teaching with dramatized

TEACHING WITH DRAMATIZED EXPERIENCED “All Dramatization is essentially a process of communication in which both participant and spectators are engaged. A creative interaction takes place of a sharing ideas.”

Upload: katherine-joy-marquez

Post on 26-May-2015




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  • 1. TEACHING WITH DRAMATIZED EXPERIENCED All Dramatization is essentially a process of communication in which both participant and spectators are engaged. A creative interaction takes place of a sharing ideas.

2. Abstraction Something dramatic is something that is stirring or affecting moving. A dramatic entrance is something that catches and holds our attention and has an emotional impact. If our teaching is dramatic our students get attracted, interested and affected. If they are affected and moved by what we taught , we will almost likely leave an impact on them. So why cant we be dramatic all the time? 3. Dramatized experienced can range from: Plays Pageant Pantomime Tableau Puppets 4. PLAYS depict life, character, or culture or a combination of all three. They offer excellent opportunities to portray vividly important uses what the pageants are usually commonly dramas which are based on local actors. 5. Pantomime A dramatic entertainment, originating in Roman mime, in which performers express meaning through gestures accompanied by music. 6. Pantomime show 7. Tableau Is a picture-liked scene composed of people against the background. A representation of some scene by means of persons grouped in the proper manner, placed in appropriate postures, and remaining silent and motionless. 8. Friendship Tableau 9. Puppets A movable model of a person or animal used in entertainment and typically moved either by strings from above or by a hand inside it. 10. Types of Puppet 11. a flat human or animal shape fixed to thin sticks. People use shadow puppets for telling a story by moving them in front of a light to make shadows on a screen. flat black silhouette made from light weight cardboard and shown behind a screen Shadow Puppet 12. Rod Puppets Flat cut out figures tacked to a stick with one or more movable parts and operated from below the stage level by wire rods or slender sticks. 13. Hand Puppets The puppets head is operated by the forefinger of the puppeteer, the little finger of the thumb being used to animate the puppet hands 14. Glove-and-finger Puppets Make use of old gloves to which small costumed figure are attached 15. Marionettes Flexible, jointed puppets operated by stings or wires attached to a cross bar and maneuvered from directly above all stage. 16. What principles must be observed in choosing a puppet play for teaching? a) Do not use puppets for plays that can be done just as well or better by other dramatic means b) Puppet plays must be based on actions rather than on words c) Keep the plays short d) Do not omit the possibilities of music and dancing as part of the puppet show e) Adapt the puppet show to the age, background, and tastes of the students. 17. Role Playing Is an unrehearsed, unprepared and spontaneous dramatization of a lets pretend situation where assigned participants are absorbed by their own roles in the situation described by the teachers. 18. Another sort of question regarding role playing are: 19. HOW IS ROLE PLAYING BEING DONE? It can be done by describing a situation by which would create different viewpoints on an issue and then asking the students to play the role of individuals involved. Any kind of conflict situation, real or potential is useful to role-playing or any situation in which real feelings are concealed. Consider situations in school at home on the playground, at work, in government. The role plating is followed by a discussion. Among the questions that may be asked are: 20. How did you, as actors, feel? As observers, would you agree with what the actors said or did? Any lesson learns? 21. Making the connections: As a teacher throughout the day you are called upon to be an actor or actress? In what sense? 22. Analysis Question What are the best features of dramatic experience? What are plays not often presented in schools?