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A Word to Get us Started RIGHT – ON TOPIC – Dream and Theme Weddings: An Introduction 3

Affordable Weddings Ideas, Dreams and Themes Come to Life – ON BUDGET 5


About Wedding Destinations and Locations 16

Tips, Recommendations, Practical Advice for Themed Weddings 19

The Financial Aspects of a Themed Wedding: Budgets, Fees and Costs 22

Shoe-string, Low-cost, Budget-Conscious, Money-Wise, Money-Saving Wedding Theme & Reception Ideas and Suggestions 35

Wedding Planners and Coordinators, Parties and Themed Wedding Details 39

Wedding To do’s, Checklists, Planning Software, Other Theme Wedding Tools and Utilities for Brides, Planners and Families 42

Wedding Showers, Pre- and Post-Theme wedding Parties 49

Common Theme Wedding Mistakes and Pitfalls – DO and Do NOT’s for Theme weddings 50

Seasonal, Spring and Informal Backyard Weddings 53

Final words spoken 56

Resources and Online Links 61


An IntroductionA Word to Get us Started RIGHT – ON TOPIC – Dream Theme Weddings:

If you are looking for something special for this biggest day of your life, that

is a little MORE than the rituals, rights, traditions and run-of-the mill

wedding, special theme, exotic theme, location or destination wedding,

multi-cultural, contemporary, modern, alternative and not the typical cookie-

cutter wedding, then this guide is for you. You too can have your dream

wedding in no time. Arrangements , coordination and planning for a theme

wedding can be rewarding but also jam-packed with to do’s and even

mistakes and pitfalls to avoid.

The wonderful power of a theme is it unifying nature. All of a sudden all

loose lists of things to do, buy, choose, synergize, come together and have a

common goal/purpose, backdrop and atmosphere to it.

For those brides, moms, planners, family and helpers who do not want a

typical, normal or more traditional wedding, there is always the alternative

of a theme wedding like Hawaii, Beach, winter, seasonal, holiday weddings.

You can step out of the mold of what a wedding is, should and ought to be

and get exactly what you want and even more than you and or your guess

expect or have experienced before at the ceremony and reception. It can be

more than just that, it can be loads of fun for everyone involved as well,

inviting them to celebrate and partake of something very special.

In this guide you will discover all the intricacies, challenges, promise,

potential and opportunities, to do, checklists and more to make a theme

wedding go without a hitch. Theme wedding packages and specials,

personalized and customized to your style, budget and preference, personal

choice is now within your very own reach. You can do it yourself, or you can

get a third party, planner involved to give things that professional flair.


There are numerous theme weddings to fit all shapes, budgets and sizes.

All-inclusive, resort, exotic island, cruise or extreme wedding packages are

at your fingertips, right around the globe. If you want to bring the globe

back to your home-town, hall, hotel or backyard, there are options there to

create just the right ambience and a theme wedding is the perfect way to

orchestrate and ‘stage’ the whole event, including the days leading up to,

arrival of guests, pre-event parties, rehearsals, dinners, ceremony, reception

and after-parties. Some theme wedding packages, can even include the

flight reservations to hotel rooms for the honeymoon, themed, coordinated

outfits for the entire wedding party, smaller package, which includes the

chapel service, flowers, and a cake can also be purchased for the budget-

conscious or you can DIY all the way as well with great success, if you have

the right tools and resources at your disposal. Planning and creativity is all

that is required to make this dream wedding a reality.

Tours of the locations and checking out some of the packages they have on

offer are all available – take someone with you for that extra set of eyes to

note things you might miss, ask questions or check details that you might

have forgotten. Lots of time upfront, spent on selecting the actual theme can

save you lots of headaches down the road. Time, money will not now be

wasted further, they will be optimized to give you MORE time to enjoy the

process and not get to entangled in the mechanics and small-details of the

process, planning, purchase, reservations and more.

Most basis type theme weddings, bulk, budget, low-cost wedding packages

will include most costs for the ceremony itself, including the chapel fee,

flowers, and photographs of the ceremony. If you are planning and elaborate

and/or larger type wedding, there will be extras to consider and think about

– all possible and more plausible with a unifying theme.

For all-inclusive theme wedding packages, you might expect to fork out a

little more cash upfront, but it is worth having someone take care of


everything on your behalf, from start to finish, so you can enjoy this big day

without having to bother too much with the hands-on yourself. Unless you

do prefer it of course – then your options are endless and you can customize

whatever happens before, during and after your big day to a tee, to your

preference, specification and preference. You will pay more if a professional

wedding planner steps in and does everything for you. There are companies

and third-party providers, niche specialists, sub-contractor types (musicians,

wedding officials, photographers, caterers, bakers and cake decorators,

printers and more to consider for all aspects of your wedding.

Professional videos

custom-made photo albums

wedding garters

dresses and other wedding party attire

wardrobe specialists

travel agents

flower-shops and arrangers

… and much MORE, can all form part of your total single package. This will

be your comprehensive guide to planning a them all – coordinating it into a

whole and totally DREAM WEDDING OF WEDDINGS!

Here are just some ways that wedding themes, planning, planners and

coordinated synergized ideas come together, with option and variety,

making decisions, choices like menus, décor, food and drink, apparel, even

location, flowers and seating easier!

There are many themes to potentially choose from and you are only limited

by your imagination and budget, your creativity and resourcefulness – this is

after-all your special day and only you can know what will make it just right!

Pick or even add to the list YOUR favorite themes and work around the ONE


that defines and characterizes you, both, as individuals and as a couple.


Beach Theme Weddings

Bride-centered, couple-centered weddings (smaller functions)

Celebrity-style type wedding

Chinese Wedding

Cultural weddings

Destination Wedding – like islands, exotic jungle, favorite city, castle,

winery, museum, gallery, historic site etc.

Etiquette - socialite type weddings

Fall Wedding Theme

Fashion or runway-type wedding

Holiday Wedding Theme

Invitations and Programs

Irish Wedding Theme

Renaissance Wedding Theme

Spring Wedding Theme

Summer Wedding Theme

Western Wedding Theme

Winter Wedding Theme

Once you have a theme picked, other details and finer points of the

wedding, planning, coordinating and execution becomes that much easier. A

unifying theme can help you opt for things around the theme for any, some

or all of the following…

The Wedding Party

Magical Moments

Music and Dancing

Parties and Showers

Vows and Readings







Planning, them and traditions

Engagement and Wedding Rings

Bridal Beauty Considerations

… and so much MORE!

Affordable Weddings Ideas, Dreams and Themes Come to Life – ON BUDGET

Mostly people pick themes for wedding to make their life easier, the to do

list more manageable, the final product a fantastic, spectacular whole, from

the smallest to the biggest detail. If it is well-thought out, priced and

synergized just right, as well as executed well, there will be a beautiful,

flawless complete wedding celebration underway, guaranteed and to boot, it

will be completely unique and memorable, done for a mere fraction of the


Through the use of a theme you are in the position of communicating with

your guests, way before the couple even arrives. It shares with them

something about you and things that you love, cherish and prefer. It should

showcase a little bit of your personality, what attracted you to each other,

tell a story of your love etc. If you both love a certain sport, maybe a sport

theme will be OK (watch our girls and boys!) or if you met on an island

vacation, on the beach, an island or beach theme for your wedding will be

perfect, celebrating the first moments you encountered, met and fell in love.

Ahhh, a sunset, sand between your toes, slight breeze – OK, no bikini’s here

for wedding-dress OK (unless you are on the beach of course and it is your

preference!) All the power to you…Once you have opted for your ultimate


personal and overall wedding theme, the backdrop and coordinating, silver

thread if you will that will tie in every little detail of your special day, into a

spectacular event, all elements can be quite easily and successfully be tied

into this one, sole theme with relative ease. There are myriads of products

available out there, including the wedding favors and gifts , to make it MORE

memorable and coordinated!

Ask and answer for yourself what you would need for your wedding and

make the choices according to your theme. Colors, tastes, sounds, music,

décor, food and drink, favor, fabric etc. all start to come together nicely in a

tidy package, once you put your mind to it. Think about what and how each

decision you make , can make your theme come to life and have this

personal wedding event of all time, just the way you want and like it to be.

If you are having and Asian wedding for example, there are numerous sites

online and niche providers that can assist you with Asian designs, favors,

fabrics, tastes and extravagances, music and flavors to please, tantalize,

invite and spoil your guests and the wedding couple with! For the tables and

reception, think fortune cookies, chopsticks and take-out boxes, fortune

cookie place-card holder, or metallic / silver take-out box that has the

names of the couple engraved on it.

Here are some illustrative ideas and examples from themed weddings

that can also save you some money if you are planning and doing things on

your own for your dream wedding on a tight budget

What about a seasonal, wintry, cold-blast type winter, ice wonderland, with

snow, blue, silvers and white, cotton for snow, tinsel and icicle lights,

snowmen, ice-princesses and sculptures, silver toned glitter and faux

flowers like lilies. Similar for Spring, Fall and Summer-type themes. It helps

with color-schemes, linens, fabrics, flowers, ribbons, favors, menus, drinks,

etc. all brought and tied together with this one unifying aspect – YOUR



What about beach theme or type wedding. Think elements and components

like shells, fish, sand, and water, sea-grass, pearls, treasure, pirates, waves,

smells and sounds of the sea, favors, like ships, beach umbrellas, flip-flops

and more. All freely and cheaply available, but here not cheesy at all, just

coordinated in a creative way to get a message across, set the state, create

some atmosphere and become the backdrop to your perfect wedding day.

