tech nation; we're all geeks now

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Post on 26-Jan-2015




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Charts based on the event including additional information about the Tech Types.


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Title slide for Rufus intro

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• Nearly half (45%) claim that they are more confident using new technologies than they were 2 years ago

• Similarly, nearly half (44%) claim that they are more knowledgeable using new technologies than they were 2 years ago

• Less than a quarter (22%) agree that they have very little interest in technological services or devices

• Yet only the same proportion (22%) would consider themselves a ‘technology geek’

Increased tech confidence and knowledge



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Five tech types

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Each group = around a fifth of UK population

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A quarter are under 35

Need reassurance and deals from tech companies

Traditional media habits

17% of 16-24’s are Price Pragmatists

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• Don’t own many tech devices• Seek out offers and deals• Not very interested in technology• Worried they don’t know enough to make the right choices• Tech is functional. Used to keep up to date, for info, and organising

social lives• Need trusted information to help them make the right decisions and

boost their confidence• Prefer print newspapers – popular and mid-market

Price Pragmatists: 21% of adults

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Price Pragmatists

Danny, aged 24

Bar worker

Lives at home with mum & sisters

Loves watching, following and playing sport, going to the gym, and socialising with friends

Passionate about movies, with a huge DVD collection

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• Least likely to want new tech– Only 37% wish they had more money to buy tech, compared with 50%

of Social Addicts and 56% of Tech Rich

• Not interested in tech– I have very little interest in technological services or devices (Index 141

versus all adults)

• Feel more excluded from tech– Just over half agree they “feel technology has become more accessible

to everyone over the last couple of years”, compared with over 70% of all other groups

• Late adopters– 26% would wait for later or cheaper versions to come out before buying

a new piece of technology, whilst 29% probably wouldn’t buy at all– Price Pragmatists who would buy are more likely than other groups to

wait until lots of their friends and family have one too (Index 186 versus average)

What do we know about Price Pragmatists?

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What do we know about Price Pragmatists?

Least research Fewest purchases, rarely online

Poor ambassadors

* Search for information online, talk with friends/family about the product, talk to colleagues about the product, visit comparison sites, visit product website, visit retailer website, read product reviews or articles online, read product reviews/articles from newspapers, link with the brand through social media, look at the product in store, talk to sales person

Only take 2 actions* on average before purchase

12% take no action prior to purchase (Index 200)

Least likely to buy online (Index 80)

Fewer purchases than other groups

35% talk about it with friends & family (Index 71)

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Older, affluent late majority buyers

Bank of mum and dad

High spend on more traditional items

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Quality Seekers

John, aged 63 and Jan, aged 56

John’s retired, Jan works part-time in an office

Two sons at university

John does the ‘chores’ while Jan’s at work. He likes to relax by going for a walk, cycling or popping into town for a coffee

Both enjoy theatre, shows, live comedy, cinema, music and cooking

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• Affluent, and prepared to pay for quality items that are built to last and future proof

• Buying for older children as well as themselves• Own more traditional and functional tech items, eg hi-fi• Don’t buy tech very often, and will replace items when they break

rather than chase the latest upgrade• Keen to buy the best but not up to speed with tech developments,

so well-established brands and trusted information sources provide reassurance

• Actively seek guidance and demonstrations of how to use• BBC radio loyalists, who regularly read quality/mid-market


Quality Seekers: 19% of adults

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• Quality and functional considerations uppermost– Function is more important to me than style (Index 117)– When I buy technology items it is important that they will last (87%)

• Being connected is not a priority– Do not buy new technology in order to keep in touch with friends and

family (Index 136)– Only 12% own a smartphone

• Not technology geeks (Index 35)• More likely than most groups to have traditional/non-mobile items

– HiFi (68%), desktop computer (78%), DAB (53%)

• Much more likely to have Freeview (72%) than pay TV (26%)• Don’t update very frequently (Index 48)• Late adopters

– 70% tend to buy technology once it is more widely used and has been tried and tested

What do we know about Quality Seekers?

