ta-7-inglÉs tÉcnico i (2).docx

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  • 8/10/2019 TA-7-INGLS TCNICO I (2).docx


    Direccin Universitaria de Educacin a DistanciaEAP Psicologa Humana




    Ciclo: ' (dulo IDatos del alumno: FORMA DE PUBLICACIN:

    Apellidos y nombres:Publicar su archivo(s) en la opcin TRABAJO ACADMICOque figura en

    el men contextual de su curso

    Cdigo de matrcula

    Uded de matricula

    Fec!a de "u#licaci$n en cam"us%i&tual DUED LEARN:

    HASTA EL D!() *# DEN!+IE(,-E "#$%

    A las "*)./ P(


    1. Recue&de %e&i'ica& laco&&ecta "u#licaci$nde su T&a#a(oAcad)mico en elCam"us *i&tual antesde con'i&ma& al

    sistema el en%+ode'initi%o al Docente,

    Revisar la previsualizacin desu trabajo para asegurararchivo correcto.

    2. Las fechas de recepcin de trabajos acadmicos a travs del campus virtual estn definidas en el sistema deacuerdo al cronograma acadmicos 2014-II por lo ue no se ace"ta&-n t&a#a(os e.tem"o&-neos.


  • 8/10/2019 TA-7-INGLS TCNICO I (2).docx


    3. Las actividades ue se encuentran en los te!tos ue recibe al matricularse" servirn para su autoaprendi#ajemas no para la calificacin" por lo ue no debern ser consideradas como trabajos acadmicos obligatorios$

    /u+a del T&a#a(o Acad)mico:4. %ecuerde& NO DEE !O"#$R DE% #N&ERNE&" el Internet es 'nicamente una fuente de consulta$ %os

    trabajos copias de internet ser'n veri(icados con el )#)&E*$ $N"%$+#O ,$" - ser'n cali(icadoscon //0 cero.

    Estimado alumno:

    El presente trabajo acadmico tiene por finalidad medir los logros alcanzados en el desarrollo del cursoPara el e.amen "a&cial!d debe haber logrado desarrollar !asta el e(e&cicio * " para el e.amen 'inaldebehaber desarrollado el trabajo completo

    C&ite&ios de e%aluaci$n del t&a#a(o acad)mico:

    (ste trabajo acadmico ser calificado considerando criterios de evaluacin seg'n naturale#a del curso&

    0 P&esentaci$n adecuada delt&a#a(o#onsidera la evaluacin de la redaccin$ ortograf%a$ " presentacin del

    trabajo en este formato

    1 In%esti2aci$n #i#lio2&-'ica: #onsidera la consulta de libros virtuales$ a travs de la &iblioteca virtual'!E' !P$ entre otras fuentes

    3 4ituaci$n "&o#lem-tica o caso"&-ctico:#onsidera el anlisis de casos o la solucin de situaciones

    problematizadoras por parte del alumno


    Ot&os contenidosconside&ando a"licaci$n"&-ctica6 emisi$n de (uicios%alo&ati%os6 an-lisis6 contenidoactitudinal 7 )tico,


    Estimado(a) alumno(a)*

    +eciba usted$ la ms sincera " cordial bienvenida a la Escuela de Psicolog%a

    ,umana de -uestra !niversidad las Peruanas " del docente . tutor a cargo del


    En el trabajo acadmico deber desarrollar las preguntas propuestas por el tutor$ a fin

    de lograr un aprendizaje significativo/e pide respetar las indicaciones se0aladas por el tutor en cada una de las preguntas$

    a fin de lograr los objetivos propuestos en la asignatura


    I,PROPER PRE4ENTATION12 31!+ #'E45# 61+7 ( /PE885-9$ 21+4:$-' 6+5:5-9) Esta parte del trabajo acadmico no es para ser desarrollada$sino para recordarle que su redaccin debe ser la apropiada -o emplee letrasma"sculas para todos sus textos (slo donde sea necesario) " revise bien lagramtica inglesa para evitar cometer errores

