talk with alexander about insurance. +ik...

Talk with Alexander about Insurance. +ik ~~oflU TErE VrOn l S QOVmEr1TS3OD TOO XMIVOT= TOI 511 ALEXANDRIA LA., WEDNESDAY, MAY 27. 1896. ;NO 21 ie 1,ouisiana Pemocrat IJIS111?E EVERY WEIINEDISAT -,IT- ALEXANDRIA. hrial Journal offli eCityof rAexandrIh tilal Journal of the SeIool Board. OBLEY & CJ. - Propr's. SI. MOfRlaE, Editor. FERMB OF AUBSCRIgtri N: - a Tr.. .................... $• c.n. Mills.T..................' a huM PAvTAI1. Is AIlVANCR. ADVEI TDIN; RiAT'ES, rale 11 I,• I+ n not +!+i fi ne. :3 vva I,,. s , ) ..........- . ] . '... .. ., I. .. ToI - G ' L l *I li l 10 1 0 li 1 > I. ! 'I I' I 11 I ir 0D *I i hi. 1.1 n ,i Ul. lo ii., I r o• o n o T' i ,.ii . ii i v i.hrn tr i t hi n .$1,0 ]"r -r 4 or tit"t :n thi c ti ni, .I I l Ii t, ei fi irritiL r ,al*ii, rvr ioti-r , tint ex- Ihial hien liavf, will In o ] dii khtl'Jl firv ,-iliTig toet ]ic-, mill be- cllt'rgeld .l p!rin'al . carrr l a ala c iceill r rteal ., lo o, i fl -,i ntm rilicil ',r lait %T iis- illi aily re.i.siiility fr the ,ie-w lT ... t i. wi- l i i i. sumei iiaihltm s n1 it •o l t i hv S.. lr. . . i , lole will F igll acll ani Eu onir t ioaur to the oI,l neat riclve ysur .aer rIg- "laEay, ¢hr hy I., l r eTariorn iplise ut.ify us inln.iliateJly Il li> ii] ] y ":.pd.r ilii- tii iil. nii on :11 t, w Rith. u ai is c .tiig o he h I pt Msiter, to dis- irgI' thls LnLisilfl'In iL |ulty fir you. Y. i it.esr . D...... co." foria Dour. alf or i folioil, on will takx, F lpllrelr i l• •onlin i1d 1. .'.o .ilara FYu rli:ingi ymt un . ii., atify f niid 0l ,,it ol>nie to whicL a s l wi Ihie i•n . r chl. l igc P . EAIl,1OA D - '3IE - TABLE-. TEXAS AND PACIFIC E.uM mnnl\ ri. .2 A.rrive ...... ....... 1!:10 n, ., I1 r .............. . *h•pi I. In, -. .2 PI nrt .... ............ 22 hI., in. I. WM .* ............. ... 1:49 . i- . A. 51 .m . at l ipairt .......... ... .M . 1Da o, 53. ................. 4:4u p. - IORGAN'S i.ftrISIANA AND TEXAS: ,ave' Alts;i ndrini .............. I 5lo n. 111 rrive, at Alexidlria .......... 7: [t . 111 riFirst-lej&* t.ire fr(ti AlsxanIdrin ro lw ntirletns iy eitllr of above uaiuend atds coSts *5.•0, 3r. L. L M & s-II. C. A. t, I. •21 Arrive ..... ......... l1: a. ni 1. *"2 DeLB arL", ............... 4:30l a. Ill ANSAS CITY, WATKINS ANn 'qULI" a:. 1 Ari svc . ... ........... 11:15 I, I . 2 epacta ......... .... - :15 . .. . C V. CROSKEIT, Tiiet AgoIO't. M. C. MOSELEY, ATTORNEY- AT- LAW ALEXANDRIA, LA. 'TPsrmticea i all A lasses fr eni es iI It I Cn l Uuis af the ptariAli's alf t aiN X rLit, Ntuatiiita.clr., A'•,y$eh , Saloniu, I. Lnialrv. ill SIto ri. usha Col u ltl , Late id in Ith uFo i ral oe ul ts. Olfce up airs over A. A bert'a store 3EO, 0 WATTS NOTARY PUBLIC - and - REAL ESTATE BROKER, AILEXANIIR[A, LA. ZWO FOR ONE. enid for free sample and judge thereby. the Louisiana Democrat -AND- 'incininti Weekly Enquirer Both one year for oitly $1.10. The Esuqirer is a .oolutin, Hpage pa per, in.ueid every Thura- l3y. Largest in size, most reitil- 1e in lews, all large type, Iplain tint, good white paper. If our e ra. want another live paper, be Enquirer ia that paper. Call or send orders to LoUISIANA DKMOCRAT, Alexandria, Lai THE FOOL WHO ROCKS THE BOAT. Who is to blame if butineBa I upset? FOR THE GOLD STANDARD. in•-tkn Symp thr o1 ereer.n r m .aes In a letter published hi the Des So.nd .o.aIy Co a ' l ntlo Fsaored brytal Moines Leader ex-Governor Boles of t rlln .r-eBod of Trde. Iowa urges the adotioil of fre cOilage The art of trade of Baltimore on oa the ground ht it is lhe only way May4 adop4dl the followingdeclaratici In inhich the Iowa farmers who are in nrging th maintenance of the gold debt ca pay oR their iudebtudnca [1l standard: justice to Mr. Boie, who is an honest *The eontihad .nrertatnty ai g oa o h , misguided, advoeatn of a t sili firess the foili ca D! wgre to eunl ver, it ehou]d be said that ho does not Vegislation looking to a reforgi of resort to any of thi humbug about rain- dfrctive fiteAltial 'ystm is par"lyzins g ing the price of Oilver, or establishing tradeand intenifying thodistretwhich binetalism. which i thestock Intrde Europnc',u ei lls anquired toward of the rest of he cheap rony lae. our insituti'nw, Having uppemniot lii oura li ter cli IN - Do He frky adnits A hA e wits i our centr• lci a •r and rzing I eapr dollar sae of meli f ( liom the of relief from the pnscnt da•rming site p1 iles ofI fa ifc) tonec t aitin, Ihe htwrd f trnad <f Baltimore ro tie mdf tav f adolld p .h city. ilhj•t lis , often up f te thr . ta ohoin, owmr. 'i ound fll etld riocikp, duai. led by •h ajid, rable io rnity Mr. eomiu. cid um:r, . nee n r Ii •it Eies staies his resos for favoring free self on •rle r bri, lbi g un -cqiaoeal . . i h i opposed to Inyr dtbgsimnt f e a lver. g num d up flay That a re , anal r ogiznlig the fac that the ar e u t ie O utif he United State Cannot adopt the unalimit Which Theyg poerot money were to if t ed e,inage of ilver without thoconcur- e pa, r ooerhof a hoe debto coul renie of the great Eurpean nations, a o th resultnly to be reachedthrough inter py off theirn creditOrs andl become nde- national cafdere this board faTo ree silver at t1 to 1 hid t d nl nri,, .ud .ntge ite maitenouee of ahe gol', Thre me ion to Wond i, to tufi atandard as now in lse by the worid -and horst? moatcviilo n Ia t atio- Asto the onetyrof e proposition l ,aiound money is vital to our n tahil can be no qnrstion its gratly al tain onmtcialp promerfity, A , to be regretted that ome of the Iowm rtubnity this Term dwarfs t h e- faeuare poor and in debt ButiN sources of our country and the energies l rt andb B f orpeople. The nationalcon io that ny reason why the oernment fon to be M d in Cheigad . lni should pass law makng other people iontbe hcldinChiio tad cor? It ia certain that the p ndlatlion will ""r opportnitis Sfor the ea of one-half of th mort es on Iowa pre.sioin anld loption of aind er frmw ld ain ands wh little ples learing