teaching managerial economics

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    Samuel EnajeroDepartment of Social Sciences

    University of Michigan-Dearborn4901 Evergreen RoadDearborn, MI 48128

    [email protected]


    Many economic topics can be presented either as a pure social science or asapplications in business. Linear programming, production costs and factor productivityare among topics presented differently in economics and business courses. Gaps exist,such that students who come across the same topics in economics and business coursesmay lack the information necessary to relate the concepts. This paper argues thatbusiness students would have more interest in economics and be better rounded inbusiness if the conceptual gaps were closed. Managerial economics, as offered in manybusiness departments, could be the bridge that links economic theories to their businessapplications.

    JEL Classification: A23, A22, M21

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    Managerial economics, offered in many undergraduate and graduate programs

    throughout the country, can be regarded as an important business course. It appears as a

    required course in an undergraduate curriculum and as a foundation/core course in some

    MBA programs. In some departments, managerial economics is the only upper level

    economics course in both an undergraduate business degree and an MBA program. As

    the name suggests, there is supposed to be abundance of business and management

    content integrated with economics.

    However, managerial economics is taught in many institutions as a pure social

    science course. Some departments offer it as an alternative to intermediate

    microeconomics. This is appropriate in a social science department offering BA or MA

    programs with a concentration in economics. In this context, students learn economics

    from a liberal arts or social science approach using algebra and graphs.

    The fact that economics departments in some universities are in a college of arts

    and sciences while in others, economics departments are in the school of business, lends

    support to the need to separate the teaching contents of economics in these two different

    schools. This is not an attempt to dichotomize economics as a social science and as a

    business course (Dean & Dolan, 2001), but to draw up teaching contents tailored to suit

    and benefit students in both schools.

    The theories offered in economics, as a social science cannot be ignored. These

    economic theories are applied in many spheres of life to derive efficiency (e.g., in

    environmental economics, health economics, sport economics, labor economics, non-

    renewable resource economics, urban economics, and business economics). A good

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    portion of economic theories, nonetheless, may sound like novel ideas, if an upper level

    economics course such as managerial economics, designed for business students, is

    taught purely from a liberal arts perspective. Without injecting comparable business

    content, students assume that economics is not a business course and their interest in

    economics seems to diminish (Marburger, 2004; Anderson & Muraoka, 1990;

    Gregorowicz & Hegji, 1998).

    Little wonder that many business departments are struggling to retain economics

    as a major (Gregorowicz & Hegji ,1998; Siegfried, 2007). One familiar hypothesis

    suggests that majoring in economics is a reluctant choice for students more interested in a

    business major (Kasper, 2008, pp. 457-472). Effectively, business students convey

    their resentment indirectly by not majoring in a liberal arts discipline in a business

    department. If economics were taught as a business course, perhaps, some students

    would major in economics and minor in accounting, finance, management, marketing or

    organizational behavioror vice versa.

    On one hand, teaching managerial economics as a social science without

    sufficient links to related business contents leaves conceptual gaps in the minds of

    students. On the other hand, teaching managerial economics as a business course

    divorced of theoretical framework as analyzed in social science departments would create

    a shallow understanding of these business topics. In fact, the economic theories

    underlying business are necessary for a thorough understanding of business courses.

    Cements combined with sands, gravels or granites and rods are mixtures for

    concrete that forms a building foundation. This mixture remains concrete with the power

    of limestone in the cement, which is similar to granites or gravels. Analogically, in order

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    to form a concrete foundation for a business curriculum, a course such as managerial

    economics should be emphatically linked or overlapped with business courses.

    Otherwise, except for students who apply mastery1 goal in learning (Baron &

    Harackiewicz, 1997, 2001), business concepts will be fragmented in the minds of many

    students even after graduation. Thus, the potential exists for some students to be

    deprived of acquiring a well-rounded business education, with many questions still

    unanswered during their career.

    Among regular chapters in intermediate microeconomics repeated in a typical

    managerial economics textbook are chapters on production costs, perfect competition,

    monopoly, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, factor markets and game theory (Baye,

    2006; Hirschey, 2006; Mansfield, 1993; Boyes, 2004; Samuelson & Mark, 2005; Allen,

    et al, 2005). These topics covered in intermediate microeconomics appear and are taught

    in the same form in managerial economics. Some texts have more business content than

    others. Nonetheless, such business content is not enough to adequately equip the student

    to link economics and business courses.

    In teaching managerial economics, regardless of the textbook adopted, the

    professor can inject business content into discussions to enable students appreciate the

    importance of economics in business courses, such as accounting, finance, management

    science, quantitative analysis, strategic management, operations management, and

    organizational behavior. Interlinking these courses would give students the choice of

    majoring in economics while spontaneously acquiring adequate business knowledge for

    the real world.

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    Furthermore, many professors of managerial economics may not have a business

    background. These professors are academically or professionally qualified to teach in

    business schools, as per AACSB (Gooding, Cobb & Scroggins, 2007). Since economics

    PhDs are most likely to come from Arts and Sciences, they are inclined to approach the

    teaching of managerial economics and other economics courses from a purely social

    science perspective, irrespective of the department. Business students are left to figure

    out by themselves the links between social science illustrations and business applications.

    In many economics courses taught as social sciencesmanagerial economics,

    industrial organization, antitrust and regulation, money and banking, and international

    finance, just to name a fewthere are numerous areas where business content can be

    injected during the course to the benefit of the students. These additions could stimulate

    the imagination and experiences of the students, thereby providing students good reasons

    to consider economics as a major in business schools.

    For instance, are there similarities between isocosts, isoquants and production

    possibility frontiers (PPF) as discussed in economics, and feasible regions in optimization

    problems as explained in management science or quantitative analysis? Is the total cost

    curve in economics the same as linear total cost in business? Does the degree of

    operating leverage (DOL) as taught in managerial accounting or finance defy efficient

    combinations of fixed and variable costs as derived in economics? These and many other

    questions that leave gaps in the minds of the students could be answered by proper

    teaching of managerial economics.

