table of contents - second calvary baptist church...encouraging one another to love and do good...


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Page 1: Table of Contents - Second Calvary Baptist Church...Encouraging One Another to Love and Do Good Deeds 5 SCBC Theme for 2020: Encouraging One Another To Love and Do Good Deeds Hebrews
Page 2: Table of Contents - Second Calvary Baptist Church...Encouraging One Another to Love and Do Good Deeds 5 SCBC Theme for 2020: Encouraging One Another To Love and Do Good Deeds Hebrews

2 Encouraging One Another to Love and Do Good Deeds

Table of Contents

Connecting with the Second Calvary Baptist Church Prayer Line ................................................ 4

Members of the Ministry of Congregational Spirituality ............................................................... 4

Church Theme 2020 – Rev. Dr. Geoffrey V. Guns ........................................................................ 5

The Power of Prayer and Fasting ................................................................................................... 6

Four Types of Fasts for January ..................................................................................................... 6

How to Do the Daniel Fast ............................................................................................................. 7

Using and Following the Prayer and Fasting Guide ...................................................................... 9

Twenty-One Days of Prayer and Fasting – Ministry of Congregational Spirituality .................. 10

Week One – An Encouraging Word One-On-One

Day 1: Monday, January 6, 2020 (Hebrews 10:24-25) .................................................... 13

Day 2: Tuesday, January 7, 2020 (Psalms 34:17-19) ....................................................... 14

Day 3: Wednesday, January 8, 2020 (Hebrews 10:24) .................................................. 15

Day 4: Thursday, January 9, 2020 (Galatians 6:9) ......................................................... 16

Day 5: Friday, January 10, 2020 (1 Thessalonians 5:11) ............................................... 17

Day 6: Saturday, January 11, 2020 (1 Thessalonians 5:11) ........................................... 18

Day 7: Sunday, January 12, 2020 (Hebrews 10:24-25) .................................................. 19

Week Two – An Encouraging Word Through Discipleship

Day 8: Monday, January 13, 2020 (2 Timothy 1:3) ....................................................... 20

Day 9: Tuesday, January 14, 2020 (2 Timothy 1:5) ....................................................... 21

Day 10: Wednesday, January 15, 2020 (2 Timothy 1:13) ............................................... 22

Day 11: Thursday, January 16, 2020 (2 Timothy 3:16-17) ............................................. 23

Day 12: Friday, January 17, 2020 (2 Timothy 4:1) ........................................................ 24

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3 Encouraging One Another to Love and Do Good Deeds

Day 13: Saturday, January 18, 2020 (2 Timothy 4:2)..................................................... 25

Day 14: Sunday, January 19, 2020 (Hebrews 10:24)...................................................... 26

Week Three –An Encouraging Word to The Assembly

Day 15: Monday, January 20, 2020 (1 Timothy 4:14) .................................................... 27

Day 16: Tuesday, January 21, 2020 (1 Timothy 6:17-18) .............................................. 28

Day 17: Wednesday, January 22, 2020 (2 Samuel 19:7) ................................................ 29

Day 18: Thursday, January 23, 2020 (Matthew 5:16) .................................................... 30

Day 19: Friday, January 24, 2020 (Proverbs 27:17 ........................................................ 31

Day 20: Saturday, January 25, 2020 (Revelation 2:1-2) ................................................. 32

Day 21: Sunday, January 26, 2020 (Hebrews 10:24.) .................................................... 33

Conclusion ................................................................................................................................... 34

My Prayerful Reflections ............................................................................................................. 35

Devotional Outlines and Website References………………………………………………. ..... 36

Closing Prayer .............................................................................................................................. 39

Prayer List .................................................................................................................................... 40

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4 Encouraging One Another to Love and Do Good Deeds

Connecting With The Second Calvary Baptist Church Prayer Line

We invite you to participate in our daily online prayer and devotion.

Call the Second Calvary Baptist Church Prayer Line:

Telephone: 319-527-3544

Alternate Number for T-Mobile & Metro PCS Subscribers: 425-535-9157

Time: 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. Daily

Share Your Experience Online

Use the hashtag #SCBCNorfolk

Members of the Ministry of Congregational Spirituality

Reverend B. J. Stancel, Elder

Reverend Roma Hall, Chaplain

Deaconess Delydia Williams, Secretary

Deaconess Bantha Alston

Deacon John Smaw, Jr.

Deacon Anthony J. Williams, Sr.

NOTE: Unless otherwise indicated, all selected devotionals are from

Please see links to the devotionals beginning on Page 36 of this guide.

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5 Encouraging One Another to Love and Do Good Deeds

SCBC Theme for 2020:

Encouraging One Another To Love and Do Good Deeds

Hebrews 10:24-25

Dr. Geoffrey V. Guns, Senior Pastor

Second Calvary Baptist Church

Our church theme for the next two years is “Encouraging One Another to Love

and Do Good Deeds.” The Scripture basis is Hebrews 10:24-25, “ And let us consider

how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling

together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you

see the day drawing near.” The biblical context for our theme Scripture is Hebrews


Hebrews is one of the General Epistles. The writer has remained anonymous

and we are not sure who he or she was. One of the things we are sure of is that the

writer of Hebrews wrote to spur the believers on to living above and beyond the world.

They had been washed in the blood of Jesus, who was the best sacrifice for sin, and He

was the best High Priest.

The writer of Hebrews sought to encourage and exhort the believers in the

church to hold fast to their confidence in Jesus. Jesus has paid the price for our

salvation and therefore, we are to do four things: vs. 22 draw near with a sincere heart;

vs. 23 hold fast the confession of our hope; vs. 24 consider how to stimulate one

another to love and good deeds; vs.25 coming together to encourage one another.

The love spoken of here is from the Greek word, agape, which is unconditional

love, love without pretense, love without stipulations, love for the sake of love. Our

goal throughout the year is to discover new ways to show love to God, our

congregation, family, and toward each other Indeed, as we love God with our heart,

mind and spirit, we are compelled to love others. My prayer is that we will be and

become what Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. envisioned the church to be: “The Beloved

Community, committed to the common good of all human beings, especially those

who are of the household of faith (see Galatians 6:10).

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6 Encouraging One Another to Love and Do Good Deeds

The Power of Prayer and Fasting

January is a special month for the Second Calvary Baptist Church Family. Not only is it the

beginning of the New Year, it is also the start of our period of spiritual cleansing and


Fasting is deliberately not eating food and in some cases not drinking water for the purpose of

reaching a spiritual goal or achieving a spiritual purpose. The priority is not to be on food

intake, but rather to submit our wills to God and allow Him to draw us into a place of

heightened spiritual awareness.

Another priority is to submit our wills to God and allow Him to draw us into a place of

heightened spiritual awareness. Sincere fasting cleanses the heart.

Four Types of Fasts for January

Fasting is reducing the amount of food or liquids consumed over a specified period of time.

