technological developments in the 1990s i gemology · 382 technologies of the 1990s gems &...

380 Technologies of the 1990s GEMS & GEMOLOGY Winter 2000 ABOUT THE AUTHOR Dr. Johnson ([email protected]) is manager of research and development at the GIA Gem Trade Laboratory in Carlsbad, California. Acknowledgments: Jacquelyn Haahr and Barak Green consolidated references; Dr. James Shigley, John Koivula, Kim Cino, and Mark Parisi engaged in discussions that much improved this manuscript. Robert Kane, Dr. Ilene Reinitz, and Thomas M. Moses also had helpful comments on the manuscript. Dr. James Shigley, Elizabeth Schrader, Dr. Karl Schmetzer, Brendan Laurs, and Stuart Overlin obtained illustrations. Gems & Gemology, Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 380–396 © 2000 Gemological Institute of America he other articles in this retrospective issue address tangible subjects: localities, synthetic gem materi- als, treated gems, and jewelry. In contrast, this article is about a concept, technology—about how we per- form tasks differently in the gem trade than we did 10 years ago. A moment’s reflection will convince the reader that the changes in the last decade have been enormous, and perva- sive. This broad overview is intended to examine the many technological innovations—new methods, new instruments, and new applications for known instruments—that charac- terized the last decade, and to point the reader to further information. Three trends have been especially important: (1) the rise of computer-related communication; (2) the increas- ing sophistication of gem treatments, to the point of blurring the boundaries between treatment and synthesis (e.g., high pressure/high temperature–processed diamonds [figure 1] and flux-like fillings and new growth in heat-treated rubies); and (3) the growing need for instrumentation-based identification for gem treatments (e.g., B-jade) and synthetics (e.g., synthet- ic amethyst). Some widely heralded developments, however, such as the introduction of (doubly refractive) synthetic moissanite as a diamond simulant, reinforce the continued importance of “classical” gemology in this increasingly tech- nological industry. BACK TO THE BEGINNING: WHERE WERE WE IN 1990? The Spring 1990 issue of Gems & Gemology (Fritsch and Rossman, 1990) described four key challenges from the previ- ous decade that stimulated technological developments in gem testing: (1) the availability of smaller, more powerful com- puters for instrument control; (2) the introduction of new syn- thetic gem materials; (3) the advent of new treatments to meet the growing market for colored stones; and (4) the need to pro- duce more and better information about gem materials to TECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENTS IN THE 1990S: THEIR IMPACT ON GEMOLOGY By Mary L. Johnson I n the last decade, technology has improved how we synthesize, process, identify, and oth- erwise study gem materials. Significant trends include: the widespread availability of com- puterized communication; the application of synthesis techniques to gem treatments; the increased prominence of treated synthetics; the greater need for expensive instrumentation to solve gem problems in general, and the broader availability of small dedicated instru- ments to solve specific problems; and the adaptation of techniques from other sciences. Potentially applicable technology must be evaluated critically to assess its usefulness and appropriateness to solve a particular gemological problem. T

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380 Technologies of the 1990s GEMS & GEMOLOGY Winter 2000


Dr. Johnson ([email protected]) is managerof research and development at the GIA GemTrade Laboratory in Carlsbad, California.

Acknowledgments: Jacquelyn Haahr and BarakGreen consolidated references; Dr. JamesShigley, John Koivula, Kim Cino, and Mark Parisiengaged in discussions that much improved thismanuscript. Robert Kane, Dr. Ilene Reinitz, andThomas M. Moses also had helpful commentson the manuscript. Dr. James Shigley, ElizabethSchrader, Dr. Karl Schmetzer, Brendan Laurs,and Stuart Overlin obtained illustrations.

Gems & Gemology, Vol. 36, No. 4, pp. 380–396© 2000 Gemological Institute of America

he other articles in this retrospective issue addresstangible subjects: localities, synthetic gem materi-als, treated gems, and jewelry. In contrast, this

article is about a concept, technology—about how we per-form tasks differently in the gem trade than we did 10 yearsago. A moment’s reflection will convince the reader that thechanges in the last decade have been enormous, and perva-sive. This broad overview is intended to examine the manytechnological innovations—new methods, new instruments,and new applications for known instruments—that charac-terized the last decade, and to point the reader to furtherinformation. Three trends have been especially important: (1)the rise of computer-related communication; (2) the increas-ing sophistication of gem treatments, to the point of blurringthe boundaries between treatment and synthesis (e.g., highpressure/high temperature–processed diamonds [figure 1] andflux-like fillings and new growth in heat-treated rubies); and(3) the growing need for instrumentation-based identificationfor gem treatments (e.g., B-jade) and synthetics (e.g., synthet-ic amethyst). Some widely heralded developments, however,such as the introduction of (doubly refractive) syntheticmoissanite as a diamond simulant, reinforce the continuedimportance of “classical” gemology in this increasingly tech-nological industry.

BACK TO THE BEGINNING:WHERE WERE WE IN 1990?The Spring 1990 issue of Gems & Gemology (Fritsch andRossman, 1990) described four key challenges from the previ-ous decade that stimulated technological developments ingem testing: (1) the availability of smaller, more powerful com-puters for instrument control; (2) the introduction of new syn-thetic gem materials; (3) the advent of new treatments to meetthe growing market for colored stones; and (4) the need to pro-duce more and better information about gem materials to



IIn the last decade, technology has improvedhow we synthesize, process, identify, and oth-erwise study gem materials. Significant trendsinclude: the widespread availability of com-puterized communication; the application ofsynthesis techniques to gem treatments; theincreased prominence of treated synthetics;the greater need for expensive instrumentationto solve gem problems in general, and thebroader availability of small dedicated instru-ments to solve specific problems; and theadaptation of techniques from other sciences.Potentially applicable technology must beevaluated critically to assess its usefulnessand appropriateness to solve a particulargemological problem.


Technologies of the 1990s GEMS & GEMOLOGY Winter 2000 381

meet demand by consumers for better disclosure,especially concerning possibly radioactive gem mate-rials. Greater computer power meant that more datacould be processed faster; computer controls also low-ered the cost of synthesis by providing better repro-ducibility and yield. New or improved synthesis tech-niques included Czochralski pulling, hydrothermalgrowth, “image furnaces” and skull melting (e.g., forYAG), and HPHT synthesis, especially for diamonds.Chemical vapor deposition (CVD) was used to pro-duce thin-film coatings of (synthetic) diamond anddiamond-like carbon; other important treatments ofthe ‘80s were irradiation (especially of topaz), fracturefilling of diamonds and emeralds, and the treatmentof synthetics to resemble treated natural materials.