    ( ; points )


  • 8/10/2019 TA-7-INGLS TCNICO I (2).docx


    II, 8RITE P+9+P, (; ,E+ PE+/1-85:3 -' :,E#:5=5:5E/ :,E PE+/1- 857E/ '15-9 1- 6EE7E-'/ !/E 4IMPLE PRE4ENT


    Liliana Ma7o O&te2a is a pupil of ps"cholog" ?ho changes her vision of lifethan@s to her teachers punishment$ she arrives to the area of ps"cholog" in thehospital of +imac in 8ima to ma@e her pre professional practices 8ater on$ shemeets patt" a patient ?ho is A "ears old and tells her that she is possess$ butshe reall" suffers of autism Ever"bod" thin@s this is a lost case$ except to8iliana

    /he does not @no? an"thing about the subject$ but she tries hard to help thelittle girl /he searches for ans?ers in studies made b" merican ps"chologistsspecialized in this sort of cases ?hich tal@ about the importance of stimulation

    2or this reason$ she puts into practice these techniques ?ith patt" and ?ith lotsof dedication of 8iliana the little girl improves and it disappears the problems ofbehaviour that she even starts tal@ing

    5n short time$ 8iliana is visited b" a priest ?ho proposes her to visit other @ids inthe same condition patt" is :hus$ ?ith the help of parents and friends$ 8ilianafounds the Cente& Ann 4ulli%an o' Pe&u$ being the first center specialized inps"cholog" to @ids and teenagers ?ith special needs ?hich is helping until no?to man" children ?ho present this sort of conditions

    ( B points )

    III,8RITE '5819!E &E:6EE- P/3#,18195/: -' P:5E-: 6,1 ,/P+1&8E4/ 65:, /E82 E/:EE4 !/E COUNTABLE and UNCOUNTABLENOUN46 9O8 MUC96 9O8 MAN6 ;UANTIFIER4-'PRE4ENT PRO/RE44I*ETEN4E

    A: ,o? do "ou feel toda"CB* not ?ell doc$ 5 am feel not much good for an"thingA* 6h" do "ou thin@ thatCB* because m" mother is al?a"s telling me that 5 am not ?orth and 5 ho? fat 5am so no one could loo@ at me

    A* ,o? man" times a da" does "our mother tell "ou thisCB* she is telling me this ever" single da" at ever" time

    A* 'o "ou thin@ that "our mother is pressing so badCB* and 5 feel so frustrated


  • 8/10/2019 TA-7-INGLS TCNICO I (2).docx


    A* and ho? do "ou see "ourselfCB* 5 see m"self fat but 5 deserve a better treatmentA* loo@ "ou are a someone ?ho is ?orth$ let all those bad ideas a?a" from "ouand tell "our mother that ?hat is important in people is not the loo@s but the

    insideB* than@s from no? on 5 ?ill forget those bad ideas and 5 am ma@ing m"selfrespected b" others

    I*,&5&8519+P,3 +E/E+#,* C9EC< 4OME BOO

  • 8/10/2019 TA-7-INGLS TCNICO I (2).docx


    *, !/E COMPARATI*E -' 4UPERLATI*E FORM OF ADJECTI*E4 :1 6+5:E/E-:E-#E/ +E' :,E EM4P8E

    Example* 8uc" is mo&e tal?ati%e t!an4arcia$ but /onia is t!e most tal?ati%eof thethree

    H #armen is more intelligent than !rsula$ but =anessa is the most


    ; 4" father is fatter than m" mother$ but uncle peter is the fattest

    B 1s?aldo is less interested in math than -icolas $ but Tesus is the least


    K 4" sister is funnier than m" brother $ but m" cousin is the funniest

    A Toana is more beautiful than 4ar" $ but 9ina is the most beautifulO 4ar" is thinner than Tulie $ but 4argot is the thinnest

