chroniclingamerica.loc.govtaking batangasaxdlipa. now riijltn'im; instjboests capt-cfsed ibwnb...

TAKING BATANGAS AXD LIPA. now riiJLTn'iM; instjboests capt- CfSED ibwNB IN OOFFEE-RAIS* ING DISTRICTS. jnr TKir.*.RAPn to mr. TitinrNE 1 CBvttd, Maniia Bay. July 2. via VlctcHa, B C., Aug- 10..Rcporta of the ovarrunnlng of th* rrovince of Batangaa by the troopa of Aguinsldo are alowly reachlrig hoad'iuarters, and thoy ,how thnt whlle the clty of Balar.pas fell wlth¬ out a strucple there was a prolonsed and bloody eoeiteal ab-mt the clty "f Llpa, perbapa the rlchaal coffee cmre ln the ialand of Luzon. Lipa »'.* Bttacked hrst. and the Spanlsh parrl- aon offered a atoul realBjtancB Th<- rebela fought their wap to the clty. and then ducr a gories of trenches In commandlnp posltlona. The InvestmeDt of the place lB-.ted for ten days. dur- ing which the Hre from the trenches swept tba ci'V- The Spaniards to-ik refuge behlnd th" walls of churohcs and other well-bullt Biruc-uret?, but we*-e forced out by hunger. Thelr food aupply was cut off. and an eye-;vitness in desorlblng t^e s-.-enes says that tho Spaniards kept to thelr forr'.f.i ations durlng rlayllght. but at nlght came ou*. llke Jackuls nnd wandered about in II i: h of food and water They ate decayed iru'.i am! the crasta that they found In kltohens, and drank raln water from the gutters. The rabala kept up a flre hoth day and nltrht, ar.d lB the end the Spanlards were forced to Burrer.diT. Llpa was looted at once, and when the Vlct .lioua lnsurgenta marched !nto Batangas Ignorar.t natlvea offered diamonds. gold and alher jewelry and other valuaMes at absurdly low prices. Llpa boa__s of prettler homea than Man^a. and but llttle eseaped the horde that aaoked the town. AfiUIXALDO'S SUOC/KSSFTI, TRICTC The pent-up d.-slre f'»r reven_e agalnst a tra- _lti"na_ enemy and a natural instinct for free- bootini; w.-re glven full f«ny. Bat_.nsa_i was taken largely by stran-gy on tfce part of the rehel le.iders. Slmultane >u8ly wlth the arrlval of the f..rces from Llpa the ateamer Bulusam, given to Apuina.dn by a wealthv insurpent. came steaming into the har¬ hor The crew had llned h-^r deoks wlth heavy bamboo fashlom-d Uka guns. nnd although she had nothlne- heavler than a Mauser aboard the effect was the same Th"-" Spanish f- ared a bombardment and has- tlly ralsed a whlte fiag. The surrender of Ba- tanpas and the capturo of Llpa pave the lr.- aurgents 600 prlsoners, nea*-ly one thousar.d rifles. aeveral deld pleces. a large amount o* stores and complete contro] of the rich ar.d poptilous province of Batangas. Moal r.f the ri*les and ammunitlr.r. werp sent to Cavite. but lt wa? dedded to keep the prls¬ oners at home The latter could be fuarded r. »re readiiy and fed wlth greater oase than at Cavite Wlth the complete triumph ot th* lnsurpcnt arms, a!l of th*- tn-ops that could' be spared ¦were dlspatched to other provlncen In th*- z^r.itfi r.f the trade days Lipa made an annual esportati <n r.f coffeo to the value r.f j^.iUjO.Omi Rut two years ago a pest attack*-,! ar.d kllled moat of th» plants. Hecently a fec- ond Inaect that it Is hoped wlll kill the flrpf. was brought frorr. Rraail, and tbe growera are pre- parinp to replant Lipa has long boen noted as a coffee centre, and at or.o time boaated flfty th uaand lnhaMtants. TOWN DF.STROYEP BY A VOLCAN'O. It was "riglnally foun'led In 1*V>5. but has been movej t«;rp and twlce rebul'.t. The orlpinal town waa located on the shores r.f Lake Br.mban, but was totally wlped out by an eruptlon "f Taal vo'.cano in 1764. The site was then moved t^ a place called I'aninslnguln, but there was a scarcity of water and tho town was soon moved to the present aite, which is aevente.-n mlles from Batangas. Th" ter_;...-rature !s exceptlonally cool, th« dty being htgh above the. level of the _ea; but It t* not a healthy place. It ia very damp, and fevera and ma'.arla are preval*»nt. The dampness is ascrlbed to the pr*»«enc* or exlst.-nce of the coffee piantations. The moFt attrar-tive struoture? ar** a Btone vladjct crossin« a deep ravine north of the tc.wn and the Rnman CathoMo Church and oon- vent Up to the ei^se of the eighf-enth cen- tury th- Llpa district was a great wheal pro- duter, but m.w n"n" ls ralsed. The dlatrlct grows a amall amount of su^nr Batangas. althouph tho caplta! of tho prov- lnce, the hr-nv> of the prinMpal offlejals. and the aet of jui-tiee, la not as Important a place as 1'lpa. ot other cltle« of the province. lapoorly located. has BBlaarabla water, and half a dozen very s>-v*-r'- fires have further marred lt. It is fairly well bullt and there are S"-vi-ral suxar milis near It. The Inaurgenta have reatored par- tlal order t*' Lipa and Batangas, but trad" haa 8uff».-reri immenaely. Bogar, coffee, copra and oll can be bought far beloa their market valu*-. and local bnalneaa is etl!) at a ftandstill. lt wlll take a t. r «¦ r.f Amerir-an troops to flnally rcstr.-.- order. DEWEY WRITES TO LIYIXi.STOX. GLAD A SOrTHFJ;N_R MOVKD THE THANK 3 nr rosaiiEi-Z Ati.-.nta. Aun Ml. 'ongre»Bman Llvlngston, of Georifir. ha« recelved the. fr.llowing Mter frorn Ad- _-.'"-a! Dewey: Kli-ship Olympla. off CavlttJ. Phtllpi -.:.. !>. .- S. J..-.* 17, '.*<* My Dear Slr: 1 hav* juat I'-arn-d ,'rom the laat papprs that I am InOebted t" you for the mtro- duction in the Houae of Repreaentatlvei "f the reaolutlona eztendlng fo me the thanks ol 01 gress 1'tr th»- naval enKasement of Maniia May May 1. I need hardly teii you trnt 1 am most eln<~or*-ly frateful t_ you as the au'hor of that resolutlon, rlnglng, as |t doea, th»- hlgheal honor that can lo ar. Ami-rlr-an naval olBcar ln his pr©- fesBlonil car*< r V. ,t lt Is ;t (rr*a; | >aKure tu fl<¦- kr .u,. ;.'.. my d< !.' of i;ratit . !' m.i fo thank you 1.1 .nrtlnted meanure for the part you to-.k In obtalning t<>r me tnat greateat dlatlnctlon lt ls a aource of ad'llti'.nn! pleaaure to me, a V*rmoriter. that tho movi-r of ihe resr.lutlon «us nr.t a man from the North, but ona from the Kar Kojth. T7;ls ls ona of the good slgn." of th*- tlmea In the hour ot dai.ger there la no Bouth, no North, buf otie unlted country. May never h^ar of Beotlonalism nicaln. There nre ni Unej drawn ln tb' N'avy, I r.t-ed not say. lt may Interest yoj to ki.ow that mv flaa lleuten._nt. Ueutenant Brum- bv ls a Georfclan t'V hlrth and appomtment. Agaln thanhlng you' moal cordlally, i romain very gratefully and slncerely, To the Hon. I_ F. lylvlngston. Ho;;-e of RepreaeB- tatlves. XEWS FROM CAMP ALGER. Waahlngtoti, Aug. lt..Tara deaths ha\e been re¬ ported ala " yeaterday, those or Prlvate C. P. Van Busklrk. Conipi.ny A. Itth r< and Prlvate C. J. Ju:tz, Company C. 3<5 New-Tork. ;,»«r,ita fords walst deej) and rr.ufldy r*.ads th* 8eoc.nd Dlvislon yeaterday reached Thomughfare Gap, Vlrglnla, coverint; a two days' march In on* day. The troops were Orenched, and had to camp on BTOUBd made soft by raln. Cnder the r-ireum- e!ar,'«-s the tnnnh war hlghly BUCCCaaful. The qjanermasier'a d.-partment paifailUBd ita w.rk wall. Thlrtv-one typhua patlcnte wlll be tnken to fort M er Hoapltal. f>t thls numher twelve ar* from tt... :a New-Tork four ea*h from ihe 15.9th. Indlan.i and th<- '.th .Vass'a* husetts. three each from the 3*1 Mlaaouii the 7th Illlnols and ttn> 34th Ml^hlpan and f-n*. aaeb from th<- .th Pennsylvanla and the 3.1 Mt-htgaa. The abaer.oe of fleld hosnirala hampera th* surneons _ CARRAyiCA REAPPEARS IX MONTREAL. Montreal, Aug. Ifl..Ueutenant Ramon de Car- rar.ia. who was suppored to have Ball.-d for KnK- land thre., w.-eks aga. ln arcordance wlth an order from the Canadlan Government tO Wv.- the coun¬ try, appeared here apain :o-day. He refus-.-d to aay where he had been. .. ,. . Mr Ht. Plorre, Carrania's lawyer. says that the Ueutenant haa been oa a vtelt to St. Plerre and Mlijii»!on wbere he has heen superlntendlng tne s*-ridlnr; of blockad* runners to Cuhu. Hls worK being .-nd.-d and peace being nt hand. he has come bar-k tr, say far.-well to hls frtenda before salllnt: for Buropa -*-¦. IMMFXES AT SAYAXXAH. ^'aahln.ton. Aup. 10 -The M Reghnenl of Im- ¦Baaa, aaaa-aandai b>- Colonel Ray, la it snvan- nah lt was expected that the reglment would sall for Santlago early thls week. but a bn-akage in tha uaacl.lnc-ry of oi:o ol the transporis 1ms de- Edenia Lundborg's standard pcrfume, an old favorite with the ladics. ¦i the expedl loi S-na?r.r Bacon pro"*>p"*>r! endlng i< reglment to E i aaylng that the rn<"n wer< i-of Immunr-s. hut th<- Wnr I>e- partmeni held that they na.l enllated as auch, an.l would be s.-nt to Cuba in a >i lai with their "-.(¦nt. THE VXCA8 18 A IH sY BOAT HAS MANY EXCITING EXPERIENCEfl ON THK NORTHERN COABT. Key Wr-si, Fla A ig 1" Tha tUS 1'noas. commanded by Lleutenanl F R. Brainard, re¬ turned here this m..rnins after another excltlng fortnighl of blochade duty on th*- North Cuban i-ast. Tbe Uncaa, wblch has 1 een Joculnrly termed "the flagahlp of the Woequlto fleet," holda the record of the threr amaller boata for continuous blochade Bervlce aad Intereetlng ex- perlencea She carrles Cuban expedltlons, and lands them almost under the enemy'a guns; she chaaea almoat anyhlnir. from a rnft to a batt'.e- Bhlp, nnd occuples spare moments by knook- inc over Spanlsh blockhouaeg nnd capturlng prlsea Ob this, her lntest trlp. the Uncas put aahore another expedltlon for Qomex, nnd a dan- ger-uis flre ln hor own hold, just above the T-i aplte of all thi? she looked none the worse when she steamed Into Ke* Weal Harbor to-day for more ¦¦ r»al and provlslons. When the Uncaa left here two weeka ago she carrlo*i Captain Btabl., of Gomea'a staff. wlth six other Cubana and tlve hundred Remlng- I ¦:. arbines and ammunltlon fnr the Insnrir'-nt commander's forcea. The m-x: mornlng an overturned i.katove in the forecaatle ptarted a flro. Sh'" was then only two or three mlles off Havana, nnd ns the flamea raped Aercely for n f.-u mlnutea a well-dlrected shell from any of the land batterlea would have sent her to the bottom Thoae °n board could aee troops of Spaniards about the guns on shore, but no deadly meaeengera came thelr way, and aft*"r the flr*' had been extlngulahed by chopplng away the wood work, the tup proceeded t>> Cay Confltes, near Calbarlen, where she put her nttie Cuban party aahore without encounter'.ng a Spanlard Then she ateamed tuward Matanzas, and#on her way there, whlle near Cardenaa, a torpedo- boat was siphted. close to the ahore, aendlng up ruckeis. Tho natural Buppoaltlon was that sh<- wns a Bpanlah veaael attemptlng to communl- *ate with tho ahore, nnd the Uncaa promptly h'-a-io.i in her dlrection. As she drew near the torpedo-bnat turned nnl came out to meel h*r Sh*- was then n ignlied aa ihe Talbol It mv whlle lyinp off Matansae, a dav or two ago. that tha Uncaa was flred upon. Bhe was wlthln l«-o mllea of the ahore when. wlthout warnlng, a aand battery of fl or v Inch guns be¬ gan flrlnp Bhella at her Fully twenty of theae mteallea f.ll around the tug, wlth'n a radlus of a hundred yards. before ahe could pe* out -f range As ahe atearaed away the T'ncaa re- turned the flr*- wlth her thr*-* forward and after I'.-pounders Th*n occurred a llttle incldent HluBtratlng the auperetltlona of aeamen. The frora th- Uncaa'a s"*-rn gun had Just Bcreamed lt* way acroaa Ihe watera, when a gaudy-wlnged itterfl: h had blown ff the shore, hov- ered over the stlll smoklnp gun and aettled down on Ita muasle A horny-fleted Irlahmaa who mann.-d the cun mw it. threw up hls hands and shouted to T.i.-Htenart Brainard- "Bay. Captaln. tbat scttles lt. Thnt's the last shot w<»'ll flre ln thls war" And there is BOt a man on tho tug who not thorouRhly eonvlBced that th* butterfly'fl vlslt was a sure forerunner of peac*. WORK n\- sivkun BHIPS. Ouantanamo Bay. Aiic ft, via Playa d*l F.«t*. Provtnce of Bantlago de cUba. Aug M.Th*» Badger and the I J. Merrltt hav*- arrlvorl The latter. '\er coallng, wlll proeeed to the wro.-k of the Crlatobal Colon. The Merrltl <*.- Chapmaa arreckera now thlnk the infai.ta Marla Tereaa ls held In poaltlon by a rock through her bottom forward, but they expect to haul ln-r "ff - &10VEMENT8 OF WAR VE88ELS. Ouantanamo Bay. Aug ;'- 12 B. m. via Playa del Eate, Cuba fdelayed In tranamlaalon)..The Bt. Paul haa arrlved here from Porto Rlco, and proceeda to santiap*. de Cuba in order to embark troopa the St Paul and the St. Loula wlll em¬ bark the troopa outalde the barbor entrance, b'-inc to*. i*.jip t" enter the barbor proper. Captaln Clerk, formerly of the battle-ahlp Ore- gon, la golng North on th*- st. Paul, owlng to bad h'alth Captaln A. B. Barker, formerly of the Newark. oommandathe Oregon, and Captaln C F. Oood- rl* h. formerly of the Bt. Loula, cr-mmands the Newark. The latter. with the Detrolt, Buwanea and Bcorplon, accompany the Re* lut*- to the Isle of Plnea Captaln Ooodrlch is in enarpe of the expedltlon, which aalla to-day or to-morrow. The Nlagara's aalllng for Key \ve«t. via Porto Rlco, has been delayed untll t* -dav a Bpeedy oonclualoii of the peace nepotiations. one way or the oth'-r. Is earnestly hop*-d for throuphout the fleet aa the Btate of Inactlon and auapenaa ls trylng to oftlcers and men. th*>uph the bea'.th and dipclplln'" 'if the naval forcea are good. There are only ITH men on the alck llst out Of B.8M nien on the shlps ln thla hnrbor, and none of the caaea are serious Chlef Knplneer C. J MaeConnell. the fleet en¬ glneer. of the flagahlp New-Tork, wlll po North ln a day or so on alck leave Ho has heen suf- ferlng from rbeumatlam almost slnce the war hegan. _? THE COLON NOT ABANDOXED. Waahlngton. Aup la-Aaalatant secretary Allen. who ls dire. tly Iti charge of tbe opera- tlona looklng to tbe raisin* of the Bpanlah crulaer Crlatobal Colon, han not been advlaed of the return to Norfoik of the thlrd expedltlon sent down by the wrccken for that purpoae. He haa aol ordered the abandonmenl of the at- tempi to aava the veaael, and it la eonJacCurad here that the wreckara returned to Norfoik owlng to the fear of a troplcal hurrlcane off Hatteraa. to wblch they would ba pecullarty expoaed owlng to the faci that they were tow- Uig pontoona and were otherwlflc unpraparad to encounter aavara weather. lt la belleved they will proeeed apaln as aoon as the weather con¬ dltlona wlll permlt. PPIZI" VESSELS RELEARED. Key Weat. Ha_. Aug 10 -Actlng under ordera from Waahlngton. Commodore Remey haa re- leaaed the Norwerrian si-amers Aladdln and Berpen. recently captured by the gunhoata Hawk and Viklnp. reapectlvely, whlle bound from Tamplco aml Vera Crtiz, Mexlco. for Sagua la C,ra::de. Cubii. The ground for their release Is that Sagua ls noi a bloekaded port Both steamers left here lay f-r thelr orisinai deatlnatkm. A iike dlapodtlon wlll doubtlaaa bo made of ,):,. caae <-f the Norweglaa Bteamer PTaaklln. captured hy tha Hawk whiie bound for Sapua. This caae has been flxed for a hearlng thia after- n.un. i IX MAXILA BAI. A BIC, HARBOR I'NPRDTKt-TEr) FROM THE TROFICAL TTPHOON. RCMAVTir gTOnrgg POyWf*CTEP xxflTH CORREOI- T'CiR CHARAr*T*ER <^F THE COPKTRT AROtrXD TTtK BAT. Cavlt**. Jun* 20 The nnn who .'""larei that th* r.avi'p of the world eouli rlir- nn Manlla May apoke the truth. but In order not tO let the truth PiirT-r by omla- Blotn rt would be well to aivlpo the r.avies of the world to jr«t out of it when th* typhoon comea ln. The harbor la larpe ani beautlful, and the anchora-te 1= good, but nature dld not properly protect it The hiKhlanis nre t..o fnr away to break tiie force of the frrifio revolvlnc storm of th* Far Ka*'. in October, 1882, a typhoon aenl eleven *hlps ani a ateamer aahore, dlamaated another, ani p"nt three more Into colllalon, nnd other caaualtlea bave been frcquent. it i* alao the flcene of frrquent pqualls po rnmmnn to the tropic*, ani the Ftiiriior whalel.nats nf ihe Amerlcan fleet have plcked up aeveral water- !o-j--ei natlve craf; plnoe thelr control of affairp hrrr. There !«, p*rhaps no hnrbf-r !n the world po completely kandlocked that ahlpplng at anchor enjoya abaolute pr lectfnn. hut atlll Manlla mu?: auffer t.-. comparlaon even if lt l* on aceount nf her prnxtmltv to th* place where nnture makea her typhoona Thcr^ are protected placee, how¬ ever, and th* development of ihe group of |b1- enda when ptrogreaa and modern meth da nre let ln wlll hrlnp them Inr.. us-. The am hnrage off the mcnith nf the r'f»««:K Rlver ln front r.f the clty nf Mtmlla ls probably the niist exposed polnl -nywhfrc on 'he harbor. There Ip a llttle breakwater there hardly itrc-. "r.^uf-h ro aerve a* a foundatloa for its long ruirti*". ani lt doea nn eroofi tr, phlpplnir. Stlll, the hay naiPt commani admlratlon fmm tha wanior'a. tho bualneaa man'a or th* artlat'a polnl of vlew, It can be mad. abaolutcly Im- prejrnnb;-.; it is n prent blghway for "tli forelgn ani iomestlc rumm-rr", ani lt ia ei wlth many pretty pcenl- features. The ent rance to thla jrront hniy nf water la one of the pretl apota ln the Orl^nt The majestlr- bluffa at Ihe outer end of Marlvelea Bay f'.rm the north then come n..,'a Chlca, the narrow entrar the hay, then t'orreKldor, rugged ani hlgh; then Huca Granie, the large entrance, ani r.n the BOUtfa th* rr.rk F.