tall-il conference call january 14, 2015 tall-il videoconference terrill/sandrock - jan 14 2015 1....

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TALL-IL Conference Call January 14, 2015 TALL-IL Videoconference Terrill/Sandrock - Jan 14 2015 1. Briefly discuss any on-going issue you may have working with your team or others in your school/district. (10 min.) 2. Continue the discussion on the role of authentic resources. (15-20 min.) 3. Consider additional strategies for incorporating grammar structures. (15-20 min.) 4. Consider these topics and how you might share the information with the team in your school. 5. Review expectations for the next steps (conference calls, end of January retreat). (5 min.) Slide 2 Importance of Authentic Texts Authentic Text text written by speakers of the target language for speakers of the language Real-world Culture rich Models of correct language Plus besoin de faire ses lacets avec cette invention TALL-IL Videoconference Terrill/Sandrock - Jan 14 2015 Slide 3 Novice Strong visual support TALL-IL Videoconference Terrill/Sandrock - Jan 14 2015 Slide 4 Tips for finding authentic text TALL-IL Videoconference Terrill/Sandrock - Jan 14 2015 Look for texts that address the essential question of the unit. Do not look for texts that have specific vocabulary or structures. Do a google search using possible words, phrases in the target language, click on images and videos first especially for novice learners. Adapt the task, not the text. Become a fan of Pinterest. Slide 5 huffingtonpost.com TALL-IL Videoconference Terrill/Sandrock - Jan 14 2015 Slide 6 huffingtonpost.com TALL-IL Videoconference Terrill/Sandrock - Jan 14 2015 Slide 7 huffingtonpost.com TALL-IL Videoconference Terrill/Sandrock - Jan 14 2015 Slide 8 Key considerations for working with text Begin with what they can say before asking any questions. Avoid worksheets. Process the text in the target language. Know where you want to lead students as they work with the text. TALL-IL Videoconference Terrill/Sandrock - Jan 14 2015 Slide 9 Possible topics In the target language. drawing from what they have already said. Compare our school system with schools around the world. Compare country (x) to country (y). What country do you prefer? Why? Considering the number of days of class, what country. TALL-IL Videoconference Terrill/Sandrock - Jan 14 2015 Slide 10 1.What is going on in this picture? 2.What do you see that makes you say that? 3.What more can we find? Three Key Questions Visual Understanding in Education vtshome.org vue.org TALL-IL Videoconference Terrill/Sandrock - Jan 14 2015 Slide 11 Moving from the textbook.. TALL-IL Videoconference Terrill/Sandrock - Jan 14 2015 Slide 12 Slide 13 http://pbskids.org/caillou_french/grownups/characters.html TALL-IL Videoconference Terrill/Sandrock - Jan 14 2015 Slide 14 Video: http://www.cirquedusoleil.com/fr/home/about-us/at-a-glance.aspx TALL-IL Videoconference Terrill/Sandrock - Jan 14 2015 Slide 15 Getting the most out of a text What might you do as an interpretive task? What interpersonal conversation do you imagine students having with others? What might students do in the presentational mode? TALL-IL Videoconference Terrill/Sandrock - Jan 14 2015 Slide 16 Slide 17 Contemporary Life: Our Animal Friends Read individually. Select the 4 most important words and be prepared to say why. Complete a graphic organizer postive and negative traits. Imagine the conversation that you might have if you called Tatiana. Generate statements encouraging adoption of pets in general. TALL-IL Videoconference Terrill/Sandrock - Jan 14 2015 Slide 18 Function (s): Accuracy: describe myself and others verb to be, adj. agreement Toolbox Functions and Related Structures / Patterns Theme and TopicFamilies and Communities: Family and Friendship Essential QuestionWhat is a family? Who is important to me? TALL-IL Videoconference Terrill/Sandrock - Jan 14 2015 Slide 19 Teaching Grammar Explicit instruction explaining the rules of grammar Implicit instruction acquisition of language, embedded in communicative context Deductive instruction rules are explained Inductive students use language, no real effort to identify patterns of grammar TALL-IL Videoconference Terrill/Sandrock - Jan 14 2015 Slide 20 Grammar Continuum http://coerll.utexas.edu/methods/modules/grammar/03/ TALL-IL Videoconference Terrill/Sandrock - Jan 14 2015 Slide 21 PACEPACE resentation Grammar in Context Shrum & Glisan TALL-IL Videoconference Terrill/Sandrock - Jan 14 2015 Slide 22 Bb Lilly: Les btises J'ai tout mang le chocolat J'ai tout bu le cola cola Et comme t'tais toujours pas l J'ai tout vid le Nutella j'ai tout dmont tes tableaux j'ai tout dcoup tes rideaux Tout dchir tes belles photos Que tu cachais dans ton bureau http://notrepetitblog.blogspot.com/2010/02/le-passe-compose-en-chanson.html http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xktt8_bebe-lilly-les-betises_music TALL-IL Videoconference Terrill/Sandrock - Jan 14 2015 Slide 23 Bb Lilly: Les btises I ate all the chocolate I drank all the cola cola And as you were still not there I finished all of the Nutella I took down all your pictures I cut all your curtains Tore all your beautiful pictures That you were hiding in your desk http://notrepetitblog.blogspot.com/2010/02/le-passe-compose-en-chanson.html http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xktt8_bebe-lilly-les-betises_music TALL-IL Videoconference Terrill/Sandrock - Jan 14 2015 Slide 24 PACEPACE resentation ttention Grammar in Context