upon this important afbjecl as wou rain t aeds whos y blitat for he future overment f our legs. iha cornpan e Hote hb laBoom ^in hingtou, ^eah prelpl" an4loan companies. Hmv they o whiter in slidon.asut h -eidbrPgl I rights In the matter? Whent did the and asitg beaefit to In sufferint poverty of the frnarmers of any otf - dusrices and eopies elssl become an exse for ciolating teo The tt of arpyl a aw law, "Thou shalt not steal? For isa * been foreinat in advocating the mini - san thing else but stealing, f the ov tenace of a o cure•in y inferior t o eOn rament takes from ceditors half of in pfrchating power in the i t eoprkterty they have l and give the world. Hr comercial life is in. q tion s to the ltimate effet tertwind cith that of her lister e to t-e oate offet e, statfe that whatever affects th on the farmers themselves of admittiing mngt necesarily react poen her. princi le egilhhin the epudi.- dim view of the pressing iml~otaceo tien of Just debts need not be diaused. of thi uestion, we d rocate f The America people's sens of hu sity of holing a eonud moneycon and f t tios hi Chicago or in St. Lois at an et•y rights have not yet disappeared. earlyu i Ce Sympathy with the po and nfort. _early datei.ate, such as Mr. Boles expresse In his Tnolr Lat Aruiment Gose. letter, is noble and praiseworthy. Per. or-iflb of the pleas for a 0 vetted swypathy, which seeks to hep dollar hnave beea idade up of denuncia- one class seor act of persons by robbing tious of the robber Roiehohilds, who other people, is inmeral and danger- were alleged to ,e fastening their gold- near to the vagaries of an unubal- bug system an the world. The belief n am d ind. that that emineut backing firm hadn De bought up the American Coungrs and Aner r. l Ti . et thus brougi. about the crime of 1873 i The Teachcrs' Co-operative Building aon of the articles of faith among all a Loan iacciation of New York city goond Pouli&B lhas 615 meanilhe•s Of this nlmber 7$ Now cono 3 the mad new, from a ill- re borrow, - funds--that is, debtors veritstandoilnt thatthewealthab srp. to tho oThrn Iff this ratio Imjain g-octopns has gone nt the busines tantd n t 6,,000 bu l ding nd lo ofsilvernling. UnitedStatesConaslar osciatiov. iT Thio conntry, hmving Agent Kelg ty of Nev tl N. R. W., 1,800,000 shareholders, therearee about reports that the Rothoshilds bave a. 20,000 debtors to 1,580,000 credtors, qirad a ] r interest n oneof the or more than seven creditora to one leading sil r smelting workan in Anse debtor. traliL Thr work are totret the ore Fred conage at16 to I would cn.- front the fmOnou Broken Hill mines and doubtedly help the debtors. It would will epl'y about 1,600 m1. eble thm to settle their obfgtions What will the wonhirn of the silver to their nfell m e at 50 e o pig say uow? Hw can they denounce thedollar. But are the 1,600000 credit- the huted 'oanking houe wlich I.8e- on all bloated bondholdera whom itt gaged in prdiltnig white meatel? Of wonld noatbwe T r oang to legilete out of what usne wl it be to appealto pre- thoir property in this way? Am ae diccumgicinstthereeayThothlSchildSWhU thne 220,000 hmtwem Ol posr alidd- it is ktaow- <hat those gold catues have pressed by hay morgag at uurou taken to. a gercdit No e the interes? Not mrach! The debutrs are Populist artists find a theme for their ily worth mtore terit o t e ditom. weird and wonderfl cartons in w ll the ren erdutors, oat of sm foreig booke. he n has bee rally for, the Ponepo, dbtr, thins yes used to frighten uaughly childlren. No i theyo cail ou.hf of his debt? e otd lcuger will the charge thattheadvocat if they ow on deh o honest money arme the Rothschilds' is bnttered. paid nt r to rer ito he whole free inage murtiti o ,dd WONtscer to swere farmrsoimt otifteesic. voting for the silver standard, Gone N a Itdels or. a r more eyed- the last hope of the sixteen to ne, and itor than strange as i busted is their ocnpaign cry of "Up May appear, the cn.ditor are cmprl with cheap silver and down with the tively poor. Rothschilds." rards ol .l.ieat .eather Fi. tadinauted Propositlon Whn the Tee coinage idea sall bare 'list -Therew .sTnst . fns e nw e SO crystallized into a definite plYu of me- oFint.- the world today that i ion, and that plain be thoroughly nl-- n ailvr b. destood, a large proportion of its advr - Scot m -- ThIe r o o eten will retrn to their oepetiv per- -tie isd A gets t come. dol to hte Ron country in the world dqay that deas i. n w wmt . l to be 10 not a silveram yd a imgwlth gold cents will never harmonze with the ThI• -'e•s not maetsil anda eemet that seeks to emtablleh as the m in e wold bel ti -e priei a1 currency of the counstry a. N soun'gydn the woFed ita silver,t with a I•aitteandervs aue of s$1 and pr- Fo t -Thee i not a silver stand- ssl power of 0 en-GoldBug. ma country in the world today that h~ xA .e w.. " oe than one-hird as h money i i i a I.elaHic. per capita a the United J tThis a peo, t 'Bshas.*en wea'll havle to take it A t- Ftth. h re inq silverstandr dt Well e works In "th country in the world todty where the o tithe amd itf. lberin cma .eceive. fair i•pay Fr we don't print I. t he ay go oa air' has dy'. work.-Froin Hoas Josiah eulating reports that we have gie over PattcNon'e femphis specha to the goldabw-Pok - SOUNDO MONEY DEFINED, Popular With the gtepubliepaSa. -ts Whom still -. I -- also nI.S a11. - -oufp- - .lhd 1 i fio. the Great NiillDRY GOODS BY MAIL. 9 itduatric. It deoesu lia It je of inblirta n O CO nve itlil at St. LouiSn. g W ia wWnWW i Mn April 18, m n t collmeneing Junme 16th. No iffrt ollws will be sared to plovidle for the We offer ladies living in the c some ErD<atmCt I d>w. en t comfort ei al»l who use this line. ducenoent to shiop by mail. E parof beleva ilvrdol pedal trauis will be runt it el- in our great store is complel oath frose cheap one t t ea t «p a oac1 ,l ha i t ear every style and worth for the v tltcation of the term "onnd m " you will bn wis to send in your tomfclybasedt u.n the t nLand 'ta e inowfor niressary acellelo- SAJPLES FREE-.