\ FYal>. Weat nf Cnr- regldor and iiptar.t ulmttt a mli" Jut* up a bar- r«*n rn.-k ralled the Haycnck and aouth of lha laiand ani i-ir.«er to lt riP^s Caballo, whl. h xx it*-. lt* ntt'e j.iain hayward and pt rpi nd! ular r * Ir, peaw.irl resemblea a legleaa eaay chair. Cor- regtdor rlaea abruptly from tho aea tr. a helght of 63S feet. it ip over three mllea long, .,ni mak'-p an Impresalve plcture from ihe s--t. THE ROMAN'CE of CORREOIDOB Tho fateway to Manlla abounda In hlati ry ar.i romnn-c. Corregldor waa ta re 8 Pl H< lena for hltrh Church iirnitarlep. and waa ( r yeara ir"ai"i a* a deaert lale, Its pretl romance la tr, ]"«-"nd of how th» thr' .- at tlm entrance to the Lay c i th- ir namea Early ln the eeventeenth rentur) camr. 'o Manlla in h Meilran galleon a famlly named Velea. Maria. one of the daught. ra. waa a pretty trlrl wlth m.>r* da«h rhat' plety ll maJta-up, itri \0..;i her fanilv placed her in the Convent of Hnnta Clara ahe promptly fell ln Jove wlth a hanipom* young 1 l ll frlar II". too, :v\" v. ..ak, ani they d*cii"ri to r«- rnuncr. tbr-ir ordera at"! fl. a Thr-v decided to r. to th* ar.r-lenf town r.f Camaya. ln «h* lll . I |nck*d i a> on th* nor'h alde .f the entrance t. rh" harbor, «ni ther* awalt the next galleon l '.' .. by rfr."* ar.i pafely rea ¦. thelr deatl- natlon Thx'lr r- Ing " i and .... . ,,... r | t> ,. : ... ., her ¦¦. all whe leard him thal tn harbor Ihe cu wouii ht. g ire* wa* flnally dlacovered, atii na r.f »)ie rity corr"i*i- iorp laM'tmrni headed un expe,iit|,.n rom| rf b notary and twelve arquebualera for th>:r capture The rm-r,'* had far*d badly M irla hni "«- r-ap'-i from tha rorrvent ln a n wk'a hai t, but* on th" hav ha.l r*P'imei fen al* t rb They mis*eri the aaii . .n and f»il atnona unfrlei nativea Th* la.'r-r attempled iak* rhe -rir; and th* fria*- defended her The rorreajldor r*ach*i th" beach al '"anava to flnd v' r on th* pand bleeding ai 1 wlth rh<- '¦> .r.i' frlar !... Ing il '.- r ald* Th" culprlta were brought back t Manlla, and, wliil* Maria Velej waa aenl '.' I end her daya ln a rlolster. *he mnnk a*aa >¦¦¦!.. to the (ungle. there t.. p" k to ...u" a few na aoula I r> ... .ve the ta hla own Camaya tr«-,k th" name of the pretty glrl who had found Ita ph< re« Inhoapltable, and haa i I Marlvelea The la u .¦¦ aa ed for the atui ly corregl >r, wh le the lon*- !v rork rT alone m the other alde of Orande waa named f'.r ih. en ng fi Noi only dii Camaya and the bay Mk-x r1- name Marlvelea, bui th" nai .. ippll. i it to tho mountain range back of th* Marlvelea la of no lm| plt* th" fact that it waa once a provlncial capltal; th* hai althnuL-h amall, la a good one lt haa been uaed ap a quarantlne ani Blgnal atation, apd br,a*tp of a few aror* of houaea It Ib baaul fuiiv Bltuated, nni th" well.wn l-i ateep m. un tnir,^ r.amei fr.r Maria Valea riH<- r.'.rii|.'' about lt Natura ha- erected battlementa lhal wlll pormlt the perfect defenre of the u The Spantah mounted twenty good-slaed nn ani between the te harbor heada, but lt wm the mnn behlni th" gun that waa lacklng. When Dewey'a entrance Into the ba) v\n% be- tnL>"i l.y a pparklnj? funnel onlj "ne of the tiatterlr-p. -Ith'T the nn* r,n the aouth matnlland or El FTalle. and probnbly th" latter. opened flre. There was a flaahlng of algnala from both the helghta of Corregldor and th* algnaJ Btallon at Marlvelea, lut th" -run* ^^err. alleni THR INKNOWN BATTERT OF EL FRAILB. Th* eelstenoa r.f th" hattery on El l-'rall'- was not known, although from the ahelf ofmaaoary ani cement t.ullt r.n the alde of th- rugged roch the work of compiofitiK Ibe battery muai have coneumed aeveral montha. Conaul Wllllama dld not know r,f its exlptence. rmi non" r.f th" other advlaera nf Aimlral Dewej i.'i".it.'i it The Amerlcan phlr**. "Ir'l I-nf*' wlthln two hun¬ dred yarda of it. unconacioua <it tne danger they were in. Corregldor rould be made a rerltable Olbraltar. rtins generally eaal and weal and fl.inks both chann*lP for over thr"<- mllea, ani If properly defended would make a hari gantlel to run. Batteriea could ;»-Ipo ba placed *.n i..»th heada, El Pralle an.i Caballo, and ivth ch.-mneis would t,e Klmoly puept «'orreKli..r WOUld make an exceiient watch-mwer. for the atmreB nf Luaon Koada to*ward l* on elther alde and noth- Ihk could appmach unobpervei Corregldor'a lnfttest peak Ip ptirmounted by a flne moderr llRhthoupe, nni wh<-n In tise the HKht can he aeen twenty mlles to *eu_ R.ica Chlca la about two mllea wide. althouKh a cape or two on the north h*ad. outalde nf Marlvelei Bay. and half a dnren reefB reduce the channel to about half that wldth. There Ib no bar. ani plenty of water. The avera+re iepth ls about thirty fathoma. and near Cnrreaidnr the lead haa ahown flfty-nlne fathnma with no bnttnm. Boca Orenie. from Cabe-Jn tn the aouth beai*. flve mllea wide. but from Cabello to Kl Fralb- Ib but a trlfle over thre.: miles, po that may be .wild to be the wl.lth of the channel Ther* Ip an everaga depth of a* leapt twenty-flve fathom*. There I* plenty of wat.r In the harbor, nlthoiiKh there are alioals off Manila. ravite ani ln tne rmrth end of the bay, al.-na; tba provtnee of Pampautgna. it Blra*tJlowa down t.. two ani three fAtbOtna doea to the Phore at ravlt*1, and Manila, and ta Hftaan cai Pami-nngas. Tliere la dt-e*; water ln man> placca vcty tlost* to shore, and deep water g^nerally a short dlstance off shore. The water In the mlddle of the har- bor la penerally very deep. «ome of the sound- Ings Bhowlng twenty fathoms. There ls. In fact. too much water ln the harbor. Th*- land on the w*>st and south slde of the harbor is hiph. but on the eaat and north sldes It 1.4 verv |ow. Pampansas. on the north. Is low and marahy, wlth a large nlimber of sloutths and small rlvers emptylng Into the bay. Maniia Btandfl upon low lands, and the Pasip drains a low area back to tho laeuna The country ar und Cavit* ls also low. as It is further down :h.- bay to th* hills and nv.untains south of the entrance Tbe ahorea are generally weii wooded. and are perennlally gre*n. The harhors great- eai wldtb is from northweal to aoutheaat and the dlstance is nomlnally thlrty mllea. The dla- tance aboul th*- bay by the shore llne from the north head at the entranco to tbe south head is 125 mll-s. THF. PASIG RIVER. Tho pasip Is tho prlnclpal stream that flnds Its way to the bay. and it Is narrow and ahallOW, nithouph a conventpnl avenue for the husine«s of the ,-:ty and the subur! an trade. It Is nav- Ipable for a short dlstance for ve*-sols dtnwlBg thlrteen feet. and the prlnclpal craft are small Bteamera, launchea md caacoa or lighters. Two molea run out from the month, "ne from near th- cltadel on the south bank and the other from the budneaa Buburb of Blnando. on the north bank. At the end of the latter there Is a houae not In use slnce the Mockade becan. The pasip runr. haok to LagUttB de Bey, a large bul shall-.w body Of water. The land along the rlver and pari of that on the lapuna Is fertlle. The laguna, although Bhallow, is an element In th*- commerce nf the lsland. Tlu- ahorea nf Maniia Hav are dotted wlth llt¬ tle spanlsh and native towna, which, however amall, Inv.irl iMy have a handsome cathedral that hoaata of both age and archltectural beau- tv. 1 nt Maniia an.l its auburba embrace a large poVtlnn "f the populatlon. The aurroundlnga are beautlful. Away to tho aouth a cone-ahaped volcano aenda up the black Bmoke of internal flr*-; the tr- plcal c"a lenda a s:1"'a and a brtght- nesa, and th* troplcal atorm ahoara Bome clouda ln hlacka, draba and alatea The native ls an Induatrtoua flaher. and his favorlte craft !s a dugout, «ith a dangeroualy narrow beam and outrtggera "ii both alde* The larper veeeela aro coplea of the Chlnese junk nnd sampan. The ai laller aalla are of elther cloth or canvas. but t-.o la-Ror are mats of o! -solv woven loaves. . .- DEWEY'8 MEX AT PRACTICE. INDUSTRIOUfl WORK VTTTH THF. OUNB To KEEP UP THEIR EAMOUB BK1LL. Maniia Bay. -luno 2fl .with AdmtraJ pewey's I-. . r-.rr Maniia). Dewey'i gunnera have not |nst thelr runnlng. They aro tho came dead ,h..ts wi... s.-tu tho sp.-.nish fleet to tb" bottom - ,.t Davld Jonee'a locker. and they are ready for nvre r*.al gunnery. That they may r . forget fh"ir runnlng or !"S*- tb- kna-k they ..nst.-.ntlv kept ln practice. Tbe Olympla ha* a of th*- real thlnp flve daya oa,-h .. k ai 1 'ho r*-s* of the fleet, down to the aux- rulaer M'Culloch, fdlowa the <oad to a ... ,- There la no needleaa waate of mitlon. f- r it la too precloua f-r all that. .. , ihrea are uaed. Small ahella Inaerted ..... |n caaea aro Inaerted in the heav- .- | ..,.- f T th*" ilr*" of the projectllc. tho roii/fp ohtalned aro the same. Th*- gunnera flr* at a floatlng target, which ls . the ahlpi b) a launch. (tmd the ac- flrlng ls wonderful Each of the irm lunted by a rM fliir. ..... fo..t e-iuare One nf that klnd th* Olympla yesterday. and at verying from three hwffdred to aeven ,-is the flag wa* punctured flfty .... riort staff from which lt fluttered .:. bj l ti;- floal l*«alf «n" adlj dlaflarured by th* keen-eyed. eool-headed Arner- « behlnd the guna There waa Btmply no wll i ahontlng, and If ll had t**n r*al Inatead of u.-ir'!--.- every projeetlla -Baajld have per- ' ¦..> 1 its part auguat Kulweln la the irunner of the flapshlp. a- 1 proud la he of the crewa under hlm The amanahlp of every rrulaer in tho fleet ls far aho\-e the average. Thoro ls naturally the *r kln 1 of rll-alry The tr.en ha-.-e devel- at Interest ifl thelr work. nnd '. '.vr.-i-h thal of their rtvala. They enter target pra ile* with croat splrlt. i :. nn th-- McCullOCh are recetVlBg tps;- .a In gunnery, and are showing mpi nt. In addltlon to her two inrl four r- p- undera, two 37-mllll- I ii .tchklaa cannon captured fi gpai lah have been mounted on h"r ai : "-ti- would make a t"u«h cuatomer for i-.¦ amall craft to tackle. The fl-et wlll keep up Ita practice untl. there !s m-To r*'al when that la don* 'he routine that ,»¦. »g n and makea perfeetkm wlll be re- BAD DEATB or A YOrNO VOLCNTEER. u rvi i, <r th« BnvoH bidcbj buc- rt'MBfl AT HOME TO TTPHOll) COW- ': \. Tl'n \T TAMP. .-.! Merrtck Ivep. h mcmber of Troop K, Rldera, dled al hls iintip, No m Weat |Uiv*nty-flrat at., r,n Tu*aday aftornoon. ly phold fever, whi.-h h.> contraeted nearly thrao il Tampa, arhere h<> was ln camp wlth the Rougb Rldera Me r-;.me to thls oit>- from Tampa by traln. arrlvlng here on Baturdaj 11° the ontlro trlp alone. and wlthoul foo.l or attentlori of nny sur-. ao far is h.s Camlly could l.arn Iv.-s Jotned tho tt.iuith Rldera Bt Tampa, just two montha before his death H family know llttle of bla Uf* tn ramp When reglment Btarted for Bantlago ha feiled to R--t a carblna. and waa lefl wlth rhe memhers of hls troop it Tampa Two weeka uko h* said, la a latter boma 'We have C"t tenta at last " Mo w-is. whlle ln '-amp. one of the B*"\-*"n men who had charge ot 101 horaea >n Baturday, when young Ivea reached fhls eity, he wai so weah lhal irea unahla to eit up ln a rarrlage, and waa taken to his home m an express wagon His family wera not expe. ilng hlm, an.l dld noi know thal in- had lefl Tampa nntii he ar- rlved at tha houa* When he rea.-h*>,i ttvreho was ao ernactated lhal the aervaata dld not recognlao hlm untll he ealled th*-tn by trime and told them who ha w.-ii" l-'r.'in tha time he arrlved here untll hls d*ifii he almost cmtlnually In a stupor. ln hla few perloda of coneclouaneaa, h.iwever, v.,,.. ,-itile to t-il tho family ihai h" had appllcl f"r furlough over waek befara it was granted. When ha reached here he had wlth him a small bouie of beef tea whhh ha bad brought wlth hlm, hut had heen too weah to uncork, Wbea askod wheth.-r he had baaa glven f.t whlle ui ln ramp, he said that h*- bad, bUt thal ho i-ould not take It. It was not leamed whether h" ha.l h*en in the hospttal before leavlng Tampa or not lirs Broadhead, Blill aad Murray, who were ,.,:...! ln aa soon as lvea rea.-h»-d home. and who u-i" almoat cooeiantly with him untll he dli-d, r-ai-l thal he wai* ln the thlrd week of typhold fever. lt was. they said, a typlcal ease of typhold fev*.-r. that could not he mlsiak»n for any of the aoll feverK prevalent ln the eampa. and they de- noiinoed lt an an outrage to start hlm on the Jour- nay home tn hla critlcal condltlon, wlthout proper attendaaoe, lvea was born ln Rorne, Italy. where hla family llved untll a few years ano He was educated at tho I^iwrencevllle Freparatory School, and later w-i.' to Vale Unlveralty, where he wns Kraduated !,, ..; Whlle at Vale he played on the serond L'nlveraltjr football team when the war began be w ia wlth a machlnery supply flrm In thla clty. ll.- aaa .' member af Bquadron A. but jolne<i tba Rougb Rldera, beilevtng that they would see ser- vl ¦.*. tlrst. Chaney B, Ivea, who dled about four years ago, u ta Ihe VOUBg BOldler'a father He was a promi¬ nent Bculptor. The htalu^a of Sh"rman and Trum- bull H waahlngton, and the otatue of EHahop Rrowne al Hartford. ar.- hls worh Mrs. Ivea, lh** young mau's 'U-jther. and hl.-* slster. llve In Bcventy-flrat-ai A brotbar, II. L>avis Ives, also llve* In thla clty Th> fuaeral wlll take place at Mr Ivea'a late home. tiils afternoon. at 2 o'clock. A detail fr-jm S*|iiadron A wlll attend the funarai. Tba burlal wlll be la Trlnlty C'*-_eUry. ARMY AXD XAVY ORDERS. Waahlne-ton, Aug 10.-The followlng Army and Navy oriera have JiiPt been Ispued: ARMV MaJ-.- HBVRT IjAMOTTR. -.nrfrr^n. l*t R*Blm»nt. t'nlted« Volunteer Ovalry. wlll proceefl to Montauk Polnt. Loag Isiand, N- V Colon"'. JAMFjS M ktOORE, a.««l?tant quartermaeter- gr-nerai. D B. A., arlll pfweeeal tn S*a oirt. N. J. leave rat ab**tv a for "n» -aoath a) arant'd U**a*aaa*- B*l WtjtUjg WIM,ARl>. aest.tant comr-iiMn- l*n*ral of aubBtatene*, V 8. A. The followlng trnnffors are mai*. to tak* effe-t thi* date: Major WiLUAM )l CLAPP, fmm tli* 24th Infantrv to th» nth lafaatry MaJOf ALTRCD C MARa'.RY. fr m th* 11th Infantry to Uta Mth infantry ii» wiu Joln hi* raraaaaa Flrat Lleutenant DEAN C, KOPTARD, aaalatan* aurgeon. U. 8. i arlll proeeed ,n th* ..'*""" Tale, malllng fr n, Ne* v. .rk lf. on Tu**<lay. th" Pth laat., to Bantlago d* Cuba, in r-narge al aaaaieal a.ippii**. Leav* of Bba»ne* tor ea* moath la grant*** Lieutenant- Colonel HENRT VTAOXEH. Ith Cavalry- Captaln HENRY A BHAW, aaBtstanl rurfi C s * la relle-ed froni duty at Kfv W*at llarrir-k*. 1-lortda. ar.i wll report to tha'ltng i>rn<-»r. I nited State* 0*a*ral Hoapltal, Key W*at Fla.. for duty Aetjntr Aaatataat Burgeon \ m mann. C. a A. laie- Ilev*d fiwn luty al th* fnit»(i i=t»tr>* or.eral ll"* rltai, Kev IV..., Kla ni. wlll ixaport to th» eom mandlr.g aflleer, K'v *.Ve«r Harra.-k*. Fla.. fcte duty. Ar-tinir Aaalatant Bura-eon .1 R BHANNON, t*. g. A.. wlll p**oc**4 ." *>\a.-.iiuiflt n Barracka lot duty, U*ut*aaat-Coloa*l AVFMBD A. grOOOHULU deputy aurgeon-general I* B, \ wi'.i pr-.M to rort Mont-o*. Virglnla. ani aa»um* -harge of tho rew I BVUloa Hoa¬ pltal ii wa betflg **t*blt*h*d tn that \ lclnltv. (*.*.).).; I'HARl.F.S A. arOODRt'PP, a**t*t*nl rommls ' - ih«'.«'»n e. I*. g A. wlil pr.oeed . Montauk Polnt, !<. ag lalaatt, N v Th" |*av* of alaaeaca «rant»d Flrat Ucutaaaat Rr.nt-.RT II ANDEUSON, '... itrjr, la one month. IfaJ - \VIU.t\M B. BBEBE, ehl*l ordnane r.frVer. l*nlt*d .--tat-'fl Volunt*er* wlll pr^oeed to thla rity Captaln i;iji\« ii PARA0N8, aaatataat o,..*.rterma»ter. l'nlted Btatea Voluateara, wttl pnaeaad to M-vntauk lt, Tj. Ba I'.ur.!, N. V. Th* leav* of .I'-'-n " irantad Captala .tohn b. otth RI***, iBtl Infaatr)', la extended i*1 month*. Ma|or HENRT II TWOMBLY, addltlonal paymaater. l'nlted .-intes V lunl**ra, i* aa-.tgned to duty ln th" ofljc* ..- "... Paytna*ter-0en*ral -t th* Armv. arlth Matl'in nf Waahlngton raptain CHARLEB K MADDOX. 3d ratted BUtea Pei untr-r Infantry, la boaorably rii«< i.arge the acrvlo* nf tt" !:...: Btatea dat* Augual ¦<¦ Ibat Ar-tins- Aaalal nt Bu tr. 0 C HEI8B. I". B, A. wlll [¦¦¦,...! to t'hl kamauga Park, Oeortrt*. for luty Aetlng HaalBtant Bura* n riEOROE 0 HORR1B, U. 8 A., arlll pi >l -.¦. -d\ I'.rk. ii< >r(?la. f .r dutv Captaln CARROLi, ). ABrUIBTEAD, 1-t ArKansa.« V lun .... r Infantry. la " **rvlc* aa ipta .' th* al named reglment, to» Jul> 88, 1888 Tr,, i.iv .if grant»d Pf'nnd I.l-.jt-nanr AM'iS II. MARTIN, lal ... la axtendad "n* month. !>.,-, ....',,..¦..'¦ laya la -trantf.! Major H. 19. HRAii.r.V. aurgeon, 2<l Wriaeon»ln Volunteer li fantry. CaptH la MARI .>. M MMri.i.AN. BBSlaUnt r1Uart»rma5t"r. :...., ..... .-. .;-.'