teaching green: sustainability in the cte classroom 1

Teaching Green: Sustainability in the CTE Classroom 1

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Teaching Green:Sustainability in the CTE Classroom



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Getting StartedGetting StartedRegistrationLook at ObjectivesIcebreaker

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1. Gain awareness of concepts in Teaching Green.

2. Discuss implications for integrating sustainability into the curriculum.

3. Share previous experiences in the classroom.

4. Develop an action plan for the classroom.

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Human Web

How do we connect with each other?

Our communities?

The world?

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Human Web

What is our impact?

What happens without us?

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Overview Why teach “green”?

What does green mean?

Word Associations

Concept Maps

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What are Ways to Teach Green?

Environmental Education


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Environmental EducationUNESCO recommends five areas within environmental education:

1. Awareness2. Knowledge3. Attitudes4. Skills 5. Participation

(UNESCO, 1978)

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Applying Bloom’s Taxonomy

Remember (Knowledge)

Understand (Comprehension)



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Goals: Recognize environmental problems and consequences.

Tell others about environmental problems and consequences.


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Goals: Describe and outline environmental issues and solutions.

Relate ways to address environmental issues and solutions.

Locate resources.


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AttitudesGoals:Debate issues.Build consensus among differing viewpoints.Recommend solutions and resources.

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SkillsGoals:Design and construct projects with an awareness of the environmental impact.

Conduct business, finance, and commerce within principles of environmental awareness.

Create art and design that adheres to or promotes environmentally sound practices.

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ParticipationGoals:Propose solutions to environmental problems.

Apply knowledge of environmental problems and solutions to community service projects.

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What is Sustainability? A framework to “....meet present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to

meet their needs.“ (WECD, 1987)

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Sustainability “Sustainability creates and maintains the

conditions under which humans and nature

can exist in productive harmony, that permit

fulfilling the social, economic and other

requirements of present and future generations.” –EPA,


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“...A dynamic balance with others and the environment; it is the harmony among

differences.”-Moacir Gadotti

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A Future Focus Sees the Past

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As a Source of Wisdom

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To Discern Right Paths and Wrong

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Future FocusConcepts in Sustainability Awareness of one’s impactAs a teacherAs a student Critical ThinkingThinking beyond self and place

becoming a professional

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Sustainability in the Curriculum

How Can You Integrate Sustainability?Critical Thinking Skills

Active Learning

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“A number of environmental questions lie at the root of critical thinking.

Who makes decisions affecting the quality of the environment? Why are they made?

According to what criteria? Are long-term consequences considered?”

(Tilbury, 1995)

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“In the context of teaching sustainability, active learning can allow students toexperience the complexities of issues of environmental governance in practice as well as the challenges of finding sustainable solutions framed in environmental and social justice.”

(Dengler, 2008, p. 482).

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Examples Of Active Learning Techniques



•Creating Concept Maps



•Lab Work

(Ueckert, and Gess-Newsome, 2008)

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CTE Teachers and students are focused on the future.

Share your experiences.

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Do environmental or sustainability issues affect your cluster?

Are there regulatory issues in your fields?

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What has worked for you? For example:

ProjectsPedagogyClass DiscussionsLesson Planning

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What didn't work?Time Constraints

Working with Standards

Budgets, etc.

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Global Perspectives“Sustainability is

important to making sure that we have and will continue to have, the water, materials,

and resources to protect human health and our environment.”

(EPA, 2012)

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How does it affect business, commerce, art, design, communications, etc.?

Global PerspectiveSystems Thinking

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Systems Thinking“Everything that we need for our survival

and well-being depends, either

directly or indirectly, on our natural environment.”-EPA (2012)

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Systems Thinking

• Holistic• Human impact is –Physical–Social–Cultural–Global

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Envelopes Framegame

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Envelopes Framegame

• Builds Critical Thinking Skills– Thinking through issues– Finding solutions to problems– Learning about best practices

• Promotes Consensus Building– Students come to agreement and prioritize

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Envelopes Framegame

• Multiple Intelligences Domains: – Interpersonal• Discussion• Teamwork

– Naturalistic• Evaluating one’s place in the environment

– Linguistic• Advocating for an opinion

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Envelopes Framegame

• Bloom’s Taxonomy: – Listing– Discussing– Choosing– Evaluating

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• Divide into teams– Each team receives

an envelope with a related stimulus written on the front.

– Each team has a note card for responding to each stimulus plus one for final round.

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ProcedureRound One

1. Teams will discuss each stimulus.2. Brainstorm and record as many responses to

the topic as you can in the time limit.3. When time is up, place the note card into the

envelope.4. Hand the envelope to the next team.5. Repeat rounds until each team has

brainstormed each stimulus topic.

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Final Round– Each team should have an envelope with all the

response cards in it.

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Let’s Play...

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Action Plan

What if...

...you implemented sustainability and environmental education in your curriculum?

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Wrap Up

EvaluationsFinal commentsThank you

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Dengler, M. (2008). Classroom active learning complemented by an online discussion forum to teach sustainability. Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 32(3), 481-494.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). (2012). Sustainability. http://www.epa.gov/sustainability/basicinfo.htm

Gadotti, M. (n.d.). Education for sustainable development. http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CCAQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.earthcharterinaction.org%2Finvent%2Fimages%2Fuploads%2FEducation%2520for%2520Sustainable%2520Development.doc&ei=FsWgT-KTAuew2wWd8cjVCQ&usg=AFQjCNFpz_llpQpegZQTyIOxkXPqe2TU_w&sig2=a97ceJD8K7gCaRWJXmDrmg

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Porter, T. and Córdoba, J. (2009). Three views of systems theories and their implications for sustainability education. Journal of Management Education, 33, pp. 323-347.

Thomas, I. (2009). Critical thinking, transformative learning, sustainable education, and problem-based learning in universities. Journal of Transformative Education, 7(3), pp. 245-264. doi: 10.1177/1541344610385753

Tilbury, D. (1995). Sustainability: Defining the new focus of environmental education in the 1990s Environmental Education Research, 1(2), p. 195.

Ueckert, C., & Gess-Newsome, J. (2008). Active learning strategies. The Science Teacher, 75(9), 47-52.

UNESCO. (1978). Intergovernmental conference on environmental education. http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0003/000327/032763eo.pdfUnited Nations. (1987) Report of the world commission on environment and development, general assembly resolution 42/187. http://www.un.org/documents/ga/res/42/ares42-187.htm