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Novel Regenerave Strategies For The Treatment Of Intervertebral Disc Herniaon JL Bron Novel Regenerave Strategies For The Treatment Of Intervertebral Disc Herniaon JL Bron

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Novel Regenerative Strategies For The Treatment Of

Intervertebral Disc Herniation

Dinsdag 27 november 2012 om 15:45

in het auditorium van het hoofdgebouw van de

Vrije Universiteit De Boelelaan 1105 Amsterdam

Harry BronWijsmullerstraat 41-21058 JH Amsterdam

[email protected]

Paranimfen:Fleur Joor

[email protected]

Gert van den [email protected]

door:JL Bron

voor het bijwonen van de openbare verdediging van het proefschriftNovel Regenerative Strategies

For The Treatment Of Intervertebral Disc Herniation

JL Bron

Novel Regenerati

ve Strategies For The Treatment O

f Intervertebral Disc H


JL Bron


Novel Regenerative Strategies

For The Treatment Of

Intervertebral Disc Herniation

Johannes Leendert Bron

The studies described in this thesis are carried out at the department of orthopaedic surgery of the VU University Medical Center (VUMC), the department of oral cell biology of the Academic Centre for Dentistry (ACTA) and the FOM Institute for Atomic and Molecular Physics (AMOLF). The study was financially supported by Arthro Kinetics Ltd, Germany. The publication of this thesis was supported by: - Nederlandse Orthopaedische Vereniging - Stichting Anna Fonds - Skeletal Tissue Engineering Group Amsterdam - Dutch Spine Society - Bauerfeind - Implantcast - Inspine - DSM Biomedical Novel regenerative strategies for the treatment of intervertebral disc herniation Copyright © 2012 JL Bron, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Lay out: JL Bron Cover design: JL Bron & G van den Berg Print: Gildeprint Drukkerijen – Enschede ISBN:

Typewritten text


Novel Regenerative Strategies

For The Treatment Of

Intervertebral Disc Herniation


ter verkrijging van de graad Doctor aan

de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam,

op gezag van de rector magnificus

prof.dr. L.M. Bouter,

in het openbaar te verdedigen

ten overstaan van de promotiecommissie

van de Faculteit der Geneeskunde

op dinsdag 27 november 2012 om 15.45 uur

in het auditorium van de universiteit,

De Boelelaan 1105


Johannes Leendert Bron

geboren te Leerdam

promotoren: prof.dr. B.J. van Royen

prof.dr.ir. Th.H. Smit

copromotor: prof.dr. G.H. Koenderink

Table of Contents

Chapter 1 General Introduction 7

Chapter 2 Rheological characterization of the nucleus pulposus 15

and dense collagen scaffolds intended for functional


J Orthop Res. 2009; 27: 260-266

Chapter 3 Engineering alginate for intervertebral disc repair 31

J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. 2011; 4:1196-1205

Chapter 4 Migration of intervertebral disc cells into dense col- 57

lagen scaffolds intended for functional replacement

Mater Sci Mater Med. 2012; 23:813-821

Chapter 5 Repair, regenerative and supportive therapies of the 79

annulus fibrosus: achievements and challenges

Eur Spine J. 2009; 18:301-313

Chapter 6 Biomechanical and in vivo evaluation of experimental 109

closure devices of the annulus fibrosus designed for a

goat nucleus replacement model

Eur Spine J. 2010; 19:1347-1355

Addendum 1: Techniques and instruments 131

Addendum 2: Nucleus implant evaluation 137

Chapter 7 General discussion 149

Appendices 1. Summary 167

2. Nederlandse Samenvatting 171

3. Publications 177

4. Dankwoord 181

5. Curriculum Vitae 185

1 General Introduction

Chapter 1


Symptomatic lumbar disc herniation occurs in up to 2% of the general population

at some point in life [1]. Men are affected more often than woman, with a peak

incidence in the fourth and fifth decade of life [1,2]. Since the disease is mainly

distributed within the working and employed part of our society, the socio-

economic consequences are substantial [3]. In the vast majority of the patients

symptoms subside spontaneously within six weeks after presentation and these

patients are best off treated conservatively [2]. Another large part will experience

a decrease of symptoms in the following months and selection of patients suitable

for surgery is therefore still not without dispute [4]. Moreover, the results of

surgery are not always favourable in terms of outcome and recurrences [5].

Depending on the exact type and extent of the herniated disc rates of recurrence

(of pain), reherniation and reoperation can be as high as 38%, 27% and 21%

respectively [5]. It is therefore not surprising that advancements in knowledge,

imaging techniques and surgery are all continuously evaluated for their potential

in the development of better treatment strategies. In addition, during the past

decade a complete new area of research has evolved in medicine: Tissue

engineering. The latter yields a great promise for patients suffering from

symptomatic lumbar disc herniation and pioneering pre-clinical research is

presented in the current thesis.

Disc herniation

The spinal column combines its complex mechanical function with the protection

of the most delicate tissue our body harbours: the spinal cord. Failure to fulfil one

of its tasks will have dramatic consequences. The spinal column consists of the

bony vertebral bodies that articulate with each other by two facet joints

posteriorly and the intervertebral disc (IVD) anteriorly. The 33 vertebral bodies

are numbered according to their cranio-caudal position: cervical (7), thoracic (12),

Lumbar (5), sacral (5) and coccygeal (4). The spinal cord, or below the first lumbar

level the cauda equine, is located directly posterior of the IVD. Other borders are

the pedicles laterally and the laminae and flavum ligament posteriorly. Exiting

nerve roots leave the spinal canal via the intervertebral foramen, which is located

between two pedicles behind the posterolateral border of the IVD and anterior of

the facet joint.

General introduction



The IVD is designed to resist the compressive forces yet allowing motion in the

otherwise rigid vertebral column. The IVD consists of the gelatinous nucleus

pulposus (NP) surrounded by the fibrous annulus fibrosus (AF) and endplates

(Figure 1). With aging, a number of changes in the IVD occur, most notably the

water content and number of cells decrease, diminishing the capability to cope

with its mechanical function [6]. Mechanical demands on the other hand may

contribute to the degenerative cascade itself defining a potential vicious circle.

The region where the highest stresses are encountered and structural

degenerative changes develop most rapidly is the posterolateral part of the AF

(Figure 2). Disruption of the layers of the AF at this location results in expulsion of

NP material which is often referred to as “disc herniation” or “herniated NP”

(HNP). When this happens, the nerve root may become trapped resulting in back

pain in combination with radicular symptoms (sciatica). Rarely, but more

dramatically, the herniation is located centrally resulting in compression of the

cauda equine, the so-called cauda syndrome. Besides the direct neurological

consequences, other changes are initiated by disc herniation due to the loss of NP

material. Due to the resulting reduction in hydrostatic pressure and subsequent

decrease in disc height, facet joints may become overloaded and start to

degenerate. Furthermore, the disrupted homeostasis will result in a decreased

cell number within the NP and the amount of water-binding proteoglycans they

produce declines. This results in further loss of disc height and finally an

irreversible cascade of disc degeneration.

Patients suffering from an herniated lumbar IVD typically suffer from (sub)acute

low back pain and radicular complaints, a condition called ‘sciatica’. The origin of

the low back pain is still not fully understood, but may be generated in either the

ruptured AF (which has become more innervated due to degeneration), the

degenerated IVD or facet joints.

Chapter 1


Figure 1: Image of a formalin embedded healthy human IVD showing the central NP surrounded by

the layers of the AF (details: see text)

Figure 2: Image of a human IVD a few weeks after disc herniation shows a large defect of the

posterolateral AF at the left side of the picture.

General introduction



Current treatment modalities

The mainstay of the treatment of disc herniation has always been the removal of

the herniated NP material, the so-called discectomy. These procedures are

performed since the late 70-ies of the past century and are now the most

performed spinal surgical procedures worldwide [7,8]. However, compared to the

first described (open) discectomies, many things have been changed. Increased

knowledge and the advent of the MRI in the 1990s have resulted in numerous less

invasive procedures, abandoning the conventional discectomy. The gold standard

nowadays is the microdiscectomy in which every type of disc herniation can be

excised through a small incision and limited laminoarthrectomy [7]. An alternative

procedure that shows comparable results in experienced hands is the endoscopic

transforaminal discectomy [8]. Although the evolution of the conventional

discectomies to less invasive procedures has resulted in a decrease of morbidity,

still a significant number of patients suffer from recurrences or persisting low back

pain. The outcome of patients that undergo a microdiscectomy is not better

compared to patients receiving conservative treatment after 1 year follow-up [9].

Considering that the discectomy is directed towards the decompression of the

nerve roots and therefore does not deal with the damaged IVD these findings may

not be surprising.

Figure 3: schematic drawing of a lumbar discectomy

Chapter 1


Tissue Engineering

In patients suffering from disc herniation, there is an (sub)acute change in

mechanics and biology due to the rupture or bulging of AF and the subsequent

expulsion of the NP. Although the acute episode is often preceded by some

degenerative changes, most (mechanical) changes may still be reversible and the

patients might therefore be favorable candidates for early disc repair. This should

restore the biomechanical equilibrium within the disc, preserve local homeostasis,

and prevent progressive degeneration [10].

Tissue engineering is generally described as “the use of a combination of cells,

engineering and materials methods, and suitable biochemical and physio-chemical

factors to improve or replace biological functions” [11]. As tissue engineering has

quickly emerged as an area of pre-clinical research over the last decade, attractive

new strategies that deal with this problem can be developed. The replacement of

the lost NP tissue should not only restore local biomechanics but ideally allow disc

regeneration in the long-term. To that end cells, being the factories of the

extracellular matrix components, are essential. Much research has been

performed by seeding scaffolds with either native or stem cells. Native IVD cells,

however, are sparse and the use of stem cells requires additional harvesting

procedures and time consuming techniques. Therefore the concept of ‘in situ

seeding’ has been proposed, meaning the use of a-cellular scaffolds that allow

invasion of cells from the surrounding tissue [10]. This concept allows IVD

regeneration in a single (one-step) surgical procedure. Ideally, such a scaffold

further imitates the biomechanical properties of the NP, allows the invasion of

surrounding native cells, and can be used in a single procedure in adjunct to


Scope of the thesis

In the current dissertation the concept of ‘in situ seeding’ is further explored,

from basic scaffold science till in vivo evaluation. In the first two chapters, scaffold

stiffness, which has been shown to strongly influence the biosynthetic response of

cells and thus is a crucial factor for successful IVD engineering, is studied. In

chapter 2 dense collagen scaffolds are rheologically characterized to find a match

in stiffness with native NP tissue. In addition, the effects of sterilization

techniques, necessary for final production, are assessed. In chapter 3, another

General introduction



frequently used scaffold material, alginate, is prepared via several techniques and

densities to match to the NP. In this study we also investigate the actual effects of

ranging densities on native IVD cells. For the concept of “in situ seeding” the

migration of native cells into the scaffold material is a conditio sine qua none.

Therefore the capability of IVD cells to migrate into dense collagen scaffolds is

assessed in chapter 4. The remainder of the dissertation is directed to the

development of an animal model to evaluate the scaffold materials in vivo. It has

been discussed that the success of NP replacement therapies might be dependent

on an appropriate solution to close the AF defect. In chapter 5 an extensive

review is performed to find the literature in which this subject has been

addressed. In chapter 6, self-developed AF closure devices are evaluated in a goat

model in vitro and in vivo. The results of the collagen scaffolds that are used in

addition to the closure devices in the in vivo study are presented in a separate

addendum to chapter 6.

Chapter 1



1. Rihn JA, Hilibrand AS, Radcliff K, Kurd M, Lurie J, Blood E, Albert TJ, Weinstein JN (2011)

Duration of symptoms resulting from lumbar disc herniation: Effect on treatment

outcomes. J Bone Joint Surg Am 93:1906-1914

2. Schneider C, Krayenbuhl N, Landolt H (2007) Conservative treatment of lumbar disc

disease: patient’s quality of life compared to an unexposed cohort. Acta Neuochir (Wien)

149: 785-791

3. Katz JN (2006) Lumbar disc disorders and low-back pain: socioeconomic factors and

consequences. J Bone Joint Surg Am 88 (suppl 2): 21-24

4. Jacobs WC, Van Tulder M, Arts M, Rubinstein SM, Van Middelkoop M, Ostelo R,

Verhagen A, Koes B, Peul WC (2011) Surgery versus conservative management of sciatica

due to a lumbar herniated disc: a systematic review. Eur Spine J 20: 513-522

5. Carragee EJ, Han MY, Suen PW, Kim D (2003) Clinical outcomes after lumbar discectomy

for sciatica: The effects of fragment type and anular competence. J Bone Joint Surg Am 85:


6. Chan WC, Sze KL, Samartzis D, Leung VY, Chan D (2011) Structure and biology of the

intervertebral disk in health and disease. Orthop Clin North Am 42(4):447-64, vii.

7. Postacchini F, Postacchini R (2011) Operative management of lumbar disc herniation:

the evolution of knowledge and surgical techniques in the last century. Acta Neurochir

Suppl 108: 17-21

8. Nellesteijn J, Ostelo R, Bartels R, Peul W, Van Royen BJ, Tulder M (2010) Transforaminal

endoscopic surgery for symptomatic lumbar disc herniations: a systematic review of the

literature. Eur Spine J 19: 181-204

9. Peul WC, Van Houwelingen HC, Van den Hout WB, Brand R. Eekhof JA, Tans JT, Thomeer

RT, Koes BW (2007) Surgery versus prolonged conservative treatment for sciatica. N Eng J

Med 356: 2245-2256

10. Hegewald AA, Ringe J, Sittinger M, Rhome C (2008) Regenerative treatment strategies

in spinal surgery. Front Biosci 13: 1507-1525

11. Wikipedia 2012: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tissue_engineering

2 Rheological characterization of the nucleus

pulposus and dense collagen scaffolds

intended for functional replacement

JL Bron

GH Koenderink

V Everts

TH Smit

Chapter 2

16 16


Lumbar discectomy is an effective therapy for neurological decompression in

patients suffering from sciatica due to a herniated nucleus pulposus (NP).

However, high numbers of patients suffering from persisting postoperative low

back pain have resulted in many strategies targeting the regeneration of the NP.

For successful regeneration, the stiffness of scaffolds is increasingly recognized as

a potent mechanical cue for the differentiation and biosynthetic response of

(stem) cells. The aim of the current study is to characterize the viscoelastic

properties of the NP and to develop dense collagen scaffolds with similar

properties. The scaffolds consisted of highly dense (0.5% –12%) type I collagen

matrices, prepared by plastic compression. The complex modulus of the NP was

22 kPa (at 10 rad s-1), which should agree with a scaffold with a collagen

concentration of 23%. The loss tangent, indicative of energy dissipation, is higher

for the NP (0.28) than for the scaffolds (0.12) and was not dependent on the

collagen density. Gamma sterilization of the scaffolds increased the shear moduli

but also resulted in more brittle behavior and a reduced swelling capacity. In

conclusion, by tuning the collagen density, we can approach the stiffness of the

NP. Therefore, dense collagen is a promising candidate for tissue engineering of

the NP that deserves further study, such as the addition of other proteins.

Rheological characterization



Lumbar discectomy is a well-established surgical procedure to decompress neural

structures in patients suffering from a symptomatic herniated lumbar

intervertebral disc. There are, however, serious adverse effects of disc herniation

and surgical evacuation on spinal biomechanics. Disc space narrowing may result

in discogenic pain or cause overloading in other structures including facet joints,

ligaments and muscles by altered motion [1]. The long-term sequelae after

discectomy significantly affects the quality of life of the relatively young and

employed patient population and therefore has serious socio-economic

consequences. This gave researchers the impetus to develop regenerative

strategies that deal with the damaged intervertebral disc, especially the nucleus

pulposus (NP) [2]. Scaffolds for NP replacement are enriched with stem cells,

growth factors, and/or additional molecules in order to promote and utilize the

regenerative potential of the human body [3]. Under physiological conditions,

cells within a scaffold are able to synthesize and secrete their own extracellular

matrix (ECM) [3]. Recently, it has been appreciated that their biosynthetic

response is strongly affected by the stiffness of the ECM [4,5]. The stiffness of the

ECM acts as a ‘‘passive’’ mechanical cue that can be more selective than soluble

factors [6]. By adjusting the stiffness of the scaffold to the targeted ECM, stem cell

differentiation and ECM synthesis can be directed [4,5].

The aim of this study is to mimic the elastic properties of the NP with dense

collagen scaffolds. Plastic compression of collagen solutions leads to significant

densification and viscoelastic properties that closely approach those of skeletal

tissue and has already been investigated for its potential in cartilage and bone

engineering [7 –10]. In the current study, we characterize the viscoelastic

properties of the NP by rheology [11,12] and screen dense collagen type I

scaffolds to determine which collagen density matches to these properties. Our

overall scope is to develop a collagen scaffold that could be used in in situ therapy

in patients with a herniated NP. Such a scaffold, combined with chemotactic

agents, should allow the in situ recruitment of progenitor and disc cells [13]. In

this concept, discomfort for patient and clinician is minimized, because the

harvesting and culturing of cells prior to the surgical procedure are not necessary.

Patients suffering from herniated discs could be treated in a one-step surgical

procedure, in which a discectomy is combined with a functional replacement [13]

Chapter 2

18 18

A-cellular collagen constructs require additional sterilization steps prior to this

stage. Because gamma sterilization has been described to have serious effects on

collagen matrices [14], its effect on rheology and swelling capacity of the current

dense collagen scaffolds is also assessed.

Materials and methods

NP Specimen Preparation

The lumbar spines of two mature female Dutch milk goats were harvested and

stored at -20 °C until the day of testing. After removal of the soft tissues and the

posterior and lateral elements, the intervertebral discs at the levels T12 –L1 until

L5 –L6 were separated from the upper and lower endplate by incision with a

surgical knife. The intervertebral discs were refrozen and the annulus fibrosis (AF)

was removed with a 9 mm circular trephine, sparing the NP. Rheological tests

were performed immediately after the NP samples were thawed. After the

rheological tests, the samples were weighed. The hydration status of the NP

samples was determined by weighing the samples before and after freeze drying.

Collagen Scaffold Preparation

The collagen scaffolds were prepared by using a rat-tail type 1 collagen gel with a

concentration of 6 mg/mL (0.6% w/w) collagen dissolved in 0.1% acetic acid

(Arthro Kinetics AG, Esslingen, Germany). The collagen gel (8/10 volume parts)

was mixed with (1/10 volume part) neutralization solution (Arthro Kinetics AG)

and (1/10 volume part) Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium (Greiner Bio-one,

Kremsmunster, Austria). Variable amounts of the mixture were poured into a

cylinder (diameter 25 mm) with a polycarbonate cell culture insert (3 mm pores;

Nunc GmbH, Wiesbaden, Germany) at the bottom. The cylinder was then placed

in a CO2 incubator at 37.8 °C for 60 min to allow polymerization of the collagen.

When the collagen matrix was formed, a weight of 100 g was placed on top of the

matrix in the cylinder. The cylinder was placed back into the incubator overnight

for the filtration process to take place. The 3 mm pores allow fluid to pass

(filtrate), while retaining the collagen matrix itself (residue), thereby increasing

the collagen density. The final height of the collagen scaffolds was kept constant

at 3.6 mm, and the diameter was fixed by the cylinder diameter, 12.5 mm. The

Rheological characterization


final collagen density was varied by changing the amount of collagen solution in

the cylinders before compression. For example, 6% collagen samples were

obtained by adding 10 times the volume of collagen solution (17.5 mL) to the

cylinders compared to the final sample volume (1.75 mL). For each density, five

samples were made (4 rheological examination, 1 electron microscopy). Samples

were transferred directly from the cylinders to the rheometer for

characterization. After the rheological measurements, all samples were weighed

and the solid weight fraction was determined by freeze drying and weighing

again. From each collagen density one sample was transferred immediately from

the compression cylinders into 0.1 M Na-cacodylate buffer (pH 7.4) containing 4%

paraformaldehyde and 1% glutaaraldehyde. After 5 days in the fixative medium,

the samples were cut in two equal parts for transmission electron microscopy

(TEM). For electron microscopy the samples were dehydrated and embedded in

epoxy resin. Ultrathin sections were made with a diamond knife, contrasted with

uranyl and lead and examined in a Philips TEM.

Gamma-Irradiated Samples

Collagen samples, fabricated according to the protocol described above, with four

densities (0.5, 3, 6, and 10%) of collagen were packaged in containers made of

polyethylene filterplate and stored in sterile phosphate buffered saline at 48 °C.

The containers allow storage under wet conditions, yet prevent swelling of the

samples. For every concentration 10 samples were made. From these samples,

five were sent to Isotron (Ede, The Netherlands) immediately after fabrication to

undergo treatment with 15 kGg γ-irradiation according to the local medical

implant sterilization protocol. All samples underwent rheological characterization

3 days after preparation. After the rheological measurements, the samples were

weighed, put in 10 mL sterile water for 12 h at 48 °C, and weighed again to

determine the swelling capacity. The samples were finally freeze dried and

weighed again.

Rheological Measurements

The mechanical behavior of the collagen samples was assessed using a stress-

controlled rheometer (Paar Physica MCR501; Anton Paar, Graz, Austria) in parallel

plate configuration (40 mm diameter, 3.5 mm gap). For the NP samples, a parallel

Chapter 2

20 20

plate configuration was also used (20 mm diameter, 2 –3 mm gap). To prevent

sample slippage, sandpaper (CP918C P180; VSM Abrasives, O’Fallon, MO) was

attached to the plates. The discs were loaded between the plates, and the gap

was closed until the sample was in good contact with both plates (normal force <1

N). The tests were performed at a temperature of 37.8 °C in a humidified

chamber. Three types of measurements were performed in the following order:

time sweep, frequency sweep, and amplitude sweep. To exclude any time-

dependent relaxation during the tests, the samples were first equilibrated for 20

min. During this time, the normal force decreased to values below 0.1 N in all

samples. Subsequently, we probed the time-dependent shear moduli by

performing frequency sweep measurements over an angular frequency range of

0.2 –200 rad s-1 at a fixed strain amplitude of 1%, well within the linear regime.

Finally, the behavior of the samples at large deformations was tested by

amplitude sweep tests. Strain oscillations at a fixed frequency of 0.5 Hz and

gradually increasing strain amplitude were applied, until a maximum of 1000%

strain or until sample failure occurred. The shear modulus G*(ω) = σ (ω)/γ(ω)

follows from the ratio between stress (σ) and strain amplitude (γ). G*(ω) = G’+ iG”

is a complex quantity with an elastic storage modulus (G’) and viscous loss

modulus (G”). The absolute magnitude of the shear modulus,│G*│, was calculated

using │G*│= (G’2 + G”2)0,5. The ratio G”/G’ is called the damping factor and equals

the tangent of the phase angle difference between stress and strain (tan δ). Data

reported represent the mean from at least four replicates of each collagen sample

or 11 NP samples. Because the sample diameters were smaller than the plates,

the measured values had to be corrected before further evaluation. In a parallel

plate configuration, values are based on measurements at the outer edge of the

samples, where the strain is maximal. If the sample radius (Rsample) is smaller than

the plate radius (R), the moduli are underestimated by a factor (R/Rsample)4,

because the stress scales with R as 1/R3 while the strain is proportional to R. The

correction factor that was applied to the data was 6.55 for the collagen samples

and 24.4 for the NP samples.

Statistical Analysis

Differences between various sample groups were statistically analyzed using the

paired t-test.

Rheological characterization



The mean weight of the NP samples was 210 (± 25.2) mg with a dry weight of 52.3

(± 10.9) mg, implying a water content of 75.2% (± 4.1). The mean weight of the

collagen samples was 1,390 (± 81) mg, and dry weights varied from 7 to 150 mg

(dependent on collagen concentration), implying a water content between 88%

and 99.5%. As a control of the collagen densities after compression, real densities

were calculated using test-weight and dry-weight. Real percentages of collagen

([dry-weight/test-weight] * 100%) of 3.2 (± 0.2), 6.0 (± 0.4), and 9.6 (± 0.4) were

found for the 3%, 6%, and 10% collagen samples respectively. Real densities of

collagen therefore did not significantly differ from intended densities. Plastic

compression resulted in collagen scaffolds with decreased water content and

increased density of collagen fibers. Individual fibers of collagen fibers were still

present, but the mean spacing between fibers greatly decreased upon

compression, as shown by the transmission electron micrographs in Figure 1.


Figure 1: TEM images of sections of noncompressed (0.5%) (A) and a 20-fold compressed (10%) (B)

collagen scaffold. The collagen fibers display characteristic periodic D-banding. Otherwise there did not seem to be any structural changes in the length of the

collagen fibers or alignment. The complex modulus,│G*│, was slightly frequency

dependent in both the NP and collagen samples, increasing at ascending

frequencies, as shown in Figure 2. At a frequency of 10 rad s-1, both the elastic

modulus, G’ , and viscous modulus, G” , increased with increasing collagen

concentration, as shown in Figure 3. This increase however, only occurred at

collagen densities above 1.5%. Below this concentration, the shear moduli were

Chapter 2

22 22

independent of concentration. All samples showed a predominantly elastic

behavior. Mean values for the loss tangent, tan δ (or G” /G’), of the NP and

collagen scaffolds at an angular frequency of 10 rad s-1 are shown in Figure 4. The

collagen samples were less viscous than the NP, independent of collagen

concentration. During amplitude sweep experiments, the collagen samples

showed a gradual decrease of G’ and G” with increasing amplitudes, but did not

fail up to strain amplitudes of 1,000%, as shown in Figure 5. Due to the sandpaper,

no sample slippage was observed at high shear strains. However, minor slippage

cannot be excluded at 1,000% shear strain level and the data in Figure 5 are

therefore confined to 100% shear strain. Treatment with 15 kGg γ-irradiation

resulted in a twofold increase of both G’ and G” at small strains. Upon increasing

the strain amplitude, the sterilized samples all failed between strain amplitudes of

10% and 100%, regardless of the collagen concentration. The gamma irradiated

collagen samples showed a statistically significant reduced (p < 0.05) swelling

capacity when compared to the nonirradiated samples, as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 2: The complex shear modulus, │G*│, increases slightly with ascending frequency and

increases with increasing collagen concentration. Each data set represents a replicate of four

measurements (11 in case of the NP).

Rheological characterization


Figure 3: The elastic modulus, G’, and viscous modulus, G”, at an angular frequency of 10 rad s


increase with collagen concentration (above 1.5% collagen) according to a power-law with

exponents 1.4 (G’) and 1.5

(G”). Each data point represents a replicate of four measurements.