¦.. a Btaoa 1' i|i i, l>>ng Isiand, N r.. for Captdtn CHARIjEB WEIHER, eotnmlaaary o< aubalftvc*, nited Btai .- \ inteen .¦¦ pr **d to K*w-York :iv, s. \.. for lutj .i« mmiaaary of aubalatence n- aetlng a'- itant quart*rma*t*r '.n th* h ipital at*«n n Ul. it that porl Major JOHN M K. DAVI8, ui«v" tor generil. l'nlted State. I .-..-. rellex-ed from furtler duty wllh tl.r. Klrr' Army CorpB, nnd arlll proce-") lo Atianta. t.a.. 8 r 'ln h- I'i-i- ¦.: (*m*ral, MaJ'.r JOHN Q BAIXANCE, iri-pc r.«r general, l'nlt*d ,-. .. f*hl k.imaiiKa 1'ark. ..¦ ra .t. r lt MaJ r JOHN W. Pl i.I.MAN .|iiart"rma«!er. I'nllwl Btate* Armv. arlll proc»*d on th* Quart*rma*t*ra' -.,¦¦- || ¦.¦ r - - pi l' *en ,:.. |..,:, ,. -r nd reporl lo M.ijor rjeneral sv.. n A. M l'nlted Bl u Arw mi n * ..... .. ... . eatabllah ,i quarierrna/ter'a jjj,p (.1 ;.'; ;.'ii may b* d.'«;K*iated r.y tli* major g*neral e mman ni Fin., ,-. v.i 1,1.1AM J. OLABOOW. 2.1 Cavalry. Tampa. Fla.. for duty ax aJd«r-d* Aetmf rg* n B R BHt-BLT. l'nlted gtatea v niil |.r. ¦... i to .>;..'? mauga, '":< '.'. > Laav* I -. ¦¦ laya. from JuIt 18. latal '. ., .... ... ¦¦ i:v ¥ >: KM-K. .. Itat** V 'inroer In- fai ". The followlng offlcera of the "th afaaaaehuaetta Volunteer Infanti ha*.*lng tendered thelr re«icna- tiors to lake effi l Augutrt I :*'.«. nr* dlaebatfged from tha aervlee of tha L'nlted Btatea as of that lat. HARLEB l* WOODWARD. ...... .;:. R IE H CHAfTOf. MaJ tlEOROE H. TAYI/5R Oapialn M BBEB < OO. 'DELX, .,,,- TIJOMAB P RTAN '' ¦. - ilBBBTJ* Bf Bnl -'»"" atat*a '- iluni**ra, wlll rr... ""1 .. *¦!' aua '. '.. N V -IM L .HN MeA PAWJER. l»ih Mun^: li r*u*v*d from turi and w:n Wn hi* r»gi- m"r.'. Ptrat U*uten*nl X MASON RU*>T. «d_______*_____. *J_\ ta ¦ A"ilng*tant QtMn*m*at*r anj . cr.mmi»«*rT ef KuhBlatenc* at th* Leltar l*ett*a fiy>"i lieneral 11 -aplUl, <*!.!. kamaucn. '".« Captaln UiTfi" NlbEB. M Artltl*ry. ¦* r»II»v*d frorn ,,.;... n ef that ¦.'.>.'.. Ijong I«land Head Mjh' ¦'¦ ">'.* 1-r duty wl'h Ratiai K Jd Artlll-ary Flr,. i, ,¦. EDW1N T. COIjIX «lh Ir.fantry. wlll . . ,.. y ri Tl - i". K»ntur-kv. raotain PRAVK P. linBRa, Ortnanc* Topar-ment. win .... r ililti durlng -ar-h of the imber to th* worka of the An Brl Igep. li '"in. Aetlng Aaalaunt Burg* r *.vit l.iAM B. BUMMERAU* ....,. amp R*a*aal1 a Alger far duty Artlnir ABBlatant Borg* n tvii.I.IAM O. ABHBT, TT S A.. |. --.,.-k-i f"r duty. Flrat I.- lt.. THOMAB Q MNALTaJOK, Jr., Sth r . ¦ furth*f duty p»rtalnlng te .'» muater ln f t'nltefl Btatea Volunt**ra Captaln Hl'GH H ."l.g'iTT. Sd P.-.r!m*nt. fntted .'-¦a,''» Vn|unt**T», -, dtaelnrged DXMBI UM t. nt iti- I'nlted Btat*i Flr- UeulMianl WILUAH M HAY. 10th r-.v.-alry. ' further .'..¦ ai Pennaylvanla Mtllt«n ,- i>m, i*h**t*r P*nn v»;i p*wc«*d to Montauk p, ... \, -< laiand, and j tn hi* tr-s. V*' r BTEPHBN .'. BtlbL-a, :.¦;".. .--g.?n->ral. V. 8. A-. ,. -! to Tn n. N. .-. ." lal buBin**s The |*av* -f ai.«"n-e grant*d Ptr*t Lleutenant CARL F HAN'BEN, lal IU»glm*nt, Cnltad Btat** Volunt**r la <.«-. :¦¦ tt**n '.xy-1 l/t1,. ,,f atvaane* f r ^hrte tt-roatba la graared ¦aeead I'.Ai.l'H It BTOOgDALL, 4*h fn't-d s-.i'..^ Infantry. *r*he ¦..'. f ah»er.r-e granted Fl-it I.le' 'jF."i*"Ia k .- Wih Infantry, is ^xteni--'i fourtaan da>i Iji-.w" . ' month la grantad th* foll -wlag ¦¦ DOAR R KElJjOOn t'nlted Statea Ueutrt.' I- "¦..: JOgExPH T. HAgKBL-U 17ih Infantrj Be.-, nd I.i-.i'-.iant U'CTt.'g V. HT'ltHARP. I5U. Min- neaota Infantry V lunt**ra, arlll pn »-'1 ao Jar-kson- riil* F'h for dut) .i» ild*-d*-ean*g>. The !.«rr. r ni-.r..-e granted -t U*ut*aaal iiarry i> WILLlARD. 10th Cavalry, extenl.»1 ,»n* nvnth ani " Rrlgadla EDWABD li w;IjT.i«TON. Cnlt*d gl ¦.- '....... im r*ll*v*d fr-m the eomman.l ot tr-.- Ught Art'llen Brlgad*. Plrw Armr Corpa, and n'.r. proe**d to Sxtontauk Polnt, i/'ng ls^nd. wr t it) wlth th* Flfth Irmy .' *. Brlgadt*r-Oeneral HENRY t i>r->f.iij.»,S. t'nt-ed Btata* Vi.lunteera la r* - -1 fi m luty with th" Sev-n'h Army Oarpa, an-l wlll proe**d to .*hi.-kamau»r» i'ark. ;. .. n rr ind hrlg* CTiaplatn ROBERT T1 WEAR, Bth Reglment, fnlted 8tal*a \ '.r I'.' le h vnorahlr d'.*charged from th* B*l*vt Of tl ¦¦ l*nlt*d piaree. The leav* of at.xence jiriin:--.! iliaiOain W. K. WELAVirR, iM.ti-, indri-i Volunteer tx erfer.d^t ataa t;i .rith. Th* l"a\« ..f «t.«»rr-e (rranted Plral Ueutenant DAV18, eirK.'.'t\ U*Xh ln'.i*nA Volunteer Inf intn is ext«n led n* monl Th* rollowlng ofllrcra ara b n r.i'.v r.|«^harg».l from thr aervi-e of rhe fnlted Btat**: Jlajor W. 8. HEN DRICKfl ith Ml^sollrl X'.'iun'eer Infantry; Bt Ll*ut*nant THOSIAB W TIPTON, l*t minola Volun- t»er Infanti*) Ijeavv of ahxence for or." month 1k grant"d Colonel SAMt'EL M. VEICH, Ji.. BWi Naw-Terb Voiun- r. .-. IjeaM- of nr.enc* for "r.n m r.'li fr m Auguat 4 1* granted r*aptaln BENJAMIN a FARRELL, lat Kentucky ln- rantn The extenakn of \f.i\* of ahsence g-rant*d Majvr P PORTER, .tr. .11 Battallon, lat SlUatMlppI Volunteer inf.u.-.iv ia axtandad tw*nty iuv* The followlng Rl .¦:? artll rapalr to th*lr Pnvadier- rirneral HENRY it. I' PPIBLO, l.'niu-d BtaUa Vol unt**r* ulon*| CHARIjEM Ij. BOTNTON, ISd lllchl- gnn Volunteer Infantry: U*ut*nant Colonal IjAW- Kl.N.'l. .1 UKJAN titn Haaaaehuaetta Volunteer In f*ntr\. MaJ t HENRY WEMEL, Jr 3.1 l nliei Butea Cavalry; HaJor iiarry D WILKINg Ch.ef tSimmlaaart of Bub*lat*ne* l'nlted states Voluntaara; Mnjor V'H*TOR f VAl'OHAN. aurawoct. 33-1 Muliigan Volunt«er Infantry Mi) >r MBRRILL K WtlBB, Md Ml l|rafl Volunt**r Infantr> MaJ->r DAVIO B ".VIIj- -i..N ,'hief .¦¦inimletuirv ..f t>nl.»l*i«nce, t'nlted Staiei Volunteera lapta.n CHARLEB a. WORDEN, Tih t'nlted Htxt"* Infantrv Captaln'S DbV U I'lT IVILCOX Ht>»iftant adjutant-general. l'nlted Htatr-* Volunteer*, Captaln JOHN W. I'.akker. coaa- nlcMn ' Bubalatenee, t'mte.l Siat.'a Volunteer*. Cap¬ taln IOHN 11 I'' rs'N. 8th Btaaaachu.tta Vr>iunt**r Infantry Flrat IieuMuant BAMUEL g BJftUtT. 16th l'nlt*d Staie5 Infanrr< Ftrff lleutenant MARK I. HFR-'KY qiiarterma-.t'T. 12rh I'nltad Statea Infantry Baeond U*utenanl JAMS8 II RFJEVBH, rt:h fnlte-t state* Cavalry; S"- nd Ll*ut*naai RUDOt-PH l. IlxAS ::at t. Mlr-hiann Vo|uat**r Inf*ntry; Seoond Meu-enant CHARUC8 " ItKII.I.Y. 8fd Ml^hlaan Vo|. unteer Infantry. Beeond Ijl»u:erant TIMOTHT J. St'l.t.IVAN Wtli Ma-nxrh'taett* Voltiat**r Infantrv: Aetlng At-*.»'«nt Suraeen FRANK DONAXD808I. fnltr-,1 gtttaa Army. Leav" of at*en.-e for on* month ->n aceount of alrkn*** Ix granted Ftrat I.n-utenant WIIJjIAM O. KEXM. 3d Wt*M .niln V..lunr»*r Infantn. The followlng offleer* of the 9th Battallon. Ohlo Volunteer*, nre honorabljr rii*ehartfed from the eer- i-lee of the Unlted Staf** ^aptain JfOfOM ¦ Plf1 WaTOIt. a.««latant Burgeon. eirat Lleutenant WII.I.1AM II. RR'n^K3 The follrywlng offle*ra are honorably dlseharged 'rom the BBUltB of the l'nlted Btates: "*lr»t I.le.irr-ant HAHRT ¦ STAVTON, lat llllnela Vol¬ unteer Cavaln- lat ttllnj iVI>. » »*lmt I,'e,...n*nr TI'OMAS J M'FARIjAVn. ll Mlaals- e*p*p1 Volunteer Infantry. iecood lleutenant ARTTII'U .TOI-T. Bth New Tork Volun¬ teer Inianiry riral Uautenaiit WIIJjIAM Ill'NT. 2d Regtment. Unlted tjtatei Vulunteer Oxvalry', l* honorably dlaoharged .li" i" i. af Ih* t..t«*d Statea. /tu-.t ot aixen.e f..r >.ne m'nth ia grantad Ll*ut*nant- rt.lor.el JACOB tt SMITH. I-Jtr-. Infantry >.|..nel XAMEa M MOtJltE, aaiiataat quart*rma*i*r- general. wll! pn.r-e-Kl to Aea Glrt. N. J-, on offlcial tvualneaa. "aotaia KD\VA1U> UUNfia. oonvmiaaary al autaalauaoa, J Unlted Btatea Volunteera. la hoaorably -laehargae from the eervlre of the Unlted Btatea. Major JOHN MCLELLAN. chlef ordnaaea nflletr l.'nlt*. Stal*-a Voluntaer.i, will proeeed te Jarkaonvlll*. Ft*.. for duty a_ *hlef ordnance offlcer of a dlvlalon. The leave <>( abaa-nre aranfed apialn THOMAS Cl WOODBTTBT. liith Infantry. extended trn daya. NAVT. C. F. OOCnniCH. detached from ommaBd at th- 8t Ia-<ut* and orlered to command the Newark. Paymaeter'p 0!»rk WALTER K. i-I.F*NPAN!BI_ noaH- nated bv Payinamer H. T. Siancllff. retlred. aad appolnted to anslat In aettllng accoun'a at Waehlag- ton Navy Yard. Ansip-ant tvg«oa WILLIAM M. OABTON, ordered to the Vermont. Aaelatant BUfRvea JEBOME F. CHAFFEE. datac__d from th» Vermont and ordere-1 to the Naval H>»^ttaL Naval rad-f C R. TB.41N. d*t*Ch*d from UM Btn Fran- clar.-, and ordered home ..n laa** tlil s*»pt«mb*r HO, Naval Cadet M. W O-TgBBOL'BE, detached fmm the San Fran<-lir-o and ordered home on leave tl B*p- temt-er .10. Naval CMet w e. oalbraiTH. detachad from th* Baa Kran<"i*ro and ordered home on lea.» tlli Septen*- tv r BB, Naval eviat CHABLM w. fishkr. deiarnrd fr.m the San BraneUoo and ordered home on leave tl'i P»o- tember 30. Naval radet .r T bi'BWEI.i. oatmehat from th* Baa Franr-isco and ordered home n leave tlli S-pte_»- her IB. Ni*-l <adet ROBFRT L BBBBT. deta^hed fn m th* San *r*n_M_na and ordered h"me oa leave Mil S-j>- tember 30. HOYIXG TO XEW CAMP8, THF. KE<"RF/TART OF WAR ORDERS MAKT REOIMENTS TO CBANOI THEIR STATIOXS. Washlngfon. Aua. R-Adjutant-Oeneral forhta has iBBUBd the followlng- etatement: Tho Secretary of War has ordered one division of the Flrst Arniv Corni fr.>m ChattanooBA to Knox- \lile, T.-nn ar.l another dlvlalon f the aaoae corp* from Cblckamausa to Lexlngton, Ky A division of the F'ourth I'orps. now al Tampa. has heen ordered to Huntsvllle. Ala. The Becond Dlvlalon (General Davla'a) of 'ho Sorond Armv Corpa, now at Manaa- «as, Va.. ha* been ordered ro Alddletewn. Penn. The advlaabiUty of m.irchinK the troopa frona I'hlckdmauca to Krioxvill* and Loxinxton ls under consl lerat d The dlvlalon ordered to Knoxvllle ls the Second. and conslatB of the fo]!.>wln_ regln-.e ots: ".1st Mlch- Ipan. 1st Qeorgla, «th Ohlo, 16_th fml.ana. 1st Weat Mralnla, Cd Ohlo, lat Pennaylvanla -n*-l U'taiMlnne- sota. The Thlrd Ptvlsion. ordered fo ./oxlncton. con- slsts of tho l.rh Mlnneaota, ".th P*nna>lvaalai 8th MlBslsslppI, 21st Kansaa, Uth New-Yorh, Bth Penn¬ aylvanla, M Mlasourl and isf New-M.'mpshire. The troops of mr Knurth Corpa ordered frora Tampa to HuntBVllle, Ala., are th.- :t.| p. nnsylvanla, 157th Indlan?. 5th oh'o. M New-York. Bd Mlrnlgan. fi?-h New-York ard Id Ohlo. Th" troops of the Becond Corps. ordered from Manaaaaa to Mlddletown. Penn., are tho UBtta lndl- ana, _M Kanaaa, M New-York, *>rr. P*nnsylvanla, 4-h MlBBOUrl. Tth Illlnols. 1st Rbide [alaBd, M Mla¬ sourl and Id Tennaaaee. The ist Ohlo and th*- Ith I'ntiei Btatea cavalry nr* ordered from Tampa to Ifontauk Polnt. Tho 4th Kentucky, r*olon*l Colaon commandlng, hai been ordered from Lexineton in .i«.-k«onvtlla Hn.) attacbed io the 0*>venth Corpa Tho movement of th*-s,- troo|> |b in a-.-or l.inee wlih the pi.-.ns ..f the W.-.r Department to bre.ik up the larjre oamps and >pread tho troops ahouf the country. TROOPS TO 1/017; FROM CAMP YBOMAM. ONF. DTATStON IX) .:<. TO KKOXVILLB ARD OMI TO LJSXfKOTOX-OTHER MEN wn.t. mar.-h TO KOI NTAINB Chattanaosa, Tenn.. gug. io (flpecian Th. Se©- retnry of War has directed tha; oB* dhislnn of the Flrst Army i'orps be moved to Knoxvllle, Tenn and one to l.exincton. Ky *","-reral Hrerk- Inrtdge reeehe.] peraalaalon to s>>!oot the divisiona for aach pla.-*-. Immedlately upon rereipt of rhe news he ?ent for "ien.ral Rojal T. Frank and gavo hlm hl« chol.-e of remalnlna ns ranklna division commander at Chlchaiaauga or aoini? to ly*-xini;toti or Knoxvllle. Oeneral rraafe Bsaaatai chlek.imauca. Thereupon Oeneral nreokinrldpr* order.-.l Oenei il Banger to tak- th" Talrd l)i\l-1 aa to Leslngton aml ordered the Beeowd Division to Knr.xvllle. under . ommand of Oeneral M* Kee. H* hitr.'-lf Wlll r.-rr.aln and command the ("hloka- ma-:ira camp. Oeneral McKee commands the Second Division ln place of the late Oeneral Ifc.iar.i. Th" Second Division .-onslsts of the followlng restmenf?: Thlrty-Am Mlehlsaa, lat Weei Vlr- glnla. 6th Ohlo, UKh Indiana. _d filuo. Ilth Mln- ries..* i aad lai lieorh'la Tha Itttb Indiana from this dlvlalon baa already gon*. The Thlrd Division conslsts of th* 12th Minnesota, .th Pennsylvanla, 8th Maaaaebuaatta Uth New-York, 2ist Kansaa, lst New-Hampahlre, U Mlaaourl and ?th pennsyl- vania The lat S'.uth Caroltna out of thls dlvlalon has pone. Thls leavea two vacan-tea, which may b'- auppUed with reglmenta fr.m o-her divisiona and onrjs. ard may not be. Oeneral l-trecklnrldtfd has n"t dedded tbat as yer The ,jih-r iroops wlll he taken to ihe mountalna, aa ortartnaJly inteniled. The movement wlll not t ik<» pia.-e'f-rten days yet. siid Oeneral Breckln- rldfr*- thls afternoon General Hrecklnrldce haa atrongl) r's-ommende.l to rhe War Department that no -roops 1...- mo-.ed He a>ke-i Secretary A!r-r ar.d j'r»«:rl*-nt McKlnley -.> vlslt I'amp Thomas, and they replled that they would come lf poasibl. Oeneral Hre.-kinri'lc»» BBked them to see for th--niPo|ves as to :h" healthfulness of tho ramp Me exoecta tho Pr*-«ld"nt UM Seore- tary Al_<r hy th" Rrat of r.ext w.-ek. in case ihey can con>-. Whlcb wlll he bffore the movement b*- glns and :n tlm* to «top ;?. ^Jenrral Brecktnrldge aald -h!s nf'err.oon that lt wa- a vexatloua prohlem. tust what to do wlth the aoldiera *o keep fn*-m contenied, and that reconunended eaer la* and ehangea, but thoight th.'<'" exoriH-s ahould be rondueted ln cioso proxlmlt) -i i'amp Thomaa Only the i2rh iteRi- oaent of tn*- New-York troops will ko. aii othera ar.- look Ing forward to thelr outlng ln the moun- talns. A land company ownlriR propertv on Walden'B Ril.-e, in the Cumberland Mountalna) has offered to tiie Oovrnment the u*e of Bve thouaand acrea of land for camp purpoaea af the head watera of North Chlckamauaa Creek. wh-re ther» ls water in abundanee. The road to :he top of the ridete la lendid drlve, with not over a >> per cent arada, therefore th*" w igor? of the Armv will baVU llfnculty ln makir.K the trlp witnout extra --¦ Th* dlatance la from twetve to fift-'en mlie.s north rf thla rity near the famoua hunttag* arounda. The rTer of thls tra.-t. lt 1^ unders-ood, baa been aceepted. aml th.- Beeretary of BTar haa appro4-ed the ldea of these mareh.-s. as being both healthful and stlmulattng to tha rr.en whlle they or waltlng hera tor orders Beveral offera of land on Lookout Mounratn are beinp eonaldered to-day and other offera are mada ln rh» dlre.-fiori of Ringrold, Oa tn along the other roads lea.llnjr ojt of fhe ramp These prac- tic" mar.-i.'s ni.iv be tak. n up by the flrst of next w-ek ar.d k"pt up all the summer If tha troopa ar* not ealled away aooner. Th* aoldiera are enthu- siastlc over th>- i-r lapect of mar.-hlra eomewher*. and are not partlcular about th-> rleytinatlon, so i-inu as they jret away from the routlne of r.imp Uf- Knplnc rlrsr nartles left to-day for Resaon. Oa.,'.es'.on. Tonn to map out tiie routes to he tak-T. by the reciments on tho mareh. to the** points. Oovernor Holoomb of N'ebraska arrlved In Chat- tanooga to-day. ar.d later want down to the P.irk. where h«- waa rhe gueet of i-oion*-! l-tllls and th* .d Nebraaka Re_iment. a -*nlet ntnl ti 1/rn AT CONNECTWVT CAMP. mfn ntPArv'iNTKr BBCAOW thft will NOT PEK FIEI.P SFRVIC-F Camp Ravea, Nlaatle. Conn Aur N CSpeclal).. Raln and mud and the prospe-t of dlabandment nafore seeing serrtce other than camp d'jU' have comhlned to put the men of r-tmp TIave?n Into a doleful mood At U e'etoefc this mornlnp there waa a ciou-Iburst. which wlthln a few seconds wet ever\- expoeed man to the ekln and flooded the parade ground a foot deep. Muddy pools Bported the rrouad all dav. maklnc it lmposslhle to go oa with the drills. The only ta<-ttoal work don* waa the tnstrurtlon of memhere of the awkward aquad ln the tents The 3.1 Re«rlment to-day recelved twenty rounda of ammuniti./n to a man Thls Is suppoaed to be for rttle practice i.n the State ranges. i»t one slde of tlu- tamp ground. Th° regiment hae several hundred men. who have never flred a Sprlngrteld, and all are eager te get som*- practice Battery C recelved to-day bayor,"t acabbarda, meat cana and gun »Ung». which eomplet* Ita equtpmeat, Tiie garrlson :ourt-mar:lal has tiled aeventy cases chiefly relatlng to drunk.-ii-ss and overa'ay- ing passes It ls announced now that practtcallg every violatlon of army r.gulailona wiil 8ub)ect th*- offender to court-martlal. atid thls is havlng a salutary effect upon camp dlaclpllne, Inasmuch aa th* men are punlshed by flnea mbtedd of lmprlsou- ment ln the -uarlhouse. The general court-martlal has several mor* serlous cages to try. nnd has been sltMng *o-day on a -ase of larceny charged ag.inai a rrember of Battery A. Thlrteen men of ompany L. of Norwalk. are ab«ent from camp and have overstayed thelr leava Captaln Rose hna lnstructed the Norwaik authorl- tles to arr*st them for de*ert:on. VICHY CELESTINS BATL'RAL MI*IEBAL WATER For Llver Complalnt, Stomach Dlaordera, Oool and Dyspepala. Taken wlth meala. It facllltatea dlgeatlon. Plnt Bottlea ln let Claaa Reatauranta. 2f)c SO-CALLED VICHY « ptpbopp oa .*_« IS NOT VICHY. Oeneral Agency. Broadway. _C j

