techniques of post production sound recording, editing and

3. digital sounds . 4. Psychoacoustics 7. Frequency Techniques of Post Production Sound Recording, Editing and Mastering – Core course of 1. Midi a. Musical Instrument Digital Interface b. Skirt c. Main Interface of Digital instrument d. None of the above 2. Synthesizer a. File format b. Audio software c. Generates electronic signals d. Connector a. Record in tape b. Record and store using audio signals c. Analogue recording d. None of the above a. Physical acoustics b. Sound perception c. Acoustics technology d. None of the above 5. signal ratio a. Editing techniques b. Ratio of Signal power to noise power c. Aspect ratio d. File format ratio 6. Perception of sound a. Noise b. Psychoacousticsc. Editing techniquesd. Special effects a. Property of sound b. Technology of Sound c. Ratio of Sound d. None of the above BA Multimedia – V semester – 2019 Admn.

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Page 1: Techniques of Post Production Sound Recording, Editing and

3. digital sounds

. 4. Psychoacoustics

7. Frequency

Techniques of Post Production – Sound Recording, Editing and Mastering – Core course of

1. Midi a. Musical Instrument Digital Interface b. Skirt c. Main Interface of Digital instrument d. None of the above

2. Synthesizera. File format b. Audio software c. Generates electronic signals d. Connector

a. Record in tape b. Record and store using audio signalsc. Analogue recordingd. None of the above

a. Physical acousticsb. Sound perceptionc. Acoustics technologyd. None of the above

5. signal ratioa. Editing techniques b. Ratio of Signal power to noise powerc. Aspect ratiod. File format ratio

6. Perception of sounda. Noise b. Psychoacousticsc.Editing techniquesd.Special effects

a. Property of soundb. Technology of Soundc. Ratio of Soundd. None of the above

BA Multimedia – V semester – 2019 Admn.

Page 2: Techniques of Post Production Sound Recording, Editing and

b. Frequencyc. Acousticsd. None of the above

8. sound wavea. Audio PCBb. Propagated through airc. A softwared. None of the above

9. Analoga. Cassette tapesb. Digital cablesc.Integrated Chipsd.Audio software

10.Digital audioa. Magnetic Tapeb. Audio Cassettec. MP3d. None of the above

11.USBa. Universal Serial busb. Uniform service busc. Unit system Busd. None of the above

12.Sound measurementa. Decibel

13.Science of Sounda. A sound recording equipmentb. Music equipmentc. Acousticsd. None of the abovee. Live sound recording

14.Audio Interface a. Capture audio signals from microphonesb. Connecting cablesc. Consoled. None of the above

15.Nagraa) Audio recorder for play backb) Music notation

Page 3: Techniques of Post Production Sound Recording, Editing and

c) Graphic equalizer d) None of the above

16.Sound Intensity a. Sound power per unit areab. Recording standardc. High volumed. None of the above

17.Ultrasounda. Sound pressure waveb. Speakerc. Woofer d. None of the above

18.Sound Engineering a. Science of Audio productionb. Technology of hearing equipmentc. Science of soundd. None of the above

19 Microphonea. Micro Mobile phoneb. Converts sound in to Electrical Signalc. Capture micro sound onlyd. None of the above

20 Condenser Microphonea. Electrostaticb. Digitalc. Magneticd. None of the above

21 Dynamic microphonea. Electromagnetic Inductionb. Digital Inductionc. Condenserd. None of the above

22 Unidirectionala. Sensitive to only one directionb. Sensitive to all directionc. Sensitive to two directiond. None of the above

Page 4: Techniques of Post Production Sound Recording, Editing and

31 signal flowa. Flow of Red signal to Green Signal

23 Bidirectionala. Receive sound from one directionb. Receive sound from two directionc. Receive sound from alld. None of the above direction

24 Omni directionala. Two dimensionb. Three Dimensionc. Single Dimensiond. None of the above

25 Cardioidsa. Sphere shaped patternb. Heart shaped patternc. Square shaped patternd. Cube shaped pattern

26 Noisea. Audio distortionb. High level soundc. Sound disturbanced. Residual low-level sound

27 Audio input devicesa. Speakerb. Wooferc. Microphoned. None of the above

28 Sound file extensionsa. RGBb. JPEGc. MPEGd. CMYK

29 Pro Toolsa. Digital Video Work stationb. Digital Audio workstationc. Design toold. None of the above

30 Audio interfacea. Hardwareb. Softwarec. keyboard shortcutd. None of the above

Page 5: Techniques of Post Production Sound Recording, Editing and

b. Input output pathc. Signal for live recordingd. keyboard shortcut

32. Audio Signal processingProcessing sound for transmissionMobile communicationMusic generationNone of the above

33. Interactive media a. Responds to users actionb. Linear mediac. Print mediad. None of the above

34. Sound wavea. Pressure waveb. Sound of Wavec. High soundd. None of the above

35. Frequencya. Periodic Vibrationb. Schedule c. Frequently asked questionsd. None of the above

36.Consolea. Key board for inputb. Consolidation of audioc. Microphoned. None of the above

