techniques of teaching english 2015

Techniques of Teaching English

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Page 1: Techniques of teaching english 2015

Techniques of Teaching English

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Introduction Teaching is a process that facilitates learning.

The objective in any classroom of language is to get learners to learn the target language and use it.

This is best done when students are actively involved in the learning process.

How a thing is done in class is called a Technique.

Implementable- a trick, strategy to achieve the immediate objective.

Techniques help to create and sustain their interest in language learning through classroom activity.

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Theories about the nature of the language and how a language is learned is --------Approach

These imply different ways--------Method

Different methods make use of different kinds of classroom activities -----------Techniques

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Pair/work or group work


Role Play

Language/communication games

Story telling


Eliciting vocabulary


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Working in a group children are more engaged not only intellectually but emotionally as well.

They have to think, contribute to the group, evaluate what other members of the group say, share information, ask friends for clarification, and prepare a presentation together.

"Group work gives learners exposure to a range of language items and language functions."(Krall, 1989-1993:161)

Students use and experiment with the language items they already know in order to develop fluency; they also use some items pre-taught by the teacher or contributed by the members of the group to express themselves more and improve the quality of their performance.

Preparing the presentation they learn the new items, process them and make them more personal. They also have to use different strategies to compensate for the items they do not know.

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In the long run group work develops learners' independence. At first preparing a group or a pair presentation may be time consuming and requires more effort from the student.

However, using this technique regularly students become more efficient and skilled at practising the language.

They become more confident, their motivation also increases and they can manage without regular teacher's supervision.

Students learn how to learn and gradually take responsibility for their own learning

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Besides practising and consolidating the language group work help to integrate the class. Learners learn how to cooperate with one another, make compromise, negotiate, and respect individuals with different abilities and views which is important for the class atmosphere and relationship with the teacher.

Instead of sitting alone trying to understand something difficult they can help each other. If a person in a pair or a group is not able to solve a problem s/he can always rely on his/ her friends who will help him/her because "there is a greater chance that at least one member of the group will be able to solve a problem when it arises."(Harmer, 1991:245)

In such a class the teacher is no longer a supervisor but becomes a resource centre and advisor for the students. "Most people learn a foreign language better with others than on their own."(Norman, 1986:11)

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Role Play After teaching a certain aspect of a drama or any content, the teacher selects a pupil and interacts with him/her.

Here the pupil must assume the “role” or the character given in the content and spontaneously embody it.

This technique is very effective in the communicative approach.

Other students in the class take notes.

Sharpens the listening skills of the student.

It is a realistic, cost effective method that requires a skilled teacher.

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Preparation (scripted like an example from a text book or non scripted where a student is given a role and asked to speak with the knowledge that he/she has)

Distribution of roles according to capabilities of the students.

Presentation done

Evaluation by students and teacher.

Re-presentation and re-evaluation if necessary.

For eg: Angry neighbour, booking a hotel room (non-scripted) “The Two Brothers” class6-peaceloving brother(scripted)

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Storytelling Gives an account of events using language in a skillful manner.

Particularly effective in lower standards.

Teacher must make use of the students natural interest to listen to stories.

This technique is also called narration and can be improved with practice.

Voice modulation, some exaggeration to help students create a mental picture and arouse their interest in the story.

Narration should be according to the age and mental abilities of the students.

Use ample use of content words and structures known to the students.

Language should be simple, thoughts must be comprehensive.

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Uses of storytelling Promotes auditory comprehension.

Reinforces important content words.

Creates an interest in learning English.

Helps inculcate values among students.

Helps in attitude formation.

Provides an opportunity to the teacher to speak English for a long time.

Helps students create a picture of natural happenings in their minds eye.

Story can be repeated by the students to ensure learning.

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Acting of little plays or scripts, with teacher as the director, as a technique to improve the quality of teaching-learning.

Provides sufficient opportunities for listening and speaking.

Active participation, observation and co-operation.

Building vocabulary of the students.

Reinforce structure, provide for conversational English and to create necessary background for effective learning.

Tests the memory and comprehension skills of students.

Bring alive historical events and past personalities, speeches(eg. “Nehru’s Independence Day speech)

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Five stages of dramatization Initial preparation: includes selection of unit and

incidents , writing of dialogues and consideration regarding material requirements.

Introduction: creating a proper background and mind set among the pupils for proper understanding of the play.

Presentation of the drama: the pupil actors are assigned with the role and they are made to say and act proper dialogues. The teacher acts as a director and provides instructions on movements , gestures and actions.

Discussion: after the presentation, the teacher ask questions about the plot, the characters , value behaviours of different characters , performance of the pupils etc.(suitable for higher classes)

Evaluation : as per the objectives

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Faithful and interesting utilization of the play way method of teaching learning of English.

Generates interest.

Creates english atmosphere.

Promotes auditory comprehension

Provides pupil with proper speech models for imitation.

Pupil centered technique

This technique provide powerful stimuli to eyes and ears.

The pupil who act have numerous advantages such as recitation , pronunciation, stage daring acting and self assertion. Includes reading, speaking and listening skills.

Creativity, self expression and confidence building activity.

Creates a long lasting impression among students.

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Teacher must select suitable extracts and train the students effectively

However it is time consuming and the whole class cannot participate.

Only one topic can be covered in detail hence not suitable when teacher is trying to complete the portion.

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Language games Any language requires a lot of repetition and

practice before an individual masters it but repetition can be monotonous and boring. So language games can be an interesting technique in acquiring the language without loss of interest.

Language games are part of communicative approach hence they develop the communicative competence of the pupils.

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Play and learn English.

Banish boredom and stimulate learning.

Encourages prompt thinking and competitive spirit.

Help practice all the skills of the language.

Purposeful use of the language.

Natural form of self expression

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Precautions Game should not exceed for more than half an hour.

Language used must suit the age and level of the students.

Teacher should be informal, friendly and fun loving.

Rules and instructions of the game should be stated clearly by the teacher.

The class should be divided into pairs or groups.

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Selection of appropriate game.


Explanation of the purpose and rules of the game.

Trial runs before actual playing

More and more involvement of the students.

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Some examples of language games: Riddles and puzzles: for eg: which one

is the fastest ? Heat or cold.

It has teeth but cant eat

spelling games:

Guessing games: student ask a lot of question in between teacher gives hints.

General knowledge:

Listen and act:

Pronunciation games

Writing games

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