teachscheme, reachjava adelphi university tuesday morning july 13, 2010

TeachScheme, ReachJava Adelphi University Tuesday morning July 13, 2010

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Page 1: TeachScheme, ReachJava Adelphi University Tuesday morning July 13, 2010

TeachScheme, ReachJava

Adelphi University

Tuesday morning

July 13, 2010

Page 2: TeachScheme, ReachJava Adelphi University Tuesday morning July 13, 2010

July 12 2010 TeachScheme, ReachJava 2010 2


; = : number number -> boolean

; >, <, >=, <= : similar

; string=? : string string -> boolean

; image=? : image image -> boolean

; not : boolean -> boolean

; and : boolean … -> boolean

; or : boolean … -> boolean

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July 12 2010 TeachScheme, ReachJava 2010 3

A Boolean-valued function; 18-to-25? : number -> boolean

(define (18-to-25? age); age a number(and (>= age 18) (<= age 25)))

(check-expect (18-to-25? 17) false)(check-expect (18-to-25? 18) true)(check-expect (18-to-25? 22) true)(check-expect (18-to-25? 25) true)(check-expect (18-to-25? 26) false)

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Type-checking animationsCommon beginner mistake in writing animations: handler

returns wrong type.

There's another kind of handler:

(check-with function)

; function : anything -> boolean

Built-in examples:





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Type-checking animationsExample:(big-bang 0

(check-with number?) (on-tick ...) (on-mouse ...) (on-draw ...))

Now if student writes a handler that returns the wrong type, there'll be a more-informative error message.

The check-with clause also serves as documentation.

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Stopping an Animation

There's another kind of handler:

(stop-when function)

where function has contract model -> boolean

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Stopping an Animation

Example: a growing disk that stops growing when the radius reaches 100

; model is a number representing radius; over-100? : number -> boolean(define (over-100? r) (> r 100))

(big-bang 0(check-with number?)(on-tick add1 1/4)(on-draw blue-circle-of-size)(stop-when over-100?))

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(cond[boolean-expr-1 answer-1][boolean-expr-2 answer-2]…[boolean-expr-n answer-n])

tries each boolean-expr in turn. As soon as one of them evaluates to true, it evaluates and returns the corresponding answer.

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Functions with conditionals

Write a function reply that takes in one of the strings "good morning", "good afternoon", or "good night", and returns "I need coffee!", "I need a nap!", or "Bed time!" respectively.

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Functions with conditionalsContract & data analysis

; reply : string -> string

Data analysis: the input falls into three categories: "good morning", "good afternoon", and "good night".

The output likewise falls into three categories: "I need coffee!", "I need a nap!", or "Bed time!"

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July 12 2010 TeachScheme, ReachJava 2010 11

Functions with conditionalsTest cases

Need a test case for each category of input, and each category of output. Conveniently, they match up one-to-one in this example.

(check-expect (reply "good morning")"I need coffee!")

(check-expect (reply "good afternoon")"I need a nap!")

(check-expect (reply "good night")"Bed time!")

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Functions with conditionalsSkeleton & inventory

Since there are three categories of input (and output), we'll probably need a 3-branch cond:

(define (reply greeting)

; greeting ; a string(cond [ question answer ] [ question answer ] [ question answer ]) )

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July 12 2010 TeachScheme, ReachJava 2010 13

Functions with conditionalsBody

Fill in either all three answers, or all three questions, whichever is easier. In this case, the answers.

(define (reply greeting)

; greeting ; a string(cond [ question "I need coffee!" ] [ question "I need a nap!" ] [ question "Bed time!" ]))

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Functions with conditionalsBody

Then do the other of (questions, answers).

(define (reply greeting)

; greeting ; a string(cond [ (string=? greeting "good morning") "I need coffee!" ] [ (string=? greeting "good afternoon") "I need a nap!" ] [ (string=? greeting "good night") "Bed time!" ]))

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Functions with conditionalsError-checking

Quibble: this isn't idiot-proof. What happens if input isn't one of the three recognized inputs?

Answer: ugly error message.Solution: revise data analysis (and everything that depended

on it)Input is "good morning", "good afternoon", "good night", or

anything else. Output is "I need coffee!", "I need a nap!", "Bed time!", or "Huh?"

Add one more test case(check-expect (reply "buenas noches") "Huh?")