Elegant, useful, creative, stylish, favors galore, abound for myriads of

themes, like silver dolphin-shaped bottle-opener or a shell shaped candle

accent. These can all be added to the list and festivities, quite affordably,

making the whole event more memorable and enjoyable for you and your

guests all-round. Even if budgets are stretched to the limit, there are classy

and not too expensive favors available, like shell card holders, or a mini

beach pail filled with candies or countless others.

How about flowers being the theme of your wedding – multi-colored, one-

colored, two-toned, pastels, reds, pinks, yellow, orange, yellow and green,

you name it, there are possibilities!

For favors, tables, décor, decorations, arrangements, even bouquets, candy-

holders, place-card holders, candles, tea-lights and candy that are shaped in

that particular flower and so on are all doable and requires little effort for

maximum impact. Combining themes like winter, holidays and flowers

might have you opting for greenery and red and gold colors like bells and

holly wreaths or maybe even some birds to add that festive touch beyond

the ordinary!

When it comes to themed weddings and party favors, that everyone will

adore, love and cherish, useful and elegant you do not have to spend an arm

and a leg. Lots of dollar stores, hobby stores and craft centers, even fabric

stores will have lots to choose from to add that special touch to your themed


wedding. that are elegant and in keeping with your overall theme and yet

can still be useful after the wedding. Good ideas and creative inspiration will

characterize your personalizing your wedding day. The choice of a theme will

set your imagination on flight – make your dream wedding day come true,

now , tomorrow and forever!

Many would argue that choosing the theme is the easy part (yeah, right?!)

From there onward it becomes easier most believe to pull threads together

to make the wedding of a lifetime, orchestrate, gel, come together,

synergize, coordinate and fall into place. Everything adding its collective and

individual splendor and magic to the overall, holistic event.

Cultural undertones, tradition, language, rites, rituals, Scottish or Irish

themes, Celtic heritage, A French wedding, or just something you both

enjoy, or places, people, worlds you are fascinated by, visit, want to go,

cherish, share, bring together, such as country, western or mediaeval

fantasies, all become possible. The sky is the limit!

Processes, place, protocol, details and more need to be confirmed and taken

care of one by one, to ensure smooth sailing on the day.

Start by putting your theme into expression with all the things you have to

get and do. Set the stage, atmosphere and choose colors, linens, flowers,

menus, dresses, drinks, seating plans and charts, wine, snacks, first dance

etc. according to your theme. Try and focus with your checklist, to do list

and shopping list for your wedding to putting your theme to work, into

practice For example, the location – ensure that they are OK with you doing

a beach theme wedding there for example, bringing shells and sand for

example into a ballroom? If incense can be burned, candles allowed etc. ?

It may have implications for things like:


special decorations

strict requirements for food/preparation (raw fish for example) if you

are having a Japanese style wedding, special cultural, traditional foods,

recipes that have to be custom-made



special transportations

permits, permission, agreements etc.

what extras you are allowed

exchanging vows

Scottish piper at end of ceremony for example might be well-received,

but an angry mob throwing the couple with rotten tomatoes as a send-

off might not be!


How far will you take the theme

How much are you willing, can you spend on making it real, building

this dream location and staging the perfect event

What is most, more and least, not important – cut the things you do

not need and/or can do without

Do not overkill or use to much, as it might seem tacky or

overcompensating, indulgent etc.

In all you do, spare a thought for your guests as well

Be appropriate and considerate, regardless of the theme (would you

want to see your grandmother in a hula and a bikini top??) select your

dress-code and requirements of/from your guests with the utmost of

care – what might sound like a great idea to you, might just terrify

your guests to the point of them declining to attend, not show up or

not be part of the festivities at all.


Include as many details of and feel for your theme way in advance, in

and through the invitations, pre-parties and related events, to set the


You can also push the theme you chose to the limit and include it in

everything you do. Castles and Scottish weddings, music and food can

all be included, favors with a short-bread-flavor, wine and beer from

the region etc. can all make for a spectacular Mediaeval or Tudor-style

wedding theme. Elements can be present and used in both the

reception and ceremony, all aspects, food, cakes, snacks, music, color,

dancing and more.

Transportation other than cars or limos can add that extra touch

(horse-carriage, sleigh, vintage car, motorcycle, tractor or an open top

bus? )

Rain-plans, contingency, alternatives are also important for all aspects

of your wedding, including themed weddings.

simple table decorations

special cake

find things (favors, décor, flowers, extras, that can accentuate your


hand-written notes, scrolls, with ribbon etc. can add a nice personal

touch for every guest, without breaking the bank, your budget, theme

or pocketbook!

Also consider cutting certain things out, not having too much that the

theme is tacky or overwhelming, ridiculous or indulgent, putting others

off, not being or creating the welcoming atmosphere , environment,

event and backdrop that you want.

Themed wedding cakes, elaborate baking sensations, samples, reputation,

decorations can all be done by an experience chef, baker or niche wedding

cake decorator/specialist. Cake topper, icing or piped flowers, jewels , cut


wedding cake in little boxes, netting etc. with the couple’s names, date of

the wedding can all be a nice touch, without having to spend too much. For

a beach theme wedding an ice-cream cake might be a great treat! Sundaes

the perfect dessert and beach cocktails/mock-tails for your guests (sans

alcohol) the perfect touch. Small sunscreens tubes and/or beach umbrellas,

cherries, pine-apple and fresh fruit, sun-hats can all add just the right

atmosphere and feel for your wedding.

Miniature versions of the cake, samples and sampling of the menu items,

proofs of the prints all cost a little extra, but is worth it, to give you a better

idea on how the individual smaller elements will be coming together.

The theme can also be carried right into and throughout the reception, after-

parties, table decorations etc.

the color of the balloons

seating cards



snacks, food , drinks/beverages, candy

appetizers and desserts

centerpieces (shells, origami , football team color napkin rings for beack,

Asian and Sport theme weddings for example)

colorful linens, ribbons, seat covers etc.

Make and have all individual and collective elements, incorporate and

accentuate your theme, expand and underline it at every opportunity that

you can find.

Themed menu like surf and turf for beach party theme wedding, curry or a

full mediaeval banquet there might be some special food requirements and


palettes to whom it does not appeal or taste outlandish – you might have to

have alternatives or snacks/nibblies for them too.

Partner with your caterers and food preparation staff to see what they can

do with vegetables, plating, buffet stations and more, to underline the

theme and carry it further than what people only see, hear also to what they

smell, taste and enjoy, eat and drink! Vegetarian and special dietary

requirements will still also have to be considered and met.

Past the ceremony, the reception is the richest place for you to expand and

have fun with your theme. If music and dancing, buffets do not appeal to

you, consider having a casino style wedding, bar-scene, pool-playing type

setting, bouncing castles and fun-games for your guests to partake in –

some have even had a talent competition with family and friends, concerts




There are literally thousands of varied and diverse themed wedding ideas

that you can choose from. Elborate, simplistic, practical, exotic, strange and

bizarre, extreme or middle of the road, there is something for every taste,

appeal and budget!

There are many ways that you and your guests can have a great time at a

dream wedding, as intimate, romantic, platonic, fun as you would like it to

be. Your theme can make it happen.

Here are just some samples from weddings that might spark some creativity

with and for you too:

Princess, cinderella theme wedding


fall wedding theme – leaves, colors, harvest foods, smells,

beach party or night-time, sunset wedding on a remote, isolated beach

with a campfire and a few intimate friends

butterfly wedding theme

summer wedding theme

western wedding theme

formal, tuxedo-style, black and white wedding theme with sit-down,

plated dinner, gowns and the whole nine-yards

hawaiian theme wedding

winter wedding theme

tropical theme wedding

asian wedding theme

fairy tale wedding theme

spring wedding theme

Flowers, rose, orchids, lilies or daisy theme wedding

Elizabethan wedding theme

wedding color and combination type themes

tiffany blue wedding theme

las vegas theme wedding

garden theme wedding

fall wedding theme idea

calla lily wedding theme

angel theme wedding

precious moment wedding theme

country theme wedding

Greek wedding theme

halloween theme wedding

pink wedding theme

prom wedding theme

italian wedding theme

nautical theme wedding

outdoor wedding theme


movie wedding theme

victorian theme wedding

disney wedding theme

ocean and water theme wedding

holiday or christmas wedding theme

irish theme wedding

Spanish theme wedding

TV show wedding theme


Under the ocean, sea or in the water, on a boat, cruise-liner

Extremes (volcano, skydiving, scuba-diving etc.)

The list is truly endless and limited ONLY by the stretch of your imagination

and creativity, dollars in your pocket, size of your wedding party, headcount

and availability or stock of the items that you do end up choosing for your

ceremony and reception.

Where you hold the wedding can be an important theme-type decision to.

Destination, up-scale hotel, local hall, restaurant, church with reception hall ,

backyard, gardens, wedding chapel, resort, vacation destination, church,

gallery, tourist-type wedding location (Vegas, Islands) etc., there are lots

you can do with a themed wedding that has nothing to do with where it is

going to be held physically speaking. You do however with a themed

wedding plan for the unexpected, arrange for any special requirements that

your theme might have from the location, staff, clean-up etc. (which might

cost a little extra, or you can volunteer to do it yourself). Ask about burning

candles, religious rites and rituals being performed, anything out of the

ordinary (riding in on an elephant for example would qualify!), ground-

transportation, horse and carriage, bus, luxury stretch limo or vintage car


into the reception hall/area possible? The great news is, that you are not

only dealing with the physical location and features, but also the world and

place you are creating through your theme. That environment and context in

which, against which backdrop, atmosphere, climate and décor , sounds,

smells, experiences, things, foods, drink, tastes, activities, music, menus,

program of unfolding events, speeches, toasts, favors, cake/desserts etc.

video and photographs, gift tables, garter, bouquet toss and more TO MAKE

YOUR DREAM THEME WEDDING memorable and enjoyable FOR ALL!

