teaching aims: 1 、熟记重点词组和句型, 并会运用。 2 、学会使用情态动词...


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Page 1: Teaching aims: 1 、熟记重点词组和句型, 并会运用。 2 、学会使用情态动词 could /should 谈论问题及提 出建议。 3 、能够培养学生互帮互助和善解人意的思想品德。



Page 2: Teaching aims: 1 、熟记重点词组和句型, 并会运用。 2 、学会使用情态动词 could /should 谈论问题及提 出建议。 3 、能够培养学生互帮互助和善解人意的思想品德。

Teaching aims:

1 、熟记重点词组和句型, 并会运用。

2 、学会使用情态动词 could /should 谈论问题及提出建议。

3 、能够培养学生互帮互助和善解人意的思想品德。

Page 3: Teaching aims: 1 、熟记重点词组和句型, 并会运用。 2 、学会使用情态动词 could /should 谈论问题及提 出建议。 3 、能够培养学生互帮互助和善解人意的思想品德。

My clothes look out of style. I argued with my mother.

I can’t stand the loud noise.

My brother plays his CDs too loud.

Page 4: Teaching aims: 1 、熟记重点词组和句型, 并会运用。 2 、学会使用情态动词 could /should 谈论问题及提 出建议。 3 、能够培养学生互帮互助和善解人意的思想品德。

1 My parents want me to stay at home every night.

2 My brother plays his CDs too loud.

3 I don’t have enough money.

4 I argued with my best friend.

5 My clothes are out of style.


播放 CD 太高

与某人争吵 =have an argument with sb


Page 5: Teaching aims: 1 、熟记重点词组和句型, 并会运用。 2 、学会使用情态动词 could /should 谈论问题及提 出建议。 3 、能够培养学生互帮互助和善解人意的思想品德。

My parents want me to stay at home every night.

My brother plays his CDs too loud.

I don’t have enough money.

I argued with my best friend.

My clothes are out of style.

1b. Listen and circle the problems you hear in activity 1a.

Page 6: Teaching aims: 1 、熟记重点词组和句型, 并会运用。 2 、学会使用情态动词 could /should 谈论问题及提 出建议。 3 、能够培养学生互帮互助和善解人意的思想品德。

Peter had an argument with his

friend.He is worried about what

he could/should do.Now another

friend is giving him advice.

Page 7: Teaching aims: 1 、熟记重点词组和句型, 并会运用。 2 、学会使用情态动词 could /should 谈论问题及提 出建议。 3 、能够培养学生互帮互助和善解人意的思想品德。

1.You could write him a letter.

2.You should call him up.

3.You should say you’re sorry.

4.You could go to his house.

5.You could give him a ticket to a ball game.




Section A: 2a

Page 8: Teaching aims: 1 、熟记重点词组和句型, 并会运用。 2 、学会使用情态动词 could /should 谈论问题及提 出建议。 3 、能够培养学生互帮互助和善解人意的思想品德。

Advice Reasons that Peter doesn’t like the advice.

1.You could write him a letter.

2.Maybe you should call him up.

3.You should say you’re sorry.

4.Maybe you could go to his house.

5.You could give him a ticket to a ball game.

a.It’s not easy.b.I don’t have enough

money.c.I don’t want to

surprise him.d.I don’t like writing

letters.e.I don’t want to talk

about it on the phone.

Page 9: Teaching aims: 1 、熟记重点词组和句型, 并会运用。 2 、学会使用情态动词 could /should 谈论问题及提 出建议。 3 、能够培养学生互帮互助和善解人意的思想品德。

一、 should / could 是情态助动词, 后接动词原形。 1 should 表示责任和义务, 或者征求见解。eg: A: We should study hard. We shouldn’t watch TV too much. B: My English book has lost. What should I do? 2 could 表示“能、会、可以”。 eg: A: 表示给出见解。 Could I help you? You could talk with him. B: 是 can 的过去式。 Last night I couldn’t call you because it was late.

The use of should and could

Page 10: Teaching aims: 1 、熟记重点词组和句型, 并会运用。 2 、学会使用情态动词 could /should 谈论问题及提 出建议。 3 、能够培养学生互帮互助和善解人意的思想品德。

• tired , eat an apple• hungry , drink some water• thirsty, go to bed early• ill, listen to music• angry, go to see a doctor• dangerous, eat more food• thin, do more exercise • warm, wear less clothes• fat, ask for help

What should I do ?problems advice

If you are

Task 1

Page 11: Teaching aims: 1 、熟记重点词组和句型, 并会运用。 2 、学会使用情态动词 could /should 谈论问题及提 出建议。 3 、能够培养学生互帮互助和善解人意的思想品德。

Remember and make sentences

1 播放 CD 太高 2 有足够的钱 / 时间

3 和某人争吵 4 过时的,不时髦的

Task 2

5 给某人写信 6 给某人打电话

7 给他一张球赛的票 8 使某人惊奇

9 用电话交谈 10 怎么了?

play CDs too loud have enough money /time

argue with sb be out of style

write sb a letter call sb =give sb a call

give him a ticket to a ball game surprise sb

talk about on the phone What’s wrong?