When one abstains from eating for medical reasons this is referred to as detoxification of the

body through the limiting of food; however, fasting is one of the means by which we develop

a deeper life and faith in God. During the period in which one is fasting, time is set aside for

prayer, reading Scripture, and meditation. Sometime persons will engage in doing good deeds

as a part of their time of consecration.

There are several types of fasting. The one you choose is between you and God. He will honor

your best sacrifice for spiritual renewal and deep inner cleansing.

The first type is a Full Fast. Drink only liquids. This is a normal fast, in which one may abstain

from eating food although one may drink liquids over a specific time period.

The second type is a Partial Fast from 6:00 am to 12:00 pm, or from sun up to sundown. A

partial fast is when one limits the amount of food or liquids for a specific period of time.

The third type is an Absolute Fast where one ceases to eat or drink for a specified period of

time. You should consult your family physician before beginning a fast. If there are severe

medical reasons that will limit your ability to fast from food or water, you should not attempt

to do this. Rather, look for other ways that you can fast or participate, such as limiting how

much time you spend watching television or surfing the Internet.

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7 Encouraging One Another to Love and Do Good Deeds

The fourth type is The Daniel Fast. Eat fruits and vegetables; drink water and juice. NO

meat, sweets and or bread. The website provides information

about the benefits of implementing aspects, if not all, of The Daniel Fast during our time of

prayer and fasting. Additional references are cited in the End Notes and the Resource section

of this guide.

May you go forth with Joy and be led by His Peace during our time of Spiritual Renewal.

How to Do the Daniel Fast

There are two references in the book of Daniel from which the "Daniel Fast" is drawn. Daniel,

Chapter 1, describes how Daniel and his three friends ate only vegetables and drank only

water. At the end of a 10-day trial period, Daniel and his friends appeared healthier than their

peers who ate the rich foods from the royal table.

In Daniel, Chapter 10, Daniel fasts, abstaining from pleasant food, meat, and wine. You too

can gain a healthier body and clearer mind by following this fast in moderation.


• Engage in lots of prayer; we need God's strength and guidance.

• Keep your diet simple. Avoid highly processed foods in favor of simply prepared or

raw vegetables.

• If for any reason you eat something you should not have during the fast, it is better to

ask for forgiveness and continue, than to stop the fast.

• If you are experiencing weakness or headaches, drink at least 8 glasses of water each

day. Often, we do not understand just how much our body needs water, especially

when fasting.

• Set a goal for how long you will fast. Ultimately, you may want to continue the

Daniel Fast longer than first intended.

• Have a healthy stash of nuts at work to avoid those co-workers who always want to

feed you.

• You may want to supplement your diet with a multi-vitamin.

• Be careful not to drink too much water; too much liquid can be as bad as not enough.

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8 Encouraging One Another to Love and Do Good Deeds


• During the time of fasting, you will face temptations; resist them in the name of Jesus


• When you have finished fasting, eat light meals and slowly build up to your

normal diet.

Things You Will Need

• A Bible

• A place and time (s) to pray

• A good variety of fruits and vegetables

Scripture References for Fasting:

• Matthew 6:16-18; Matthew 9:14-15; Luke 18:9-14

Relation to Prayer and Reading of the Word:

• 1 Samuel 1:6-8, 17-18; Nehemiah 1:4; Daniel 9:3, 20; Joel 2:12; Luke 2:37; Acts

10:30; Acts 13:2

Corporate Fasting:

• 1 Samuel 7:5-6; Ezra 8:21-23; Nehemiah 9:1-3; Joel 2:15-16; Jonah 3:5-10;

Acts 27:33-37

Remember that it is the attitude of a heart sincerely seeking Him to which God responds

with a blessing (Isaiah 58; Jeremiah 14:12; 1 Corinthians 8:8).

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Timing for Praying & Fasting

Two time periods are suggested for your period of fasting and prayer:

First is a partial fast of six hours (6 a.m. – 12 noon).

Second is a full day fast of twelve hours (6:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.).

You can decide which fast works for you. Feel free to modify your fast according to your

spiritual health and physical needs.

Fasting will begin on Monday, January 6, 2020.

Regular meals may resume on Sunday, January 26, 2020 after 6 pm.

Using and Following the Prayer and Fasting Guide

Many people spend a great deal of their lives complaining and looking for reasons why other

people are not what we believe they should be. Deep inner personal change is one of the most

difficult things to do, yet if we are willing to embark upon the journey, our lives, families,

marriages, professions, and ministries will become so much more vibrant.

During the next twenty-one days, we will embark together on a journey of spiritual renewal

and growth. Here are the steps to follow to get the most out of this period:

1. Resolve to follow the plan for the full twenty-one days, even when it looks like

you cannot fulfill it. Try not to miss a single day.

2. Read the daily readings and take notes or write down your observations from what

you glean.

3. Resolve to participate in one of the daily fasts – 6 or 12 hours. If you cannot fast

every day, resolve to fast every other day or every third day. Establish how you

will proceed. Consider the Daniel Fast, which is a partial fast that consists of fruits,

vegetables, and water only. Eliminate all meat, dairy, and sugar products from the

diet. Good results are guaranteed.

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10 Encouraging One Another to Love and Do Good Deeds

Twenty-One Days of Prayer and Fasting:

Encouraging One Another To Love and Do Good Deeds

The author of the Book of Hebrews endeavors to encourage a body of believers not to return to

Judaism. The struggle is real; suffering for the sake of Christ. Under Roman oppression, life would

be so much easier for this Jewish community of believers to revert to temple sacrifices and to

attend the local synagogue for worship and rabbinical teachings. One could self-invite themselves

some trouble for openly acknowledging that Jesus Christ is indeed The Son of God. Persecution

for following Christ had adversely affected church attendance and the assembly’s morale was

getting low. Similarly, we as believers need an encouraging word. In times of affliction, one may

find it challenging to draw near to God; let alone maintain regular worship and bible study.

Can you relate to the Christian Jews of that day? We could change the name to protect the guilty.

Any ministering part of the Body of Christ within any local assembly will do. Consider the

following scenario in Stronger Together by Crystal Krachunis:

I had a pastor tell me years ago, “Crystal, you should be in church every time these doors are

open.” I remember getting mad at him thinking, “Who does he think he is?!” Well, now I

understand. He thought he was my pastor, watching over my soul; he knew my struggles and knew

the best place for me to overcome was being consistently around the things and people of God.

I see it now as a pastor that those who struggle the most are inconsistent with church

attendance. They are inconsistent with Bible study and prayer groups. They are inconsistent with

small groups and so they struggle and are up and down in their emotions like a yoyo.