By 1990, established analytical techniques withgemological applications included: electron micro-probe analysis, X-ray fluorescence (XRF) for bulkchemical analyses, infrared and Raman spec-troscopy, and cathodoluminescence (especially of

diamonds). Other experimentally used detectiontechniques were: nuclear magnetic resonance(NMR), electron spin resonance (ESR), and proton-induced X-ray emission (PIXE).

Technological changes since 1990 have had animpact on virtually every aspect of the gem busi-ness, but most importantly for the gemologist theyhave affected communication, cut evaluation, devel-opment of new gem treatments (and proliferation ofsynthetics), and growing reliance on more“advanced” techniques. Some of the procedures weuse today have been developed within the lastdecade, but many are refinements of, or adaptationsfrom, earlier technologies. This review does notattempt to achieve completeness, but is intended asa summary of those technological developmentsthat were most important to the gem trade in com-puters and communication, gemstone cutting, syn-thesis and treatment, and gem identification (bothclassical methods and advanced techniques).

Figure 1. At the end of the 1990s, Raman spec-trometry became an important technique fordetecting HPHT-processed type IIa diamonds,such as this 0.45 ct E-color GE POL diamond(inset). Photoluminescence spectra (below)obtained with this technique show features—particularly the ratio of the 575 to the 637 nmpeak—that can be used to separate the vastmajority of HPHT-processed from untreatedtype IIa diamonds. To achieve high-resolutionspectra, the diamonds are cryogenicallycooled in a specially designed sample cham-ber using liquid nitrogen (left). A laser beam isfocused through the optical microscope, and amirror is used to deflect the beam into thesample chamber. Photos by ElizabethSchrader (inset) and Joe Duffy (left).

382 Technologies of the 1990s GEMS & GEMOLOGY Winter 2000

COMPUTERS AND WORLDWIDECOMMUNICATIONPerhaps the most significant change in the last decadewas the greater reliance on computers and computernetworking. The widespread availability of vastlyincreased computational power and connectivity hasrevolutionized the way business is conducted, in thegemological laboratories as much as in the rest of thegem trade. For example, both the GIA Gem TradeLaboratory and the AGTA Gemological TestingCenter use sophisticated databases to track gem iden-tification and grading data within the laboratory (K.Cino, pers. comm., 1998; K. Scarratt, pers. comm.,2000). Within any business, computers can improveaccounting and inventory practices (Golding, 1991),for which commercial software is available (see, e.g.,Greig, 1999). The increase in computer power also ledto smaller and less-expensive sophisticated instru-ments; for instance, both Sarasota Instruments(Osprey, Florida) and Adamas Gemological Laboratory(Brookline, Massachusetts) produced PC-based spec-trophotometers (Kammerling et al., 1995c; Haske,1999). P. Read and M. Haske produced new versionsof gem identification software (Read, 1996).

Computers also have redefined the expected speedof communications. For example, although Gems &Gemology remains a quarterly journal, informationon its web site ( changes almostweekly. As another instance, on GIA’s home page, aforged letter in Thailand was recently disavowed

worldwide less than two hours after it first came toGIA’s attention (Alex Angelle, pers. comm., 2000).Computers connect a businessperson to an on-linecommunity, with forums for discussion (Voorhees etal., 1999) and specialized commerce sites (business-to-business—B2B—and business-to-consumer—B2C;see, e.g., Diamond, 1999; Weinbach, 2000). Internetretailing is a new development, already goingthrough boom and bust cycles; Janowski (1999) pre-dicted that retailing on the Internet could represent15% of jewelry business by 2005.

Online archives and databases continue to grow(see, e.g., “The geosciences in review,” 1996), makingfundamental information available for the price of afew mouse-clicks. A relevant example for the gemo-logical community is Dr. George Rossman’s MineralSpectroscopy Server (;figure 2), which contains an abundance of easilyaccessible spectroscopy data. Online gemology cours-es are also available on the Internet. Search enginesscan the World Wide Web for relevant information,and “meta-search” engines search the search engines.The new user is cautioned, however, that nonsenseon the Internet can be expressed as authoritatively asknowledge is, and that popularity is not a guaranteeof quality, so the credibility of the source mustalways be considered in assessing information.

NEW TECHNOLOGIES IN GEM CUTTING AND CUT EVALUATIONPlanning and Cutting Rough. Diamond cutting andpolishing (see, e.g., Caspi, 1997) involves many deci-sions, all meant to maximize the profit achievablefrom a particular piece of rough. Today, many ofthese decisions are being made with the help of com-puterized equipment: These machines can determinewhich cuts may be fashioned economically (“Sarin’snew mapping machine…”, 1999); or provide auto-matic centering, blocking, bruting (figure 3), polish-ing, and girdle faceting (Hourmouzios, 1996; see alsoKoivula and Kammerling, 1991d; Lawrence, 1997a,1998). Laser cutting is another efficient way to fash-ion rough (Hourmouzios, 1996; Caspi, 1997).

A new theoretical model for the anisotropic behav-ior of diamond during polishing (that diamond polish-es more easily in one direction than another) is basedon local conversion of diamond to graphite on the sur-face during polishing (Van Bouwelen et al., 1997). Anew machine, the Horizon 200, has been developed tomeasure the smoothness of a diamond’s surface;results suggest that the more slowly material isremoved in the last stages of diamond polishing, the

Figure 2. Today, researchers can easily access anabundance of information on the Internet, such

as the spectroscopy data on Dr. GeorgeRossman’s Mineral Spectroscopy Server at

Technologies of the 1990s GEMS & GEMOLOGY Winter 2000 383

better the finish quality will be (Lawrence, 1997b).Software for designing colored stone cuts is avail-

able (e.g., Gem Cad []; seealso Atwell and Hunt, 1993). Automation has alsobeen applied to the fashioning of colored stones. TheCSIRO in Australia developed equipment for roboticcutting of opals (Cody and Brown, 1992). In 1994,Golay Buchel demonstrated machine-cut calibratedsynthetics and simulants (e.g., synthetic spineltriplets that resemble emeralds) as small as 1 mm indiameter (Koivula et al., 1994a). In 1995, Swarovskidebuted machine-cut calibrated colored stones, witha possible production of 300,000 items per day(Kammerling et al., 1995h).

On a related note, many gems respond differentlyto different types of illumination, and the appear-ance created by the halogen lamps now generallyused in retail jewelry displays is quite different fromthat seen by the consumer in a more typical at-homeor workplace lighting environment. Therefore,Eickhorst (1999) recommended that other types ofillumination, such as modern fluorescent lights,might be used to better purpose in selling gems.