- But th!» us ft lth term is not a m•l d.ajiots, us t1he nttewd4nie pro<m«is- bI•gg - of the question The i e tobe the hergest for any con- ofanything Tyou ask for. Our rca o n for It which w - O T p»*t ventioti yet hel.ui of Summerdress goo(.--Orga can understa rA T ickets will he sold via the Tex. of -u l l mer dress goods-Orga Moneywhooealheil theinmenntile a & P 1fi 1 Rilway nll rathe S iliks, SWISSes, Lawns, etc.- m- valea of thi metal It is made of, whe.e Orl LOWfST LIITED11 FIST CLASS for quality and cheapness. W vainuo Is not Impaired by the defnce- 1ARE POi THE IWOUD TK1P oi mentoft bworiptim, or tevenbytelt- June 13th, 14lh inl 15th, go od WE ARE PROMPT. ig, ro loii la it. qimntity prty until June 21sf, 1896. - reai han r me w n For iae ikets, aleeping car "moln- We give your letter our atten p rthxteeaabnt ' enttiho Oi u or eanstc 'tea we get it, and if we haven't mon.yin diatinction from pape. BDut Pacific agent or we will procure it for you if i tha eoouomy and convenience of usig GAS'ON M:SLIER in New Orleanas. You canll pT have-been lthoroughly cstanlshed G. P. & T. A., )nlath*, Tfexnas mai| as satisfaclorily as if yo by long amli wide experlence, Bad it hit- been founmd practicable to make the pa- -Base Ball oills slid Croquet per, throigh thOe proofentfcdemption. Seta, it Frrgtuiio'r, jriweler. . F ELL as sfe anld sre M anything human, o -- . that paper redlemable in Bpi!e I. not * GOOD POSITION 727 Canal Street. New only much sonmder than paper not e- and gqod Business Education near- deemat, whoe volime and whee loe-apecial Offer. prchiugpowra tobo aff. er t e-Sl Off1tr . sotutOlysounO Ut tflft Reuse ~WfliOfl ISO rIilIlluII, aLuuIIrds vuIwgt., £tiWIl* molutelyonna li (ae riw•eweltonil, I -raincul uafflilbrSS Olinge, £Nasll- metal that redenm it iascund. vilie, Tenn., will open a brancht But this doe not eplain why th shoe l in silver dollr aliIud be unsound nmiaorY. TEXARKANA, This cuin is utond becanuso it cahe- ates at its sominal valune of .gold dne ri de r ft'e imianagemeilt of Prof. B. to the limitation il the srpply and the R. L wtil, who l ihas not only serv decared policy of the goveran t Sl o d tas Prinwipal of Drangholn's long as the public does tnt haTe totake Nashville College twelve monlthlis, silverdollars id the "6Mnnn" na but lie hus tfr eas.s kept books nre redeemcd in gold, and the ailver tfr some of thei largest firi•ms in MAY, JUNE SUTbWTSET certfleatee are in strictly limited sap- Teluetsee sad Kellluky lie will ply, the silver dollar and its paperrTp- be insisted by other i com tletelit renentative can be kept at par in goldo eamhers. Fromn all Coupon Stations on the Syst but t -oiN I an instance of unoaund This branch school became lie- Fare for the BtoundI Ti mo.ey h••tso half its value depqwncs ,ea i, S le Nashvile College on the acts of the governuine whose heu iifeilt i accouimoda.le ablityha been orn than oe bemht t diiut co dat inqumtion, andwhiaedispcltionwoild His large attesailance fo. thie Wesi To Meniaphis, Tenn.-A'•cnaut Womauts Boa bechanged i the sitRrenooldget Sld l iother Seet.ios. It ILI givl land P'resbyterint Chirlol, Mh.y 14th 111(1 15th, controL the same dralIttages nis gien in 5th. Also May ]uth and 20th) limutd to re Wero coiunaeof silve maolfree- ie tlNahlt'ie schnbl. It is g ier Generail A8siitlily Irne yt0alia Cliiarch ill tlhe that is, were the restrictioncn the mn.- ally known that Proft. Dratughbo To l Birimillngham, Als.-A•eennt General As'e ufaoctnro f silrdollarsaeemoved-the courn of book keeping is coiiaid- Ihteriani Chuilh, May 17th and 18th, limited silrerdollar woulddur fromn the vlu erd by bauiti.s hmet' by far Me T Pittsaburg, P.-May 23d and 24th, Masto a heold dollar ° to auea t ~ ll the Union, whe tle t ther Coiveloionl, litid for re tur to May 31st. mbefi in the silvardoilr. That ola departmenta are aSclsed to none. To St., Lois, o ou-Jutne 13th, 14li and 1 would thin te an c of ood Prof. Dralughiule's Collegl guara- Nitional Collvention, limited to Jnne 21t for ney. Lent it wldi becme .mwl tnly e I nitl nodce tecuall bythe of n•ry -h l tof puliticis under Wrasonabl To Richmond, Va.-Aecount Confederate the mony unit, the a m of a W• 1 UitiOll . June 20th sod 27tbh, good to return within twen rin. As the tendaey of thti wuld Theo e who enter the Texarkana f sale, at. rate less than one fare. be to inuate prices and to impair ly sool Wit' in reiasomable time To Buffalo, N. Y.-Acoutlnt National Teac one-half theobligatlon contractsd f il re iven a special disnount. 30th nd July 1st, with nilt to July 13th, a fnanial hbracter, to . ate ther t- For eatalogue, ete. address, tilg witl Joit Agent for further extension; most nncertainty cgarding the future J. F. YRAUGHiON, $2 for admisbsio. and to dry up the fertiliting sfrcam of Prea't. Nashville, Tenuu To WashiDgton, D. 0.-Jply 3M, 4th and 5t crdit, it would tch the bin Beware Olt ----- - nt- . fo r Ctr the rolnd tri , with privilege of extension to world Unton c Ichao(o which onlyy a wreof Ojntteuts for atarrh depositing With Jo int Agent s slight tat wa felt by the ntry in that Contalt lercury, To SL Loiis.-J uly 19th, 20th ad 2 1st, f llyt ets o waa ave as imercury will surely destroy the sene Amut .. in. ilver Conuveltions, limited to July 2 While the ilver dollr, as in Mexi, of and complete l ' deng.u the Full lmrtilutars will be furnished on applica which cirenlates at its bnllion value whole syst0iat whan sutering it tlrough of naunt oute. L. .canes within the defilniton of s.ond the muenoa aurfaces. Such articles Assistant General Passenger and Ticket money, the proposl to-Maimalsto or alinntd uever I.a und exept on presPip- B. cnetncy Is the mot eound proaposi- lisr from irutahlc 1 ylelabs, as tlGeneral Passenger and Ticket tion lmaginable, becanae the end is ,loninge lhey will do is te fild to the en worthles, and the means most drarmc- "goodytu can ssibly derive fronm the'., wv. h•r n ,tIe of the fct dthat wit Hall's Catarrlin Cure; nanniteteirril by o... RED » RIV1 ER LINE. Indep the silver dotllar •elating at t . ., Toledo, 0., ,i D RIVER LINE Inde ,,, nusi fi kn "tentally, actG.. 