We will begin our first week of devotionals considering the importance of encouraging each other

one-on-one. Referring to the above scenario; Crystal received loving but hard to hear words to

nudge her to remain faithful in her walk with the Lord. It’s in the company of other believers that

we can receive the support that undergirds our faith and increases our spiritual fortitude. Like

Crystal, such encouraging words maybe hard for a hurting heart to receive. Yet, it is that one- on-

one relationship from within the fellowship that reminds us where our help comes from; to urge

us to draw from the spiritual resources which Christ has given for the edification and building of

the body of Christ.

Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop: but a good word maketh it glad. (Proverbs 12:25

KJV). A little one on one time just might be the opportunity to deliver a timely word to encourage

one another. Ignite someone’s faith to preserve through.

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11 Encouraging One Another to Love and Do Good Deeds

You might have heard that hindsight is 20/20. Now that Crystal is in pastoral leadership, she sees

the familiar effects of how going through life’s struggles can tempt one to withdraw from other

believers. How could she encourage a hurting overwhelmed, tired, stressed out believer to

persevere in the midst of dire straits?

Throughout week two, we will focus on the Apostle Paul’s words to a young disciple named

Timothy. Paul encourages Timothy with love but also with the good deeds of support, example,

and exhortation. Paul sees a pastor in Timothy and equips him to face the challenges of walking

out his calling; not to neglect his gift.

May we submit to you that there is an untapped/undeveloped potential among the saints?

Prayerfully, someone will pour into you as you pour into someone else. Consider encouraging

words to one another through discipleship. After all, God expects us to live in spiritual relationship

and in spiritual community with one another.

Our thematic verse in Hebrews sounds like an admonishment to the church body. . .25 not forsaking

our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another;

As important as it is not to neglect one’s spiritual gift, it is equally important to stay spiritually

connected. The previous week of devotionals highlighted the transformational power of

encouragement that Paul gave to Timothy through discipleship. In our last week of devotionals,

we find words to spur the congregation, or shall I say encouraging words to the assembly. When

the people of God withdraw from the community of faith, we forfeit the blessings that are available

through corporate gathering. We are called to be helpers one to another; to come along side each

other during challenging seasons. Oftentimes, a word of encouragement can challenge, instruct,

equip and motivate a body of believers to forge ahead in support of the Lord’s work. Here,

Krachunis writes:

If you neglect the Body, you become weaker not stronger and are more susceptible to deception

and the schemes of Satan. If you are struggling and are constantly up and down, immerse yourself

in the things of God. Stop skipping corporate worship, the Word is going forth and you’re missing

that time of praise and fellowship when His presence is so strong. Go to Bible Study and prayer

group. It’s more important than Monday Night Football. Your faith is more precious than gold!

By faith, the Ministry of Congregational Spirituality is believing that as a congregation we will

hear the Father’s heart encouraging our hearts and that we will consider our ways toward practicing

His Love through encouragement. We pray that the Holy Spirit will illuminate His Word and give

each of us a clear vision on how we may strengthen our witness for Our Lord and Savior Jesus


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12 Encouraging One Another to Love and Do Good Deeds

The twenty-one days of devotional readings were selected to cultivate the habit of encouragement.

The power of an encouraging word is like milk. It does a body good. As we see the day

approaching, the body of Christ faces a number of twenty-first century obstacles/challenges as it

relates toward fulfilling the Great Commission outlined in Matthew 28:19-20.

May the work of The Holy Spirit remove the beam in our eye as we endeavor to encourage those

who are struggling with the speck in his/her own eye. The Ministry of Congregation Spirituality

stands in faith that Second Calvary Baptist Church will continue to grow stronger together in our

mission to be a community church with a global vision in 2020.

This is our earnest prayer, in Jesus name. Amen.

Ministry of Congregational Spirituality

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13 Encouraging One Another to Love and Do Good Deeds

DAY 1: MONDAY, JANUARY 6, 2020 “24And let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, 25 not forsaking our

own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more,

as you see the day drawing near.” Hebrews 10:24-25

I Know Him! by Dwight Baker

Study: Hebrews 10:24-25 ESV

Once, the brother of a friend of mine mentioned that he’d learned more about God since leaving

the church. So, his question was, “Why attend church?” You don’t HAVE to go to church to be a

Christian, and in his mind, it had done him harm. The setting wasn’t one where I could talk openly

about this with him. But if I ever get the chance, here’s what I’ll ask him:

How have you learned about God—through trial and error, personal experiences, or observing

others (who may or may not be true followers)?

When you do read the Bible, do you understand what you’re reading?

Do you comprehend the overall message?

How do you know you’re interpreting it correctly?

Can you tell the difference between historical, narrative, poetry, prophecy, or wisdom literature?

I’d ask him how he knows I’m not leading him astray. In other words, what’s he anchored to, the

Word or his subjective experience and opinion?

I’d ask him these questions to make the point that there are no “Lone Ranger” Christians.


Nobody gets to go it alone and make up whatever version of Christianity suits them. Christianity

is a team sport; it must be lived in concert with other followers to ensure we have not strayed from

the true faith.


Dear Lord, I want to know you fully as you know me fully. I don’t simply want to know about

you, I want a personal relationship with you so that you can live through me. I want you to be the

first one I run to when trouble comes, not a last resort as some do. Amen

Prayer Focus:

Spend some time today thinking about your relationship with God. Is He some mysterious figure you go to church to learn about and to get some spiritual sounding nugget to get you

through the week? Or, do you long to know Him as Father, and worship with a body of fellow believers, perhaps even serve them in some way?

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14 Encouraging One Another to Love and Do Good Deeds

DAY 2: TUESDAY, JANUARY 7, 2020 “The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears, And delivers them out of all their troubles. The

LORD is near to those who have a broken heart, And saves such as have a contrite spirit.

Many are the afflictions of the righteous, But the LORD delivers him out of them all.”

Psalms 34:17-19 NKJV

When You Are Discouraged by Short Daily Devotions

Study: Psalms 34:17-19 NKJV

Ever get discouraged?” I sure do. In fact, I woke up this morning feeling discouraged. It feels like

the world is against me, and I’m overcome with feelings of “nobody really likes me.” Sometimes

I get discouraged because of my past regrets, and sometimes I get discouraged because God so

clearly has not answered my prayers and cries for help, when I want and the way I want. And

honestly, I get discouraged when I put too much trust in people and expect them to do or say

something that I’ve been longing to hear.

Discouragement is a real feeling, and it’s a real tool of the enemy to come against the child of God.

If you let it sink in, discouragement will press you down, and it can hinder you from doing what

the Lord has called you to do.

What do you do?


Here’s what I do: Dig in to scripture that encourages you in the Lord.

Discover what God says about any given situation and then trust His Word. It has power to give

life if you let it penetrate your heart.

“The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears, And delivers them out of all their troubles. The

LORD is near to those who have a broken heart, And saves such as have a contrite spirit. Many

are the afflictions of the righteous, But the LORD delivers him out of them all.” Psalms 34:17-19

NKJV. Some people’s struggles you may never know about, but perhaps you can be the hands,

feet, and mouthpiece of Jesus to them.