    The next section of this paper discusses linear programming as presented in

    economics and management science; section III analyzes a cost function in economics

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    and its specific application (relevant range and DOL) in business; section IV illustrates

    resource marginal productivity and performance evaluations as they relates to financial

    markets; and section V concludes. Part A of each section contains presentations in a

    typical economics course and Part B shows the business counterparts. Part C (and D

    when necessary) integrates both parts. These are all managerial economics topics that

    could be extended to enable students to gain deep appreciation for economics while

    acquiring complementary business skills.


    A Economics Analysis

    The objective of this topic is to demonstrate the use of optimization in economics.

    Individuals maximize utility subject to market constraints. Society in general maximizes

    outputs from limited or scarce resources. Firms maximize profits and revenues and also

    minimize costs. All economic agents including the firm are faced with constraints.

    A basic linear programming (LP) problem in economics is the cost minimization.

    Along a production function, Q = f(K, L), there is technologically efficient combination

    ofK(capital) andL (labor) that yields the optimal level of output, Q. A given output

    level could be produced using more Kand lessL or less Kand moreL, taking into

    account prices of the inputs, rand w. The optimal units ofKandL are derived from the

    LP statement, minimize total cost, TC = rK + wL subject to Q = f (K, L). Here, the TC

    equation is the objective function the LP tries to minimize given the Q function.

    In economics, isoquants, meaning equal quantity and isocosts, equal cost, are used

    to illustrate the technologically efficient combinations ofKandL in the objective and

    constraint functions. Capital (K) is normally graphed as the production input on the

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    vertical axis and labor (L) on the horizontal axis. The isoquants are generally convex to

    the origin (since inputs are not perfect substitutes) and the isocosts are linear, intersecting

    capital (K) axis and labor (L) axis.

    Economic results are attained based on incremental or marginal analysis. Moving

    along the isoquant changes the combinations ofKandL and this is dictated by the slope

    of the isoquant. The slope of the isoquant is the marginal rate of technical substitution of

    labor for capital (MRTSLK), which equals the marginal product of labor (MPL) divided by

    the marginal product of capital (MPK):

    MRTSLK = (MPL)/(MPK). (2.1)

    Isoquants have four main properties: they are convex to the origin; isoquants further from

    the origin denote larger level of outputs; they sloped downward; and isoquants never


    In addition to technological efficiency illustrated by the isoquant, market

    constraint is illustrated by the isocost. The isocost line reflects all combinations ofKand

    L the firm can employ in production for a given budget. The isocost line is depicted by

    TC= wL + rK, where TC is the total costs, w equals price of labor (wage rate) and r

    equals cost of capital (interest rate). The absolute value of the slope of the isocost line

    equals the relative prices of the inputs, KandL, which is w/r. Efficiency (least costly

    method of production) requires that firms employ the units of capital and labor where the

    slopes of the isoquant and isocost lines are equal. That is where:

    MRTSLK=(MPL)/(MPK) = w/r. (2.2)

    Graphically, at the optimal point, the isoquant is tangent to the isocost. By cross

    multiplication, the two right-hand terms become:

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    (MPL)/w = (MPK)/r (2.3)

    The producers least-cost input combination golden rule is for the manager operating in a

    competitive input market to employ inputs such that the marginal product per dollar

    spent is equal across all inputs applied. Isolating Kin objective function (TC = rk +


    K = TC/r w/r(L) (2.4)

    Figure 2.1 Isocost and Isoquant

    As the scale of production expands, there will be a family of isocosts and isoquants as

    indicated by the broken line and curve known as expansion path.

    The dual version of cost minimization is revenue or profit maximization. A firm

    producing two outputs,Xand Y, using KandL as inputs would maximize output, Q(X, Y)

    = f(Kx, Lx,Ky,Ly) subject to TC = [r(Kx+Ky) + w(Lx+Ly)]. The profit statement would be

    =pQ(X,Y) TC, that is, [pxQ(X)+p

    yQ(Y)] (rK

    x+ wL

    x+ rK

    y+ wL

    y), wherep

    xand p


    equal the prices of the product, respectively.

    The production possibilities (PPF) facing an entrepreneur are similar to that of an

    economy. LP constraint maximization for the firm can be graphically depicted by the







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    PPFthe boundary between output attainable and unattainable using available resources

    and technology. The PPF is bowed off from the origin due to the increasing opportunity

    cost. This is illustrated in figure 2.2

    Figure 2.2 Production Possibilities Frontier

    The slope of the PPF is the marginal rate of transformation (MRT). As producers

    in the economy transfers resources from the production of Y (a capital good for example)

    to the production of X (consumption good), more units of Y would have to be sacrificed.

    If equal units of resources are exchanged in the production of both goods, the PPF would

    be linear. It is emphasized that an economy cannot produce outside the PPF, because

    resources or inputs are fixed. The production possibility frontier is constrained by fixed

    inputs and technology.

    The most common method applied in illustrating optimization using linear or non-

    linear programming is the use of the Lagrangian technique (See Appendix A for

    illustration). In economics graduate departments, the student is assumed to have a

    reasonable background in linear algebra to solve for optimal levels of unknown variables.

    B Business Analysis




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    In business courses, such as management science, quantitative methods or

    decision analysis, optimization using linear programming is approached differently.

    Although the model is the same as in economics, the approach is prescriptive and the

    analysis is more applied. The objective function and constraints containing the decision

    variables are stated. It could be total profits for maximization or total costs for

    minimization. As in part A, I will illustrate both minimization and maximization

    problems, then compare parts A and B in part C.

