tb presentation


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2. By the end of this presentation leaners should be able to :Define tuberculosisIdentify signs and symptoms of tuberculosisDemonstrate the causes of tuberculosisIdentify organs that are being infected by tuberculosisIdentfy how tuberculosis is transmittedIdentify mode of transmissionKnow how and where infection is being controlledDescribe tuberculin and types of tuberculin testsKnow how to treat tuberculosis and types of treatmentKnow how to protect their family and friends 3. TB 4. WHAT IS TUBERCULOSIS ?Tuberculosis is the specific communicable disease caused by the mycobacterium tuberculosisTuberculosis, is a common, and in many cases lethal, infectious disease caused by various strains of mycobacteria, usually Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tuberculosis usually attacks the lungs.Futhermore is a disease with chronic or acute bacterial infection that primarily attacks the lungs, but which may also affect the kidneys, bones, lymph nodes, and brain 5. Tuberculosis (TB), . In 1993 the World Health Organization (WHO) declared TB to be a global emergency, the first such designation ever made by that organization. According to WHO, someone becomes infected with the bacteria that cause TB every second. 6. SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS Tuberculosis may infect any part of the body, but most commonly occurs in the lungs (known as pulmonary tuberculosis). Extrapulmonary TB occurs when tuberculosis develops outside of the lungs, although extrapulmonary TB may coexist with pulmonary TB as well.General signs and symptoms include fever, chills, night sweats, loss of appetite, weight loss, and fatigue. Significant finger clubbing may also occur. 7. CAUSES The main cause of TB is Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a small, aerobic, nonmotile bacillus.[9] The high lipid content of this pathogen accounts for many of its unique clinical characteristics.[18] It divides every 16 to 20 hours, which is an extremely slow rate compared with other bacteria, which usually divide in less than an hour.[19] Mycobacteria have an outer membrane lipid bilayer. 8. What organs are affected? Tuberculosis usually attacks your lungs. Signs and symptoms of TB of the lungs include: Coughing that lasts three or more weeksCoughing up blood or sputumChest pain, or pain with breathing or coughingTuberculosis can also affect other parts of your body, including your kidneys, spine or brain. When TB occurs outside your lungs, signs and symptoms vary according to the organs involved. For example, tuberculosis of the spine may give you back pain, and tuberculosis in your kidneys might cause blood in your urine. 9. Transmission When people with active pulmonary TB cough, sneeze, speak, sing, or spit, they expel infectious aerosol droplets 0.5 to 5.0 m in diameter. A single sneeze can release up to 40,000 droplets. Each one of these droplets may transmit the disease, since the infectious dose of tuberculosis is very low. 10. People with prolonged, frequent, or close contact with people with TB are at particularly high risk of becoming infected, with an estimated 22% infection rate. A person with active but untreated tuberculosis may infect 1015 other people per year. Transmission should only occur from people with active TB - those with latent infection are not thought to be contagious. 11. Mode Of The Transmission Droplet infection (within the range of the 30 cm) Dust loaded with the sputum (M Tuberculosis survive for the year in dry sputum) Food handled by the infected persons ( Food borne) Flies sitting on the infected material (Fomite borne) Directly by contact with the patients (By kissing the TB pt) Use of the common smoking huqqa Contaminated milk 12. Infection Control Hospitals and clinics take precautions to prevent the spread of TB, which include identifying patients with suspected TB and using ultraviolet light to sterilize the air, special filters, and special respirators and masks. By having an infection control plan in place, healthcare settings can ensure the prompt detection and treatment of persons who have suspected or confirmed TB disease. 13. Tuberculin & Types Of The Tuberculin Tests Tuberculin: It is a antigen or test material used for the tuberculin test it is of the two types a) Old tuberculin b) Purified Protein Derivatives Types Of The Tuberculin Test: 1) Heat Test: It is usually preferred for the testing the large groups of the peoples because it is quick and easy to performs thus reliable and cheep 2) Montoux Test: It is favorable when a more precise measurement of the tuberculin sensitivity is required 14. Treatment AntibioticResistance and the Importance of Finishing the TB MedicinePeople who do not take all the required medicines can become sick again and spread TB to others. Additionally, when people do not take all the prescribed medicines or skip times when they are supposed to take them, the TB bacteria evolve to outwit the TB antibiotics. Soon those medicines no longer work against the disease. If this happens, the person now has drug-resistant TB. Additionally, some people with TB do not get better with treatment because their disease is caused by a strain of the TB bacterium that is already resistant to one or more of the standard TB drugs. 15. Treatment 1) Two phase chemotherapy 2) Different Regimen a) 6 Month Durationsb) 9 Months Duration c) 12 Month Duration 16. Treatment Of The 6 Months DurationInitial Phase: (2 Months) Ethambutol or streptomycin + Isoniazed + Rifampicine + Pyrazinamide Continuation Phase: (4 Months) Isoniazed + Rifampicine 17. Treatment Of The 9 Months DurationInitiative Phase: (2 Months) Ethambutol or Streptomycin + Isoniazed + Rifampicine + Pyrazinamide Continuation Phase: (7 Months) Isoniazed + Rifampicine 18. Treatment Of The 12 Months Duration Daily Dose: Isoniazed + Thiocetazone Twice Weekly Dose: Streptomycin 1 gm intramuscularly Isoniazed + pyridoxine orally 19. Treatment for Drug Resistant TB Treatment for drug-resistant TB often requires the use of special TB drugs, all of which can produce serious side effects. People with MDR TB may have to take several antibiotics, at least three to which the bacteria still respond, every day for up to two years. Even with this treatment, however, between 4 and 6 out of 10 patients with MDR TB will die, which is the same rate seen with TB patients who are not treated. Because XDR TB is resistant to first-line and second-line drugs, patients are left with limited treatment options that are much less effective. 20. Protectyour family and friendsIf you have active TB, keep your germs to yourself. It generally takes a few weeks of treatment with TB medications before you're not contagious anymore. Follow these tips to help keep your friends and family from getting sick: Stayhome. Don't go to work or school or sleep in a room withother people during the first few weeks of treatment for active tuberculosis. Ventilate the room. Tuberculosis germs spread more easily insmall closed spaces where air doesn't move. If it's not too cold outdoors, open the windows and use a fan to blow indoor air outside. 21. Coveryour mouth. Use a tissue to cover your mouthanytime you laugh, sneeze or cough. Put the dirty tissue in a bag, seal it and throw it away.Wear a mask. Wearing a surgical mask when you're around other people during the first three weeks of treatment may help lessen the risk of transmission. Finishyour entire course of medicationThis is the most important step you can take to protect yourself and others from tuberculosis. When you stop treatment early or skip doses, TB bacteria have a chance to develop mutations that allow them to survive the most potent TB drugs. The resulting drug-resistant strains are much more deadly and difficult to treat. 22. References http://www.slideshare.net/Bachicmc1A/tuberculo sis-fernando-m-a?qid=3af55be9-7158-4f7b-a7524687230c4229&v=qf1&b=&from_search=3http://www.slideshare.net/patrickpascual3557/tu berculosis-28960686http://www.slideshare.net/KNRaghvani/tuberculo sis-26548305