I pray today if you are discouraged that Jesus will lift your spirit and whisper truth in your

ear. He knows your pains; He cares, and He will answer!

Prayer Focus:

Let the Word of God penetrate your heart. Encourage yourself and others in The Word.

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15 Encouraging One Another to Love and Do Good Deeds

DAY 3: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 8, 2020 “Spur one another on toward love and good deeds . . . encouraging one another—and all

the more as you see the Day approaching.” Hebrews 10:24

The Urgency of Encouragement by George Vink

Study: Hebrews 10:19-25

The word for “encouraging” here means literally “to stand alongside.” It has to do with assuring

someone that you care, strengthening them by just being there. It’s also similar to a word used to

describe the Holy Spirit—parakletos, which means “counselor, advocate.”


Who needs to be encouraged today? We all do! Anyone who says they never need encouragement

is probably a hurting person. There’s nothing wrong with needing encouragement. Jesus did. His

Father encouraged him, saying, “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased” (Luke

3:22). An angel encouraged him as he struggled alone one night, knowing he would soon be

arrested and crucified (Luke 22:43).

Our neighbors need encouragement. One may be a student leaving home for college. Another may

be a tired, frazzled mother facing the stress of child care and a strained marriage. Another may be

a widower facing long, lonely days. Or perhaps there’s someone you have not seen at worship in

a while. People who need encouragement are not far away.

Our children’s teachers, our worship leaders, pastors, elders—all of these folks need encour-

agement. Being a daily encourager can be an addictive but healthy habit. Loving by encouraging

can bring energy and joy.


Gracious Father, thank you for sending Jesus, who knows all our struggles and challenges!

Help us to encourage others in his name. Amen.

Prayer Focus:

Our children’s teachers, our worship leaders, pastors, elders—all these folks need encour-agement. Being a daily encourager can be an addictive but healthy habit. Loving by

encouraging can bring energy and joy. Will you do it?

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16 Encouraging One Another to Love and Do Good Deeds

DAY 4: THURSDAY, JANUARY 9, 2020 “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not

give up.” Galatians 6:9 ESV

In Due Season by Short Daily Devotions

Study: Galatians 6:9 ESV

In agriculture, there are about four months between planting and harvesting. During this time the

farmer waters and fertilizes but doesn’t yet get to enjoy the benefits of his harvest. This can be

similar in our lives, and Paul knew this first hand.


He had spent time in Galatia sharing the Gospel of Christ and a church was born. However, it

seemed only to hear later that they were close to departing from the very faith by which they’d

been saved.

But Paul would not grow tired of doing good and knew that he would reap the benefit of his

continual love for the church in the future. You may be a parent loving the child who has decided

to leave all the values you taught him, or her.

Paul encourages you not to be weary and keep loving and praying for them. Maybe your parents

aren’t followers of Jesus and reject any idea of becoming one. Paul encourages you not to become

weary and continue loving and praying for them.

It is easy to do good and not give up when we can reap immediate rewards. But there is a spiritual

reward we will reap in heaven, if not on this earth, that we can look forward to as Paul did with

the many churches he fathered.


Lord Jesus, thank you for this wonderful surgery that sets me free. I rejoice that there is a

rest remaining into which I can enter. Grant that I will.

Prayer Focus: Don’t be discouraged if you feel like your good deeds are going unnoticed. Paul wrote that

we should not give up, for in due season we will reap. What an encouragement!

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17 Encouraging One Another to Love and Do Good Deeds

DAY 5: FRIDAY, JANUARY 10, 2020 “Encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

1 Thessalonians 5:11

Encouragement by George Vink

Study: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

English poet John Donne wrote, “No man is an island.” We need to realize we are all members of

a larger community. No believer in Christ should think he/she is totally independent of others. No

Christian should ever think he/she is on his own.


Loving others includes encouraging one another. In Romans 12:7-8, Paul lists encouragement

among the gifts of grace. When people accomplish a common objective together, all are

encouraged. Fellow believers encourage one another to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our

Lord and Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18).

The gift of encouragement is important in our lives. Encouragement is a gift in the home, the

workplace, the church—wherever we find ourselves. We can come alongside others and be there

for one another. We can listen, comfort, console, affirm. It’s a way of living out the command to

love one another.

Take time to recall the people who’ve been encouragers in your life. They’re the ones who were

there when you thought you’d never laugh again. They were the ones who listened to you; whereas

others just talked. Then ask yourself, “When was the last time I encouraged someone?” It’s not

difficult, and the people you encourage are so blessed by it.


Lord Jesus, help me to recognize the struggler or the lonely—anyone who needs your

encouragement of love and hope today; in your name, Amen.

Prayer Focus:

Consider. When was the last time I encouraged someone? No Christian should ever think he/she is on his own.

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18 Encouraging One Another to Love and Do Good Deeds

DAY 6: SATURDAY, JANUARY 11, 2020 “Encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.”

1 Thessalonians 5:11

Encourage and Build by Steven and Deb Koster

Study: 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11

Have you ever been around a positive person who makes others smile? Such people can brighten

even the dreariest of days. On the other hand, negative people can leave us feeling drained and



Paul had a missionary friend named Barnabas, whose name means “son of encouragement”

(Acts 4:36). No wonder Barnabas was a leader in the church and a welcome companion to Paul.

Surely Paul valued his encouragement when they were rejected and even beat up on their mission

journey together (Acts 13-14).

Here Paul, like Barnabas, encourages the Thessalonians to be wise, sober, and unafraid of the dark

times they lived in. They could wear faith, love, and hope as armor, encouraged and strengthened

in Christ for any challenges that might come.

Think about words of encouragement that have inspired you. At a retreat, a friend spoke of how

someone had described her as a leader, though she didn’t see herself that way. That inspired her

to become more active in her church and to grow into her gifts.

Sometimes we take people for granted and don’t see the ways they are gifted. We forget to thank

others for the ways they bless our lives. Does your family know how much you value them? How

can you be a source of encouragement in your community?


Lord, make us a people who encourage one another and bring out the best in those around

us. In Jesus name, Amen.

Prayer Focus:

Who in your church could use an encouraging word to grow in their gifts?

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19 Encouraging One Another to Love and Do Good Deeds

DAY 7: SUNDAY, JANUARY 12, 2020 “Let us … not [give] up meeting together … but [encourage] one another—and all the

more as you see the Day approaching.” Hebrews 10:24-25

Meet and Encourage by Steven and Deb Koster

Study: Hebrews 10:24-25

Have you had a child in your family ask, “Do I have to go to church?” Sometimes it’s hard to

wake kids up on Sunday mornings. Sometimes other worthwhile activities compete with worship

time. Sometimes we just value worship less and opt to sleep in. Sometimes disillusionment makes

us hesitate to face our friends.


