tcs company with ethical goverance

TCS COMPANY WITH ETHICAL GOVERANCE Corporate Sustainability TCS embodies the Tata group’s philosophy of building strong sustainable businesses that are firmly rooted in the community and demonstrate care for the environment. The elements that make for strong corporate sustainability at TCS include the following: A fair, transparent and value-driven corporate governance A strong strategy for longer-term business growth Best-in-class HR processes Initiatives for community betterment Our stewardship of the environment Values and purpose Purpose At the Tata group we are committed to improving the quality of life of the communities we serve. We do this by striving for leadership and global competitiveness in the business sectors in which we operate. Our practice of returning to society what we earn evokes trust among consumers, employees, shareholders and the community. We are committed to protecting this heritage of leadership with trust through the manner in which we conduct our business. Core values Tata has always been values-driven. These values continue to direct the growth and business of Tata companies. The five core Tata values underpinning the way we do business are: Integrity: We must conduct our business fairly, with honesty

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Corporate SustainabilityTCS embodies the Tata groups philosophy of building strong sustainable businesses that are firmly rooted in the community and demonstrate care for the environment. The elements that make for strong corporate sustainability at TCS include the following:

A fair, transparent and value-driven corporate governance A strong strategy for longer-term business growth Best-in-class HR processes Initiatives for community betterment Our stewardship of the environment

Values and purpose

Purpose At the Tata group we are committed to improving the quality of life of the communities we serve. We do this by striving for leadership and global competitiveness in the business sectors in which we operate. Our practice of returning to society what we earn evokes trust among consumers, employees, shareholders and the community. We are committed to protecting this heritage of leadership with trust through the manner in which we conduct our business. Core values Tata has always been values-driven. These values continue to direct the growth and business of Tata companies. The five core Tata values underpinning the way we do business are:

Integrity: We must conduct our business fairly, with honesty and transparency. Everything we do must stand the test of public scrutiny. Understanding: We must be caring, show respect, compassion and humanity for our colleagues and customers around the world, and always work for the benefit of the communities we serve. Excellence: We must constantly strive to achieve the highest possible standards in our dayto-day work and in the quality of the goods and services we provide. Unity: We must work cohesively with our colleagues across the group and with our customers and partners around the world, building strong relationships based on tolerance, understanding and mutual cooperation. Responsibility: We must continue to be responsible, sensitive to the countries, communities

and environments in which we work, always ensuring that what comes from the people goes back to the people many times over. Tata Code of Conduct This comprehensive document serves as the ethical road map for Tata employees and companies, and provides the guidelines by which the group conducts its businesses.

Clause 1 Clause 6 Clause 11 Clause 16 Clause 21

Clause 2 Clause 7 Clause 12 Clause 17 Clause 22

Clause 3 Clause 8 Clause 13 Clause 18 Clause 23

Clause 4 Clause 9 Clause 14 Clause 19 Clause 24

Clause 5 Clause 10 Clause 15 Clause 20 Clause 25

Clause:1 National interest The Tata group is committed to benefit the economic development of the countries in which it operates. No Tata company shall undertake any project or activity to the detriment of the wider interests of the communities in which it operates. A Tata companys management practices and business conduct shall benefit the country, localities and communities in which it operates, to the extent possible and affordable, and shall be in accordance with the laws of the land. A Tata company, in the course of its business activities, shall respect the culture, customs and traditions of each country and region in which it operates. It shall conform to trade procedures, including licensing, documentation and other necessary formalities, as applicable.

Clause:2 Financial reporting and records A Tata company shall prepare and maintain its accounts fairly and accurately and in accordance with the accounting and financial reporting standards which represent the generally accepted

guidelines, principles, standards, laws and regulations of the country in which the company conducts its business affairs. Internal accounting and audit procedures shall reflect, fairly and accurately, all of the companys business transactions and disposition of assets, and shall have internal controls to provide assurance to the companys board and shareholders that the transactions are accurate and legitimate. All required information shall be accessible to company auditors and other authorised parties and government agencies.There shall be no willful omissions of any company transactions from the books and records, no advance-income recognition and no hidden bank account and funds. Any willful, material misrepresentation of and / or misinformation on the financial accounts and reports shall be regarded as a violation of the Code, apart from inviting appropriate civil or criminal action under the relevant laws. No employee shall make, authorise, abet or collude in an improper payment, unlawful commission or bribing.

Clause:3 Competition A Tata company shall fully support the development and operation of competitive open markets and shall promote the liberalisation of trade and investment in each country and market in which it operates. Specifically, no Tata company or employee shall engage in restrictive trade practices, abuse of market dominance or similar unfair trade activities. A Tata company or employee shall market the companys products and services on their own merits and shall not make unfair and misleading statements about competitors products and services. Any collection of competitive information shall be made only in the normal course of business and shall be obtained only through legally permitted sources and means.