Evaluation of Diamond Cut. Although many people“know” that the best cut for a round brilliant dia-mond was determined by Marcel Tolkowsky in1919, research on proportions and cut began beforethen and has continued to the present day (see, e.g.,references cited by Hemphill et al., 1998). All suchmodels rely on assumptions about the source of illu-mination (spectrum, location, size, and shape) andthe position of the diamond relative to the observer(e.g., Love, 1989, assumed that a diamond is morebrilliant if it looks brilliant while tilted as well asface-up). Some modern analyses rely on computers topredict the optical performance of various cuts andsets of proportions (see, e.g., Hemphill et al., 1998;Gilbertson, 1999;; but geo-metric models continued to be produced, mainly inthe Japanese literature (see, e.g., Kato, 1991). At thistime, there is no consensus as to the “best” set ofproportions for round brilliant cut diamonds.

NEW TECHNOLOGIES INSYNTHESIS AND TREATMENTInnovations in synthesis and treatment, and theapplication of existing technologies to new startingmaterials, led to a variety of new gem materials inthe 1990s. Because there are articles in this issuethat address synthetics and treatments in depth(Koivula et al., 2000; McClure and Smith, 2000), the

discussion here will focus on synthesis and treat-ment technology rather than identification.

Colored Stone Synthesis. As discussed in the“Synthetics” article in this issue (Koivula et al.,2000), Russia and China were important centers ofgem synthesis during the decade (see, e.g., Schmetzer,1990; Bukin, 1992; Thomas et al., 1997; Johnson andKoivula, 1998e; Tauson et al., 1998; Balitsky et al.,1998, 1999a,b; and synthetic diamond referencescited below). At the VNIISIMS facility near Moscowin 1994, about 500 researchers were investigatingsynthetic gem materials, using equipment such asthe furnaces shown in figure 4 (Koivula et al., 1994c).

Anhydrous (without water) crystal growth tech-niques described include pulled-melt growth tech-niques for synthetic forsterite (Nassau, 1994); top-seeded solution growth and pulling from a melt witha continuously varied composition (applied to fluo-rides, but adaptable to other synthesis challenges;Koivula et al., 1992c); flux growth of syntheticalexandrite (Schmetzer et al., 1996) and syntheticspinel (Bukin, 1992); and growth of gem-quality syn-thetic moissanite by the Lely sublimation process(Nassau et al., 1997). Czochralski-pulled syntheticcorundums made from naturally occurring startingmaterials were represented incorrectly as “recrystal-lized” rubies or sapphires (Kammerling et al., 1995g).Flux-grown synthetic emerald crystals grew larger ifphosphorus was added to the flux (Kayama andKuwano, 1998), or if grown from oriented seeds in arotating crucible (Barilo et al., 1999). A study of yttri-um-aluminum oxide melts explained why large YAGcrystals cannot be grown from a flux: The melt sepa-rates into two viscous fluids that do not recombine

Figure 3. Automatic bruting machines were oneof the many innovations in planning and cut-ting diamond rough in the 1990s. Photo byJames E. Shigley.

easily (Aasland and McMillian, 1994). Growth zonesin hydrothermal synthetics may be due (at least inpart) to sporadic temperature fluctuations during thegrowth process (Thomas et al., 1999).

Diamond Synthesis. Throughout the 1990s, HPHTdiamond synthesis employed a variety of large press-es (see, e.g., figure 5). These included a belt-type appa-ratus (a piston/cylinder press with a special, strength-ened central cylinder); multiple-anvil presses with

tetrahedral, octahedral (Koivula and Kammerling,1991b), or cubic symmetry; and split-sphere presses(sometimes called BARS for the Russian initials: see,e.g., Koivula et al., 1992d; Shigley et al., 1993b). MostHPHT synthetic diamonds are grown in a nickel-ironflux (see, e.g., Burns et al., 1999; Choudhary andBellare, 2000); high-quality synthetic diamonds, withfewer defects than natural diamonds, can be grownusing a temperature gradient in the HPHT cell(Pal’yanov et al., 1998). Efforts have been made togrow diamonds from graphite-carbonate (Akaishi etal., 1990), -hydroxide, -sulfate, -phosphate and -boratefluxes (Kanda and Akaishi, 1991), as well as from asilicate (kimberlite) flux (Arima et al., 1993), but sofar the resulting crystals have been very small.However, as many of the characteristic features ofsynthetic diamonds—e.g., magnetism, types of inclu-sions, and luminescence spectra—are a result of thefluxes used, the development of alternative fluxesmust be watched carefully.

Gem Treatments. Heat treatment of rubies and yel-low and blue sapphires was performed in high-tem-perature furnaces (figure 6) with carefully con-trolled atmospheres; methods used during thisdecade were described in detail by Themelis (1992)and Emmett and Douthit (1993), with additionaldetails gleanable from Themelis (1995) and Johnsonet al. (1999a). Wang et al. (1992) used molten saltbaths, at somewhat lower temperatures (900°Crather than 1200°–1800°C or so), to improve thecolor of blue sapphires. Diffusion treatment, whichintroduces chromophores at and near the surface offashioned corundum, was described by Kane et al.(1990). As the decade progressed, the depth of possi-ble diffusion treatment increased, and in somesamples the need for repolishing was eliminated,minimizing the characteristic color concentrationsat facet junctions (Emmett, 1999).

The most contentious emerald treatment wasclarity enhancement (fissure filling); controversiesraged as to whether disclosure rules should be differ-ent for emeralds that had been “oiled” than for thoseso treated with artificial resins such as Opticon andthe new Gematrat and Permasafe treatments. Workby Zecchini and Maitrallet (1998) and Hänni and col-leagues (see, e.g., Hänni et al., 1996a,b; Chalain et al.,1998) indicated that artificial resins and commonlyused “essential oils” had different infrared andRaman spectra. However, using the same instrumen-tation on a greater number of known and potentialfillers, Johnson et al. (1999c) showed that artificial

384 Technologies of the 1990s GEMS & GEMOLOGY Winter 2000

Figure 5. This BARS apparatus in Novosibirsk istypical of the split-sphere presses commonly used

to manufacture Russian synthetic diamonds,such as the 0.04–1.07 ct samples in the inset.Shown here is the sample chamber as viewed

from directly above. Photo of press by James E.Shigley; examples in inset courtesy of Alex

Grizenko, photo by Maha Tannous.

Figure 4. Although not new technology, furnacessuch as these in Chernogolovka, Russia, were

used to grow large quantities of synthetic gemsin the 1990s. Photo by James E. Shigley.