The writer of Hebrews saw people struggling with getting together for worship. He wanted them

to know that meeting together is worth prioritizing. Praising our Creator and Redeemer is in our

bones and part of the way God made us.

Joining together in worship draws us closer not only to God but also to each other. Connecting

spiritually with our families as well as our church family solidifies our relationships. In marriages,

shared spiritual practice is the best predictor of long-term stability. Teens learn spirituality from

their parents. Families that pray together stay together. Nothing you do for kids is wasted!

Take the whole family with you to church. Pattern good spiritual habits. Let your kids know that

church is where they discover their true identity—that they belong to God and will always be his,

even long after their parents are gone. Be passionate about worship so that it rubs off on those

around you. Rejoice with the psalmist: “Let us go to the house of the LORD.” Psalm 122:1


Lord, connect us with other believers and make us a community that glorifies you.

In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Prayer Focus:

Practice good spiritual habits that inspire authentic corporate worship.

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20 Encouraging One Another to Love and Do Good Deeds

DAY 8: MONDAY, JANUARY 13, 2020 “I thank God … as night and day I constantly remember you in my prayers.”

2 Timothy 1:3

Transformation Through Encouragement) by Dean Deppe

Study: 2 Timothy 1:1-4

Paul wrote a letter to young Timothy to motivate him in his ministry. Paul openly expressed his

positive feelings for Timothy by sharing fond memories of him.


Paul’s relationship to Timothy was like that of John Wesley to William Wilberforce. For years

Wilberforce had worked to abolish the slave trade in England. The intensity of the struggle had so

discouraged him that he was ready to give up.

On his deathbed, Wesley heard of his friend’s weariness. With trembling hand, he wrote, “Unless

God has raised you up for this very thing, you will be worn out by the opposition of men and

devils. But if God be for you, who can be against you? Oh, be not weary of well-doing! Go on, in

the name of God and in the power of his might, till even American slavery shall vanish away

before it.” Wesley died six days later, but Wilberforce fought faithfully for forty-five more years

till in 1833, only three days before his own death, he witnessed the abolition of slavery in Great


Everyone needs an encourager. Paul encouraged Timothy as he wrote: “I long to see you so that I

may be filled with joy.”

Today we have opportunity to motivate others to give their all to God. Encouragement lights a fire

in our soul and inspires us to work with our whole heart. So, tell those around you today how much

they mean to you!


Father, may encouragement flow from our lips so that we may motivate those around us.

We praise you for your encouraging grace, which energizes us to keep growing. Amen.

Prayer Focus:

Speak words of grace or text a note to encourage someone during a difficult time.

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21 Encouraging One Another to Love and Do Good Deeds

DAY 9: TUESDAY, JANUARY 14, 2020 “I have been reminded of your sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother.”

2 Timothy 1:5

Transformation Through Support by Dean Deppe

Study: 2 Timothy 1:5-7

Here Paul reminds Timothy that he stands on the shoulders of faithful Christians in the past. We

should never underestimate the value of supportive people in our lives. Behind the heroes of

history stand individuals who enabled those heroes to succeed.


Take Johan von Stopitz, the friend and adviser to Martin Luther. Von Stopitz introduced Luther

to biblical studies, taught him the value of grace, and defended Luther when he was widely

criticized. Luther credited von Stopitz with helping him to keep going through the most

challenging times he faced.

In 1536 William Farrell challenged John Calvin to remain in Geneva. That decision directly

affected the course of the Protestant Reformation and the spread of Reformed theology.

The apostle Paul encouraged Timothy to practice his God-given spiritual gifts. Like supportive

people today, Paul focused on the positive dimensions of life, reminding Timothy that God has

given us “a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.”

God calls us to recognize and thank those who have supported and encouraged us, and to reach

out and encourage others. You never know what might become of a life that you touch with the

transforming power of the gospel of Jesus Christ.


Thank you, Lord, for people who have helped our faith grow. Give us the vision and gifts

to enable others to come to faith and to flourish in their Christian life. Amen.

Prayer Focus:

Recognize and thank those who have supported and encouraged us. And reach out

and encourage others.

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22 Encouraging One Another to Love and Do Good Deeds

DAY 10: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 15, 2020 “What you heard from me, keep as the pattern of sound teaching, with faith and love in

Christ Jesus.” 2 Timothy 1:13

Transformation Through Example by Dean Depp

Study: 2 Timothy 1:13-14; 2:1-2; 3:10-11

Albert Schweitzer once declared, “Example is not the main thing in influencing others—it is the

only thing.” Often people who close their ears to advice will open their eyes to example. As a

church leader, I can preach that believers should reach out to non-Christians, but unless I do so

myself, the chances are slim that my listeners will do the same.


Paul willingly modeled the gospel, and he encouraged Timothy to look at his way of life and even

at his failures and struggles. Paul knew that in doing so Timothy would find helpful principles for

his own life.

The faithful believers we meet in Scripture serve as examples of discipleship. When I’m impatient,

I study the endurance of Job. If I feel ornery, I allow the apostle John to refocus my attention on

love. If the melody in my heart has been silenced, I read David’s psalms and sense God’s songs

returning to my soul.

To motivate his officers, General Eisenhower placed a length of rope on a table. “I need a volunteer

to push this rope across,” he said. Those who tried couldn’t do it as they pushed from one end of

the rope. Then Eisenhower grabbed the rope and pulled it across the table. “Pushing men might

work once in a while,” he said, “but the most effective way is to pull them along by going on ahead

and serving as an example.”


Sovereign Lord, we praise you for the examples of many faithful believers. Empower us

also to be examples to others in our thoughts, words, and deeds. In Jesus; name, Amen.

Prayer Focus:

Often people who close their ears to advice will open their eyes to example.

Am I encouraging others when by my acts of love and good deeds?

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23 Encouraging One Another to Love and Do Good Deeds

DAY 11: THURSDAY, JANUARY 16, 2020 “All Scripture is God-breathed … so that [you] may be … equipped for every good

work.” 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Transformation Through Equipping by Dean Deppe

Study: 2 Timothy 3:16-17

Paul wants Timothy to be able to handle the tasks God has called him to do. There is no worse

feeling than wanting to serve God while not having the necessary resources and skills. Many

people, for example, long to share Christ with others but feel inadequate and inexperienced. They

need equipping.


The ancient Greeks understood the meaning of “equip” in several ways. In surgery it described

the setting of a broken limb. In the fishing industry it referred to the mending of nets. In politics it

meant bringing together opposing groups. God longs to equip us so that there are no holes in our

nets, no brokenness in our personality, and no opposing factions in our relationships.

The three main equipping agents in God’s kingdom are the Spirit, the Word, and God’s people.

The Holy Spirit equips us with gifts for service, such as wisdom, discernment, teaching,

encouragement, healing, administration, and service to others. Each of us should earnestly seek

the gifts of the Spirit.

