tarun, vir and anya - by rajeswari devadass

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  • 8/12/2019 Tarun, Vir and Anya - by Rajeswari Devadass


    Tarun , Vir

    and Anya

    Written by

    Rajeswari Devadass

    Dedicated to the lasting friendships

    Which first began with common friends.

  • 8/12/2019 Tarun, Vir and Anya - by Rajeswari Devadass


    Tarun and Vir were friends. They playedtogether everyday till Tanvir moved to adifferent school.

    efore Vir left, they planned to meet on the first!unday of summer vacation.

  • 8/12/2019 Tarun, Vir and Anya - by Rajeswari Devadass


    Tarun loves gardeningand his dog "ojo. #"y Aachi is going to lovethese veggies$, he said.

  • 8/12/2019 Tarun, Vir and Anya - by Rajeswari Devadass


    Tarun went home to showhis grandmother thevegetables from his

    garden.#Aachi, % brought thesefrom the garden for you.

    #Than&s, my boy$ said Aachi.

  • 8/12/2019 Tarun, Vir and Anya - by Rajeswari Devadass


    Aachi showed Tarun some ofher tric&s and they bothchatted for a while.

    #Aren't you going to meet Vir

    today($#)es, Aachi. % am going to ta&e"ojo with me too. Vir wouldlove to see him grown up big.$

    #*ave a good time+ o safely,both of you$

  • 8/12/2019 Tarun, Vir and Anya - by Rajeswari Devadass


    #Tata, Aachi. !ee youin the evening.$, saidTarun as he and "ojo

    wal&ed away to meetVir.

  • 8/12/2019 Tarun, Vir and Anya - by Rajeswari Devadass


    Vir loved playing cric&et. *emissed Tarun everytime heplayed. Today, he was goingto meet him after this game.

    #% am going home now topic& the gift % bought forTarun . % am also going tointroduce my new friend,

    Anya, to him.$

  • 8/12/2019 Tarun, Vir and Anya - by Rajeswari Devadass


    Row - Row Row / Row 01






    4olumn -4olumn 4olumn /

    #Anya will be heresoon. % am going tota&e the gift % bought

    for Tarun$ 5 said Vir ashe climbed the ladderto get the parcel hehad wrapped for


  • 8/12/2019 Tarun, Vir and Anya - by Rajeswari Devadass


    The gift was missingfrom where Vir had leftit.*e loo&ed all around

    the house for it. Anyaarrived on time and wase6cited to meet Tarun.

    #Vir, are you ready( 4anwe leave to meetTarun($ said Anya.

  • 8/12/2019 Tarun, Vir and Anya - by Rajeswari Devadass


    #Anya, % can't find the gift that %had &ept for Tarun(

    % planned to give him a cric&etbat as a surprise$ , said Vir,

    very upset. Anya had heard about howTarun wanted a cric&et bat somuch.

    !he said to Vir,

    #Don't worry. 7et us give him mybat. 7et's go, come$

  • 8/12/2019 Tarun, Vir and Anya - by Rajeswari Devadass


    Vir and Anya raced intheir scooter andcycle to meet Tarun.

  • 8/12/2019 Tarun, Vir and Anya - by Rajeswari Devadass


    All / of them met at a par& asplanned. They laughed and played.

    Vir loved seeing Anshu, after a longtime.

    "ojo too wagged his tail in happinesson seeing Tanvir.Tarun enjoyed his time with Anya andloved the cric&et bat.

    All / them played a game of cric&etand planned to meet the following!unday at the same place.

  • 8/12/2019 Tarun, Vir and Anya - by Rajeswari Devadass


    Tarun raced home to his Aachi, #Aachi, % had a nice time with Vir. %also made a new friend today, Anya. 8e6t !unday, can you ma&eyour best 9alebis for me to ta&e for her( 9alebis are her favourite$

    That night, Vir laid awa&e in bed, thin&ing about his day $%t wasvery nice of Anya to offer her bat to Tarun . *e could hardly wait forne6t !unday to show them the missing bat that Amma had foundwhile they were away+$

    Anya wrote in her diary, #Tarun seems a sweet boy. % am happy Virintroduced me to him.$