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What do we know about Quality Seekers?

Lots of research and reassurance

Mostly buy in store Talk to family and friends

Take 4 actions on average before purchase

41% talk to a sales person before purchase (Index 124) 60% will look at the product in store (115)

Influenced by brand reputation (Index 116), recommendation in store (116) and reliability (105)

88% purchased technology in store

53% talk to family and friends but least likely to write product review (Index 80)

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Family focus

Importance of popular print newspapers

TV affects demand for other devices

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TV Worshippers

Michelle, aged 35

Does “off and on” promotional work

Single mum, lives with 7 year old daughter

Life focuses around home and family

Enjoys going on holiday with daughter, watching TV together

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TV Worshippers

Dean, aged 40

Owns security firm

Married, with young children

Home and social life centres around the kids

Hobbies include watching TV, films and watching sports. He’s an avid Chelsea fan

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• TV is always on: the focal point of the living room and daily family life and background to other tech & media use

• Very high levels of Sky subscription/PVR ownership• Tech purchases driven by entertainment needs• Watching more catch-up and on-demand TV than ever before, on a

range of platforms and devices• Wish list is dominated by new TVs, sound systems and subscription

packages• Often buying tech for children. Kids also tend to dominate viewing

choices, with the TV acting as entertainer and childminder• Heavy readers of popular and mid-market newspapers – mostly

print but also online

TV Worshippers: 23% of adults

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• TV , TV and more TV– 94% have Pay TV (compared with 15% of Price Pragmatists)– 85% have digital TV recorder

• Passionate about TV– PVR technology such as Sky+ has changed the way I watch Television

(Index 140)– I often record a programme on TV then don't get a chance to watch it

(Index 120)– I am a TV addict (Index 120)– Watching TV is my favourite pastime (Index 117)

• Mobile ownership very high (96%) but only 50% have smartphone• High spend on TV tech means they are highly price sensitive

– Price is an important purchase influence for 64%– More likely to seek special offers (Index 130)

What do we know about TV Worshippers?

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What do we know about TV Worshippers?

Lots of search and price checks

Mostly buy in store No action

Take 4 actions on average before purchase

41% visit comparison sites (Index 114)47% search online for information about the product (Index 107)

35% influenced by the channels included in a package (Index 175)56% influenced by offers (Index 117)

53% buy over the phone (Index 150)[e.g. TV subscriptions]

Least likely to take any action after purchase (Index 95)

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Not so young

Important influencers for friends

Need to be connected

Digital first, with traditional back-up

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Social Addicts

Andy, aged 44

Freelance photographer - weekdays and weekends often blurred

Lives alone and works from home

Likes reading, enjoys exercise and going for walks to get a break and provide inspiration

Enjoys going out for coffee and meeting friends for dinner

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Social Addicts

Sophie, aged 23

Admin assistant for charity theatre group and also works part-time in local café/bar

Lives in house share with four others

Enjoys spending time with friends, reading, shopping, theatre, writing, videos

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Social Addicts

Tiffany, aged 26

Local council worker

Lives alone (recently inherited house)

Passionate about fashion, loves cars, a self-confessed shopaholic particularly for clothes. Enjoys socialising and keeping in touch with friends

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• Strong emotional attachment to mobile devices – as an extension of themselves, or even a fashion accessory

• Tech ownership is high – and all about mobile, communication and being constantly connected

• Really love to buy new gadgets and frequently update• Brand is key and they are driven by trends• Updates coveted for image and status more than techie interest• Seek out reviews and online user comments – and feedback to

friends, family and online forums post-purchase• High consumers of digital and social media, including all types of

newsbrands, plus print quality titles (often at weekends)

Social Addicts: 18% of adults

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• Knowledgeable but not “techie”• Highest ownership of most mobile devices

– MP3s 95%– Laptops 91%– Games consoles 77%– Smartphones 79%

• Mobile is essential to life– I cannot do without mobile communication (Index 135)

• Early adopters when the product is right– Most likely group to buy as soon as product is released (13%)– Love to buy new gadgets and devices (Index 147)

• Social connection motivates– I buy new technology in order to keep in touch with friends and family

(Index 125)

What do we know about Social Addicts?

