tantra-kaumudi-apr 2011.pdf

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  • 8/9/2019 Tantra-Kaumudi-Apr 2011.pdf


    ॐ ◌ीं  सदगुदवे  चरण  कमलेयो  नमः V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 4

    Tantra kaumudi April 2011  1 | P a g e साधना   साधयते   या   शररम  पातयते  

    F our th I ssue

    Apr i l - 2 0 11 

  • 8/9/2019 Tantra-Kaumudi-Apr 2011.pdf


    ॐ ◌ीं  सदगुदवे  चरण  कमलेयो  नमः V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 4

    Tantra kaumudi April 2011  2 | P a g e साधना   साधयते   या   शररम  पातयते  

    अयथना नम िशरोमाना , ससाधाकानाम नन ुभागधे यं | 

     तिोम ििनखलेर   देवदेवं , ियमन   स े सकलाथ ि िसः|| 

    िभौतक और आियामक कामनाओ    क पू  त    हे त ु ी चरण   म झु के  ए   े तम   साधक के सौभाय   के प म  दे िवाधदेव   गु दे व ििनखल   केी चरण म  िभभाव यु    णामां िजल   अपत करता    ँ,ि जनक सता

     सिे  िस वतः ही फलीभू  त होती ह  अय दे वी देवता क आराधना   या

     उपासना से कोई भी योजन िस नह हो सकता ह  , यक सभी िश तव   म  गु  ही सिमाहत   हो कर   चे तना पु ंज   को दान करत ेह .|

    Sadhak’s bow down to the holy lotus feet of Sadgurudev (here

    Sadgurudev appears as a great fortune) For To fulfill their material

    and spiritual wishes , I offer my salutation to Devadhidev Nikhil.All

    the divine siddhita can be easily gained through the blessing of

    Sadgurudev, no aim can be fulfilled through worshipping/prayers to

    other devi,devta since Sadgurudev is the essence of all the shakti

    tatv and because of him all the tatav provide chetna ponj.

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    ॐ ◌ीं  सदगुदवे  चरण  कमलेयो  नमः V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 4

    Tantra kaumudi April 2011  3 | P a g e साधना   साधयते   या   शररम  पातयते  



    The Divine Holy Lotus Feet of

    Param Poojya Sadgurudev Dr. Shri Narayan Datt Shrimali JI

    ( Paramhansa Swami Nikhileshwaranand ji )

  • 8/9/2019 Tantra-Kaumudi-Apr 2011.pdf


  • 8/9/2019 Tantra-Kaumudi-Apr 2011.pdf


  • 8/9/2019 Tantra-Kaumudi-Apr 2011.pdf


    ॐ ◌ीं  सदगुदवे  चरण  कमलेयो  नमः V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 4

    Tantra kaumudi April 2011  6 | P a g e साधना   साधयते   या   शररम  पातयते  

    This free e magazine available only to the follower register in the

    blog Nikhil-alchemy2.blogspot.com. and also nikhil-alchemy groups

    memeber . the article appear here, are /will be based on the divine wisdom

    of  SadGurudev Dr Shri Narayan Dutt Shrimali ji ,  and his sanyasi shishyas .

    we as a your fellow guru brothers, here just providing words to their thought. For

    the address of these mahayogi’s are not known to us, as they all are

    wondering saints.

    The sadhana and mantra’s appeared /mentioned in any article can be practiced ,on

    your own responsibility, if would be much better ,if prior related diksha ,andpermission ,direction and guidance opt from sons of poojya paad sadgurudevji .

    Poojya Gurudev Shri Nandkishor shrimali ji,

    Poojya Gurudev Shri Kailash Chandra shrimali ji,

    Poojya Gurudev shri Arvind shrimali ji,

    can be contacted at Jodhpur Rajasthan(India).

    Please do not ask us for any type of sadhana related materials, and also for Diksha

    related Queries , for that you have to contact directly poojya guru Trimurti at jodhpur.

    Since sadhana is a very complex matter, for success and failure of any

    sadhana mentioned in any article here , many things required , to get success . that’s

    why ,we do not take any responsibility in this connection. we also request, not to do

    any sadhana ,which is adverse and not permitted as per legal, morel, society belief.

    This e magazine will be published monthly. You are receiving this magazine

    means that you are accepting the terms and conditions . at any time , you

    can withdraw your registration . this e magazine just a forum to share

    knowledge between us ( Sadgurudev ji’s shishyas - All guru brother and sisters ),

    if still any one raises questions regarding the authenticity of articles

     published here , for them, treat all articles just as a fiction and a ear say.

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    ॐ ◌ीं  सदगुदवे  चरण  कमलेयो  नमः V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 4

    Tantra kaumudi April 2011  7 | P a g e साधना   साधयते   या   शररम  पातयते  


     मे रे भाइय और बहन ,

     जय गु द ेव ,

     य ेिपका का अयं त महवपू  ण अं क है , इसम हमन ेयादा साधनाएं नह द ह यू  ं क ियिणय क

     सै कडो साधनाए सदगु दे व िपका म िकाशत कर चु के ह और अभी भी गु  िमू  त इन गोपनीय साधना का सतत

     काशन कर रहे ह. य ेअं क इस दृि स े यादा महवपू  ण है क इसम हमन ेउन गोपनीय प को िशामल कया है जो

    अनुभू  त तो ह पर िसफ िस के मय ही िचलत रहे ह. उही गोपनीय ििवधय को ािमाणक प से हमने दे न ेका यास

     कया है. इह खु द भी परख कर म न ेद ेखा ह.ैऔर इन सू   को जब हम ाियोगक प स ेकरत ेह तो हम समझ म आता है 

     क जब सदग ुदेव कहते ह क इस म ं क ३ माला करनी है तो ३ घं टे कसै ेलग सकत ेह. यू  ं क मू  ल म के पहल ेभी तो

     कई या को सपादत करना  िअनवाय  होता ह.ै याद िरखयिे जतना यादा डूब कर एकाता स ेहम साधना करगे 

     उतना ही हम सफलता िमलती जाय ेगी ,िआखर सदगु देव और पू  य गु  िमू  त का वरद हत जो हमारे िसर पर ह.ै तोआनद उठाइए इस अं क का . हमारी याा यहाँ खम नह होती है िबक अगले काय जैस ेअगला अं क , कताब , साधना और

     वकशॉप क सतत तै यारय म लग गए ह. अब १५ दन कामाया दीठ म ही रहना है ,और खुद क याा को भी तो

    अनुभव करना ह.ै यही मे रे आय का िवषय है क ऐसा कोई जगह नह है जहाँ मे रे ििनखल का अहसास मु झ ेन होता

     हो .और य ेहम सभी के  साथ ह.ै

    अगला अं क साबर साधना के गू  ढतम िवधान पर है जो क आप सभी को आय  के सागर म  ही गोत े लगवा

     दे गा . हम कोई िस साधक नह है बस आपक ही तरह सदगु दे व और ग ु िमू  त के आमाशं ह. ये सारा उही का दया

     आ ह.ै जो उही के चरण म समपत है सद ैव सदै व के िलए .

     साधना िसफ पढ़ने के िलए नह होती है िअपतु उसका ाियोगक अयास भी आवयक ह,ै तभी ये ान साथ कता दान

     करेगा .और हाँ आलोचना म समय थ न गवाए ं , उसके िलए हमारे पास समय नह है , हम पहल ेही कह चुके ह क

    आलोचक इस ेपूरी तरह स ेि सफ कािपनक कहानी ही समझ .े हा ँआप सभी का सु झाव हम लगातार िचाहए यू  ं क ये हम

     सभी क िपका ह.ै

     गु पू  णमा को ‘ तकौमु दी ’  का रहय खं ड िकाशत होगा ट मोड म,ि जसम े पारद ,  तं  , साबर साधनाए,ं

     दशोमिहावा , आयु व द , समोहन और गु  साधना   के कई अिकाशत पहलु काश म आय ग.े य ेलगभग ५०० पृ क

     कताब होगी . इसी कार के २१ खं ड ियान कताब िकाशत करन ेक योजना है िजनमे कसी भी ल ेख को रपीट नह

     कया जाय ेगा . और इसक कमत का आध ेसे यादा भाग अपताल और मं दर के काय म लग ेगा .ि जसका िववरण हमारी वे बसाईट पर है. य ेहमारी तरफ से सदगु दे व के चरण म छोटी सी भावां िजल ह.ैि बना अनु राग भाई और रघु नाथ भाई के

     य ेसभी काय म ेरे िलए सरल नह हो पाते, मे रे दोन भाइय के साथ ने म ेरी िहमत बढ़ाई है,ि जसस ेअय काय को भी म

     सरलता स ेकर पा रहा .ँ ऐस ेही हम तीन को आप सभी का भी सहयोग ा हो यही ाथ ना है सदगु द ेव के चरण म.

