O ipnr 11. Lii.p*. for fM'vprni ypurn nijc iit of tb e No* IVr.'i’ XImiinn r.-tvrviilion nt 'L a I 'n tn l. I.liilio, {n'a iliitrii'l Miiiii'rint.-iuli'nt o ^ lii.iiiiii ^aiii'ntn i n ' Waiiluni;ti>ii, Ori'^mi nmi <>I.liil..., liii.li-r n ro.irifii.M/aHuu o f tlir. Jhidinii ..-rviv,' nnnmuip.-a l.y |

to.lny. ♦

BB O O E FIE L D BU TTEB. tHuy il ill pioan.n raiinril pa rtu n .i J

C bnnipd daily In Twin 1-nli..— A.lv. $

NpV ii W ant Ad« f.-a.li 'ibo I'.'ui.ii- J you wlith t i i 'n t ln ic l . ^' ____:_____[____ ■»--------- ,, , , ^

'• ■ jI- Irealigm j t

g . . W h e n ' ‘= = ^ 3 ?(a n o th lB i ;

r o f f e e f c c l» ■ t ^ o M o o n .I n d e T f r y l h l n c *1 l b e t i l E t i c i t ( r a d o <■

hing ^ |at— I

D A M I■J D A M t3 R T H D A M tR i y E R - I

give you details • »


a a n ^ s a B / ■ t^ ^ t

Vour Fish on a jlO L E M A N tfl H ardw are Co. |

Els weekly new s/ 'H

lULD GREIlTE 'i D i y u i i i

. D ill-M e asu re to S et U p ' C o rn* - m ission o f C ontro l G d s Ap­p roval of S en a te C om m ittee.

\VAHJIJ.N(iTON’, A pril L‘l'. 1>P)—'i*lip Dlil rud iu Illil, tviiicli w ould xPt u |. <iii indi‘l>i'n.l('lit„ roniuilMion w ltii ponii.it.'U'

. pow er iivi-r broiulpa»tliij'. wn-' n|>lir.>vi'.i toduy by llu- Kciuitp Inlfm tJilp pomi' nii-rpi- p.iiniiilfl.-i- w ilh iiiilicali.'Ui!

'■ ii<»iiillii({ to nil vnrly f«v«rubl.! ro))ort to tbp ii.'uiili'. ,

T nken in ll.p fii.-."c.f ri'ix-iileil w nrii' [i<i(> fri.ni I 'ro iiip i il (.'ooildup uKaiilKt PutnbiiOinii'iit o f any niurp «Pimr;iti- • K ovcrninvnr HKPni-;p«,’ tlio ;i. tii)U luul (ll.. pffppi of (iid.'lrnpi;injc thp W iiilv illil, l.upki'.|-V t-tii.‘ n .lii.iiii« tralion, i .n - vidinff for un n iivi-ory ninii.iill.'O tu w ork w ltii tiip ninmipri-p .|p |i;irlnii'n t In -U- pimlroilhiK tlip in d u itry . T bis bill bu" I'axiPd (bp liou«e.

B efu tea Statem enU .Nfpiunrhll.', Hpffptnry H o..viv.'w iio«p

i|r i.u r(n icn t rppputiy lout, in thi- fp.lprnl pi.nr(N Mil! r ijfb t to u til« ii w»vp IpukIIib P ll. ra.lln «tntiou>, took pxi-('iiti(in to itiitPMiPUli rprvnlK ’ m adi' in runtrrc^s . l.l the pffppt lliul be Wll'i ntlpiiiiitluL' t.i : lipi'<.iiip ' 'd lp lu lo r llf Ih.. ru.lio w o rld ." *

‘ • I ( '« ill.* in»l rpiijion»ibillty I w iin t,’ ’ iip iiMprlP.l. "

U p rpKprnlPil bln flpno(.lti.in lo nny m ]ilan IrnvliiK (o any onp o ffir in l the rp>|ii)n!<lbUltv iif ilptpriiiiiilni; who Hlriiil ‘ i l.ryiiii.ii>.l mid mi w hnt w iivr irnk'Hi be- ruuKp o f (iip px[ipii*p nn.l iiu rriiiicrntlp ' ' ' tpm lrnpirn liivolvp.l, ‘

Tiip dut leu. hi. in lil, nboiild b.- i.inppii “ “ in a ni-iui-]uillplni lionr.l o r runnninnl.in, nn |.r»viiipil fo r in tiio W liilo bill, nnd 'til.* u iliniiiU trntioii or piifo rrrm piit pnd lr f ( loTi'a cxintiiiK BovornniPiit dpjm rl- ,

_____________ ' |n

TE L LS CAUSE OF CAVE-IN f :----------- Til

SAN’ KHAN'OISCO, A |iril I’il, OPI— *'f Tlip a tn to iiiilnKtriul n ri'iiip iit pnUilKia- ai.>u KtnI.'.l i.irlny Iiiniiffiripnt lliiib rr ' in c und fn illiy ro rk •fiirnmltnii piinsi'ilth . ' ravp-in in th p ( ir iri’.lv rrp rk luiniol, —I'lun iu i pountv, A pril i : | iu wliU-h fivp wriiipn w-prp kiilpii. an

Tlip rp|xir( ropi.mmrVil«;l m ldilioiini MtinilirriiiK nn.l piii|iioyn...... o f nn px- ialjiprirnrrd loft ijrounil xiiiipr t(i nujipr- yv vlio tho work.

a U n sC B lD R T H B N K W a. yu


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I O u r E n t i

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i . ' ' IS T a k o y o u r c h o i c e

* u i a r l y p r i c e d f r o m

I Th>t►►(•



H ' S I



bDBIOED A NEW trial, OhaxlM Poaei. J

tha Boston “ finaiiclal w leard '’, \n a H aentancod to prlaon for a Tear in f Jocloonvilte. Fla.. cbars«<t v ltb I. fraud in aelllng real estate. C

c.' ' ■ rCREATES EMERGENCY FUND J• BAN KIJANOIKCl), Ajiril :;o. Of>)— JThp C aliforn in C uttli 'n ipn 'i nw ociu lion ,,aunouiippd lipro (mluy th a t It hud . rri'.Tli'il n fnnd of 1 ].pr r e n t o f thu Kro»i nalpB vnluo of cjitlip taiirkelpd for i l l nipnibera fcr ita , rnipa in dovi'l-i l’in^ (iiP lJHanpin(ii'ii n c tiv itiea . !''

TiiP fuMil ia dfnii'up.l to nip.'t ony wpniprg.'nr^V (h u t m illii arino nml to R i''P nthp ii.ln iinl*(rution <if Ibo jiM oclutiou ^niiipio finniicra. H

----------------------- ' SANKOUNOB NEW SCHEDULES C,---- • HKAN rHANCIHCO, A]iril llO OP)—

Koiliirdon by flvp liniirH o f tin- trniiH- ,r coudupu lu l lliiiilp.l I'lin.iPii^jpr apb.'ilnl'-'bptwppii Hnil Friinri.ii'ii nud (.’blouKo 11nnd L oh AoKpIra 'nnd CIi Iphro wun nu- i|nonnrpil toiliiy by llirpp rn iiroads bprp. nThp now uriiodulp.n :irp to bp p u t in to wp ffp r t In O etobrr. pi

-------------------------- 11TWO WILL IIA ilO .N

M A D IK D N V lI.I.i;, Ky.. A i-ril "!i m O— linnyan I'lpiiiin;; ami N nliuin ,lla rd fw rrp 1.1'MtPnppiI til III- iialiK.'d J u n r 4 Kan .l C.iiiiniiiiia ■irnlli* waa fpiltvnppil lo Ki;0 y .'a ra iu thp nlalp ]ipnltpiitinry niia lp 'l . i i lu y f o r u llarkn on ii uixlp.'ii- Ityp;ir'plil ^'irl tb p ni^^hl o f A pril 7. 1*

- . UlXpwa W nnt rrupli tho jiphjiIp A

you wi«b to a l t r w i . • C

'%T IcK ks


t i r e S t o c k o f

' a n d S p o r t C----- For Spring ---------FRIDAY AND SATURD.


1 ^ o flM f M L THE

M REGULAIW PRICEice of our high grade stoc am .S31.no to $104.50—Youi-


I’A liK — D. L . '.lapubaon , Mr. and Mr*. K. P . Gtiityon, Bnlt U k o : (». M, J BallcnCi-r, D enver: >rr«. A. E . Dcn- X h u rt. U olie ; M r und M ri. L . K. E llio tt, t P o rtla n d ; F . L . (iaalm uii,' Lot An- Z Cfli'sj OcorKC L. Jone*, D riivpr; SId ♦ Itorkcuhup, A. a . A ndrrw a, 8 nil I.nko; TB. P . K cil.U fii and w ifo, B o l.e ; M r*. «P . E . B a n cro ft, Hun I'ranejiiro! M ri. T Kuy C. Bm ilh, Ilp rkcley; Don«tn« W. Z S m ltl|, Sikoknne; J . K lrrii, Uolsr; }C. K. QrlaacnKcr, Pocati'llo ; . J . O. S O 'D onnell nnd w ifp, 'Iio inc; Ti. I '. X B urton, D. L. K enedy, S n it Lake. ♦

4’KIIHJNK— W . H . Cook, lln t lc r ♦ L ow ry nud w ifo, Chlcauo; W. F . J J-rnm bapb, Bol»c; f . C. TuIkp. I. H. Z .to ffp , CbienRo; W. H. Deal. Kanijia; J .Mni. A . J . L und . JnrbhiR p; Mr. nnd Z Mra. O. I f . H rm bipy, Sun K rnufi»«i; ♦ Mia,i M. MurKPi-thelPr, O. K W hitney, T W. If. W nll, Jn rb idR ci Mra. If. S . Z O rccn, Je ro m a; A ndrew Iloyd. I’ort- T land ; U h\ F a u lk . BoUc; M r. nnd M r.. Z J o h n H. Kprr^', Ja rb id g u i 1 . A .'D odd, ♦ . UoK<'ri>on: K. 1*. Hinilh, C ..K . Curtia, J D enver; H. 11. J 'c t t i t , Adn Youne, S a lt ^ U k e ; Hny T u m o r. Boiao; Mrfc J , A . ♦ O ’Connor. 7di«n H elen O ’Connor, I'o- ? , cn telb i; C. W . Well*, S a lt L nke; C. A . ♦I’o r lp r .....1 w ife, Jn rb id g c ; H; J . ♦O oU prl, Chic.iBo; R. W. Loeke, Den- * v e r; M rs. I* i;. L lltlp jobn , nnualon, f Tl-xnii: P . K. O prould, P o rtlnnd ; C. W . ± A1lplinu(;li, Boiap; A . . .T. Kphnrnier. 4. OitodioK: P h ilip V. IJut'iicu, O akland; 4» A lex M cU 'od, BuW. j

KOOKnHON— Mr. »/iiid Mra. T. V.. t I 'o rd , S a lt L nkp; N . T . Snillii mid t w ifp, Bnlt ■ I.nko ; .T. 0 . Scbrlpker, $ B olae; F . W . .Mnd.lux, Bin.kanc; .lohn + N uw ror, Npw V o rk ; L. W. Bralnard , J Bolap, .1. P . F riednm n , H. 8 . M iller. Z S alt L nke: P e rry Cbrlileniipn, P rn v p r j J a , y. V ollnipr, 8«n Krunclapo; W. t:. J H nlllvnn, P.irtKTiid M. A. W riciit, •> C ipvpbind; k T W. HIcbpI, D n ive r; Z .Tapk N pw c/nib, H . Mprk<;l..on, K rank J , A. M in u a /.K . B. MoM oni«|p, I.. O. ^ Bontx, no lso ; L . C. W iidinnn and fnm- 2 Hv. M prid lnu ; J c a a lp 'F . Conn.Ol, Po- ♦ pntpllo. NnomI Hp.pkmau. K .lilh Crln.l- J w in. ChnrlpB I’etPMOn nnd wifp. Po- 4. pntpllo: ? 'rnpal .1. (’ronp.h, \V. Tf. ^ iloi;ii, Hoiap; O rn .lortlpr, .Snn .lu rin to , J .S'pvn.ln; F rnnk \ . (In rrv , D cnvrr;O, B. Clinrniora, W. (!. Pripp, O. S. L .; P ra n k Froo, D e tro it ; F . W. Sh.'rninn.Kalt T.nilp; Doiinlil Dnan. Chirnfro; C.1;. T lioini.ion. I’opulpilii: U, I!, lldrroli ^ nnd wIfp. B iphard H urrpll. b'pftttle:Iloi.* H ini’.i, B och rster , K . Y .; !<. B. 1‘iiisuu, H nridd P c ip rion , J.rn Him- inoiia, O uklov: P u t tN iffoy. Hpoknucj Al .1. CnniiiiiPil, Bol«e; K. W. L arkin, Carey.

W i l i B **

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/ ■ ■ i i J fiftpl•> Pl.nn.J ■ ‘ '

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4> liiral*

t r 'V)ck, coats reg- . , * (ha'» i* choice 1-3 off •

le j |♦ I’'-!”''-


i i i ^ i ^ o t e l i 3 I

1926 . . . .— » V a m » M A M. ^ f ^ tk M f ftJA ilA Awv wwvvwvwwwwwwwwv

I Ladles’ ReaiI ■ COAit A ix . COATS U U S T OO. EECJ !i Conl*, nnvy and g rn y charm i'ne, bomI S i m JO .rnd lU-tfUlnr tilJ.oO ............

♦ 1 n n v y ’vbnrw ciie pont, aizu UB; jjruy a.)i co llnr. ItfKUlnr «i32.50 ...............................

X 1 ta n rhurniviic cunt~~dypd n.|ulrrpl triiJ Hizo - l i U pc«iar ...........................

i “ piinriMopti poata, t:in , ;;rpi.'ii, .Ivvd ^l|♦ nippv.-s. Hir.o* III and .•III;t rPRuInr ♦ ir .iO ............................... ...............

♦ K |.ort ponta. jn u l 'u fowI l e f f ......................................................................

I DRESS: Slil( and co tlon drpLaca; i.la h ^ c i 'iu r . '

ahndoa; •t rpRular d r.'a .r:. . .1 ......... / . ......... -

Z l^llk .Iri'xups; n K“oi^nB iiorlnirnt o fj rolora und »li;.-» ^ .................................... .

t Prin lp il e n - l ' lirvirnps n il polorf.; '♦ »izi'» ' If] (ll. Vi ........................ .....................

S ' HATJ♦ r i i i l . l ip i i ’a bn(n; newJ thijinu 'iit ..........................................................

♦ I.;..IU'a’? IIu(n ....................................................................

I CORSK5 J lo i la r l to rao ls a l vn^t. A fn ll ill|l lirauaioto;..

t ------------------—------J DRY GO{. Itnyoii puitiiij-a: iiKht niiudpn iti nlri

ciiopkii; pjn-oinl, y a rd .................... ......

(. T issue xlnKbuiua: j;uod rn iiio o f eofo;► tlio y n rd ............................................................

), I.ln^jorio rrj-ppa;*• u il colom ................................................. ........

[ V a n i t y> _ HOi!KK-''SON IIOTl

THE SAMPlWhere You Are AI'

Union SuitsM p i i '!< an .l liova’ uliil.-lip nain-

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!i lo 1(», ;iii . to IU. O nr _ n'T r l c o IOc • ' •

Aero KnitV pry fino l.lr:irlipd • w hito r o l ­

lon iillilptip nniiin nnit. <.'ool . uml mviiiy. a il ox.-pilpiil. u a riupn t III ovpry ilp ta il; dir.p'i :iil to 4i!. i

O ur P rtco "

Sweaters *•Iu"l ri'.-pivrd a' n.inii>li' iim ’

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Jr. F. E. Morgan Says This Medicine Beats ^ Anything He Evor Heard Of—Has Re-

m a r k a b l e Results From It Himself. •

••Kur. ;;k j- il, T.ll £i . fri.in iiV"|-t,r. IM i

♦ v rr r.'.-..T„.:,rn.1 il l „ . rt;v iM f..-.,:, kl' I li.iv,- Itoni- »l!i,p il lia t fiM-'lI- i.|< an f in . . - - M atr^ Hr. 1\ H ^ lo rcan . Wi'll kir.,n-a d - i i t . . : . n ito IS t’rartipi-ci in J^.ilt IjiV p C ilv for ftppii yp.u-. j a . l ii-.iik-J a t ' tlip 2 l.nn.l'.ino H .'ti-’. ‘ , ^••W I iv. tvhi-ii I taU in;: lv :r . b '>k- my at-.mnrii « a a a ll o o l o f ^u.i- ' t i ” ii and im li;;p\;ii.n ai:ii a w a , rnl'iiiiii; ii;.- o f m o il ' o f mv pal-..'- p.-rilinDp-. I 'f . .iliT iT in . . • ‘ .My

■.!.l fppuipil to .lo llie lii.irp" harm H 'l ,ai. i{..od. .Mv iiiT-vc!. «Mrr .lu .uc--.I., 1 --r '.u l.ja -t 'h a l f . rr«t .11 l i l c i t .Ill •! i,ri-.inip ramliiwn I .l i i l i ,’I -•1 a : iill !.;• to 5la.i.l.ir,u --V••W rll- ii'ill:in i; .!»•• ».-i» Iiptl'iii,; I’lv r

.-III! . vitvI'.hI v k rjil !.-:iini; ,i„- f.il i.try K ..ta ..k u u tii 1 r.M l.la ’t f.-.'!

:• ti> fc.-11111; 1'^ '' ta i;t. K.-i .-,.1 !il-artv Dt r»< rv :.1.:,1 ,.,.,1r l trac e o.f luU i;:.-*;iov itr dv... c ,...

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Men^s Hose•Sopiply No. :l.SilO lnt•rl•.'ri^^'ll

li- lr niado from fiuPxl .|iiiiii/y , o f parpfully .'.'ii-ctpil y a rn". Kiiily ni.-rpprijriil au.l (ju ara n t.'r .l lo « i\i: II.V, w .a rc r pprf.-. t -vi!in- fuPljua. I A niio.'l .1.*r ' nc’lpr.

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iitiilr.-d fif'f*'. ri-;;iilar ;iriri'

Princcss SlipsMil.>>h.-,n liarri'i.i-l aini

liiv.iii il. :ll| ..lia.li'V.$ iJO to SZ08

L E § 1 0 E .t Save.'? You Moncj’.

1 1 1 5 “Em m

Ilr.M orcaa

• r ..t .r ‘- V v ^ '- 'a 'a r d 'f i ' i i^ l i'-’p ' bria,*’- I l.f ;i.-w I.r,- . .n i , n. r;:y r-, H,:.t I •I .M-.T. J.'ii:.^ ,-r.' I, 1,^..:, ,iMriiii.-,; Ii,;.r,I . . f . "K.-.r..::l. i , | i,; T .- in Pn!!. . x. im»<!v l.y ................................... Uta^-.. :,:u\ l y I!,.-Jrr^.lin-.; .Ior.-

Page 3: T W IT A L L S V .W E2 E K L ^ niEWS - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...T W IT TWENTY^OOin) TBAB iiuizE sms i ONTiKFAl IN pilA ^ Lightning Striks Huge Oil

IGESiXIGi : : ITER Tmm 'O r. Elwootf M ead, Reolatnalion

Cqm m iKioner, D eclares P res­e n t Is O pportune Time.

• LA S VliOAH, Nov., A pril 2D « > ) - D r. Ktwaud M cnJ, U. S, govcrn in i'iit rcclnm atloii cominlnAloncr, lic-re to in- Hlii-ct t)ic pru |)bacJ Huulilpr >lam slto o t thl! (-•oJorjiiJo r lv w wjj}j S w r r lo ry . b f thff In te r io r W ork, «l«lari-i1 tO'lii.v tlm t lie' bc licvpd tho prM om no o|>- }>ar|u>iu tim o /o r tlm U n ite d BtnK"*- to 'jP B o J ln to a Iroiity w ith M rx iro ir - Knrdiiif; iiirrn iu lifjim t .w 'utnr richt*.

Riirh n tr e a ty , th c rom n iiu ln iin r .aald , would p rrdud i) po iiU ilIity of dliaR rccm cnt ovi*r dovctupm ciil w ork on tho Colorado nnd un thn liio Orniido unA w ould pitlabHah hnnie ]>rlnclpl0!i on w hich to div ide thn wntCM o f th rso i f w i t "trontnn lx>- tw ri‘11 thl) tw o fom itrir» throiiRli which th e y flow.