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What do we know about Social Addicts?

Social searching and ads

Convenience Talk and influence

Take 4 actions on average before purchase

19% talk to colleagues about the product (Index 146)45% talk with friends/family about the product (125)16% will look at advertising (123)

17% influenced by advertising (Index 123)47% influenced by experience (123)32% influenced by recommendations (116)

Buy technology over all platforms

29% talk about the product with colleagues (Index 120)59% talk about the product with friends or family (120)9% write comments or status updates on Facebook (110)

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Not young, not all male

55% buy tech online

The most influential

Account for 36% of last year’s tech purchases

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Tech Rich

Lucy, aged 40


Married, with son & daughter still at school

Enjoys spending time with family, and socialising with friends

Loves having “a nosey around” to find out what’s going on in the world, the world of teaching and her friends

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Tech Rich

Sameer, aged 59

Healthcare project manager

Lives with wife, and 2 grown-up children

Has a passion for writing and plans to pursue this when he retires

Hobbies include spending time with his family, theatre and watching sport

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Tech Rich

Callum, aged 29

Stand-up comedian and office temp

Shares flat with his girlfriend

Enjoys socialising and having friends over for dinner

Likes to keep up with the latest US and UK trends across a wide range of topics

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• Ownership and knowledge of tech items reflect self-image and status – it’s really important their household has the latest tech

• Affluent high spenders with the highest levels of tech ownership, across a wide range of devices

• Have a passionate interest in technology and a lust for the latest device or version

• Source of advice for friends and family – happy to be considered geeks and show off items and knowledge

• Feel reliant on tech, it’s an integral part of all aspects of life• Thoroughly research pre-purchase and may tweet afterwards• High levels of online newsbrand readership across a broad range of

titles, plus quality print newspapers

Tech Rich: 19% of adults

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• 70% are over 35• 4 in 10 are women • Have the highest level of tech ownership – on average own 11

devices compared with just 3 for Price Pragmatists• Tech junkies, who are at ease with technology:

– It is important my household is equipped with the latest technology (Index 156)

– I consider myself a technology geek (Index 140)– I would rather spend more for quality technological devices and services

(Index 125)– I buy new technology in order to keep in touch with friends and family


• Much higher than average interest in most news topics, but especially computing/multimedia/internet (Index 153), new product reviews (Index 138) and science and technology (Index 137)

What do we know about the Tech Rich?

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What do we know about the Tech Rich?

Lots of research Buy online Show off & influence

Take 5 actions on average before purchase

5% link with the brand through social media (e.g. like on Facebook) (Index 167)24% Read product reviews or articles from newspapers (online or print) (160)63% search for information about the product online (143)52% influenced by user reviews or opinions (167)32% influenced by the channels included in a package (160)44% influenced by expert reviews (157)

55% buy online (Index 130) 7% will tweet about the product (Index 180)12% write comments or status updates on Facebook (150)

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Tech Rich spend most on tech items & devices

(excl pay TV & Mobile)

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TV Worshippers spend most on pay TV

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Social Addicts spend most on mobile

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The media landscape for our tech groups

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Tech Nation groups across the generations

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Social class profiles

(Source: TGI Clickstream Q4 2012)

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Media Consumption

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Price Pragmatists

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Price Pragmatists

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DEFINITIONSNewsbrand TOTAL: those that read a newspaper almost always or quite often or have visited a news brand website in the past weekOutdoor advertising: Those that have seen any outdoor advertising n the past weekTV: Those who watch more than 20 hours of television a weekOnline: Those who use the net for more than 2 hours per dayRadio: Those who listen to radio for more than an hour a day during the week or on Saturday or SundayCinema: Those who go to the cinema at least 2 or 3 times a year