'to' L lion vale gold would disappear from dlrectly u the . iood and mucous sir- . monetary and the reslt would bt faces of tie system I w buyin HI al fl's , trcxndons coot• tidtco. The dollaer Catarrhi Cnre sure aund get ti gen- -t i '•I'~- which IT whollycer n part t" is nine. It tkeu interuly and ia rne•t " Is .. ud, but the *'heabp" domla e l Toledo, hia, by F. J. Thener & Co. an wornd, for a radicll reduction in leuniails free* old by Dragg sts S *s thBsvaele themeý r evaluewol d l CHAS. P. TRUILOW, Presldent. make everyman afrnid to buyr i Confederate Reunion. or land. -. CH lIAB. n. uuROWN, Traile angrmr, tC is Ihe deepening and ridening On account of he United Con- New Orlelsn, E. Wealis atio ol.e factswhichirleug- edentme Veteran. Reunion, to be LEROY A. STAFFORD, Agent, Alex- - rag tusntes M Of a1 prt of , th e old at. Richmod Va., Joun still ndia La. * •ntrytogether n op. itLonEto,. Tu, t h, Leimp. dfthfoloig ond co7ey, wh value eend p- to July 2d, 1890, the Texa & Pa. This Lin i ed of ttee amoafollowing on I•aphmeralmatjrity Icong, n Brailroad lo. will sell roitml I mperialpaity 5000blales oton. te- i, closely limited ticket., et at I ae olley Quae, 3aI 'emn s I EbfiTftlt or S24.75. Dntea of sale, JnIIr HMallatte ' " J. W* DA An elephant who hd waAerd nto b 2th and 27th, filnal limit for re- W.T. T.n6oll 1501 " A. Jarres ihars aud •h•Ite m h turn to be tweitay days fron date A.0 B. Aamn n 1o Whicm WnflalI 500 chic ken sewi'har orf sle. QC. F. CiooCa t, And Fl or Barges, capacity 5 00 Of his itv tho elephant Agntbdtost's Aget.r, effot Wills at. of hia In"tep thoo. eleprantiid to th ,JatM leave New Orleans Wednesdlays Bar*I's bel orphaned Tood, " I w -Bae Bll d ad Croquet and atunda and leave . hreveport Freight rat be a mother to on." Then h hafnly Sets, at Fergusona'. jeweler. Tneskaus, a e d FidtaI. Dbuilt am shooeatel chiclens Into e e Thenew S.rW. T. uiovel t ll Asldria y down ihen -- - expresel for this trAl, will Nake waek. marian. The •ilvttCwoair ly trpt l twrei Alsunria and Shrove-e- Sto voter bar ow, c -dt porduring the oming saon. n the grond that until the expm•tent istr ed we cannot e sre that It will FRANK D. COKELEY, ATTOB not býoet the eoD wory r B l beach Th e F ou r uarters otse mat tihend elant ThCy . of the Globe are Cistern Builder and Carpenter, A jkow that their Will f l d o drive way the gldon Drawn Upon Daily. WI fruish . d cuisters at sh lnhucial and btintM - ALEXANDRIA, LA. bawd and think that in sof 1Wy they Ont nf tie aindnanee ALEXANDRIA 1 LA. could make cheap ailver isve a ub of I. Stoe Newso Mtitute. In this tbey are geratly mlt"- IO e Ited ftag the plae o gold JKRAM ER silver would bays th ande ideadly ef- feet on trade and Industry itSt the wel DeIrablE nfl d~ heei which It tried to teW. It I notn.m- IL fllM ES- eBsaryto hlkid-prtBeBt|ourisad T o-n. ystm In rder to prove that ahep moneys i'emowaf'tworak some thtp oJ l , . itll entabe you to garner dangeros fraud is e u of thremn up kowledp o the world and its affai•rs. The business ran, the 'm t "e'l * eleck, the meas anic, the I nevew fell below par sad wa Deer farmer, the young and old, prott for npamn t. I M d r thegr- eadgay,willnd I THE Alexni 1TORIES o the otherS BUICK HO need is a b BUIt DIN etreet, Pi' TUEC uI Be dfadrd. IsawasttUi a inilunL Sa Ineedo rnonltd. Id ndflatte ated aoredeaoe. I owe ay n e In lts olumns. UNDERTAKER stail.e br. I at th ame whtther stained or acres of op nt, end wheth called anime or C w Salesrooms nad. Pi no.d erth an•hhe e et. we td .... . CORNER FOURTH AND SCOTSTS8 andinbstai a u dI t w eFa ddriS .... ............. . o. l awwgn .. pt w messx.a dp. .!.. w= ALEXANDRIA LA. Sept•wheat In eqi to ep lot *plclf=oa 'lictt. CAREFUL ATTENTIONGIVEN. I bve 3000 a n lenbue . .he-.e- t. Tl.Dem oneofthehandlomt heermsin ceu- As Btyo mains *15513 Woln -LOeyn, tlsi and> a suply efunetal- heavily fIa lland letthe nd other ion. A very ea or term leeL Iw Inotstaywholeot- *e leot Tlezrsnis prnnpya t leWa- , a lle to dDmtoonih dUdf.-D. W. _ ert to ighit day * McCtt in "Money Talk. ountry every in- very department te, and ynu goet ery least mIoney,. magnificent line andites, Dillities, are unsurpassed rite for samples. ntion the minate whiat you want, t is to be gotten- shop here by catole yourself. MAN | Orleans. La. ^™»mmz E BIOrfT 'E3S and JULY, A-- - : OUTTE. em at Rate of One lrd of Missions Camber- limited to return June turn June 5th, account Unimted States. embly Jumberland Pres- to June 5it for return. at National Prohibition lth, accouut Republican etllrn. Vuterstis' Rennion, on ity (20) days from date hers' Association, June and privilege of deposi at rate of one fare pinu I, at rate of one fare for July 1sat flr return by account Populist andi Ith for return. tion to Local Agents of J. PARKS, Agent, Housfon, Texas. F. B. MORSE, Agent, New Orleans, La. endent Packet. rEmn TCUG EOTIS ad Barges KNON, - Master n, Agt. at Alexandria. Sall way ladings a far ai low and Molfgoinery above. Sverylow. Address J. W. Alexaudna, or call nil the agent, A. Jarreaut for infor- IT. P. HUN'TER, NEY - AT - LAW LEXANDRIA, LA. of Third and Lee FOR SALE. Town Property Advan- ageously Located BUSINESS PORTION O0 dria, consisting of two BRICK n Front street, one 26z0 aud lO70 fest One TWOMTORY USEB on Johnston street, now oardi Lhonbse. One FRAME Sof three roomt, o eond w ueed an a printing office. '-.AMO, - . NA GROVE PLANTATON the north side of Red river, m Alexandrti, containing 210 an nd and 1iud 0 .. O of wood- ntation enclosed with a new ntial fence. as AO-- ares of Swamp Land, Latanier, near Lanmourie, inmbered. is apply te H. ECHMALINSKI, isl. Alexiandhria, La. 3nnal.~rrd ~_ edbyneriarntandwhim.has i I · ___ ~~ · · I

