te-msc safety day mechanical and handling hazards f. savary

TE-MSC Safety Day Mechanical and Handling Hazards

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Page 1: TE-MSC Safety Day Mechanical and Handling Hazards F. Savary

TE-MSC Safety Day

Mechanical and Handling HazardsF. Savary

Page 2: TE-MSC Safety Day Mechanical and Handling Hazards F. Savary

Mechanical and Handling Hazards 2

Part I: Mechanical hazards


Page 3: TE-MSC Safety Day Mechanical and Handling Hazards F. Savary

Mechanical and Handling Hazards 3

Definition• A mechanical hazard is any

hazard involving a machine or process

• Are essentially due to machine, components of the machine, moving parts of the machine, or any other source, which can injure a person

• Compressed gases or liquids can also be considered a mechanical hazard Cut Laceration Bruises

Puncture Crush Bone



Types of mechanical injuries

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Mechanical and Handling Hazards 4

Machining* operations• Conventional and CNC machine tools

… but also folding presses, rolling machines, and cabling machines are other types

• There are more special machines, e.g. M-line orbital cutting machines (LS1) and bus bar surfacing, grinding machines, sawing, …

• Against metal chips, burrs, powders, lubricants, cleaning agents, solvents:• Goggles, gloves


*Or more generally, operations on/with machinery/tools

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Mechanical and Handling Hazards 5

Some materials are more aggressive

• Fiberglass and composite materialsrequire particular precautions

• Always wear respirator/face mask,and goggles

• Many resins are inflammable or contain additives that are inflammable, so be careful with heat sources

• Many materials used in fiberglass work are corrosive, or have some undesirable effect on the skin (irritant), so protect your skin/eyes … again goggles and gloves!


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Mechanical and Handling Hazards 6

Heavy loads may fall on the floor!


• … and worst, on your foot!

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Mechanical and Handling Hazards 7

Welding, soldering, brazing• Personal protection (the welder)

• Burns (adapted cloth, gloves), arc flash - “coup d’arc” (protect your face/eyes with a welding mask)

• Protection of personnel working at the vicinity of a welding area (not the welder)• Use curtains to surround the welding area

• Soldering, e.g. when using tin lead alloy (soldering of the shunts)• Analyses of fumes, in collaboration with HSE, have shown no trace of Pb, i.e. no

need of a specific filter for this. However, a filter was used to prevent other hazards due to traces of rosin and alcohol


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Mechanical and Handling Hazards 8

Welding press for dipole shells, 1• On top of obvious welding related hazards• Mechanical hazards due to the necessity for

the welder to watch carefully the weld pool during welding, …in a small space


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Mechanical and Handling Hazards 9

Welding press for dipole shells, 2


emergency cable pull switch

Help is recommended in certain circumstances … allocate sufficient resources

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Mechanical and Handling Hazards 10

Hydraulic and pneumatic systems, 1


Collaring press:Up to 375 MN over 15 m!High pressure up to 700 bar

Hydraulic group of the welding press:

Up to 162 MN over 16 mHigh pressure up to 550 bar

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Mechanical and Handling Hazards 11

Hydraulic and pneumatic systems, 2• High pressure fluids hazards, hydraulically and

pneumatically driven tools hazards• Crushing, high pressure / hot fluid leaks / jets


• High pressure oil easily punctures skin causing serious injury, gangrene or death

• If injured, seek emergency medical help. Immediate surgery is required to remove oil

• Do not use finger or skin to check for leaks

• Lower load or relieve hydraulic pressure before loosening fittings

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Mechanical and Handling Hazards 12

Real case: pressure test• When: March 2007• Where: LHC tunnel• Need: verify/accept triplets after

installation in the tunnel • Action: carry out pressure test• Incident: due to movement of one of the

cold masses, rupture of a helium piping withstrong detonation

• Consequence: 2 of the 7 persons who witnessed the test (even if at 25 m of the incident) presentedsigns of hearing loss (that disappeared after some time). Only one of the seven was wearing hearingprotection


