task 4 - edited article veganuary

KEY REMOVE CHANGE MOVE FIND SOURCE SPELLING Your Body Will Thank You January is a time for resolutions and new beginnings, so I would like to introduce you to Veganuary . [CHANGE: SEMICOLON] [ADD: reducing the suffering of animals by inspiring and supporting people across the globe to go vegan for the month of January.] Instead of giving up [CHANGE: By taking part in Veganuary, you don’t need to give up] chocolate, alcohol and promising [CHANGE: or promise] yourself that the gym will become your second home , it [CHANGE: ; you] can be [CHANGE: make it] much more simple. [CHANGE: a lot easier] You don’t have to fill yourself with empty promises or starve your body to become ‘bikini ready’. There are many health benefits that come when you follow a vegan diet. Veganuary provides you with [ADD: all

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Your Body Will Thank You

January is a time for resolutions and new beginnings, so I would like to introduce you to Veganuary. [CHANGE: SEMICOLON] [ADD: reducing the suffering of animals by inspiring and supporting people across the globe to go vegan for the month of January.]

Instead of giving up [CHANGE: By taking part in Veganuary, you don’t need to give up] chocolate, alcohol and promising [CHANGE: or promise] yourself that the gym will become your second home, it [CHANGE: ; you] can be [CHANGE: make it] much more simple. [CHANGE: a lot easier] You don’t have to fill yourself with empty promises or starve your body to become ‘bikini ready’. There are many health benefits that come when you follow a vegan diet. Veganuary provides you with [ADD: all the] information [ADD: that you need] that may [CHANGE: TO] encourage you to try veganism for a month. [CHANGE: SEMICOLAON.] T[CHANGE: LOWERCASE]he benefits are just so good; many people [CHANGE: YOU MAY] welcome this lifestyle as a permanent change.

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Fed up of struggling to lose a few pounds? Good. Then you’re ready to make a change. You don’t need to spend your life in the gym; on the rowing machine next to that guy you like [MOVE: Bottom of next paragraph] but you’re never going to talk to. It doesn’t take a biology degree to know what you should and should not be putting into your body. You will discover how to enjoy food with significantly less saturated fats and artificial sugars. [FIND SOURCEi],

This isn’t a diet; this is a new, clean, energized and pure way of life. Not only are you highly likely to loose a few pounds but also you will be naturally beaming from having clearer skin. [ADD: By trying the vegan lifestyle for a month, you will be more likely to lose weight and look and feel better.] [FIND SOURCEii], Nuts and vitamins give you strong and healthy skin [CHANGE: stronger, healthier skin], hair and nails, upping your confidence and reviving your sexy. [ADD: So with the right knowledge of knowing where your food comes from and opting for organic foods instead, it’s not as tough or expensive as suggested.]

Morning breath, the least attractive thing on a morning, the messy bedhead can be seen as sexy and slid back under the duvet. Bad breath is never sexy, [ADD: As well as how simple things such as green tea and] green tea and ginger tea boost you’re [SPELLING: Your] digestion [MOVE: Bottom of next paragraph] while eliminating the chances of disgusting your partner during your morning smooch.

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Bodily odor is produced because of bacteria build up, [FIND SOURCEiii] [ADD: anyone can produce body odour, as this is when the apocrine sweat glands develop, which produce the sweat that bacteria can quickly break down.]By cutting red meat [ADD: ,] out of your fatty diet, your skinny self will [ADD: you] produce less [CHANGE: FEWER] of this bacteria [ADD: ,] making you smell like that [ADD: a] Victoria’s Secret model you’ve always wanted to be.

Premenstrual syndrome [ADD: ,experienced by some women in the days immediately before menstruation,]is exhausting and you can find yourself both mentally and physically struggling [CHANGE: TIRED]. [ADD: BUT] An animal product free lifestyle can reduce the pain and distress [FIND SOURCEiv], that’s if you still suffer from the syndrome at all [ADD: making your life a bit more stress free.]

PMS is a hormonal imbalance that can be helped [CHANGE: eased] with prescription medication; [CHANGE: COMMA] [ADD: but] why cure your body with unnatural sources when the solution is right in front of you? Low levels of fats, salt, sugar and caffeine can reduce the intensity of PMS and in some cases, make the sleepless nights, back crippling pain and stomach cramps become non-existent.

Live happy, young and forever (almost), [CHANGE: .] people following this urban

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lifestyle have been proven to live longer, [CHANGE: ;] this is one step closer to immortality than the animal consumers [MOVE: end] who’s excessive fat is taking over their unfit body.

Tummy Bugs & [CHANGE: And] Disease

You’re body is a temple, a sickness filled shrine worshiping the butchers behind the counter at Tesco.

[ADD: One of the biggest reasons to cut meat out of your diet completely is that] With meat comes disease, drugs / [CHANGE: ,] hormones, bacteria, pesticides / [CHANGE: , 0] chemicals, parasites, fat & [CHANGE: and] cholesterol. [FIND SOURCEv]

Salmonella, a consideration only meat eaters have to be wary of. Salmonella food poisoning can easily occur in any animal product with intent to be eaten; not just the kebab shop round the corner that is rumored to have pigeons nesting in the store room. A lifestyle cutting out meat can lower a high blood pressure, meaning you’re less likely to have heart problems[FIND SOURCEvi],, [ADD: and] the likelihood of a stoke[s] occurring is decreased,

you’re [SPELLING: Your] vision improves as well as boosting kidney health. [FIND SOURCEvii],,

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If you do so wish to attend the gym, at least you will be able to see that guy you like a lot clearer.

[ADD: Also] When comparing greasy animal eaters to those who don’t consume animal produce, cancer is less likely to develop [ADD: full stop] and it has the lowest number of cases amongst those who don’t consume our furry friends.

A reverse of the illness has been known to occur from conversion to the livelier, cleaner way of life.Some things are inevitable which we have to accept, macular degeneration (and for those of you who are not biology experts, this is severe vision loss) this is something that most commonly occurs at approximately the age of 60. You can push this back to the age of 80 with a more efficient diet (you definitely wont look 80 either).

Approximately 8 million people in the UK are affected by arthritis, scientists in their labs have been researching so you don’t have to, arthritis can be less likely to occur to those who have eliminated gluten from life, your hands, knees, hips and spine will continue to dance you to death; pain free and happy.

“Eating all those animals leads to degenerative-and fatal-health conditions like heart disease, kidney disease and cancer. So then man tortures and kills millions more animals to look for cures for these diseases” – Preface from Old MacDonald’s Factory Farm by C. David Coates

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i http://www.naturalnews.com/023085_sugar_fat_fats.html



iii http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/body-odour/pages/introduction.aspx

iv http://www.onegreenplanet.org/natural-health/an-anti-inflammatory-diet-check-list-that-can-transform-your-life/

v http://dldewey.com/columns/parasf.htm http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2008/07/12/are-there-


vi http://www.bloodpressureuk.org/BloodPressureandyou/Yourlifestyle/Eatingwell/Salt

vii http://www.pcrm.org/health/cancer-resources/diet-cancer/facts/meat-consumption-and-cancer-risk