    Suppose a dietician in a home for the elderly is faced with the objective of

    providing her residents with two meals, m1 and m2. Each meal should be rich in vitamin

    C, iron and zinc. The prices of the meals and nutritional contents of vitamin C, iron and

    zinc per hypothetical unit are provided in table 2.1.

    Table 2.1 Prices and nutrients per lb for each meal

    Meal (m1) Meal m2

    Cost per meal $0.75 $1.00 Minimum daily needsVitamin C (units) 12 5 27

    Iron 4 4 16Zinc 2 8 14

    The problem facing the dietician is to determine what combination of the two

    meals will satisfy the minimum daily needs and at the same time incur the least cost. The

    linear programming would be:

    Minimize C = 0.75m1 + m2 (objective function)

    Subject to 12m1 + 5m2 >= 27 (vitamin C constraint)

    4m1 + 4m2 >= 16 (iron constraint)

    2m1 + 8m2 >= 14 (zinc constraint)

    m1 and m2 > 0 (positive and whole meal requirement)

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    Figure 2.3 below shows the graphical optimal solutions to the dieticians problem and the

    exact points derived with simple algebraic manipulations of the LP equations.

    Figure 2.3 The Feasible Region

    There are four extreme pointsa, b, c and d. The area to the right of the extreme points

    is the feasible region. Owing to the positive food requirements for both meals, only

    points b and c are of importance to the dietician. The optimal solution to this simplified

    minimization problem is at extreme point c where the dietitian would prepare 3 lb and 1

    lb of meals 1 and 2, respectively, and spend $3.25 per day for both meals. A similar

    illustration can be found in Chiang & Wainwright (2005).

    In a management science course, LP might be a production maximization

    problem. Mansfield (1993) has a good example of linear programming for a multiple-

    product firm. Suppose XXX Auto Company can produce sedan and sport cars using four

    facilities: sedan assembly plant, engine assembly plant, sheet metal stamping plant and

    sport car assembly plant. Each sedan car that is produced per hour uses 4.5% of the






    1 42




    53 6

    2m1+8m2=14. (zinc)

    12m1+5m2=27vitamin C border


    iron border


    b, C =0.75(1)+1(3)=$3.75

    c, C=0.75(3)+1(1)=$3.25


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    sedan assembly capacity and each sport car utilizes 4% of the sport car assembly plant.

    Other percentage requirements per hour for engine and sheet metal stamping are

    presented in table 2.2.

    Table 2.2 Percentage of XXX Auto Company Fixed Capacity Needed per Hour

    Plant Sedan Sport

    Sedan assembly 4.5 0Sport car assembly 0 4

    Engine assembly 2 3.33Sheet metal stamping 4 2

    Contribution margin2 $400 $600

    Let QSD and QSP be units of sedan and sport cars, respectively, produced per hour, and

    equals total contribution margin per hour. The maximization problem would be:

    Maximize = 400QSD + 600QSP

    Subject to: .045 QSD

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    Points ABCDE are the extreme points. The feasible region is defined by

    0ABCDE. Maps of isoprofit lines can be drawn to determine sedan and sport car units

    that generate the largest profits (per hour) for XXX Auto Company. Algebraically, the

    feasible solutions for the extreme points are presented below on table 2.2. The optimal

    point set that gives the maximum profit is at C, where XXX Auto Company produces

    approximately 14 sedan and 22 sports cars per hour, assuming that there are customers

    who are able and willing to buy these cars.

    Table 2.3 Optimal Feasible Solutions

    Points Sedan Sport Contribution Margins TotalA 0 25 400 600 $15,000

    B 8.37 25 400 600 18,348

    C 14.13 21.73 400 600 18,690

    D 22.2 5.6 400 600 12,160E 22.2 0 400 600 8,880








    Sedan car border

    Sheet metal border

    Engine border

    Sport car borderB






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    Linear programming problems with more than two decision variables are

    cumbersome to solve using graphs and algebra. To avoid mathematical complications

    that might usurp the students concentration, many business departments make use of

    software packages made available by modern technology in teaching linear or nonlinear

    programming. Excels Solver is readily available on every computer. In addition to

    solving for optimal values, Excels Solver produces Answer, Sensitivity and Limits

    Reports (Ragsdale, 2001). These reports are important for a manager in the day-to-day

    allocation of business resources.

    The first part of Answer Report provides the final values, which are the optimal

    solutions to the LP (linear programming problem). The last part has formula, status and

    slack columns. The formula columns have spreadsheet cell keys showing upper or lower

    bounds (see Table A1 at the end). The status column indicates binding and nonbinding

    constraints. Slacks are associated with the status column. Slacks are unutilized

    resources. A binding constraint has zero slack and a nonbinding constraint has positive

    slack. Thus, nonbinding constraints have unutilized resources.

    Businesses are surrounded by uncertainty. Sensitivity analysis provides

    information on how much the objective function coefficient could change without

    affecting the optimal solution of the LP. This report contains allowable increase and

    decrease of the objective and constraint coefficients (see Tables A2 and A3 at the end).

    If prices change or the costs of production change, profits change as well. The sensitivity

    Report becomes handy to the manager in times of volatile prices.

    Another important information provided by Sensitivity Report in LP output is the

    shadow price. The shadow price for a constraint shows how much the optimal

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    solution would change with some changes in available resources (the bs in Appendix A).

    Holding other variables constant, if the shadow price of a constraint is positive,

    increasing the factor within the allowable increase would increase the optimal solution to

    the LPs objective function and vice versa. A zero shadow price indicates that the

    available resources have no further impact on the optimal solution. Thus, the shadow

    price of a nonbinding constraint is always zero. Shadow price would be useful when the

    organization is concerned with relevant cost or faced with divisional transfer pricing. Is

    the shadow price related to the concept of opportunity cost as used in economics?

