target audience research complete

Target Audience Research By Tom, Issie and Scott

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Post on 08-Feb-2017



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Page 1: Target audience research complete

Target Audience ResearchBy Tom, Issie and Scott

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This graph shows that many people are into jump scares and The plot when it comes down to the favorite aspects of a horror. Therefore taking into consideration all of this we think that it would benefit our opening sequence if we add a jump scare or a few. This will keep the audience engaged but also on the edge of their chairs in suspense. I feel that with our opening sequence we should jump straight into the action with loud noises and sound effects as the research indicates this.

The Mise en scene is crucial in these scenes as the props, costume, setting helps to sell the scenes. Furthermore sound effects are good for jump scares which is scientifically proven that loud sharp sound create an emotion in the human body of pain and suffering.

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As you can see by the screenshot from our survey monkey, after asking what's your favorite type of horror film, people replied Horror comedy followed closely by slathers. This information we have gathered is crucial in helping us decide what the audiences is looking for so it can influence the content and overall theme of our film/opening sequence.

We are going with a supernatural horror however the survey results point to either a slasher or comedy. After much debate with the group we don’t feel that we would be able to capture the gore/comedy that the audience wants. This is why we are considering to add aspects of a comedy combined with a slasher within our opening sequence. Overall, although taking into consideration the results we believe that a supernatural would be best especially on the budget we have.

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No one likes a boring story which is why this graph helps us counter the boringness. As seen people don’t like long and elaborate story's so within our opening sequence I think we are going to jump straight into the action (climax). I feel that the camerawork will play a pivotal role within our opening sequence. By incorporating close ups, master shots and establishing shots will help counter the Boringness.

Editing will be useful as short takes, crosscutting and eye line match will help keep the opening sequence some what at a fast passed keeping the audience engaged.

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By seeing what peoples gender was shows what films different types of genders watch's. we saw that some people don’t like to give out their genders. This helps

us because then we can see who we need to appeal to.

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From this bit of research we can see what type of characters we need in the opening sequence. The type of characters in the film will really

bring in different target audience's. The highest type of villain was a serial killer which my group and I thought would be good so it shows we also know what our target

audience wants.

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Setting is a big thing because we cant just set it in a school it needs to be other places and deciding on which one can be difficult so having our target audience chose really helped us to know a between what one they would

like. It also helps that a church is a easy access for us to film in because there are quite a few where there aren't many abandoned hospitals around. We

need to make sure that our set and characters match each other.

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We then asked people if they prefer the plot of the horror film to be funny, serious or both. The most voted option was a mix of both. We are now going to incorporate a bit of humour and seriousness into our opening sequence . Originally we were just going to have a serious plot in the movie as this was seen as conventional as the typical horror film.

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Next, we asked people what their favourite typical prop they usually see in horror films is. Most of the people said that knives are the most favoured from the group that we asked. Our intentions before this was to incorporate more supernatural items into our opening sequence; as we did chose a supernatural theme to our horror opening sequence. But now we know that our target audience like seeing knives in horror movies we are ready to incorporate a knife as one of our main props

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Furthermore, we asked our audience what gender their preferred protagonist was in a horror movie. Although there was a large amount of votes for the don’t mind option, there was a clear advantage for the male protagonist. Our intentions before this was to to have a mixed gender characters incorporated into the opening sequence and not to have a clear protagonist shown to the audience. So now we know that our audience prefer a male protagonist.

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