Price Pragmatists

75% 75%





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Price Pragmatists

Breakfast Mid/late morning Lunch/early afternoon Late afternoon Early evening Mid evening Late evening/night

TV Radio Newsbrands

% of those consuming each media accessingat each daypart

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• Traditional attitudes and preferences– I prefer to watch television programmes at

the time they are broadcast, rather than record them (Index 133)

– I would not change the newspaper I read (Index 113)

– I listen to the radio mainly for companionship (Index 110)

• Positive attitudes towards advertising – enjoy and use, particularly when in buying mode

– If I'm looking for bargains in the shops, I always look first in my local paper (Index 125)

– On television I enjoy the adverts as much as the programmes (Index 110)

What do Price Pragmatists feel about media?

“I just like holding it, I mean, faffing around on a computer, you know with going on it, and you’re

scrolling down to read the story, at least you got the paper there and

you can just read it and come back to it when you want.”

Danny, 24On why he

loves his paper

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Quality Seekers

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Quality Seekers

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DEFINITIONSNewsbrand TOTAL: those that read a newspaper almost always or quite often or have visited a news brand website in the past weekOutdoor advertising: Those that have seen any outdoor advertising n the past weekTV: Those who watch more than 20 hours of television a weekOnline: Those who use the net for more than 2 hours per dayRadio: Those who listen to radio for more than an hour a day during the week or on Saturday or SundayCinema: Those who go to the cinema at least 2 or 3 times a year

Quality Seekers







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Quality Seekers

Breakfast Mid/late morning Lunch/early afternoon Late afternoon Early evening Mid evening Late evening/night

TV Radio Newsbrands

% of those consuming each media accessingat each daypart

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• Traditional attitudes, with a strong preference for BBC Radio and TV– The growth in stations is diluting the

quality of television (Index 128)– I prefer to watch television programmes

at the time they are broadcast, rather than record them(Index 125)

– I find advertising a waste of my time (Index 121)

– I always listen to the radio more intently when the news comes on (Index 120)

• Trust their chosen newspaper to provide news and advice– I read the financial pages of my

newspaper (Index 128)

What do Quality Seekers feel about media?

“On the weekend, where they have the money pages, it’s like advising you to save money...they might feature TVs one week and so that might persuade me to go out and have a look...If you were interested you’re going to sit and read it aren’t you, and maybe even keep it”

Jan, 56On reviews and

advice in the paper

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TV Worshippers

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TV Worshippers

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DEFINITIONSNewsbrand TOTAL: those that read a newspaper almost always or quite often or have visited a news brand website in the past weekOutdoor advertising: Those that have seen any outdoor advertising n the past weekTV: Those who watch more than 20 hours of television a weekOnline: Those who use the net for more than 2 hours per dayRadio: Those who listen to radio for more than an hour a day during the week or on Saturday or SundayCinema: Those who go to the cinema at least 2 or 3 times a year

TV Worshippers



42% 40% 43%

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TV Worshippers

Breakfast Mid/late morning Lunch/early afternoon Late afternoon Early evening Mid evening Late evening/night

TV Radio Newsbrands

% of those consuming each media accessingat each daypart

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• Love TV and all the new ways of getting more, more conveniently– PVR technology such as Sky+ has

changed the way I watch Television (Index 140)

– I often record a programme on TV then don't get a chance to watch it (Index 120)

– I am a TV addict (Index 120)– Watching TV is my favourite

pastime (Index 117)

• Newspapers are part of the daily routine and are scoured for offers and information

What do TV Worshippers feel about media?

“I get the news...but for me specifically I’m buying the

newspaper to see the ads really. Like latest phones, the latest foods

which are out. The buys, the tokens, the latest gossip... but when there’s something big, if there’s a big spread on it, I can read it in detail in the paper.”