By no means does it have to be the most fancy or even quite costly – you

might find an affordable spot, that you can decorate and use to your heart’s

content to create YOUR perfect paradise – you do not need to go to Hawaii

to have and host a perfect Hawaiian theme wedding, the beach to have a

beach theme wedding, the moon, space, ocean etc. – YOU GET THE



on a farm

by the side of a river or lake

on a house-boat

ranch (cowboy theme)

in a japanese or flower garden

castle, cottage or country estate


golf course


… and many more

What truly matters is NOT WHERE, but who is there, why they are there,

that you share your special day with them, the ones you love and cherish


and remember it for a lifetime. Weddings can and do take place almost

anywhere and everywhere!

Choices of locations , places, ceremonies, receptions, parties (pre/post) can

be daunting a task, overwhelming at best and most of the time, BUT it does

not have to be. You need to opt for your theme, type of wedding you want.

Next decide if you are getting married in a church, or at home, at the

courts, indoors, out of doors, and where the reception is going to be, ample

parking, same spot or different spots for reception and ceremony – find

answers to what to put on the invitation and map MONTHS before the

wedding is to take place. ANSWER THE WHERE IS THE WEDDING GOING TO

BE question for your guests, in and through your theme and invitation text,

message and RSVP cards. Whether in a restaurant, on a beach or island,

airplane, under water, even city hall… there are lots you can do and opt for

with the right kind or theme. Not everyone however likes or would even

consider getting married while jumping out of an airplane or under water!

According to some the most chosen and if not THE best places for weddings

are places that give voice and underscore the romance and love that

brought you to the decision to get married. You are trying to find,

orchestrate THE PERFECT SETTING! For you and your loved ones to share

something special, and you want to say I do, in a place that's going to

reflect the love that you feel for each other as well as the theme that you


Choose something recognizable, popular, easy to get to, imagine and


A practical, multi-functional space

Unforgettable with lots of potential for décor and capacity that you require

This will be the first space and context you enter/share as a married couple,

YOUR chapel of love for that beautiful special day – a themed dream

wedding can make it absolutely perfect and just the way you want and like

it. Visions and dreams take flight and hold, become reality right before your


eyes, even if you have to travel to the destination/location by car, plane,

foot or other means… regardless of how far, where, how big, open, in or out

IT IS YOUR wedding location – you can make the most of it for the one most

important day of your life. Spaces and places can be transformed. You can

be whisked away to the exotic, historic, artsy, modern, up-scale luxury and

elegance or plain simplicity of nature, the outdoors, beach, sand, sun and

green grass – imagine having a park-like wedding, an Elizabethan picnic in

the rolling hills with family and friends…a romantic all-trim formal evening,

with dinner, gowns and dancing… the whole nine yards… yes, and everything

in-between and even beyond that! Through the spaces and places you

choose for your dream wedding to take place, you make the day memorable

and special for now, tomorrow and forever! That is how the day becomes a

reminder of how you feel about each other.

Asking around, hunting online, you might be surprised at some of the great

suggestions and location, contexts, backdrops and themed type locations

you might end up from wish or dream-list, to short-list to finalist!

Weddings attended, movie and television weddings can all give you some

ideas to one day use and incorporate, implement for yourself and your

special day. Which ones did you enjoy, why, where – what would it take to

make your day just as special and WOW for you and everyone else involved?

Determine if your budget allows and/or how you can make it happen. Book

early, pay deposits and verify details, dates, agreements in writing to protect

yourself, secure you date and facility, avoid double bookings and more –

peace of mind to tick ONE MORE THING OFF THE TO DO LIST!

Asian: backyard, banquet hall, restaurant, house, resort, conference

center, pagoda, temple, and any or every where else, in-between!

Beach: backyard, beach, and hall that allows themed weddings

Cowboy: local ranch or farm, backyard, parks, local hiking trails


Hawaiian: Local beach (get permits), backyard, a nearby recreational

space, stadium, hall, park, and even at a lake, stream or river

Winter Wonderland: decorated hall or banquet room, backyard, or your

local outdoor skating rink

During the process of getting to and through any dream event , especially a

wedding or themed wedding event, you will encounter a mix-bad of planning

and activity frenzy, emotions, frustrations, challenges and ‘un-fore-seen’

happening in, between and around you. The latter and obstacles often

doubling with a themed wedding, just due to all the complexity and multi-

faceted nature you are adding to it.

You need to plan for contingencies (for when things go horribly wrong).

Some would argue that themed weddings are risky. There are however

arsenals of resources available that can help protect your special wedding

day and dream themed wedding. You can make your dreams a reality and

your event wonderful, by following a few rules of thumb, etiquette and

practical know-how to pull off a successful THEMED WEDDING.

Here is a list of what you need to do in order to plan a successful theme

wedding, avoid pitfalls and mistakes and come out on top:

For themed wedding invitations – use your discretion, choice, eye for detail,

frugality, practical talents, creativity and ENSURE that all information is

there and right…

always ask for references prior to selecting and sourcing out the


Always get a sample of your wedding invitations


choose the stationer or printer carefully

Do not pay for it if you are not 100% satisfied and / or there are

mistakes they made on it, the quality is not good, ink poor, image

blurred, not neat and tidy, wrong envelopes etc.

get a signed proof PRIOR to printing them

Take extra time and care proofreading, even giving it to someone else,

for that extra set of eyes and diligence , before giving the go-ahead to

have them printed up

For themed weddings you can also make/do them yourself

Handwritten, personalized stationery is making another come-back as well

ensure there are no printing errors

logistics accuracy, the date, time and venues are correctly indicated

Include a map or hints guide to get to the location (even treasure map for

pirate, ocean, sea, beach type maps/themes)

When it comes to wedding gift lists, ensure that there are many more

options and choices than there are wedding guests, not wanting to get two

or three of the same thing, now would you?! Especially NOT with a themed

wedding. People who might not be able to attend , can jump right onto the

themed party/wedding and give you something appropriate like a gift

certificate to your favorite spots-store or tickets to a local high-level game in

a sky-box or private viewing suite for example for a sports-theme wedding.

Wedding guests in attendance, headcount and logistics, contact information,

updates, cancellations, stand-by and last-minute guests/additions needs to

be tracked actively at all time. Adapt and be flexible budget allowing and

ensure that all the details are available to those who need it most (caterers

and seating, menu-preparers, cake decorator, favors, seating cards etc. )

Map and zones once upon arrival can be very helpful for guests to have on

hand and a must-have for theme or destination-type weddings.


Order of Service sheets for church, court, chapel, even garden services are

important. State what will happen when and find an appropriate way to

communicate it, according to your theme, note-cards, shaped paper

(origami for Asian wedding for example) It can be a good scrapbook item

and memento as well as having extras on hand letting everyone what will

happen when and where ensure smooth unfolding of the events on the day.

Thank you cards, pictures, video-diary, self-snap cameras on the tables,

guest books all make for easy ways to keep with your theme.

Transportation, officiate, wedding party, order of events, rehearsals, menus

etc. can all be samples beforehand to get a feel and taste of how the

different elements will come and work together to bring your theme to life.

THINK practical when packing and preparing for your bid day – not

overlooking the important things like your personals, luggage, passport,

money, tickets etc.

Cake stand and knife Microphones, sound-checks, lighting, back-up

generator for if power goes out, candles, tent or shelter, alternative/rain-

plan for in case of weather

Sampling the foods and drinks on offer to your guests on the day is a great

way to get other involved and enthusiastic as well. Take the time to do it,

even if you have to pay for it (in most cases you would not, OR you could

make it your rehearsal dinner, wedding shower treats), even if you make it

yourself, or have it catered, sample and try it BEFORE the big day!

Having a themed wedding can also include taking special care with normal

things like


Quality of the food

Temperature, how and when, it is and will be served, kept warm/cold


How the reception will unfold – what guests will do and experience,

while they wait for you to return from taking pictures and other

formalities, between the ceremony and the reception.

Attendants and ushers

Memento’s and favors, special thank you’s

Be creative with these and use aspects from your theme to strengthen the

overall underlying atmosphere, context and world you are/have created for

the day, the setting and wedding of your dreams.

REMEMBER it is about relaxing, sharing, enjoying, having a great time

together and celebrating the start of your married life with those you love

and whom are special to you! MAKE THE MOST OF IT – WITH THE PERFECT



Regardless of the dreams, they do cost money and no discussion on dream

wedding ideas will be complete without some detailed information, pricing

and recommendations pertaining to themed weddings.

Here are a few themed weddings samplers that should help you to plan an

excellent DREAM wedding of your very own!

The WINTRY, SNOWY, COLD - Ice Princess Theme

winter celebration with a story and a twist, setting and icy backdrop, colors

and beauty all come together under one roof, for one event – YOUR DREAM


THEMED WEDDING. This is a sample of a combination, plot, weather and

season-type theme. It offers beautiful blue hues and different shades of

white and silver. Grandeur, elegance, style are all possible with the right

combinations, favors and decorations.

