tables learning web design: chapter 8. overview of tables uses for tables how to create a table...

Tables Learning Web Design: Chapter 8

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Learning Web Design: Chapter 8

Overview of Tables Uses for tables How to create a table Using CSS to style a table Nested tables Advanced table topics Accessibility issues with tables

Uses of Tables Tables should be used primarily to

hold tabular data Many existing Web pages use tables

to create the page layout Because of accessibility issues and

performance issues, page layout should be done with CSS

CSS also allows you to manage content separately from the presentation

Basic Table Structure Tables are made up of cells

arranged into rows

Cell1 Row1 Cell2 Row1 Cell3 Row1

Cell2 Row2 Cell 2 Row2 Cell3 Row2

Row 1

Row 2


Table HTML Tags < table> </table> -

Defines a table <tr> </tr> -

Defines a table row <th> </th> -

Defined a table heading <td> </td> -

Defines a table data cell

Table in Code Ending tags are required for tables,

rows and cells to meet XHTML standards

<td> Cell1 Row1 </td> <td> Cell2 Row1 </td>

<td> Cell1 Row2 </td> <td> Cell2 Row2 </td>







Empty Cells Some browsers will display cells that

have nothing in them <td></td>

Some browsers treat empty cells as if they don’t exist at all

You can use a &nbsp; character in the cell if you want it to be displayed <td> &nbsp;</td>

Table Caption A caption visually informs the viewer

with the purpose of your table Use the <caption> tag directly following

the opening <table> tag Provide a caption for sighted users and a

summary for viewers using screen readers

<table border=“1”> <caption> Vital Statistics</caption>

Table Attribute - Summary

The summary of a table is never displayed in visual browsers

It is exclusively designed for screen readers and speech browsers

A summary is usually a longer description than the caption

<table border=“1” summary=“Provides student vital statistics”>

Table Attribute- border

border=“number” Specifies the thickness of the border Without a value, defaults to 0 pixels Only specifies the outer frame of the table

While the border attribute is not deprecated, the CSS border property provides more flexibility border: solid 2px #FF0000; border-width: 5px;

Table Caption and Summary Example:

<table border= “1” summary=“Vital Statistics of Students”><caption> Vital Statistics </caption> <tr>

<th> Name </th><th> Height </th><th> Weight </th>

</tr> <tr> <td> Alison </td>

<td> 5’4” </td><td> 140 </td>

</tr> <tr>

<td>Tom </td><td> 6’0” </td><td> 165 </td>


Table Caption in a Browser:



Table CellsTable CellsTable DataTable Data

Table Attributes- cellpadding and


cellpadding= “number” Controls the amount of space

between cell contents and its border

cellspacing= “number” Controls the amount of space

between cells

Cellpadding Example:

cellpadding= cellpadding= “20”“20”

Cellspacing Example:


cellspacing= cellspacing= “10”“10”

border = “10” border = “10” >>

Cell Attribute - colspan Specifies the number of columns

for a cell to span <td colspan=“2”> -

Tells the browser to fill the horizontal space of two cells

Table colspanExample:<html>

<body><table border="1"> <tr>

<td colspan="2">Cell 1</td></tr> <tr>

<td>Cell 2</td> <td>Cell 3</td> </tr></table></body></html>

Cell Attribute - rowspan Specifies the number of rows for

a cell to span <td rowspan=“2”> -

Tells the browser to fill the vertical space of two cells

Table rowspanExample:<html>

<body><table border="1"> <tr>

<td rowspan="2">Cell 1</td>

<td>Cell 2</td> </tr> <tr> <td>Cell 3</td> </tr></table></body></html>

Hint: Add comments for clarity

<table border="1"> <tr>

<td rowspan="3">Cell 1</td>

<td>Cell 2</td> </tr> <tr> <! Cell 1 from above --> <td>Cell 3</td> </tr></table>

Having Trouble Planning? Sketch your table before trying to

create it Indicate where the rows and

columns will fall Mark the cells that span multiple

rows or columns

What would this table look like?

How many rows? 3 rows

How many columns? 2 columns

Row1 colspan? Yes, colspan 2

Row2 rowspan? Yes, rowspan 2


Solution:<html><body><table border="1"> <tr>

<td colspan=“2">Cell 1</td><! Cell 1 takes up two cells --

> </tr> <tr>

<td rowspan="2">Cell 2</td> <td>Cell 3</td> </tr> <tr> <! Cell 2 takes up two cells -->

<td>Cell 4</td> </tr></table></body></html>

Table Attribute - width width = “number or percentage”

width=“500” width=“80%”

The width attribute specifies the width of the entire table

By default the table will be sized to fit the needs of its contents

While not deprecated in XHTML 1.0, table width should be set using CSS

Fixed or Dynamic Width Fixed table width in CSS

Value is a number: width: 500px; The table width will not change

according width of the containing element

Dynamic table width in CSS Value is a percentage: width: 50%; The table will grow or shrink depending

on the width of the window or containing element

Note: The table height attribute has been deprecated.