Clause:4 Equal opportunities employer A Tata company shall provide equal opportunities to all its employees and all qualified applicants for employment without regard to their race, caste, religion, colour, ancestry, marital status,

gender, sexual orientation, age, nationality, ethnic origin or disability. Human resource policies shall promote diversity and equality in the workplace, as well as compliance with all local labour laws, while encouraging the adoption of international best practices. Employees of a Tata company shall be treated with dignity and in accordance with the Tata policy of maintaining a work environment free of all forms of harassment, whether physical, verbal or psychological. Employee policies and practices shall be administered in a manner consistent with applicable laws and other provisions of this Code, respect for the right to privacy and the right to be heard, and that in all matters equal opportunity is provided to those eligible and decisions are based on merit.

Clause:5 Gifts and donations A Tata company and its employees shall neither receive nor offer or make, directly or indirectly, any illegal payments, remuneration, gifts, donations or comparable benefits that are intended, or perceived, to obtain uncompetitive favours for the conduct of its business. The company shall cooperate with governmental authorities in efforts to eliminate all forms of bribery, fraud and corruption. However, a Tata company and its employees may, with full disclosure, accept and offer nominal gifts, provided such gifts are customarily given and / or are of a commemorative nature. Each company shall have a policy to clarify its rules and regulations on gifts and entertainment, to be used for the guidance of its employees.

Clause:6 Government agencies A Tata company and its employees shall not, unless mandated under applicable laws, offer or give any company funds or property as donation to any government agency or its representative, directly or through intermediaries, in order to obtain any favourable performance of official duties. A Tata company shall comply with government procurement regulations and shall be transparent in all its dealings with government agencies.

Clause:7 Political non-alignment A Tata company shall be committed to and support the constitution and governance systems of the country in which it operates. A Tata company shall not support any specific political party or candidate for political office. The companys conduct shall preclude any activity that could be interpreted as mutual dependence / favour with any political body or person, and shall not offer or give any company funds or property as donations to any political party, candidate or campaign.

Clause:8 Health, safety and environment A Tata company shall strive to provide a safe, healthy, clean and ergonomic working environment for its people. It shall prevent the wasteful use of natural resources and be committed to improving the environment, particularly with regard to the emission of greenhouse gases, and shall endeavour to offset the effect of climate change in all spheres of its activities. A Tata company, in the process of production and sale of its products and services, shall strive for economic, social and environmental sustainability.

Clause:9 Quality of products and services A Tata company shall be committed to supply goods and services of world class quality standards, backed by after-sales services consistent with the requirements of its customers, while striving for their total satisfaction. The quality standards of the companys goods and services shall meet applicable national and international standards. A Tata company shall display adequate health and safety labels, caveats and other necessary information on its product packaging.

Clause:10 Corporate citizenship A Tata company shall be committed to good corporate citizenship, not only in the compliance of all relevant laws and regulations but also by actively assisting in the improvement of quality of life of the people in the communities in which it operates. The company shall encourage volunteering by its employees and collaboration with community groups. Tata companies are also encouraged to develop systematic processes and conduct management reviews, as stated in the Tata corporate sustainability protocol, from time to time so as to set strategic direction for social development activity. The company shall not treat these activities as optional, but should strive to incorporate them as an integral part of its business plan.

Clause:11 Cooperation of Tata companies A Tata company shall cooperate with other Tata companies including applicable joint ventures, by sharing knowledge and physical, human and management resources, and by making efforts to resolve disputes amicably, as long as this does not adversely affect its business interests and shareholder value. In the procurement of products and services, a Tata company shall give preference to other Tata companies, as long as they can provide these on competitive terms relative to third parties.

Clause:12 Public representation of the company and the group The Tata group honours the information requirements of the public and its stakeholders. In all its public appearances, with respect to disclosing company and business information to public constituencies such as the media, the financial community, employees, shareholders, agents, franchisees, dealers, distributors and importers, a Tata company or the Tata group shall be represented only by specifically authorised directors and employees. It shall be the sole responsibility of these authorised representatives to disclose information about the company or the group.

Clause:13 Third party representation Parties which have business dealings with the Tata group but are not members of the group, such as consultants, agents, sales representatives, distributors, channel partners, contractors and suppliers, shall not be authorised to represent a Tata company without the written permission of the Tata company, and / or if their business conduct and ethics are known to be inconsistent with the Code. Third parties and their employees are expected to abide by the Code in their interaction with, and on behalf of, a Tata company. Tata companies are encouraged to sign a non-disclosure agreement with third parties to support confidentiality of information.

Clause:14 Use of the Tata brand The use of the Tata name and trademark shall be governed by manuals, codes and agreements to be issued by Tata Sons. The use of the Tata brand is defined in and regulated by the Tata Brand Equity and Business Promotion agreement. No third party or joint venture shall use the Tata brand to further its interests without specific authorisation.

Clause:15 Group policies A Tata company shall recommend to its board of directors the adoption of policies and guidelines periodically formulated by Tata Sons.

Clause:16 Shareholders A Tata company shall be committed to enhancing shareholder value and complying with all regulations and laws that govern shareholder rights.The board of directors of a Tata company shall duly and fairly inform its shareholders about all relevant aspects of the companys business, and disclose such information in accordance with relevant regulations and agreements.