TALL-IL Videoconference Terrill/Sandrock - Jan 14 2015 Slide 25 Bb Lilly: Les btises J'ai tout mang le chocolat J'ai tout bu le cola cola Et comme t'tais toujours pas l J'ai tout vid le Nutella j'ai tout dmont tes tableaux j'ai tout dcoup tes rideaux Tout dchir tes belles photos Que tu cachais dans ton bureau http://notrepetitblog.blogspot.com/2010/02/le-passe-compose-en-chanson.html http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xktt8_bebe-lilly-les-betises_music TALL-IL Videoconference Terrill/Sandrock - Jan 14 2015 Slide 26 PACEPACE o-construct ttention resentation Grammar in Context TALL-IL Videoconference Terrill/Sandrock - Jan 14 2015 Slide 27 manger Hier, j ai mang le chocolat. tirer Dabord, j________________ sur la queue de mon chat. Pass compos TALL-IL Videoconference Terrill/Sandrock - Jan 14 2015 Slide 28 manger Hier, j ai mang le chocolat. tirer Dabord, jai tir sur la queue de mon chat. Pass compos frapper Puis, ___________ mon frre. TALL-IL Videoconference Terrill/Sandrock - Jan 14 2015 Slide 29 manger Hier, j ai mang le chocolat. tirer Dabord, jai tir sur la queue de mon chat. Pass compos frapper Puis, jai frapp mon frre. oublier Aussi, ______________ mes devoirs. TALL-IL Videoconference Terrill/Sandrock - Jan 14 2015 Slide 30 manger Hier, j ai mang le chocolat. tirer Dabord, jai tir sur la queue de mon chat. Pass compos frapper Puis, jai frapp mon frre. oublier Aussi, jai oubli mes devoirs. jurer Enfin, _______________ mon pre et il ma grond. TALL-IL Videoconference Terrill/Sandrock - Jan 14 2015 Slide 31 manger Hier, j ai mang le chocolat. tirer Dabord, jai tir sur la queue de mon chat. Pass compos frapper Puis, jai frapp mon frre. oublier Aussi, jai oubli mes devoirs. jurer Enfin, jai jur mon pre et il ma grond. What is the rule? How would you explain how to speak and write in the past? TALL-IL Videoconference Terrill/Sandrock - Jan 14 2015 Slide 32 PACEPACE o-construct ttention resentation xtend Grammar in Context TALL-IL Videoconference Terrill/Sandrock - Jan 14 2015 Slide 33 Conventions It has now become conventional wisdom that the best way to teach conventions is by example, using texts students create. --Culham Correct use of all conventions Risk-taking Writing errors are bad, they are indicators of failure Writing errors are good, they are opportunities for instruction TALL-IL Videoconference Terrill/Sandrock - Jan 14 2015 Slide 34 Conversational Grammar Travel memories Two students are reminiscing about what they did when traveling on the student trip last year. Ask and answer questions as you revisit specific details. You know that your teacher is eavesdropping. Add in a few details for her benefit. Packing for a trip You are packing for a trip. Your mom wants to make sure youve remembered everything. You know exactly how the conversation will go. It always happens. Do you have your phone charger? Yes, I have it, etc. Worry Warts You are getting ready to travel overseas for the first time. Your friend has traveled abroad before. You are the worry wart. Your friend tries to reassure you, but occasionally takes delight in adding to your worries. Travel Gurus You are an experienced international traveler and have volunteered to answer questions at a group meeting of adults who will travel abroad for the first time. Respond to their questions as you focus on what they will need to do to get ready for the trip. TALL-IL Videoconference Terrill/Sandrock - Jan 14 2015 Slide 35 Pre-Speaking TALL-IL Videoconference Terrill/Sandrock - Jan 14 2015 Situation: You will be traveling with a group of students and have been asked to introduce yourself. The information you share will be used to assign roommates for the trip. Say as much as you can about yourself. End by asking a couple of questions that you would like to have answered. Classroom brainstorming (complete in target language) Adapted from Chantal Thompson Content (Ideas)Language Structures/Patterns Greetings, nameFormal or informal? Question for names ageTo have or to be? Nationality, where you liveTo be, adjective agreement Description of personalityTo be, happy, sad, introvert, outgoing, athletic Favorite activities likes/dislikesTo play (sports), to work, to study, to travel Questions to get to know someoneWhere do you live? What do you like? What do you like to do? Slide 36 Structured Writings Consider the difference Comment on a current event: Include: a verb that uses avoir a verb that uses tre a reflexive verb two adjectives two connectors explain what has happened comment on what is happening predict what will happen under different circumstances end by giving your thoughts on what should happen TALL-IL Videoconference Terrill/Sandrock - Jan 14 2015 Slide 37 Write a short description as if you are the one in these pictures. Write as much as you can. Include: personal details name, age, nationality, where you are from physical traits and personality traits Design tasks to incorporate taught structures. TALL-IL Videoconference Terrill/Sandrock - Jan 14 2015 Slide 38 Learning to speak another's language means taking one's place in the human community. It means reaching out to others across cultural and linguistic boundaries. Language is far more than a system to be explained. It is our most important link to the world around us. Language is culture in motion. It is people interacting with people." Sandra Savignon Communicative Competence: Theory and Classroom Practice TALL-IL Videoconference Terrill/Sandrock - Jan 14 2015 Slide 39 Thank you! Laura Terrill [email protected] m