Figure 4: The loss tangent, G”/G’ or tan δ, of collagen scaffolds is independent of collagen

concentration and significantly lower (*p<0.05) than that of the goat NP. Each data point represents

a replicate of four measurements for collagen and 11 for the NP.

Chapter 2

24 24

Figure 5: Amplitude sweep experiments at a fixed frequency of 0.5 Hz reveal failure of the γ-

irradiated samples between strain amplitudes of 50% and 100% (black symbols), whereas no failure

was observed in control (non- irradiated) samples (grey symbols). Each data set represents the mean

of five measurements.

Figure 6: Swelling experiments reveal a statistically significant reduced (*p<0.05) swelling capacity of

the γ-irradiated samples compared to controls. Each bar represents the mean of five measurements.

Rheological characterization



We focused on the NP from goat spines, because of the resemblance to the

human situation and the suitability of this animal as a model for intervertebral

disc regeneration therapies [15,16]. The viscoelastic properties of the goat NP are

largely in line with earlier investigations of human [17,18], pig [19] and sheep [20]

NP, as summarized in Table 1.

These findings underscore the potential of the goat as an animal model for disc

herniation studies. However, compared to the findings of Iatridis et al. [17], in

human NP, our samples showed a twofold higher elasticity and slightly lower loss

tangent. This difference may be due to intrinsic rheological differences between

human and goat NP tissue or to differences in the test protocol. Unfortunately,

the authors do not describe testing temperature, or the plate diameter they used

for the experiments and whether they had to correct for a sample-plate diameter

discrepancy as we did. They did do similar processing of the NP samples before

testing. The loss tangent reported for porcine lumbar NP by Causa et al. [19]

agrees well with the findings in our study, but the absolute values for G’ (450 Pa)

and G” (150 Pa) are over 30 times lower. These authors possibly did not correct

for the discrepancy between plate (15 mm) and sample (7.7 mm) diameter, which

would result in an under estimation of the absolute values by a factor of 15. Leahy

and Hukins [20] found values for G’, G”, and tan δ for sheep NP that were

comparable to those in this study. Interestingly, the authors additionally showed

that freezing increases G’, but does not affect G” [20]. Because our samples were

also frozen prior to the experiments, values for G’ may thus be overestimated.

Chapter 2

26 26

In the context of regeneration of the damaged NP, we should note that our NP

samples were derived from healthy intervertebral discs. Earlier studies have

shown that G” increases in case of disc degeneration [18]. In this study, we used a

plastic compression technique to develop collagen I-based scaffolds with varying

concentrations and viscoelastic properties. This is a novel technique that was first

described by Brown et al. [21] as a form of cell-independent engineering. Central

in this concept is the reduction of the liquid content of the scaffold, which is a

result of the casting [21]. Plastic compression therefore yields scaffolds much

denser than conventional, uncompressed collagen type I matrices. The moduli of

these conventional scaffolds are typically below 1 kPa [22,23], and these scaffolds

should first grow stronger in culture [21]. Our technique of plastic compression

differs from earlier studies, because we use cell culture inserts with 3 mm pores

to reduce the liquid content instead of nylon and stainless steel meshes [7 –

10,21]. Furthermore, the dimensions of our scaffolds are much larger than

reported earlier and the compression times therefore longer. The latter reduces

the attractivity to enrich scaffolds with cells, which should not easily survive in

such large constructs [10].

To our knowledge, a detailed rheological characterization of dense collagen I

scaffolds, as in the current study, has not been reported previously in literature.

With our dense collagen scaffolds, we are able to approach the viscoelastic

properties of the NP, in particular its elasticity. The loss tangent, G”/G’, of the

collagen matrices is lower than that of the NP, and perhaps this could be

remedied by adding other components such as proteoglycans. We do not have an

explanation why the moduli only reveal a density-dependence at collagen

densities above 1.5%, as shown in Figure 3. Because the volume capacity of our

cylinders was confined, we could not obtain higher collagen densities than 12%.

The value for │G*│ of the 12% collagen scaffold is still below the value of the NP.

If we use the power law formula for the values of │G*│ above 1.5%, we can

extrapolate the collagen density that agrees with the │G*│ value of the NP. The

stiffness of the NP should than be matched by a scaffold containing 22.7%


In the current study we also assessed the effects of a standard sterilization

treatment, which is a regulatory requirement for the acellular dense collagen

Rheological characterization


scaffolds to be sold as a medicinal product. Gamma irradiation is the method of

choice for sterilizing collagen biomaterials and is considered as the most reliable

method available [14]. In this study we showed that a standard sterilization

treatment with 15 kGy γ-irradiation results in an over twofold increase of G’ and

also a significant increase of G”. More importantly we showed that the resistance

to high amplitude strains decreases dramatically. Non-treated samples did not fail

below 1,000% whereas treated samples already failed at strain amplitudes of only


Plastic compression of collagen matrices results in compensatory swelling of the

samples when put free floating in water, which is density dependent. This might

be an advantage because it is comparable to the overnight rehydration of the NP

itself that occurs when external loads on the spine cease. The rheologic properties

are strongly related to the hydration state and variations due to the overnight

swelling should ideally be comparable. The swelling capacity of the samples was

significantly reduced by γ-sterilization. The effects of γ-irradiation can be

explained by the increase in the number of cross links and chain scission in the

collagen matrix due to the g-irradiation [14,24]. Chain scission of the collagen

peptide backbone results in a fraction of lower molecular weight material [24],

whereas the formation of additional cross links compensates to a certain extent

for this fragmentation [14]. The effects of γ-irradiation are dose-dependent and

lowering the dosage could lower the damage, but also result in subcomplete

sterilization [24]. Alternatives for γ-irradiation include ethylene oxide (Eto) and E-

beam sterilization [24]. However, these techniques have their own limitations and

drawbacks. Eto results in decreased helix stability and slower degradation rates

and potentially leaves toxic residues in the implants [25]. The effects of E-beam on

collagen are less well documented, but it has shown to result in a dramatic

increase of the inherent viscosity of other polymers [26]. It is therefore important

to check for structural and mechanical effects of sterilization procedures during

the development of implants and scaffolds. The importance of this subject is

currently not always recognized, but will gain attention when tissue engineering

makes the step from the developmental stage to clinical trials. Promising

developments in the field of collagen sterilization that are currently being

evaluated include pulsed electric field sterilization and the addition of free radical

scavengers to the treatment with γ-irradiation [27,28].

Chapter 2

28 28

Wilke et al. [29] already showed that collagen scaffolds are capable of restoring

disc height and stability after disc herniation. However, the authors also showed

that the risk of dislocation of the implant across the annulus defect forms a

serious problem. It seems important, therefore, to develop additional annulus

closure techniques or other methods to anchor the collagen scaffold within the

intervertebral disc space [29]. Our current plan is to develop a nucleus

replacement composed of dense collagen that can be implanted via a small hole

in the annulus, which can be closed afterwards (Fig. 7). Preclinical studies

however, shall be needed to prove this concept.

In conclusion, we achieved close biomechanical imitation of the NP with dense

collagen matrices. To better match the viscoelastic behavior, we will in the future

investigate the effects of adding other components such as proteoglycans.

Sterilization has important effects on the mechanical strength and rehydration

capacity of the scaffold, which should be considered to prevent discrepancies

between the in vitro scaffolds and final clinical applications.


The authors thank R. Bank (VU University Medical Center), M. Dogterom (Amolf

Institute), and K. Hoeben (Academic Medical Center) for their contributions. This

study was funded by Arthro Kinetics AG, who also provided the collagen gel. G. H.

K. was supported by the ‘‘Stichting voor Fundamenteel Onderzoek der Materie

(FOM)’’, which is financially supported by the ‘‘Nederlandse Organisatie voor

Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO)’’.

Figure 7: The dense collagen

scaffolds that will be used in further

preclinical studies have a ‘‘snake-

like’’ appearance, allowing

implantation via a small annular

defect. In the current picture, the

implant is shown implanted in a

real-sized Perspex model of the

goat intervertebral disc.

Rheological characterization



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3 Engineering alginate for intervertebral disc


JL Bron

LA Vonk

TH Smit

GH Koenderink

Chapter 3



Alginate is frequently studied as a scaffold for intervertebral disc (IVD) repair,

since it closely mimics mechanical and cell-adhesive properties of the nucleus

pulposus (NP) of the IVD. The aim of this study was to assess the relation between

alginate concentration and scaffold stiffness and find preparation conditions

where the viscoelastic behaviour mimics that of the NP. In addition, we measured

the effect of variations in scaffold stiffness on the expression of extracellular

matrix molecules specific to the NP (proteoglycans and collagen) by native NP

cells. We prepared sample discs of different concentrations of alginate (1%–6%)

by two different methods, diffusion and in situ gelation. The stiffness increased

with increasing alginate concentration, while the loss tangent (dissipative

behaviour) remained constant. The diffusion samples were ten-fold stiffer than

samples prepared by in situ gelation. Sample discs prepared from 2% alginate by

diffusion closely matched the stiffness and loss tangent of the NP. The stiffness of

all samples declined upon prolonged incubation in medium, especially for samples

prepared by diffusion. The biosynthetic phenotype of native cells isolated from

NPs was preserved in alginate matrices up to 4 weeks of culturing. Gene

expression levels of extracellular matrix components were insensitive to alginate

concentration and corresponding matrix stiffness, likely due to the poor

adhesiveness of the cells to alginate. In conclusion, alginate can mimic the

viscoelastic properties of the NP and preserve the biosynthetic phenotype of NP

cells but certain limitations like long-term stability still have to be addressed.

Engineering alginate



Transplantation systems based on scaffolds seeded with stem cells or native cells

offer a promising means to repair aged, damaged, or diseased tissues [18].

Accordingly, there has been much recent effort to design scaffolds that mimic the

bioadhesive and physical characteristics of natural extracellular matrices found in

tissues and can thus promote tissue-specific cell phenotype [20, 30]. A variety of

tissues can already be engineered by this approach, including artery, skin,

cartilage, bone, ligament, and tendon. Scaffold stiffness has been recognized as an

especially important cue to guide cell differentiation and extracellular matrix

(ECM) production [4,12,14] and this knowledge is now increasingly being

implemented in tissue engineering strategies [13]. The mechanical characteristics

of many tissues have been documented over the recent years, facilitating the

development of new generations of 3D scaffolds mimicking these features [4,21].

Our own research over the past years has focused on tissue engineering strategies

to repair damaged intervertebral discs (IVDs) [5-7]. The IVD is a cartilaginous

structure that lies between adjacent vertebrae, where it acts as a shock absorber

and allows motion of the otherwise rigid vertebral column [33]. The IVD consists

of a collagenous outer annulus fibrosus (AF) which surrounds the gelatinous inner

nucleus pulposus (NP). Ageing is accompanied by loss of water and proteoglycans

from the gelatinous NP, which becomes more fibrous, resulting in a more rigid

IVD. Although these changes are to some extent physiological, they may result in

symptomatic degenerative disc disease [33]. In some patients, early degeneration

of the AF may result in a posterior tear through which the NP can extrude (disc

herniation), compromising the neurological structures (spine and nerve roots)

that the vertebral column usually protects. The current clinical solution is to

evacuate the herniated NP material (discectomy), thereby relieving the

compressed nerves [17]. There are, however, serious adverse effects of disc

herniation and subsequent discectomy on spinal biomechanics resulting in

discogenic back pain that seriously affects the quality of life in many patients.

Much research is therefore directed towards the restoration of the herniated disc

either by replacement or regenerative approaches. Ideally, current discectomy

procedures should be combined with the replacement of the lost NP material by a

scaffold with (native or stem-) cells initiating disc regeneration instead of

degeneration [17].

Chapter 3


In chapter 2, we showed that the mechanical properties of the NP can be

mimicked using dense scaffolds of collagen I, which is a natural extracellular

matrix protein [6]. The scaffold stiffness approached that of the NP, but the

viscous modulus was lower. Aside from the difference in viscous behaviour, type I

collagen is not an optimal replacement of the NP, which is predominantly

composed of type II collagen and proteoglycans. Other 3D scaffold materials, such

as alginate, agarose and chitosan, have also been studied for NP regeneration,

and these might allow a closer match both from a mechanical and a biochemical

point of view [15,27,35]. Alginate is most often studied since it is inexpensive and

does not evoke adverse tissue reactions [27,28,32]. Alginate is a naturally

occurring, water soluble polysaccharide block copolymer composed of β-L-

mannuronic acid (M) and α-L-guluronic acid (G) that can be ionically crosslinked

by divalent ions, such as calcium [25]. The resulting matrix has a stiffness which is

determined by the alginate concentration and by the ratio between G and M

blocks [32]. Other conditions such as gelation temperature and type of crosslinker

also influence the final network structure and ensuing mechanical properties [3].

The aim of this study was to design alginate scaffolds with viscoelastic properties

that mimic those of the NP and to assess the biosynthetic response of native NP

cells. We therefore investigated the effects of variations in alginate concentration

on the viscoelastic (rheological) characteristics of scaffolds. In addition, we

compared two different methods of inducing alginate gelation, by diffusion and by

‘in situ’ gelation. In diffusion-induced gelation, calcium ions are allowed to diffuse

into the alginate gel via a porous membrane, leading to crosslinking [32]. “In situ”

gelation is performed by mixing insoluble calcium with the alginate solution and

then releasing calcium ions within the solution by enzymatically decreasing the pH

level [23]. Since it has been documented that alginate scaffolds rapidly loose their

stiffness in vivo [32], we monitored the time-dependent stiffness during

prolonged incubation in cell culture medium. Finally, to determine whether

variations in alginate concentration affect cell behaviour, we cultured native cells

isolated from goat NP and annulus fibrosus (AF) in alginate beads of different

alginate concentrations (2%, 4% and 6%). We monitored the gene expression

levels of the main natural components of the ECM of the NP (types I and II

collagen and aggrecan) up to 4 weeks. The gene expression levels were compared

Engineering alginate


to gene expression levels found in chondrocytes from articular cartilage (AC), for

which extensive studies have been performed of the preservation of phenotype in

alginate [10,16,29,31].

Materials and Methods

Preparation of alginate sample discs by calcium diffusion

Freeze dried alginate (LVCR sodium alginate, Monsanto, San Diego, CA) was

dissolved in water containing 0.9 wt% sodium chloride. Alginate solutions at four

different concentrations (1, 2, 4, and 6 wt%) were sterilized by autoclaving (121

°C, 15 min). Sample discs were prepared by pouring 2 ml of alginate solution into

tissue culture inserts (25 mm, pore size 0.4 μm; Nunc, Roskilde, Denmark). The

inserts were placed in Petri dishes containing an aqueous solution of 500 mM

calcium chloride, and a polycarbonate filter membrane (thickness 8 mm) was

placed on top, which was irrigated with 2 ml of the calcium solution. After two

hours at room temperature, alginate gelation was finished and the sample discs

were removed from the culture inserts. The samples intended for analysis after

prolonged storage in medium were transferred to 6-well plates containing 5 ml

Dulbecco’s Modified Eagles Medium (DMEM, Gibco, Paisley, UK) supplemented

with 1% streptomycin, penicillin and amphotericin B (all from Gibco). The medium

was refreshed every three days. Samples were assayed at three time points (0, 1

and 10 days), using five separate samples for each time point and each alginate


Preparation of alginate sample discs by in situ gelation

Insoluble calcium carbonate powder was mixed at a concentration of 100 mM

with alginate solutions in 0.9% NaCl (2%, 4% or 6% alginate) and stirred. The

mixture was acidified by adding the enzyme Glucono Delta-Lactone (GDL, Sigma

Chemical Co. (St. Louis, MO)) to a final concentration of 80 mM. A volume of 2 ml

of the acidified mixture was injected into the wells of 12-well (well diameter 22

mm) plates using a syringe. After 2 h at room temperature, the gelled sample

discs were removed from the wells and transferred to the rheometer for analysis.

The samples intended for analysis after prolonged storage in medium were

transferred to 6-well plates containing 5 ml DMEM supplemented with 1%

Chapter 3


antibiotics. The medium was refreshed every three days. Samples were assayed at

two time points (0 and 10 days), using five separate samples for each time point

and each alginate concentration. The samples after 10 days of incubation showed

irregular edges and were therefore reduced to a size of 20.0 mm with a cork



The viscoelastic properties of the alginate discs were measured using a stress-

controlled rheometer (Paar Physica MCR501, Anton Paar, Graz, Austria) equipped

with a temperature-controlled steel bottom plate and 20 or 40 mm diameter steel

top plates. The alginate discs showed some variability in diameter after incubation

in culture medium, due to variable degrees of shrinkage. Since variations in

sample size complicate the interpretation of rheological data, we equalized the

sample diameters using cork borers. Samples prepared by diffusion were reduced

to a diameter of 20 mm at t = 0 and 15.4 mm for t = 1 and 10 days. In situ gelled

samples were perfectly circular directly after gelation, with a diameter of 22 mm;

they were measured using a 40mm top plate. After 10 days incubation, the

samples showed some edge irregularities. To exclude any edge effects, the

incubated samples were reduced to a diameter of 20 mm, matching the diameter

of the 20 mm top plate. For samples with a diameter smaller than the diameter of

the rheometer top plate, the absolute values of the shear moduli were corrected

as described earlier [6]. To prevent sample slippage, self-adhesive sandpaper

(CP918C P180, VSM Abrasives, O’Fallon, Missouri, USA) was attached to both

plates. The discs were loaded between the plates, and the top plate was lowered

until the sample was in good contact with both plates. The tests were performed

at a temperature of 37 °C in a humidified chamber. To exclude any time-

dependent relaxation during the tests, the samples were first equilibrated for 10

min. During this time, the normal force decreased to values below 0.25 N in all

samples. Subsequently, we probed the frequency-dependent shear moduli by

performing frequency sweep measurements over an angular frequency range of

0.2–200 rad s−1 at a strain amplitude of 1%, well within the linear regime. Finally,

to test the strength of the alginate discs, we subjected them to sinusoidally

oscillating shear at a fixed frequency of 0.5 Hz and gradually increasing strain

amplitude, until a maximum of 1000% strain or until sample failure occurred. The

shear modulus G∗(ω) follows from the ratio between stress (σ) and strain

Engineering alginate


amplitude (γ). G* is a complex quantity with an elastic (or storage) modulus (G′)

and viscous (or loss) modulus (G′′). The absolute magnitude of the shear modulus,

|G*|, was calculated using |G*| = ((G′)2 + (G′′)2)0.5. The ratio G′′/G′ is referred to

as the loss tangent, since it equals the tangent of the phase angle difference

between stress and strain (tan δ). Data reported represent the mean +/- S.E. from

5 samples per condition.

Isolation of native cells and cell culture in alginate

Cartilaginous tissues were obtained from skeletally mature female Dutch milk

goats (n = 8) that were sacrificed for other studies. All thoracic and lumbar

intervertebral discs (IVDs, T1-L2/L6-S1) and articular cartilage (AC) from the

glenohumeral joint were collected. The IVDs were dissected to separate the

nucleus pulposus (NP) from the annulus fibrosus (AF). To assure an adequate cell

number, tissues from two goats were mixed for every measurement.

Experiments were performed in quadruplicate. The tissues were dissected and

minced, and the cells were released by subjected the tissues to sequential

treatments first with DMEM supplemented with 1% foetal bovine serum (FBS,

HyClone, Logan, UT, USA), 100 U/ml penicillin, 100 μg/ml streptomycin, 2.5 μg/ml

amphotericin B and 2.5% (w/v) Pronase E (Sigma, St. Louis, MO) for 1 h, then with

DMEM supplemented with 25% FBS, 100 U/ml penicillin, 100 μg/ml streptomycin,

2.5 μg/ml amphotericin B and 0.125% (w/v) collagenase (CLS-2, Worthington,

Lakewood, NJ) for 16 h at 37 °C. After filtering the cell suspension through a 70

μm pore size cell strainer (BD Biosciences, San Diego, CA), isolated cells were

resuspended in an alginate solution (2, 4 and 6 (w/v) in 0.9% NaCl (0.2 μm sterile

filtered), creating a suspension of 4 × 106 cells/ml. The suspension was

homogenized by slow pipetting and transferred to a sterile syringe. Alginate beads

were formed by the diffusion method, dripping ~10 μL drops of the solution from

the syringe needle (26 gauge) into a calcium chloride solution (102 mM). The

beads were allowed to gel by inward diffusion of Ca2+ for 10 min at ambient

temperature. After washing twice in 0.9% NaCl and twice in DMEM, the alginate

beads were transferred to 24-well tissue culture dishes with 10 beads per well

(Greiner Bio-one, Kremsmuenster, Austria). The cells were cultured in 500 μl of

DMEM per well, supplemented with 10% FBS, 100 U/ml penicillin, 100 μg/ml

streptomycin, 2.5 μg/ml amphotericin B, and 50 μg/ml ascorbate-2-phosphate

(Sigma). We note that our purpose is to develop a clinical procedure where freshly

Chapter 3


harvested cells are immediately transplanted back into the patient in an alginate

scaffold. For this reason, we did not first do expansion in 2D culture, but

characterized gene expression for freshly isolated cells cultured in 3D.

Real-time PCR

Alginate beads were dissolved in alginate dissolving buffer (55 mM Na-citrate,

0.15 M NaCl, 30 mM Na2 EDTA, pH 6.8), total RNA was isolated from the cells with

the RNeasy mini kit (Qiagen, Gaithersburg, MD), and DNase I treatment was

performed as described by the manufacturer to remove any contaminating

genomic DNA. Total RNA (750 ng) was reverse transcribed using 250 U/ml

Transcriptor Reverse Transcriptase (Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany),

0.08 U random primers (Roche diagnostics), and 1 mM of each dNTP (Invitrogen,

Carlsbad, CA) in Transcriptor RT reaction buffer at 42 °C for 45 min followed by

inactivation of the enzyme at 80 °C for 5 min. Real-time PCR reactions were

performed using the SYBRGreen reaction kit according to the manufacturer’s

instructions (Roche Diagnostics) in a LightCycler 480 (Roche Diagnostics). The

Light-Cycler reactions were prepared in 20 μl total volume with 7 μl PCR-H2O, 0.5

μl forward primer (0.2 μM), 0.5 μl reverse primer (0.2 μM), 10 μl LightCycler

Mastermix (LightCycler 480 SYBR Green I Master; Roche Diagnostics), to which 2

μl of 5 times diluted cDNA was added as PCR template. Primers (Invitrogen) used

for real-time PCR are listed in Table 1. Specific primers were designed from

sequences available in data banks, based on homology in conserved domains

between human, mouse, rat, dog and cow. The amplified PCR fragment extended

over at least one exon-border (except for 18S). Tyrosine 3-

monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein, zeta

polypeptide (Ywhaz) and hypoxanthine 18S (ribosomal RNA) were used as

housekeeping genes and the gene expression levels were normalized using a

normalization factor calculated with the equation √ (Ywhaz x 18S). With the

LightCycler software (version 4), the crossing points were assessed and plotted

versus the serial dilution of known concentrations of the standards derived from

each gene using the Fit Points method. PCR efficiency was calculated by Light-

Cycler software and the data were used only if the calculated PCR efficiency was

between 1.85 and 2.0.

Engineering alginate



gene Oligonucleotide sequence


temperature (°C)


size (bp)

Ywhaz Forward 5' GATGAAGCCATTGCTGAACTTG 3' 56 229


18S Forward 5' GTAACCCGTTGAACCCCATT 3' 56 151


Agc Forward 5' CAACTACCCGGCCATCC 3' 57 160


Col1a1 Forward 5' TCCAACGAGATCGAGATCC 3' 57 191


Col2a1 Forward 5' AGGGCCAGGATGTCCGGCA 3' 56 195


Ywhaz, tyrosine 3-monooxygenase/tryptophan 5-monooxygenase activation protein, zeta

polypeptide; 18S, 18S ribosomal RNA; Agc, aggrecan; Col1a1, α1(I)procollagen; Col2a1,


Table I: Primer sequences used for real time PCR

Statistical analysis

For the rheological measurements, unpaired Students’ T-test was used for

statistical analysis. P < 0.05 was considered as significant. For the real-time PCR

experiments, Friedman’s non-parametric rank test was used to determine

statistically significant differences within an experiment. When statistically

significant differences were detected, assessment of differences between

individual groups was performed using Wilcoxon’s signed-rank test.

Chapter 3



Alginate sample discs prepared by different methods

We prepared alginate discs of concentrations between 1 and 6 wt% by two

different methods, namely by diffusion of Ca2+ ions from outside or by in situ

release of Ca2+ from calcium carbonate inside the alginate. To characterize the

viscoelastic properties, we performed small amplitude oscillatory shear tests on

the alginate discs. Both series of samples became significantly stiffer with

increasing alginate concentration (square symbols, upper panel Fig. 1). However,

the samples prepared by diffusion (black squares) were at least ten-fold stiffer

than the in situ gelated samples (grey squares) at all alginate concentrations

(significant with P < 0.05). The sample-to-sample variability was higher for the

diffusion series than for the in situ series, as shown by the larger error bars. This

indicates that the diffusion samples were less homogeneous than the in situ

gelled samples, consistent with prior observations [32]. The viscous modulus of

the samples prepared by diffusion (black triangles) was also significantly larger

than that of the in situ polymerized samples (grey triangles). The loss tangent

(G′′/G′) was independent of alginate concentration for the diffusion gelated

samples (P > 0.05), as shown in the bottom panel of Fig. 1 (black circles). For the in

situ gelled samples (grey circles), the 4% and 6% alginate samples had a

significantly lower loss tangent than the 2% alginate samples (P < 0.05). The loss

tangent of the samples prepared by diffusion (black circles) was significantly

higher than that of samples that were gelled in situ (grey circles). These findings

implicate that the diffusion samples are stiffer but also have a higher viscosity. To

characterize the nonlinear viscoelastic behaviour, we subjected the alginate discs

to large amplitude oscillatory shear. The alginate samples prepared by diffusion

showed no appreciable linear elastic regime: their shear modulus immediately

started to decrease as the strain amplitude was raised, and they failed already at

strains of about 100% (black symbols in Fig. 2). In contrast, the samples prepared

by in situ gelation were linearly elastic up to strains of about 10%, and thereafter

gradually strain-weakened (grey symbols in Fig. 2).