D r. M rnil, w ho wns ’chairnm n of Iho romniiiininii npl'iilulpd In lO^." to diicuim w ith M i'xlrn th r oijiiilnlilti dU- Irih iitiu n o f lUi> Orinuli’ wntrr,% ox- p rru iH l c iiu flilen rr tl ia t Mincli-fi wnn i n ' a ri^ri'fitivo imind for ni'Kotialliinn nnd n u r r t i 'd th n t the T’n ited Htiiti'N Rhould tako tlio in itlativo .

Oovi-rnor S rrnjihnm of K ovnila told * l) r . Mciid th iit Kcviidrt cxprc l* a fnir

nnd n^ propc r nllncatlun n f tlio jiowor Yo bo firnorn tcd from any hydro plrc- t r ie plnnt* tnk in i; th o lr w alo r from (ho jiTopodnl nouldor dnm. H o Kftid:

“ N ovndn w ill j f l 'o ovory oooponi- H on nnd nnsitaneo to tho fodoral nd- m inlB trntion In cn rrj'ln u o u t plnn* f<ir Colorado rlvo r devolopmonC, os|>^elally ou tho H ouldcr o r H Inrk rn iiyou pro- j r o l , h n t till* s tn to expert* fn ir n n d . ]4»opcr n lloeatlon of jiowor to h o ' R c n ern te d ." " A J


K. fl. >’nlk hnvo form od a pnrlnor»U ii), |i i id 'w il l conduct a roiil ontato lni*i- Q U UOM hrro a t Kdon. T h - firm will l.o ' know n a* tho (lom Hlafc Ko:il r:»!ntrr and K*rlinnK0 rou ipauy . Thoy al^o pinn to nrrnnjjo (o r a r ry on nn In- JT Rurnnoo - InminoM In trr. M r. D avis I 'Voil hnn hnd eonsidrriilito rzporlcnpo in th o Hitni roui rs tn te l>u*iufu, hnving mannKod 'iny n Himllar hu*lnoits horo fo r sovi-ral drivi yoar* jn k lu e np nuolhi-r lino o f w ork j whci vrhrn dopresxion in lam l vaUion pro-{ AI vnllodL Mr. t ’n ik hnli hoon fiold m a n jtru d i ho re fo r tho SuRar com pnny fo r nov- Max r ra l yonr* nnd liis ozpcricnee in lnnd J'orn value* l^ I I l no doubt he vnluablo In tion i Uie new w ork. I M rs.

U rt. .VnrwoH JCiJiii woul to r o c n - l U- tolln TJiijrMday.of Jairt w ork w hom nho Of 1 a l to n d ^ r n Imnijiiol Rivo;i ii i^ lin n n r Or o f M rf. K llsa S lirp lirrd , nn tlonnl A lho pVr.ildfiit o f Iho I-CEiun A tixilinry. tho Hho wns n rrou ipan liil on th o tr ip by Mr*. H. !•:. V ftn c , J r . nnd Mrn. W. H , bn rk D etwril'or o f lln to llo ii . M rs. D ot- A w rilo r and Mrn. Vnnco rop ronrn trd t h o ’ H ntl llnatollon A uxilinTy nnd Mrn. ‘K ahn tho tho Kdon nrKnni7-ntioii. niorn

Mr*. .Too I’rlco in hero from 0«k lov will fd r n viiiit w ith h r r pnroiitu, M r. am i -Mi Mrn. Byron A vorilt, aud n thor ro la -[h av oIfVon. I fumi'

Tho IM fii poM offico wn* movoil Jl,'*"! Tnrnclav from iN j>rmrnt « [uarlrrs t o ; ‘'" 'I " Ihc l . ’ O. O. r . bi.il.liuu' 'vh lrh ^^n,i form crlv tho plaoo of. Iiuninr^n of tho? ‘

‘Kdon .Stnto b auk . Tho iif»v looatlnu a f fo rd i moro -room and bo tto r n r- . eomodntlonn. T ho buililinf; ha* f^ ,n t in f i r s t rl.m , condition Jnnide nnd f-'''," V ilt. IVrmif to movo thu post o ffiro -lj' wn* recen tly o b la iu rd 'f ro m th e po’ t - j ' " 'p m nstor ( rn o ra l n t W anhlncton whou n - J ' p e titio n niKnod by th r patron* o f tli '* L , E d rn offlco ftsVint: tho .ohanRe mot ‘‘‘'f ' w ith his apprnvnl.

Thi* vilUiRO w ill r o doubt bo o n r l o f tho rlcnnont in thl* pa ri o f tho s ta to If pf..i>oriy ow n-rs roniply w llh i ' th o o rd rr iu u c d by th o c ity oounril - > “ n t Iho ir lant moolinR. T ho w rrk of A pril 2(T to Mny 1 wan dcnlRnatrd by th o bnnrd n* rlonii-up w crk.

T l .l f nnnunl com m rncom cnt rxorclno . T h o f th o K drn WRh schooJ U Iio ln jj.itr- fo Ui ranR rd for T hurnday cv i'n inc , Mny jn . th o 8 Tho rlann ronnintu o f rlf ;h t m c n ib rrs , ' fccr. fou r c irl* aud fonr boyn, nnm i'ly :! Em m a M u ir , Ovn McCoo. Advonn ! U arb .T and H rlon niooni.inlnl. and I ~ J'loy<l Kl»on, Mt^Tril Bummer, ! bn ltc.A v rr i l t ond V irg il M asw rll. j — Ad

j B E T T E P j B I I T T I

f l ' . Oood I> rr tN try nnd flood Hr.iItH I JO hnm l in hand. JU okrn-dow n, din-. I •«»rd o r nb«co«»rd .too lh m ay bo tho

:au io o f h e a r t tro n b lr . r lieum atljm ,' icu ritin , ryo troublo,- k idney tronble ,I Jiiean<-d tonnlU r a r trouhln and a ! I,.ns lint of c lh r r ills.

(iood D rn t iilrv ancl Oood T e r th a r r I Good ll r s U h Ii'inurancr.: Some folks th in k th a t th e only.' iroublr th a t ra n eomo from n too th

is r» lr .o lI iicb r. ‘* Tho know n tru th 5* Im p o r ta n t, '. I tI may add y r a r t to y o n r l if r . A n laCrc--

tion ta k en up from a d lv a i r d tc*jth, ,i b J e arriod itfSo tho blood *y*l<ia.

I f in r lt>d|;o »n some o t l r r p a rt o f the l.oiiy.

liav o TOiir P o n lis try done today . P o m.t pn t il o f f u n til tom orrow .

J O S E P H :I Phojio 155.

1 1 Q xr«T>. A«-a

’ il'iFTT ihftieNe'ffsSi

~ P ^ 0 B 8 8 A ST B H )

PO V B R K O B P m O H O T .

PEIN O ESS ASTBZ2>, Of Swftden, la m u it li P r la c t t o f W ale s In con tiuan ta l con rt go

W ILZiABD, p r u ld e n t o f th e B. ai a t a o t tJiff bo a rd o<, t n i* t e « e f J o h j« J

K>VSBNOB P n rO Q O T , o r Pcnnyylvimi.-i, to i th a t bU ,8 U te is ste& dllr a n d su re ly bolr

iB JO A D X SR -O EN SB A l. O IIA B IX S U . S K £ I to rep rese n t tlio U o liM S ta te s a t the m eeting.


IfAZKLTOS, A fril I’P. ~ Uiin.in] W j Volli, Nniull non o f ^Ir. nnd M rs. ^ litns W olls, fe ll from , n wat;on Tui-n- ny evcnluK w hich his fn tlio r wnn * riv ing nud wn* run ove r by ont- rhcol and *iifforod n broken loj;. “ ’1

AIM. Jen n io V nnco «\nd Mr*. O rr- N rw rudo n r tw c ilo r o f U nrj-lton nud Mr*, dou, la x K han o f Kdon m ado n tr ip to rrow ‘orato lln T hu rsday to m eet thn Nn- Or(di ional l^riflon A ux ilia ry ' p r rs id rn i . I t tr s . Klirjj Ixindon Hhojiard. ancl

U . T horrson wn* a T w in F a ll* v isit- nud r Tm-ndny. " ' '‘' f

f lro rco iU'cit nud noni, floorKu and ilbo rt, re tu rn e d h o m o , thn flrn t o f lio w ork frnm O regon. r in ii.1. M. .M ondrnhnll nnd fam ilv moved

a rk t« tho fa rm thl* w ook.' " ‘I’;'*A roRulnr q u a rto r ly m prtln j; o f tho

llltlo I ’omonn ({rnngo will bo hrld n l , !io (irornw nod aoliool houso Pa tu rday uirniiig, JIny J. Ibn inon t m i'otlng ‘''.'.'J; •ill b rg ln p ru inp tly n l 11 o ’rlnck . 'V M r. and Mr?c Jo h n M odrrll,, who ,,

avo horn r fs i th ig tlie ir dnrigJifrr and ' ‘ '"J" iniilv , Mr*. H orton o f K nu ll, fo r tho _ _ :int 'id day*, lo ft Kridny for K lam iiih ^ n ils. Oregnn.Mrn. lx .u W obb nnd Minn Vrrnnti

lu rrnv snng a t t]io Kden high school t;iy given F r id a y ovonlni;. A pril ":i. I.'f ... llov. M orion wn* callcd In ynkin in , "

I’anh in tlu n , la s t week lo b r w illi h is ^,’ j • t th r r who nndo rw rn t nn oporatiou. . ,Mrn, n a b o W indoll m otored lo Tw in ‘‘'J

1.11s Tlinrsilav.Mi*/t Thnmp^nn and AIIm Klinor

dw ard* of A lbion v i- itrd a t Iho , iirdon M urphy hnuif H alurd.iy ami iinday?A p a rlv and dinh tow rl *howor wa*. . .

ivon in honor b f . Mr. nnd Mrn. a rrv Hos", M ondav rv rn in g . A p tll .; 1, a t, tlie I. O. O. V. hall horr.

--------------- ' in

. B ow led H im O v er .T h e p r iic fo rn b sc n t-tiiln d e d n cM c o e^ pu rtr;

J Uie loan w ho w ns knocl.od down }>t im .iy JO s u r f nod looked fo r Us llc rn se num- ugo cr.

bi.y ■B E O O K riB U ) B U T T nZ . di-vrli

T o n 'l l n c v rr ta s to a r irh rr , rrc .im ior * in " ' lit ter. Churned d a ilv In T w in Kalli.-A dr. ■


UH __________ ■ - —

£ T h e s e A r e M j "i t h e M o n t h

I^ a in le s -s r e m o v a l o f b r o k e n - d cS in R lt? X - R a y ....................

. T h o r o u g h c l c a n i n j r a n d s c a l i n ,ii, ' G o ld I n l a y s lo w a .s ....

• F u l l X - R a y a l l t e e t h ...I t G o ld C ro w n .H lo w as ...

G o ld Brid{reH%‘o r k lo w a .s ...........A r t i f i c i a l T e e t h , - ^ r a c t. l o w a

ho T h e r e i s n o c h a r g e o r o b l i g a l i o i W H T N X a iX C T Y O U B T E E T H

h ; g a s p e r , d'O v e r W c io lw o r th s 0 ]

' ■ ■ ' TWIN PALLSn. 1—■

S p o t l i g h t I '— >li • .71

. Loin^

boor' - • • • wool

" ' I ' ' i ' j f l A ' - '■ jr . - V - . b u s it v . : . ' -

. I ' , ' • > ; buni :

^ w m aY '


Turn' JA ',^ £ ip K |S |H |8


A 1' ' . ■.j^hS 'A ' ' .ilT M riill . Tw ii


— — — M

B B ia . OSK. flHEItR im .lOtlonel a s the future' bride of tlie

gOMlp.:. and 0. EaUroad waa elected clialr. "®"' i« llopkiJU UnlvcnJty. , *"told the Senate Judiciary CommltUe

being dried up by proUbltlon. flEEB IlJ, nailed for Lisbon. Portugal, tho InterftatlonoJ Sportn Committee

“ THE OORILLA.’'“ T ho O o ri lln ." w hich is. tho tn lk of

>’ow V ork, Chicago, Itonton und Lon- ion, w hero i t hnn born n ltrn e tiu g rowdn fo r inonth* p a s t, come* to thu )r(ihpuin M onday , M uy .

I t I * 'I I ' tm v r r s ty on m ystery )iTays nd lls ro iiiir ili'toctlvo*, M r. M ulligan Ild M r, (larrlt)*', nro npoUROr* fo r n •hlrlivind o f m rrrlm on t. Thl* 'h>i|gh- t)lc roiicolt in b y .l tn lp b Spcfirc, V h o :in dovlnr.l ii jii.iv 'w h ich " provldo*Inm nholononi" i’nn for thono who ,'ok lo bo ({rnulm 'ly nm usod In Hie loatro.T ho on tiro AdoIjdiT T |ic a tr r Chic-ngo

ml nnd p fo ilu rtii'ii in proniincd nml irlu .l'-s: t.o ii Ilnncall, H n rrv T . 81ian- ,111, i: i l7iibi.ili (*.’irm irlini-l Jo h n Htokon ■•illiur (’<>*, Jtorl K av, Ju lin n .Von, tioMias lloll. .Tcihn f ir ry , Cnrl lio .a nnd iiljih T hrndoro,

KIDDIES MATIKEE AT IDAHOTho priigrnin tuniorrow luorning fnr0 Id a iio ’K rogu lar H alivday morniiig utlnoo fo r k idilirn w ill consist o f r fnnii.v n .-giiiiild llr iiu y ro in rdy W h rro W a* I f " nUii n t»vo-ri-ol ■inoily, “ A F liv v er V iir a l ln n ;” Iho iird rpiniido o f tho b ig wr«ti-rn ria l, “ Tho W inking Id o l,” and nii- lior twO'rool comody “ I ’r rp S rh o o l."

gnnd tw o-rro l w ri tc rn nub jrc t is •Id in ro4cTVo iii cnxo Ihln i« m .t rnugh stio««' fo r Iho “ g a n g .”

“ T irUlfDEE MbUNTAHi’'M adge Hollnmy lind l«r*Ho Fon ton ill apfioar iu tho li-.n.ding role* of tb r (icliirii.ia. o f “ T hundor Monnlain,-” tho (iridioum thoa tro fo r today,

iu th is fa*c inating nior.v o f tho ndo fulk* w hn Hvo high np In tho 110 JCidgo tn i'untnin*. .Miirti Ilollaniy ■rtrays a U ttlc o roun g irl who ‘rnnn ..iy 'frorit h rr i-Unyr and ta k r* rof- o ' am ong th r m ounla inrern , w hllr '• li* Fi-iilon is noon ns tho Wornt V nn T hu .i.lo r M onulnin who la tor 'vrlupn in to an id o a lis tir lad , nmbi- Jiin Id ralno hi.s p--oplc from p o v rrty • d Ignorance to p ro sp rrlty and

[S T P ^Y L T H I[y F e e s f o r1 o f M a y-dov.-n teeth ......$1.00 *51.00ling ............... 2.505.00 A5.00 X 5.U05.00 ,V- a.'! ...,.... ....._.15.00 5Lion for an e.>camrnationr n AT THESE ra ic E S ._______________________________ K

r - ^

O e n t i s t iOpposite Perrine Hotel


Jerome R o t^an s ~y Plan Boys’ Week

JT :R 0M B , A pril 2 0 ,r - ' 'M ovom m t 1 w L oing nponxurril . l iy th e U otnry rbili L lo r obsrrvnneo o f M a y 'l— which ha» r( hoon so t iisido tta B oy ii' W .ok; a wook of on to rta liim o n t f o r tho bnv/,A program fo r ovory Ony han horn O busilv woricod o u t bv Hip oriininI((i'i-,i. K

I t . 'K . H hophrrd hnn rc tu riio ,| fr»m a V liuninoHn t r ip In W niihlngtoii. Ifo w ai H. iccom paniod by It. t-« Thom an, Atato Ii .jnino w ardon ; Jo h n T hoinaa of (loo.l. ing. and W . 0 . Svvondscn, r ta to rccbi- m ation ouminliviinnor.

M r. a n d ' M m .' P a n P P y nro the V riaroiit* o f u son , born ' n l thoir homo H JU 9 iinday , A pril 2-‘ . !•'

A t n roeont moL'tiuK •'i '’ Jerom e H [Jod nnd ■■(iun eh ili n . r i f i o olub wo* ^ irgan/roff wiJJi o f llic M- k sow ing of.ffcorn: l ‘ro*ldont, K. K, I.:., r u rn e r ; vico p rc* ld rn t, R I). Staii- . , on ; *ocrotnry-, L . 1\ n u r d id t j ir i'a i- " !" tror, « . M. Houl; exccutlv .. o fficrr. I ” VI. A . Jlishnp, S ig n n tu r rs o f " 'i'm i'in- lor* wero rreo ivod mid fu rtho r ar- •niigeniout* to bo w nrkcil on a t oiico. ' , ‘j ■ n ir n n Robuv, y n iingest son of Mr. ' m d M p . W iiliam H o b ry o f .Irrnine,* rocovorlng n t lil* homo from n lovrro onso o f puounionin.

K. L. }tff-A 3 r / t tlio Jn«f nf thn veok fo r W u-ihinRton w lirro ho w ill **■’ JO ongngod tlio -noS t s ix n ioaths ou n K”'' •ond b u ild ing m n lr a c t . Mr*. Itood ^ m d ch ild ren w ill rom nin in Jrrnjno.

I .o ls I 'o r ry o f W f»i o f Joromo Is -ol'* ilowly rocovorlng n t h e r homo from y phoid fovor.

•Mrs . O ran ChrlNtinnson Is Iho hnuio .'iiOKt of M r. C h rln lln n sn n ’s m olhor In lornmo, from hor homo In I’ocalolln. A r

(U lfford .ICmcriek hns roturiii'd to lis hniuo ran t n f >Teromo n f ir r s|>on'l-. i ng thl- w oek r n d w ith rolativos In t i , ' Pwln Fnlln. <

M r. nnd Mr*. IV r ry Hoborln aro thn inront* o f « d a u g h te r , h t r r n 's t lJu'ir inn.o on A pril 17.

.Mr*. J . .7. J tieh n rd le f t tho f irs t o f J.„‘ ho week fo r M N sonrI w hero sho wiil „p), indorgo m edical trea im e iit* . ]

M m . IV rey Fow or* la shiwly ro- 'o w r ln g n t her hom o w c» t o f Joromo frli ’rorn puoum onia. }

O uy J itn n to n , w iio w na .takou w eri-tw r

^ ^ 9 ' I ^^00 ■f>ak*<»rC«or<o>« *Uitlonefik»U« d»r< liu t ItiJ t (yDif ef tMa prvni

If fpu »»nf ch« nadi>nul

iMk for tilt Cold S

D o i. Y o u s

G o ld S a t h a t c a r

. B a c k . ” - c o v e r i n g

B c s u r u g . y o u ^ c s t f lo e

, t h e s e b c

C o n g o. c o v e r i n g

^ H o u s e ' s u r f a c c t

b e a u t i :

f l o r a l c f f


M a i l t h i s c o u [

c o p y o f f r e e , i i

i n g c o l o r b o o l

WIN FALLS';'.roAiro, THH U R S D A Y , A P R I i ; 2 9 . 1 9 S

JACKSON LAKE RESERVdiRnirR L F -V , A p ril 2h.T-<Bnreou ot.

. n itrlaiiiiitlon}— Kup.ort fro m M oran, Wyoming,' » t th e o u t le t .o f J n rk so n Lako roBofvolr show s th e folloW Ini Y ''" ' rvnd itious: 'V'V,

Jackson L ak e S tordgoA rro -F c cl.'