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Mechanical and Handling Hazards 13

• Machine conformity – Mise en conformité des machines• To be checked with EN-MME, Emmanuel Ravry / Alain Stalder• Safety Form M-4-0-2 - Workshop machine tool - Authorization of use


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Mechanical and Handling Hazards 14

For new and special machines• For example, a 6.5 m long reaction furnace currently in assembly in

B180• Risk assessment file shall be developed by the manufacturer• There are guidelines available at:

• https://edms.cern.ch/document/1114042/3: Safety Guideline on risk assessment• https://edms.cern.ch/document/1114759/3: Safety Tool for risk assessment• https://edms.cern.ch/document/1218312/1: List of generic hazards typically present in



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Mechanical and Handling Hazards 15

Safety form – Risk assessment form


RISK ASSESSMENT FORM OHS-0-0-5 Template EDMS No.: 1175316 Department/Group: TE/MSC-LMFLocation: Bâtiment 180Assessment done by:EDMS:Life CycleDescription of the equipment: ProductionDate: 31 July 2012

Local effect(s) End effect(s) Provision measure(s) Compensating measure(s) People Environment Property Operational

Moteur METABO BE1100 *Actionne la mise en rotation de la machine orbitale de

découpe Le moteur ne fonctionne pas Absence d'alimentation

Pas de mise en rotation de la machine

Activité stoppéeContrôler le branchement électrique

du moteurContrôle de l'équipement

avant utilisationUtiliser le matériel électrique

de réserve2 A A A A A2

Acceptable risk: no actions need to be taken.

Fiche d'instructions de la machine de découpe

* cet équipement commerciale est doté en origine d'une certification CE, ici on considère les risques inhérents à son utilisation spécifique dans l'assemblage en objet.

L'outil tourne dans le mauvais sensNon respect de la procédure de changement des

outilsMauvais réglage du moteur Risque de casse de l'outil Contrôle visuel

Contrôle du sens de rotation avant utilisation

Procédure et formation 3 B A B A B3Moderate risk: actions are recommended

to reduce the risk.Formation; procédures LS1. 3.1

découpe des manchettes M

Vitesse de rotation trop importante Mauvais réglage du moteur Mauvais réglage du moteur Risque de casse de l'outil Contrôle visuelContrôle du réglage de la

vitesse avant utilisationProcédure et formation 3 B A B A B3

Moderate risk: actions are recommended to reduce the risk.

Utilisation d'un nouveau moteur à sa vitessse maximale.

Ne pas utiliser la protection auditive (Niveau sonore 85 à 90 dB)

Non respect de la procédure durant le fonctionnement de la machine

Dommage auditif Dommage auditif Contrôle médicalUtilisation EPI, respect des

procéduresProcédure et formation 3 B A A A B3

Moderate risk: actions are recommended to reduce the risk.

Utilisation de protections auditivesProcédures LS1. 3.1 Découpe

manchette M

Coquille de découpe et cage d'entrainement

Permettent la mise en rotation et l'avance de l'outil de

découpeChute pendant la manipulation Mauvaise manutention par l'opérateur dommage corporel Activité stoppée, dommage corporel Contrôle visuel

Utilisation EPI, respect des procédures

Procédure et formation 3 B A B B B3Moderate risk: actions are recommended

to reduce the risk.

Utilisation de Chaussures de sécuritéProcédures LS1. 3.1 Découpe

manchette M

Blessure d'un personne extérieure à l'activitéIntrusion d'un personne extérieuredans la zone de découpe.

dommage corporel Activité stoppée, dommage corporel Contrôle médicalL'opérateur doit faire respecter sa zone de

travailProcédure et formation 3 B A A A B3

Moderate risk: actions are recommended to reduce the risk.

Formation; procédures LS1. 3.1 découpe des manchettes M

Projection de copeaux Risque inhérente à la l'activité coupure dommage corporel Activité stoppée, dommage corporel Contrôle médicalUtilisation EPI, respect des

procéduresProcédure et formation 3 B A A A B3

Moderate risk: actions are recommended to reduce the risk.