Engineering alginate


Figure 1: Linear viscoelastic behaviour of alginate matrices. Upper panel: dependence of scaffold

stiffness (G′, squares), and viscous modulus (G′′, triangles), on alginate concentration (%), for

samples prepared by diffusion (black symbols) and in situ gelation (grey symbols), measured at 10

rad/s. Bottom panel: dependence of the loss tangent of alginate scaffolds on alginate concentration,

for samples prepared by diffusion (black circles) and in situ gelation (grey circles).

Chapter 3


Figure 2: Nonlinear viscoelastic response of alginate matrices to large amplitude oscillatory shear.

The complex shear modulus of the alginate scaffolds is plotted as a function of strain amplitude.

Samples prepared by diffusion gelation (black symbols) gradually strain-weaken and fail at

approximately 100% strain, whereas in situ gelled samples (grey symbols) are linearly elastic up to

10% strain, and then gradually weaken. Symbols correspond to alginate concentrations of 2%

(squares), 4% (circles), and 6% (triangles).

Engineering alginate


Stability of samples discs in cell culture medium

After prolonged incubation, all samples were visibly weaker than freshly prepared

samples. The samples of the lowest concentrations (1% for diffusion and 2% for in

situ gelation) had even become too fragile for testing by rheology. After 1 day of

incubation in cell culture medium, the diffusion samples already showed a 10%

reduction in elastic and viscous modulus (black symbols, upper panel Fig. 3). The

decreases of G′ and G′′ were statistically significant at alginate concentrations of

2% (black squares) and 6% samples (black triangles), but not at 4% (black circles;

G′ : P = 0.3, G′′ : P = 0.08). After 10 days, the moduli were ten-fold lower than the

original value at t = 0(P < 0.05). The samples gelled in situ also showed a

significant decline in stiffness, but less (~40% compared to the initial value), than

samples prepared by diffusion (~90% compared to the initial value), both at an

alginate concentration of 4% (grey circles) and 6% (grey triangles), as shown in the

upper panel of Fig. 3. After 10 days, there was no longer a significant difference in

stiffness between alginate samples of different concentrations or prepared by

different methods. As shown in the bottom panel of Fig. 3, the loss tangent of

samples prepared by diffusion (black symbols) and in situ gelling (grey symbols)

significantly decreased with increasing incubation time in medium, while being

independent of alginate concentration (compare 2%, squares, and 4%, circles).

The decrease of loss tangent of the 2% diffusion gelled samples only showed a

non-significant decline in the loss tangent after 10 days compared to day 0 and 1

(P = 0.07 and P = 0.16). After 10 days, the loss tangents of all samples were

statistically indistinguishable.

Chapter 3


Figure 3: Time-dependence of the linear viscoelastic behaviour of alginate matrices stored in cell

culture medium. Upper panel: the complex shear modulus of alginate discs prepared by diffusion

gelation (black symbols) or in situ gelling (grey symbols) upon incubation in cell culture medium for 1

and 10 days (at 10 rad/s). Symbols correspond to alginate concentrations of 2% (squares), 4%

(circles), and 6% (triangles). After 10 days, no significant differences in stiffness remain. Bottom

panel: loss tangent of alginate discs upon incubation in cell culture medium for 1 and 10 days

(measured at a frequency of 10 rad/s).

Engineering alginate


ECM gene expression

To assess the influence of the alginate matrices on the biosynthetic phenotype of

native tissue cells, we cultured NP, AC, and AF cells isolated from goat IVDs and

cartilage inside alginate beads with concentrations of 2%–6% alginate. We

measured the expression levels of NP-specific extracellular matrix components

(collagen types I and II and aggrecan) by real-time PCR. Cells freshly isolated from

the AF showed the highest level of type I collagen gene expression and

chondrocytes from AC showed the lowest expression level (Fig. 4, T = 0;

differences statistically significant with p < 0.05). Upon culturing in alginate beads,

there was an increase in type I collagen gene expression by all the cells after 1

week (p < 0.001) which was sustained after 2 and 4 weeks (Fig. 4). However, this

increase was not significantly influenced by the alginate concentration over a

range of 2%–6% (p > 0.05). The increase in gene expression of type I collagen was

strongest for the NP cells. After 4 weeks of culture, the expression level of type I

collagen for NP cells was similar to the levels found in AF cells (p = 0.08). The

levels found in AC cells consistently remained the lowest (p < 0.05). The highest

type II collagen gene expression levels directly after cell isolation were found in AC

cells and the lowest in AF cells (Fig. 5 T = 0; differences statistically significant with

p < 0.05). The gene expression level of type II collagen for all cell types was

decreased significantly after 1 week of culture in alginate (p < 0.001), but

thereafter remained constant (Fig. 5, p > 0.3).

Levels of type II collagen expression remained the lowest in AF cells (p < 0.05),

while NP and AC cells had similar levels of expression after 1 or more weeks

culturing in alginate (p = 0.067). Levels of aggrecan gene expression were highest

for NP cells after isolation (Fig. 6 T = 0, p < 0.05). Culture in alginate led to a steady

decrease of the aggrecan gene expression levels of all three cell types, which was

already noticeable after 1 week (p < 0.001). NP cells had higher aggrecan gene

expression levels than AF and AC cells (p < 0.05). No significant differences in the

gene expression levels for type I and II collagen and aggrecan could be found in

any of the cell populations when cultured in beads with alginate concentrations of

2% (white bars), 4% (grey bars), or 6% (black bars) (Figs. 4–6; p > 0.05).

Chapter 3


Figure 4: Gene expression levels for type I collagen of native cells cultured in alginate matrices. Real-

time PCR was performed on reverse-transcribed RNA isolated from cells derived from the NP, AF and

AC of goat intervertebral discs after 0, 7, 14, and 28 days of culture in alginate beads with a

concentration of 2% (white bars), 4% (grey bars) and 6% (black bars). The gene expression level of

type I collagen (Col1a1) is normalized by the expression levels of two housekeeping genes (2hk). Data

are shown as mean ± SD. Differences between NP, AF, and AC cells are statistically significant with p

< 0.05 at all time points and alginate concentrations (except for NP–AF in Fig. 4(D), p = 0.08). The

dependence on alginate concentration for each cell type is not statistically significant (p > 0.05).

Changes with time are significant for all cells on going from T = 0 to later time points (p < 0.001), and

for NP cells there is a significant increase between T = 1 week to 4 weeks (p = 0.03). Otherwise, there

are no statistically significant time changes.

Engineering alginate


Figure 5: Gene expression levels for type II collagen of native cells cultured in alginate matrices. Real-

time PCR was performed on reverse-transcribed RNA isolated from cells derived from the NP, AF and

AC of goat intervertebral discs after 0, 7, 14, and 28 days of culture in alginate beads with a

concentration of 2% (white bars), 4% (grey bars) and 6% (black bars). The gene expression level of

type II collagen (Col2a1) is normalized by the expression levels of two housekeeping genes (2hk).

Data are shown as mean ± SD. Differences between NP, AF, and AC cells are statistically significant

with p < 0.05 at all time points and alginate concentrations (except for NP-AC in Fig. 4(B), p = 0.067).

The dependence on alginate concentration for each cell type is not statistically significant (p > 0.05).

There is only a significant change with time for all cells on going from T = 0 to T = 1 or more weeks (p

< 0.001).

Chapter 3


Figure 6: Gene expression levels for aggrecan of native cells cultured in alginate matrices. Real-time

PCR was performed on reverse-transcribed RNA isolated from cells derived from the NP, AF and AC of

goat intervertebral discs after 0, 7, 14, and 28 days of culture in alginate beads with a concentration

of 2% (white bars), 4% (grey bars) and 6% (black bars). The gene expression level of aggrecan (Acan)

is normalized by the expression levels of two housekeeping genes (2hk). Data are shown as mean ±

SD. Differences between NP, AF, and AC cells are statistically significant with p < 0.05 at all time

points and alginate concentrations. The dependence on alginate concentration for each cell type is

not statistically significant (p > 0.05). There is only a significant change with time for all cells on

going from T = 0 to T = 1 or more weeks (p < 0.001) and for the AC cells between week 2 and 4 (p =


Engineering alginate



The principal aim of the current study was to design alginate scaffolds with

viscoelastic properties that mimic those of the NP. We showed that the stiffness

of alginate scaffolds, crosslinked by diffusion of calcium into the alginate solution,

can be varied over two orders of magnitude (between 1 kPa and almost 100 kPa)

by varying the alginate concentration. The loss tangent was not affected by

variations in polymer concentration. The closest matching of the stiffness as well

as loss tangent of a healthy NP, which has a stiffness of 11 kPa and loss tangent of

about 0.24 [21], was found for 2% alginate scaffolds. Other cartilaginous tissues

are stiffer than even the most concentrated alginate discs (6%) (Table 2). It is

difficult to prepare more concentrated alginate discs because the high viscosity of

the pre-gelled solution renders it difficult to process and mould the gel and to mix

in cells [3]. However, this difficulty may be counteracted by stirring the alginate

solutions, which are shear-thinning [3]. Moreover, the stiffness of alginate

scaffolds may be tuned by other factors, such as the alginate source, G/M ratio,

cross linker type, and temperature [3,23,27,32]. However, these factors are not

always accessible for manipulation in the context of tissue engineering. The G/M

ratio depends on alginate source and processing and is therefore usually fixed

upon delivery [23,25]. Changes in Ca2+ concentration and temperature influence

gelation time and thereby matrix organization and stiffness [3], but these

variations are not always well tolerated by seeded cells. We also compared

samples derived by diffusion gelation to samples prepared by in situ release of

Ca2+ [32].

Chapter 3


The “in situ” method has several practical advantages over the diffusion method

for clinical applications in tissue engineering. The liquid solution can be injected

via a syringe and gelation occurs inside the tissue of interest. Moreover, in situ

gelation results in more homogeneous scaffolds with less spatial and sample to-

sample variation in biomechanical properties. Scaffolds prepared by diffusion are

notoriously inhomogeneous due to the diffusion kinetics of calcium ions. Although

we prepared the diffusion scaffolds under standardized circumstances, the

structural inhomogeneity appeared to affect the rheology and may have affected

cell phenotype. The stiffness of alginate samples prepared by in situ gelation was

much lower than that of the diffusion samples, consistent with prior findings [28].

To assess the applicability of alginate discs for IVD repair, it is also crucial to

characterize the biological response of native tissue cells to prolonged culture in

an alginate matrix. We therefore screened the effects of alginate scaffolds

(prepared by diffusion) on native cells by measuring gene expression of

extracellular matrix components that are naturally present in the NP. The relative

gene expression levels for types I and II collagen found in native IVD cells after

isolation is in line with the well-known collagenous composition of these tissues

[1]. The AF contains a mixture of type I and II collagen, the NP contains more type

II collagen than the AF, and the AC contains predominantly type II collagen [1,22].

Aside from collagens, proteoglycans (mainly aggrecan) are the main components

of cartilage. The NP contains the highest amount of proteoglycans and the AF the

lowest amount [1,22]. This is reflected by the high gene expression levels of

aggrecan seen in native NP cells and the low levels found in native AF cells. The

differences found between the cell populations after isolation were mostly

maintained during culture in alginate beads, suggesting that alginate preserves

the phenotypical characteristics of the cells. Although we observed a decrease in

the gene expression levels of type II collagen and aggrecan during culture in

alginate beads, it has been reported that AC and IVD cells do produce

considerable amounts of both proteins under these culture conditions

[8,16,31,37]. In contrast, cells cultured on polystyrene dishes lose the ability to

synthesize aggrecan and type II collagen and start to produce more type I collagen

[9]. We did not observe any effect of variations in the alginate concentration on

gene expression levels of type I and type II collagen or aggrecan by NP, AF or AC

cells cultured within alginate gels (Figs. 4–6). This observation is in contrast with

Engineering alginate


observations on other cell types cultured on top of flat elastic hydrogels, where a

pronounced influence of matrix stiffness on ECM synthesis has been documented

[4]. However, a requirement for a stiffness-responsive cell phenotype is that the

cell adheres to the scaffold material via integrin adhesions so that the cell can

exert traction forces to the matrix by actomyosin contractility [13]. Cells have no

integrin receptors for alginate and therefore adhere very weakly to alginate

matrices [3]. They can therefore not actively respond to matrix stiffness via focal

adhesion sites. Several methods to promote cell attachment to alginate matrices

are currently being studied; for instance, by coupling of extracellular matrix

proteins such as laminin, collagen, fibronectin, or RGD peptides [2,3,11,19]. We

note that another reason for the lack of sensitivity to matrix stiffness observed in

our study may be the rapid reduction of matrix stiffness upon prolonged exposure

to cell culture medium. Similarly, it has been documented that alginate scaffolds

rapidly soften after implantation in vivo [32]. This softening has been attributed to

the loss of divalent crosslinking cations at neutral pH [3].

In our study, we observed a 10% decline in stiffness after 1 day and a ten-fold

decline after 10 days in medium in samples prepared by diffusion (Fig. 3). The ‘in

situ’ gelled samples softened less in medium, but were much softer than samples

prepared by diffusion to begin with, so that their stiffness after 10 days was

similar to that of the diffusion samples. The consequence of the loss of stiffness is

that the 2% alginate scaffold no longer matched

the stiffness of the NP after 10 days. Moreover, even the stiffness of the 6%

alginate scaffolds was lower than that of the NP after 10 days. Several methods to

prevent the loss of stiffness during storage in medium have been reported.

Arguably the most straightforward method is to supplement Ca2+ to the medium.

However, this strategy is not attractive in the context of NP regeneration, where

chondrogenic differentiation is required, since calcium has osteogenic effects.

Moreover, the Ca2+ concentration of the environment is difficult to control after

in vivo implantation. An alternative strategy is the addition of cationic

polyethyleneimine to alginate to increase the resistance to de-crosslinking

[23,24]. Finally, the addition of cells is known to have stabilizing effects on the

alginate matrix [3]. We could not test this stabilizing effect with native IVD cells,

because there were not enough cells available for the large sample sizes required

for rheology. In fact, limited availability of cells is also a limiting factor for IVD

Chapter 3


engineering with native cells [5]. In patients, the availability of IVD tissue for

digestion is even less than in our study, in which we used pooled IVDs derived

from goat thoracic spines. An attractive alternative is the use of mesenchymal

stem cells [30], but differentiation towards NP or AF phenotypes is still not fully

directional [5]. Furthermore, specific phenotypic markers to distinguish both cell

types are currently being elucidated [26,34,36,37].

In conclusion, we showed that the stiffness of alginate scaffolds can be varied by

tuning the alginate polymer concentration and can be matched to the stiffness of

the NP. Moreover, the biosynthetic phenotype of native IVD cells is maintained

upon prolonged culture in alginate matrices. There are still some practical

limitations that need to be solved, specifically the long-term mechanical stability

in vivo, the bioadhesive properties, and the availability of tissue cells from the

patient. Current study underscores the potential of alginate as a scaffold material

for IVD engineering, but more importantly reveals some important limitations,

which in spite of many promising research over the past decade, still have to be


Engineering alginate



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Engineering alginate


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Chapter 3


4 Migration of intervertebral disc cells into

dense collagen scaffolds intended for

functional replacement.

J L Bron

HW Mulder

LA Vonk

BZ Doulabi

MJ Oudhoff

TH Smit

Chapter 4



Invasion of cells from surrounding tissues is a crucial step for regeneration when

using a-cellular scaffolds as a replacement of the nucleus pulposus (NP). Aim of

the current study was to assess whether NP and surrounding annulus fibrosus (AF)

cells are capable of migrating into dense collagen scaffolds. We seeded freshly

harvested caprine NP and AF cells onto scaffolds consisting of 1.5 and 3.0% type I

collagen matrices, prepared by plastic compression, to assess cell invasion. The

migration distance was dependent both on time and on collagen density and was

higher for NP (25% of scaffold thickness) compared to AF (10%) cells after 4

weeks. Migration distance was not enhanced by Hst-2, a peptide derived from

saliva known to enhance fibroblast migration, and this was confirmed in a scratch

assay. In conclusion, we revealed invasion of cells into dense collagen scaffolds

and therewith encouraging first steps towards the use of a-cellular scaffolds for

NP replacement.

Migration of intervertebral disc cells



Lumbar discectomy is an effective therapy for neurological decompression in

patients suffering from a herniated nucleus pulposus (NP). Discectomies however,

do not deal with the damaged intervertebral disc (IVD) and may even further

aggravate existing damage [17]. In the majority of the patients, radiological signs

of disc degeneration are present after 2 years [18]. It is therefore not surprising,

that after a successful decompression, many patients suffer from persisting or

progressive low back pain. After 10 years follow-up, almost one third of the

patients are dissatisfied and a quarter underwent re-surgery in the meantime [5,

9, 16, 29]. During the last decade, increasing knowledge and technical

advancements in the field of tissue engineering have resulted in numerous

promising strategies to replace or regenerate the NP [17, 20]. Materials that have

been used include collagen, chitosan, alginate and fibrin [1–3, 6, 7, 19, 32]. All of

them have their own advantages, disadvantages, and clinical potential. In chapter

2, we showed that with very dense collagen scaffolds (23% or ~230 mg/mL),

prepared by plastic compression, the viscoelastic properties of native NP tissue

can be approached [6]. Scaffold stiffness is increasingly recognized as a potent

mechanical cue for the differentiation and biosynthetic response of (stem) cells [4,

6, 10–12, 14]. Our overall goal is to develop a-cellular collagen scaffolds that can

be used to replace the NP in one surgical procedure combined with a discectomy.

The scaffolds should prevent the degenerative cascade of the intervertebral disc

and surrounding structures, which is initiated directly after disc herniation.

Furthermore, restoration of the biomechanical properties should facilitate

regeneration of the herniated disc. The advantage of using an a-cellular scaffold is

the absence of time-consuming and expensive cell harvesting and culturing

techniques during surgery. Instead, cells from the surrounding tissue are

hypothesized to migrate into the scaffold thereby digesting the scaffold and

secreting their own native extra cellular matrix (ECM) [6, 17]. The invasion of cells,

also called ‘in situ seeding’, should occur from tissues that are in direct contact

with the scaffold and thus only include the remnants of the NP and the

surrounding annulus fibrosus (AF) [5].

The aim of the current study is to investigate if AF and NP cells are actually

capable of migrating into dense collagen scaffolds. We investigate the migration

of cells into scaffolds with densities of 1.5% (~15 mg/mL) and 3.0% (~30 mg/mL)

Chapter 4


collagen. Since the spaces between collagen fibers in dense collagen matrices are

too small for cells to pass (Fig. 1), migration is expected to occur only in the

presence of some matrix breakdown. We therefore studied the presence of

Endo180, a receptor involved in the uptake for intra-cellular degradation of

collagen and migration of the cells [31]. We also studied if migration can be

enhanced by the use of a chemotactic agent. For this purpose we used Histatin-2,

a peptide derived from saliva, which was recently discovered to have chemo

attractive properties on fibroblasts [23, 24]. The migratory effects of Histatin-2 are

finally confirmed in a scratch assay, which is a more sensitive and reproducible

model to detect migration [8].



Figure 1: Transmission electron microscopic

pictures of the collagen scaffolds;

a. Uncompressed 0.5% (~5 mg/mL),

b. Compressed 1.5% (~15 mg/mL) and

c. Compressed 3% (~30 mg/mL).

The spaces between individual collagen

fibers can be estimated from the bars in the

lower right hand corners (500 nm)

Migration of intervertebral disc cells


Materials and methods

Cell isolation and culturing

Cells of the AF and the NP were isolated from the thoracic spines of mature

female Dutch milk goats. The IVDs were carefully excised from the endplates and

separated into the AF and NP by knife. The tissues were minced and digested

under gentle shaking at 37 °C in medium composed of Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle’s

Medium (DMEM, Invitrogen, Carlsbad, Ca, USA) supplemented with 500 μg/ml

streptomycin (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA), 600 μg/ml penicillin (Sigma-

Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) and 2.5 μg/ml amphotericin B (Fungizone, Sigma-

Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) in the presence of 2.5 % (w/v) pronase E (Sigma-

Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) (digestion of the NP) or 5% (w/v) pronase E (digestion

of the AF). After 1 hour a solution of medium, fetal calf serum (FCS, HyClone,

South Logan UT, USA) and liberase (Roche, Mannheim Germany) was added. The

final concentration of liberase was 0.125% (w/v) for digestion of the NP and 0.25

% (w/v) for digestion of the AF. The final concentration FCS was 5% for both types

of tissue. Tissue was digested overnight (stirring, 37 °C). All digests were filtered

through a cell strainer (100 μm pores, BD Falcon, San Jose, CA, USA). After

centrifuging for 10 minutes at 600 RCF, the cells were rinsed in medium

containing 10% FCS. Additionally, the cells that were used in the threedimensional

migration experiments were stained with 5 μM DiI (λabsorption = 553 nm,

λemission= 570 nm, Molecular Probes, Carlsbad, Ca, USA) for 20 minutes (37 °C,

5% CO2) and washed twice in phosphate buffered saline (PBS Invitrogen,

Carlsbad, Ca, USA). The cells were then resuspended in medium containing 10%

FCS and 50 μg/ml ascorbic acid (Merck Biosciences, Sandiago, CA, USA), which will

be referred to as IVD cell medium.

Preparation of the collagen scaffolds

Dense collagen scaffolds were prepared by plastic compression, as described in

chapter 2. Briefly, a collagen solution (6 mg/ml, Arthro Kinetics, Esslingen,

Germany) was neutralized, moulded in a cylinder with a cell culture insert on the

bottom, and then polymerized in an incubator (37 °C, 5% CO2) for 90 minutes.

Then a stamp was put on top of the matrix and the cylinder was put in the

incubator overnight. The pores of the cell culture inserts allow the fluid to pass

and retain the collagen matrix thereby increasing its density. The scaffold had a

Chapter 4


final height of 3.6 mm and a circular shape (diameter 25 mm, similar to the

cylinders). Scaffolds were prepared in two densities, 1.5 and 3% collagen (Fig 2).

Histatin-2 synthesis

Peptides were synthesized by solid-phase peptide synthesis by Fmoc chemistry

with a MilliGen 9050 peptide synthesizer (Milligen-Bioresearch, Bredford, MA,

USA). Purification by reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography

(RP_HPLC) and confirmation of authenticity by mass spectrometry (MS) were

conducted as described previously [23,28]. The amino-acid sequence of Histatin 2

(Hst2) is RKFHEKHHSHREFPFYGDYGSNYLYDN. In addition, a dextro nantiomer, D-

Hst2 was synthesized, which was shown to lack migratory effect (23). The

sequence is the same, but made with D-amino acids.

Scaffold migration experiments

After the removal of the cell culture inserts together with the scaffolds from the

cylinders, they were transferred to the wells of a six-well plate filled with 1.5 ml

IVD cell medium. This arrangement is shown in Figure 2. A plexiglass ring was

placed inside the filter to prevent the leakage of medium from the upper side of

the scaffold into the well. To obtain a sufficient number of cells, the cells acquired

from two different donors were mixed and 300k of these mixed cells were seeded

on top of each scaffold. These cells were suspended in 0.5 ml IVD cell medium.

Every day 0.5 ml IVD cell medium was added on top of the scaffold, compensating

for the evaporation of the medium and also maintaining the chemotactic

gradient. The medium inside the well was replaced twice a week. Cells were

incubated for two or four weeks at 37 °C and 5% CO2. For the chemotactic

experiments, the medium inside the well contained 50 μg/ml Hst2 or D-Hst2.

During the incubation period, samples were visualized weekly using a Bio-Rad

MRC-1000 UV confocal system attached to an inverted microscope (Leica


Migration of intervertebral disc cells

63 Figure 2: Schematic presentation of the set up used for the migration experiments. First collagen

scaffold are made by plastic compression in a cylinder with a cell culture insert used as a filter on the

bottom (A). The filter is then transferred to a culture well and cells are seeded on top of the scaffolds



After the incubation period, the scaffolds were fixed with 4% formaldehyde and

stored at 4 °C overnight. The scaffolds were cut in half and one half was

dehydrated in a graded series of ethanol solutions, followed by xylene, and at last

the scaffold was embedded in paraffin. Sections of 7 μm thickness were prepared

orthogonal to the seeding plane. After deparaffinization of the sections with

xylene substitute and hydration in a declining series of ethanol solutions, sections

were stained with haematoxylin for 20 minutes, followed by eosin for 1 minute.

Sections were dehydrated in a series of ethanol solutions, transferred into xylene

and coverslipped. A bright-field microscope (Leica Microsystems, Bannockburn, IL,

USA) was used to visualize the sections. When the scaffold was too broad to be

visualized in a single view, two pictures with sufficient overlap were taken. An

overlay of these pictures was made using Photoshop (Adobe, San Jose, CA, USA).

Chapter 4


The pictures were read into Matlab (The MathWorks Inc., Eindhoven, The

Netherlands). The level of migration M is defined by: M= d/w x100%, where d is

the distance travelled by the cells and w is the width of the scaffold (Fig 3).

