talaud bush

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  • 8/9/2019 Talaud Bush


    Talaud Bush-hen Amaurornis magnirostris


    This species is endemic to a small island and has a single small population which is in decline owingprimarily to habitat loss. It therefore qualifies as Vulnerable.

    Taxonomic source(s)Lambert, F. R. 1!. " new species of Amaurornis from the Talaud Islands, Indonesia, and a re#iew of

    ta$onomy of bush hens occurring from the %hilippines to "ustralasia. Bulletin of the British Ornithologists' Club 11!& '()!*.

    Taxonomic note

    +escribed as new to science by Lambert 1!-.

    Identification/.0 cm. " large, dar and robust bush)hen with a striingly robust bill. 2ead dar brown3 upperparts

    dar rich brown3 underparts #ery dar grey, but flans and thighs more lie upperparts. 4ill pale green,legs oli#e)brown, yellow at front. Similar spp differs from other bush)hens in its daer underparts which

    lac pale undertail)co#erts. Large headed, with a broader bill than other species and a distinctly archedculmen.

  • 8/9/2019 Talaud Bush


  • 8/9/2019 Talaud Bush


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    5ap data 6*/1 7oogle ) Terms of 8se

    Distribution and population

     Amaurornis magnirostris was only recently described, and is currently nown only from 9araelang:9araelong- Island in the Talaud "rchipelago, Indonesia, where it is sympatric with Rufous)tailed

    ;aterhen A. moluccana Lambert 1!-. The population is estimated at *,0/),0'/ indi#iduals Riley*//-. It may also occur on neighbouring islands, in particular

  • 8/9/2019 Talaud Bush


    has been no management and these areas are threatened by agricultural encroachment, illegal logging,

    and fire Lambert 1!, Riley *//-. Rails are also trapped for food, but mainly outside forestsRiley*//-. Introduced rats, probably Ricefield Rat Rattus argentiventer , are present on 9araelang, and may

    also pose a threat Lambert 1!, Riley *//-

    "onser#ation actions under$a!

    "ppro$imately 0/ m* of primary forest remains on 9araelang, within two protected areas. "lthough

    0/ m


     of primary forest has some form of protected status on 9araelang, *0/ m


    as a ;ildlifeReser#e, there is, at present, no management of these sites. ear Threatened.

    http://www.birdlife.org/datazone/speciesfactsheet.php?id=31610#FurtherInfohttp://www.birdlife.org/datazone/speciesfactsheet.php?id=31610#FurtherInfohttp://www.birdlife.org/http://www.birdlife.org/http://www.lynxeds.com/http://www.lynxeds.com/mailto:[email protected]://www.birdlife.org/globally-threatened-bird-forumshttp://www.birdlife.org/datazone/speciesfactsheet.php?id=31610#FurtherInfohttp://www.birdlife.org/datazone/speciesfactsheet.php?id=31610#FurtherInfohttp://www.birdlife.org/http://www.birdlife.org/http://www.lynxeds.com/mailto:[email protected]://www.birdlife.org/globally-threatened-bird-forums

  • 8/9/2019 Talaud Bush


    Taxonomic source(s)

    ew 2a#en, 8

  • 8/9/2019 Talaud Bush


  • 8/9/2019 Talaud Bush


    5ap data 6*/1 7oogle ) Terms of 8se

    Distribution and population!odiram"hus enigma is restricted to the Talaud islands 9araelang and

  • 8/9/2019 Talaud Bush


    2ear sounds for this species from $eno)canto, the community database of shared bird sounds from

    around the world.

    View photos and #ideos, and hear sounds of this species from the Internet 4ird Eollection

    Text account compilers

    4enstead, %., 7ilroy, C., Taylor, C.

    I'" %ed ist e#aluators

    4utchart, Red List.

    To pro#ide new information to update this factsheet or to correct any errors, please email 4irdLife

    To contribute to discussions on the e#aluation of the I8E> Red List status of 7lobally Threatened

    4irds, please #isit 4irdLifeGs 7lobally Threatened 4ird Forums.

