tamiya supershot manual

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  • 5/16/2018 Tamiya Supershot Manual


  • 5/16/2018 Tamiya Supershot Manual


    RAD IO CONTROL UN ITA b at te ry e lim in at or e qu I pp ed 2 c ha nn el d ig it al p ro -portlorial ra dio s ys te m re fe rre d to a s B EC (B atte ryE lim in at or C ir cu it ry ) s ys tem amon gs t t he J ap an es eman ufacture rs Is su g 9 es ted lor Ihe m ode I. For theo the r 2 ch ann el p ro po rtion al un its w ith ou t B EC , as ep ar at ely s ol d b at te ry e lim in at or s et f rom T am iy a isrequired.F UN K FE RN ST EU ER UN C - R e- AN L AG EEIIle 2 K iln al R C A na lg e mit Akku-Anoden-Netzarl,chluss (BEC)w l rd emp tob l en , (Made in J ap an ) A r t-dere Anla gen ohne BEC konnen auch verwendet werdenl edoch l s i e rnA-Amch luss yon T AM iY A dazu z u kauten,NECESSARY ITEMSFOfGENDE rrus WERDN BENOTlGT*A BEC system .U' I1t Is reccmmended. . .E l n I ,LAn lage mill lFC w.rd empfohlen

    BaUer le s f or R IC Uni ttlat['E"IiOn t Ur R C A nli 'L W

    A separately so ld ba ll a ",eliminator u~ iI I s requi redW h e n 'he ra,d 10 e o e s I10thavea BECsys tem.Z u R C- An la H e n o hn e BEC 1sttlnbtiKhngt einTAM1YA A~Anscnl U55 ' " kauf.f) .


    UMt 0", oatte" , x 2U s e d lor R X . < ! O S O motorbraaJl in./wt;'l LI 'vt1 f idt t~ ' rier tMit dlf-s.E't)5~\Ienen denM(H.rJrt'1f'llaufen lml!i1.


    POWER SOURCE*This kit Is designed to use a Tamiya NhCd7 .2V 1200mAhRaci ng Pack .Pu r cha se I t s epar at el y a tyo u r hobby s upp Iy h ou se. Never d t sr na nt l s ormodi fy ba tt er y o r c har ge r. Char ge ba tt er ie s accorc-in g to m an ua l.STROMVERSORGUNG*Hir diesen Kit sind N -Akku's 7,2V Racing Pack VO nTamrva vorgesehen

    T am iy a N I Cd 7 .2 V 1 2 00mAh Ra cin g P a ck c on ta in s 6c ells o f 1 20 0m A h c ap ac ity . T his b atte ry g iv es y ou rm e ce l e xc ell en t a cc ele ra tin g a bilit y, - et c, A ls o, It i se co nomic al b ec au se it c an b e c ha rg ed rn ora .tn an500 t imes.Deo'Tamiva NC 7 .,2 V RaCing Pack hal 6 Z ellen m it' I200mAh. 'Mi t d ie se m A k ku k an n d as Fahrt.eug einrna-I .g besch lel lfHg twerden , r l st w i rt s cha jt ll ch , denn derA kk u k an0 ca. 50 0 m al aulge l aden we rden,

    Tamly~NI,Cd 7.2VO U I c k Charge rldml'Vtl N( 7.2VQ l ll C ;k C 1 1Mge r

    K it ln clu de s b ox w re nc h, w re nc h, a lle n k ey , s w itc hlubricant, molybdenum grease, nylon bands,a nd d amp er 0 1 1 .1m Ki( sind Mut t em-S l e ck sch l il soe l , Mu t t e r nsch ti h se l ,lmbusschlusse], Schmlerrnitte l, Nvlonbander, undStos,dampfer..Q1enthalten,

    TOOLS INCW OED IN KITWERKZEUG 1M K ITAllen K ayI robussch IU. ,, , IWrench

    '~Damper a liSlo5Soampfer-61cI([JI]]

    Molybdenum gr:easeM ~ I ) l > r l . n - F . t t n:: - ~- "

    80x wrenchS tacksch I l l

  • 5/16/2018 Tamiya Supershot Manual





    BATTERY ELIMINATORA BE C system proportional unlt or a batteryeliminator sst is required. The bat1eryeliminator Installed receiver gets powerfrom the running battery, and provides astable current flow. Both systems areshown below.AKKUANODE N N f f ZANSCHLUSSEs wird ein!! RCAniage mit SE C benotigt ode,wenn die RC-Anlagekein BECSYSlem hat, elns e pa ra te r A - A ~ 5C h lu s s. De r Empfanger m it A Anschluss e rh alt d en S tro m v or n F ahr- Akk u, diesgew~h,t eine konstante Spannung. B~ide Anlagen sind unten gezeigt.BEC SYSTEM RECE IVERtMPFA."OK MIT BECReceive' swltoh BEC system receiverrmpt i inger~Sch,11er (Ellminalor equipped)

    Emp f~n I oi ,r f>r li . nge s r ec k t emB E C

    2P connector2PAnschlus.s

    Receiver con nectorEmpfanger- ' I lerblndullgskabelBATTERY ELIM INATOR SETAANSCHLUSSTamlya Battery EliminatorsTarruva A Am{:hll.l~~~' Acoms, Baf lwa, F u taba, JRand KO typ avai lable,*Auch veri Acorns Sanwa, Puteba, IR L.H'~dO glblcs elnen Anschluss-.Eliminator equlpped receiver switchEin:aus-Schafterm i t A - A ns el i IuS

    2P connectorlP,\n,chlu,",Other type. of ell m I nato", from RIC eq uIprnentman u f a ct u re FE.A A n: ,. t h lu ~ :' iov em a nd e ra n F a br ik at r- n kdnnen euch lie-ferber sem Shap of unit varies by manufacturers.*Oie Forme des A~Ansch luss 1St j e ne che Fab rika tverschedenReceiver switch ElimlnalorE rnpfannce-Schahar A-An5chIU5S

    Rooelver con nector 2P connectorEmpf!:lnger-Verbindongskabel 2P-AnschIU5SSCREWDRIVERSYou should have at hand the 3 types ofscrewdrivers shown below. Use only thecorrect dr iverto prevent damage to screws.+ So _drIver large (Full'slzed)

    Fo r 3mm se lf tapping screw, 3mm roundhead screw, 3mm countersunk headscrew and scr ew pin

    + Screl'idoiver med Ium::::Fo r 2 .6mm se lf tapping screw, 2mm sc rew""d 3mm f lat head screw.

    ~" and Bmm ball

    TAMIYAThis kit is deslqned to use a Tamlya Nl-Cd 7.2V RaCingPack. *~ur diesen Kit kann man den Tarmva 7,2V RaCIng Packverwenden

    *Viele kleine Schrauben und Muttern etc. rnussengenau derAnlertung nach eingebaut werden Exaktes Bauen bring! eingu l eS Modell mit h es te r l.e sstu n g . 11 Stellen mit diesern Zeichen erst [etten, dann-_. - zusarnmenbauen,

    O CONNECTING THE RADIO CONTROL UNITZUSAMM fNBAU DER RC -AN LAGE . ..The battery e lim inator equ ipped proport iona l unItis referred to as BECIBat~[ery Elim inator e ire u l try) sys tem In Japan,*Di~ RC-Anlage mit xkku-Ancden-xetxanschluss b~ieht s.icn auf das BEe (Bat.tarv Eliminator Circuitry) System III Japan,.. When using BEC system receivercWef\n BEC Empmn~f'r veewendot \\'Itd. Insulate with tape toprevent short circuits.Abtsolreren umxurzschluss zu vermerden,I//

    . Conneot to a ful ly chafgedrunn ing battery. 1 \*AIl amen vel len I \Eahr-Akku '.a ns ch ILessen \

    .2 P - A . n s .c h I u s s

    \\Roc. lver $wi lch

    E mpta f l ,! ; r -Schahe-r

    . ..When using a normal receiver" .-cBel Vcr.Y"t,dun~ emes normelen E:mpl~rJg!'r'il>-

    *Con nect 10a ful ly cMrgedrunning batta ry.*A~ elne n 'I Iol le\ Fah r-Akkuamen Ilessan i \

    NQnnal receiverNo rm a l er EmpiaogerAn e- i nco r rorme I en Empf~ nger ke lnen 2P-Ansch luss anbringen . sonet wlrd der Empfangerzerstcrt.