37. Pitcha. Sensation of frequencyb. Sound frequencyc. Sound notation d. None of the above

38. Non linear Editinga. Non destructive Editingb. Analogue editing

Page 6: Techniques of Post Production Sound Recording, Editing and

b) Brand Name of Audio equipment

c) Number of recording console

d) None of the above

41. Type of Audio visual media

42. Hz

43. Wavelength

c. Non interactive editingd. Moviola editing

39. USBa. Universal Serial Busb. User system for Broadcastc. Unit of sound boxd. None of the above

40. Structural acousticsa)Study of Mechanical wavesb) Makin structure for acoustic studioc) Acoustic treatment d) None of the above

web castingStill photoPrint mediaNone of the above

a) Short for Hertz

a) Distance from the crest of one wave to the crest of the next.b) Length of audioc) Length related to music durationd) None of the above

44. Wave numberNumber of wave per unitNumber of recording consoleNumber sound intensityNone of the above

45. Audio channela)A pathway through an audio device

Page 7: Techniques of Post Production Sound Recording, Editing and

b) A channel dedicated for audioChannel music

d) None of the above

Reducing the lengthd. None of the above

Adjusting the length of musicd) None of the above


46. Compression

.48. Equalization

.51. Peak

.52. Stereo

a. Reducing the size of a digital fileb. Reducing the sound

47. DAT Digital Audio TapeData cardMemory cardNone of the above

a) Adjusting various audio frequenciesb) Adjusting the volume

49. HertzUnit of frequency, cycles per secondUnit of volumeUnit of audio equipmentNone of the above

50. MIDI Musical Instrument Digital InterfaceA costumeBrand name of recording equipmentNone of the above

The highest level of strength of an audio signalThe lowest level of strength of an audio signalTransition of a audio signalNone of the above

Page 8: Techniques of Post Production Sound Recording, Editing and

Musical notationd) None of the above

Unit of sound wave

.53. Ultrasonic

56. Hum

Audio which is made up of two channelsAudio which is made up of single channelsDigital audio tapeNone of the above

Audio frequencies which are too high to be heard by humansAudio frequencies which are too low to be heard by humansAudio frequencies which are compatible to natural soundNone of the above

54. graphic EQGraphic equalizer Graphic designGraphical picture of sound waveNone of the above

55. surround soundMulti-channel audio playback systemsSound from surroundingsBack ground musicNone of the above

a) Audio electronic noise that has a steady low frequency pitchb) Audio electronic noise that has a steady high frequency pitch

57. RFIRadio-frequency interferenceRadio Frequency-InternationalRadio Frequency-IndiaNone of the above

58. Subwoofera. speaker low-frequency reproductionb. a small wooferc. For High frequency reproductiond. None of the above59. UHF

a) Ultra High Frequencyb) Unit of Hetz

Page 9: Techniques of Post Production Sound Recording, Editing and

d) None of the above

Video editing softwared) None of the above.

Unit of audio equipmentNone of the above

60. Mixera) two or more audio inputs provides one or more audio outputsb) Audio editing software

61. Key framePoints between transitionIn between frameTitle frameNone of the above

62. FrequencyThe number of cycles per unit of timeUnit of volume

63. Sound DesignAcquiring, manipulating or generating audio elementsGraphic design for and audio productionDesign for audio equipmentNone of the above.

64. Macroni RadioSterioVideoFilm Documentary

65. BBC British Broadcasting CorporationBureau of Broadcasting CompaniesBritish Bureau of CommunicationNone of the above

66. Hza) Hertzb) Unit of volumec) Hexa decimal Systemd) Unit of audio equipment.

67. DRMDigital rights managementDigital read only memoryDigital random memory

Page 10: Techniques of Post Production Sound Recording, Editing and

None of the above

69. Decibel

68. IPRIntelligent Property Rights Intelligent Program RecorderIntegrated programmed ReaderNone of the above

Audio measurement unitVideo measurement UnitAudio editing consoleAudio programme

70. SubwooferSpeaker for low-frequency reproductionSpeaker for high-frequency reproductionSpeaker for medium-frequency reproductionNone of the above

