tash 2014 presentation: scriptural bases for inclusion in faith community

Why Include? G-d says so!

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Why Include? G-d says so!

In the beginning....!

“And G-d said: 'Let us make man in our image, after our likeness; and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.' And G-d created man in His own image, in the image of G-d created He him; male and female created He them. “(Genesis 1: 26-27)

What is G-d's image? Doe s breaking a leg change that? Does Cancer? Does high blood pressure? Does a seizure? How about schizophrenia or autism? Why then exclude?

Why Include? G-d says so!

Proper Behavior

"You shall not curse the deaf nor place a stumbling block before the blind; you shall respect your God - I am your Lord." (Lev. 19:14)

What is the effect of cursing a deaf person or tripping a blind one? Is it our right to treat another child of G-d badly? Does excluding have a similar impact?

Why Include? G-d says so!

Mohammed and the Blind ManThe Prophet frowned and turned away , because there came to him the blind man, [interrupting]. But what would make you perceive, [O Muhammad], that perhaps he might be purified or be reminded and the remembrance would benefit him? As for he who thinks himself without need, to him you give attention. And not upon you [is any blame] if he will not be purified. But as for he who came to you striving [for knowledge] while he fears [ Allah ], from him you are distracted. No! Indeed, these verses are a reminder; (Abasa 1-11)

The Deity thought that ignoring the poor, and blind, person in favor of rich folks was wrong enough to intervene and chide Mohammed. Are we less than Mohammed that, if we exclude people with disabilities, He should not also chide us?

Why Include? G-d says so!

Different Gifts4-There are different kinds of gifts. But the same Holy Spirit gives them all. 5- There are different ways to serve. But they all come from the same Lord. 6- There are different ways to work. But the same God is giving all of them to people. 7- The Holy Spirit gives each person a special gift to use for the benefit of everyone....

12- A human body is one body. But it has many parts. Although it has many parts, they make up one body. …21- The eye cannot say to the hand, ‘I do not need you!’ And the head cannot say to the feet, ‘I do not need you!’ 22- It is the opposite. We cannot do without the parts of the body that seem to be weaker. 25- In that way there should be no divisions in the body. All of the parts will look after each other. 26- If one part suffers, every part suffers with it. If one part receives honor, every part shares its joy. (from 1 Corinthians 12)

Do people always know what gifts others bring before they get to know them? Some people think of people with disabilities as weaker than others, and are uncomfortable with their disabilities. Can you think of a time when discomfort with a person kept you from getting to know them?

Why Include? G-d says so!

Harvest timeLet us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up. Therefore, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all people

(Galatians 6 :9-10)

Who defines what is good for each individual person? What harvest comes from imposing “good” on any person, disabled or not? What good can we all do to help people with disabilities feel included? What harvest do we get by helping everyone be part of our community? What harvest comes from exclusion?

Why Include? G-d says so!

Mohammed and the Woman with SeizuresNarrated By 'Ata bin Abi Rabah : Ibn 'Abbas said to me, "Shall I show you a woman of the people of Paradise?" I said, "Yes." He said, "This black lady came to the Prophet and said, 'I get attacks of epilepsy and my body becomes uncovered; please invoke Allah for me.' The Prophet said (to her), 'If you wish, be patient and you will have (enter) Paradise; and if you wish, I will invoke Allah to cure you.' She said, 'I will remain patient,' and added, 'but I become uncovered, so please invoke Allah for me that I may not become uncovered.' So he invoked Allah for her."

(Sahih Bukhari Volume 007, Book 070, Hadith Number 555) Mohammed and the Woman with Seizures shows accommodation. What are the woman's concerns when she approaches Mohammed? What parts of this story show respect and honor to the woman? How can we apply this approach in our communities?

Why Include? G-d says so!

Moses' concerns“But Moses said to the Lord, ‘Please, O Lord, I have never been a man of words, either in times past or now that You have spoken to Your servant; I am slow of speech and slow of tongue.’ And the Lord said to him, ‘Who gives man speech? Who makes him dumb or deaf, seeing or blind? Is it not I, the Lord?’” (Exodus 4:10-11)

[Moses] said, "My Lord, expand for me my breast [with assurance], and ease for me my task, and untie the knot from my tongue that they may understand my speech. And appoint for me a minister from my family, Aaron, my brother. Increase through him my strength. And let him share my task that we may exalt You much, and remember You much. ( Taha 20: 26-34)

Moses, who led the Hebrews through the desert for forty years, stammered, and did not speak clearly. Even in leadership of the people Israel, accommodations were used and approved by the Deity. How then can one justify NOT applying them in worship of the Almighty?

“Honor all people. Love everyone.” (I Peter 2:17)

“Ben Azzai taught: Do not disdain any person. Do not underrate the importance of anything for there is no person who does not have his hour, and there is no thing without its place in the sun.” (Pirkei Avot, Ethics of our Fathers, 4:3)

“The stone that the builders threw away became the keystone of the arch” (because its irregular shape was more suited for that purpose than for building a wall) (Psalm 118:22)

Those who do not fit into any mold may have a higher or different purpose than other people. We all have our gifts. The Psalm about the stone that is thrown away is said at the beginning of each month and on each Festival, as part of the Hallel service. We are reminded of each person's distinct role, and the human imperfection of raising ourselves above others. Can you think of ways in which to overcome this tendency?

Why Include? G-d says so!

Why Include? G-d says so!

Moving Forward

What is your first impression of the boy in these two images? What do you think he is feeling in each? How might he behave? How might the behavior impact on inclusion in your community of faith?

What modifications might alleviate the issues, and how might you approach community members who do not understand that we are all made in the Divine image, and we are none of us, and all of us, perfect at the same time?