    Battery ellrnl nator(Sold separately)A -A o. ch I us s(Extra au kaufen.l

    SWitCh on.S ch al te r e fr t - a us/

    ,7'. Keep sticks in neutral.IV Hebel in MIII~15lelluf'lg /l,Srvos In newt ral pos l t lon.9 .1 Dies 1Std ie Neut ralne ll ung d er Se rvos" Trim l evers 10 n o ut r at,\ . l l ) 'Irlmrnhebei neutral ,,,,11005854 SUPERSHOT3

  • 5/16/2018 Tamiya Supershot Manual


    ftS ER VO HORN~ SERVO HORNThe shape o f servo cont rol ho rns vary f rommanufacturer to manufaoturer. Cut offunneeded area of your servo horns.Die f orm des Ser vo-Ho rn, i 51 je nach Her ste ll erv e rs c hl ed e n E n tw s de r das L oc h w ec hs el n o de runben 51 i gte, Tei I abschne iden.~ @ P

    4 ....... f i l 1 1 m't LJ~helght ofthan 3mm.


    2.6mm x 6 Rat head screw2.bmm x b FI.1(hkopf:;ch'.:tube(Screw bag C)

    zmm x (; Round head screw2 mm x b R u nd ko pf sc hr au be

    @ 2mm Nut2m m M uttE lr(Screw bag D' )

    2mm x 10 Round head screw2m rn 1 Q R un dkoptschraubr-

    (Ball connector bag) Blister pack BCable holderxabefhat ter

    ORESISTORWtDERSTAND* P re s s c ompl et el y O n s o t ha :the res is to r is secure,,..Cam emsteckco. damh derWIt!c.""t:Ulti I1lcht locker 'S~tJ.1

    /'YMake s ure th e cover does not IOUGh theresistor.O a1 au f a ,h te n, d ass d,e Abdedwl ' l ,! . l d e n W l dc .' f' > .stand n\dH be-ruhrtPOSI TION OF SPEED CONTROLLER

    S TE LLU NC D ES FAHRR[GLERS*Connect up and check position by usingtransm.tter .. . Ansch lt es sen und the S te llungen mtt darn Sanderpnl fen. Forward Top Speed

    Top Speed

    SW I TCH LUBR ICANTApply swi tch lub rican t on contact po in ts o fcon trol ler . I I prevents a rc lng and Insu resgood cur ren t f low .S CH AL TE R -S CHM IE RM Il T ELSchalter-Schrnierrnittel auf die Kontakte desFahrreglers schutH VOr schlechtern Kontakt.

    Be sure to break In motor according to the Instructions pr ior to const ruction . Omitting b reak In procedure w il l resul t in da i' ii lige ..to the motor.Da5 Einlaufen d~, Motore, ,,( 5f'hr wlgllll, sohr Anlel lung Obne Einl"ulen de, Mutore, ~clr1n d' ~"' 1 be

  • 5/16/2018 Tamiya Supershot Manual


    P AR TS U SE D IN .it AN D fjB AU TE IL E IN ST EP 0, (it UN D fI(Screw bag A .)

    3m", x 6 Round head screwJm m x 6 Rundk,opf,chraube

    [email protected] x 10 Sel f tapp ing screw2 ,6m m :( 1 0 Scbne ldschrsube

    3mm Wash.r3m rn Bel l a gs c h e l be

    (Screw bag .8 I3mm x 12 Self tappl n 9 screwa m m .ll 12 Schnetdschraube

    3mm x 8 Self tapping screwSrnm x 8 Schne.dschraube

    (Ball connector bag) Blister pack B5mm S aJ I connector5 IIIm KUJ :l. ek C l p r 5 C " r f l u be

    iWlndow net bag)~ Smm Adjuster~ Smm Seellsctvecbc

    AE RVO S A VE R~ SERVO SAVERSelect one servo saver base from belowaccording to the make of your servo.C ru nd pl at te z u I hr er R C An ia ge ( Se rv o) a us wa h-len und auf Servo anbringen.Servo saver base Servo s a ", ,' s cr ew@ ) _ ' _ c : : -.~ ~ . .'F U T A B A 2. 6mm x 10 Self tappingscrew

    2,6r1lm x 10 Sch r 'IP id _ , ;dl r . i: l ub e(Screw bag kI57SANWAACOMSJRKO 3mm x 12 Self tappingscrew

    3mm x 12 Schneldscbr~~~be(Screw bag, I!IA TI AC H ING 8 6E IN BA U D ES TE lLE S S 5


    *Atlach servo saver as hown with servoIn neutral.* ervo-Horn anbringen. werm S e rv o a u neu-tral steht.AT IACH ING AD JUSTERSTE lLSCHRAUBKOPF* Plnoh with long "

  • 5/16/2018 Tamiya Supershot Manual


    PARTS USED IN0AND0B AU TE IlE IN STEP0uND 0(Screw bag ~)

    2,6mm ~ 10 Self lapping screw2,&mm x 10 S - f " h t H . ' > , d s c t a r ; H . l b - e

    @ 3mm WasherJII~m H(!i l ( lgscheibe(Small bevel gear bag) Blister pack A

    Sma ll bevel gea rK f .! 8 1 !: 'l ra d k l f" 1 n

    '5m m x 25 PipeS rnm x 25 Rohr

    ( B I Is ter pac k B)

    1150 Ball bear l ng11'10 K1Jg(:;tU{lg~r

    85Q Ball b ea ri n gn s o Kugellagcr

    ~ LUBRICATINGVOLYBDAN .FHTApply molybdenum grease to gears andbearings. In part icular, make sure to applymolybdenum grease prior to assembly ofgear boxes.M oly -F ett au f C etne be rader und lager, Mo l y -Fett vor Zusarnrnenba u de s Getr i ebegeha usesanbringen. Molyl.lOOnum Q""1se

    Molybdln-r"'t(Blister Pack I 3 , l

    CAUTION ON THINNER AN,eiLiQUIOiHREAO l:OCK 'A ll t hi nne rs ettec p la stic !, e ve n p la stic ..m o de l p ain ts a nd t hin ne rs . Ne ve r d ip p ar ts . .in to th in ne rs o r p a in t, n or w as h th em w ith "th in ne rs , B e v ery c are fu l in p ain tin g o ve rareas wh er e s elf t ap pi ng s cr ews are used! ..:Make sure to use o nly T am iy a Liquid \ lTh read Lock /0 prevent screw s from com - "In g loose, O th er b ra nd s w ill m e lt ptesnc:VORSICHT M IT VERDONNER UND LIQU IDT HR EA D lO CI ( (S CH RA U BE NS IC H ER UN G)Ai le Io t: rd i inner grej len P last ikmateria l und sogard ie P las tik fa rben an . P la sti kte ile n ie ma l, i n ver-dOnner legen oder zu \ .1lfSuchen. Farben mi t Iot:r-di inner abzuwi lschenFI~chen, an denenSchrau-be n mit L i qu id r h re a d Lock g"s i c ll er t ' ind, be -sender: voc5ichti l lbemaien. is g i b! S c nrauoon -s ic il e ru n gsm i tt e l, d ie des Plastikmalria i angre~fenode! 'aufli5sen. hauptsachlich dort, WQ Span.nungen durch S c hr il ub en e nt st eh en . TAM IYALIQUID THREAD LOCK, GREASE/FErTundSPRAY-OL \.1lriindertdss Plastik-Material nicht.Wi , iibernehmen keine Haltung lur 'schliden. diedu rc h an de r M arke n e nt'le ne n, ALSO. NURT AM IY A L IQ UI D T HR EA D LOCK + GREASE!FErT + OL -SPRAY VERWENDEN.