Page 12: Teaching aims: 1 、熟记重点词组和句型, 并会运用。 2 、学会使用情态动词 could /should 谈论问题及提 出建议。 3 、能够培养学生互帮互助和善解人意的思想品德。

Problem:I wanted to buy a guitar.But I didn’t have enough money.What should I do?

Group work:

Advice:1. Wait until next year.2. Don’t buy a guitar.3. Borrow one.4. Buy a used guitar.5. Get a part-time job.

Task 3

Page 13: Teaching aims: 1 、熟记重点词组和句型, 并会运用。 2 、学会使用情态动词 could /should 谈论问题及提 出建议。 3 、能够培养学生互帮互助和善解人意的思想品德。

1.Now some teens like wearing clothes in s______.

2. My sister often plays her CDs too l________3.She always a______with her husband about money.

4He should have some t_______ to a ball game.5.Sally didn’t go to school. Jim didn’t go there e_______.6.I don’t want to s__________ her.7. Listen. They are t________ about on the phone.







Page 14: Teaching aims: 1 、熟记重点词组和句型, 并会运用。 2 、学会使用情态动词 could /should 谈论问题及提 出建议。 3 、能够培养学生互帮互助和善解人意的思想品德。

1.what’s wrong with you? ( 同义句 )

2.I argued with my best friend.( 划线提问

3.The bike is broken . ( 划线提问

4.Mary lent some money to me. ( 同义句 )__ _____ some money ____Mary.5.He should buy a new jacket. ( 划线提问

What’s the matter with you?What’s the trouble with you?

Who did you argue with?

what’s wrong with the bike?

I borrowed from

Page 15: Teaching aims: 1 、熟记重点词组和句型, 并会运用。 2 、学会使用情态动词 could /should 谈论问题及提 出建议。 3 、能够培养学生互帮互助和善解人意的思想品德。


1 、复习巩固重点,并用本节课学过的重点 短语和句型编一个对话。

2 、预习下节课内容。要求:会读和译。

Page 16: Teaching aims: 1 、熟记重点词组和句型, 并会运用。 2 、学会使用情态动词 could /should 谈论问题及提 出建议。 3 、能够培养学生互帮互助和善解人意的思想品德。



Page 17: Teaching aims: 1 、熟记重点词组和句型, 并会运用。 2 、学会使用情态动词 could /should 谈论问题及提 出建议。 3 、能够培养学生互帮互助和善解人意的思想品德。

Teaching aims:

1 、记住本节课学过的重点短语和句型, 并会运用。

2 、进一步掌握如何用英语向别人请教或为 别人提供帮助。培养学生口头表达能力。

Page 18: Teaching aims: 1 、熟记重点词组和句型, 并会运用。 2 、学会使用情态动词 could /should 谈论问题及提 出建议。 3 、能够培养学生互帮互助和善解人意的思想品德。

Jim, a Canadian boy, has come to live in China with his parents. He wants to practise his Putonghua, but he is very shy. What should he do? Please give him some advice.

Task 1

Page 19: Teaching aims: 1 、熟记重点词组和句型, 并会运用。 2 、学会使用情态动词 could /should 谈论问题及提 出建议。 3 、能够培养学生互帮互助和善解人意的思想品德。

1 He could get a tutor to come to his home.

2 He could listen to Chinese songs.

3 He should often listen to Chinese news.

4 He should practise speaking Chinese.

5 He could join a Chinese club.

Here are some advice:

Page 20: Teaching aims: 1 、熟记重点词组和句型, 并会运用。 2 、学会使用情态动词 could /should 谈论问题及提 出建议。 3 、能够培养学生互帮互助和善解人意的思想品德。

1 付款 2 向某人借钱

3 向某人要某物 4 得到一份兼职工作

5 让一位家庭教师到他家

6 或许那不是一个好主意。

7 他也没有足够的钱。

pay for borrow some money from sb

ask somebody for sth get a part-time job

get a tutor to come to his home

Maybe that’s not a good idea.= That may not be a good idea.

He doesn’t have any enough money, either.

Remember and make sentencesTask 2

Page 22: Teaching aims: 1 、熟记重点词组和句型, 并会运用。 2 、学会使用情态动词 could /should 谈论问题及提 出建议。 3 、能够培养学生互帮互助和善解人意的思想品德。

Problem 1:I argued with my best friend.He is angry with me about it. What should I do?

Page 23: Teaching aims: 1 、熟记重点词组和句型, 并会运用。 2 、学会使用情态动词 could /should 谈论问题及提 出建议。 3 、能够培养学生互帮互助和善解人意的思想品德。

Problem 2: My parents always argue.What should I do?