On A pril 2-1 ........... ................... HiK.ilno itnfo. voa r ago . ......Wook ondlng A p ril '.Il 2ft,Kill tw oHamo v.Tok, yonr ngo _____ 2I.7tli' T w itIn flow , Sopt. 1 to A pril 24 23.1,210 ,-^li.'^aiiio p rriod .^vear ngo ------ 2<n,S20

P rc c lp ilaU o a a t M oranl o . i . . . , i'» “;>

W ork rn d ln g A pril 24 ............. O.Hl i*.'Hanio' wook, vour ngo ............. 0.7;* 'F rom .‘Icpt. l ' to A pril 2-*........ 11.71Hamo period, yon r ago _____: I.H.IS *"

II, ----------- Hiisly 111 abou t tw o 'w re k s a g o , and l lu rho h.a* sinco b e rn n p n tlo n t In tho w ortl Vrndi ll hoH||ilnl,- in slow ly ro ro v rr ln g a a a \ t hint Tr].urt*.M rn. Klm er K m lth, whrt lia H .sp en t ft

ung thy vaeiilioM u t tho houio o f hor in rcnta, M r. nnd M rs. W . S . l#cw ls o f ou th of .Torouio, lo f t fo r Iior hom e In 'aoiim a, W nnhlngtun, th c f i r s t o f . t h e

JT lio C atholic W om en V le ag u e n ir t , n T huraday w ith M rs. E d T u m o r. .V | ;oiid n tloudan ro w a* jiroscn t. I

A t tho iu ro tlng o f tho H otar.v elub 1 II T uo iday ev riiln g , la d ie « ’ n lg b t w as ' ibnrrvrd . A largo rrow d w ns pro srn i0 oiijoy (ho soeial a f t e r tho (iimlncnn iiortiiig’.

\RBOR DAY AT AMSTERDAM .AMfiTKUn.Mf, A p ril 2!>.~ .

lolon Finhor, to a rh o r o f tho h}ghor I :railo*, olinorvod A rbo r d a y lant F rid o y •y p la u lln g II fow tr i ’r.% iu th o fiV ^o'UL m d in Iho a fte rn o o n by taliTi'i^-'hnr uipil* to U ollla tor lo p a rtio lpato in Ihn iiiutont* p u t on b y pupils from sov rrn i ichoola.

H ort W nlco tt wn* Imre from .Terome IU T nosdny ou bu*lue*« nnd v W tio g 'rlrnds.

Mrx. Kmma K uhn* e n to rla in e d n t w rlv f o c lo e k d in n e r T uesdnv fo r Mr.

N 1 I^ O jR e w s r d r 1

aa mrtrr ptittrm. ^M l<iaiiM »r«»<lUb<l- \ %r CTprucoiJiioa » («»r « lm \

li> .% .*a ip ir« ioo r> r» (- \ ^1 fa ihn CMTklloa ot sarn** '

h« ctoatn> >.l for Ic by tb* 'nmrkniBM*'Ci,n(»I»ia>''nn4ISttloB Ih« ttoJi rou bur.

b e m i s l e d ! !s p e n d y o u r m o n e y w i s e l y w h e n y o

A ^ t - R u c s . F o r t h o s e r u g s a r c i r r y t h e m a k e r ’s g u a r a n t e e o f “ S a t ’• A n d t h e l a r g e s t m a n u f a c t u r e ! I g s i n t h c w o r l d s t a n d s b a c k o f

j u r e t h e G o l d S e a l g u a r a n t e e i s p lU b u y . O n l y t h e n c a n y o u b e a s 5 o o r - c o v c r i n g v a l u e i n A m c r i c a . L b e a u t i f u l r u g s . S i z e s f r o m h a n d y m

; o I e u i H R u g S — a r e a n i m p r o v e < i g w i th * a s m o o t h , s e a m l e s s s u r f a e c ' a n d i t s r e s i s t a n c e t o W e a r . U n l i k i : f l o o r - c o v e r i n g t h e y a r c a b s o l u t c l j

e w o r k M a d e E a s i e r — C o n g o l c : t h a t i s k e p t s a n i t a r y a n d s p o t l e s s t a n d g e r m s t o l o d g e . A l i g h t i t F u r t h e r m o r e , t h e y l i e p e r f e c t l y f la i

t i f u l P a t t e r n s a t b o w P r i c e fI t a n y r o o m i n t h c h o u s e , f r o m O r i f f c c t s t o n e a t t i J e d e s i g n s — a l l ccc

C c n g o l e u m ' N a h i n

PhiluJtlphii N’rw V ork Rotton Chicaco K Minnespolii D iH ii I 'ittsburch N tw O

o u n t o i n W h o l e s a l e D i s t r i b u t o r s — S t r e i S a l tL o J ^ C l ly , U (oh

(C om plete Stock* C a rrie d for Im m ed

j p o n f o r

. » * ta

tul Mrs. C. ,T,; Knuke), M ast«r An* III Al lioiiy llnrdomn, Mrs. Nina Dcntiuan, lm. O m iL PetrrH ami Mnu .Wminrii '.Wj lorcste.m. • - . **‘ Miss M yrl. Rhliiner o f Amsterdnm •IKl Mr. ^<oy c . Jlollow ny o f lO iu ll . Sa roro mnrrloil in Tw in Foils, B atu rdny , "o- c .p rii 'H. T hey w ent t.o n o is e fo r a ho rt honoyuuiQn, n f lo r w h irb th r y Tw in rill bo a t th o lr ran rh n o a r K nn ll. n«oi

H aro ld 7*. C lnm pitt, who h a s liorn •nrUUig tor K»| I'antoor Jor t}n> i«*{ r***!*!! n o y .a rn , movod w ith h is fnm ily to w in F a lls ou W rdnondny, til ls weok..Mr*. W illiam H o trsloyn n n d Miss

[oriirlia u f T w in Fall*,- a re iipen'dlng imo tlm i; via lting n l th o O e rr it I ’e te rs omo. * K-'*’’'!'

i l l s* Hoien R. .F isher vU U od over Iio week-end w ith her m o th e r in Tw in a lls . H rr niothor, w ho h a * 'b e r n ill, '"1^ ’ I m urh im proved. •

Heavy Lota by Com Rast i'lR u n on corn dcUroycd W.000,000 orth of that srain la Uils countrr lo la vftor.

( 3 n o g iGC

y i KLarpc.st nnd most complete stock

iri Southern I t

" “ s w e e t s P U R N m. “Tho CToldj. Seal

. Twin Falls, Ii

f e !G U A RA N TEE

S A T I S F A C T I O N G I T A S A ^

k O R Y D U R K O N E Y B /



■ * *

y o u i n v e s t I t i n C o n g o l c u m i^re t h c o n l y f l o o r - c o v c r i n g s j a t i s f a c t i o n o r Y o u r M o n e y : r e r o f l a b o r - s a v i n g f l o o r - o f t h i s p l e d g e .

p a s t e d o n t h c f a c e o f t h e a s s u r e d ^ g e t t i n g t h c b i g -

L c t y ( ^ u r ( d e a l e r s l i o w y o u ' m a t s t o 9 h y 1 5 f o o t m g s .

,^ ed f o r m o f s a n i t a r y f l o o r - , l e c r e m a r k a b l e b o t h f o r i t s l i k e o t h e r f o r m s o f s m o o t h - c l y w a t e r p r o o f .

a l c u m R u g s - l i a v e a s m o o t h ;s s w i t h n o c f T o r t . N o p l a c c

m o p p i n g a n d t h e y ’r e l i k e f l a t w i t h o u t a n y f a s t e n i n g .

: e s — T h e r e ’s a C o n g o l c u m O r i e n t a l m o t i f s a n d d a i n t y c c o n o m i c a D y n r i c c d .

N i N a - .3 K a n ta iG ty A ib n ta vO rlca n i (-IcvdanJ

irevelZ Paterson H a r d w a r e Co. shnediate Sh ipm en t) • •

goleumG O L D S E A L

^ rt-Ru g s

926 ________ATIONAL HOSPITAL DAY-- WILL BE OBSERVED-HERE.SnUonnl hospital day, .Ifny 12 ,-w lir 1 I- observed liorn this .yenr by tho '" '. Istrlrt Nurse*’- niiiKi'slnUoii a n d . t>iu'! •' *lii Fnlls •rounfy* geaftrnl lioipltal.,^: eonling to ' ounnuncxment' m ado luraday. by*-Mrs. Siisnn M.' Krllnr,- •

Tlie nuoriatlon will ra-operate with!;<'' 'inliers of thn nirdical',fraternity nnd' her hoapitnl* la nn effort to . 3ko Mny 12 n day of education ■rding liosjiilnl work nnd nwds. 8tii> nt bodies of tho rity vrill be u d ->, oMcd by spoeial sponkors, ar.cord*’ i; ti> pKsont urrangements.

T h e V n iv e r s a l P r o v id e r Tbo o>’l> really neodi toIOW n llttio nbout ovcrythlns lyer for u drug Btora—DBlutli Her- .d, ' ‘ •t • ,


lt-R u g s:k of Gold Scnl Congoleum Idaho.

rURE STOREal Storo”Idftho.



Page 4: T W IT A L L S V .W E2 E K L ^ niEWS - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...T W IT TWENTY^OOin) TBAB iiuizE sms i ONTiKFAl IN pilA ^ Lightning Striks Huge Oil

. . T W i N F ; y - i f „ M ^ N i w■ X^la Valla Nowa PnMUhlng Comranj

.'V- ' lita., .PublUhew .

-lisa c il OB T h u rtd ay o f E v e r y ."froc

^ - C h t« r« d 'n i 's e c o n d .c lu i m a tte r <]<. eem lw r M , l0O<,. a t th o P tt«lo«iei» a

. - Twin fo ils, laaho, un<lor th e A ct o, , C o ^ r e w b f Mar«U 3, J870.

■' ' s o r r ' - ’ oB racE K A iJi, v p nru IJktJy to liiiBKliio ou r itrm -ii

RouernHf.u nf e rln t ln a b u d iit ln r ti; AtnorirAit fy|W. A s n iiia ttn r o f fjicl th li new ty jie i» iD tcrim tlunal.

TIjo goTcTOOf o f D arlm o o r prlnoii, i fam oua l!n’g llsli liouioi

.' ' tlc ip e ra te crlinlualif f o r m a u y (tcncrii tioB i, «otup1a lu 9 tlm t llio m odern ‘Mm< m o n '. '- is no t tlie luinl-bollcd lyi>i' i>:

. . tim ea paat, wlicu uic ir -w iT otaueU aud .couW or la k o a Wii>r

/ T hU m oaern erlu ilnn l, lio is <ni“ afte rn o o n ton uml pow iicr ju if f ’ '

,va,rlcey, w lo auffera. from nen-fii nii.l Is iDcllncd to i r y nbo u t it . .

“ H c - l* b e t te r oJucntm l lliun Uh prcileceiijoni,’ ' »ny« tlie governo r, " l i t i t Iio i f s o f te r n u d w ore a p t to wliliio o v e r t r l f l c i . "

D o ea n 't t h i l cli-ncribo o u r Aiiirrli:an Kuuiacnf W eukliiiK" ouil'»icurii»tlii'iilc!i, >vlio roll lintJ Uiil in inoi.inif* uf

.f. ‘ 'd u t r l i cotiraKo” iii»|ilrc<l byruin mill KUOH. I f ’ (lie iIojK', lIio rui.i dn'<l tb u ■'<>iil<l be tiilicii nw.’iyrrotM tlicm , they w o n b ln 'l buvu too ja-rv,. fo r tlic lr bnHiil rrini.-i.

n i s TW O A M EK IO A SSonin A m erienn ncnvnimiicr ciiilnrs

auy tlipy nro n ? t im e rc n tc l In LiiHn- A m erica, Tlio L n tin A niorlcan tMilt-im apim roiitty nro iii te ro ilea lu u*.

' , A b o u t 100 o f tiu-in havo Jiu l, bw :....... vl«ltliitc th la c o iiiit ry .' a tmlyJiijr i» 'l

on ly our jo u rn allitn bu t o u r buoliico, e Jae atiu ii, tw illlc i, s u r ln l ' iiru iiurl (itlm r in a ttc ri . T lic ir rni.lc-rs n t Iicuk- H iii iloubllea!! tuku an io tc re iit in ll.o r c iu l ta o f. th u lr v iil t.. l l j n “ A inerlc tu t” flftUuiJu townr.l L.'itin-Atii(*rlrn in tim jm s t ' liiin been p n - tty m urb eonfliicd lo fa it li In III.- Munrou Iloe trim ', w lild i i.i MUiii»'»r<] la BoPio w yjffrrjpo* w «y to /irnlcct , C e n tra l nn.i Boulli A tnc rlju from on. , p loltaU ou, liolil them luyul tu U ndo t fctaai’a lcadiintb{|r am i insuro llio pro«- J rcsa 9 D d]pio»ii«rlty o f tlio bcinl«|)1ior.-.

‘-A . U ttif obw rv a tio n .lugKcata tim t IUU ii I l n o t eaoogb.;B D t la e n - Intere iL i olo'no soom to j;

com pel knowleOgo of, und e loio a m - ' .e la t io n wUti, o u r RUter.roiJi'ibllra. Oiir

ffrreli;n tm d o vrltli L n tln -A m erlca now \uiiiounla ta t 2,0l)0,fl&u,u(iu a year.

I n . Iltu ratiiro uud u i l iind Bciciic.-, th r ro la mueb to c* rban{in ;;',;;

Our'jM-ojiIo uro truvelliiK aoutlnvat-l ■ Jn ^ 'ron lup nuiiiliir*; Jikcw iio our

I.4ttlu L rclhrcn aru romln<( norlhw iir.l. t){wul>h ia .tu d ie d , U'ml tmd Hjiukru in tlila coun try to a »nri.ri"lng oxlonl, r ju a t a s K n g M r ia maliiiiK bca.lniiy bel.itv thn Iiio (Irnn.li-.• I n sp ito o f m iauuiloratanilinj; nii.t

ajuittiy , tho t n o ’ A n ic rira t a ru cru^viiif;TiiUM th<i Am-rlr:iii I iu rh -a

wlilcn*. E v e r / bitclliKcut nti.l fc.r.'- niRhlrtt A n ic rlrau iilmulil ri:ii’j;iii/.'' j, th a t fa c t, iiuil bv th itiik fu l fu r il.

T y c t t i i i i 1HSECBETfiBf ! DPFSirSillli

______ • I

F ile r Higli School A g ricu ltu ra l I n s tru c to r S u cce ed s J . M. _ Marl<el in C tiargc o f C o u n ty 's ' A nnual E xh ib ition .

,\t. T.I, k. r. K ilrr rurnl M,::. ’[......... 1 ■ .i;ri .„ lli.r„ l i.i.l r i ic l i.r . - i . if li 'it.- .l W ill...... . ..M ..;.i(: l.v !li.. IT « iii T a l l, ...Miiilv fiiir U 'iir.l nl -i

.iiri.liiin il. I 'l l r r . t.. iu- ...M .- la ry c f th r in i .r ilv .. - f

• tl..' ro ...,!v f.iir .-It r i lo r , - .a r . v.Jil.,: ,JA ii.r . M. Afark.'I, u lin t.a» .-..l-. -.l ‘ li|.oi. r ii.i-h .ya.n il ii» ' ,.-.rr1;>i,v :ni,linaMuii.T .)f Ihc A da ...i in lv fa ir . T u- •

•li.a r .I r , .n . i . I r .H MX u j.j.l ira t.oh .. f '.r 'II..- p .o itio ,.. nSd .n f t.r rernf.iiMi: l i t ”

cn^r<-m-.l fo r »oii><< (ii.H- IMI).th e «.'r>r ► -ff.tnrv. *

.Mr. T u rV rf vx'l-ccU I : c . i ir r j'. l u l i r , <-f 1,U U. fT i- .,H u ,n a . m,„.i 'hc ra n - ,r.u r . hl<i rcl.-:.-. - fr,-n. I'l,- ‘

' I 'i lc r ir>sli <.rh...-t fan iU v . , \ i ■-■.i.- 'J, t a ry ..f th e hc.ir.l lu- u i l l ns ^

m.-.mi(;cf In ft'’U'n»l •■harac c f u ri.iiv : ' 'jncnt« f .^ f T « in I'alU rr.iin iy -'. d , ^ .-nh »a n n u a l fa ir th a t i* to hi- h rh l c:ii1v Fn p jt tjc|,!<.n.r-.>r. ^

J l r . T iirk c r . k "iKjth in f a r m ir a nml f;;L' «o.-k. I!.. •;

, f o a in tlic ll.i!-... fViillf;/ ond i» a p ra ilu a tr . .f th,- I 'l.i rv<-r»ity (.f.M itbO colloi:'- r f aBfirnt::!.-.-, I

■■ iw fviiiz hU .r,-..nd >.':ir as ^k- •r ie o l tu ra l In ttro rto i* a t K ilrr. - l l '. t l . iin Jii< toIlra«« w ork and aa an iii.lrar--- 1. »i.r M r. T arW rr tu i ccr,.- in rl,...- c o n U r t H lih >.|!Tiraltural f a ir s (hrv.;i;\- e u i I t e N crth tr.-^h

.-.-ri;- f/^ch ^ CptonUs ! I a l& t i th e m tra le a o f U u a c t i a . ]

M tta B « r , in y m M tK C o a n ^ e f l t no.] , JC tir Q«T«A « tm loa. r a llM Th* ,

S B E iiD IP K “ PUlNTOiTER li’ ELElEDIIflEJZ “y P ro p o se s C a rry in g A m ericarf«rt, F a lls W a te r T h ro u g h Owr

D itchcs an d l is e o f CanalUllO.l P o w e r P o ss ib ili tie s .Kjrn- . ■ .

O njy powi-r p<.K*lblIHl.-,i In T'.kln '.o ^ rn lU cniial ayat.'n i wuiit.j l.c • utlll/.*-d all>' 111 ra rrv ln i; iiilu .-x .T nticu moi|ifi--.|

A nuT icin I’nlia ftato r ti> ni>i>ru*lninli-lv .10,000 ncr.-a o f nn- recbilmc'd hin.l in T w in l-'iill. ci.uiity

fC” w h id i w..a cxplninc.l i-y K. V. I1.t;f, an.l Tw in Kiitla c iv il nn.l irr iu a ti .in euKl.i-

e.-r, .H II d in n e r in c ft li.u nf. Tw in , , y iilh (rhanil.iT ..r Cnn.iiK'fi-c iiiotiih.-rs

un.l KUc.Li T n c .l . iy cvm ii.K . .Mr. ll .r , ; hn t Bii*'K'-'''tr.l l l ia t an nnnual ren ta l ri.li;'it line bo o ffe red tn - th p - T w i n l-'iilU n iiia l

com piiuy‘f.ir uac *.f Ua p.iw cr aif.->i.Thu .iriKliMl p la.i r .'c e iilly n.lvan.-.nt

by M r. JlcfK. w hich wna d .-fln itcjy ilc;., Jed .-.t l.y T w in Kalla f im a l cntni'a iiy

iHr/'ft.Jft'. iiwtnj>/'liilril cljhirrcmi.-iil- :'f Twill r n /! , cana f «y,.(cm t„ rurry

'I " ' AiiuTl.-«i. Kalli. w a te r . t . . lho hin>ln la UIU he rcrl;ii,M.'.I..a y ........................... ... |.hiii A ...... Tatl..

wriliT f.ir thu iii.rc. lalini'.l lainl-i >v<.,ihl, bc ciirrio.l tlin .i.ah a r an n l I ', h.- hiiiU ahovi- nn.l nnrnllcl to th.< 'I'w iii Kall« iM.iili I.II.I hlt;h line caiiala. W u' - t .Irlvcii'tiirblu.-x .llf.-. lly ci.iiiioi-(V,l with i-ciilrlfiiKal |.unipii wouhl ho innlai:.-il

/ a t tlic divis ion ..f I I . l i i K l , und h.w Hlio cnnals tn li f t w ater to hinda in

'>ra Hio .M urtnugh nnd .Milncr L aw i.if t Irrlun llon d io tridN . und in Ihc hi;;h line .c/lJiul Jienr T w in Kj,ll« I,, lift w ali-r to till- Halmon Itiv c r t.rn jc c t .md tlic Clnvcr i.ro jv d .