    आप सभी िपका पू  ण लाभ ल ेऔर लाभ ले ग ु िमू  त के बमू  य साहचय का ,ि जनके आशीवा द से हम सभी का

  • 8/9/2019 Tantra-Kaumudi-Apr 2011.pdf


    ॐ ◌ीं  सदगुदवे  चरण  कमलेयो  नमः V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 4

    Tantra kaumudi April 2011  8 | P a g e साधना   साधयते   या   शररम  पातयते  

     जीवन िनमा ण पथ पर आग ेबढ़ता चला जाये गा . बस जरत है शत ितशत समप ण क और वो तो करना ही पड़े गा

    यक -

     वदयम वतुि िनखल ंतुयमे व समप ये त


    Leaves are all dead on the ground,

    Try to keep those the Oak is keeping.

    Dear friends, this is one of the most important issue of magazine, there are not too much sadhnas in it as

    nemours sadhnas about Yakshinis has been printed in magazine by Sadgurudev himself and even till now

    Guru Trimurti is just about to issue written records about all that secret sadhnas. The importance of this

    issue of magazine lies in the fact that we inscribe phases and facts of all that secret sadhnas which areactual and weighted but are only popular among sidhs. We have just tried here to give proven and

    factual procedures of all that secret sadhnas. Even these are personally proven by me and by practically

    observing them we come to know the hidden fact about Sadgurudev’s wording that when he said one

    should need to do three rosaries of this mantra then how those three rosary circles engulfed three

    hours. It happens because prior from main mantra there are several activities one need to observes. But

    always keep this fact in your mind that “The deep you dive with sole concentration in field of sadhna the

    pearl of success collects by you more quickly as we are enjoying the fruitful shade of Sadgurudev and

    Guru Trimurti in the form of their blessings”. So all of you enjoy full advantage of this issue of magazine

    but our job is not stopped here as we are busy in our other further activities as next issue of magazine,

    books, sadhnas and preparations of upcoming workshop. Now for fifteen days I am going to stay at

    Kamakhya Deeth as I need to realize my own journey as well. Not other but this is the basic reason

    behind my sensation that there is no place where I don’t feel the presence of my Nikhil and I am sure

    this happens with all of us.

    Be ready for next issue as it is going to be about the deepest process and procedures of Saber sadhnas

    which will compel you to plunge into the sea of surprise and astonishment. We are not a type of sidh

    sadhaks but just like you a shadow of Sadgurudev and Guru Trimurti. Whatever we are possessing today

    is just because of them so in order to offer our reverence all is offered at their holy feet for now and

    then….always….always and always.

    Sadhna is not for oral practice only besides in order to attain proper knowledge from it its practical

    phase contains primary importance and one thing more do not waste your time in the trivial matters like

    criticism because that is good for nothing job as we prior informed that for critics this is nothing but a

    fiction. But your continuous opinions are must as this magazine is “Our” magazine.

  • 8/9/2019 Tantra-Kaumudi-Apr 2011.pdf


    ॐ ◌ीं  सदगुदवे  चरण  कमलेयो  नमः V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 4

    Tantra kaumudi April 2011  9 | P a g e साधना   साधयते   या   शररम  पातयते  

    At the time of Gurupurnima Tantra Kumudi will be published in printed mode which will sprinkle the

    glitters of knowledge on the hidden facts of Parad, Tantra, Saber sadhnaye, Daso mahavidyaien,

    Ayurveda, Hypnotism and on Guru Sadhna as well. This book will cover near about 500 pages and we are

    planning to issue alike 21 volumes of it in which article will not be repeated and money which will be

    earned for its sale more than 50% will be spent on the construction of hospital and temple about which

    we are already informed in our website. It is nothing more than a trivial homage at the holy feet of our

    Sadgurudev from us. But without the co-operation and encouragement of Anurag bhai and Raghunathbhai it was not my cup of tea but it’s only due to their company I am doing all these with ease. With the

    consent of Sadgurudev, I just prayer for your love.

    All of you must take benefits from magazine and Ofcource advantage from the fact that Guru Trimurti is

    accompanying us because it’s merely their presence has the capacity to lead our lives on the road of

    success and fulfillment. For this the only requirement is complete samarpan which is essence of divinity.

    वदयम वतिु नखल ंतुयमेव समपयेत

    . आपका ही


  • 8/9/2019 Tantra-Kaumudi-Apr 2011.pdf


    ॐ ◌ीं  सदगुदवे  चरण  कमलेयो  नमः V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 4

    Tantra kaumudi April 2011  10 | P a g e साधना   साधयेत   या   शररम  पातयते  


    भगवती   पुर  सुदर  षोडशी  क◌े नाम  का  मरण   ह  सौदय और  जीवन  का  ◌ृंगार  ह ै ।  कतनी  भी  महाव◌ा 

    साधनाए ंय  न  कर  ली  जाए,ं क◌ै सी  भी  श  या  ि◌सयां य  न  ◌ा  कर  ली  जाए,ं कत ुभगवती  षोडशी  क  

    साधना  क◌े बना  सभी  क◌ु छ  अधरूा  ह  तो  ह ै। बना  षोडशी  क◌े लावय  स ेिअभभतू  ह◌ुए  जीवन  नीरस  और  ि◌नतजे  ह  

    तो  ह ै। यक  यथाथ म ‘◌ी ’ क  जननी  काय  क  सृजनक  और  वभैव  क  आयथला  भगवती  षोडशी  ह  तो  ह । 

    क◌े वल  जनके  सौदय और  ◌ृंगार  का  वणन  करन ेम ह  योगी  और  िलालय  स ेवभूषत  कवपा  मिु◌नजन  जीवन -

    पयत  परम  कर  करके  थक  गए  कत ुफर  भी  अतृ  ह  रह  गए , यक  देवी  का  यह  वप , सह  अथ  म 

    िकृत  का  सपणू वप  ह ै। अय  महाव◌ा  वप  म तो  व ेकसी  एक  प  वशेष  क  िवामनी  ह, कत ुषोडशी  

    वप   म  िकृत   वपा   बनकर   ि◌तण   िगतशील   और   िकृत   क   ह   भािं◌त   वाह   से  भर   ह  ।  जहा ं अय  

    महाव◌ाय श  क  खरता  स,े दयता  स ेआभूषत  ह, वह◌ं मां भगवाती  षोडशी  एक  वगेवान  नद  क  ह  भांि◌त 

    सपणू सौदय और  ववधता  क◌े साथ  ि◌नरतर  िगतशील  ह । 

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    ॐ ◌ीं  सदगुदवे  चरण  कमलेयो  नमः V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 4

    Tantra kaumudi April 2011  11 | P a g e साधना   साधयेत   या   शररम  पातयते  

    महाव◌ा  साधन  म तो  य ेएक  परपरा  क  परचायक  ‘◌ी ’ क◌ु ल  क  गौरवशाली  िवामनी  ह  । श  म वणत  ह  क  

    जह सौभाय  से षोडशी  साधना  का  म  गु -परपरा  म ◌ा  हो  जाए , जीवत  जात  गु  क◌े ◌ीमखु  ◌ारा  ◌ात  हो  

    जाए , उनके  सौभाय  क  तो  तुलना  ह  नह◌ं क  जा  सकती , यक  इस  कार  क  साधना -परपरा  ◌ा  होन ेका  अथ 

    ह ैक  ऐसा  ि◌शय  अपने जीवन  म पणू सफल , वास , ऐयवान  व  नतेृव  करन ेवाला  होगा  ह  । ‘षोडशी ’ जो  क  

    सपणू वैभव 














     क◌ै सा 



    परपरा  म यह   व◌ा  इतनी   िअधक  गोपनीय  रखी  गई   क  इसके   ि◌स  साधक  क  सचूी  म आज  तक   ि◌गने-चनु े

    साधक   ह   सिमलत   हो   सक◌े  ह  ।  आद   शंकराचाय  इसी   मत   क◌े  पोषक   व   ि◌स   आचाय  थ े ।  भगवपा  