Clause:17 Ethical conduct Every employee of a Tata company, including full-time directors and the chief executive, shall exhibit culturally appropriate deportment in the countries they operate in, and deal on behalf of the company with professionalism, honesty and integrity, while conforming to high moral and ethical standards. Such conduct shall be fair and transparent and be perceived to be so by third parties. Every employee of a Tata company shall preserve the human rights of every individual and the community, and shall strive to honour commitments. Every employee shall be responsible for the implementation of and compliance with the Code in his / her environment. Failure to adhere to the Code could attract severe consequences, including termination of employment.

Clause:18 Regulatory compliance Employees of a Tata company, in their business conduct, shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations, in letter and spirit, in all the territories in which they operate. If the ethical and professional standards of applicable laws and regulations are below that of the Code, then the standards of the Code shall prevail. Directors of a Tata company shall comply with applicable laws and regulations of all the relevant regulatory and other authorities. As good governance practice they shall safeguard the confidentiality of all information received by them by virtue of their position.

Clause:19 Concurrent employment Consistent with applicable laws, an employee of a Tata company shall not, without the requisite, officially written approval of the company, accept employment or a position of responsibility (such as a consultant or a director) with any other company, nor provide freelance services to anyone, with or without remuneration. In the case of a full-time director or the chief executive, such approval must be obtained from the board of directors of the company.

Clause:20 Conflict of interest An employee or director of a Tata company shall always act in the interest of the company, and ensure that any business or personal association which he / she may have does not involve a conflict of interest with the operations of the company and his / her role therein. An employee, including the executive director (other than independent director) of a Tata company, shall not accept a position of responsibility in any other non-Tata company or notfor-profit organisation without specific sanction. The above shall not apply to (whether for remuneration or otherwise): a) Nominations to the boards of Tata companies, joint ventures or associate companies. b) Memberships / positions of responsibility in educational / professional bodies, wherein such association will benefit the employee / Tata company. c) Nominations / memberships in government committees / bodies or organisations. d) Exceptional circumstances, as determined by the competent authority. Competent authority, in the case of all employees, shall be the chief executive, who in turn shall report such exceptional cases to the board of directors on a quarterly basis. In case of the chief executive and executive directors, the Group Corporate Centre shall be the competent authority. An employee or a director of a Tata company shall not engage in any business, relationship or activity which might conflict with the interest of his / her company or the Tata group. A conflict of interest, actual or potential, may arise where, directly or indirectly a) An employee of a Tata company engages in a business, relationship or activity with anyone who is party to a transaction with his / her company. b) An employee is in a position to derive an improper benefit, personally or to any of his / her relatives, by making or influencing decisions relating to any transaction. c) An independent judgement of the companys or groups best interest cannot be exercised. The main areas of such actual or potential conflicts of interest shall

include the following: a) An employee or a full-time director of a Tata company conducting business on behalf of his / her company or being in a position to influence a decision with regard to his / her companys business with a supplier or customer where his / her relative is a principal officer or representative, resulting in a benefit to him / her or his / her relative. b) Award of benefits such as increase in salary or other remuneration, posting, promotion or recruitment of a relative of an employee of a Tata company, where such an individual is in a position to influence decisions with regard to such benefits. c) The interest of the company or the group can be compromised or defeated. Notwithstanding such or any other instance of conflict of interest that exist due to historical reasons, adequate and full disclosure by interested employees shall be made to the companys management. It is also incumbent upon every employee to make a full disclosure of any interest which the employee or the employees immediate family, including parents, spouse and children, may have in a family business or a company or firm that is a competitor, supplier, customer or distributor of or has other business dealings with his / her company. Upon a decision being taken in the matter, the employee concerned shall be required to take necessary action, as advised, to resolve / avoid the conflict. If an employee fails to make the required disclosure and the management of its own accord becomes aware of an instance of conflict of interest that ought to have been disclosed by the employee, the management shall take a serious view of the matter and consider suitable disciplinary action against the employee.

Clause:21 Securities transactions and confidential information An employee of a Tata company and his / her immediate family shall not derive any benefit or counsel, or assist others to derive any benefit, from access to and possession of information about the company or group or its clients or suppliers that is not in the public domain and, thus, constitutes unpublished, price-sensitive insider information. An employee of a Tata company shall not use or proliferate

information that is not available to the investing public, and which therefore constitutes insider information, for making or giving advice on investment decisions about the securities of the respective Tata company, group, client or supplier on which such insider information has been obtained. Such insider information might include (without limitation) the following:

Acquisition and divestiture of businesses or business units. Financial information such as profits, earnings and dividends. Announcement of new product introductions or developments. Asset revaluations. Investment decisions / plans. Restructuring plans. Major supply and delivery agreements. Raising of finances.

An employee of a Tata company shall also respect and observe the confidentiality of information pertaining to other companies, their patents, intellectual property rights, trademarks and inventions; and strictly observe a practice of non-disclosure.

