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The New Kuip : Enfolding 24/7

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The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7 6. j i i h g f e d i e j x i p i e x j m j i j f j e w w f f k e e d j s kThe New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7~ } | z z q r { q z q r y x j w j v u t t f s r q q p f m j o n f m l k 7. G2 1 " 1 " " ) C ( " $ 1 E # 3 " ! ) 0 5 ) " " 4 $ " 1 A " ! 1 ! 1 & 1 " " " ( " ( ( 1 " " ( D " $ 1 0 # " " " ( C " 6 " % ( " $ 0 1 ) ! " ! 3 2 1 0 6 6 " $ " ) & 1 ) & 1 # ) " " # B& 1 " " $ ( 1 1 " 1 1 ! # " 6 1 1 1 ! 1 " $ " % 1 ) ! 1 " ! 3 2 ) " " 4$ ) 1 A " ! ! ( ! " % ! @ 0 " ) 9 " ! 8 " 5 ! 7 $ 1 ! " 6 " ! 1 0 5 ) " " 4" ! 3 2 1 " 0 # " " " ) ( " " ! " ! " & % " $ " # " ! F F The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7 8. 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LEVEL 1 The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7 14. LEVEL 2 The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7 15. F F H G 3 2 " LEVEL 3F " E C " 3 D " ! ! C B 9 A 5 @ 9 8 7 6 6 5 4 " 3 3 2 " 1 0 ) The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7(& % $ # " ! 16. P Ii h R Y X h g W ` ` Y f e d c U b W a ` Y R X V S W V U T S R QLEVEL 4h Y T b R Y g W ` i V U T e e b i d Y f b Y Y e e d e Y ` ` U b W ` W p U d d Y U c i V b U R x Y W pThe New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7 I I v w v I v w i T b R i y y e x w v v u Q e W R X V S W V U T S R Q r i t V ` X S Y s e V r ` W a q p 17. w y s u m n n s q { m l n s y u p t m p { z t y x i hLEVEL 5 s z y s m n w p { z q w s s s q q s n n { m n m j { s { w p { y s m jThe New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7 h h } ~ } h } ~ w z y w q ~ } } | x q m y u p t m p { z t y x o w v p n u t s r q p o n m l k j 18. LEVEL 6 The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7 19. U 4 6 b 1 8 2 @ 1 4 7 G 6 4f q @ h 4 3 2 1 4 3 5 6 4 H 8 2 2 G H @ @ 7 c 1 8 1 8 E 7 4 c 7 G C G @ 2 1 89 b E 4 1 4 9 @ 4 h @ 2 G 4 7 G 4 3 2 5 @ C C G @ 6 C G E C b @ 5 i 6 4f q @ h 1 4 4 5 2 4 h 6 C C G 5 4 C h G W @ H A @ 4 6 b 4 3 V U 6 H @ @ 7C 4 2 @ 3 @ 2 1 8 E 4 2 7 4 W 1 @ I 4 h 1 G I 2 G 3 2 6 4 q @ h 4 2 G W 8 7 9c 1 8 2 G 7 @ 9 7 @ I 1 8 H b 8 E G 2 6 G A @ 4 C 9 H G q 4 1 G 6 8 E C 4 wf 6 7 4 E E b 1 8 H b 8 E G 2 6 H 7 G 3 9 C G y 2 1 4 I 4 7 4 7 @ H 4 3 2E 1 G i 2 q 4 2 1 @ I 6 8 3 2 1 8 H b 8 E G 2 6 c 1 8 7 4 4 1 @ 8 9 G 6 G 5@ 2 1 @ 7 @ V 1 8 4 H @ E P r x 4 3 V U 2 4 6 2 b @ 4 3 2 H @ 7 A 4 6 bC G b E 3 I b 6 7 @ A E 4 7 b c w 1 @ I 4 7 4 h P C 8 6 G 4 1 G I 6 4 I G 9 64 6 4 3 2 i P 7 2 4 1 8 h G I 4 C h G 2 6 b Y E G 7 @ 6 4 q @ h 1 4 4 5 2f 4 h 6 C C G 5 4 C h G 4 W @ H c 1 8 E 8 W @ 7 9 P D U 6 H @ @ 7 E 4 hC 4 2 @ 3 @ 2 4 v 8 6 1 8 7 G C 8 H 8 6 4 2 8 b u 4 7 G 6 4 q @ h 4 2 G W 8 7 t U E 1 G C 6 B 4 3 2 E 1 G 7 4 W 8 F 6 6 G s 4 3 2@ 2 c 1 8 r @ @ C 7 4 W @ i H b 8 E G 2 6 4 3 2 A @ 4 E 8 6 3 2 7 @ 1 4 3 2 1 @ E 4 6 @ 9 @ 7 9 4 7 Gi 6 4 H G c 3 I 2 G H c 1 8 7 b E 6 4 q @ h 6 6 4 1 8 6 b h 6 G 1 @ 8 2 I 1 b A @ 6 C G 3 I 8 3 5A @ ` p i 6 H @ @ 7 S ` Q A @ 7 4 h H b 1 C G 2 @ 2 g U 2 I G 9 H 8 C G I 8 c @ C @ I 4 P 1 Gc 1 8 7 4 A A b 6 2 b @ 3 2 8 5 E 4 3 I b @ 2 1 b 6 1 8 G H 4 7 E 1 G C 6 8 4 3 2 H @ 7 A 2 1 4 H 1 @ 7f 8 W 1 4 C G 7 b 2 G 1 4 3 2 9 8 b e 5 4 d 4 3 2 @ 2 1 8 H G 7 c @ 7 9 6 8 3 2 c 1 8 E b C I 1 8 P DU S a S ` 7 G 4 P 4 3 2 @ 2 6 1 @ 8 2 I 4 Y @ 7 9 3 2 8 5 X X X Q 1 8 E 4 2 1 4 6 4 7 9 1 @ 8 6 8 W2 1 4 H 9 @ C 4 W 4 E 4 3 2 A @ 2 7 G 9 4 7 G 6 1 G C 9 4 6 4 3 V U 6 2 1 4 H 2 7 G 9 G T T E 1 G6 H @ @ 7 S R Q A @ P 2 8 I G 9 G I G 3 2 8 5 C 4 2 @ 3 4 I 1 4 7 4 A 1 @ I G 7 @ A 6 1 G C 9 4 7 G4 7 4 3 2 H G E 7 4 2 2 @ F E 7 @ @ 1 4 1 4 8 7 D A @ 4 C 6 B 4 3 2 A @ 9 8 2 1 7 4 2 6 4 5 4 3 2 1 0) ( !& ! % $ # " ! The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7 20. h g g f e d h m u h k h h g h h k u { u h h g { { h n { h h h g h g g t u h g g l g h d h t t d ~ d i h } | p { iThe New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7z y x o w o o v u h t h s r q q d p o o n d k h m l d k j i 21. a T ` Q Y X W V U T Q S R Q P I H F G F E@ $ 32 4 ! 0 ( % " &3 % & #9 ! % # ( ) )3 3 ! $ ! $ ( 2 # D $ ! ! ( % # " " % 3 4)5 % % 2 % % # $ 3 %# % & ! $ ! $3 0 ( ! ( ! 7 # 9 # C @ % # % ! 0 8 34 % # 2 $ B ( # ! % ( 2 # ( 0 # ! 7 $ 3% $ % 3 ( ! $ B 3 "( # " $ 2 $ ! A @ 8 34 % & # " 63 3 "( # ")8 6 $ & # " & ( 2 ! ( % # % " " % 3 % 29 $ 8 0)5 2 % $ # # 7 3 %# % & 63 5 (# 4 % 0 % ! & 3 )3 % # 2 ( ! ( # % ! 0 1 # 0 0 ! 0 $ " " % #( % & & % # $ # " ! The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7 22. c b e r q p s s r y x w v h u p t s r e q i f p i h g f e dd i u r g i e p r w p e e p h u e p h p e e e p h d i u p g i q q p v h e w r h e i u p p e e p h z y | ~ y } | { z y x w u v u t r g u e r s p s i h g q x u w r r u r r q x p m o i n m l k j j i h x r s s h u p s p h w w r h v i u h e g f e r p The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7d c b b g u e x b d x p e q i f p i h g f e d i s q f r x i s p t 23. The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7 24. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7Team 5: Bristogianni Telesilla _ Calle Eduardo _ Sakkas Panos _ Shitole HarshadCONTENT3.1 Structural concept 263.1.1 Roof Design263.1.2 Main Structure Design283.2 Approximate Design of Anticlastic Prestressed Members303.2.1 Theory and Calculations303.2.2 Calculations for Prestressing in Cables333.2.3 Shape of the Ring343.3 Design of Supporting Structure 343.4 Preperation for Analysis in GSA353.4.1 Input from Rhino/Grasshopper 353.4.2 Cable properties 373.4.3 Application of Loads 373.4.4 Loadcases383.5 FEM Analysis of Priliminary Design 38 3.5.1FormfindingusingForceDensitymethod(Theory) 38 3.5.2NonLinearstaticAnalysis(Theory) 383.5.3 Initial Analysis for System Check393.6 FEM Analysis of Revised Design 413.6.1 Analysis 1 413.6.2 Analysis 2 443.6.3 Analysis 3 473.7 Conclusion 49Structural Design25 25. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)Team 5: Bristogianni Telesilla _ Calle Eduardo _ Sakkas Panos _ Shitole Harshad The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/73.1 Structural ConceptIncluding the three concepts and final design structural exploration was an integrated part of the whole designprocess. Many places structure defined the form of the building especially in the roof. Development of designtook place on the lines of Form follows Function principle so as the development of the structure. Exploration ofthe structure took place in two parts,1. Roof and supporting structure2. Main structureConsidering the time span we were provided with I was able to analyse roof structure in detail and proposedbasic concepts for the main structure.3.1.1 Roof and supporting structure designThe roof form was derived from the basic architectural requirements for interior space configuration, use ofnatural light and sustainability aspects.Architectural Requirements for the roof -1.Low height building (No white elephant)2.Fixed roof, no retractable surface.3.Structure should be as light and transparent as possible.4.Integration of energy generating elements (solar panels)5.Intimate space even for smaller functions26 Structural Design 26. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7Team 5: Bristogianni Telesilla _ Calle Eduardo _ Sakkas Panos _ Shitole HarshadConsidering above architectural requirements we compared two type of structures , compression structure e.g.Dome and tension structure e.g. synclastic , anticlastic surfaces .In compression structure(dome) as all the structural members are in compression there will be a jungle of structuralmembers and also height of the stadium increases which was in contradiction to architectural requirements. So Istarted to explore tension structures as they will be prestressed the member sizes will be smaller than compressionstructure.Comparison between synclastic and anticlastic tension surface synclastic surface creates very low height at thecentre (approx 30 m) which is not desired for a football match. It is also not good for snow load andrainwater drainage. Anticlastic curve is self supporting geometry if provided with required prestressing. It is alsogood for snow load and rainwater drainage. So we discarded the option of synclastic surface.Then we started to compare the basic shape of stadium seating. Seats along the longer side of the field aresupposed to be visually better than the shorter side so we decided to increase no. of seats on the longer sidemaking the bowl shape more circular than rectangular. It turned out to beneficial for the roof structure as thecompression forces in the outer ring are almost equal at all the points as compared to the rectangular shape whichhas denser stress lines in the corners. So we decided to go ahead with the circular shape. During the explorationof the patterns of the structural grid for the roof we compared radial grid, Fibonacci curved grid and rectangular gridand we concluded with the rectangular grid as it follows the stress lines so is most efficient and uses less material.Structural Design27 27. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)Team 5: Bristogianni Telesilla _ Calle Eduardo _ Sakkas Panos _ Shitole Harshad The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/73.1.2 Main Structure (concept) Grid The column grid for the main structure is derived from the car parking and circulation and dimensions of the precastconcrete slab seating so there is no defined dimension for a structural bay but varies from 6.6 to 12m X 6.6m. Thecolumn grid is denser on the lower floors which dont require large column less spaces e.g. parking, services etc.and fewer columns on the upper floors which requires large column less spaces e.g. lobbies, circulation areas etc.The roof ring is supported on a secondary ring which is integrated in the main structure, which needs to bedesigned as per the structural loading from the roof. The FEM calculations for the main structure has not beendone because of the time limit we had.28Structural Design 28. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7 Team 5: Bristogianni Telesilla _ Calle Eduardo _ Sakkas Panos _ Shitole HarshadSliding Pitch To slide the pitch out we need to have 100m of columless space on the ground on the eastern part of thestadium. What makes it chalanging is the live and dead load coming from the top as there are five floors offunctions above that. One of the solutions which is proposed here is the double floor truss system placed 13mc/c. so that the whole two floors will act as a huge 3d truss.Structural Design 29 29. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)Team 5: Bristogianni Telesilla _ Calle Eduardo _ Sakkas Panos _ Shitole Harshad The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/73.2 Approximate Design of Anticlastic Prestressed MembersIn contrast to the compression structures tensile structures lack stiffness and weight. They are curvilineargeometries and built in tension (prestress). In case of anticlastic geometry two opposing curvatures balanceeach other. In other words the prestress in cables along one curvature stabilizes the primary load bearing actionof the cable along opposite curvature. The induced tension provides stability of form. While space geometry,together with prestress, provides strength and stiffness.Since cables can resist loads only in pure tension their geometry must reflect and mirror the force flow, surfacegeometry is identical with force flow. The geometry (forces)must be in equilibrium so that under superimposedloads it guarantees stability and safety. Cables must have sufficient curvature and tension throughout the surfaceto achieve desired stiffness and strength under any loading condition. In contrast to traditional structures, wherestresses result from loading, in anticlastic structures, prestresses must be specified initially so that the resultingcablenet shape can be determined.3.2.1 Theory and calculationsIn anticlastic surface geometry two opposing curvatures balance each other. Under gravity loads, the main(suspended, convex, load bearing etc.) cable is prevented from moving by the secondary (concave, arched,upper bracing etc) cable, which is prestressed and pulls the suspended layer down, thus stabilizes it. Theprestress force must be large enough to keep the surface in tension in any loading condition, preventing anyportion of the skin or any member to slack because of compression being larger than sorted tension. In additionthe magnitude of the initial tension should be high enough to provide the necessary stiffness so that the cabledeflection is kept to minimum. However the amount of pretensioning not only is a function of superimposedloading but also is directly related to the roof shape and the boundary support conditions.From a structural design point of view, prestressed anticlastic surface may be organized in three main groups:1.Saddle surface supported along exterior boundaries and possibly, in addition, supported by interior linesupports.2.Anticlastic surfaces point supported in the interior (stress concentrations)3.Combinations.In our case we explored, investigated and analysed Saddle surface as it is only supported by the edgering. The stress state of the cable for ideal condition of pretension only, ignoring any other influences canbe derived from general membrane equation for zero external loading conditions.30 Structural Design 30. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7 Team 5: Bristogianni Telesilla _ Calle Eduardo _ Sakkas Panos _ Shitole HarshadIn our anticlastic roof structure fx = fy= 10m so we can writeSo tension in cables is directly proportional to square of the length. In other words longer the length more thetension. The initial tension may be induced directly to the cables or by tensioning the boundary cables usingprestress equipment; the tension can also be induced by initial external overload p. Load p is helpful as aconcept and can be seen as an imaginary or equivalent external load to express the prestress force.According to the membrane equation for shallow hyperbolic paraboloids under uniform vertical load action,letting w=p, the membrane/ cable net forces per unit width along each principle direction can be approximatedfor the assumed conditions symmetry and T=H asOr the magnitude of the equivalent prestress load p for a surface under constant tension T is a function of thecurvature.P = 2T/RWith a decrease of surface curvature (or increase of radius of curvature) less prestress force is needed .Surfaces with more curvature are stiffer than the once with less curvature for the same amount of tension.We can concluded from above equations that for conditions of asymmetry, such as for different span ratios andsag ratios the membrane forces in each direction under equivalent uniform prestress load p are The following relationship , important for determining the basic membrane shape, can be derived from aboveequation for a surface under constant tension Tx0 = Ty0 =T0Conditions of perfect symmetry of loading, geometry and material are assumed for first preliminary designprocess. Not only the boundary conditions symmetrical, but also cables in each principle direction are consideredidentical in size and spacing so that the stiffness ratio (EA)x/(EA)y = 1. Cable sag in the range of 4% to 6% of thespan generally give satisfactory results with respect to structural behaviour.In our structure the sag of cable is 10m which is 4% of the total span and crosssection of all the cables isconsidered as constant (EA)x=(EA)yStructural Design 31 31. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)Team 5: Bristogianni Telesilla _ Calle Eduardo _ Sakkas Panos _ Shitole HarshadThe New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7Stiffness for the cable using (Stainless steel, austenitic, AISI 302, wrought, annealed) the elastic modules is 190GPa and radius for the cable as 5 cm Under full gravity loading, the lower hanging cable, TL are stressed to a maximum, while the arched membraneportion TT is stressed to a minimum, requiring only enough tension so that it does not slack. Hence each cablesystem carries an equal pretensioning force and equal share of the superimposed loading.For first approximation purpose (under normal wind conditions where wind suction is less than snow loading), letthe tensile force in stabilizing cable be equal to zero (TT=0) but not considering any safety factor. The result is aprestress force generated by an imaginary load equivalent to one half of the maximum superimposed loading - p= w/2The magnitude of the prestress force T0 is only preliminary; it has to be changed to take into account the deadto live load ratio, different cable sizes, surface flutter, rigidity of boundaries etc. Substituting T0 in above equationgives maximum tensile force per unit width.The cable force is obtained by multiplying the unit force Tmax by the cable spacing. We may conclude thatfor the preliminary design of shallow cable nets, all external loads, such as snow, cladding are carried by thesuspended portion of the surface, similarly to a single curvature system when the arched partition has lost itsprestress and goes slack. Also notice that at least one half of the permitted tension in cables is consumed by theinitial stored tension.The design of the arched cable system for light weight roof structure is derived in general, from the loadingcondition where maximum wint suction wu causes uplift and increases the stored prestressed tension, which isconsidered here equal to one half of the full gravity loading, minus the relative small effect of membrane weight.In other words, under upward loading, the maximum forces occur in the arched cables and can be approximatedas w_u L^2/8f. For most cases it is conservative to consider for preliminary design purpose the cable sizes in thearched direction as equal to those in the suspended direction. We may conclude that an anticlastic surface .Similarly, the uplift wind forces or suction forces w_u, which usually control the design of lightweight tensile cablenet structures, are resisted by the arched cables or fabric strips when the suspended portion has lost itsprestress and goes slack.32Structural Design 32. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7Team 5: Bristogianni Telesilla _ Calle Eduardo _ Sakkas Panos _ Shitole HarshadTo calculate prestressing in the cables first we need to calculate nodal load on each node. The dead weight ofthe roof cladding is considered 8kg/m^2 taking TEXO panels(http://www.texo.co.nz/) in reference for light weightcladding material. Self weight of 10mm dia cables is approx 61 kg/m length.Nodal load on node A will be self weight of the cables andthe dead weight of the cladding material in the red box.Self weight of cables W1 = 61x16 =976kg = 9564.8 NCladding load W2 = 8x64 = 512kg/m2 = 5056 NTotal nodal load = W1+W2 = 14620.8 NThere are 27 nodes for the length of 225 m cableHence load per unit length of cable =14620.8x27/225 =17545 N3.2.2 Calculation for the prestressing in cables -For analysis of the roof structure in GSA we will be using force density method for form finding so its necessaryto calculate force density per unit length.Structural Design33 33. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)Team 5: Bristogianni Telesilla _ Calle Eduardo _ Sakkas Panos _ Shitole Harshad The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/73.2.3 Shape of the ringWe started with the rectangular shaped flat compression ring to hold all thetension cables. The orientation of the flat beams needed to be in line with thetension forces, but during the process we realised that second moment ofInertia for each ring section is different. It was creating a lot of complications inmodeling process so we decided to simplify the ring shape to circular sectionas second moment of Inertia for circular section is same in all directions andalso this change was not affecting the architectural concept.3.3 Design of support structure for the compression ringSupport structure for the ring was one of the crucial part of structural design as it was going to directly affect thearchitectural layouts and cladding design. We started with integrated support systems along with the bowlstructure. This concept demanded a verticle truss structure (fig 1) simmiler to roof support structure for London2012 velodrome building. After integrating this verticle truss in architectural model we realised it was messingaround with arcitectural layouts and diameter of th roof was extending outside the site boundries So we decidedto go ahead with indepndent support system simmiler to Olympic Saddle dome in Calgary in the form of angularsupports along with intermidiate tie beams to prevent these columns from buckling, which finally rests on thesecondary ring where roof structure meets the main structure.34 Structural Design 34. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7Team 5: Bristogianni Telesilla _ Calle Eduardo _ Sakkas Panos _ Shitole Harshad3.4 Preperation for Analysis in GSA3.4.1 Input from Rhino/GrasshopperStructural Design35 35. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)Team 5: Bristogianni Telesilla _ Calle Eduardo _ Sakkas Panos _ Shitole Harshad The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7Application of GSA plugin (GeomGym) in grasshopper saved a lot of time in nodal and elemental inputs in GSAfor structural analysis. Parameterization of GSA inputs in the form of material properties, section properties,sizes and constraint inputs left me only with load application in GSA. It helped in back and forth communicationwith Rhino model in case of some minor changes.36Structural Design 36. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7Team 5: Bristogianni Telesilla _ Calle Eduardo _ Sakkas Panos _ Shitole Harshad 3.4.2 Cable Properties Before Importing rhino model to GSA its important to make sure that all the elements are splitted at node junction and there are no overlapping elements. Line 3d for roof consisted of number of number of cable elements connected at nodes. In default situation all the cable elements will have same cable property. Because of which, in analysis process we might get bifurcation errors. So it was necessery to connect/ link all the cable elements to make it as cable. Cable elements are intended to be used as multinodal super elements or chains in GsRelax. These super elements can be called sliding cable elements to differentiate them from their constituent links. To define the chain or the super element, the programe looks for spacer or cable elements with the same property number and joins common nodes. So all the elements in a continious length of spacer chain or sliding cable chain must have a common property number unique to that chain. In our case we assumed that cable properties for all the cables will have same cable property, so the same cable property was applied to all the cable chains using different property number.3.4.3 Application of LoadsThere are 5 different types of load used for analysis 1.L1 (Gravity loading) 2.L2 (Pre stressing). As per previous calculations Prestressing of 554343.75N was given to suspended cables and 717619.2N was given to arched cables. 3.L3 (Dead Load) Self weight of cables and dead load from cladding material resulted into 14620N of nodal load per node. (Calculation Pg 6) 4.L4 (Snow Load). Snow load was taken as 566 N/sq.m as per NEN-EN 1991-1-3 standards, which resulted into 36224N nodal load per node. 5.L5 (Wind Load). As the building is completely closed, there is no direct wind entering the building. So upward force is not considered and also all the horizontal wind force will be dealt by the main structure, it is not included in analysis calculations. The suction force caused by wind passing above the roof is considered and the value for it is derived from NEN-EN 1991-1-4 codes. As per NBN codes maximum wind force for Rotterdam region(Region 2) is 1.21KN/sq.m. The height of building is 55m so according to figure below there will be 1.21k/sq.m force acting on area which is 55m from west side and 0.847kN/sq.m will be acting on rest of the roof which results into nodal loads of 77440N and 50208N upward nodal loads per node.Structural Design37 37. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)Team 5: Bristogianni Telesilla _ Calle Eduardo _ Sakkas Panos _ Shitole Harshad The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/73.4.4 Loadcases L1 (Gravity) - used for form finding using Force density method.L1+L2 used for form finding using normal element propertiesL1+L2+L3 used for initial calculations for system check.L1+L2+L3+L4 used for calculations in heavy snow conditionL1+L2+L3+L4+L5 used for calculations in heavy snow with heavy wind conditions3.5 FEM Analysis Preliminary DesignFEM analysis for anticlastic cable net structure was done in two analysis tasks, formfinding using force densitymethod and non linear static analysis.3.5.1 Form finding using Force density method (Theory)Force density form finding is a method of form finding cable networks which originated over 20 years ago inGermany. The tension in each link of the network is made proportional to its length. The resulting stiffness matrixis valid for any displacements so the method enables linear structural analysis program to form find. The formthat is found is given minimum strain energy i.e. the form which minimizes the sum of the squares of the lengthsof the links multiplied by the stiffness of the links. For 1D elements, the force density form finding properties setthe value of force/length for succeeding bars. For this analysis only gravity loading was taken into consideration.3.5.2 Non linear static analysis (Theory)There are several different types of non-linear analysis, but there are two different effects that need to beconsidered which are seen in cable net structures.Geometric non-linearity where the loading causes changes in the shape of the structure which must be takeninto account in order to get an accurate solution.Material non-linearity where the loading causes material to behave in a non-linear manner, typically throughyielding.Different analysis options in GSA allow these effects to be accounted for in different ways. The analysis solver forall the general non-linear analysis options is called GsRelax and is based on Dynamic Relaxation. The GsRelaxsolver uses an iterative process similar to transient dynamic analysis with time increment. As GsRelax analysisis a static analysis, it does not use real time increment, but unit time increment and dummy masses rather thanreal masses. As GsRelax uses dynamic analysis to simulate static analysis, damping is also used to enable thevibration to come to rest. The results and progress of the analysis can be viewed and adjusted while the analysisis in progress. The iterative process can be tuned in the analysis wizard, and the format and frequency ofreporting analysis progress adjusted.38 Structural Design 38. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7Team 5: Bristogianni Telesilla _ Calle Eduardo _ Sakkas Panos _ Shitole Harshad3.5.3 Initial analysis for system checkAfter the basic form finding analysis we did non linear static analysis using GsRelax solver using only gravityloads just to check if the system works.Structural Design39 39. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)Team 5: Bristogianni Telesilla _ Calle Eduardo _ Sakkas Panos _ Shitole Harshad The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7 After getting the results we realised that the ring which is supposed to work compression ring was not in entirely compression and the whole system was generating opposite axial forces and reactions in adjacent members. After investigating the problem we concluded that the problem lies in the connection between the angular column and the ring beam as the angular columns were preventing ring to compress so at some places ring was in tension resulting opposite axial forces. Solution for this problem was found in the Olympic Saddle dome in Calgary which was built on the simmiler principles. Two of the opposite column beam connection on the lowest side were pinned so that commection movement in X,Y and Z direction is restrained and all other connections were roller connections where the Z movement was restrained but X and Y movement was permitted resulting in compression behaviour of the ring. To achive this behaviour master and slave joint system was adapted for the connections adding extra nodes at respective junctions. After making necessary nodal restrain changes in model we again did non linear static analysis for system check only applying gravity load and prestressing. The ring was in complete compression and cables in pure tension but were showing snapping phenomenon. Even after increas- ing the prestressing the results were similar. So we concluded that the roof curvature is not enough, it need to be more curved. The sag for the cables in both directions was changed from 10m to 15m (6% of the span). After these changes further analysis was carried out.40 Structural Design 40. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7Team 5: Bristogianni Telesilla _ Calle Eduardo _ Sakkas Panos _ Shitole Harshad3.6 FEM Analysis of revised design3.6.1 Analysis 1 (with gravity, prestressing and dead load)Structural Design41 41. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)Team 5: Bristogianni Telesilla _ Calle Eduardo _ Sakkas Panos _ Shitole Harshad The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/742 Structural Design 42. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7Team 5: Bristogianni Telesilla _ Calle Eduardo _ Sakkas Panos _ Shitole HarshadAnalysis of cable net roof under gravity, prestress and dead load gives maximum vertical nodal displacementof 1.8m but maximum translation displacement in Y direction is 4.8 m, which is not desirable. Axial forces in thebeam are compression forces (17.5 x 106 max) and cables have tensile forces (2.5 x106max). maximum axialstresses in ring are 30MPa (45 MPa with safety factor) which is way below the limit of 245MPa for normal steel.The maximum combined stresses for the shorter columns are quite high (1GPa), which is not desirable.Structural Design43 43. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)Team 5: Bristogianni Telesilla _ Calle Eduardo _ Sakkas Panos _ Shitole Harshad The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/73.6.2 Analysis 2 (with gravity, prestressing, dead load and snow load)44 Structural Design 44. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7 Team 5: Bristogianni Telesilla _ Calle Eduardo _ Sakkas Panos _ Shitole HarshadStructural Design 45 45. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)Team 5: Bristogianni Telesilla _ Calle Eduardo _ Sakkas Panos _ Shitole Harshad The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7In further analysis of roof in addition of snow load of 566 N/sq.m results into maximum vertical displacement of3.6m and maximum translational displacement in Y direction as 6.1m both of them are not desirable fromarchitectural and cladding point of view. Axial forces in in ring and cable dont show any failure. Axial stresses arebelow the limit of 245MPa for normal steel.46 Structural Design 46. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7Team 5: Bristogianni Telesilla _ Calle Eduardo _ Sakkas Panos _ Shitole Harshad3.6.3 Analysis 3 (with gravity, prestressing, dead load, snow load and wind load)Structural Design47 47. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)Team 5: Bristogianni Telesilla _ Calle Eduardo _ Sakkas Panos _ Shitole Harshad The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/748 Structural Design 48. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7 Team 5: Bristogianni Telesilla _ Calle Eduardo _ Sakkas Panos _ Shitole HarshadAnalysis of the roof considering all the loads performs better in terms of vertical and translational displacement,giving maximum vertical deformation and translational displacement as 0.3m and 0.35m respectively. The lesserdeformation is because of the upward wind suction force acting on the cable net. Axial compression force in therind and axial tension force in the cables are lower on the western part of the roof but ring is still in compressionand cables are still in tension, so the system works fine. Axial stresses in the ring and angular columns are quitelow.3.7Conclusion(RoofAnalysis)Considering the results from above three analysis, we can conclude that 1.The system of anticlastic cable net roof structure works as compression ring and tension cables afterchanging the nodal conditions at ring and column junctions as master and slave joints.2.The deformation of the tension cables in first two combination cases is unacceptable, so to make it work,either cable stiffness or prestressing in cables need to be increased.3.Axial stresses in shorter columns is exceeding the permitted limit because of the orientation angle of thecolumn, so either section thickness for the column need to be increased or the column inclination angle need tobe reduced.Structural Design 49 49. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7 Team 5:Bristogianni T. _ Calle E. _ Sakkas Panos / 4120639 _ Shitole H. CladdingContents4.1 Cladding Concept504.2 The Challenges of the Roof Cladding 524.3 References of the Roof Cladding 544.4 Developement of the Roof Cladding 564.5 Daylight Analysis 584.6 Detail Drawings of roof Cladding604.7 The Challenges of the Facade Cladding 644.8 References and Developement 66of the Facade Cladding664.9 Concept of the Facade Cladding684.9 Facade sections 704.10 Detail Drawings of Facade Cladding 72Cladding49 50. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)Team 5: Bristogianni T. _ Calle E. _ Sakkas Panos / 4120639 _ Shitole H. The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7 4.1.1 4.1 Cladding Concept The use of textile materials for the cladding of the Stadium was an im- portant part of the concept that was chosen during the preliminary phase of the XXL Workshop ( 4.1.1).Textile materials like membranes, fabrics, foils or metal meshes gen- erate innovative solutions to non standard ( 4.1.5) and temporary struc- tures (4.1.2)and therefore could create an envelope with high levels of adaptability to complicated functional programs and to different environ- mental conditions ( 4.1.4) . As one of the most popular cladding for light structures, textile mate- rials belong to a family of structures called Tensile Surface Structures. The great development in the field of composites production has created products that are not only suitable for temporary or experimental con- structions but are also used to cover more and more big building projects ( 4.1.3). Their main advantages are the reduce of the weight of the structure ( textiles are lightweighted and therefore need a lightweighted structure to support them), the relative reduce of the construction budget when there is a need to cover a big surface and the great ability to realise extreme architectural shapes. The biggest disadvatage of these materials is their short life span. That is why they are mainly used for temporary structures. Neverthe- less. technology has improved and their life span may rise some times to 10-15 years. In the case of the new Kuip we believe that a life span of 10-15 years creates the flexibility to accommodate new technologies in the future and may create opportunities for further development of the Stadium.50 Cladding 51. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7 Team 5:Bristogianni T. _ Calle E. _ Sakkas Panos / 4120639 _ Shitole H. of the chosen concept during the preliminary phaseof XXL workshop.The wrapping of the Stadium with a textilematerial creates new opportunities for reconfiguration andadaptation.4.1.2Image describing the concept of wrapping for the first pinup presentation of XXL workshop. The image is a schemati-cal section of the Stadium proposed with a picture of theartwork:Valley Curtain (by Christo and Jeanne Claude) asbackground. of the Zenith concert Hall in Strastburg bu Massimil-iano Fuksas.The use of silicone coated fiberglass mem-brane created a dynamic building envelope of big size andreduced budget.4.14Gina : the BMW prototype that uses textile to cover thebody of the car. The application of textile in the movableparts of the car explore the behavior of such kind of materi-als in reconfigurable structures.4.1.5Burhnam Pavillion by Z.Hadid. It is a temporary lightweightpavillion with a non standard structure that is covered withfabric4.1.5Cladding51 52. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)Team 5: Bristogianni T. _ Calle E. _ Sakkas Panos / 4120639 _ Shitole H. The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/74.2.1 North - South 3D section of the Stadium4.2 The Challenges of the Roof Cladding The main challenges of the roof cladding were1.The cover of an unusual surface ( anticlastic surface :double curvature ) with a light as possible cladding because ofstructural demands for a wide span lightweight roof and construc-tion economy demands for a reduced weight of the overall structure (4.2.3.).2.The exploitation of the big surface created in the roof forenergy production with solar energy.The creation of an enclosed roof created the opportunity to makeuse of the new big surface that was created in order to produce solarenergy( 4.2.4). The particular shape of the roof ( directed by the bowlof seats it covers and the architectural need for visual reduce of theStadiums volume) divided the roof in two parts, only one of whichwas facing South and therefore was suitable for PV Panels( 4.2.5).3. The creation of a roof that would completely cover the in-terior of the Stadium but at the same time would try to keep thelighting quality of an open air space.The full cover of the roof with PV Panels would reduce significant-ly the levels of daylight inside the field. Day light was of great impor-tance for the interior of the Stadium not only because of the creationof a pleasant environment that had the most desirable qualities of anopen air space but also because of the reduce of the artificially lightduring the daytime( the biggest disadvantage of the Stadium whencompared with conventional Stadiums)52 Cladding 53. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7Team 5:Bristogianni T. _ Calle E. _ Sakkas Panos / 4120639 _ Shitole H. 4.2.2 Roof plan 4.2.3 Roof shape:anticlastic surface 22% 78%4.2.5 West - East section of Stadium100% 4.2.4 Increase by 30% of the4.2.6 North - South section of Stadium roof surfaceCladding 53 54. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)Team 5: Bristogianni T. _ Calle E. _ Sakkas Panos / 4120639 _ Shitole H. The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7 References of the Roof CladdingThe cable grid of the roof acted as the starting point forthe adaptation of the cladding in the anticlastic surface. Thesize range of the grid unfortunately created 8m X 8m squaresin which the cladding had to adjust. The manipulation of thesezones would create a more adaptive surface to the orientationand the shape of the roof. Although folding of textile surfaces isused very often for structural reasons , in this case it would beused to create a surface better adjusted to the surroundings. 4.3.254 Cladding 55. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7Team 5:Bristogianni T. _ Calle E. _ Sakkas Panos / 4120639 _ Shitole H. 4.3.3 4.3.4 sketch of the roof cladding concept. matrix for the roof cladding: The use of flexible PVpanels is very efficient way to integrate energy production inlightweiga hr structures. When combined with ETFE cush-ion they also let natural lighting.4.3.3-4Constructional Detail and view of the Akita Dome: a light-weight structure with textile cladding and wide span.4.3.5-6Atrium roofing at Palais Rothschild in Vienna.Axonometricof the roof structure thet uses ETFE as cladding and inte-rior view.4.3.7Accessibility in the roof of Sony Center in Berlin.4.3.7Cladding 55 56. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)Team 5:Bristogianni T. _ Calle E. _ Sakkas Panos / 4120639 _ Shitole H. The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7 4.4 Developement of the Roof CladdingThe demand for bigger integration in the body and the en- velope building lead to the exploit of the 8m X 8m structural cable grid of the roof as the organizational grid of the roof cladding. The South orientation is the most suitable for the position of PV Panels and therefore a first division of the roof was implemented. Narrow zones were created in between the West- East cables of the roof.Through the manipulation of these zones the cladding will be able to take advantage of the direct sunlight for energy pro- duction and let indirect sunlight enter the building56Cladding 57. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7 Team 5:Bristogianni T. _ Calle E. _ Sakkas Panos / 4120639 _ Shitole H.Cladding57 58. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)Team 5:Bristogianni T. _ Calle E. _ Sakkas Panos / 4120639 _ Shitole H. The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7 4.5.1 Daylight AnalysisThe lighting quality of the interior ( 4.5.1) is most affected by the enclosingof the roof. Therefore openings were created to let indirect northern sunlightcoming through. Geco and Ecotech were used to examine the ability ofthe roof to satisfy the standards of natural light ( 4.5.2-3-5). Also a test ondirect radiation was made in order to determine a better orientation of thecladding to absorb as much as possible direct light and not get affected byself-shading ( 4.5.4) .All the above examinations were made in order to guaranty that no prob-lems would occur and not in order to optimize the position of the cladding.58Cladding 59. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7 Team 5:Bristogianni T. _ Calle E. _ Sakkas Panos / 4120639 _ Shitole H. 4.5.3 4.5.4 4.5.5Cladding59 60. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)Team 5:Bristogianni T. _ Calle E. _ Sakkas Panos / 4120639 _ Shitole H.The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7 4.6 Detail Drawings of roof CladdingA1section A-Ascale:1/1000B1section B-Bscale:1/1000 ABB A8.008.008.00 8.00 8.008.00 8.00 8.008.00 C1 section A1 scale: 1/50060 Cladding C2 section B1 61. 8.008.00 8.00 TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3) 8.008.00The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7 Team 5:Bristogianni T. _ Calle E. _ Sakkas Panos / 4120639 _ Shitole H.C1 section A1 scale: 1/500C2 section B1 scale:1/500 1.00D11.25 D2 elevation C2 scale: 1/50 3.79Cladding61 62. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)Team 5: Bristogianni T. _ Calle E. _ Sakkas Panos / 4120639 _ Shitole H.The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7 1.00 D1 1.25D2 e s3.79section C1scale: 1/5062Cladding 63. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7 Team 5:Bristogianni T. _ Calle E. _ Sakkas Panos / 4120639 _ Shitole H.25 Custom U-Strab 3mm 4 around cable 50 Metal cable 50mm 50 screw M1046 Silicone coated fiberglass membrane with flexible PV cells 180 Flat plate 180X1527 27 18 ETFE foil73 Tension cable 10mm 48 70 section D1 scale: 1/5 Silicone coated fiberglass membrane ETFE foil Tension cable 10mm60 30 30 4670 108 Custom U-Strab 3mm around cable116 50 section D2 scale: 1/5Cladding63 64. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)Team 5:Bristogianni T. _ Calle E. _ Sakkas Panos / 4120639 _ Shitole H. The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/ The Challenges of the Facade CladdingThe main challenges of the facade cladding were gen-erated by the fact that the facade would surround a multyfunctional program( 4.6.4). Therefore the facade claddinghad to provide a surface that would serve each interior ap-propriately and at the same time would create a unifyingvisual effect ( 4.6.1).The cover of a complicated and diverse functional pro-gram ( retail, circulation areas, restaurants, lobbies, lounges,hotel, etc) under one unifying surface( 4.6.5) requires a clad-ding strategy that is adaptable to the surrounding environ-ment ( different orientation and different urban conditions).Each space has different demands concerning the needfor view or for protection from the sun ( 4.6.3) not only be-cause of its specific program but also because of the dif-ferent orientation ( 360 degrees facade). Also the outsideenvironment ( 4.6.2) is some times attractive to view ( TheCanal, the Skyline of the city, the Plaza) and some times not( noise and pollution from the highway)64Cladding 65. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7Team 5:Bristogianni T. _ Calle E. _ Sakkas Panos / 4120639 _ Shitole H. 4.6.2 4.6.3 4.6.1 Riverside( North ) elevation of the Stadium. 4.6.2 Connection of the Stadium with the surrounding envi-4.6.4 roment- main circulation paths. 4.6.3 Conceptual plan of the facade cladding strategy.Dif- fernt treatment of the west-Nosth side : open view in contrast to the South side that remains covered from the unattractive highway. 4.6.4 Programatical variety and diversity in between the bowl and the facade. 4.3.7 Spreadout of the programatical diversity of the inte- rior in relation to orientation 4.6.5Cladding 65 66. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)Team 5: Bristogianni T. _ Calle E. _ Sakkas Panos / 4120639 _ Shitole H.The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/ References and Developement4.7.3 of the Facade Cladding The Zenith Concert Hall in Strasburg by Massimiliano Fuk-sas was a great inspiration for the cladding strategy evenfrom the conceptual phase( 4.7.1-2). A silicone coated fiber-glass membrane was chosen for the specific project. Stress4.7.4resistant, fire resistant , hydrophobic and very formable themembrane was kept into place by 5 metal tubes of 50cm diam-eter ( 4.7.4)with average distance between them 5m and totalhight of facade 26.8 m. The metal rings act as compressive elements( 4.7.3) of thefacade structure. In the between distance there are cables thatstretch the parts of the membrane and keep them always intension( 4.7.5). Although the primary intension was to combine the mem-brane with other more rigid materials ( 4.7.8) at the end onlythe membrane was used to control better the size and the com-plexity of the project. The shape of the Stadium became anobject for exploration, especially the North side of the hotel (4.7.5 4.7.7).66 Cladding 67. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7 Team 5:Bristogianni T. _ Calle E. _ Sakkas Panos / 4120639 _ Shitole H. 4.7.6 on the image of the Zenith.With start-ing point the stuctural vocabulary of this buildingan addition of a more transparent material( ETFEfoil ) could create very similar qualities to thesewhich we seek.4.7.2Appart from change of material , the subtrractionof material is also a case in which a better connec-tion to the exterior is achieved.4.7.3Picture during the assemply of the Zenith Facade,showing the wrapping of the rings with the mem-brane.4.7.4Section of the structure of the Zenith facade, re-vieling the size of the interior structure.4.7.5Interior view of the Zenith.4.7.6The Gina prototype as an inspiration for a unifyingsurface that has differnt gualities.4.7.7Developement of the Stadiums shape during theweeks.4.7.6Material matrix that could be used in the facade ofthe Stadium.4.7.8Cladding67 68. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)Team 5:Bristogianni T. _ Calle E. _ Sakkas Panos / 4120639 _ Shitole H. The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/74.9 Concept of the Facade CladdingThe intention for maximum integration lead the design totry and use the floor slabs as the compressive elements thatwould hold the facade. Unfortunately , in order the structureto work properly the metal rings need to be longer than thetension cables. This way a useless space is created in theedge of the floor slabs .With the proper manipulation of the rings the facade wasadapted to the demands of the interior. The rings run in azone ranging from 0.9 m to 2.5m from the level of the slab.A secondary structure is generated to lift the rings to the ap-propriate height .This way the zone above the ring protects from the sunand the zone below opens the view to the exterior space.It is important to note that the membrane acts as a secondlayer of protection for the building. The lack of thermal insula-tion in the membrane makes the facade a cover from wind,water and overheating.68Cladding 69. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7 Team 5:Bristogianni T. _ Calle E. _ Sakkas Panos / 4120639 _ Shitole H.Cladding69 70. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)Team 5: Bristogianni T. _ Calle E. _ Sakkas Panos / 4120639 _ Shitole H. The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/74.9 Facade sections70 Cladding 71. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7 Team 5:Bristogianni T. _ Calle E. _ Sakkas Panos / 4120639 _ Shitole H.Cladding71 72. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)Team 5: Bristogianni T. _ Calle E. _ Sakkas Panos / 4120639 _ Shitole H. The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7 4.10 Detail Drawings of Facade Cladding 245 210E1 130 165 70E2145 157 130 340 12086 48 1545 253 217 90 70 typical section scale: 1/5072 Cladding 73. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7Team 5: Bristogianni T. _ Calle E. _ Sakkas Panos / 4120639 _ Shitole H. Metal tube 500 X15 Custom shaped flat plate 15mm screw M10 Upper profile44 27 15 2718 Flat plate 100X15 Lower profile44 42 53 ETFE foilsection E1scale: 1/5 Custom U-Strab 4mm around cable46 42 35 4 Valley cable 35mm Silicone coated fiberglass membranesection E2scale: 1/5Cladding73 74. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)Team 5: Bristogianni Telesilla _ Calle Eduardo _ Sakkas Panos _ Shitole Harshad The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7Digidal Design and ComputationContents5.1. Introduction 755.2. Digital Design Process 755.2.1. Communication and Coordination 755.2.2. Data ow and integration of multidisciplinary design information765.2.3. Parameterisation of the core model 785.2.4. Computational analysis as an evaluation and decision making tool: 79Developing the Recongurability of the Arena79 Research topic79 Exploration of the space division geometry80 Dening the shape of the structural elements83 Study of the reconguration of the generating curves86 Optimasation of the strip element 885.2.5. Materialisation of the design through prototype making 955.3. Conclusion and Reection 965.4. References 9774 Digital Design and Computation 75. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7 Team 5: Bristogianni Telesilla _ Calle Eduardo _ Sakkas Panos _ Shitole Harshad5.1. IntroductionThis chapter focuses on the digital design strategy developed for the coordination of a multidisciplinary teamin the preliminary design stage of the New Kuip Stadium, the integration of the design data and the evalu-ation and optimisation of the proposal. It presents the key role of digital management in dealing with com-plex problems in a short period of time, achieving effective communication and interaction between dif-ferent experts and guiding meaningful performance analyses that support the decision-making process.5.2. Digital Design Process5.2.1. Communication and CoordinationFirst step, regarding the information management among the team members, was the crea-tion of a common database.Dropbox- as currently being the most popular web-based le host-ing service- was chosen for storing the shared archive. The ability of instant le synchroniza-tion and therefore updating of referenced les was the main reason that led to this decision.The structure of the archive was dynamic during the design process, to respond to the particular needs. Theabove indicates, for example, that folders considered to be important during the 3 Concepts DevelopmentStage were later deleted or merged to facilitate the navigation through the archive, while new folders were cre-ated to support the work. Once each team member started concentrating on its role, folders for each disciplinewere created, containing the subfolders 3D, CHARTS, DRAWINGS, IMAGES, RESEARCH, TEXTS, whichwere further divided in subfolders concerning each week of the program. Each discipline would save its lesunder the appropriate week, labeling them with the format FILE NAME_DD-MM_#, and would add new subfold-ers according to its specic research. The use of a common organisational ling system was crucial for quicklyaccessing each colleagues work and occasional inconsistencies to the rule always delayed the data commu-nication. Apart from each specialisations folder, in Dropbox also existed the following folders: 3D and DRAW-INGS- that contained the core model and the referenced AutoCAD les as it will be discussed in the follow-ing section, COURSE MATERIAL, LOCATION, PRESENTATIONS, SOFTWARE and STADIUM STANDARDS.The long term InfoBase Archive, provided by the instructors of the Workshop, was used only for up-loading the given presentations and submitting the nal deliverables of the course. The created sub-folders in this database were therefore: DRAWINGS, PRESENTATIONS, PROTOTYPE, and REPORT.To share information with the instructors and the other teams, regarding the progress of the designand the received feedback from the tutors, we made use of a blog page: http://g5xxl.blogspot.com .5.1. Screenshots from Team 5 blogspaceDigital Design and Computation 75 76. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)Team 5: Bristogianni Telesilla _ Calle Eduardo _ Sakkas Panos _ Shitole Harshad The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/75.2.2. Data ow and integration of multidisciplinary design informationThe concept of concurrent engineering can result not only to the reduction of the time needed for a project to bedeveloped, but more importantly to a better quality of the nal product, as it introduces from the very early stages ofthe design issues such as functionality, cost, feasibility, production, sustainability, etc. Decisions are taken guidedby the feedback from each expert and possible mistakes are discovered and addressed in time. Hence, ComputerAided Design can signicantly promote the integration of the different disciplines and the avoidance of clashes.According to the Building Information Modeling (BIM) principles, the building is rstly accurately construct-ed in a digital realm, before its actual construction commences. Parts of the created core model are extract-ed to the different experts to conduct meaningful computational analysis that predicts the buildings behavior,and simulates its performance and its life-cycle phases. The feedback from these analyses is then used toinform the core model. Various software solutions with standard databases exist in the market, promising toaid the BIM design, however, they can be limiting, sometimes, for the creativity and innovation of the project.The idea of BIM was approached in this assignment, not by using a commercial application, but by concentratingon how the ow of data and geometry between the core model and the individual 3D models could be achieved.Having as a goal a common model that could be manipulated parametrically, the Rhinoceros (Rhino) software waspreferred that enabled the parameterisation of data through its plug-in Grasshopper (GH). The Worksession com-mand was used to combine four 3D les (Architectural, Structural, Cladding, Digital) into one model. Inserted tothis model, as linked blocks, were also four AutoCAD drawings produced from each discipline. All the above leswere saved in the Dropbox archive, in order to be easily updated. Each expert created its own layers and namedthem using a prex related to its role (ex. A_SLABS indicated a layer coming from the architect, C_ROOF_LOU-VRES from the cladding expert, etc) in order for the origin of the layers to be dened in the common model. Theproduced model needed to be updated regularly by the digital manager so that possible clashes could be detected.Yet, the impossibility to circularly reference les in Rhino worked as a limiting factor for the design process. Eachexpert, while working in its specic le, could not refer to the work done by its colleagues, except if the desired leswere manually inserted to its le. The chosen organisational system for the database and the fact that all producedles shared the same orientation of the design using the centre of the pitch as the (0,0,0) starting point, facilitatedthe exchange of information, it would have been, however, more meaningful if these references were made auto-matically. Still, if these matters were to be solved, another issue related to the way GH connects to the geometriesset in Rhino, was working as an impediment to the automatic data update. Specically, updating a le in Rhino lit-erally means exchanging a previous le with its newer version. In consequence, any linkages of its geometries withGH components are lost and needed to be set again, delaying the design process. To overcome this obstacle, weintended to base the partial GH denitions on points and lines that were xed and constant in each Rhino le, suchas the basic lines of the pitch area and its centre point. This technique, while sufcient at the early design stage,proved difcult to accomplish as the complexity of the project rose. Another problem to be faced was that in orderto combine in the core model the resulting design data from the parametric GH les of each team member, the dataneeded to lose their parametric nature (to be baked). A combination of all current les in one GH denition pro-duced heavy .ghx les that performed very slowly the desired calculations and were almost impossible to handle.The common AutoCAD les on the other hand proved very useful in informing the changes realised from each expert,exactly because circular reference was possible. Moreover, the storage of these les in Dropbox enabled the noti-cation of changes and the immediate update of the referenced les. In short, again four different les were created,each containing as a reference the les coming from the other disciplines, and the layers were similarly organised withthe discipline prexes. As mentioned before, the four AutoCAD les were inserted in the Rhino Worksession and ineach separate Rhino le as linked blocks, a command that enables the update of inserted les in Rhino. To avoid pos-sible incompatibilities between the used software, the AutoCAD drawing les were saved in AutoCAD 2000 version.76 Digital Design and Computation 77. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7 Team 5: Bristogianni Telesilla _ Calle Eduardo _ Sakkas Panos _ Shitole HarshadIn order to create a backup for the common 3D and 2D drawings, each team member was supposed to reg-ularly save a copy of its les under its folder, in the 3D or DRAWINGS subfolder, and specically in the ap-propriate weeks subfolder, using the same naming pattern as discussed before: DRAWING NAME_DD-MM_#.Despite the complications experienced in building up a core model in Rhino, the choice of the soft-ware was considered the most appropriate. A variety of plug-ins could support the individu-al research of each expert or convert the les to be exported in different software for further com-putational analysis. Hereby a synopsis of the plug-ins and software used from each discipline:Architect: Export to SketchUpRhino plug-in that exports Rhino les to Sketch-Up Google SketchUp3D modeling software Microsoft Excel 2007Spreadsheet application that features calculation, graphing tools, etcStructural Designer: SSI (Smart Structural Interpreter) FOR v8.5 OASYS GSAA Rhino based plug-in that works with GH to prepare les for GSA OASYS GSASoftware package for the analysis and design of structuresCladding Expert : GecoA Rhino based plug-in that establishes a live link between Rhino-GH and Autodesk Ecotect Autodesk Ecotect Analysis 2011Software for the simulation and building energy analysis ArchCut for Rhino 4.0A sections tool plug-in for Rhino V-Ray for RhinoA rendering plug-in for RhinoDigital Design Manager: GalapagosEvolutionary solver in GH Minimal SurfacesGH add-on that generates minimal surfaces from 2 or 4 edge curves RhinoMembraneRhino plug-in for form-nding concerning tensile structures Weaver BirdA Rhino base plug-in for manipulating meshes Kangaroo PhysicsGH add-on that embeds physical behavior in the 3D modeling environment StructDrawRhino (SDR)Rhino base plug-in to model structure, relax meshes, inate meshes, etc Microsoft Excel 2007 Windows Movie MakerProgram for making movies from photos and videosDigital Design and Computation 77 78. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)Team 5: Bristogianni Telesilla _ Calle Eduardo _ Sakkas Panos _ Shitole Harshad The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7 CES EduPackDatabase containing material properties and process information Active StaticsOnline interactive demonstrations showing the relationship between structural form and forces, by MIT JavaViewDemonstrates continuous generalized elastic curves Wolfram AlphaComputational knowledge engineThere were no problems detected regarding the le exchange of design data between the team members, as theexchange was usually made through AutoCAD (.dwg), Rhino (.3DM) and GH les (.ghx).5.2.3. Parameterisation of the core modelWhen starting with the development of the building in a conceptual level, it was considered impor-tant to build a parametric model that would address main aspects of the stadium and would act as a ba-sis to all disciplines for further exploration of geometry and form. In this context, a 3D model was built inGH, using the xed pitch geometry as a reference, which subsequently formed the basis of the core model.5.2. Aspects of the parametric conceptual modelIn this model, the geometry of the bowl, the shape and number of the oors, the anticlastic roof, the relation-ship with the surroundings, the form of the green slopes and the concept of the faade were explored. Espe-cially for the geometry of the bowl, two additional GH denitions were created to give feedback for the properinclination of the seats- according to the FIFA regulations- the total number of seats, and the organisationalgrid of the stands and circulation according to Neuferts standards. Thus, the expansion and reduction of thebowls volume corresponded to the application of the above regulations, which would guarantee its functionality.The parametric model proved very useful to all the team members as it encouraged form experimenta-tions, facilitated changes and quickly resulted in a set of relationships that were to be followed along the de-velopment of the project. Parts of the model, either as baked geometries in Rhino, or as denitions in GH,were distributed to the experts as a starting point for their research. Specically, considering the Digital De-sign Manager role, the individual research was focused on the recongurability of the arena. A baked ver-sion of the parametric core model was used for building the parametric model of the interior space.78 Digital Design and Computation 79. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7Team 5: Bristogianni Telesilla _ Calle Eduardo _ Sakkas Panos _ Shitole Harshad5.3. Variety of spacial congurations produced by altering the numerical sliders5.4. Detail from the supporting GH denition that calculates the inclination of the bowl and from the parameters that were controlled in the core model5.2.4. Computational analysis as an evaluation and decision making tool: Developing the Recongurability of the Arena5.2.4.1. Research topicThe research topic of the computational analysis, as formulated in accordance with the team mem-bers, addressed the recongurability of the arena. Main objective of this work was to materialise the de-sign intentions for a 24-7 stadium, reinforce the main concept of enfolding spaces through the use of alightweight exible material, and search for optimal solutions towards the achievement of these goals.The starting point of this research was the belief that by dividing a relatively large space, as this arena of 60.000 peoplecapacity, into smaller functional spaces, you could accomplish a more intense space usage. Previous analysis con-cerning the frequency with which the arena would be used for hosting local football matches (2-4 times per month),already led to the decision to keep the pitch area mainly outside the building and utilise the enclosed interior spaceDigital Design and Computation 79 80. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)Team 5: Bristogianni Telesilla _ Calle Eduardo _ Sakkas Panos _ Shitole Harshad The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7for diverse activities. To attract, nevertheless, the community and make the building an important part of their eve-ryday life, effort should be given in introducing essential functions that could be used in a regular daily basis. Roughestimations showed that with this strategy a 50% usage of the area of the arena (including the area of the stands)could be achieved throughout the weekdays. Therefore the interior of the bowl was used to complement the functionssituated in its periphery, and answer to the needs of the community as it transformed itself into a large public space.In addition, the requirements of the clients for a stadiumof 60.000 spectators resulted in an arena that would prob-ably not be used more than 4 to 5 times per year to itsfull capacity, hosting either important matches or big ce-lebrity concerts. In a regular basis, around 32.000 seatsare covered during Feyenoord matches raising the is-sue of how the empty seats would be treated in our pro-posal, to avoid spaces that failed to meet the expecta-tions and enthusiasm of the attendants of the match.The computational analysis, as it will be present-ed in the following sections, commenced from thisstatement and the necessity for recongurabil-ity, and worked towards its support and realisation.5.5. Charts concerning the percentage of arena spacethat is expected to function during the week, if the spacein recongured5.2.4.2. Exploration of the space division geometryThe creation of a main model in Rhino that would allow theparametric exploration of the space division geometry wasthe rst step of this research. Having the bowl geometry, thecirculation and the functional arrangement in the peripheryof the bowl as constants received from the architect, an or-ganisational pattern was created, using primary and second-ary grid lines that derived from the geometry of the stands,and a set of points in the intersection of the above gridlines.Thereafter, two procedures evolved simultaneously: thedening and positioning of the spaces to be produced,5.6. Organisational grid deriving from the bowl geometryand the geometrical logic of the space division. Space5.7. Space bubbles and proposed functionsbubbles related the new functions to the spaces aroundthe bowl and vaguely indicated the size and congurationof the needed spaces. Searching of ways these bubblescould be generated, the possibility of tessellating the in-terior using the Voronoi diagram in combination with in-scribed curves was investigated, in GH. The resultingpattern created large curves at the periphery of the bowlthat enclosed part of the stands as well as a potion of thepitch area, and smaller introverted spaces in the middle.Proceeding on the elevation method of these curves, theset of organisational points was projected at the horizontalplane of each oor level, to create a space grid on which80Digital Design and Computation 81. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)The New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7 Team 5: Bristogianni Telesilla _ Calle Eduardo _ Sakkas Panos _ Shitole Harshadagain the geometric pattern was applied. The various curves produced in each level were then joined through theEdge Surface command in GH. By changing the selected base-points the sculptural geometry and the limitationsof this method were explored. The produced twisted textile surfaces reached the limit of the roof, from wherethey were supported, and established a visual continuation with the textile louvers applied at the top of the roof.5.8. First experiment made to divide the interior space by using a pattern based on the Voronoi diagram and inscribed interpolate curvesThis short-term procedure was meant to give a quick feedback to the team of the possible formations and evokediscussions considering their feasibility, structural system, assembly technique, and demanded time for recon-guration. The most important constrain came from the structural designer who, after processing the proposal ofhanging additional weight on the roof, resulted that no load should be added on the anticlastic cable net structure,in order for the pre-tensed surface to properly function. He otherwise suggested supporting the partitions on theprecast concrete bowl structure and the steel ring that could receive a large amount of additional forces.From an architectural point of view, the geometry of the spaces was evaluated, concluding that although the curvesproduced at the periphery created desirable spaces whose conguration could match a small amphitheatre, con-cert hall, or multi-sport hall, the interior divisions fragmented the space and took no advantage of the stands. Thismore or less dened the shape of the space bubbles that was to be sought in the next stage.In response to the structural designers feedback, a trial visualising the reconguration of part of the 2nd levelstands area to enclose a series of 3D cinemas was produced. Principle interpolate curves were formed havingas a starting point the ring and as ending point the beginning of the 2nd level stands. The controlling points ofthese curves were originating from the existing space grid and, once again, experimenting with the selected pointsresulted in a variety of possible congurations in GH. Then, Edge Surfaces were produced to cover the spanbetween the curves and create the enclosures.Digital Design and Computation81 82. TU Delft _ Faculty of Architecture _ AR0025 _ XXL Workshop (2010-2011 Q3)Team 5: Bristogianni Telesilla _ Calle Eduardo _ Sakkas Panos _ Shitole HarshadThe New Kuip: Enfolding 24/7Combining this technique with the required shapes for the 1st level stands and pitch area, as stated from the architect, anew proposal was formed to be discussed with the structural designer and the instructors responsible for the StructuralDesign. The objective was to come up with a lightweight system that could create these desired curved shapes andspan distances of more than 100 meters, without having intermediate supports from the ground or the roof. The shorttime for the recongurability of the space was an important factor, as well, that needed to be taken under consideration.5.9. Proposal for the interior divisions using the feedback from 5.10. Reconguration of the 2nd level stands to host 3D the architect and the structural designer cinema hallsThe decided system that matche