    The Limits Report shows upper and lower limits. That is, it shows the largest and

    smallest values each variable can take, while the values of all other variables are held


    C Interdisciplinary Approach

    Parts A and B of this section illustrate different approaches in economics and

    business departments. The presentation of linear and nonlinear programming in

    economics is shown in part A. The way linear programming is taught in courses such as

    management science, quantitative analysis or operation management in a business

    department is shown in part B. If the same group of students is enrolled in both courses,

    most of them might not adequately relate the two approaches, even though both are linear

    or nonlinear programming.

    Take Figure 2.3 for example, reproduced here as Figure 2.3C. The dotted parts of

    the borderlines depicting the constraints are removed and we have the solid-line parts

    (points a, b, c and d) showing the feasible region.

    Figure 2.3C Feasible Region, Isoquant and Isocost

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    The student should understand the equivalent illustrations in parts A and B of this

    section. First, while in economics, we have a smooth, well-behaved, decreasing,

    differentiable and convex to the origin isoquant; the equivalence in management science

    is a rugged and kinked feasible boundary line constructed by fixed input constraints.

    Second, the optimal solution in management science is equivalent to the efficient

    technological inputs combination as illustrated in economicsthat is, where the slope of

    the isocost is tangent to the slope of the isoquant; this is mathematically expressed as in

    equations (2.2) and (2.3)(dQ/dL)/(dQ/dK) = w/r; marginal rate of technical substitution

    should equal ratio of input prices.

    MRTSLK=(MPL)/(MPK) = w/r.

    For the dietician, this ratio is 0.75, the price of meal 1 divided by the price of meal 2.

    which is also equal to the slope of the objective function, , and the slope of the feasible

    region at point of tangency in Figure 2.3C.






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    53 6



    vitamin C border


    iron border


    b, C =0.75(1)+1(3)=$3.75

    c, C=0.75(3)+1(1)=$3.25


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    Third, while economics students would mistake the constraints for the isocost, the

    isocost is different, as can be seen in Figure 2.3C. In fact, the LP constraints are

    determinants of the feasible region (isoquant). Fourth, the properties of the isoquant

    would be more memorable to the students using the constructs responsible for the shape.

    For example, two of the properties say, isoquants further from the origin reflect greater

    output and isoquants do not intersect. This could be explained by the fact that higher

    feasible regions are constructed by higher and different levels of input constraints.

    There are families of isoquants that are either linear for perfect substitutes or L-

    shaped for perfect complements. The business counterparts and industries that display

    such input characteristics and generate these types of feasible regions would be of interest

    for economics and business researchers.

    The same argument applies to a firms PPF and a maximization problem as shown

    in Figure 2.4. Figure 2.4C reflects the feasible region, area 0ABCDE, for the XXX Auto

    company problem. The dotted parts of Figure 2.4 depicting sedan, sport cars, sheet metal

    and assembly constraints are removed. Instead of a concave, continuous and increasing

    PPF as illustrated in economics (Figure 2.2), the solid line ABCDE becomes a kinked

    PPF showing the possible combinations of sedan and sport cars XXX Auto Company can

    produce with available inputs.

    Figure 2.4C Maximization, Feasible Region/PPF

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    If properly drawn to scale, the slope of the isoprofit line tangent to the optimal feasible

    set should equal the ratio of the prices of the cars.

    At point B, XXX Auto Company can produce approximately 8 sedans and 25

    sport cars. At point C, the optimal feasible set, the company can produce approximately

    14 sedans and 22 sport cars. At point D, it produces roughly 22 sport cars and 6 sedans.

    If the company decides to produce at any points other than point C, the opportunity cost

    of making such decision would be equal to the profits forgone. In this case, it would be

    $342 at point B and $6,520 at point D (in net values).

    The best learners as described in learning motivation literature are students who

    link what they learned from one course to other courses. (Harackiewicz, Barron & Elliot,

    1997, 2001; Ames & Archer, 1988; Hidi & Harachiewicz, 2000; Barron & Harackiewicz,

    2001). The question remains whether the student can relate the materials as learned in

    economics to what (s)he learned in management science. Integrating both parts as








    (14.13, 21.73) = $18,680

    (8.37, 25) = $18,348

    (22.2, 5.6)= $12,160






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    described in part C in managerial economics would contribute to the students overall

    comprehension of the topic. Knowing that the objective and constraint functions in LPs

    are created from unit revenues and unit costs, efficiency which is the tenet of economics,

    would be pursued, recognized and upheld in business analysis.


    Production costs are common topics both in economics and business courses.

    These costs are the same but are discussed differently. As in Section II above, Part A

    illustrates the general approach used in teaching production costs in economics, and part

    B shows how costs are explained in accounting. Parts C and D discuss the links.

    A Economics Analysis

    The production function depends on fixed and variable inputs. Output (Q) is

    expressed as a function of inputs or factors, such as capital, labor and materials. That is,

    Q =f(K, L, M). Capital usually is the fixed input while labor and materials are the

    variable inputs. Short-run and long-run periods are distinguished. A short run is a

    production period when the amount of at least one production input is held fixed. In the

    long run, all inputs can be changed.

    Economic costs are comprised of explicit and implicit costs, which are the

    opportunity costs; that is, the next best alternative use of these resources. Total costs

    (TC) equal total fixed cost (TFC) plus total variable cost (TVC). In the short-run,

    variable costs change with output but total fixed costs do not vary as output varies.

    Average cost (AC) equals TC divided by quantity (Q) produced. Average variable cost

    (AVC) is TVC divided by quantity (Q) produced. AFC is TFC divided by Q produced.

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    Next, marginal cost (MC) is the change in cost associated with a one-unit change in

    quantity (output) produced. MC = dTC/dQ, the first order derivative of total cost.