Technologies of the 1990s GEMS & GEMOLOGY Winter 2000 385

resins could not be distinguished from such oils with100% certainty. Emerald treatment equipment (fig-ure 7) became available in the early 1990s from sever-al sources, including Israel (e.g., Koivula et al., 1993a;Koivula et al., 1994b).

Instances of stones rendered radioactive by treat-ment continue to be discovered. In the last decade,americium was used to irradiate diamonds (Ashbaughand Moses, 1993; Reinitz and Johnson, 1994), some ofwhich will be radioactive for thousands of years.Reactor-irradiated (and radioactive) ruby (Johnson andKoivula, 1998d) and cat’s-eye chrysoberyl (to make“chocolate-brown” body color; Johnson and Koivula,1997d) were discovered in circulation; in some cases,these could be quite hazardous.

Toward the end of the decade, new identificationchallenges emerged on two fronts: (1) the distinctionof treated synthetics from synthetics, and (2) the useof synthesis methods to treat natural gem materials.Synthetics are treated for several reasons: to achievecolors not otherwise available (e.g., red treated-colorsynthetic diamonds: Moses et al., 1993), to disguisethe synthetic nature of the starting material (e.g.,quench-crackled or diffusion-treated synthetic corun-dum: Johnson and Koivula, 1997b, 1998b; Free et al.,1999), or to “stabilize” low-quality starting material(e.g., polymer-impregnated synthetic opal: Johnsonand Koivula, 1998c). Some laboratories, such as theGIA Gem Trade Laboratory, now disclose certaintreated synthetics on identification reports (e.g., treat-ed-color synthetic diamonds, diffusion-treated syn-thetic corundum, and polymer-impregnated synthet-ic opal: Shane McClure, pers. comm., 2000).

In the past, synthesis methods applied to treat-ment have entailed creating overgrowths on exist-ing gems (such as CVD overgrowths on diamondsand Lechleitner synthetic emerald overgrowths onberyl), and such techniques continue to be used.However, even techniques thought to be used sim-ply for treatment can create new growth; forinstance, Mong Hsu rubies show new crystalgrowth with heat treatment (Johnson and McClure,2000). High-temperature techniques that can beused for both synthesis and treatment blur the linebetween treated gems and synthetics.

One of the most important recent developmentsin diamond treatments is the use of high pressureand high temperature for short amounts of time toeither decolorize the diamond or give it a moreattractive color. This treatment works by changingthe aggregation state of nitrogen in the diamonds,introducing or modifying defects, and possibly chang-

ing the degree of strain (see, e.g., Smith et al., 2000,pp. 194–195). Synthetic diamonds have been“annealed” (70–80 kbar pressure and 2000°–2200°Cfor 4–5 hours) to produce yellow and greenish yellowhues (Shigley et al., 1993a). Fancy yellow syntheticdiamonds with type IaA aggregates can be producedby treating typical (type Ib) synthetic yellow dia-monds at high pressure (Koivula et al., 1992d). HPHTprocessing of some brownish type IIa natural dia-monds can remove color to the point of rendering thestone colorless (D–F); early experiments with thismethod were done in Russia (Teslenko, 1993), andrecently General Electric has been processing dia-monds in this fashion for commercial distribution(for further information on these GE POL diamonds,see, e.g., Johnson et al., 1999b; Moses et al., 1999).

Figure 6. High-temperature furnaces such as thisone were used with carefully controlled gas mix-tures to perform heat treatment of rubies andyellow and blue sapphires (see inset for stonesbefore [top] and after treatment; average size 4.5mm). Furnace photo courtesy of Linn HighTherm GmbH; inset photos © GIA and TinoHammid (top) and © John L. Emmett (bottom).

386 Technologies of the 1990s GEMS & GEMOLOGY Winter 2000

Other brown type Ia diamonds turn greenish yellowto brownish yellow (Henn and Milisenda, 1999;Reinitz et al., 2000—see figure 8). For a review ofrelated technology, as revealed in recent patents forHPHT treatment, see Schmetzer (1999).

NEW TECHNOLOGIES INGEM IDENTIFICATIONGemological Techniques. “Classical” gemology is arelatively mature field; consequently, technicalgains in this area over the last decade have for themost part been small refinements and discoveries,not major innovations. Among these were:• Refinement of weight estimation formulas for

mounted stones (Carmona, 1998a,b)• A procedure to measure the specific gravity of

mounted goods (Mitchell, 1992)• Alan Hodgkinson’s “visual optics,” including a

method to distinguish diamond from various sub-stitutes by noting the pattern of dispersed flashesfrom a fashioned stone (Hodgkinson, 1989), aswell as tests with simple equipment to estimateor determine optic character, birefringence, dis-persion, pleochroism, and refractive index(Hodgkinson, 1995)

• Confirmation of appropriate tests to identifyblack opaque gem materials (Johnson et al.,1996), including examining the surface in polar-ized reflected light

• Use of polarized reflected light to help identifyopaque inclusions at the surface of non-opaquegems (Crowningshield and Johnson, 1994)

• An explanation of the “Plato effect” in syntheticcorundum (Johnson and Koivula, 1999), which isseen by looking edge-on at the irregular edges ofmosaic crystallites

• Use of microscopic techniques from optical min-eralogy by gemologists to identify small particles,such as minute scrapings from a gem (Hodgkin-son, 1994)

• Obtaining the optic figure of a transparent inclu-sion in a transparent gemstone, using a “cono-scope” (focusing lens on a microscope) in contactwith the host gem (Koivula, 1993)

• Use of short-wave UV radiation to distinguish stri-ae in synthetic sapphires (Kammerling et al., 1994)

• Use of pleochroism to tell diffusion treatment(pleochroism should exist) from coating (nopleochroism) for anisotropic gems (Koivula andKammerling, 1991a)

• Use of a refractometer to measure dispersion, bycalibrating results against benitoite and fluorite(Hanneman, 1992)

• Use of thermal conductivity to distinguish (most)synthetic emeralds from (most) natural emeralds—synthetics tend to have lower values (Read, 1990a)

Gemological Instruments. Innovations also contin-ued in the development and improvement ofinstruments for basic gemology. The following area few of the many advances in the decade. Reflec-tivity meters, including the Brewster-angle refrac-tometer, compensate for their lower precision thanstandard refractometers by measuring a wider rangeof refractive indices (up to 3.3: Read, 1990b;Kammerling et al., 1995a). Dr. W. Hanneman pro-duced many small gemological instruments,including an inexpensive replacement for a quartzwedge, which could be used with a microscope todetermine the optic sign of a gem (Koivula et al.,1992b). Because darkfield illumination is generallyneeded to see small inclusions well, a darkfieldloupe was developed by GIA GEM Instruments(Koivula and Kammerling, 1991c; figure 9).