Cell Widths The first row cells in a table usually

determine the widths for the entire column

Because the width attribute is deprecated for <th> or <td> cells, you must use the CSS width or <colgroup> to set your column widths Fixed width example- width: 100px; Dynamic width example - width: 25%;

Dynamic Cell Widths If using percentages for dynamic cell

widths, the total of cell widths will be 100% of the table width

For example if 2 cells in the first row each have a width: 50%, then their total would be 100% of the table width If the table width is 80% of the window

width, then each cell will only be 40% of the window width

<style type="text/css">table { border:solid 1px #000000; width: 80%;}

td.half { width: 50%; border:solid 1px #000000; background-color:#CCCCCC;}</style>….<table>

<tr><td class=“half">First Row-Cell 1</td><td class=“half">First Row-Cell 2</td>


<td>First Row-Cell 1</td><td>Second Row-Cell 2</td>


CSS Cell Width Example:

Dynamic Cell Width Example

Each cell in the first row has a dynamic width which is 50% of the table width (which is 80% of the window width)

Deprecated Table Attributes

These table attributes are being deprecated in XHTML 1.0 in favor of CSS methods align for <table> and <caption> bgcolor for <table>, <tr>, <th>, and <td> bordercolor for <table>, <tr>, <th>, and

<td> width for <th> and <td> height for <table>,<tr>,<th> and <td>

CSS Alternatives

Deprecated Attributes

CSS Alternatives

align float: leftfloat: rightmargin: auto and text-align: center

bgcolor background-color

bordercolor border-color

width width

height line-height for cell content

Table align in CSS The table align attribute has

been deprecated in favor of CSS methods for alignment

Like image alignment you could use the float property to left or right align a table float: left; float: right;

Centering a Table with CSS

Create a CSS class or table selector to provide alignment for the table Internet Explorer needs the text-align:

center in a containing <div> tag Use the width property to set the table width To center the table, use the margin: auto

style property to auto adjust the margins To align text within the table set text-align

<head><style type=“css/text”>div.centered <!– Needed for IE to center block-level table --> { text-align: center; }

table.autocentered <!– Table class to center for non-IE browers -- >{ margin: 0 auto;     text-align: left; <!– Undo the div text-align: center inside table -->}</style></head>

<body><div class="centered">    <table class=“autocentered”>    …    </table></div>

Using CSS to

Center a Table

Cell and Row Attributes Horizontal alignment of text in one

cell or in a row is done with the align attribute align=“left(default)|center|right”

Vertical alignment of text in one cell or row is done with the valign attribute valign= “top|middle(default)|bottom|


Cell and Row Align in CSS While align and valign have not

been deprecated for <th>, <td> or <tr>, in order to separate presentation from content use CSS for these inline alignments text-align: right; vertical-align: top;

Table, Row and Cell Attributes

bgcolor and bordercolor have been deprecated for <table>, <tr><td> and <th>

background is not valid for <table> Use CSS alternatives to set these

properties background-color: #CCCCCC; background-image : url(watermark.jpg); border: solid 2px #FF0000;

<style type="text/css">table { background-color: #CCFF22; border: solid 3px #FFCC22; width: 80%;}

td.background { border: solid 3px #000000; background-color:#CCCCCC;}tr.background{ background-color: #00FF33;}


<body><table><tr> <td class="background"> First Row 1</td>

<td >First Row2</td></tr><tr>

<td>Second Row1</td>

<td>Second Row2</td></tr><tr class="background">

<td>Third Row1</td><td>Third Row2</td>


background-color and border in CSS

background-color and border in CSS Example

The cell background-color overrides the row or table background color

The row background-color overrides the table background-color

Priority Levels of Controls1. Cell Level attributes or CSS styles

have highest priority2. Row Level attributes or CSS styles

have next highest priority3. Table Level attributes or CSS

styles have next to the lowest priority

4. Outside Table Level attributes or CSS styles have lowest priority

<style type="text/css">td.background { border:solid 3px #000000; background-color: lightgreen;}tr.background{ background-color: lightblue;}table.background { background-color: yellow; border: solid 3px #FFCC22; width: 80%;}body{ background-color: #CCCCCC;}</style>

Very Lowest Priority

Highest Priority

Lower Priority

High Priority

Advanced Table Techniques

Grouping and Aligning Columns Grouping and Aligning Rows Using Frame and Rule Attributes Other Table Elements and


Grouping and Aligning Columns Allows the creation of structural

divisions of table columns Use the <colgroup></colgroup>

element to enclose one or more columns

Allows the column group to share attributes or formatting

Colgroup Attributes Use these to modify the <colgroup>

span=“number of columns”-Must be an integer larger than 0

width=“number|percentage | 0*” Number is pixel value Percentage of the group 0* makes width the minimum that

will hold the data of the column

Table with Colgroups:


Code:<table border="1" width="100%”> <caption>Science and Mathematic Class Schedules</caption><colgroup width="20%" align="center" span=“1” valign="top"></colgroup><colgroup span="2" width="40%" valign="top"></colgroup> <tr> <th>Class</th>

<th>Room</th><th>Time</th> </tr>

<tr> <td>Biology</td><td>Biology Wing, Room 102</td><td>8:00 AM to 9:45 AM</td> </tr>

<tr> <td>Science</td><td>Science Wing, Room 110</td><td>9:50 AM to 11:30 AM</td> </tr>

<tr> <td>Physics</td><td>Science Wing, Room 107</td><td>1:00 PM to 2:45 PM</td> </tr>


Varying Colgroup Attributes Use <col> element if you don’t

want all the columns in the group to have the same width or appearance Enclose <col> tags in an <colgroup></colgroup>

<col> is a self-terminated tag

Grouping and Aligning Rows You can group rows in a table into

three sections: <thead>-Table Heading <tfoot>-Table Footer <tbody>-Table Body

Table Heading Requires an opening <thead> and

a closing </thead> tag Appears right after the <table>

tagor <colgroup> tags

Must include at least one row in the group

<thead> Example:

<table border=“1” width=“100%”>

<caption>Science and Mathematic Class Schedule</caption>

<colgroup width=“20%” align=“center” span=“1” valign=“top”>

<colgroup span= “2” width=“40%” valign=“top”>








Table Footer Defines the footer of the table Requires an opening <tfoot> and

a closing </tfoot> tag Appears right after the table

heading if one exists Browser must know about the

footer section before the body of the table is defined

<tfoot> Example:








Table Body After the table head and footer are

defined, you define the rows in the table body

Use the opening <tbody> and closing </tbody> tags

Is required if the table has a head and/or foot section or the table had more than one body

<tbody> Example:

<tbody><tr> <td>Biology</td>

<td>Biology Wing, Room 102</td><td>8:00 AM to 9:45 AM</td>

</tr> <tr> <td>Science</td>

<td>Science Wing, Room 110</td><td>9:50 AM to 11:30 AM</td>

</tr> <tr> <td>Physics</td>

<td>Science Wing, Room 107</td><td>1:00 PM to 2:45 PM</td>


Frame and Rules Attributes Frame attributes affect how the

border of the table is rendered Rules attributes act similarly to

frame attributes, except it defines rules that appear between cells within a table

Frame Attributes void-No sides of border are visible (default) above- Renders only the border top below- Renders only the border bottom hsides-Renders top and bottom sides lhs-Renders left side of border rhs- Renders right side of border vsides- Renders right and left sides box- Renders all four sides border- Renders all four sides

Rules Attributes none- No rules are drawn around cells

(default) groups- Rules will appear between row

groups and column groups rows- Rules will appear between rows cols- Rules will appear between columns all- Rules will appear between all rows

and columns

Frame and Rules Code:

<table border="1“ frame="hsides" rules="groups”><caption>Science and Mathematic Class Schedules</caption><colgroup width="20%" align="center”

span=“1” valign="top"></colgroup><colgroup span="2" width="40%"


Frame and Rules for Table Example:

Tables within Tables You can nest tables within other tables For XHTML validation, the inner table

must be placed within a <td> open tag and a </td> close tag

You will be able to achieve more complicated tables with this method

Nested tables may cause problems with accessibility for users of screen readers

Nested Table Example:

Creating Accessible Tables The table summary and caption should

always be set for a data table For data tables, define column and

row headers with <th> tags A screen reader like Jaws will read the

cell headers before the cell data This "serializes" the table for a

visually impaired user The more complicate the data table, the

more difficult it is to make it accessible

<th> and the scope attribute The scope attribute can change the

default order in which table cells are read aloud in a screen reader The default order is:

left-to-right, top to bottom. Scope can be used to define whether

the header is a row or a column <th scope="col” > <th scope="row” >

<table border="1" summary="Black plums and bosca pears table with one level of row and column headers">   <caption>Prices for black plums and bosca pears in Sydney</caption>   <tr>      <td>nbsp;</td>      <th scope=“col”>Black Plums</th>      <th scope=“col”>Bosca Pears</th>   </tr>   <tr>      <th scope=“row”>Wholesale</th>      <td>$1.00</td>      <td>$1.50</td>   </tr>   <tr>      <th scope=“row”>Retail</th>      <td>$2.00</td>      <td>$2.50</td>   </tr></table>


Data TableExample:

Accessible Data Table


A screen reader like JAWS will read the 'wholesale' row like this: "wholesale, black plums: dollar one point OO,

bosca pears: dollar one point five O " Without <th> and scope it would be read:

" wholesale dollar one point 00 dollar one point five 0 "

Table Summary Tables are made up of rows and cells You can format at the table level, row level

and at the cell level colgroups and row groups allow for

grouping cells or rows in order to format them

Nested tables are possible by placing the inner table within a <td>cell

Tables should be used to hold tabular data Because of accessibility and

performance problems, avoid using tables for page layout