task 2 photography terminology

Photographic Terminology Louise Maher Unit 57: Photography and Photographic Practice Terminology P1, P2, M1, M2

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Page 1: Task 2 photography terminology

Photographic Terminology

Louise Maher

Unit 57: Photography and Photographic Practice TerminologyP1, P2, M1, M2

Page 2: Task 2 photography terminology

Shutter SpeedShutter speed refers to the length of time the shutter on the camera is open in order to expose light into the camera sensor, allowing photographers to create dramatic effects such as freezing motion or blurring it. A slow shutter speed will result in blurred motion in which the moving object will appear blurred and as a result communicate a sense of movement to the person viewing the image. Whereas when using a fast shutter speed the moving object will be frozen within the image.

In order to demonstrate how changing the shutter speed setting on a camera can affect an image I took several photos using different shutter speed settings, the photo on the right was taken using a fast shutter speed of 1/400 a second, therefore the motion within the image has froze, whereas the photo on the left was taken using a slow shutter speed of 1/10 a second and as a result the motion within the image has been blurred.

Page 3: Task 2 photography terminology


The ISO setting on a camera determines the level of sensitivity of a camera to the light available, which means the lower the ISO setting the less sensitive the camera will be to the available light whereas the higher the ISO setting the more sensitive the camera will be to light. Therefore a higher ISO setting allows you to take photographs in darker conditions without using a flash, however it can also cause visual distortion therefore reducing the image quality.


After taking a number of the same photographs with different ISO settings to demonstrate how changing the ISO setting affects an image, it is clear from the photo to the left that by using a lower ISO setting of ISO-100 resulted in a much darker image due to the fact that the camera is less sensitive to the light that was available when shooting.

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The image on the left was taken with the ISO setting ISO-800. This created a much brighter and clean image.

The image on the left was taken using the setting ISO-3200 , as you can see due to the high ISO setting the camera was much more sensitive to the light available therefore creating an overly exposed image. Also due to the high ISO setting there is a lot of noise within the image therefore reducing the image quality.

In conclusion I feel that taking into consideration the amount of light that was available when shooting these photos, ISO-800 was the best setting to use.

Page 5: Task 2 photography terminology

Aperture & Depth of FieldAperture is measured in f-stops and by changing the f stop setting it determines the size of the opening in the lens which opens when you press the shutter release button therefore the larger the hole, the more light gets into the camera whereas the smaller the hole, the less light gets into the camera, however on a camera the smaller the f-stop number the bigger the aperture opening and the larger the f-stop number the smaller the aperture opening therefore this can cause confusion for photographers.

A prime example of aperture is the 2 photos I have taken on the left. The top image was taking using the f-stop setting f/8 therefore the opening in the lens is much smaller therefore reducing the amount of light getting into the camera, resulting in a darker image, whereas the photo on the bottom was taken using the f-stop setting f/4 therefore meaning the opening in the lens was much larger, therefore allowing more light into the camera, resulting in a much brighter image.

Page 6: Task 2 photography terminology

Aperture & Depth of FieldDepth of field refers to the range of distance within and image which is sharp and in focus in contrast to the rest of the image which will appear more blurry weather that is the foreground or background. Aperture plays a large part in successfully achieving depth of field within an image along with shutter speed and iso, depth of field can be achieved by using a fast shutter speed setting along with a small aperture setting.

As you can see above, the photo on the right was taken using a fast shutter speed of 1/200sec and using the smaller f-stop setting of f/2 and as a result the main subject is sharp and in focus, in contrast to the wall in the background which is blurred. Whereas the photo on the left was taken using the same shutter speed 1/200sec however I changed the f-stop setting to f/4 and therefore it resulted in an image where the subject isn’t in focus and the background is a lot less blurred that the image on the right.

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White BalanceBy changing the white balance setting on a camera it will change the colour balance within an image depending on the type of light available when shooting.

As you can see from the images below, each of which I took using a different white balance setting, due to the fact that a camera records things exactly how they are this can result in a colour cast over the image and in order to correct this a photographer must use the correct white balance setting depending on the type of light available when shooting.

Page 8: Task 2 photography terminology

Rule of thirdsRule of thirds is a well known principle of photographic composition which involves breaking an image into thirds both horizontally and vertically so that there are 9 parts to the image. By using this principle a photographer is able to capture a variety of well balanced and interesting images. The theory behind the rule of thirds principle is that if the points of interest within the image is in the intersecting lines the image will be more balanced and it will allow the person viewing the image to view it more naturally.

When taking the photo on the right, I kept in mind the rule of thirds principle, ensuring that the subjects face, in particular the subjects eyes and nose were within the intersecting lines, therefore making this the point of interest.

Page 9: Task 2 photography terminology

Analogous colours& complementary colours

Analogous colours – This refers to using colours within an image which are next to each other on the colour wheel, for example if a photographer was going to capture an image yellow flowers against a green field, this would be the use of analogous colours. Using an analogous colour theme within an image can give photographs flow and harmony.

Complementary colours – This refers to using colours within an image which are opposite each other in the colour wheel for example if the two dominate colours within an image was blue and orange this would be use of complementary colours therefore creating a great contrast and more appealing image, however using complementary colours does have the potential to clash