A favorite of many a bride-to-be, wedding planners and other wedding

enthusiasts, this poses great promise and challenge tied into one event, with

lots of planning, creativity, budgeting and improvisation to pull it off! (*yes,

luck and timing to!)

GET EVERYTHING RIGHT HERE that is needed for a spectacular event –



Choosing a theme?

Knowing the budget?

Which one comes first? That is entirely up to you and personal preference

and means will most likely dictate, as will whether you are hosting and

staging it yourself (DYI) wedding or utilizing the services of a wedding

planner or planners, niche specialty providers, packages or customizing it

from A to Z. Quality, affordability, themed décor, color, menus and other,

might make discussions about financials actually a little easier – especially if

things are tight. It is easier to talk about other things that the actual price

tag – but if you deal with all these issues in the same unthreatening context,

like provided here, many a family will attest to this under-sung and

underestimated value of THEME WEDDINGS.

Extravagant or shoe-string and everything in-between and beyond is

possible. Some set limits, others go all out and do not care how much they

spend or need. This ONE example carries a budget of a meager $ 7,500

dollars all-inclusive for 150 guests! Sounds too good to be true? Stay tuned.


Having a detailed and itemized budget, with a contingency or shoulder fund

for emergencies is an important must have even before the shopping starts!

Take the guess work out and calm all fears on cost and overspending ,

nipping arguments and disagreement, avoiding and keeping fights about this

delicate topic in check, having all calm and collected – couple, bride, groom,

parents on both sides, best-man, matron of honor, wedding party and

others. Prices may vary and need to be confirmed depending on your

location, local suppliers, stationery and preferences.




Cost for and of the invitations will depend on design, color, nature of

printing, quality of ink, paper, process, supplier pricing, taxes,

envelopes, stamps etc.

Invitations are traditionally paid for by the parents of the bride

Menu items should be listed to provide the caterers with the idea of

how much of each entrée to serve

name cards that have to be made to seat the guests.

places of registry for wedding gifts.

should be sent to the printer well in advance (about 1 month) in order

for the guests to receive them and R.S.V.P.

theme, place and time of the ceremony

** NOTE: do not forget the programs, maps and other inserts that you

might want to include – in the quotes, pricing and order

Marriage Licenses and paperwork

Not all states require a blood test.


The groom and pastor, wedding officiate will take care of these


This process usually takes approximately 3 days.

To obtain a marriage license the couple must bring their identification

and proof of termination from any other past marriages to the nearest

City Hall. There may be a short wait as blood tests may be required.

typically runs you out-of-pocket in the vicinity of around $25.00 US $.

Donation to Minister or wedding officiate

Best-man will usually take care of this payment and administrative

task. Couples can give more or less, even for a themed wedding

officiate (Vegas Elvis impersonator Officiate)

can be as little or as high as $100.00, depending – sometimes they

have a fixed fee, other times it is at your discretion.

They can attend the reception, invite them , most will likely not stay

very long and just out of courtesy.

This is the individual whom performs the rite, rituals and actually

marriage – the officiate, the ceremony center-stager.

Hall Rental, location, destination (church/ceremony location &


Fees for both will apply, if held in different locations, package deals can

make it cheaper (or more expensive if set-up, labor, clean-up and

special requirements demand MORE).

Approximately $300.00, normally with a deposit well in advance,

booked and confirmed, linens, furniture, rentals etc. will at be

determined at that time as well.

Pick from multiple, multi-functional spaces, your perfect room

(ballroom), outside set-up, tent, space etc. ensuring no construction,

noisy disturbances etc. nearby, planned on in the vicinity that could

damage or interfere with your perfect themed setting


Try to choose a room with a pale or white backdrop for decorating

purposes. The hall may add services such as waiters and may provide

the catering for you at an added price. They will also offer other

different services for you , for instance alcohol servers and

entertainment. If you can locate a package deal for everything with the

budget allotted you have definitely scored big.

Brides Dress

Add magic and fantasy with quaint touches

Adding glitter, rhinestones, pearls and sequences can make all the

difference here , affordably so!

Bridesmaids and mother of the bride ensembles, including purses,

shoes and other needed items can carry the theme even further,

without being too overwhelming. Dyes are popular too – colors for this

Ice Princess theme are Ivory, Pale Blue, Silver, and Pale Gray tones.

Light will reflect and shadows dance from reflective surfaces of jewels,

ribbons and lace.

Pick something that will not only reflect your own personality as best as

possible but also underline your theme – you are in a sense brining

your theme to life, when you wear that dress down the aisle!

Price ranges will vary – for something simple and elegant, rental or

self-made budget about $150.00 on shoestring, or borrow a dress!

Show off your best characteristics and strengths, go for something

elegant, flattering and practical, comfortable to wear, move in , sit

down, get up etc. Essential part of the ceremonial wardrobe

Small hints of blue, creates the subtle illusion of ice and water, snow

and cold.

This will take center-stage and as a focal point, should get some

additional consideration, especially for a themed wedding


Personal care and grooming for the couple and wedding party, Hair

and Nails, accessories and final touches

Budget and book them/these treatments early

Ensure there are no setbacks or emergencies

Hair and hand bouquets should match and carry the same theme and


Price it out and confirm your appointment in advance – discuss

haistyling to suit your theme, but nothing too elaborate or drastic that

can end in disaster!

Tiara’s, hair-jewels, pins, even artificial flowers (in this case, white and

pale blue) as well as subtle added touches, coordinated and

understated, for her and the bridesmaids will round out the picture

more, in accordance with the theme.

Veil should match gown

Groom Tuxedo Rental

Black or white are recommended.

Colors of the cumber buns and choice of ties should be matching the

bridesmaids dresses in either Pale Gray or Pale Blue.

Even patterned vests (silver and grey) emphasizes and inspires the

theme and its overall impact.

Groomed takes on a whole new meaning once seen through these

eyes! The groom and the other gentlemen in the wedding party

arrange this prior to the event, well in advance, fit, buy, rent and

arrange for pick-up/delivery, taking care of any alterations,

emergencies and contingencies, including ties, shoes, socks and


Just as important as the bride get-up and in feeling with the theme.

Small details like cufflinks and cologne is personal prerogative.


Gratuities for Bridesmaids and Ushers (Optional)

Gifts from bride/groom can include cufflinks, necklaces to wear

watches to keep etc. ,

gift-certificates or personalized notes,

some, any or all of the above

depending on your budget


As far as costs go, you are entering the thousands territory now. Unit

costs and per head pricing is very common.

Buffet saves money is the rule of thumb, especially for the side-dishes

and the rest of the meal is served to you at the table.

Combination-style seating and eating is most popular and most


Seated, plated, served dinners are typically MORE expensive

There is the option of serving stations, serving from both sides, having

someone dish out the food at the buffet etc. to ensure that all guests

are taken care of, costs kept down

This is a major expense for any wedding, headcount drives that

number, so take care with keeping accepting guests, adding to the list

of requests and additional requirements – as this will increase the costs

– especially if you are having a themed wedding – every seat needs

whatever you are adding and even at $0.25 per unit, x 150 (amount of

guests) will make a difference!

Typically the order of food and drink would be appetizer, for example,

penne and wine, then salad and rolls, entrée then tea, coffee. Desserts

will be served buffet style as cake will be served later in the evening

with the champagne (traditionally speaking).


Cake, Flowers and Centre Pieces

Ensure that you have a good knife to cut the cake, serving plates

Lights, special treats and flowers can all add up.

Pre-cut , boxed cake, pieces of wedding cake, can also be placed on

the table

Stick to the colors and budget and you should be fine on all fronts

Photographer, video-grapher, video-diaries, one-shot table-top,

disposable cameras etc.

Choose a package and also get family and friends to take some

pictures, just to be on the safe side.

Ensure you get references, referrals and the best deal for your money

Family and other volunteers, amateur photographers can enhance your

memories, without interfering with the formal pictures being taken

Professional mastery can serve you well on this special themed dream

wedding day!

Take as many pictures outside as you can, white fur, snow, ice, lights

etc. make for some great pictures. Props and backdrops indoors can

also do the job

Décor & Decorations

Setting the stage, tone, atmosphere, creating the space and world you

want this wonderful to take place in will take some additional attention,

time, money and creative flair

You can do it yourself or get someone involved to make it happen –

there are many professional stagers, wedding outfits, planners that can


see to it – they do it for a living and may have lots of things and know-

how that you might not otherwise be able to tap into or have to pay a

lot more out-of=pocket to take advantage of.

Make the most of white netting and

Include and consider a lighted trellis for the bride and groom, with

attached flowers and netting

White candles in room and on the tables can create great ambience

and warm/light an otherwise icy, cold setting and world – spreading the

warmth and love around (watch those ice-sculptures!).

Draping walls, windows, tables, nooks and crannies with netting,

fabrics and lights can create the feel of ice caves. Sprinkles of sequins,

rhinestones and confetti on all the tables with ribbons tied on the

champagne flutes. Balloons and ribbons, banners, streamers all work

well too. Satin, silk and lace make great companions to this theme too.

Entertainment, Champagne, DRINKS AND BAR

Toasts, selection and limits are what counts here

Best man will start the speeches and thank you’s off, introduce the


State the bar costs and procedure, times on the invitation to prepare

people on what to expect

Normally for the groom and his family to pick up the tab

Cash bars work well, open bar for a little while

Watching that guests do not drink too much and NOT drive under the

influence *you might be liable!