Michelle, 35On why she buys a paper

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Social Addicts

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Social Addicts

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DEFINITIONSNewsbrand TOTAL: those that read a newspaper almost always or quite often or have visited a news brand website in the past weekOutdoor advertising: Those that have seen any outdoor advertising n the past weekTV: Those who watch more than 20 hours of television a weekOnline: Those who use the net for more than 2 hours per dayRadio: Those who listen to radio for more than an hour a day during the week or on Saturday or SundayCinema: Those who go to the cinema at least 2 or 3 times a year

Social Addicts







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Social Addicts

Breakfast Mid/late morning Lunch/early afternoon Late afternoon Early evening Mid evening Late evening/night

TV Radio Newsbrands

% of those consuming each media accessingat each daypart

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• Prefer mobile and digital, as they need to know what’s going on and follow up impulses– I tend to be influenced by

comments/reviews posted online by other internet users (Index 160)

– I couldn't live without the internet on my mobile phone (Index 151)

– I often refer to the internet before making a purchase (Index 140)

• Enjoy flexibility & personalisation– I use 'on demand' TV services to create

my own TV schedule (Index 142)

• More prepared to pay– I would be willing to pay to access

content on magazine website (Index 138)

What do Social Addicts feel about media?

“Now that I have the ease of downloading an app, whether it’s

for free or a small charge, it kind of encourages me to get different

perspectives just because of the convenience. Not many people

could go into a shop and buy three newspapers to have a look how different stories are presented. I follow loads of news on Twitter”

Andy, 44On digital

newsbrand apps

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Tech Rich

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Tech Rich

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DEFINITIONSNewsbrand TOTAL: those that read a newspaper almost always or quite often or have visited a news brand website in the past weekOutdoor advertising: Those that have seen any outdoor advertising n the past weekTV: Those who watch more than 20 hours of television a weekOnline: Those who use the net for more than 2 hours per dayRadio: Those who listen to radio for more than an hour a day during the week or on Saturday or SundayCinema: Those who go to the cinema at least 2 or 3 times a year

Tech Rich



53% 50%59% 60%

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Tech Rich

Breakfast Mid/late morning Lunch/early afternoon Late afternoon Early evening Mid evening Late evening/night

TV Radio Newsbrands

% of those consuming each media accessingat each daypart

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• Welcome innovation– PVR technology such as Sky+ has

changed the way I watch television (Index 186)

– I use 'on demand' TV Services to create my own TV schedule (Index169)

– I prefer watching films in 3D (Index 158)

– I am looking forward to watching 3D TV at home (Index 152)

• Value being in the know– I would be willing to pay to access

content on newspaper websites (Index166)

What do Tech Rich feel about media?

“I read the news on my phone as well, but I find the newspaper a

more intellectual read... online has always been more celeb type,

showbiz type news... and a very quick snapshot of what’s going on

in the world ”

Lucy, 40On multiplatform

newsbrand choices

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Inspiration Opinion Information

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Trust and information

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Trusted media

Most trusted sources of advertising when purchasing technology

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Top sources believed to give enough information to aidtechnology purchasing decisions


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Media roles in the decision making journey

Icons for each media all on the page and zoom in on a click

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TV adverts inspiring as offer a mixture of visuals and sound. Can showcase product and key functions (e.g. Kindle being used on beach)

Likely to follow up on ads, even if not to make immediate purchase

Consumer advice items on TV programmes valued (e.g. Martin Lewis, Anne Robinson on This Morning)

However, TV technology programmes often too aspirational, showcasing unaffordable products

Suspicion that manufacturers are influencing the items featured / provided for tests

More associated with entertainment than information, thus issues with trust and even concentration given at time of viewing

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For radio listeners, programmes on tech would be trusted especially if on Radio 4 or similar. However, lack of awareness or consumption of such content