God’s Word, Scripture, satisfies us with truth, sanctifies us to God, strengthens us inside, separates

us from sin, shields us from the evil one, and sends us out with something to say. In addition, we

need to seek out mature Christians who can help us in our Christian walk. It’s a giant step toward



Lord of the church, place people in our lives with the gifts to equip us for ministry. May

your Word fulfill its purpose so that we are equipped for every good work. Amen.

Prayer Focus:

Each of us should earnestly seek to the gifts of the Spirit.

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24 Encouraging One Another to Love and Do Good Deeds

DAY 12: FRIDAY, JANUARY 17, 2020 “In view of [Christ’s] appearing and his kingdom, I give you this charge …”

2 Timothy 4:1

Transformation Through Exhortation by Dean Deppe

Study: 2 Timothy 4:1-5

Some of us need to be told to get off the sofa and be productive. Sometimes we just need to receive

an order. That’s why there are many commands in the Bible.

Paul motivates Timothy through exhortations, such as Preach, be prepared, correct, rebuke,

encourage. Paul says, “You’ve got an important job to do. I’ve encouraged you; I’ve equipped

you; I’ve given you an example; and now I charge you to get down to God’s business


The more I get to know myself, the more I realize that I often need a push to volunteer for service

in God’s army. I need God himself as my drill sergeant.

We are all born with different personalities. Hearing a command motivates some while frustrating

others. Prohibitions against disgraceful behavior can actually stir up a desire to disobey. Tell

Jeannie to stay away from the cookie jar, and soon you hear its lid rattling. Similarly, a “KEEP

OFF THE GRASS” sign will prompt some to deliberately walk on the grass. But although

commands might not work for all, most of us need a word of authority in our life.

God is the ultimate authority in all our lives. We follow his commands because we know he cares

for us, has our best in mind, and acts from an eternal perspective. God’s criticism is always

constructive. And his exhortations are priceless advice. He charges us to obey.


Lord, sometimes we dismiss your orders and argue with your commands. Instill in us the

reverence and humility to receive your commands as transforming exhortations. Amen.

Prayer Focus:

We are all born with different personalities. Hearing a command motivates some while frustrating others. Does our response to God’s directives encourage others to commit to

love and good works?

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25 Encouraging One Another to Love and Do Good Deeds

DAY 13: SATURDAY, JANUARY 18, 2020 “Correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction.”

2 Timothy 4:2

Always Encouraging by George Vink

Study: 2 Timothy 4:1-5

Many of us have the opportunity to gather in buildings dedicated to worship. Others will gather in

the coldness of a prison cell or in a small, secret place, fearful of authorities. We need the

fellowship of God’s people and the instruction of his Word. We need encouragement and the

affirmation of belonging to something bigger than ourselves.


Mentors—those who guide others as they grow— are essential in the church, the family, and the

workplace. They teach by word and example. As we journey in faith, an encouraging mentor

makes all the difference. I still benefit today from being “shown the ropes” by someone who was

skilled and committed.

Paul charged young Timothy to make the ministry of God’s Word his top priority. It wasn’t to be

done just at opportune times, but at all times. It wasn’t to be so inoffensive as never to correct or

rebuke. A surgeon uses an anesthetic but will also use a knife. Timothy was to correct, rebuke,

and encourage. He was to do so with patience and accuracy, to encourage his listeners and warn

them when they were tempted to follow false teachings.

People need God’s Word. People need encouragement. Knowing God’s Word, we share its

teaching and affirmation. Like Timothy, preachers have no choice. And neither do we!


Dear God, thank you for Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh. Help us to be encouraged by

Christ’s example of encouraging. Thank you for mentors along the way. Amen.

Prayer Focus:

Mentors—those who guide others as they grow; you may need to be encouraged by one. Or you may be one to encourage another. Consider your commitment to love and good

work through discipleship.

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26 Encouraging One Another to Love and Do Good Deeds

DAY 14: SUNDAY, JANUARY 19, 2020 “Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.” Hebrews 10:24

Spur On by Steven and Deb Koster

Study: Hebrews 10:19-25

Some years ago, during an unhappy conflict at work, a wise coworker told me that having things

go my way was not the point. Working together to do good things for others was more important.

Doing it my way might be better, but not at the cost of accomplishing nothing. Those were hard

but encouraging words to hear.


God has great plans for our lives that are beyond our imagining. How surprised we can be to

discover gifts we have within us! God seems to use us best in areas where we might think we do

not have strengths. That irony helps us see that the work God does through us is his, not ours.

Those can also be areas in which doors close and windows open—and we step out on a new path

to serve him.

Christ is already the victor over all that is wrong with the world. He invites us to follow him and

to challenge each other to leave comfortable habits for new forms of ministry. As parents, we

might use the image of holding out our children’s crowns and challenging our children to grow

into them. As a church, we can help others see gifts and talents of which they may not yet be



Lord, make us encouragers of one another. Give us the courage to step out in faith to explore

new paths of service. May we use our talents to serve you.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer Focus:

Tell someone how excited you are to see how God is planning to use their gifts and talents in His kingdom. Point out how God is equipping them for service. Encourage those around

you in their spiritual growth and ministry!

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27 Encouraging One Another to Love and Do Good Deeds

DAY 15: MONDAY, JANUARY 20, 2020 “Do not neglect your gift, which was given you through prophecy when the ... elders laid their

hands on you.” 1 Timothy 4:14

Paul to Timothy: Follow Your Gifting by Steven and Deb Koster

Study: 1 Timothy 4:11-16

As Paul mentors young Pastor Timothy, he shares advice about the orderly running of a

congregation. Timothy receives helpful instruction about worship behavior and establishing

leadership within the church. Paul offers some personal advice as well: Do not neglect the gift you

received from the Holy Spirit.


Paul knew Timothy was gifted, and he urged Timothy to cultivate his gift. We are not told

specifically what it was. It could have been preaching, prophecy, healing, or any number of things.

Timothy received this gift when the elders laid their hands on him and commissioned him for


We have all been equipped by God with gifts for service in ministry. Every one of us is on a

mission field and prepared by God to face that calling. Sometimes our gifts fall into disuse because

we are busy or distracted. Maybe some gifts are set aside for a season in favor of others. Timothy

was very busy establishing his congregation, so Paul reminded Timothy that the gift God had given

him was not to be neglected.

Paul’s advice still rings true: “Do not neglect your gift.” Whatever gifting God has equipped you

with is for a purpose. Step into new ways you can use your gifts to serve God’s kingdom.


Lord, thank you for the way you have gifted each one of us. Forgive us for the ways we may have

neglected your blessings and help us to further your kingdom. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer Focus:

What gifts has God given you that can be used to bless others?