Utilisation de lunette de protectionProcédures LS1. 3.1 Découpe

manchette M

La plaquette casse Risque inhérent à la l'activité Plaquette à changer Activité stoppée, dommage corporel Contrôle médicalUtilisation EPI, respect des

procéduresProcédure et formation 3 B A A A B3

Moderate risk: actions are recommended to reduce the risk.

Utilisation de lunette de protectionProcédures LS1. 3.1 Découpe

manchette M

La machine se bloque L'outil se bloque dans la piéceRotation le l'ensemble de la

machineActivité stoppéee, dommage

corporel Contrôle médical Procédure et formation Procédure et formation 3 B A B B B3

Moderate risk: actions are recommended to reduce the risk.

Insister sur la mise en place du bras de maintient de la machine

Procédures LS1. 3.1 Découpe manchette M

Non respect de la procédure de la part de

l'opérateurL'outil se bloque dans la piéce

Rotation le l'ensemble de la machine

Activité stoppée, dommage corporel Contrôle médical Procédure et formation Procédure et formation 3 B A B A B3Moderate risk: actions are recommended

to reduce the risk.

Insister sur la mise en place du bras de maintient de la machine

Procédures LS1. 3.1 Découpe manchette M

Entrainement de la main de l'opérateur par le porte

outilL'opérateur pose la main sur l'outil opposé à la

coupe coupure dommage corporel

définitifActivité stoppée, dommage corporel

definitifContrôle médical

Controle de la mise en place du capot de

protectionProcédure et formation 3 C A B B C3

Unacceptable risk: immediate actions are necessary to reduce the risk promptly.

Un carter de protection de l'outil opposé doit être fabriqué

Procédures LS1. 3.1 Découpe manchette M

Usinage des deux soudures d'une même

manchette en même tempsNon respect de la procédure durant le

fonctionnement de la machineL'Attention de l'opérateur est

portée sur deux endroitsDommage sur la machine,

dommage corporelContrôle médical Procédure et formation Procédure et formation 3 B A B B B3

Moderate risk: actions are recommended to reduce the risk.

Un carter de protection de l'outil opposé doit être fabriqué

Procédures LS1. 3.1 Découpe manchette M

Vibration de la machine de découpeMauvais serrage des demi coquilles, pignon ou

engrenage défectueuxRisque de casse de la

machineActivité stoppée, dommage corporel Contrôle visuel Procédure et formation Procédure et formation 2 B A B A B2

Moderate risk: actions are recommended to reduce the risk.

Relacher la commande du moteurdés les premières vibrations.

Procédures LS1. 3.1 Découpe manchette M

Mise en rotation de l'engrenage ou des outils lors de

la mise en place de la cage d'entrainementNon respect de la procédure durant le

fonctionnement de la machinecoupure dommage corporel

définitifActivité stoppée, dommage corporel

definitifContrôle médical

Contrôle du débranchement du moteur

avant mise en place Procédure et formation 3 B A B A B3

Moderate risk: actions are recommended to reduce the risk.

Insister sur le fait que le moteur doit être débranché lors du changement des

plaquettes.Fiche d'instructions de la machine de

découpeProcédures LS1. 3.1 Découpe

manchette M

Item 2:

Control measure(s)

Item 1:


Risk with current control measures and/or detection means


ID Component Function(s) Potential failure mode(s)Potential effect(s)

Potential cause(s) P Risk Level Further measure(s) requiredDetection mean(s)

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Mechanical and Handling Hazards 16

See next presentation by John Pedersen


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Mechanical and Handling Hazards 17

Part II: Handling hazards


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Mechanical and Handling Hazards 18

Definition• Manual handling of loads (MHL) and manual

material handling (MMH) involve the use of thehuman body to lift, lower, fill, empty, or carry loads

• When performed incorrectly or excessively, these tasks may expose workers to physical risk factors, fatigue, and injury