    For the purpose of distinction between cost behaviors as illustrated in economics,

    Figure 3.1 shows TC, TVC and TFC curves.

    Figure 3.1 Costs Functions

    The total cost function is monotonically increasing and continuously

    differentiable. It has concave and convex segments. Economists are concerned with the

    inflection points. How do costs behave with increases in output? Initially, MC falls with

    an increase in output, and starts to rise again as output increases. The declining and

    rising parts of the MC curve are caused by the shape of the TVC, which makes the ATC

    and AVC curves convex. Thus, the ATC, AVC and MC are U-shaped. This also reflects

    the properties of diminishing marginal returns.






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    The long-run average total cost (LRAC) curve is the envelope of the short-run

    average cost curves. Long-run involves plant expansion. Cost elasticities and economies

    of scale in production levels are illustrated.

    In undergraduate economics textbooks, graphs are often used to illustrate these

    important properties of cost behaviors. In graduate courses differential calculus is

    applied to describe and prove these properties.

    B Business Analysis

    Total cost (TC) is also comprised of fixed and variable costs. Business class

    discussions are less mathematical and the graphical representations of these costs are

    different from those displayed in part A of this section. Linear graphs rather than curves

    suffice to convey TC, FC and VC as shown in Figure 3.2.

    Figure 3.2

    Here, costs are further decomposed into direct and indirect costs. Direct costs are

    costs of labor and materials that can specifically be identified with an object. In this case,

    the object is the output. Indirect costs are shared and also called overhead costs. Direct






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    and indirect costs can be fixed or variable. Supervisory employees salaries, for

    instance, are direct fixed costs; labor wages are direct and variable costs since they

    change as the volume of activity changes. Electricity used to operate a plant is an

    indirect variable cost, while machine depreciation is an indirect fixed cost.

    In order for a business student to have a full understanding of this topic, we

    cannot discuss variable cost without referring to product and period costs; that is

    absorption (full) costing and variable costing, respectively. Variable costing assigns

    variable manufacturing costs (direct labor, direct material and variable manufacturing

    overhead) to the product. Absorption costing assigns full costs including fixed

    manufacturing overhead to the product. Under variable costing, fixed manufacturing

    overhead is a period cost while under absorption costing; fixed manufacturing overhead

    is a product cost.

    Table 3.1 Economics and Accounting Costs

    Economics Classification

    A - Fixed Costs (K) B - Variable Costs (L)Accounting Assignment Accounting Assignment

    1.Machine (dep)* Indirect 1.Material Direct2.Buildings (dep) Indirect 2.Labor Direct

    3.Cost of capital Indirect 3.Utilities Indirect**4.Plant Supervisor* Direct/indirect^ 4.Factory Supplies Indirect**

    5.Plant Maintenance* Indirect 5.Sales Commission Indirect

    6.Insurance Indirect 6.Delivery Charges Indirect7.Property Taxes Indirect 7.Labor Fringe3 Indirect**

    8.Advertising Indirect9.Mngment Salaries Indirect

    ^Plant supervisors pay could be indirect if (s)he supervises more than one plant.*Fixed manufacturing overhead. **Variable manufacturing overhead.

    Apparently, the definitions of fixed and variable costs are the same in economics

    and accounting, but the conceptualizations are different. Fixed costs are costs that remain

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    constant in total as volume changes. All items in column A qualify as fixed costs. For

    instance, once a company makes a budget for advertising, it is unlikely to change much

    during an operating period. Advertising qualifies as a fixed selling cost; sales

    commission and delivery charges are variable selling costs. Cost of capital is the normal

    profit that the firm planned to pay its investors, including bond, preferred and common

    stocks holders. Plant maintenance covers maintenance contracts, janitors and guards. The

    size of each of these items is different across industries, but the nature is similar whether

    the firm is operating an airline, manufacturing autos, or is involved with health care,

    education or food processing companies.

    A course in economics groups these items in column A as fixed costs and

    conceptualizes them as property, plant and equipment due to their constant behaviors as

    volume changes. It classifies column B items as variable costs, and oftentimes, for

    simplicity, identifies them as labor. A course such as managerial economics should not

    follow suit. While a course in economic theory is more concerned with deriving the

    efficiency benchmark, managerial economics should be more elaborate and specific

    about the business equivalence of the economic classifications.

    C Operating Income, Bankruptcy Protection and Shutdown

    We can see the importance of integrating the economic illustration with real

    accounting terms by analyzing different market scenarios. Business students would find

    it more meaningful to incorporate a bankruptcy situation in the processes leading to

    shutdown. Lets use ATC, AVC and MC curves as defined in part A of this section.

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    Figure 3.3 ATC, AVC and MC

    Assume this firm is operating in a competitive market. It maximizes economic

    profits by producing where price (MR) equals MC. At price g, point a on Figure 3.3, the

    neo-classical firm is making positive economic profit. Positive economic profit is a huge

    accounting profit that is partly distributed to shareholders and partly kept as retained

    earnings. Retained earnings, which is placed on the stockholders equity section of the

    firms balance sheet, signals great performance and appears favorable on Wall Street.

    The firms performance exceeds Wall Streets expectation.

    If there is high competition and the price of the product drops to e, point b, this

    firm makes zero economic profit but makes normal accounting profits that cover the cost

    of capital. Investors and financial analysts could live with this level of profit. Below

    point c, it pays the firm to shut down because total revenue is less than variable costs and

    the firm is operating at a loss. If the firm shuts down at point c, it bears losses equal to its

    fixed costs. Point c upward along the marginal cost (MC) is the short-run supply curve of

    the neo-classical economic firm.














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    If revenues exceed variable costs, between points b and c, the firm is making

    operating income and it may pay the firm to remain in business because it can afford all

    variable costs and parts of its fixed costs. Due to competition and economic downturns, a

    typical firm in many industries is more likely to find itself in this section of the graph.

