techniques for manipulating relational data

Techniques for Manipulating Relational Data By Herbert A. Evans

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Techniques for Manipulating Relational Data. By Herbert A. Evans. Definition Terms. DDL (data definition language) - of a relational system is used to define the database’s attributes, tables, relationships, and indexes. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Techniques for Manipulating Relational Data

Techniques for Manipulating Relational Data

By Herbert A. Evans

Page 2: Techniques for Manipulating Relational Data

Definition Terms

• DDL (data definition language) - of a relational system is used to define the database’s attributes, tables, relationships, and indexes.

• DML (data manipulation language) – is used to extract, insert, and modify the information content of the database.

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What is SQL?

• The DML that is of most interest to us is the SQL (Structured Query Language)

• SQL specifies the manipulation of relations by describing the results of queries, but does not give specific strategies for executing queries.

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Requiring a Formal Model

• We need a formal model that is sufficiently powerful to allow optimization of queries.

• Relational algebra is that formal model!

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What does relational algebra operators do?

• Reduce the number of tuples in a set by selecting those that satisfy some criteria (selection operators).

• Reduce the size of each tuple in a set by eliminating specific attributes (projection operators).

• Manipulate two similar sets of tuples by combining or comparing (set operators).

• Increase the size of each tuple by adding attributes (join and product operations).

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Find all customers whose last name is “Doe”


account id last Name first Name street city state zipcode balance

101 Block Jane 345 R Cir. Apopka FL 30458- $0.00

102 Hamilton Cherry 3230 D St. Dade City FL 30555- $3.00

103 Harrison Katherine 103 L Hall Bratt FL 30457- $31.00

104 Breaux Carroll 76 M St. Apopka FL 30458- $35.00

106 Morehouse Anita 9501 L St. Houma LA 44099- $0.00

111 Doe Jane 123 M St. Apopka FL 30458- $0.00

201 Greaves Joseph 14325 N St. Godfrey IL 43580- $0.00

444 Doe Jane D rm 142 Tallahassee FL 32306- $10.55

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Using selection operator to solve the previous task

• Relational algebra expression would be lastName=‘DOE’(Customer)

• The new relation results from a selection that has the same attributes as the input relation, but may have fewer rows.

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Result of finding all customers whose last name is “Doe”

account Id firstName lastName street city state zipcode balance

111 Jane Doe 123 M St. Apopka FL 34331 0

444 Jane Doe D rm 142 Tallahassee FL 32306 10.55

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Find all employees whose ssn is 376-77-0099 and who were employed after march 1, 1998


ssn date startTime endTime storeId paid

145-09-0967 1/14/1999 8:15 12:00 3 yes

245-11-4554 1/14/1999 8:15 12:00 3 yes

376-77-0099 2/23/1999 14:00 22:00 5 yes

145-09-0967 1/16/1999 8:15 12:00 3 yes

376-77-0099 1/3/1999 10:00 14:00 5 yes

376-77-0099 1/3/1999 15:00 19:00 5 yes

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Using selection operator to solve previous task

• Relational algebra expression would be ssn=‘376-77-0099’ and date > ’01-mar-1999’(TimeCard)

• The new relation results from a selection that has the same attributes as the input relation, but may have fewer rows.

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Result of finding all employees whose ssn is 376-77-0099 and who were employed after march 1,


ssn date startTime endTime storeId paid

376-77-0099 2/23/1999 14:00 22:00 5 yes

376-77-0099 1/3/1999 10:00 14:00 5 yes

376-77-0099 1/3/1999 15:00 19:00 5 yes

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List the first and last names of all customers


account id last Name first Name street city state zipcode balance

101 Block Jane 345 R Cir. Apopka FL 30458- $0.00

102 Hamilton Cherry 3230 D St. Dade City FL 30555- $3.00

103 Harrison Katherine 103 L Hall Bratt FL 30457- $31.00

104 Breaux Carroll 76 M St. Apopka FL 30458- $35.00

106 Morehouse Anita 9501 L St. Houma LA 44099- $0.00

111 Doe Jane 123 M St. Apopka FL 30458- $0.00

201 Greaves Joseph 14325 N St. Godfrey IL 43580- $0.00

444 Doe Jane D rm 142 Tallahassee FL 32306- $10.55

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Using Projection Operator to Solve Previous Task

• Relational algebra expression would be lastName, firstName(Customer)

• The equivalent SQL expression would be select lastName, firstName from Customer

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Result of listing the first and last names of all customers

lastName firstName

Morehouse Anita

Block Jane

Breaux Carroll

Hamilton Cherry

Harrison Catherine

Doe Jane

Greaves Joseph

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What are Set Operators?