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28 Encouraging One Another to Love and Do Good Deeds

DAY 16: TUESDAY, JANUARY 21, 2020 “Command those who are rich . . . to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to

share.” 1 Timothy 6:17-18

Another Command by George Young

Study: 1 Timothy 6:11-19

In our church each Sunday we read a bit of Scripture that teaches us God’s will for daily living—

like the Ten Commandments. This is a helpful exercise.

When we come to have faith in Jesus for salvation, we do not keep on living as if we are

unbelievers. When we are born again by the work of God in us, we will change and want to live

God’s way. But we can be stubborn and willful, because our old nature still clings to us. We often

need to be reminded to do good, to love others, to share, and to be Christlike in all we do and say.

So, it’s important to meet together for worship and fellowship and to hear God’s commands again

and again.


When the apostle Paul wrote to Timothy in the letter we have read from today, Timothy was

leading a newly planted church in Ephesus. Among other things, Paul told Timothy to command

rich believers “to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share.”

In the church there were well-to-do people, and there were poor people—and this sometimes

caused friction. The rich had to be reminded to share with others and not to look down on the poor,

and the poor had to be reminded not to covet. Everyone, in fact, needed to remember not to pin

their hopes on money or wealth but to put their hope in God, who provides all we truly need. In

this way, Paul said (echoing Jesus), we lay up treasure for eternity, taking hold “of the life that is

truly life.”


Lord, help us to be generous and content, for Jesus’ sake. Amen.

Prayer Focus:

To do good deeds is to love and to share with others as the Lord has prospered you.

Consider your investments in the work of the ministry. Thank you for your support.

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29 Encouraging One Another to Love and Do Good Deeds

DAY 17: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 22, 2020 “Go out and encourage your men.” 2 Samuel 19:7

Strong Words by George Vink

Study: 2 Samuel 19:1-8

David’s army commander, Joab, had strong words for his king. He spoke words of challenge as a

loyal, committed subject, but he didn’t hold back. David needed to get his priorities straight and

realize that his calling as king meant being the leader of God’s chosen people. He couldn’t keep

wallowing in grief and self-pity.


Honest relationships, whether in the workplace, our church family, or at home, require

encouraging words of support as well as challenge. Speaking the truth in love calls for praying

fervently for the right words of healing while gathering courage to say difficult words at the right

time. That was Joab’s assignment!

David’s son Absalom had caused great disunity in the kingdom. David had reacted poorly and had

counted on others to lead when he should have done so. He needed some strong words, straight to

the heart!

When Joab brought wise advice, David responded wisely. The kingdom couldn’t afford to have a

king who cared less for his people than for his own son who had set up a rebellion that would have

ruined the kingdom.

All of us need to be challenged at one time or another. We may not be in a situation like David’s,

but there are times when we need the challenge of being encouraged to do what is right, even when

it appears painful or poorly appreciated.


Gracious God, thank you for the people in our lives who confront and encourage us with care.

Help us to speak as well as to listen to wise advice when it needed. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer Focus:

Encouraging words of support as well as challenge requires fervent prayer.

Can you receive it as well as give it?

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30 Encouraging One Another to Love and Do Good Deeds

DAY 18: THURSDAY, JANUARY 23, 2020 “Let your light shine ... that [others] may see your good deeds and praise your Father in

heaven.” Matthew 5:16

When the Obstacle Is Me by Henry Kranenburg

Study: Matthew 5:13-16

As we near the end of this month of looking at our relationship with God, there's one more aspect

to consider. At times, faith and religious practice can become mainly about personal preferences;

when that happens, we become unbiblically self-centered.

Let's note again the words of Isaiah 59:2: "Your iniquities have separated you from your God;

your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear." Our sin separates us from God.


There's another kind of separation to be concerned about too. It's possible that my sins may

separate others from God, that somehow my actions may hide God's face from them. God's Word

tells us often that our behavior can deeply influence others and their relationship with God. That

makes reflecting on the cleanness of our spiritual "life blood" especially important.

Our Scripture for today gives this a positive spin. Though our sin does affect other people, so does

our godly living. When we honestly admit our sin, ask for forgiveness, and move on to live a life

that helps bring goodness into the world; people will see a realistic Christianity. They will see a

God "of the people" and "for the people." And they will know that Jesus is for those who are

sincerely looking for God.


Dear God, I know my behavior and integrity can make a difference in how someone else

sees you. Help me through my life to point others to you. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Prayer Focus:

What light will people see in my life and yours today? Does your light help or hinder the move of The Holy Spirit among believers to engage in love and good works toward spiritual

growth and Kingdom building?

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31 Encouraging One Another to Love and Do Good Deeds

DAY 19: FRIDAY, JANUARY 24, 2020 “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

Overcoming the Tendency to Fly Solo by Dan Jongsma

Study: Proverbs 27:17

Many Christians have a tendency to see witnessing as an individual enterprise, with each of us

doing our own thing in isolation from others. Although reaching out to the lost has an individual

side to it, it was never meant to be a solo enterprise. Remember that Jesus sent out 72 followers

two-by-two (Luke 10:1), not one-by-one. Part of the joy of reaching out is that we do it together.

Our proverb today reminds us that we are more effective when we work as a team rather than as a

lone ranger.


Teaming up with God's Spirit and God's family allows each of us to offer our own unique

contributions. We can be one of the links in the chain that leads someone to Christ. But we don't

have to be the entire chain.

We know that physical reproduction is not the result of a solo effort. The same is true with spiritual

reproduction. New believers are to be born and raised within a loving Christian community. The

church is to be a maternity ward in which the cries of newborn babes in Christ are constantly heard.

The way to overcome this barrier is to team up with a partner, with a small group, or with an

outreaching church. Pool your resources, share your gifts, encourage each other to become brighter

lights for the Lord.


Lord, help us to band together as believers, forming contagious Christian communities.

May we work together to invite, include, and enfold people into your love.

In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Prayer Focus:

Enlist yourself in God's search-and-rescue team.

It will prove to be your greatest joy.

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32 Encouraging One Another to Love and Do Good Deeds

DAY 20: SATURDAY, JANUARY 25, 2020 “These are the words of him who … walks among the seven golden lampstands: I know

your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance.” Revelation 2:1-2

The Witness of the Church by Daryl DeKlerk

Study: Revelation 2:1-7

Throughout the first century A.D., Jesus’ followers fanned out across the Roman Empire to spread

the good news of God’s salvation in Christ. They formed communities to support and encourage

each other in life, faith, and witness. Yet by the end of the century, persecution came to many

Christians in Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey), and they needed support.


The apostle John, one of the exiled leaders, wrote the book of Revelation to them. It’s filled with

hope from Jesus to the churches, whom he calls golden lampstands.

What a comfort to know that Christ the King walks among the churches he loves. In the first of

seven messages to different churches, Jesus tells the church in Ephesus that he knows their deeds,

hard work, and perseverance. He also challenges them, giving compliments before critique. That’s

a pattern we can follow in our families, schools, workplaces, and churches: build each other up

before naming challenges.

