tale of laura rivera

THE RED FOREST Laura Rivera 11 A 2013

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Page 1: Tale of Laura Rivera


Laura Rivera

11 A


Page 2: Tale of Laura Rivera

A night in a forest far from the civilization a man high, big,

strong and incompressible look. I was walking through the

forest full of black leaves. He knew that it was what I

wanted in that place. A stone that was in the middle of the

forest in an old tree but could still give lots of beautiful red

leaves, that man look at this tree tightly and gave it a spin

after I duck and look for in the ground beneath a stone

square under it had a hole in it there was a box, opened it

and was surprised not to find a golden key which could

open that tree. I keep the box in his overcoat and stood up

and quickly went out of there but could not find the way


Page 3: Tale of Laura Rivera
Page 4: Tale of Laura Rivera

• Woke up the next day was in her apartment I

enroll and went to work at the offices of the CRL

central newspaper of the city of Caracalla, in

which everything was moving by the routine. But

the only one to not, that man could travel to a

forest without thinking.

Page 5: Tale of Laura Rivera
Page 6: Tale of Laura Rivera

• The forest he discovered while covering a story of a woman who

had to die trapped in his house after a thunderstorm. From that day

on his life was not a routine was complete chaos full of mystery and

situations unresolved. That day arrived that destroyed House and

see that beautiful woman of black eyes, white skin and black hair,

when I speak with her saw in his eyes that forest there was when I

ask you about that place and she replied you're the only one who

has been able to see beyond. That place is the only one that I can

save in a new heart is for me but I can not enter but you Yes. The

man stood still but a moment to another was in that place the I heard

the voice of her and followed her instructions that led to that tree at

that time if the key was. But at that moment when I was going to

open the tree, he returned to the House of the woman, but she was

no longer.

Page 7: Tale of Laura Rivera
Page 8: Tale of Laura Rivera

• It was for the very strange but continued to front and

began to search for a signal among all that disaster. It

lifted the rubble looking for desperate but came out not

the gaze of the woman of his mind. So it was as he

found a photograph in her women looked that forest and

a shadow behind her black. Then this man came out in

search of information that give after that picture was a

date (1997 - 01-22), quickly ran to the Registrar that

single day was born two twin only appeared the name of

his mother, so I also seek more information she found

that she was a normal peasant. So I continue and it was

where they lived before these three women.

Page 9: Tale of Laura Rivera
Page 10: Tale of Laura Rivera

• That I was on the outskirts of the city a cottage with four bedrooms and a large plot of maize crops, which toured and found in half of the crop a species of headstone in which had the name of a man, which had died two years after being born the twins. This was even more confusing, a term see the tombstone and when Volt again saw that woman or believed that she was, because it was actually the owner of that place she was frightened but he le most quickly photo and calmed told him if he is the father of these children, he told you is familiar of them - not but if you know your history.

• The day that was the day he fell a great storm were born here in this tomb where is his father was the one who received them but doing so I'll shut up lightning from there change completely their eyes were scary every night going to a forest which is located three kilometers from here. The year in which the died one night was the two girls but only returned one of them which the mother of the girls killed it and hear it here but she died and left me the girl but she when I could already take care of yourself. And have not returned to see her your know it - I responded, I until yesterday I saw it but it disappeared.

Page 11: Tale of Laura Rivera
Page 12: Tale of Laura Rivera

• So I came here to find out more about it - I feel them but

I can't tell you more because this is all I know, - okay.

This was how I knew about the forest as well complete

my journey of brought and two days later I went to that

forest was equal in the photo but wasn't as at the first

time I was there I went quickly to find the tree that had

seen the first time it was busk is the stone again there

was the key so you took the key and opened that tree

that was not actually a tree It was a box strong

everything was a kind of illusion, as a mental game,

which had only a purpose to take a life to continue living

on the death of someone is born. And he was going to

die was it and would return to born she that girl that

loads a tradition that in this safe keeps all its secrets and

feelings and the only memory that has when it was

normal, the body of his sister.

Page 13: Tale of Laura Rivera
Page 14: Tale of Laura Rivera

• A girl who was the first was causing a birth but to his

father that began with this chaos but it was the next and

last would be the journalist worse hadn't had suspicions

since he knew that that woman you told the story of that

family was in fact her but with a mask so the in the box

that had found before keep a weapon and before of that

she attacked it the shot slowly falling in the black leaves

the look it at his eyes, those eyes that were no longer

black were cafes any change from that day in the Woods

was a strange past but a lucid present.

• Laura rivera triana