Relative migration was used as a measure of migration because of deformations

that where introduced in the scaffolds during the incubation period and fixation

process. The migration in a scaffold is calculated as the mean of four

measuruments at different positions in the scaffold. In turn, the migration for

each different condition is the mean of the triple experiments. The standard

deviation per condition is calculated as the root of the sum of the squared

standard deviations of each individual scaffold. Only samples in which at least at

two different positions migration could be determined are included in the


Figure 3: Examples of 1.5 % collagen scaffolds seeded with AF (A) and NP (B) cells after 28 days of

migration (Stain: Haematoxylin eosin. Magnification x20)


A custom made rabbit polyclonal antibody (B.Z.D.) directed against KLH-coupled

linear synthetic peptide C-GTDVREPDDSPQGRRE corresponding to the hinge

domain between two adjacent Ctype lectin-like domains (CTLDs) of ENDO 180

protein was used to verify the presence of Endo180 in the cells. Preliminary

sections were deparaffinized with xylene substitute and hydrated in a declining

series of ethanol solutions. The sections were then treated with proteinase K to

retrieve the antigen (10 μg/ml, Merck, Darmstadt, Germany) for 30 minutes and

washed three times with PBS. Subsequently, sections were incubated for 10

Migration of intervertebral disc cells


minutes with 3% hydrogen peroxide in methanol to block endogenous peroxidase

activity and washed again with PBS. Sections were incubated with blocking

solution (Zymed Laboratories, San Francisco, CA, USA) for 30 minutes and

incubated with affinity purified primary antibody (1,3 μg/ml) for 30 minutes at

room temperature followed by incubation overnight at 4 oC. Universal negative

control (rabbit antibodies, Dako) was used as negative control. Next day sections

were washed with a solution of TBS, 0.25% BSA and 0.5% Triton X-100 and

incubated for 30 minutes with 1:500 diluted HRP-labelled sheep anti-rabbit

secondary antibody (Dako). After washing with PBS, sections were incubated for

15 minutes with 3,3’-diaminobenzidine (DAB) and hydrogen peroxide (peroxidase

substrate kit DAB, Vector Laboratories, Burlingame, CA, USA) and washed in

distilled water. Sections were counterstained with Mayer’s haematoxylin or 2


Scratch assay

The effects of Hst2 on the migration of AF and NP cells were also examined in a

2D scratch assay. In 48-well plates, 25,000 cells were seeded and cultured until

confluence in IVD cell medium. After five hours of serum deprivation a scratch

was made using a sterile blue pipette tip. The following conditions were tested:

IVD cell medium without serum, IVD cell medium without serum containing 10, 50

or 100 μg/ml Hst2 or 50 μg/ml D-Hst2, and IVD cell medium. The scratch was

photographed at the day of creation (day 0) and after two days. For each sample

the surface area of the scratch was determined in the open source software

ImageJ. Per donor the mean of the experiments performed in triplicate was

calculated. From these mean values relative closure (RC) was calculated as

described by Oudhoff et al. [23] and given by: 20




. X0 is the mean

surface area of the scratch in a specified condition at day 0 and X2 is the mean

surface area at the second day. SF0 is the mean surface area of the scratch in

serum free medium at day 0 and SF2 is the mean surface area after two days of

exposure to serum free medium. Cells were fixed for 20 minutes in 4% para-

formaldehyde and stained with ALEXA-conjugated phalloidin (5 U/ml, Molecular

Probes) for 1 hour in a dark environment. In addition to the actin staining, the

nuclei of the cells were stained by the addition of vectashield with DAPI (Vector

Chapter 4


Laboratories, Burlingame, CA, USA). Cells were viewed under a fluorescence


Statistical analysis

Statistical significance of the data was determined with a N-way ANOVA

procedure. Additionally a t-test with Bonferroni correction was performed to

determine significance between individual samples. A p-value less than 0.05 was

considered significant.


Migration without chemoattractant

After 14 days, there were no significant differences in the migration distance

between NP (white bars) or AF (black bars) cells (Fig. 4). In both series, the 1.5%

and the 3% scaffolds, the mean migration distance was limited to approximately

5% (~180 µm) of the full scaffolds thickness. After 28 days, the migration distance

of the NP cells had significantly increased compared to 14 days, while no

differences were observed for the AF cells (Fig. 4). The mean migration distance of

the NP cells after 28 days was significantly higher compared to the AF cells in both

scaffolds densities. For the 1.5% collagen scaffolds the mean distance was 25%

(~0.9 mm) for the NP cells compared to 9.5% (~0.35 mm) for the AF cells (P<0.05).

For both cell types, a significant higher migration distance was observed in the

1.5% collagen scaffolds compared to the 3% scaffolds (Fig. 4). The collagen

scaffolds were too dense to visualise cells in the deeper layers of the scaffold. An

example of the surface area of a scaffold is shown in Fig. 5.

Migration of intervertebral disc cells


Figure 4: Graphic showing the results of the migration experiments of NP (white bars) and AF (black

bars) cells after 14 (at the left) and 28 days (at the right) in 1.5 and 3% collagen matrices. After 14

days, no significant differences are observed. After 28 days, NP cells show a significantly higher

migration compared to the AF cells. For both cell types the migration is higher in the 1.5 compared to

the 3% collagen scaffolds

Figure 5: Surface area of 1, 5% collagen type I scaffolds after 1 week of incubation. (a AF cells, b NP

cells. Membrane Stain DiI)

Chapter 4


Migration with Hst-2

The addition of Hst-2 did not result in increased migration distance. Instead, in a

large fraction of the AF cell samples, no cells could be detected after 14 or 28

days, or too few to perform analysis. Although some cell death was also observed

in a few of the NP cell experiments, these data was sufficient for analysis. After 14

days, no differences were observed for NP cells with or without chemo attractant.

After 28 days however, NP cells in the samples supplemented with Hst-2 (Fig. 6,

grey bars) showed significantly less migration when compared to samples without

chemo attractant (Fig. 6, black bars) The migration without chemoattractant was

significantly higher compared to the migration with Hst2 or D-Hst2 (Fig. 6, white

bars). Between both peptides, no significant differences were found.

Figure 6: Graphic showing the results of the migration experiments of NP in a 1.5% collagen matrix

with and without the addition of Hst-2 as a chemo attractant. The results with the negative

enantiomer DHst-2 are also shown. The samples with Hst2 and Dhst-2 reveal a significantly

decreased migration after 28 days

Migration of intervertebral disc cells


Expression of endo180

The expression of endo180 by both NP and AF was assessed using an antibody

directed to a hinge domain in the protein. Figure 7 shows that endo180 was

expressed on both cell types after 14 days of migration in 1.5% collagen scaffolds.

Similar results were obtained after 28 days of incubation and in 3% scaffolds.

Figure 7: Images showing the results of Endo180 staining (brown colour) (HE counterstain) of 1.5%

collagen scaffolds after 14 days of migration. a AF cells stained for Endo180 (brown colour), b AF

cells, negative control, c NP cells stained for Endo180 (brown colour), d NP cells negative control

Scratch assay

The scratches had a mean width of 666 µm (+/- 77). No statistically significant

differences between AF and NP cells were observed in any of the assays (Fig. 8).

The addition of Hst-2 to the medium had no significant effect on scratch closure

compared to the negative control (D-Hst-2) or serum free medium. The addition

of 10% serum to the medium resulted in complete closure of the scratch in both

Chapter 4


assays with NP and AF cells (7). Staining of the F-actin filaments, to visualize the

morphology of the cells, revealed different cell shapes for AF and NP cells (Fig. 9).

In addition, differences were found between cells inside and outside the scratch.

Non-migrated NP cells outside the scratch had a round, chondrocytic, morphology

(Fig. 9a), while NP cells that had migrated into the scratch were characterized by

long dendritic processes (Fig. 9b). Cells of the AF outside the scratch had a more

flattened, fibroblast like, appearance (Fig. 9c), whereas cells inside the scratch

were more elongated and aligned with each other (Fig. 9d). To confirm Hst-2

activity, a scratch assay was performed with human oral mucosa derived cells

(HO-1-N-1 cell line), known to be sensitive for Hst-2 stimulation [24]. This assay

showed a significant increased scratch closure after addition of Hst-2 (Fig. 10).

Figure 8: Graphic showing the results of the scratch assay. No significant differences are observed

between the samples supplemented with Hst-2 compared to the negative control (D-Hst2) or serum

free medium. The addition of 10% serum to the medium resulted in a significant increase in closure of

the scratches

Migration of intervertebral disc cells

71 Figure 9: Images of cells during the scratch assay stained for F-actin (green) and the nuclei are

stained with DAPI (blue). a NP cells outside the scratch, b NP cells inside the scratch, c AF cells

outside the scratch, d AF cells inside the scratch

Figure 10: A confirmation scratch

assay with human squamous

carcinoma HO-1-N-1 cells reveals a

significant enhanced cell migration

after the addition of Hst-2

Chapter 4



The aim of the current study was to assess the migration of native cells into

collagen scaffolds intended for functional replacement of the NP. Migration

distance proved to be both time and density dependent. After 14 days, the

observed migration was very limited for all cell types and collagen densities.

Although current conditions are not fully comparable to other studies, since

migration is usually studied from high towards low density matrices, a certain ‘lag

phase’ before migration occurs has been recognised [25]. A few explanations have

been suggested for this phenomenon [25]. Firstly, cells require some time to

overcome the differences in matrix stiffness [15, 25]. This could also explain the

relatively long lag period (14 days) in the current study compared to previously

reported periods (16 h), since in the current study cells had to migrate into a high

stiffness matrix from the outside [15, 25]. Secondly, cells need some time to

upregulate biosynthetic features such as actin–myosin activity necessary for

migration [22, 25]. This again seems to apply for the current condition, since we

used freshly harvested cells for the experiments. Prior to harvesting, these cells

are surrounded by their own pericellular matrix, interacting with neighbouring

cells and subjected to tensile forces (AF cells) or hydrostatic pressure (NP cell) [5,

13]. Migration was not enhanced by the addition of Hst-2, a peptide present in

human saliva, which was described to be an important wound closure-stimulating

factor [23]. The peptide was shown to enhance the activity of oral and non oral

fibroblasts in vitro [24]. The exact receptor, however, to which the protein binds,

remains unknown [23, 24], making it difficult hypothesize why IVD cells were

insensitive to the pro-migratory effects of Hst-2 and cell death was even

increased. A scratch assay, which is a more sensitive model to detect chemotaxis

[23], confirmed that NP and AF cells are insensitive to Hst-2. Migration of both AF

and NP cells was not enhanced by Hst2 or D-hst2 compared to the negative

control (serum free medium). All samples showed significantly less migration than

the positive control (medium with 10% serum), in which full closure of the

scratches was observed. The absence of any chemo attractive effects of Hst2 on

current IVD cell populations might be related to differences between human and

caprine cells. We used cells derived from goats, while human cells were used in

earlier studies [23, 24]. Interestingly, the scratch assay allowed visualising the

phenotypical differences between NP and AF cells, both before and during

migration (Fig. 9). These findings are of importance since specific phenotypical

Migration of intervertebral disc cells


markers for both cell types are still being studied and not generally accepted [26,

27, 30].

We studied collagen densities of 1.5% (~15 mg/mL) and 3% (~30 mg/mL), which

are both higher compared to the free floating collagen matrices most often

studied (up to 0.5% or 5 mg/mL) [6]. In the latter, cells adhere to the matrix and

transmit forces to the collagen fibers resulting in increased stiffness and

contraction [25]. For stiffer matrices, as currently studied, cells have to undergo

major cytoskeletal reorganisation in order to induce the formation of stress fibers

and focal adhesions. Furthermore, microtubules play an important role in the

remodelling of 3D matrices. In stiff matrices, the microtubules determine cell

polarity, while they mainly participate in spreading in soft matrices [22, 25]. Miron

et al. [22] hypothesized that if the collagen matrix can resist the cellular traction

force, cells can move. Reversely, if the matrix cannot resist the traction forces,

remodelling occurs first. However, the matrices studied by Miron et al. had a

much lower collagen density (1.5 mg/mL) compared to our study (15 and 30

mg/mL). Figure 1 shows that the spaces between individual collagen fibers

(approximately ~100 nanometer) are too small for cells (~10–20 µm) to pass. For

this reason, some collagen degradation will be necessary to allow cell migration.

We therefore stained one specimen of every series with an antibody directed to

the hinge domain of the collagen internalisation receptor Endo180 (Fig. 7).

Endo180 binds and internalises collagen for lysosomal degradation and was

shown to be important for ECM remodelling and cell migration [21]. Interestingly,

expression of the receptor was found on both NP and AF cells. The presence of

the antibody indicates that cell invasion in stiff collagen matrices may occur via

collagen breakdown. This may be an important explanation why stimulation of

migration by a chemokine alone does not have any effect. However, the

differences in invasion and migration between AF and NP cells cannot be

explained, since endo180 was present on both (Fig. 7). Other mechanisms, either

via intra-cellular uptake or via extra-cellular collagen degradation (by matrix

metalloproteinases) might be responsible [21]. An important limitation of our

study is that the stiffness of the tested scaffolds (1.5 and 3%) is lower than the

stiffness of the NP itself, which was found to agree with 23% collagen [6]. We did

not study such high concentrations because preliminary studies in our laboratory

showed that this might require culturing times in the order of years. However, as

Chapter 4


scaffolds within the repaired intervertebral disc will continuously be loaded and

deformed, the migration speed of native cells into the scaffolds might actually be

higher in vivo. Furthermore, long culturing times, which limited our choice for

higher collagen densities, are of course no problem in vivo. In vivo studies in a

large animal models are required to address these issues.

Another potential limitation of current study is the use of scaffolds consisting of

Collagen type I, since the major collagen component of the NP is type II collagen.

However, the fabrication of dense collagen scaffold requires large amounts of

collagen, making collagen type II unattractive. Furthermore, the technique of

plastic compression has not yet been applied to type II collagen.

In conclusion, in the current study we showed that IVD cells are capable of

migrating into dense collagen scaffolds and that intra-cellular uptake and

digestion of collagen are involved. The migration speed was both time and density

dependent and was higher for NP compared to AF cells. Migration speed could

not be enhanced by the use of Hst-2, a peptide derived from human saliva that

was recently described to have chemo attractive properties. Although the

densities currently studied have a lower stiffness compared to the NP, current

results underscore the potential of ‘‘in situ’’ seeding concept of scaffolds for

intervertebral disc engineering. However, the thickness of the final implant should

be kept small to facilitate invasion and remodelling.


The authors like to thank Prof. Dr. E. C. I. Veerman for his kind donation of the

histatins and attributions to the design of the experiments

Migration of intervertebral disc cells



1. Abbushi A, Endres M, Cabraja M, Kroppenstedt SN, Thomale UW, Sittinger M,

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4. Breuls RG, Jiya TU, Smit TH: Scaffold stiffness influences cell behavior:

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5. Bron JL, Helder MN, Meisel HJ, van Royen BJ, Smit TH: Repair, regenerative and

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22. Miron-Mendoza M, Seemann J, Grinnell F: Collagen fibril flow and tissue

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Migration of intervertebral disc cells


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Chapter 4


5 Repair, regenerative and supportive

therapies of the annulus fibrosus:

achievements and challenges.

JL Bron

MN Helder

HJ Meisel

BJ van Royen

TH Smit

Chapter 5



Lumbar discectomy is a very effective therapy for neurological decompression in

patients suffering from sciatica due to a hernia nuclei pulposus. However, high

recurrence rates and persisting post-operative low back pain in these patients

require serious attention. In the past decade, tissue engineering strategies have

been developed mainly targeted to the regeneration of the nucleus pulposus (NP)

of the intervertebral disc. Accompanying techniques that deal with the damaged

annulus fibrous are now increasingly recognised as mandatory in order to prevent

re-herniation to increase the potential of NP repair and to confine NP

replacement therapies. In this chapter, the requirements, achievements and

challenges in this quickly emerging field of research are discussed.

Annulus fibrosus repair



Lumbar discectomy is an effective therapy for neurological decompression in

patients suffering from an herniated nucleus pulposus (HNP), which can be safely

performed via minimal invasive procedures [44, 128]. Current discectomy

procedures, however, are not directed to treat the damaged intervertebral disc

(IVD) and may even further aggravate existing damage [16, 22, 45]. It is therefore

not surprising that successful neurological decompression is often followed by

periods of persisting low back pain, severely affecting the quality of life [7, 8, 45].

Another serious problem in these patients is the high recurrence rates after

discectomy, affecting up to 15% of the patients [7, 8, 16, 23, 42, 59, 63, 66, 98,

113, 115]. Since discectomy is still the most performed spinal surgical procedure

worldwide and mainly affects the employed population, the resulting socio-

economical consequences are dramatic [61].

This gives investigators the impetus to search for new strategies that also deal

with the damaged IVD in patients treated for HNP [68, 74, 105]. During the last 5

years, increasing knowledge and technical advancements in the field of tissue

engineering has resulted in numerous promising strategies to repair, replace or

regenerate the herniated nucleus pulposus (NP) [45, 105]. None of these

advancements, however, has yet resulted in a clinically proven effective therapy.

One of the major limitations is the lack of effective strategies that deal with the

damaged annulus fibrosus (AF) [125]. Since optimal regeneration of the NP should

lead to restoration of the physiological intradiscal pressure, the surrounding AF is

generally of too inferior quality to withstand these forces. Without sufficient

attention to the damaged AF, these treatments might be condemned to fail [5,

125]. Therefore, intervertebral disc engineering strategies are increasingly

focusing on the regeneration or repair of the AF in order to reduce the number of

re-herniations, increase the potential of NP engineering strategies and to

mechanically assist NP replacement therapies [6, 125]. In this chapter, we will

discuss the requirements, achievements and challenges in this rapidly emerging

field of research.

Chapter 5



Structure of the annulus fibrosus

The IVD is confined by the two cartilage endplates and is composed of two distinct

structures, the nucleus pulposus (NP), and the surrounding annulus fibrosus (AF)

[53, 130]. The two cartilage endplates offer anatomical limitation to the vertebral

bodies and morphology along the plate is distinguished by a central articular-like

cartilage under the NP and a peripheral fibrocartilage appropriately associated

with the AF. During embryogenesis, the AF develops from the mesenchyme,

whereas the NP is derived from the notochord [120]. The AF consists of water

(65– 90%), collagen (50–70% dry weight), proteoglycans (10– 20% dry weight) and

noncollagenous proteins (e.g. elastin) [14, 114]. The AF has a laminate structure

consisting of a minimum of 15 (posterior) to a maximum of 25 (lateral) concentric

layers [71]. The layers are composed of type 1 collagen fibres that alternate in

angles from 28º (peripheral AF) to 44º (central AF) with respect to the transverse

plane of the disc [17, 71, 84]. The spaces between the separate layers of the AF

are called interlamellar septae, and they contain proteoglycan aggregates and a

complex structure of linking elements creating interlamellar cohesion [14,

89,111]. At the periphery, some of the annulus fibres pass the endplates to

penetrate into the bone of the vertebral body as ‘‘Sharpey’s fibres’’ [57]. Central

fibres either insert into the cartilage of both endplates or bend with the NP (Fig.

1). The highly organised structure of the AF results in a complex anisotropic

behaviour, with the tensile, compressive, and shear properties differing in the

axial, circumferential, and radial directions [11, 106, 114].

Based on structural and cellular differences, the AF can be further distincted into

an inner and an outer part (Fig. 2) [14, 15, 71, 114]. The inner AF is a broad

transition zone between the highly organised collagenous structure of the outer

AF and the highly hydrated NP and consists of a mixture of extra cellular matrix

(ECM) components of both [20, 130]. The inner AF is less hydrated than the NP

and the layers are more widely spaced compared to the outer AF [52].

Mechanically, the inner AF is more subjected to the high hydrostatic pressures of

the NP than to the tensile forces in the outer AF [73, 112]. These differences have

major consequences on ECM synthesis and turnover [52]. The proportion type 1

collagen increases from the inner part towards the outer annulus, whereas type II

Annulus fibrosus repair


collagen follows a counterwise distribution [14, 20, 122, 130]. Other proteins that

have a specific distribution include decorin and biglycan (mainly outer AF) and

collagen type X [inner AF and (aged) NP] [55]. Elastin constitutes 2% of the dry

weight of the AF, but plays an important role in the recoil properties of the AF [97,

129]. In the outer AF, long elastic fibres are present within the lamellae, running

parallel to each other and into the same direction as the collagen bundles. In the

inner AF, the fibres are present between adjacent lamellae as well as more

regularly organised within the lamellae [129]. These fibre networks couple

adjacent lamellae together allowing them to work cooperatively during dynamic

loading and prevent separation of lamellae during torsional compressive loading


Annulus fibrosus cells

In mature subjects the cell density in the AF is about 9 x106 cells/cm3, which is

over two times higher as compared to the NP [98]. Although all cells in the AF are

derived from the mesenchyme, cells within the layers of the AF, the interlamellar

spaces and the inner AF have their own morphology and synthesize a distinct ECM

[14, 28, 52, 71, 90, 98, 130]. The cells experience not only differences in

mechanical environment as described above, but also a rise in pO2 and pH and a

decrease in hydration from the central NP to the outer layers of the AF [50, 52, 94,

98, 118]. In the layers of the outer annulus, fusiform shaped cells, aligning with

the collagen fibres and alternating with each lamella are found [71, 90, 106]. In

the periphery of the outer annulus, these cells are interconnected by very long

processes which results in a continuous communicating network [14, 77]. The

processes are gradually reduced in length and increased in thickness towards the

inner AF. In the most central part of the outer AF, the cells are completely isolated

without any apparent physical, intercellular connections [14]. These outer annulus

cells mainly produce type I collagen [130]. The cells in the interlamellar septae

have a more flattened, disc-shaped morphology that show many similarities to

the cells of the NP [14]. The predominant cell morphology in the inner annulus

consists of spherical shaped cells with one or two short processes, having the

highest frequency at the border with the NP [14]. These chondrocyte-like cells in

the inner annulus mainly produce type II collagen. A recent study showed that

cells derived from the human AF were able to differentiate into the chondrogenic

and adipogenic lineages [95]. This suggests that cells in the AF could be skeletal

Chapter 5


progenitor cells that could be recruited under pathologic conditions such as

herniation. Otherwise, progenitor cells from surrounding tissue might perhaps be

capable to migrate into the intervertebral disc in the circumstances.

Pathophysiology tissue retrieved from a herniated disc is more often vascularised

and is more highly innervated than healthy tissue [97]. Not surprisingly, this

variant morphology also demonstrates a proclivity to MMP and cytokine

expression, each of which would be expected to contribute to further re-

modelling [97]. Besides these clearly pathologic conditions, other structural

changes do occur during ageing that are to a certain extent physiological but

might have consequences for its strength (Fig. 1). In the ageing AF of rats, the

number of distinct layers was found to decrease gradually and this loss of volume

is compensated by increasing thickness of individual layers and thickening of the

inner annulus [90]. In addition, the fibre bundles within the layers become more

irregularly distributed with increased interbundle spaces [90]. The loss of distinct

layers carries with it the inability for a sustained response to loading and support

[1, 41].

Figure 1 (Page 85): Histological image (toluidine blue) of the canine intervertebral disc revealing the

relation between the nucleus pulposus (NP), annulus fibrosus (AF) and endplates (EP). Some of the

most central AF fibres bend with the NP (arrow)

Figure 2 (Page 85): Sagittal section specimen of the L3–L4 intervertebral disc of a middle aged

asymptomatic male subject. NP nucleus pulposus, IA inner annulus fibrosus, OA outer annulus

fibrosus. Defects in the outer annulus (asterisk) and tears (hat symbol) are visible in the outer

annulus, without a sign of herniation. The NP has a severely dehydrated appearance due to

conservation techniques>>

Annulus fibrosus repair


Chapter 5


Due to dehydration of the inner annulus, the compressive load is insufficiently

converted in the integral of progressive recruitment of tensile support. The lack of

annular tone in the degenerated disc results in a lag of mechanical conversion and

the annulus comes under the force of axial compression, further reducing the

anisotropic capacity for deformation in the normal, healthy disc [2, 49]. These

changes have most significant impact on the posterolateral location of the AF,

that has the highest frequency of layer interruption [71, 110]. This is also the

region where the highest stresses are observed during loading [26] and where

annular tears, fissures, protrusions, extrusion and/or sequestrations may develop

[86]. Annular tears are seen in more than half of the patients in early adulthood

and are invariably present in the elderly (Fig. 1) [119]. The degree of degeneration

varies between subjects, for which genetic and environmental (e.g. physical

loading, smoking) factors are held responsible [10, 13, 81, 88]. Patients with a

genetic predisposition are more prone to disc degeneration under repeated

mechanical loading [10].

The relation between loading and degeneration of the AF has been studied by

several authors, but our knowledge is still only fragmented. Elverfig et al. [27]

showed that shear stress increased the intracellular calcium concentration in AF

cells. The sensitivity for shear stress was increased in the presence of the

inflammatory cytokine II–1 [27]. Rannou et al. [92] showed that static

compression resulted in a significant increase of apoptotic cells in the inner AF in a

mouse model. The authors also found an increased caspase-9 activity and

decreased mitochondrial membrane potential following overload, suggesting that

degeneration might be mediated through the mitochondrial apoptotic pathway

[91]. Furthermore, vibratory loading has been associated with the activation of

signalling pathways that regulate ECM destruction in the IVD [127]. Yamazaki

showed that gene expression in AF cells for key ECM components such as

aggrecan and type II collagen was suppressed following vibratory loading [126].

Lastly, cyclic tensile stretch was found to regulate the ECM by decreasing

proteoglycan production through a post-translational regulation involving nitrite

oxide [92]. Gruber et al. hypothesized that the well-recognised reduction in cell

number in the AF during ageing is an important factor for degeneration. This

should result in a loss of cell–cell communication and hence a disruption of

coordinated cell function [40]. Finally, many adult IVD’s show signs of dehydration

Annulus fibrosus repair


and ‘‘brown degeneration’’, which is the result of post-translational collagen

modification resulting in the formation of chromophores [83, 104]. In these discs,

accumulated or enhanced oxidative stress of matrix proteins has resulted in

glycoxidation of proteins [83]. Advanced glycosylation end products are further

processed to carboxymethyl-lysine by free oxygen radicals, which can be detected

by antibodies and used as a biomarker for oxidative stress [82].

Intrinsic healing potential

The intrinsic capacity of the AF to cope with damage or degenerative changes has

been studied in several animal studies [3, 29, 34, 43, 62, 75, 79, 85, 99, 109]. Key

and Ford [62] studied the healing capacity of three different types of posterior AF

lesions in a dog model. The lesions included a square annular window, a

transverse incision and puncture with a 20-gauge needle. At follow up, they found

that the lesions were initially filled with extravasated blood, fibrin, bone and

cartilage debris that was gradually replaced by a thin layer of fibrous tissue at

later time points (up to 22 weeks). Some of the levels within the window and

incision lesion group developed slowly progressive disc protrusion, which was

most common in the transversely incised discs. The levels that underwent needle

puncture revealed nothing abnormal and the site of puncture could not be

identified after 22 weeks. A recent study, however, with rabbit discs in an organ

culture model showed that needle puncture has immediate and progressive

mechanical and biologic consequences that may lead to degenerative remodelling

[65]. The findings of Key and Ford have been underscored and complemented in

many studies afterwards [29, 43, 85, 97].

Smith et al. [109] further specified the healing process in three different phases.

During the first phase, the outer AF heals, caused by a proliferative reaction in the

fibrous tissue spreading from the lateral parts of the wound to the median parts.

In the second phase, starting after a few weeks and lasting up to one year post-

operative, changes occur in inner annular fibres. Similarly to the outer AF, the

lateral parts of the inner AF layers gradually heal by a slow appositional spread in

the median direction. During the last phase, there is an increase in the number of

collagenous fibres in the NP tissue that has remained in the AF wound tract, which

becomes increasingly dense [109]. Similar findings were more recently obtained in

sheep and dog studies [43, 85].

