task 2 campaigning film

“Second a Day” Campaign film By Haseeb Patel

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Post on 08-Feb-2017




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“Second a Day” Campaign filmBy Haseeb Patel

Mise-En Scene• The Mise-En Scene which is used inside this campaigning film is things like birthday cakes and candles. These are used very wisely as at the

start of the campaigning film, It shows her celebrating her birthday. Also at the end of the film, it shows the same situation of her with her birthday cake with the candles. The point of this is to be aware of surroundings as it showed the same situation from the start of the campaign to the end.

• Also during the middle part of the campaign, It showed the news on the television of how Syria was going to be bombed and it showed the change of mood inside the campaign from happy to sad. This was a change around of the campaign and that things were not going to go her way sadly. The Mise-En Scene is used very wisely here as it gives us a direct message.

• Also at the start of the campaign, it shows that she is also clean and innocent. This shows that it is a great atmosphere for her to be in at that point of time. She's wearing a white dress to imply that it’s a special day for her to celebrate and get presents but instead she decides to get hurt and go to hospital.

Mise-En SceneHere are the list of things which involves the denotations and the connotations of ‘Mise-En Scene’



MISE-EN SCENE Birthday cake Candles bright white dress Halloween toys Lipstick high key - low key lighting biking football news radio Medicines Explosion She’s cold Dirty From eating a chocolate

biscuit to eating a rotten apple.

Starting from a happy mood to an upsetting mood.

As the video moves on, less people are with her then she ends up alone.

It shows different moods throughout the video to show how much she is in need of help.

She then decides to fell appreciated for what she had in the end. After not appreciating the macaroni and cheese she was delivered earlier.

Camera• The view of camera skills were very different in this piece of filming for example, the use of the tripod filming shows that are in a safe zone

as no one is holding it and to also show that it’s a calm and safe atmosphere to be in. However as you go further into the short campaigning programme, you will see that the camera has been hand held as it is a conflict situation. They are in danger and it feels like the camera is in need of being protected.

• Throughout the whole campaigning film, the camera angle of the girl was always a close up as she was the main character and it was describing her story. This implies that she is in need of help as her life has turned from good to bad.

• Also the focus of the camera also shows the same situation that her life is very important from going from her birthday party the most important day of her life to her nearly losing her life in hospital. It also the camera quality decreases every time each clip/scene moves on.

CameraHere are the list of things which involves the denotations and the connotations of the ‘camera’



Sound• The sound is the most part of us developing and understanding the campaign thoroughly. For example mid-through the campaign film,

there were different news conferences heard from the background. To say that everyone’s life is in danger. It also shows us how she is unaware of what is going on around her.

• Sound is also important with the music as it shows a happy bright mood at the beginning of the campaigning film. It shows how everyone are together. The middle part is when some family members are lost which shows tension and dramatic music. Until the end it has a dead silent scene as it shows a sad scene of how she is close to losing her life.

• The sound is there to make the viewers emotional and allow them to help the Syrian children by donating. Without the sound the campaign would be incomplete.

SoundHere are the list of things which involves the denotations and the connotations of the ‘Sound.’



Editing• The editing is also a major key inside the campaigning film as it shows different clips of how her day went. It shows a 3 second clip at the

start of the film, after that the clips decided to go drastically every second to show that the girl was too quick in need of help. Without editing this major piece of filming would be incomplete.

• Another major key of editing any piece of film is that it controls all four factors of creating a video. These four factors involve the camera, sound, Mise-en scene and the editing itself.

• Lastly at the end of the film, It had a small message which was edited. It said that ‘If its not happening here, it doesn’t mean its not happening anywhere else.’ What this is implying is that we as viewers should look and take care of the surrounding elsewhere as they are in need of our help.

EditingHere are the list of things which involves the denotations and the connotations of ‘Editing.’