teaching 4 all

Teaching 4 all I am teaching, … but are my students learning?

Upload: tomasito14

Post on 17-Aug-2015




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  1. 1. Teaching 4 all I am teaching, but are my students learning?
  2. 2. Knowledge O Does not belong to a teacher who is supposed to deliver it O It is the result of social interaction and the meaning the teacher and the student construct together
  3. 3. Learning O Is a process O Is a dynamic phenomenon O Is not a lineal sequence Whats the teachers rol here?
  4. 4. The Teacher O Acts as a mediator O Empowers learners to think for themselves O Brings some kind of meaning to the students life O Can turn education into an enriching experience
  5. 5. Ex. 1 Intermediate Level Conditionals Instead of doing this: Conditional Sentences are also known as Conditional Clauses or If Clauses. They are used to express that the action in the main clause (without if) can only take place if a certain condition (in the clause with if) is fulfilled. There are three types of Conditional Sentences.
  6. 6. You can do this Conditionals Grammar Structure Conditionals Meaning and function Formula: 1st Type If do will do 2nd Type If did would do 3rd Type If had done would have done Meaning 1st Type It is likely that the condition will be fulfilled 2nd Type It is possible but unlikely that the condition will be fulfilled 3rd Type It is impossible that the condition will be fulfilled
  7. 7. Practice O Watch the film and tell us, What would you do if
  8. 8. Ex. 2 Elementary Level Present Perfect Instead of doing this: The present perfect is formed by combining the auxiliary verb "has" or "have" with the past participle. I have studied. He has written a letter to Mara. We have been stranded for six days. (Now lets go to the book and start the written practice)
  9. 9. You can do this The present perfect is formed by combining the auxiliary verb "has" or "have" with the past participle. I have studied. He has written a letter to Mara. We have been stranded for six days. Now lets listen to the songs
  10. 10. Practice the Present Perfect with songs and scenes from TV shows
  11. 11. Ex. 3 Beginner Level Parts of the face Instead of doing this: Well, open the books and lets see the picture there, now repeat , now draw ., (and so on)
  12. 12. You can do this: Bring a photocopy, ask students to cut the shapes and start putting the parts together in funny ways.
  13. 13. Finally O Every student has to produce their own face, (the funniest will win a lolly pop), and name the picture with a strange name.
  14. 14. Good lesson planning is essential to the process of teaching and learning. Establish a positive classroom environment Plan your lesson and: O Make the classroom a pleasant, friendly place O Accept individual differences O Learning activities should be cooperative and supportive O Create a non-threatening learning environment O Organize physical space; eliminate situations that my be dangerous or disruptive O Establish classroom rules and procedures and consistently reinforce them O Begin lessons by giving clear instructions O Maintain student attention O Use appropriate pacing O Provide suitable seatwork O Evaluate what has taken place in your lesson