talking to your crush company

Talking to Your Crush (Company)

Upload: ian-tracey

Post on 06-Aug-2015




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Talking to Your Crush (Company)

My name is Ian Tracey, a Computer Science

student at the University of Arizona as well as the

lead intern at Startup Tucson, a premiere

startup incubator here in Tucson, AZ.

I can recall vividly, some years ago when I was undergoing my usual skimming through

Forbes' featured articles and a company named 'Uber' was mentioned in a headline.

I curiously clicked on the article and that initial click transgressed into feverish research.

It was cupid’s arrow and it had pierced my thigh,

deep within my pocket, where my iPhone lie.

Uber - sleek, capable, disruptive.

Uber served as a beacon of innovation for me back then. A

company that fought its way into business, against all odds and

amidst hefty competition. I came to recognize the feat of the execution

of Uber and the brilliance of the people who pulled it off. I was a 16 year old wannapreneur at the time,

with more dreams for the future than profits under my belt.

But now my tendencies have evolved. I find myself working on real

companies with other incredible entrepreneurs amidst my speedy

relocation to Tucson.

More importantly, upon my arrival to Tucson, I quickly discovered that Uber was operational within the city.

I was ecstatic.

I grabbed my iPhone and called an UberX car home

from downtown.

Since then I have been using the service religiously with friends and colleagues and

have been enlightening others at almost every

chance I get.

I can't help but find out where I can go next. With my journey taking me into the depths of the local startup scene and Uber

coming into fruition before my eyes, my ambition and my addiction to startups get the best of me.

I want to help Uber succeed and grow. I want to be a part of the revolution of

transforming the way people commute, explore and play across

some of the greatest cities on earth.

I want to be able to work underneath the mentorship of the amazing people

that have built such an incredible service - however possible.

I was unable to get a solid lead on any internship positions Uber at

Tucson is currently hosting or where students roles currently fit into Uber’s company culture, but I am hoping you can guide me in the right direction.