talk to frank advert analysis

Talk to Franks; Giggles vs Heart Attacks This advert is a completely different advert when compared to the first one I analysed. It is more a public service advert, it isn’t trying to sell or promote a certain product or service it is just basic information. They’re very important and serious. Sometimes I don’t like listening to adverts like it they’re creepy and scary. Basically the advert talks about the effects of smoking Cannabis. At first the talking starts off really quick and lively as though the person speaking is hyperactive. This is because they’re acting out what it is like when you have the giggles after a joint. The way it is presented is that it’s meant to be your conscience, your mind telling you what’s going on. Obviously when you have Cannabis you don’t start hearing the voice explaining giggles in your head but it is trying to tell you in the easiest way what it would be like. It then starts getting all serious when the heart Attack starts to kick in. It’s trying to tell you that when you are under the influence of Cannabis everything no matter how serious it will make you laugh. So when the heart attack starts to kick in it’s as though the voices in the advert are pretending to be your brain. The heart attack is killing you but the giggles still think it’s funny. It’s as though you can’t keep control of your brain when influenced by Cannabis. That’s where the seriousness of it comes in. So the overall message of the advert is to not smoke Cannabis. After the climax of the advert wen the person stops talking. The serious part of the advert starts, where they give you the information is a serious context. There is contact details mentioned. A number in which you can text for advice and the Talk to Frank website is mentioned also. So it’s clear for someone who has just listened to the advert where they can get help and advice. Apart from at the end when they announce the contact details the name isn’t mentioned at any other time during the advert. It is their typical slogan “Talk to Frank”. Definitely throughout the video I would say that it is informative language used, because even at the parts which seem not so serious were they’re talking about giggles are serious and express a lot of important information you must know. Overall I feel that the advert was good. Like I mentioned previously they slightly scare me because it gives you a feel of what could happen if it did go wrong. It’s frightening. I genuinely don’t like watching or listening to adverts like that they get to me. All adverts like that like the Drink Driving, Think Bike, All Drugs ones and the smoking ones… etc. I don’t know they just pass on such a message that is so serious and the way they do it with the actors and stuff it genuinely makes it feel like real life. So yeah I feel as though this advert succeeds in what it is trying to portray. When it comes to the legal and Ethical side to adverts they have to pass through after being looked into in depth to make sure nothing is out of line. But when I have read through the Legal and Ethical guidelines which are relevant to this advert I feel as though maybe the “Death Humour about “category has been slightly breeched. It says that any “Jokes or Humour of Death may be seen to be in bad taste and extreme care is needed”. To me I feel as though throughout this advert it kind of laughs at death. Even though it is a serious advert. I feel as thou towards the end when half of the mind is dying and the other half is laughing about it. Because I believe that if you were dying you definitely wouldn’t be laughing about it! Other than that I don’t feel it breeches any other rule on the Legal and Ethical guidelines list.

Upload: sarahmurrayy

Post on 03-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Talk to frank advert analysis

Talk to Franks; Giggles vs Heart Attacks

This advert is a completely different advert when compared to the first one I analysed. It is more a

public service advert, it isn’t trying to sell or promote a certain product or service it is just basic

information. They’re very important and serious. Sometimes I don’t like listening to adverts like it

they’re creepy and scary.

Basically the advert talks about the effects of smoking Cannabis. At first the talking starts off really

quick and lively as though the person speaking is hyperactive. This is because they’re acting out what

it is like when you have the giggles after a joint. The way it is presented is that it’s meant to be your

conscience, your mind telling you what’s going on. Obviously when you have Cannabis you don’t

start hearing the voice explaining giggles in your head but it is trying to tell you in the easiest way

what it would be like. It then starts getting all serious when the heart Attack starts to kick in. It’s

trying to tell you that when you are under the influence of Cannabis everything no matter how

serious it will make you laugh. So when the heart attack starts to kick in it’s as though the voices in

the advert are pretending to be your brain. The heart attack is killing you but the giggles still think

it’s funny. It’s as though you can’t keep control of your brain when influenced by Cannabis. That’s

where the seriousness of it comes in. So the overall message of the advert is to not smoke Cannabis.

After the climax of the advert wen the person stops talking. The serious part of the advert starts,

where they give you the information is a serious context. There is contact details mentioned. A

number in which you can text for advice and the Talk to Frank website is mentioned also. So it’s clear

for someone who has just listened to the advert where they can get help and advice. Apart from at

the end when they announce the contact details the name isn’t mentioned at any other time during

the advert. It is their typical slogan “Talk to Frank”. Definitely throughout the video I would say that

it is informative language used, because even at the parts which seem not so serious were they’re

talking about giggles are serious and express a lot of important information you must know.

Overall I feel that the advert was good. Like I mentioned previously they slightly scare me because it

gives you a feel of what could happen if it did go wrong. It’s frightening. I genuinely don’t like

watching or listening to adverts like that they get to me. All adverts like that like the Drink Driving,

Think Bike, All Drugs ones and the smoking ones… etc. I don’t know they just pass on such a message

that is so serious and the way they do it with the actors and stuff it genuinely makes it feel like real

life. So yeah I feel as though this advert succeeds in what it is trying to portray.

When it comes to the legal and Ethical side to adverts they have to pass through after being looked

into in depth to make sure nothing is out of line. But when I have read through the Legal and Ethical

guidelines which are relevant to this advert I feel as though maybe the “Death Humour about

“category has been slightly breeched. It says that any “Jokes or Humour of Death may be seen to be

in bad taste and extreme care is needed”. To me I feel as though throughout this advert it kind of

laughs at death. Even though it is a serious advert. I feel as thou towards the end when half of the

mind is dying and the other half is laughing about it. Because I believe that if you were dying you

definitely wouldn’t be laughing about it! Other than that I don’t feel it breeches any other rule on

the Legal and Ethical guidelines list.