Chapter 5


From the studies performed thus far it can be concluded that he AF has only a

very limited regenerative capacity after annulotomy. Depending on the technique

that is used, healing results in a thin layer of biomechanical inferior fibrous tissue

[31]. One of the reasons for the limited healing capacity may be the fact that

exterior repairs are not matched, or insulated to the demands of progressive

recruitment of fibres to tensile force [41, 54]. The mechanical basis for shifting

axial loading to circumferential tension requires that the nucleus volume remain

elastic, deformable and contained. When the lateral aspects of the annulus are

violated or scarred, the ability of the fibres to adequately contain the nucleus

changes. In the case of static patient posture and prolonged loading, the disc will

experience creep that is proportional to the stage of disc degeneration. In

practice, disc degeneration results in a stiffer matrix that does not accommodate

the modelling of a disc with normal morphology. If it is not possible to reduce the

axial load, then the inevitability of sustaining increasing force in a stiffened matrix

will lead to accelerated herniation and more rapid propagation of anular fissures


Surgical strategies

The limited intrinsic healing capacity of the AF negatively affects the success rates

of discectomies and NP replacement therapies. It also decreases the potential of

intervertebral disc regenerative strategies. To dissolve this problem, attempts to

preserve, repair, reinforce or regenerate the AF in addition to these surgical

techniques are desired.

Annulus closure techniques

The most straightforward solution is per operative suturing of the annular defect

and this has been studied by Ahlgren et al. [3] in a sheep model. Although they

found that sutured discs showed a tendency towards stronger healing, this was

not significant [3]. Unfortunately, no further studies on this subject have been

reported. The Xclose and INclose implants are now commercially available for

annuloplasty and can be seen as modified sutures with anchors [12, 18]. Sutures,

however, are fully directed to containment of the NP (replacement) and do not

compensate the loss of annulus material nor reverse the biomechanical changes

that have occurred in the damaged AF. The Barricaid is a commercially available

Annulus fibrosus repair


implant used in adjunction to discectomies that fully bridges the defect in the AF

[36]. This implant even reinforces the complete posterior annulus and would

therefore even prevent contralateral herniation. Several other novel suture, seal

and barrier techniques are currently being developed, resulting in increasing

attention at scientific workshops and conferences [9, 12, 16, 18, 36, 60, 108, 117].

More detailed analyses are therefore expected in peer reviewed journals in the

near future. The momentum of acceptance, however, needs to be balanced in the

proof of principle. Risks imposed by criticism need to be weighed in both short-

and long-term successes. Clinical durability is the eventual arbiter of technology

value, and open trials with clear data will be required.

Regenerative strategies

Regeneration of the damaged AF is an attractive concept, since it allows

restoration of all functions of the AF, but is exceptionally complex to achieve.

Regenerative strategies can be divided into cell therapy, gene therapy and tissue

engineering with scaffolds [45]. In case of the AF, however, direct mechanical

strength and a certain volume to patch the defect seem required in order to

contain the NP [125]. Ideally, it should combine direct closure of the defect, as

discussed in the preceding section, with the potential for regeneration. Cell and

gene therapies are therefore not suitable as standalone therapies, but should be

combined with scaffolds. Below, these strategies are first discussed separately,

followed by an overview of the studies performed with the necessary scaffolds.

Annulus cells

Annulus fibrosus cells that are used for AF tissue engineering are derived from

humans or various other species (Table 1). The use of human disc cells as a cell

source for tissue engineering is difficult because normal healthy disc tissue is not

available for such a treatment strategy. In previous studies with tissue derived

from herniated discs, an increased degree of cell senescence was found that

accumulates over time [38, 96], thus hampering the applicability of this cell source

for regenerative strategies [38]. Furthermore, isolation of the cells retrieved from

human discectomy material does usually not allow division between inner and

outer AF cells. Therefore, cells used for studying annulus regeneration are often

harvested from IVD’s from healthy small animals. To increase cell number, the AF

cells are cultured in vitro first. These cells are isolated from native tissue and it is

Chapter 5


therefore important to realise that the environment differs greatly from that in

situ. Cells no longer have processes, a pericellular matrix and are isolated from

each other, and are cultured in gels that do not always allow cellular sliding [25].

Annulus cells have shown to lose their phenotype during two-dimensional (2D)

culturing. Chou et al. [20] showed that up to passage two, both inner and outer

annulus cells are not different from freshly isolated cells. At later passages,

however, both cell types became indistinguishable fibroblast-like with similar type

I collagen expression and protein elaboration. The negative effects of monolayer

culturing are currently further investigated with specialised 2D environments like

collagen coatings, well inserts, or micro-grooved polycaprolactone membranes

[21, 37, 58].

To prevent the loss of their phenotype, AF cells are usually cultured in three-

dimensional (3D) environments, such as alginate, agarose or collagen hydrogels

[4, 37, 39, 64, 100, 130]. Chou et al. [21] found NP and inner and outer AF cells to

adopt similar phenotypes after two weeks of culturing in alginate. NP cells and AF

cells displayed a rounded chondrocyte-like morphology, expressing high levels of

type II collagen versus type I collagen and accumulation of sulphated GAG’s.

Indeed, the adopted phenotypes are typically NP-like and it was not investigated

by these authors whether the changes are reversible [21]. Gruber et al. assessed

the ECM expression of AF cells in different 3D culture environments including

collagen sponge, collagen gel, agarose, alginate and fibrin [39]. Collagen sponges

supported the most abundant ECM formation, whereas the ECM production was

nearly absent in fibrin gel. The ECM production, however, included types I and II

collagen, aggrecan and chondroitin-6-sulfotransferase for all carriers and this is

not specific for AF cells. Moreover, although alginate might be appropriate for

inner AF cells, outer AF cells do not survive well in alginate and show a different

morphology and matrix expression than observed in vivo [52]. It can be concluded

that the appropriate culture environment for AF cells has yet to be elucidated.

AF cells are very sensitive to pressure effects during culturing and this might be

useful for tissue engineering strategies. Reza et al. [93] cultured inner and outer

AF cells in PGA scaffolds to evaluate the effect of dynamic hydrostatic pressures

(HP). Type II collagen production was enhanced in both cell types by the

application of HP. This effect, but also the effects on ECM elaboration and

Annulus fibrosus repair


organization, was more pronounced in the scaffold seeded with outer AF cells

[93]. The value of these results for AF engineering however, may be questioned,

since AF cells in vivo are more subject to tensile and shearing forces and mainly

produce type I collagen. An attractive alternative, that would prevent the

problems regarding senescence, limited supply and culturing of autologous AF

cells, would be the use of mesenchymal stem cells [30, 51]. There are currently,

however, no studies available demonstrating stem cells to differentiate into AF

cells. The lack of conclusive phenotypic markers for both, AF cells and stem cells,

makes it difficult to study this differentiation [30].

Gene and bio-active factors

Extra cellular matrix production of AF cells can be influenced by various gene and

bio-active factors [72, 93, 116, 126]. A few studies have addressed the effect of

osteogenic protein-1 (OP-1) on AF cells cultured in alginate beads [72, 116].

Masuda et al. showed that continuous stimulation of rabbit AF cells cultured in

alginate beads with recombinant OP-1 led to an increase in the total DNA,

collagen content and a pronounced effect on proteoglycan synthesis. However,

the authors also showed that this stimulation is more effective in NP cells,

compared to AF cells [72]. Takegami et al. [116] showed that AF cells that were

stimulated with OP-1 were able to repair the ECM that was depleted of sulphated

glycosaminoglycans by chondroitinase ABC exposure. Since these studies show

that OP-1 has greater effects on PG synthesis and on NP cells, it may be

questioned if OP-1 really offers advantages for AF engineering. Zhang et al.

studied the effects of several bone morphogenetic proteins (BMP’s) and Sox-9

transfection on AF cells. They found that collagen synthesis could be enhanced by

over-expression of BMP-13 and of the transcription factor Sox9 [131]. Although

these in vitro results are promising, the effects of these growth factors upon

application in animals or humans in vivo remain unknown.


The ultimate goal of AF engineering is to achieve both direct mechanical stability

and to allow the formation of native tissue in the long term. In order to develop

suitable scaffolds for tissue engineering, general principles should be taken into

account including the immunogenicity, biocompatibility and biodegradability and

Chapter 5


method of graft delivery [67]. Specific requirements may be recognised for AF

scaffolds. They should:

– Fill and/or repair the AF gap to contain the NP (replacement)

– Allow fixation to the surrounding structures, i.e. endplates and/or surrounding

AF tissue

– Allow AF cells (or stem cells) to survive (differentiate), synthesize and secrete

the native ECM

– Have the characteristic anisotropic behaviour, to maintain/restore the

mechanical properties of a spinal motion segment

– Not irritate or adhere to the perineurium

Several scaffolds that could be used for AF tissue engineering have been proposed

and evaluated in in vitro or in small in vivo studies. In Table 1 these studies are

summarised, as well as to which extent they meet the aforementioned

requirements. Without exception, strategies for delivery and fixation in vivo are

lacking. Accurate mechanical characterizations are sparse. Only one study

reported of a scaffold material showing anisotropic behaviour, comparable to the

AF [84]. Anisotropy however, deserves further study, since a lack of tension was

found to influence collagenase and cytokine activity [24, 35]. The biphasic

appearance of the native AF has also been targeted by a single study. In this study,

the inner and outer AF were simulated by bone matrix gelatine (BMG) and poly-

caprolactone triol malate, respectively [122].

In general, these studies have been designed to investigate cell attachment,

morphology, proliferation and ECM production on the scaffolds. Native outer AF

cells have a typical elongated shape and this is observed in most scaffolds [47, 84,

107, 121]. Shao and Hunter, however, found spherical shaped cells in their

scaffolds that agree with an inner AF cell morphology. Interestingly, most studies

report of the production of type II collagen and aggrecan [19, 78, 84, 102, 107,

121, 122], instead of collagen type I [47, 48, 107, 124], while the latter is by far the

most common ECM component of the AF. Ideally the cells are seeded in a

homogenous fashion through the scaffolds. The disadvantage of the silk and BMG

scaffold is that the cells only can be seeded on top and invasion occurs only slowly

[19, 122]. Chang et al. tried to improve cell attachment onto the silk scaffold by

Annulus fibrosus repair


chemically coating the scaffold with the integrin binding motif RGD. RGD,

however, did not result in enhanced cell attachment, but did result in higher levels

of type II collagen and aggrecan [19]. Higher levels of type II collagen is an

insufficient bridge to repair. Given the fact that type II collagen does not bundle or

form fibrillated structures, expression obtained by using RGD peptides may be

questioned. Using decorin, or small proteoglycans, which have known function in

appropriately binding TGFb might be a separate consideration [70].

A critical structural entity of the annulus structure is the network of type I

collagen forming fibrils oriented in sheets around the nucleus. A number of

molecules present in the matrix regulate and direct the collagen fibril assembly by

interacting with the collagen molecule and also the formed fibril. Several of these

molecules bind by one domain to the collagen fibre and present another

functional domain to interact either with other fibres or with other collagen

matrix constituents such as type VI collagen. In this manner the collagen fibres are

cross-linked into a network that provides tensile strength and distributes load

over large parts of the AF. Assembly occurs both by end-to-end and side-to-side

associations. This process is catalyzed by both biglycan and decorin, where the

combined effect of direct binding of the core protein to the collagen-6 N-terminal

globular domain and the presence of the glycosaminoglycan side chain is

essential. Diminished function in these cross-bridging molecules will lead to loss of

mechanical properties of the collagen network and result in an impaired ability of

the AF to resist forces delivered by compression of the disc and particularly the

nucleus. Decorin has been shown in other systems to retard the TGFbeta affected

fibrotic pathway and as such might limit fibrous scarring and impose tissue

specific remodeling [32, 56].

Translation from in vitro results to the in vivo situation is difficult and the few

studies that have assessed the scaffolds in vivo do provide important additional

information. Mizuno et al. [78] implanted complete tissue engineered IVD

constructs consisting of calcium alginate discs surrounded by a polyglycolic acid

(PGA) ring seeded with AF cells in the dorsum of athymic mice. The tissue that was

formed after 12 weeks follow-up tissue did not resemble native AF tissue with

alignment of cells and tissue. Cell proliferation and viability was not quantified in

this study. Sato et al. performed laser vaporization in rabbits and the lacunas in

Chapter 5


the NP and hole in the annulus were filled with an AF cell seeded atelocollagen

honeycomb shaped scaffold with a membrane seal (ACHMS-scaffold) [101–103].

They found a marked accumulation of cartilage like matrix inside and around the

scaffold, which was histologically comparable to native AF tissue [102]. Although

this combined NP/AF concept seems promising, it might be questionable if this

technique is also feasible to be used to fill larger annulus defects. Novel strategies

for delivery and fixation may be required.

Alternative therapies

Wang et al. simulated a herniation in a swine model and delivered gelfoam,

platinum coil, bone cement and tissue glue into the discs. Analysis was performed

after two months by quantitative discomanometry. The gelfoam proved best in

maintaining disc integrity with resistance to significantly higher intradiscal

pressures compared to the other groups. The gelfoam group was the only group

that was not significantly weaker compared to the intact disc group. The authors

conclude that gelfoam may be a potentially clinically applicable method to

prevent re-herniation [123]. However, although the foam is safe to use according

to the authors, it may be questioned how effective this method is in preventing

re-herniation in larger annulus defect than the 18 gauge lateral needle hole in the

presented animal model.

Annulus fibrosus repair


Chapter 5


Annulus fibrosus repair



Research on the AF as a target for novel therapies has only just started to evolve.

There are several limitations and pitfalls in the research thus far that should be

noted. Experimental AF lesions are generally made at the (antero) lateral region of

healthy AF’s (Fig. 2) and extrapolation of these studies to humans is difficult [87].

Repair mechanisms in animal studies may differ compared to patients with HNP

due to the pathophysiological changes within the IVD that have occurred in the

period prior to HNP (Fig. 1) [16]. Furthermore, it is important to realise that

annulus fissures commonly develop bilaterally [2]. When successful patching of an

AF defect allows restoration of the physiological high intradiscal pressures, the

contralateral fissure may progress and become symptomatic. Complete annulus

and nucleus tissue engineered constructs as for example of Mizuno et al. [78]

would offer a solution for this, but are even more difficult in terms of

implantation. There are striking discrepancies between AF closure techniques and

regenerative strategies. Closure techniques are primarily focussing on restoration

of the mechanical integrity of the AF and do offer clear solutions for delivery and

fixation. These developments are mainly practised in vivo and scientific data is

only sparse. Regenerative therapies, on the other hand, target the engineering of

healthy and functional AF tissue, but lack strategies for implantation and fixation

and thus for clinical application. Of course, a combination of strategies that offer

direct mechanical stability and potential for remodelling AF tissue would be


Future research

Now that the need for AF repair is increasingly recognised, many studies on this

subject are expected to be reported in the scientific literature in the upcoming

years. Both AF and NP engineering research are still in very early stages and

combined repair strategies should be attempted. Patients undergoing discectomy

should ideally benefit from a complete concept in which in one surgical procedure

the neurological structures are decompressed and the damaged NP and AF are

treated. The increasing knowledge on degradable (bio) polymers offers very

encouraging future perspectives [69]. Regenerative matrix scaffolds, biopath

materials, memory polymers, disc foams and synthetic gels to translate axial

loads, and bioactive hybrid polymers with differential sacrifice to generate cyclic

Chapter 5


loading during integration efforts might open new paths to successful treatment

of patients suffering from disc herniation. These therapies might be further

potentiated when combined with cell supplementation, bioactive factors and

cytokine modulation. The important role of mechanical loading in addition to IVD

engineering is yet underexposed. The use of an interspinous implant for example,

to favourably alter the motion, in addition to novel IVD engineering therapies in

patients undergoing lumbar discectomy deserves attention [33]. AF cells are a

phenotypically heterogeneous cell population. In many studies these differences

are disregarded and a mixture of AF cells is used. If we could reveal the exact

circumstances under which these cells elaborate, we might substitute these

different cell types by stem cells and stimulate them to differentiate into all native

cell types [46]. This should further prevent the inconveniences in the harvesting

and culturing procedures needed for AF cells.


Intervertebral disc regeneration offers promising perspectives for patients

suffering from low back pain due to disc herniation treated with lumbar

discectomy. Thus far, efforts for novel therapies have mainly been directed

towards replacement or regeneration of the NP. The real challenge, however, is

the development of strategies that deal with the damaged AF, preferably in a

combined approach with the NP. Regenerative therapies of the AF should always

be accompanied by a clear vision for future clinical application.


The authors are grateful to Timothy Ganey (Atlanta Medical Center, GA, USA) for

his contributions to the manuscript.

Annulus fibrosus repair



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Biomechanical and in vivo evaluation of experi-

mental closure devices of the annulus fibrosus

designed for a goat nucleus replacement model.

JL Bron

AJ van der Veen

MN Helder

BJ van Royen

TH Smit

Chapter 6



Promising strategies are being developed to replace or regenerate the herniated

nucleus pulposus. However, clinical efficacy of these methods has still to be

addressed, and the lack of appropriate annulus closure techniques is increasingly

being recognised as a major limiting factor. In the current study, in vitro and in

vivo evaluation of novel annulus closure devices (ACDs) was performed. These

devices are intended to be used in adjunct to nucleus replacement therapies in an

experimental goat study. After a standardised discectomy had been performed,

different ACDs were implanted solely or in addition to a collagen nucleus

replacement implant. Biomechanical effects and axial failure load were assessed

in vitro and followed by in vivo evaluation in a goat model. On axial compression,

the average axial failure load for ACDs with four barb rings was significantly higher

compared to the implants with five barb rings. The increased range of flexion–

extension and latero-flexion observed after discectomy were restored to the

normal range after implantation of the implants. Positive findings with the four-

ring ACD were confirmed in goats after a follow-up of 2 weeks in vivo. However,

after 6 weeks most implants (n = 16) showed signs of destruction and

displacement. Although there seemed to be a tendency towards better results

when ACDs were placed in addition to the nucleus replacements, these

differences were not statistically significant. Moreover, two endplate reactions

extending into the subchondral bone were observed, most likely due to

continuous friction between the ACD and the vertebrae. Although current results

are encouraging first steps towards the development of an efficient ACD for

animal models, further optimisation is necessary. Current results also show that

one cannot rely on in vitro biomechanical studies with annulus closure

techniques, and these should always be confirmed in vivo in a large animal model.

Biomechanical and in vivo evaluation



The lack of effective strategies to deal with the damaged annulus fibrosus (AF)

may currently be recognised as one of the major limiting factors for successful

intervertebral disc engineering after herniation [7, 8, 10, 11, 26]. During the last

decade, increasing knowledge and technical advancements in the field of tissue

engineering have resulted in numerous promising strategies to replace or

regenerate the nucleus pulposus (NP) [11, 19]. None of these advancements,

however, has yet resulted in a clinically proven effective therapy [12, 24]. Since

optimal regeneration of the NP should result in a restoration of the physiological

high intradiscal pressure, the surrounding AF is generally of too inferior quality to

withstand these forces [15]. In patients treated for disc herniation, there is often a

loss of annulus tissue, restricting the potential of sutures and glues [1, 12]. These

materials have limited strength, and the annulus usually has to be closed under

tension. Tissue engineering strategies of the AF that deal with the ‘gap’ due to loss

of AF tissue are currently being developed. However, the attempts are mainly

directed towards the engineering of native AF tissue, especially in the long term,

instead of providing instant mechanical strength after surgery [5]. These AF tissue

engineering attempts are therefore not ready to be used in adjunct nucleus

replacement strategies.

In this chapter, we investigate experimental ACDs, designed to be used in adjunct

to nucleus replacement therapies in a goat model. These devices are primarily

intended to enable the study of nucleus replacement therapies in animal models.

However, the findings may also reveal valuable information for the development

of human annulus closure devices. The purpose of the implants is to provide

immediate mechanical support without affecting the nucleus replacement

therapy or spinal biomechanics. Biomechanical and in vivo evaluation of the ACDs

were performed in a goat model, both solely and in addition to a collagen nucleus

replacement matrix that has been described earlier [12, 24].

Chapter 6


Materials and methods

Nucleus replacement model

A standardised discectomy procedure was developed, intended to allow the

evaluation of novel nucleus replacement therapies in vivo. The procedure was

designed for, and performed on mature Dutch female goat intervertebral discs.

Initially, the NP is evacuated with custom-made instruments (Fig. 1a). These

instruments consist of tubes with increasing diameter, which are used to make an

entry site laterally into the AF. Via the largest tube, with an outer diameter of 3

mm, instruments are inserted to evacuate the NP. The discectomy was always

performed as complete as possible without damaging the AF or the endplates,

and the result was judged by the surgeon before continuation. After evacuation,

the disc space is filled with a dense collagen implant (NuRes, Arthro Kinetics AG,

Esslingen, Germany) that has been described previously [6]. Shortly, collagen gel is

polymerised after which the density is increased by plastic compression. The

chosen density was 25% w/w of collagen, which has a stiffness comparable to the

native NP. For this study, the collagen matrix was prepared in a ‘snake’-like shape

(diameter 2.5 mm, length 30 mm, volume ~0.6 cm3), allowing implantation via the

tubes (Fig. 1b). After insertion of the collagen implant, the annulus defect was

closed with one of the four different versions of a polyethylene closure device

described below. (A more detailed description of the model is presented in:

addendum 1)

Annulus closure devices (ACDs)

We first performed extensive preliminary testing, using the same set up for axial

compression as described below (see ‘‘Biomechanical evaluation’’). These pilot

experiments (data not shown) were intended to determine the optimal shape and

dimensions of the annulus closure devices (Fig. 2a). All devices were intended to

close a standardised 3-mm circular defect in the AF of the goat intervertebral disc,

as described above. Four devices were further evaluated in the current study (Fig.

2b) since they were found to withstand axial compression forces over 1,000 N.

These four ACDs were composed of polyethylene and consisted of a core

(diameter 1.3 or 1.5 mm) with four or five barb rings that have a maximum

diameter of 3.5 mm (Fig. 2b). The ACDs were introduced into the AF till all barb

Biomechanical and in vivo evaluation


rings were inside the defect. The back end of ACDs was used to hold the implants

during implantation, and this was cut after implantation (Fig. 2c).

Intradiscal pressure calibration measurements

In order to determine the relation between the applied load and the pressure

inside the goat intervertebral disc, we first performed pressure measurements.

This information is essential to be sure whether the resulting pressures of the

applied loads in the current study are comparable to the intradiscal pressures

known from studies in vivo. For these calibration experiments, the lumbar spine

(L1–L6) of a goat, derived from a local abattoir, was meticulously cleaned of soft

tissues. The posterior elements were left intact. The spine was separated into

three separate motion segments by incision of the discs between L2–L3 and L4–

L5. The ends of the vertebrae were embedded in a low melting point bismuth

alloy, and the motion segments were placed in upright position in the

biomechanical testing apparatus (Instron, Norwood, MA, USA). First, a pressure

needle was inserted anteriorly into the core of each disc. Next, a load was applied

increasing with 50 N/s to a maximum of 1,000 N or a maximum of 3 MPa as

measured by the needle, whatever came first (higher pressures would result in

irreversible needle damage). Both the values for load and pressure were

documented. The measurements were repeated two times with the needle

inserted via both lateral sides of the discs.

Chapter 6



B Figure 1: Image of the instruments (a) used for evacuation of the nucleus pulposus containing

rongeurs, tubes, a guide wire (for penetration of the annulus fibrosus) and a ‘spoon’-like instrument.

The largest tube has an outer diameter of 3 mm and an inner diameter of 2.5 mm, through which the

other instruments and collagen implant can be introduced. b The collagen implant and the end of the

insertion tube

Biomechanical and in vivo evaluation


Biomechanical evaluation

Biomechanical experiments were performed prior to the in vivo study on spinal

segments, derived from the local abattoir. Using the same set up as described

with the pressure experiments, the axial failure loads of different ACDs were

tested using the standardised nucleus replacement model. After the implants

were inserted, an axial compression load was applied to a maximum of 5,000 N.

The experiments were ended when failure, considered as the leakage of the

collagen implant or extrusion of closure devices, was observed. Each ACD was

tested on three different motion segments (L1–L2, L3–L4 and L5–L6). For every

experiment a freshly dissected spinal segment was used. In addition to the failure

experiments, the effects of the implants on the biomechanical behaviour of the

motion segments were investigated. These experiments were mainly performed

to exclude undesired effects on the range of latero-flexion or flexion–extension

due to the ACDs and to assess the possibility of the implants to restore the effects

after discectomy. After fixation in bismuth, 12 motions segments (four of each

different level) were multidirectionally tested using a four-point flexion–extension

set up and the instron 8872 testing machine (Instron Corp., Norwood, MA, USA).

The motion segments were submitted to four cycles of flexion–extension and

latero-flexion under a maximum moment of 2 Nm at a speed of 1º/s. Specimens

were tested before discectomy (native), after discectomy and with both implants

(nucleus implant and the four rings 1.5 mm ACD) inside. During all experiments,

the segments were kept moisturised by wrapping with surgical gauze drowned in

0.9% saline. Force–deformation data acquisition was performed for each direction

through materials testing software (Fast Track 2, Instron Corp., Norwood, MA,

USA). The range of motion-data of the third cycle of the tests was used for further

calculation. The mean changes in the range of motion after discectomy and

implantation of both implants were calculated as ratios compared to native values

(treatment over control).

In vivo evaluation

Surgical procedure and animal care were performed in compliance with the

regulations of the Dutch legislation for animal research, and the Animal Ethics

Committee of the VU University Medical Center approved the protocol. Ten goats

were sedated with 10 mg/kg ketamine and 1.5 mg atropine intramuscularly,

followed by 0.4 mg/kg etomidate intravenously. General anaesthesia was

Chapter 6


maintained with 4 µg/kg fentanyl per hour, 0.3 mg/kg midazolam per hour and

1.5–2.5% isoflurane. Before surgery, standardised lateral thoracolumbar

roentgenograms were obtained. A dorsal paravertebral incision was made. The

IVDs were identified using a left retroperitoneal approach and exposed after

mobilisation of the psoas muscle. Level determination was performed by

identification of the lowest rib. Two discectomies, as described above, were

randomly performed over the levels T13–L1, L2–L3 or L4–L5. At one of these

levels, the collagen nucleus implant was inserted after evacuation of the NP,

followed by closure of the annulus defect with the ACD (sterilised by γ-

irradiation). At the other level the plug was inserted solely. Two variants of the

ACDs were used in the 6-week follow-up group: four goats received implants with

a core diameter of 1.3 mm, the remainder with a core diameter of 1.5 mm. The

number (four) and diameter (3.5 mm) of the barb rings was the same for all

implants. Two of the goats were terminated by an overdose pentobarbital after 2

weeks and the remaining eight goats after 6 weeks. The latter group returned to

their habitual environment from 1 week postoperative until 1 week prior to the

autopsy. Evaluation was similar for all goats. After termination, the lumbar spines

of the goats were harvested, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the

explants was performed within 2 h. Hereafter, all soft tissue was removed, and

careful macroscopic inspection was performed. Finally, a band saw was used to

obtain transversal slices of the discs for macroscopic inspection. Both,

macroscopic examination and MR Imaging were used to determine the position of

the ACDs.