Church communities are filled with blessings because Jesus walks among us! Christians care for

each other, hear biblical preaching and teaching, praise God, and pray together. We host programs,

help community causes, and contribute to international relief and missions. In what way is your

church community a witness for God?


Lord Jesus, thank you for walking among us. Encourage and challenge us by your Spirit, we

pray. In Your name, Amen.

Prayer Focus:

Model Jesus’s example to encourage one another in the face of challenges. Provoke, stimulate, and motivate one another to love and good deeds. Compliment first; then


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33 Encouraging One Another to Love and Do Good Deeds

DAY 21: SUNDAY, JANUARY 26, 2020 “Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.”

Hebrews 10:24

Pulling Together by David C. McCasland

Study: Hebrews 10:19–25 NIV

Why do more than five million people a year pay money to run several miles over an obstacle

course where they must ascend vertical walls, slog through mud, and climb up inside a vertical

pipe with water pouring down on them? Some see it as a personal challenge to push their limit of

endurance or conquer their fears. For others, the attraction is teamwork where competitors help

and support each other. One person called it “a no-judgment zone” where people who are strangers

will reach out to help each other finish the race (Stephanie Kanowitz, The Washington Post).


The Bible urges us to pursue teamwork as a model of living out our faith in Jesus. “Let us consider

how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as

some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day

approaching” (Hebrews 10:24–25).

Our goal is not to “finish first” in the race of faith, but to reach out in tangible ways of

encouragement by setting an example and lending a helping hand along the way.

The day will come when we complete our life on earth. Until then, let’s spur each other on, be

ready to help, and keep pulling together every day.


Father in heaven, give us eyes to see and strength to help each other in the race of faith today.

Prayer Focus:

We run together in the race of faith.

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May the twenty-one days of devotional reading spur, ignite, and motivate us to encourage one

another to love and do good deeds. There are several thoughts to consider regarding the

benefits of being a member of a local assembly of believers—supporting, equipping, exhorting

and being an example through discipleship. Trust the Holy Spirit for discernment. An

encouraging hug, a smile, any act of loving-kindness can spur someone on to love and good

deeds. For we are Gods’ handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God

prepared in advance for us to do--Ephesians 2:10 (NIV).

In light of the Second Calvary Baptist Church theme, “Encouraging One Another to Love and

Do Good Deeds,” Krachunis, speaks most succinctly to our theme in the context of Hebrews

10:22-25: “Consider that we have the following significant privileges associated with our new

life in Christ: (1) We have personal access to God through Christ and can draw near to Him

without an elaborate system (10:22); (2) We may grow in faith, overcome doubts and

questions, and deepen our relationship with God (10:23); (3) We may enjoy motivation from

one another (10:24); and (4) We may worship together (10:25).”

To neglect Christian meetings is to give up the encouragement and help of other Christians.

We gather together to share our faith and to strengthen one another in the Lord. As we get

closer to the “day” when Christ will return, we will face many spiritual struggles, and even

times of persecution. Anti-Christian forces will grow in strength. Difficulties should never be

excuses for missing church services. Rather, as difficulties arise, we should make an even

greater effort to be faithful in attendance.


Father, we are not those who walk in darkness, but are children of the Light! Help us walk

side by side with our brothers in Christ for we are stronger together! In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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36 Encouraging One Another to Love and Do Good Deeds

Devotional Outline and Website References

Unless otherwise noted, selected devotionals are from

© 1950–2018 ReFrame Media. All rights reserved.

Day 1 I Know Him! by Dwight Baker Know Him/

Day 2 - When You Are Discouraged by © 2019 Short Daily Devotions You Are Discouraged/

Day 3 - The Urgency of Encouragement by George Vink

Day 4 - In Due Season by © 2019 Short Daily Devotions

Day 5 - Encouragement by George Vink

Day 6 -Encourage and Build by Steven and Deb Koster

Day 7 - Meet and Encourage by Steven and Deb Koster

Day 8 - Transformation Through Encouragement) by Dean Deppe

Day 9 - Transformation Through Support by Dean Deppe

Day 10 - Transformation Through Example by Dean Depp

Day 11 - Transformation Through Equipping by Dean Deppe

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37 Encouraging One Another to Love and Do Good Deeds

Day 12 - Transformation Through Exhortation by Dean Deppe

Day 13 - Always Encouraging by George Vink

Day 14 - Spur On by Steven and Deb Koster

Day 15 Paul to Timothy: Follow Your Gifting by Steven and Deb Koster ht

Day 16 - Another Command by George Young

Day 17- - Strong Words by George Vink

Day 18 - When the Obstacle Is Me by Henry Kranenburg

Day 19 - Overcoming the Tendency to Fly Solo by Dan Jongsma


Day 20 - The Witness of the Church by Daryl DeKlerk

Day 21- Pulling Together by David C. McCasland

Pulling Together/Our Daily Bread Ministries


2020—Tyndale. Life Application Study Bible NIV (Kindle Locations 202493-202502). Tyndale House

Publishers, Inc. Kindle Edition and

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38 Encouraging One Another to Love and Do Good Deeds

Endnotes and Additional Resources

For additional study material about the Daniel Fast cited in this guide, please refer to

the following websites and resources:


2. Honoring God Through the Daniel Fast by Terrance Day, published in 2009.

3. Daniel Fast 21 Days of Prayer & Fasting, New Life Worship Center,

Tips for Family Resources Fasting: How do I include my young children and teens?





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Closing Prayer

eavenly Father, as we conclude our twenty-one days of consecrated fasting and

prayer, we pray that You will unite us in spiritual relationship and community. We

are thankful for this body of believers who gather to worship You in spirit and in

truth. We pray that Your loving kindness and goodness toward us will manifest in us. O, to

walk in the overflow as we minister one to another out of Your abundance of grace and mercy.

O, that the signs and wonders of good deeds follow the believers. May we never fail to heed

the admonishment from Your Holy Word to assemble ourselves in covenant relationship, and

to encourage one another in this walk of faith.

Now LORD, we lift up this household of faith before you. We acknowledge that You have

been merciful unto us. You have preserved Second Calvary Baptist Church for 140 years.

Forgive us when we fail to see one another through Your eyes; when we fail to listen to one

another’s heart.

Gracious Father, may the sweet communion of the Holy Spirit refresh us daily and renew our

bowels of mercies one to another. Continue to touch the work of ours hands and order our steps

in Your Word that we as a body may fulfill Your divine purpose according to Your will.

Strengthen us in the bond of unity that we may be a corporate witness of Your love and saving


During good times or challenging times, seasons of prosperity or seasons of lack, may the

Testimony of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ be our word of encouragement to love and do

the work of Him who saved us from darkness and brought us into His marvelous light.

To the Glory of God our Father, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth we pray, Amen.


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Prayer List