Clause:22 Protecting company assets The assets of a Tata company shall not be misused; they shall be employed primarily and judiciously for the purpose of conducting the business for which they are duly authorised. These include tangible assets such as equipment and machinery, systems, facilities, materials and resources, as well as intangible assets such as information technology and systems, proprietary information, intellectual property, and relationships with customers and suppliers.

Clause:23 Citizenship The involvement of a Tata employee in civic or public affairs shall be with express approval from the chief executive of his / her company, subject to this involvement having no adverse impact on the business affairs of the company or the Tata group.

Clause:24 Integrity of data furnished Every employee of a Tata company shall ensure, at all times, the integrity of data or information furnished by him/her to the company. He/she shall be entirely responsible in ensuring that the confidentiality of all data is retained and in no circumstance transferred to any outside person/party in the course of normal operations without express guidelines from or, the approval of the management.

Clause:25 Reporting concerns Every employee of a Tata company shall promptly report to the management, and / or third-party ethics helpline, when she / he becomes aware of any actual or possible violation of the Code or an event of misconduct, act of misdemeanour or act not in the companys interest. Such reporting shall be made available to suppliers and partners, too. Any Tata employee can choose to make a protected disclosure under the whistleblower policy of the company, providing for reporting to the chairperson of the audit committee or the board of directors or specified authority. Such a protected disclosure shall be forwarded, when there is reasonable evidence to conclude that a violation is possible or has taken place, with a covering letter, which shall bear the identity of the whistleblower. The company shall ensure protection to the whistleblower and any attempts to intimidate him / her would be treated as a violation of the Code.Discover the TCS value:

1. We apply technology within financial constraints

TCS deploys its teams in a cost-effective manner. We consider technology solutions appropriate to your specific business environment and based on your processes. Our consultants possess a deep understanding of and first-hand experience in technology applications for business ... even in the most complex environments. They can work knowledgeably and efficiently to bring those solutions to bear on your business' needs.And we don't just save you money on the front end. TCS works with established and emerging businesses to make sure your technology investments are working hard for you over the life of your business.

2. We have experience in advanced and complex technology projects

Choose an IT firm that can grow with you. With years of experience in advanced and complex technology projects, TCS can meet your IT needs over the long-term as your company adds hardware, software and network demands.

From network architecture strategy to design and implementation, TCS delivers expertise and excellence. That's why we've become the go-to IT support firm for small to mid-sized businesses across the Triad.

3. We provide nimble multivendor solutions to keep your security and software up-to-date

TCS stays ahead of today's rapid changes in computer industry standards and protocols for you, implementing those changes quickly and efficiently. We have vast experience in technologies from Microsoft, Novell, UNIX, Symantec, Citrix, Sonic WALL, and Cisco. Because we understand how these different technologies talk to one another, we can design and deploy the best combinations, optimized for your business requirements. This knowledge-based consulting model comes with personal attention and advanced credentials in all relevant areas of expertise. Corporate Social Responsibility Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has become a fundamental part of businesses today. Being the largest courier and logistics company of Pakistan, TCS has not disregarded the expectations of its stakeholders, and realizes its responsibility towards the country and society. CSR constitutes the paying of taxes and the running of a tight and transparent operation wherein

the employees are well taken care of. In this regard, TCS has few peers and can rightfully claim the high moral ground. In terms of Corporate Philanthropy TCS provides Free of Cost services to various welfare societies and NGOs, helping their cause in its own way by providing Free of Cost (FOC) basis delivery of their documents, as well as material and moral assistance. Included in this list are organizations like SIUT, Sada Welfare Trust, SOS Village, The Citizens Foundation, The Edhi Foundation, etc. Through its Customer Magazine CONNECT, TCS communicates profiles and news of these worthy causes to its vast database of blue chip customers, providing them with its endorsement. In the Education Development sector, TCS provides sponsorships and free of charge services to various institutes like IBA, LUMS, School of Leadership, as well as different student bodies. TCS also helps various governmental organizations like Drug Enforcement Cell, projecting the spirit of patriotism and working for a better Pakistan. WAR! And The Longing for Peace in Swat...

TCS and GEO's PUKAR Team Up for Relief Work Innocent people have had their lives disrupted and routines shattered by those who would force their irrationality upon civil society through brute force. More Young Leaders of Pakistan

10th Young Leaders Conference 2011 The middle of 2011, saw TCS (Private) Limited being the Logistics Partner of School of Leadership at the forefront of the 10th Young Leaders Conference 2011. The theme for this year was Emaan, Ittehad, Tanzeem, Inqilaab. This year also the venue was none other the

Sheraton, Karachi. The twelve participants representing TCS (Private) Limited at this six day mega conference organized by SoL were full of enthusiasm and energy. The six day activities kept these future leaders of Pakistan on their toes and were of a very challenging nature, to say the least which varied from day to day. These prodigies were charting unknown terrain and as their minds bodies grappled with creative & innovative ideas, they began to realize their true potential. Following are excerpts taken from some of the participants feedback received and what they had to say about this voyage of self discovery. More