Other new gemological equipment included twotypes of immersion cells to distinguish diffusion-treated corundum, one illuminated (Koivula et al.,1992a; Linton et al., 1994) and one for use with apenlight (Read, 1993). A modified “phosphoro-scope” for short-wave UV testing was described byElen and Fritsch (1999, pp. 36–37). A strong magneton a convenient mounting could be used to distin-guish (most) unmounted synthetic diamonds that

Figure 7. In the early 1990s, emerald treatmentequipment became available from several sources.The “Mini Oiler” shown here uses a hand-operatedvacuum-pressure pump both to remove air andmoisture from fractures and to create pressure forfracture filling. Photo courtesy of Colgem-Zamrot.

Technologies of the 1990s GEMS & GEMOLOGY Winter 2000 387

contain metallic inclusions from natural diamonds(Kammerling et al., 1995d; Hanneman, 1996;Hodgkinson, 1996). H. Linton and colleagues on theGemmological Association of Australia InstrumentEvaluation Committee reviewed many new gemo-logical instruments in the Australian Gemmologist,including: the Bailey light source, an inexpensive,low-powered replacement for sodium D-line illumi-nation for a refractometer (Linton et al., 1996); andthe Meiji Technico GF-252 combination refrac-tometer/polariscope (Linton et al., 1997).

Growth Structure Analysis. Although morphologicalcrystallography—the study of a material by identify-ing its crystal faces and their relationships—predatesthe discovery of X-rays, during the 1990s a variationof this approach was developed to gain informationabout the internal structure of gem materials. Faces(and corresponding growth zones) are most easilyidentified by their shapes, but these shapes canchange with relative size; a better technique is to usethe angles between adjacent growth zones, which donot vary. Kiefert and Schmetzer (1991a,b,c) used ahorizontal immersion microscope to measure theseangles, and showed valuable applications (e.g., distin-guishing Nigerian and Colombian emeralds fromsynthetic emeralds). Perhaps the simplest example ofthis technique is the identification of synthetic dia-monds on the basis of cubic growth zones (not pres-ent in natural diamonds, which grow as octahedra;Welbourn et al., 1996 [figure 10]). Growth featuresalso are useful to understand the growth histories ofsome rubies (see, e.g., Peretti et al., 1995; Smith,1996) and blue sapphires (Schwarz et al., 1996).

Color Measurement. Color comparison requires colorstandards, a choice of illumination (see, e.g., Yonick,1999), a consistent (nondistracting) background, andtrained color graders with proven excellent color per-ception (Brown, 1993; King et al., 1994). During the1990s, machines were devised to measure color, espe-cially for D-to-Z diamonds (e.g., Gran and Austroncolorimeters; Shor, 1999). In a new application of oldtechnology, existing measurement equipment, suchas multichannel spectroscopy, was used to “grade”colored diamonds; however, these devices were oflimited effectiveness due to differences in viewinggeometry (compared to visual grading), the effect ofgemstone fluorescence, and some reproducibilityconcerns (Peretti, 1995). Color can be communicated via computer by, for instance, collecting gemstoneimage spectra (Wagner, 1999); however, all suchmethods are accurate only if the sending and receiv-

ing devices are properly calibrated and can detect andshow the correct colors (which depends on the color“gamut” of each piece of equipment).

“Black Boxes.” A “black box” in this context is arelatively small piece of equipment that gives achoice of simple responses; it is not necessary tounderstand the technology to use such a device,although understanding prevents many interpreta-tion errors (see, e.g., Liddicoat, 1996). The most com-mon “black boxes” are diamond testers, to distin-guish diamonds from (most) simulants. A new gen-eration of these were introduced, from hardness pen-cils to UV-transparency meters, with the commer-cial development of synthetic moissanite as a dia-mond simulant (see, e.g., Nassau et al., 1997;Hammer and Stefan, 1999; Hanneman, 1999),because synthetic moissanite reads as diamondonmost traditional diamond testers. The De BeersDiamondSure distinguishes synthetic diamonds

Figure 8. With presses such as this one, dia-monds are exposed to high pressure and hightemperature for short periods of time to givethem a more attractive color. These five greenishyellow HPHT-treated diamond crystals(1.90–4.45 ct) were originally brown. Instrumentphoto courtesy of Novatek; inset by E. Schrader.

from most natural diamonds on the basis of the pres-ence (in most natural diamonds) of the 415 nm opti-cal absorption line (which is absent in synthetic dia-monds), as described by Welbourn et al. (1996; seefigure 11). Although this device was not commer-cially available at the end of the decade, it was in usein some major gemological laboratories.

Another important set of “black boxes” consistsof measuring devices. Like a Leveridge gauge, thePresidium Electronic Gemstone Gauge measuresthe external dimensions of a gemstone (Linton andBrown, 1990). The Presidium DiaMeter-SystemBerger (again, see Linton and Brown, 1990), SarinBrilliantEye (Lawrence, 1998), and OGI Megascope(“New machine . . . ,” 1998) measure the propor-

tions of fashioned stones, mainly diamonds, andprovide “cut grades” according to predeterminedcriteria (often a choice of proportion ranges for“Ideal” cuts). According to its manufacturers, theGemEx BrillianceScope Analyzer quantifies “disper-sion,” “light return,” and “brightness” (Schoeckertand Wagner, 1999), although no reviews of thisequipment were available by the decade’s end.

INNOVATIONS IN ADVANCEDANALYTICAL TECHNIQUESOf increasing importance in gemology is the need tohave recourse to techniques that require moresophisticated (and more expensive) instrumenta-tion. Commonly referred to as “advanced testing,”these techniques were developed for—and used rou-tinely in—other sciences, especially chemistry,physics, and geology (see, e.g., Hawthorne, 1993).They usually require considerable training both touse the instruments and to interpret the results.Applications of some specific techniques to gemolo-gy are described below.

Improvements and New Vistas for EstablishedTechniques. Although techniques such as infraredand Raman spectroscopy were developed long beforethe 1990s, they became far more important to gemo-logical laboratories during this decade. Such tech-niques were also modified or adapted to answer newchallenges presented by treatments and synthetics.

Ultraviolet-Visible (UV-Vis) Spectroscopy. Thiswas a mature technology, with a few new develop-ments in the 1990s. Diamond spectra are generallyrun at low temperatures to improve resolution, butLifante et al. (1990) noted that by taking mathemat-ical derivatives of room-temperature spectra—thatis, by examining the changes of slope in these spec-tra—better resolution could also be achieved.Diffuse UV-Vis reflectance spectroscopy can beused in combination with infrared techniques toidentify gems, and a database of these spectra hasbeen produced (Tretyakova et al., 1997, 1999).