    "'ReceiverRefer to the figure below.~rmpf ,angprStehe urld u n t e n

    Insert servo oonneolors_=-----c~1D'IIl>-Ans(hli.J~...e W r Servos . uod S ,Ch. . l -ter emstecken .. Cut into 20m length,* D . ; 1 s , aa l i d 2 cr n lar~g zuschne i d e -J - " u n c inallen

    Nylon bandL_------~~:-t: : :I-=~-nNvlcnband

    (WIndow net bagl

    ~ secure cables tomechan ism box,

  • 5/16/2018 Tamiya Supershot Manual


    PARTS USED INtl!l,tD ANDCB8 AU T(IL E IN S TE Ptl!l, tD U N DC B(Screw bag 'Ii')~ l l I I l l l l m l l l l \ \I I I I \ l l i m l \ l m l l l l

    3mm x 20 Round head screwJmm ..'(20 Rundkopiscluaubo

    (Screw bag 1 ' ! 3 ' )3m m x 1 2 S e lf tappl ng screw.lmm x 12 S c h n e l d s c h r aL J b ~

    (Screw bag' [),)Smm Flange nutJ rn rn K r a ga n m ut tc r

    IB lls le r p ac k B)

    Propeller j oi n tC e l en k w e -l ie

    ~~lgearL ~egerrad hnks

    ~evelgearR~g.I,ad rechrs

    (Ball thrust Dearing bag) Blister pack A{O@Ball thrust bearingDmckloger

    Thrust washerDrurkschcrbe

    (Small bevel gear bag) B liste r p ac k Ac GringCRing2mm x 26 Shaftlmm , 28 A chse

    (8lisler pack 8)

    1150 Ball bearing1 1, 0 K u g ol lo B' "

    850 SaJI beari nge s o KugellegerSELF TAPPING SCREWSeJftapping screws require more power 10fasten. Use a dr iver with a large gr ip, S topscrewing when the threads are 110 lonqerseen, Using force may break off heads,5Gf lN EIDSCHRAUBENZum Anziehen dar Blechschrauben brauchtma n rnehr Kraft. Der Schraubenzieher sollteelnen guten Grift haben, Wenn Cewinderucht rnehr sl chtbar "t, mit Schraubenaufhoren, es konnte sonst der Schrauben-kopf abbrechen.



    G4 ~~"'---~~ Thrust washerDruckscberbe(Sal i thrust bear ing bag)

    thrus t bearl ngDruckl ager(Ball thrust bearlng bag)

    Gear i > o l < J O i nC e tnebew el leIBIisle, pack A J

    < tE ln ba u v on CRing>.: -", Gear box joint

    ,~ . -'\.. ~ . Getnabewelle, : : : " , ' , . , p . " ~ , , (8l is ler pack A)" " . 1 2 .' . ' < 1,0 P]114 'GRingSpread an d attach.CHir1~I: 1 : \ - , - as d e b n en U n d e ! ns ch n a p pe n,

    2mm X 28 ShaftC -R lIlg Zmm >: 2 8 A ch so(Small bevelgoar bagj ISmail beve l gear bag)

    A SS EM BLY O F R EA R GEAR BOX, RIGHT SIDEGETR IE B EG EHAU 5E R ECHT ( SEITEBevel gear LKegelrnd links( Bl ls le r p ac k A )

    1150 Ball ooaring1150 Kugellage'( B li st er ' p e e k B IC Ring(Small bevel gear bag)Savel gear RKegel rad recbrs(Blister pac~

    Different la I s pu r g ea rDrlferentialrad

    Gear box jo intGeltl'~bewelh:;(8I1ste, p ac k A I


    -- Rear gea, box r ight s ideHlnteres G4!tdebegph~usercchte eite

    3mm x 12 Selft~ppln9 screwJmrn .12Schneid se n r a u b e(Screw bag ,It)

    E 0'I./fi _:!! >.;: c---- ,~mrn x 20 Round head screw3mm x 20 Rundkopf schraube(Screw bag I~)

    7 5 85 4 S U PE RSHO T

  • 5/16/2018 Tamiya Supershot Manual


    t!:\ RU BBE R BA G'i:I GUMMr UBERZ rEHERRemove.abschneden

    PA RT S U SED IN ., II) AND IIBAUTEILE rN STEP c e , II)UN D G il(Screw ba g w)~ i i i iD l m l [ 1 . ! m : . I I I , l lI l B t l l !l

    3mm x 27 Round head sa r ewIrnrn x 27 Rundkoptschraebe(S cre w b ag 'Cll

    3m m Grub screw3mrn Maden sd lI a ube(WIndow net bag)

    S et plateAb q tdndhalter

    (Small bevel gear bag) Blister pack A

    4mmx22Pipee rnm x 22 Rohr

    5mm x 25 PipeSmm .l( 25 Roh r(Bl ister pack B 1

    1150 Ball bearing1150 Ku~p.11~ger

    1 > 5 0 B aJ I bearing8S() Kug.elfager

    ~ !GEARING.., (lU ERSETZUNGENPinIon gear po s i tion In9 r eq u Ires use of setplates as shown.Do, Creiten de, Motmritzels ist von den Ab--- : ; tandhaltern abhangig.131 PInIon _gear (normal)' 8 " " - "15T Pinion gear1~Z Motorrl(/t"1


    ~ ~~, Set plate(/ ~1 Abstendhal se r

    '. 3 Set piales] . A b st a n d h[ J I t e r

    Is the motor broken In properly? Break in motor and adjust timing refer ring to the separate instructions pr ior to Installing motor .Ers t den M otor e in lau fen lassen S tim mt das A nke rtM agn"t.\fe .r~ltn ,,1 Slehe Anleitung. Dann M otor embau en ....

    A TT AC HIN G PIN IO N G EA RA UfS CH RA UBE N DE S M OlO RR IT ZE LS*Firmly tighten grub *Madel1,eh , , , , ,bescrew on flat of the tlecbes wellemetlShaft. aufschrauben

    Nylon band, . . . .yJonband(Rubl>er par ts bag).. Cut off excess,Ubeflang a schneiden

    I RX -6 4 0SD MolQrI " ' " ' 'i. Allen ke yImo u ss ch I "" .1(WIn~"w ne t bag)


    Moto r plateMoto r~P 1 . ;1ta(Windaw ne t bag) *Remove propeller10 1nt and attachmotor.

  • 5/16/2018 Tamiya Supershot Manual


    o r. ~ ATTACHING C RING~ EIN8AU VON (-RINGGear box Joint

    (~',::~~,.~cctri.b.',"'I1~ ~p~~~~and\, ~f ~ ~ t j a t t a C h .

    "~J" '" . C-RiMs, Etwas- ~ 0 dehnen und

    . e i neehnap pen1 )C O I i AND C DPARTS USED IN . r . III UND $H AU TE IL E IN S TE P ' "" ,

    (Screw bag ,~)

    3 m x 12 Self tapping screwl~m 10! 12 Schnerdschraube

    (Screw bag '0; ')@ ) 3mm 'Flange nutJ m 1 ' 1 ' 1 K r ag e n m u u er(B lis te r p ac k A .l

    Bump~r stays L~~ r . l : : i ngerha Il r

    (Ball thrust bearing bag) Blister pack A

    w o Thrust washerDruckscheibeBal l thrust bearingDrucklager(Small bevel gear bag) Blister pack A

    ,.". 'Small 0"".1 gearKew~l rad klein

    5mm X30 Pipe;Inm x 30 RohrU=====~2~m:m::x 28 Shaft

    Zmm JC 2 8 A ch s. ec C RingC~Rli \1 : l .(Blister pack B)

    850 Bal~ltarlngss o K u g;IT~er

    1150 Ball bearl "g11 ,0 Kugollag.r

    i O T


    1150 Ball bearing, . . . . . 1 1 5 0 Kugellnger

    .-/ (Blisler pack BI


    Gear box JointCenlebewelle(Blister A) GI

    Counter gear7 _ \ t I . . i - eh en aa h n rad/

    Dlfferent la l s p u r g ea rDltterntra lrad

    1150 Ball bear l ng1 1 ' )0 KU~l;'ll.[)gerIB II .te r p ac k B )

    C RIC-RiogI Sma 1 1b e ve l g ea r bag) R

    B""e l gearKege f r ad rectusIBllster pack A)2mm x 28 Shaft2mm :( 2 6 "ChSelag~(Smafl bevel g ,~ar b ' : ; ' "

    .~ T GEAR BOX .. E5A SS EM B LY O F F RO N DEREN GETRIE8EGEHAU5ZUSAMMENBAU DE S VORear box - right sideF r o n . t g C e tnebegeha use

    \' 0 rd er~ech (C o Se I l e o

    3mm Flange nu tSmm KragenmuttetISc(ew bag ,0-)27 Hound head screw3 ~mmmXx 27 Rundkoptscbreube IJIScrew bag A I)x 12 Self tapping sctaw