71. Audio noiseUnwanted sound that is unintentionally used Ambient sound Audio disturbanceNone of the above

72. Analog recordingStored as a physical texture in recorderStored in Digital Audio TapeStored in Non linear editorNone of the above

73. MP3Encoding formatEditing ConsoleAudio systemNone of the above

74. Audio file formatsMPEG-3TIFFJPEGGIF

75. Plug-insaccessory downloads to improve the functionalityAudio cableVG ConnectorNone of the above

Page 11: Techniques of Post Production Sound Recording, Editing and

b) Depth of soundc) Volume controllerd) Audio Equipment

76. Ribbon microphoneelectrically conductive ribbon placed between the poles of a magnet Ribbon shaped microphoneWireless MicrophoneNone of the above

77. Bit deptha) Number of bits of information in each sample

78. SNRSignals to Noise ratioSystem Number ReaderSystematic Numeric ReaderNone of the above

79 gain stagesa. Stage performance improvementb. Different stages of recordingc. None of the aboved. Stage in audio video path

80. I/O setupa. Play back engine in pro toolsb. Interface set upc. Internal set upd. None of the above

81. Recording levelsa. Different stages of recordingb. alignment level in an audio signalc. Different levels in out putd. None of the above

82. bit deptha. Number of bits of informationb. Depth of Soundc. Volume of Soundd. None of the above

83. Audio chainSignal flow chainAudio EquipmentAudio Recording SoftwareNone of the above

84. Copy rightIPR

Page 12: Techniques of Post Production Sound Recording, Editing and


85. Sound processing softwareWAVGPEGTIFFGIF

86. Magnetic tapeDigital storage deviceA magnet A metal tapeNone of the above

87. Digital EditingFinal cut ProHigh bandMoviolaNone of the above

88. Audio Post productionRecordingComposingEditingShooting

89. Human hearing dynamic range is 140dB500dB250dB1000dB

90. Vu meter in the audio console shows the Frequency levelSignal LevelPitch levelVolume Level

91. The background noise present in a scene of recording location is CalledAmbient NoiseArtificial NoiseSignal NoiseNone of the above

Page 13: Techniques of Post Production Sound Recording, Editing and

92. The interdisciplinary science that deals with the study of sound, ultra sound and infrasound is called

AcousticsAudio EngineeringNotation scienceNone of the above

93. Dynamic range Signal powerAcousticsAmbienceNone of the above

94. A dog whistle is a type of whistle that emits sound in the ……rangea) Ultrasonic rangeb) Low rangec) High ranged) None of the above

95. The ------------- microphones use the principle of electromagnetic induction.Dynamic MicrophoneLapelRibbon MicrophoneShot gun

96. Unit of frequencyHzDecibel Celeritous.None of the above

97. A decibel is one tenth of a BelHzBitByte

98. A woofer driver used only for the lowest part of the audio Spectrum is called a) Subwooferb) Consolec) Speakerd) Microphone

Page 14: Techniques of Post Production Sound Recording, Editing and

Prepared by,Sri. Asok Kumar.K, TC21/588, Bhagavati lane, Karamana,Thiruvananthapuram -2

99. Sampling Rate48 kHz48 MhZ48 Hz48 Decibel

100. OB recordingOutside BroadcastingOriginal BroadcastingOffset broadcastingNone of the above

101. FM Frequency modulationFrequent MediaFrequency meterNone of the above

102. Audio consoleAudio MixingNon linear EditingBroadcastingNone of the above

103. Advanced Audio codinga. Distortion codingb. lossy digital audio compressionc. Creating code pointsd. None of the above

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1 a 14 a 27 c 40 a 53 a 66 a 79 d 92 a

2 c 15 a 28 c 41 a 54 a 67 a 80 a 93 a

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4 b 17 a 30 a 43 a 56 a 69 a 82 a 95 a

5 b 18 a 31 b 44 a 57 a 70 a 83 a 96 a

6 b 19 b 32 a 45 a 58 a 71 a 84 a 97 a

7 a 20 a 33 a 46 a 59 a 72 a 85 a 98 a

8 b 21 a 34 a 47 a 60 a 73 a 86 a 99 a

9 a 22 a 35 a 48 a 61 a 74 a 87 a 100 a

10 c 23 b 36 a 49 a 62 a 75 a 88 c 101 a

11 a 24 b 37 a 50 a 63 a 76 a 89 a 102 a

12 a 25 b 38 a 51 a 64 a 77 a 90 b 103 b

13 c 26 d 39 a 52 a 65 a 78 a 91 a