    === ===========

    Talaud %ail Gymnocrex talaudensis

    Birdife Species "hampion 4ecome a 4irdLife %re#enting B$tinctions %rogramme

  • 8/9/2019 Talaud Bush


    magnirostris and %lain 4ush)hen A. olivaceus ha#e drab oli#e)brown and grey plumage, lacing white

    patch behind eye, and shorter, dull greenish)oli#e bills. *oice nly documented as probable, a series of atleast 10 rapid, high)pitched "eet("eet("eet calls, perhaps in alarm. +ints 

  • 8/9/2019 Talaud Bush


  • 8/9/2019 Talaud Bush


    Report a map error 

    5ap data 6*/1 7oogle ) Terms of 8se

    Distribution and population

    &ymnocrex talaudensis is apparently endemic to 9araelang, in the Talaud Islands, north of2almahera, Indonesia4irdLife International *//1-. "ccording to local reports, it is widespread and fairly

    common on the island, but absent from others in the archipelago. +espite prolonged fieldwor, howe#er,

    only one sighting has been made in the years following its disco#ery, and e#idence suggests that it iseither genuinely scarce or e$tremely elusi#e.

    Population justification" population estimate of 1,///)*,= indi#iduals has been interpreted from information pro#ided by F. R.

    Lambert in litt. *///-, who cautioned that it would be best to assume that its total numbers are low. Thesubsequent lac of records despite sur#ey wor appears to confirm this suspicion. The estimate equates

    to ''()1,''' mature indi#iduals, rounded here to '//)1,(// mature indi#iduals.

    Trend justification" lac of records hinders e#aluation of this speciesGs population trend. 2owe#er, localised habitat

    con#ersion, hunting and possibly rat predation are suspected to be causing an unquantified decline.

    Ecolo!It appears to fa#our long wet grassland patches and ran #egetation at the edge of forest in the lowlands.

    ;ithin 10/ m of the site of its disco#ery there was littoral swamp)forest, small remnant patches of forest,two permanent marshy areas, se#eral streams and wet roadside ditches with lush grass, suggesting that

    it prefers a mosaic of wetland habitats. Fi#e records of calling birds in *// attributed to this species wereall from primary ri#erine forest Riley *//-. The e$tent of its reliance on forest is unclear.


    In 1', 9araelang still retained ?a di#ersity and abundance of wetland habitats, in particular ran

    grasslands bordering forest?. 5eanwhile, land)use changes e.g. agricultural de#elopment,transmigration-, trapping for food and rat predation were not thought to represent significant problems

    for the species. 7i#en the paucity of sightings, it may be numerically constrained and under unidentified

    threat probably in#ol#ing factors listed abo#e-. The 9araelang ;ildlife Reser#e, where it is liely that

    this species occurs, is threatened with clearance for agriculture, small)scale local logging, unsustainablehunting and commercial mineral and timber e$traction, although mainly at low le#els at present.

    "onser#ation actions under$a!

    >o measures ha#e yet been taen. "lthough 0/ m* of primary forest has some form of protected status

    on 9araelang, *0/ m* as a ;ildlife Reser#e, there is, at present, no management of these sites Riley


  • 8/9/2019 Talaud Bush


    of 9araelang within the ;ildlife Reser#e, to clarify its distribution, status, ecological requirements and

    attendant threats, and to identify appropriate areas wherein populations might be effecti#ely protected.Eontinue conser#ation awareness programmes to highlight the plight of this species and increase local

    support for its preser#ation.


    4irdLife International. *//1. !hreatened birds of Asia# the Bird$ife International Red Data Boo% . 4irdLife

    International, Eambridge, 8.9.

    Riley, C. *//. %opulation siAes and the conser#ation status of endemic and restricted)range bird specieson 9araelang, Talaud Islands, Indonesia. Bird Conservation International  1& 0)(=.

    &urther $eb sources of information

    "lliance for Kero B$tinction "KB- speciesDsite profile. This species has been identified as an "KB trigger

    due to its I8E> Red List status and limited range.

    Elic here for more information about the "lliance for Kero B$tinction "KB-

    +etailed species accounts from the !hreatened birds of Asia# the Bird$ife International Red Data

    Boo%4irdLife International *//1-.

    Text account compilers4enstead, %., 4ird, C., Taylor, C., Tobias, C.

    I'" %ed ist e#aluators4utchart,