    ~~~ x , 2 Schnerdschraube(Screw bag a,) h !e > as ShownA Hg n SC re w 1 . . .0 U ausrtcbtenSctueubenloch gene5654 SUPERSHOT

  • 5/16/2018 Tamiya Supershot Manual


    tr.\ REAR STABILIZER ROD'iiiH IN T E RE S T AB IL IS A lO R ST ANGEMake 2 sets,2 Sau mechen.:lmm x 30 Threaded shaf t3m l l' 1 x 1 0 CC \' Ymd cs ta n .l :l ;e -(Sc""," bag .0)) "

    5mm Adj ust s r5mm Stellschreube( W In do w n et o og l

    PART S USED IN CI), ~ AND jjDBAUTEllE IN STEPCI),6 !1 UN D m(Screw bag iO))

    3mm ,30Th readec shaft1nlr~~ :t 10 C(Ywind~~t,. ln. ! :!E: !(WIndow ne t bag)

    5m m A d l uster1mlT1 S~llsrt'.rdube

    (Screw pin bag)


    3mm x 46 Screw pinJmm :..:46 Schreebzepfen

    3mm x 32 Screw pinjmm x. 32 Schreubznplen

    (Blister pack A)


    Rear stabilizer ro dII ii'llf!tP. $labilisatorstangeStabilizer oallSttlbil l~.)IOf- ugelkopilager(Ba ll connector bag )!{ 08-

  • 5/16/2018 Tamiya Supershot Manual




    ~--------Dr-ive-S-ha-tt-~-IDN--~-----'--------~V Antnetsachse (braun)

    TAPPING OF D I AN D D9ZUSAMMENSCHRAU8EN VON D1UND D9Tap 01 and D9 withw ~e el a x I e ($i Ive~.D1 + D9 mil Rod-At hsen (S i Ib e,) z usa m -m e ns ch r a u b e n .

    iearingl l e ! , 't " : rc k B 1

    8mm BALL CONNECTORI;mm KUCtl KOPfSCHRAUIl~T I ghlen up 1 '1 11h - screwd river.Bmm KU~E !l ko pt sc hr au be mi L Scbraubenscbtusselfest.:f.iehf;'n

    \ - V t : ' r " U l S ch r a u b en ko pf n rc h t r rc h r ~ Ia rt u nd ru ri dI $( C tW, [l ~ n a (hf~.j~ n IIn d g Ja n enI PARTS USED IN flj, fjI AN D i I 1 l

    8AUTE IlE IN STEP 0. ~ UND fll(Screw bag :E')p 3mm x 6 Ro und head Screw3m m :( 6 R u nd ko p f sen r a ube@ 3mm WasherJmm Bei I~sscrlei b,p(Screw bag $)

    3mm x 8 Co u n t e rs u n k h ea d s cr ewJmrn x 8 S e nk k op t s ch r a u be

    (Screw bag ' , e ) )2mm x 6 Round head screw2mm x (, R IJ nd kopr.sch ra u be

    (Window net bag)

    Bal l p la teKu I-j;t~ll(opf.LIl~e~prue

    (Screw pin bag)

    ~ S rn m x 4 6 S cr ew pin1 m m x 4b SC .hH I :Ubxa p f en

    , pineanfen,g)

    3mm x 32 Screw pinIrnm >: J2 'Sc ll r al Jb, ;t ~Di~n

    r}(Bllste r pac k A)

    WhealaxlG (oliver)R ad -A ' h se n { , i lber)

    (Blister pack B)

    1150 Ball ooaring1"1;0 ~u~.II"ser

    (Bal l connector bag) Blister pack AJII ~0Qilm 8mm Bal l connector8 m m Kugel kop fsch raube5mm Bal l conneo tor I iong)5 m 1 " 1 1 K u g e l k op fs ch r a ub e ( I a. ng )ASHDr


    ,-------- D6ifF .\ z 1=

    2mm X 6 R ou nd.::t\ FRONT SUSPENS ION ASSEMBLY~ ZUSAMMENBAU D[R VORDEREN -AUFHANGUNG..:RigM":Rechts:a>2mm x 6 Round

    I 2mm x 6 Round

    I" head screw2mm x 6I ! ! l " " Rundkopfschrub ec : s - - - - ( Sc re w b ag : e l l3mm x B Countersunkhead screwImm x aSenk koofschrauba(Screw oog ~)

    F\?Stt ioningfronl understay R.S t el lu n g d e s. v o r-de-res Unterlager 3mm X 32 Sc rew pinJmm x .32 Sr.hraubzacfcn

    (S C re w rl n bag)T TA CH ING F RONT SUS PENS IONflN BA U DER VO RDER EN R ADA UFH AN GU NGLBfI fron I suspensionR e d a u ( hl :i n g u n,g verne I in k~

    Right rront suspensionR"d."fhan~ur verne " > 0 1 " ,

    D,ive shalt (brown) 3m m x 46 Screw pi nAntrjebsechse [braun) )mm); 46 Srbraubzapfcn(Bllste, pacx A) (Screw piR bag)

    Drilte shaft (brawn)Anutebsachse Ibreunj(Bl is ter pack A)

    3mm x 46 Screw pinlmm ~ 46 Scbraubza pf en

    (Sc rew p in bag)3mm x 32 Screw pin.Irn ITI x 3. 2 Scbraubza pf en

    (Sc rew pin bag)5 85 4 S UP ERSHO T11

  • 5/16/2018 Tamiya Supershot Manual


    t : r : . t HELM ET~ KOPF UND HELM


    3mm x B Sel l l apping screw3mrn x B Sdmoldschrallh.f'

    (Screw bag B , I ).. Flat Black (XF1)

    P AR TS U SE D IN G i l , f1i) AN D IBA liT EI LE IN ST EP til, Qi l I I N D I(Screw bag , ~ o )

    ~ W I '@ I \ m \ i li ii i l ll l \ I I I I \ \ m ' D I D ! I I\ m l m l m l l3mm , 30 Round head screw (b lack)3mm >: 30 Rundkopfsrbeaube t~dl\'I-'fHl:;@ 3mm Washerr rn m B e tt eg xc i cr be

    (Screw bag, ~,)3mm , 12 Sell tapping screw3mnl :( 12 Schneldschraube

    3mm x 8 Sel f lapping screwJrnm x B Schnemschraube

    (Screw bag c~l2mm x 6 Round head screwznun x 6 Ruodkoptvchraube

    3mm Grub screw.Imm 1...~,1denschfaubf!'

    @ 2mm Washerzmm Berlagschetbe(Screw bag 01)

    3mm Flange nul3miY'l Kra,genmutter

    (Screw pin bag)

    Body mount (Ioog)Karrosone-Hatter (Iilngi

    ,~/!':). WBRICATING PROPELL~R SHAFTWf ETTEN 'I.'~,Make sure 10app ly g rease, t hen assemble.E r st g ut p,inretten, d en n e m ba ue n


    Body mou n t (long)Karcsseue-Haher (lat'g)(Sc_ pin oagl


    3mm x B Sel f l apping screw3 mf fi ); 8 S ch ne td sc hr au bc

    -.......... (Sc_ bag la)-------~C4

    3mm x 12 Sai l tapping screw---- -Imrn x 12 Schnerdscnrauoe{SC te bag ,6 I

    ~A 3

    ~ ATTACH ING REAR GEAR BOX~ E INBAU DES H INUREN GETR JEBEG EHAU SES3mm Grub screwjmrn 'vtadenecheaube(Screw bagI

    "' Receiver .witc~ or battery eliminator . , j , l F mpf~l1ger -Srhahf 'f ode- Elimintt t(lr

    .. When using Tamiya Battery Elimlnalor~~Tamlya i\-o'\nschI u ss ~\ , /,I3m m x 30 Rou nd h "ad SCrew (blac k) d,

    .Imrn x 30 Rundkoplschraube {SCJw,.',[U l) ~{Screw bag A . I I ~ . / I

    . ,No te d ir ec t I onStabilizerSjabihsator

    (Window net bag)

    3mm WasherJ rn rn Be l la g sche lb e

    (Screw t."g A,)