    R &ob is uglier than lfred $ but gene is the ugliest

    S #laudia is taller the &renda $ but #ecilia is the tallest

    ( ; points )

    *I, READ -' ANAL@E :,E /E-:E-#E/ &E816 :,E-$ AN48ER :,EN!E/:51- 95=E-

    H 4" car ill #erepaired

    ; 5 ill &e"ai& m" carU 6hat are the grammatical differences bet?een sentences 0and 1C Explain :hen?rite "our o?n A examples (use diferentes estructuras gramaticales en sus ejemplos)

    :he number one is a future passive voice and the number to is a future

    active voice

    H 4" picture ?ill be ta@en next ?ee@5 ?ill ta@e m" picture next ?ee@; Paul sent me an eFmail5 ?as sent an eF mailB Toe ?rites novels:he" are ?ritten novelsK 5Dm ma@ing m" bed4" bed is being made

    A ,elen has ba@ed a ca@e ca@e has been ba@ed b" ,elen

    *II,P+E:E-' 31! ,=E 61+7E' 65:, 614E- 6,1 ,=E /!22E+E' 2+14652EF&::E+5-9 6+5:E /,1+: :EM: (;

  • 8/10/2019 TA-7-INGLS TCNICO I (2).docx


    4oreover$ ?hen a ?oman has been beaten it decreases her selfFesteem and

    also she ?ill develop a sense of guilt"$ social isolation and dependence

    :he buse has been part of obsessive behavior that is going to lead "ou to lose

    control 2or that reason$ ?e ?or@ ?ith this people ?ith a ps"chologicalevaluation that ?ill be agreed ?ith consent informed b" the patient ,ence $ it is

    important to understand the ps"chological effects of the aggressor as not

    al?a"s the nonFviolent behavior$ for example $ shout$ can sho? a violent person

    :he objectives 5 ?ill ?or@ are to create a program of intervention to reinforce the

    securit" of ?ife battering$ increase their selfFesteem$ and learn to improve the

    st"les of facing and solving problems s ?ell$ 5 ?ill modif" the beliefs about the

    genre roles and sexiest attitude :his$ 5 ?ill achieve that battering ?ives change

    that humble mind and spread her independence to a ne? life

    ,o? a ?omenDs ?ill to fight for hers rights

    ( ; points )

    *III,8RITE 4ENTENCE4 &3 !/5-9 :,E CAU4ATI*E *ERB4 9A*Eand /ET

    H 5 have m" picture ta@en ever" "ear; ,e is having his house painted no?B :he" ?ill get their permission rene?ed tomorro?K ,e is going to get his letter mailed on 4onda"A :he" had their chec@ given last ?ee@O ,e has had the car fixedR /he got her purse stolenS 5 ?ill get m" car ?ashed

    ( ; points )

    I,8RITE '5819!E &E:6EE- P/3#,18195/: -' 31!-9 4- 6,1&E81-9/ :1 9-9 !/E PA4T TEN4E4(4IMPLE PA4T ?ith BE6 4IMPLE PA4TTEN4E6 PA4T PERFECT andPA4T CONTINUOU4,

    A* ,o? did "ou get into the gangsCB* the fact that m" parents abandoned me and 5 ran a?a" from homeA* donDt "ou thin@ that belonging to a gang could be dangerousCB* 3es$ indeed 5 love ?hen 5 had felt the adrenalineA* 'id "ou thin@ that it is correct stealCB* 5 reall" didnDt care$ 5 just ?anted eas" mone"A* 6ouldnDt "ou li@e to get out of itC

    B* ma" 5 ?ould$ 5 donDt @no? ?hat 5 ?antA* "ou havenDt thought in some motive to change "our life$ have "ouC


  • 8/10/2019 TA-7-INGLS TCNICO I (2).docx


    B* "es$ 5 ?anted to stud" but 5 did not have mone" toA* 5 recommend that "ou ?or@ on changing "our criminal mindB* "eah o@$ 5 ?ould tr" to change m" life for good

    ( ; points )