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Page 1: chroniclingamerica.loc.govTAKING BATANGASAXDLIPA. now riiJLTn'iM; instjboests capt-CfSED ibwNB IN OOFFEE-RAIS* ING DISTRICTS. jnr TKir.*.RAPn tomr. TitinrNE 1 CBvttd, Maniia Bay. July


now riiJLTn'iM; instjboests capt-


jnr TKir.*.RAPn to mr. TitinrNE 1CBvttd, Maniia Bay. July 2. via VlctcHa, B C.,

Aug- 10..Rcporta of the ovarrunnlng of th*

rrovince of Batangaa by the troopa of Aguinsldoare alowly reachlrig hoad'iuarters, and thoy,how thnt whlle the clty of Balar.pas fell wlth¬

out a strucple there was a prolonsed andbloody eoeiteal ab-mt the clty "f Llpa, perbapathe rlchaal coffee cmre ln the ialand of Luzon.Lipa »'.* Bttacked hrst. and the Spanlsh parrl-aon offered a atoul realBjtancB Th<- rebelafought their wap to the clty. and then ducr a

gories of trenches In commandlnp posltlona. The

InvestmeDt of the place lB-.ted for ten days. dur-

ing which the Hre from the trenches swept tbaci'V-The Spaniards to-ik refuge behlnd th" walls

of churohcs and other well-bullt Biruc-uret?, but

we*-e forced out by hunger. Thelr food aupplywas cut off. and an eye-;vitness in desorlblngt^e s-.-enes says that tho Spaniards kept to thelrforr'.f.i ations durlng rlayllght. but at nlghtcame ou*. llke Jackuls nnd wandered about in

II i: h of food and water They ate decayediru'.i am! the crasta that they found In kltohens,and drank raln water from the gutters.The rabala kept up a flre hoth day and nltrht,

ar.d lB the end the Spanlards were forced toBurrer.diT. Llpa was looted at once, and when

the Vlct .lioua lnsurgenta marched !nto BatangasIgnorar.t natlvea offered diamonds. gold andalher jewelry and other valuaMes at absurdlylow prices. Llpa boa__s of prettler homea thanMan^a. and but llttle eseaped the horde thataaoked the town.