    Front gear box'v erd ere r C etr i e hc ge h au se

    iFront damper s tay lv o rd e re s S . to s. sd a .mp f er ~ L a e r l in k s.(Press par ts bag )

    3mm x 12.Self lapping screwJmm :0; 12 Schnerdscbraube

    {Screw bag a ;l12 585-1 SUPERSHOT


  • 5/16/2018 Tamiya Supershot Manual


    l PA! 'ITS USED IN i'J AND WBAUTEllE IN STEP ~ UND W(Screw bag ,Ill)@ l m l l f fi l l lj l ll i lm l l l ll l ll l l\ \ ! l l lj l lm W f T I . l I ' l l3mm x 27 Round head screwSm m ;K 2 7 R u n d ko p rs c hr a ub e

    ~ ' , \I I ! l' t ll l l 1 m W I I ! I I 'l l l lm l m ' l l r o3m", x 20 R ow nd head ScrewJmm x 20 Rendkopfschraubc

    (Screw bag 's-)3mm x 12 Sal I tapping screwSmm x 12 Schncldschraebe



    Chrome Sliverttl ( X - 1 1 )




    Cu t 2: ne ts as sh ow n b elow .2 Cltter wie unten gezeigt, schnelden.A A b O ~1J Oben


    *Make sure to connect 2P connector.canle,*Kupphrf1.L:.f~J1 rosemmenstecken

    Do nol pinch cables when at-tach iog mach an is rn I >O x_ Mechanism I>Ox,vt~chJI~tk - HC~ADJUSTMENT OF STEERINGE IN STE1WN G DER SCH UBSTA NG EN

    View from be low* Am lcht . .. .n unten

    Adjust length of rod foru prig ht to Inell ne a littlelorward.D ie S ch u b s ta ng en 50 el n s t el -len dass vorderradechsen et-was scbra~ 5 tehen.

    Adjust leng th 01 rod for upr lghlto In cl in e a little forward,Di e Schu bs ta nge n so e i ns tel -le n. d e ss V ordcnadachse n e t-w as se n r. i : i ,gstehenAdjust tee-in whenservo I s n eu I ra l,

    Schubs t angen eln-s .1 .e le r\ w en 11 Servoauf Neutra I s tebr

    ROLL BAR ASSEMBLYU BERROllKAFIG3mm x 12 Self tapping screw

    jmm x \2 SchnE!ldsc.hraube-(Screw bag alII

    3mm x 12 S e l f lapping screw3mm x 12 chneidschraube

    (Screw bag BI

    3mm x 12 Sel f lappi ng screwS mrn x 12 S c hne ld schrau be

    (Screw hag 'a J B 3\QI,II,

    Altach to roll bar Window net (WIndow net bag)with enamel w~re. Grtter-Fensrer(WIndow net bag) * Rei er t o Ihe figure at IeftGlll@FeIlS!"~ rlloll .Sie-he I]Hd auf r~r1kerScire.ddrmern Kupferd ra h i b e- I est 'gen .

    \ " " m ' . " " _ ~ ~r nm x 1 2 S ch ne td sc hr au be(Screw bag ' l ! : lA2~FWD.~Vorn13 5B54 SUPE.RSHOT

  • 5/16/2018 Tamiya Supershot Manual


    P AR TS U SE D IN 4l 'BAUTl l lE IN STEP 4l '(Screw bag ,all

    3mm> 12 Self tapping screwtmrn x '12 Schneelscbreube

    3mm x 8 Se lf tapping screwl .mrn ); B Scbnetdschraube

    &!\ ROOF~ DACHPLATTECut off excesU b o e r l t i n g ' : : ' ne bs ch n es d e n,

    ~ REAR DAMPER STAY A SSEMBLY~ HINTERE STO SSDAM PFER.LAGERRea r dam pe r stayHinteres Stossda pter-Lagcr(Blister pack B)


    ~3mm x 10 Round neao SCrewJrnrn x 10 Rundkopfschraut e(Screwag llli)IStay mount

    lager-Hrtlter(Press paris bag)

    P AR TS U SE D IN m AND d lBAUT lIlE IN SUP m UN O m(Screw bag : ! ' < - )I ] f f i li i 1 l1 m m l m l l l il m \ @ \ ii il l m m l l ll l f f iU W3m m x 30 Round h e ad s c rew I bl ac k )

    3m III )( :lO R u n d kopfschr a u b e ' (5 ( hWa f z ]3mm X 6 Round h ea d s c ra wJmm .:( b RlJndkophi: .h~aube

    (Screw bag' a ll


    3mm x 10 Round head screwlmm :t: 10 Rundkoptschreube3mm x 12 Self lapping screwjmm x. 12 Srhneldschraube3mmx a Se l f ta pping screw3mm x B Scnoeuischraube

    (Screw bag@)(@ 3mm Flange nutJmm KragenmuuerD Battery postAkku-Haltcr

    (W i nd ow n et bag)Snap p inSnap-Pin

    (Screw p in bag)

    Body mount I.hort)Kaross crte-Halter ( k l emJ




    3rnm F la ng e n ut3 1 1 " 1 1 " 1 ' 1Kregenmutter Rear d a m p e r s l a y(ScrEW bag 0') He-teres Stossdampler l"8er c

    * Connect red to red and b lackto black.* Rot mi t I~ot und Schwa rz milS c hwa r x v er b i n d e> !" .,sm rn x 30 Rou nd head screw Iblack)amm x 30 Rundkopfschraube Iscbwarz)(Screw bag };l)

    4mm x 20 Pipe4mm x 20 echr( D amp er b a g)


    amrn x 8 Se lf tapping screw3111m x 8 Schne ld sch r a ube=----=~(Screw bag ,It)

    Body mount (short)"""'::-----=i-dKeres rerle-Helter (Idem)(Screw pin bag)

    Snap pinSnap-Pin(Window net bagl

    14 5 8 54 SUPERSHOT

  • 5/16/2018 Tamiya Supershot Manual


    l ~ ASSEMBLY OF DAMPERS~ 8AU D fR S T OS S DA M P FE RS elect m ain piston from X 5, X 6, X 7 for frontand T3 , T6 , T7 for rea r.FUr [ ed e n Ko ll ,. ,. , g ib t "5 3 E l n st e lhmgen, s iehel 3 il de r r ec h tsATTACHING E RING~IN SETZEN DES ~R IN GS


    @ 2mm E Ringzm m f-,RIn~t" (S crew bag @)c@ 3mm Flange nulI rn rn K r ag e nm u t IN

    (D am per ba g)l J O I l l l n l l l i l 1 1 1 t 1

    Fron t p iston roovord Kolbenstange

    l J O 1 I I I w l l l l l l l l U WRear pi ston rodHnt. Kolbenst..l"1F:lt:'V11 sealQI.bdi(htung 3mm 0 Ring3mm ORing

    0 Valve waferK o I b en s i tz r i l"lg

    P AR TS U SE D IN.AN O @ DBAIJTEltE IN STEP. lJ ND ~(S crew bag r')

    Snap into placeusing long nosepliers.MIl lanljer Zan~{>den E-Ringein:>,hllJPp~"

    TAMIYA DAMPER OIL SETT he sep ara tely sold T am iya D am per 011 Se tIs fo r a djustin g sh ock. a bso rbe rs to vario usroad cond itions . The soft type and hardtype dam per o il com es In a set con taining2 0c c e ac h.TAMIYA DAMPFR -O l (nicht im KitlD ie s be s te h t au, h ar ts rn u nd w ei ch em 0 1 . le-des Flaschch n entha lt 20cU 3 ~2 ~~

    Smrn Flanqe nut I /~~'C)II3m'" K,agenmutter~. r.t\_,!:)";-~' U 1(Screw bag ro) ~ (long)

    ~ ': 3mm 0 Ring rr.n~)~. -~" 3mm O~RIr,g~ 3mm 0 Ring (Damper bag)Jmm O--RIn~(Damper bag)~ H.0~ TO AOD OIL~ OLFlJLLUNG

    Front dampers-Vorderef Stossdarn p ier l>1. Pul l down pist on and pour oil intocylinder. Remove air bull 'bles by rnov-Ing piston up and down.1 Kclbe ll nech unton xteben und 01einflil je,n, L..rttblaeen durch Auf- undAbbewegen des Kolbensherausdrtlrken.