    आशंकराचाय  ◌ारभ   म  अ◌तै   क◌े  ह   पोषक   थ े क◌ं तु  कालातर   म  उहन े भी   जब   श   क   आराधना   व  

    आवयकता  जीवन  म अनुभव  क , तब  श  क◌े इसी  वप  का  अपन ेजीवन  म उतारा  । उनके  बाद  योय  ि◌शय 

    क◌े अभाव  म यह  महवपणू साधना  ‘‘◌ीव◌ा ’ साधना  लु  ह  हो  गयी  । 

    मझु ेयप  ◌ात  था   क  पूयपाद  गुदेव  क◌े क◌ं ठ  म आ  शंकराचाय क◌े प◌ात् लु  हो  गई  यह  महवपणू  व◌ा 

    सरुत  ह ैकत ुसगं  आन ेपर  उहन ेउसे हर  बार  दूसर  ओर  मोड़  दया  और  म अपनी  पाता  क  कमी  जानकर  

    उनस ेआहपवूक  ◌ात  न  कर  सका , यक  ◌ीव◌ा  साधना  सामाय  व◌ा  नह◌ं ह,ै यह  न  षोडशी  महाव◌ाय , एक  

    महाव◌ा  मा  ह ै। षोडशी  तो  परू ेजीवन  का  और  समत  साधनाओ ंका  सार  ह ै। षोडशी  का  अथ ह  ह ैजो  अपन-ेआप  

    को  षोडश  कलाय समाहत  कए  हुए  हो , जन  षोडश  कलाओ ंस ेयु  भगवान  ◌ीकृण  जसै ेअवतरण  सभव  ह◌ुए  । कत ुपूय  गुदेव  क◌े सयत  जीवन  क◌े सा◌ी , ◌े  सयासी  वामी  वयानद  जी  क◌े ◌ारा  इस  बात  का  भदे  

    खलु  सका   क  पूयपाद  गुदवे  न  क◌े वल  इस  साधना  क◌े  ि◌सतम  आचाय ह, वरन ्व ेअपन े ि◌नय  क◌े जीवन  म 

    भगवती  पुर  सुदर  का  सा◌ात् ि◌तण  करत ेह  रहत ेह । भगवती  षोडशी  का  सा◌ात् करना  एव ंउनका  साहचय 

    होना  इस  बात  का  परचायक  होता  ह ैक  जीवन  म ऐसी  अजयेता  ि◌मल  जाती  ह ैजसस ेजीवन  क◌े समत  ◌े  म य  अतीय  बन  सकता  ह ै। उसको  इतना  िअधक  समोहनकार  भाव  ◌ा  हो  जाता  हैक  उस ेदेखन ेमा  से,

    उसके  रोम -रोम  स ेआत ेतजे  स,े सामन ेवाला  आ◌ा  पालन  करन ेको  तपर  हो  उठता  ह ै। वह  फर  समोहन  करता  

    नह◌ं, सामने  वाल े वय ं समोहत   हो   बाय   हो   जात े ह  । 

    वामी  वयानद  जी , पूय  गुदेव  क  भािं◌त  इसका  रहय  बतान ेक◌े वशेष  इछ◌ ुक  नह◌ं थ,े कत ुमरे ेअियधक  

    आह  क◌े बाद  व ेभी  उन  दन  म खो  गए  जब  पूय  गुदेव  क◌े साथ  उनक  भी  षोडशी  साधना  क◌े ण  यतीत  हुए ,

    मा ं क◌े  नतनशील   वप -षोडशी   वप   क   साधना   म....

    सार  िकृत  ह  उस  सायकंाल  षोडशीमय  होती  लग  रह  थी  जब  वामी  वयानद  जी  अपन ेसाधानमक  दन  क  

    याद  म लीन  हो  गए , मान  मा ंभगवती  जगदबा  वय ंह  उस  दन  वणन  सुनन ेउपथत  हो  गई  थी , दवस  का  

    अवसान  हो  रहा  था  और  डूबत ेसरूज  का  ि◌सदूर  रंग  प◌े-प◌े पर  बखरता  हुआ  सार  घाट  को  िलालमा  और  सनुहर  

    आभा  स ेभरता  हुआ  उनक  अयथना  म अपना  अय ततु  कर  रहा  था  । मदाकनी  क◌े तट  पर  उस  अगय  

    मिु◌न  क  घाट  म प◌ी  ि◌नय  कलरव  करना  भलू  गय ेथ,े सार  िकृत  अपना  यापार  क◌ु छ  ण  क◌े ि◌लए  शातं  करने 

    का  आतरु  हो  गई  लगने लगी  थी , मदाकनी  का  जल  नतन  करना  भलू  रहा  था  और  आसमान  म उड़त ेबादल  भी  

  • 8/9/2019 Tantra-Kaumudi-Apr 2011.pdf


    ॐ ◌ीं  सदगुदवे  चरण  कमलेयो  नमः V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 4

    Tantra kaumudi April 2011  12 | P a g e साधना   साधयेत   या   शररम  पातयते  

    य  ठठक  गए  थ े। दखेत ेह  देखत ेसामन ेहमालय  क  चोटया ंसनुहरे रंग  म रंग  गई  और  जब  उस  ि◌नःतधता 

    को   और   भी   ि◌नःतध   करती   ह◌ुई   वामी   वयानद   जी   क   गु -गभीर   वाणी   गु जंरत   हो   उठ ....

    यह  स ेक◌ु छ  दूर  था  वह  थान  जहा ंमने औरा  ि◌नखल  जी  न ेसाथ -साथ  साधना  ◌ारभ  क  थी  । म उनका  छोटा  

    गुभाई  होन ेक◌े कारण  उन   दन  लगातार  उनके  सानय  म रहन ेका  सुअवसर  पा  सका  था  । ि◌नखल  जी  उन  

    दन  सवथा  मौन  रहन ेलग  गए  थ े। एक  कार  स ेइस  पार  या  उस  पार  का  हठ  ठान  चकु◌े थ,े जो  उनक  परुानी  आदत  

    रह  ह ै। दन -रात  क◌े वल  भगवती  षोडशी  का  ह  ि◌चतन , भगवती  षोडशी  का  ह  तवन  और  मं -जप  । हम हमार ेगुदेव  न ेप  कह  रखा  था  क  म।ै अपन ेढंग  स ेसतु  होन ेक◌े बाद  ह  ि◌नणय  ल ेसक◌ू ं गा  क  या  षोडशी  द◌ा 

    दान  क◌ं अथवा  नह◌ं  । एक  कार  स ेयह  साधना  तो   ि◌नखल  जी  षोडशी  द◌ा  पान ेक◌े  ि◌लए  कर  रह◌े थ,े मुय  

    साधना  और  मुय  म  तो  अभी  बहुत  दूर  था , यक  षोडशी  द◌ा  ◌ा  हो  जाना  ह  अपन-ेआप  म इतनी  गभीर  

    घटना  ह,ै जसका  वणन  ह  नह◌ं कया  जा  सकता  । यक  षोडशी  द◌ा  ◌ा  करन ेक◌े बाद  साधक  व  तर  से भी  

    ऊपर  उठकर  हाड  क◌े रंगमचं  पर  आने क  तयैार  म सलंन  हो  जात  ह ै। ि◌नखल  जी  को  कोई  चिुनौत  जसैी  बात  

    जीवन  म ि◌मले और  य ेउस ेसामाय  घटना  क  तरह  ल यह  मन ेदेखा  ह  नह◌ं । मने उनके  साथ  रहकर  यह  देखा  क  

    व ेजस  साधना  म बठै  जात ेह, अपने-आप  को  पूर  तरह  स ेउसम डबु  दते ेह ै। इतन ेिअधक  तलीन  हो  जाते ह क  

    सा◌ात् उस  देवी  या  देवता  क  ि◌तिकृत  ह  लगन ेलगत ेह । साधना  का  सूमता  स ेअययन  करना , जहा ंजो  भी  

    जानकार  ि◌मले एक  करना  और  फर  एकात  म जाकर  साधना  म संलन  हो  जाना , यह  इनक  सदैव  स ेवशेषता  

    रह  ह ै। इसी  से जो  साधनाय अय  साधक  को  वष  और  जम  म ि◌स  होती  ह,ै व ेउनको  माह  भर  म ह  ि◌स  होत े