Page 24: Teaching aims: 1 、熟记重点词组和句型, 并会运用。 2 、学会使用情态动词 could /should 谈论问题及提 出建议。 3 、能够培养学生互帮互助和善解人意的思想品德。

Problem 3: Linda always has too much homework to do and she often gets stressed out( 压力 ).What should she do?

Page 25: Teaching aims: 1 、熟记重点词组和句型, 并会运用。 2 、学会使用情态动词 could /should 谈论问题及提 出建议。 3 、能够培养学生互帮互助和善解人意的思想品德。

Problem 4: I think I’m fatter than the other girlsin my class. Some of my classmateslaugh at me. What should I do?

Page 26: Teaching aims: 1 、熟记重点词组和句型, 并会运用。 2 、学会使用情态动词 could /should 谈论问题及提 出建议。 3 、能够培养学生互帮互助和善解人意的思想品德。

Problem 5:Ken is not good at maths.He failed the math exam again.What should he do?

Page 27: Teaching aims: 1 、熟记重点词组和句型, 并会运用。 2 、学会使用情态动词 could /should 谈论问题及提 出建议。 3 、能够培养学生互帮互助和善解人意的思想品德。

Problem 6:I went to the market to buy manythings. But I left money at home.What should I do?

Page 28: Teaching aims: 1 、熟记重点词组和句型, 并会运用。 2 、学会使用情态动词 could /should 谈论问题及提 出建议。 3 、能够培养学生互帮互助和善解人意的思想品德。

Problem 7:I lost my friend’s favorite CD .What should I do?

Page 29: Teaching aims: 1 、熟记重点词组和句型, 并会运用。 2 、学会使用情态动词 could /should 谈论问题及提 出建议。 3 、能够培养学生互帮互助和善解人意的思想品德。

Problem 8:I like playing computer games.But my parents don’t want me to do it. What should I do?

Page 30: Teaching aims: 1 、熟记重点词组和句型, 并会运用。 2 、学会使用情态动词 could /should 谈论问题及提 出建议。 3 、能够培养学生互帮互助和善解人意的思想品德。

Problem 9:I got a pet dog from my friend. But my mother didn’t want me to keep it.What should I do?

Page 31: Teaching aims: 1 、熟记重点词组和句型, 并会运用。 2 、学会使用情态动词 could /should 谈论问题及提 出建议。 3 、能够培养学生互帮互助和善解人意的思想品德。

Problem 10:Sue got a letter from a handsome boy. He wanted her to be his girlfriend.What should Sue do?

Page 32: Teaching aims: 1 、熟记重点词组和句型, 并会运用。 2 、学会使用情态动词 could /should 谈论问题及提 出建议。 3 、能够培养学生互帮互助和善解人意的思想品德。

1.I _____(lose) my book, but today I found it.2.They had an ______ (argue) about the clothes.3.my parents are argue with _____(I).4.I need _______(get) some money to buy gifts.5.He _____(think) he should ________(borrow) money from me.6.Maybe you could _______(have) a bake sale.



meto get

thinks borrow


Page 33: Teaching aims: 1 、熟记重点词组和句型, 并会运用。 2 、学会使用情态动词 could /should 谈论问题及提 出建议。 3 、能够培养学生互帮互助和善解人意的思想品德。

1.Maybe you are right .( 同义句 )You _____ _____ right. 2.She has enough money for books,too.( 否She ___ ____ enough money for books,______.

3 你应该请一位家庭教师来帮你。You should ______ a tutor_____help you.

doesn’t haveeither

may be

get to

Page 34: Teaching aims: 1 、熟记重点词组和句型, 并会运用。 2 、学会使用情态动词 could /should 谈论问题及提 出建议。 3 、能够培养学生互帮互助和善解人意的思想品德。

Finish the dialogue:A: You look unhappy. What’s _________?B: I don’t have enough ______ to buy a gift for my friend.A: Well, maybe you ________ get a __________ job in the evenings.B: I ______, because my parents think it is not safe for a girl to work outside in the evenings. They said they could buy the gift ____ me. I don’t want to spend their money. I argued ______ them yesterday. A: Oh, you shouldn’t do that. You should tell them ______ your problem and let them know it is important for you to get the money by __________.B: Hmm… You’re right. I will try again.



should part-time




Page 35: Teaching aims: 1 、熟记重点词组和句型, 并会运用。 2 、学会使用情态动词 could /should 谈论问题及提 出建议。 3 、能够培养学生互帮互助和善解人意的思想品德。

一、复习本课学过的重点短语和句型。二、 Writing : Help solve one of the problems.1 Xiaoming left his book at home.

2 Xiaopang doesn’t want to have P.E. classes.

3 You saw a little boy lose his way.

Page 36: Teaching aims: 1 、熟记重点词组和句型, 并会运用。 2 、学会使用情态动词 could /should 谈论问题及提 出建议。 3 、能够培养学生互帮互助和善解人意的思想品德。