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Page 1: Talk with Alexander about Insurance. +ik with Alexander about Insurance. +ik ~~oflU TErE VrOn l XMIVOT=S

Talk with Alexander about Insurance.




ie 1,ouisiana PemocratIJIS111?E EVERY WEIINEDISAT


hrial Journal offli eCityof rAexandrIh

tilal Journal of the SeIool Board.

OBLEY & CJ. - Propr's.

SI. MOfRlaE, Editor.

FERMB OF AUBSCRIgtri N:- a Tr.. .................... $• c.n.

Mills.T..................' a huM


ADVEI TDIN; RiAT'ES,rale 11 I,• I+ n not +!+i fi ne. :3 vva

I,,. s , ) ..........- . ] . '... . . ., I. ..

ToI -

G ' L l *I li l 10 1 0 li 1 > I.

! 'I I' I 11 I ir 0D *I i hi.

1.1 n ,i Ul. lo ii., I r o• o n o

T' i ,.ii . ii i v i.hrn tr i t hi n .$1,0 ]"r-r 4 or tit"t :n thi c ti ni, .I I l Ii t, ei

fi irritiL r ,al*ii, rvr ioti-r , tint ex-

Ihial hien liavf, will In o ] dii khtl'Jl firv,-iliTig toet ]ic-, mill be- cllt'rgeld .l

p!rin'al . carrr l a ala c iceill r rteal .,lo o, i fl -,i ntm rilicil ',r lait %T iis-

illi aily re.i.siiility fr the ,ie-w lT ... t i. wi- l i i i. sumei iiaihltm sn1 it •o l t i hv S.. lr. . . i , lole willF igll acll ani Eu onir t ioaur to the

oI ,l neat riclve ysur .aer rIg-

"laEay, ¢hr hy I., l r eTariorn

iplise ut.ify us inln.iliateJly

Il li> ii] ] y ":.pd.r ilii- tii iil.

nii on :11 t, w Rith. u ai is c .tiig

o he h I pt Msiter, to dis-

irgI' thls LnLisilfl'In iL |ulty fir you.

Y. i it.esr . D...... co." foria Dour.

alf or i folioil, on will takx,

F lpllrelr i l• •onlin i1d 1. .'.o .ilara

FYu rli:ingi ymt un . ii., atify

f niid 0l ,,it ol>nie to whicLa s l wi Ihie i•n . r chl. l igc P .

EAIl,1OA D - '3IE - TABLE-.


E.uM mnnl\ri. .2 A.rrive ...... ....... 1!:10 • n,., I1 r .............. .*h•pi I. In,

-. .2 PI nrt .... ............ 22 hI., in.I. WM .* ............. ... 1:49 . i- .

A. 51 . m

. at l ipairt .......... ... .M . 1Dao, 53. ................. 4:4u p. -


,ave' Alts;i ndrini .............. I 5lo n. 111

rrive, at Alexidlria .......... 7: [t . 111riFirst-lej&* t.ire fr(ti AlsxanIdrin ro

lw ntirletns iy eitllr of above uaiuendatds coSts *5.•0,

3r. L. L M & s-II. C. A. t,

I. •21 Arrive ..... ......... l1: a. ni1. *"2 DeLB arL", ............... 4:30l a. Ill

ANSAS CITY, WATKINS ANn 'qULI"a:. 1 Ari svc . ... ........... 11:15 I, I. 2 epacta ......... .... - :15 ... .

C V. CROSKEIT,Tiiet AgoIO't.



'TPsrmticea i all A lasses fr eni es iIIt I Cn l Uuis af the ptariAli's alf t aiN X

rLit, Ntuatiiita.clr., A'•,y$eh , Saloniu,I. Lnialrv. ill SIto ri. usha Col u ltl ,

Late id in Ith uFo i ral oe ul ts.Olfce up airs over A. A bert'a store





ZWO FOR ONE.enid for free sample and judge


the Louisiana Democrat-AND-

'incininti Weekly EnquirerBoth one year for oitly


[ý The Esuqirer is a .oolutin,

Hpage pa per, in.ueid every Thura-l3y. Largest in size, most reitil-1e in lews, all large type, Iplaintint, good white paper. If oure ra. want another live paper,be Enquirer ia that paper.

Call or send orders toLoUISIANA DKMOCRAT,

Alexandria, Lai


Who is to blame if butineBa I upset?

FOR THE GOLD STANDARD. in•-tkn Symp thr o1 ereer.n r m .aesIn a letter published hi the Des

So.nd .o.aIy Coa ' lntlo

• Fsaored brytal Moines Leader ex-Governor Boles oft rlln .r-eBod of Trde. Iowa urges the adotioil of fre cOilage

The art of trade of Baltimore on oa the ground ht it is lhe only wayMay4 adop4dl the followingdeclaratici In inhich the Iowa farmers who are innrging th maintenance of the gold debt ca pay oR their iudebtudnca [1lstandard: justice to Mr. Boie, who is an honest

*The eontihad .nrertatnty ai g oa o h, misguided, advoeatn of a t silifiress the foili ca D! wgre to eunl ver, it ehou]d be said that ho does notVegislation looking to a reforgi of resort to any of thi humbug about rain-dfrctive fiteAltial 'ystm is par"lyzins g ing the price of Oilver, or establishingtradeand intenifying thodistretwhich binetalism. which i thestock IntrdeEuropnc',u ei lls anquired toward of the rest of he cheap rony lae.our insituti'nw, Having uppemniot liioura li ter cli IN - Do He frky adnits A hA e wits iour centr• lci a •r and rzing I eapr dollar sae of meli f ( liom the

of relief from the pnscnt da•rming site p1 iles ofI fa ifc) tonec taitin, Ihe htwrd f trnad <f Baltimore ro tie mdf tav f adolld p .h

city. ilhj•t lis , often up f te thr . ta ohoin, owmr. 'iound fll etld riocikp, duai. led by •h ajid, rable io rnity Mr.

eomiu. cid um:r, . nee n r Ii •it Eies staies his resos for favoring freeself on •rle r bri, lbi g un -cqiaoeal . . i h iopposed to Inyr dtbgsimnt f e a lver. g num d up flay That a

re , anal r ogiznlig the fac that the ar e u t ie O utif he

United State Cannot adopt the unalimit Which Theyg poerot money were to if t

ed e,inage of ilver without thoconcur- e pa, r ooerhof a hoe debto coulrenie of the great Eurpean nations, a o thresultnly to be reachedthrough inter py off theirn creditOrs andl become nde-

national cafdere this board faTo ree silver at t1 to 1 hid t d nl nri,,.ud .ntge ite maitenouee of ahe gol', Thre me ion to Wond i, to tufiatandard as now in lse by the worid -and horst?moatcviilo n Ia t atio- Asto the onetyrof e proposition

l ,aiound money is vital to our n tahil can be no qnrstion its gratlyal tain onmtcialp promerfity, A , to be regretted that ome of the Iowm