    देखा   ह ै । 

    कत ुइस  बार  चिुनौत  कठन  थी  यक  इस  बार  सामाय  साधना  नह◌ं, साधनाओ ंक  गल  भगवती  षोडशी  क  

    साधना  ह  सपन  करनी  थी   । सवथा  मौन  रहत ेह◌ुए  व ेसाधना  म सलंन  थ ेऔर  म तो  अपनी  साधना  से भी  िअधक  उनके  साथ  गु◌ाता  होत ेह◌ुए  भी  ि◌शय  प  म उनक  सखु  सुवधाओ ंको  यान  िअधक  रख  रहा  था , उनके  

    शरर  और  हावभाव  म होने वाल ेपरवतन  क  ह  िअधक  पढ़  रहा  था  । मरेे सम◌ा  उनका  यव  एक  साधना  ◌थं  

    क  भािं◌त  पृ  दर  पृ  खलुता  जा  रहा  था  और  सह  कह ंू तो  म उनके  आचरण  स ेवह  सब  क◌ु छ  सीख  रहा  था  जो  मरेे 

    ि◌लए  आसन  पर  बठै  कर  माला  घमुाने स ेिअधक  महवपणू था  यक  जब  तक  साधना  क◌े इन  आयाम  को  नह  

    समझा  जाता  जब  तक  कोई  साधना  ि◌स  हो  भी  क◌ै से सकती  ह?ै कोई  भी  साधना  और  वशेष  प  स ेषोडशी  महाव◌ा 

    साधना  इतनी  हक  साधना  ह ैह  नह◌ं क  उस ेजब  चाह ेजब  ि◌स  कर  ल । साधना  क◌े ि◌लए  देवतामय  बनना  पड़ता  

    ह ैओर  देवतामय  क◌ै से बना  जाता  ह,ै इसी  का  यवहारक  ◌ान  म ि◌नखल  जी  क◌े साथ  रहकर  ◌ा  करता  जा  रहा  था  


    षोडश  बीज  मं  को  समाहत  कए  ह◌ुए  भगवती  षोडशी  का  वप  या  पड़ , या  चतेन  और  या  जीवन  क◌े एक -एक  

    प  सभी  क◌ु छ  तो  समाहत  कए  ह ैऔर  म प  अनुभव  कर  रहा  था  क  ि◌नखल  जी  ने सामाय  पि◌त  का  याग  

    कर  भगवती  षोडशी  क◌े षोडश  बीज  मं  को  एक -एक  कर  क◌े अपने शरर  म समाहत  करना  ◌ारभ  कर  दया  ह ै। 

    एक  अभुत  समोहन  ओर  अजीब  सी  चमक  उनके  सारे शरर  पर  उतर  आई  थी  और  सदा  से मौन   रहन ेवाल े

  • 8/9/2019 Tantra-Kaumudi-Apr 2011.pdf


    ॐ ◌ीं  सदगुदवे  चरण  कमलेयो  नमः V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 4

    Tantra kaumudi April 2011  13 | P a g e साधना   साधयेत   या   शररम  पातयते  

    ि◌नखल  जी  दन  ि◌तदन  एक  ऐस ेआनद  म वभोर  होत ेजा  रह◌े थ ेजसस ेमुझ ेउनस ेवातालाप  क◌े जो  दुल  ण  

    ि◌मलते थ ेव ेभी  समा  होन ेलग  गय ेसाधना  काल  म उनके  चहेर◌े और  सपणू शरर  क◌े आसपास  इतना   िअधक  

    काश  उमड़  आता  था  क  उनक  ओर  देखना  कठन  हो  जाता  था  । षोडशी  साधना  का  यह  महवपणू तय  ह ैक  

    साधक  को  ◌ारभ  म काम , ◌ोध , ईया व  मोह  स ेअपन-ेआप  को  सवथा  मु  कर  लनेा  होता  ह ै। इस  ‘साधना ’ को  

    करन ेक◌े बाद  ह  भगवती  षोडशी  क   ‘महासाधना ’ ◌ारभ  होती  ह ै। एकात  क◌े ण  स े ि◌नकल  कर  जब  व ेकभी  

    बाहर  आत ेऔर  साधना  क  क◌े बाहर  थत  एक  बड़  चटान  पर  अपना  या  चग बछाकर  बठै  जात ेतथा  एकटक  आकाश  क  ओर  देखत ेरहत ेतो  उनके  चहेर◌े पर  उत  आया  दप , ओज  और  भगवती  षोडशी  का  लावय  उनको  ऐसी  

    आभा  देन ेलगता  था  य  सा◌ात् कोई  ि◌संह  ह  बठैा  हो  । ि◌नपृह  भाव  स ेदेखती  उनक    कभी  मदाकनी  क◌े 

    वाह  क  ओर  गु ड़  जाती  तो  कभी  शूय  म खो  जाती  । कभी  ऊ◌ं च -ऊ◌ ंच◌े वृ  को  ि◌नहारने लगती  और  कभी  अकाश  क◌े 

    पल -पल  म हो  रह◌े परवतन  को  । उनक    परवतन  क◌े साथ  ह  उनके  चरेह◌े क◌े भाव  भी  बदलत ेजात ेथ,े कभी  

    उनके  चहेर◌े पर  नद  सा  क◌ु छ  उमड़न ेलगता , कभी  वृ  सी  क◌ु छ  छावं  उतर  आती  और  कभी  आकाश  क  ह  भािं◌त 

    ि◌नपचं  ! मान  ◌ािकृत  वपा  मा ंषोडशी  एक  ऐस ेपव  वह  का  आय  लकेर  उसम थापत  होती  ह◌ुई  अपनी  

    हरची   िकृत   को   ि◌नहार   रह   ह   ।  उनके   गु -गभीर   चहेर◌े  पर   उनक   ि◌चर -पिरचत   ढ़ता   क◌े  साथ -साथ   जो  

    कोमलता   और   लावय   उतर   आया   था   वह   प   स े उह◌ं  मा ं भगवती   षोडशी   का   ह   तो   असीम   सौदय  था। 

    एक  माह  तक  उनक  यह  िथत  रह  । आहार  आद  दन  ि◌तदन  सूम  होत-ेहोत ेसमा  हो  गया  था  क◌ं तु इतनी  

    कठन  तपया  क◌े बाद  भी  चहेर◌े पर  न  तो  कोई  झु ंझलाहट  थी , न  बचैनेी , न  पीड़ा , बस  वह  एक  भाव   क   ‘‘ मझुे 

    षोडशी   द◌ा   लेनी   ह ै और   अवय   लेनी   ह ै ।’’

    एक  माह  बीतत-ेबीतत ेवह  सुखद  ण  भी  आया  गया  जब  एक  अय  गु◌ाता  न ेआकर  यह  शुभ  समाचार  दया  क  

    हम गुदेव  न ेबलुाया  ह ै। हमार ेगुदेव  उस  थान  स ेथोड़ा  हटकर  भीतर  एक  गु  थान  पर  पधार ेथ े। उनका  यह  

    आदशे  एक  कार  से सकं◌े त  था  क  उहन ेि◌नखल  जी  को  षोडशी  द◌ा  देन ेका  मन  बना  ह  ि◌लया  ह ैऔर  ऐसा  ह  

    ह◌ुआ  । द◌ा  ि◌ा  क◌े बाद   ि◌नखल  जी  क◌े यास  म और  भी  िअधक  सघनता  आ  गई  । पहल ेजहा ंवह  तीन  घटंे व◌ाम  करत ेथ ेअब  वह  समा  होता  ह◌ुआ  एक  घटं ेका  ओर  उसके  उपरात  आध ेघटं ेका  ह  रह  गया  । उस ेव◌ाम 

    कहना  भी  िउचत  नह◌ं होगा  । यक  उस  आध ेघटं ेम व ेअपनी  ि◌नय  याय सपन  करन ेक◌े ि◌लए  ह  तो  उठत ेथे 


    ऐस ेह  एक  अवसर  क  बात  ह ैजब  व ेक◌ु छ  िअधक  सन  थ,े मैन ेडरत-ेडरत ेपछूा  क , ‘‘आप  इतना  िअधक  परम  

    य  कर  रह◌े ह,ै जबक  म तो  प  देख  रहा  हू◌ ॅक  पूय  गुदेव  स ेद◌ा  ◌ा  करन ेसे पहल ेह  आपके  शरर  म 

    भगवती  षोडशी  अपन ेसोलह  बीज  मं  क◌े साथ  सपूण कणा  और  सपणू ◌ं◌गृार  क◌े साथ  समाहत  हो  ह  चकु  