Infrared Spectroscopy. During the 1990s, IR spec-troscopy found some important new applications.This is the best technique to determine whether or not jadeite has been bleached and polymer-impregnated (Fritsch et al., 1992; figure 12), and IRanalysis of jadeite has now become standard practicein some gemological laboratories. Smith (1995)showed that the IR spectra of heat-treated Mong Hsu

388 Technologies of the 1990s GEMS & GEMOLOGY Winter 2000

Figure 9. The darkfield loupe, shown here witha flashlight and tweezers, was developed byGIA GEM Instruments to help gemologists seesmall inclusions.

Figure 10. The yellow-fluorescing octagon in themiddle of the table of this 2.19 ct synthetic diamondrepresents growth on a cubic face. Cubic growthzones are not seen in natural diamonds. Photo cour-tesy of De Beers DTC Research Centre.

Technologies of the 1990s GEMS & GEMOLOGY Winter 2000 389

rubies were different from those of unheated rubies.Emeralds fall into five different groups based on IRspectra in the hydroxyl and water regions, althoughwater-rich samples require emerald powder to bemixed into KBr pellets, which is somewhat destruc-tive (Schmetzer and Kiefert, 1990). Most manufac-tured glasses can be distinguished from obsidian andother natural glasses based on their IR spectra(Owens, 1999). Yan et al. (1995) described an infraredmicroscope that works in much the same way as aRaman microspectrometer: Visible-light optics areused to focus on the region of interest, and an IR spec-trum is then collected.

Diamonds are usually divided into four types (Ia,Ib, IIa, and IIb) based on the amounts of trace nitrogenand boron present, and the aggregation state of thenitrogen, as evident in their IR spectra (Fritsch andScarratt, 1992; Weldon, 1999). Knowledge of diamondtype can help separate natural from synthetic dia-monds (see, e.g., Shigley et al., 1995); also, differentdiamond types react differently to HPHT processing.

Although transmission geometry (i.e., the beamis passed through the sample) is used in most gemo-logical applications, IR spectroscopy is also useful inreflected beam mode. With the latter, the beam maybe bounced off the sample’s surface or focused with-in the sample (e.g., Johnson et al., 1999c). Althoughthis technique is sometimes called DRIFT (diffusereflected infrared Fourier transform) spectroscopy,for gemological purposes the beam generally is trans-mitted through the sample and then reflected off amirror, rather than being reflected off the samplesurface. Reflectance IR spectroscopy has been usedto detect fillers in emerald (see, e.g., Zecchini andMaitrallet, 1998; Chalain et al., 1998) and jadeite(Quek and Tan, 1997), as well as to distinguish syn-thetic from natural emeralds (Johnson and Koivula,1996a). Tretyakova et al. (1997) noted that threereflected-radiation techniques (reflected IR, reflectedUV-visible spectroscopy, and reflected Raman) havetheir individual limitations, but can be used togetherto derive more complete results.

Raman Spectroscopy. Perhaps the single mostimportant “new” instrument in gemological re-search in the last decade was the laser Ramanmicrospectrometer (again, see figure 1). This sensi-tive luminescence technology found widespread usein the nondestructive identification of inclusions(and fillers) in various gem materials, even underthe gem’s surface, as well as of the gem materialsthemselves (see, e.g., Koivula et al., 1993b; Hänni et

al., 1997; Johnson and Koivula, 1997c). BecauseRaman spectra can be gathered on mounted gems,this is a convenient technique for examining arti-facts (see, e.g., Hänni et al., 1998). Toward the endof the decade, it promised to play a key role in theidentification of HPHT treatment in diamonds.

Figure 11. Based on the absence or presence of the 415nm absorption line, De Beers’s DiamondSure referssynthetic diamonds and some natural diamonds forfurther testing while “passing” most natural dia-monds. The fiber-optic probe is mounted vertically (ashere) for testing loose stones, and can be removed fortesting mounted stones. Photo by M. J. Crowder.

Figure 12. IR spectroscopy has now becomestandard practice in some gemological laborato-ries for determining whether jadeite has beenbleached and polymer-impregnated. The strongabsorption in the 2900 cm-1 region of the mid-infrared spectrum is particularly useful fordetecting treated jadeite.

This technique provides a “fingerprint” of the mate-rial tested: Raman spectral peaks of crystalline sub-stances are sharp and occur at fixed energies; less-organized materials such as opal, resins, and oilshave broad but often distinctive spectral features.Today, most major gemological laboratories have aRaman microprobe (microspectrophotometer).

Spectral libraries were needed to apply Ramananalysis easily to gemology; one of the first in thisfield was produced by Pinet et al. (Schubnel,1992), while others are available from manufac-turers (e.g., Renishaw) and on the Internet (e.g., Givena reliable spectral library, a Raman spectrum canprovide within minutes an identification that other-wise might require several hours for both chemicalanalysis and X-ray diffraction.

Some gem materials luminesce to the laser exci-tation, and this photoluminescence can swamp theRaman signal (Kammerling et al., 1995f), or itself becaptured and evaluated. Luminescence spectra havebeen collected at room temperature (Chalain et al.,1999) and low temperatures (Fisher and Spits, 2000;Smith et al., 2000; again, see figure 1) from dia-monds suspected of HPHT treatment, in the hopeof developing robust identification criteria. At theturn of the millennium, this is an active area of sig-nificant research.

Luminescence Spectrometry and Imaging. Thistopic includes luminescence to UV radiation (fluo-rescence) and to visible light (photoluminescence;

see discussion of “Raman spectroscopy,” above), aswell as time-delayed emission of light (phosphores-cence). A prototype “microspectrofluorimeter” wasdeveloped to collect emission spectra from smallspots on samples (Dubois-Fournier et al., 1989); it isalso possible to see photoluminescence by placing asample between two filters that together block outall light (the “crossed-filter” technique: Hoover andTheisen, 1993). The De Beers DiamondView(Welbourn et al., 1996) images samples using theirfluorescence to radiation below 230 nm in wave-length (i.e., at higher energy than short-wave UV).At these energies, all diamonds fluoresce, and syn-thetic diamonds show different patterns of growththan natural diamonds (figure 13).

Many studies in the ‘90s used cathodolumines-cence, collecting images and spectra from samplesthat glow on exposure to an electron beam (see, e.g.,Ponahlo, 1989; Johnson and Koivula, 1998a).Sunagawa et al. (1998) used cathodoluminescenceimages to confirm that two faceted diamonds camefrom the same piece of rough. Pulsed cathodolumi-nescence has yielded new spectral features in corun-dum and spinel (Solomonov et al., 1994).