rtubnity this Term dwarfs t he- faeuare poor and in debt ButiN

sources of our country and the energies l rt andb Bf orpeople. The nationalcon io that ny reason why the oernmentfon to be M d in Cheigad .lni should pass law makng other people

iontbe hcldinChiio tad cor? It ia certain that the p ndlatlionwill ""r opportnitis Sfor the ea • of one-half of th mort es on Iowapre.sioin anld loption of aind er frmw ld ain ands wh littleples learing upon this important afbjecl as wou rain t aeds whos y blitatfor he future overment f our legs. iha cornpan e Hote hblaBoom ^in hingtou, ^eah prelpl" an4loan companies. Hmv they owhiter in slidon.asut h -eidbrPgl I rights In the matter? Whent did the

and asitg beaefit to In sufferint poverty of the frnarmers of any otf -

dusrices and eopies elssl become an exse for ciolating teoThe tt of arpyl a aw law, "Thou shalt not steal? For isa *

been foreinat in advocating the mini - san thing else but stealing, f the ovtenace of a o cure•in y inferior t o eOn rament takes from ceditors half ofin pfrchating power in the i t eoprkterty they have l and give

the world. Hr comercial life is in. q tion s to the ltimate effettertwind cith that of her lister e to t-e oate offet

e, statfe that whatever affects th on the farmers themselves of admittiing

mngt necesarily react poen her. princi le egilhhin the epudi.-dim view of the pressing iml~otaceo tien of Just debts need not be diaused.

of thi uestion, we d rocate f The America people's sens of hu

sity of holing a eonud moneycon and f ttios hi Chicago or in St. Lois at an et•y rights have not yet disappeared.

earlyu i Ce Sympathy with the po and nfort._early datei.ate, such as Mr. Boles expresse In his

Tnolr Lat Aruiment Gose. letter, is noble and praiseworthy. Per.

or-iflb of the pleas for a 0 vetted swypathy, which seeks to hep

dollar hnave beea idade up of denuncia- one class seor act of persons by robbing

tious of the robber Roiehohilds, who other people, is inmeral and danger-

were alleged to ,e fastening their gold- near to the vagaries of an unubal-

bug system an the world. The belief n amdind.

that that emineut backing firm hadn Debought up the American Coungrs and Aner r. l Ti . et

thus brougi. about the crime of 1873 i The Teachcrs' Co-operative Building

aon of the articles of faith among all a Loan iacciation of New York citygoond Pouli&B lhas 615 meanilhe•s Of this nlmber 7$

Now cono 3 the mad new, from a ill- re borrow, - funds--that is, debtors

veritstandoilnt thatthewealthab srp. to tho oThrn Iff this ratio Imjain

g-octopns has gone nt the busines tantd n t 6,,000 bu l ding • nd lo

ofsilvernling. UnitedStatesConaslar osciatiov. iT Thio conntry, hmving

Agent Kelg ty of Nev tl N. R. W., 1,800,000 shareholders, therearee about

reports that the Rothoshilds bave a. 20,000 debtors to 1,580,000 credtors,

qirad a ] r interest n oneof the or more than seven creditora to oneleading sil r smelting workan in Anse debtor.traliL Thr work are totret the ore Fred conage at16 to I would cn.-

front the fmOnou Broken Hill mines and doubtedly help the debtors. It would

will epl'y about 1,600 m1. eble thm to settle their obfgtions

What will the wonhirn of the silver to their nfell m e at 50 e o

pig say uow? Hw can they denounce thedollar. But are the 1,600000 credit-

the huted 'oanking houe wlich I.8e- on all bloated bondholdera whom itt

gaged in prdiltnig white meatel? Of wonld noatbwe Tr oang to legilete out of

what usne wl it be to appealto pre- thoir property in this way? Am ae

diccumgicinstthereeayThothlSchildSWhU thne 220,000 hmtwem Ol posr alidd-

it is ktaow- <hat those gold catues have pressed by hay morgag at uuroutaken to. a gercdit No e the interes? Not mrach! The debutrs are

Populist artists find a theme for their ily worth mtore terit o t e ditom.

weird and wonderfl cartons in w ll the ren erdutors, oat of smforeig booke. he n has bee rally for, the Ponepo, dbtr, thins yes

used to frighten uaughly childlren. No i theyo cail ou.hf of his debt? e otdlcuger will the charge thattheadvocat if they ow on deho honest money arme the Rothschilds' is bnttered.

paid nt r to rer ito he whole free inage murtiti o,dd WONtscer to swere farmrsoimt otifteesic.

voting for the silver standard, Gone N a Itdels or. a r more eyed-the last hope of the sixteen to ne, and itor than strange as i

busted is their ocnpaign cry of "Up May appear, the cn.ditor are cmprl

with cheap silver and down with the tively poor.

Rothschilds." rards ol .l.ieat .eather

Fi. tadinauted Propositlon Whn the Tee coinage idea sall bare

'list -Therew .sTnst . fns e nw e SO crystallized into a definite plYu of me-

oFint.- the world today that i ion, and that plain be thoroughly nl--n ailvr b. destood, a large proportion of its advr -

Scot m --ThIe r o o eten will retrn to their oepetiv per--tie isd A gets t come. dol to hte Ron

country in the world dqay that deas i. n w wmt . l to be 10

not a silveram yd a imgwlth gold cents will never harmonze with theThI• -'e•s not maetsil anda eemet that seeks to emtablleh as the

m in e wold bel ti -e priei a1 currency of the counstry a. Nsoun'gydn the woFed ita silver,t with a I•aitteandervs aue of s$1 and pr-

Fo t -Thee i not a silver stand- ssl power of 0 en-GoldBug.

ma country in the world today that h~ xA .e w.. "oe than one-hird as h money i i i a

I.elaHic. per capita a the United J tThis a peo, t'Bshas.*en wea'll havle to take it A t-

Ftth. h re inq silverstandr dt Well e works In "th

country in the world todty where the o tithe amd itf.lberin cma .eceive. fair i•pay Fr we don't print I. t he ay go oa air'

has dy'. work.-Froin Hoas Josiah eulating reports that we have gie overPattcNon'e femphis specha to the goldabw-Pok -

SOUNDO MONEY DEFINED, Popular With the gtepubliepaSa.

-ts Whom still -. I -- also nI.S a11.