    Economic analyses assume that fixed costs must be paid in the short run

    regardless of whether the firm continues operation or shuts down. The question is, which

    of those fixed costs on Table 3.1, column A are unavoidable in the short run? Clearly,

    the firm can avoid all items in column B if it stops operating. In order to answer this

    question, it becomes relevant to consider the working capital of the firm.

    Working capital equals current assets minus current liabilities. It measures

    efficiency and the liquidity of the current operating cycle. Between points b and c, if

    current assets exceed current liabilities, it indicates a company has enough cash flow to

    cover its current obligations. On the other hand, if current assets are less than current

    liabilities and the firm cannot pay its creditors, suppliers and employees (items in column

    B, Table 3.2), the firm would be forced to file for Chapter 11. Therefore, the key to

    survival between points b and c in Figure 3.3 would be proper working capital

    management. Table 3.2 shows a simplified working capital of a firm.

    Table 3.2 Working Capital

    A - Current Assets B - Current LiabilitiesCash Accounts and Notes Payable

    Accounts and Notes Receivable Interest Payable

    Prepaid Expenses Accrued LiabilitiesMarketable Securities Accrued Salaries and Fringe

    Inventories Other DebtsOther Liquid Assets

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    All items on Table 3.1 would siphon cash in column A or increase all items in

    column B, Table 3.2. Financial analysts often use current ratio, inventory turnover and

    accounts receivable turnover ratios to assess the ability of the firm to pay current costs in

    Table 3.1. In column A, Table 3.1, items numbered 1 and 2, depreciation expense, is not

    a cash item; however, sometime in the past the firm borrowed to set up plants, properties

    and equipment. Some of the borrowed principals are matured and reflect on column B,

    Table 3.2. Item 3, column B on Table 3.1 also increases interest payable on Table 3.2.

    Except for items 6 and 7, which may be prepaid, items 4 through 9 are fixed costs, which

    the firm can avoid if it stops operating..

    The only unavoidable fixed costs, if the firm shuts down, are the undepreciated

    (carrying values) parts of items 1 and 2 of Table 3.1. Depending on the industry, these

    items could be significant on the firms balance sheet. Thus, between points b and c of

    figure 3.3, some firms would survive longer than others during bankruptcy protection,

    depending on their working capital management.

    The next question of concern to a managerial economics student is the essence of

    separating these costs in Table 3.1 into indirect and direct costs. Direct costs are costs

    that can be traced directly to the object, while indirect or overhead costs are allocated to

    different objects. Also, some of the costs on Table 3.1, especially material, labor and

    supervisory costs, raise the products intrinsic values; the quality of the product can

    directly be traced to the material and labor used. Advertising, on the other hand, conveys

    information to the consumer and may only reflect on the consumers perception of the

    product. These costs are indirect, because they cannot directly be identified with the


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    Whether or not a firm commits more resources to such indirect costs depends on

    the managements philosophy about a product. For instance, management that believes

    that a product is 90% perception may commit more resources to indirect costs such as

    advertising and gold-plated headquarters to create a brand and goodwill (nonproductive

    assets) than to invest more in labor and materials.

    D - The Relevant Range and Operating Leverage

    Some curious students, however, might also be baffled by the curved TC and

    TVC (Figure 3.1) learned in economics courses and the linear TC and TVC graphs

    (Figure 3.2) learned in business courses. There is a large conceptual gap between this

    region of costs as learned in economics and as learned in business courses. This gap

    needs to be filled by appropriate illustrations in managerial economics.

    The relevant range appears among the last chapters of some management

    accounting texts (Hansen & Mowen, 2003, p. 671). The instructor might not get to that

    chapter by the end of the course. However, relevant range is completely nonexistent in

    most economics texts. Business analyses assume that there is a portion of the TC and

    TVC where both costs and revenues are linear. It is the current operating range for which

    the linear cost and revenue relationship are valid (Hansen & Mowen, 2003). See Figure


    Linearity properties of total revenue and total cost are among important

    assumptions in cost-volume-profit (CVP) analysis where breakeven (BE) quantities are

    derived. Other important terms within this range are contribution margin (CM), margin

    of safety and operating leverage. Breakeven quantity is the level of production where

    total revenue and total cost are equal and could also be derived by dividing TFC by unit

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    CM. CM equals sales minus variable costs. Therefore, at breakeven (BE), point b on

    figure 3.3, contribution margin (CM) equals total fixed costs (column A Table 3.1).

    Margin of safety is the sales or revenue expected above the breakeven quantity.

    Figure 3.4

    Operating leverage is the relative combination of fixed and variable costs and the

    use of fixed assets (costs) to generate revenue. In an operation where fixed costs (fixed

    assets) can be substituted for variable costs (labor), a firm can raise its CM by investing

    more in fixed assets and lowering variable costs. In this case, the firm uses fixed cost as

    a lever to increase its contribution margin. As the firm invests in fixed costs, it also

    acquires more risks. The degree of operating leverage (DOL) is a measure of this risk as

    shown in equation 3.5 below. Table 3.3 illustrates CVP income statement.

    Table 3.3 CVP Income Statement







    The Relevant Range

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    1000 sold Per unit 1100 sold 1100 sold 900 sold

    Sales $600,000 $600 $660,000 $660,000 $540,000VC (400,000) (400) (440,000) (385,000)* (315,000)

    CM 200,000 200 220,000 275,000 225,000FC (200,000) (200) (200,000) (235,000) (235,000)

    Net Income 0 0 20,000 40,000 (10,000)

    CM ratio 33.33% 33.33% 42%*FC are substituted for some VC; VC now $350 per unit DOL = 6.875%

    DOL is sensitivity of profits to changes in output. It is an elasticity concept, that

    is, dividing a percentage change in sales into a percentage change in profit. Given that Q

    equals quantity sold, P equals price of the good, AVC equals unit variable cost, TFC is

    total fixed costs and profit is = Q(P AVC) TFC,

    DOL = (d/)/(dQ/Q) = {dQ(P AVC)/[Q(P AVC) TFC]}/dQ/Q (3.4)

    Rearranging equation (3.4), DOL becomes:

    {Q(P AVC)}/{Q(P AVC) TFC} (3.5)

    The higher the TFC4 (items in column A, Table 3.1), the greater is the DOL for

    the firm. Thus, if TFC denotes only costs associated with properties, plants and

    equipment, excluding a host of other items that meet the definitions of fixed costs, the

    risks facing the firm are understated.