    -_ Attach oil seal and absorb oi Ioeertlow wi!h t issue paper.2. Olabdir:htlJilg emstecken un d or -Ube r i l u s5 mi t T em p o a bw ls ch e n

    3. Place Xl 0 as shown and t igh tenup cy linde r cap.'3 E rs t X lO e m se tz en d an .n D Jl mp ;e r-K a pp e a uf ac hr au be n .

    -- Damper oilD~Il)l>ler-or(Bl is ter pack 8)

    -- TIssuepaper' tern po-Papjelt[l~ c he n t uch

    < cRe a r d ampe rs -2_ Attac h 01 1 s9al and absorb oil",erflow wi th tlssue paper .2 OlobdlOhlung efn s t ecken und 61-D b er f 1u ss m i t Ie m po a bw i scherr

    3. Tighten up cyllnder cap.~ D a mp f e r- Ka pp e a uf s c h reuben


    -?r----Oll sealOtabdichtung(Damper bag)

    /IIB~----;;?~ --TIs.sue paper



    15 5 85 4 S U PE RS HO T

  • 5/16/2018 Tamiya Supershot Manual


    ~ TAPPING XB AND T1~ ZUSAMM lNSCH RAUBlN VON X I! U NDT1Make sure to hOld p is tonrod.Die Kolbenstange fT1US$le~tgeh.alte_n \""erdt!f1

    PARTS USED IN m AN D @ !IBAUm lf IN STEP m UN D el l(Screw bag . ; 0 . ) )

    3m m x 20 Round head ScrewJmm ); :2 0 Rundkoplscluaube2.6mm x 10 Se If tapp i ng sc rew2 ,6 m m x 1 0 S th ri ~i rl s. ch rd lJ ~

    3mm Washer3mI'l l Berlegscb lbc

    (Screw bag B)? J l m a ~ l ~ m m W 3mm x '2 Hound head screw3mrn x 'l l Rnndkopfschraube3mm x 8 Sel f lapp io g s cr ew3rum x tI; Sd1 nod sen r.jlJbe

    (Screw bag C )D 4mm x 6 Pipe4mm x b Rohr(Screw bag oil@ 3m m FIanqe nuljrnm Ktagenrnutter(Pressparts bag)D 7mm x 8 Aluminum collar7m m >; R Alu-KragenCOIL SPRING SPACERThe coil springs can be adjusted withspacers. Adjust both Ihe damper 011andspring to match road conditions.fE DE R A Il T A ND R IN G lJenach Kursmit de m Ring die federharte em-stellen E, ist bcsser, gleichzeitlg das Dample r -61 zu [ustierenNormalNormal

    301m Spacer~iDXU46m m Space r


    Th e spacers wil l ma M the spring s ti ff .Der R ing mach t Feder -5 tan.


    f'---eFront oarnoers- Make 2 sets.-evorderer StQ"dampfer~ c San m.chol). /;'~I ,I I _" "- ~- I, "'-'

    Vord tcder(Blister p ack 8 1

    Rear darnper e-< c Hintert'r Srossdampfc''B>M ake 2 sets.2 Sa tz ma chen

  • 5/16/2018 Tamiya Supershot Manual


    .d-T Il


    lS I

    f a r


    Fix tl r es to gr ooves ofwnee ls,R el fe n i n d ie F el ge ;n n cb -l i E ; ei n d rucken

    P AR TS U SE D IN E D AN D 6)B AlJT ElL E IN S TE P$ND m(Screw bag ( A ' l~ 3mm x 6 Round head sc r ewlmm x 6 Rundkoptschraubc

    (Screw bag (RljO J@ 4mm Lock nul-tmm 5 icherungsmut ter4mm Washer4m In B e l I ag sc he I be2mm x 10 ShaftZrnrn x 10 Achse

    4mm Lock nut4mm Stchenmgsmutter(S CIE !W ba g 0')\ 4mm Wash.r4mm 13Hegschelbe(Screw bag II.'!)

    /'Front wheelvorderrad

    4m m LOCK N UT4mm S IC H ER U N CSMU TH R

    N y lo n p or ti on p ,e ve nt s Ihenuts from coming tooseTighten fully,Dle Plashkf~lrd[lge verhmdertlockam der Mutte r

    4mm Washe,4 m m B ed ag ;sc he i be(Screw bag illl

    4mm Lock nut I4m mSschenmgsmu t t e r(Screw tla Q \ ~ ~)


    Rear whootHlnterrnd

    TAMIYA~ ATTACH ING TIRES~ RE IFEN M ONTAGEFront whee ll !> Make 2 sets, Vo rd err ad Ii> 2 S a tz m e ch e n Make 2 s et s.

  • 5/16/2018 Tamiya Supershot Manual


    PA RTS U SE D IN(il,61 AN DIBAUniLE IN STt:P0. 61 UNO I(Screw oag 1 1 \ : )

    3mm x 6 Round head screw3mrn :. t 6 Rundkopfschraube2.6mm x 10 Self tapping screwz .e m m x 10 Schneldscbreube3mm WasherJ rnm Be il ug a ch e ib e

    (Screw bag a ))3mm x 12 Sel f lapping screwSmrn x 12 Schneldschraube


    Cut away.Dleses Tell wegschne.den.

    Attach 10 t he bott om 01 ba IlaryandInstallin thecar.Erst d ie Un((!/seite VOil1decke In, den n au f des '\( .Itoauiset'ten.


    YOU CAN,. CONTROL CAR W HEN BAT-T ER Y P OW E R D RO PS O FF .With this car, receiver and motor lise thesame power source. When battery powerdrops off, receiver coesnt function correct-Iy so that you can't controu the car .DEN FAHRZEUG KANN MAN NICHT FAHREN, WENN DER AKKU LEERWIRD.I n d iesem Fah rzeu g ha t der Ern p i a nger u n d derMotar die gleiche Stromquelle. Wenn der Ak-ku leer w;rd, kann der Empfanger nieht rnehrrkhtlg funk t ion ie ren und der Car geri!t ausserKontmlle.D IS CO NN EC T B AT TE RY CON NE CT ORW H EN N OT US IN G TH E C AR .Disconnect NI -Cd battery when car Is notbeing used. I f le ft connected, a s ligh t move.men l of the speed controller can causetremendous heat buildup In the resistor,causing a fire or damage to the model.WENN MAN NICHT FAHRT,AKKU.J(UPPWNGAUSEINANDER,Wenn die Kupplung beieinander bleibt, kann e~ne klelne Bewegung des Fahrregler elne seh rgrosse Hitze imWiders1and entwicketn und dase nd et in F eu er u nd g ro sse r B esc had ig un g d esFahrzeuges .


    AnlMna i>OS(--------7"'C-=--__.:::~~z-~.'l~;=""~'::[/Antennenstenge

    3mm x 6 Roundhead "CreW----";:;;:2:::__----~--_!l3mm x 6R u n dk o pf sc h r a u be

    (Screw bag ~)

    .~" , 1 1 9 1 ' "i rit::@ i,,,

    ~ ATTACH ING UNDERGUARD~ BODENSCHUTZ3m m x 6 Rou nd head screw 3mm x 12 Self tapping screw3 rnm ) (6 Rur~dkopt :; ..cbraub e Bmm x' 12 Scbn etdsch raube'''- ,~I /y} (Screw ''" ,"

    ~,;_I---f--3mm Washer3mm Bellagscheibe(Screw bag All

    3rnm x 12 Self tapping screw~"...... -t"')Jmm x 12 Schnetds h' dUbe . ,_, _(Screw bag 1'1)

    3mm Washer""";:::::::--~~_..,,,.::::;~J mm Be degs chel b e{Screw bag ,A'IUndergu.rd- r "

    BE CARE FU L!When oonnect lng battery to speed control le r. ll rs t switch on t"" 's-mltter and receiYer wit h chassis raised to rotate all 4 wheels,then connec t up bat te ry.VORSICHT!E rs t S e nd er u nd E m pM n ll "r e,n,eh. lten, dann Akku mit Fahrreg lerverbinden - sonst keme FahrzeugkontrofleIN S TA LL AT IO N O F BAT TERYflN BA U D ES AKKUS

    . ~ . . . . . ,

    *7.2VAacin~Pack---_:"~J'" T'miy" NC 7,lV R.(,log Pack

    5804 SUPERSHOT


  • 5/16/2018 Tamiya Supershot Manual



    P AR TS U SE D IN lI DB AU TE IL E IN S TE P lI D(Screw b ag : .8 1)


    3mm x B S8If tap p ing screwJmrn x B Sehncjdschraube

    I . T ! : i T RIM MIN G O F B OD Y~ ZURICHTEN DER K AROSSERIE* Cut off Shaded part and drill hates asshown at right... S ch ra ffle rte T eile a bs ch ne ld an u nd I1 lc he rwie rechts ge2eigl bohren,

    o w

    Trim off smal l areas with a mode ling kni fe .Scribe with a sharp knife l ightly along cut-t lng l ines ,and remove unnecessa ry pa rt s byfolding.Z um A us sc hn el de n d er K ar os se ri e ein scharfesModell ier-Messer verwenden,.Mol' ll modeling kni fe l ight ly . D . 1 S Mode l l i er -M e ss ,e r l ei dn und Iengse m f Iihren.B e c ar efu l h ow you u se y ou r knife.