**• ©liclalmn Crodit.M r . ll.T(. .Ii»daliai-.l .T .'.lit far

i.ri^ liintii.j; tho n -d iin .a ii.n i j.hin: ho w hich, In- x.'ild, wnn w ..rkc .| ou t nl>.>ut

"(» ycnra a«.. l.v |{. W. i-|iri«. c n u ln - 'r . far tlic T.^in >',.IU i.a n d nn .l \V.it,-r

('.>iii|.aa.>- w hi.'h . n t th a t tin ii'. lunt >'n iin.h-r r . ’iiHl.h'ralinii Ih.- ic d a n in l io n i<f I,. Ihc llai.--cn Ilu tl.- rcsh .n wlii.-h in.w

Im iii.-Iii.h-d In Ihc M lirlaiiKh d ia lr i . t . .Mr. IlcrK wa-< a-.hnd.-it.-d w llh Mr. n ir ;» In Uw hiv,-Hlli;i>twi,nl xv<nl U,

V- ........ w ith th |n |.ri..i.-.'l a t tha lk. tiuic. • 'I'ln. j.n .j.'i t %Ca« iihaud.-n.Ht by , , Ihl. land na .l - w nler .•(.ini.jiny, .Mr.‘ Iturrf a tn teij. hpt-aiiK.' I...... he-

vam lutf nri|ii:ilut.-d w ith Iho c .m i.n iiy ’* « a i.lau-.’ tiiu.lc oxlenalvi. fill,.^.* „Ji th e Ii

iiu tte ao tlm t ita r .rdnm utlou u i n v . Cnrcy n d p ro jcc t n n s rende red uu- a. “ p ro fitab le . • ♦

CROPS i i E : fiJPIIWIiCE;: W e a th e r C o n d itio n s o f W e ek «

F av o rab le to r F a rm W ofi<; “ .■ Cool W e a th e r N o t D am a g in g .

Th.' w .a lh e r n t th.- « n -k .•ii.Uni;" Ja.,l T n .- .li.v wa-. in tho m ain favnr-

i.hh- fn r farm w ork in H.,nlhu.-M .'rn tl l.lal,n I.I..1 r r . . | . « r,.w lh w a- ..nty oi

. i.lichllv rcl.ir.lcd bv cnol \k c a th .r o f <'l laxt I 'r id av an .l S a fnr.h iv wlu-n frn-.I, I! W.TO ci'M.Tal and fr.•r^i.l^; 0 |liit.'n ^M.,c i.-i.,.rlcd in c x i,....-l <•;h .nilili.-^, in-.<.r,linK to n w.'.'liU- ^.iin.- l> n.ary ..f w,-.,tlu r nnd c ro |. . .•..a'.lilinn- ia Idnhn l^ .i . 'd hv th c V nit.'.l a t i i l .s Wi-.ith.-r l>nr.'ai> ia H.m-..-. '<

I’run.-a In M.n..- y ..u .,c o id .a r .U - t " Ih r I'nnn.-i and K m illand d i s i , i , i , " »nff.T r,l a I lu t,- rrc -t .l.nnii;,-. I,..I Un-hnlk nf tl .r .n in a i.T .ia l r m ,........ .:,p„ lnahann .-.l. K atlv K.'cd.'.l ; ; r . ia i,. ,h,. “ iuK l,h .-lv . .Mnrh e r a 1, :„ h .e n " Idan t.'d aad t h r la r ly l-lant.-.t i . r.-m- , Inc .i|.^ to «lai,d^-. P.iNluc-. a re

ll w .'ll. . \ l f a tfa ' ii . inaUii';;'

I ^ T ^ o n 1l,.a^ t Idal... « a r„ , :u.-l 'r...d a lK hl, rrcxailr-d dar...-- n.-vl

l-ai-.-.l W ilhnut rain . I.IkI.I In h.-..vv frc .t- . ...r iir rr il h iil th cv .lid m. .l.'n - a t.-. W in t.r w h.'a t 1-. moHil,- iu t - ' l

, ,M„.1iti..u , a llh .,ai;h r...an --« ,„ l,.r toll.i.',- , •' 1, r . ', . . ,M ,d J a th r in .r thc rn .•-.i.i.lhv I " yy tw s " I n a l , o a t . , and t-..ri.-v a rc h .- •' i n ; n ’l:uil.-.l. K.irlv a.'.-.lr.l t r a i n ‘«•' con.u.« u,. «W L...M .'ct ............. . I.-h; r c r n rnn .i'l. l . ' . r ' i n ...m o i . . - . : . n I 'f fh .illr .t n c 'd It .-...ai.,;: ni-. Al- -

t« lfa M la ak in i ; - ..c .l pr-uvl!,. K..fly , ; lv .t.i l„c , a rc ro .ai,,;: I.:.!,' ,'* j.u tal.n-i n tc lu-...^- Idanti-.l. Tl..- r '■ ranco i , c i r c lh n t .m .l livc^l.'cU a r r , "■ .h .;..- w d t. , i,

Tho V i'.i lh cr ill 1.0 , 11, M:.Uo wa« ua '* ..-tiled and «var-.n .I .n .a ;: th,- <',r-.t ha lf

Pf the «-<-»k. 1-at d iir in - th e l a t i r r l.-.I ' r ' !t wnn fa ir u i.J c i . t . . I ,i2h t to,-i.l „* fi<^.t, o r ru rred on K rldav and .‘ atiir- |

.lav m.irritiu-. l.u l n.. d.tn.n:;.- r.-M.ll.;,h i,, Farm w nlk I’ I 'm k 'tr-’ ini: - ..lU fa d - 'r- i, iiv , U iu ; : Mimowhal adva,„-(-d f,.r lho r. s r .I.o n . .« l,rl..c |.r.d i.iK i« a |.,...t r.n.i- ,■,. p in e d an.l aoil i« now t-rln c v 'c r a f - . l n ■ fnr l«-an r io ix ln c f.-r .n a - ,, m rr fallnu- i , i.n .lr r n a v . O rrh a rd i-N ! i.r., a r i - l r i r x «!'.• r.ily* » ,.rav . T i.r

fn i i t «ulJnok r « n f i« u r . fo -.d . hu t ch.-r-i ri.r. a re fn llin ;; n.^.ro lh a a i;-,;nt. n. I '.i> t i .m a rc in fii,o rn n .lill .o i' n t. l n

«torV a rc th rh i j i i ; . ti.^rdcnn <itc rf.ni- ^ia - cn «cH. h a t I tiry |„- - r r : , l . ,

... ly io i 'r n w d by a ar.aVin|; ra in . ^

‘ F u « i - S o u f l * c S c h trm e J!A cetJtnrT tiSo th^ ' UrUUli pnfU*- ,

m ent aancilnnetl th e c o aM ro rtl« n of f. th e i l r B t la n r t :ro n w n T . tn S r o t l a t i i ^

* It* jn o llre tX'"'-'** Q m hrellaa w er* h n ir .rd e a te h Vt nad » I b r t re ln a alf-ns. T h r w ind w u


l E i l i l i l ' .EBTERS FIEU

■ I I P ro d u ce B uyers’ P re s iite n t An.nounccs P u rc h a se of F u lto t

can IVIarket to E x ten d O pera tions. Iwn — —n a l Th.t M eridian I 'ro d u ee e.unj.aiiy «.f

M crhlluu, Mutio, haa pn rchn .cd tho KuIIob M arke t I n -T w in I ’a lla w ith •view I., cxp;iii«lon «.f lla oj.orulIoiiH In l'rov[d ln« J.Iaho p o u itry .iin d forC nlifornin i.ia rk o i. In tho T w in .Knjla ficht, It waa nnnouiired here Tueadny

fl-d I’X Itoh .'r l )I. I'foHt, I’r.'a idciit of Ihe ..to , conipuny. i rn d rr tlio Ueiu s ta te hraiid.

tfie conipiinv hns .leyc/oped n cou- -Ity (hleruhiu tu.-)t-ket in O ilifo ru iii for ,-f.{ Idiiho i.fo,lur(', . 't r . I’foat a tn te .l , nml .ill! T w in K/ilI"’ ..liii.plnK ndvantriKca r c vvln nultlnt; froni couiplctio.i of th o T w in ,.-r, r n lla W .'lIi r;iilrond fl«ure.l p roniluonl- IT / Iy in tho r..r„|.nM v’ii .k 'ri"ion to c i te r -•■it Ibe looni fi,'t.l uti a more .-xt.'iialvo iiat a rnle. Thc .oinj>;.nv haa eiiKajro.l in

b livlni; I'Oultrv mnl c;;i;-t In thin .Uh- ,',.d ( rh : t fur tiboiu th r n . yenra, M r. I’f..»t ro- a ta te d , und lla innnn;;rn,('i,t hna hnd

,iiv itn eve ..n T w in Valla fo r m ore than :>f 10 vc jra .

fO- ro aa e« ll.ii o f ,th .' i'u lto i. i ln r ltc t ts to liaxfl to tin- M i'rhlian c i.ni|.any oti Mov 1. nn.l I.. C. W ildnii.n w ill lou ic from J le r id ia u to tako charge.

iDEHlilSS TO iPUT mo PLUIT “IW T i l FULLSI'l P uccinelll C om pany of C ali- •; fo rn ia S e n d s O fficial l^cro ;• to A rra n g e f o r Apple T o n n ag e

fo r $ 2 0 ,0 0 0 E s ta b lish m e n t. -/ . ______

The I’u rc inc lli I».-hvdrntcr rn inpnny ' ,1 o f I.oa UntoK, Uullfortil.-i, will c a tn h ll 'h !e In T w iu Fulln w itliiu t l ........ . few ■tl woeka n d e liy d ra tln t; p lan t repre- '

s e a tin g au .iu v e a tu ie u t o f u t leaat $i;0,00li, p rov ided nsaurnnee o f a sup- ' p ly o f n m lulm um «.f 4Ii«0 ton* o f up- ' pl.-o fo r .le liy d rn tin g ia givon in th la . l ia tr le t, iirco r.ling t» A. M. ( l .-h .lt , ' a o rro tn ry o f th o K u .'d u .d li v<->ii|.a.iy. wh.i wna hern T ucs .b .y iu \c a t li:u t iu g Ihe u ltiiu tlnu . ‘

■ rm ifb lc n ro tlm t u inud i Kt’ca to r ' . |n a n l i lv i.f ni.plcH wonl.l ho nvn ih ih ic 'wa-. t!Xi,ri''«o.l Tii.'"<lav l.v K. V. I ( ilpann .li..lri<'l ],..rti< 'ultnral iuM 'cctnr,

■ an .l -Mr. l i . 'h d l .. l i . t c l T ur».lnv n ftor- ' noou th a l ho ha,I ro .o iv i'.l aH-.,iralir.'s > th n l 7.10 to n . o f prUn.-a w..'.ild he ^

C iiva ilnh ic 111 tl.iH < |i:.lrid f„ r .l.'l,v .lr.,l- I in g be fo re h ,-«inning n f thn m>i,h-

• aoo«,ni. h ’ i ’oiir .liff-y ,',il fa. t.TV ail.-, in T w in I

KnIU oro nii.t.-r’.lon,! to havo l- '.',i '• i.f fc r . 'd fo r .c n d .lc ra l in n b v . ih o I’.n '

c lae lli eam p.tuy. , ^P lan a f o r T w in F.alia |

! T h .' rom ),.,l.y ha-, u inler .-o n '.id 'ri - t I tio u tho .Nlnt.li,..hin.-.,t io T ivlu K..l!«• l.r u pl.-iat w ilh a rap.-.rifv " I :i'» t . 'n . ‘• o f Krecii u p p lr , -..vory 1- hou r-, Mr., l irh c ll Hlal.'il. T hc p lan t u ..n l.l l>,- . o pe ra ted frc tii tl.T.-o t .. fon r iinn.ll.-,I ea.'h v.-ar an .l ,-ni|dnvnic i.l w o„h! 1.,-;. i.r..xi.lo.l fo r i;il Mon.cti nad H n,ou., •Th.' .on ij.any i.i ].rc |,ari',l t,. i>ay , ^7 a ton f ..r ap]de». whi.-h, Mr. lloh>'ll

M at,-I. i'l tho prloe aicroo.l n i-,ii ro- ( ..-n ilv hv .'aiinvrr. o f W nahlii;:t.n, :ii„l . (lr,x-‘.,i. ■.In,I;;o .lohn K. O avi.-, i-cn,i.. inu- a rr iv a l ..f o th . r r.-l.r.'-..'iilnliv.-« ', ..f th,- ro t,.i,any . waa coinnii/-ai».n-.! 1.. '

a rrange for .l. 'tH o rv o f apple.t lo Iho

, i r „ , i ; , r ; , , .. in n .a i.n fa .tn ro o f <l.-hydralini; ^ 'l- I. ]>,.r,t.i-. I..n ' h a . r»:ahli-.h.',I a nninhcr (I . 'f .l.h v .lia li i .t j 1,U||,IK nil ita i-w-. j• a . . .m a t In i.-.en- v ra r t . Il w ill cn f , th i-1 y..;:f I lir .c ni'plo p la n i . 1 . ...a.I ta .',.n p le tit. 1‘ I'.'r ..i>,ii n f ll... l'i,-.-ii..'lli roinp-.iiv. fo .- .i l .r ll..' T n in I'aIN firl-1 i ' -,t I t.ih n l, '.) ,lin -rlty lo II,o r , 'ren l ^i^,l , o f tl,,' T « ln Kalli. c .u n ty cxeu'.i-.n-'i .. . . . . . . .. Ii: ARM Y -OF CA TER PILLA R S 1 ; INVADE CAPITAL CITY ’I .SA C liA M K .Sro, {--1.. Ajiril L'.l (/T’l I 1- - I t ,...- .. 'u - .v o , th e ’ cJ m c h . o .it. !V ,h ir U o f .s.-vrr^.i.i.et.i >. t nj. a Irl... 1'■ [ilioi.if; d :i,.,.,r fo r h , l |t a l tho a]..'• fN ,u .'h . v c . t 't . l : ,y .,f a n u v ..fr ..- .t.'r i.il la r , n i.! .„ .-„ tlv Iv a l on . a t .

in;: IV, wuie ».«afl, th r,-,.-f, tl,>- laun-, ■ and ;;a rd ,'t,. ..f c .lv . ,

f T ho ir p la a , -^r.io aaVwvrr.l l.v js-,t ! ' r ,.n lro | cspvrtn n f lh o . la tc ,lM...r:- .1 n .cn t o f a s ri .n iln r .- . wl,.. rt,.Jn la ,-,l 1 - II,o oa t,^].illar^ n n u l.l rc.lt IhriT.a.'U .-.!. i.l, in lo .ro r< i.in , in n .lav .,r Iw .' a.,'!•• lh a t i.i.-anwhilc t. la i j lu ro . .f T a r l.

c to rn a a .l f l.- ir .tn-Iod ..M-r l .n 'a . i c l ' ij l- lan f. d ,nuh l la k e .a rc o f 'Ih v

; B u t R o b e r t W i l t L e a r n 'J . l t t le lio b c r t, I 'se lliris ', a n d hi.-.

>. o o t l . f r w ere T la liln - tiU a u n t, ttl-i , 1 m ..tl .e r w aa th.> fo rtn n n te p.n-a/'a^or• of- nn u h n ndanee o f b a lr . t>ut th*■ a u n t .w a a tit.i a.» fo rtrjn n le . O oe eve-

Dici; n.>Sert w u s In b ta a tjn i’s rvoai . w hea »!jp toou b e r h a ir do w n (o r , rath«*r c ff j f.«- th e n ic h f. stv l ipx« tty j

• rx cU cJ b e ra n a r f l calleal; ••Oil. ina tna. i com* q n le t . A tc U e 'a b a tr L a t n il 1 brokcQ oir.“ 1

' r n b o t e i o W o m e n? A enod a o d m e v o m sn Is nnld to

" ■ S T B C T 'LOBEeiSnKDK... SOUJilEBii

B r u s h ' ^ r T n g G a n g P r e c e d e

i n s . G r a d e r s ' o n N e w R o u t i n g , fb Y e l l o w s t o n e - Y o s e m i t e R o a i

,i;5 ' t o S t a t e L in e .

, ll, W orii uu lho i.,a,l fou th o f Uogi-ra.i fo r >" Iho N uvnda o la le lino wlilvli ia ,

'n ils lu 'r t o f th,- Voilowai'ont^Yi.hctull ■dnv hlj;hw .iy, bna h.-.ti i.ln rtcd b y T»vi; ,liV Fulla hIghwBv .li- lr le t.

„ „ I . I 'o rtlo n a of iln ' ol.l rn.a.I hnv ., h .- i -ou- “ ualiril ;n-w roiiliiti: him hri-it„r dc to ru ilucd up.ni. A erew o f w „fkniei

mill ou t .a r lv hint we.-k t» d e nthi« b ru jli o ff th.'. 11,'w roadw nv, nm

„ i„ rend bu lb llng .r.-w.a w ill follow them : Im provem en t -,f ati.iui 13 rnllea o;

, ' . thiit n>a<] i'l .......,i..„ I t ia th c iinrnoto iv m iiko -tli.j run, '• eaa lly paM ihfo a! leaa t th la ».-u»oa , | ” d . I). Kiii.ima, . l i t l r i r t illrec iu r ul - ,„ t liiKhwaya ntule.I Sat.ir.lny evcninjf.1..1.1 O n Hond to H o t S p rinsij lian Tivo fiinr-hor..,. on lfila will l,„

on t .Mou.luv hv ih,- . l i , t r i c t , .Mr N; ;,«,).<• MoHl „r.-cH-

„„ -.ary ,-.'Palr» in ih .' roa.l cxteudiiiK frotn the H ohlicr r , . ,U K.'ho.d hoim-; nmitb-eas t u f l{.,(..,r..... , to .Mngic. hut"p rinc-, ;i r.-.-mt lh a t -wna for n lonj; till.., know n a-. S m ith 'n hoi a p ring ..

O .Vo w .,rh hiu. h,-,-ti .h.»c hy ihi- , | i , | r i r t ou Ihia ron.l f..r Ihr,',. venrn. The tr,ln l l.-iii;lli ..f thc ron.l ia. nni.m xi- n ia lo ly 17 inil,-.. lu tho tiiuin il

, trav c r-.'a n liv,M„.-l; tru ll.X • -'■'ineteen ra h in . an.l u uuiiiber of

balhhi)Uai-B .ha-.,- h .c u t.u llt u t th.- ro in rt nud ud.litional ju ip rn v itu rn t la

i" J:'.:;::;:!;: ;t.i'

5 Buhl Tourist Park Welcomes Guests

n u m . , . \ l i i i l TrmrlntM ure- 1,.' iiig ueroium („li.!ed now u l tb u loeal

‘ ^ i.,u r |» t I,ark , „i„-t.c,l th ia week lu charg,' o f I. 1-*. CouBlant, c a re lu k e r fn r acyerul

, Thi* dnte.i f ,.r tho m iian 'n -W hitrI. ......... ll lh .w a r ,„ o n „ „ „ ,„ i„ .,.

fo r Ju n e V!» 1., . l u k -I.•Mr, C uuniu«hani o f th e fo rea t d i- |a r t-

Mieiit apokc to th.- atn -ten ta o f Ibe hlKli arhn .d Tbnr«,Iay nftcrnoo '.i u tid Ihe ldnlit> T eeli.-lilco r ln b rt.-itilcretl a few iiunilicrs follow ing hla nd.lresa.

Thu n nnua l l e n l j r p lay , ' ‘T h e Coun- try C ouain ,” oy H ooth T ark lng tnn ,

!. w in U . * r r « i *coi,iu.encerner.l yv,:k. *1, T h .v ra iit chn.on Ihix w relt ia rehear™- l( Int; n ndo r d lrcotioti o f M ra. Itoac y | WilKon nn .l l la r ry W. ItaVry, aouior n.l-

• T l,,.'.-a « t.T u r I b e . l t lu l i Hi-hnul (ftci- ,.r d u l l o p c r c t t i f l ' i . u l U evcro” g iven lu11.. the nii.lilorlihn o f Ihe new high xrl.ool

bn ll.liitc W clncs.liiv evciiliiL' f^lh.w t.:ir -Marion Wnr.l . K rw iu '>dmti.>ii<.ii. r. IVr.. lln rhatiuu . K.lKur I’r a t t , KI..r.'nro

Hoii.I k'IM, lalw arU Vo;;.-l, .Mirhncl „. N :.iill,wi.'l:, N .'alo I to u d ;, .Mut'Kiicrite | . I..'M alllov. i:iiit,..'lt ihiv’i:.. lo l ‘. 1>. .Mere,lith u.nl T. I), r r i i . 'h i 'r

hav,. I.... . oJ,,.:o,l ,l,'h-K al.'t I.. Ihc II,.-........ .rv In le rn a lin n a l lo I'.c held ill 1>.'U-

vcr i„ .It......M r., I’. P(,*\Vahlo hi.« g.il.c to (.’or-

inlliH. <)r,'*.-,./i .'ll u l.n»ino-.* trij,.. lanniaMUd «;i.ntnfM,n. w ilh hi-, fnni-

ilv. ,.x [„-,i. In l .n v o In t l .......c ar fn lu rcy to mak.- !,i., In.iin- lu lIliiK.ln.

t w i n F A L L S M A R K E T S

. Ih m a pricaa s r* nblnlnad a«»ir M a o'clnrV In tho a flrm oon nnrt »r*i tnlf.n.lr.l to corcr cnlf tha a v * r» |e of

ly prircB. Wh«-r« t'o rin in d ra 'o ra for K slio a K rln^a offBt mom m an |*)n

Qufltea rrle.-a tto >-{fon la mailn (o In- aludA fuch aiiuiAtt..n*. ouo ia tlona &r«

nl e rterr.l mrri«lT aa a su lue proouc- ,|. »nr n.irf thniii4 not h« a « w i A f u ra- .. '

to r r o d n c m ., The T w in 'K ail* W arketa yesto rdav

I ' p . _ _ _ _ 1- ... .,=...0( o w , ------------------------------- j4 .on to J.l,onH e i f e r a _________ >______ tn J'.'.O

' B terrs ........... ........................ l.'.OO to *fi.00Voal c n lv c i_____________ *4.00 In la o oL a m b s ___________________:____ $ 10.00

' Powu,!l IiVnvy (,e;n ....... ..................................... { f t" l.ish - h , , „ _______________________ l:..

