table manners and dress code

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Post on 16-Oct-2015




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    MD. TOWHID HASANAT KHAN Director (Deputy Secretary) BPATC, Savar, Dhaka

  • MANNERS ? MANNERS : Manners are an expression of inner character. Manners - which can be easily learned. Manner is personality.Manners are common sense, a combination of generosity of spirit and specific knowledge.

  • MANNERS Manner reflects ones Family background, Education, Home Environment, Common sense , moreover Human quality .


  • The "Magic Words"

  • "Please

    Using "please" expresses both respect and consideration for those with whom we're interacting because it changes a command into a request. It sets the tone for whatever follows and is one of most important universal manners.

  • "Thank You" and "You're Welcome

    Most people know to express their thanksfor gifts, favors, awards, and the like. Butwe sometimes fail to recognize and showappreciation for the everyday courtesiesthat come our way, such as when someone holds the door. Expressing thanks for these little services is a hallmark of civility.

  • "Excuse Me

    "Excuse me," "Pardon me," and "I beg your pardon" all express your awareness that you've inconvenienced someone else.

  • "I'm Sorry

    Sincere apologies can defuse volatile situations; it's hard for most people to remain angry with someone who takes responsibility for his own actions.



    Using good manners on the job will give a good impression to your co-workers and bosses, even with Driver, MLSS.

  • Customers

    Using good manners can bring down hostility and defensiveness, when a customer comes to you with a problem.

  • Relationships

    Good manners can make you more attractive to potential partners. Good manners make a person much more attractive.

  • Family

    If you use good manners at home, you are being a good model for other members of your family. Manners-Tips for Parents.docx

  • Everyday Contacts Use good manners and treat others with respect, even if they are everyday contacts who you do not know personally. Using good manners with a stranger can brighten the other person's day.

  • A list of Good Miscellaneous Manners

    Sit and walk straight. Maintain good posture at all times. Laugh, smile, giggle with dignity. Try to make as little noise as possible in all situations. (when you eat, walk, talk, sit, run etc.)

  • Speak properly Refrain from mumbling or speaking too fast Avoid slang Calling people by their pet names or short forms unless you are close to them.

  • Never touch another person's things or children unless invited to. Not asking intrusive personal questions - How much does it cost?", "What did you pay for your house?", "How much do you earn?", "How much do you make from your business., "What is your commission like?" etc.

    Remember, manners are kindness!

  • Wipe your feet at the door and take your shoes off in a persons home Open doors for people behind you Do not skip in line

  • Apologize to someone if you bump into them

    Watch your language in front of children

    Very important to keep the toilet sit dry.

    Dress accordingly for events.

    Make eye contact when talking to a person

    Never talking only about oneself

  • Telephone Manners: Do not be occupied with your phone when with people.Talk quietly.


  • A list of Table Manners

    Lay the napkin on your lap Start eating only when the host has started If there is no obvious 'host', wait for everyone else before you start eating. Keep your mouth closed when chewing. Take small bites. Eat quietly. Keep your area clean and tidy.

  • Uses of napkin Large dinner napkins should be folded in half after opening and before placing on one's lap.Large napkin is for dinner and small is for lunch. No need to fold the small napkin.

  • How to use spoon, fork and knife -- When eating meat, always cut and eat one small piece at a time. If you are eating American style, you may put your knife down, switch your fork to your other hand and eat your bite. If you are eating continental style, you may cut the piece of meat and eat it without putting setting your knife on your plate. Continental Dining Style is becoming more prevalent today and is considered the preferred method of eating.

  • How do the spoon, fork and knife be placed after completion the meal ?

    After completion the meal place the knife and fork parallel to one another across the plate with the knife blade facing inward toward the plate. Position the knife and fork in the position of ten oclock to four oclock.

    Knife/spoon and fork be placed in a position of cress-cross means leave the place for short interval, not yet finished the dinner.

  • At a formal dinner party, how do the dishes, glasses and food be served and removed? Dishes are presented or served at guest's left and removed from the right side. Glasses are filled from the right.

    Food should be passed to the right, or counter-clockwise

  • Different groups of food It is appropriate to take items from the same group.

  • What is the correct way to butter bread or a roll? When served bread or a roll on a bread/butter plate; break the bread with your fingers into pieces small enough for one or two bites; butter a pulled apart piece and then eat it. Do not butter the entire roll or piece of bread at one time.

  • Dress code

  • Dress code Categories of dress:

    1. Official/Business Attire- Traditional business dress. For men this would be a business suit with tie or coat, pants and tie.(for men) 2. Informal Official/Business Attire- Slightly less formal than traditional official attire. For men this would be dress pants with a dress shirt or polo-type shirt worn with a jacket but no tie or a dress shirt worn with a tie but no jacket.(for men) 3. Non Official/Business Casual Attire- Casual attire, such as jeans, polo-type shirts, or other types of collared shirt or sweater (for men).

  • For mens Official attire

    The most important component of professional wear is the business suit. The suit needs to be a dark solid or pinstripe, preferably navy, dark brown, gray or charcoal. The pants should be hemmed to the top of the heel at the back of the shoe. When you will wear coat/ blazer and pants then it should

  • The shirts should be solid white, pale blue or any sober light colour and must be full-sleeved. Try to avoid two-tone shirts that have a different colour collar than the rest of the shirt.

  • Keep your ties conservative and medium-width. Avoid extra-wide ties, or thin, narrow ties. The colours should match or softly contrast the suit colour.

  • Official socks should be calf-high and a solid colour. The colour should match the colour of your suit pants, not the colour of your shoes. Black or dark brown men's dress shoes should be worn with the suit. The shoes can be loafer style or lace-up and well shined.

  • Your own appearance is as important as the appearance of your attire. Make sure you are well groomed, showered, and shaved. Your haircut should be conservative no ponytails. And no matter what you wear in your personal time, all earrings and visible piercings should be removed for work attire.

  • For women's official attireWomen should were Sari or three piece Salwear-kamiz.Official dress should not be gorgeous like party dress. Light ornaments may use.Flat shoes or slipperMild perfume