    Fold along s cr ib ed II na a nd r em o ,e .A n d e n Trennlinien elnrltzan und I~ichl w 1 2 s f a l t e l 1 ,

    T AM IY A C OL OR F ORPOLYCARBONATEThis is a paint to do a linejob on polycarbonatabodies of RIC cars. It can be brushed orsprayed and brushes ca n be cleanedwith water. 12colors a r e ava il abl e . It Iscollision res is tan t a nd d urab le.lSHar


    . . .Wingii>4SpOIlerii>

    -akarosser;e ii>

    Cu t o ff .Dleses T e L l weB,5chneidlErl.


    Bend body inwards at mo ld l ine.Di e Sei L en e n tl all g d i l in I e n a{ ;hlnnen urnblegen. .. Wash body thoroughly~ before painting.

    .. Body of Supersho( Is polycar-~ bonate Paint body from Insidewith Tamlya PolycarbonatePaints.Die Supershot Karesscne 1St aU: 5Lex-ln . xarossene von mne.....m it T ,amlya L e xa n -P u rb on b ema te n


    5854 SUPERSHOT

    Wing ----Iff--Spoiler


  • 5/16/2018 Tamiya Supershot Manual


    PARTS USED INa;,BAUTEltE IN STEPa;,(Window net bag)~ Snappin~ nap-Pin

    I . T : ' l . PAINTING THE SUPERSHOT~ BEMAWNG DES SUPERSHOTBody design of Ihls RIC model is a Tamiyaor ig Inal. U59 box art and figures as a guidefor painting and marking. Body and wingare of polyearbona Ie , there fore use pa inIsfor polycarbonate. Use your own colorscheme and app ly stickers of your cho ice.Be sure to paint driver and racing suit fora real is tic of f road racing buggy.Der Karosserie-Entwurf des RIC Modells is! einTAMIYAOriginal Wie man den Modell bema-len kann, "r" eht man aus den Karton-Bddernu nd a uc h r s ch ts, K aro ss erle u nd Spoiler sindJuS Lexan Zum Bemalen ,011 man !lir dieseIeile Lexan-Farbsn nehrnen. Schnautze undSticker>von anderen fahrzeugen konnen auchangebracht werden Halt. den Fah re r muss mannaturli h ouch anmalen, auch em bunter Over-all rnacnt ',ich gut lm Rennen.

    STICKERSSTICKERS1 Cut stickers along colored edge so thetransparent f ilm Is removed.1 Die Sticker an den bunten Kanten so ausschoeiden, dass der transparente Film weg ist.2 Peel off the end of lining a little and putthe d e c a I I n pas It lon on the body.2 An einer Kante die Unterlage etwas abzl ehenund Sticker nchtig auf die Karosserie legen,

    3 Then, remove the lining slowly. In so do-ing, be careful that the decal does not moveout of position and that air Is not trappedunder I t,3 Donn die Unterlage l an gs ar n g an z a bz te he n,darauf achten dass slch d e r Sticker nleht ver-schiebt und dass keine Luft unter den Stickerkommt - sonst gibt estuf tblasen.If the lining Is completely removed In ad-vance, the decal may be wrink led or con-tain unwanted ai r bubb les.Wenn die Unterlage vorher kornplett entlerntwird, kann sich der Sticker zusarnmenklebenI.r.\ ATTACHING WINGS~ E lN B"tU DE S SPO ILER

    TA MIYA FAR BK ATA lDG IN DEU TSC HERSPRACHEl.etzte Neuheiten von Autos. Booten, Tanksund SchiHen 1m TamiyaKatalog in deut-sche, Sprach sind ai le Mode lle, ob Moto-risierte, Ferngesteuerte oder Museum-Qualitates-rvtodelle, farblg Abg e bildet

    r TAMIYA COLOR CATALOGUE 'IThe latest 10cars, boats, tanks and ships.Motor ized, radio control led and museumquali ty medals are all shown in ful l color inTamlya's latest catalogue, At your nearesthobby supply house,

    ~ MARKING OF BODY~ M ARK IERUNG DER KAROSSER I~Body colorKa r o ss e r ref arbss n l l < l ' (PC-12)

    *Apply s t ici

  • 5/16/2018 Tamiya Supershot Manual


    . .

    . . .



    I NS PE cnON BEFORE OPERATI ONea sure to. check the potrrts shown In the figurebelore starting operatton, This Is necessary top rs ve n t tro ubi e a nd ace Idents,In the tirst operat ion after assembly, let the modelrun slowly for the ttrst five minutes While check-Ing the condltion of the steering and switch.oMake sure that. screws, particularly grubscrews, are t ight enough.~Make sure that batteries for the transmitter. are new by means 01 meter or lamp.i:j;'J Make sure that NI-Gd battery has been suttt-I !Jcienlly charged. If battery Is not charged, no con-t ro l occurs because receiver and motor use the samebattery.~Adjust steering servo andlor trims so that thecar tracks in a straight line with transmitter atneutral.~ Qouble check the speed contro ller for ful l t rav-el to high speed and stop limits.r=: I D id you app ly swi tch lubr tcan t to control ler?l!.I Be sure to apply switch lubricant to reduce arc-Ing arid burning.IirlDouble check the wiring for breaks and shortUcircuit s. Secure w u n vinyl tape.M Be sure to apply molvbdenem grease.on be;tr"l!.I ings, moving port ions of suspension , e tc .~INLAUFENNach Zusammenbau das Model r langsarn die e - sten 5M inu ten laufen lassen und dabe i die Steuerung undSchalter au f gute Wirkung beobachtenDDara~f achten, dass a lie SEhrauben gu t angezo-

    gen .indf1Batten en fUr Sender mussen voll seln~Nur volle Akku's brlngen volle l.eistung evtl nacn-laden. Wenn Akku schwach ist, besteht keineKontrolle . da Empfiinger un d Moln , die gleiche StromqbJel.Ie habennSleue,ung muss elnwandfrei arbei!en Model lILl muss geradeaus fahren Wenn Fahrz eug nachlink> o der rec h ts zleh t, m it fro m m he be I nach jus tieren,Re r S c ha lt er muss au f Topspeed gehen u nd g en auI:!.I stoppenQWurde d e r F a hr re g le r mit einem Schalter-Schmier-l!.Imittel versehen 1Ob ne . Sc hr ri ie rm it te l k an n der Fahr-regler das brennen antangen Daher illif jeden Fall -S cha lt ", -S c hm i e rm l tw l \ > eM e nd e n.fjKabei gut 1501 ieren urn Kurzschluss zu vermeiden.mAul Lager, bewegl iche Teile der AlJfhangun~ etc. Mol.,..l'ett anbringen.CAUTIONSA s an electric powered rad io control car utllftes highcapacity Ni -Cd batteries and high per formance e lec-tric motors, currents as large as 20 0 watts flow in

    the clrcults. You must be very careful of all wiring,adjus\ments, and the handling of the speed con-troll er; otherwlse you r rsce iver, servo or sp ee c c on -troller ca n be damaged. Please note the fol lowingcarefully,B IT IE B EA CH TE NIEin farngelenktes Autornit ElektroMo 0' braucht vlelStrom und "inenMotor mitgrosserleistung Bis zu 200WattlA IIe Verdoahtungen, fi n , lI 'l !u n gen und de r C e scbwind igk e lt s-regie, mt i ssen vo rs i ch t lg gehandhab t oder slcher eingebautsein sonst ktinnen Empfanger, dle Servo's oder derF~h"egl"r be.charligt werden, Bitts folgendes beachtenlCAR RUNS W ITH SW ITCH OFFWfienever battery Is connected, t he switch blade ofthe speed control ler must be on the stop positionor the car will run as soon as the battery ISconnected. Make sure to us e a stand 10 keep 4WReels i~ the a jr and to check stop pcsl tlon ot speedcan trol le r, then con ~ect be I te ry .DAS fAHRZEUG fAHRT . OBWOHL DER SCHA llERA u MUS-STEHTWenn der Akku angeschlessen ISl. rouss der Fahrreglerin der5top Position se in , klar-sonst ha ut d as Fahrzeugab.B URNT OUT R ES IS TORDU RC HG ES CH MO RT ER W lDE RST AN D