Flood Relief Activity

TCS Joins Hands with Leading Media Partners for flood Relief activity The recent floods in Pakistan have caused devastation of enormous proportions, leaving at least 1600 dead and millions homeless. A large area the size stretching from Pakistans north to south has been destroyed. The ravaging floods wiped out thousands of houses, schools, shops, markets, hotels, parks, crops, and billions rupees of investment. Till now many have lost the battle of their life. The affected and survivors are also facing threat of death & disease. At the moment more than six million desperately need emergency aid but most still have not received it. Tens of thousands of villages remain under water. The floods are now covering an area size of England. At least 160,000 square kilometers of land is covered with water.It is estimated the country's economic losses could spiral to approximately $80 billion.TCS receives Golden Peacock Global Award for corporate social responsibility

Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) has been selected winner of the 'Golden Peacock Global Award for Corporate Social Responsibility (Asia) - 2007' for corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the 'Large Business' category by the Institute of Directors, the international body of company directors. TCS was conferred the award based on an assessment, by an independent jury, of the company's integration of CSR concerns with corporate functioning, responsiveness to the needs of different stakeholders, and development of innovative partnership models to fulfil social responsibilities. The jury comprised distinguished personalities from across the world, under the chairmanship of Dr Ola Ullsten, former Prime Minister of Sweden. Baroness Amos, leader of UKs House of Lords, presented the award on February 16, 2007 in the presence of distinguished business and public

leaders and CSR experts at the second global conference on social responsibility in Vilamoura, Portugal. Community initiatives The many companies of Tata are involved in a wide variety of community development projects and programmes, principally in India but also, increasingly, in different parts of the world (these initiatives are distinct, and separated, from the social uplift efforts of the Tata trusts). The community development endeavours of Tata companies cover many areas, from health and education to livelihoods, women-children welfare and more

Overview The panoply of community development endeavours undertaken by Tata companies embracing everything from health and education to art, sport and more has touched, and changed, many lives Tata Council for Community Initiatives The Tata Council for Community Initiatives is the umbrella agency that guides and supports Tata companies with their community development initiatives. Reinforcing the implicit beliefs the group brings to its mission of sustainable development with an explicit set of structures, TCCI has a charter that embraces community outreach, environmental management, biodiversity restoration, climate change initiatives and employee volunteering. Tata index for sustainability The Tata index for sustainable human development is a pioneering effort aimed at directing, measuring and improving the social uplift programmes that group enterprises undertake. The index provides guidelines for Tata companies looking to fulfill their social responsibilities, and is built around the Tata Business Excellence Model.

The Tata ethos places a special emphasis on environmental and ecological issues. "Environment is a focus area within our overall corporate social responsibility matrix," says Kishor Chaukar, chairman, Tata Council for Community Initiatives, a centrally administered nodal agency that coordinates, among other activities, the environmental efforts of group companies. A host of

Tata companies also adhere to environmental procedures drawn up by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), which operates under the aegis of the United Nations. Important as it is, following directives and guidelines from within and without is just one facet of the Tata approach to environmental issues. The greater portion of what the group does in this sphere is by choice and conviction. From this flows its support for endeavours to conserve plant and animal species, improve land and water use, and protect forest tracts and green sanctuaries. The central tenet of this earthy philosophy is people and communities, often in rural regions and frequently facing inequitable struggles to secure livelihoods. Understanding that no environment policy can operate in isolation means an enhanced ability to link processes and people in a manner that benefits both nature and those dependent on it. The group's contribution to conservation falls into two categories: the efforts of different Tata companies, big and small, to preserve and enrich the environment in and around their areas of operation, and the philanthropic thrust of the Tata trusts, which support a diverse cluster of nongovernmental organisations working in areas such as the management of natural resources, community development and livelihoods. This dual canopy accommodates and nurtures a variety of initiatives in a range that extends from watershed programmes and land regeneration to forestry projects and the protection of endangered species. The flora and fauna stories and articles in this subsection attempt to encapsulate the Tata group's allegiance to the environmental cause. "Ours is a deliberate effort to do more than what is required by statute," says Mr Chaukar. "Our real contribution, on the environment front and on the entire corporate responsibility issue, is being socially responsible, and that means doing much more than staying on the right side of the law." TCS, Asia's largest IT services provider, has a scheme called 'Bouquet of Benefits' , which allows TCSers to design their own pay packets. Launched some six years ago, employees are allowed to make changes to their salary structure twice in a year. The flexible-benefit plan aids employees in working out their tax payouts. For instance, the employee can cap the amount on food vouchers and divert the rest to other benefits. HR INFORMATION In case of food vouchers, employees will have to pay tax if the amount exceeds Rs 3,000. The IT giant also allows its employees to customize a part of their variable pay as well. A flexiblecompensation model such as this helps to maintain consistent growth in an industry that witnesses a high attrition rate of 15%. TCS has over 2 lakh people on its rolls. These companies know the value of their human resorces, a company can grow only through it's human resource, all other resouces are supportive in nature, companies which follow policies in favour of their employee grow much faster than the companies which has average policies for their employees. In India except some companies other generaly neglect their employees, their only motive is to earn profit by giving less to their employee, but to become companies like TCS, Microsoft etc good HR policies are requiried. Why their is higher attriation rate in BPO's and call centre becouse the HR policies are not favourable to the employee, it's true that they give good package to their employees but only money not matter, a good policy favurable to both employees and