The pent-up d.-slre f'»r reven_e agalnst a tra-

_lti"na_ enemy and a natural instinct for free-bootini; w.-re glven full f«ny.Bat_.nsa_i was taken largely by stran-gy on

tfce part of the rehel le.iders. Slmultane >u8lywlth the arrlval of the f..rces from Llpa the

ateamer Bulusam, given to Apuina.dn by a

wealthv insurpent. came steaming into the har¬

hor The crew had llned h-^r deoks wlth heavybamboo fashlom-d Uka guns. nnd although shehad nothlne- heavler than a Mauser aboard theeffect was the same

Th"-" Spanish f- ared a bombardment and has-

tlly ralsed a whlte fiag. The surrender of Ba-tanpas and the capturo of Llpa pave the lr.-

aurgents 600 prlsoners, nea*-ly one thousar.drifles. aeveral deld pleces. a large amount o*

stores and complete contro] of the rich ar.d

poptilous province of Batangas.Moal r.f the ri*les and ammunitlr.r. werp sent

to Cavite. but lt wa? dedded to keep the prls¬oners at home The latter could be fuardedr. »re readiiy and fed wlth greater oase than atCaviteWlth the complete triumph ot th* lnsurpcnt

arms, a!l of th*- tn-ops that could' be spared¦were dlspatched to other provlncenIn th*- z^r.itfi r.f the trade days Lipa made an

annual esportati <n r.f coffeo to the value r.f

j^.iUjO.Omi Rut two years ago a pest attack*-,!ar.d kllled moat of th» plants. Hecently a fec-

ond Inaect that it Is hoped wlll kill the flrpf. wasbrought frorr. Rraail, and tbe growera are pre-parinp to replant Lipa has long boen noted as

a coffee centre, and at or.o time boaatedflfty th uaand lnhaMtants.


It was "riglnally foun'led In 1*V>5. but has beenmovej t«;rp and twlce rebul'.t. The orlpinaltown waa located on the shores r.f Lake Br.mban,but was totally wlped out by an eruptlon "fTaal vo'.cano in 1764. The site was then movedt^ a place called I'aninslnguln, but there was a

scarcity of water and tho town was soon movedto the present aite, which is aevente.-n mllesfrom Batangas.Th" ter_;...-rature !s exceptlonally cool, th« dty

being htgh above the. level of the _ea; but It t*not a healthy place. It ia very damp, and feveraand ma'.arla are preval*»nt. The dampness isascrlbed to the pr*»«enc* or exlst.-nce of thecoffee piantations.The moFt attrar-tive struoture? ar** a Btone

vladjct crossin« a deep ravine north of thetc.wn and the Rnman CathoMo Church and oon-

vent Up to the ei^se of the eighf-enth cen-

tury th- Llpa district was a great wheal pro-duter, but m.w n"n" ls ralsed. The dlatrlctgrows a amall amount of su^nr

Batangas. althouph tho caplta! of tho prov-lnce, the hr-nv> of the prinMpal offlejals. and theaet of jui-tiee, la not as Important a place as

1'lpa. ot other cltle« of the province. I« lapoorlylocated. has BBlaarabla water, and half a dozenvery s>-v*-r'- fires have further marred lt. It is

fairly well bullt and there are S"-vi-ral suxarmilis near It. The Inaurgenta have reatored par-tlal order t*' Lipa and Batangas, but trad" haa8uff».-reri immenaely.Bogar, coffee, copra and oll can be bought far

beloa their market valu*-. and local bnalneaa isetl!) at a ftandstill. lt wlll take a t. r «¦ r.fAmerir-an troops to flnally rcstr.-.- order.




Ati.-.nta. Aun Ml. 'ongre»Bman Llvlngston, ofGeorifir. ha« recelved the. fr.llowing Mter frorn Ad-_-.'"-a! Dewey:

Kli-ship Olympla. off CavlttJ.Phtllpi -.:.. !>. .- S. J..-.* 17, '.*<*

My Dear Slr: 1 hav* juat I'-arn-d ,'rom the laatpapprs that I am InOebted t" you for the mtro-duction in the Houae of Repreaentatlvei "f thereaolutlona eztendlng fo me the thanks ol 01gress 1'tr th»- naval enKasement of Maniia MayMay 1.

I need hardly teii you trnt 1 am most eln<~or*-lyfrateful t_ you as the au'hor of that resolutlon,rlnglng, as |t doea, th»- hlgheal honor that can

lo ar. Ami-rlr-an naval olBcar ln his pr©-fesBlonil car*< r V. ,t lt Is ;t (rr*a; | >aKure tu fl<¦-kr .u,. ;.'.. my d< !.' of i;ratit . !' m.i fo thankyou 1.1 .nrtlnted meanure for the part you to-.k Inobtalning t<>r me tnat greateat dlatlnctlon

lt ls a aource of ad'llti'.nn! pleaaure to me, a

V*rmoriter. that tho movi-r of ihe resr.lutlon «usnr.t a man from the North, but ona from the KarKojth. T7;ls ls ona of the good slgn." of th*- tlmeaIn the hour ot dai.ger there la no Bouth, no North,buf otie unlted country. May w« never h^ar ofBeotlonalism nicaln. There nre ni Unej drawn lntb' N'avy, I r.t-ed not say. lt may Interest yoj toki.ow that mv flaa lleuten._nt. Ueutenant Brum-bv ls a Georfclan t'V hlrth and appomtment.Agaln thanhlng you' moal cordlally, i romain

very gratefully and slncerely,To the Hon. I_ F. lylvlngston. Ho;;-e of RepreaeB-tatlves.


Waahlngtoti, Aug. lt..Tara deaths ha\e been re¬

ported ala " yeaterday, those or Prlvate C. P.Van Busklrk. Conipi.ny A. Itth r< andPrlvate C. J. Ju:tz, Company C. 3<5 New-Tork.

;,»«r,ita fords walst deej) and rr.ufldy r*.ads th*8eoc.nd Dlvislon yeaterday reached ThomughfareGap, Vlrglnla, coverint; a two days' march In on*

day. The troops were Orenched, and had to camp on

BTOUBd made soft by raln. Cnder the r-ireum-e!ar,'«-s the tnnnh war hlghly BUCCCaaful. Theqjanermasier'a d.-partment paifailUBd ita w.rkwall.Thlrtv-one typhua patlcnte wlll be tnken to fort

M er Hoapltal. f>t thls numher twelve ar* fromtt... :a New-Tork four ea*h from ihe 15.9th. Indlan.iand th<- '.th .Vass'a* husetts. three each from the 3*1Mlaaouii the 7th Illlnols and ttn> 34th Ml^hlpan andf-n*. aaeb from th<- .th Pennsylvanla and the 3.1Mt-htgaa. The abaer.oe of fleld hosnirala hamperath* surneons


CARRAyiCA REAPPEARS IX MONTREAL.Montreal, Aug. Ifl..Ueutenant Ramon de Car-

rar.ia. who was suppored to have Ball.-d for KnK-land thre., w.-eks aga. ln arcordance wlth an orderfrom the Canadlan Government tO Wv.- the coun¬

try, appeared here apain :o-day. He refus-.-d to

aay where he had been. .. ,. .Mr Ht. Plorre, Carrania's lawyer. says that the

Ueutenant haa been oa a vtelt to St. Plerre andMlijii»!on wbere he has heen superlntendlng tne

s*-ridlnr; of blockad* runners to Cuhu. Hls worK

being .-nd.-d and peace being nt hand. he has comebar-k tr, say far.-well to hls frtenda before salllnt:for Buropa


IMMFXES AT SAYAXXAH.^'aahln.ton. Aup. 10 -The M Reghnenl of Im-

¦Baaa, aaaa-aandai b>- Colonel Ray, la it snvan-nah lt was expected that the reglment would sallfor Santlago early thls week. but a bn-akage in

tha uaacl.lnc-ry of oi:o ol the transporis 1ms de-

EdeniaLundborg'sstandard pcrfume,an old favoritewith the ladics.

¦i the expedl loi S-na?r.r Bacon pro"*>p"*>r!endlng i< reglment to E i aaylng

that the rn<"n wer< i-of Immunr-s. hut th<- Wnr I>e-partmeni held that they na.l enllated as auch, an.lwould be s.-nt to Cuba in a >i lai .¦ with their




Key Wr-si, Fla A ig 1" Tha tUS 1'noas.commanded by Lleutenanl F R. Brainard, re¬

turned here this m..rnins after another excltlngfortnighl of blochade duty on th*- North Cubani-ast. Tbe Uncaa, wblch has 1 een Joculnrlytermed "the flagahlp of the Woequlto fleet,"holda the record of the threr amaller boata forcontinuous blochade Bervlce aad Intereetlng ex-

perlencea She carrles Cuban expedltlons, andlands them almost under the enemy'a guns; shechaaea almoat anyhlnir. from a rnft to a batt'.e-

Bhlp, nnd occuples spare moments by knook-inc over Spanlsh blockhouaeg nnd capturlngprlseaOb this, her lntest trlp. the Uncas put aahore

another expedltlon for Qomex, nnd a dan-

ger-uis flre ln hor own hold, just above the T-i aplte of all thi? she looked none

the worse when she steamed Into Ke* WealHarbor to-day for more ¦¦ r»al and provlslons.When the Uncaa left here two weeka ago she

carrlo*i Captain Btabl., of Gomea'a staff. wlthsix other Cubana and tlve hundred Remlng-I ¦:. arbines and ammunltlon fnr the Insnrir'-ntcommander's forcea. The m-x: mornlng an

overturned i.katove in the forecaatle ptarted a

flro. Sh'" was then only two or three mlles off

Havana, nnd ns the flamea raped Aercely for n

f.-u mlnutea a well-dlrected shell from any ofthe land batterlea would have sent her to thebottom Thoae °n board could aee troops of

Spaniards about the guns on shore, but no

deadly meaeengera came thelr way, and aft*"rthe flr*' had been extlngulahed by chopplngaway the woodwork, the tup proceeded t>> CayConfltes, near Calbarlen, where she put her nttieCuban party aahore without encounter'.ng a

SpanlardThen she ateamed tuward Matanzas, and#on

her way there, whlle near Cardenaa, a torpedo-boat was siphted. close to the ahore, aendlng upruckeis. Tho natural Buppoaltlon was that sh<-wns a Bpanlah veaael attemptlng to communl-*ate with tho ahore, nnd the Uncaa promptlyh'-a-io.i in her dlrection. As she drew near the

torpedo-bnat turned nnl came out to meel h*rSh*- was then n ignlied aa ihe Talbol

It mv whlle lyinp off Matansae, a dav or two

ago. that tha Uncaa was flred upon. Bhe was

wlthln l«-o mllea of the ahore when. wlthout

warnlng, a aand battery of fl or v Inch guns be¬gan flrlnp Bhella at her Fully twenty of theaemteallea f.ll around the tug, wlth'n a radlusof a hundred yards. before ahe could pe* out -f

range As ahe atearaed away the T'ncaa re-

turned the flr*- wlth her thr*-* forward and after

I'.-poundersTh*n occurred a llttle incldent HluBtratlng the

auperetltlona of aeamen. The frorath- Uncaa'a s"*-rn gun had Just Bcreamed lt*

way acroaa Ihe watera, when a gaudy-wlngeditterfl: "¦ h had blown ff the shore, hov-

ered over the stlll smoklnp gun and aettled downon Ita muasle A horny-fleted Irlahmaa who

mann.-d the cun mw it. threw up hls handsand shouted to T.i.-Htenart Brainard-"Bay. Captaln. tbat scttles lt. Thnt's the last

shot w<»'ll flre ln thls war"

And there is BOt a man on tho tug whonot thorouRhly eonvlBced that th* butterfly'flvlslt was a sure forerunner of peac*.

WORK n\- sivkun BHIPS.Ouantanamo Bay. Aiic ft, via Playa d*l F.«t*.

Provtnce of Bantlago de cUba. Aug M.Th*»Badger and the I J. Merrltt hav*- arrlvorl Thelatter. '\er coallng, wlll proeeed to the wro.-kof the Crlatobal Colon.The Merrltl <*.- Chapmaa arreckera now thlnk

the infai.ta Marla Tereaa ls held In poaltlon bya rock through her bottom forward, but theyexpect to haul ln-r "ff -

&10VEMENT8 OF WAR VE88ELS.Ouantanamo Bay. Aug ;'- 12 B. m. via Playa

del Eate, Cuba fdelayed In tranamlaalon)..TheBt. Paul haa arrlved here from Porto Rlco, and

proceeda to santiap*. de Cuba in order to embark the St Paul and the St. Loula wlll em¬

bark the troopa outalde the barbor entrance,b'-inc to*. i*.jip t" enter the barbor proper.Captaln Clerk, formerly of the battle-ahlp Ore-

gon, la golng North on th*- st. Paul, owlng to

bad h'althCaptaln A. B. Barker, formerly of the Newark.

oommandathe Oregon, and Captaln C F. Oood-rl* h. formerly of the Bt. Loula, cr-mmands the

Newark. The latter. with the Detrolt, Buwaneaand Bcorplon, accompany the Re* lut*- to the

Isle of Plnea Captaln Ooodrlch is in enarpe of

the expedltlon, which aalla to-day or to-morrow.The Nlagara's aalllng for Key \ve«t. via Porto

Rlco, has been delayed untll t* -dav

a Bpeedy oonclualoii of the peace way or the oth'-r. Is earnestly hop*-d forthrouphout the fleet aa the Btate of Inactlon and

auapenaa ls trylng to oftlcers and men. th*>uphthe bea'.th and dipclplln'" 'if the naval forcea are

good. There are only ITH men on the alck llst

out Of B.8M nien on the shlps ln thla hnrbor,and none of the caaea are serious

Chlef Knplneer C. J MaeConnell. the fleet en¬

glneer. of the flagahlp New-Tork, wlll po North

ln a day or so on alck leave Ho has heen suf-

ferlng from rbeumatlam almost slnce the war


THE COLON NOT ABANDOXED.Waahlngton. Aup la-Aaalatant secretary

Allen. who ls dire. tly Iti charge of tbe opera-

tlona looklng to tbe raisin* of the Bpanlahcrulaer Crlatobal Colon, han not been advlaed of

the return to Norfoik of the thlrd expedltlonsent down by the wrccken for that purpoae.He haa aol ordered the abandonmenl of the at-

tempi to aava the veaael, and it la eonJacCuradhere that the wreckara returned to Norfoikowlng to the fear of a troplcal hurrlcane off

Hatteraa. to wblch they would ba pecullartyexpoaed owlng to the faci that they were tow-

Uig pontoona and were otherwlflc unpraparad to

encounter aavara weather. lt la belleved theywill proeeed apaln as aoon as the weather con¬

dltlona wlll permlt.


