tackling essay questions

Introducti on Writing Paragraph Tackling Essay Questions Creative Writing Describing Visual Data Screening Useful Resources Bibliographi es and Plagiarism

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Tackling Essay Questions

Creative Writing

Describing Visual Data

Screening Useful Resources

Bibliographies and Plagiarism

Page 2: Tackling Essay Questions



Tackling Essay Questions

Creative Writing

Describing Visual Data

Screening Useful Resources

Bibliographies and Plagiarism

• In order to write good essays, one must know the techniques of developing paragraphs


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Tackling Essay Questions

Creative Writing

Describing Visual Data

Screening Useful Resources

Bibliographies and Plagiarism

• A paragraph is a group of sentences that is self-contained

• It focuses on a particular idea to develop the topic

• It has a topic sentence, supporting sentences and a concluding sentence

Writing ParagraphWriting Paragraph

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Tackling Essay Questions

Creative Writing

Describing Visual Data

Screening Useful Resources

Bibliographies and Plagiarism

• A topic sentence is a general statement about a topic

• Supporting sentence (s) support the topic sentence by providing more details about the topic

• Concluding sentence summarises the whole idea for the paragraph

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Tackling Essay Questions

Creative Writing

Describing Visual Data

Screening Useful Resources

Bibliographies and Plagiarism

There are three reasons why Canada is one of the best countries in the world. First, Canada has an excellent health care system. All Canadians have access to medical services at a reasonable price. Second, Canada has a high standard of education. Students are taught by well-trained teachers and are encouraged to continue studying at university. Finally, Canada's cities are clean and efficiently managed. Canadian cities have many parks and lots of space for people to live. As a result, Canada is a desirable place to live.

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Tackling Essay Questions

Creative Writing

Describing Visual Data

Screening Useful Resources

Bibliographies and Plagiarism

Developing topic Developing topic sentencesentence

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Tackling Essay Questions

Creative Writing

Describing Visual Data

Screening Useful Resources

Bibliographies and Plagiarism

• Write according to what the question wants- Read and understand the question- Interpret the question correctly by

looking at the keyword

• Write down the facts using an outline as a guide- Use the 5-paragraph essay

Tackling essay questionsTackling essay questions

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Tackling Essay Questions

Creative Writing

Describing Visual Data

Screening Useful Resources

Bibliographies and Plagiarism

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Tackling Essay Questions

Creative Writing

Describing Visual Data

Screening Useful Resources

Bibliographies and Plagiarism

• No specific rules• Can be fiction, poetry ot r non-

fiction• Written to:

- keep records of significant experience

- share experience with others- free individual expression for

mental and physical health

Creative Writing Creative Writing

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Tackling Essay Questions

Creative Writing

Describing Visual Data

Screening Useful Resources

Bibliographies and Plagiarism

Able to express yourself better

Find your own style

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Tackling Essay Questions

Creative Writing

Describing Visual Data

Screening Useful Resources

Bibliographies and Plagiarism

• A list of writings with time and place of publication n preparing a document

• any borrowed ideas from sources such as books, journals, films should be given credit

• 2 popular ways of writing bibliographies:- MLA (Modern Language Association)- APA (American Psychological Association)


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Tackling Essay Questions

Creative Writing

Describing Visual Data

Screening Useful Resources

Bibliographies and Plagiarism

• These citation style include- In-text cittaio- Works cited page

• In-text citation is to document the sources within your paper for immediate viewing

• Work cited page refers to the last page of your paper that list all the sources you cited.

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Tackling Essay Questions

Creative Writing

Describing Visual Data

Screening Useful Resources

Bibliographies and Plagiarism

As Smith (1993) stated, "magazines for The general public generally have less Reliable evidence than scholarly or Professional journals" (p. 2). 

In-text citation

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Tackling Essay Questions

Creative Writing

Describing Visual Data

Screening Useful Resources

Bibliographies and Plagiarism

Segal, N. L. (1999). Entwined lives: Twins and what they tell us about human behavior. New York: Dutton

Work cited page

Boeckmann, R. J., & Turpin-Petrosino, C. (2002). Understanding the harm of hate crime. The Journal of Social Issues, 58, 207-225

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Tackling Essay Questions

Creative Writing

Describing Visual Data

Screening Useful Resources

Bibliographies and Plagiarism

PlagiarismPlagiarism• Stealing someone else’ s ideas or

words and claimingthem your own• Plagiarism can be avoided by:

- citing sources by giving necessary information about the author (refer to slide 13 & 14)

• Do not:- copy and paste information without proper

citation- take paragraphs or passages from other

sources and insert them into own essay and claim these to be your own

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Tackling Essay Questions

Creative Writing

Describing Visual Data

Screening Useful Resources

Bibliographies and Plagiarism

Screening resourcesScreening resources• Read the précis (summary of

abstract in own word) or abstract (summary by author) to get the overview of material

• Read the book introduction by looking at the:- topic sentence- supporting details- preview or scope

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Tackling Essay Questions

Creative Writing

Describing Visual Data

Screening Useful Resources

Bibliographies and Plagiarism

Describing visual dataDescribing visual data• Familiarise yourself with the words

used to describe or interpret charts and graphs:- decline- peak- soar- fluctuate- decrease- level out- rise- fall

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Tackling Essay Questions

Creative Writing

Describing Visual Data

Screening Useful Resources

Bibliographies and Plagiarism