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Functions with conditionalsError-checking

Add one more cond case:

(define (reply greeting)

; greeting ; a string(cond [ (string=? greeting "good morning") "I need coffee!" ] [ (string=? greeting "good afternoon") "I need a nap!" ] [ (string=? greeting "good night") "Bed time!" ] [ else "Huh?" ]))

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The shape of the data determines the shape of the code and tests.

Say this ten times before bed.

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Another example; pepper-scale : number -> string ("serrano", "cayenne",

"thai", "habanero"); Scoville 5000-25000 -> serrano; Scoville 30000-50000 -> cayenne; Scoville 65000-90000 -> thai; Scoville 100000-up -> habanero; Data analysis: input is a number, but falls into 4

categories:; 5000-25000, 30000-50000, 65000-90000, 100000-up.; Output is likewise four categories: "serrano",

"cayenne", "thai"., "habanero"

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Another example; Test cases therefore need to include all 4 categories plus borderlines.

(check-expect (pepper-scale 5000) "serrano")(check-expect (pepper-scale 16500) "serrano")(check-expect (pepper-scale 25000) "serrano")(check-expect (pepper-scale 30000) "cayenne")(check-expect (pepper-scale 42000) "cayenne")(check-expect (pepper-scale 50000) "cayenne")(check-expect (pepper-scale 65000) "thai")(check-expect (pepper-scale 85000) "thai")(check-expect (pepper-scale 90000) "thai")(check-expect (pepper-scale 100000) "habanero")(check-expect (pepper-scale 120000) "habanero")

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Another example: skeleton & inventory

There are four categories, hence a four-branch cond:

(define (pepper-scale scoville); scoville a number(cond [ q a ] [ q a ] [ q a ] [ q a ]))

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Another example: body

Fill in the answers

(define (pepper-scale scoville); scoville a number(cond [ q "serrano" ] [ q "cayenne" ] [ q "thai" ] [ q "habanero" ]))

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Another example: bodyFill in the questions

(define (pepper-scale scoville); scoville a number(cond [ (and (>= scoville 5000) (<= scoville 25000)) "serrano" ] [ (and (>= scoville 30000) (<= scoville 50000)) "cayenne" ] [ (and (>= scoville 65000) (<= scoville 90000)) "thai" ] [ (>= scoville 100000) "habanero" ]))

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Another example; rough-age : number -> string ("child", "teenager", or "adult")

; Data analysis: input is a number, but falls into 3 categories:

; under 13, 13-19, and over 19.

; Output is likewise three categories: "child", "teenager", "adult".

; Test cases therefore need to include all 3 categories plus borderlines.

(check-expect (rough-age 7) "child")

(check-expect (rough-age 13) "teenager")

(check-expect (rough-age 16.3) "teenager")

(check-expect (rough-age 19) "teenager")

(check-expect (rough-age 20) "adult")

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Functions with conditionals; rough-age : number -> string ("child", "teenager", or "adult"); Data analysis: input is a number, but falls into 3 categories:; under 13, 13-19, and over 19.

(define (rough-age age); age a number(cond [(< age 13) "child"] [(and (>= age 13) (<= age 19)) "teenager"] [(> age 19) "adult"]))

(check-expect (rough-age 7) "child")(check-expect (rough-age 13) "teenager")(check-expect (rough-age 16.3) "teenager")(check-expect (rough-age 19) "teenager")(check-expect (rough-age 20) "adult")

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We could have written…

(define (rough-age age); age a number(cond [(< age 13) "child"] [(<= age 19) "teenager"] [else "adult"]))

by relying on the fall-through behavior of the conditional.Advantage: less typing.Advantage: save a few nanoseconds of run time (maybe).

Disadvantage: you can't tell when a particular branch will happen just by looking at that condition; you have to also look at all the previous ones

Disadvantage: branches of conditional can no longer be reordered without changing function behavior.

Disadvantage: the isomorphism to the input data type is less clear. Use else only when you really mean "anything else".

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Animations with conditionals

Can now assign animations that decide among a finite set of cases, e.g.