• A variety of MMH techniques and tools exist to alleviate these potential problems

• Forklifts, overhead cranes, lifting girders,SpanSet® slings, …


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Mechanical and Handling Hazards 19

Manual handling and lifting• There are legal limits, depending on the age/sex, but also the distance

and the characteristics of the task (articles R. 4541-1 à R. 4541-9 du code du travail, norme AFNOR X35-109 et décret n° 92-958 du 3 septembre 1992)• Boys

• From age 14 to 15: 15 kg• From age 16 to 17: 20 kg

• Men• Max 55 kg• May be allowed to carry loads above 55 kg, if recognized able to do so by the

occupational physician• In any case the load shall not exceed 105 kg. Article R. 231-72 of «code du travail»

says:«Lorsque le recours à la manutention manuelle est inévitable, et que les aides mécaniques ne peuvent pas être mises en oeuvre, un travailleur ne peut être admis à porter d’une façon habituelle des charges supérieures à 55 kgs, qu’à condition d’y avoir été reconnu apte par le médecin du travail, sans que ces charges puissent être supérieures à 105 kgs»


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Mechanical and Handling Hazards 20

Recommendations for manual handling of loads


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Mechanical and Handling Hazards 21

Real case: bus bars in ISR• When: March 2012

• Need: remove 16-m long bus bars from storage in the ISR (B181)

• Action: 3 persons intervene, one of them climb on wooden crates to reach the bb stored in height

• Accident: a person falls down between crates

• Safety rules for work in height weresomehow neglected

• Consequence: the person was absent for 7 weeks


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Mechanical and Handling Hazards 22

Heavy Handling


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Mechanical and Handling Hazards 23

Heavy Handling Section – EN-HE-HH

• http://en-dep.web.cern.ch/en-dep/Groups/HE/Sections/HH/he_hh_mandate.htm

• In principle, any overhead crane is driven by a professional from EN-HE-HH

• However, a specific training course “pontier-élingueur” is available and allows using overhead cranes of up to 20 t

• Authorizations to operate a crane are given exclusively by the EN-HE Group Leader, CERN-wide, for a specific crane (we do not get authorization for any crane on the CERN site)


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Mechanical and Handling Hazards 24

Design/use of handling tools/girders

• May not be used if not formally approved by HSE• CE conformity required• Load test needed• Design work may be done

on our side; however, one needs to follow codes and norms in force for handling/lifting equipment

• Again, support from HSE is possible


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Mechanical and Handling Hazards 25

Norms regarding lifting / handling


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Mechanical and Handling Hazards 26

Some concluding words …


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Mechanical and Handling Hazards 27

Put priorities in the right order!• No room for procrastination* in safety• Safety first, remember the ranking put in

force for LS1:1. SAFETY





• *Procrastination:• The action of delaying or postponing something• The practice of carrying out less urgent tasks in preference to more urgent

ones, or doing more pleasurable things in place of less pleasurable ones, and thus putting off impending tasks to a later time



physical integrity,


are concerned!

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Mechanical and Handling Hazards 28

Things to remember• Act as a professional, qualification and

training are essential to ensure safety at the workplace

• Do not improvise if you are not sure of what you do (or are asked to do), always ask to experienced staff in case of doubt

• Safety is the matter of all• You can always talk to your supervisor, section

leader, group leader, Territorial Safety Officer, Departmental Safety Officer (Thomas Otto)


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Mechanical and Handling Hazards 29

Useful links• HSE: Occupational Health and Safety and Environmental

Protection Unit• https://espace.cern.ch/hse-unit/en/Pages/SafetyinDepartments.aspx• In particular safety rules https://

espace.cern.ch/Safety-Rules-Regulations/en/Pages/default.aspx, and

• Regulatory watch that provides you with a list of referenced documents (laws, standards, guides, ...) applicable in matters of Safety: https://espace.cern.ch/Safety-Rules-Regulations/en/regulatorywatch/Pages/regulWatch.aspx

• Call them in case of doubt

• Departmental safety plan – TE• http://