Electron Microprobe Analysis and ScanningElectron Microscopy. Again, these technologiesshould be considered mature (even in gemology), andwere routinely used for chemical analysis and imag-ing of gem materials during the decade (see, e.g.,Raber, 1996). Two types of detection systems areemployed for chemical analysis: (1) energy-dispersivespectroscopy, which is quicker; and (2) wavelength-dispersive spectroscopy, which is much more accu-rate (Nikischer, 1999). “Windowless” detectors andlayered crystal detectors (both of which becamemore common in the 1990s) have made it possibleto measure the light elements boron, carbon, oxy-gen, nitrogen, and fluorine (see, e.g., Hänni et al.,1994; Johnson and McClure, 2000). SEM detectorsbecame so efficient that it was possible to show theopal structure in Kyocera impregnated syntheticopals without first carbon- or gold-coating the sam-ples (Kammerling et al., 1995b).

X-ray Fluorescence Spectroscopy and X-rayDiffraction. XRF was applied routinely to many iden-tification problems in this decade. This technique isused to get an approximate bulk chemistry of variousmaterials, including colored stones, diamonds (e.g., todetect fracture filling), and pearls (to distinguish fresh-water from saltwater pearls and to detect some treat-

390 Technologies of the 1990s GEMS & GEMOLOGY Winter 2000

Figure 13. The De Beers DiamondView images adiamond’s fluorescence to radiation below 230nm in wavelength. The blue fluorescence of thenatural diamond shown on the monitor is typi-

cal of most natural diamonds. Photo courtesy ofDe Beers DTC Research Centre.

Technologies of the 1990s GEMS & GEMOLOGY Winter 2000 391

ments). There have been a few new applications inthis decade. For instance, since the penetration depthof the X-ray beam can be less than the sample thick-ness, XRF has been used to demonstrate diffusiontreatment in a star sapphire (Johnson and Koivula,1996b). Energy-dispersive (EDXRF) systems with ele-ment-mapping capability now permit researchers toobserve the distribution and concentration of chemi-cal components within a sample (e.g., the KevexOmicron: Sam Muhlmeister, pers. comm., 2000).

X-ray diffraction is another “mature” field, withfew relevant innovations to applied gemology (versus,e.g., characterization of new gem species) in the lastdecade. One notable development is the availability ofdiffraction reference spectra on CD-ROM, with com-puter search capability (from the International Centerfor Diffraction Data, Newtown Square, PA).

Metals Testing. In one way, metals are easier to testthan gems, as the use of destructive testing is usuallyless of a concern. Four metal-testing techniques—density, chemical reactivity, capacitative decay, andchemistry by EDXRF—were reviewed by Mercer(1992) and found to be insufficiently accurate to meetU.S. legal standards. However, five years later, nonde-structive “X-ray assay” was considered reliableenough to substitute for fire assays for testing metals(Reilley, 1997). LA-ICP-MS (laser ablation–inductive-ly coupled plasma–mass spectrometry; see below) ismore precise, allowing gold samples to be trackedfrom specific mines by their trace-element contents(“‘Fingerprinting’…,” 1995; see also Guerra et al.,1999). Particle accelerator–based techniques such asPIXE (see, e.g., Demortier, 1989) are even more pre-cise, but access to such machines is limited, and theyhave been used mainly on archeological artifacts (e.g.,Calligaro et al., 1998; Demortier et al., 1999).

Promising Newcomers: Academic Techniques BeingAdapted to Gemology. Isotopic Studies and ICP-MS.These tests are innately destructive, on one scale oranother: Conventional isotope studies require thatthe elements being studied be ionized as a liquid orgas, while microbeam techniques use a laser or ionbeam to blast ionized particles from small (i.e., tensof microns in diameter) spots in the sample (see, e.g.,Günther and Kane, 1999). The resulting trace-ele-ment and isotopic data can yield extensive informa-tion about gems, such as clues to formation ages andparent material. Ion probes and LA-ICP-MS canmeasure light elements such as hydrogen, lithium,and beryllium in gems (“The geosciences in review,”

1996), providing a practical micro-equivalent to wetchemistry as well as isotope chemistry. However,the (micro) destructive nature of these techniques, aswell as their limited availability and expense, willlikely restrict their gemological applications in thenear future. In addition, as the spot size (and result-ing crater) gets smaller, reproducibility may suffer.

There have been several isotopic studies of emer-alds, especially by Giuliani and co-workers (see, e.g.,Cheilletz et al., 1994; Giuliani et al., 1997, 1998,2000). The oxygen isotopes of Colombian, Afghan,Brazilian, Zambian, Tanzanian, and Nigerian emer-alds may be related to their source rocks and tem-peratures of formation (Johnson and Koivula, 1997a;Giuliani et al., 1998), which may provide clues tothe locality of origin.

Conventional ICP-MS has been used to distin-guish elephant from mammoth ivory, based on stron-tium-to-calcium ratios (Sato et al., 1991). Togetherwith Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopyand optical techniques, Pulz et al. (1998) used ICP-MSto distinguish Campos Verdes (Goiás, Brazil) emeraldsfrom those from Colombia, Swat (Pakistan), Itabira(Minas Gerais, Brazil), and Franqueira (Spain).

X-ray Imaging Techniques. X-ray topography—cre-ating images from diffracted X-rays—was describedby Sunagawa et al. (1998), who used it (withcathodoluminescence) to determine that two fash-ioned diamonds had been cut from the same pieceof rough. Synchrotron Laue patterns of rough Argylediamonds have shown that they are more likelythan diamonds from other sources to contain slight-ly misoriented crystallites; because of this mosai-cism, Argyle diamonds have a high wear resistancefor industrial uses, but are harder to polish as gems(Clackson and Moore, 1992). Coatings, as well asmosaic crystals, can be imaged using X-ray diffrac-tion tomography (Liangguang et al., 1999).

Other Physical and Chemical Techniques. Variousother instrumental methods have been applied tothe analysis of gem materials through cooperativeprograms at universities and other institutions,which make otherwise prohibitively costly, experi-mental, and/or restricted equipment available toresearchers. Using computer-aided tomography(CAT scanning), a pearl was shown to be attached tothe shell in which it had grown (Wentzell, 1995).Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) is one of afamily of related micro-surface techniques that havemany applications in computer-chip testing but are

392 Technologies of the 1990s GEMS & GEMOLOGY Winter 2000

only beginning to be applied to the study of gems.STM revealed that diamond polishing proceeds bychipping in the hardest directions, and by plasticdeformation and subsequent graphitization in otherdirections (Van Enckevort et al., 1993; VanBouwelen and Van Enckevort, 1999). PIXE analysis(figure 14), an ion-beam technique, has been used forthe nondestructive measurement of trace-elementconcentrations in gems and metals in Egyptian jew-elry (Koivula et al., 1993b; Querré et al., 1996), aswell as in rubies from Myanmar and Thailand (see,e.g., Kammerling et al., 1995e; Sanchez et al., 1997),and diamond inclusions (Ryan and Griffin, 1993). X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), an analyticaltechnique for surfaces, can determine elementalcompositions and oxidation states, and gives similarresults to FTIR in testing for surface waxing or poly-mer impregnation in jadeite (Tan et al., 1995).