Limo and ground-transportation

Book in advance

Compare shop and get a package deal that suits your purposes best


White, stretch, quaint and personalized, ribbons in the color of your wedding

are appropriate too

Extras and favors are great ways to stretch your wedding, dream theme

event dollar!

There are numerous examples of great wedding favors. For this theme, you

might be able to find items like:

Snowflake Shaped Wine Stopper – ($2 range)

Flared Shot Glass - Set of 6 ($10 range)

Classic Round Place Card Holders - Set of 12 ($25 range)

Opt for snowflake candle holders with votives, snowflake candle holders or

crystal snowflake shaped glass coasters for table decorations ($ 3 - $5 range

per unit)

Colored, textured, themed napkins, rings, place setting cards also adds

some ambience

You can go an extremely long way for DREAM WEDDING

IDEAS, THEME WEDDINGS… OR NOT VERY FAR AT ALL! JUST A little bit of creativity and resourcefulness in your decorations ideas

can make all the difference!

Take the sandy beaches and the ever-popular BEACH theme wedding,

island, ocean, near water or lake, stream, waterfall or other bodies of water

type weddings! They reek of the exotic, romantic, break and get-away we so

all crave, imagine, fantasize about and WANT! Who would not want a beach

wedding, even if you are in your backyard, in a reception hall and not on a

tropical island, in the middle of the winter (and the ice-princess theme does

not work for or appeal to your sunshine-craving nature!) .. the great news

is, that themed weddings are versatile! There is something for everybody –

so off we go to the other extreme and another illustrative example.


Being married on the beach at sunset… romantic, yes. Costly, out of reach,

impossible … not necessarily!

If held on the beach there are some real challenges like wind, sand, apparel,

footwear etc. permits, risk, contingencies, weather to consider… If held and

simulated indoors at local locations that have nothing to do with the beach

and are far removed from it, having to become and be transformed into

tropical paradise through money, feature, creativity and hard work is what

we hint at.

Here are other considerations as well to consider if a BEACH DREAM

WEDDING THEME is in the cards or planning for you:

Some beaches are public

both a ceremony and a reception can not necessarily be held there

some beaches are private and or do not have these restrictions – you

need to verify this detail BEFOREHAND and well in advance.

Privately owned by hotels, restaurants, resorts, and private individuals

will bring restrictions, services and costs with it (or not)

Ceremony and reception do not both have to be on the beach so to

speak, most retire to a nearby resort, hotel etc. for the reception

Patio’s and decks, vacation properties or all-inclusive resorts can also

customize package and set-ups for you that can make your dream

beach wedding a reality.

which beach to use

general weather patterns in that area

various times / best time of the year for a wedding

Avoid hurricane season, bad storms like typhoons etc.

Permits might apply to hold any kind of ceremony on a beach or in



If the beach forms part of a city or state park you need to confirm this

well in advance of starting to make your arrangements

Inspect the site a day or two before the wedding at the same time of

day that you will hold your ceremony

Know when and where the sun sets

the direction from which the wind may blow,


if the area is level allowing for seating, standing crowds

any shading, tents, structures etc. that would pose a problem

Chairs sink into sand – so specialty seating will be required

Rental flooring might have to be put down to accommodation

standing/sitting on the sand comfortably

Favors and Accents

Affordable favorites abound for beach themed weddings, even if you are NOT

holding it outside on the real thing, but a simulated indoors-environment,

climate controlled and comfortable, without wind, sea, surf, sand etc. to

worry about!

For budget conscious weddings it can be a life-saver. A wide variety of

choice party gifts, decorations and even centerpieces are available that will

bring the ocean and beach right into your room, guest-experience and

wedding of your dreams (even if the real thing is miles away)

Sea shells, sand

candle stand filler (sand)

Towels, beach balls, flip flops and umbrellas

Grass hats, cocktail glasses

Sea blue and green candles and accent colors for decorations

Dolphins and other sea-creatures, fish, lobster, sea-horse, octopus


Floating candles shaped like water lilies


Party favors, like mini beach bags, all shapes, colors and sizes, heart-

shaped, shell-like, beach-shirt-type photo-frames, shell or flip-flop

key-chain, sail-boat place-card holders, Beach-chair seating cards

Nautical theme items, boats etc

Weather, RAIN-PLANS, outdoor events contingencies, emergencies,

cancellations etc. tent, or you can book an indoor backup site. THESE ARE



WRONG! PLAN, PLAN, PLAN…! Dream Themed Weddings give you the peace

of mind and flexibility to have a PERFECT and GREAT day, despite and

regardless of all of the above!

Renting a tent can be a life-saver and bring your theme to life more,

for both ceremonial and reception-type events

maintain an airy outdoor feeling, allowing breezes in, but keeping rain

out and of your guests.

It needs to be budgeted for under separate cover as an additional


Canopies and square foot size will make a difference in costs, so check

the details carefully to not get in way over your head!

Opt for locations where both beachfront and indoor capabilities, or

reserving a church fellowship hall are available and at your disposal,

included or possible back-up!

From formal and elaborate, to intimate and beautiful, we find myriads of

ways to exchange our vows and create great wedding events, settings,

atmosphere and memories, unique, affordable and treasured! We mark the

occasion with food, drink, music, merriment and favors, sharing treasured

moments together, one of the most important milestones in our lives.

Whether icy, warm, wintry, beach, outdoor, indoor, themed, traditional

weddings, planning, budgeting, eye on detail, professional resources and


input, verifying and checking all details prior to , during and after the event

will take its toll on our resources, energy, funds and time – but in the end, it

is all worth it.

Summer sun can get hot, guest get thirsty, windy beaches can be

uncomfortable, standing around in sand, sinking away is not everyone’s idea

of a perfect wedding. Advising of appropriate attire is considered common

courtesy and appreciated by guests more than you know. Give as much

information prior to the event to ensure guest comfort and smooth sailing on

the day of your wedding, avoiding nasty or unwelcome surprises that you

were not anticipating. Evening weddings, backyard weddings, might require

more lighting. Serving alcohol at your event comes with responsibility and

costs to consider carefully – plan well, communicate and execute well and

you will soon look back on a splendid event that is YOUR DREAM THEME


Keep your guests happy and hydrated (with water that is!) Ensure some:

iced non-alcoholic drinks

bottled water in ice-filled buckets at the end of each row of chairs

personalized paper fans



Anything in the bathrooms to show consideration and care for your guests

will be noticed and remembered regardless of the theme or setting, indoors

or out-of-doors!

For beach type weddings or out-doors locations, also pay close attention to

other needs you normally do not associate with wedding planning, like

Toilets and bathrooms – access and enough around to

accommodate your guests comfortably

Tides, closeness/proximity to the water’s edge, waves

Sound, music, words, microphones, speeches, toasts, wind/breezes


Regulations and restrictions

Bugs and mosquitoes

Shoe-string, Low-cost, Budget-Conscious, Money-Wise, Money-Saving Wedding Theme & Reception Ideas and Suggestions

When planning your DREAM THEME WEDDING, not all of us have

endless means and money at our disposal.

Do price out, itemize and have some contingency funds available for

last-minutes things, additions and crisises that might cross your path

or you did not plan for.

Weekdays are not off-limits for weddings, they are welcomed as not

many people tap into them. Typically cheaper too. Pick dates between

November and April to avoid paying higher seasonal rates or

surchargers due to increased volume, demand and less space making it

prime territory and hot commodities! Some dates might not even be

available, so check and start planning as early as you can.

Upon reservations ask for the manager, planners, rooms, quotes and

more to get the ball rolling – the earlier the better

Theme-elements can greatly and cheaply enhance the events and

unfolding of your special wedding day

Themed weddings might cost more or less than your typical ceremony

or reception

Themed weddings can make tight budgets work really well

Lower the guest list to friends and family closest

Hotels, all-inclusives, resorts, conference centers and popular wedding


Have a plan of how the whole event, from start to finish will go and

account for time (overtime costs money!)

Guests can also contribute to the costs to keep it down/low and rather

than gifts, donate their professional time as DJ, flower-arrangers,

ushers, wedding officiates, centerpieces, choosing and shopping for the

favors as opposed to giving gifts.


Discounts and packages deals (when you stay at the hotel for

example), blocks of rooms

Digital cameras and camcorders are welcome and collages, not costing

a lot of money, but priceless, will surprize you and save you money!

Couples and parents, indivdiually and collectively can have input and

say and should split the tally and costs (that is the more modern take

on how to get things done, with most couples choosing to even elope

to not deal with issues like these at all, just with their immediate

family, friends or just the two of them!)

Choose ONE location for both ceremony and reception to make things

easy and optimize discounts/package deals if you can and it suits your


Ceremony and reception elements can underscore the theme and build

on the overall experience and dream wedding theme you have in mind

for your day and your guests.

Calculate the cost per guest for your theme budget and make any

adjustments necessary

Beer and guests brining their own drinks are also quite acceptable

these days as well.

Any weddings cost mone

you can save money on your audio and video etc. for your theme


Getting married in city hall for the official ceremony and just hosting a

small intimate reception or drinks, rather than pay all of that extra

money can also be a viable option.

Students and professional photographers, photo-clubs and amateurs

looking for practice opportunity make great candidates for taking your

pictures and video at your dream theme wedding

Get a friend or family member to videotape the ceremony for you as

well, instead of a wedding gift – you will be surprised how many would

want to step up and take the responsibility.