^ cc ln .r,,, ............ ................. ......................tU’.-H f 'ih r t , 1 1-J I.l J ll 't . ....................l>U,-l.a __ _________________ ________ K*r

Y T u r k e y , ------------------------------------------

D a i ry 'n . .! : ,r f : , . ( , - r r a m e ry ) -------------------- t i r

V- i s i i ;!'• U o.al d o r r ) ------------------------- i;Oc

W liea t U d u m PMd\V I„,.t, N.,, or iK 'tlcr. bu .............. »I.M

, I 'ran , .-.m ; ............... ................ ..... .......♦l-'J-'V Hra,,; .'.1,1 ir.. lo ta ______— _ „ .# i . : :o•; f .... !, IOO Ih . l o t a -----------------»1 .."

S;.-rL 500 lb . l o t* _________ _ * l : t 0

") So<sx>-W%al«HU«

8«uu....... ............. I ” I'l'Ci

It V c t e ta t lw o a d ' m i t

IVt:.U., , ......___________ tu < i.;o

'« E r tA H . P » iO E i

” .................................

>. :r ,:T n ;|.,.,I .u .rh ______ .......... . K'-tl l'.i-T ..t .. ...... - ................. ... K’r

>;l',:t.ar'', < 11,.u fo r -------- ----- ............X'c

L«l:-.io-.‘l;', rd' .!------------- ^fo fn a o e A


■ AbOP;i:ED - B V R b Y A ^^^N LON-PO.V, A p ril M . M «)-.P rinew »

V ic to ria , s is te r o f K la tt Oeorge, wa* in o fira t mom ber. o f tlio royal fam ily t i w ea rjio rn -rlm m c tl g laasc i, w hich In

l i f An*'*"'"* d is t in c t lyI f [l^ong before ho r rec cn t aorious iil- 1 I liras b e r e y e i gavo her mueh tronble• • n tid V Ietoriu took lo horn-rimme<l• - gfassca. b u t no t w ltliou t consldom blo J e s » 9 n » » " /f ro m 'th o ldri(j. I t w a sn ’t long,

lihw cvcr, bc foe r th e tab les w ero tu rnod f o r '>•’ Iho moiinrch. fo r ho, ■ too , hn.l to

• 3 d :H o fonnd lho p re v a ilin g A m crleans ty le o f aperta 'dea th e luoat convenien t

- . nn .l con ifnrta t.le . T’o r a tim e, hu w oro ' them only fo r r rn d lu g In h la a p a r t-

a 'lii m'cuta, b u t on th e oecnslon o f thp open- 1 ll Ing o f th e aocoiid a.jSjon o f tb e IJrltisli li jo cDiplro e xh ib ition n ( • W em bley, be iviii iIuniie.L thom to rend hia nd.lroas, and

. thua d iaplnycd thcro lo h is n lio lo world <~'n wldo realm .iTji I f i n ^ Ornrgit n e ver* irean t g la sses i« >en public unleaa lie needs to. r e fe r to an e n r nddreaa o r dueuinent. ind


u f D opartn ieu t e f th e In te r io r , Ifulfcd S tu tia I.au.1 OCfico, H lackfoot, M uh.., A p ril m w .

T o Coy l ln r t Muore u f M ounlniii ‘ Homo. I.laho, conl.-atcc:' Vou. nre hcrcl.y n .itlfied tl ,u t .toseph

Jtu " ’*'‘’‘'1' " 'liu Kiv.-a ltr.geraoii, Idaho . ; ,1 ua I.ii p.Mt i.ffioo ndilrcna. dl.l ou

A pril UlJIi, flic in th la o ffiro bia . du ly eorroliorati-,1 jin i.lioatiou fo eoii-

, ’i* l. 's t uud a.'c-urc tl,; .' m u o d lu t io u of your homestea.I e n trv No. nil.SH'ji!, tirr ia t No. D.lHSLd m ade Muy 13, I'.fJO, fo r K M- HW 1-4 Hi-r. .V 1-U .N'W ’

1. M ficotlnn 27, Iuwi.kIiIi. I t S.. rfiusc ■' 17 F a s t. Itoiso M erldinu, nud ua

„ f /rou ii.la fo r hi* ci,ntoHi he allege* lh a t aaid Cov H ar t M oore haa m ade

J* no o th e r r.-aideiu'c- on the aaid land, nud hua b u ilt no huuae ur m nde uuy

, o th e r im provouicnts o f nny aort w lmt- evi-r, nud haa c leared nn.l cu ltiv a tc it no lun.l on 't h e d.-Hrrlb.-d t r n r t . H e h.'i-i nover hcou »oo„ or kiM.wn l,v >' aiiyn.iu iu th a t v |,- la itv un .l t,ua f

t j abai,.loilo,l tho e n try - nn.l ani.l ub- O M'lie,. froni lho lan,] j.inl fa ilu re lo ‘

inak.> iuiprovouienta tin 'rooa waa n o t < .1,1,' lo the e n try m a i,’« .•u.i.h,ynioi,t in

, . Ih.- n .ili ta ry o r navnl oripini7.ali..i,a <.f (ho V. S. or th r N ali,.n a l tiun rd of

? IIII.V ......... . .I.-..,'...'* .V'„> ure, th rro fo rc . fu rth e r n o tif ie d "

thac th .- s:,i,l u llogations will l .r tak.-n , r.i coi>r.'!.t,'d, nii'l vour xahl e n trv w ill '1.0 . a t .....II,-.t H'itliout fu rth e r r iu h l In

., bo h .'a r.l, vU h.'r ti.'foro th ia o ffiro or on nupcal. if you fn ll to file in Ihia : e ff iro w ilh in tw en tv dnva a f te r fhe *

. F ou rih publication of th ia iii.tln-, n^ !* " .how n hdow . you r anaw.-r, uuder ... ..a th , kP''>-'^1''“ >1.'’ reMpoii.llug tu theao ,, a llogntloua n f contc«t, to g e th e r with' k ' duo proof .Ihn t. yon hnvc acrvcd a '''

,'.,pv o f your ans«vor ou th e anid cou- j- tca tan t citlie r lu persun or liv regia- „ ,i: Icred mnil.

You nt,euld n tntc ii^ you r nnawer th e I (l.iiriV of.lhi- |«**l I'ftirc to w hirh you

1„ d,-r.l.*' fu lu ro 1i.,lir.l . to bc ncnl tu

i’! I-. (i, .I()H .\N TOX , lU -gialcr.' „II. D ale of firTif pubt|rnli<iu, A vrll \r.,■O lit:-.;, .b .lo o f «'C„|1,1 publien tion , p .'I A pril i::!. 1!*2l>; dal.- o f Ih ir .l pnbli- ll e r a tio n . Af.ril “0, .la lo n f fun rlh

pul,It,-nli..... May r , l-ljll.


OLTIB ^• A .inoelit,K .,f Ihc M..,;kh.,l,|orH o f

<hi-,.r«mp.7»v « ;« b.- held w, Ihr 7IU '• .lav . .f .Mav. llil’il, nt th e hnnr o f 7:nu■' I .,'in . nf tl ........ .,f th e Tw in Fill-, •'■■ Chai.ilA'r o f <-ouin.rrrc, W.m.ls lluibl- a i,iK T w ill F a lh , M nho, fo r lho purpo'.o

o f ■a,Iopli.m o f a .e o n tl l tu l io n a n d by- y.

' D ated A pril IDJ.I,A. IIA II.F V , S c r c ta r y .

n o t i c e o p H E A B IN O ON P E T PT IO N

In th o P ro b a to C ourt.-C oun ty o f T w inPalLa, 8 ta t« o f IdaJio.

I n ro e s u t e o f B . Zi. CBOSNO, (le- • ce.-iacd.

.Nolirc i . h ,-rd .y givon t,) a ll i-or- -...in- In tcrv .lod in lu.i.l . '. t a lc holh rr.'.liloM am i l.cirx’, th a l i .,'litio ,. h-.-> m

T l..','.i fil.'.I herein l,v 0 „ 'a r I.. Cr.,Mi...allcKii,;: lh a t Iho n.-ii,1 It. 1.. ( ‘r,» .io

0 .li..,t n t Kl. Do.iKc, I'Cai.^a^. a ro tl.lciit n o f »;nd v'l. n.nlK-'. nu or i,l...nl A.,|:.i«l 0 fl. I '.JH ; 'tlnit *11,0 1l.-.c.l,-nl, a l Iho =0 li,:....... . III. . tra th . Wn. tli.- ow ner .,f0 |1„- r . r ia in reul .a la l , ' . i tn a lc in Tw in0 f-;il|. (-..onlv. I.lah,.. .U-trrtl„',I a . fnt-

l.,w .; to - » i i : ll.';:it,lni,[; a l a l.(.int• I'Jl.-:.-, f . ' . l H„nlh o f ..... NW ,orn.-r

- .if if.o .V K '. c f .V lV 'i . .f 8 ,-c. .S', r.I" . H.. If. l.i. l:. 1!, .M.: runn ing thoi.ro

; s ...,th f.-..|: „.Vurc r - . . i :;iM-r.. : ^ * ^ l l „ t , r . ' N .irlh n o .. ' f . . l : th.-uro> f , '. t I., tho j.In rr o f In-.

' ' K ^ ' , r ' ^ ' . t ‘ 't t . . ' 'p - 'u i i? ,n l r “ i^ a ' 'M ,n ut.-I...... h 'l ' ': th e i-r tition al.

:. y. . 1,.'U ,.f ki„ an .t r„'it» , .f d - , .'^ . | ,n t I,. I.. f o lln u t: M arv A. Cro-n-.,, I ... w i.I,„«; K,l,-ar T . C ™ . «„n; .K . r.-i« I.. >>...1.,', i;,..tK ,- M. fr.,* ,," .!

.,.1 ; C l,jrl ,-t T,. Cr...!..,, ^ 'n : Koh.-H

1 H a v e Y o u U r i c A c id

0 T r o u b l s ? .

M ..J T . ln r . l l . T oii;^ ,Vrt U .m ln f ” How to A void I I . t-

A rr y o a lam e a tx l achy! to r ta re d w ith baeknehe, and rh c u m a tic p a in a ? Feel I^er^-oua, ilcprc««cd, a n d a l l - p la y cd -e - jt? T hen look to y o a r k id ­ney s! . W hen th e fcldrieya w eaken u ric ac id aecum ulatea , po iso n in c blood a r d

f n c r \T i, and tnany ' my**criou<« aehe»• n d .il ls re su l t. H elp y o u r k idneys w ith a a tim u ia n t d iu rc t ic . ' U te D oan 's

> Pill* ! Yo-jr f n c r d * and neishbc-? j * If rcccm m rn.-l O oan’a. ,IC Auff. W d b r r . e .aT>cr.tir. R . F . 1>.If N o. T w in F a lh . . s y i : - I had aI,- law e oaek and a to r c n r t t o v e r tnylr kl.lneya th a t m ade me m iie ra b ’.o.c W hen ; g o t dow n, I could h a rd ly e c tr up cn aee o 'jn t o f w harp, a ta b b in c« p a ira . -My kidney* a e te d to o ' o ften

a n d th e »ccr*tiop.3 aea ideJ In p a ‘ aag».tv ___.. I li l l . ..... . - a

X THURSDAY. APRIL 29,• , o . 'C ftfit\> : goin -SIltiiile T t i r n c r . 'a m h -

t « 5‘ tb a t lo id -p ^ tltio lf proy* o n o r lo r f Y In f lic o rilan c c 'w lth C lttiptcr IB l o f {ho

. IDSl B c ta io n L a v i f o f . t h o B ta to :o f ■raa rcquirlHff. aU ,P fr»ona .lu tc fcsted' IU sa id e i ta to to o ppear and oxblblt

U : bo m a iu ier renuiycd by . law ik.Mr y e aje e tlv o cin im s to heirsh ip , o^^^cr- ah li 0 in te r e s t ' in and to sa id iteul

A».t notido ia f a r th e r g iven tha t;,tlin i ‘l' C oiirt h a t np iw ln tod M ny SO. ip:*d, ut

th d .b o u r o f teu -.o 'cJock , A . M ., Ami J?* tb e Court- Koom o f tho sa id C o u rt in

th<f a lly and County, o f T w in FalliJ ied I*'" tin**’ oml Jilaco .o f b e a r in g ou M id , petjltlon, n t w lilrh tim e und p lq r c i in y

peraon Intcresti-il .In. aatd e s tn te l6ay an jiPpc'T nud a c t fo rth h is c laloi, I f ia n y

U u till ' A pril 19,• lO id. iiJ . L, IIO D O IN ,

(HKAL)_____________ Jiidgu o f P rohntc .

he n o T i o t i r o n p t j b l i o a w o nnd l > e p « tn im o f th o I n t e r io r ,fl'l ■ & L an d O ffico

, B U ckfoot, Idaho , M arch 27, IWO. X utlee (A he robv given th n t H enry

Huwall .Macaw, o f Tlogeraon, Idabo , who on A iigaat 17. J0S1. mnde H om eatead

= K u try OUIOIS. now W uekfoot No.5 o::/10(J7, fo r K 14N -K 'A '.aW 44N R «.8E V ;.

N W U , K h » W » ^ N»/j8 E « . Section 10, — T ow nahip Id Bouth, llango . lU K. Iloiae

M e rid ia n ,'h a s fllod iiutlco o f in ten tion ,.,1 to luuke th ree y e n r proof, to eatuldiah

d n im 111 th c Innd nbove deaeribed, be- fu n . K rgintor o f th e U. H. L and O ffice,

. nt lih irk fo o t, l.lnho , ou th e U th dav of M ay, lOl’O.

C laim aot nnmea a j wlt«ea.ie»; CJiarh> Lln<fgre«. o f Hoffenran, M afio, Jfoy At- '

"• w ond, o f Tw in FalLa, Idnhoj Kdwnrd R. ’ H nrrla , o f T w in Falla, l .in h o ; M nrlin '

M nrnw , o f F l lf r , I.laho. , * «1*. U .JOHNHTON*, Ileg lster . «

i’, Btock-rniaiiig .......... entry-, A cl„[ D oreuiber “ l>, HUU (3» B tuta., SOJ). j

A P P U O A T IO N P O a O IIA N QE O P | „ N A M E '

I n tb o D is tr ic t C ourt o f th e E lo ren tl]:c Jn d ie la l D is tr ic t o f th e S U te o f . 1 Id ahb , la a a d fo r th e C ounty o r * y T w in PalU .i. Za th e S fa ttc r o f th e A ppU catlon of ,1 P rederlc ic W illiam Eggorsgluess.„ Cornea uow Ihe p e titio n e r nbovo V iiniiicd, nud pe tllloua th e above Court ; fo r a ehiuigc o f nam e, fron t th n t uf

K rcderick W illiam Kggcraglueaa to „ th n t o f KrcdorioU W illhiin KggerB, nud ' t fo r thn l i,iirp..ae alleges: ^ '',, 1. T h a t v ..n r pe tltio n o r la u r.‘.ti- * f .lont Ilf. tho C itv nn.l (.'oiiuty u f Twiu " f Knll., 1,11.1 H la tc .,f M aho; >

T hn t ho waa boru lu th e tJlalc .. o f T.'ain.: >;. :i. T h a t ho la ovor tho ago o f I , Iw .-u tyo jic y e a r , ; I'' -I. T h iu !,la im icn ta an- bo th dend, I' . and th n l hia. u e i t uuiiroH o f Jciu .ire I'

tho folhnving p.-raout. to -w ll: (l.-ori;e I Kuiil K«g.'r»glui-sJ, T w ill Knlla, l.lnho, nnd .Minuii- ( ireeu , I togerson, Iduliii, I' l.ro tlie r uud a is te r reaiH.-clivp|y; I'

, .'. T h n t Iho renaoti fo r th is upplica-• tion la, tb n t ym ir p e titio n e r auffera; eousi.icrnblu cm harrnaauieiit in t r n n v I

u r tiu g buaiiicaa bv renaon o f th e un- p ' iiKUnl uud p e ru lia r mime o f Kggcra- I.■ Klui-aa: tb n t th e anme ia both hn rd !o -

jirunuunee nml apcll by persona not fam ilia r w ith fhe a.nne nnd loftla tu

' r.ni.oi.Ivrnldo ronfiiHion und ciabarraa- ’ in.-iif.

W IIK ltK K ltllK . Y our |K -titI.,urr |.ray« Ihn t his nmne l.c dniiij{o,l by a pro|>er •'

. nr,I.'r and d.-cr.-c o f thin C flu r l |/ro i,i f . F r.'.lo rirk W illiam KggrraKlueal tu «•• th a t o f Kr.-,lerick W'illlnui KgKera.I P rc d c r ic k WUllAm E ggerig ltiess.

--------- - IV titiunc r. T-------- -------------------------------- :-------------------- M

A U A S SU M M ON S UIn th e D is tr ic t C ou rt o f tho E le v en th *'

Ju d ic ia l D is tr ic t o f th o S ta te o f f! Idaho , In a a d Xor th o O oim ty o f ,.

; T w in Palla., AUierioaii ix';:ioi, M einurial - AAS..rln- li

tiun , n ro rpo ra liou ; I 'la in tlf f . IIVB "I

Tw.in la lU Lnl.or Tem ple A saorinlon. _ a ror|<(,rat'>ii; H . H . Kr.'o.thcini. .M.I-. r t . 'a n . K rc l Sm ith , J . W. Slaii«- l-ury.. Tni'.U '.-s o f T M u F a lls l..i!.or r;i T-'ii,],le .VKB.,cal..M, a c..r[>or:it<on; h. .Miutiio- Jnin-^ W vIv; T . K. W ylv f-'

, . (al-o know n a . Th'.,tn.rt K. W v Iv ); ei tho uuI(iio>vn owncM c f U U '1 7 , i i : I**. Ill, un.l I’d In Ilh>ek .111 in tho '< C ity u f Tw in Kalla, T w in Kndt C.m nty, M nho, D efeu.lauts,T h r i^ la tc u f l,talio s.'U.la KrcoliMi;s

■ to Kro.l H iaith. .1. W. H tniidm rv. Tru»- w I to.'H o f T u la F a ll, I,aho r T cn.jd .' A -

»o.-i:ilioi,. a ro rp t,rn lio ii: M innie .Inu,-! W yly ;' th r iii.knuwn cwnvin ,.f I.-.t.. i^

Pacific Frtii Plant Celeb] Nampa May 5thNine Rands •

fllammoth Historical Pageant

t'lyin.tr Stunts

Athletic Contests—


DancinK Barbecue .

% 1926th- IT, ISi 19 a n d liO -id B lo ik 5» in I lor q i ty o f T i» la W IIs , T w in F a l l i Coi ho t |r , ^ I d a b o , ' tho above nam ed dcfc :

ed You a ro h e reby n o tif ie d th n t a co p l a iu t ’haa been filed a g a in s t you the D is tr ic t Court o f th o £ lev eu Ju d ic ia l W atr le t o f t 1)0 « tn to o f li]

“* bn. In a n d fo r tho C ouuty o f Tw , PuIIr, by th o abovo nam ed p la lu tll . t nnd yon nro he reby d irec ted to appe 1, 1 nnd a n s w e r snld com plain t w ith in t,wonty dnya o f tho aervioe cif tt;

aum w un* Jf a rrv eij wJtJtin aaJd Ju . 1,1 elnl D la trl r t , un .l ^,-ithln fo rty da; ty i f served elsew here ; nud you a ro fii ly th e r n o tif ie d th u t unleaa you .io nppei ly nud nnaw er aaid com pln ln t w ith in tl

tim e herulu ain-clfled, tho p la ln ti w ill tako ju d g m e n t ngn ina t you i 1‘rnye.l in auld rvm plalu t.