    A higher level of operating leverage magnifies profits in times of high sales and

    magnifies losses during recession. For example, on Table 3.3, with 6.875 DOL, a drop in

    sales by 200 units reduces profit from a positive $40,000 to a loss of $10,000. Higher

    levels of fixed costs, therefore, could be linked to higher levels of risk.

    Moreover, the application of operating leverage as analyzed in business courses

    undermines technologically efficient combinations of capital and labor as discussed under

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    isoquant and isocost (equations 2.2 and 2.3) in section II. While the level of production

    is endogenously determined by the production function in economics analysis, modern

    firms using operating leverage are bestowed, however, with the power to produce at any

    level. The firm production point might not take into consideration scale diseconomies.

    The firm applying operating leverage would therefore over-invest in assets.

    CVP is a managerial economics topic as well as a management accounting topic.

    Linearity assumption, the relevant range and operating leverage, therefore must be linked

    and contrasted with the golden rule of inputs combination as discussed in economics if

    the objective of a managerial economics course is to encourage business students to apply

    mastery style of learning.

    Note also that the variables used under the topics of isocosts and isoquants, which

    are capital and labor (fixed and variable costs, respectively), are the same units used in

    the construction of feasible regions in business courses such as quantitative analysis,

    management science or operations management. The same variables are used in the

    preparation of CVP income statements in an accounting course and operating leverage in

    a finance course. Furthermore, these topics are heavily tested in professional business

    examinations such as CPA, CIA and CMA. Students would improve their performance

    on these exams if they understood the underlying theoretical basis.


    A Economics Analysis

    A firm incurs costs to produce. Production function is the other side of the coin to

    the cost function. In the region where the marginal cost is increasing, the marginal

    product curve is decreasing and vice versa. Thus, the short-run total product curve is a

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    mirror image of the short-run total costs curve as shown in Figure 3.1 in Section III. The

    law of diminishing marginal returns applies where the total cost curve is rising quickly

    and the marginal product is decreasing.

    Marginal analysis is a useful tool in economics, especially in resource

    management and factor addition and reduction. The efficiency rule is to hire factors until

    revenues brought in by a factor equals the cost of hiring the factor. That is, marginal

    revenue product equals the factor price.

    Let Q = output be a function of K (capital) and L (labor), Q = g(K,L); and

    Revenue (R) be a function of output Q, R = f(Q). By the chain rule, we can find the

    marginal revenue product of capital (MRPk) and marginal revenue product of labor

    (MRPL) in equations (4.1) and (4.2) respectively, as:

    dR/dK = (dR/dQ)(dQ/dK) (4.1)

    dR/dL = (dR/dQ)(dQ/dL) (4.2)

    From equations (4.1) and (4.2), (dR/dQ) is the marginal revenue (MR) and (dQ/dK) and

    (dQ/dL) are the marginal physical product of capital (MPk) and the marginal physical

    product of labor MPL, respectively.

    Therefore, the marginal revenue product of capital (MRPk), which is of interest to

    this section of the paper, equals MR x MPk. In adding capital, economic efficiency

    requires that MRPk is set to equal the unit costs of acquisition of physical capital or factor

    price (PF).

    MRPk = PFk. (4.3)

    B Business Analysis

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    While economics is concerned with productivity of physical capital such as plants

    and other assets, a course in finance would be concerned with the funds to acquire these

    plants. Firms finance their assets with different combinations of sources of financing

    known as capital structures. These are the selling of common stocks, preferred stocks,

    bonds, the use of retained earnings, etc., generally classified into debt and equity. The

    use of any of these sources of financing entails an opportunity cost of capital.

    Thus, the heuristic approach in capital budgeting is for firms to invest in capital

    projects until the rate of return from the project is equal to the cost of capital or an

    ongoing interest rate. This efficiency rule is theoretically equivalent to the rule derived in

    equation (4.3), part A - Economic Analysis, where dR/dK = MRPk= PFk.

    The appropriate rate of return for any capital project, nonetheless, is controversial.

    The desired or required rate of return (RRR) might be a good estimatethat is, the

    minimum rate an investor would accept on a project of a comparable nature. Some call it

    a hurdle rate. Determining these benchmark rates can be a breathtaking exercise. Others

    believe that the cost of capital would be an appropriate threshold for the rate of return.

    Combining different sources of financing, the cost of capital may not be readily

    available. The after-tax cost of debt is the firms borrowing rate less applicable taxes.

    The cost of preferred stocks is related to the dividends paid. The cost of equity financing

    oftentimes is based on estimates. Theoretically, most commonly used for cost of equity

    are the dividend growth model and CAPM (capital assets pricing model). The weighted

    average of these three sources of financing (debts, preferred stocks and equity) is

    generally known as the weighted average cost of capital (WACC). Whether CAPM is the

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    appropriate measure of the cost of equity and WACC is the accurate measure of the

    actual cost of capital remains a hot debate in finance literature.