Key Weat. Ha_. Aug 10 -Actlng under ordera

from Waahlngton. Commodore Remey haa re-

leaaed the Norwerrian si-amers Aladdln and

Berpen. recently captured by the gunhoataHawk and Viklnp. reapectlvely, whlle bound

from Tamplco aml Vera Crtiz, Mexlco. for

Sagua la C,ra::de. Cubii.

The ground for their release Is that Sagua ls

noi a bloekaded port Both steamers left here

lay f-r thelr orisinai deatlnatkm.A iike dlapodtlon wlll doubtlaaa bo made of

,):,. caae <-f the Norweglaa Bteamer PTaaklln.captured hy tha Hawk whiie bound for Sapua.

This caae has been flxed for a hearlng thia after-

n.un. i






Cavlt**. Jun* 20The nnn who .'""larei that th* r.avi'p of the

world eouli rlir- nn Manlla May apoke the truth.but In order not tO let the truth PiirT-r by omla-Blotn rt would be well to aivlpo the r.avies of theworld to jr«t out of it when th* typhoon comealn. The harbor la larpe ani beautlful, and theanchora-te 1= good, but nature dld not properlyprotect it The hiKhlanis nre t..o fnr away tobreak tiie force of the frrifio revolvlnc storm ofth* Far Ka*'. in October, 1882, a typhoon aenleleven *hlps ani a ateamer aahore, dlamaatedanother, ani p"nt three more Into colllalon, nndother caaualtlea bave been frcquent. it i* alaothe flcene of frrquent pqualls po rnmmnn to thetropic*, ani the Ftiiriior whalel.nats nf iheAmerlcan fleet have plcked up aeveral water-!o-j--ei natlve craf; plnoe thelr control of affairphrrr.There !«, p*rhaps no hnrbf-r !n the world po

completely kandlocked that ahlpplng at anchorenjoya abaolute pr lectfnn. hut atlll Manlla mu?:auffer t.-. comparlaon even if lt l* on aceount nfher prnxtmltv to th* place where nnture makeaher typhoona Thcr^ are protected placee, how¬ever, and th* development of ihe group of |b1-enda when ptrogreaa and modern meth da nre letln wlll hrlnp them Inr.. us-. The am hnrage offthe mcnith nf the r'f»««:K Rlver ln front r.f the cltynf Mtmlla ls probably the niist exposed polnl-nywhfrc on 'he harbor. There Ip a llttlebreakwater there hardly itrc-. "r.^uf-h ro aervea* a foundatloa for its long ruirti*". ani lt doeann eroofi tr, phlpplnir.

Stlll, the hay naiPt commani admlratlon fmmtha wanior'a. tho bualneaa man'a or th* artlat'apolnl of vlew, It can be mad. abaolutcly Im-prejrnnb;-.; it is n prent blghway for "tli forelgnani iomestlc rumm-rr", ani lt ia ei wlthmany pretty pcenl- features. The entrance tothla jrront hniy nf water la one of the pretlapota ln the Orl^nt The majestlr- bluffa at Iheouter end of Marlvelea Bay f'.rm the norththen come n..,'a Chlca, the narrow entrarthe hay, then t'orreKldor, rugged ani hlgh; thenHuca Granie, the large entrance, ani r.n theBOUtfa th* rr.rk F.\ FYal>. Weat nf Cnr-regldor and iiptar.t ulmttt a mli" Jut* up a bar-r«*n rn.-k ralled the Haycnck and aouth of lhalaiand ani i-ir.«er to lt riP^s Caballo, whl. h xx it** ntt'e j.iain hayward and pt rpi nd! ular r * Ir,peaw.irl resemblea a legleaa eaay chair. Cor-regtdor rlaea abruptly from tho aea tr. a helghtof 63S feet. it ip over three mllea long, .,nimak'-p an Impresalve plcture from ihe s--t.

THE ROMAN'CE of CORREOIDOBTho fateway to Manlla abounda In hlati ry

ar.i romnn-c. Corregldor waa ta re 8 PlH< lena for hltrh Church iirnitarlep. and waa ( r

yeara ir"ai"i a* a deaert lale, Its pretlromance la tr, ]"«-"nd of how th» thr'

.- at tlm entrance to the Lay c i th- irnamea Early ln the eeventeenth rentur)camr. 'o Manlla in h Meilran galleon a famllynamed Velea. Maria. one of the daught. ra. waaa pretty trlrl wlth m.>r* da«h rhat' plety llmaJta-up, itri \0..;i her fanilv placed her inthe Convent of Hnnta Clara ahe promptly fell lnJove wlth a hanipom* young 1 l ll frlarII". too, :v\" v. ..ak, ani they d*cii"ri to r«-

rnuncr. tbr-ir ordera at"! fl. a

Thr-v decided to r. to th* ar.r-lenf town r.f

Camaya. ln «h* lll . I |nck*d i a> on th*nor'h alde .f the entrance t. rh" harbor, «nither* awalt the next galleon l '.' ..

by rfr."* ar.i pafely rea ¦. thelr deatl-natlon Thx'lr r- Ing " i and

.... . ,,... r | t> ,. : ... ., her ¦¦.

all whe leard him thal tn harbor Ihe cuwouii ht. g ire* wa*

flnally dlacovered, atii na r.f »)ie rity corr"i*i-iorp laM'tmrni headed un expe,iit|,.n rom|rf b notary and twelve arquebualera for th>:r

captureThe rm-r,'* had far*d badly M irla hni "«-

r-ap'-i from tha rorrvent ln a n wk'a hai t,* on th" hav ha.l r*P'imei fen al* t rb Theymis*eri the aaii . .n and f»il atnona unfrleinativea Th* la.'r-r attempled iak* rhe -rir;and th* fria*- defended her The rorreajldorr*ach*i th" beach al '"anava to flnd v'

r on th* pand bleeding ai 1wlth rh<- '¦> .r.i' frlar !... Ing il '.- r ald*Th" culprlta were brought back t Manlla, and,wliil* Maria Velej waa aenl '.' I endher daya ln a rlolster. *he mnnk a*aa >¦¦¦! the (ungle. there t.. p" k to ...u" a few na

aoula I r> ... .ve the ta hla own

Camaya tr«-,k th" name of the pretty glrl whohad found Ita ph< re« Inhoapltable, and haa i

I Marlvelea The la u .¦¦ aa

ed for the atui ly corregl >r, wh le the lon*-!v rork rT alone m the other alde ofOrande waa named f'.r ih. en ng fi Noionly dii Camaya and the bay Mk-x r1- name

Marlvelea, bui th" nai .. ippll. i it to thomountain range back of th*Marlvelea la of no lm| plt* th" fact

that it waa once a provlncial capltal; th* haialthnuL-h amall, la a good one lt haa been uaedap a quarantlne ani Blgnal atation, apdbr,a*tp of a few aror* of houaea It Ib baaulfuiiv Bltuated, nni th" well.wn l-i ateep m. un

tnir,^ r.amei fr.r Maria Valea riH<- r.'.rii|.''about lt Natura ha- erected battlementa lhalwlll pormlt the perfect defenre of the u

The Spantah mounted twenty good-slaednn ani between the te harbor heada, but lt

wm the mnn behlni th" gun that waa lacklng.When Dewey'a entrance Into the ba) v\n% be-tnL>"i l.y a pparklnj? funnel onlj "ne of the

tiatterlr-p. -Ith'T the nn* r,n the aouth matnllandor El FTalle. and probnbly th" latter. opened flre.There was a flaahlng of algnala from both thehelghta of Corregldor and th* algnaJ Btallon at

Marlvelea, lut th" -run* ^^err. alleni

THR INKNOWN BATTERT OF EL FRAILB.Th* eelstenoa r.f th" hattery on El l-'rall'- was

not known, although from the ahelf ofmaaoaryani cement t.ullt r.n the alde of th- rugged rochthe work of compiofitiK Ibe battery muai have

coneumed aeveral montha. Conaul Wllllamadld not know r,f its exlptence. rmi non" r.f th"

other advlaera nf Aimlral Dewej i.'i".it.'i it

The Amerlcan phlr**. "Ir'l I-nf*' wlthln two hun¬

dred yarda of it. unconacioua <it tne danger theywere in. Corregldor rould be made a rerltableOlbraltar. i» rtins generally eaal and weal andfl.inks both chann*lP for over thr"<- mllea, ani If

properly defended would make a hari gantlelto run. Batteriea could ;»-Ipo ba placed *.n i..»th

heada, El Pralle an.i Caballo, and ivth ch.-mneis

would t,e Klmoly puept «'orreKli..r WOUld make

an exceiient watch-mwer. for the atmreB nf

Luaon Koada to*ward l* on elther alde and noth-

Ihk could appmach unobperveiCorregldor'a lnfttest peak Ip ptirmounted by a

flne moderr llRhthoupe, nni wh<-n In tise the

HKht can he aeen twenty mlles to *eu_ R.ica

Chlca la about two mllea wide. althouKh a cape

or two on the north h*ad. outalde nf Marlvelei

Bay. and half a dnren reefB reduce the channelto about half that wldth. There Ib no bar. ani

plenty of water. The avera+re iepth ls about

thirty fathoma. and near Cnrreaidnr the lead

haa ahown flfty-nlne fathnma with no bnttnm.

Boca Orenie. from Cabe-Jn tn the aouth beai*.

1« flve mllea wide. but from Cabello to Kl Fralb-

Ib but a trlfle over thre.: miles, po that may be

.wild to be the wl.lth of the channel Ther* Ip an

everaga depth of a* leapt twenty-flve fathom*.There I* plenty of wat.r In the harbor, nlthoiiKhthere are alioals off Manila. ravite ani ln tne

rmrth end of the bay, al.-na; tba provtnee of

Pampautgna. it Blra*tJlowa down t.. two ani three

fAtbOtna doea to the Phore at ravlt*1, andManila, and ta Hftaan cai Pami-nngas. Tliere

la dt-e*; water ln man> placca vcty tlost* to

shore, and deep water g^nerally a short dlstanceoff shore. The water In the mlddle of the har-

bor la penerally very deep. «ome of the sound-

Ings Bhowlng twenty fathoms. There ls. In fact.

too much water ln the harbor.Th*- land on the w*>st and south slde of the

harbor is hiph. but on the eaat and north sldesIt 1.4 verv |ow. Pampansas. on the north. Is low

and marahy, wlth a large nlimber of sloutthsand small rlvers emptylng Into the bay. ManiiaBtandfl upon low lands, and the Pasip drains a

low area back to tho laeuna The countryar und Cavit* ls also low. as It is further down:h.- bay to th* hills and nv.untains south of the

entrance Tbe ahorea are generally weii wooded.and are perennlally gre*n. The harhors great-

eai wldtb is from northweal to aoutheaat and

the dlstance is nomlnally thlrty mllea. The dla-tance aboul th*- bay by the shore llne from the

north head at the entranco to tbe south head is

125 mll-s.THF. PASIG RIVER.

Tho pasip Is tho prlnclpal stream that flnds

Its way to the bay. and it Is narrow and ahallOW,nithouph a conventpnl avenue for the husine«s

of the ,-:ty and the subur! an trade. It Is nav-

Ipable for a short dlstance for ve*-sols dtnwlBgthlrteen feet. and the prlnclpal craft are small

Bteamera, launchea md caacoa or lighters. Two

molea run out from the month, "ne from near

th- cltadel on the south bank and the other

from the budneaa Buburb of Blnando. on the

north bank. At the end of the latter there Is a

houae not In use slnce the Mockade becan.

The pasip runr. haok to LagUttB de Bey, a large

bul shall-.w body Of water. The land along the

rlver and pari of that on the lapuna Is fertlle.

The laguna, although Bhallow, is an element In

th*- commerce nf the lsland.Tlu- ahorea nf Maniia Hav are dotted wlth llt¬

tle spanlsh and native towna, which, however

amall, Inv.irl iMy have a handsome cathedral

that hoaata of both age and archltectural beau-

tv. 1 nt Maniia an.l its auburba embrace a large

poVtlnn "f the populatlon. The aurroundlngaare beautlful. Away to tho aouth a cone-ahapedvolcano aenda up the black Bmoke of internal

flr*-; the tr- plcal c"a lenda a s:1"'a and a brtght-nesa, and th* troplcal atorm ahoara Bome cloudaln hlacka, draba and alatea The native ls an

Induatrtoua flaher. and his favorlte craft !s a

dugout, «ith a dangeroualy narrow beamand outrtggera "ii both alde* The larper veeeelaaro coplea of the Chlnese junk nnd sampan. The

ai laller aalla are of elther cloth or canvas. but

t-.o la-Ror are mats of o! -solv woven loaves.

. .-




Maniia Bay. -luno 2fl .with AdmtraJ pewey's

I-. . r-.rr Maniia). Dewey'i gunnera have not

|nst thelr runnlng. They aro tho came dead

,h..ts wi... s.-tu tho sp.-.nish fleet to tb" bottom- ,.t Davld Jonee'a locker. and they are

ready for nvre r*.al gunnery. That they may

r . forget fh"ir runnlng or !"S*- tb- kna-k they

..nst.-.ntlv kept ln practice. Tbe Olymplaha* a of th*- real thlnp flve daya oa,-h

.. k ai 1 'ho r*-s* of the fleet, down to the aux-

rulaer M'Culloch, fdlowa the <oad to a

... ,- There la no needleaa waate of

mitlon. f- r it la too precloua f-r all that.

.. , ihrea are uaed. Small ahella Inaerted..... |n caaea aro Inaerted in the heav-

.- | ..,.- f T th*" ilr*" of the projectllc.tho roii/fp ohtalned aro the same.

Th*- gunnera flr* at a floatlng target, which ls. the ahlpi b) a launch. (tmd the ac-

flrlng ls wonderful Each of the

irm lunted by a rM fliir...... fo..t e-iuare One nf that klnd

th* Olympla yesterday. and at

verying from three hwffdred to aeven

,-is the flag wa* punctured flfty.... riort staff from which lt fluttered

.:. bj l ti;- floal l*«alf «n" adljdlaflarured by th* keen-eyed. eool-headed Arner-

« behlnd the guna There waa Btmply no

wll i ahontlng, and If ll had t**n r*al Inatead ofu.-ir'!--.- every projeetlla -Baajld have per-

' ¦..> 1 its partauguat Kulweln la the irunner of the flapshlp.

a- 1 proud la he of the crewa under hlm The

amanahlp of every rrulaer in tho fleet ls

far aho\-e the average. Thoro ls naturally the*r kln 1 of rll-alry The tr.en ha-.-e devel-

at Interest ifl thelr work. nnd'. '.vr.-i-h thal of their rtvala. They enter

target pra ile* with croat splrlt.i :. nn th-- McCullOCh are recetVlBg tps;-

.a In gunnery, and are showing

mpi nt. In addltlon to her two

inrl four r- p- undera, two 37-mllll-I ii .tchklaa cannon captured

fi gpai lah have been mounted on h"rai : "-ti- would make a t"u«h cuatomer

for i-.¦ amall craft to tackle. The fl-et wlllkeep up Ita practice untl. there !s m-To r*'al

when that la don* 'he routine that,»¦. »g n and makea perfeetkm wlll be re-


.¦ u rvi i, <r th« BnvoH bidcbj buc-


': \. Tl'n \T TAMP.