C. Thia ia nn Uction lo foredoao - m ortgage on th e U t a I? , m , lu

1:0 In I llo rk r>0 iu Ihe C itv o f Twi ■ Fnlls, T w in Knlls County, Idnho.

W itneaa m y h u iii l.u n d Iho aenl < 0. the aaid D ia trie t Court fllia O tb’ da -y o f A pril, n w . -10 (Higiied) C. C. HKIOINH,d (BK A L) ClerlI,. IC. P . I’a rry nn.l I ln r ry IJcuoit, Atto; 4. . U.-.I.T. fo r P b i in t l f f Iti-alding n t T w i 0, Falla , Idaho .

n N O T IC E TO CB EDITO BS I' E a ta to o f Z Jzsle V enablo, Decoanoi,, N o tlro ia herebv givou bv thc ui

dcraiKued nd m in ia tra to r o f th e -a ta l o f Lirr.ie V euuble, decenacd, to tli e red ito rs o f an .l n il peraona liavlu /-Inlms agjiJ«.al Ihi- uni,I ilccrajCiL I

I .'XhlMt them w it'i Iho n.rc-Mnr. „ voucher*, w ith in f.'mr m onths n fl.;

tho f i r s t pnblioation o f tb i . n n tire . ti th e anid udu ilu ia tru lo r a t* t t i , . • ofr(,.i

. o f I-:. U A shton, F irs t N ationnl llj.ul , llitlhliuK, C lly an.i C ounty .of Twli ; Falla, H ta le 'O f M aho, tl,l» be ing th. > p laru fixed f ,.r th c traaac tiou o f Ihi ' i.nslue.aa o f aai.l .'M ale., '

D nted A pril .’i, ll):’i5. i A ..C . V K N A IlI.i:.I A dm in ia trn to r e f th e F a tu lc o f L l« l . f V enable, D econae:!.

'■ K O TIO E FO B P 0 B L IO A T IO N D cp a rtih en t o f tlio In te r io r

tr . 8 . L an d O ffico ,; B laclcfoot. Idaho , A pril 17, 1020

.Votii’c in hereby given ih (it Hck'ii lllneh r .T rin .-, n f Tw ill Knl|», M aho who, Ull Doeoinber 7 , 'l l lJ l ina.lc Dcm-rl l.an .l K niry OJ.'.tiU.-;. ii.iw H la rk foo t No, (lUKCUO, for I.ol 10. K K U H W i; Hco ;i(i'I.nl I, N K '.iN W i',, M -jN iJtj^ Kce. .if, T ivp. 1(1 Soulh. Uaiigo “ I Kant Itoin, .Mcrl.Iiaii, has filo.li in.ti.-o o f inten tion In m ake fina l pronf. In ,'»tabli:,h claim lo tho lau,I abovo ,l.-n.-rib.',I, l.ofc.r,- I l I-;. I’ow.'ra. n . S, C.in.niia,loner, n l T w iu Knllr, I.laho, ..11 tho -Sth .lav o f .Iiiiir lll^ll.

C laim ant iiamos a s w ilncssea: Frai'il;II. Ulndc: L erov Itlack ; Kd. » . H tnlev; Kranlc \V!ioi le r„u ll o f Tw in KuHh, l.Iaiio

I '. (}. JOH.V.STON. llcu ia tcr. Kouroo o f w a te r righ t la M iliic r'I.ow

L if l I rr lg a th .n D ia lric t; Vohiine, I in. per ncre , nud 2 nere fee t iu Juekaun l .a k r Iteaervolr.____________

NOTZOE FO B P U B L I O A T I ^ D ep a rtm e a t o f th o I n t e r i o r

U; S . L a n d O ffico B iackfoo t, Idaho . A p rtl 21. 102c.

:N..tlr>i U h .'ri'l.y givon tlm t M ary A. I’awsoif, w l.low o f Chario t H. I ’aw-r,.n, .lree a -0,1, o f Tw in Falla I.I.......who. nn M av ............... ..le Hoin.-sloadK nIry Oi;il7l7. i..,w H lad ifoo l N.i.

fo r I..,I o, Her. 1.Twf.. Ill ............ IIaii«.' 17 l':;,.t lio itoM.-ri.liaii, hiif. f iled notico cjf iatouli.Mi lu inaU.- fitn.l thrcc-.ycar lin lof. lo ,«- lahliah olaim lo ll,.' lan,I al.ov.; .Ir- a. ril.i'.l, bef..i.' 11, K. fow.-m , U. K.

...... n t T.vin l-'alU, ..................lho .'(I. ,lav o f .lim e. ll'Ji!.

CIniinant i,;,in,-» n« wltno.H-.c™: Wit-' li'iin 1;. H nnk ins; C larcnre K. |l i , |„ .o : I ld l M. K ,- .t lr r ; A l.d 11. W aum an, a ll .,f Tw la Kalis. Muh...

1’. (i. .IDIIN.STON’, no;;i«ler.

PO B SA L E A T SA O BIPIC Bll.l],rnv ,',1 .1JU arroa stook or dirirv

ran, h. s.-v.'i. init.'a w ,-.t c f l|;i ilo y . Ida. h,,. 111,1 w at.'r rit:h l. j:„o,l l.ull.liiiga, foi.r,',l :,n,l oro.t, fo i.ro .l; IL'U urr,-a lu e n ltlv a tio n . I.alnnrc ex.-.'ll.-nt p a jtu re . K aiid . po«.-at.'K c ir . ', .lio n n i rai.Ko n.l- M inta^.-a i.loal fnr she rp , r.Io,-k or dafrvm «;(, . W<')3 ut/rlJi ficin - fh<- prioe a th c l . A tl l 'Y you r a n ’t ..verlook.' Krl,-o,l nl Ik'.OU. oa^h ♦llOnil. I.abinre .'a ,'v tern,-.: |<.,k.'<.-n.ioi, im nioiliatelv. W ill .-on>i-l.-r ronlini;, w ilh o |;ti..n io tntroha-o lo r,'»p„n»il.I,' p :,rtv . K.,r fu rih o r i .a rl ir i i la r . w ril,- F .I MoMon- i[^l,'. l l a ih y . 'Id a h o .

it Express >ration


Union Pacific System

' TickcL‘1 on Saic May .*Jrd and 4Ui on the ba.si5 of ^ ano.,/tnd ono-tcnth f i i r c .•' fdr hc Round Trip'from all points on the OrcRon Short Line in Idaho nnd Drcffon.

Limit '/th. -«• - A.' k Local ApcnLt foV further detail.-j.

Page 5: T W IT A L L S V .W E2 E K L ^ niEWS - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...T W IT TWENTY^OOin) TBAB iiuizE sms i ONTiKFAl IN pilA ^ Lightning Striks Huge Oil

■ '"', 'f-.' ' ' ‘

STUiEllTSIi 'mrcoiiTEsiS;B E B W O T P * '— ■ ■ Eight Schools Represented by ■

Eirti'ants in' Annual D istrict ; Co'mmercial Competition. J

--1 . ■ I

T he nnium l c«iito«t o f M rIi Hclmol , ccininiortliil .li'iiHrtnii'iitn o f tliU dl«- , Ir lc t w ill oiH-ii III llio hlK?» • ni'liDDl , aiKlitorhim lirro lliis iiuirm u« r.t »:13 , o 'c lock , .'fliu d ia tric t ^iicluilw ■«'lioi5li , o f Ilupi-rt, O nkley, IMirfpy, J'i'L’r- U ubl, Tw ill Vnll*. Ooodiiiu HiiJ SIio. Bl.Oi.0. T he acliwiiilo fo r the day Ji Ita ffllluwa:

Aiiiioiniccmcnt*, pcmnanalispiiii.l iii>elllnjf, »i.’lH; lioolilti.'cpiiiK. flra t y e a r iv p la p , 11:00; accoa.l yi-nr lypi.iR, . 31i:iO; iiic .ie lunch In t ie l.iirk, U>:lJO; roi.im crcial arlti.iHClIc,

. fr.'o fu r iill, 1 :^0 :■aliortluiiliir"S<«C': Bi'ioii'! "hi.rt-hiuul, .1 :110. Min* Uonm-ll o f tho 1 *>• cntVllo liiatitu to will ln’ fii'iiernl umn- ni;< r fo r tlic cu iiti'rt.

Tw in K a lli’ rcviaoil lis t o f rc]>re- M 'i.talivca n» i.i.MOiiiicfd I.V Mina Acl.-Iino ah .'iinvi'll, Itnul o f tin; local criiiiiiiurclal iIrr'.Traiiciif, i* .i« M - ,

■ Iown: I’irat vour xhorlhninl, Iloh'ii , JIariK'H i.nil I'.ucilU' I 'a rk c r; . acci.iul , vear Bln.rthaiul, I’Mna Nol>l<- h'mI , V iolft Joliiiiioii! • f ira t ycnr iVl'iii;;, , M nrjorie W oods an<l lloliyn I'iiicli: iic ru ra ry li-i-l, M ollia NcUoii anil , W alk .'r’ H i'r la rh ; ' lioakkoe|>in«. I 'lorinii ,

■>Ilri.'«ver aii<! L loy .r H olmciulal; »i.L’lliaj{ U atl.u ra I ’r.ivoat an.l Oraco Hcliadp: rapid calcu lation , Klorlan Urcwcr and K.TII W riK ht; i.uninau>.hi|., H .'w ie ; W oavcr anil .C oroia >ic!io!«. 1 Iic . whole co n tcs t ia open to the la ih lir , ] Iho ai.ii.iiiiicciiu-nls and tyi-inK . l.r in n , in tho nudito riun i, and tho o ther con- •; tcMH la room lIW.

A proj;rani of inuaitf and rc.ldinfra will In- K>V>'1I in lIic • a i.ditorlnni a t , .S i.'clm-k, a f lc r vvlilclt It.v wninora | will 1>« annouiiiM'd and tin ' lucdaN nri'srnti-il. D. A. Mll'-i', lirc^ldcnt ofItll' d i.fT irt .ir«nni::atl<in o f .•omnic-r- ' cial tcaclicra wliicli h a j nrrnn«<-d lli f i r<inl.‘™t, will aw ard tin- nii-dala. A 1 ;:c.ld m edal will l.n t iv i 'n to tlio I 'fr- _> aim winainL' f im t'p la c o In racli divi- iiioii, a a ilver iMc'dal to w inner o f < a rc ,a d placo, and a l.renro aiedal «* '

. Iho peraon takiiiK tlilrd . A ailver • loviiiK riip w ilt aian l.n awardod lo 1 tlio acliool which RCta innat jii.IiiH .

T he proRram fo r tl>r an Ifoilowa:

V ocal aolo, “ I Aia N ot r a i r , ” Jor- oma K riv an e k ; rcad inc , P o ro thy Har- I 'e r; vocal anio, “ A l.aont,” M ary nnd ficorjro \V nrd; cornet aolo, “ fiuarise ] and V on.” Itoderick W igh t; roadlatf, , “ A rnea C ora A V ia itla c .” I talli I>ar- j liaK; vocal aolo. ‘ 'In d ia n D aw n .” t

.....ni N av in : .............. olo, “ Huatlo i.f ,H priue.” C lela R itchey ; iireaeala tlua

• llf aw arda .O akley ro iilc ita n ta n rrived | T liiira- ,

dav ovoniim . while tlic i.4/flii'< rojiro- , aejilalivea plan to d rive ovor F r id a y | lanralnj;. Tl.o TTinui.orcial ina trac lora from Iho neveral tuv n a acconipaiiled the delegations in tlie rolo of chaji- crulioH.


.t;n.7>K\N—.lol.n SVc»\i-y '.Mi (,o f Mr. and M r.. W. II. C iliaan. TIKI j y oo rlti avenue wc.il, died early Tl.urn. , dnv ..ii.riiinj; a t li.e fan.lly ro.ideiico frum off.’Tla of illneaa a ltr ilm lcd !o . a ....ii-cnnlaKioua Ivpo of nieniayitia aad oxteiidlii;: n v rr a period of th ree woeka. H o wa-. l.l veara ol.l, nnd wa» . .1 ahldelit o f tlio l.ineolii nclu.ol. Ilo waa l.orn ia (’ollo;:o Vie.v, Ncl.ra"kii. D.’ .ide:, tlia pa rcnU ho ia a i.rv ivcl l.y ' f<iiir b rothera, I 'a u l. Claud. .Ickio and ll.'iiry (liinirui. an<l olu.- ainlcr, i lr a . Irm a Canuihcll.

ro n e ra l .M-rviiea, fi.r wliieh arraliKo- ine iiti a re l"-ln;; nmdo l>v M ae :md fcnitM iiv. will 1.0 hold a t o ’c lork hSalurd:rv afte r .,o „n . and will l.o coa- „ dnl'teil l.y Dr. H . (I. JInaiphrcy o f lhe M ethutll«t Kpi»oi.)ial chnrcli. '

FIRE DAMAGES NEW TRUCK "T w in Falla f ire fi;;!ilin;( ()e,.,irt.arnf

v:.-. ..................I to llie Creea and :i.. .............. . a talle.i a t the c r i . e r o f I,\Va>liiau-Ion an .l A .M i.oii avcni.u aln.iil (. S l f . oV lock la -l ovenui;; to e l l ia - . KaiOi a firo tlial . l a r l f . l ' in a now o l» o aod o i.r lia lf ton truck , tl.o prop. ( r i lv ..V -mo I 'ix e IV.ola K'‘*r:-«o. F ire ,.\ ► ta rtod whilo tl.o n .ach inr w.,a atn,.- ,.r.: nt Iho service » !atii.a f..r tho ^ p u r jv .v a l la k in ;: oa a aupply of K^.uline. r i io r:,l. w.,a cm .pU tely ruined a rd the d;.ina:;e \\an e-.tini;.le<l ;it al.out Jl.'tO. Tlio t.la rv w.ta -oiotlirr- O.I I.V tlio n .o o f chctnirM -. Thc n.a- ■ lliai- « a n - to hnvo l.oen d .'l ix r r .d io llie m on .inc to a Unhl conren i tli:it lu d ;u>t com iditod purchase ffoiu tlu- .Icalo.-a liero.

R e i n f o r c e G l a n d s T o K e e p Y o n n g

’ S a y s S c i e n t i s t

r \S - AliMOLD LOIVAND, of A.i*- f ' t i i s . says la hi* book. ■•Old Aco D eferw t.” In *Fealtlne of Uio ?Mnda: '•'We murt uin*t upon Uio rctnforcement of their frnicUwis tf d>aa<e<l by aso or dlsosu* b j mcin> cf -extract* obtained from tlio cimllju orcans of bealtty youag aalinxhi.”

OUadofcn. thfl now id w tif lc I ■{land toale, prepared laU biet fom-., I pToridei a ataple latUJod of tak- | lag tiandular treatment.

Hnndreda of x ea and woaen who art w e*c wonj-<nit and rar.dow a. ar< u k iE s OUndogea «> »»'»kca the derltAUced glands, m th ty may caV-lnuo tlielt r.simai ftacUoR of mrplylfig t t e n u i •glaRtlulir ne- CMtion* >o nectiaaiy to physlcaJ «a*rgy and perfect health. A eeept M Ribstltntea. Isalst on genuine OUadogea tho c«sIba1 gUajI tonic at aU Sehraaa-Johnaoa I>nis

''iV' 'V'

Discovery of Still | Brings New Charge I

' ^ e a rr. l lo c u io aud Cliarlea InOer- 1 w c|*c, llou»o e rc fk ra tielim ni. fuot* 'I prosecu tion on eharccii o f luauufnc-

ta ro , o f Hquor ns well ns o f pdMesalmi o iid 'aiile ot liquo r a s n 'rc»u lt o f cll»- . covery by fcdefni p roh ib ition Tiiforce*

y m c a r offieera nnd depu ty a lir r if fa o f I n moonalihie a tili on th e Hoelalo ranch

; t T huradny . H oelslc nnd hulcrw uU d w ere nrrra tcd ■\Vedneadny w hen Iho /c tk 'ru f wen and doputv n lie rlf/s <lis- covcroil n l.ou t 120 Kalluiis u f liipior on tho noPU Iu place. Ou nrrnlBnuioia T hu raday i^vciiinK l.oforn b 'liiled Ktntos CoHiniisnloncr II. K. I>iiivorn, th o nc-

■ cuaed .incu avn ilcd tht-insoIvi'« o f th r «' B tiitulory limo fur entoriiiR plena, ‘ nnd w ill appear be fo ro thii POiiiniU- a loner URaln to d a v a f te r conanltiiiK an *

II a t to rn e y . , ■ ' I Ji d


' Ediffld b y JM rs. E . n , W illb m f t:

1- P hoao SPO. i

" la coiiipliuiont to he r houao Rueat, 1„ Mra. HeviJlo, Mra. K. V. I’a rk c r v .itc r-

la iiiod Ihe niontl.orx o f tho F rid ay. nrid«<' rb ili n t an a tt r a c t iv e hridKi*

, lunclioon u.l T huradav . A .rapaneao '■■ u .o tif p revailed in tli'o dcroriitiun fu r ‘

’ th o tal.lca carriod oul w ilh ehorrv■' l.lo.auuiK and plaee enrda in .lapaiioao |• doaiKua. Tin; tirlzoa ffir l.ik'li aud low '

ac„ro/i wliich wero won l.v Mra. W. T . :‘ j F o l te r and .Mra. .MaRiiire, weto‘‘ alao .lapaacao. • T w elve ;;ueat.a wore I' ” p reaent.

M r*. F. l l . ItiKl.oc WIU Uo*.U-« to th f ^'! Iln lre Nona cl.il. T Luradnv n flernoon . !lc ItridRo plaved aa iiaital, a ad Mra. ■

A. 1). lii-IIainv waa tho lu rk v w inner o f ;<•. hij;h acurc, and favo r fo r ‘low waa >■K a w arded .Mra. J . O. Toolaon. M ra. 0 . ,1- 1'. U unuelle and Mra. Lealie W ilaon {

woro ;;ueata. D aii.tv refreahm enta 'r* w ere acrved a f te r Iho Ramea nud cnrh « it jjiiont waa prenoiiled' w ith ii beau tifu l■* ' " ' i l ’- _ ___ __ ;

if T he c h a riiv hall yiviMi bv Hie F lk .' ' r- W.M|nl'^.lnv ov.-uiui; waa one o f theo moKt lnrj;.-lv a ltohdcd o f a n v of th e ir '

popuhir funcli<iiia. I'nneli aud w afora r. wer.. aerved throuK hont th e eveuintf.

Tho eouiniilte.- wlro lia .V tho a f f a i r in .if c h n r le w rro I.viin :<tow.irt, c l.a ir .nan ; I 0 <•. O. M arkle. A rtiilrr Kliaw urth and F.■r I*. I.yiicl..' >ruKic waa fu ru lahed by0 I 'r ie d in a n ’B Illiipbird orchcalrn.


'I Siinipiim IlrotlK-m, IlniiM'ii, w ill lon.l I 11 carloada o f c a ttlo todav a l Han-

:. a ra fo r ahlpnicur to tlm W estern M eat , ;• conip.TJiy, Kaa F ra n e la eo ,'b v ‘ w av of

th e T w in ra lia-W clla Hue. C. J . JJoin- * ' roae, county b ran d inapcctor, w as ad- < " viaed T huradav evening .• l:iRht carlondM o f f a t c 'altlo , pur- , '• ehaned by the C aratc lu I’ackliiK com-'• pany from A. 11. S c o lt, Jtanai-ii, were i y loaded Tliuraday n t Itnnaoii fo r ahip-

T acom x__________^ I

>• A N NO U JIOE BX O U E SIO If H A TE S i................... . hna born rec .-lvcl fr.uil

irnion J-acific ra ilw a v o fficia la an. nouneJatf tho n 'in .I.ite iu o n t o f c ircu it |, to u r aum m cr to u r is t i'icu ra io ,i r a tc j frm n pointa in Idalu) to i^ .a .\n;;e!ev (

') vill Halt i.ako . rrliiriilnK IhroiiKli Han ’ Fr.’vurisri. via the W o-lorn <ir tjouthorii (

'• I 'a c ific li.iea. o r vico v c r.a . T lii . [ ' c irc u it ra to l.aa- no t l .r rn iu e ffec t " fo r aeveral y rnra arcl.rdiuK to inf.ir- n' ' n ia llnn acr.im paiivinf; Iho nniiiiiinro- ' m ent. Tl.o ro u n d 't r ip 'r a fo from T w ia f „ Falla to I,o« Anttclra i.i. Itatea N' will bo offectivo bcK ianini; M ay l i ,

aud will chiar K oplcml.or ;iO. I.