The position was classified as ‘‘in situ’’, partially displaced (maximum of two barb

rings outside the AF), or fully displaced (at least two barb rings outside the AF).


To calculate differences between different implant groups, the Student T test was


Biomechanical and in vivo evaluation





Pressure calibration measurements

The relation between the applied load and the pressure inside the three discs is

shown in Fig. 3. A load of 600 N corresponds with an intradiscal pressure of 3

MPa. No effect was observed by changing the place of needle insertion from

anterior to lateral, indicating that hydrostatic pressure was present within the

entire NP.

Figure 2: Overview image of

different closure systems used in

the pilot experiments (a) and in

current study (b). The implants vary

in the number of barb rings (4 or 5)

and in the diameter of the core (1.3

or 1.5 mm). The instrument that

was used to implant the devices is

shown in c

Chapter 6

118 Figure 3: Relation between the applied axial load and pressure measured inside the discs. Each bar

represents the mean of three measurements: insertion of the needle via anterior or from both lateral


Biomechanical evaluation

All four annulus closure devices showed a mean axial failure load of at least 1,000

N (Fig. 4), which equals a pressure of approximately 5 MPa (as deduced from the

results of the pressure experiments). The ACDs with four barb rings performed

much better than the devices with five barb rings (Fig. 4). There was no difference

in failure loads between devices with a 1.3 or 1.5 core diameter (data not shown).

However, application of the devices with a 1.3-mm core was sometimes difficult

since the implants easily buckled during implantation. The results from the

flexion–extension and latero-flexion experiments are shown in Fig. 5. The bars

represent the mean changes with respect to the native values (ratio). The range of

both latero-flexion and flexion–extension significantly increased after the

discectomy. The increase was much higher for flexion–extension (59%) compared

to latero-flexion (17%). After implantation of the ACDs and nucleus implants, the

range of motion was restored to normal values both for flexion–extension and

Biomechanical and in vivo evaluation


lateroflexion. Based on these results, revealing a sufficiently high axial failure load

and a lack of undesired effects of the ACD on the range of motion, continuation

towards animal experiments was judged feasible, and they were thus performed.

Figure 5: Graphic showing the results of flexion–extension and lateroflexion experiments. The motion

segments were tested native, after discectomy and after implantation of the implants. The values

after discectomy and with the implants are shown as fractions change compared to the native

values. After discectomy, a significant increase (p<0.05) in both values was observed. After

implantation of the nucleus and annulus implants, no significant changes compared to native values

were observed. Importantly, the ACD does not significantly reduce latero-flexion

Figure 4: Failure loads of annulus closure

system with four or five barb rings. The

implants with four barb rings have a

significantly higher (p<0.05) failure load

compared to the implants with five barb

rings. Each bar represents the mean of three

measurements in three different segments

(L1–L2, L3–L4 and L5–L6)

Chapter 6


In vivo experiments

All goats recovered well from surgery and no per- or postoperative complications

were observed. Two weeks after implantation of the ACDs (all have four barb

rings, 1.5-mm core diameter), no displacement of the annulus closure devices in

either animal with or without the nucleus replacement was observed. This was

deduced from MR images and confirmed by macroscopic examination (Fig. 6).

Based on these results, a study with longer follow up was initiated. The results

after 6-week follow-up were not as successful as shown in Table 1. Only two of

the closure devices remained in situ, both in the NP replacement group (Fig. 7).

Seven of the closure devices were partially displaced (less than two barb rings)

and seven were fully displaced. There are no statistical differences between the

groups although there is a tendency towards better results when the closure

devices are combined with the collagen implants. All ACDs revealed signs of

severe plastic deformation, especially of the barb rings. This is also the case for

both closure devices that remained in situ (Fig. 7). Two endplate reactions were

observed, irrespective whether NP replacement was performed (Fig. 8). MRI

proved to be especially valuable to determine the position of fully displaced ACDs

and to observe the extent of the endplate reactions. Careful examination of the

MR images confirmed that the ACDs are located in the centre of the reaction in

both cases (Fig 9).

Figure 6: Macroscopic images of two intervertebral discs treated with the annulus closure system

after 2-week follow-up. A: A disc treated with the addition of a collagen nucleus replacement, B a

disc treated with the ACD solely. The arrows show the ends of the implants. The remnants of NP

tissue are very much swollen by the water used to cool the sawing blade. Due to the sawing, the

collagen implant has also been washed out, and is therefore not visible in A.

Biomechanical and in vivo evaluation



Figure 7: Image of one of the

implants that was still in situ after

6-week follow-up. There are clear

signs of destruction visible at the

barb rings of the implant (arrows).

Chapter 6


The need for annulus closure methods in addition to nucleus replacement

strategies is increasingly being recognised [3–5, 13, 20]. Wilke et al. [24] showed

that a collagen scaffold allows restoration of disc height and stability after

herniation in vitro. However, the absence of an appropriate annulus closure

technique limits the potential and applicability in vivo. These authors also showed

that glues, sutures or a combination of both are insufficient to provide sufficient

containment of a collagen scaffold [12]. This agrees with the findings in scientific

literature, in which an appropriate closure method has never been documented

thus far [1, 4]. In the current study, we found excellent results with experimental

ACDs in vitro and after 2-week follow-up in vivo. However, after 6 weeks, the

majority of the implants showed signs of migration and deformation. Since the

barb rings should gain adhesion into the layers of the annulus, it is not surprising

that their destruction results in implant extrusion. The ACDs in the goats after 2-

week follow-up showed only mild signs of damage. During these 2 weeks the

goats stayed in the shed of the university animal facilities and were recovering

from the surgeries. In this period, the animals might behave more quiescent than

they usually do. Between the second and sixth week after the surgeries, the goats

are fully recovered. The animals return to the farm and regain their usual

activities. This may result in increasing forces on the implants, and when the

damage to the barb rings accumulates to a certain level, the implants start to

displace. The former agrees with the finding that those implants that were fully

extruded were also the most damaged ones. The damage should have occurred

prior to the moment of extrusion since the implants are located in the soft tissue

directly adjacent to the disc, where no direct mechanical stresses are


Biomechanical and in vivo evaluation


Figure 8: MRI and macroscopic images of the two levels in which endplate reaction were

encountered. Images a and b are of a level that was treated with an annulus closure system solely,

and the reaction is mainly located at a single endplate. Images c and d are of a level

treated with the closure system combined with the collage nucleus replacement implant. The

reaction in this goat is located at both endplates and extends into the subchondral space.

Two of the implants even provoked a severe osteolytic reaction extending

through the endplates into the subchondral bone. This reaction was observed in

both groups, with and without a collagen implant, and it seems therefore not

likely that the reaction was caused by the latter. Most probably the reactions are

the result of the friction described above, which has resulted in pressure necrosis

of the endplates. Another option, however less likely, may be that the endplates

were damaged during surgery, and that leakage of nucleus material into the

Chapter 6


subchondral bone provoked the reaction. The potential for nucleus material,

which normally does not encounter immune reactive cells due to the absent

vascularisation in the disc space, to initiate such a reaction has been hypothesised

earlier [2].

To prevent failure and endplate reactions, the design, dimensions and stiffness of

the closing devices can be altered. Current devices were fabricated from

polyethylene, which was used for its known biocompatibility. Polyethylene,

however, is a rather stiff material, and friction between the barb rings and

endplates might therefore have resulted in the observed reaction [18]. Taking a

less stiff material would have decreased the risk, but might probably result in

lower mechanical expulsion strength. The shape of the implants, especially of the

barb rings, deserves attention in further optimisation of the closure devices. We

performed several pilot experiments with different designed devices, but the

current shape showed the highest resistance to forces. We do not know, however,

why implants with four barb rings performed so much better than implants with

five barb rings.

The dimensions of the closure devices can also be adjusted. Intradiscal pressure

results in forces on the implants that are dependent of diameter and length. We

always made a standardised circular defect of 3 mm in the annulus, and the

diameter of the barb rings of the implants was 3.5 mm. The ring diameter was

chosen to promote adherence between the annulus layers. A larger diameter

would have increased this adherence, but would also have resulted in larger

expulsion forces from the pressurised NP and subsequent failure at lower axial

compression forces. The expulsion forces on the ACD depend on its cross-

sectional diameter, whereas the friction forces only depend on the circumference.

In addition, regarding the disc height of the goat (4–5 mm), a larger diameter

could also result in continuous contact between the implant and both endplates,

increasing the risk of adverse reactions and ring damage.

Although current biomechanical study results did not show a significant effect on

latero-flexion, a tendency towards some small restriction could already be

observed. Decreasing the diameter of both the defect and barb rings might

therefore have been preferred from a mechanical viewpoint and from the aim to

Biomechanical and in vivo evaluation


reduce contact with the endplate. Unfortunately, this was currently not possible

regarding the diameter of the nucleus implants. The length of the ACDs was

maximally 15 mm (between front of the first and the back of the last barb ring),

and this length was chosen since it always covers the whole lateral annulus. For

some goats, however, a smaller length would have been sufficient, but this can

only be judged afterwards at macroscopic evaluation. If current closure systems

would have passed the animal experiments, a decrease of the lengths to allow

more space for the nucleus replacements could have been evaluated.

The main goal of the biomechanical experiments was to predict failures of the

ACDs. We did not study torsion since the forces would be mainly distributed

through the facet joints with only a marginal increase of the intradiscal pressure

[21]. We found an axial load of 600 N to correspond to an intradiscal pressure of

approximately 3 MPa. The applied load will be partially distributed through the

annulus parts of the discs and/or posterior elements. We performed these

experiments to allow comparison of the forces known from pressure

measurements in vivo. A few studies have been performed measuring the

pressure inside the human intervertebral disc in vivo [16, 17]. Wilke et al. [25]

found a maximum intradiscal pressure of 2.3 MPa during the lifting of 20 kg

combined with flexion–extension forward. From our own in vivo measurements in

goats we know that the axial load can rise up to 900 N [9]. According to current

pressure measurements, this would correspond to a pressure over 4 MPa. Thus,

the peak pressure inside the goat intervertebral disc seems to be higher than the

peak pressure inside the human disc. This finding agrees with the fact that the

bone density of the vertebra of goats is higher compared to humans, indicating

higher stresses in vivo [23]. The differences might be explained by the fact that

the forces on the goat spine are generated by muscles and ligaments surrounding

the continuously bended spine. In the bipedal situation of humans, these

compressive forces are lower and more dependent on activity and posture [14].

Furthermore, we used motion segments derived from young goats (age 4 years),

and the osmotic pressure might therefore be higher compared to the adult

human disc [22]. The goat model was used, since prior studies have shown that

the absolute spinal forces in this animal are still comparable to that of humans

[12, 23]. The mean value of axial load of 4,000 N, which we found that the current

annulus closure system could withstand, provides a sufficient safety range. A

Chapter 6


limitation of the current study is that we only performed maximum axial failure

load testing prior to implantation and no duration testing. Given the short-term in

vivo results, however, this would not have forecasted the failures. The number

and multi-directionality of biomechanical test loadings that should be applied to

match to the goat spines during 6 weeks in vivo will not easily be obtained in


Our ACDs were intended to allow evaluation of novel nucleus replacement

therapies in animal models, and the results cannot easily be extrapolated to

closure techniques of the AF in patients with disc herniation undergoing a

discectomy. Current discectomy procedure was performed in a very standardised

manner in healthy discs with fixed location and size in the lateral AF. This is in

contrast to the human situation after a discectomy, where a very variable amount

of the AF is damaged at the thin posterolateral part of the AF. For human AF

closure, which should ultimately accompany a potential successful NP

replacement, other closure techniques should be developed [5].

In conclusion, the current study found encouraging results with a novel annulus

closure system in vitro and after 2 weeks in vivo. After 6-week follow-up,

however, most implants revealed signs of severe plastic deformation and

subsequent displacement. Although there was a tendency towards better results

when combined with a nucleus replacement, these differences were not

statistically significant. Further research on annulus closure devices, in order to

allow the in vivo evaluation of nucleus replacement therapies, is therefore

indicated. Current results also illustrate the importance of in vivo confirmation of

results obtained by biomechanical experiments, especially in the field of annulus

closure techniques.

Biomechanical and in vivo evaluation



This study was supported by Arthro Kinetics AG (Esslingen am Neckar, Germany).

The authors like to thank Klaas Walter Meyer, Paul Sinnige (both from the

Department of Animal Experiment), Wouter Jurgens, MD (Department of Plastic

and Reconstructive Surgery) and Robert Jan Kroeze, MD (Department of Oral Cell

Biology) for their assistance in the surgeries and/or autopsies. Ger Vink and Jan

Blom are acknowledged for taking care of the goats.

Figure 9: MRI image that shows

that the annulus closure system is

located in the centre of the

endplate reaction (arrow),

suggesting a causative role.

Chapter 6



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Chapter 6


Addendum 1

Techniques and instruments

Addendum 1


Development of the model and instruments

All instruments were developed to be used via for minimal invasive surgery of the

goat lumbar spine. According to known anatomical dimensions of the goat IVD, a

real sized Perspex model of the goat IVD was made (Fig 1A). Since a lateral

surgical approach of the spine was intended, the IVD model has a hole at one side

laterally (Fig 2B). The model was used as a guide for further development of the

instruments. The first instrument is a guide wire designed to puncture the lateral

side of the IVD (Fig 2A, left). Position of the tip of the guide wire can be monitored

using the C-arm during surgery. Next, is a series of tubes with ascending diameter

that can be introduced over the guide wire to gradually increase the size of the AF

defect (Fig 2). The largest tube has an inner diameter of 2.6 mm en outer

diameter of 3 mm. After this last tube is introduced into the IVD, the guide wire

and other tubes are removed. All other instruments and implants are designed to

fit through this largest tube.

The next step is to evacuate to NP. The rongeurs and other instruments are shown

in figure 3. After the NP is evacuated, the NP replacement material can be

introduced through the tube. For the in vivo study, the NP space was filled with a

highly dense collagen scaffold, which was also shaped to fit through the tube

(length 50 mm, volume ~0.27 cm3) (Fig 4). The preparation and characteristics of

this collagen matrix (NuRes, Arthro Kinetics AG, Esslingen, Germany) has been

described in chapter 2 [5]. The chosen density was 25 % w/w of collagen, which

has a stiffness comparable to the native NP [5]. Finally, the size of the AF defect,

which was consistent with the outer size of the largest tube, was filled with a

custom made annulus closure device that has been described in chapter 6 (Fig 5)

[6]. Unfortunately, the ACD could not be introduced through the tube and was

inserted immediately after removal of the tube. All implants had been sterilized

before by γ-irradiation.

Techniques and instruments


A B Figure 1: Real size Perspex model of the goat IVD used for the development of the NP replacement

model. The Perspex model has a hole at one size laterally (B), which is consistent with place of the AF

defect using the posterolateral surgical approach.

A B Figure 2: shows the instruments intended to make a standardized defect in the AF. At the left (A) is a

guide wire used to make the initial defect in the AF. Then, the tubes are inserted over the wire (B) to

gradually increase the size of the defect. The largest tube has an outer diameter of 3 mm.

A B Figure 3: Instruments used for evacuation of native NP tissue (A). The instruments are designed to fit

through the largest tube (B).

Addendum 1


Figure 4: Images showing how the collagen implant is inserted into the Perspex model via the largest

tube. The collagen implant is delivered in a similar tube as the tube in the AF and is connected to the

back of the latter (A). A stamp is used to push the collagen from the tube into the disc space (B,C). In

image D shows the full implant (50 mm) inside the Perspex model.

Figure 5: The ACD’s that used to

close the defect in the AF after the

collagen implant is inserted.

Techniques and instruments


In current addendum we described the development of a NP replacement model

in order to evaluate scaffold materials via minimal invasive surgery in goats. The

model and instruments were tested in a pilot study in vivo using high density

collagen implants to replace the NP. Although the model was designed to be used

for minimal invasive surgery, an open approach was used for the pilot study. The

open approach allowed visualization of the AF defect, ascertained correct

insertion of the collagen implant and excluded the learning curve necessary for

minimal invasive spinal surgery. Furthermore, the ACD’s could not be inserted via

the same tube used for NP evacuation and the collagen implant, which is only one

among several limitations of the devices (see chapter 6). Overall, the standardized

NP replacement model turned out to be feasible in vivo. Clinically, the surgeries

were well tolerated by the animals and no complications were observed.

Addendum 1


Addendum 2

Nucleus implant evaluation

Addendum 2



In chapter 6 an in vivo goat study was presented to evaluate annulus closure

devices (ACD’s). In this study a collagen nucleus implant was inserted in addition

to an ACD at one level in every of the ten goats. Since chapter 6 was mainly

directed to the development of a suitable ACD, no evaluation of the collagen

implants was performed. Although the number of animals and the short term

follow up in this study will not allow any firm conclusions on the collagen, it is the

first large animal nucleus replacement in vivo study reported till date in literature.

In this second addendum to chapter 6 we therefore perform an analysis of the

results of the collagen scaffolds that were implanted in addition to the ACD’s. The

addendum includes histologic and radiological (disc height index and MRI) analysis

of the levels treated with a collagen implant. As described in chapter 6, 2 of the

goats were terminated after 2 weeks and 8 goats after 6 weeks of follow-up.



Intervertebral discs were sectioned in 3 mm slices using a band saw (Exakt,

Norderstedt, Germany). Digital photographs of all paramidsagittal slices were

taken. Before further processing, slices were carefully inspected for the presence

of dense collagen, any tissue reaction, and for the position of the ACD. One

paramidsagittal slice was fixed in 10% neutral buffered formalin, decalcified,

paraffin-embedded, sectioned to 7 μm section and stained with haematoxylin and

eosin (H&E). Alcian Blue- Periodic Acid Schiff (AB-PAS) staining was performed on

adjacent sections. The pH of the AB used for the staining was 1.0. All sections

were screened for the presence of dense collagen and tissue reactions. Also, the

number of cells was counted and averaged in 5 randomly selected fields of view

(magnification x 20) of the NP of each disc.

IVD height measurements

Before and after each surgery and before autopsy, standardized lateral lumbar

radiographs were made. The X-rays were analysed digitally using image analysis

software (Centricity Radiology Web, GE Medical Systems, Milwaukee, WI, U.S.A.).

The Disc Height Index (DHI) was calculated by dividing the average IVD height by

the average adjacent caudal vertebral body height, as described previously [11,

Nucleus implant evaluation


13, 17]. DHI measurements were performed by two scorers (JB & Remco Sonnega)

on two separate occasions.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging

After harvesting the lumbar spines, MRI scans were made using a 1.5 Tesla clinical

imager (Symphony Quantum, Siemens AG Medical Solutions, Erlangen, Germany).

Sagittal sections were made using a T2-weighted spin echo sequence, a turbo

factor 5 and a spine array coil (time to repetition (TR): 3000msec., time to echo

(TE): 85 msec., field of view 200, matrix of 118x384, and a slice thickness of 3 mm

with a 10% gap).


To calculate differences between different implant groups, Student’s unpaired T-

test was used.


Macroscopic and histological evaluation

Macroscopy revealed that the dense collagen was still present in the IVD space,

but not yet integrated in the NP tissue after 6 weeks (Figure 1). This resulted in

the loss of the collagen material during sawing and processing for histology.

Microscopic screening of the coupes for the presence of the collagen scaffold did

not reveal any remnants. As in all experimental segments in this study the NP had

been removed, the macroscopic and microscopic grading scores that have been

developed for disc degeneration do not apply. All treated levels revealed

unilateral damage to the AF (Fig 2a) and damage to the NP due to the discectomy

(Fig 2b & d), compared to the control levels (Fig 2d). Two segments with adverse

reactions were observed (Fig 3 & 4). The first reaction was at level treated with an

ACD alone (Fig 3). The macroscopic picture of this IVD shows destruction of the

upper endplate and the formation of an osteophyte at the side of the ACD (Fig

3a). The ACD itself is destructed and dislocated. HE staining of the endplate

confirms the destruction and the invasion inflammatory cells reveals an extensive

immunological reaction (Fig 3b). The other adverse reaction is observed in a level

treated with a collagen implant and an ACD (Fig 4). Here the destruction involves

the NP, both endplates and the AF at the ACD side (Fig 4a). AB-PAS staining of the

Addendum 2


NP reveals the absence of the typical –low cellular- NP tissue but instead a

remarkable increased cellularity and areas of necrotic debris (Fig 4b). HE-stained

pictures of the tissue around the ACD clearly show that the reaction is centered

round this implant. To analyse the regenerative effect of the different procedures,

the density of cells per field view was analysed in all NPs. The two discs that

demonstrated an inflammatory reaction with a dramatic increased cellularity

were discarded from this analysis. The results of the cell count after 6 weeks

follow-up are shown in figure 7. The average cell number is between 22-26 (per

20x field) and no statistical different numbers are observed between different

groups. The control group has the lowest cell number, whereas the ACD reveals

the highest.

Disc height index:

The results of the DHI measurements after 2 and 6 weeks follow-up were

compared to the pre-operative DHI (Fig 5). As expected, the control levels did

show not any significant change. After two weeks, the levels that were treated

with discectomy alone had a significant lower DHI compared to the untreated

control levels (P< 0.05). After 6 weeks, the levels treated with an ACD stand alone

showed a significant decrease in DHI (P< 0.05) compared to untreated control

levels. The levels treated with either a collagen implant (with ACD) or a

discectomy alone also showed a decrease in DHI, but this was not significant

(P=0.22 and P=0.055 respectively). The two levels that revealed endplate

destruction (see below) were excluded from DHI analysis. On the radiographs

taken directly postoperatively, the control levels showed a significant increased

DHI compared to pre-operative, whereas the other levels did not show any

significant change (Fig 6). The control levels had also a significant higher DHI

compared to the discectomy (P= 0.006) and ACD (P= 0.04), but not to the NP

implant level (P= 0.13).

Nucleus implant evaluation


Figure 2: A: Macroscopic image of an IVD treated with discectomy. The scar tissue is still evident

after 6 weeks of follow up., B: IVD treated with a collagen implant and ACD (not visible). The collagen

material is still visible (beige) as it loosely lies between the remnants of the NP (white), C: IVD treated

with an ACD alone clearly showing scar tissue and a damaged AF at the operation side. The damaged

ACD itself is partly visible at the left of the picture exterior of the scar tissue, D: image of a control

level showing typical healthy NP tissue in the absence of AF damage.

Figure 3 (next page): Macroscopic (A) and microscopic (B, stain: HE, magnification x10) image of an

endplate reaction is a level treated with an ACD alone after 6 weeks of follow-up. An osteophyte has

been formed at the side of the ACD, which itself is destructed and dislocated visible outside the AF.

The microscopic image shows that the endplate structure is being destroyed by extensive cell

infiltration >>

Figure 1: Macroscopic image of a

paramidsagittal slice of an IVD treated with

a collagen implant (6 weeks follow-up)

directly after sawing. The collagen implant

(arrow) is still visible and clearly lacks

adherence to the remainder NP tissue

resulting in the loss of the material during


Addendum 2


Figure 3

Figure 4: A: macroscopic image of an IVD treated with a collagen implant and ACD after 6 weeks

follow-up showing destruction of both endplates and the AF at the ACD side, B: Microscopy of the NP

(AB-PAS, magnification x20) reveals that the normal tissue is replaced by a cellular reaction with

areas of necrotic debris, C&D : Microscopic images (Stained HE, magnification x5 (C) and x20 (D)) of

the border of the ACD implant (not present itself after fixation) reveals an extremely cell rich reaction

located around the implant. Giant cells are present (D) indicating cellular reaction to breakdown the

ACD by phagocytosis.

Nucleus implant evaluation


Figure 5: Results of the DHI

measurements after 2 and 6 weeks,

compared to pre-operative values. No

significant differences are found after 2

weeks. After 6 weeks, the levels treated

with a discectomy and an ACD alone

show a significantly lower DHI

compared to the control levels (P<0.05).

The levels treated with the collagen

implant show a non-significant

decreased DHI compared to the control


Figure 6: The differences of the DHI

directly post-operative compared to pre-

operative values (included are all 10

goats). Interestingly, the control levels

show a significant higher DHI post-

operative compared to pre-operative.

The DHI of the other levels show no

significant changes per operative. The

DHI of the DI en ACD levels, however, is

postoperatively significantly lower than

the control levels (P<0.05).

Figure 7: A graphic representing the

average cell numbers of 5 random cell

counts (magnification x20) of the NP

after 6 weeks. The highest cell number

is found for the levels treated with an

ACD (25.7), whereas the lowest number

is found in the control levels (22.9).

However, these findings are not

statistically significant. The two levels

at which a tissue reaction was found,

were excluded from the measurements

Addendum 2


MR Imaging:

MRI images of all levels in all goats after 6 weeks are shown in Figure 8. The

collagen implants are not visible on the MRI. Two segments showed an adverse

reaction: level one segment treated with an ACD alone the lower endplate is

involved and in a segment treated with an NP both endplates show extensive

destruction. Besides the two reactions described above, MR images do not reveal

any major differences between the treatments.

Figure 8: Sagittal MR images of all levels after 6 weeks follow-up. The first image of the ACD series

and the sixth image of the NP implant series reveal a tissue reaction. The first case only one endplate

is destructed, whereas both endplate are involved the latter.