    ह, प  ह ै क  आपको  द◌ा  क◌े पवू ह  भगवती  षोडशी  का  य◌ीकरण  भी  हो  ह  चकुा  ह,ै फर  इतना   िअधक  

    परम  य , इतना  िअधक  तक  य ?’’ उस  अवसर  पर  उहन ेअपने मोन  को  भंग  कर  जो  बात  कह  वह  िइतहास  

    का  एक  िअमट  ण  ह ै। व ेबोल-े ‘‘ यह  सय  ह ैभगवती  षोडशी  का  सा◌ात् मझु ेसाधना  क◌े ◌ारभ  म ह  हो  गया  

    था , क◌ं तु म इस  साधना  क◌े यके  प  और  यके   बद ुको  अपना  कर  द◌ेख  लनेा  चाहता  था   जससे म अपने 

    ि◌शय  क◌े सम  प  बता  सक◌ू ं  क  इस  साधना  क◌े या -या  प  ह,ै कौन -कौन  से उतार -चढ़ाव  आत ेह और  उनके  

    या   समाधान   ह ै ।’’

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    ॐ ◌ीं  सदगुदवे  चरण  कमलेयो  नमः V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 4

    Tantra kaumudi April 2011  14 | P a g e साधना   साधयेत   या   शररम  पातयते  

    जीवन  म ऐसा  खर  ि◌चतन , इतनी  उच  भाव -भिू◌म  और  इतनी  पनैी    क◌े वल  उह◌ं क  हो  सकती  ह,ै जो  जम  से 

    ह  गुव  क◌े गणु  स े वभूषत  हो   । एक  कार  स ेउनक  यह  बात  सनुकर  मुझ ेअपन-ेआप  पर  लजा  हो  आई  

    यक  मरे  साधना  का  उ◌ेय  क◌ु छ  और  था   । मन ेषोडशी  साधना  क◌े ◌ारा  क◌े वल  अपन ेजीवन  को  संवारन ेका  

    ि◌चतन  रखा  था  । ि◌नखल  जी  क  बात  स ेमरे ेसामन ेजीवन  का  एक  नया  अयाय  खुला  क  साधनाए ंकस  कार  

    अपन े ‘व ’ स ेऊपर  उठकर  क  जानी  चाहए  और  जस  कार  ि◌नखल  जी  कर  रह◌े ह । शायद  यह  रहय  ह ैक  व े

    जस  साधना  को  हाथ  म लेत ेह वह  उह क◌ु छ  महनां◌ ेम ह  ि◌स  हो  जाती  ह,ै जबक  अय  उस ेवष  और  कभी -कभी  तो  जम  म जाकर  ि◌स  करत ेह । 

    हठ , आह , तजेवता  और  उदाता  का  जसैा  अनोखा  समण  मने ि◌नखल  जी  म दखेा  वसैा  मन ेअपन ेसाधक  

    जीवन  म और  अब  इस  गु  पद  पर  भी  अय  कसी  म देखा  ह  नह◌ं क◌े वल  एक  ह  यव  मझुे उनक  तलुना  म 

    समक  लगत ेह और  व ेह महष वि◌ाम  । यप  मन ेमहष वि◌ाम  का  सा◌ात् दशन  तो  नह◌ं कया , कतु 

    ि◌नखल  जी  क◌े प  म मझु ेसदैव  ऐसालगता  य  महष वि◌ाम ? ह  इस  प  म िगतशील  ह । कभी  मन ेि◌नखल 

    जी  क◌े ◌ीमखु  से ह  सनुा  था  क  महष  वि◌ाम   जस  साधना  को  करन ेका  ि◌नय  कर  लेत ेथ ेउसके  वषय  म 

    जाकर  क◌े वल  अपन ेगु  स े ि◌नवेदन  मा  कर  दते ेथ ेऔर  क◌ु छ  समय  प◌ात्  ि◌स  करके  जब  वापस  आत ेथ ेतो  अगली  साधना  क  आ◌ा  मागंन ेक◌े ि◌लए  ह  आत ेथ े। ववध  साधनाए ंऔर  ववध  पि◌तयां उनके  हाथ  म खलेती  

    रहती  थी  और  इसी  कार  ि◌नखल  जी  ने अपन ेजीवन  म , अपन ेसाधक  जीवन  और  ि◌शय  जीवन  म जया  ह ै। एक  

    साधना  को  लकेर  या  एक  महाव◌ा  को  पकड़कर  उहन ेकभी  अपने को  पणू माना  ह  नह◌ं । ि◌नरतर  शोध  करते 

    रहना , ि◌नरतर  सलंन  रहना  और  आमलीन  रहना  यह  उनका  सबस ेबड़ा  गणु  और  उनक  यता  का  वातावरण  है 


    आज  आय होता  ह ैक  क◌ै से इतना  खर  यव  अपनी  उचकोट  क  साधनामक  भावभिू◌म  छोड़कर , अपनी  





















    उह◌े◌े ंउनके  गु  समाज  म भजेग ेह  और  उहन ेअपन ेको   वष  पीन ेको  तयैार  भी  कर   ि◌लया  था   कत ुमरे  

    िमृत  म तो  व ेक◌ु छ  एक  ण  ह  अंकत  ह जब  मन ेउनका  साधनामक  जीवन  अयत  समीप  रहकर  देखा  । उनके  

    साधनामक  जीवन  म ह  उनके   ‘गुव ’ का  अनभुव  कया  । ि◌नखल  जी  स ेमुझ ेबाद  म वह  सपणू ववरण  भी  

    ◌ान  ह◌ुआ  जो  उह भगवती  षोडशी  क  साधना  क◌े मय  हुआ  था  । मां क◌े उस  जावय  औरिलालय  से भर ेवप  

    को  उह  न ेएक  अयतं  मधरु  व  गभीर  पद  क◌े मायम  स ेकाय  म बा◌◌धंा  ह,ै जसका  तवन  उनके   िवश  

    ि◌शयच  ि◌नय  करत ेह और  जसके  मायम  स ेभगवती  षोडशी  का  पणू जावयमान  दशन  करन ेम सफल  होत ेह 

    य  क  वह  तो  मा  तो  ह  नह◌ं, ि◌नखल  जी  क◌े ◌ाण  और  तप  स ेघषण  कर  उपन  ह◌ुआ  अन  फ◌ु ि◌लंग  ह ै

    जसके  काश  म ह  मा ंभगवती  षोडशी  का  सपणू सौदय और  वशेषता  देखी  जा  सकती  ह ैऔरमनै ेभी  दखेी  ह ै। कत ुि◌नखल  जी  क◌े समान  मां भगवती  षोडशी  क◌े वप  दक  पंय  क◌े मायम  स ेम◌ ेअंकत  करन ेम असमथ 

    ह◌ ंू । मा ंतो  ववध  वपा  ह । उनके  अदर  इतन ेिअधक  प  समाहत  ह क  म कस  प  को  लेकर  उनका  वणन  

    क◌ं ? उनका  यके  प  इतना  िअधक  सौदय से भरा  ह,ै क  उसको  देखन ेक◌े बाद  ि◌च  उसी  एक  प  म रमाजाता  

    ह ै । 

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    ॐ ◌ीं  सदगुदवे  चरण  कमलेयो  नमः V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 4

    Tantra kaumudi April 2011  15 | P a g e साधना   साधयेत   या   शररम  पातयते  

    .........यह  कहत-ेकहत ेवयानद  जी  भाव -वभोर  हो  गए , उनक  आंख  म आ  गया  एक  अ◌ुकण  कह  रहा  था  क  

    उहा◌ंने े वातव   म  पूय   गझुदवे   क   कृपा   स े अपन े जीवन   म  भगवती   षोडशी   का   सा◌ाकार   कया   ह ै । 

    . वामी  वयानद  जी  गभीरता  और  उन  ण  क  बोझलता  स ेम यह  पछून ेस ेवंि◌चत  रह  गया  क  व ेवातव  

    म कस  बात  स ेवत  हो  उठ◌े ह- जगजननी  मा ंभगवती  षोडशी  का  मरण  करके  या  पूयपाद  गुदवे  परमहसं  

    वामी  ि◌नखलेरानदं  जी  का  मरण  करके  । 



    Just recalling the name of Tripur Sundari Bhagwati Shodashi is the beauty and elegance of life. Doesn’tmatter how many mahavidyaien, sadhnaye can be done, any type of shakti i.e. powers or sidhis can be

    achieved but all is uncompleted without the sadhna of Bhagwati Shodashi. Life remains totally dull andunexciting until it cannot get the beauty of Shodashi because in reality it is only Shodashi which is

    regarded as mother of “Shri”, founder of poetry and final destination of magnificence and completeness.She poccess such a beauty that many yogis and saints spent their whole life just to express her beauty but

    their all tiring hard work did not satisfy them because this marvelous beauty of this Goddess is the actualform of nature. In other forms of Mahavidya she poccess a particular status in particular field but in her

    Shodashi form she presents herself in shape of nature and as continuous and full of life as nature is.Where there other mahavidya get themselves beautify with Shakti (power) and divyata (divines) at that

     place Maa Shodashi just like a tremendous river is continuously flowing with wholeness of beauty withmind.