employeers paid good result for any company in long term. Take the case of Maruti, Maruti able to resolve the HR crises in the company, but the way of managing the crises can not be called as good, paying extra amount and forcing empolyee to resign from the organistion is not a solution. A empolyee friendly organisation only can sustain in long term in present compititve environment. The greatest example of managing HR is Japan, they have few natural resouces, but their HR is highly motivated and efficient, due to this Japan is second largest economy in the world. Japanese companies like Toyata and other gave high regard to their employees and encourage them to bring inovative ideas. Apple is other great example. TCS Maitree Maitree was started with an objective of bringing TCS associates and their families closer and making them feel a part of the TCS extended family. Soon after, with a view to carry on the TATA tradition of enabling the community, the scope of Maitree was enhanced to include socially relevant activities and endeavors. Maitree and the TCS Community: Even while at work, you're never away from life. TCS-Maitree was established with an intention to strengthen the bond between TCS employees and their families, as well as provide a platform to encourage hidden aspirations and talents. It lends a deeper and broader dimension to the work culture at TCS. Over the years, Maitree has become a part of every TCS employee's life. From cracking quizzes to conquering tall peaks, from shaking a leg to bending it like Beckham, employees have reveled in the excitement and fun of all Maitree events. And that's not all. Workshops on theatre, yoga, origami, flower arrangement, chocolate making, and a host of others have allowed the employees to learn and know about things they always wanted to. All in all, Maitree provides everyone at TCS the opportunity to establish relationships that extend beyond work and thereby, help build bonds that makes work so much more fun. Maitree - Even beyond the TCS Community: In addition to working towards bringing our associates and their families closer, Maitree also strives to enable the development of the society. Our approach to social initiatives entails being pro-actively involved and working at the root level. Some of the projects we have undertaken include working with the differently-abled, aiding under-privileged children across various schools in Mumbai, and helping rural community in Vazapur, among others. Many programs initiated by Maitree, like employment opportunities for the differently-abled, HIV/AIDS sensitization, peer education, Green Audits to check the excess consumption of energy resources have now been accepted as best practices by the organization. Read about some of our social initiatives: Advanced Computer Training Centre for visually impaired TCS pioneered an Advanced Computer Training Center (the first of its kind in India) for the visually impaired. This center, launched at the MN Banajee Industrial Home for the Blind at Jogeshwari, Mumbai, offers courses that are in sync with industry requirements, providing the visually-impaired with life-affirming employment opportunities.

TCS-Maitree has pro-actively worked towards providing an inclusive environment for the differently-abled. With the belief that people with disabilities offer incredible reserves of untapped potential and an alternative talent pool, TCS-Maitree has recruited more than 30 differently-abled people in various branches of TCS. The following are some of the roles in which the visually impaired persons are working in TCS:

Infrastructure Services Management BPO processes Learning & Development coordinator Human Resource Manager Global Helpdesk Accessibility testing

Rural Development Initiative (at Panvel) Wazapur (Raigad district of Maharashtra) is a village just off the Mumbai-Pune highway, near Panvel. In spite of being so close to the city, the village is devoid of even the most basic infrastructure and amenities. TCS-Maitree has been working at the ground level over the last three years to bring about development in the village. A sustainable model has been built to improve education, healthcare, and the environment in the area.

What started off as a children's education program has today grown into a larger movement with developmental activities in the areas of water supply, illiteracy, and women empowerment in addition to the focal point of education. Apart from setting up a primary and a secondary school, some other highlights of the education initiative are:

Mid-day meal scheme for Balwadi kids Computer literacy program A state-of-the-art science lab

Taking up the cause of women empowerment, TCS-Maitree launched the WEP (Women Empowerment Program) where the women of the village were taught basic arithmetic and created awareness in health and hygiene. More than 25 women from three villages in the area have been trained in embroidery, stitching, and other textile craftwork over the last one year with help from the Women's India Trust. A new Gram Vikas Abhiyaan Kendra was recently inaugurated to facilitate income generation for the women. TCS-Maitree has also made strides in the area of health, conducting HIV/ AIDS sensitization sessions as well as health check-up camps for the villagers and school children.

Thalassaemia Drive TCS-Maitree is organizing lectures, poster displays, and voluntary blood donation drives across TCS offices to support those who suffer from Thalassaemia. In a partnership with Red Cross, TCS embarks on periodic blood-donation drives towards the treatment of Thalassaemia.