Macroscopic evaluation of the IVD’s revealed that the dense collagen was not yet

integrated in the matrix of the NP (Fig 1). Collagen breakdown in the IVD is

dependent on the remodeling and turnover capacity of the native cells. Since the

number of natives cells in NP tissue is low and cell turnover only slow [21], this

capacity is limited. [7]. The breakdown of collagen can be dramatically increased

under certain circumstances including inflammation and malignancy [7]. Currently

we did not observe an increase in the number of NP cells in the

Nucleus implant evaluation


IVD’s treated with collagen (Fig 4), thus excluding major inflammation. The high

density of the collagen (25% w/w), achieved by plastic compression, has a

stiffness comparable to native NP tissue [5] but also results in a further decreased

remodeling speed due to the restricted cell invasion and migration (chapter 4).

The DHI of the discected IVD’s could be preserved by implantation of a DCS

compared to untreated control levels after 6 weeks (Fig 5). The levels treated with

a discectomy or ACD alone showed a significant decrease in DHI. This suggests

that the collagen implant is capable of restoring local resistance to hydrostatic

and compressive forces. Of course, this greatly depends on containment capacity

of the ACD’s that is used. Current ACD’s were already described to be suboptimal

(only sufficient at in 2 out of 8 goats at 2 levels, partially sufficient[6] at 5 levels

and insufficient[6] at 1 level). The (untreated) control levels showed a significant

higher DHI directly post-operative compared to pre-operative. These differences

may be due to the decreased hydrostatic pressure in the IVD’s during surgery due

to the administration of muscle relaxants and lying position. In contrast to the

ACD and discectomy levels, the IVD’s treated with the collagen implants did not

show a significant difference in DHI directly post-operative compared to the

control levels. In the first pilot study we showed that the ACD’s do perform well in

containing the collagen implants during the first two weeks (see also: [6]). The

latter may be the reason that the levels with NP implant the pressure is (partly)

restored directly post-operatively. Unsterilized dense collagen has the capacity to

absorb water from the surrounding tissues resulting in swelling of the scaffolds.

Current scaffolds, however, were sterilized by γ-irradiation and this results in an

increase in the number of cross links and chain scission in the collagen matrix,

both blocking the swelling potential [5]. From a practical point of view the latter is

unfortunate, since the swelling capacity could have attributed to the hydrostatic


Several radiological and histological grading systems for grading disc degeneration

have been proposed [11, 13, 18, 24]. These grading systems however, have very

limited value for a NP replacement model. For example, MRI grading systems rely

on the signal intensity of the NP on T2-weighted images, reflecting water content.

The healthy NP is a proteoglycan-rich matrix with a high capacity to retain water.

Degeneration results in a reduction inproteoglycan content within the NP, with a

Addendum 2


subsequent reduction in water content. These changes facilitate a MRI based

classification system [18]. In the current study however, the NP tissue was

replaced by a dense collagen scaffold, which has a much lower water content

compared to the proteoglycan-rich NP matrix. Perhaps MRI based grading could

become useful for longer follow-up periods, when the collagen becomes replaced

by native NP tissue. Currently, the DHI measured on plain lateral radiographs

turned out to be more useful, but MRI did show its suitability in revealing the two

tissue reactions. Also histological grading systems proved not useful in this study.

These score systems use the NP, AF and endplates to grade degeneration [24]. In

the current study the NP and AF were both damaged by the discectomy, always

resulting in low scores. The endplates did not reveal abnormalities, except the two

levels with adverse reactions on the ACD. Again these grading systems could gain

some relevance during longer follow-up when treated levels will regenerate or

otherwise progress to extensive degeneration with subsequent changes.

We did measure the cell number in the NP tissue, which was not statistically

different between the various groups. Degeneration is accompanied by decreased

cellularity, whereas inflammatory responses on the implanted material would be

associated with increased cellularity. Both however, were not observed. The cell

numbers that were found (20-25 cells/field, Fig 7) are comparable to earlier

observations (average 17.1) at our department (Hoogendoorn et al, data


In conclusion, although the dense collagen scaffolds showed to preserve disc

height till six weeks after discectomy, the results were negatively influenced by

insufficient annulus closure and the lack of appropriate scoring systems. Before

the model can be used for studies with longer follow up periods or other

scaffolds, optimization of the ACD and the development of grading systems

designed for NP replacement are crucial.


The authors like to than Remko Sonnega, MD for his attributions to the disch

height measurements.

Nucleus implant evaluation


References to the addenda

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and nonsurgical management of lumbar spinal stenosis: 8 to 10 year results from the

maine lumbar spine study. Spine 30(8):936-943.

2. Atlas SJ, Keller RB, Wu YA, Deyo RA, Singer DE (2005) Long-term outcomes of surgical

and nonsurgical management of sciatica secondary to a lumbar disc herniation: 10 year

results from the maine lumbar spine study. Spine 30(8):927- 935.

3. Battie MC, Videman T (2006) Lumbar disc degeneration: epidemiology and genetics. J

Bone Joint Surg Am 88 Suppl 2:3-9.

4. Bron JL, Helder MN, Meisel HJ, van Royen BJ, Smit TH (2009) Repair, regenerative and

supportive therapies of the annulus fibrosus: achievements and challenges. Eur Spine J


5. Bron JL, Koenderink GH, Everts V, Smit TH (2008) Rheological characterization of the

nucleus pulposus and dense collagen scaffolds intended for functional replacement. J

Orthop Res.

6. Bron JL, van der Veen AJ, Helder MN, van Royen BJ, Smit TH (2010) Biomechanical and

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goat nucleus replacement model. Eur Spine J 19(8):1347-1355.

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digestion of collagen, its role in turnover and remodelling. Histochem J 28(4):229-245.

8. Ganey T, Libera J, Moos V et al. (2003) Disc chondrocyte transplantation in a canine

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12. Hoogendoorn RJ, Lu ZF, Kroeze RJ et al. (2008) Adipose stem cells for intervertebral

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13. Hoogendoorn RJ, Wuisman PI, Smit TH, Everts VE, Helder MN (2007) Experimental

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Pa 1976 ) 32(17):1816-1825.

14. Humzah MD, Soames RW (1988) Human intervertebral disc: structure and function.

Anat Rec 220(4):337-356.

15. Katz JN (2006) Lumbar disc disorders and low-back pain: socioeconomic factors and

consequences. J Bone Joint Surg Am 88 Suppl 2:21-24.

Addendum 2


16. Kim JM, Lee SH, Ahn Y et al. (2007) Recurrence after successful percutaneous

endoscopic lumbar discectomy. Minim Invasive Neurosurg 50(2):82-85.

17. Lu DS, Shono Y, Oda I, Abumi K, Kaneda K (1997) Effects of chondroitinase ABC and

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radiologic, and histologic canine study. Spine (Phila Pa 1976 ) 22(16):1828-1834.

18. Masuda K, Aota Y, Muehleman C et al. (2005) A novel rabbit model of mild,

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Spine (Phila Pa 1976 ) 30(1):5-14.

19. Nellensteijn J, Ostelo R, Bartels R et al. (2010) Transforaminal endoscopic surgery for

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20. Postacchini F, Postacchini R (2011) Operative management of lumbar disc herniation :

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21. Risbud MV, Schipani E, Shapiro IM (2010) Hypoxic regulation of nucleus pulposus cell

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23. Swartz KR, Trost GR (2003) Recurrent lumbar disc herniation. Neurosurg Focus


24. Thompson JP, Pearce RH, Schechter MT et al. (1990) Preliminary evaluation of a

scheme for grading the gross morphology of the human intervertebral disc. Spine (Phila Pa

1976 ) 15(5):411-415.

25. Yeung AT, Yeung CA (2007) Minimally invasive techniques for the management

of lumbar disc herniation. Orthop Clin North Am 38(3):363-372.

7 General Discussion

Chapter 7


Disc herniation

Low back pain (LBP) is a leading cause of disability in our population, affecting

most people at some point in life. Chronic LBP decreases quality of life and has

significant socio-economic consequences due to absenteeism from work and

increased medical consumption [37]. LBP is a multifactorial condition in which

muscular, psychological and socioeconomic factors act in concert. Intervertebral

disc (IVD) degeneration is also a strong etiological factor, but the exact

contribution is still unclear since imaging modalities often do not correlate with

symptomatology [6]. IVD degeneration is a complex disease, in which changes to

certain extent develop physiologically due to aging, but can become pathologic in

severe degeneration with no clear border inbetween. Due to degeneration,

several structural changes occur in the IVD, most notably the dehydration of the

nucleus pulposus (NP) in association with tears in the annulus fibrosus (AF) and

endplates (Schmorl’s nodes) [6]. Damage to the AF may diminish its capability to

cope with the local stresses and as a result the NP may herniate through the

disrupted AF [6]. Initially, the herniated NP material results in direct mechanical

compression of the nerve roots that are located posterior of the IVD.

Furthermore, in the absence of vascularity the NP is normally an immune

privileged tissue. Herniation of this material provokes an inflammatory response

further adding to the irritation of the nerve roots [35]. Disc herniation occurs in up

to 2% of the general population and these patients can often recall an episode of

(sub)acute LBP in combination with radicular complaints. Whereas the radicular

symptoms will resolve spontaneously in over two-thirds of the patients within 6

weeks, the LBP often persists or even progresses. In contrast to other forms of

disc degeneration that develop in a slow progressive manner, in IVD herniation

there is an acute change in local biomechanics and a disruption of homeostasis.

The loss of intradiscal pressure results in decreased disc height and a diminished

capability of the NP cells to maintain their ECM. The ECM, rich in waterbinding

proteoglycans, is essential for the water maintaining capacity of the IVD. That IVD

cells need a certain hydrostatic pressure to function properly was recently

demonstrated in a clinical study among astronauts. The absence of gravity during

the space flight and subsequent reduced IVD pressure resulted in an increased

incidence of IVD herniation in the period after the flight [18]. If the biomechanical

changes due to herniation are not reversed, progression to advanced stages of

IVD degeneration will usually be inevitable, explaining the persisting LBP in

General discussion


patients after an episode of IVD herniation. Moreover, if the local effects of the

IVD herniation are reversed quickly, homeostasis might be restored, however if

treatment is delayed degenerative changes become irreversible. Recently it was

shown that if treatment for IVD herniation is delayed over 6 months, outcomes

are worse following both operative and non-operative treatment [33]. The aim of

this thesis was to develop a tissue engineered strategy to reverse the state after

IVD herniation and to restore local homeostasis. To minimize patient discomfort,

the therapy should ideally be combined with the neurological decompression

surgery. In this thesis, we have translated this strategy into practice, starting with

material design and ending up with the in vivo evaluation in a large animal model.

Tissue engineering

Tissue engineering is generally described as “the use of a combination of cells,

engineering and materials methods, and suitable biochemical and physio-chemical

factors to improve or replace biological functions” [1]. It is also referred to as

“regenerative medicine”, underscoring its relation to and among other medical

disciplines. Tissue engineering has evolved very quickly as an area of research

since the 90s of the past century. Where initial opportunistic research

hypothesized that the injection of stem cells would be sufficient for the

regeneration of virtually every organ or tissue, scientists now slowly learn all

circumstances that are involved [23, 30]. For the herniated intervertebral disc,

numerous regenerative strategies have been studied, however broad clinical

success is still lacking. In the end, this will rely on clinical treatment outcomes and

costs and these will require clinical trials to establish superiority over conventional

treatment standards [24]. Figure 1 shows the development pathway for novel

regenerative therapies. Even when all the steps in the figure have been passed

successfully, commercial success is not guaranteed. Education of the clinicians

with the intention to use tissue engineered products for their patients will be

crucial. This will require scientific experts, parties involved in the

fabrication/development and clinicians to work in concert.

Chapter 7


Figure 1: Development pathway for tissue engineering [24]

In this thesis, several steps of the development pathway (Figure 1) for IVD

engineering have been challenged. The first step was to choose a suitable

scaffolds material. Chapter 2 & 3 focused on the optimization of these scaffold

materials and the interaction with cells (Point 2). The cell source selection (point

1) was studied in chapter 4. Since we preferred the development of an a-cellular

scaffold these cells consisted of the cells from surrounding structures that were

expected to invade these scaffolds. In these first chapters other important

developmental issues were assessed including sterilization, formulation and

method of delivery. The feasibility, safety and efficacy (point 3) were finally

studied in goats in chapter 6. Every chapter revealed crucial answers and

opportunities, but often also serious challenges and drawbacks, findings inherent

to a relatively young area of medicine.

Material development

Like every tissue in the human body, the IVD is composed of extracellular matrix

(ECM) in which native cells reside. The best material, or scaffold, used for

replacement of the tissue should ideally mimic several, or ultimately all, functions

of native IVD ECM [5]. Four important functions and features of scaffold with

respect to native ECM were recently summarized by Chan et al. [5]:

General discussion


1. Architecture: Scaffolds should provide void volume for vascularization and

remodeling and the rate of degradation should match to the new ECM formation.

2. Cyto-compatibility: The scaffolds should allow (native) cells to attach, grow,

proliferate and differentiate

3. Bioactivity: scaffold may include biological cues to influence cell morphology,

alignment, migration speed and differentiation.

4. Mechanical properties: scaffolds should provide mechanical and shape stability

of a tissue defect. Interestingly the mechanical properties of a scaffold are also

known to influence the biosynthetic cell response and thus act as a passive cue.

At this moment, these material demands are principally qualitative and

quantification is highly desirable with respect to material development. Numerous

(bio)polymers and materials have been suggested as a suitable candidate for IVD

engineering including collagen, alginate, gelatin, chitosan, poly-L-lactic acid and

hyaluronan [5]. All of the materials have their advantages and disadvantages and

the optimal material, fulfilling al the desired functions, will probably yet have to

be invented. Beside the desired functions described above other concerns are

involved in choosing the optimal scaffold, these involve availability, costs and

handling [4]. The NP itself exists of Type II collagen, proteoglycans and small

fractions of several other (glyco)proteins including elastin, fibronectin, laminins

and tenasins [6]. It is not possible to remake the tissue in vitro, and attempts to

overcome this problem have proposed. Mercuri et al. for example, harvested

porcine NP’s which were completely decellularized using a combination of

chemical detergents, before the scaffolds were repopulated with human adipose-

derived stem cells [25]. Although their results seem promising the technique is

very laborious and time consuming and not necessary since the aim of tissue

engineering is to shape the optimal environment in which cells are able to

synthesize and maintain the desired ECM [11]. In this thesis, we choose two very

promising biomaterials to imitate the visco-elastic properties of the NP: collagen

(chapter 2) and alginate (chapter 3). For this purpose, we first determined the

visco-elastic properties of the goat NP and showed that this is comparable to the

human NP known from literature.

Chapter 7


In Chapter 2, rat-tail derived type I collagen was used to match to the visco-elastic

properties of the NP. The rat-tail derived collagen Type I scaffolds used for this

study are already used in humans for the treatment of articulair cartilage defects

of the knee (‘The cartilage regeneration system’, Cares) [34]. Recently, the results

of a large prospective multicenter clinical trial showed that the usage was safe

and clinically effective after a mean of 30 months follow-up [34]. Unfortunately, it

is not possible to retrieve scaffold material for histology in clinical trials. Instead,

magnetic resonance imaging of the cartilage defects treated with Cares showed

no signs of inflammatory reactions and comparable results to defects treated with

Hyalograft C 2 years after implantation [40]. The absence of anti-immunity

reactions in vivo was also confirmed in a rat model [21]. The rat, however, is

arguably not the optimal species to evaluate inflammatory response of rat-tail

derived collagen. In this thesis we showed the absence of anti inflammatory

response in vivo in goats (Chapter 7). With respect to IVD regeneration, the

collagen scaffolds were studied in vitro in bovine lumbar spinal motions units. In

this study, the scaffolds were capable to restore the range of motion to native

values after implantation in a discected IVD [41]. These findings show that a

collagen type I scaffold is a very promising candidate to restore the biomechanical

disturbances after IVD herniation and possibly prevent the degenerative cascade

in the spinal motion unit. However, in order to prevent degeneration in the long

term, the scaffolds should be remodelled into native ECM by cells.

It has been appreciated that the local biomechanical environment acts as a

passive cue for the gene expression and ECM production of native cells [8]. Cells

mechanosense the stiffness of the ECM by actively exerting traction forces

generated by their internal cytoskeleton. Moreover model studies on 2D

substrates suggest that the cells adapt their biosynthetic response to changes in

matrix stiffness [8]. Ideally therefore, a scaffold imitates the mechanical

properties of NP tissue [5, 28]. An advantage of a collagen type I matrix is that the

visco-elastic properties can be adjusted by a rapid filtration process called plastic

compression [27]. In chapter 2 we used this process to increase the stiffness of

the collagen matrix and found that a stiffness of 23 % w/w collagen agreed with

the stiffness of NP tissue of the goat. However, the viscosity at this density of

collagen was still lower compared to the NP and therefore a complete

biomechanical match could not be found. An interesting finding was that the

General discussion


swelling capacity of dense collagen scaffolds increases with increasing density.

This is a favorable finding with respect to the replacement of NP tissue that has

also an impressive capacity to swell. In contrast, free floating collagen scaffolds,

often studied as scaffolds as well, are known to shrink by the contraction of the

seeded cells. In Chapter 2, we also showed that γ-sterilization has important

effects on the visco-elastic properties of scaffolds. Sterilization techniques, such

as γ-sterilization, are necessary steps before materials can be used in vivo and the

effects are not always foreseen by scientist involved in the pre-clinical research. In

the absence of an exact biomechanical match, type I collagen should still be

considered as an attractive scaffold material for IVD engineering. The wide

availability (e.g. rat-tail, bovine, transgenic) and known biocompatibility are

noteworthy. The handling, however, is perhaps the most interesting feature of

type I collagen. Plastic compression allows to produce scaffolds rapidly in virtually

every collagen density [27]. Cells survive when added prior to compression

resulting in completely seeded scaffolds [27], or the scaffolds can be used as a-

cellular scaffolds as in the current studies. Besides the visco-elastic properties of

the scaffold, the local hydrostatic pressure also influences cell response [32]. In

the IVD space this is dependent on the forces on the motion segment and the

capacity of the annulus closure technique to seal the defect.

In chapter 3, we evaluated alginate as a scaffold material for NP replacement.

Alginate is a natural polysaccharide used for numerous medical applications due

to its non-toxic nature, wide availability, low costs and simple handling and gelling

behaviour [10]. In addition, the biosynthetic activity of chondrocytes, like NP cells,

cultured in alginate matrices is comparable to the activity in native NP ECM [22,

39]. Alginate beads are therefore widely used as a 3D culture environment for

these cell types [38]. Moreover, initial in vitro and in vivo studies on alginate as a

scaffold material for NP replacement showed encouraging results [22, 26].

However, inferior biomechanical properties, especially after some time in

physiological solutions, have been recognized as important limitations for the

usage of alginate as a scaffold material [10]. In our study, alginate was prepared

via two different techniques [29] and in different densities to imitate the visco

elastic behavior of the NP. The 2% alginate scaffolds prepared by diffusion

gelation closely matched the visco-elastic properties of the NP, even more closely

than the collagen scaffolds described in the preceding chapter. The moduli

Chapter 7


measured in our study (5kPa for 1% alginate at 10 rad/s) are somewhat lower

than in a previous report (16 kPa) [22]. The difference may be due to a completely

different gelation protocol in the previous study and is one of several important

limitations of the use of alginate revealed in chapter 3: Firstly, there is a wide

range in the characteristics of alginate gels due to variations in G/M ratio, gelation

temperature and rate, molecular weight, calcium content and type of crosslinker

[20]. All these variations strongly affect the final network structure and therefore

the reproducibility of scaffold production will be questionable. This concern also

underscores the importance of the accurate documentation of exact conditions of

preparation in scientific studies. Secondly, incubation of the scaffolds in culture

medium has major effects on scaffold stiffness and this was also found after

implantation in vivo [29]. Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, changes in

alginate scaffold stiffness do not influence the biosynthetic response of native

cells. We showed that the NP cell phenotype was preserved in the alginate matrix,

but not changed by altering the scaffold stiffness as would be expected.

Explanations include the rapid loss of stiffness during culturing and the absence of

integrin receptors on the cells to sense stiffness of the alginate. Both problems are

being studied by the substitution of molecules that either stabilize the alginate

matrix or promote the mechano-sensitivity of the cells for alginate. Another

limitation worth mentioning is the necessity to use a cross linker (currently

calcium chloride) and its potential adverse effect on the cell population cultured.

Due to these limitations we preferred dense collagen as a scaffold material for the

remainder of the studies.

“In Situ” seeding

The classical approach in regenerative medicine is to seed scaffolds with either

native or stem cells in order to regenerate the desired tissue. The cells are

expected to secrete the appropriate ECM, which finally replace the scaffold

material, a process called remodeling. Seeding of a scaffold with cells, however,

requires several additional steps that are generally time consuming and

expensive. The cells first have to be harvested, cultured and expanded until the

desired number of cells is reached. Hereafter the cells have to be seeded into the

scaffolds so the surgeon can implant it in the desired location. Many experiments

showed favorable results of the former in vitro, but also in vivo in animal models.

However, each of the steps mentioned carries risks and drawbacks that are often

General discussion


overseen. Harvesting of (stem) cells requires an additional procedure and thus

time, costs and morbidity. Digesting native ECM to obtain the cells demands

chemical agents such as collagenases, which if not properly washed out, may

interfere with the final therapy. Culturing cells may result in de-differentiation of

the cells and infection of the culture. Furthermore, native cells from tissue

harvested during discectomy procedures were found to have only a very limited

regenerative potential [13]. An alternative for the use of native cells is the use of

(adipose) mesenchymal stem cells. This, however, still requires prior

(subcutaneous) harvesting procedures and thus possesses a risk on donor side

morbidity. Moreover, pre-seeding of the scaffolds may compromise sterilization

techniques and may require additional demands of the final form and volume of

the implant. The in vitro experiments are generally performed by basic scientists

and it may be questioned if their enthusiasm will be shared by surgeons who will

have to perform the procedures in their patients. Clinicians have become used to

deal efficiently with time and costs. Therefore, alternatives are now being studied

and including the use of a-cellular scaffolds outlined in this thesis. Since our

scaffolds were intended to be used as a-cellular constructs, we did not study

scaffolds pre-seeded with cells. When implanted, the scaffolds were expected to

be invaded by cells from surrounding tissues, and thus derived from the AF and/or

(remnants of the) NP. The term ‘in situ seeding’ has been proposed for this

concept [15]. In situ seeding does not require additional time consuming culturing

and seeding techniques necessary for cell seeded scaffolds. In situ seeding

therefore allows the implantation of a preformed and sterilized scaffold in a single

-one step- surgical procedure in adjunct to a microdiscectomy. If viable, the ‘in

situ seeding’ concept is therefore advantageous over seeded scaffold techniques.

A condition sine qua none for the viability of the in situ seeding concept is the

invasion of native cells into the scaffolds in vivo. An advantage of using dense

collagen is the very long half life (~95 year in the healthy IVD, ~215 in the aged IVD

[36]) of collagen in the IVD space, which will thus occupy space till migrated cells

arrive for remodeling. Interestingly, Cheema et al. recently showed that the

oxygen diffusion coefficient of dense collagen scaffolds (11%) falls within the

range of native tissue. This finding is crucial for early migrated cells to survive in

the absence of any vascularization [7]. In the current thesis (chapter 4) we

assessed the capability of native IVD cells to invade dense collagens scaffolds in

vitro. Unfortunately, we could not study densities as high as 23 % (w/w) collagen,

Chapter 7


since the time frames (> years) this would require are not compatible with in vitro

culturing [27]. We studied densities up to 3% collagen that are still much higher

compared to the densities generally studied (0,05% collagen). We showed that

both NP and AF cells are capable of invading the scaffolds. As was expected, the

migration decreased with increasing collagen densities. Interestingly we found a

significantly greater migration capacity of NP cells compared to AF cells. Intuitively

we had expected the fibroblast-like AF cells to have a greater migration capacity

in dense collagen than the chondrocyte-like NP cells. Unfortunately, no

comparable studies that either confirm or reject these findings are published. The

chemokine Hst-2, derived from saliva was not found to have any pro-migratory

effects on goat IVD cells. Hegewald et al. showed that the chemokine CXCL10 did

actively recruit human AF cells [14]. The migration of human NP cells on the other

hand was found to be enhanced by human serum [12]. The latter was actually

confirmed by our own findings in the scratch assay in chapter 4.

The animals

Having shown that the visco-elastic properties of the NP can be approached with

an a-cellular scaffold that also allows the invasion of native cells, our next step

was to develop a model to evaluate the scaffold in vivo. Although substantial

research is performed on the development and characterization of scaffolds for

NP engineering, the number of studies that actually performed in vivo evaluation

is very limited. There is only one comparable study which was performed in a

small animal model. Huanng and colleagues recently reported the in vivo

evaluation of collagenα/hyaluronan/chondroitin-6-sulfate scaffolds seeded with

NP cells in a rabbit model [16]. Curiously, no annulus closure technique was

described and might perhaps have been not necessary in the small animal model.

The authors found maintenance of the disc height and a restoration of the T2

weighted MRI signal after 24 weeks follow-up. Other in vivo studies used scaffolds

only as injectable carriers for (stem) cells in disc degeneration. These studies in

rabbits [16] or pigs [31] do not deal with the annulus defect typically for disc

herniation and are therefore not comparable. One last in vivo study worth

mentioning reported the implantation of complete tissue engineered IVD’s

consisting of polyglycolic acid and calcium alginate matrices seeded with native

cells in mice [26]. Although the ECM production was in line with native tissue up

to 12 weeks, the method of delivery of these constructs is perhaps too

General discussion


complicated to be feasible in humans. The number of in vivo studies for NP

scaffolds is remarkably small compared to the massive in vitro work that has been

published. Possibly, more in vivo studies have been performed, but not been

accepted for publication since the results were negative [24]. A potential

explanation for this, and one of the main concerns of NP replacement models in

general, is the necessity of a closure technique for the AF [41]. During the

planning of the animal studies we soon experienced the problem ourselves and

decided to start to summarize all available data from literature on this subject

first. This resulted in an extensive review (Chapter 5) from which it can be

concluded that, despite numerous attempts, an appropriate AF closing technique

is not yet invented. Since our intention was to evaluate dense collagen implants in

goats, we needed some AF closure technique and started to test several custom

made AF closure devices. These devices were designed to the goat dimensions

and should be compatible with our NP replacement model. After thorough in vitro

and in vivo (2 weeks) evaluation (Chapter 6) of potential devices we found devices

which closed the AF sufficiently. These devices were then used for a next pilot in

vivo study (6 weeks) to evaluate the collagen scaffolds. However, after six weeks

follow-up the ACD’s showed important signs of dislodgement and destruction. We

therefore could still not perform the full in vivo evaluation of the collagen

implants that we aimed. However, we did show that the disc height could be

preserved in the levels treated with the collagen scaffolds, results that are in line

with the findings of Huanng et al. [16]. They also found restored hydration (based

on MRI) of the IVD after 24 weeks follow up. We could not make a quantitative

analysis of the MR images, since the surgical disturbances were still predominant

after 6 weeks follow up. Moreover, the AF closure devices have their own effects

on MRI signal, essentially disturbing appropriate quantification. Haunng et al

however, used a small animal model, which has a very limited value for

translation to humans [24]. Small animal have significantly different spinal

biomechanics and the small volume of the disc affects transport [3, 24].