• When two relations have the same shape, that is, when the types of the attributes are the same, we can apply the usual set operators to the relations.

• This includes union, intersection, and difference.

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Explanation of Set Operators

• The union of two relations is a relation that contains the set of each tuple that is in at least one of the input relations.

• The intersection of two relations is the set of all tuples that occur in both input relations.

• The difference between two relations is the set of all tuples that are in the first relation but not in the second.

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Set Operator Examples

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Product Operators

• The simplest product operator is the Cartesian Product.

• It produces a tuple of the new relation for each combination of one tuple from the left operand and one tuple from the right operand.

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Employee x TimeCard


ssn lastName firstName

145-09-0967 Uno Jane

245-11-4554 Toulouse Jennifer

376-77-0099 Threat Ayisha

479-98-0098 Fortune Bruce

588-99-0093 Fivozinsky Bruce


ssn date startTime endTime storeId paid

145-09-0967 1/14/1999 8:15 12:00 3 yes

245-11-4554 1/14/1999 8:15 12:00 3 yes

376-77-0099 2/23/1999 14:00 22:00 5 yes

145-09-0967 1/16/1999 8:15 12:00 3 yes

376-77-0099 1/3/1999 10:00 14:00 5 yes

376-77-0099 1/3/1999 15:00 19:00 5 yes

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Partial Result of Employee.ssn=TimeCard.ssn(Employee X TimeCard)

Employee.ssn lastName


TimeCard.ssn date


endTime storeId paid

145-09-0967 Uno Jane

145-09-0967 1/14/1999 8:15 12:00 3 no

245-11-4554 Toulouse Jie

245-11-4554 1/14/1999 8:15 12:00 3 no

145-09-0967 Uno Jane

376-77-0099 2/23/1999 14:00 22:00 5 no

245-11-4554 Toulouse Jie

145-09-0967 1/14/1999 8:15 12:00 3 no

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Join operators

• It is expressed as those rows in the product whose specified fields match.

• It puts together related objects from two relations.

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Employee natural joinssn TimeCard


ssn lastName firstName

145-09-0967 Uno Jane

245-11-4554 Toulouse Jennifer

376-77-0099 Threat Ayisha

479-98-0098 Fortune Bruce

588-99-0093 Fivozinsky Bruce


ssn date startTime endTime storeId paid

145-09-0967 1/14/1999 8:15 12:00 3 yes

245-11-4554 1/14/1999 8:15 12:00 3 yes

376-77-0099 2/23/1999 14:00 22:00 5 yes

145-09-0967 1/16/1999 8:15 12:00 3 yes

376-77-0099 1/3/1999 10:00 14:00 5 yes

376-77-0099 1/3/1999 15:00 19:00 5 yes

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Result of natural joinssn TimeCard

ssn lastNamefirstNam

e datestartTim


e storeId paid

145-09-0967 Uno Jane 1/14/1999 8:15 12:00 3 no

145-09-0967 Uno Jane 1/16/1999 8:15 12:00 3 no

245-11-4554 Toulouse Jie 1/14/1999 8:15 12:00 3 no

376-77-0099 Threat Ayisha 2/23/1999 14:00 22:00 5 no

376-77-0099 Threat Ayisha 1/3/1999 10:00 14:00 5 no

376-77-0099 Threat Ayisha 1/3/1999 15:00 19:00 5 no

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Division Operator

• It is used to find objects that match every element of another set of objects.

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Example of Division operator

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• Riccardi, Greg. Principles of DATABASE SYSTEMS with Internet and Java Applications: Addision Wesley, 2001.

• Dr. Lee’s relational algebra lecture