- -oufp- -.lhd 1 i fio. the Great NiillDRY GOODS BY MAIL. 9itduatric. It deoesu lia It je of inblirta n O COn v e itlil at St. LouiSn. g W ia wWnWW i MnApril 18, m n t • collmeneing Junme 16th. No iffrtollws will be sared to plovidle for the We offer ladies living in the c

some ErD<atmCt I d>w. en t comfort ei al»l who use this line. ducenoent to shiop by mail. Eparof beleva ilvrdol pedal trauis will be runt it el- in our great store is compleloath frose cheap one t t ea t «p a oac1 ,l ha i t ear every style and worth for the vtltcation of the term "onnd m " you will bn wis to send in yourtomfclybasedt u.n the t nLand 'ta e inowfor niressary acellelo- SAJPLES FREE-.-But th!» us ft lth term is not a m•l d.ajiots, us t1he nttewd4nie pro<m«is-bI•gg -of the question The i e tobe the hergest for any con- ofanything Tyou ask for. Ourrca on for It which w - O Tp»*t ventioti yet hel.ui of Summerdress goo(.--Orgacan understa rA T ickets will he sold via the Tex. of -u l lmer dress goods-Orga

Moneywhooealheil theinmenntile a & P 1fi 1 Rilway nll rathe S iliks, SWISSes, Lawns, etc.-m-valea of thi metal It is made of, whe.e Orl LOWfST LIITED11 FIST CLASS for quality and cheapness. Wvainuo Is not Impaired by the defnce- 1ARE POi THE IWOUD TK1P oimentoft bworiptim, or tevenbytelt- June 13th, 14lh inl 15th, go od WE ARE PROMPT.ig, ro loii la it. qimntity prty until June 21sf, 1896. -

reai han r me w n For iae ikets, aleeping car "moln- We give your letter our attenp rthxteeaabnt ' enttiho Oi uo r eanstc 'tea we get it, and if we haven't

mon.yin diatinction from pape. BDut Pacific agent or we will procure it for you if itha eoouomy and convenience of usig GAS'ON M:SLIER in New Orleanas. You canllpT have-been lthoroughly cstanlshed G. P. & T. A., )nlath*, Tfexnas mai| as satisfaclorily as if yoby long amli wide experlence, Bad it hit-been founmd practicable to make the pa- -Base Ball oills slid Croquetper, throigh thOe proofentfcdemption. Seta, it Frrgtuiio'r, jriweler. .F ELLas sfe anld sre M anything human, o - - .that paper redlemable in Bpi!e I. not * GOOD POSITION 727 Canal Street. Newonly much sonmder than paper not e- and gqod Business Education near-deemat, whoe volime and whee loe-apecial Offer.prchiugpowra tobo aff. er t e-Sl Off1tr .

sotutOlysounO Ut tflft Reuse ~WfliOfl ISO rIilIlluII, aLuuIIrds vuIwgt., £tiWIl*molutelyonna li (ae riw•eweltonil, I -raincul uafflilbrSS Olinge, £Nasll-metal that redenm it iascund. vilie, Tenn., will open a brancht

But this doe not eplain why th shoe l insilver dollr aliIud be unsound nmiaorY. TEXARKANA,This cuin is utond becanuso it cahe-ates at its sominal valune of .gold dne

r ider ft'e imianagemeilt of Prof. B.

to the limitation il the srpply and the R. L wtil, who l ihas not only serv

decared policy of the goveran t Sl o d tas Prinwipal of Drangholn's

long as the public does tnt haTe totake Nashville College twelve monlthlis,silverdollars id the "6Mnnn" na but lie hus tfr eas.s kept booksnre redeemcd in gold, and the ailver tfr some of thei largest firi•ms in


SUTbWTSETcertfleatee are in strictly limited sap- Teluetsee sad Kellluky lie willply, the silver dollar and its paperrTp- be insisted by other i com tletelitrenentative can be kept at par in goldo eamhers. Fromn all Coupon Stations on the Systbut t -oiN I an instance of unoaund This branch school became lie- Fare for the BtoundI Timo.ey h••tso half its value depqwncs ,ea i, S le Nashvile Collegeon the acts of the governuine whose heu iifeilt i accouimoda.le

ablityha been orn than oe bemht t diiut co datinqumtion, andwhiaedispcltionwoild His large attesailance fo. thie Wesi To Meniaphis, Tenn.-A'•cnaut Womauts Boabechanged i the sitRrenooldget Sld l iother Seet.ios. It ILI givl land P'resbyterint Chirlol, Mh.y 14th 111(1 15th,controL the same dralIttages nis gien in 5th. Also May ]uth and 20th) limutd to re

Wero coiunaeof silve maolfree- ie tlNahlt'ie schnbl. It is g ier Generail A8siitlily Irne yt0alia Cliiarch ill tlhe

that is, were the restrictioncn the mn.- ally known that Proft. Dratughbo To l Birimillngham, Als.-A•eennt General As'e

ufaoctnro f silrdollarsaeemoved-the courn of book keeping is coiiaid- Ihteriani Chuilh, May 17th and 18th, limitedsilrerdollar woulddur fromn the vlu erd by bauiti.s hmet' by far Me T Pittsaburg, P.-May 23d and 24th, Mastoa heold dollar ° to auea t ~ ll the Union, whe tle t ther Coiveloionl, litid for re tur to May 31st.

mbefi in the silvardoilr. That ola departmenta are aSclsed to none. To St., Lois, o ou-Jutne 13th, 14li and 1would thin te an c of ood Prof. Dralughiule's Collegl guara- Nitional Collvention, limited to Jnne 21t forney. Lent it wldi becme .mwl tnly e I nitl nodce tecuall

bythe of n•ry -h l tof puliticis under Wrasonabl To Richmond, Va.-Aecount Confederate

the mony unit, the a m of a W•1 UitiOll . June 20th sod 27tbh, good to return within twenrin. As the tendaey of thti wuld Theoe who enter the Texarkana f sale, at. rate less than one to inuate prices and to impair ly sool Wit' in reiasomable time To Buffalo, N. Y.-Acoutlnt National Teacone-half theobligatlon contractsd f il re iven a special disnount. 30th nd July 1st, with nilt to July 13th,a fnanial hbracter, to . ate ther t- For eatalogue, ete. address, tilg witl Joit Agent for further extension;most nncertainty cgarding the future J. F. YRAUGHiON, $2 for admisbsio.and to dry up the fertiliting sfrcam of Prea't. Nashville, Tenuu To WashiDgton, D. 0.-Jply 3M, 4th and 5tcrdit, it would tch the bin Beware Olt ----- - nt- . fo r Ctr the rolnd tri , with privilege of extension toworld Unton c Ichao(o which onlyy a wreof Ojntteuts for atarrh depositing With Jo int Agent s

slight tat wa felt by the ntry in that Contalt lercury, To SL Loiis.-J uly 19th, 20th ad 2 1st,

f llyt ets o waa ave as imercury will surely destroy the sene Amut .. in. ilver Conuveltions, limited to July 2While the ilver dollr, as in Mexi, of and complete l' deng.u the Full lmrtilutars will be furnished on applica

which cirenlates at its bnllion value whole syst0iat whan sutering it tlrough of naunt oute. L..canes within the defilniton of s.ond the muenoa aurfaces. Such articles Assistant General Passenger and Ticketmoney, the proposl to-Maimalsto or alinntd uever I.a und exept on presPip- B.cnetncy Is the mot eound proaposi- lisr from irutahlc 1 ylelabs, as tlGeneral Passenger and Tickettion lmaginable, becanae the end is ,loninge lhey will do is te fild to the en

worthles, and the means most drarmc- "good ytu can ssibly derive fronm the'.,wv. h•r n ,tIe of the fct dthat wit Hall's Catarrlin Cure; nanniteteirril by o... RED » RIV1 ER LINE. Indep

the silver dotllar •elating at t . ., Toledo, 0., ,i D RIVER LINE Inde,,, nusi fi kn "tentally, actG.. 'to' L