    She represents a tradition in Mahavidya sadhna and is a great final authority of “Shri” dynast. It is

    explained in shastras that who gets the honor of doing Shodashi sadhna in Guru parampraa and come to

    know its procedure from living Guru is considered luckiest person because having this honor meansshishya is going to live a life full of success, richness, grandeur and surely will have leadership qualities.Shodashi who is the proudy owner of luxuries and the person who gets her blessings is bound to lead a

    fruitful life. In Guru Parampraa this sadhna is kept with great secret that there are very few sadhaks whohas done this sadhna. Aadi Shankracharya is the care taker and Sidh Acharya of this sect. In the beginning

    Bhagwatpaad Aadshankracharya was follower of Advaeit but as time passed he realized the importanceand need of Shakti in life and then he started following Shakti in her Shodashi form but after him due to

    lack of good students this very important sadhna” Shrividhya” get lost.

    I was sure that after ADYA SHANKRACHARYA revered Gurudev has sole authority over this Shodashi

    sadhna but whenever I tried to learn about it every time he changed the topic and I felt myself less

    deserver of it so did not dare to ask anything further because this sadhna is not a common sadhna but akind of grand mahavidya. Shodashi is nothing but the essence of life and all sadhnas. Shodashi means theone who poccess all Shhodshh kalayein as Lord Shri Krishna was. But it was only due to great sage

    Prvajyanand ji, who was a witness of Gurudev’s sanyast life, a great secret was disclosed that Gurudevwas not only sidhtam Acharya of this sadhna but he used to get the glimpse of Shodashi every second. To

    have the company and visualization of Shodashi means get success over life and achieve matchless statusin each and every field of life. He becomes so attractive that just by looking at him and the heavenly light

    which comes out from his body the other person becomes ready to follow his order. After all that he needs

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    ॐ ◌ीं  सदगुदवे  चरण  कमलेयो  नमः V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 4

    Tantra kaumudi April 2011  16 | P a g e साधना   साधयेत   या   शररम  पातयते  

    not to attract anyone because everyone ultimately attract towards him. Just like Pujya Gurudev Ji Swami

    Prvajyanand ji was not much interested to discuss about all this but as I was requesting again and again sohe also lost in the memories of that days when he spent time with Gurudev while completing Shodashi

    sadhna- in Maa’s dancing form, Shodashi form….

    When swami ji was remembering their sadhna days it seemed that nature also became one with Shodashi

    as Maa Bhagwati Jagdamba itself was present there to hear him. It was sun setting and whole nature was

    coloring her with the sunset orangey red color just to offer her gratitude towards swami ji. While he wasspeaking on the bank of Mandakini in the valley of Agastya Muni the whole nature forgot to carry on herfunction as in river tides stopped their dance, birds forgot to fly and the floating clouds became still in the

    sky. With in some time the front vision of Himalayan peaks changed into golden color and its silence became more still with the serious tone of swami ji’s who was speaking about his guru….

    From here at some distance there was a place where I started my sadhna with Aura Nikhil. As I was his

    younger guru bhai so I got the chance to enjoy his continuous company. During that days Nikhil jiremained all most silence, it was the situation of do or die almost. Day and night he did just one thing that

    was concentration, meditation and mantra jaap of Shodashi. It was clearly announced by Gurudev thatwhen he became clear by his own means only than he would decide whether to give Shodashi diksha or

    not. Nikhil ji was doing all those sadhna just to have diksha because to get this honor is something beyondwords but still exact main sadhna and its procedure was still far away. I never ever watched Nikhil ji to

    treat any challenge as a usual incident, I noticed that the sadhna once he started completely get losthimself in it that he himself looked alike that particular God or Goddess. It was his special quality that at

    first he deeply analyzed every sadhna, collects every type of knowledge about it and finally in a calm andlonely place get himself lost in it and due to this hard work that which sadhna was get sidh by other

    sadhaks in years he attained supremacy over it within a month.

    But this time challenge was very tough as it was about Shodashi sadhna supreme among other sadhnas.

    He was carrying out his sadhna while remaining silent and I though was doing my sadhna but still being aguru bhai was paying attention towards his needs and facilities and was catching the changes which were

    taking place in his body and reactions. In front of me his personality was displaying as a complete sadhnagranth because to get success in any sadhna it was most important to know each and every thing about it

    and by witnessing him I was getting this knowledge lively which I could not get while sitting on my altarand moving the beads of rosary. There is no sadhna or especially Shodashi sadhna is not like that which

    can be done at any time. To do this need to be just like gods and how it can be I was learning from Nikhil ji. While absorbing Shodashi Beej Mantra how Shodashi looks like in life, in concentration each and

    every thing was presented in her form and I was observing that while discarding common system Nikhil jiwas absorbing Shodashi Beej Mantra in him. Day by day there was a different shine was appearing on his

    face and body and while remaining silent as he was moving on and on so the rare moments which I got totalk to him was coming to end. During sadhna the light which surrounds his face and body was so bright

    that it became impossible to look at him at that time. It is basic requirement of this sadhna that beforedoing it one should make oneself free from sexual feelings, rage, jealous and moh (feeling of bond). After

    this sadhna the “Mahasadhna” of Bhagwati Shodashi’s get started. In free time sometimes when he cameout from his sadhna kaksh he settled his Viagra charm on a big rock in front of his sadhna kaksh and

    while sitting on it he continually looked at sky. During this time the brightness which released from hisface with the blessings of Shodashi gave him the look of lion. Silence of his eyes sometimes looked at the

    flow of Mandakini and sometimes lost in vaccum, sometimes observed tall trees and sometimes changesthat take place in sky. As the view changed reactions of his face also got changed sometime it felt

    something is appearing on his face as with the flow of river but sometimes he gave shady reaction of trees

  • 8/9/2019 Tantra-Kaumudi-Apr 2011.pdf


    ॐ ◌ीं  सदगुदवे  चरण  कमलेयो  नमः V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 4

    Tantra kaumudi April 2011  17 | P a g e साधना   साधयेत   या   शररम  पातयते  

    and sometimes became calm just like the sky. It seemed as Shodashi was looking at her in his full form

    while giving her pure image to him. The beauty and softness of his serious face was nothing but the beauty of Maa Bhagwati Shodashi herself.

    The situation remains same for one month. His diet became less and then lesser and finally stopped butthere was no signs of pain or irritation there was only one thing,” I need to get Shodashi diksha at any


    As one month was passing on so that good times came when through a guru bhai we came to know thatGurudev has called us. Our Gurudev was visited at a secret place which was at some distance from our

     place. His message was a kind of signal that he was ready to give Nikhil ji Shodashi diksha and he did so.After getting diksha Nikhil ji became more serious in his attempts, firstly he took three hours rest which

    changed into one hour and then only half an hour. it was not correct to call that thirty minutes as restinghour because during that time he got up just to finish his daily jobs.

    One day he was very happy so I dare to ask him,” why are you doing such hard work as I observed that

     before taking diksha from Gurudev Maa Shodashi had blessed you with her sixteen Beej mantra and it isquite sure that after getting diksha you also have glimpse of her so why is hard work at such extent?” at

    that time while leaving his silence is an important part of history. He said,” it is true that I had seen MaaShodashi at the beginning of sadhna but I carry out this whole process just to feel everything personally

    so that I can explain my students about each and every phase of it, about the problems that can be facedand what their solutions are.”