Adverts not effective as can’t see the product. Also difficult to take in much information about tech spec or deals

Whilst authoritative, the medium has traditional connotations, perhaps not best suited to the category


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Generally the most highly rated info source and the one all others are compared to…

The most trusted source of information, with advice frequently sought

Also a key source of inspiration when seeing friends and family members with tech items

‘Pester power’ of children often having an impact on purchase decisions

Friends & Family

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Varies by retailer, e.g. John Lewis especially trusted as advisors with opportunity to see in store before purchasing online

Offer chance to see and touch the product before purchasing and ask for advice (often a stage when other sources used)

However, may be motivated by sales targets, and unlikely to emphasise flaws. Limited to products they have on offer, rather than giving full spectrum of advice

Can also vary by knowledge of sales assistant. This seen as often being general, rather than expert / sub-category specific

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A valued source for detailed information on technical spec and comparing models within range

Important role in after-sale service, community and information than purchase decision making. Often a content hub (e.g. Apple, Amazon)

Not a neutral source for opinion or finding out about potential flaws

Brands websites

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The discussion on websites was reflected in conversation around magazines

Like electrical retailers, the provider/brand is important. A service like Which? is seen as a source of unbiased information and opinion

User comments on forums can be trawled to look for common pluses or negatives for products

Can allow efficient comparison of a range of brands and products

User comments seen as ‘faceless’, may not have high knowledge or may have hidden agenda

May be influenced by manufacturers, and adverts alongside reviews can raise suspicion

Specialist websites

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Newsbrands seen to have strengths in inspiration, opinion, and information…

Adverts seen to spark interest in products (e.g. Virgin Media offer for 6 months half price)…important role at outset of purchase process. Deals and offers appealing

Reviews respected, seen as a trusted source of consumer information. More accountable than tech forum reviews, not just faceless comment

Allows detailed reading and consideration, association with in-depth coverage

Online user comments benefit from association with the newsbrand. Give sense of the type of person commenting

Newspaper adverts not seen as compelling as the audio-visual mix of TV


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Newsbrands seen to have strengths in inspiration, opinion, and information…

Adverts seen to spark interest in products (e.g. Virgin Media offer for 6 months half price)…important role at outset of purchase process. Deals and offers appealing

Reviews respected, seen as a trusted source of consumer information. More accountable than tech forum reviews, not just faceless comment

Allows detailed reading and consideration, association with in-depth coverage

Online user comments benefit from association with the newsbrand. Give sense of the type of person commenting

Newspaper adverts not seen as compelling as the audio-visual mix of TV


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Practical pointers

An extra piece of the jigsaw

Media considerations for the 68% of 15-34s who are not social addicts

Early adopters in other key categories are likely to be older

We can run the tech types against your brand

We will bring more analysis and research to provide continuing insight

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TGI Clickstream Analysis

Consumer Ethnographies

Quantitative Omnibus

A powerful story of the new Tech Nation, the different types of technology consumer, and the

implications for brands and media

Tech Nation: the research programme

• Exploring tech sector behaviours & attitudes

• Developing segmentation based upon tech usage and attitudes to uncover consumer groups of interest

• A view from the coalface, understanding the consumer journey in technology purchase & usage

• Highlighting the role for media

• Adding robust numbers to the consumer observations

• Questionnaire development guided by insights from other research strands

Develop new insight into the nation and their use of technology

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1. TGI Clickstream segmentation, using K-means cluster analysis of Q4 2012 data– TGI Clickstream provides a comprehensive database of online metered

data integrated with consumer usage habits, lifestyles, media exposure and attitudes, for 24,000 panellists across Great Britain

2. TNS Omnibus, nationally representative sample of 2460 people interviewed online in April 2013

3. In order to validate the findings and provide a deeper understanding of the consumer journey in technology purchase and usage, the research also included 36 hours of ethnographic filmed interviews with 14 people representing the five types of consumer identified

Tech Nation: Sample & method