talchiga informa (mayo junio 2016) inglés

TALCHIGA REPORTS Copy No 1. There are 26 families currently living in the Community of Talchiga. This is an area of difficult access which has been forgoen by local authories for years. For three months, they have been installed lampposts that will supply power to di- fferent families. Prior to this project, the families did not have electricity. A few years ago, some of these families were benefited from solar panels. The whole community feels now very grateful to the mayor, taking into account the efforts that have being made to improve life in the commu- nity. May - June 2016 Carlos Membreño is from the mu- nicipality of Ca- caopera, but lives in California. He visited his schol- arship students, a total of three, and shared with the entire educational community. Carlos is an exam- ple as a sponsor, for their dedica- tion and commit- ment and should motivate every- one to be each day more caring and su- pportive. Thanks to people like him, many children in El Salvador may have access to e- ducation. Today in Talchiga: Our achievements: Recent rains had caused a huge gully that had destroyed the entrance to the community, which posed a danger to all the inhabitants with the arrival of winter. The road has been currently repaired and the large hole has gone. A bridge has also been built to improve access to school. From here to the end of the year, FUNDEMAC will provide funds for the construcon of a classroom and baths to replace the exis- ng ones. FUNDEMAC will also try to improve access to water, not only for children who go to school, but also for their families, who currently have to travel to the nea- rest creek to fetch water. Our godfather: CARLOS MEMBREÑO Lampposts and road repair. ▪ Delivery of calligraphy and reading books to 26 students from the school to improve literacy. Leisure and recreaonal acvies with students. Promong hygiene among students in order to prevent disease and improve health. Raising funds for the construcon of a classroom and bathrooms. First of three food deliveries to fiſteen families in the community.

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Post on 05-Aug-2016




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The work that FUNDEMAC is currently doing at Talchiga School (Arambala. El Salvador) thanks to the support of many godfathers and godmothers around the world.


Page 1: Talchiga informa (mayo junio 2016) inglés


Copy No 1.

There are 26 families currently living in the Community of Talchiga. This is an area of difficult access which has been forgotten by local authorities for years. For three months, they have been installed lampposts that will supply power to di-fferent families. Prior to this project, the families did not have electricity. A few years ago, some of these families were benefited from solar panels. The whole community feels now very grateful to the mayor, taking into account the efforts that have being made to improve life in the commu-nity.

May - June 2016

Carlos Membreño is from the mu-nicipality of Ca-caopera, but lives in California. He visited his schol-arship students, a total of three, and shared with the entire educational community.Carlos is an exam-ple as a sponsor, for their dedica-tion and commit-ment and should motivate every-one to be each day more caring and su-pportive. Thanks to people like him, many children in El Salvador may have access to e-ducation.

Today in Talchiga:

Our achievements:

Recent rains had caused a huge gully that had destroyed the entrance to the community, which posed a danger to all the inhabitants with the arrival of winter. The road has been currently repaired and the large hole has gone. A bridge has also been built to improve access to school. From here to the end of the year, FUNDEMAC will provide funds for the construction of a classroom and baths to replace the exis-ting ones. FUNDEMAC will also try to improve access to water, not only for children who go to school, but also for their families, who currently have to travel to the nea-rest creek to fetch water.



Lampposts and road repair.

▪ Delivery of calligraphy and reading books to 26 students from the school to improve literacy.▪ Leisure and recreational activities with students.▪ Promoting hygiene among students in order to prevent disease and improve health.▪ Raising funds for the construction of a classroom and bathrooms.▪ First of three food deliveries to fifteen families in the community.

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FUNDEMAC - Talchiga ReportsPage No 2

With your help, we can meet our goal of 3,000 children studying in rural areas.



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Our scholarships:

Talchiga School:


Griselda Amaya has been the school principal of Tal-chiga for three years. She is also the teacher. Both roles are a great challenge for her. Getting to school takes her 2 hours walking. She is very happy to work in this community, and describe the experience as “very nice” and gratify-ing. She feels very committed.As an ex-scholar-ship of FUNDEMAC, she recognizes the work the organiza-tion does on a dai-ly basis, both in theory and prac-tice, “up work,” she says, and hopes for a better fu-ture for children, with better access and higher perfor-mance.

Erika is Zenaida is a student from the school of Talchiga. She is eleven years old and lives with her parents and three of his four brothers. Her godparents are Silvia Vazquez and Rosalí. “I love them a lot,” she says. She also tells us that she would like to go to college in the future to be a tea-cher and be able to explain different issues to chil-dren. She feels very fortunate while studying.

Cristian Noé López Hernández is a 9-year-old-boy men-tored by Carlos Membreño. Thanks to him, he can go every day to school and have the books and all the necessary school su-pplies. He promises us that he is going to study hard and con-fesses he would love to become a soldier. He loves school be-cause he learns to read and write and loves drawing and doing different activities.

In the school of Talchiga, there are studying a total of twenty-six students, thirteen boys and thirteen girls from the community, from kindergarten level through 6th grade. The aid they receive through godparents from United States is essential, they sponsor them and provided with shoes, backpacks and books and other edu-cational material. They are committed people who love children and live with them. Without their help, many children could not study or attend school, because they would not have the things they need. Therefore, the whole community is deeply grateful. The work performed by these godfathers and godmothers motivates both students and the teacher to keep working and keep going in the future. Students are very responsible. They collaborate and are actively involved in class, they investigate and pay close attention to everything. In fact, at the end of classes, they do not want to go home. They read and play, and enjoy a lot in school. Recently, it has launched a school garden, in which they have planted ra-dishes, green onions, celery, peppers and beans and the students have received the necessary training to their care.

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FUNDEMAC - Talchiga Reports Page No 3

Alameda San Francisco.19. San Miguel Exit.

La Soledad Neighbourhood.San Francisco Gotera.

Morazán.El Salvador. CA.

Phone and fax:(503) [email protected]

F: Fundemac El Salvador




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