:l A N N O L T S r C E M E N T S . ;

- . Till- nnnii'il 'r p r in s lunclicon o f tl.p *'1 Won,. 11'a r .in lletlciiio c lul. w ill, be i hoi,I nl llio I’lirk hotel K aturdav , n l unc• uV lcck . •I- _ — it• I 'a .i M .'f.,ck ‘ circ io , I.a.I!.-. o f fhe c

i:. A. 1!.. wil! ini-cl S ;iiu r.lav n fter- bJ uoo.i, .M.tv 1, iu K.o I. (). O. r . hall. J

• A CAUD o r T 2IA N K S. P1 Wo winU to ua.' th ia ii..-aiiH l< ..tliauk a I :ill will, wvro ao Kin.t Io n-. .Inrioi; onr a> f !,orrav..,i..-i.l. \V,.r,la .a n ile v .r ot- I i.rca- uur .icei. rei;arila fo r th.-n- who 1>• -too.i l.v U-. W.. M.aiil; r;.rli nnd uxery cl

on.- from Ih.- .Icplha .,f o u r h.-arla for• th,- !..v.-lv floivcr ..ffe rin " '..L- a n u m u s . f i : i : i » i >. c a n t k i ;!.!- l

A.VIl FA M ll.V . A

f ____ ' ~ "



A ^ c r y clover as.'^orlment ofW e m a k e a s p e c i a l t y

H o l e s , P i p e d B u t t o n H .

T a i l o r e d P o c k e t s .


' ■. . TWIN gALl

I i e i i i s TOPIC ji ; FBiiCOllltttit L ead ers in National and f o r - I!i ' • J" 'e ign Fields A ddress P resby - j ;; ' te r ia l Sessions. ”i --------------------------------------E,! Mra. JCvelyji H an rri.fl u f Sail Fr-m- „ »i#co, I ’a c lfie eonat ncervtary of nn-

(lonat nii'uiUinB u f tho P re ab v ie riauchurcll, addrcaaod a jn ro tiu ii o f ‘.lie “

„ I’ro .h y te r la l W om en’a M issioaury "<i- \c lctv , which opi-acd tw o-day« ai'aaioiiB ‘in tho I ’ri'sb y terla n church iie fc Thnrs- ''d ay cveiiinR. M rs. Jlaucro ft diacUMod "

"i ro^ponaihility to forelRa-born peraona J'^n I h b c uun try nnd to tlio InliubU anis. '■ n f te r r ito rv u a iler the L 'nlteil KlaU-am e. . ' J

HcaMiona today w ill bo ad.lrtmaed l.y , Mra. 'H .-.ncrofl an.l l.y Mra. Kva .1. ‘ Huiitli, fo r m any yoara a niiaBi.nury in liMlia, a n d -Mr*. Hniith w ill de liver ,

I a stj-rooj.lielm • I re lu rc a l ,L|iy cioainj* I 7 w i 'i l ln s a t 7:^(1 o 'c lo rk ihla vv i'u lnn 1 *' lo w hich n fipecial in v ita tio n iii ox-

leaded to tho publie.■ nobxati-fl-reprcao iitin i; i ’r o a b jl tr in n "

t inlaaiunnrv aocioliea of nearlv a .lo:’..!n ’> . loivaa i.; th e ].rralivl..rv , ’ iiu l.idii.i.,. Unhl, Iliirloy. .lerom e, Kden, H azidt'.n .• Ilolli'vue, J-iouaant View. Il..«oraon and.. HolllHter, nro hero to a tte n d th e aoa- " . aiona. The ioc..|iut;a ar.' preaidod oVi-r "

hv M ra. (1. M . lla l l of T w in i'a lla , ^ p rea iden t uf tho i.re .I.v to ria l aociriy .

-Mrs. Ij. I>. l!reckonii.b;i-, pr.M d '-n l of. tho Tw in Falla ancii-tiea, -will wot- li

» come tho ileloRalea a t th e oiK.'nlnK “ f , lo .ln y ’« reaaiona a t 1)::!0 a . m. Follow- t ,• in« b r ie f ta lk* l.y Mra. ila n c ro f l aud ,f .Mra. Hmilh, '^ruup cunforoncoa will bo , hehl du rin i; th e foronnun. t} Tin- Tw iu V alla r ro a b v to rian I.ndioa d „■ A id soc ie ty , will aorvo binohoou a t h

noon fo r the vi»iiiiijr ib 'legali'B an.l I, officora o f thn Tw iu FalU aori.riv.,1 ^[ra. n a iic ro f t will >.]...nk th ia aflo r- t

aoon on younK peo |ili'’a w ork and ii .Mra. himilli w ill apeak on th c w orl.l 1

, n-rvico pnnjrani.,, Tho I'h -aaau l Viow n.al.r .p iarto l r -an j; 'a .-v ,ira l wolcctiona a t th o Tlmr.j- f , day o .o u i.n ; aoaaiuu. <l


Mill, .loronia K rivanek , i ’au l i:. Xfc- ' K luley tiiid VVillwv I’cvW uru >vul«i»t» o f il m uaical proRram a rra n g e d to bu

£ given in th e A lvthodlat Kpfaeopnl c hurch, nex t H unday evcn in jj a l tlio

, opcniuv n f T w in Falla firn t obaervanco a t n a tio n a l muaic wook, T he j.roKfnm

■ w hirh waa JiiinouncodiFridny , iucludea• rho ra l aud orcheatra l num bera. Tlio ' proj!rniu fo tlow i:

••M arche Hlav.-,” (T ::ohaikow cky)• O rch rstrn .

ftol... “ Tho l*rav.-r I ’c rfo ci ” (Hte- 1011) .U 'r..u.a K rivanek .

'• ■ O rchcalrn. ' ‘ K b a ’a D ream ” fruni . f U h n « r ln . (W nK uer).

< inarteU c, “ In tl.o Hllenro o f JU a I'rem -nce,” YAlicc W<.odci.clO-

y.ilo, ” i«cce»aio.ial” (iJoKoVOJl)] I’au l .McKinh-v. ‘I O ffo rlo rv , ..^ol'ocle.l. .Mra. KelloKi;.

S lrin jj t^ iiarl-.llo , • 'A n d a a to Caiita- t hib- Oji. U ” (Taclinikow.-il;i).' H.il.», “ T h r Voice In llio W i'do rm 'as’ '' (.f.din I’riiidlc Hcolt) W ilton F.-ck.1 Anlhuili, " T h o I,ord !!eiu'nclh, ”I ( i 'n -d .A . Fillm oro) Vonnt; I ’eop lo’s< Chorua.t OrchoHtrn, ‘ ‘ I.ifniiiiitua r t A.'ccii- - aua” from S tab a t M ater (Itonaiai') .

Tho ]ii.r<onncl o f llio o rchcatrn ia aa . fi.llnw": Violina, .\lr«. H arrv Sni.-ck.< Mra. i:. V. llorir, Miaa Holen I 'a r ro tl ., .Mr. A. F n incia ; ceilo, W. Zenaa Hniithi

ba>a vi..li.i, II. It. Itiirn.'*; c in rinet, F rof. .1. T . llaiiiliri.lK--: r.irh .-l, Dr. A.A. F u lle r ; F rc .c h lioni, T . II. Hl--ven. - . . .a ; p ia n i- t. MIm M n r c l W ynn; d irec ­to r o f o ie h ra lra . Dr. K. A. F a rro l l .

SE N T E N C E D FO B DAO CH E C K• H a ro ld 'V a n H a lo n o f It.ick fn -o k .

ili p roliat.. court here T liurs.li.y |.leiiiU. rd K uiltv t.l rharno ..f ia»u:.i.co o f n . I,a,l chock a a .l w a . r c n lc u r .a by

Judi:o .1. U llo.I^iia t.i a.TVo ill) .lays la j:.il an .l pav.?i;(Hi fin.-. Tli<- f"ul- p ln i.a waa a ic.ied I'V J . .V

I m anagi-r o f Ihc Tw in J a i l . t.Todit r a«aociali..u, an .l th.- check in .|i..-*lioi.. is ^:.bl ll. Imvo l.cen ...le .if a num- ( b r r ..f I.a.I checka rcc r.u lv placcd 111• c ircu la tion liy the a cru ac l.

T o r par« , c lear, c lean Ico p liono OO.'J., L inco ln P roduce and E e fr lg e ra tln g Co.

A dv—

-------------------- ----------

fG O U T[vL O U R S P R I N G \ U L L I N E R Y A T

;.N"^STRAW S ,of children’s Ktni.vs at $1.95

o f T a i l o r e d ' B u t t o n H o l e s a n d a l l k i n d s o f


LE3. WEEKLY.NEWS, '■ TVrw w ;F ia^s,. idaho. t:■■■I .‘ , I S S S S S S ^ r- ' I :

K o i t ^ W o i n a f t a n i ■

' S i 9 f l n ! ^ p x ( ) n e r '

Mrii. .B u rah ,E . liro rk c tt , p ion tvr (*• w onlan a c tU ^ t’. o l , the Rusoworth d h - 1_ t r ie t , ond ’h e r " 0ftn, Chester E. Ht-ae- «

k e t t j w o n o t .gu ilty uf p e tty larceny t rhn r((ei in eonlioction w ith ullogcd th o f t o f . BOeODd hand luniher ii)ido lh o r a rtJ o lrt , i t wna dco idrd by iJu d g e J . Ii. H oilt:!a in probuio court <Jioro T huradny . Charae* nKainat Mra. ,B ra c k e tt w ero dSaniiwcd l.y Iho cuurt J

■ on eoncliiHlon o f the iircaontiition o f ,i fho euao fo r th o piojecu tion , aud Mr. BnickoU w as decJar.Ml no t Rullty oflliu nllej;ed offenau a t iho cluao of th c |hearinR . i

„ K vidcneo allowed thaf Mra. I lrack ett .und hor nou h a d purchapcd hay, pna- ttn ro and aomo houxrliold k'uoda from )

, , tho coiiiplnlniiif; witnesa, F rnnk Urv, w h n i ho le f t la a t f^.ll colnj; to Waaii.

!,j Inutoii. I t AVna naacrtert th a t U ry hnd ,tolil fho Ilr ttoketia tlii-y were w olcnnu i

1, t« tnko tUc lum ber and « lhc r iirticlo t ireinninliiB nbou t fho placc. Tho rom- 'p la in t ngninat tho Jtrackvlta wun alRn- I od by U ry on h ia r d n ru from Waah--

f in ;;ton la a t F e b ru a ry .

^ B R E V I T l E S iD enver M a u V blt.i— K. I'. Huiiih

n rriv ed T liuraday iinou fr.nn Denvor!;, »in\ will upend n hhnrt tim o ii.-ro ........

« . , J,{ H ere F rom JK h ld g o —1,. A. Dml-I. , ,, o p e ra to r o f tliu Tw in ralla-.larliidi;o ■ \f alaKo line, w as here from H ollister

T liuraday cvcninK-

ii Ja rb ld g o M orchau t V lalpt—,r„Iin II. ’I- IJcrry , J;irbi.lBO ni.-rchaai, a rriv e d ye-.- :. f to rilay from N eva.la lu apciid a aliott .V- tlm o here oil a l.uy iits Irip , iid . « ----.0 S a l t L a k s M ail Uoro— II. II. I 'o liii.

B all Lako lum berm an, n rrived Tiiiira-i-a dnv to spend soveral daya horii in he- .It h a lf o f coinmerei.nl In tereats. :

W ill Oo T o O h lc ac » -M r. an .l .Mr-, • r- K. W. D ickeuaon u ill leave Hiiu.bi.v : id m<jrnini; f . .r Chlcay.. and iK.lntu cant.I.I Tho tr iji w ill b e ma.lo overland .

•1 P n rk H a s N ow Chef— F r d W .;.eff.T, i •t- fort.ierlv c h e f iu T .ill.-r’a caf.- la 'l i - '

d.-n, l.aa ta k e n 11... i.o.iti.M, o f .I ilr f c h r f fo r thu I ’u rk hotel .lin in;; rooitr horo. ... . . I

K l tc r o r r o m CIilciiio— T. H. (;..i-.cri a r r iv e d .T h n ra d a y nnon frum (:i.ica;;o

^ “ L e t t h e K i d d i e s K u m ’- - ■ ■ ' ..............

Joe-K. Says:->Vnnci- haa ab o u t ruicho.l

»o mnch a s u roo.I ery . Kh w im ll"

Xita T u n n le af ; Ilapp lei

REGINAL](The W o rth y Succouo

“WHEREO p en in K -B .H S c '‘I lo m o - f 'u i Ball Sea-xon ' Tuxcdo-Coi

, ” Tho Idaho , W liero You Zxf

Orpheum‘‘ MONDAY. :

C'O.MI.M; I'O T W IN FA LI.S I " ’ i:.V(i.\liKM i;NT.S IV .


Donald GoUaherS..


I C u r ta in to T < n a i / \

|[ f ^I ' v ) U i K M R - H V I M R . O A^ ^ i C o s p l d e . Q i k s t ^ O x s t a n a

[■•Reai fCHICA60 wt.'* [i

y W ^ T u i u i(c i’ieXG^HShxJW

I . K O T A M OV!

I KaU O rdera K o tr '■ Prlcw: «Loo. s u a $

Olid w ill ap'cna- aovorih .daya-.in Tw in arr, F a lls -a tld t b o . a a r r6UD'dln(f-towsia on thc Itualiicsii. ing

Main y i d t l — W . y . Fravibaclt, rn i.to ie n ta tlv o o f th o Jiordaeli Manu-faeturinK eom tm ny o f Boise, a rriv ed TT huradny n fto^i'uon n n il ir ill spend I.,suveriil .d ay s hero iu th e in te rea ts of niifthe concorn, nu.

• . ' thuS h o rt L ln a 2{ A a 'E e r » ~ A . W. Itob- wh

inaun o f fho- entclneoriti); ilepartiuen l inn o f thu Ureitun S h o r t L ine, le ft Thura- Bch dny evenhit; / o r h is liead<iunrlors In r ir a to l lo a f te r cuinpletiu t; b u s ia r is jaffiiinc, here . Va

lU U w ay M an V i^ ts — A. 1 \ MeClur.-, trav e lin g f re ig h t nnd pasaouger iigciit . for th e U allim uri. and Ohio railway compauy, lo f t T h u rsd ay evrninf,' for i,_ Halt i^ako n f te r npeiidlnt; a ahurl tlmo

1 hero un business.

S to ro F o lk ] Go Bwlm m ing— Moiubers 1 o f AVright’a sto ro la s t evening jonr- I neyed- Jo A rfe .ilan rn iiiaaao whero * ‘ I Ov» evn«lHK v,nH njiCw*. Uv nwlmjnuii'. *,- Thn progrnm w as concluded w ith a .'- ban*iiiet iu T w iu Fnlla.

In B urley on Btulnons— H nrry N-l- h.'!' aou, field m nn fo r thu .T w in Fnlla (N.uuty n a lry iu o n ’s nssocintinn, will

‘ re tu rn S a tu rd n y from Hurley where ' ho haa sp e n t se v era l days in b eh alf of .'

a ffa irs o f-^he a s io c la tlo n . KiiI . .■ ■■ ■■’!• .Cpoaka . a t H azo lten— l^raoHt D. .I IJIonm, su p e riu len d e n t o f Tw iu Falla

ai'hooN, u t Hnr.oKon 'Chiiraday nil- b dr.-.-^ao.l ila ro lfo ii high acho.d sfudenfa.

■ i.i.onking In regnrd tn thn e i ly of’ W aahlngton uud M ount V ernon, ♦

B ack F ro m W ells— W. C. I ’rico, + a lali.iu aupervlaor, nnd (). II. (.'halniera, t

. t r i lu i i .a .le r fo . (ho Or.-go.i Hhort <!■ I.ino, re tu rned Tliurn.lay evening from f : a viNit lo W ella nn .l w ill prnreod to X

hcnd.juarlera in I’ocatcll.) today. J

T akes B uU dor'a P e rm it — M unieipal $. lin lld i'r’s p erm it has boon laaued lo j- John ti. KiuM-a fo r couHtruotlou o f n t . .iti in n |rn ilde.iicr, SSxIf) fee l, on lol ^

U\ bl.ick 1’, K aat Law n add ition , t , .^:atuunlo.l e s t o f , tho a lri irtu ro i.a ^,• in:,IIO. ■ * • *

L eav ing fo r C a lifo rn ia— .Mr nad <• Mr>. (.'harlea M iioaulev nn.l liltl.> aon %

, r x p .c t t.. lenvo H ntur.lav on an over- %- 1...... tr ip to Hnn Francl..-o bv w av o f +f l’<.rtlan.l, .Mrs. -Ma.-auloy w ill ont.T $ r the V iilvem ltv o f C alifo rn ia Hummer ♦

ifcJiof.l a t lle rk e lry . J

I R oads F ro m ' P o r tla n d Good— Mr. 4'. nn.l S7ra. L . ]•:. K liiuft o f I ’u rlland J

......I . . : . I

n ” T o m o r r o w a t 1 0 a . m . |

-.1 thu po in t \vhoru uo th iiig w ill holp ' i t il^________________________■, +

U N O W P L A Y I N G |

a N o A d v a n c e i n P r i c e iS SH O W S A T 2 . 3:30, 7 A N D 0 +

Ilest T A rce V o u V b S e e n ' t

:D 'DENNYJiof to W A L L Y B E ID ) ?

iV as I?.” . , Iu i;c (!” I n t c n i u l io iK i I to n ic t ly . N o w d t

ixpoct T be-B cst, A nd O et I t ” t

1 Theater |WAY 3rd. ±

irN C llA M iK D . FKOM H i;i.L O F T t > A M ) i i :a t 'I 'I . i:. 5

. I S I X I M O I I I H S I I a K I N C H I C A O O . J «&/m£sV/EUiott p"•ent—

^ i w A lAnRITY-**- I•u i P r o d u c t i o n . T fO a c f " / m

ffm2 Ita n ^ o m Y I j

^ m \

ScaU N o v SolUcg I n ..ta o o . T a x . _ ■ w

rHUBSDAY;.-AP|tIIi 29,-191 9 2 6 . „ X1,,. ........1 » V .l.<iii!. " I ' '■arrtvetl liero Tliuraday -evMlDf on |gp their wny to Cbieoffo/' Thcy'ti^-'jnhk- ing the trip b / sQtoniibU^) \IMrt tho' roada 'b«(«e«B'^"n»t«r iinil i Portlund to bo iq' f ln t obtas^MnSSttoa. ; ^

Vlalt Dan*ht«' Hri©—Mr. au.l x‘\1’. Kieldsctt’ arrived Thursdny - fiJ- t“'

niifoniobllu from;’thr!>-homo ftr . » nud will spciul n few , dnys vlaltja);thuir daughter;'Miss Knreif, ?,who ia au Instructor in tjie 'lundif^n J* ‘languagoa dupartmcnt o l tliO 'hfgh H!- Bchuol here. •;

* ' (III)Returns to Twin FaU»—Hlaino', C.

VaiiAna.loln, who hns be^n' for spxi.T.U yj\ yeara iu Iliu emplnynicnt of ftwifl nnd t'.iuipaiiy nt I’urthind, hus return- j,,„ ed with Mrs. VAiiAiisdeln nn.l fanlily nnd cx|>ecta to vngagn iu swliin grow- Ing on fho VnnAusdeln farm north- i,ltf weat of Twin Falls.

■ * ' ■" Phi. In Hansen Pulpit Sunday—Dr.. K. I/. White, diatrlct superintendent for thc .Methodiat church, will occupy Iho Lf pulpit of the Hanaen eommuuity olnirch Kandny nt tho regular morn­ing services at 11 o’clork. At the , cloao of tho servlcn an important roii- ‘ grrgntlonal husiueas meetiitg will ho •''' held. “' ‘I

' "' . a.BB00KFU2LD B0TTEE. ne;

rhuruod frrsh dailv ill Twin Falls. Wil-;at it ovoi-y day.—Adv. inu

-------- . . . ------- |]„Vny your dog las-today aud avoid 2

the penally.—Adv. M.