HIV AIDS awareness program TCS-Maitree initiated TCS first steps in the area of HIV/AIDS Sensitization and Awareness a few years ago. The focus of the initiative is to treat HIV as a social issue, as against treating it as a solely medical prerogative. Associates across TCS are participating in TCS-Maitree's aim to spread awareness and sensitize people about HIV/AIDS. The highlights of this initiative are:

Commemorating World AIDS Day Red Ribbon distribution at all offices Online Quiz for creating more awareness

Removing myths and misconceptions through articles Peer Educator Program - Communicating with associates in their own language, through their 'peers'

TCS Value PropositionGlobal exposure: Global exposure at TCS extends beyond geographical boundaries. This means working on worldclass projects on a global scale and exploring cutting-edge technologies, fresh out of the world renowned research labs. The opportunity to understand, interact, and work with people from cultures all over the world creates kaleidoscopic avenues for learning that propel you to be at par or go one up on the best in the world. Freedom to work across Domains: At TCS, we have established an environment that focuses on individual aptitude, talent, and interests. As a proven practice, we promote cross-domain experience that provides you with opportunities to function across different industry verticals, service practices, and functional domains as well as varied technology platforms. While all these factors help hone your skills across platforms, they also offer customers a talent pool with expertise that exceeds their industry benchmarks; at the same time, they continuously present you with the opportunity to explore the domain where you believe you would fit the best.

Career path of TCS employees Working in TCS offers a balance between work and life Ali Mukadam, Associate Consultant "I had joined TCS as a Trainee. Over the years, I had the opportunity to gain invaluable experience by working for projects across diverse industries and technological domains. It was this cross-domain experience that gradually propelled me to the position of a Global Head. Working with global clients has granted me exposure to various business areas and geographies. I have also enjoyed the challenge of working across horizontals like BFS, consumer durables, and in domains like business process, sales, service and marketing. All this thanks to the all-round experience that TCS had made possible for me.. One unique feature of working in TCS is the balance it offers between work and life. There have always been interesting social activities and interactive games to relieve work pressure. The treks, especially, were a lot of fun and acted as a great stress-buster. Today, ten years after I first stepped into TCS, I can look back at a rewarding career and look forward to newer, more refreshing challenges."

Memorable experience contributing to my growth Shankar Ganesh, Consultant "I've been with TCS for 12 years now and the experience has been very rewarding. I have thoroughly enjoyed interacting with customers from different corners of the world. Thanks to TCS, I have travelled to many interesting countries. Exploring the slices of life in different countries and working across different cultures have been a memorable experience in addition contributing richly to my growth. From the day I joined TCS, I got to play multiple, progressive roles I started off as a Trainee, moved to being a Developer, was assigned as a Project Manager, graduated to being a Delivery Owner, manned the role of a Business Excellence Manager and am right now an IT Strategy & Governance Consultant. I was also granted several opportunities to take the lead on a number of initiatives. To sum it all up, being a part of one of Indias most respectable organizations has been a true honor." Growth at every step... Vipin Arora, Senior Consultant "I have been a part of this family for 17 years now, and in the course of my career at TCS, I have had the opportunity to function in multiple areas such as project development, business development, consulting, and change management. The support I have received from my peers and senior colleagues has always been very encouraging. I have always been encouraged to take initiatives and participate in various industry forums. My experience with TCS has granted me a deep insight into the IT industry as well as the ability to strategize things at a macro level. The exposure to working with customers in several countries has been a particularly enriching experience for me. And as if that wasnt challenging enough, I am now working with an entirely new type of customer our internal TCS associates!! The kind of flexibility offered at TCS is quite remarkable and has facilitated my growth at every step of my eventful journey." Enriching path towards a global career Gopesh Sharma ,Senior Consultant "As an employee of TCS since the last 13 years, I have seen myself grow as a professional and also as an individual. To be honest, when I first joined TCS, the way things worked in the company seemed slightly fragmented. But these very seemingly disconnected work allocations and roles have laid down an enriching path towards a global career. Over the years, Ive earned a thorough understanding of the intricacies and nuances of working in a truly global business environment. I spent my first few years in the capacity of a software developer before moving on to be a Module Lead and later, a Project Lead. After this, I moved into Quality, following which I assumed the responsibility of building and delivering consulting solutions. Currently, I am part

of the global team that oversees IT Process and Service Management. Through all the years of my upward progress, work has not been the only factor thats enabled my growth; TCS had always ensured a fine equilibrium between work and fun. I have cherished the singing competitions, the yoga workshops, the leadership seminars, and of course, the various festival celebrations. An enriching work-life balance and an incredibly flexible division of responsibility are some things that have come to be naturally associated with TCS."Work life balance: Even as we concede that finding a perfect balance between career demands and personal life is not easy, we have extended the work culture at TCS to include 'life' as an integral part. Our many work-life programs respond to the needs and aspirations of our employees while retaining fun as a key element. At TCS, we strive to address the need for an increased flexibility in order to navigate the different spheres of life. A part of TCS' work-life balance programs, 'Maitree' actively promotes a series of scheduled fun and cultural events and activities, and also keenly promotes community development projects. While continuing on our initiative to strengthen the bond amongst TCS employees and ingrain fun as a significant part of the culture, we participate in various initiatives to develop the community. At TCS, you experience life from a holistic perspective and would consistently be awarded the opportunity to participate in various social development initiatives that touch many lives.