    In life such type of great vision, moral character and noble concentration only that people can have which poccess Gurutav traits since from their birth. By listen all these I felt ashamed as reason behind my

    sadhna was something else, I just think about the wellness of my life with it. But after listening him a newchapter of sadhnas get open in front of me that how sadhnas should be done while leaving personal issues

     behind as he was doing. May be this was the reason that in which sadhna he get success in a month otherdo so in years or for someone’s life became shorter.

    He has the traits of divines, generosity and stubborn in his personality which I never seen in anyone

    during my sadhna period and even on this Guru status I haven’t seen it yet. There is only one personwhich I think can be compared with him is Maharishi Vishwamitra. Though I have not seen Vishwamitra

     ji but while looking at him it always seems that Maharishi Vishwamitra is presented in his form. Once hetold that when Maharishi Vishwamitra decided to do any sadhna he just went to his Guru to seek his

     permission and after some time when he returned that too only ask for new sadhna. Many sadhnas and powers are the toys for him and just like him Nikhil ji carried out his shishya life and sadhak life. He

    never thinks himself as a complete person by getting success in one success besides continue learning,concentrating and self analyzing are the points of his living and respected personality. Now it is quite

    surprising that how such a person by leaving all his sadhnas and divines entered into social life. Perhapshe knew that one day Gurudev will sent him back into his social life so in advance he prepared himself to

    do so but in my memory only that moments are inscribed which I had witnessed very closely during hissadhna period. From him I come to know the divines of being a guru and he also let me know what he felt

    during Shodashi sadhna. He described the beauty of Goddess in poetic form which is daily sing by hisshishya and with the help of this they also get success to have the look of Maa Shodashi because it is not

    merely a poetry but it is source to get success in this sadhna as it come out as a result of his life timemeditation and life force energy and in this energy aura to have the glimpse of Maa Shodashi is possible

    and I too have experienced the same. But just like Nikhil ji it is not possible for me to bind the beauty of

  • 8/9/2019 Tantra-Kaumudi-Apr 2011.pdf


    ॐ ◌ीं  सदगुदवे  चरण  कमलेयो  नमः V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 4

    Tantra kaumudi April 2011  18 | P a g e साधना   साधयेत   या   शररम  पातयते  

    Maa Shodashi in lyric. Maa is having different phases in her different forms so it’s not possible for me to

    explain every phase as her every phase is as much beautiful that one gets lost in her flawless beauty.

    …..while speaking all these Prvajyanand ji became emotional and a tear of his eye was explaining that

    actually he had seen Maa Shodashi with his own eyes by the blessings of Pujya Gurudev.

    In that emotional moments of Prvajyanand ji I was feeling helpless to ask him that whether the memory of

    Maa Bhagwati Shodashi make him emotional or these are the memories of Param Pujya Swami Nikhileashwranand Ji which made him emotional spell bound.

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    ॐ ◌ीं  सदगुदवे  चरण  कमलेयो  नमः V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 4

    Tantra kaumudi April 2011  19 | P a g e साधना   साधयेत   या   शररम  पातयते  

    भारतीय   सं कृित म ि जतन े लोिकय   य ेभगवान   का   वप ह उतना  शायद कोई भी नह ह ,ि जसका   जै सा   मन आया  

     वसा   बना िलया  , कोई प े स ेकोई लडू स े कोई ितल से  सभी वप म भगवान ी   गणेश   का िवह  ि मल सकता ह 

    ,ि व   के अने क   कोन े म   इनके अने क ऐसे   ितक   पाए गए   ह िजन   पर   मन सहसा  ि वास नह कर   सकता  .  िदण माग स ेलाकर  ि जतन ेमाग ह सभी म इनक   उिपिथत   ह ही  , हा ँवप   बदल सकता ह पर उनका   कयाणकारी वप  

     तो ह ही .

     हन ेलगातार इनके शभु वप स े सं बिं धत    योग आपके सामन े रख रहे ह,  साधना    जगत म  एक बात हमेशा याद

     रखना   िचाहए जरी नह ह क   योग बड़ा हो , बड़ा मं हो   तभी सफलता िमले गी

    , सदगु देव   भगवान हमशेा स े कहत े रहे ह क    एक  ि वशालकाय   हाथी को बश म  करन े के िलए मा एक

     छोटा   सा 

     अं कुश 

      ही काफ ह


     समोहन क महा स ेकौन   नह पिरचत ह कतनी साधना कर?े ओर कब तक  ? पर जब समय न होतो य न   य े

     छोटे सा   सरल   योगकर   आप वय ंदे ख . कसी  भी  कार  क  साधना   साम◌ी  क  आवयकता  इस  लघु योग  म 

    नह◌ं ह .

  • 8/9/2019 Tantra-Kaumudi-Apr 2011.pdf


    ॐ ◌ीं  सदगुदवे  चरण  कमलेयो  नमः V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 4

    Tantra kaumudi April 2011  20 | P a g e साधना   साधयेत   या   शररम  पातयते  

    ि िवध : ित   दन   ान कर िपव हो कर , कसी भी आसन   म बै ठ   कर सदगु देव भगवान स े ाथ ना कर ओर   गु 

     मं    जप करे , इसके बाद मा आधे घं टे  इस मं  का जप कर

    " व तु डाय म "  इस सरल योग   को कर के दे ख आप   अपन ेम आन ेवाल ेपरवत न दे खकर   वयं ही आय चकत हो जाय ग े.


    in indian sadhan field , therr so many god and godess , but shree ganesh is most popular

    one,. there are so many vigrah available , one cannot imagine that in this type of ganesh

    vigrah can be possible, strange but true .not only dakhin marg butin every type of section of

    sadhana , shree ganesh is there , though poojan way may different but the main concern

    toprotect his sadhak and procced onthe way toprosperty is common.

    we generallyhave a though that if the sadhan is lenghty and and bigger mantra equpped with

    so many beej mantra produced reasult early , but this is not the facts, sadgurudev ji pointed out

    it many occasionthat to contral a elephant a small ankhush is enough.

    so keep this fact in your mind,

    this small ptayog induces you sammohan power , and who do not want to get it , if this

    possible throughthis very simple prayog why not go for that.

    process: in th emorning have bath , and after that , sit on your aasan with any way which will

    be easier to you and after completing sadgurudev ji poojan and prayer do jap this small mantra

    at leat 30 minits, and when you do this process regualrly you will amazed to see the result.mantra :

    “vakratunday hum”no sadhana samnagri is essential .

  • 8/9/2019 Tantra-Kaumudi-Apr 2011.pdf


    ॐ ◌ीं  सदगुदवे  चरण  कमलेयो  नमः V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 4

    Tantra kaumudi April 2011  21 | P a g e साधना   साधयेत   या   शररम  पातयते  

    भारतीय साधना या यू   ँ   कहे तो साधना जगत म  कुछ ऐस े  ान क दृी    स े आयाम    ह िजन पर एक आदमी    तो

    या   समाज   के उ संां त   वग के ि भी िववास नह कर पाय ेग / या करते ह , उसे मन गढ़ं त या कपोल कपना ही मानत े हओर अभी तक आये  भी    ह . पर    केबल " य    क माणं  " क अबधारणा के आधार   पर    तो    य े अयं त  

     गोपनीय   उ    रहय    केबल इिसलए   तो   दखाए   जा सकत े  क    कोई   कहता   ह क म  नह मानता  . ि

     को  अपनी   योयता , वयं ि स करनी   पढ़ती ह / या पड़े गी    केबल य े कहने  मा   क म  नह मानता    स े तो जीवन   म 

     कुछ   उपलध   खास   कर इन  ि वषय का   नह हो पाये गा  . 