Students, hobby, casual musicians and entertainers, talent in your own

family circles and/or community networks might be able to help you

out or and MP3 player, hooked up to a system with music of your

choice, might just do the trick, so no DJ will be required.

Package deals save money but check the fine-print and details prior to

signing – know what you get and buyer beware also.

When it comes to food and theme weddings, you need to pay closer

attention to what you are putting on the plates, tables and into the

mouths of your guests! It does not have to break or hurt your


Catering and wedding budgets go hand in hand. Here is where most of

your money for the wedding will end up going, believe it or not. Food and

drink, linens, rentals etc. all add up. Add to that bill beverages, alcohol and

the tab might surprise and shock you. Your per-head count and unit costs all

drive this equation upward, so keep your guest-list in check and plan

accordingly. All the activity, celebrating, feasting and merriment will need

and demand food and drink and that costs money! EVEN FOR A THEMED

WEDDING. There are however lots that you can do to minimize the impact of


Types and how many hors d'oeuvres you order

Using a professional caterer or not

In-house or outside contractor

Any additional service, gratuity and labor chargers, set-up , extra


For appetizers offer cheese and crackers or mini items – this is not the main

meal – just nibblies are fine and some mints/candy on the tables, should do

nicely. It does not have to be elaborate.


Basic and smart menu-choices – not five-course meal if you cannot afford it

(soup/salad, veg, main entrée & dessert coffee/tea just fine for most,

backyard BBQ, with beer and ice-cream can also appeal to the backyard,

out-door, informal wedding for friends and family, smaller scale wedding

solutions with themes of your choice – beach party, sports-bar, hang-outs –

anything and everything goes type parties

Per-person budget will drive the cost higher or lower – keep a close eye on


Ensure that there is enough food for everyone, without waste or risk of

running out

Volunteers, guests, friends and family can prepare all the appetizers, side

dishes, bread, meals and salads, even cakes and desserts.

Avoid high-prices menu-items like shrimp, salmon, lobster and beef

tenderloin. If you can afford it, include it as an appetizer ONLY to keep costs

down and not sacrifice what you value (if it is important to you).

Finger-food, sandwiches, snacks, drinks, coffee/dessert, breakfast or brunch

are cheaper options.

Food stations and buffets keep costs down

Italian pastas and Mexican menus or buffets are typically cheaper and

appeals to many taste palettes

Offer a buffet style meal rather than a sit down dinner.

Lunch is cheaper than a plated dinner

Informal is cheaper than formal

Theme foods are exciting and can be bought in bulk to keep costs down to –

you have more of a personal say and handle on where and what is bought

and how it is presented if you do it yourself

REALIZE that the food and beverage portion of any wedding takes the most

money, planning and actual work – especially if you are doing it all yourself!


Wedding planners and professional niche specialist, themed wedding

generalists, know-how artistes are at our disposal. Online planners,

software, magazines, books, guides, chats, blogs, brides-to-be forums are

all there to help out with making your DREAM THEMED WEDDING come true.

Up to 25% of all brides utilize a planner and the number is rising and

increasing as people have less and less time, weddings becoming

increasingly difficult and complex.

There are lots to see and speak to , between caterers, wedding officiates,

pastors, wedding parties, cake, photos, music, food and menus, and other

miscellaneous suppliers to source, negotiate and book beforehand, many get

overwhelmed by the magnitude of what it will take to pull this event off!

No longer do brides have to face this alone. Lots of planners can step up to

the plate and have you act with confidence, back-up and enjoy your wedding

plans, preparations and special day, without the stress, tension, hard work,

logistics and running around!

If has also become more mainstream and more affordable, acceptable to

get/hire someone to take care of the wedding details. It is less expensive

that you can image and package deals abound that make in attractive to

delegate the worrying and even decision-making to a planner, who know

what they are doing, have done it before, can avoid costly mistakes, errors

and knows etiquette for themed and dream weddings. They are miracle

workers under stress, strain and unforeseen difficulty. Bulk discounts,

industry insider contacts can all save you money in the long run, regardless

of your theme, dream and wedding day requirements.


When it comes to pulling off a themed wedding like the icy princess or beach

themes (or any other themes), you need to ask

o What is the nature of your work, environment, personal and

professional life, is it overly tense, stressful and highly


o Is traveling part of what you do professionally, taking you away

from home a lot?

o If you have a heavy workload and schedule , do you have time

realistically to play your special dream wedding day today

o How desperate are your for that professional touch – how

important is it to you that everything goes well and looks good?

o Do you demand perfection, with very little effort on your part?

o Do you and your prospective marriage partner have the time to

realistically plan everything for your wedding?

o Can you count on your parents, or opt not to and need the help

of a professional?

o Are you living outside the area where you plan to marry?

Wedding planners can answer the call, if you answered in the affirmative to

any, some or all of the above. In these cases having that continuous

representative and insider-professional working for your best interest will be

critical to pull off the themed wedding of your dreams. But it is not a

necessity for everyone. Some brides, grooms and family opt to do it all

themselves. There are so many quality resources available these days, that

it is increasingly easy to find even pre-packaged wedding ideas, books,

concepts for sale that you can just follow or customize to meet your needs,

fit your budget and deliver your DREAM THEME WEDDING.

If you do opt to utilize the services of a professional wedding planner or

event management team, ensure you ask and answer the following

questions, issues and concerns, PRIOR to signing any agreements, paying


any retainers and/or deposits on ANYTHING. Do thorough background

checks, testimonials and meet in person if you can.

Are they licensed and insured?

Can they provide references?

Can you work with this, afford it and need it?

Do they accept commission from suppliers and is it passed on to the


Do they have a video portfolio for you to look at?

Do they operate on a full time basis or do they have another job?

How do they charge, hourly, fixed fee or a percentage of your wedding


How long they have been in business?

How many weddings they have organized?

Scope, nature and tasks, duties of the professional planner might include

things for your DREAM THEME WEDDING that touches on

Advisability of theme, suggestions and recommendations (initially)

Budget and cost/spending plan, checklist for shopping and securing all

items for the wedding, rentals and purchases

Insiders, contact, sub-contractors and event suppliers

Locations, suitable destinations as theme becomes more evident and


Making theme and design come together and practical

Managing the wedding day and all related events, activities, staff,

crises itself ON THE DAY of the wedding

Payments to and of all suppliers, including deposits et al.

Sending invitations

Dealing and working with a professional planner will benefit you greatly. It

does cost extra and add to the expense to the overall wedding bill, but it


could be worth its value in pure gold, if he/she is an expert and takes pride

in their work, known for success and results, getting you your dream

themed wedding to a tee – without you having to do more than pick the

dress, get ready, show up and enjoy.

There are many key tools and utilities available to brides-to-be, planners and

event managers, families and wedding parties, trying to get and check

everything for that perfect dream wedding.

There are many such wedding to do checklists available in print and

online. Here is but once such example that can help you get, stay on

track as you get ready for your dream theme wedding.

Up to 1 year before the big day – yes 12 months ahead you can start

planning – most planners will echo and advise you that the sooner

you get started the BETTER! There is no time to waste or lose, with

lots at stake – some locations are booked solid, for years in advance

– you might want to reconsider if this is the case for your venue!

Announce your engagement.

Budget and BOTH determine how many guests may attend,

individually and collectively, with parents and then finalize the wish-

list, to short-list to final list!

Determine the type of wedding you want and theme.

Establish a starting budget.

Get all your suppliers lined and signed up, committed and retained -

wedding cake baker/decorator, video-photographer, musicians, and



Pick the wedding format, style (formal, informal, traditional,

contemporary-modern, alternative, etc.) Ceremony and reception

together, separately apart, indoors, outdoors, what time of year

Select a caterer if not already provided for the reception.

Select a wedding date and time.

Select and hire a photographer.

Select and order the bridesmaids' dresses.

Select and secure your ceremony location.

Select and secure your reception location.

Sign all necessary contracts, pay deposits to secure venues and track

your spending/budget against overall



Attendants and wedding party – identify, approach and confirm

Bridal attire for bride and groom - wedding dress, headpiece, veil,

tuxedo etc.

Gift bridal registry

Guest-list finalized

Travel plans for honeymoon



Administration and paperwork: blood test and marriage license in your


All physical check-ups doctor/dentist

All reservations confirmed, including the honeymoon, reception,

wedding officiate etc.


Confirm all the entries/guests on the final guest-list prior to sending

the invitations out

Engagement announcement to the newspaper.

Find a place to live after the wedding

Mothers and Fathers of the bride and groom’s attire

Select and order or print the invitations and stationery.


Wedding party and male attire all ordered, fittings, alterations and

pickups scheduled

Wedding rings and special jewelry

Two to Four Months Before the Wedding day

Accommodations for out-of-town guests.

Confirm the wedding cake details with the baker.

Designing and printing the program for the ceremony.

Finalize the florist details, photographer, video-photographer,

musicians, etc.

Meet with planner and caterer for progress report, menu choices and

finalizing , all catering details, set-up and changes

Order of service confirmed

Plan a rehearsal dinner, time and place.

Plan the bridesmaids' luncheon and any other parties (pre- and post-)

Prepare all maps and directions for the ceremony and reception.

Set the dates and times with the officiate for the rehearsal.

Wedding guest book

6 to 8 weeks to go

Hire the limousine or other forms of transportation for the wedding.

Mail invitations and announcements.


Prepare a portrait for the newspaper. Check your local newspaper for

details and timing.