• slide show of a sequence of pictures

• stop light that cycles red, green, yellow, red…

• See PP chap. 17 for lots of examples

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Mouse handlers

• Contract : model num(x) num(y) string-> model• Events: "button-down", "button-up", "drag",

"move", "enter", "leave" …• Typically, one or two "interesting" events and an

"anything else" category.• Code structure: cond with one or two

(string=? ... …) questions and an else

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Example mouse handler

Exercise 18.1.1 in book:

; add-dot-on-mouse-down : image(old) num(x) num(y) string(event) -> image

(check-expect (add-dot-on-mouse-down BACKGROUND 35 10 "button-down")

(place-image DOT 35 10 BACKGROUND))

(check-expect (add-dot-on-mouse-down BACKGROUND 35 10 "button-up")


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Example mouse handler

(define (add-dot-on-mouse-down old x y event); old image; x, y numbers; event string(cond [(string=? event "button-down") (place-image DOT x y old)] [else old] ; ignore this event))

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A new type: key

A key is a string: either

a 1-character string like "r", "7", "F", or

a longer string specifying a special key: "left", "right", "down", "up", "escape", "f1", "home", …)

Built-in function

; key=? : key key -> boolean

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Write an animation of a calendar that starts at the middle of the screen and moves left or right in response to left and right arrow keys on the keyboard

Ex. 18.2.1 in book

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Animation: model & handlersLet's use a number as the model, representing

the x coordinate (the y coordinate will be fixed at, say, 50)

We need a redraw handler; calendar-at-x: number -> imageand a key handler; handle-key: number key -> number

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Animation: draw handler; calendar-at-x: number -> image

(define (calendar-at-x x); x number(place-image calendar x 50 BACKGROUND))

(check-expect (calendar-at-x 27) (place-image calendar 27 50 BACKGROUND))

(check-expect (calendar-at-x 193) (place-image calendar 193 50 BACKGROUND))

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Animation: key handler

Model is a number representing x coordinate

Want to respond to left, right arrow keys

; handle-key : number(x) key -> number

(check-expect (handle-key 10 "D") 10)

(check-expect (handle-key 10 "left") 9)

(check-expect (handle-key 10 "right") 11)

(check-expect (handle-key 10 "up") 10)

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Animation: key handler

(define (handle-key x key); x number; key key(cond [(key=? key "left") …] [(key=? key "right") …] [else …]))

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Animation: key handler

(define (handle-key x key); x number; key key(cond [(key=? key "left") (- x 1)] [(key=? key "right") (+ x 1)] [else x]))

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Running the animation

(big-bang (/ WIDTH 2)

(check-with number?) (on-draw calendar-at-x)(on-key handle-key))

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Defining a type "by choices"

• Type = "this string or that string or …"

• Type = "this range of numbers or that range of numbers or …"

• Type = "this type or that type or …"

• Test cases: at least one for each category of input or output

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Code for definition by choices

• A cond w/ N branches, where N is the number of categories in the input type

• For strings, usually use string=?

• For numbers, <, >, <=, >=, =, …

• For keys, key=?

• For types, …?

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Discriminator functions (built-in)

• number? : anything -> boolean• string? : anything -> boolean• image? : anything -> boolean• key? : anything -> boolean• etc.

Tell whether something is of the specified type

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Write a function big? that takes in a number or a string or an image. Numbers > 1000 are "big"; strings longer than 10 characters are "big"; images with height* width > 10000 are "big".

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Contract & data analysis

; big? : number, string, or image -> boolean

; Data analysis: input is either number, string, or image

; In each case, it's broken down into two sub-categories

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Test cases

(check-expect (big? 347) false)

(check-expect (big? 1000) false)

(check-expect (big? 1200) true)

(check-expect (big? "alison") false)

(check-expect (big? "passphrase") false)

(check-expect (big? "brontosaurus") true)

(check-expect (big? calendar) false)

(check-expect (big? (rectangle 200 50 "solid" "purple")) false)

(check-expect (big? (ellipse 200 60 "outline" "chartreuse")) true)

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Skeleton & inventory

(define (big? thing); thing a string, number, or image)

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Body, first draft

(define (big? thing); thing string, number, or image(cond [ q a ] [ q a ] [ q a ]))

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Body, second draft

(define (big? thing); thing string, number, or image(cond [(string? thing) a ] [(number? thing) a ] [(image? thing) a ]))

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Body, third draft

(define (big? thing); thing string, number, or image(cond [(string? thing) (> (string-length thing) 10)] [(number? thing) (> thing 1000)] [(image? thing) (> (* (image-width thing) (image-height thing)) 10000)]))

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