task 1

Sessio n Main Task Subtask Deadline Milestone Comment 1 Ass 2 Tasks 1 and 2 - Plan My web site Research I used the internet to look at a range of similar websites for inspiration. 2 Proposal My proposal was quite length discussing legal and ethical considerations and what theme I’m going to follow and why. 3 Complete all Assignment 2 Task 1 elements I print screened pages of different pages analysing things I would and wouldn’t use on that website for my own. I reached the deadline. 4 Storyboards Complete all of Assignment 2 Hand in Assignment 2 Planned how my website wanted to look and what I’m going to follow. I reached the deadline.

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Post on 26-May-2015




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Page 1: Task 1

Session Main Task Subtask Deadline Milestone Comment1 Ass 2 Tasks 1 and 2 - Plan My web

siteResearch I used the internet to look

at a range of similar websites for inspiration.

2 Proposal My proposal was quite length discussing legal and ethical considerations and what theme I’m going to follow and why.

3 Complete all Assignment 2 Task 1 elements

I print screened pages of different pages analysing things I would and wouldn’t use on that website for my own. I reached the deadline.

4 Storyboards Complete all of Assignment 2

Hand in Assignment 2

Planned how my website wanted to look and what I’m going to follow. I reached the deadline.

5 Unit 65 Ass 3 Produce an interactive Flash or Director website, created solely in Flash or Director

Flash trainingUsing a Guide Layer, Mask Animations, Converting an object to a graphic symbol, Creating a movie clip symbol, Combining and nesting movie clip symbols, Managing symbols and instances, Duplicating Symbols, Swapping Symbols Creating Button Symbols, Creating Scenes and Label Frames, Creating Scenes and frame Labels, Basic Playback

I created all the graphics needed for my website and imported them on flash creating a layout for my website on Flash.

Page 2: Task 1

Control, Creating and using remote rollovers, Creating a Preloader

6 Plan the steps I will take to produce the website.

Produce a detailed schedule of main, sub tasks, deadlines‐ and milestones.

Create / save any resources I will need to complete them.

Short report to explain the importance of planning.

I made a schedule so I know how long I needed for each on each tasks so I would reach the deadline on time.

7 Create websiteMade labels for each page of my website.

Now my website on Flash is neat and clear on my timeline.

Created actions so each page will stay on that page

Made sure they are in right position and look good

Insert graphics e.g. logo, banner, screen icons, images.

Made sure they are in right position and look good

Insert navigation Made sure they are in right position and look good

Make sure links work Tested correctly.Insert information Made sure they are in

right position and look good

Make a form Made sure they are in

Page 3: Task 1

right position and look good

Make a bookings page Made sure they are in right position and look good

Website finished Saved it!!!

Publish Website

Optimise web siteSave as SWF and HTMLUpload Website

Save it as a HTML file so I can see what I looks like on the web.

Test website Website Published and tested

Tested so I knew all the buttons and graphics work well and look good. . I reached the deadline.

Produce an End of project report:

Show how well the website met the brief, critical evaluation, feedback from peers, feedback from audience, feedback from tutor

I did a report so I could share my overall thoughts what I did well and what I could have improved.

End Unit 65 Assignment 3

Complete all of assignment 3

Assignment 3 handed in

Made sure my work is completed to the deadline. I reached the deadline.