teachers research istanbul june 2016 poster

Why is it a challenge to obtain meaningful learner feedback and evaluations of the learning experience? Chris Banister, English for Academic Purposes Lecturer, Regent’s University London, [email protected] 1. Background Regent’s Language Teacher Research Project 2014-16 led by Dr Assia Rolls, ELT and MFL teachers, Exploratory Practice Learners: Undergraduate exchange students, Upper Int, Advanced Module: business English, 3 hrs p/w, student-led components, blended aspects. Puzzle origins: modular format, limited contact hours, stuffed syllabus + limitations of formal instruments = reduce opportunity for informal feedback and evaluations = disconnect To shed light on: materials, activities, methods, interaction,etc. = the totality of the learners’ experience (Mortiboys 2010) Aim: delve deeper beyond the averages of official surveys, obtain feedback for the teacher but not necessarily about the teacher Peer Participation 6. Classroom quality of life: impact Reconnecting to and in dialogue with my learners “I have learnt many new and useful business words.” “The vocabulary card quiz’s. It makes you be ready and updated.” (student feedback Dec 2015) 7. Reasons to focus on learner feedback and evaluations Facilitates development of the reflexivity in both learners and teachers Provides mutual access for greater understanding Cultivates a learning space with a shared ongoing dialogue Adding to the pool of student feedback and evaluations- Likely to draw out further puzzles to explore 8. Challenges in EP Identity and overlapping roles: teacher, teacher-researcher 4. Learner voices Transferable skills

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Page 1: Teachers Research Istanbul June 2016 Poster

Why is it a challenge to obtain meaningful learner feedback and evaluations of the learning experience?

Chris Banister, English for Academic Purposes Lecturer, Regent’s University London, [email protected]

1. BackgroundRegent’s Language Teacher Research Project 2014-16 led by Dr Assia Rolls, ELT and MFL teachers, Exploratory PracticeLearners: Undergraduate exchange students, Upper Int, AdvancedModule: business English, 3 hrs p/w, student-led components, blended aspects.Puzzle origins: modular format, limited contact hours, stuffed syllabus + limitations of formal instruments = reduce opportunity for informal feedback and evaluations = disconnectTo shed light on: materials, activities, methods, interaction,etc. = the totality of the learners’ experience (Mortiboys 2010) Aim: delve deeper beyond the averages of official surveys, obtain feedback for the teacher but not necessarily about the teacher

Peer Participation

6. Classroom quality of life: impactReconnecting to and in dialogue with my learners “I have learnt many new and useful business words.” “The vocabulary card quiz’s. It makes you be ready and updated.” (student feedback Dec 2015)7. Reasons to focus on learner feedback and evaluationsFacilitates development of the reflexivity in both learners and teachersProvides mutual access for greater understandingCultivates a learning space with a shared ongoing dialogueAdding to the pool of student feedback and evaluations-Likely to draw out further puzzles to explore8. Challenges in EP Identity and overlapping roles: teacher, teacher-researcher

4. Learner voices

Transferable skills

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2. ConsiderationsEstablish purpose (Williams and Brennan 2004) and red linesSurvey fatigueduplication, ritualisation (Williams and Brennan 2004)Psychological: power assymetry(Richardson 2005; cf. Clayson and Haley 2011Interpretation: tendency to “filter information” (Mortiboys 2010:125) anonymity v actionability trade-offImportance of feedback to learners (Williams and Brennan 2004)

3. Research tools Lesson videos Peer observations Discussions with project leader

and project participants Potentially Exploitable

Pedagogic activities-PEPAs (Allwright and Hanks 2009; Hanks 2015): surveys, discussions (comparing learners’ experience with research findings, reflective

Identification of a suitable puzzleClarifying the terminology, methodology and principles of EP (e.g. puzzles v problems)Learners as partners: potential value of “learner agency (and) perspectives” (Rowland 2011:261)Integration of research activities (PEPAs) into everyday classroom processesDissemination and making public understanding9. Conclusions: benefits and transformations of an Exploratory Practice approachTransformative for the teaching-research relationship. Classroom events become a “legitimate source of research knowledge about teaching and learning” (Borg 2010:418)Brings teachers and learners together by foregrounding improvements to classroom quality of life and enabling creativity (Hanks 2016)CPD benefits: confidence to disseminate, access research/ teacher research communities

Difficulty and ambiguity

Areas for development

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Boosts feelings of teacher self-efficacy (Wyatt and Dikilitas2015), satisfaction with practice in a “collegially supportive environment” (Slimani-Rolls and Kiely 2014:433)

10. ReferencesAllwright, D. (2009) The developing language learner ;an introduction to exploratory practice. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.Borg, S.(2010) ‘Language teacher research engagement.’ Language Teaching Research, 43 (4): 391-429. Clayson, D.E. and Haley, D.A. (2011) ‘Are students telling us the truth? A Critical look at the student evaluation of teaching.’ Marketing Education Review, 21 (2): 101-112.Hanks, J. (2015) ‘Language Teachers Making sense of Exploratory Practice.’ Language Teaching Research, Jan 2015: 1-22. Hanks, J. (2016) ‘ “Why Exporatory Practice?’”Acollaborative report.’ ELT Research 31 Feb 2016 IATEFL Research SIG (resig.iatefl.org.) Available at: http://resig.weebly.com/issue-31.html[Accessed on 17th May 2016].Mortiboys, A. (2010) How to be an effective teacher in higher education: answers to lecturers' questions. Berkshire, UK: Open University Slimani-Rolls, A. and Kiely, R. (2014) ‘We are the change that we seek’: developing teachers’ understanding of their classroom practice.’ Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 51 (4): 425-435.Richardson, J.T.E. (2005) ‘Instruments for obtaining student feedback: a review of the literature.’ Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 30 (4):387-415.Williams, R. and Brennan, J. (2004) 'Collecting and using student feedback: A guide to good practice.' Open Research Online. [PDF] Availablehttp://oro.open.ac.uk/11875/1/Collecting_and_using_student_feedback_a_guide_to_good_practice.pdf[Accessed 20 Feb 2016].Wyatt, M. and Dikiltas, K. (2015) ‘English language teachers becoming more efficacious through research engagement at their Turkish university’ Educational Action Research, DOI: 10.1080/09650792.2015.1076731 [Accessed on 7th June 2016].

5. Some enhanced understanding and improvements1. Mismatch between some learners’ expectations and the stated aim of the modules Clarification of module aims2. Desire for greater clarity re: written assessment requirements. Introduction of exemplars3. Need for a boost in the vocabulary componentIncorporation of explicit vocabulary learning strategies (e.g. vocab cards) with business vocabulary highlighted in language feedback4. Lack of engagement=a contagion Stricter guidelines for contributions to online discussion boards

Acknowledgements: Thanks to all the other project participants and especially to Dr Assia Rolls for her insights, guidance and patience over the last two years.