team work with models web

© Copyright 2007 Obeo.; made available under the EPL v1.0 | March 24, 2009 Cédric Brun [email protected] Obeo France TeamWork with models Compare and Merge with EMF Compare in Galileo

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Talk given at EclipseCon 2009 by the EMF Compare lead. Filled with flash demo of the tooling.


Page 1: Team Work With Models Web

© Copyright 2007 Obeo.; made available under the EPL v1.0 | March 24, 2009

Cédric Brun [email protected]


TeamWork with models

Compare and Merge with EMF Compare in Galileo

Page 2: Team Work With Models Web

© Copyright 2008 Obeo.; made available under the EPL v1.0 | March 24, 2009

TeamWork with Models Compare and Merge with EMF Compare

Eclipse Strategic Member

Eclipse Modeling ProjectModel to Text : AcceleoModel to Model : ATLEMF CompareExtended Editing FrameworkPapyrus UML

Eclipse STP – SCA

Page 3: Team Work With Models Web

© Copyright 2008 Obeo.; made available under the EPL v1.0 | March 24, 2009

TeamWork with Models Compare and Merge with EMF Compare

Models matters ...

Page 4: Team Work With Models Web

© Copyright 2008 Obeo.; made available under the EPL v1.0 | March 24, 2009

TeamWork with Models Compare and Merge with EMF Compare

Eclipse Modeling projectModeling, Meta-modelingTooling, Editors and modelers

Page 5: Team Work With Models Web

© Copyright 2008 Obeo.; made available under the EPL v1.0 | March 24, 2009

TeamWork with Models Compare and Merge with EMF Compare

Capture and structure knowledgeNormalization and exchangeScaffold applications

Code generationModel transformation

Analyse legacy applications

Models are used to :

And many more useful things (see all the modeling projects !)

Page 6: Team Work With Models Web

© Copyright 2008 Obeo.; made available under the EPL v1.0 | March 24, 2009

TeamWork with Models Compare and Merge with EMF Compare

As such, models evolves

Page 7: Team Work With Models Web

© Copyright 2008 Obeo.; made available under the EPL v1.0 | March 24, 2009

TeamWork with Models Compare and Merge with EMF Compare

Compare, merge supportSCM integrationHistory analysis

Team support

Page 8: Team Work With Models Web

© Copyright 2008 Obeo.; made available under the EPL v1.0 | March 24, 2009

TeamWork with Models Compare and Merge with EMF Compare

Galileo brings ...

Page 9: Team Work With Models Web

© Copyright 2008 Obeo.; made available under the EPL v1.0 | March 24, 2009

TeamWork with Models Compare and Merge with EMF Compare

End UserMetamodel agnostic diff/merge supporting multiple ressources -> demoPlatform Team API integration (CVS, SVN and GIT) -> demoEPatch : capturing changes and applying/un-applying them later Graphical modelers integration (draft) ->demo

DevelopperExtensible diff model export -> demoMatch/Diff algorithms extensionStandaloneDevelopper guide

CommunityGraduation from incubation status

EMF Compare 1.0.x

Page 10: Team Work With Models Web

© Copyright 2008 Obeo.; made available under the EPL v1.0 | March 24, 2009

TeamWork with Models Compare and Merge with EMF Compare


Testbed for Research

Other use cases

Page 11: Team Work With Models Web

© Copyright 2008 Obeo.; made available under the EPL v1.0 | March 24, 2009

TeamWork with Models Compare and Merge with EMF Compare

DevelopmentIncremental processingNon regression testing (ATL..)

ResearchGraphical Comparison (Tobias Jähnel - University of Applied Science Nuernberg)Patch model (Davide Di Ruscio - Università degli Studi dell' Aquila )Selective regression testing (Leila Naslavsky – Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Science)Semantic conflicts and refactoring detection (Philip Langer - Vienna University of Technology)

Even more use cases !

Page 12: Team Work With Models Web

© Copyright 2008 Obeo.; made available under the EPL v1.0 | March 24, 2009

TeamWork with Models Compare and Merge with EMF Compare

EMFT newsgroup and mailling list#eclipse-modeling on freenode, meet cbrun and KellindilLinks

Thanks for your attention

[email protected]