I Friday and

I S p e cI S p e c i a l f r e e s o a f ) w i t l

♦ I P e e t s W a s h in .q r M a c h i

I 1 P e e t s S e a f o a m ...............

t 6 P e e t s C r y s t a l W h i t e £ I 3 P e e t s C r e m e O i l S o a p


I A ll F o rJ _________

I L u x , 3 f o i - .................................

J S u g a r , 1 4 l b s . f o r .............

I J e l l - W e l l , 3 f o r ............. .

I S h r i m p , 3 f o r ..................

I D e l m o a t e C a t s u p , 2 f o

I C a l i f o r n i a T o m a t o e s , 6

I F a n c y I o w a p a c k C o u n

I 3 f o r .............................4 8 c — 6

♦ 4 l b s . P u r e , L a r d .................

I H e i n z T o m a t o S o u p , l a r j

I H o o d y ’s P e a n u t B u t t e r ,

I H u m p h r e y s F a n e y H a n c

I h e a v y c o a t i n g : , p e r p o u n

I A L L D E L I V E ]

I P h o n e s 0

' I d a h o D e p

T h e O R fT O D A Y — T 0 1 \

M a t i n e e , 1 0 c a n d 2 0 c ; E ’

A Drama ot Love in


--------------------------------- E v e iP A T H E R E V IE W Jo v iv iV A ESO PS F A B L E S TO PICS O F T H K “ a t e ,

T>AY c i r c u sO R PH E U M

O R C H E ST H A . t ^ i n e e i , — r . j i, — — c a s t , t l

A B I G S H O W — S l

i E N I O R S - M A 'K E . S e E N E f t i r ^ /

F O R d r a m a t i c o f f e r i n g , :

Now acnnery h a s been m a d e - fo r [cnlor clnss piny , . * *UoUo,’4 - ’W ifl

u com edy In Uircu n rja th a t Ja0 1)0 proHenieu in thu h! ||h aebobl luditnrluni n i^ t T h u rsd ay a n d FHdtOr;.'; ivnuings. M ay 0 a n d 7f an i| m uchV ' Ime and energy liitvd been e x p cn d e il:. .o m ako ih n se tU n(; a ttra c tiv o . •••. i " T h o Mciie* nrc v a rie d —a Wew Y o r k ' ' :tudio, th ’o dressing rnotn o f u 'tb c a tr o , 1 till! Btugu Itae lf d u r in g - a productlo ii, . ind ft m odern r w n t r y homo. P atrie lH .' VVilaOn, K cnnetli K riv an e k n tid O sc a r- ' !(icCunnirk aro d 'H lgiiing nni) rxoeui* ing th u s ta g e se ttin g s . T lt« prodn'c*. ■ Unn promiaos tu be onc o f llio .u io s t^ - in tr ro a tin g onen o f th e y e a r fui' tho iiigh school; i te sc rv id soats |{o un ' uala H ntnrday, M uy 1, a t tb u M a jc a tb . Pharm acy .

c h u r c h a u t h o r i t i e s

T O a t t e n d C 0 N F E R E N G &

On.» br m oro of Iho general ntiliiori* • lira o f th e church from S a lt Trf.Vfi wUl a lf.-nd a rogular c iunrtcrly coiifcrciiee • o f the- T w in I 'u lls s ta k e of th o L . D . : 8 . rh u rrh th a t is to bn held here ' n e x t S a tu rd ay n t ‘J n , m . in tho F i r s t - W ard chapci. On H unday a ll meet* Ings w ill Ih> held iu tho O rpbeam ihon tro . w ith eesiiions n t 10 n. m. a n d2 p. in. T he floiijnint acssloa o f tbo •M. I . A . -will bc hold u t K p. m.

1 Saturday

j i a l st h P e e t B r o s . S o a p . ;■

h i n e S o a p .................... $ . 4 0 ^ "

..................................... ...................' 3 0 : :

S o a p ................................. .. 3 0 :

p ........................................ ■ 2 5 ; I,

$ 1 .2 5

$ 1 . 0 0

.....................................................; . . . . . 2 9 c ^ ^

......................................... : . . . . . . . . ? i . o o

............................................................ ; . 2 5 c :

................................. ......................... . . A 4 c :

' o r ............. ........................ . . . . . ; . . 3 9 c

6 f o r ............... .................... : . . 6 7 c :

i n t r y G e n t l e m a n C o i - n •

3 f o r 8 9 c — 1 2 f o r $ 1 . 6 9 I................................................................ 7 4 c :

i r g - e s i z e , 2 f o r ............. 3 5 c : :

r , 2 l b s . f o r .................... 5 3 c :

n d D i p p e d C h o c o l a t e s , i

m d ................... . . . . ' ..................... 3 5 c :

5RIES FREE.0 a n d 1

p t . S t o r e

P H E ,U M) M 0 I I R 0 W

E v e n i n g 1 0 c , 2 5 c , 3 0 c .

n the Hills of Hate-

ioyiVTAiNfll rw u rM w ajjn w w iA 'n ciw B T B u cri c i u . n s i » » i i r y » n p M U u i u T i i u . ^ _ _ ^ ’ ''taui': “

r tA W !i> c u A « y -rA rL flu n tt l A s t r n r r s - A u c i n w i a s

( a m u ^ ( s m r m N - r m f KiU iM

^ . EiKht Recla Adventure and CMBm ' Romancc.

e r y . a n g - l e o f a p p e a l

' i d l y p r e s e n t e d ; l o v e , '

e m o t i o n , r o m a n c e ,

s l i S f e * a n d m o u n -

c i - " d f e m a . A g r e a t

t o o . ■

S E E I T S U R E ! • ;


Page 6: T W IT A L L S V .W E2 E K L ^ niEWS - tfplnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS...T W IT TWENTY^OOin) TBAB iiuizE sms i ONTiKFAl IN pilA ^ Lightning Striks Huge Oil

I R i l lJ f ltW iiiM O p e n T h r e e S a f e s in

| B u h r -E s ta l i l i s f ih ie n ts a n d

i T & e ; A ltP B e th e r $ 1 3 0 in

| t o h V $ 3 0 0 In C lie c lts . ,

VPfflrcrs h r ro . Triuriutajr nvRnlnjr nl btt'OloM o f 00 olt-Ony ■itivrMtlKnfliin,

pu»x1«l ovrr tho for- C S Iw .. opening, o f tnff» in Diri’-u. ImsI* «

nr% otiaoi'at nahl Wotlnri<!ny K elowa had Uoen - iiaeovnrpd. i l ,

ttm t xppmxtmtitrlv «13(l V M i h pnd about »300 in rJiprk* Iiml |& .-takcn,l)y"tbe ypgBmpji. JT

Z K -.buretara gained oiUrancetlirQuali aMjhlowa ' i n ' «srh “Inilancp. In fhe rS ||n /'.Farrell coal yard ami Ilomu Q I ^ b r r romiiaoy ra rd , wimlown trrrn "

»ktn, nnd Iti tho Itiilil' FloiA- Jlill, g 'w lodow loek wni prlnl npcii.5 ; . - V M T a rtle t.[a tbe eonl yard Uio *nfc wn« Lrokon In;.:whllo- In tho tiimhcr yard .ind u,

Ql anfca wfre opcm-d wliliout viu-' .tnpp, either liavliiK been K'ft iiii- -B aed or elao llic-rnniblnatlonR in-rc ’4fi«rat<‘d hy tbe liurtclum.! ^ h o n l UOO in finh nml Iir

jeka^wero Inlcrn from Clio flour mill r The tnnnncer Alnti'd to nffirers

i t h« bollcvisl ho hnd nofc loelced' Ihc ,, wAcn he left the offUo Wpdiioa- pJ

a i . ' 7 S £ tnken from tht>|W M 'n ith e r a t tho.con! ynrd or :ho

Biber jarcJ, from fnch of whirh nl>niit f in-ensh waa taken, Th«* luiiiljor wll fflnnnscr Hlnird Ihnt lm bellrwvl HI(

MtaJisd lorki*!! Ihc « f o whrn ho-Irft of ilK*" flfflre. , f onc r ' Trr.« BI»dse on 2>oor triryWio' «Ioor of thp fliifc In Um pnul

p wnn I>niiiT<'<l <)!«•» willl n "Ipilao «r lho knoll liiiil bppn brokm nff

I^M lIie iiiRilili'r* hroktiii wilh n Iikik . rhlii'l, A hole ulao hud ■•■•••ii

|pd, Ihroiigl. lho l.oHoiii o f Dll' n iil i l ve2 y f tlio comblnntlnns wero o}iorn(<*d, m

Q^DP^rAlora wcro ypKKi>pn, nnd Rimdwaa Ihu opinion e»i>rei*.'d xitr

2 5 « ^ y evpnlnj: by Dopuly feheriff ‘ E n p n Jonca wDn had boen *ile-

th o . ihvcitlffntlon in r< g a ^ t l o t i . -witb: A, l) .. W»«on. Dull! T.it,

'.%tien tho burglnrie* aaw

^ ^ U E a E a x a E

F T ablew a

I 8 ®

l l ' ' PIECES-

f t S u p e r i o l

1 5 € iPJ ' ev a

0 ' . EACH B™

„ ' ' -EVERY IB 888 pieccs, a Klitterin d : Sheffield^ “Colonial” |L ' house Iteepers, proprii i i ; - your tables in a distin P r ' inain aisle front tablei ^ / . tendance to ^ v e yon j

SEE■ OUR ■ Evei-:

» WINDOWS ™etaM f ■''' sets i

f c E e O N

- TWgj_FAl.

iFSnw C TQ U M jw ^l ■: ■

1 ^ i'rM

" T l» t ahow man th a t .told what kind " o f ft »»7 you •wan by tbo bujnv* p on yonr head got jnixod up on m« >„

I account of th a t rock SiOnny threw.*’ f„’ <CopnUt»t. iwa. Sdltora. *an.» |

[ th o o th e r liniiil,” ^ Ir . Jnnpit ron- pl , lin u c d ,." > h n J(di« xceni tu Imvo lipm I dunii by jKTiHinii w ho wt-re fam lll.ir on

w ilh llip pliircn nud tiui niitiiniH o f mi I Iho coiieprna tlin t Ihpy Ino tc tl,”


Taesday, AprU 27.D.—It. C. Ri*liiirffer In I‘nn-0- rc*

L 'o r fiUvcr Pox Fnmm, W.'iOf), ]». ,c, twi 11. 1, TichiirKi-r Huh. nrr

W. n . - u . C. to J. H. Khiip^ ta)♦<00, coit 00 fc'Pt U 10, U. ” , Kn'lawn Hull. Mr,

W. 1),—T«vin Knlla Hnnk & TniHl Wn Co. to Mnlllp 'J’liriiPr, >100, 1>, J l, U. Uiu 5, Itanicn. -

W. 1).—Thonm* .(^ivcndor to Jnmr* — <;avendor. ^1, W ^j h. l-S, H. 4, Roulb ♦ ♦ Pnrk Add. t

NOTXOB TO OOKTBACTQIU , | ,Bonleil hidi, to ho opcjicfl AJay l(if, ;

will bn reeclveil Iiy thu Twin Folli Highway Dl»lrlet for the co«iit'nistlo<j ’ of one or moro rnnnl brlilgee. I’tnm [ on flic nt n.e Twin FulN Highwnv Dh- trirl; Iloorn -t, i;ifl'Hho>lione Kt . inflt.

J . I). HINKMA. ; Dlrecfor of JtiKhWnyf.

WAERAKT CALL.Wiirrnnia of fhi« Mnrtniiffh ItlRliwfiv '

n iilr ir t nnnihpri) ri.'a to ;(H7, both iiirhi- ■Ire, will i>o piild If pn-aciitcil to elmn.M. A lli'n,' MurliHiKh, Idnho. Interoxt :cone>i on April .IO, 102(1.MUIITAUQH ItlO lIW AY ntSTIltCT.

OitAS.- M. ‘AM,I^N, Clerk.

r o r puT^ clear; cl«an ic«' phono 09S. Useola Produce and BofrtgerAtlag Ob. Ut— . 5^

c a j o ij c a c a E a i a i F riday and

M Specia]‘^ E m E c f f^ r i ■ 0 V M

TOMATO SAUAD DlNNGO TAOLC seR .ve;\ po r u s p o o n

' X ^ IB

)r Silver-Plat<HA s p o d ir alESSBBT SPOONSA B L E SPO O K S Hk a n o e s p o o k s I BSRBT SPOOKS I[T70AB s n n i x sDINEE KNIVES 1 ? AUTTER KNIVES

PIECE BEARS THE SHFing, glistening display of ' L” Every woman, wil! like rietors of hotels arid restai Snctive wajr a t very small i les in the Economy Baseme 1 prompt and courteous sei


Sly piece is exti-a silver pla tal. Every wanted table ] 5 in dozens or ha lf dozenL


; Dog Owners Hasten ' To Get License Tag ■ — -

X enrly h a lf n« ni:iny Tn-lu F i l ls rpaidonla <' n# irfO.-iircd «lo;» lirr in p x .liirliif{ llio c iilirc vpiir o f IDW have u lrrn tly ob la ln ril Ili-rritP^ fo r .Ih e lr pet* fo r th e roiiilnff year. n 'N in linR lo record* n f tin- r i ly c lrrk '* o ffiro . The*.. rccorcN Tlium.lfl.v ^hnwrd 5.'*ti- nn rc o f n toriil n f H I ‘lojf tiri'iiaf* fo r UI20. DiirinR Jl'l '. ' n lo ia l c f nbout 2/iO llrrnac* w on' l*iui'<], all o f tlivm be ing p ro n ir rd a f le r Ih r fir* t d .iy o f Ifoy .

h ffo c t o f tliP ed ict callliiK fo r utric t cnrorccnic iit o f ihi- on liiiiinre rc<iulr- infr p ii)'incnt o f do(f lli'cnic* p r io r lo p .Mny I in >.'cn in lho rcro rd act in Jhl* rr«iMTt ihipi yi-nr.

1 T h e ’ polli'o i |r ija n .m c n t., O iic f o f » Po lirn II. J i LriKhnlu "Uitcd T h iirnd iy ) hn* rcrc ivcti <nmc* for <lo(;<i i,n dr’ Ifiirrn*, mnl iirrnni;‘''n''iil'* hnvc liccn He , nindc fo r cxcriillon o f iniirniiti'd dii;{8 I’f I w lilrh bwiuTfi lire ndvlnrcl lu Jcnvo a t Dr. II. » . (Jrnnm ''’)! v itc r iiin ry ho»- pllnl On fii'conil nfrcct wi-*t. ^

Owner* o f iIokx (hnt nre not llccn 'cil on H nturdny ivill be llnhlc fo r iiiiy- ■ m cnt o f f in e . I

HAILEY MAYOR • RESIG N S jH A IL E V , A pril A t n apcclnl I

m cpjin/j o f tlic r i ty counrll T ucudny I fvcnlnfc', W . 1*. K ow lrr Icnilcrcd JjJt I rcdgn iltlon u« nm yor of H iillcy. Only I Iwo nicuibcra o f th e roiinril w ire I prc»cnl, conacfpipntly nn n rtlnn wn« I ta h rn on th e m a tte r. M nyor Fow le r H Unvn n* hla rcaaon fo r rr^ ipn in j ' Ihe jj prcna n / p rlv n te Imalncaa nnil hi* I Wnrk na county eornnil.Miontr o f ■ Dlnino connty,

^ ^ w w V w W W V V f V VV” ” ▼ VTTVVTT V VT

Dance! DamAnother Good 1


Music by George H(- , And Howe’.s KiTickets, Including

• Eats for Everybodj And Lote of

a g a E U E S M c a i

I S a tu rday

II E xtraorr n p o i f “

I ' . _ ■ i






3EFFIELD A-1 PLATE LA[ Tableware. The pnttern te i t Housewives, housek au ran ts—here is your opp< 1 co st The silver will be i m ent Plenty of salespeop service.?Y GUARANTEED

lated on a substantial base 5 piece and fully matchedL ■


l'TT,g WBBKLY NEWS, TI He^t Recoils Here J. Are 'Brohen Again

T o te c a t t f o t " t o t o j —C loudy a n d lu u e ttie d .

I" M crrnry ywtcrdfty rllmbcd io thu hl;|hc*t point tliat haa been

,f. nttiilniHl durlflK tl'*’ niunth of , April ill ihla auction for "ixtcoti

. yrnra, renrhlng 80Mr>;rcfa ahortly0 n f l r r no<ni. r 'l ho hl«ii< !<t trinpvru- (>. tu re r c c o rd c d 'f o r A pril »incc Ihc

c«tnL liahm cni o f the ,, cbiiiTV cr’a m ntlo ii her*- wna t i ln r in c th e l o t l e r pnri of thi*„ tiionlh lu iniO. Low vc.<fcrd.iy f

t A S K r o ^ B B O O K FIE L D . •■ T ho b u t le r cb n rn ed ilally in Tw in1 Fnlla, F rcah and delielcmii.— A>lv.

f N O T IO Ef I w ill n o t ' l io rraponHilitr n t te r th iaI ilntc fo r dch ia eontrn<-lcii Iiv Mra., Dorla llrC rn c k e n . Hlgii.-d—L. 'l ) . .M fJ Crnchcji, Twin F a lb i,,. M nho.—nrlv,

‘ S O B S O niB K F O B T H K X E W a


I DANCE TONIGHT I , Filer RoofI Hoot Mon MarloweI Orc*he‘itrH .I Admis-nion $ i .0 0 I SpcctatoMI (gentlemen) 25c


ice! Dance! |I Time in the ♦CKING HOUSE . |HT, APRIL 30 IHowe’s Orchestra |Know How 2ng Lunch, $1.00 |tody This Time. ^ Iof Coffee. I

i iaaca c a c a ic o

nrdinaiy §f ^ - . Q n

I 7 8 n

r 8 i8 n

i 0I PIECES . g

^ Bleav y h

1 5 c !EACH Q

LABEL Qrn is charming— Hekeep^rs, boarding Upportunity to equip Me displayed on our . I]ople will be in at- q



l E ^ j


X g " w Tbs;

i T h e Se: I V alu i

I GREf $ 1 6 . 9 5 3

J ' ■For eveiy figure—« >2 These suits are prieee g finest gi-ades and w ^ to $ 4 0 . 0 0 .

I Look 1<S Full cut work sh ir t ...1! A worktzj

I1 Always —greater \

I New Yo:Exchange? Yes!

M ■ ■g I, We Buy f

scsvinff »W8K!


Full size quart.Premier Brand ....... .....

HAMSNuckolls Fancy Sugar Cured; pound .......

Cookies l,™:B LA C K B ERR n

Solid Pack, No. 10 lin s .......................

STRING BEA^j.VTender and-Sweet;4 Tins ........ ..................

Phone 45 Phone

liiy for Less-^We Sell for I,

Jaso n ’s G l ie s in C lol


CAT VALE$18.50 $22.50

-regular-T.-short-sljm, stc :ed to give gi’eater suit val workmanship.. Regular v£

These Over, 1.......... 45c Work or dreI'k shoe that is a dandy ?1.

values—lower prices.

j r k S to reRefund? Certainly!

t for Less—We Sell for .Lea

r, Hard WheCE FRUIT J

C O p Hunts Fancy .....Quality ........................

• SAr 9 Q p Alaska Pink ..... 4 -Tins .........

K g 2 Doz.U S LE

59c P®''. ... ‘ Dozen .......

JJS' ' LAUN]4Q<> Sunny—Mon(

..... 10 Bars ........................

43 Shoshone Street S e 109'Main Street St<

Less ^

r e a t e s t I

t h e s - I


J E S i

$24.50 Itout—short stout. ^ alues—suits of the S: values from $25.00 ’

Men Iress sox, 3 for 2.5c ^ 11.85 ■ ' ' ®

rI------- — ■ TSTOBES: ^

BoUo Twin TalU ^' Nampa Borley ^

Bm nutt Bnpert nBuhi L& Grande S

W alU WoUa • Mt------------------------------------ — S

___________ ^

C l a s h I S s t o r e s

Bat, $198FO R SALAD

^ _ 3 3 c .


^ ................... 4 3 c

. - - - 25cEMONS

................... • 2 3 c


nday; 2 9 c

S to reto re