lion vale gold would disappear from dlrectly u the . iood and mucous sir- .monetary and the reslt would bt faces of tie system I w buyin HI al fl's ,

trcxndons coot• tidtco. The dollaer Catarrhi Cnre sure aund get ti gen- -t i '•I'~-which IT whollycer n part t" is nine. It tkeu interuly and ia rne•t " Is.. ud, but the *'heabp" domla e l Toledo, hia, by F. J. Thener & wornd, for a radicll reduction in leuniails free* old by Dragg sts S *s

thBsvaele themeý r evaluewol d l CHAS. P. TRUILOW, Presldent.make everyman afrnid to buyr i Confederate Reunion.or land. -. CH lIAB. n. uuROWN, Traile angrmr,

tC is Ihe deepening and ridening On account of he United Con- New Orlelsn, E.Wealis atio ol.e factswhichirleug- edentme Veteran. Reunion, to be LEROY A. STAFFORD, Agent, Alex- -

rag tusntes M Of a1 prt of , th e old at. Richmod Va., Joun still ndia La. *•ntrytogether n op. itLonEto,. Tu, t h, Leimp. dfthfoloigond co7ey, wh value eend p- to July 2d, 1890, the Texa & Pa. This Lin i ed of ttee amoafollowing

on I•aphmeralmatjrity Icong, n Brailroad lo. will sell roitml I mperialpaity 5000blales oton.te- i, closely limited ticket., et at I ae olley Quae, 3aI

'emn s I EbfiTftlt or S24.75. Dntea of sale, JnIIr HMallatte ' " J. W* DA

An elephant who hd waAerd nto b 2th and 27th, filnal limit for re- W.T. T.n6oll 1501 " A. Jarresihars aud •h•Ite m h turn to be tweitay days fron date A.0 B. Aamn n 1o

Whicm WnflalI 500

chic ken sewi'har orf sle. QC. F. CiooCa t, And Fl or Barges, capacity 5 00

Of his itv tho elephant Agntbdtost's Aget.r, effot Wills at.of hia In"tep thoo. eleprantiid to th ,JatM leave New Orleans Wednesdlays Bar*I's belorphaned Tood, " I w -Bae Bll d ad Croquet and atunda and leave . hreveport Freight rat

be a mother to on." Then h hafnly Sets, at Fergusona'. jeweler. Tneskaus, a ed FidtaI. Dbuilt amshooeatel chiclens Into e e Thenew S.rW. T. uiovel t ll Asldria

y down ihen -- - expresel for this trAl, will Nake waek. marian.

The •ilvttCwoair ly trpt l twrei Alsunria and Shrove-e-Sto voter bar ow, c -dt porduring the oming saon.

n the grond that until the expm•tentistr ed we cannot e sre that It will FRANK D. COKELEY, ATTOBnot býoet the eoD wory r B l beach Th e F o u r uarters

otse mat tihend elant ThCy . of the Globe are Cistern Builder and Carpenter, Ajkow that their Will f l d odrive way the gldon Drawn Upon Daily. WI fruish . d cuisters at shlnhucial and btintM - ALEXANDRIA, LA.bawd and think that in sof 1Wy they Ont nf tie aindnanee ALEXANDRIA1 LA.

could make cheap ailver isve a ub of I. Stoe NewsoMtitute. In this tbey are geratly mlt"- IOe Ited ftag the plae o gold JKRAM ERsilver would bays th ande ideadly ef-feet on trade and Industry itSt the wel DeIrablE

nfl d~ heei

which It tried to teW. It I notn.m- IL fllM ES-eBsaryto hlkid-prtBeBt|ourisad T o-n.ystm In rder to prove that ahep

moneys i'emowaf'tworak some thtp oJ l

, . itll entabe you to garner

dangeros fraud is e u of thremn up kowledp o the worldand its affai•rs.

The business ran, the'm t "e'l * eleck, the meas anic, the

I nevew fell below par sad wa Deer farmer, the young and old,prott for npamn t. I M dr thegr- eadgay,willnd

I THEAlexni

1TORIES othe otherSBUICK HOneed is a bBUIt DIN

etreet, Pi'

TUEC uIBe dfadrd. IsawasttUi a inilunL

Sa Ineedo rnonltd. Id ndflatte atedaoredeaoe. I owe ay n e In lts olumns. UNDERTAKER stail.ebr. I at th ame whtther stained or acres of op

nt, end wheth called anime or C w Salesrooms nad. Pino.d erth an•hhe e et. we td .... . CORNER FOURTH AND SCOTSTS8 andinbstai

a u dI t w eFa ddriS .... ............. . o.Iý l awwgn w messx.a dp. .!.. w= ALEXANDRIA LA.Sept•wheat In eqi • to ep lot *plclf=oa 'lictt. CAREFUL ATTENTIONGIVEN. I bve 3000


n lenbue . .he-.e- t. Tl.Dem oneofthehandlomt heermsin ceu- As Btyomains *15513 Woln -LOeyn, tlsi and> a suply efunetal- heavily fIalland letthe nd other ion. A very ea or termleeL Iw Inotstaywholeot- *e leot Tlezrsnis prnnpya t leWa- ,

a • lle to dDmtoonih dUdf.-D. W. _ ert to ighit day *

McCtt in "Money Talk.

ountry every in-very departmentte, and ynu goetery least mIoney,.

magnificent lineandites, Dillities,are unsurpassedrite for samples.

ntion the minatewhiat you want,t is to be gotten-

shop here bycatole yourself.

MAN |Orleans. La.

^™»mmzE BIOrfT'E3S

and JULY,A--

- : OUTTE.

em at Rate of One

lrd of Missions Camber-limited to return June

turn June 5th, accountUnimted States.

embly Jumberland Pres-to June 5it for National Prohibition

lth, accouut Republicanetllrn.

Vuterstis' Rennion, onity (20) days from date

hers' Association, Juneand privilege of deposiat rate of one fare pinu

I, at rate of one fare forJuly 1sat flr return by

account Populist andiIth for return.tion to Local Agents ofJ. PARKS,Agent, Housfon, Texas.F. B. MORSE,Agent, New Orleans, La.

endent Packet.


EOTISad BargesKNON, - Mastern, Agt. at Alexandria.

Sall way ladings a far ailow and Molfgoinery above.

Sverylow. Address J. W.Alexaudna, or call nil theagent, A. Jarreaut for infor-



LEXANDRIA, LA. of Third and Lee


Town Property Advan-

ageously Located

BUSINESS PORTION O0dria, consisting of two BRICKn Front street, one 26z0 aud

lO70 fest One TWOMTORYUSEB on Johnston street, now

oardi Lhonbse. One FRAMESof three roomt, o eond

w ueed an a printing office.

'-.AMO, - .

NA GROVE PLANTATONthe north side of Red river,

m Alexandrti, containing 210an nd and 1iud 0 ..O of wood-ntation enclosed with a newntial fence.

as AO--

ares of Swamp Land,Latanier, near Lanmourie, apply te

H. ECHMALINSKI,isl. Alexiandhria, La.


edbyneriarntandwhim.has i I

· ___ ~~ · ·