Select gifts for all your attendants.

Set appointment with photographer for your formal bridal portrait.

Set appointments with any hairdressers and/or makeup artists.

Four to Six Weeks Before

Wedding gifts for partner (bride/groom)

Flower order confirmation and delivery date/time, location

Confirm menu and headcount

All wedding party clothes are sorted out, fit, altered and ordered,

ready to go

Fit wedding rings, pick up and keep safe

Seating plans

Order of service for ceremony and reception.

Placement, seating cards

Get all the wedding accessories, like ring pillow, goblets, garter belt,

candles, etc.

Purchase a going away outfit.

Final fit of the wedding dress


Bridal party attire all ready and in good shape, picked up

Business and legal aspects, will & testament, last name, address


Get your marriage license

Out of town accommodation confirmations

Wedding announcement for the newspaper

Wedding gifts arrangements, who to pick up and drop off at the new



The countdown has brought you to the final week – yes, ONE WEEK



Complete place-cards

Confirm the availability of the musicians and vocalists, confirming

date, time, location and program/activities, fees etc.

Delegate responsibilities to reliable individuals on your wedding day

Final details with officiate, photographer, DJ, musicians etc.

Final headcount and seating chart

Fit on all wedding party clothes to ensure everyone will be looking

their best

Give a final head count to the caterer.

Ground-transportation confirmed

Honeymoon reservation confirmations, tickets in-hand

Pack for going away on your honeymoon

Personally call and follow up with those guests who have not indicated

they are coming or have not yet given their RSVP

Seating and ushers, plans and last-minute detail confirmations

Wrap and present the wedding party gifts.

Finalize your rehearsal dinner arrangements or other plans.

24-hours to your wedding day

Get a manicure or massage

Get some personal time for yourself to reflect and prepare

Go to sleep early, no partying until the wee morning hours – you want

to look and feel your best


Review and rehearse all the details of your participants


Stay with your family the night before


best man and maid of honor sign the wedding certificate.

Eat and drink enough


Prepare for your hairdresser and makeup appointments.

Rest and relax with a good bath.

Time to get dressed and prepare – do not rush

There are many tools and people to rely on as you get

ready for and through your dream themed wedding. THIS


Wedding are extra special occasions and for most ONE, if not the important

day in their lives. Stress, tension, planning, priorities, details, decisions,

confirmations, information, pricing, lists, to do’s, checklists and more all

occupy time, energy and efforts. Sometimes it is so easy to start feeling that

things are getting out of control, lose your firm grip on what is where, who is

coming and who is giving or doing what, that having it all in one convenient

spot, like an organizer or wedding software solution on a laptop or mobile is

just what the wedding-planner ordered and the bride-to-be needs.

Amidst all the chaos, small touches, favors, theme-related choices, wedding

day things to take care of, you can also look at ways to make your life and

tasks easier, more fun and smart!

Administer and manage guest list, Invitations and RSVP's easily.


Appointments and reminders, organizers and scheduling tools to

incorporate and set Accommodation, transportation, special meal

requirements, last minute details, contacts and logistics at your


Be in control and in touch at all times – without meltdown or Bridezilla-

like tendencies

Budgeting, expenditure, track receipts and spending

Customize your personal and own unique envelopes, labels, cards,

notes, thank you’s and place cards.

DO NOT ALLOW PANIC TO TAKE OVER and ruin your life and wedding.

Get and stay organized and focused

Keep note and track all details automatically

No not overlook or forget anything


professionally manage your wedding from the beginning to the big day

of your wedding

Remember the important things

Stay objective and make the best decisions

Templates, seating charts and seating arrangements, plans and

responders to use to send electronically or print/send

utilize tools and resources, like planners and software, professionals

and quality, reputable and reliable suppliers

DREAM THEME Wedding Showers – organize, plan and enjoy all it has to offer – this is your sneak-peak and gearing up for your BIG DAY, so make the most of it!

Bridal showers, pre-wedding parties, rehearsal dinners, all these pre-event

type get-togethers can be very helpful to prepare you for your big wedding

day, but they can also make you more anxious as the excitement builds. The

wedding theme can go for a little test-run to speak right here. Couple


showers, jack-and-jill type parties for guys and gals, brides and grooms, to

get ready for their homes, wedding, marriage together etc. can be great fun

for everyone involved. It will also give you more of an idea as to what to

expect from people’s reactions and enjoyment of the wedding theme that

you have.

Maids or matron(s) of honor have the privilege of arranging these parties

and related festivities, for wedding party, bride, family and close friends,

wedding guests. Many opt to all chip in, contribute, organize, host and

share the cost and planning of these get-togethers. They are typically more

informal and for the enjoyment of all, as you prepare for the big day

together. It is time to spend, share and have fun.

Where it is held, in or outside, restaurant, home or other location

Date, time and attendees

Typically held 4-6 weeks prior to the wedding

Some still opt for the girls only type party, lunch, evening out and

couple-showers are increasingly becoming more mainstream and


Typical invitees to the wedding shower would be friends, relatives or

work colleagues who in a few weeks will be sitting down to share in

your joy as guests at your wedding

Keep it medium to smaller to ensure that everyone gets a chance to interact

and share some time before the wedding. Menu, invites and theme can be

borrowed or taken as inspiration from the main wedding theme. Shower

games and activities, gifts and even music can make for a memorable day

for the bride , family and friends.

Planning any wedding, regardless of theme and size, can bring with it many

an obstacle, challenge and problems. For theme weddings the risk and


outcome, impact and consequences even increase! Below are a couple of the

common wedding planning mistakes to try and not make for your dream



Make guests and their experience a top priority,

making a good memory count more than getting everything top-grade

and upscale, most expensive.

Spend your money where it matters and makes a difference.

Avoid booking vendors and making purchases without risking losing

deposits or overspending.

Budget and track your spending every step of the way.

Be frugal where you need to, cut when you have to and indulge when

you can!



Ensure that you are following permits, rules, state regulations, tests,


Get all the information for your marriage license and ensure that it is

valid at the time that you actually do get married.

Some states have waiting periods of up to three days, some state

licenses are only valid for 60 days. Enquire and check that you have

your facts and requirements, ducks in a row.

Spend your time and energy wisely on the things that matter and can

make a difference on the big day.

You do not have to be everything for everybody.


Alterations and fittings need to be scheduled


Alterations, accessories needs to be purchased, made or rented as well

Making dresses takes time, finding the right dress takes time

Shipping and bridesmaids dresses will also need attention, so do not

delay, hesitate or postponed this decision.

Upward of six months or more might be required for a designer,

couture or custom-made, even some of the more popular off-the-rack




Especially in high season, book in advance – even if you think it will be


Check all requirements, block reservations, hotel and room availability

in advance

Confirm all reservations and advise them speedily of any changes


Seating and accommodating all those additional guests might pose a

problem. Learn to say no if you keep getting requests.

Only fill cancellation spots with new headcount, do not keep adding on

to the tally.

In the end it affects the total quality and outcome of your ceremony

and reception.



Especially religious and cultural awareness, respect and law comes to

mind. Ensure you have all the facts and instruct your guests, wedding

party , even officiates of same.




Most people would not know what to do at your wedding, especially if it

is a special, cultural, religious or alternative wedding, order of service

and detailed programs can help.

Always have someone on hand that can explain, help or assist your

guests on the big day, answer questions, translate (if in foreign

language etc.)



Avoid allergic reactions, breakouts, mistakes or, even worse, serious

infections, leaving you less than perfect and desirable on your special

wedding day!


Important guests might not receive their invitation and feel snubbed or

ignored, overlooked and undervalued.

Note that some invitations and envelopes will require MORE than

standard postage

Also, where you are sending the invitation matters – how much time it

takes to get there and the response back, additional cost etc.

Seasonal, Spring and Informal Backyard Weddings


For many a bride and groom, a dream wedding day can be no more than a

mountain to climb, bad like their worst child fears and nightmares all rolled

into one, with the added specter of expense, stress, tension and aggravation

Elaborate weddings are not suitable for everyone and anyone.

You can make your money go further for theme weddings without going the

whole nine yards or overboard at all. You do not need to have an expensive

extravaganza to be stylish, have good taste and ensure you and your guests

have a great time and lasting memory, experience and shared moments with

you and your spouse-to-be. A little money and oodles of creativity can serve

you immensely well. You can get things done with much less than you

expect to pay. Receptions and ceremonies can take place right at home and

in your own backyard. It can be welcoming and intimate. You can have an

informal backyard BBQ, a tent, canopy and aisle, seating and food prepared

by loved ones, for just as exciting a time as any, whether seasonal, spring,

cash-strapped, tight-or low budget type weddings, even informal family

affairs, second or third weddings, etc.

Ceremonies and shared happiness have been celebrated in early times at

home, with a few family, friends and guests to celebrate, wish well the

newlywed union, and happy couple. Musical and culinary talents of the

family was put to good use and everyone shared the load and joy of the

work and cost. Beer on tap, grilling outside, pool-party type, beach-theme

parties, social events and get-togethers, casual and up-beat are in question

here, without all the trim, pomp and ceremony. New clothes, special cakes,

sweets, treats, wine and lots of company and laughing can be just as fun as

stressful large themed events. Decorations and buffets can make it cheap,

easy to set up and take down, cost-effective and homely. Preacher , wedding

officiate, minister, judge at city hall can take care of all the formalities and

paperwork, either at the court house, church or indoors, outdoors and then

the ‘celebration’ will commence, in casual simplistic splendor and enjoyment

of all.