Remaining disc height and an acceptable MRI T2 signal is therefore not very

informative. The use of these animals should be preserved for safety studies, but

feasibility studies require a large animal model as was used in the current thesis

[24]. Although the replacement model was feasible, the surgeries reproducible

and the harm to the animals acceptable the results are strongly negatively

influenced due to the lack of an appropriate AF closure technique. Therefore no

Chapter 7


firm conclusions can be drawn. The experiments deserve further study,

accompanied by a proper AF closure technique.

Future perspectives

Substantial research in the field of tissue engineering has been based on trial and

error rather than on firm scientific knowledge. Not surprisingly, since many

factors and circumstances affecting the success of the regenerative medicine still

have to be revealed. For example, we studied the visco-elastic properties of a

scaffold because this has been recognized as a cue for differentiation and ECM

production. However, first studies on this subject have been published only five

years ago and involved cells seeded on a flat surfaces [9]. Meanwhile, similar

findings were observed in 3D environments, but the exact value, and the relation

to other local circumstances such as the hydrostatic pressure, the biochemical

environment and scaffold degradation rates remains unclear [32]. During the past

decade, in vitro research using scaffolds, native cells or stem cells, have detected

several individual factors involved in the regeneration of tissues. Probably we still

know only a small portion of all the factors and basic research will remain to have

a crucial position, before fully scientifically based regenerative strategies can be

designed. Even when we are aware of all the factors involved, we still have to

study their interactions, counteractions and synergies. This can only be properly

studied in vivo and studies in relevant animal models are therefore required.

Small animal models are useful for screening purposes, but large animal models

are required to mimic nutritional and surgical constraints to human application

[24]. Early tissue engineering attempts should be accompanied by a vision how

the final clinical application will look like and address demands like formulation,

delivery and sterilization [4, 19]. To evaluate therapies that are intended to

regenerate the herniated IVD, there is a need for standardized magnetic

resonance imaging grading and/ or scoring systems [2]. The scoring systems

should be developed in animal models with histologic confirmation and then

translated to the human situation in which histology is not an option [24]. An

alternative to the use of animal models, is the use of a bioculture system in which

entire IVD’s can be studied under physiological circumstances and with longer

time frames [17]. These systems have the advantage to reduce the number of

animals needed for research and are currently being developed and their exact

value will become clear in the near future. We showed that the lack of AF closure

General discussion


techniques impedes the in vivo evaluation. Moreover, in our goat model only a

standardized defect in the lateral region of the AF had to be closed. In the patients

suffering from disc herniation the defects are irregular, located posteriorly close

to the neurological structures and sometimes even bilaterally. Appropriate

closure of the AF defect in these patients will be even more challenging and might

further delay tissue engineering development that may have passed the pre

clinical stage successfully. Several suggestions and requires for annulus closure

techniques were extensively described in Chapter 5. An important possibility to

prevent the unnecessary repeating of (animal) studies with not publishable

negative outcomes is the dissemination of these results between internationally

established spinal research sites [24].

In the end, the most important question will be if the patients actually will benefit

from the new therapy. Improper patient selecting may place a potential beneficial

procedure in disrepute [19]. Clinicians should be instructed how to implement the

new types of therapy in their surgical practice. This will demand close cooperation

between scientists, industry and medical personnel [24]. Tissue engineering sites

should be close to the operating theaters within the same complex. It requires

massive efforts to achieve all this but the improvement of health care may be

likewise if the promise of tissue engineering is finally fulfilled.

Chapter 7



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Appendix 1




Lumbar discectomy is an effective therapy for neurological decompression in

patients suffering from sciatica due to a herniated nucleus pulposus (NP).

Discectomies however, do not deal with the damaged intervertebral disc (IVD)

and high numbers of patients suffer from persisting postoperative low back pain.

This has resulted in many strategies targeting the regeneration of the NP. In this

thesis we developed a novel tissue engineering strategy to treat patients suffering

from an herniated intervertebral disc (IVD). In chapter 2-4 the materials and cells

were described and optimized. In chapter 5-6 a model was developed to evaluate

the materials in goats in vivo.

In chapter 2 we used rheology to assess the visco elastic properties of the nucleus

pulposus (NP) of goats. We used plastic compression to increase the density of

collagen type I scaffolds and aimed to imitate the visco elastic properties of the

NP. We also assessed the effect of a standard treatment with γ-sterilization on the

scaffolds. We found a complex modulus of 22 kPa for the NP which agreed with a

collagen density of approximately 23 %. However, the loss tangent, indicative of

energy dissipation, was independent of the collagen density and could not be

matched to the value of the NP. Treatment by γ-sterilization resulted in an

increase of the shear moduli, but also in a more brittle behaviour and a reduced

swelling capacity.

In chapter 3 we used alginate as a scaffold material and aimed to mimic the visco-

elastic properties of the NP. We also assessed the effects of different alginate

stifnessess on native cells. Alginate scaffolds were prepared by two different

techniques (diffusion and in situ gelation) and in concentrations ranging from 1 to

6 %. The 2% alginate scaffolds prepared by diffusion gelation showed the best

match to the visco-elastic properties of the NP. However, the visco elastic

properties rapidly declined upon incubation in medium. The biosynthetic

phenotype of the cells was preserved in alginate, but no differences were found

between the various scaffold densities most likely due to the poor adhesiveness of

the cells to alginate.

In chapter 4 we assessed the capability of native cells to invade dense collagen

scaffolds in vitro. The invasion of cells from the surrounding tissues, the

(remnants of the) NP and the annulus fibrosus (AF), is crucial for the use of a-


169 169

cellular scaffolds. In this chapter we also assessed if migration could be enhanced

by the addition of Histatin-2, a chemokine derived from human saliva that was

shown to enhance the migration of fibroblast. We found that migration distance

was density dependent and was higher for NP compared to AF cells after 4 weeks

of culturing. We also observed a lag phase, before migration occurred. Histatin-2

did not enhance cell migration and this was confirmed in a separate scratch-assay.

Although the densities used in this study were lower (1,5 and 3%) compared to

the density shown to mimic the NP (23%), we proved that native cells are capable

of invading dense collagen scaffolds and the in situ seeding concept might be


Numerous regenerative treatment strategies have being developed targeting the

NP. However, accompanying techniques that deal with the damaged AF are

increasingly being recognised as mandatory in order to prevent re-herniations and

to increase the potential of the NP replacing strategies. In chapter 5 we

summarized and discussed all available literature on AF closure techniques of the

AF including the attempts performed by commercial parties. We showed that

several attempts to repair, support or regenerate the AF have been studied, but a

successful clinical application is still far away. In general, tissue engineering

strategies lack a vision on the final clinical application and repair therapies lack

scientific evidence.

In chapter 6 we designed and tested annulus closure devices intended to be used

in our goat nucleus replacement model. First a standardised defect (3 mm) in the

lateral region of the AF was created through which a nucleotomy was performed.

The AF defect was filled with one of the annulus closure devices (ACD’s) with and

without the addition of a collagen nucleus replacement. First studies were

performed on goat cadaveric lumbar spines. We showed that ACD’s with four

barb rings could withstand the highest axial load. We further showed that the

increased range of flexion-extension and lateroflexion due to the discectomy

could be restored by implanting an ACD and collagen implant. The positive results

were confirmed in a goat pilot study (n=2) after two weeks follow up. However, in

a second pilot study (n=8) most ACD’s revealed signs of destruction and/or

displacement after 6 weeks follow-up. In addition we found two endplate

reactions extending into the subchondral bone, most likely due to continuous



friction of the ACD’s between the vertebrae. The ACD’s showed a tendency to

perform better when they were implanted together with a collagen implant.

In the first addendum to chapter 6 we described the development the

replacement model in detail. First, a Perspex model of the goat IVD was used to

design the instruments and implants with appropriate dimensions. The

instruments consisted of metal tubes with ascending diameter to punctuate the

AF. Via the largest tube, with an outer diameter of 3 mm, all instruments and

implants, except for the ACD can be inserted. In the second addendum to chapter

6, we present the results of the collagen scaffold that was used in adjunct to

ACD’s in the goat study. After 6 weeks the disc height index in goats treated with

the collagen implants was not significantly decreased compared to untreated

control levels. Levels that received a discectomy or ACD alone did show a

significant decrease in disc height. Macroscopy revealed that the dense collagen

was not yet integrated with the NP tissue and therefore lost during sawing and

preparation for histology. Histologic and magnetic resonance imaging score were

not useful to evaluate the results after 6 weeks follow up. There was no difference

in cell number between the different treatments after 6 weeks.

In conclusion, we showed that the visco elastic properties of the IVD can be

imitated with scaffold materials that also allow the invasion of native cells.

However, the promising results can not yet be translated to in vivo studies due to

the lack of appropriate AF closure techniques.


Appendix 2

Nederlandse Samenvatting



Een rughernia (voluit: hernia nuclei pulposi) is een veelvoorkomende en

invaliderende ziekte. De huidige operatieve behandeling bestaat uit het

verwijderen van het gehernieerde tussenwervelschijf weefsel (discectomie),

waardoor de zenuwbeknelling wordt opgeheven. Hierbij wordt de beschadigde

tussenwervelschijf zelf echter niet behandeld en veel patiënten houden hierna

dan ook rugklachten. Voor het herstel van de tussenwervelschijf bestaat op dit

moment nog geen goede therapie. In dit proefschrift worden potentiele nieuwe

behandelingsopties ontwikkeld die regeneratie van de tussenwervelschijf tot doel

hebben. In het eerste deel (hoofdstukken 2-4) worden materialen en cellen voor

tussenwervelschijf regeneratie onderzocht en geoptimaliseerd. In het tweede deel

(hoofdstukken 5-6) wordt een model ontwikkeld om de materialen te kunnen

testen in vivo in geiten.

In hoofdstuk 2 wordt eerst door middel van reologie de visco-elasticiteit van de

geiten nucleus pulposus (NP) bepaald. Vervolgens wordt geprobeerd om deze

visco-elasticiteit na te bootsen met type I collageen scaffolds. Hiervoor wordt met

behulp van plastische compressie de dichtheid van deze scaffolds verhoogd. Ook

wordt onderzocht wat de effecten van een standaard sterilisatie proces middels γ-

irradiatie zijn op de visco-elastische eigenschappen van de scaffolds. De NP blijkt

qua visco-elasticiteit ongeveer overeen te komen met collageen scaffolds die een

dichtheid van 23% hebben. De verhouding tussen de viscositeit en elasticiteit

blijkt echter wel lager in de scaffolds vergeleken met de NP. Door behandeling

met γ-irradiatie stijgt de elasticiteit, maar wordt het materiaal ook breekbaarder

en neemt de zwelcapaciteit sterk af.

In hoofdstuk 3 wordt alginaat als een potentieel scaffold materiaal voor de NP

onderzocht. De alginaat scaffolds worden op 2 verschillende manieren gemaakt

(via ‘diffusie’ en ‘in situ’ gelling) in concentraties tussen de 1 en 6% om zo te

kijken welke de visco-elastische eigenschappen van de NP het dichtst benadert.

Ook wordt onderzocht wat het effect van de verschillende stijfheden alginaat op

het gedrag van natieve tussenwervelschijf cellen is. De 2% alginaat scaffolds,

bereid via de diffusie methode, blijken de visco-elasticiteit van de NP het sterkst

te benaderen. Echter, wanneer de scaffolds in kweekmedium worden gelegd

treedt er een zeer snelle sterke afname van de stijfheid op. Ook blijkt dat het

fenotype van de cellen weliswaar blijft behouden in alginaat, maar er blijkt geen


173 173

relatie met de stijfheid ervan. Dit laatste kan waarschijnlijk worden verklaard door

de slechte binding van tussenwervelschijf cellen aan het alginaat.

In hoofdstuk 4 wordt onderzocht of natieve tussenwervelschijf cellen in staat zijn

om collageen scaffolds in te groeien in vitro. De ingroei van cellen uit de

omgevende structuren, de (overblijfselen van de) NP of annulus fibrosus (AF), is

een cruciale voorwaarde voor het gebruik van a-cellulaire scaffolds voor NP

regeneratie. In dit hoofdstuk kijken we ook of de celmigratie kan worden

bespoedigd met behulp van histatine-2, een chemokine uit menselijk speeksel

waarvan is aangetoond dat het de migratie van fibroblasten versnelt. De

celmigratie blijkt afhankelijk van de collageen concentratie en hoger voor NP

vergeleken met AF cellen na 4 weken. De migratie blijkt pas op gang te komen na

een bepaalde periode. Histatine-2 is geen migratie bevorderende factor bij onze

celpopulatie en dit wordt ook bevestigd in een (2D) scratch assay. Ondanks dat de

collageen dichtheden die in dit hoofdstuk worden onderzocht nog lager liggen dan

de beoogde collageendichtheid (uit hoofdstuk 2), zijn de natieve cellen in staat

zijn om de collageen scaffolds te in te groeien. Dit bevestigt dat a-cellulaire

collageen scaffolds mogelijk kunnen worden gebruikt voor NP regeneratie.

Er is in de afgelopen decade veel onderzoek gedaan naar de regeneratie van de

NP. Hieruit blijkt steeds meer de noodzaak om een therapie te ontwikkelen die

het defect in de omringende AF aanpakt, om zo het aantal re-herniaties te

verlagen en het succes van potentiele NP regeneratie therapieën te verhogen. In

hoofdstuk 5 geven we een overzicht van alle beschikbare literatuur over het

sluiten van de AF. Er blijken diverse pogingen gedaan te zijn om de AF te

repareren of regenereren, maar een succesvolle klinische therapie lijkt nog ver

weg. Bij de beschreven regeneratieve pogingen ontbreekt vaak een duidelijke

visie betreffende de uiteindelijke toepassing, terwijl bij de directe

repareerpogingen juist een wetenschappelijke onderbouwing ontbreekt.

In Hoofdstuk 6 testen we enkele zelfontworpen implantaten om het AF defect ons

geiten model te sluiten. Eerst wordt een gestandaardiseerd 3 mm groot defect

gemaakt lateraal op de AF, waardoor de NP wordt uitgeruimd (discectomie). Het

defect in de AF wordt vervolgens gesloten de afsluit implantaten. We testen

tussenwervelschijven waar alleen een AF implantaat wordt ingebracht als ook die



waar ook een collageen NP implantaat wordt ingebracht. In het eerste deel van de

eerste experimenten worden de implantaten in tussenwervelschijven ex vivo

getest. Hierbij blijkt een 3.5 mm groot AF afsluit implantaat met vier zijringen de

hoogste axiale belasting aan te kunnen. Ook blijkt dat de toegenomen flexie-

extensie en lateroflexie die optreedt na een discectomie weer kan worden

hersteld met behulp van een AF en collageen NP implantaat samen. De positieve

resultaten worden bevestigd in 2 geiten in vivo na 2 weken follow up. Na 6 weken

follow up (n=8) blijken echter de meeste AF afsluit implantaten gedestrueerd en

verplaatst. Ook blijkt op 2 niveaus sprake van een forse eindplaatreaktie,

waarschijnlijk door continu frictie van de AF implantaten. Er lijkt een trend dat de

AF afsluit implantaten het iets beter doen wanneer ze gebruikt worden samen

met een collageen implantaat dan wanneer standalone.

In het eerste addendum bij hoofdstuk 6 wordt de ontwikkeling van het diermodel

gedetailleerder beschreven. Er wordt begonnen om met behulp van een perspex

model van de geiten tussenwervelschijf de benodigde instrumenten en

implantaten te ontwikkelen met juiste dimensies. De instrumenten bestaan uit

metalen holle buisjes, welke over een voordraad en over elkaar kunnen worden

opgevoerd door de laterale AF. Door de grootste buis (buitenste diameter 3 mm)

kunnen vervolgens alle andere instrumenten en implantaten, behoudens de AF

afsluit implantaten, worden geïntroduceerd. In het tweede addendum bij

hoofdstuk 6 worden de collageen scaffolds, die in combinatie met de ACD’s waren

gebruikt in hoofdstuk 6, geanalyseerd. Deze analyse omvat de

tussenwervelschijfhoogte, macro- en microscopie en MRI. Na 6 weken blijkt de

hoogte van de tussenwervelschijf in de geiten die werden behandeld met een

collageen implant niet significant afgenomen ten opzichte van onbehandelde

controle niveaus. De tussenwervelschijven die worden behandeld met alleen een

discectomie of een AF implantaat zonder collageen implantaat tonen wel een

significante afname. Macroscopisch blijkt het collageen na 6 weken nog niet te

zijn vastgegroeid met de omgeving waardoor het grotendeels verloren gaat

tijdens het zagen en voorbereiden voor histologie. Voorts blijken bestaande

histologische en MRI scores niet bruikbaar om de resultaten na 6 weken te

evalueren. Er is geen significant verschil in aantallen cellen tussen de verschillende



175 175

In dit proefschrift toonden we aan dat de visco elastische eigenschappen van de

tussenwervelschijf kan worden nagebootst met scaffold materialen. Deze

materialen laten ook de invasie van natieve cellen toe. De bemoedigende

resultaten kunnen echter niet in vivo worden bevestigd door het gebrek aan een

adequate annulus sluiting.




Appendix 3




Publications contributing to this thesis

- Bron JL, Koenderink GH, Everts V, Smit TH. Rheological characterization of the

Nucleus pulposus and dense collagen scaffolds intended for functional

replacement. J Orthop Res. 2009; 27:260-266

- Bron JL, Vonk LA, Smit TH, Koenderink GH. Engineering alginate for

intervertebral disc repair. J Mech Behav Biomed Mater 2011;4:1196-205

- Bron JL, Mulder HW, Vonk LA, Boulabi BZ, Oudhoff MJ, Smit TH. Migration of

intervertebral disc cells into collagen scaffolds intended for functional

replacement. J Mater Sci Mater Med. 2012; 23:813-821

- Bron JL, Helder MN, Meisel HJ, Van Royen BJ, Smit TH. Repair, regenerative

and supportive treatment strategies of the Annulus Fibrosus; Achievements

and challenges. Eur Spine J. 2009; 801:301-313

- Bron JL, Van der Veen AJ, Helder MN, Smit TH. Biomechanical and in vivo

evaluation of experimental closure devices of the annulus fibrosus designed for

a goat nucleus replacement model. Eur Spine J. 2010;19:1347-1355

- Bron JL, Van royen BJ, Helder MN, Sonnega RJ, Smit TH. Development of a

minimal-invasive lumbar disc repair model and evaluation in a goat pilot study

in vivo. Eur Spine J. 2012; submitted

Other publications (international)

- Bron JL, Brinkman JM, Visser M, Wuisman PI. A slow growing mass on the

back in a 63-year old man. Clin Orthop Rel Res. 2006; 452: 274-283

- Van Royen BJ, Noske DP, Bron JL, Vandertop WP. Basilar impression in

osteogenesis imperfecta: Can it be treated with halo traction followed by

posterior fusion? Acta Neurochirurgica. 2006; 148: 1301-1305

- Bron JL, Saouti R, De Gast A. Treatment of posterior knee dislocation in a

patient with multiple sclerosis after knee replacement. Acta Orthop Belg.

2007; 73: 118-121

- Brinkman JM, Bron JL, Wuisman PI, Van Diest PJ, Comans EF, Molthoff CF. The

correlation between clinical, nuclear and histologic findings in a patient with

Von Recklinghausen’s disease. World J Surg Oncol. 2007; 5: 130

- Bron JL, Van Kemenade FJ, Verhoof OJ, Wuisman PI. Long-term follow-up in a

patient with disseminated spinal hydatidosis. Acta Orthop Belg. 2007; 73: 678-



179 179 179

- Bron JL, Van Royen BJ, Wuisman PI. The clinical Significance of lumbosacral

transitional vertebrae. Acta Orthop Belg. 2007; 73: 687-695

- Verhoof OJ, Bron JL, Wapstra FH, Van Royen BJ. High failure rate of the

interspinous distraction device (X-Stop) for the treatment of lumbar spinal

stenosis caused by degenerative spondylolisthesis. Eur Spine J. 2008; 17: 188-


- Langeveld AR, Bron JL, De Bruijn AJ. Lower back pain and bladder dysfunction.

sBMJ. 2008; 16: 120

- Bron JL, Mooi WJ, Saouti R, Wuisman PI. A 31-year-old female patient with a

slow growing pre-patellar mass. Clin Orthop Rel Res. 2008; 466:1511-15

- Bron JL, De Vries MK, Snieders MN, Van der Horst-Bruinsma IE, Van Royen BJ.

The Andersson lesion of the spine in Ankylosing Spondylitis revisited. Clin

Rheumatol. 2009; 28: 883-892

Other publications (national):

- Nijveldt RJ, Teerlink T, Hoven B van der, Siroen MP, Bron JL, Rauwerda JA,

Girbes AR, Van Leeuwen PA. Hoge plasma concentratie van ADMA als

onafhankelijke sterftevoorspeller op bij intensivecarepatiënten. Ned Tijdschr

Geneeskd. 2004; 148; 782-7.

- Bron JL, Jaspars EH, Molenkamp BG, Meijer S, Mooi WJ, Van Leeuwen PA. Drie

patienten met op Spitz naevus gelijkende afwijkingen die later een melanoom

bleken te zijn. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2005; 149:1852-8.

- Bron JL, Van Solinge GB, Langeveld AR, Jiya TU, Wuisman PI. Drie tevoren

gezonde personen met een vermoeidheidsbreuk. Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd.

2007; 151: 621-628

- Bron JL, Wuisman PI. Diagnose in beeld: Een patiënte met een gezwollen knie.

Ned Tijdschr Geneeskd. 2007; 151: 2564-2565

- Bron JL, Van Royen BJ, Wuisman PI. Het interspinale implantaat –

behandelingsoptie bij het syndroom van Verbiest? Ned Tijdschr Orthopaedie.

2007; 14: 5-11




Appendix 4




Wanneer je als arts aan een promotie onderzoek begint ben je aangewezen op de

hulp en ondersteuning van velen. Mijn dank is groot voor alle betrokkenen bij o.a.

de orthopedie, Arthro Kinetics, orale celbiologie, orale biochemie, UPC en AMOLF.

Dit geldt ook voor alle mede auteurs, collegae, studenten, de paranimfen en

uiteraard de leescommissie. Hier geen opsomming van namen, wel wil ik enkelen

persoonlijk bedanken.

Prof. Dr. Paul Wuisman;

Prof Wuisman stond aan de wieg van mijn onderzoek en daarom hier als eerste

genoemd. Visie, enthousiasme en een onuitputtelijke bron van goede ideeën. Gaf

mij het vertrouwen om aan een promotie onderzoek te beginnen en regelde dat ik

tot die tijd als ANIOS in de kliniek aan de slag kon. Zijn onverwachte overlijden in

2007 was dan ook een grote tegenslag. Tot het eind is prof. Wuisman de

inspiratiebron gebleven voor mijn onderzoek en als mens zal ik hem blijven


Prof. Dr. Ir. Theo Smit;

Beste Theo, zonder jouw steun was dit boekje er niet gekomen. Na het verlies van

prof Wuisman en het, tijdens de kredietcrisis, wegvallen van de financiële steun

voor mijn onderzoek nam jij het voortouw. Het waren soms angstige momenten,

maar door jouw inzet en steun is het uiteindelijk goed gekomen. Als niet-clinicus

temidden van met name klinische wetenschappers was jouw tegenwicht

verhelderend en onmisbaar. Als wetenschapper scherp en kritisch, als mens

eerlijk, bescheiden en betrokken. Het maakt jou de ideale begeleider en


Prof. Dr. Barend van Royen;

Beste Barend, geheel onverwacht moest jij alle onderzoeksprojecten op je nemen.

Mijn onderzoek viel daar ook onder. Ik ben je erg dankbaar dat jij deze taak zo

goed hebt opgepakt en me aan het einde de rust en steun hebt gegeven die ik

nodig had. Naast promotor ben je inmiddels als opleider ook verantwoordelijk

voor de volgende grote stap in mijn carrière.


183 183

Prof. Dr. Gijsje Koenderink;

Beste Gijsje, tijdens jouw eerste rondleiding door het AMOLF (FOM-instituut voor

Atoom- en molecuulfysica) zag ik een wereld die ver af stond van het voor mij

vertrouwde ziekenhuis. Maar jouw enthousiasme om een brug te slaan tussen

deze 2 werelden werkte direct aanstekelijk. Terwijl ik in de weken hierna in een

verlaten kelder van het AMOLF begon met mijn onderzoek aan de gloednieuwe

reometers, zette jij in korte tijd een hele nieuwe onderzoeksgroep op. Toen ik

dacht dat mijn boekje wel naar de drukker kon, kwam er alsnog een

roodgekleurde correctie versie terug van alle spelfouten die je alsnog had

ontdekt. Veel dank voor je gedreven, enthousiaste en altijd kritische houding!


185 185

Appendix 5

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum vitae


Johannes Leendert (Harry) Bron was born on Januari 18th, 1980 in Leerdam, The

Netherlands. After graduating from high school (Heerenlanden College, Leerdam)

in 1999, he began studying Medicine at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. During

his medical internships he participated in orthopaedic research with Prof. Dr.

P.I.J.M. Wuisman at the department of Orthopaedic Surgery of the VU University

Medical Center Amsterdam. After receiving his medical degree (cum laude) in

2005, he started to work as an orthopaedic resident at the same department. In

2006 he started his PhD-project focusing on novel regenerative strategies of the

intervertebral disc as described in this thesis (promotores: prof. dr. B.J. van Royen

and prof. dr. ir. T.H. Smit). Directly after this he started his surgical residency (part

of his orthopaedic training) in the Spaarne Ziekenhuis in Hoofddorp (Head: dr.

G.J.M. Akkersdijk). Currently he works as an orthopaedic resident at the VU

University Medical Center (Head: prof. dr. B.J. van Royen).