    If your car stops due to some foreign object obstruc-t lng the wheels, the reststor of the speed control lercan burn out.Welln das Fahrzeug durch ein Hlndernls zum Stehenkornrnt, konnen d ie R iid er block jeri: werden un d derWlderstand schmort durch

    Dr iv ing for long per iods In the 1 st or 2nd speeds canalso burn out the resistor.Zu langei F.hren lrn 1,oder 2. Canlf lasst den Widerstandheiss werden und durchbrennen

    T op s pe e drep-Speed

    Stopping the wheels trorn ro tat ing when the speedcontroller is at high speed will seriously damage orburn out the motor. Never Impose too much of a loadon the motor.TROUBLESHOOTINGr.nlf the motor does not function (a rare occur-Wence), remove wires and check the motor bydlrecllyconnecting Its lead wtre to a fresh bat tery.~2-'ls. the contact of controller good? Is it burnt or~dlrty? Are the wires of switch arm and platelong enough?fI51ls the servo horn In the proper position'? ItLv must be fitted so that the model turns rightand left the same amount.L 4 l Antenna must be adjusted correctly,IslWhen shaft or wheels become entangled, rno-~tor will overheat. Remove such hindrancesImmediately.IiS1lf the radio control unit is not satisfactory,15lJenQulre with the manufacturer. The radiO con"t rol un it is very precisely constructed and must behandled with great care.STORUNCEN UNO URSACHNWen" Fahrzeug rucht rlohtlg.l.hrt, versuche tolgendes:fl1 Wenn Motor nicht lautt, evtl, direkt on Batterie ZOI11WPr i ll I 'l l ansch lr essen .l2J~ind die Kohtakte de, fahrregl~' in Ordnung? Oder

    1S t der fahrregler staubig, dreck,g ode, ausgebrannttHaben die Drahte. am S cha ll er -A rm und an de' Schalter-Platte genugende i J lnge?f 3 J Das Servohorn OberprOfen. E, muss '0 emgebautsern, d ass I inks un d rechts g le lc hm l ls 5 1g e D r eh u ngarfclgt,@ Antenne richlig setzen.[5}wenn Gras oder Steinchen die Antrtebsachsenblockieren, wlrd de r Mo ta , u b e rh lt zt . B l oc kl er u ngsofort entfernen.f 6 J Wenn Funkanlags rucht richng arbeitet, zumFadlh3ndle r gehen - N Ie H T versu che n, S EL BS T1;U reparlerenMAIN TE NA NC E A FT ER F !.U NN IN GAlter operatIng tne model, do the following to keep'optimum pertormance.*Comple.lely remove sand, mud, dirt, etc. I" * Apply grease to the suspenalon, gears, beari.ngs, etc.

    Photo shows a cutaway model toshow details.


  • 5/16/2018 Tamiya Supershot Manual


    NOl used.

    A & B se t 9005163 @ P AR TS 00 05 11 5 _ Nol used.! - . , ' I{.hl verwendenf'" : PARTSe PARTS _ Not usedNnln verwendcn

    @ PARTS

    000c 0 O.g000

    @ P AR TS 00 05 216

    22 58 54 SUPE RS H OT

  • 5/16/2018 Tamiya Supershot Manual


    ~ Ex t ra s c rews & n"IS are Inc luded , UseIh em a s spares.*tr~d'l-&dlfil(jb '(Ilind Mllte~ IIt;'bot"lllm KitjJi:!1

    FrlOnl & rear wheels _ __ ,.". 9\.l351J2()Front t ire "" " "." 6205011Rear tire ." " " ".,,"" "."".". 6215011Underguard ."" " . . "" " . ....... "."" .. 0445059

    WPARTS~ 0225031

    mpARTS\!I225020No t used"1(. hI \'~r~"l-"n(h'n

    ~ PARTS~ 0225032


    U2 U l U3


    t 3T P in io n gear~5t500' 1 S T P in io n gear 351S003Beve l gear R 54Il5OOB Wh e el a xl e ( bl ac k) 2595012

    ~~ E leve I gear L 5465007 IA Whee l axle ( "I I" e~ 2 59 5 01 4A_V Dnve shalt (brown) 4 135016 uJ---------------D-ri-ve--Sh-a-ft-(D-la-C-~-4-1-350--17--------~

    lllBumper stav 3465134 G ear box Io i n t 2 59 50 13

    Propeller shalt .."__.......".,....",..""..... 4135006RX 54 0 SDT a c rm l power me te r . . " . . "" .7 4 3 50 2 4Pig tall "" "" " "" " 7135008

    BLISTER PACK B 9755089

    BALL CONNECTOR BAG9405224 5mm Bal l connectorI ( lo n g) : 1 45 51 4 0

    5mm Bal l connecter3456137

    ~ Cable holder 522;;005 ~ Staolllz.er ball 34551:$0 ~ srrrn Ball connector~ 3455133

    Y2 Y l


    BALL THRUST BEARING BAG 9405225@~Ball thrust bearing Thrus t washer

    SMALL BEVEL GEAR BAG.- ~94~0~~

    5mm x 25 Pipe 3580027 Small bevel g ea r 5 46 60 09c5mm , 3 0 P i pe J 58 002 6 C Ring [;2950')84 mm x 22 Pi pe 3 580028 2mm x 28 Shaft 245OC()1

    o o oSpeed controller plate '.'"" "" .."" ,."., ~5029i~;:~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ; ; f : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : ~ : : = ~ ~ : . : : ' :


  • 5/16/2018 Tamiya Supershot Manual


    Body $ .. wing ~ , '..' 9805012Chassis & mecnanisrn box , 0445006Sticker ,., ,., ,., ., ,.. , 9495064

    MET AL P AR TS S MA LL B OX Resistorcover 4305164Amann a post " , 53 65002



    oStay mount 4305178o

    oRe si st or p la te 4 :I D 51 8 1

    S CR EW B AG e : ; 9 4651 38~3m m x 12 Se l f lapp ing screw0- 2080007ef~~3mm x 8 Self tapping screw


    S CR EW BA G .r 9485140 5mm Adlusler OtAdX'4 0SDT ec hn ip owe r mo to r5 2 3 0 RX -5 4 0SD T ec nn lt un e d mo to r52 38 Bug gy p in io n ge ar set (1 3T, 14n52 39 B ugg y p tnlon g ear set (1ST,1Sn52 40 Bug gy p in io n g ear set (17T, 1 9 1 )5244 H ots ho t u prig ht s et5 24 5 S na p c on ne cto r s et

    5269 O va l b lo ck re ar tire5270' Pi n spike f ro n l t ir e5 27 1 P in s pik e re ar tire5 27 4 T ar nly a' d am p er o il s et5 2 75 Ho ts ho t u n de rq u ar d5281 Supershot body p art s s et5 28 2 S up ers ho l sp ee d c on tro lle r se t (B EC )

    O[]L- ~ ~ I ~ l m ~ \ I \ ~ I I I ~ l l I i ~ 1 1 i 1 ' 1F ro nt p is to n r od 3 < 15 50 07I

    1 I I ' l l m m m ' , @ IR ea r p is to n r od 3 4 55 16 0 I,Q@-

    Oi I seal 3inm 0 Ring627501 7 29 95002

    Q Oelve wafer43060035249 - 5252, 5261. 5262Recei ve r ba tt er y e lim ina to r(fo r S an wa , F uta ba , JR , A co ms & KO )