This is more like a wedding party and lots of young couples these days opt

rather for theme-party type celebrations, like a rave, skate-boarder, pool-

playing, jamming session type celebration, rocking and dancing, eating and

drinking, putting all that money that would have been spent on an elaborate

wedding to better use, paying of college or university debt, buying a new

car, deposit on a house etc. or traveling.

Instant of small-scale weddings also do not appeal to all tastes and

preferences, and even if you have to compromise on some things, your

happiness and special theme wedding knows now boundaries, budgets or

locations – anywhere and everywhere will be special as you are there and

those you love are sharing in those moments with you.

Backyard style weddings and parties are big business and once you calculate rentals, food, decorations, pictures, gifts and thank you’s, invitations, attire etc., most will be able to pull it off with less than $1500! IT CAN BE DONE!

Ethnic , Tribal, Cultural, Religious, Occult or non-traditional ,

Ritualistic, Pagan or non-descript Wedding Traditions, Celebrations,

Rites and Observations

Popular wedding themes, like the ones mentioned in this guide, like the

beach, western, butterfly, ice princess, seasonal, flowers, even space or

sports, etc. mostly get the preference.

However, sometimes merging two cultures, languages and histories,

traditions and religious observations, celebrations and rituals can make for

some interesting ceremonial challenges and reception headaches, not even a

wedding planner might be able to just ‘straighten out or work around’



Heritage, culture, legacy, respect and mutual choosing to recognize where

you are from, culture, language and religion increasingly is gaining ground

and popularity in our multi-cultural society, where increasingly diverse

couples opt to marry and celebrate with friends, family and loved ones. Truly

unique, even spiritual, customized and individualized, couple-specific

ceremonies, never to be repeated and not intended for mainstream are

celebrated around the world. This is one sure-fire way to specifically

personalize your wedding day and get the dream wedding you have always

wanted and envisioned, feel you deserve. Your wedding guests will also

appreciate and be treated to experiencing some of your wonderful cultural

tradition, rites and get an insider, sneak-peek of/on your lives together as

you start the road side-by-side, now united in marriage.

Very similar to the aspects in traditional wedding theme planning, all plans

and details are as important and it is up to you to say where, what, how

much or how little of it will be infused and present in your ceremonial and

celebratory parts of your marriage event and day! As to what ethnic

traditions you can or want to include, it needs to be discussed in detail, more

specifically when you are utilizing the services of a wedding planner, who

knows very little or lots about your culture, language, religion and union-

celebrations. Here are some ideas to help you along.

Choosing Wedding Colors and attire affords you rich colors and fabrics, away

from black and white or more sublte ivories or traditional colors we associate

with weddings, silvery greys, golds etc. Make way for reds, vibrant multi-

colored greens, coppers, orange, burgundy, purple etc.

Décor, favors, decorations, wedding flowers and bridal attire can all form

part of the theme with an ethnic and cultural flavor. Asian weddings are

notorious for including reds and yellows for example.

Traditional bridal attire for the ceremony can bae breathtakingly beautiful

and an experience for your guests to observe as they learn more about you


and your culture, where you are from and how we are all part of the global

village and community around the world.

Ethnic and cultural inspiration, masks, candles, incense, statues etc. can all

work, musics and pictures from your home-land and ethnic wedding

decorations are increasingly popular. Examples of this might be orchids for

Hawaiian cultures, lotus blossoms are popular for Chinese, Asian or Japanese

weddings. Daisies and zinnias for Hispanic or Mexican wedding themes are

perfect. You can accentuate, under-tone or use these elements throughout

your wedding, settings and events.

Accents, props, songs, cues and colors enhance and infuse your context,

backdrop with whom you are and where you are from – how exciting,

rewarding and refreshingly PERSONAL!

Native country cuisine, music, traditional musical instruments, special event

dancers or token ritual can go a long way to make your marriage ceremony

and reception extra memorable and special for you, your partner, your

families and circles of friends and guests.

No-one said or is saying that planning for a theme wedding is or will be

easy. If you opt for less traditional forms of wedding vows and related

celebrations, prior to, in preparation for/of , during and after your wedding,

then ‘dream theme wedding’ type solutions will work for you. Who know,

today it is still unique, quirky and special, tomorrow the standard and

preference of the day! Big or small, elaborate, formal, information, weird,

extreme, personal, intimate, beach or ice cave beauty, orchestrated, in real

exotic locations, synergized by a single sole theme thread throughout its

elements, components, players, suppliers, guests, family, friends, wedding

party, to-be-wed couple, parents of bride and groom and all others involved

into the symphony or cacophony of your dream wedding, can all come


together easily, with planning and some attention to detail, budgeting,

creativity and discipline, persistence and perseverance also in question!

This guide serves as an introductory inspiration for assisting brides and

grooms to be, planners, families, friends, officiates, other coordinators and

wedding stakeholders:

Opting for a theme for your wedding and designing anything and everything

around, from and for it

Theme weddings from start to finish, aspects, checklists, to do’s,

mistakes and pitfalls to avoid

Themed weddings can be cost-effective and affordable

Types and samples of wedding themes

wedding checklists and planning tools, software, planners and

professional service providers to make your life and wedding day easier

and a dream come true

where to expect to spend and have to pay money for your dream

theme wedding

… and so much more. Good luck with your personal journey and tasks ahead

as you start your countdown to your DREAM THEME WEDDING!

More wedding theme ideas and inspirational suggestions:

Valentine's Day – red, hearts, cupids, gold, bow and arrows


Cinderella – princess, tiara, formal gowns, ball, shoes – evening dinner and

dancing, jewels, plated, served dinners, slippers, coach/carriage,

footstools, crowns, satin pillows and castles

Beauty and the Beast – satin ribbons, costumes, music, meal and

characters from the movie, stars/voices

Halloween - orange, black, green, ooze, scary music, costumes, much and

gore, heavy-metal music etc.

Winter Wonderland (see ice princess theme comments throughout),

imagine ice queen, her snow coach (snow-mobile arriving), furs and coats,

indoors or outdoors or outdoors brought in (simulating the cold, without

sacrificing the creature comforts!)

Black and White (Chess/ Formal)

Autumn - fall and harvest colors schemes, orange, browns, yellows, trees

with no leaves, pumpkins and wreaths, turkey and stuffing! Etc.

Victorian, Medieval, Elizabethan or Reinassance-type weddings – full

costume, pomp and ceremony

So…, for most couples and individuals, planners

and weddings going down the aisle in dream

wedding theme splendor, it is a dream come true,

uniquely personal and an expression of who you

According to Bride

Magazine (Sept

2001), “Theme

Weddings are one

of the hottest

trends in the

wedding industry”.


are, what you want and like, it will stand out, be different, be remembered

and totally unique – not to be mistaken for just another traditional set of

events, with just another bride and groom and just another wedding. It will

be, planned and executed to be something totally different a dream

wedding like none other, for you, about you and around you and your

guests, once in a lifetime, never to be repeated – the BIGGEST, most

special day in your life – YOUR DREAM THEME WEDDING COME TRUE.

Use your planning process and personality to your best advantage to make

your day count, your budget go that extra mile and your theme

memorable, enjoyable and one-of-a-kind – JUST PERFECT FOR THE TWO

OF YOU! It is after-all your day to have and to hold, to share and to

cherish, make special, to your specification , inspiration and creativity –

where will your dreams and fantasies of the perfect wedding take you? You

too can have a one-of-a-kind, in a lifetime special wedding that is all you.

Your hobbies, interests, favorite time period, event, sport, sports-car, book,

character, where you met, against the ruins of an old church, burned,

destroyed and no longer there, Stonehenge, rivers, waterfalls, volcano’s,

canyons, mountains, cliffs, castles and fortresses long forgotten, roller-

coasters, casinos and gambling hall type receptions, towers and structures,

drive-through chapels, even cemeteries and caves, bridges, even a 7-11

convenient store or bowling alley, ice rink, helicopter or boat, the locations,

styles and types of theme weddings differ vastly. Apple orchards, magic

shows, vineyards, bus, plane, taxi, surprise destinations for couples and

guests, we want to be entertained and spend our money wisely on

something that we will share, experience and remember together for the

rest of our lives – that is simply WHY we do it – the HOW can probably fill

volumes for years and generations to come.

If you are wondering where to start and overwhelmed by the task at hand,

take heart. If a theme wedding is what you are after, you might very well


be breaking new ground! Research and involvement is critical from the

start for a theme wedding to come to full fruition. You are building and

transforming space, process, moments into an experience for all to share

and take in – it will take MORE than just flowers, seating, charts, menu and

music selections to pull these off with success and results!

Here are some more ideas for your perfect theme and dream wedding… as if

you were not overwhelmed and inspired enough…!

Wilderness or Camping Theme Wedding

Storybook Fantasy Wedding

Movie Premiere Theme Wedding

Mexican Inspired Theme Wedding

July 4th Theme Wedding

Irish Theme Wedding

Indian Inspired Theme Wedding

Garden Theme Wedding

Cowboy, Rodeo or Western Wedding

Costal Inspired Wedding

Cocktail Inspired Theme Wedding

Christmas Theme Wedding

Butterfly Theme Wedding

Brunch Theme Wedding

Beach/Island Wedding


African Inspired Wedding

1920's Theme Wedding




Wines, Vitners, Wineries type themes, tastings and weddings on farms

Resources and Online Links