.-.! Merrtck Ivep. h mcmber of Troop K,Rldera, dled al hls iintip, No m Weat

|Uiv*nty-flrat at., r,n Tu*aday aftornoon.

lyphold fever, whi.-h h.> contraeted nearly thraoil Tampa, arhere h<> was ln camp wlth

the Rougb Rldera Me r-;.me to thls oit>- from

Tampa by traln. arrlvlng here on Baturdaj 11°the ontlro trlp alone. and wlthoul foo.l or

attentlori of nny sur-. ao far is h.s Camlly couldl.arn Iv.-s Jotned tho tt.iuith Rldera Bt Tampa,just two montha before his deathH family know llttle of bla Uf* tn ramp When

reglment Btarted for Bantlago ha feiled to R--ta carblna. and waa lefl wlth rhe memhers of hls

troop it Tampa Two weeka uko h* said, la a

latter boma 'We have C"t tenta at last " Mow-is. whlle ln '-amp. one of the B*"\-*"n men whohad charge ot 101 horaea

>n Baturday, when young Ivea reached fhls eity,he wai so weah lhal h« irea unahla to eit up ln a

rarrlage, and waa taken to his home m an expresswagon His family wera not expe. ilng hlm, an.ldld noi know thal in- had lefl Tampa nntii he ar-

rlved at tha houa* When he rea.-h*>,i ttvreho was

ao ernactated lhal the aervaata dld not recognlaohlm untll he ealled th*-tn by trime and told them

who ha w.-ii" l-'r.'in tha time he arrlved here untllhls d*ifii he almost cmtlnually In a stupor.ln hla few perloda of coneclouaneaa, h.iwever, h«v.,,.. ,-itile to t-il tho family ihai h" had appllcl f"r

furlough over waek befara it was granted. Whenha reached here he had wlth him a small bouie ofbeef tea whhh ha bad brought wlth hlm, hut hadheen too weah to uncork, Wbea askod wheth.-r

he had baaa glven f.t whlle ui ln ramp, he saidthat h*- bad, bUt thal ho i-ould not take It. It was

not leamed whether h" ha.l h*en in the hospttalbefore leavlng Tampa or not

lirs Broadhead, Blill aad Murray, who were

,.,:...! ln aa soon as lvea rea.-h»-d home. and who

u-i" almoat cooeiantly with him untll he dli-d,r-ai-l thal he wai* ln the thlrd week of typholdfever. lt was. they said, a typlcal ease of typholdfev*.-r. that could not he mlsiak»n for any of theaoll feverK prevalent ln the eampa. and they de-

noiinoed lt an an outrage to start hlm on the Jour-nay home tn hla critlcal condltlon, wlthout properattendaaoe,lvea was born ln Rorne, Italy. where hla family

llved untll a few years ano He was educated at

tho I^iwrencevllle Freparatory School, and laterw-i.' to Vale Unlveralty, where he wns Kraduated!,, ..; Whlle at Vale he played on the serondL'nlveraltjr football team when the war beganbe w ia wlth a machlnery supply flrm In thla clty.ll.- aaa .' member af Bquadron A. but jolne<i tbaRougb Rldera, beilevtng that they would see ser-vl ¦.*. tlrst.Chaney B, Ivea, who dled about four years ago,

u ta Ihe VOUBg BOldler'a father He was a promi¬nent Bculptor. The htalu^a of Sh"rman and Trum-bull H waahlngton, and the otatue of EHahopRrowne al Hartford. ar.- hls worh Mrs. Ivea,lh** young mau's 'U-jther. and hl.-* slster. llve InBcventy-flrat-ai A brotbar, II. L>avis Ives, alsollve* In thla clty Th> fuaeral wlll take place atMr Ivea'a late home. tiils afternoon. at 2 o'clock.A detail fr-jm S*|iiadron A wlll attend the funarai.Tba burlal wlll be la Trlnlty C'*-_eUry.


Waahlne-ton, Aug 10.-The followlng Army andNavy oriera have JiiPt been Ispued:

ARMVMaJ-.- HBVRT IjAMOTTR. -.nrfrr^n. l*t R*Blm»nt. t'nlted« Volunteer Ovalry. wlll proceefl to MontaukPolnt. Loag Isiand, N- V

Colon"'. JAMFjS M ktOORE, a.««l?tant quartermaeter-gr-nerai. D B. A., arlll pfweeeal tn S*a oirt. N. J.

leave rat ab**tv a for "n» -aoath a) arant'd U**a*aaa*-B*l WtjtUjg WIM,ARl>. aest.tant comr-iiMn-

l*n*ral of aubBtatene*, V 8. A.

The followlng trnnffors are mai*. to tak* effe-t

thi* date:Major WiLUAM )l CLAPP, fmm tli* 24th Infantrv to

th» nth lafaatryMaJOf ALTRCD C MARa'.RY. fr m th* 11th Infantry

to Uta Mth infantry ii» wiu Joln hi* raraaaaaFlrat Lleutenant DEAN C, KOPTARD, aaalatan* aurgeon.

U. 8. i arlll proeeed ,n th* ..'*""" Tale, malllngfr n, Ne* v. .rk lf. on Tu**<lay. th" Pth laat., to

Bantlago d* Cuba, in r-narge al aaaaieal a.ippii**.Leav* of Bba»ne* tor ea* moath la grant*** Lieutenant-

Colonel HENRT VTAOXEH. Ith Cavalry-Captaln HENRY A BHAW, aaBtstanl rurfi C s *

la relle-ed froni duty at Kfv W*at llarrir-k*. wll report to tha'ltng i>rn<-»r. I nitedState* 0*a*ral Hoapltal, Key W*at Fla.. for duty

Aetjntr Aaatataat Burgeon \ m mann. C. a A. laie-Ilev*d fiwn luty al th* fnit»(i i=t»tr>* or.eral ll"*rltai, Kev IV..., Kla ni. wlll ixaport to th» eommandlr.g aflleer, K'v *.Ve«r Harra.-k*. Fla.. fcte duty.

Ar-tinir Aaalatant Bura-eon .1 R BHANNON, t*. g. A.. wlllp**oc**4 ." *>\a.-.iiuiflt n Barracka lot duty,

U*ut*aaat-Coloa*l AVFMBD A. grOOOHULU deputyaurgeon-general I* B, \ wi'.i pr-.M to rort Mont-o*.Virglnla. ani aa»um* -harge of tho rew I BVUloa Hoa¬pltal ii wa betflg **t*blt*h*d tn that \ lclnltv.

(*.*.).).; I'HARl.F.S A. arOODRt'PP, a**t*t*nl rommls' - ih«'.«'»n e. I*. g A. wlil pr.oeed

. Montauk Polnt, !<. ag lalaatt, N vTh" |*av* of alaaeaca «rant»d Flrat Ucutaaaat Rr.nt-.RT

II ANDEUSON, '... itrjr, la one month.

IfaJ - \VIU.t\M B. BBEBE, ehl*l ordnane r.frVer.l*nlt*d .--tat-'fl Volunt*er* wlll pr^oeed to thla rity

Captaln i;iji\« ii PARA0N8, aaatataat o,..*.rterma»ter.l'nlted Btatea Voluateara, wttl pnaeaad to M-vntauk

lt, Tj. Ba I'.ur.!, N. V.Th* leav* of .I'-'-n " irantad Captala .tohn b. otth

RI***, iBtl Infaatr)', la extended i*1 month*.Ma|or HENRT II TWOMBLY, addltlonal paymaater.

l'nlted .-intes V lunl**ra, i* aa-.tgned to duty ln th"ofljc* ..- "... Paytna*ter-0en*ral -t th* Armv. arlthMatl'in nf Waahlngton

raptain CHARLEB K MADDOX. 3d ratted BUtea Peiuntr-r Infantry, la boaorably rii«< i.arge the acrvlo*nf tt" !:...: Btatea dat* Augual ¦<¦ Ibat

Ar-tins- Aaalal nt Bu tr. 0 C HEI8B. I". B, A. wlll[¦¦¦,...! to t'hl kamauga Park, Oeortrt*. for luty

Aetlng HaalBtant Bura* n riEOROE 0 HORR1B, U. 8 A.,arlll pi >l -.¦. ;¦ -d\ I'.rk. ii< >r(?la. f .r dutv

Captaln CARROLi, ). ABrUIBTEAD, 1-t ArKansa.« V lun.... r Infantry. la " **rvlc* aaipta .' th* al named reglment, to» Jul>

88, 1888Tr,, i.iv .if grant»d Pf'nnd I.l-.jt-nanr AM'iS

II. MARTIN, lal ... la axtendad "n* month.!>.,-, ....',,..¦..'¦ laya la -trantf.! Major

H. 19. HRAii.r.V. aurgeon, 2<l Wriaeon»ln Volunteerli fantry.

CaptH la MARI .>. M MMri.i.AN. BBSlaUnt r1Uart»rma5t"r.:...., ..... .-. .;-.'¦.. a Btaoa

1' i|i i, l>>ng Isiand, N r.. forCaptdtn CHARIjEB WEIHER, eotnmlaaary o< aubalftvc*,

nited Btai .- \ inteen .¦¦ pr **d to K*w-York:iv, s. \.. for lutj .i« mmiaaary of aubalatence

n- aetlng a'- itant quart*rma*t*r '.n th* h ipitalat*«n n Ul. it that porl

Major JOHN M K. DAVI8, ui«v" tor generil. l'nltedState. I .-..-. rellex-ed from furtler duty wllhtl.r. Klrr' Army CorpB, nnd arlll proce-") lo Atianta.t.a.. 8 r 'ln h- I'i-i- ¦.: (*m*ral,

MaJ'.r JOHN Q BAIXANCE, iri-pc r.«r general, l'nlt*d-¦ ,-. .. f*hl k.imaiiKa 1'ark...¦ ra .t. r lt

MaJ r JOHN W. Pl i.I.MAN .|iiart"rma«!er. I'nllwlBtate* Armv. arlll proc»*d on th* Quart*rma*t*ra'-.,¦¦- || ¦.¦ r - - pi l' *en,:.. |..,:, ,. (¦ -r nd reporl lo M.ijor rjeneralsv.. n A. M l'nlted Bl u Arw mi n *

..... .. .... eatabllah ,i quarierrna/ter'a

jjj,p (.1 ;.'; ;.'ii a« may b* d.'«;K*iated r.y tli*

major g*neral e mman niFin., ,-. v.i 1,1.1AM J. OLABOOW. 2.1 Cavalry.

Tampa. Fla.. for duty ax aJd«r-d*

Aetmf rg* n B R BHt-BLT. l'nlted gtateav niil |.r. ¦... i to .>;..'? mauga, '":< '.'. >

Laav* I -. ¦¦ laya. from JuIt 18. latal '.

., .... ... ¦¦ i:v ¥ >: KM-K. ..

Itat** V 'inroer In-fai ".

The followlng offlcera of the "th afaaaaehuaettaVolunteer Infanti ha*.*lng tendered thelr re«icna-

tiors to lake effi l Augutrt I :*'.«. nr* dlaebatfgedfrom tha aervlee of tha L'nlted Btatea as of that

lat.HARLEB l* WOODWARD....... .;:. R IE H CHAfTOf.

MaJ tlEOROE H. TAYI/5ROapialn M BBEB < OO. 'DELX,.,,,- TIJOMAB P RTAN '' ¦. - ilBBBTJ* Bf Bnl -'»""

atat*a '- iluni**ra, wlll rr...""1 .. *¦!' aua'. .¦ '.. N V

-IM L .HN MeA PAWJER. l»ih Mun^:li r*u*v*d from turi and w:n Wn hi* r»gi-m"r.'.

Ptrat U*uten*nl X MASON RU*>T. «d_______*_____. *J_\ta ¦ A"ilng*tant QtMn*m*at*r anj

. cr.mmi»«*rT ef KuhBlatenc* at th* Leltar l*ett*afiy>"i lieneral 11 -aplUl, <*!.!. kamaucn. '".«

Captaln UiTfi" NlbEB. M Artltl*ry. ¦* r»II»v*d frorn,,.;... n ef that ¦.'.>.'.. Ijong I«land

Head Mjh' ¦'¦ ">'.* 1-r duty wl'hRatiai K Jd Artlll-ary

Flr,. i, ,¦. EDW1N T. COIjIX «lh Ir.fantry. wlll. . ,.. y ri Tl - i". K»ntur-kv.

raotain PRAVK P. linBRa, Ortnanc* Topar-ment. win.... r ililti durlng -ar-h of the

imber to th* worka of theAn Brl Igep. li '"in.

Aetlng Aaalaunt Burg* r *.vit l.iAM B. BUMMERAU*....,. amp R*a*aal1 a Alger far

dutyArtlnir ABBlatant Borg* n tvii.I.IAM O. ABHBT, TT S A..

|. --.,.-k-i f"r duty.Flrat I.- lt.. THOMAB Q MNALTaJOK, Jr., Sth

r . ¦ furth*f duty p»rtalnlng te.'» muater ln f t'nltefl Btatea Volunt**ra

Captaln Hl'GH H ."l.g'iTT. Sd P.-.r!m*nt. fntted.'-¦a,''» Vn|unt**T», -, dtaelnrged DXMBI UM

t. nt iti- I'nlted Btat*iFlr- UeulMianl WILUAH M HAY. 10th r-.v.-alry. I»

' further .'..¦ ai Pennaylvanla Mtllt«n,- i>m, i*h**t*r P*nn H« v»;i p*wc«*d to Montaukp, ... \, -< laiand, and j tn hi* tr-s.

V*' r BTEPHBN .'. BtlbL-a, :.¦;".. .--g.?n->ral. V. 8. A-.,. -! to Tn n. N. .-.

." lal buBin**sThe |*av* -f ai.«"n-e grant*d Ptr*t Lleutenant CARL F

HAN'BEN, lal IU»glm*nt, Cnltad Btat** Volunt**rla <.«-. :¦¦ tt**n '.xy-1

l/t1,. ,,f atvaane* f r ^hrte tt-roatba la graared ¦aeeadI'.Ai.l'H It BTOOgDALL, 4*h fn't-d

s-.i'..^ Infantry.*r*he ¦..'. f ah»er.r-e granted Fl-it I.le' 'jF."i*"Ia

k .- Wih Infantry, is ^xteni--'i fourtaan da>iIji-.w" . ' month la grantad th* foll -wlag

¦¦ DOAR R KElJjOOn t'nlted StateaUeutrt.' I- "¦..: JOgExPH T. HAgKBL-U

17ih InfantrjBe.-, nd I.i-.i'-.iant U'CTt.'g V. HT'ltHARP. I5U. Min-

neaota Infantry V lunt**ra, arlll pn »-'1 ao Jar-kson-riil* F'h for dut) .i» ild*-d*-ean*g>.

The !.«rr. r ni-.r..-e granted B« -t U*ut*aaal iiarryi> WILLlARD. 10th Cavalry, t» extenl.»1 ,»n* nvnthani "

Rrlgadla EDWABD li w;IjT.i«TON. Cnlt*dgl ¦.- '....... im r*ll*v*d fr-m the eomman.l ottr-.- Ught Art'llen Brlgad*. Plrw Armr Corpa, andn'.r. proe**d to Sxtontauk Polnt, i/'ng ls^nd. wrt it) wlth th* Flfth Irmy .' *.

Brlgadt*r-Oeneral HENRY t i>r->f.iij.»,S. t'nt-ed Btata*Vi.lunteera la r* - -1 fi m luty with th" Sev-n'hArmy Oarpa, an-l wlll proe**d to .*hi.-kamau»r» i'ark.

;. .. n rr ind hrlg* '»

CTiaplatn ROBERT T1 WEAR, Bth Reglment, fnlted8tal*a \ '.r I'.' le h vnorahlr d'.*chargedfrom th* B*l*vt .¦ Of tl ¦¦ l*nlt*d piaree.

The leav* of at.xence jiriin:--.! iliaiOain W. K. WELAVirR,iM.ti-, indri-i Volunteer tx erfer.d^t ataat;i .rith.

Th* l"a\« ..f «t.«»rr-e (rranted Plral UeutenantDAV18, eirK.'.'t\ U*Xh ln'.i*nA VolunteerInf intn is ext«n led n* monl

Th* rollowlng ofllrcra ara b n r.i'.v r.|«^harg».l from thraervi-e of rhe fnlted Btat**: Jlajor W. 8. HENDRICKfl ith Ml^sollrl X'.'iun'eer Infantry; BtLl*ut*nant THOSIAB W TIPTON, l*t minola Volun-t»er Infanti*)

Ijeavv of ahxence for or." month 1k grant"d ColonelSAMt'EL M. VEICH, Ji.. BWi Naw-Terb Voiun-r. .-.