The Indian IT industry can now expect to see a rise in recruitment and development as the countrys biggest IT firm recent underwent a massive development. Tata Consultancy Services Ltd. of late has signed with a technical consultancy firm of Dutch origin. The firm named Royal Haskoning has signed a contract with TCS that is worth multi-million. The infrastructure deal thus initiated by this contract is solely meant for international growth of TCS. The deal will also

be beneficial for the Dutch firm as i firm to create an operating model at an international level.

t will enable the

The project thus undertaken through this contract will render nonstop services for IT infrastructure and the services will be offered from the global delivery center of TCS located in Netherlands and in India. The IT infrastructure service will include data hosting, data center management, a service desk with multi-lingual facility, computing services for end user, services for application support and transformation solutions. All the above mentioned services will be offered by utilizing the white box engagement model of TCS. The contract is supposed to be mutually beneficial as along with TCSs international expanse Royal Haskoning will also be benefited with business optimization. They can concentrate on their business performance better than before while engaging in growth plan outside their national boundaries in emerging markets.

Tata Consultancy Services ranked number one service provider in the Nordic region

Delivers on its promise of experience certainty to clients across Sweden, Finland, Norway and Denmark Dominates industry in customer satisfaction, significantly ahead of all other vendors on quality, flexibility, risk and innovation

Mumbai: Tata Consultancy Services (TCS), (BSE: TCS.BO, NSE: TCS.NS), a leading global IT services, business solutions and outsourcing firm, was today ranked as the number-one player in the Nordic region on major key performance indicators (KPIs) surveyed in EquaTerras Nordics Service Provider Performance Study 2010.

The report is an annual outsourcing vendor performance survey completed by CIOs and CXOs representing the top 220 Nordic companies in terms of their IT spend and ranked 16 leading service providers in the region based on client feedback. This report is one of the most comprehensive independent surveys of IT decision makers in the Nordic region and therefore of high relevance to the market. We are honoured by the recognition accorded to us by our clients and are committed to continuing working with them as their partner of choice, said Amit Bajaj, director, Nordic and Baltic region, TCS.

Tata Consultancy Services had the highest industry score on all major KPIs including customer satisfaction, quality, flexibility, innovation, risk and transition management. The company attained a general satisfaction rate of 85 per cent (a significant 11 percentage points higher than the number two player as well as the average industry-level satisfaction which stood at 66 per cent). In terms of meeting expectations (delivering on what was promised) TCS ranked first again at 83 per cent (versus the second-ranked at 71 per cent and industry average of 64 per cent) demonstrating the companys leadership in bringing certainty of results to its clients.

This is a very strong performance by TCS. The company achieved excellent results in all KPIs and the highest score ever in the recommendation index (93 per cent) the KPI that measures how likely the respondents are to recommend vendors to their peers, said

Jef Loos, director, EquaTerra.

TCS has been operating in the Nordic region for over 20 years and has over 3000 consultants servicing more than 75 Nordic clients, including leading companies such as ABB. After rigorous evaluation, early this year we selected TCS as our outsourcing partner for SAP, Microsoft and Legacy platforms in Northern Europe. TCS was able to successfully complete the transition from outgoing vendor in a very short period of eight weeks with zero disruption to business activities. By using TCS industrialised service delivery approach we are able to improve our service levels to business while reducing cost and increasing the flexibility to meet changing business demands, says Jens Nielsen, CIO, northern Europe and central Asia, ABB. Most importantly, having TCS as a partner we trust them to take complete accountability of managing our IT landscape allowing me and my team to focus our efforts in partnering better with business. Tata Consultancy Services

areas of business | subsidiaries | location Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) is an IT services, business solutions and outsourcing organisation that delivers real results to global businesses, ensuring a level of certainty no other firm can match. TCS offers a consulting-led, integrated portfolio of IT and IT-enabled services delivered through its unique Global Network Delivery Model, recognised as the benchmark of excellence in software development. A part of the Tata group, Indias largest industrial conglomerate, TCS has over 180,000 of the world's best trained IT consultants in 42 countries. The company is listed on the National Stock Exchange and the Bombay Stock Exchange in India. Areas of business Services TCS helps clients optimise business processes for maximum efficiency and galvanise their IT infrastructure to be both resilient and robust. TCS offers the following solutions:

IT services IT infrastructure services

Enterprise solutions Consulting Business process outsourcing Business intelligence and performance management Engineering and industrial services IT and business solutions for small and medium business enterprises

Industry verticals TCS has the depth and breadth of experience and expertise that businesses need to achieve business goals and succeed amidst fierce competition. TCS helps clients from various industries solve complex problems, mitigate risks, and become operationally excellent. Some of the industries it serves are:

Banking and financial services Insurance Telecom Media and information services Government Healthcare and life sciences Energy and utilities Retail and FMCG Travel, transport and hospitality Manufacturing High-tech and professional services