     हमारे साधनामक थ ही नह अने को िपव कताबो म अन ेको लोक   लोकां तर ,आयाम क चचा बार बार आई ह  जै स ेभु वः  लोक , जन लोक , सयम लोक . तप लोक ओर इनके साथ   अने क   ऐस ेलोक   के नाम िभलागातार  आत े रह े ह  जै स े

     गधव लोक , य   लोक  , ,ि प लोक दे व लोक ओर इन सभी क इस य /अय हा ंड   म उिपिथत   ह ही . मानव ि

    आयामामक   ह वही इनम स ेअनके लोक या उनमि नवासरत   िव  ि    आयामामक   ह इस तय का कोई   सयता या माण ह या ? सबस ेसाधरण तह   तो हम सोच ेक हमारे पू  व जो को   यह सब िलख कर या फायदा होना था , या व ेहम  दिमत   करना चाहते  थे( उह  इससे  या लाभ   होता  ), या उह कोई रोयटी  ि मल   रही   थी   क चलो  ि लख दो  . ऐसा   कुछ भी नह ह यह तो महरी सोच   ही पं ग ु हो गयी ह इस कारण हम हर   चीज / तय क सयता का माण मां गत े रहत ेह. महानतम  अमर   योगी   पू  य   महातार   बाबाजी   जी  , परमहंस   योगनादजी   क  ि व  ि वयात   कृित म कहत े ह  क " दे ख कर   तो कोई भी मान ले गा  , धय   ह वह   जो  ि बना   दे ख े मान ले ता ह " यहा ँपर व ेिअविानक   होन ेको नह कह रहे ह , पर एक दम ारंभ   म तो   ऐसा कर ना पड़े गा ही . हम मे स े स े अने क िगणत   के    हल   करत ेह ही उसम े तो

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    ॐ ◌ीं  सदगुदवे  चरण  कमलेयो  नमः V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 4

    Tantra kaumudi April 2011  22 | P a g e साधना   साधयेत   या   शररम  पातयते  

     पहली   लाइन   होती ह क मानलो   य ेवत ुक   कमत बराब     ह  तो .... ज    क हम सभी जानत ेह वह वतु     कमत   ,  बराबर   x  कभी   नह   होता ह , पर अगर   य ेभी ना मने  तो वह    हल कैस ेहो ..

     य ेसभी लोक  ( य लोक ) भी हमारे बत पास ह  य ुकहे तो हमारे साथ ही साथ खड़ा   ह बस आयाम अलग ह दुसरे अथो म कहे तो " यथा पडे तथा हां ड " क अब धारणा के िहसाब से तो हमारे अदर ही ह . ऐसे अन ेको उदहारण यदा कदा

     पाए गए ह जब कसी अगोचर ाणी या ि न े अचानक मदद   क ह ,अब इस तय    के माण   के बारेम तो   उसी स े पू ि छए  , हर  अं तम न   क बात का   कोई   माण   तो नह ह . वातव    म य   या ियणी   एक िशापत    दे व / देवी    ह जो कसी गलती या अपराध   के कारण इस योनी म आ गए ह ओर जब तक वे एक ििनत   सं या   म मानव   लोक   के िनवास रत   िय क मदद  / सहायता   न कर ल,े वे इस से  मु    नह हो सकत ेह . 

     इह भू  त े त  ि पशाच   वग क ेसमक   न माने , ओर वै से भी   भू  त  ेत डरावने  नह होते  ह  इन वग   ओर लोक के बारे  म 

     एक तो हमारा   चतन वय नह ह साथ   ही   साथ हमारा   वानभुू  त   ान भी इस ओर नगय ह , जो भी   या िजस ेभी

     हम   ान मानत ेआय ेह वह   रटी   रटाई  ि वा ह उसम  हमारा वानुभू  त ान कहा ँह , तीसरा  , जो मन   म बायकाल स े

    भय  ि बठा   दया   गया ह वह भी   समय समय   पर सामन े पर सर   उठाता   ही रहता ह . हमारा अपनी   ही कपना   हम भय

     िकपत   करती   रहती ह 

     हम म स ेिअधकाश   न े महान   रस  ि वानी   नागाजु   न    के बारे म तो सु ना ही होगा   उहन े लगभग  १२  वष  क कठन   साधना   से   वट   ियणी साधना पु ण तः  स ेसं प   क   ओर पारद / रस िवानं  के अभु त रहय   ाकर   िइतहास म एकअमर   िव   प म आज भी अमर ह .( उनक साधना िपित   अलग थी ) 

     य े य   लोक से सबिं धत साधनाए   अयं त सरल   ह इह कोई भी ी या पु ष  , बालक   या िबालका  आसानी से  सं प कर करसकता   ह 

     य लोक के िनवासी अय ंत   ही मनोहारी होते ह साथ ही साथ   वैभव ओर िवलास   के ित उनक िच िअधक होती ह ,

     हमेशा उसव म ल या उसवो जहाँ हो रहे हो वहां उिपथत रहते ह  इसका साधारणतः अथ तो यही   ह  क माध ुयता   ओरआनं दता    इनके मू  ल म  ही    सिमाहत    ह .  पर इनक वेश भू  षा हमस े इतनी िअधक िमलती ह क इह पहचान

     पाना   ब ेहद   कठन ह 

     यह  अभु त  आय जनक तय ह क   हर कताब   इनके बारेम एक भय का िनमा ण करती ह , हम इसके बारेम चेतावनी दे ती ह , इन   साधनाओ   को न कया जाय े, करन े पर   यह या   वह होसकता ह , ओर   उस   साधक   के साथ   तो ऐसा ऐसा आ . पर परम पू  य   सदगु देव   जी ने सारा अपना िभौतक जीवन इन   अने क दिमत   ता   उप करन ेवाल ेतय के बारे  म   तथा हम सय   तय से अबगत   कराया   उहनिे जस  भी कार   क कोई   भी साधना या   ियणी   साधना भी, कोई भी   मं  ,ि िशवर म  या िपका   म या कताबम दए ह वह सभी साधक के िलए   बे हद सफलता   दायक ओर सता

     दायक   रही ह  ,ि जहन े भी इन साधन म आगे बढ़कर सफलता पाई ह वे सभी न केबल िभौतक िबक   आियामक

    े    म भी सफलता   क चोटी   पर लगातार   बढ़त ेरहे  ह ही .

    . हम दीपावली क िरा   को कुबे र ( य और   ियणीय   के िअधिपत ह ) का पू  जन य   करत ेह कारण एक दम साफ ह क वे देवता के मु ख   खजां ची   मान ेगएह ओर उनक साधना उपसना स े िभौतक सफलता के   नए आयाम   जीवन म म  खु ल जात े ह ,  ियणी वग  नृ य   कला   म  भी अपना कौशल   रखता ह ओर वे  अपन े नृ य    के मयम   स े साधक को सिच   बनाय े रखती ह  साथ ही साथ यद साधक चाहे तो इनस े य े भारतीय   सं कृित    क अभु त    कला िवाय े सीख  भी सकता ह . एक िय  ि म   के प म आपके   साथ   हमशेा रह सकती ह (आपको   य   प म   दखाए   दे ती ह पर

  • 8/9/2019 Tantra-Kaumudi-Apr 2011.pdf


    ॐ ◌ीं  सदगुदवे  चरण  कमलेयो  नमः V ol . 0 1 - N o 0 4

    Tantra kaumudi April 2011  23 | P a g e साधना   साधयेत   या   शररम  पातयते  

    अय इस ेनह दे ख सकते  ह ) साथ ही साथ हम य ेतय जान ल ेक जो भी मानवोर   वग ह वे एक बार  आपके िम होने  पर , वे धोखा   जै सी   मािनसक  ि वकारामक   चीज ेजानत ेही नह ह 

     ियणीयां  तं  क िवशे ष िवधा   क   न केबल उ कोट   क जानकर   िबक व े उस िबभाग क िअधठाथ   भी होती ह  यद साधक चाहे तो इनक सहायता से  उस तं  के िवभाग म  अियाधक योयता   ओर   उता पाई जा सकती ह .ओर यह कोई न माने  वाली   बात   नह ह .ओर या या िलखा   जाय े इस वग  या लोक के बारे म  , आप  आग े बढए तो

     सही   फर   इसस ेभी अभु त   रहय आपके समु ख   हग े केबल इन   तय को पढ़ने से तो कुछ नह होगा . य ेया आपकआियामक िजासा   को ढकने का काम तो नहीकर रहा   ह , िबक होने तो य ेिचाहए क आपम आगे बढ़न ेओर िसखान े क   बल इछा ओर जगा दे. 

     यह लोक भी हमारे साथ ही उिपथत ह पर उसका आयाम अलग ह साधन के मायम   स ेआयाम भे द  ि मट जाता   ह . हमारी आ ँख म यह मता   जाती ह क हम इस लोक या अय   लोक भी दे ख सकते ह , आप के और हम सभी के ऊपर

     जब   हमारे आियामक िपता का वरद हत   ह  तो इस बारेम बिे सरपै र   के तय   पर धयान न द े , आप आग ेबढ े ओरआपको सफलता ा   होगी ही . 


    Yaksh Lok

    Bharitya sadhana or Indian sadhana world have various such a dimension that not

    only general common masses but people belongs to higher section of the society

    cannot believe easily. And pratyash kim pranam on the basis of that one cannot say
