teaching profession: why have i chosen teaching as profession


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presentation presented by my mentor, Sir Liaqat Nadeem, HOD, Lahore Garrison University, DHA, Lahore


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Page 2: Teaching profession: Why have I chosen teaching as profession

Contents:a) What is teaching professionb) Top Ten Reasons why teaching can be a

great professionc) What are the opinion of great thinkers

about teaching and teachersd) Why did I choose it?

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Teaching Profession?

It is dissected as:

a) The facilitation of student learning

b) Imparting knowledge or skill

c) It is an intended behaviour to introduce learning

d) It is said that teacher is an artist and teaching is

an art.

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According to G. Wells (1998) it is a cluster of activities that are noted about teacher such as explaining, deducing, questioning ,motivating, taking attendance, keeping record of works, students’ progress and students’ background information.

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Personal qualities of a teacher

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Types of Teachers

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Top ten reasons why teaching can be a great profession

1. Student potential

Unfortunately, not every student will succeed in your

class. However, this fact should not stop a teacher from

believing that every student has the potential for

success. This potential is so existing that each new year

presents new challenges and new potential successes.

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2. Student success and teacher’s exhilarationIt can be a means of great exhilaration when a student who did not understand a concept and then he learned it through your help. 3. Teaching helps you learn a subjectYou will never learn a topic better than when you start teaching it.4. Daily humourIf you have positive attitude and a sense of humour, you will find things to laugh about each day. So find the fun in your class and enjoy your profession.5. Affecting the future When you are teaching in a class, you, in fact, are also exercising your own influences upon your students who are our future.6. Staying youngerBeing around young people everyday will help you remain knowledgeable about current trends, fashions and ideas.

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7. Autonomy in the classOnce a teacher closes the door of his classroom and begins teaching, he really is one who decides what is going to happen in the classroom. Not many jobs provide an individual with so much room to be creative and autonomous each day 8. Conducive to family lifeIf you are married and have children, academic calendar will typically allow you to have the same days off as your kids.9. Job security In many communities teachers are scarce commodity. It is fairly certain that you will be able to find a job as a teacher if you have proven yourself a successful teacher.

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10. Summer offIt is the only profession where you have summer vacation, winter holidays, and weekends which can really be a huge benefit and provide much needed rest time

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Opinions of great thinkers Aristotle: those who know , do . Those

who understand, teach. Phil Collins in learning you will teach and in teaching you will learn.

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William Arthur Ward The mediocre teacher tells , the good teacher explain the superior teacher demonstrate, the great teacher inspires.Nikos Kazantzakis True teachers are those who use themselves as bridges over which they invite their student s to cross, then having facilitated their crossing joy fully collapse, encouraging them to create their own. Jacques BarzunTeaching is not a lost art but the regard for it is a lost tradition.William Glasser When you study great teachers, you will learn much more from their caring and hard work than from their style.Albert EinsteinI never teach my pupils , I only attempt to provide the conditions in which they can learn.

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Why did I choose teaching profession?

The Holy Prophet says that he has been sent in this world as a

teacher. It means that it is a profession of prophets.

My role models are my teachers. I can never forget them. They

motivated and inspired me to be a teacher. Though my parents want

to make me a doctor and I did F.sc pre medical yet eventually they

give me permission to choose teaching profession.

It is not only teaching rather preaching and the teacher leaves

indelible prints on the heart and mind of students. So if a teacher is

sincere with his profession he can give “ true and sincere men” to his


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It has been noted that a student pays a lot of

attention to his teacher. He is all ears to his teachers.

So if you have something good with your self you can

impart it to your students.

it is a duty which gives us a chance to earn “Halal”.

It is a suitable profession for a thorough gentle and

educated person.

It is also a profession which gives us an opportunity for

ventilation of emotions and feelings . A teacher in the

class has a chance to share all his views and feelings

with his students about any topic .

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I choose this profession because it can become a bridge

between you and society and as a teacher a person can enhance

his social contacts.

A teacher deals with the psyche of hundreds of students

belonging to different bent of mind, different culture, classes

and family background. Though it does not appear that a

teacher is a sharp person yet it is a fact that his maximum

contact with a student makes him a person of deep, profound

and very broad vision. In the case of other profession like Army,

police, csp, etc. people are expert in certain or limited areas but

not in social issues. Teaching profession enables a man to tackle

every situation.

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It can also be counted as

“Sadqa-i-Jaria”. It means that when a

teacher dies, his knowledge imparted to

his pupils would be spiritually benefited

to him when his pupils are transferring

or imparting this knowledge to other.

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A teacher can bring a great revolution in the minds and hearts of people by exercising his sublime thought upon them. He can reform, improve and refine their personality and thoughts.

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A teacher’s role in making or marring a nation is of great importance. A teacher can lift the glory of a nation or he can demolish or destroy the edifice of a nation. The example of the former East Pakistan which is now Bangladesh is before us where Hindu teachers played a key role in poisoning the hearts and minds of the people of East Pakistan.

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