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), a nonde-structive technique that probes the local environ-ment of specific elements such as hydrogen and flu-orine, can separate some natural and syntheticemeralds, and may be able to detect heat treatmentin aquamarines (again, see Koivula et al., 1993b); italso shows promise for being able to separate syn-thetic from natural pink-to-orange sapphires (Troupet al., 1992). Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR;also called electron spin resonance, or ESR—see,

e.g., Hutton and Troup, 1994b) has been used toinvestigate the valence state and bonding propertiesof certain transition elements in gems, including:manganese in pink tourmaline (Petrov, 1990), vana-dium in emeralds and green beryls (Hutton andTroup, 1994a), chromium in natural and syntheticalexandrites (Rager et al., 1998), and nickel inannealed synthetic diamonds (Mashkovtsev et al.,1999). Laser tomography has been used to imagesmall defects in heat-treated sapphires (Shida, 1990)and synthetic rubies (Koivula et al., 1993b). At thistime, these techniques are more academic thanpractical, but each of them could make usefulgemological determinations.

Statistical Analysis. The estimation of errors isimportant in the assessment of the validity of anyexperimental study, regardless of the techniqueused. Recently, however, “demographic” studieshave been introduced, which use (often simplified)statistical techniques to study the properties of datapopulations, rather than individual samples or obser-vations. For example, the diamond fluorescenceresearch of Moses et al. (1997) was mainly a statisti-cal study of human perception of diamond color andtransparency as a function of intensity of blue fluo-rescence. Although individual responses were quitevariable, and sometimes even contradictory, overalltrends in appearance aspects could be discerned.This study was unusual for gemology in that it con-sidered general population trends, instead of individ-ual responses and observations of individual items.

SUMMARY: INNOVATIVE TRENDS INTHE 1990s AND SOME PREDICTIONSIn their 1980s review, Fritsch and Rossman (1990)suggested the following as significant remainingchallenges for the gem trade: determining naturalversus treated colors in natural gems (especiallygreen diamonds, blue topaz, and red tourmaline),instrumentational determination of heat treatment(especially corundum) and dyes (e.g., “lavender”jade), and the reproducible measurement of a gem’scolor. Progress has been made on some of theseissues in the last decade—notably on determiningthe origin of color of green diamonds, perhaps themost economically important of these issues—butno definitive methods or solutions have yet beenpublished, and newer crises have relegated the restof these issues to a much lower priority.

This last decade was one in which technologybrought changes to nearly every aspect of gemology

Figure 14. Proton-induced X-ray emission (PIXE)analysis has been used to nondestructively mea-

sure the trace-element concentrations in gems andmetals. The Van de Graaff accelerator shown here

is one method used to generate the proton beamfor this technique; photo courtesy of Tay Thye Sun.

Several PIXE studies have been performed onrubies (see inset of Burmese stone; courtesy of

Amba Gem Corp., photo © Tino Hammid).

Technologies of the 1990s GEMS & GEMOLOGY Winter 2000 393

and gem manufacturing. To this author, the follow-ing trends best summarize the current need for, andspirit of, innovation:

• The Internet is for everybody. Widespread avail-ability of information (of all levels of quality)means that sophisticated consumers may knowmore—or think they know more—about gemsthan their retailers do.

• Computers calculate proportions and cut designs.To the degree that a gemstone’s optical perfor-mance can be modeled accurately, cuts can beplanned and optimized without wasteful trials.Verification is still required, however.

• Robots fashion gems. Used at first for calibratedgoods, robotic cutting creates relatively uniformresults.

• Lighting concerns are increasingly important inthe retail store and the laboratory. The optimallighting environments for viewing gems for pur-chase as well as gemological evaluation will like-ly be a major research focus over the next decade.

• The use of high temperatures and synthesis meth-ods for treatment has begun to blur the linebetween treated gems and synthetics. The classic1990s examples were the (very) high temperatureheat treatment of Mong Hsu rubies, which growsnew material, and the use of high pressure/hightemperature both to produce synthetic diamondsand to decolorize or otherwise improve the colorof natural diamonds.

• However, treated synthetics are now considered acategory in their own right. The GIA Gem TradeLaboratory, for example, currently identifies diffu-sion-treated synthetic corundum and polymer-impregnated synthetic opal.

• “Black boxes” provide specific solutions to certaingemological problems. In some cases, as with syn-thetic moissanite testers (used to distinguish dia-mond from a doubly refractive substitute), thesedevices may substitute for a lack of basic gemolog-ical skills, or the time needed to practice them.

• More treatments and synthetics require advancedtesting. For example, a piece of jadeite may showno obvious signs of polymer impregnation whenviewed with a microscope, but this treatmentmay be readily apparent when the sample isexamined with FTIR.

• Statistical studies and computer databases maylead to “profiling” of gem materials by expertsystems. We have now reached the point wherecomputers are better able than individuals to keepand compare relevant observations; in the future,these systems should be able to spot goods repre-senting new mines, synthetics, and treatments.

• New and old techniques from other sciences con-tinue to be adapted to solve gemological problems.Mineralogy, chemistry, and physics have been fruit-ful sources of advanced techniques with gemologi-cal applications, but other sciences (such as biology)may provide more techniques in the future.

It is difficult to know which of the many tech-nologies reviewed in this article will make thegreatest impact in the future. Most of the technicalinnovations that affect the trade today have theirroots in the technologies of previous decades. Themost significant development has been in the rate atwhich changes reach us. We have less time to reactthan we did in the past: Crises come on top of crises,challenges on every scale hit at once. Continuouseducation is therefore a key to success.

Although it is true that gem identification isbecoming increasingly difficult (a trend that will cer-tainly persist), often requiring sophisticated laborato-ry instrumentation and techniques, it is also truethat the competent gemologist can still ascertain atremendous amount of information using classicalgem-testing methods that are routinely available. Bystaying on top of the gemological literature, andapplying this newly gained knowledge to classicalgem-testing methods, competent gemologists canaccurately identify many gem materials and, asimportantly, determine when they need to submit agem to an independent, recognized laboratory.

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