    C MRPk, Rate of Return and Performance Evaluation

    Perhaps applying a marginal capital productivity rate set equal to the factor price

    as in economics might give a better measure for the rate of return and the unit cost of

    capital, respectively. The marginal revenue product of capital, (MRPk), is MR multiplied

    by MPk. Assuming the firm is operating in a perfectly competitive industry, thus facing a

    perfectly elastic demand curve, marginal revenue (MR) is equal to the price (P) of the

    good the firm produces. The market price (P) is known. The price (P) multiplied by the

    MPkwould give MRPk which could be compared to industrial rates to give an accurate

    measure of the rate of return of acquired capital. The productivity rate (PR) could be


    (PRk) = (MRPk)/TR. (4.4)

    = (P x MPk)/TR = (P x MPk)/(P x Q)

    = MPk/Q or MPk/TPk (4.5)

    Equation (4.5) is the percentage change in production and could be considered the

    economic version of return on investment (ROI) or return on assets (ROA). The firm

    would first equate its MRPk to the PF (actual acquisition cost) in order to select the

    efficient levels of investment, and then determine the PR.

    Suppose a given company can invest in units of capital. The cost of renting one

    unit is $130.00 and the product sells for $5.00. Table 4.1 contains total product (TP),

    marginal product (MP), marginal revenue product (MRP) and the productivity rate (PR)

    of capital. With a unit cost of capital $130, efficiency requires that this company invest

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    in 3 units of capital that yield 18% productivity. If the cost of acquisition drops to

    $120.00, the firm gains by investing in 4 units of capital earning productivity rate of 13%.

    Table 4.1 Total Product(TP) and Productivity Rate (PR)

    Units of Capital TPk MPk MRPk PRk

    1 88 88 440

    2 124 36 180 29%

    3 152 28 140 18%4 176 24 120 13%

    5 198 22 110 11%

    This efficiency rule could also be applied to determine the performance of human

    capital such as CEOs or professional athletes to ascertain if the additional revenue they

    generate (MRPk) as CEOs or pro-footballers is equivalent to their pay. Bonuses should

    be compared to their productivity rate (PRk).

    Therefore, Residual Income (RI), which is Income (Required Rate of Return x

    Investment). Substituting the productivity rate (PRk) into RI equation for the rate of


    RI = Income (PRkx Investment) (4.6)

    Residual income is usually compared with Return on Investment (ROI).

    The Economic Value Added (EVA) equation, another important performance

    measure in the literature, can also be altered by substituting (4.5) into the EVA equation:

    EVA = ATOI [PRkx (total assets current liabilities)] (4.7)

    where ATOI is After-Tax Operating Income.

    The idea is to integrate economics concepts into a finance course. Teaching

    managerial economics as in Part A, with regard to resource acquisitions, without

    reference to Part B would leave many students unable to reconcile theoretical concepts in

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    economics courses with finance courses. This would affect abstract analytical and

    decision-making skills and graduates during their careers may generally rely on non-

    economic factors in decision-making. Managerial economics would bridge the gap if

    approached from interdisciplinary perspective.


    Different methods of classroom presentation are illustrated. Linear programming,

    production costs and marginal revenue product of capital are all economics topics, which

    are also topics in management science or quantitative methods, accounting, and finance.

    respectively. Part A of each section is a typical economics discussion. Part B is the

    business school counterpart. Part C (and D when necessary) links and tries to integrate

    the concepts in economics and business.

    Economics forms the theoretical framework for many business courses. It is

    shown that presenting these topics in a business department from a pure social science

    perspective isolates economics theories from the other business courses. There are

    conceptual gaps that dampen business students interest in economics and in turn deprive

    the students from being well rounded in business.

    It is argued that, if the classroom contents overlap, managerial economics offered

    in many business departments could bridge the conceptual gaps between economics

    taught as a social science in liberal arts settings, and operation management, accounting

    and finance taught as business courses. Students would generate more interest in

    economics as they can visualize conceptual connections in these courses. As economics

    majors from business schools, students would develop more skills and be exposed to

    more career choices.

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    Table A1 Hypothetical Answer Report - Constraints

    Cell Variable Cell Value Formula Status Slack

    $C$7 X1 400 $C$7

  • 8/8/2019 Teaching Managerial Economics



    performance strategy is to outperform other students and earn higher grades.

    Paradoxically, performance learners are found to score higher in examinations

    than students who apply mastery style.

    2. Contribution Margin is a term used in variable costing, which equals totalrevenue minus total variable costs. Gross Margin is the appropriate term

    when absorption costing is used. Gross margin equals revenues minus cost of

    goods sold. The latter includes beginning and ending finished goods

    inventories and work-in-process inventories.

    3. Labor fringe includes social security, life insurance, health insurance, pension,

    training, vacation, sick leave, overtime and idle time. Some companies

    classify these as indirect costs and others as direct. Many of these items are

    expressed as a percentage of labor hours; therefore, they fit into variable costs.

    Knowing which items in the firms financial statements are fixed, variable,

    direct and indirect is important in making managerial decisions.

    4. If executive compensations including bonuses, for example, are classified as

    fixed costs, as shown in Table 3.1, the firms DOL increases as well as the

    risks facing the firm.

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    Appendix A

    The objective function and the constraints are stated. The first and second

    derivatives are taken, the former are set equal to zero (necessary conditions), and the

    latter are compared to zero (sufficient conditions).

    MAX (or MIN) c1X1 + c2 X2 + + cn Xn A2.1

    Subject to: a11X1 + a12X2 + a1nXn

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    A further breakdown is to carry out a comparative static analysis to check the

    effect of any changes in the exogenous parameters, the coefficients and the constants, on

    the optimal solutions. In some cases, the professor may extend the illustration to include

    specific functions in the objective function. Cobb-Douglas or CES functions come to

    mind. Envelope theorem and Kuhn-Tucker conditions (Binger & Hoffman, 1998; Chiang

    & Wainwright, 2005) are other techniques the professor might apply in solving

    optimization problems in a graduate economics course.