IjeaM- of nr.enc* for "r.n m r.'li fr m Auguat 4 1* grantedr*aptaln BENJAMIN a FARRELL, lat Kentucky ln-

rantnThe extenakn of \f.i\* of ahsence g-rant*d Majvr P

PORTER, .tr. .11 Battallon, lat SlUatMlppI Volunteerinf.u.-.iv ia axtandad tw*nty iuv*

The followlng Rl .¦:? artll rapalr to th*lr Pnvadier-rirneral HENRY it. I' PPIBLO, l.'niu-d BtaUa Volunt**r* ulon*| CHARIjEM Ij. BOTNTON, ISd lllchl-gnn Volunteer Infantry: U*ut*nant Colonal IjAW-Kl.N.'l. .1 UKJAN titn Haaaaehuaetta Volunteer Inf*ntr\. MaJ t HENRY WEMEL, Jr 3.1 l nlieiButea Cavalry; HaJor iiarry D WILKINg Ch.eftSimmlaaart of Bub*lat*ne* l'nlted states Voluntaara;Mnjor V'H*TOR f VAl'OHAN. aurawoct. 33-1 MuliiganVolunt«er Infantry Mi) >r MBRRILL K WtlBB, MdMl l|rafl Volunt**r Infantr> MaJ->r DAVIO B ".VIIj--i..N ,'hief .¦¦inimletuirv ..f t>nl.»l*i«nce, t'nlted StaieiVolunteera lapta.n CHARLEB a. WORDEN, Tiht'nlted Htxt"* Infantrv Captaln'S DbVU I'lT IVILCOX Ht>»iftant adjutant-general. l'nltedHtatr-* Volunteer*, Captaln JOHN W. I'.akker. coaa-nlcMn ' Bubalatenee, t'mte.l Siat.'a Volunteer*. Cap¬taln IOHN 11 I'' rs'N. 8th Btaaaachu.tta Vr>iunt**rInfantry Flrat IieuMuant BAMUEL g BJftUtT. 16thl'nlt*d Staie5 Infanrr< Ftrff lleutenant MARK I.HFR-'KY qiiarterma-.t'T. 12rh I'nltad Statea InfantryBaeond U*utenanl JAMS8 II RFJEVBH, rt:h fnlte-tstate* Cavalry; S"- nd Ll*ut*naai RUDOt-PH l.IlxAS ::at t. Mlr-hiann Vo|uat**r Inf*ntry; SeoondMeu-enant CHARUC8 " ItKII.I.Y. 8fd Ml^hlaan Vo|.unteer Infantry. Beeond Ijl»u:erant TIMOTHT J.St'l.t.IVAN Wtli Ma-nxrh'taett* Voltiat**r Infantrv:Aetlng At-*.»'«nt Suraeen FRANK DONAXD808I.fnltr-,1 gtttaa Army.

Leav" of at*en.-e for on* month ->n aceount of alrkn***Ix granted Ftrat I.n-utenant WIIJjIAM O. KEXM. 3dWt*M .niln V..lunr»*r Infantn.

The followlng offleer* of the 9th Battallon. OhloVolunteer*, nre honorabljr rii*ehartfed from the eer-i-lee of the Unlted Staf**

^aptain JfOfOM ¦ Plf1 WaTOIt. a.««latant Burgeon.eirat Lleutenant WII.I.1AM II. RR'n^K3

The follrywlng offle*ra are honorably dlseharged'rom the BBUltB of the l'nlted Btates:"*lr»t I.le.irr-ant HAHRT ¦ STAVTON, lat llllnela Vol¬

unteer Cavaln-lat ttllnj

iVI>. »»*lmt I,'e,...n*nr TI'OMAS J M'FARIjAVn. ll Mlaals-e*p*p1 Volunteer Infantry.

iecood lleutenant ARTTII'U .TOI-T. Bth New Tork Volun¬teer Inianiry

riral Uautenaiit WIIJjIAM Ill'NT. 2d Regtment. Unltedtjtatei Vulunteer Oxvalry', l* honorably dlaoharged

.li" i" i. af Ih* t..t«*d Statea./tu-.t ot aixen.e f..r >.ne m'nth ia grantad Ll*ut*nant-

rt.lor.el JACOB tt SMITH. I-Jtr-. Infantry>.|..nel XAMEa M MOtJltE, aaiiataat quart*rma*i*r-

general. wll! pn.r-e-Kl to Aea Glrt. N. J-, on offlcialtvualneaa.

"aotaia KD\VA1U> UUNfia. oonvmiaaary al autaalauaoa, J

Unlted Btatea Volunteera. la hoaorably -laehargaefrom the eervlre of the Unlted Btatea.

Major JOHN MCLELLAN. chlef ordnaaea nflletr l.'nlt*.Stal*-a Voluntaer.i, will proeeed te Jarkaonvlll*. Ft*..for duty a_ *hlef ordnance offlcer of a dlvlalon.

The leave <>( abaa-nre aranfed apialn THOMAS ClWOODBTTBT. liith Infantry. I» extended trn daya. C. F. OOCnniCH. detached from ommaBd at

th- 8t Ia-<ut* and orlered to command the Newark.Paymaeter'p 0!»rk WALTER K. i-I.F*NPAN!BI_ noaH-

nated bv Payinamer H. T. Siancllff. retlred. aadappolnted to anslat In aettllng accoun'a at Waehlag-ton Navy Yard.

Ansip-ant tvg«oa WILLIAM M. OABTON, ordered to theVermont.

Aaelatant BUfRvea JEBOME F. CHAFFEE. datac__dfrom th» Vermont and ordere-1 to the Naval H>»^ttaL

Naval rad-f C R. TB.41N. d*t*Ch*d from UM Btn Fran-clar.-, and ordered home ..n laa** tlil s*»pt«mb*r HO,

Naval Cadet M. W O-TgBBOL'BE, detached fmm theSan Fran<-lir-o and ordered home on leave tl B*p-temt-er .10.

Naval CMet w e. oalbraiTH. detachad from th* BaaKran<"i*ro and ordered home on lea.» tlli Septen*-tvr BB,

Naval eviat CHABLM w. fishkr. deiarnrd fr.m theSan BraneUoo and ordered home on leave tl'i P»o-tember 30.

Naval radet .r T bi'BWEI.i. oatmehat from th* BaaFranr-isco and ordered home n leave tlli S-pte_»-her IB.

Ni*-l <adet ROBFRT L BBBBT. deta^hed fn m th*San *r*n_M_na and ordered h"me oa leave Mil S-j>-tember 30.



STATIOXS.Washlngfon. Aua. R-Adjutant-Oeneral forhta

has iBBUBd the followlng- etatement:Tho Secretary of War has ordered one division of

the Flrst Arniv Corni fr.>m ChattanooBA to Knox-\lile, T.-nn ar.l another dlvlalon f the aaoae corp*from Cblckamausa to Lexlngton, Ky A division ofthe F'ourth I'orps. now al Tampa. has heen orderedto Huntsvllle. Ala. The Becond Dlvlalon (GeneralDavla'a) of 'ho Sorond Armv Corpa, now at Manaa-«as, Va.. ha* been ordered ro Alddletewn. Penn.The advlaabiUty of m.irchinK the troopa fronaI'hlckdmauca to Krioxvill* and Loxinxton ls underconsl lerat dThe dlvlalon ordered to Knoxvllle ls the Second.

and conslatB of the fo]!.>wln_ regln-.e ots: ".1st Mlch-Ipan. 1st Qeorgla, «th Ohlo, 16_th fml.ana. 1st WeatMralnla, Cd Ohlo, lat Pennaylvanla -n*-l U'taiMlnne-sota.The Thlrd Ptvlsion. ordered fo ./oxlncton. con-

slsts of tho l.rh Mlnneaota, ".th P*nna>lvaalai 8thMlBslsslppI, 21st Kansaa, Uth New-Yorh, Bth Penn¬aylvanla, M Mlasourl and isf New-M.'mpshire.The troops of mr Knurth Corpa ordered frora

Tampa to HuntBVllle, Ala., are th.- :t.| p. nnsylvanla,157th Indlan?. 5th oh'o. M New-York. Bd New-York ard Id Ohlo.Th" troops of the Becond Corps. ordered from

Manaaaaa to Mlddletown. Penn., are tho UBtta lndl-ana, _M Kanaaa, M New-York, *>rr. P*nnsylvanla,4-h MlBBOUrl. Tth Illlnols. 1st Rbide [alaBd, M Mla¬sourl and Id Tennaaaee.The ist Ohlo and th*- Ith I'ntiei Btatea cavalry

nr* ordered from Tampa to Ifontauk Polnt.Tho 4th Kentucky, r*olon*l Colaon commandlng,

hai been ordered from Lexineton in .i«.-k«onvtllaHn.) attacbed io the 0*>venth CorpaTho movement of th*-s,- troo|> |b in a-.-or l.inee

wlih the pi.-.ns ..f the W.-.r Department to bre.ik upthe larjre oamps and >pread tho troops ahouf thecountry.




Chattanaosa, Tenn.. gug. io (flpecian Th. Se©-retnry of War has directed tha; oB* dhislnn ofthe Flrst Army i'orps be moved to Knoxvllle,Tenn and one to l.exincton. Ky *","-reral Hrerk-Inrtdge reeehe.] peraalaalon to s>>!oot the divisionafor aach pla.-*-. Immedlately upon rereipt of rhenews he ?ent for "ien.ral Rojal T. Frank andgavo hlm hl« chol.-e of remalnlna ns ranklnadivision commander at Chlchaiaauga or aoini? toly*-xini;toti or Knoxvllle. Oeneral rraafe Bsaaataichlek.imauca. Thereupon Oeneral nreokinrldpr*order.-.l Oenei il Banger to tak- th" Talrd l)i\l-1 aato Leslngton aml ordered the Beeowd Division toKnr.xvllle. under . ommand of Oeneral M* Kee. H*hitr.'-lf Wlll r.-rr.aln and command the ("hloka-ma-:ira camp.Oeneral McKee commands the Second Division

ln place of the late Oeneral Ifc.iar.i.Th" Second Division .-onslsts of the followlng

restmenf?: Thlrty-Am Mlehlsaa, lat Weei Vlr-glnla. 6th Ohlo, UKh Indiana. _d filuo. Ilth Mln-ries..* i aad lai lieorh'la Tha Itttb Indiana fromthis dlvlalon baa already gon*. The Thlrd Divisionconslsts of th* 12th Minnesota, .th Pennsylvanla,8th Maaaaebuaatta Uth New-York, 2ist Kansaa,lst New-Hampahlre, U Mlaaourl and ?th pennsyl-vania The lat S'.uth Caroltna out of thls dlvlalonhas pone. Thls leavea two vacan-tea, which mayb'- auppUed with reglmenta fr.m o-her divisionaand onrjs. ard may not be. Oeneral l-trecklnrldtfdhas n"t dedded tbat as yerThe ,jih-r iroops wlll he taken to ihe mountalna,

aa ortartnaJly inteniled. The movement wlll nott ik<» pia.-e'f-rten days yet. siid Oeneral Breckln-rldfr*- thls afternoon General Hrecklnrldce haaatrongl) r's-ommende.l to rhe War Departmentthat no -roops 1...- mo-.ed He a>ke-i SecretaryA!r-r ar.d j'r»«:rl*-nt McKlnley -.> vlslt I'ampThomas, and they replled that they would come lfpoasibl. Oeneral Hre.-kinri'lc»» BBked them tosee for th--niPo|ves as to :h" healthfulness oftho ramp Me exoecta tho Pr*-«ld"nt UM Seore-tary Al_<r hy th" Rrat of r.ext w.-ek. in case iheycan con>-. Whlcb wlll he bffore the movement b*-glns and :n tlm* to «top ;?.^Jenrral Brecktnrldge aald -h!s nf'err.oon that lt

wa- a vexatloua prohlem. tust what to do wlththe aoldiera *o keep fn*-m contenied, and that h«reconunended eaer la* and ehangea, but th.'<'" exoriH-s ahould be rondueted ln ciosoproxlmlt) -i i'amp Thomaa Only the i2rh iteRi-oaent of tn*- New-York troops will ko. aii otheraar.- lookIng forward to thelr outlng ln the moun-talns.A land company ownlriR propertv on Walden'B

Ril.-e, in the Cumberland Mountalna) has offeredto tiie Oovrnment the u*e of Bve thouaand acreaof land for camp purpoaea af the head wateraof North Chlckamauaa Creek. wh-re ther» ls waterin abundanee. The road to :he top of the ridete la

lendid drlve, with not over a >> per cent arada,therefore th*" w igor? of the Armv will baVU

llfnculty ln makir.K the trlp witnout extra--¦ Th* dlatance la from twetve to fift-'en

mlie.s north rf thla rity near the famoua hunttag*arounda. The rTer of thls tra.-t. lt 1^ unders-ood,baa been aceepted. aml th.- Beeretary of BTar haaappro4-ed the ldea of these mareh.-s. as being bothhealthful and stlmulattng to tha rr.en whlle theyor waltlng hera tor ordersBeveral offera of land on Lookout Mounratn are

beinp eonaldered to-day and other offera are madaln rh» dlre.-fiori of Ringrold, Oa tn along theother roads lea.llnjr ojt of fhe ramp These prac-tic" mar.-i.'s ni.iv be tak. n up by the flrst of nextw-ek ar.d k"pt up all the summer If tha troopa ar*not ealled away aooner. Th* aoldiera are enthu-siastlc over th>- i-r lapect of mar.-hlra eomewher*.and are not partlcular about th-> rleytinatlon, soi-inu as they jret away from the routlne ofr.imp Uf-Knplnc rlrsr nartles left to-day for Resaon. Oa.,'.es'.on. Tonn to map out tiie routes to hetak-T. by the reciments on tho mareh. to the**points.Oovernor Holoomb of N'ebraska arrlved In Chat-

tanooga to-day. ar.d later want down to the P.irk.where h«- waa rhe gueet of i-oion*-! l-tllls and th* .dNebraaka Re_iment.

a -*nletntnl ti


mfn ntPArv'iNTKr BBCAOW thft will NOT


Camp Ravea, Nlaatle. Conn Aur N CSpeclal)..Raln and mud and the prospe-t of dlabandmentnafore seeing serrtce other than camp d'jU' havecomhlned to put the men of r-tmp TIave?n Into a

doleful mood At U e'etoefc this mornlnp there waa

a ciou-Iburst. which wlthln a few seconds wetever\- expoeed man to the ekln and flooded theparade ground a foot deep. Muddy pools Bportedthe rrouad all dav. maklnc it lmposslhle to go oawith the drills. The only ta<-ttoal work don* waa

the tnstrurtlon of memhere of the awkward aquadln the tentsThe 3.1 Re«rlment to-day recelved twenty rounda

of ammuniti./n to a man Thls Is suppoaed to befor rttle practice i.n the State ranges. i»t one sldeof tlu- tamp ground. Th° regiment hae severalhundred men. who have never flred a Sprlngrteld,and all are eager te get som*- practice Battery Crecelved to-day bayor,"t acabbarda, meat cana andgun »Ung». which eomplet* Ita equtpmeat,Tiie garrlson :ourt-mar:lal has tiled aeventy

cases chiefly relatlng to drunk.-ii-ss and overa'ay-ing passes It ls announced now that practtcallgevery violatlon of army r.gulailona wiil 8ub)ectth*- offender to court-martlal. atid thls is havlng asalutary effect upon camp dlaclpllne, Inasmuch aath* men are punlshed by flnea mbtedd of lmprlsou-ment ln the -uarlhouse.The general court-martlal has several mor*

serlous cages to try. nnd has been sltMng *o-day ona -ase of larceny charged ag.inai a rrember ofBattery A.Thlrteen men of ompany L. of Norwalk. are

ab«ent from camp and have overstayed thelr leavaCaptaln Rose hna lnstructed the Norwaik authorl-tles to arr*st them for de*ert:on.


For Llver Complalnt, Stomach Dlaordera, Oooland Dyspepala.Taken wlth meala. It facllltatea dlgeatlon.Plnt Bottlea ln let Claaa Reatauranta. 2f)c

SO-CALLED VICHY « ptpbopp oa .*_«

IS NOT VICHY.Oeneral Agency. t» Broadway. _C t» j